maps are cool, with javascript and angularjs

Francesco Iovine & Marcos Lin @franciov & @marcoseu Mobile (Hack) Tea Rome, 5 Apr 2014 Maps are cool with Javascript and AngularJS

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Using interactive maps to find places and routes has become a common task for web and mobile users: online maps have doubtless changed the way people travel. In this talk Marcos & I showed how to use the W3C Geolocation API and web map services such as OpenStreetMap and Google Maps to build a geolocator web application with Javascript and AngularJS. Event:


Page 1: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

Francesco Iovine & Marcos Lin @franciov & @marcoseu

Mobile (Hack) Tea

Rome, 5 Apr 2014

Maps are coolwith Javascript and AngularJS

Page 3: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

Web map services

Google Maps

Yahoo! Maps

Bing Maps



Nokia Here

Apple Maps

Page 4: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

Google Maps Javascript API

Page 5: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

Open Layers

Page 6: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

Map Quickie

Page 8: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

BlackBerry Maps - Invoke API

blackberry.invoke.invoke( { action: "bb.action.OPEN", type: "application/" });

Page 9: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

BlackBerry Maps - Invoke API

blackberry.invoke.invoke( { action: "bb.action.OPEN", type: "application/", data: JSON.stringify( { "geolocation": true } ) });

Page 10: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

BlackBerry Maps - Invoke APIblackberry.invoke.invoke( { action: "bb.action.OPEN", type: "application/", data: JSON.stringify( { "center": { "latitude": 43.4667, "longitude": -80.5167, "altitude": 2000 } } ) });

Page 11: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

BlackBerry Maps - Invoke APIblackberry.invoke.invoke( { action: "bb.action.OPEN", type: "application/", data: JSON.stringify( { "placemark": { "latitude": 43.4667, "longitude": -80.5167, "name": "Waterloo", "description": "Waterloo, Ontario, Canada" } } ) });

Page 12: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

BlackBerry Maps - Invoke APIblackberry.invoke.invoke({ action: "bb.action.OPEN", type: "application/", data: JSON.stringify( { "view_mode": "nav", "nav_end": { "properties": { "name": "Toronto", "description": "City of Toronto", "address": "Toronto, Ontario, Canada" }, "latitude": 43.7, "longitude": -79.4 } } )});

Page 13: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

Case Study

Page 14: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS
Page 16: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS


Page 17: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

Google Maps

Page 18: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

Hybrid Map

Page 19: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS



new google.maps.ImageMapType({

getTileUrl: function(coord, zoom) {

return "" + zoom + "/" + coord.x + "/" + coord.y + ".png";


tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),

name: "OpenStreetMap",

maxZoom: 18



Hybrid Map

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Page 21: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS


Page 22: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS


Page 23: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS


/* Manage target elements */window.onhashchange = function() {


.actionBox .tabs ul li a:target {color: white;background: navy;


Page 24: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS


window.mMapViewController =

MapViewControllerFactory.create({mapType: ...,mapId: ...


Page 25: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

Search and Geolocation

Page 26: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS


var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();‘GET’, '' +

query + '&format=json', true);


Page 27: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

var searchBox = new google.maps.places.SearchBox(searchInput);

google.maps.event.addListener(searchBox, 'places_changed',callback)


Page 28: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, positionOptions



Page 29: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS



function successCallback(position) {

var latitude = position.coords.latitude;

var longitude = position.coords.longitude;

// ...


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Page 32: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

AngularJS Quickie

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Page 35: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS


Page 36: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

Nested View<!– In body of index.html --><div ng-controller="MapController">

<div ng-view></div><div class="maps">

<div id="openstreetmap” ng-class="mapfs.OpenStreetMap_class"></div><div id="googlemap” ng-class="mapfs.GoogleMap_class"></div><div id="hybridmap” ng-class="mapfs.HybridMap_class"></div>


<!– In map.html --><div class="actionBox">

<div class="tabs"><ul><li><a ng-class="mapfs.OpenStreetMap_class"href="#/showOpenStreetMap">OpenStreetMap</a>



Page 37: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

var app = angular.module("geoapp", ['ngRoute']);

app.config(function ($routeProvider) { $routeProvider .when('/showOpenStreetMap', { templateUrl: "views/map.html", controller: "OpenStreetMapController"} ) ... .otherwise({redirectTo: '/showOpenStreetMap'}) ;});

Route Definition

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Page 39: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

Nested Controllers// Parent Controller.controller('MapController’, function($scope, OpenStreetMap, …){

$scope.mapfs = { OpenStreetMap_class = “” };$scope.showMap = function (mapName) {

if ( mapName === "openstreetmap" ) {$scope.mapfs.OpenStreetMap_class = "active";

}};OpenStreetMap.initMap(“openstreetmap”);… ;


// Child Controller.controller(‘OpenStreetMapController’, function ($scope) {

$scope.showMap("openstreetmap");// $scope.mapfs.OpenStreetMap_class is now “active”


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Page 41: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

BaseGoogleMap.factory('BaseGoogleMap', function (…) {

var MapObject = function () { … };MapObject.prototype = {

initMap: function (mapId) { … };initSearchBox: function (inputId) { … };

};return MapObject;


.factory(‘GoogleMap’, function (BaseGoogleMap) {return new BaseGoogleMap();


.factory(‘HybridMap’, function (BaseGoogleMap) {var gmap = new BaseGoogleMap();gmap.initMap = function (mapId) { … };return gmap;


Page 42: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

AngularJS Promise.service('OpenStreetMap', function ($http, $q) { = function (query) {var url = “http://…” + query, d = $q.defer();

$http.get(url,function (response) {

// Update map with data from responsed.resolve(response);

},function (error) { d.reject(error); }


return d.promise;};


// Use Promise in“Via del Corso”).then(function (data) {

// data is the same response object passed by $d.resolve});

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Page 46: Maps are cool, with Javascript and AngularJS

Francesco Iovine & Marcos Lin @franciov & @marcoseu

Mobile (Hack) Tea

Rome, 5 Apr 2014

Maps are coolwith Javascript and AngularJS