map of maine. maine 1900s maine lighthouse map of kansas

Map of Maine

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Map of Maine

Maine 1900s

Maine 1900s

Maine lighthouse

Map of Kansas

Kansas Prairie 1900s

Kansas 1900s



Prairie LifeIndian Paintbrush

Wild Feverfew

Bride’s Bonnet

Turkey Buzzard



Marine Life



Woolly ragwort Seaside



Moon snail


Chapter 1 Vocab


Advertisement - Where would you find an advertisement?

Wretched - which is more wretched a rat or a puppy

Chapter 1 Journal Prompt

**Predict how you think the story will end. Write 2-3 sentences (remember capital at the beginning and period at the end.) You may also draw a picture.

**Draw pictures of the characters we have met so far.

What was Papa’s horse’s name?

Did Anna like Caleb when he was born? How do you know?

Chapter 2 Vocab


Pesky - Are you peskier than your little brother?

Fogbound - How did you figure out what this word means?


Chapter 2 Journal Prompt

**Write the questions that Anna and Caleb wrote to Sarah. Use Sarah’s letters to them to help you.

**Draw a DAD (Venn diagram) to compare and contrast Maine and Kansas.

1. What is Sarah going to wear when she meets Jacob, Anna, and Caleb?

2. What do you think Sarah will NOT like about Kansas?

Early Transportation

Chapter 3 Vocab


Fetch - What are some things you could fetch?

Preacher - Where does a preacher work?

Chapter 3 Journal Prompt

**Predict the following:

1. Will Sarah get a long with the family?

2. Will the family get along with Sarah?

3. Will Sarah stay or return to Maine?

4. Why do you think Sarah’s hands were rough?

1. What did Sarah give Caleb and Anna?

2. Do you think Sarah likes Kansas? Why?

Chapter 4 Vocab


Rustle - Give an example of something that might rustle.


Chapter 4 Journal Prompt


Sarah wanted some color in the winter.

The birds need hair for their nests.

Sarah barked like a seal


Sarah throws Caleb’s hair on the fence and the ground.

Lottie and Nick came running from the barn.

Sarah hung flowers upside down.

*Match the causes to their effects. Use the matches to write 3 cause and effect sentences.

1. Why did Sarah scatter Caleb’s hair on the ground?

2. Why do you think it was important for Sarah to touch the sheep?

Chapter 4 Journal PromptCause and Effect Answer Key


Sarah wanted some color in the winter.

The birds need hair for their nests.

Sarah barked like a seal


Sarah throws Caleb’s hair on the fence and the ground.

Lottie and Nick came running from the barn.

Sarah hung flowers upside down.

*Match the causes to their effects. Use the matches to write 3 cause and effect sentences.

*What things happen that help convince Caleb that Sarah will stay?

Chapter 5 Vocab


Coarse - What does something coarse feel like?




Turkey buzzard

Chapter 5 Journal Prompt

** Describe the emotions you feel while you are reading this story.

** Draw a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the dunes of Maine and dunes of Kansas.

1. What did Sarah draw for William when they came back into the house?

2. What did Papa make for Sarah to remind her of her childhood?

School DaysWhat are some similarities and differences between these schools and Frances Willard?

Chapter 6 Vocab

Sums - Using the math word wall, what are some synonyms for sumsSputter - Show me how to sputter.


Chapter 6 Journal Prompt

** Describe school in pioneer times. What would you like about going to school 100 years ago? What would you dislike?

1. Where did Sarah take Anna and Caleb to swim?

2. What do you think Anna wanted for Sarah?

Chapter 7 Vocab


Whickering - What animal whickers? Hitch - What is a synonym for hitch.


Banty chickens

Chapter 7 Journal Prompt

1. Why is Anna convinced that Sarah will not eat the chickens?

2. What did Sarah miss?

Chapter 8 Vocab


The sheep nosed open their stall door and milled around the barn, bleating.

Portion - What is a synonym for portion?


Chapter 8 Journal Prompt

** Pretend you are Sarah and write a letter to your brother, William, describing the Kansas squall.

Chapter 9 Vocab




Sly - Are there any animals that are sly?Scuttling - Name something that might scuttle.Stern - Who do you know that is stern?

Chapter 9 Journal Prompt

** Page 61 - Will Sarah come back?

**Page 63 - Do you want to change your prediction?

** Page 64 - Was your prediction correct?