marble run - maker camp

Marble Run 1. Cut the cardboard tubes. Cut the cardboard tubes in half length- wise. » You can optionally decorate them with stickers, paint, colored tape, and more before you move on to step two. 2. Tape them to a wall. Find a blank wall to use. » Starting from the top of the wall, build your marble run track using the tubes and painter's tape. » Experiment with your track design! Try making both long and short stretches, using steep and slight angles, attempting to make the marble "jump" between tubes, etc. It is best to test with the marble along the way to make sure that it stays on the track. 3. Test your marble run! Place your basket, box, or bowl at the bottom of your marble run path to catch the marble. » Release your marble at the top of the path and watch it zip and zoom! Maker Camp 2015 » Week Four » Fun and Games Supplies Marbles Basket, bowl, or box Painter's tape Scissors Cardboard tubes of all sizes Decorations (optional)

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Page 1: Marble Run - Maker Camp

Marble Run1. Cut the cardboard tubes. Cut the cardboard tubes in half length-wise. » You can optionally decorate them with stickers, paint, colored tape, and more before you move on to step two.

2. Tape them to a wall.Find a blank wall to use. » Starting from the top of the wall, build your marble run track using the tubes and painter's tape. » Experiment with your track design! Try making both long and short stretches, using steep and slight angles, attempting to make the marble "jump" between tubes, etc. It is best to test with the marble along the way to make sure that it stays on the track.

3. Test your marble run! Place your basket, box, or bowl at the bottom of your marble run path to catch the marble. » Release your marble at the top of the path and watch it zip and zoom!

Maker Camp 2015 » Week Four » Fun and Games


Basket, bowl, or box

Painter's tape


Cardboard tubes of all sizes

Decorations (optional)

Page 2: Marble Run - Maker Camp

Chain Reactions1. Stairs. In this component of a chain reaction, you create a set of stairs and then pick the best object to go down them. In this case, it is a slinky that is going down the stairs. The slinky will trigger the next chain reac-tion when it falls on an object at the bot-tom of the stairs.

2. Inclined Surface.You can create a track that is taller on one side than the other so something can roll or slide down it. In this picture, the golf ball is rolling down the tube and will trigger the next action by knocking over the white square.

3. Car. Toy cars or anything with wheels can travel across an area and trigger the next action.

4. Dominos. Dominos can be set up close to each vvvother and when one falls over, it can cause the one next to it to fall and eventu-ally all of the dominos will fall over. The last one that falls can be used to trigger the next action.

Maker Camp 2015 » Week Four » Fun and Games

SuppliesBox of craft sticks (tongue depressors work best)

Page 3: Marble Run - Maker Camp

Chain Reactions, continued

5. Stick Bomb: Cobra Weave. A stick bomb is a form of kinetic art where flat sticks are woven together in a way that creates pressure. All of the sticks go flying when you remove the last stick in the chain. In the cobra weave, the chain raises up as it is flying off and it looks like a snake.

6. Start cobra weave.Create a "V" using two sticks. » Place a third stick behind the stick on the left and above the stick on the right.

7. Continue the pattern. Weave the fourth stick on top of the left stick from your "V" and below the right stick from your "V." » Weave a fifth stick on top of the third stick you placed down and below the fourth stick.

8. Step eight title. Continue weaving in the same pattern for as long as you want. » To "detonate" the stick bomb, pull out the last stick you wove in.

Maker Camp 2015 » Week Four » Fun and Games

Page 4: Marble Run - Maker Camp

Cardboard Automata1. Create the frame. Cut all the flaps off of a small cardboard box. » Cut a square out of one of the flaps. » Cut the square diagonally so that you get two triangles. » Cut a second square and make a second set of triangles. » Hot glue each of the triangles to a corner on the box to create a sturdy frame.

2. Make the cam and cam follower.Cut an oval that's about 2.5 inches tall from foam or cardboard. This is your cam. » Cut a foam circle that's a bit smaller than the oval. This is your cam follower. » Cut a small square and glue it on the center of your cam. » Pierce through the center of your cam with a wooden skewer. » Repeat this process for the cam follower. » Reinforce joints of the cam follower with glue.

3. Install the cam. Create two small holes on either side of your frame using a craft knife. » Thread the cam skewer through the holes so that the cam is inside the box. » Cut a small square of foam. » Pierce the small square through the skewer on the outside of the box. » Glue the square to the skewer.

4. Install cam follower guide. Cut a hole in the center of the top of the frame using the craft knife so the straw can fit through. » Insert the straw through the hole and leave about 2 inches below the frame. » Thread the cam follower through the straw. » Cut the excess straw off. » Glue the straw in place.

Maker Camp 2015 » Week Four » Fun and Games

SuppliesSmall cardboard box

Thick foam or cardboard scraps

2 wooden skewers

1 straw


Craft knife

Hot glue gun

Decorations to create automata top

Page 5: Marble Run - Maker Camp

Cardboard Automata, continued

5. Add a handle. Cut a cardboard rectangle that's about 1x2 inches. » Glue the edge of the rect-angle on the outside of the frame to the skewer that's connected to the cam. » Cut off the remaining piece of skewer. » Glue the skewer you just cut off to the opposite side of the rectangle handle.

6. Create a character.Create a character or object to animate using your automata. » If your object is flat, it can be glued directly to the frame, but if your object is 3D, then you can cre-ate a platform to glue onto the cam fol-lower. » Experiment with different cam shapes. Does it change the motion of your cam follower?

Maker Camp 2015 » Week Four » Fun and Games