march 2014 global report

MARCH 2014 Rejoice and praise God for an exciting milestone in our ministry’s 27-year history — On February 19, 2014 — in rural China, Liu Chunxue became the ONE BILLIONTH child to receive God’s life-transforming Word from OneHope! The 15-year-old girl received the Book of Hope during the Spring Festival outreach with a partner church and our Russian missionary brother Dima — Dima came to Christ through the Book of Hope in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, when he was only 17 years old — he was called to ministry and today serves as a missionary in China. What a powerful testament to the eternal gift you gave to him almost 20 years ago ... he is now giving the same gift to the next generation in China! You can also see the full story (and video) online at Be sure to check it out! Please also be praying for Liu Chunxue and her family to come to know Jesus Christ through the Book of Hope, Dima’s outreach, and our local church partner in China. You made this amazing ministry milestone possible through your outstanding love and generosity. Thank you for faithfully standing with OneHope to reach the next generation with the Gospel! Celebrating Milestones............................................. 3 Celebration of Hope.................................................... 4 A personal word from President Rob Hoskins.............................................. 6 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Congratulations — from our friends! “One billion children in our exhausted world have heard the grace and freedom of the Gospel through the ministry of OneHope. History has been changed. Thank you!” — Tullian Tchividjian, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church “It’s amazing that OneHope has helped one billion of the greatest underdogs in the world ... children!” — Matt Keller, The Next Church “This is a ministry that never stops thinking creatively how to affect kids’ lives — one billion lives — for eternity. What a blessing to stand with them.” — Kevin Palau, Luis Palau Evangelistic Association ONE BILLIONTH CHILD receives God’s Word! On February 19, 2014 — Liu Chunxue became the one billionth to be reached with God’s Word through OneHope.

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This month’s issue highlights reaching our BILLIONTH child in the world with God's Word! You'll also see an update on our Kids' Evangelism Explosion Partnership, a look back at our milestones, incredible stories from some of our programs in Albania, sensitive nations, Asia and online and a personal word from Rob Hoskins.


M A R C H 2 0 1 4

Rejoice and praise God for an exciting milestone in our ministry’s 27-year history —

On February 19, 2014 — in rural China, Liu Chunxue became the ONE BILLIONTH child to receive God’s life-transforming Word from OneHope!

The 15-year-old girl received the Book of Hope during the Spring Festival outreach with a partner church and our Russian missionary brother Dima —

Dima came to Christ through the Book of Hope in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, when he was only 17 years old — he was called to ministry and today serves as a missionary in China.

What a powerful testament to the eternal gift you gave to him almost 20 years ago ... he is now giving the same gift to the next generation in China!

You can also see the full story (and video) online at Be sure to check it out!

Please also be praying for Liu Chunxue and her family to come to know Jesus Christ through the Book of Hope, Dima’s outreach, and our local church partner in China.

You made this amazing ministry milestone possible through your outstanding love and generosity. Thank you for faithfully standing with OneHope to reach the next generation with the Gospel!

Celebrating Milestones.............................................3

Celebration of Hope....................................................4

A personal word fromPresident Rob Hoskins..............................................6


Congratulations — from our friends!“One billion children in our exhausted world have heard the grace and freedom of the Gospel through the ministry of OneHope. History has been changed. Thank you!”— Tullian Tchividjian, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church

“It’s amazing that OneHope has helped one billion of the greatest underdogs in the world ... children!”— Matt Keller, The Next Church

“This is a ministry that never stops thinking creatively how to affect kids’ lives — one billion lives — for eternity. What a blessing to stand with them.”— Kevin Palau, Luis Palau Evangelistic Association

ONE BILLIONTH CHILD receives God’s Word!

On February 19, 2014 — Liu Chunxue became the one billionth to be reached with God’s Word through OneHope.

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Thanks to you — the Gospel is exploding around the globe!

Today, we are seeing amazing results from this partnership! Consider these two stories, from the Philippines ...

Kim is just seven years old. She loved Hope for Kids and she eagerly memorized Scripture and learned about sharing her faith. She even practiced her presentation on her two little sisters, ages five and six.

When a cousin arrived to spend the day with them, Kim shared her faith, and the older girl prayed to follow Jesus, too!

Josiah is just 12 years old, a dedicated Christian, and an excellent basketball player. He completed the Hope for Kids training and was very excited to share what he had learned with his friends.

One day at basketball practice, he took the opportunity over a rest break to give his friends the Pathway to Hope book and explain the Gospel to them — one of his friends chose to follow Jesus and prayed to receive Christ as Savior right then!

Thanks to everyone who helped launch our partnership with the global ministry of Kids’ Evangelism Explosion — training Christian young people to share their faith by means of the Hope for Kids program and Pathway to Hope edition of the Book of Hope.

Kim led her cousin to Christ!

Celebrating Milestones through the years ...

What does ONE BILLION look like?

50 MILLIONTH Tiffany Solano Arias — Peru — 1999

250 MILLIONTHDelasi Afari — Ghana — 2004

400 MILLIONTH Deepa* — India — 2006 *Indicates her name has been changed to protect her.

600 MILLIONTHRuth Sara Monteau — Haiti — 2009

1 BILLIONTH Liu Chunxue* — China — 2014*Indicates her name has been changed to protect her.

100 MILLIONTHMisha Prokopiev — Russia — 2001

300 MILLIONTHDeyse Souza — Brazil — 2005

500 MILLIONTHJames Alexander Loaiza Avenidano — Colombia — 2008

750 MILLIONTHMatthew Banda — Zambia — 2011

If one book was given per second, it would take at least 31.5 years to distribute to one billion children.

If one billion children were standing next to each other, the length of the line of children would make it around the circumference of the earth/equator almost 23 times!

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Celebration of Hope!AFRICA — SENSITIVE AREAS

In one sensitive area, OneHope programs of The GodMan film, the Book of Hope and God’s Big Story have been instrumental in planting 14 new churches!

God’s Big Story is particularly effective in these Islamic regions because:

1. The illustrated cards and stories include the Bible stories of some Old Testament prophets which are also respected in Islam, and

2. The emphasis on oral storytelling is perfect for many villages where few people can read.

One traditionally Islamic nation alone has 35 official God’s Big Story clubs with about 3,000 children attending, including a little girl named Chérifa ...

Chérifa is the daughter of the local Muslim holy man, the Imam. She began attending a God’s Big Story program at a village church and quickly learned many Bible stories, starting with Adam and Eve. She was distressed to see the seriousness of their sin ... but thrilled to learn how Jesus came to save us from our sins.

Today, Chérifa has given her life to Jesus. She no longer says Islamic prayers with her family, but instead prays daily to her Savior. She attends church regularly, where her friends and fellow believers are praying that her father and the rest of her family will soon come to knowthe Lord as well.


Albania’s population is 70% Muslim and 20% Albanian Orthodox.

Evangelical Christianity is definitely a minority faith — but Albania is also increasingly known as a secular society. Both Islam and Orthodox are regarded as largely cultural rather than spiritual.

This is one reason why it was such a breakthrough to get the special Christmas version of The GodMan film broadcast on national television in Albania on Christmas Eve and again on Christmas Day, 2013! Our Albania Director reports:

This Christmas outreach united 98% of the churches and denominations in Albania — even some that have never worked together before in history. Churches sponsored home and church showings of the film, in addition to the TV broadcast, and distributed the special My Christmas Gift edition of the Book of Hope.

Thousands of younger children are now enrolled in the God’s Big Story program across Albania, to follow up on what they learned and experienced from The GodMan film showing.

A total of 360,000 children were reached through the Christmas outreaches!

Chérifa accepted Jesus and prays that her family will follow Him too!

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Celebration of Hope! See what God is doing around the world


We cannot print the names of the “sensitive areas” where OneHope Scripture engagement programs are at work in the Asia Pacific region, but we can tell you that our church and ministry partners are excited about God’s Big Story, and they are seeing encouraging results.

A little girl named Lifen has to walk an hour-and-a-half to get to the village where the Club meets. But she comes faithfully, every week — because it was there she first learned about Jesus, and her life was transformed!

Today, 10-year-old Lifen can tell every story in the God’s Big Story program. She has collected all 16 illustrated cards, and she uses them to share her faith in her own village. Her Bible Club leaders say, “Lifen is the best story-teller in her village!”

Everyone loves to listen to her! Her favorite story to tell is Noah and the Ark. She’s inspired because Noah saved his family from the flood — and she wants to save her family by sharing the love of Jesus Christ with them.


Two new digital programs are making a big impact on young children in North America: Incredible Islands and the Bible App for Kids.

1. Incredible Islands is a digital tool that extends the reach of the church to their children throughout the week by inviting them into a virtual world that engages them with God’s Word. The Spanish-language version is in testing right now and, we believe, will be completed later this year.

2. The Bible App for Kids is our partnership with YouVersion. This Bible experience for primary-aged children (and younger) is an animated storybook app for smartphones and tablets. It includes colorful illustrations with touch-action animations plus games and activities to help children remember what they learn. As of press time, the Bible App for Kids has been downloaded 2,374,398 times since its launch on Thanksgiving Day last year.

These digital programs reach out to younger children, while My Broken Palace is an online and real-world presence aimed at teenagers. The website is driven by Christian teenagers reaching out to others who don’t know Christ.

LIfen walks an hour-and-a half to attend her her Club meetings.

The Bible App for Kids — over 2.3 million downloads to date!

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A personal word from

President Rob HoskinsDear Friend,

Welcome to the celebration!

Yes, there was great joy and praising God in China when we presented the Book of Hope to the one billionth child to receive God’s life-transforming Word through OneHope —

But this is just one milestone in a tremendous history of ministry that continues to this day. In this Global Report, I want to give you the opportunity to praise God for the one billionth child, and also to see how God’s Word is reaching millions of others, all over the world — through your prayers and generosity.

I want you to rejoice for Kalida in Colombia, for Lifen in a sensitive Asian region, for Chérifa in a Muslim territory ... I want you to see the impact you’re making, and celebrate the hope you’re bringing all over the world.

So enjoy the celebration! And when you finish with this Global Report, please pass it along to a friend who cares about reaching the next generation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you!

And thank you again for being a part of what God is doing through the ministry of OneHope.

Celebrating ... new life!COLOMBIAShe was only 10 years old ... but she knew the story very well.

Even young children in Colombia are familiar with the drug trade. Sometimes they’re used as couriers for gangs that want to keep their drug deliveries under the radar.

As Kalida watched the film, En Tus Manos, she understood what was happening to the protagonist as he was pressured to join a gang — and to prove his loyalty by using a gun.

The film was created by our partners at Toy Gun Films and speaks to the heart-felt needs of young people across Latin America. It also shows them a way out of their struggles, through new life in Christ.

“It is like a wake-up call for people to see the need for change,” Kalida says, after watching the film.

“I have learned many things, such as respect, love and peace. I believe that the Bible can be used to change the world.”

She told her mother what the film had taught her, and her mother agreed that Jesus is the Savior of all.

“Now we’re both learning from Him,” Kalida says.


CHILE — 12-year-old Loreto says the Book of Hope has made a difference in his life, and his whole family. After every Bible Club meeting, he explains what he learned to his parents and siblings, and the discussions they have make up some of the best moments of the day. “We chat about everything, and it has really brought us together,” Loreto says.

INDIA — Kiran was a Muslim boy, so he was shocked when he saw The GodMan film and the scenes of Christ’s crucifixion. Jesus is considered a prophet in Islam, but Islam denies that Jesus died on a cross. When Kiran understood that Jesus is the Son of God, whose death and resurrection saves us from sin, he wanted to follow Jesus as his Savior. At first his family was opposed, but today they have seen such great changes in Kiran, they are allowing him to attend church — and are even open to visits from his pastor.

ARGENTINA — Emanuel arrived at the festival with a heavy heart. This teenaged boy was suffering from extreme depression, was plagued by panic attacks, and had a rocky relationship with his parents and family. The conflicts at home intensified the turmoil inside.

But his friends had given him the Book of Hope and pleaded with him to come to the festival. Here he might find something that would change his circumstances ...

And they were right! At the festival, Emanuel chose to follow Jesus Christ as Savior. From the Book of Hope he began to learn how much Jesus loved him — and from his new church family he received lots of prayer and support.

Today he says the depression has disappeared, and he is living with a joyful new hope.

TANZANIA — A boy named Livingstone wants to say, “Thank you!” The Book of Hope that you sent him has shown him the way to new life in Christ, and touched his family as well. “The book has taught us that sin is bad. I love the book because it also helps our parents to have fear of God and forsake sinful ways. The book has made our home abound in peace and love. We really appreciate the gift you gave us.”

New hope!

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1.800.GIV.BIBL (448.2425)

* Some photos used in this publication are representative of the people whose stories are told. In some cases,

names and location details have been changed to protect those involved.

Founded in 1987, OneHope is an international ministry that is changing lives by sharing Scripture with young

people around the world. Each Scripture program is age specific and customized based on research OneHope

conducts among children and youth, leaders and educators in the countries it works. In collaboration with

churches and ministries — and working with local governments, schools and non-governmental organizations —

OneHope has reached nearly a billion young people in more than 125 countries with a relevant Gospel message.

God’s Word. Every Child.

It all happened so fast —Sundari was learning to drive a tractor.

Something went wrong — the vehicle roared out of control — Sundari’s friend was critically injured in the resulting crash ... and later died.

Although he was still a teenager, Sundari found himself arrested by the police and brought up on criminal charges concerning the death of his friend!

India’s justice system could easily have put Sundari into prison with hardened criminals, murderers, drug addicts and dealers ...

The young man struggled with the guilt and grief he felt over the death of his friend, plus constant fear for his future. He felt he had no hope ... and he was all alone.

Until he met the pastor of one of our partner churches, who counseled him, and gave him the Teen Edition Book of Hope. Sundari could hardly believe this Good News, that there might be a chance of a new life for him.

He chose to follow Jesus and trust his future to God. Just two months later, he was acquitted of all charges in the accidental death of his friend.

Today, he is joyfully growing in the Lord and attending his local church.

Thank you for taking what seemed like a hopeless situation, and giving Sundari hope for eternity!

Sundari met Christ through the pages of his Book of Hope.