march 2010 overview of nat and hiv testing in the uk deborah jack, chief executive, nat

March 2010 Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

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Page 1: March 2010 Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

March 2010

Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK

Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

Page 2: March 2010 Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

A little bit about NAT (National AIDS Trust)

The UK’s leading policy and campaigning charity on HIV with four strategic goals:

Effective HIV prevention to halt the spread of HIV

Early diagnosis through ethical, accessible and appropriate testing

Equitable access to treatment, care and support for people living with HIV

Eradication of HIV-related stigma and discrimination.

Page 3: March 2010 Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

HIV in the UK – some basic facts

There are over 85,000 people living with HIV in the UK

70 - 90% of people experience symptoms about 10 days after infection (sero-conversion)

After this there are often no symptoms for many years

Treatments and life-expectancy have improved enormously in last 10 years

Without treatment people have worse health outcomes and are more likely to infect others.

Page 4: March 2010 Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

HIV testing in the UK – some basic facts

Over a quarter of HIV infection is undiagnosed

Vast majority of HIV tests take place in sexual health or ante-natal clinics

In 2008, 55% of people were diagnosed ‘late’ (after treatment should have started)

Many people diagnosed late have had symptoms of HIV missed by healthcare professionals

Testing technology has improved enormously.

Page 5: March 2010 Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

Psychological & social impact

Medical benefits

HIV testing – the changing balance

Page 6: March 2010 Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

Key barriers to HIV testing - for individuals

HIV-related stigma

Poor awareness of risk of infection

Poor understanding of effectiveness of treatment

Poor knowledge of where to get a test

Fears over loss or breaches of confidentiality.

Page 7: March 2010 Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

Barriers to HIV testing - for health professionals

Lack of knowledge of HIV – resulting in lack of confidence

Concerns about ‘making judgements’

Fear of having to give positive result

Lack of incentives to test

No formal agreed national target for HIV testing.

Page 8: March 2010 Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

HIV testing – a timeline


Routine ante natal testing 1995 1998

Rapid testing in outreach 2003 2006

Shift from pre-test ‘counselling’ to ‘discussion’

2003 2008

New national guidelines 2006 2008

Annual test recommended for high risk groups

2006 2009

The UK tends to follow the USA’s lead ...

Page 9: March 2010 Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

New UK national testing guidelines - 2008

More widespread testing recommended

High prevalence areas

Specific healthcare settings

Identified symptoms

Lifestyle or risk group

Page 10: March 2010 Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

Opt-in or opt-out testing?


We normally test all patients for HIV.

Tell me if you don’t want to be tested. If you’d like an HIV test,

please tell me.

Page 11: March 2010 Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

NAT’s Testing Action Plan 2009 – key themes

Changing our testing ‘culture’

Reducing late diagnosis

Diagnosing HIV ‘early’

Increasing testing outside traditional settings.

Using latest testing technologies

Page 12: March 2010 Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

NAT’s Testing Action Plan – key recommendations

Implement agreed national testing guidelines

Get consistent messages around HIV, testing and its benefits (& improve media coverage)

Introduce regional and local targets on late diagnosis

Make fourth generation assay tests the norm.

Page 13: March 2010 Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

NAT’s Testing Action Plan – 10 key recommendations

Ensure A&E doctors understand sero-conversion symptoms and train/incentivise GPs

Educate ‘gatekeepers’ to these services

Introduce HIV training for non-HIV specialists (in settings where HIV testing is recommended)

Review/amend home testing regulations and pilot home sampling within NHS

Page 14: March 2010 Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

Recent progress

National prevention programmes influenced by NAT recommendations (primary infection, regular testing)

Number of DH-funded pilots (including community testing and home sampling)

Other funding allocated to testing initiatives (e.g. Gilead)

NHS Direct agreed to change algorithms to respond to sero-conversion symptoms and progress made on ‘out of hours’ GP services

Audit of labs conducted by HPA

London has adopted a target to reduce late diagnosis.

Page 15: March 2010 Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

Thank you!

Deborah Jack

[email protected]

See also

‘HIV Testing Action Plan’ - August 2009

‘Home testing for HIV’ - September 2008

‘Primary HIV Infection’ NAT - July 2008

Page 16: March 2010 Overview of NAT and HIV Testing in the UK Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT

National AIDS Trust is a registered charity, number 2972977 and a company limited by guarantee (registered in England and Wales) number 2175938.Registered office: Target Winters Ltd, 29 Ludgate Hill, London EC4M 7JE

© National AIDS Trust 2010.  All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be copied or transmitted in any form or by any means without the National AIDS Trust's permission.