many cburches of tn---06servance' .. on ro''ad'.',.0'.'ca'...

j 1 , i j I . i , i I 1 I I j I , . .' , ' ,. , ,,' ,. , ' . , - _. -.- -'- , . " , ':.\ , . . .. I , . " Welcome. HorSemen! R!l(!C trl\(!k personnel alIA arll beKinnlnll' to "rrJve in. for tbe racing season, alld we to say "lIuwdy, to llav,ll you back, .,,.. ,'·,,1 't'''' ...... ,. . . : ., :", ' .;" . It; , . ...... ,',' - ----- ...... ,. ........ - .... ,;.. .......................... -...:.. ................. '. ' = ,. '4 , ;'= -'.,,' . , . l' '. , . c' , . . . . . . ' , . ", , , . . '" . -, , ' OJ """ """.,,-,."- . . . , .. " , . '-. ' , .. , .. , . ...' , . ' ''', .. , . . . , '. " , h_ , ; Clarke 1'l)suranCe ·Agent;.y In Trib'a!:e-e-- We n ,Vall wond,erful the waY 'liO man)' people responded 'wJth their help for the!learc/l for the lJ\Ue girl Sunday and we want 10 pay 'trlblile 10 for their cOTmunlty spirit. , BlI/ie Clarke - Oled 257.24l5, . DAN D. SWEARINGIN; Inc. . - ae.l })Itate'- m-uu •. __ __ __ .' '\14 Pages In.2 I ::1". '- .. ,' .'.' In We Soulhwellt's. Year PJtycr41!l:#!l ; .C o" i ,; t 4.· ,,' o:{ i .. : t ,t" t =. iu -. ., .' i I I I Many Cburches of Area Set Services . RODEO SITE PICKED -, H-,;;;.;By NoseY-Waters-· Tn---06servance ' o'fHtaste'rtiae--- -- ., ON RO' 'AD' . ',. 0 CA' , "IT'"A- N · ;e:: . - ". .. " '.' p .. . ed II, to Washington. D. C.. Holy Week and Eallter Communi. sage III 11 :,00, lI.m. '1'he Brown Lenten Mite 130x offer.lngs for mts· , sllfs Roswell III the larlhest ElIllt ty Services sP9nsored by the Rul. Also Ule MaW)dy Thurs. slonary work among . ". , Ru QO$(l's VllIalle Board oJ 'Trt.:!1- he ha!J ever beeJ\. lind tbat be can doso Ministerial Alliance wl11 In. dllY service, April 15, at p.m. Illjf Amerlcans will I?e CAPITAN tres henrd of plaps of II lOCAl redeo hll:r4ly .Understand tllose Yankees' elude the Oood Friday three.hour M tho FIrst ChrlBtllUl Ch\A'Qh here, lind. II,S Is the pllorlsh custom, Easter grounds llite commlHeo repOrt ta1lc'l './:be lOC,'.{i,l. RuIdoso .'Forest services beglJU1lng !lot 12:00 noon, ROy Va,lI;llr eggs will be In honor Qf· the R.ULES OUT n 'Fort Wortb resident, owner RAAlter .51'\(\ blstrlp WI\S for tba April 16. I\.t tbe aii.ptlst 'J'Jle Dwll,lllt Sharpe. pllSwr resurrecUon pf The service prOlwrty here on State Road 31 jn P1lqlOsoof lenrnlng some' more ChurCh on Mechem Prlve. ''Tho hat the Flrllt Prcsbyterhm Church wUl be foUowed by II coffee hour llle norlh pnrt of tbo city, had f t d' ta ., ntrreed to lense Il tract of about lS "oJ:'ell.ry proce ures. He call'ehere Seven Last Words of Christ," tba l':l this Ulat the regull\r and t\n :!\1\lostllf egg on the LOCA'L' BUSES' ", .. t An'aKA from the nnUonnl fares!.'! In' Arl- theme of the 0C!OdF'rla&y services, !ichedule· of serVices will be the church grounds. a ... res ,or crec .. on 0 a grlUl"" ........ , zona • • , Community Public &lrv- wl11 be expresael\ ill addresses ,by {lame Easler Day with Cllurch 'I'he Easler Day serVice at the Jly DICK nJ;:NNE'M' pells und fencltlg tor' rodeo J'el:"- Ice Co. olnces wll1 rornl\m open on the Rev, 'Rlcb$.rd, hOst pas· School at 10:00 a.m. and Momlll8 Chapel 01 0l,U' Redeemer at Fort nuldollo News StMf Wrltel' IOm\l\nCes. Saturdaya fr9t}t1l to 5. Mn8 McCoy, the Jtev. Thomlls Richardson, Wo1'$!i.lp at 11 :00 a.m. In addition SUUlton wUl l>e at 10:30 a.m., con. Al1brl'Y Dabbs ami Harlan Me· district mllnager, tOld us IllSI'; week", Community MetbodJst Church: tile the .Presbyterlan Cburch Is·partld. ducted by WlUmm O. Slu"ecengOllt, ' MeeUlllt a problem or dlooqfce. Oraw told the council Thurllditv end, The cllIitom wlJ1 be .1I.\l Rev. Orval see, l'lrsl Bapllst patlng in th1) Community Easter 11\Y reader. mnnt heRd·on o\'t'r cblldrt'n llvllllr nl'Jht In<it week 111ll1.tbey have bccn usual until. fAll. M. a" lill.d .n 'buncll Churcb, RUldOSO Downs: the Rev. Sunrise serVlcll at JIoly M'oullt Catholic near RUidoso being cnrol111d In npltOUnllllG with Ml1Ion Simon fol' f ftM. t, t. h "" 1 Ch RUidoso SChools C\'t'U thougb till''' 1 n OA } th I d It' ft o comp"",¥ lllS. wee,;; O\'C. Includ. Frank Tl\.ylor, reUred: tba Rev. ""plscopa urch, e Rev. S1mrpc The followln" Is " schedule of tile J n (II C nn, '" l\CfOt'IiJ , I KI>' th ffl Id D reside wllhlll the CI\pIUll\ SChool Sl d 3" r 0 ... Rul .", ese 0 cern of CommunlW Dwight Sharile. First Presbyterian: sa . JIoly Week: services bel,ng held at au, (Il\ I' m ",e ..... ·bUo Se.... ·I"'e "0 . lh' Id t I. :" .'" f"f".. " "," , D1mr!ct, the Cllplll\tl Munll'lpnl d""o {'all"nr Slntlon .... , ......... e pres en, t"e Rev. Robert Zapp, Mescalero Episcopal Churches of Lincoln St. Elea.nor'lI Cl\\hol\O Churcb and. q " hi""' ' ..... " . Nt' R. Pnl;sons and wlte, and the Relormed Church: the Rev. W. R. County wID celebra1e the re5urrec. (Colltlnued w Pace &-Sec. A) b,' :e atlpel\rl'd before the counc11 'V f llenJY Lee Stoul, 1111 Brown. Holy Mount :!J;PlllcoP1Ll \1Du of Je\lUS Christ In servtces this . . •. . .::. _ .... '_ /lO()Q to work out school bU!l traw>. to n',!. Ihl' vlllnge trustees If \be :1so i tile - YOUNG '" . " .: pllny's wClltern area mMo.r,er from Community Easter 8WU'lscY festival wUl take place at noon on . \ ' '" If tt- ml\de by Mrs C(W RurIDt'lfl, 10("nl('\1 \\ Ithtn the cllV Ibnlt.:s. 'n\ell' BUver Cit)' • •• . Services will also bll' spousored by Saturday at. Holy Mount Episcopal DEMOS \._ ' secretary or lhe Capltnn board lIt Idt'(l \\(1'. \\'<>11 received. with no 9';' * * .... the Mlnllltetial anlS wlU Church {Ruidoso}, When tho sacra. ' Its regUlar Wcdm,)!\t1n)' J,'<,:il'n" tt was nats olr to the fine folk!! of Un. be lleld :!J;MWr Dar. Al)rU 18, at ment of JIaly Baptism will be ad. .", I lit UI k I mit to 1I1l' rolloo IlJlOke:unen lh4t COin county for their help 1n tba 5::tO a.m. at the Holy Ep1s- ministered, In conjunction with tbe IN SPLIT .. ". . .... \ nch;hborll to the roC!co searCh tor the fl.ycar-old girl lost In copa.l Churcll; willi l.bll Rev. 'W. R. Altar service and Even1l:llr Prayer. tl:AV£$ NOTE-b.puN Sheriff Clyde Atwood Is Ikovln Itl,ldrt- board heard prolests (rom 1\ lIum. 11fOU1,d nltllht need lA> be <:oc\tac\ed tho. wOOds SundllY. ''A.'I Snm Allen Brown IlS hO.!lt pastor. The prlnclpal At. thl'l Un1e the PasCh'll Candle wJl1 New 'Mexico Young OCmocrats. f 'f I ft ber of rCllldent:l Ilvlne. wlU"o thn aud U\t'lr r.uppOrl solicited. 'I'hc lWO said w y u I ...- It b d dd nh t'" au a_ I ill bl .h .... d 11 d _. Alec'nd RamK-ldo Santa ,l'lg patta 0 . a menage 0 on tablo of dining rOOm of fro .. ".' "'d II ' I .... ho , 6 a 0 r 0""" pce a re"", a .. ,0 nr..... _rv ce 'W be c""".. an lihted, an .... &0 a.. w " ..u_ """" u.WLtO _. Capitan School D1.'1trlct who Jll'1\l1 ltIen "v lllw llama 0 .. .., mil· In fu belp 10 thIn crisis puts the be "Ivcn by the .Rev. Jaclt BNton t/llW P&!lChal cllndloaUclc presented Fe. their prc.1ldcl1t Bl\lurdf.y anC'.r .'" 11'1 whlc;h body of William E. Ridley waa found eorly Mon· their elll1drcn to R.uldo:"oG sc:hoolo OWel'TIl IIt'lIr lhe rote hlUl been eeea, }Wople In the bin eltle!! to of Ule oa.teWllof A!l.sembly o.f Ood to the church by Mrs, Joo .Crufllp nbout of the delejfate.'I lenet WOI written on front of 'even envelope.. loft Scribner or Allo. w tI lind brld exprt'!I!1cd lhllmlullvu .. for thell' unconcern when &Omeone Church, Other members of thO 01 MldllUld, Tex. Children of lbe walked out of the seneral bU&lntsa down with beer con, Coron.r'. jury found Ridley Ilpokeaml1ll for thl' group Who pro. f\t\'(l.rllbh' to\\:llrd the Idea. 'ItI 1n dcspcrnte need of help. and Ministerial will also assist church In \bo EMter SChool pro- meellnu.d••dpby hi. own hand. . (Conllnued w I'AIO 1-Slll', I\) 'Olt' !if}OOo:orn or the project !lOpe their pleas nrc Ignored." Detcha with U1e- aerv1ce. snm bavo b4!cn making m1nlaturo A tl1lOkesmM for tha walkout _ ....... .•. '''. ... •. n ¥_ to l\ l:I'rll',s 01 rodeo eVlOta a lot of deer were slloolc up after thn Rev. 'Brov,'t\ uld, for use in their :!J;a9ter· group SCAld It left afle.r tho erede,,· H' UND" RE' D' S JOI hl'rr durll1lJ the llummer monthl to Sundf.y's parndc of people through Front tbe Church bl11leUU of COm- tJdo devotiOns at hOmo. and theoo tlola committee demed 1\111 votlng . '.. , N IN HUNT ndJ to IIII' \'l\CI\t1on nUr..cUonl 01 the W<lOlb-lot.!l dnd low of the hunt. munlty Methodist Chureb, the Rev. Will bo blcsllcd 'at th.Is Until, a1oo. tltrenglh to tho DcrnaUUo COUnty thl" rl'::'flft art'll ers reported /JIg hUng deer aU ThomlL9. 8.. Richardson. m1nlllter, 01'1 Saturday eventnc at 8 o'clock, delegaUon while .other C<lUteated J Otl'l'r rMlttl!r!l oofore tile council &l1)und tho Monjeau Retrent where Wo,lI Ibis report of t:ervlc:es dUrlnlt_thll .$.\11 q(!liJllMIQM voUJtB FO' 'R GIR', L' LOST' -I N WOo . ODS !l1I'lncJI'll fl.vlt'Wlnrr bId.' on b.U1let· y. •• AllOT the members !bIll holy soAilOrl: pl .. ce by candle Ullhl al tl\(l church otrtngth. IllJ brldw nl,lutmentl$ and llPprOllodl... of :the Sierra SoUl\'l'es arc eX)'lCctcd "'the Maundy Thursday Ulrvlce in LlncQln. The ceremon!ell wUl Tho walkout ({roup, h1.vo1vltlr "'J "J1 two r.Ilt''! on the RIo RUll1ollO, ' attend tho ata.ta Square Dl1uCO of Holy CommW1lon ",,111 btlfltl at. OPCA wUJl UxI lUIlCSUnr l>{ l\ new .come 2ll deltlr.tell, pO\'. 'Tbl' 10\'<1'111 \)ld offerec.l 01 four, OM FeaUval In Albuquerque May 14.1& 7:00 p.m. In Uto OUr nro from nlnt, lJymboUc Of Cbrl!lt tlon!! 01 deleltatlOna trom JAa, hlr e3 r .. 'l:l C!i. Wll!l .ecepted ftori! thla )'ellr, snYtI Warren Prlvl.!r. one ml.!ntbers arc inVited to rlnlflll from tho r«:ky tomb to give dy, Vornatlllo. V"lencfa, 'Bm\'um, ,6, She WM unlulnned. Ahowe4. no * J J J)JPnolo'lI D. eonsUUCUoQ of'tho callero In the club. lie mdd In a acrv1u remell\berln; tile St!v- If,ght. cheet' .nd warmth In tile Otero. San and Smt. J"o '._ _ J /Ul nl(Ulll of on)' fjCrlLtchcs o.r t}ruUt., Co OUwr bidders and tbt! PresIdent Jim. Roberl,'i will lend tho cn 'Lul Words ofCl1rIst. from Ibcl dArlu1eS!l of tho world. Weathor countfel'l. ., alld It WilD decided nhll did not bOo quotl'd Odell Sl\Cllr, WhOle kit. and 1tQ:bOOdlc of membcl'll cro."l.'1 from 22:00 unUl3:00 p,m. on pcrmllUng. thJ.g wll1 In.lto place In The trrOup electe(11la nun" dAfter 1l0\1e tlbe nCeded to be &ettl· by A C' Kt'l\y. and Ne.IAott to tho DUke City to cct up a booth 00011 at, .l"!l'lIf, BapUst ij\e r-ra, 'Wlll) 1rI!otmal. OmCtlrlS. . .". .,', •.. doctor. tho puelnllJ ahc>rUy C'Ofl"lrqI'Ut.ln <:0, "t'Uc1lmcan. lram . .. PL_ It)lft\l\· ... .1'110' llafd' ;: l' . S" earch' o:m <10 The\!l, art'! on. NOriIi ..'" out bumper sUc'1tel'lJ, Junfalld .maps, ,vlU.llarUclpat(l1 yll\l D\a, como cd wIll lighted (I1lm Ute neW fJrc. of tho ercdellUal!l committee 111 cSt!" ;. our u'*... ,.., '" l.mlll net'll! tuld OU Jo"em . adVcl'11s1ng broel:IUfCl). etc., about gO lllJ you ine :tdUi' sun- at1dl' 'ayM ehJnl herald9 tile com. nVlng full ... DUng 'W&I 1Uej{IlL lIlt . e 11 thoroujJh leat"Ch of tho wecd· No I1cltnn wIn tAkell on a1t:pa \6 the Playground 01 tho Southwest. rIse servlco "Nill be at 6:30 a,m. at Ibr of the day of RautrecUon: tho MId I\n Rweal proba.l1 would be tJrmen from Walktr Atr cd 1l10ptoA on MonJcau that InelUdjd pm Into mollon ll(\Wer 'rbe loul club ts hOPing to enlertaln Ibo 'Holy Mount Eplilcojltll Church. candles Of tho llf:O'PIll' tau thl'lr ronde to tho naUOIUl1 'tOl,lnt Demo- F<\tcc ",role a bapp)" endlns: Um o. two planet do*'n5 dl' tHCl!'l tIMt W (l r c dlIlCUs,oct. from 800 to 2.000 or more r;qunrc ClImaxtng the 1\'111 be our lUtbt from the Paschal Candle. erat!!. to umlon.patkcd t,(!arch for G G- or Je(lpa and 8eOub, 1>11b mab.V AIllGlc:l matterll tnllced were .ihit danccra In 1006 when the llU\tc fe!lU. EI1l>wr service st 11:00 a.m, with w1ttch symboUUIJ clu'lst. Next tbe Elected pre$ldcnt of the ,,;-atk-out ttrl in the wOO!ln 00 mile!! 01 hunUng on foot .bp numet· Ilatcppt"t q or rUnnl1l8 II &ewer rriaIil 'YIl1 III held here !>illY G-'l ,•• new mcmbern reeognl:ted at tbI!J men of tho cburch ""111 read lour (JI'()Up \\'I1S Cathey of CAthlbld. Mon}eau 8W'1day. 0U9 \'oJunworo. C fml'l the flCW ('ll.!ntentary 1Ithcio1 '* 1Ir .... time" , Old Tcstament. PJSftiC4 forelllUld· who hnd Esp1ncnA for LIB tiyrium, da\1ibtcr of capt. Mcmbern of Ruldow Volunrc.,r ",tt' f'll t Clf the nlrport dO'4'Jt, JtolIi A eoullle of our guys wUl be at EllS!cr t,(!ntlees III the First Chr& llwlni the :Rt!lI-urrecUon of Clu1!lt, pr('sldent. atid Mrs. John Bynum, alo:o Of Fire Dl'f)l1rtment, Bonito Votunkoer r-prll'<r-l l'i)unnv to Od\11Atl eanroa convention!! In Ulo nelet (eW dnYfl- tll1n Church wl11 Includa the regu· '1'llcso wIll be followed by a. litAny, Other olClcers l!lei:ted In the rcgu. WMker A'I'B at 20:30 lI.m. wnnder. l'''tre [)epnrunrnt. )'lCrwnnel or nul· .4 .j nnd 'hC'lll't' Iii 1110 Clty'lI selolo'or plant c. M. (BUZZ) WhItlock wlU nttend Inr Sunday semeu wlth 8Urtday whiCh leads up to Wi) G()$pcl stot')' lar bl1!llneS!l tnl!cWlg wero Frank ed, froM Walkor'l'I Retr't'at in lhe doS() Rnnl!(tr SIAtlon of Lincoln 11IlflhWt'''t or Ihe contmunity of Ibe Nrt w MeJdeo R.emU AssoclaUon S<:hOOl tit IJ:04S "'1'11. 'Ito Rev. George of' the dJscovet')' of the emply 8odll10 Of Valencia CountY, vlee- wQOdJi couplet of mlhi!ll north of tlonnl FareDt. 33 )'oung men ftOm ItOllv\\ood ",Ill would be an alter a mt!CUJig In AlbuquClrquc at the Drown will deliver the l:uter mcs.- tomb, and tho joyM meethlg 'Nllh preSldmt. And Tom of Alto, and wun't found until U Sierra DlnneA BoyD Camp ncar P'f,. J tll'lt.. Clr on addlUotl:A\ main. baH4 Western Skl(!!1 Tue!iday, AprU 2? ,-. .., ,n -- tho lUscn saviour 1h EM\t!r COm· Chllvcs Counly. D<m hQUt"JI later about threo mUM from Stantoll. mcmberll of the Wblte USA BYNUM en 'Il'hM MUon tho ctly takes tIl'* and Dt, W. D. Horton attend9 II 13- that ls a mUir t.e> hl!l bct.uWUl reg.. munlon. OrUe of &u\ta POo wu elected 11&. I'l!tteat, uleep benldl.! a trail Moulltll.1n JCl'p Club. the MuUI'. . _•• " , '., lllU'dlnu thE' purt'ha.oo of nuldOll4> tl'tate Wellwm g'lllllerlng ollloa!.co-· istt!rfld palomInO, iLtl.d IIhe U ill On Eutcr Sund.. y lM1't11ng, the Uonnl (jOnunltleemlUl atld Marda at the hoad of Mllis caIiYill'l., dt!pnttment, lltate poUce. comm\inl- • ;. EiII(1rprlr ..... me 't1 Interftlt In a tOo! palb1c pbyslclllt\9 1n Ln!i Vegas, beauty. Thought lIOtnCOne In our sunrise service conducted by tile Perolta of Taos wan electc!d l1&Uon- Alrtnltn Very} cunntnltham. one cnllOM media. "'l1Iogtl twlrsonn02 of RANCH Illrh S('tl:C'r ml\ltl In P.r.cllii" C&zI. Nev., April :lO-2:l ••• A leuer teU. audience might be Urn Ruidoso :Mln1Aler1at AWlU1ce Will III committeewoman. of the pair whO found ·Iler at \}'30 bolb Ruldcr,.() lUId Capitan and mill· )'(;11 1'rulltt'C OUY Robertr.en ft."onl tn« of a ttlp to HawaII 1ll In Euta etljo)'l'I rel\dJJ1g lltorle.f Hrue stories, take plate at 5:3D In the Church of Omeera elected by tho llpllntcr wtth the ald ot a l1ght from U\l'Y Pfi!rsonnel all wero 1n'.oWed In P:lylllll UuldO"'"o Entcrptltts' c:1lln\ Lee Cor,det's Angus Bnd Sonlw \bat Is) of the Old West. -.nil !las the Holy Moun\;, W1U .Iso b4! group were CAthe)', preJlldent; Coltman l11ntem. said be.'! woke thl' b1lt bunt Ntimi!roU!l longUrnIil HAND IS mill!!' (or UU! mllin and COIUled Newlicolumn thJs week ••. VIrgil Po lIbthf!U'Y Po plain ot the troty Pllve fltdM. Ik!malJUo county, vtco the lUUe llirl by &4)11118 to her. residents 01 the mount&1Il. COUlltr)' ttl' '!t'ltl'llil llrro to II.. 'trustee But L GrIssom, who tel\med up wllh zwes on e .. ""je<:t.. .....,... ...... CoIrtmUll1oo at 7 1I.m. pl'(!Sldcnt. /t.nn Hughell. Eddy "Lisa, your momma han been lOOk. took major role'! In l1elpll1# gu1de GU Mct'ar'v MId tomo huther studY John Young on the last U. !!.! ntlphew, Olen P. COltharp. In the St. Annc's Chur4lh at Glencoe ."in County. treasurer. John Olanardl bltr 10r )'OUJ-' 1te &aId she senrcltcro, and directing !htIso un- N VICTIM lit""", to be mndo on ,-..Udlty of ntgbt. has wrltkotl £O...eral folks prll1Ung bustnCJIS In Amatlli/). He have Its festival £a!lter Communlotl of Santa Fe Wl1.S elected MUcnal several Utnell. ''.My brolhcrs were lomJIIllr Wltb tile term In, Umdn':(l E:nlcrllrISllll' cost claim of 1ne1ud1tig M II Y 0 r Ooorge 19 .. 1n Artenft seM/lee at 9:00 a.m, M Easter 1)ay. commUteen:uut of the v. ..lkout group raClttC tUtd went off and lell Shl:'r1tf 1A'nndro Vrgn, RuldtmO Tim body of l\ tormt'r m.ncb bllud $.1g 000 00 for tho to-Incb JrUtJn. "tbci SUlneman. C. of C. President Jim .. ",te. He baa m..:u In The baptism orlgfnally planned. for And Mona Smith of LeA County nun!'er Bud Oond Col. Jtm In thbl (lft'(1 Wll!I (ound .. Ntrl)' Mon. JlrtHltt> tnstallCd the maltl and HaM')' WbJpple of RUidoso on some occasions In years thI11 oe<:aston hU beoen postponed Wi\!l named IULtiOnal conunlUeewo- With wag ChIef MA.ll. SllOW, USA rOllrtd. and membel'l'l dtty en We floor of tJ:t(, 10 q'f'.IJCl' MIlnOr Apubntm- the Chaparnt a \,\'()rd of for past. Um sa111 •• : to May 9. . tnl1l1. let Scrgellol')t. OelSO Wells. The or the Slate Pollee dlreeWd the palbrvom 01 Q WOITUin trfcr:d's traU- MGwl }!lilt \JerOl'\' It almoe& the oUer of stflng 'VncaUon helre ** * nie !eJ,;U\ffJ communlou a.t the 'I'he maln tesStcns of the meeting 'Ntlo ""ere :wtth Capll4ln V!Ulll:rt' t,(!arch. I\Slllgnlng art.'aJ t.o \h(t er In Pondt'tosl1 by tt .... 1'/00 \,t'l.'lr'l Qjto Betng outsIde Uwi lut month, but said he and John Ont! (if those.ecldenis that Up. Church of the Holy Mount {RUIdoso) "'ere beld .t the vma ItID Frldf.)' Man:bat 'PioVlne and others. St'archers ... 01n1Ul tl:M WM f'MUI1llng from nt- ,'ll!o(1c lhnU.lI at the time, the,. jWlt ¢out4n't mAke It. •• pen. e't>'1\r 10 otten to .. wtn lalte place at 11:00 ..m. on IUld saturday. bl'OUihl the gftJ down !.tU1ll c:iuyon OOnaUOM (If food pourtng tending Q. rt.ldelrSundl\Y tn Artt'Oita WM co tealll wny In wbkb the """ f * * * lett tlS In a billclt mood tor most Easter Day, pteoedtd by MoJ1'Ung' A spoectator .t the collytllUon to the lJontto read. Marshal Pro\'lne In durtna tJ:te nfternoon as the word mal». WllJlnm E Rldlt')". 111:11' f"llUtd vrovlde !lC'iii'er Mrvtee A felaUve of Mrs. L. L. nuUer of or th1ll wed!. We had a gOOd l'letles Prayer a.1 10:31). At tbSS service the Saturday b'1I'lnrlng was fannet radklecl l'leUcll bndqU&twrtl at. spread of the IUtJe girt lost Wo- Ilfted 27. hM bet'n In IJrotJlnlflpld" In Utnt' (01' tht" opea..> I RUldosono'NotW.'tlntereststnAlbUo or pfcturct; ot !he heroic 'NOt'k of ... - " .. .. - .. , , Nell' Me:deo o.o:t!ttIOr J.lm Retreat. at about 9'45, men reported Itl Ilt the retrtAt.nd 'tel(. recenUy W/lrldng on # u'tllf'r 1M, (llttl It wn..q the private CODo' " <1uerque, J_ B. Wo,lton. Jr., SOn of finding .the llWe girl 1b.!lt. 011 Mon· G£"tS 1lB.CK£1!t'& LtC!EN$E Burtolqlul. slg'naWng * hall to 1M hunt U1tlt to Part! 8 Al • desallilaUon project. but for ttlV- ('('m·!! rmly mel1l1S of getttnl lbJM " 1 1 ",_ her brother o( ttennn. Tex.. lias jeau, even to the bappy eouctuston 'l1Ilm1As B, RUIdoso, re- The faJlure to IIUlU changea m had seen more than people tAke - - -- en.l months l)rlor fWd bet'tl emptor. u. PAP' .. -&eel. A) tI bougtjt KVOD tlldfo staUon hi the wtth hill' mothlll' and teeding eenUy passed tbe mal com- state liquor license pnlCedures was part.. ed on Sonny Wrlght's rnnrb north- -", "•." '.. . ' '" "1;,' Duke aty tOr '180.01».00 "and ber II. t--sec. At- 'tb11 atrl WfiS "reunited With lier Gil '-"" fAllt 01 Alw lit! wM-j1"lcingume _·S· H ld ,' other constdetalioM," Itc alreadY long, weary day-and-kApuHur bUquerque IIJ14 baa betn Usue4 • .. ..... . .... ,., • paretitA on 8tatol!r Road 37, where lrlend of 1M Wrltlht famny. e. u G. e oWllS .. radIo swUon l\l'1d a teICe ron of 111m 'NaB put 1n 1be wJc.. broker's lloense. the cotntnfsMon The R. C. Dllckners are VlsU.lng oil/dAis hAd to meet th. PLANS LAID A coroner'n jury. llUl'rtlTlont'd In San Antonio ,. 'Vlskm stAUon l:i1. Amarillo, '1'ele.. room. some chlm1lC:als got tn!l(ed 'bf.5 aIUI01.IJleed, 1tl Colorado for sucCesllfW search Pllrt,. shortly .ttet di\Wil by JU,.'iUce ot t!t(! If, and a: rad111 station and .. teleVISion .. .. li o o; ' ••. ----..... .... ,.- .. ., "'t' . . .. "'" •• ' - __ " FOR MAY 8,1 HaroM M. Or.ham. r(!lut1"lt'd For Mrs. Behrns I. In 'MortabntiS, 'relt. 'l1le J. .. ,,'u.... flllUW .... , ........... e J , '4' . '; ."'. ,; " .j.'; , '-it"; .. ' .. ve""ld 01 denth from "set( In, FcJ'tt'rlii weN! belel Uat I 13. WaUotI!J, Sf., own \1. vaCllUon this week S J)l\Pt!r. :Pass U1e Mplrht. . f' ' .' .::. ' , ': '" ... ,' . . mcted (l'IJlL' In the head' w('t'k In san AntoniO, "1'clx" 10'l' D I' -.' f1ere on Mechem Prlve. atid Alka-seltzer fUId, Pepfo B15me>t, , :1 '" " '":.( .. 'I. }.' "_' •. CI. . !. -, Oedlcntlon at LJneoln CounW's from II 3().3o rlf1o." Mrs C<lrlnne DehrtlS, 92, .1'10 died. .} . new courthouse to be held on.May 1 Win 15 years •• -. A Maw snow Ing Ute other day '!J{tUt '. ; .' " v 8 [lnw some pt..".'; tAldug !>Mpe in Deputy aherlff CIYde AtWOOd wC're fnut bri>thcm, mcludlng LloYd L. 'j',. ))ack hi our mountAlhs rw>ures US CdCy, !or .. ,', ",' . >o{ "1'\ I" I t\ mceUnlt held thla Week. called by summoned to thll .woman'lI trailer Oavl::l. Sr .• of RUIdOtlO, and twO 1180> I. of heavy runoff <In both omm OJ'. .. 0 sea.ce. ",0" . i' . ,". . . Yt ! '.. county oUlCIIl.Ia. bY a IlhonC' ftonl be.'!r at n tt'f'l Indudlng Mtl4. WIIll.e 1,(, Janea. f ! Creek and the RJo gutdoso th1ll be lTIade. the teJfillrk be judged \bit ' .• ;, ,. ·f . . Max OUvC'i", gl!nl!rat chalmlan for llelnbbot'9 bou!le. of nU!daso Bnd Abilene. '!"ex. Ilt. I sprlng. '.the sprltlJi thl\W is already advertillfug Wall:as essenui.\as the,· J"\ .'1' •. . '.1' the ptO'll1'l\m. said Carrizozo, nut- Tho wom..n 1ll Mrs. lAverne tuld Mr<;t Uord L. oavUt, 1St.; &ad .. {1. r.::::: '. i , and" l'\it'IUlllg' -OVer thesplltway ,".. l!;l Otlt boOk Very ' 4 \';j' oVer the dedlcaUon and ¥flU live children. 1'llo children wero lc('!! III SnnAntortlo w\ week. I . * * * astute, . far-8eelLl!f. 10gt .. con- ,"'. "' .. , be JI1 at cooldnrt and aerv- lIlaylng at a ftlend's hOlTle ()Ver. . .. .• " .... " .... J 'ft '"'" .l cAb OtJnUr says if 1011 hAVe an ,:. ,.. ' •. ,:: .•.. , .-!pll' the his tCJlort StUd. nllibt Sunday wbtlc M:rllu ltunter " itcl1 fol' BOmeth1Iig.· yoU It Ot t&bOUt tilee fot I;"'':' e:.rdl ...... ', r:,. .. 1lUldoso han the eqUipment Was on the Artesia ttlp. theo!flCers i lictaWb \IStia1ly to get n A color a . . e ..... 1 . . j;';',' cd fot;;thtll-job." , sllid !bey bir.d told. t Pbdto at t8.tUe on the iti'h Mesa. bOdy has a iOOd 'IVOt'cI fot It. but .. ·nonatiOfiS of CIJlb for the many . TIlc off/eets reported they tound , SCrib:ers was there ate 101lcll. wbo on dlSbltlg J' ltem.'J t1ellded 'Nltblhti barbecue a larlJ/! Ilum of CMt! on n dlvlder I 1,."".' !hecove.t.toX the "'arCh ot out.: •. * * * arc /lOW bt!ll'l# 8()llght. Anit..eonttl- In, the trl\lll!i' dlilIntNlvlng room, RUidoso-Hondo '."" . Ne1I t-teltlco Stockman PhOto w;,s· .. . bUlIoM g\ve1\ bY or lndlvt.. WhiCh. hAdbtell Illlt by the man Il!1 .,.\,m kyJ,U, N'ew Horse- A forme: .. =- . dual. lt'i tlil.!l area may bt1 tutnecf &Ii 'InStallment J)a)'tnenl duo on the General Hospltal ' man mil a llOup1e tit Writers hete owner" an.. ,.., ...... -, .. In to thl1 'RUIdOso Nil" oWell, traUer. 'l'hey aIM found a meMnge 'b '! weelt.end up .. story '" Oliver suggested. M'ellt for tho bu· Irom the de.ltl m.n, written on tho .Gapod. olud ; 1in<{ geitln« Ptdtures abOUt .aUldOSO 'I arn hi· ..... """ .h m ... . btlcue t!! bt\1t\# cOtllribute4 bY ft-ce <It 8llVefi (!t'l1/clopeB atld lett' . t- .. I ... ti'· . . :.. and lJOwra. . alsO v1J;l.. J re w, ues .. DUme !oil rancherll of eounty-t.nd tben!' Oil thll. dinette table. SUbstance of on a Wit OIlS-- 'i Jted 'With thti lJ.ob scrJ1nera lUld ,.6: e Jr1: tl f =: :;t=:.. lS,stlll need for cate for the nOhl, otfleera tald, was thllt he AD. 1" plannt!C! td dO a feature a\)()ut qagll ." . ", _ .\\ld )lve wJthol1t the WOll1lin.... te ue: - .. --- I ... Mesa q1,1afterbdtse bteediiii 1i:>m= . '1'11 . added that the Llol1!l Clubs and very o.!!!, _ Mr .. Mrs•. , . opeii5 - .... - ..... - .... ·ot t.li1cotn C4Ui1tr1ll .. 1,'JiI.Dli.. gemen refWlano=mll.rrylil"m, RUfdOSO DOwtiS. Ilf,relltli ot .. !lOT" ... 'lJ . ., . * i:;U 1ts tlervl . , MW tlUl.f...:t 18 ..i. Uread'-And \hOy WIU makll . Rldley.l1 thO aolt Q( II Jeft COUtlIY. bo,m Aptlll1, tit. 6 IbS•• or. ... ! 'Fl ., ...... """lUI' ,' '{the ""tild 'Itt ' ; serve llilll alSd. . 'text 'ilmily. foUbd 00 blrlt Mr. nnd 'Mrs. tt.ndatted, ., I .*lP' one o. ' .. . 0$0 f ""d. Wi ..... .e or pJ\per lI'1JPl:ltlt\)f. fot' . the 11ft mdl' tndJeated M' tuld bt!lin In the mm· nUldfi,<:o. parents t>t lirt. l:ic>m . . ,1 credit Butl!&U!J of AlnertClt. wflt be Mlcufed b<f C Co 'W •• " ..... u .... "'rvle'''' "'"a "-A"'" .... a "r'.l w ..... -.-,' . , llfte ot ''thtttrue: uya he hlI;s .&tHl 'M1h CtedU. l:JUtee.1i. RePOm ' . .' . , ,. .._ ..... ., "" . Y; ..... .. "", •• ,m , "'>, '. , "'" ...... - .. L' wo mtu11hi>t'U$-b,:baUd nd.:l!'.Ina }ielng .. .... ... ,. , .., .. - . ·..of Watllell l,n B/.iletQe6/ #1(1 1_rr- . Mr. and Mia. nan , tOl#t' immtt t!lern. WDettu.. it"; YOUNG l)EMOs...J{eoll1clldo e.pfnoia, law Cipa!1i .pflt .. ¥tglltroHon {')UVllr, '\()leCt\reew ¥ toldftWetlUQ'aWl'iltill(l mbgotdo, tit f, bot •. r tw.g, Ud II. stud, Ii halt -world'''I'l1dtt semee. The.... are.· -4.000 £'sP<irioIQt$JCQnlt tt-<>ih t recoM.t otf4j,frOn1 1.1t, M<,uy,8jfI1-Fitllx 'QncHftd jM. ough plAtes, C:UI1!l, crowd bAd' l .. hIm on S.i\tur· ,APtU •• •• ..' F", .1LI1d: hi:It\ik! .1'rii\!mbet' 111 AeD, lIevtaJulcUtcmt f(dtrt G,8.crccr t trn1ltmCin Ql .', -dMoi ihon -60 defe. Of 4.1lOO' thlut a-,. WhfchUfi1Cl . .$M t<it<!.w •• lri ·AM j)etb,aPJ Mid. ;'Broader'; faster::reWi -eti!dIt. (i de'MlQfTcm "rom SClnttf fe CoufflY, Et" Gdl•• 'from about .15. Ablo", IfldU... .... U the blm 11M (joutd)lOt bllit, ., 11,@, l*reilUl. 'Of 1Ii 'be,. •. bCn\ He$&J1U'hree.til ffl:Iort\J:lt W: 8Offi¢e. ptnoza's .rft&ri j ptiJldt t df ,Ii. Yo Ii <J &- fth.:def . Ole, decl.rett, .. ,. ., ._ " " i)U .iNndt.)f1lM Artesll" 'll.wt. a . .' . ate .at6s.1U'e tile MixkO lil " hJ fk..d·· ,,,,.I J'ht ,. .'d cnu10 :t tb« lilt· k f(UIt frtend to Mttn4Ihe: SC().lUt 'l'O DAn;..;., .. ........ ,troll> bOr.. 1Ie * ooe·mr .... ........... """"_ ",;"'A 1I1 ... ' L .... .• ' I " 1. .........1 ."'t. .1.1:...·· ·VI'II'" t' ""n'. w f til 'IVppc$rt 11"- ot '/, Of It. barbe<itle. belln8 aM. politcJ tM WeoholU"lJ bf OtftUS lIOmt--lT y¥--. , ..... " ""''',., . ."'( rnn: ·..,. •• K..,.0.. 0 .. It Of pr ••• nf .... (e.tlltfnaetl to- •• ,li' .((1ft 1-Sec.Al :8<)Y.»ol\tf l1 " . "

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Post on 23-May-2020




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Page 1: Many Cburches of Tn---06servance' .. ON RO''AD'.',.0'.'CA' IT' · 2013-11-20 · In'Arl- theme of the 0C!OdF'rla&yservices,





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Welcome. HorSemen!R!l(!C trl\(!k personnel alIA )l!Jrsem~ll

arll beKinnlnll' to "rrJve in.,R~hlQSO fortbe lOO~ racing season, alld we wa~t

to say "lIuwdy, Foll~$"-.~ad to llav,llyou back,

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; Clarke 1'l)suranCe ·Agent;.yIn Trib'a!:e-e--

We ~hlnk n ,Vall wond,erful the waY'liO man)' people responded 'wJth theirhelp for the!learc/l for the lJ\Ue girlSunday and we want 10 pay 'trlblile 10tlt~m for their cOTmunlty spirit.

, BlI/ie Clarke - Oled 257.24l5, ~ . DAN D. SWEARINGIN; Inc.. ~ lns~e - ae.l })Itate'- l'~m-uu

"'~,O~,I_,4~S~~_•._o_u_n_19_tb_Y_E_~_R__._·_;_~_._o~ro~,~L~m~-~c~o~i=N~·=~~~=~~~~!~yL~'~~=~~w~M=~=X;I~C~O_i~~4)~"~~;!;,._~:~;D;,E=.~l~~~,~~~,_, ~_.~r__~:__~F::~:m~~;~~:;A~!~.R;,l=L~l:!~':~~~ ,_,_·~,'l:N~,V~~=~~!~~!~VmM~·t .s~s~~~:~.~~r~rJn~~c~~;;,~50,p~~~_!


'\14 Pages In.2 S~ctions-Secdon I ~::1". '- .. ,' .'.'

,Jr~~~ct IUl"P~bllsbetl In We Soulhwellt's. Year '~und PJtycr41!l:#!l; .C o " i ,; t 4.· ,,' o:{ i .. : t ,t" t =. iu -. .,



• 1;~;;;;ri~;;;······ Many Cburches of Area Set Services .RODEO SITE PICKED-, H-,;;;.;By NoseY-Waters-· Tn---06servance 'o'fHtaste'rtiae--- -- ., ON RO''AD'. ',.0 CA' ,"IT'"A-N·~:: ;:::e~:)::: ~:;e::::::d~ . - ". .. " '.' p ..

. ed II, tr~p to Washington. D. C.. Holy Week and Eallter Communi. sage III 11 :,00, lI.m. '1'he ~v. Brown Lenten Mite 130x offer.lngs for mts· 'I'~ ,sllfs Roswell III the larlhest ElIllt ty Services sP9nsored by the Rul. Also conduct~ Ule MaW)dy Thurs. slonary work among Spl\1l~.S})C\",k. . ". , Ru QO$(l's VllIalle Board oJ 'Trt.:!1-he ha!J ever beeJ\. lind tbat be can doso Ministerial Alliance wl11 In. dllY service, April 15, at ,~SO p.m. Illjf Amerlcans will I?e prese~ted: CAPITAN tres henrd of plaps of II lOCAl redeohll:r4ly .Understand tllose Yankees' elude the Oood Friday three.hour M tho FIrst ChrlBtllUl Ch\A'Qh here, lind. II,S Is the pllorlsh custom, Easter grounds llite commlHeo repOrt thA~ta1lc'l './:be lOC,'.{i,l. RuIdoso . 'Forest services beglJU1lng !lot 12:00 noon, ROy Va,lI;llr repor~d. eggs will be ble~A In honor Qf· the R.ULES OUT n 'Fort Wortb resident, owner ~fRAAlter .51'\(\ blstrlp WI\S for tba April 16. I\.t tbe Fira~ aii.ptlst 'J'Jle ~v. Dwll,lllt Sharpe. pllSwr resurrecUon pf Ch,rls~. The service prOlwrty here on State Road 31 jnP1lqlOsoof lenrnlng some' more ChurCh on Mechem Prlve. ''Tho hat the Flrllt Prcsbyterhm Church wUl be foUowed by II coffee hour llle norlh pnrt of tbo city, hadf t d'ta ., ntrreed to lense Il tract of about lS"oJ:'ell.ry proce ures. He call'ehere Seven Last Words of Christ," tba l':l te~ this wee~ Ulat the regull\r and t\n :!\1\lostllf egg h~t on the LOCA'L' BUSES' ", .. t An'aKAfrom the nnUonnl fares!.'! In' Arl- theme of the 0C!OdF'rla&y services, !ichedule· of serVices will be the church grounds. a ... res ,or crec..on 0 a grlUl""........,zona • • , Community Public &lrv- wl11 be expresael\ ill addresses ,by {lame Easler Day with Cllurch 'I'he Easler Day serVice at the Jly DICK nJ;:NNE'M' pells und fencltlg tor' rodeo J'el:"-Ice Co. olnces wll1 rornl\m open on the Rev, Alber~ 'Rlcb$.rd, hOst pas· School at 10:00 a.m. and Momlll8 Chapel 01 0l,U' Redeemer at Fort nuldollo News StMf Wrltel' IOm\l\nCes.Saturdaya fr9t}t1l to 5. Mn8 McCoy, tor~ the Jtev. Thomlls Richardson, Wo1'$!i.lp at 11 :00 a.m. In addition SUUlton wUl l>e at 10:30 a.m., con. Al1brl'Y Dabbs ami Harlan Me·district mllnager, tOld us IllSI'; week", Community MetbodJst Church: tile the .Presbyterlan Cburch Is·partld. ducted by WlUmm O. Slu"ecengOllt, ' MeeUlllt a problem or dlooqfce. Oraw told the council Thurllditvend, The cllIitom wlJ1 be follow~ .1I.\l Rev. Orval see, l'lrsl Bapllst patlng in th1) Community Easter 11\Y reader. mnnt heRd·on o\'t'r cblldrt'n llvllllr nl'Jht In<it week 111ll1.tbey have bccnusual until. fAll. M.a" lill.d .n 'buncll Churcb, RUldOSO Downs: the Rev. Sunrise serVlcll at JIoly M'oullt Catholic Servlc~ near RUidoso being cnrol111d In npltOUnllllG with Ml1Ion Simon fol'f ftM. t, t. h "" 1 Ch RUidoso SChools C\'t'U thougb till''' 1 nOA } th I d It' ft

o comp"",¥ lllS. wee,;; O\'C. Includ. Frank Tl\.ylor, reUred: tba Rev. ""plscopa urch, e Rev. S1mrpc The followln" Is " schedule of tile J n c~.. (II C nn, '" l\CfOt'IiJ ,IKI>' th ffl Id D reside wllhlll the CI\pIUll\ SChool Sl '~R d 3" • r 0 ... Rul•.", ese 0 cern of CommunlW Dwight Sharile. First Presbyterian: sa . JIoly Week: services bel,ng held at ~ '.~ au, (Il\ ,C0,5~ I' m ",e •.....·bUo Se....·I"'e "0 . lh' Id t I. • :" .'" f"f".. " "," , D1mr!ct, the Cllplll\tl Munll'lpnl d""o {'all"nr Slntlon.... ,......... e pres en, t"e Rev. Robert Zapp, Mescalero Episcopal Churches of Lincoln St. Elea.nor'lI Cl\\hol\O Churcband. q " hi""' '..... " .Nt' R. Pnl;sons and wlte, and the Relormed Church: the Rev. W. R. County wID celebra1e the re5urrec. (Colltlnued w Pace &-Sec. A) • b,' :e ~UI::,r~~~~~~1~I~~~f~:;~ 'It>('~. atlpel\rl'd before the counc11'V

fe;priswe~ llenJY Lee Stoul, 1111 Brown. Holy Mount :!J;PlllcoP1Ll \1Du of Je\lUS Christ In servtces this . . •.~' ..::. _....' _ /lO()Q to work out school bU!l traw>. to n',!. Ihl' vlllnge trustees If \be

:1soi Vlc:'~r~SI~~nt ~~d~t~::~: ~ur:Sc~~y~t o~~'~~ie;~!l" sa~d~rr:~:~~:Y~I tile E~lcr- YOUNG '" . " .: ~. :~U:f R~:~;~sn~~l\lIl~~~ll\ l\~~',~ ~;~~ll~t;,r~;~:fo:;:~ :ft~a~~~~I:I~:pllny's wClltern area mMo.r,er from Th~ Community Easter 8WU'lscY festival wUl take place at noon on . \ ' '" If tt- ml\de by Mrs LouI~e C(W RurIDt'lfl, 10("nl('\1 \\ Ithtn the cllV Ibnlt.:s. 'n\ell'BUver Cit)' • •• . Services will also bll' spousored by Saturday at. Holy Mount Episcopal DEMOS \._ ' secretary or lhe Capltnn board lIt Idt'(l \\(1'. \\'<>11 received. with no 9';'* * .... the Mlnllltetial A~ance anlS wlU Church {Ruidoso}, When tho sacra. ' Its regUlar mcclln~ Wcdm,)!\t1n)' J,'<,:il'n" l·'!Iprl'tlll~d. tt was POII\~

nats olr to the fine folk!! of Un. be lleld :!J;MWr Dar. Al)rU 18, at ment of JIaly Baptism will be ad. .", I lit U I k I mit to 1I1l' rolloo IlJlOke:unen lh4tCOin county for their help 1n tba 5::tO a.m. at the Holy Moun~ Ep1s- ministered, In conjunction with tbe IN SPLIT .."...... ~~ne \ ~:"~naln~r g~~~~~1 8~~\~ l}l'rllal)~ nch;hborll to the roC!cosearCh tor the fl.ycar-old girl lost In copa.l Churcll; willi l.bll Rev. 'W. R. Altar service and Even1l:llr Prayer. tl:AV£$ NOTE-b.puN Sheriff Clyde Atwood Is Ikovln Itl,ldrt- board heard prolests (rom 1\ lIum. 11fOU1,d nltllht need lA> be <:oc\tac\edtho. wOOds SundllY. ''A.'I Snm Allen Brown IlS hO.!lt pastor. The prlnclpal At. thl'l Un1e the PasCh'll Candle wJl1 New 'Mexico Young OCmocrats. f 'f I ft ber of rCllldent:l Ilvlne. wlU"o thn aud U\t'lr r.uppOrl solicited. 'I'hc lWOsaid w y u I ...- It b d dd nh t'" au 'h~ a_ I ill bl .h.... d 11 d _. Alec'nd RamK-ldo ~-P'---, Santa ,l'lg patta 0 . a menage 0 on tablo of dining rOOm of fro I· .. ".' "'d II ' I .... ho, 6 a 0 r 0""" p c e a re"", a ..,0 nr..... _rv ce 'W be c""".. an lihted, an ....&0 a.. w " ..u_ """" u.WLtO _. Capitan School D1.'1trlct who Jll'1\l1 ltIen "v lllw llama 0 ...., mil·In fu belp 10 thIn crisis puts the be "Ivcn by the .Rev. Jaclt BNton t/llW P&!lChal cllndloaUclc presented Fe. their prc.1ldcl1t Bl\lurdf.y anC'.r .'" 11'1 whlc;h body of William E. Ridley waa found eorly Mon· their elll1drcn to R.uldo:"oG sc:hoolo OWel'TIl IIt'lIr lhe rote hlUl been eeea,}Wople In the bin eltle!! to of Ule oa.teWllof A!l.sembly o.f Ood to the church by Mrs, Joo .Crufllp nbout on~hll1f of the delejfate.'I dr:sy~' lenet WOI written on front of 'even envelope.. loft Rober~ Scribner or Allo. w t~ tI lind brld exprt'!I!1cd lhllmlullvu ..for thell' unconcern when &Omeone Church, Other members of thO 01 MldllUld, Tex. Children of lbe walked out of the seneral bU&lntsa wtlgh~ltd down with beer con, Coron.r'. jury found Ridley Ilpokeaml1ll for thl' group Who pro. f\t\'(l.rllbh' to\\:llrd the Idea.

'ItI 1n dcspcrnte need of help. and Ministerial ~UUlce will also assist church In \bo EMter SChool pro- meellnu.d••dpby hi. own hand. . (Conllnued w I'AIO 1-Slll', I\) 'Olt' !if}OOo:orn or the project !lOpetheir pleas nrc Ignored." Detcha with U1e- ~b.r,h8UWlSe aerv1ce. snm bavo b4!cn making m1nlaturo A tl1lOkesmM for tha walkout _....... .•. '''. ... •. ~ • n ¥_ ~~ to rr('~r"l l\ l:I'rll',s 01 rodeo eVlOtaa lot of deer were slloolc up after thn Rev. 'Brov,'t\ uld, c.andles.Ue~for use in their :!J;a9ter· group SCAld It left afle.r tho erede,,· H'UND"RE'D'SJOI hl'rr durll1lJ the llummer monthl toSundf.y's parndc of people through Front tbe Church bl11leUU of COm- tJdo devotiOns at hOmo. and theoo tlola committee demed 1\111 votlng . '.. , NIN HUNT ndJ to IIII' \'l\CI\t1on nUr..cUonl 01the W<lOlb-lot.!l dnd low of the hunt. munlty Methodist Chureb, the Rev. Will bo blcsllcd 'at th.Is Until, a1oo. tltrenglh to tho DcrnaUUo COUnty thl" rl'::'flft art'llers reported /JIghUng deer aU ThomlL9. 8.. Richardson. m1nlllter, 01'1 Saturday eventnc at 8 o'clock, delegaUon while .other C<lUteated J Otl'l'r rMlttl!r!l oofore tile council&l1)und tho Monjeau Retrent where Wo,lI Ibis report of t:ervlc:es dUrlnlt_thll )~1\lIter:..Yls.l!_/l.9rvlce .$.\11 ~1to q(!liJllMIQM r~~lllU voUJtB FO''R GIR',L' LOST' -INWOo.ODS !l1I'lncJI'll fl.vlt'Wlnrr bId.' on b.U1let·y . • ••AllOT the members !bIll holy soAilOrl: pl..ce by candle Ullhl al tl\(l church otrtngth. IllJ brldw nl,lutmentl$ and llPprOllodl...of :the Sierra SoUl\'l'es arc eX)'lCctcd "'the Maundy Thursday Ulrvlce in LlncQln. The ceremon!ell wUl Tho walkout ({roup, h1.vo1vltlr "'J "J1 two r.Ilt''! on the RIo RUll1ollO, '~ attend tho ata.ta Square Dl1uCO of Holy CommW1lon ",,111 btlfltl at. OPCA wUJl UxI lUIlCSUnr l>{ l\ new .come 2ll deltlr.tell, teP~n~pO\'. 'Tbl' 10\'<1'111 \)ld offerec.l 01 four, OMFeaUval In Albuquerque May 14.1& 7:00 p.m. In Uto ~t')'- OUr nro from nlnt, lJymboUc Of Cbrl!lt tlon!! 01 deleltatlOna trom JAa, ~. hlr e3 r..'l:l C!i. Wll!l .ecepted ftori!thla )'ellr, snYtI Warren Prlvl.!r. one ml.!ntbers arc inVited to l*rUeI~tc rlnlflll from tho r«:ky tomb to give dy, Vornatlllo. ChAv~ V"lencfa, Li'·$jl,~ 'Bm\'um, ,6, She WM unlulnned. Ahowe4. no * J J J)JPnolo'lI D. eonsUUCUoQof'tho callero In the club. lie mdd In a acrv1u remell\berln; tile St!v- If,ght. cheet' .nd warmth In tile Otero. San MJs;ue~ and Smt. J"o '._ _ J /Ul nl(Ulll of on)' fjCrlLtchcs o.r t}ruUt., Co OUwr bidders and tbt! .m~\lIPresIdent Jim. Roberl,'i will lend tho cn 'Lul Words ofCl1rIst. from Ibcl dArlu1eS!l of tho world. Weathor countfel'l. ., alld It WilD decided nhll did not bOo quotl'd ~\('rt' Odell Sl\Cllr, ».~.~WhOle kit. and 1tQ:bOOdlc of membcl'll cro."l.'1 from 22:00 unUl3:00 p,m. on pcrmllUng. thJ.g wll1 In.lto place In The ~UnIt trrOup electe(11la nun"dAfter 1l0\1e tlbe nCeded to be &ettl· by • A C' Kt'l\y. $5,OOO.~. and Ne.IAottto tho DUke City to cct up a booth 00011 Fr1~ay at, t¥ .l"!l'lIf, BapUst ij\e cb~h, r-ra, 'Wlll) 1rI!otmal.ow~ OmCtlrlS. . .". .,', •.. doctor. tho puelnllJ ~ald ahc>rUy C'Ofl"lrqI'Ut.ln <:0, "t'Uc1lmcan. j.,~lram w~c;l\,,~m~~. wuL.~ .c.bPJ::~_..PL_~ It)lft\l\·.~~...'l'til!"~..:cahd10' .1'110' ~''ll~ llafd' 'l$'~'. ;: l' :~'H-; . ~. S"earch' .f~~~l'u';:t~~ t:,~:~.t·"'I. ~ o:m <10 The\!l, art'! on. NOriIi

..'" out bumper sUc'1tel'lJ, Junfalld .maps, ,vlU.llarUclpat(l1 yll\l D\a, como cd wIll b~ lighted (I1lm Ute neW fJrc. of tho ercdellUal!l committee 111 cSt!" ;. our u'*... ,.., '" l.mlll net'll! tuld OU Jo"em 8~f., .adVcl'11s1ng broel:IUfCl). etc., about gO lllJ you plea.~.ine :tdUi' sun- at1dl' 'ayM ehJnl herald9 tile com. nVlng full ...DUng 'W&I 1Uej{IlL lIlt . e tIlQ~ 11 thoroujJh leat"Ch of tho wecd· No I1cltnn wIn tAkell on a1t:pa \6the Playground 01 tho Southwest. rIse servlco "Nill be at 6:30 a,m. at Ibr of the day of RautrecUon: tho MId I\n Rweal proba.l1 would be ~G tJrmen from Walktr Atr cd 1l10ptoA on MonJcau that InelUdjd pm Into mollon ll(\Wer ~~ht'rbe loul club ts hOPing to enlertaln Ibo 'Holy Mount Eplilcojltll Church. candles Of tho llf:O'PIll' tau thl'lr ronde to tho naUOIUl1 'tOl,lnt Demo- F<\tcc~ ",role a bapp)" endlns: Um o. two planet~ do*'n5 dl' tHCl!'l tIMt W (l r c dlIlCUs,oct.from 800 to 2.000 or more r;qunrc ClImaxtng the lle~ 1\'111 be our lUtbt from the Paschal Candle. erat!!. to ~ umlon.patkcd t,(!arch for G G- or Je(lpa and 8eOub, 1>11b mab.V AIllGlc:l matterll tnllced were .ihitdanccra In 1006 when the llU\tc fe!lU. EI1l>wr service st 11:00 a.m, with w1ttch symboUUIJ clu'lst. Next tbe Elected pre$ldcnt of the ,,;-atk-out ~clii'..old' ttrl 10$~ in the wOO!ln 00 mile!! 01 hunUng on foot .bp numet· Ilatcppt"tq or rUnnl1l8 II &ewer rriaIil'YIl1 III held here !>illY G-'l , • • new mcmbern reeognl:ted at tbI!J men of tho cburch ""111 read lour (JI'()Up \\'I1S Lc~ Cathey of CAthlbld. Mon}eau 8W'1day. 0U9 \'oJunworo. • C fml'l the flCW ('ll.!ntentary 1Ithcio1

'* 1Ir .... time" , Old Tcstament. PJSftiC4 forelllUld· who hnd op~d Esp1ncnA for LIB tiyrium, da\1ibtcr of capt. Mcmbern of Ruldow Volunrc.,r ",tt' f'll t Clf the nlrport dO'4'Jt, JtolIiA eoullle of our guys wUl be at EllS!cr t,(!ntlees III the First Chr& llwlni the :Rt!lI-urrecUon of Clu1!lt, pr('sldent. atid Mrs. John Bynum, alo:o Of Fire Dl'f)l1rtment, Bonito Votunkoer r-prll'<r-l l'i)unnv to Od\11Atl eanroa

convention!! In Ulo nelet (eW dnYfl- tll1n Church wl11 Includa the regu· '1'llcso wIll be followed by a. litAny, Other olClcers l!lei:ted In the rcgu. WMker A'I'B at 20:30 lI.m. wnnder. l'''tre [)epnrunrnt. )'lCrwnnel or nul· .4 .j nnd 'hC'lll't' Iii 1110 Clty'lI selolo'or plantc. M. (BUZZ) WhItlock wlU nttend Inr Sunday semeu wlth 8Urtday whiCh leads up to Wi) G()$pcl stot')' lar bl1!llneS!l tnl!cWlg wero Frank ed, froM Walkor'l'I Retr't'at in lhe doS() Rnnl!(tr SIAtlon of Lincoln ~.. ~ 11IlflhWt'''t or Ihe contmunity ofIbe Nrtw MeJdeo R.emU AssoclaUon S<:hOOl tit IJ:04S "'1'11. 'Ito Rev. George of' the dJscovet')' of the emply 8odll10 Of Valencia CountY, vlee- wQOdJi • couplet of mlhi!ll north of tlonnl FareDt. 33 )'oung men ftOm ItOllv\\ood ",Ill would be an alteramt!CUJig In AlbuquClrquc at the Drown will deliver the l:uter mcs.- tomb, and tho joyM meethlg 'Nllh preSldmt. And Tom PaU(l~ of Alto, and wun't found until U Sierra DlnneA BoyD Camp ncar P'f,. J tll'lt.. Clr on addlUotl:A\ main. baH4Western Skl(!!1 Tue!iday, AprU 2? ~- ,-. .., ~ ,n -- tho lUscn saviour 1h EM\t!r COm· Chllvcs Counly. l.ri~urer. D<m hQUt"JI later about threo mUM from Stantoll. mcmberll of the Wblte USA BYNUM en 'Il'hM MUon tho ctly takes tIl'*and Dt, W. D. Horton attend9 II 13- that ls a mUir t.e> hl!l bct.uWUl reg.. munlon. OrUe of &u\ta POo wu elected 11&. th~ I'l!tteat, uleep benldl.! a trail Moulltll.1n JCl'p Club. the MuUI'. . _•• " , '., • lllU'dlnu thE' purt'ha.oo of nuldOll4>tl'tate Wellwm g'lllllerlng ollloa!.co-· istt!rfld palomInO, iLtl.d IIhe U ill On Eutcr Sund..y lM1't11ng, the Uonnl (jOnunltleemlUl atld Marda at the hoad of Mllis caIiYill'l., dt!pnttment, lltate poUce. comm\inl- • ;. EiII(1rprlr..... me 't1 Interftlt In a tOo!palb1c pbyslclllt\9 1n Ln!i Vegas, beauty. Thought lIOtnCOne In our sunrise service conducted by tile Perolta of Taos wan electc!d l1&Uon- Alrtnltn Very} cunntnltham. one cnllOM media. "'l1Iogtl twlrsonn02 of RANCH Illrh S('tl:C'r ml\ltl In P.r.cllii" C&zI.Nev., April :lO-2:l ••• A leuer teU. audience might be Inter~~~ Urn Ruidoso :Mln1Aler1at AWlU1ce Will III committeewoman. of the pair whO found ·Iler at \}'30 bolb Ruldcr,.() lUId Capitan and mill· )'(;11 1'rulltt'C OUY Robertr.en ft."onltn« of a ttlp to HawaII 1ll In Euta etljo)'l'I rel\dJJ1g lltorle.f Hrue stories, take plate at 5:3D In the Church of Omeera elected by tho llpllntcr ~un. wtth the ald ot a l1ght from U\l'Y Pfi!rsonnel all wero 1n'.oWed In P:lylllll UuldO"'"o Entcrptltts' c:1lln\Lee Cor,det's Angus Bnd Sonlw \bat Is) of the Old West. -.nil !las the Holy Moun\;, '1'be~ W1U .Iso b4! group were CAthe)', preJlldent; • Coltman l11ntem. said be.'! woke thl' b1lt bunt Ntimi!roU!l longUrnIil HAND IS mill!!' (or UU! mllin and COIUledNewlicolumn thJs week ••. VIrgil q~W Po lIbthf!U'Y_~! boo~!~d ~Ja. Po plain ~1ebraU(\n ot the troty Pllve fltdM. Ik!malJUo county, vtco the lUUe llirl by &4)11118 to her. residents 01 the mount&1Il. COUlltr)' ttl' '!t'ltl'llil llrro to II.. 'trustee ButL GrIssom, who tel\med up wllh zwes on e ..""je<:t.. .....,... ...... • CoIrtmUll1oo at 7 1I.m. pl'(!Sldcnt. ~nd /t.nn Hughell. Eddy "Lisa, your momma han been lOOk. took major role'! In l1elpll1# gu1de GU Mct'ar'v MId tomo huther studYJohn Young on the last U. !!.! ntlphew, Olen P. COltharp. In the St. Annc's Chur4lh at Glencoe ."in County. treasurer. John Olanardl bltr 10r )'OUJ-' 1te &aId she repll~ senrcltcro, and directing !htIso un- N VICTIM lit""", to be mndo on ,-..Udlty ofntgbt. has wrltkotl £O...eral folks prll1Ung bustnCJIS In Amatlli/). He have Its festival £a!lter Communlotl of Santa Fe Wl1.S elected MUcnal several Utnell. ''.My brolhcrs were lomJIIllr Wltb tile termIn, Umdn':(l E:nlcrllrISllll' cost claim ofbe~ 1ne1ud1tig M II Y0 r Ooorge 19 ~..~~:r 1n Artenft !~Unli seM/lee at 9:00 a.m, M Easter 1)ay. commUteen:uut of the v...lkout group raClttC tUtd U1~y went off and lell Shl:'r1tf 1A'nndro Vrgn, RuldtmO Tim body of l\ tormt'r m.ncb bllud $.1g 000 00 for tho to-Incb JrUtJn. "tbciSUlneman. C. of C. President Jim &~"'" ..",te. He baa m..:u In The baptism orlgfnally planned. for And Mona Smith of LeA County m~" nun!'er Bud Sl.Urk~y Oond Col. Jtm In thbl (lft'(1 Wll!I (ound.. Ntrl)' Mon. JlrtHltt> ('(lm~ny tnstallCd the maltlWlm~tly and HaM')' WbJpple of RUidoso on some occasions In years thI11 oe<:aston hU beoen postponed Wi\!l named IULtiOnal conunlUeewo- With~ wag ChIef MA.ll. SllOW, USA rOllrtd. and membel'l'l dtty lllum~d en We floor of tJ:t(, 10 q'f'.IJCl' C~ MIlnOr Apubntm-the Chaparnt a \,\'()rd of~ for past. Um sa111 •• : to May 9. . tnl1l1. let Scrgellol')t. OelSO Wells. The ~Illr. or the Slate Pollee dlreeWd the palbrvom 01 Q WOITUin trfcr:d's traU- MGwl }!lilt \JerOl'\' It~d almoe&the oUer of • stflng 'VncaUon helre * * * nie !eJ,;U\ffJ communlou a.t the 'I'he maln tesStcns of the meeting 'Ntlo ""ere :wtth Capll4ln V!Ulll:rt' t,(!arch. I\Slllgnlng art.'aJ t.o \h(t er In Pondt'tosl1 UC'I~bl'l by tt.... 1'/00 \,t'l.'lr'l Qjto Betng outsIde Uwilut month, but said he and John Ont! (if those.ecldenis that Up. Church of the Holy Mount {RUIdoso) "'ere beld .t the vma ItID Frldf.)' Man:bat 1't&~ 'PioVlne and others. St'archers ...01n1Ul tl:M WM f'MUI1llng from nt- ,'ll!o(1c lhnU.lI at the time, the,.jWlt ¢out4n't mAke It. • • pen. e't>'1\r 10 otten to .. ~pet wtn lalte place at 11:00 ..m. on IUld saturday. bl'OUihl the gftJ down !.tU1ll c:iuyon OOnaUOM (If food ~an pourtng tending Q. rt.ldelrSundl\Y tn Artt'Oita WM co tealll wny In wbkb the """f * * * lett tlS In a billclt mood tor most Easter Day, pteoedtd by MoJ1'Ung' A spoectator .t the collytllUon to the lJontto read. Marshal Pro\'lne In durtna tJ:te nfternoon as the word ~e mal». WllJlnm E Rldlt')". 111:11' f"llUtd vrovlde !lC'iii'er Mrvtee

~ A felaUve of Mrs. L. L. nuUer of or th1ll wed!. We had a gOOd l'letles Prayer a.1 10:31). At tbSS service the Saturday b'1I'lnrlng was fannet radklecl l'leUcll bndqU&twrtl at. spread of the IUtJe girt lost Wo- Ilfted 27. hM bet'n In IJrotJlnlflpld" In Utnt' (01' tht" aP1'rtmen~' opea..>

IRUldosono'NotW.'tlntereststnAlbUo or pfcturct; ot !he heroic 'NOt'k of ... - " .. • .. - .. , • , ~ Nell' Me:deo o.o:t!ttIOr J.lm ~u Retreat. at about 9'45, men reported Itl Ilt the retrtAt.nd 'tel(. recenUy W/lrldng on # u'tllf'r 1M, (llttl It wn..q the private CODo'

" <1uerque, J_ B. Wo,lton. Jr., SOn of finding .the llWe girl 1b.!lt. 011 Mon· G£"tS 1lB.CK£1!t'& LtC!EN$E Burtolqlul. slg'naWng * hall to 1M hunt U1tlt ,,1~~~nlled to Part! 8 ~e. Al • desallilaUon project. but for ttlV- ('('m·!! rmly mel1l1S of getttnl lbJM" 1


",_ her brother o( ttennn. Tex.. lias jeau, even to the bappy eouctuston 'l1Ilm1As B, .t~, RUIdoso, re- The faJlure to IIUlU changea m had seen more than~ people tAke - - -- '=~'-~. • en.l months l)rlor fWd bet'tl emptor. lC'~nUnu.e4 u. PAP' .. -&eel. A)tI bougtjt KVOD tlldfo staUon hi the wtth hill' mothlll' and teeding eenUy passed tbe mal :esta~ com- state liquor license pnlCedures was part.. D~I~"'AAI-ed on Sonny Wrlght's rnnrb north- -", "•." '.. . ' '""1;,' Duke aty tOr '180.01».00 "and ber II. bo.wLot:..sJ)up", .m1stl10tl-'&--e:liantIna~t1=-ln--AJ..-1Cot.illulletl--to1"aj'e t--sec. At- 'tb11 atrl WfiS "reunited With lier Gil '-""IIV'~ fAllt 01 Alw lit! wM-j1"lcingume _·S· ~C'" H ld ,~~~

, ' other constdetalioM," Itc alreadY long, weary day-and-kApuHur bUquerque IIJ14 baa betn Usue4 • .. ..... . .... ,., • paretitA on 8tatol!r Road 37, where lrlend of 1M Wrltlht famny. e. u G. e~! oWllS .. radIo swUon l\l'1d a teICe ron of 111m 'NaB put 1n 1be wJc.. broker's lloense. the cotntnfsMon The R. C. Dllckners are VlsU.lng oil/dAis hAd dl'1~·tn to meet th. PLANS LAID A coroner'n jury. llUl'rtlTlont'd In San Antonio,. 'Vlskm stAUon l:i1. Amarillo, '1'ele.. room. some chlm1lC:als got tn!l(ed 'bf.5 aIUI01.IJleed, 1tl Colorado for ~r. sucCesllfW search Pllrt,. shortly .ttet di\Wil by JU,.'iUce ot t!t(!If, and a: rad111 station and .. teleVISion ~t~~I~.!tcaOb1f ~..~t..~~ lioo; ' ••.----..... '~'"'Mr .... ,.- .. ~' ., "'t' . . .. "'" •• ' -__" _~ FOR MAY 8,1 l'eu~HaroM M. Or.ham. r(!lut1"lt'd For Mrs. BehrnsI. IltaU~ In 'MortabntiS, 'relt. 'l1le J. .. ,,'u.... flllUW ...., ...........e J , '4' . ~"., >;~' '; ."'.,; ".j.'; , '-it";.. "j:~ ,~." ' .. ve""ld 01 denth from "set( In, FcJ'tt'rlii ~etvl('eg weN! belel Uat

I 13. WaUotI!J, Sf., own \1. vaCllUon this week S J)l\Pt!r. :Pass U1e Mplrht. . f' ' .~: • .' .::. ' , :'~ ': '" ... ,' . . mcted (l'IJlL' ~Wid In the head' w('t'k In san AntoniO, "1'clx" 10'l'DI' -.' hoTn~ f1ere on Mechem Prlve. atid Alka-seltzer fUId, Pepfo B15me>t, , :1 '" " '":.( .. 'I. }.' "_' •. ~... CI. . • .~ !. -, Oedlcntlon at LJneoln CounW's from II 3().3o rlf1o." Mrs C<lrlnne DehrtlS, 92, .1'10 died..} . new courthouse to be held on.May

1Win 15 years •• -. A Maw snow Ing Ute other day '!J{tUt ~x),{~. '. • ; .' " v 8 [lnw some pt..".'; tAldug !>Mpe in Deputy aherlff CIYde AtWOOd wC're fnut bri>thcm, mcludlng LloYd L.

'j',. ))ack hi our mountAlhs rw>ures US CdCy, c:~ctPumb~pager ,.,:~ere !or .. ,', ",' . >o{ "1'\ I" I t\ mceUnlt held thla Week. called by summoned to thll .woman'lI trailer Oavl::l. Sr.• of RUIdOtlO, and twO 1180>I . of • heavy runoff <In both li:a~te omm OJ'. • ..0 sea.ce. ",0" ,;~: ~ .~ i' . ,". . . Yt ! '.. county oUlCIIl.Ia. bY a IlhonC' ~al1 ftonl be.'!r at n tt'f'l Indudlng Mtl4. WIIll.e 1,(, Janea.f ! Creek and the RJo gutdoso th1ll be lTIade. the teJfillrk be judged \bit '.•; , , . ~ ·f .~: . . Max OUvC'i", gl!nl!rat chalmlan for llelnbbot'9 bou!le. of nU!daso Bnd Abilene. '!"ex. Ilt.

I sprlng. '.the sprltlJi thl\W is already advertillfug Wall:as essenui.\asthe,· J"\ ~. .'1' •. . '.1' the ptO'll1'l\m. said Carrizozo, nut- Tho wom..n 1ll Mrs. lAverne tuld Mr<;t Uord L. oavUt, 1St.; &ad

.. {1. r.::::: ~':: r~:::~~, ~~~~ r::a~C;i :~~:tel:~=d:: ",,:'~~~'.', ' .i 1:~L~~'1 ~~::r~;;:~~·~th~~ ~U:~;~JlO~~d~ha:~g r~~~:tb::f:f ~~~ ~~~ ~~~l!~I~t~edD&~.::i:, ~ and" l'\it'IUlllg' -OVer thesplltway ,".. l!;l Otlt boOk jLS.~ Very~~e:ePUve"'~i"'\ ' 4 \';j' oVer the dedlcaUon and ~ ¥flU live children. 1'llo children wero lc('!! III SnnAntortlo w\ week.I . * * * astute, .far-8eelLl!f. 10gt . . con- ,"'. "'.. ~ , be JI1 at cooldnrt and aerv- lIlaylng at a ftlend's hOlTle ()Ver. ...~~~.• " ...." .... J 'ft '"'" •

. l cAb OtJnUr says if 1011 hAVe an ~~otUl.;.::::ark&b~~;"f;'"f~ ,:. ,.. '•. ,:: .•.. , .-!pll' the barbe~e," his tCJlort StUd. nllibt Sunday wbtlc M:rllu ltunter" itcl1 fol' BOmeth1Iig.· yoU ItOtt&bOUt tilee fot I;"'':' e:.rdl ......', r:,. ;~.:r;.'.'1 .. 1lUldoso han the eqUipment ne~ Was on the Artesia ttlp. theo!flCersi lictaWb \IStia1ly to get n A color a . . e ..... ~. 1~ . .j;';',' ~ ~_ cd fot;;thtll-job." , sllid !bey bir.d ~en told.t Pbdto at t8.tUe on the iti'h Mesa. bOdy has a iOOd 'IVOt'cI fot It. but ~ ..·nonatiOfiSof CIJlb for the many . TIlc off/eets reported they tound, nancli~wnCd.b1-the SCrib:ers was there ate 101lcll. wbo k~p on dlSbltlg J' ltem.'J t1ellded 'Nltblhti barbecue a larlJ/! Ilum of CMt! on n dlvlder

I1,."".' !hecove.t.toX the "'arCh fsSU~ ot l~ out.: •. * * * arc /lOW bt!ll'l# 8()llght. Anit..eonttl- In, the trl\lll!i' dlilIntNlvlng room, RUidoso-Hondo V~,u'."".~, Ne1I t-teltlco Stockman PhOto w;,s· ... bUlIoM g\ve1\ bY ~lubll or lndlvt.. WhiCh. hAdbtell Illlt by the man Il!1 ~,..,.\,m kyJ,U, N'ew M~xlco Horse- A forme: !!~d()..!~1 =- .dual. lt'i tlil.!l area may bt1 tutnecf &Ii 'InStallment J)a)'tnenl duo on the General Hospltal ',~ man mil a llOup1e tit Writers hete owner" an.. ,.., ~t ......"'~. -, .. In to thl1 'RUIdOso Nil" oWell, traUer. 'l'hey aIM found a meMnge 'b ~'! 1.~ weelt.end ~tldng up .. story .~e~r1~'" 1~/!~\ti~~· Oliver suggested. M'ellt for tho bu· Irom the de.ltl m.n, written on tho .Gapod. olud; J~ 1in<{ geitln« Ptdtures abOUt .aUldOSO 'Iarn hi· "!~~..... """ .h

m... . ~ btlcue t!! bt\1t\# cOtllribute4 bY ft-ce <It 8llVefi (!t'l1/clopeB atld lett C .gr'.t-..I ...ti'· .. :.. and ttlif~ lJOwra.~ . alsO v1J;l.. J re w, ues..vJ~.~ DUme !oil rancherll of th~ eounty-t.nd tben!' Oil thll. dinette table. SUbstance of on a Wit OIlS--'i Jted 'With thti lJ.ob scrJ1nera lUld ,.6:e Jr1:tlf =::;t=:.. lS,stlll need for ~me.tQ cate for the nOhl, otfleera tald, was thllt he AD.1" plannt!C! td dO a feature a\)()ut ~'b qagll~ . " . ", _ .,,~\\ld _1l~L~ld1l0t.)lve wJthol1t the WOll1lin....~ te ue: - .. ---I ...::.~ ~h Mesa q1,1afterbdtse bteediiii 1i:>m= .1eU~,~!.i5t~.'1'11. added that the Llol1!l Clubs and ~!.~'!!_very de$pon~~nt o.!!!, _ Mr.. ~~. Mrs•._Ci.1¢~J.;~, . opeii5 ~ - .... - ..... - .... ·ot t.li1cotn C4Ui1tr1ll ..1,'JiI.Dli.. gemen ~f~r.ecentrefWlano=mll.rrylil"m, RUfdOSO DOwtiS. Ilf,relltli ot .. !lOT"...'lJ . ., . ~'** * i:;U1ts tlervl . , MW tlUl.f...:t18 ..i. .-.n~ Uread'-And \hOy WIU makll~ . Rldley.l1 thO aolt Q( II Jeft COUtlIY. bo,m Aptlll1, tit. 6 IbS•• 15~ or. ...! 'Fl ., ...... """lUI' , ' '{the ""tild 'Itt ' ; (~th" ............"~.. serve llilll alSd. . 'text 'ilmily. Pa~rs foUbd 00 blrlt Mr. nnd 'Mrs. ,;oo~, tt.ndatted,., I ."""'!i.~ .*lP' one o. ' .. ~. .0$0 f ""d. Wi..... .e ~laUQll, or pJ\per lI'1JPl:ltlt\)f. fot' . the 11ft mdl' tndJeated M' tuld bt!lin In the mm· nUldfi,<:o. parents t>t • lirt. l:ic>m.

. ,1 'ft1IeYSllldilinerjwttolll~!lllvedllie credit Butl!&U!J of AlnertClt. ~.. wflt be Mlcufed b<f C Co 'W••" ..... u .... "'rvle'''' "'"a "-A"'" ....a "r'.l w ..... -.-,' ., llfte ot ''thtttrue:.~ uya he hlI;s .&tHl 'M1h CtedU. l:JUtee.1i. RePOm ' . .' . , , . .._..... ., "" . Y;..... .. "",•• ,m , "'>, '. a~ , • "'"......- ~. ..L' wo mtu11hi>t'U$-b,:baUd nd.:l!'.Ina }ielng.. ....... ot-·c~" , . .._.~ , .., . . - .·..ofWatllell ~.fe l,n B/.iletQe6/ #1(1 1_rr- . Mr. and Mia. nan~.~i,.~, tOl#t' tQ~t immtt~ t!lern.~WDettu.. it";~~:~ H~DSYOUNG l)EMOs...J{eoll1clldo e.pfnoia, Whl~~ law Cipa!1i .pflt..~t ¥tglltroHon d.t~ {')UVllr, "n~'n ~ea '\()leCt\reew ¥ toldftWetlUQ'aWl'iltill(l mbgotdo, Mren~ tit f, bot•.~;

•r tw.g,et~Ud II. stud, Ii halt -world'''I'l1dtt semee. The.... are.· -4.000 £'sP<irioIQt$JCQnlt tt-<>ih r.ltt recoM.t (Q"~ otf4j,frOn1 1.1t, M<,uy,8jfI1-Fitllx 'QncHftd jM. ough plAtes, C:UI1!l, .~t<f,.lot. crowd bAd' l..t~lJeen hIm ~Uve on S.i\tur· ,APtU IO~.wl•• '71~~••~,~., ..'F", br~~ .1LI1d: ~rl~ hi:It\ik!• .1'rii\!mbet'~ 111~ AeD, lIevtaJulcUtcmt f(dtrt ~ G,8.crccrt trn1ltmCin Ql .', "j,f,,!$."~oriVjntfoq -dMoi~ ihon -60 defe. Of 4.1lOO' ~~!e·Vlct thlut ~~~f' a-,. ~~t..~ WhfchUfi1Cl ..$M t<it<!.w••nl1~·~'l'biCiItr.~

lri ~Rd: f1~ ·AM j)etb,aPJ Mid. ;'Broader'; faster::reWi -eti!dIt. (i de'MlQfTcm "rom SClnttf fe CoufflY, ~n Et" Gdl•• 'from about .15. ~Vi1ti": Ablo", IfldU... ....U ~t~na, the ~~cl~ blm 11M (joutd)lOt ~1lJ'1Y bllit, ., 11,@, l*reilUl. 'Of 1Ii 'be,.•.bCn\~"~()\Mi'$, He$&J1U'hree.til~ ffl:Iort\J:lt W: co~ 8Offi¢e. ptnoza's .rft&ri j ptiJldt t df ,Ii. Yo Ii d~ <J Wtllk.tlJJt~ &- ~toit fth.:def .Ole, decl.rett, .. , . ., . _ " " i)U .iNndt.)f1lM "'Iln~ ~.Artesll" 'll.wt. a ItlGi.l""'~ . .' .h&.~ .~.6t ate~U'i~·" .at6s.1U'e~.4~~·· tile 'pjiftOCfbfftifNi~, MixkO lil lhelj'co:v.~ ~ " hJ fk..d·· ,,,,.I~'j~( J'ht ,. ~ '~0bad" .'dcnu10:t tb« lilt·~mo\.Wj1lk f(UIt ~. frtend to Mttn4Ihe: ~~. 1~ SC().lUt 'l'O DAn;..;., ..........,troll> bOr.. 1Ie * ooe·mr....~;;.ntr~h ...........""""_ ",;"'A 1I1 .tj~ ...' L ....·.~.•' I "~."..1..........1 ."'t. .1.1:...·· ·VI'II'" t'""n'. wf til 'IVppc$rt 11"- ot '/, Of It.barbe<itle. belln8 aM. politcJ~ re~hi tM WeoholU"lJ bf :Yo~ OtftUS lIOmt--lTy¥--. , ....." ~_"'_J ""''',., . ."'( rnn: ·..,.••K..,.0.. 0 .. It Of pr•••nf.... (e.tlltfnaetl to- ••,li' '~JI .((1ft 1-Sec.Al :8<)Y.»ol\tf l1

" .•"

Page 2: Many Cburches of Tn---06servance' .. ON RO''AD'.',.0'.'CA' IT' · 2013-11-20 · In'Arl- theme of the 0C!OdF'rla&yservices,

,'''', ---,--

:,,< • .........., .


, I . '.

• .- .~ • ) '.- .

.' ~










3rd Door East P.ost OfflcO'-and Just as Reliable



'Chaparral Beauty Shop .Chaparral Hot.l. Pho. 378·5511 '" Ruidoso Downs

The Personnel of This Store Extend

, .• • •


to giVf;l.· ilnd enJoy for eafiiter.' '"

To All Our Friends and Far-We Hop. You Enioy ThIs Holy S.ason and All It's MeanIng. .

1(" * *'

Here's a Novel Idea-Give Gift Certll/cates lor Beauty Wqrkin Any Amount for MOTHER'S DAY, EASTER or GltADUAnON


COFFEE· ~U.I'~.~,.~I~~~~ LB. 79t•

Sftaw Hals for AU the FamilyDoUble Frtlntier Stamps OD WEklftisda" .

W.·••• t..e Brand WOl'ltOlotbes Jp GiY:£ 'notftDt'& Bt.utPl' .iJl'DOSOoom .

worship at the chUrch of your choice this won·. ".-

derful. joyous season.


CANNED MILK ~~I~, .. 2 For 29C

.. .. .'1 White 10 lb.. .< ¢•~ ....

"EGG'·S··.. MediUm ,·DOl ]'5':- '. .... " , .... ... ..

'.' '.' . . .' Elberta '. .' c: 'PEACHES 2!!z Size .• _••••••• 4 For 85 \Gm8~R'5 .


CANNED GOODS .. ,.·S For$1BACON.. ,........... 2 lb. '5~T·BONE STEAK lB .89"PORK ,SIAK LB~19'PORK ,SA' SAGE·J.&: ~¢

. ..

-and hope you' get to enjoy the privileges of

• a" . at ~ t ri • Ie

• III IlIIll ,III.I 111i11

.~ ,

,.'" "I.,', ":~"__'_~ ,_l:.'~~,"',..__~.~,i._~..~'_-""!_·...~.""'-t_..:...;.....:.. ..;.._."",'-_-,,'..;..,_,..,T...··_--'·...' ;;-.,;..,.;-'~:.....,,;'::...._.-I...'jL..c ....__ : ....'_·~...',_:·.;;.;.:....i"L.....' .... ._..-,:.' '--,-"~" ". ',_ ..'_--__,__.__-".-"."'--'~_"'-!rd

-". .... .-,., " -.-!

'l' •




For every roll (II 620, 120 ort~1 black and wbtte tIIm pro·'.('II_ed by ua. we wllJ /rIveyou a roll FREE l

- -,

,I ••••••• ...

GUlli - Camer.. - FIlm - Boon - ~~


Our Churches• 11. rllI"T IIIMI"TI'" rut M('II

".,..... u.t..... --Ilq'''u••

I· .... r M "". AL ".11"10"no.40, " V

'ha,"". LDI-h.,. r ....'I. Uld 1I lII'hool "QUolla.

l'uhd... det.h"-e. \t au ... m. a.n41 ,.) p.

f .....,., ...'vl..... "I 1 (1\1 pm-Il., ~h'O. In "pOlP,.1I "n4 lol...h.b.

l' u' .,. ...t•.--o"'.

....." tUrTI.T I'''' tarn... AI".... IlI.h..." Wh•••,.,

.ald.... ,. "

f',,"Ii.. ", bnn\ ".~. mWot.h'f1 ,..., .,.,.. • I 00 • 1ft.t,aln"". '-f1'n'" ~~ rill 1) m\Vnt.hlp "fir ... """ • no pm\\', "f'.hl ".,T1.-. • l1D P n1.t.dle" A." h •• 'I I~ • m 'h.lnd.,

(I"TflW""••••wnl" "V nun ('",'tU'R".1.#, 0.',... •.......u., ~.... \ I1f'1~lpA r ••,,eu

.uQ(!s,,.. fhhuat • ~ III mMoml... WOt1lh11' II nO .. en!'i••"I", 1..11G lID P m.'Iu.&da, I.. I'm. Wo",.n. li'ul..1>·

•,')' lib""".~~ ..s".""., J tQ, ...., ... n_

.nd 1111••••, ull i

a'IUUIlU "",t"ullr (Ill at'll" .•, •• .to, ••. , ......,

...,... Ua1••.,I\t&lI'hl.. , th.-bool- to OIJ &-m.. u' nUl. "' u.I.b-.... II U'lO ",-..m.~. Chlhl "e-t''' ...... UJ I) It}.

~\ " .......J /'iI,M Plblt ll\ulh-l.JO ." 1.\,... th\)\:. \ ,... 1 bU'~\.Y't.J.m

Runda, "..-ho...l 0 43 • m..n, hI'" 'V""hll' .. 00 • m-••,., 11,." tI",....,,.II..,,.1I T .. 11 , Il

".n.,••tJll' • I) rn11111'." , ...111'''1'' ""ltylt r.."uncle, "",hu..1 ••,,,h.......1, aun

••••t <I U • mMy." 111",(1., I' M • m !.... 11".

• ""0 \ • .nmDft II ("'uh T-.tlmnn, rn.... ',n, fnllu_tn. f't4ul., N' .. lC!fli .ac- h.. ltd 'htn.'."



, .'"' ._ "_ ", ~/" I""" ". ~ "',' '" ~, ~ ~ "~' - ;';" : , ••••• >, '·_iU.·.R.·,Wb.£i!\fJ5."!!.~fn'.:)!ib9',:;t¥it_!4lfI?~iffl'.·I. ""'~ON A ; PAGE Ifm'I'Of"""'('-'~'<"'" ,", '''·'.-,,::-'''-r:~'·( ')"'_~I,-'·-."" ; .'e"'''· ,', - - , o~~...... ......,

-:.t',v->,,>-,'''',':!,.t''-''',',;Jj:'''·'~';'''.t;!~l;-''·;''-;.',-~.,;;:, _, <"~ ,1','.' .~, '" "!"".~#:'" .J't_;-:.{l ,.,'.:r~,. '. ",' "'.' t• ,. ~ •.. " ',.,' ...... , .~.•>, I' .',""..' ....,' .•. ,. '., " "." • f.' '. ,,'.,', . ".'.... '.' ,...:...•.,.• '" .. ,..'.' "., .. ;.' RUl-doso N"''''.s·'h'iI!t-.",;'-,:, :;;<1'l'-~' 'i~t . \:~~;:"-~"'" -'-'~t,~,~-.-..·.. ";fo'~' itt",'i{, ''''':'~<;;;' ':" ,.' . -'". J,';yy

'·~,J;).. t·"';:!:,';::"':':~:;'·'f·~t{l!·i.';;:~\! ::',",,'.;;':'fi'i'.; ,,\:;,., .. ", F:I~Y. .\prt~ l6, 19~~

. ..'......•..~;.; """" '~ .. ' • ~., Class Reunion. "~ :. .+'" ,.-:... 1 .; ,

',',' ;;d':J&:' "'0:)' :'.•.,;.. . • Set Apl'rl J7~181 "'!fJ'J];~: ~ ':' '.,

<:¥r.~i .. r· ,....>.. ", By '52 Graduates'i~" .. iI.; ~" I ; ;:,.~,:;:\,~~., 'V~· ; ",'. Membcl'/O of the '1952 gracluatlng

. ~)'~ ,,"'-' '., ' , ... ,. •• "., l'.~',' I ~ of R ld" Irl" S"h 1 wl'll:Iii., ';. i';~,~i:jO ,; :::f,. ~ ·t~,. ".~., ;:th'lCl' In' ~U~d~SO":~~t "w::k.cnd.(", .l'l.t,<"\. -pc,C 1" -: ' ' -;(. \ f'" " • ; " :_'1,,~,'. ~.. h ,'.~ ... ,;.L.,'~" I,., , '. '.' .' 'i' - . i..JF ' " ", ... . .)'!o,~., 'Sa.turday and Sund"y. A.. prll 17 a.·n.. ~'

il'··lJl'·tt'i>·~':.t~':"';:'I" ;":". • ',:~ '. /.t~!'1';<" V t' • ,.,:l "'. ,"', . \~\ .... \ . 18101'" clll·;.S r·eun·lo"n.· A dinner h"'''s''~·'."~"A'i~~·;·\,-~,,,-.;"'iJ'''''l:·'t,:,, '~'i,,(i':"~: ~. ... "'t. 'l "-

.1 ." ",p.'".". '," ~.".,~ :1'~ ... 't I . "~' ,,'" ". ,

;~:f';;',.lf'i/' \j~,:·~;,.';f~~ :';;:::~0-')" ' .'. '. '. "'aM bean scheduled lor Saturc:lay nlffht.I;J,I;';:l,;,..r,:\':"":,',~:.,·~1<i":·.{'; ~}\~ ,1 t' ' :~~. 'J\Pl'll n. at 7:ao p.m. at the Cbap.

:,;::i~ liil\; ,;";Sill1'j '.' .' "",)' 'tf';'(. '.: ,~" ,"',' • '-¥tIPI Rotel. On sunl!4y. Aprl\'lll,';

'f~t~t~,$~:~i~;;", :.. .. ....., .. if~~te~c:I~~l;:' n~f'c;~, j~l t~~.,';';if.·~;;!;'i.~:i,,' ..\"·:, Oalt Grove pIcnic area on the road

~;'~f1!~~t;!'t:;; ..~~.i" ' f!1'~~. /. to $i'er;a' Blanc!\ Ski An~a.. Mem-.: ~;;";11_ ,,'~ • . . .<~.. u .. · " bllrs of the '52 graduating elMS aild- .., "- .. \; .- ._. .... ..•• Ulelr famUles wllI attend tbe pic,!

DIRECTED "65 DRIVE-Marcn of Olme$ c(lm· FQundat i9,!'1I Mn. Carl Jornm;lincoln County nJc. and anyone Ii) thIs nrea who Imith:ie offjl;l~ds are shown at Navalo Lodge campaign .chairman; Dr, W. D. Horton, medi. went \(} school at· tllat time andMondaY nlt/ht, from lefl, Carl Jorren to be cli'l. odvlsQr, Mu. 'Shelton announced a 30 woulll like to attend U1e picnic are1966 campaign cholrman/the R~v, Tom percenf Increase In New Mexico's receipts, lnvllt·d. It was announced, EachRichardson, spiritval advisor; Mn, L L. fox 1965 which was Ihe largest slate Increase family wllJ bring Its Q~n foocl for IDavii, Sr., '1965 campaign dlr,,~or; ·M!'$. -,--In' tho nc~tion. Mrs. Davis wfs presented a the picnIc,Carl Longab9.v9"J advisor; Mrs. {BI/I Shelton, certificate of pppreclation. , . . Members of the graduatlng classRoswoll, area reprosontalive' fQr NQtlo.nal, of· 1952 InclUde four who -are now

• " "" '," . livIng In RUidoso. Mr$ .loaM :Mar-

: Wl11a Edga~ Pi<.:k(·d XChiaApltPehraERlehcOts I ~:~~:~~T1~e~;tend ..'~ ·OI·_.,(VDJ'lUlIL ~i~:y~~~~~i:~M\l:~y~i~f::!~I .\5 F. H. A, Dplpgah' .~ TIJ I':allonal M(>et New Officer Slate In Farmington , SOCIAL.C'ijURCH AND CLUB NOTES ~~~~ym:~:-~~d~~:~:~s:,~~~~~~I 11",,,. Wl'r" t"n KlrI~ l\lumdlnll XI Alpha nho cnlipter ot Beta Bid Miller, prelllC\ent of the nul·' • ". .' . Arora Wilson AlelCander. EI 1'/180.'ll" /ill.le Futurl' 1I0rn,.rnnk,'rA 81KIlln Phi met Monday nigh\, , dollO Parl:nt-Teachcr AllI;oclatlon, TelC. ~ Nancy Hart Vutelt. PhoenIx.• "I A,",,"'. cnlw,.llllon In 1.1'" Cn.!· I\I)rll 12 In lhe CharieR nllrK home announced thtll week lbat he wlU Ariz.; nl11le RuU1· Slmpson ..Sur.I., ,II'" "' ...·k ,.lId fru", Uw Copltnn, In ('Dlmor Ollteway with MrA Iattend the annual convention 01 the mlck. Denvl.'r. Colo,; ClaUdlncI "IlA C'lll.pIN fl.r".· bl''''''ltlrll Dnd I J,.,.!l>' Peru,,,t lUI hO"tI'IlR Mr". j New Mexico CongreRs of Vanmt.'1 . ''':".. •[. ;: 1 Peterson Rickard, Germany: lsn·, ... , M!\I .....r fl('(,olnl'llllll'd till' PHI\ I O""rll" P Whit<· Willi mad!! an han· Rnd Tcllchcrll which will be held "Ii . t·· ._,." '"", ........ bell narrl:'rns Trischicr. Hampton" 'I' 1'"", /filII Illid ";11""/1 Willi" lo,n,v 100'mber 01 lhe chllpter In In Farmington April 22,:;!3. ,h.!liO, :"" . \ ", ~,;:,~,::~;*.::",~::='" Roads, Va: Glorln Waltrip Cum·, .•• ,.' Kllllt. Ollln'ro Wllh, If,dlllH ~ h\we\111 cl'remonlC'l\ She WILli pre. /l('heduled to t\ltend the ~wo·daY "'.; ,"" .;;'i:c,.. , mlns, Capitan: Dewey Wll50n., ,11,1 1/1"'" 1.".It'·1 wrn' 11\1' \'lJllilIl ""nLfod wllh a limn II ytlUow rOR!.' conventlon Ilrcsupt: Georgc V. . '. : ... .' ' Artesia: Rnv Clul'ke. Hobbs: Earl, .1. "'u"If'. W lIlI' 1'(1I.,,'"tI,," Jl\Il" BIlII II pink rom' The mlJmbl'rll vat· I White. Princlplll M. n. McOulre. ' ;'.1\ .:}",.c,'iIl~'" Wrlr,tht. Andrews, TelC.: Clayton'1""11 '11111 ("l/lIl'llI'lI JU/I Itlllldl<' t'll 011 Olrl lJI the Yenr wIth th!' Mr~ Ed. Hym/ln alld Mrs. MIke "', ~"'.J" Sc.()lt, AlamogordO: nenny Vaughn.'M", \ l.()f khllrt i'.u,", 11,,11 .",d 111II'I)tllv to h,' rllvl'nled nt the f,iing. Miller said.; ,.:.: ,,,.~ " Plainview. Tex.: KIrby Lewis.I Khlh)' T'l»'lll' lioN" lIll",r Ilwlllhcrn Foundrr'fI Ol\Y dinner to he held al PrClIldlnJJ at the convention 10 . ',j, , , Tularosa. Ronald Sicwart. El Po..'>o•• ",I." nll""drll U.r "'''''''1111110 . tl... ('hapllrrllI !toLel on ApM! 30. I FarmlUlcton will be Mm. Fo~n'flt . '., ')::l::::: Tel(. Drtty Anna Dyers Peebles. I· FUI' Nil" """. twltl 1"II<lllY "I th,. ''''d 10 whl"h all. lour ~gp cllnPlerll BnrlkeU of Banln . Fe• .Bln1lLpr.cnJ.. ~""::, •. _-,.",,,~."J..i . AtCllIIogurdo; EII1 TUcl:et.'TUTarosri.! ...

I" ('IlI',.,. Illllh Hd" ••l 1",uI" Will p"rt/I'llI"t" The Woman 01 t dl'nt Featured r;peakcru 'wl11 be .- ;" "., :"'\\ll, ' ond 13111 Cnrpl'nLN. El Puso. Tex.Mllhulln h'd U... 111,1' II. 11/11111' "'"11 U... V"ar WU~ alllO vot"d on and tile I Mr" Frank J 8nowdrn. vlce·pr/lsl- 1.\ ':I~. ·.N}H,iJ '; The l'!as~ sponsor. Dwight W~tklns.,..~ llt... "n"I,.lInlll.) .... \\!' NI'"YI·d 1Il>1I1C' 01 the: one chOtlcn will be an·; dcn~ of r~lon neVen for the Na- J{ \ ... , ..Jh'ii",~=:: nuw of Clovis. Wl\S also sent all In- -~~- ...... .- ._~.. '- . _ .• --.....•. \ "II TIll' "J)NIIIIl/ r'.,.·.....llv wn~, Ollllll(l'd at the nnnual Mother'" tionaI COllgreM" of Pllrcnta lA!ld I I'~.." :;.."~~j ;':;:.. v!lallon to attcnd the picnic by Helen Richardson. :Modellng lor the I He saId he was "disappollltt!\l'',dd IlnlurdllV 1TI11tlllhil \Iollh Mr. lJ"y ovont In May. ITeacher/l; Leonard DOLnyO

t• Statel:'(~ ·.!~k J:~'~l:; i~ Mrs. Jonnn Marlin Han. chalrmnn ~Ct""I' Mnee~~Ce~tMjvSSlc~~~PP~~~~~E~~~- th

hIldl the bllqUOr IIce~d Pbroc.~dUr6/1

Wlhlllllil l::dW'UOb Ar.W.UUI I Pro Npw ol/Icer" Cor thllll'1l1lpwr were I Superintendent of Publl~ MtruC' ° f). ',;" } ~. tor the ..vent. ~s were an the other ...0 1 ,~. • v . ' a not een correc... y ....e reo:....~" 01 lIu",.· autl '"'\0111) I,ll,.. rlpCII,d "nd UlIlY IIICludt1, Mrn ami t101l; narry WUUlllk'r. clllel, pub- . ·"'i F!,ti:.Jl~l'ioo.·t"__.... ml.'mbers or the graduating class. Ie Looten. VlrlJlnln Wlnnns. Judy cent legislature" and t bat fleI.'". Tr. II l.ubh", k ·r.,\ 1l1~IUII 1'111)10 pfeJIldont Mfll Al\ell \.u. lie I\ebool f1nI\MCS, "lid C. M. nm ~ ,..- -f' . she bBld. Perteet nnd L, n. Davis. "dldn'~ llke Ule Iden that Il1rgc mg-It , •• ,)' IUlrr,.hUIIII "11f"" h LUlldu'Otl- IlUln. VIre-p~!I\dl'nL. Mrll. John or the lIdult educatlon dIvision of ..~._ ,_.- • ---- .telll thoUgllt they were being /IhakeJl.. u· '<'1,'",1 b)' UII' Alum,.d" Jwllor 'lhDlnp~on recordlnll lIocret,lry; Ultl8U1tc Deparlmcnt 01 Education, MODEL SUITS-Ruldo'o High School studonls modeled wo~1 YOt!NG bEMOS- down In securinG new liquor 11·II,~I, ('hlll.t,., 1\11,.,1I''''u .,.N.llIn Mr' I.l'noy Oooch. lrrllllUrl'r. Mrn j Mllll'r nnnounced sviti they made In Home EconomIcs clan here lor tho NeVil Hostesses Given '(COI)t1nucd from PAge l-SCl'. Al censes:·· ,",,,,,,,'11 Itl I 00 II m nutl v.-r hrllrd ""wDrd Tllto corrl'lIpondlllll Iwcro.j Millor IIUlled thllt thr rr!Jullu p. Mexico Women's Home Extonslon Clubs of the Chaparral For Woman's Club a mlljor dlsnppointlncl1t 01 U1e re· New Albuquerquo motels haye" .\........ b~ MI KIn trum tI", t,ub· . UIrY Mrb JI\("k Undllrwoml. \'1(. T/\ lJIecUnll here l!cht'dUIl!d for Motor Holol· April 1. Modol, arc from lofh Molly Kay Harris, l.unch and Games cellt legislnture, House Spenker had trouble obtnlning n license,' ... k ('hn_Unll ('IIU"II" I ttoll'llUIl allll'or MrlI nlll McCarty.. April Ill. llnd bel'n rl'-Ilchrduled tor Lol. Lane, Irene RIchardson and Frances Baird.' Druce King. D·Sllntll Fe. said FrI· K.lna saId one or his main task/l

11",,,1' I","plr BU...1l11l111 till' "Oil 'I\'II dllf"noo. d,.ll'ltnlc to tho co.' Mnl' G. due to tho El/.!<ter holldnYll. ---".' - - .~.•~ ._. - HosteSll('S lor the regular Mon- day nIght. at UlJs conventlon WllS to /I~reS3 the1/"'" !JlIIl 1I11lht Irolll ('1l1,"no w"r,. IIrdlnl\llrlll ('OlUu'lI. Mrn Uob Pear· =~__~ ....~ .. r= Ad It CI thO U d CI thO day nfWmoon luncheon nnd games King'S commcnL cnme In answer· Importnnce of YCJilDlr Democrats'l'a.II ""11 M, n"d Mr. n..u WlIIn "lm 110 ItII Mr. Jlunrll /\ Dt'all a1l U 0 Ing se 0 Ing Illt Ule nuldoso Woman's Club lor Ing quellUonn BhorUy before he ncUva partlclpntlon In state pol!.I'dllll.! MI !llltl Mr.. 1".dlltu Mrll ..ll",lInl,. Xi Psi Chapter . Classes Being Held Drive Sponsored AprU t9 wUl be Mrs .. Melba Frank.' addrclltlCd tho ;lroung Dcmocrnw. tiCD. •I'.,"""" Irr,1I' l,n.lI", F.lll'rli WIl, 'n... l,rOll'OIll lor Ult' ovenlna ",all Has Meeting .um. phollt' 257-2250, and Mrs. Edj. , •110 tlnd MFA Willi" - p,,,pllrrd I)y Mrll C V cunntl\l- At High School" By Church Women Bandera. phont! 257·22lJ5. Everyone i .

Mr. C07"""1II t'I,AlWrUl.,.d th.. vol hum who Will) ulIlll)l!' to bl' preacnt. In Leland Home Adull clothing Cta:utCD are no....• '1110 Dnlled Church Women of. plnnning to nttend t'l lI.!lkcd to I EASTER GREETING'S11111 d,.lrllllU>t> tlnd nlllt,. ol/ll"''' lit Alld prnelliod by Mrn Jolm Tbomp. M(/mbllra or Xt Psi ('hapter of bl'lng held ot the Uome!:c:onomlclI Ruidoso Is IlpOl1OOr1!lg a Wled cloU1.' pll.'nsc caU t'ltht'r one of the boo~' ---Ill., C(lll'rtJUlln Mr.. U,.411 Mr. ....11 IU111 wali on "Ooalll for Tall Dt'ta,8I1rma Phi met Aprl112ln the COtlllgll of ttlll RuldollO Utah SCbool. Inll drive and everyone who has eq:;Ctl (or rescrvatlon, Cnrd gaineDIItlll lind M,n ,.tll/a, ,hop"'rollrd /IouI' Ai UlD ClollCl of the mt'Clt· homo 01 Mro Jo t~lnnd Olrl ofIwllh npprolllJtlllwl)' t6 women a~ some (lood, used clothing to donnte Iof brldc;(' lind canl\tJln will be pIny•.Ih,. ath"l 1/1,1. ~Iln "Iw"tlrtl Ihr IIII! Ih., honlfOll. Jervod eandwlchCi'II, thl' Year and Womnn of thfO Yellr tending. MrIL Kathr)'n Wllllalnll. til I1l1ked to plel1!lC take It to the EdU., ed durlnn th(' afternoon.• "11\'01111011 luuklo. and coUrt! from a tablt' wort' Yoted on and thr IJIUnell wl\1 Ituldoso HIGh SChool Homo EC. cntJonal Du11dJng of the Communlty _._." '-' -,-.----

Wllh' I'..dlltl' IllU 1,,·1''' ,Il"...." Ii" drcoraLlId In thll E1UIter InoUf be announced III 1\ Illlcr dnlo U Ilcnchcr. reported. "l1le dUllCII aro MeU1odll'1t Church Where a lnrge Style Show....I' of U'I' HlAt(' d,.lrgtl Ie''' to UIt', - • ' .. " to,.. , wall reported thllt UII' "lint portY'''l beiliU held eacb WcdnUday even- bolt hM been placed &n U1e (oyer: •NlltlOflll1 I" II A ('"", rl.tlnn III 11111 Jul)' W. are proud of thl•• as whleh U11J1 chapter IUld rceelltl)•• 11111 AI 7 pm nnd ,,~w and eanldr thllrc to deJ)O.\llt the cloUIJnll'. It wnll, Held 1\1onday I/'hlllldrlphlli "rllf' 1l,n.. nl<' u"'v 11I,1)' Ull' beal qualltlod ,tria were Wll/t very DUUcllllful A report Wall, tcchllillueo In makina clOlhlng nrc I\nnounccd by MrB. Ike Kennedy. IF()I' ('On\'''ntl'OnerSt .... 111110 IItI'" NO''' Mr'" II nll,.",1 I tllJ"rll "h'cn b)' UUl Ilomlnllllllg rolnlllll- beIna Inught TIle ICllllOlIII Inelude Mra. Kenned)' Mid two membern '... , I."11 U". ('''II,rllllllll tll hr IIrltl ,"" toSar)' l.ocJtharL. Reporwr Icc. with the IIl'l1e or ottl~l'r/) 10 be mUns lind ndJu~lIng or paltclrnfj. 01 UII.' MethodIst Church wlll go to POllr qlc-rl'!l III RuJdoso prescnt-

_.. -', Iltiil"i. ~I r ~.",,"blUUlll' vO"1I1 on til A Inler llll'l't11l8 Ilettlnn·ln of 1I11'1:'\'CII I\nd r:lppertl. l.n" Cruce" Wl'dne!ldn)' next weck I ("I n row'!' '\Jow Monda)' arternoon;I, n. II. 111n r('gulnr (l'aIUrl'. 1ll'1I1tion ttl !linking boulld bu!Conllolea and Un· Whl:'fC Il truck from the Church, IlwI wet'k nlll'r lunch for the wille,; i

.... ,,::.~: ..:i lfi!::c·...~..~n~·n%~'.m 'fbC' Nl'w'l. WIl'I 111\'1.'11 b~' Mrll' 1I11l1l. Mrn Wllllnm!! Mllted World service orgnn1zntion wlU bl:' I01 Ihl' Humbl\, Enw SCrvlcl' SUI· i/lund., tlcllool and Ol'OraJll L«! CUrllltl1lllllllJ1 Mrn T Som/! oj 011' womeli nre ~"lilner!l coUreling doUling. "l1llg til thl! Han matlllJ;l'rrl nUl'ndlng U11' annual I

rl, ••:.·~r~:r;.VcIL Jlcr.::r:C'H J Short. who Willi to lIn\!' IftVl'1I Uw and arr IClmlJll1t the bnl'lle prlnel. ('/mll.'!.t pIn('I' to nUldo..'iO where the ~onw'lIl1on al Ihr Chaparral Holel. •"."'... n..... 1'(, III prultram. WA'" 110\ nbll' to I\u/,,,d pll''1 whlto maltll\j) llblltl.l. she !lAId Lruck will be plcklllg up cloUllnt; Till' f,t)'It' "how Wtl'l held In tht! aold

Ul~~ ~~t8.l"D~"a~'" J':r~~:~ Wor 11111] mcelUlli. nnd twr dllUflhtcr. nit' mort' ndvnnced grUuPlll\re Un. collccl('(1 by vnrlou,Il churches in Room ot Ihr 1I01ldny nou..~1' and the,.!tlp Mrll Ocario "fOrry. Jr. IlIlVO Ule Inlt ('OlllS lind drct!K!u nlld /IOmc nrc Nl.'w Mt!xlco. Mrs. Kffinedy !lnld flLnrr'l parU('lpntJnn Wl're Brunell's,

f : ';l,:-~':,r::Ur Z:'·~~~II;";:'O~r. provtlllll III hllr plllc{t Mrn Pl'rry mailln/! and dr!llunlng palterns. anolh~r drIve wlll be held next De- Olmlt',., 'Cllnp:nrn1 Dress Shop nnd.1Id (-"lilt "rat'll".. Ilpok/l on Art III nl'lI~lon . '>.. .. . • ,,"0' ~~o = ccmbrr Nl'w Ml'l;Jeo MI<!1 Shop. Mrs Rob-

, sn "m 'rhulatlar-"'a,..r "Hlln. \}urlll'" the tot Inl bour t!Jl' lIO~t. Mfr' gUlI.1 Urlttan and Mm Lll- All elolhlh" donaled must bl' rr! Pcarc:on WTl'l the comtnpntatorrlHIlT '·'UC".U·TkM'A H (,111'''('11 " d :P ~I d dnl· r b ~ r pre~en'I'•• ,... Iil"••I....p •• ",1.1..., I'tI..'1, Mrt! J.eII1.1ld. (l('f\'ed ('hilI:> and! 111111 Ml'dlrr hove returned to thetr clrlln. l\1I mur.t hnvl' Ilt leM.! 0 u I 1.1' ..urn rrq 'c c " ..

,'hu,d. p, hn..1 10 011 ,,1ft dlll#. otrawbcrr)' ('akl' nnd le,,\ ltuldo;;o JIOIIll' IlUcr ttpendlllR UII:' Il10nUIll (jf Wl.'ln I('ft In It. Mrs Ken- ed by ).Irq Tommy Perk'et. Mrs........ ,... Wo,.bl",·U·M a,1n. I'r",un. coffeo, hULq and mll1L!:J. Wlllll'r III Allllnonordo 1I1'1ly stntcd 1'ho..~1' who htl\·t! soml' Jnmes W\:Ilppll' nnd 'Mm, Pt'l1rson..'~::.~ I~:,~,:"IIt M('U 01' C'UIIIlT. • "__~~_C_" .'__ ~,.. _ ,'_'__ ' "' 'c,~. _ .•_' ••• • cloU1lllg. bUL hnvr 110 WRy olllt'tt1nn bolh rnnll' Il(fvrrnl f,()nl!'l .1111". IIlt"t, 0.10 ..m.. It lo Ihe ('burch ('ntl ('(ltl Mru K(ftl. SPI'IIIU And l'lummer rnshlOng were"' hlp .n~ Coml'llllllh',,- lO'M "II' I I I dl r I suIt!!..., I.r ",., \Vonbl.... 00 It. m \.. nrdy at 257·2077. nlld she will scI' r. lOW'll. n~ u nq ormll S. •W"""M"., ,till .. m I.,.,., mHlIn. Umt It ttl picked up. ~ot'1dnll drl'<;..t;.(>!l. dnytlmc dre~1..dI_,lU.,. CI.....

1O.,1O .....Tlt.MU ~,, __~ _~~_ (Inti l;porir,wl'llf fro m 01Inn'8;

....dl~O~m,·:;.,,: ...~.rHOg~:~' !' d S d s)lrIJ1'I nlld rumm~r dtl.'s.<;es wtth('111'''('''' . ,. ),In tu ents. ,,IUI(09 Md 1ll'1't'!l<.1Jr.lrS. nnd.. sports..II.. TI....... • ..I~h....... r••o. 'r A 0 P r D I ...... ItsAund., ~." lit 0 411 • in ~ ,.c.. 0 ppear naIr wrar rom runrl 9, spru"" su ,

"'"rnln. WOtej)lp II 00 al:tl (.,i.'!W patio co:;tum('~ en<;embl(1S lindYoullI W..I\I'IS 4HlOp.m. or Programs l>pomwenr from tht> Cllnparmt!tunln, \\''',shl.. 1.:0 P.M t EASTERTIMB' It td "~h I D d DI to . _·'t\\·om.n. rr.,.r o r1lU P.,. a .. .' u 000 0\: 00 an rec r DN'3.'1 Shop. nnd drrssM. ..w 9,

a 10 • II\. lAoRoy Gooch !ltated thJs w(fek thnl shUt1 IUld sport'lwenr from the New".mU, Nlabt. 'II ."nb, 1/00 "'M sJl('ClallY numbers by members of ?{roxtco 1'.11,:; Shop, Modelln" rOr

CATtlOUC ••••'c.. ' ..r"I" 1 A ,.. , t... Uw bnnd wlll furnish n progrnm for Ollntl'!'l wert' Maty lfclen Pents4:ln.".'11". ao lUru1t. " v"..t... Th T C'h . the RuJdoso Womlln's Club progrnm tJarbnrn Pt<arIWlI, Mary Ann 'Ed•

...... W... ~Il..tuh. 'Of Ill, Elf.nor e' reasure' est Wrdncsdl1Y lIflernOOn at 3:00 ''.In. ward;!, J~"ft \V1llppll.'. Carot L-"""".t1"11 tlnrlo.l... aH."lon.) .... 'u...' ,,~.\1 I_ T .Ul. Runeta~ 0,,11, Knron peuy nnd Milry cunnlngJ1llm WJ:.!lthl. JUdy WtttklllS and AnIU\...:'1'1.""0". ,'100..,.,~ J~ :-:::: The Import Shop wtU play Q flutl' dUcl and Ann Slm", model~ Cor DtIltletl's were

'n ""n I'... """ "a.h "and'" al IWnlkrls n bnssoon sofo: Cnndncc LInda EnslC'y, Shirt PatSOtl!l. Edith.~ '1/:n~o .",11 Itulld", a, <Jlfts _ Food, _ Clothlll From Around Th. Worfd FBtTM will ~ the plano l\ccol1'lpan- Bt'nU. Joann naU nM linrl!!nc10 ,~ .. 1ft ' !,P§lt Qot:J~h $n1Jl The same !:p('clfil. . m'pg, Atool.'J§-lO~lIk~·;ffillt

'" ....."':n M41........' ......' -#. --<I--,--,-,,--- .----,- ... ty numbers wtll alSo be pTllyed 11~ Dr(lsq Sl10n InclUded Pat SltnOtl,.:lu,no'·••, , I~ • m Uhf IMoUlh Sud erik .OrivCl - Phone 257....10( ...".JlI"mm,) , N .... k' I tIle COllltnn Tnll'nt Show nt the Ruth McGUltl.'. JUdy HCM'erg.

",,'.YUAYlf "I .:1..."".... ,1~ ;: ext .0 Par Mot. CapItan Sehool <):)'iil Thursday PaUl11 SUrma.n. DencseWat.klns nndBan J'.uldn • 11 ,:$ ...m night tlUg wt'i!k, at 1::1() p.m."tJn"o -- '30 ",In-. _~ _-~-""!~.-...- ~""'""_ '- _""'-"-~---lli'I"*--'" • = ,a, , • '.' , " ,-- .f -mrit/iM ii%;- __ 'n, .-"" 'I .re '· •

rl••, ."1<1.,.•. III J:I""fIOl'" 1.::~::t 11 IIIIII..III*IIII IIII..IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!11110 r.ltlCln • ~," p.m. = -JI/l1t4n ll~OO I'm _ -

I 'oN 1'1:$1"01'''1. .III f:lf>M.Mf". ·Rat· : ¥' - =u"'.,.••1It.\.. 4lv"otUa b..tOtt llQly4.". _ ....D,I t'lUI .'l!JdaJa trllm 1 \lO 10 III =

p.atlT 841'T,flT c!lvac. ~ntlO..fl~llll.'" all ..D.... -= ....lity' GOO'". DS :1&.... tln'lll , ....,.. .. -RUIDOSO "'I' .........0 P ,... Ill. - El'Illt'OI'A'. ('"".e.... :II .11I

..un"., .."....,,1. P••• III1L It,., "'UII,,••• aHW•• \,I.A' = ': w, ,- •• ". -" .. , " .. I "

~::::,\~ lr:::~I~..ll ..~n" ElL ~~.:,:;.. III :~... =1;I: L."'oun' ;""'. ~ •

f ......... Wo,ohlp. " ",. I'ln .. u ....... Het, ...... : IiiI HIlIl '" ••"'lOtI YO,b' ,........ t .." l'''' lI11nd.., .. 1t·0II • nI = l~ I'

Tb;'B~ht~~sFirm;I\Vh;;I;N;'e. III.!.' IF YOU ~A ~I~'r SEEN-Ii .'GatewayA th B f This Ad '" Our N.w Sprln~ P'.t. Oojai .... t&jii ... I~"i ... tl~D.rt. and' .... BatLer Shop

ppear at e· ottom o· . i G.ri.rotM.rchahdtu ...Th.hstS.~{;hliy.i,ftit~Welny".YoU .j tsNow~penAu«:dnUnd'tMake This Special Church Feature i . T.t)c~ inNiw W ~ tMmf -'I .;Ex;~1~e4i!'ite$,Y••

Possible Each Week: ~i ~ ..' .-_. f tr~. I~·:'··' L·~·, I:, .. '1 'f:f::rtf:.~~e~~qllll1ntealUH!R 'd 5 at B k" VI( .. . ~l:.led In.O.~\l~1 Cen&et

UI 050 t ~, on i .,I.~;'';~;;;;;:;••'.i:~u •• ;';~'·M.mbet •. D, I. C. ,= Attn ~.':l" lI.rl', a('tt\1lt il~'It.. Wt\~~~~e;kk11 'h,~U tw. ....lae••• We I'ive·': 'D'"'' A"\N'..... ~. . .... IN. .

A,~. {'Iult Stit'k. q"Il(1i\fcltdi~d"1w-JtRli'I l'Nrl .,....fe~n~--r~'"lr.f6ii. . ...,. "'tfuil b 'ib~ lJ~t'tI"tl!\;t .i~;iJ~iiif .~.i~.. ·"';", Thel Bht ~a~ri

LOun 'V o.n. -' - 2,57424' :I .. .rut All"••, ttV1lt( 4ttai'leRi.. &cra,.u t~ Ait' '~te.~ Ui QM t'li.l~ ill' . '1' .....Keeth Gas CornpCJny. _. ; ftflf4i'.o-(:ome-("lt,-Ot"'il~ ·=On.lI~t~::.=~ .$choot.

;luQllin,;thSk;i~ndA:d~Se,vicei,,.o,... ~ M';~~':QIl HAkT~ .u~.tU\' i :~:.~~~bperlenctd~:n1cI""-:~t'~'111'~ .0, .,.: . ; ."" ,-= InOU,~

h ..." ho- r~ . "f-. ".U.i1ti1••• ~ItlIIU""Ii.i1",


• IIIIP( 1


t •




Page 3: Many Cburches of Tn---06servance' .. ON RO''AD'.',.0'.'CA' IT' · 2013-11-20 · In'Arl- theme of the 0C!OdF'rla&yservices,




















I. I'I,I

• II,




• .








. ,.-

Owned By


.. ·OUTD~QOR. " .. ·11"""" ..g ... ,

, .....•,

Carburetor Repair

Ol,/r Stollon Will Undergo Rllmodollng Soon

Ta ISener Serve Your Driving Noods

Located in Hollywood on Hiway 70

Phone 378·6900


Expert Front..End Alignment with Famous

Bear Equipment - or Generator Repair -


BouqU~ts - CQhages. Polled Plants ~ Arran$J~ments




And Gambles is the place to find all the equipment,

you'll need in the Sporting Goods Line


• IWe Sell All Top Brand Namn bf Fishing Tack1e..andSupplies - And don't forget we also have a .completeline of garden tools and supplies to make yOUl" sum"

met yard work a Inap.


. .



.. .......-'--'- -' ..... - --_.--- ._---

~"" ' .,"'

. ~!,ldoso/' N, M.

.' -...-'~




COUNty/S" .'."EDUCATIO'N ... " , . . -', ' .

-'AID $88,440



... .'




>i~ .)',-- ~.'., ~.




., - ." ". '


, ",'


1. COME AND n..:g..A-S..O.N- .

--Is;!iah,...1:18 ..2. COME AND n::'E-S-T

-Maffbew 1'1:28G. cOMf: .AND' R,-E:-C..EJ.·V..:S

f;. ,. - -- _,




Mechem Driv~ Highway 37

AND WE WILL DO THEE' G06D-Numbers 10:29


. .

y.., ....__ 'W'

· -~

J· I . .

DB. H. C. SrVELLS,~vangelisl


Iii' ~.,




'rho Johnson Admhustl'ntloll's $l.:l,'i " 'billion Illdto education bll1 whleb

t:tl5sed lnstw~ck In the p, S. Cong~I'ess. wlll provide $86 4,\0 In nld· toUUl'oln County schools und!,'r 'rlUe1 of the.qct.' Now. Mexico's Senator.)oe Montoya was one of the span­,;;ors of the bill.

In a l1ewS relea"t' from the Qfflceof Sen, MOl,lto~'n be gave, these'pro.visions of the bUl Its nffectlng ~cw

- Mexico:• . Under T1t1e I of Ule act.. whIchprovides direct nld to locnl school I· Idtstricts. moneywUl be c,hmme1ed . ' ' 1

.lZ 'a nreas' of ITreatt'st need. That Is to '.. Will Not Too.Late -, be determined according to ,lIie . . \ nut Get Your Order-To Us NOW!'f" ~" number of famllles WIUI Income of ,OI'EN'1'IL NOON EASTER Sl'ND1\l'

'l~." " f, '. less than $2,000 a year. the release ...... ..:'......... -,i i " ,IJlIo<' ,., 51>;' declared, , " " .• ,_.~~, , , I THEDA'S FLOWERS Be GIFTS

Y9U KNOW IT'S EASTER-You can tell it's Eoster when flower New Mexico is to receive $8,351,. AT FIRE SCHOOL-Fire Sghool conducted by Edwards; stondlng, Joe Freeland, Eddie 51.'- Ptlll, 37S03380 - Shier's ShoPlllng {'enter - l.'. S. IlIwl\Y '70

h bl f h540 under Tille I. The cowlty-by-, Ruidoso District of Linc;oln Nationa.1 Forest , dillo, Zone Leslie, Mock Cook, Jim McEuen, ~~

sops assam art with Eoster IiUies, Mrs. loren ~ounts of I d P bCOWlty break(lowu Is as follows: is shown during a break In Q mOrning ses- B. F. Hood, Robert Runn", s, 51 reston, 60C<;Ivnts' Flowerlond-Is shown with some of'the Eoster flowers ob . dand decorations used in this season to herold the orrivol of Bernnllllo. $1.334.3 : Catron, $33,·.sion last week, from loft, seoted, Jeonette Hensley, Bill Edwor s, Emil Strohmeyer,,"'ring ahd the' holy observo'nce of the oscensl·on. 220: Ch\\ves, $395,760k Colfax. $165,. Browning, Marjorie Hightower, Doris Wright, Cloude Hobbs ond PQul A. Jones,

ro 220; Curry, $262,020;1 DeBnca. $46.· MRS II B d .. 0BH:O':rlOlll A " ·PAOJ!l'ntRJi:!;. 860; Dona Ana, $480,480; Eddy, oureen .,ogenl, o. ~_!o.~~..:,n,_, on~o ,_.:....,.--:-_. ..,,_., • We Hope You Have a Most Successful Seasonl

R· w·doso' New's' . Easter Program I $324.940: Grant. $152,460'; Guada•.~. - .' I L T' N, .0 W' '.0 P'E,' N" 'I\lpe. $9'7.1140: H/lrdlng. $30,140; , etters 0 'IIFrIday, AprLl16. 1965 Held At Nob Hill Hidalgo, $42 900: Lea, $2971lllO: LIn. . ... . . ..' .

-, .- ad' COlli, $!l8.440: Luna. $113,620: Me· " {, Th r:d' -t I

C..,.chool \Ve, nesday Kinley. $491.260: Mora. $149,380: '. e (;1 I or

OUDty Till" threl' I:econd grades at Nob Otero, $W9.980; Quay, $146,520: Rio :J April 12, 1965 H d ' T k ('I} . dHill PrImary 6cbool pl'csented an ArrIba. $470.140: Roosevelt. $185,-. '" ,r'l' , 'I.. ',' DcaI' VIC{ 0 ge s ac -~. lOp an

A,EastN' progrnm Wednesday Ul\S 020: Eandoval. 5300'520: San Juan ,At UlIs wrIting, I alii truly the ....., gent 5 w('('k. The proaram was given lit Sli:!6.020; S n n Miguel. $433.840: .... most grateful nnd npprl.'('1nUvc

930 a,m, .• fOl' the pupils of thl' Sanla Fl', $402,600: SIt>rrn. $136,840; i pertton In Lincoln County, Thill fl.'cl· V term- ren S . Ie -R

,.houl and aiJaln nt 1:30 p.m, for Socorro. $H9.1GO: Tnos. $392,261>.:. 11Ig stems from till' wond~'li\ll rl'- e a la UPP leseport ,hI' parl'nt5. In the f'('hool cafc. Torrance. $103620: Union $68.640: sponse by tile l'ltlzl.'nry 01 Lincoln "tr'rla. Mrs. DicIt DUlmgan. Mrll, Vnlt>lI('lu, $330440. CountY nnd our nt>lghhurlllg N'n· FULL LINE OF VETERINARIAN NEEDS

_ "y _ Pulph Chenl'Y nnd Mrs, Elsll' Mat. 'l'ltle n of till' net WIll glvl.' the itolml Defcnse lacllltles to my re- . 'RALPH Ihl'Wf' dlrl'clcd the prO«l'Um which Slatl' $593744 to Improve school quest for nsslstancl' In Ihe bl'nrcll AND HORSEMEN'S SUPPLIES

.. DUNJ,AP COll'.lstcd' of: Tl'Icvl510n News Com- llbrary r('fiQUrCl'S und Insttuctlonnl conducted on April 11. 19115 for lItU\, ,R. C. Barham reported the Hor~(' n!('nlalol'~. A"lronaut", En1iwr Dun. lllatel'Sa.!s,: MJ1I5 LL~n D)'nUm, depelllll'nt doullh'll • Phone 378-3380 - Shlor s S~opplng Center

Clinle held last w('ck at NMSU was 11'1'/1 ami tWl) po~'m'l. Ra111~and The- l'ndl'r TIU(' III Nl1W MexIco will ' ,tN' o{ an Air Force offlc('r, who Ruidoso Downs -:- On Hlway ~OUle be5t ont' held, It clJntaln('d flood' DU!1JlV'~' Eastt>r'Olft r(,cl(.l\·(' $G99.717 help in the cstab· ' I t In our ruglled Whit MounInformation on, feedin~. shoeingI smd('nl'J partlclpallm: In till' Tele- llshment of :;upplem('lltary educa. i ~~I::t.,Oll e' ~'*!'~~~.!:!!,!!!.!!~~Jn nn""H""'!!"""'-!!",,!and managing. ,\'I-lon New~ Comml'lItator5 Wl're tlon ct>ntl1rs nnd fit'l'vlces, nndTItle! ; At tho expense of IlOU\IQ)U1l lIko ....77"••VITlIftIIIH a•••••uw••••••U

WIl, • • • Kt>II~' Pt'rryman. Tllnmll.' Summ('tll, V will prOVide SliD 466 to broaden. a Mondny morning qunr(i'rbnck. I '5

Clover miles were IllVlldlnll' 'fl'rry Haake. Mlltt Oooch, Ronnie the progrnm of the SUlte Depart-I:' must SIlY 11ml I at no tin\(' doUbted ::lome homes In the RuldlJSO area I nwtnn nnd Tom Harl, TIll1 Astro. mCllt of FdurnUon, but wbnt W(l would flnd lhc child. ::falSt wetl'k. Tht'lle miles do nol nallts wcre. Tt>rry Ountt>r, Bobby 'JiUI' IV provlde~ for Improvcd. TJlw Wn8 cll'arl)' l'vldcnl to me ::harm the people III Ute hou5e FaIr. Clm MrClellnn. Mlkc Jnuzl'n. educntlonal r('(;enrch and lralnlncr I throul:b thc dl'vol('d Intt'l1t dlllplu)'- ::bu' Ilire Il nulsllnce nnd ('An (lal'~' Dol;!>>;, K('nny Llltle, Ot'nn and for t'!'tllbl1'ihIllNlt of rl'lIlOnal. cd by ('veryonc of Ihc 200 plu, vol- ::c111mnI:C bouse plllnts 115 \Vcllllll II HU(l, f;tt>phrn Wood!!. Mike)' Hall. rl'~'c(ucll ('('nll!r!! wht're appro!>rl. Unlt'cr" who rcsponded to my cnll ::&he lawil. Ilull' Pt>nr"(lll and DllVt>y RI'CVl's. nte, for nll-<;Illlanc(l, •Outside the ctover mUe clln hI' En I('t !llnnll.'!! wt'r(O Dnnny Sum. --" " ".'-'---'- I would not try 10 lllt'uUon b)' 5

controlled with Kelillanc. (,SPl.'clnll)" JU(oI'OW l'.wld H(Ornapdl.'z. Rl'nnn I Tr1l1Ul,ES OFF ROAD tll\me Ulose lndl\'ldunlll Imd organl· ::around the basI' of the wull of tht> Holll Jprn' Zion lllld Tcddy Booher. OS 1I10NJEAl' %atlolL'l to whom I 1\111 Indebted t ::hou:;c. wide the hou:;c, U5C Mnla- i Takln,:: part In 1111' presentation of 'rt'ny Pe<:khnm. 18, El PMO, WIllI CIUI ant)' lIay the "wood!! Wl'rc rull" ::thlon or ).ou cnn usc a vacuum lht> P(WO\ "Rnln" w('re Donny Me- bl1lnrl treated for multiple cUl'; and or hl'r()('Il! 'I111~ III my mo!!t Illnccrc ::<:leaner to ctean them off the floor C(l~·. Cllrl Eck(·rt. Tony Sllct'hey. brul!ll's. nnd po:>:>lblc frllcturcs. In rCl·llJlg,·· :. .-_. - -....---- - ._.- ---;.. -'and (urnlture. Mlkt> !\feCllrty. Bobby Avant, Bobby, Ruidoso ho::pltal where be wns 1 nm wrIting to you for )'Our M.:: Can take' care of all your car repaIr needs

• • • Whlll('n nnd Andrc Mnck('y, . brou:.:ht alter mldnlnht Sunduy sintancc In conveying to all con· :: •TIle Lincoln County wool JudgIng Tho!i(' tnkbl\r part. \n the poem when l\ enr lie had Inlten {rom Vl\1tl GARV HIGHTOWER cerncd my thtmkn for 1\ Job Wt'1I:: whether it be General Overhaul- Minor or

contest will bo held. Fr1dl1Y. April "TIll' Bllnny'll EMtcr om" Wl'rl' MndolU1l1 I('apcd off Ule MonJenu ------.----"' P " ." done I ::10, fltarllng nt 3:00 p.m. at Ro5wl'lI\ Plannl' Chlldl.'rn. ChrIsta BIshop. Road nnd rolled down the mounltllo- bacJ!clor'!l dl'grl'C In eMI l'nglnt·l'r. Ancho Junl·or Rancher SIncerely. :: Major Tune-ups -Wool .& Mohalr 10 Roswell. At this I flllndrn Pl'tty, Anlln K1l.'ln. BrA, nld(' for &('\'t'rnl ynrdlt, Slalt' Pollc('- log at N.ew Mexico Sinte In Jun(' 19' L(ll\ndro VeRn. Jf ::Umc the Junior lUld senior wool !\Iallt>\\', CIndy Wynn, Patty Orlo!!·1 IlUln Bob MlIIcr nnd Deputy Sheriff of Inst YNlr lie hopes to ('ompll'le Has Rango Management Sheriff, LIncoln Counl)' ::Judging team!! wl11 be ch05l'n to: It\' Su:rm Kirby. Bt'th Chrismnn.' Clyde Atwood satd the young man hln mn<;Wf'S dl'fjfC{, III JUt\l' UI' Is -~--- -~- =-~ •represent LIn('oln County at the' Mndr>llnt' Wnll. Dlnnna Bnllt'y,I {nccd t,('vcroJ cllnrllC3 follOWIng n 1l1l'mbcr of Ul('l Amerlcnn &It'lrty As Pro}oct 7 Years C 11 B d R ;:nltlte content May n. llhHltln To\lnr and MorIa M('Clung Itht> uccldent. of .eMI EnUlnN>r!l, Vnllet' t9 tht> Oon' 1II~:hlowrr. 4·11 ml'mbrr or ap an oar ettewa 5

• • • TIlrc(O !lUSUS prcnl'nwd by thc Cll·, " • .,~. ~ - <- &On of Mr (uld Mr.. Paul VnlJ('(' I',,· IIlnUh from till.' Am'ho JWllor Administrators' -The LIncoln County Dress RtoVUI' til'l' Ul'c.up W(\f(' "April". "Prier VAYID VASCE STl'UU;S . of RUldo[,o lIulll'lll'rf" I" r,hOwn WIUI hill COW Contracts Two Years ::

will be hl'ld April 24 In Capitan. CoUtm Tail" tmd "En!o!cf Pnradc".' f'Olt MASTER'S DEGREE . - ...•.. <"-~- ~-- ~ nmt IU'r nIl! Tilt!! L'l ht9 t;('ventb 5starlin" At 0:00 a,m. An Ea<tpr p",," hunt wa..l held In I DaVId Vancc of Ruldo:;o L'I utud~'- 'Til'" I {SC'OLS "TOlt'" 'I It D I R I" ··IUIA" 111t' Cupltan Munlclplll Urllool •.. .. .. ~ .,. , • On & )1'lIr 1'1 It' C(l nl ..('1 m ....c· DOliI'd at IL'l rcgular Morch 10 Ill('ct. •____, ~_~ IInti towl1rd a 1\1(1,>;ICT''1 d('f!rce on a IS NI·;W nOOK IIIINlt pro!rrt nnd hl9 ('lghUI yroT ltlg, cxtendt:'d eontrnel'l to SUpt'rln, •

COME THOU WIT'HUS i PubUc lI('ulUt S<>rvlce Iralllt'l'shlp Dl' .'. STANLI-:1' . fll 4H ('Illb work He l'l prcsldcnt It,tld~111 DUAllft D:lflu'" dud Prlnel· 5\ Int New MexICO Slale Unh:('l'Illty, o! III dub nnd ton' hrld thl' office ~ .. ,. 'rl •II I "Thr Uncoln Stor)'" IJ)' F Stllll·' ,,' .... Iml Jack L Mu)'f1t'ld for II peTIOd •. IHe a ct; a oue·reM. $3.000 sUpt'nd le<.'. Dux 11, P<,p, TC'l(, !t'IUI:I! forl, (If >;"tI"plP',tdt'~t III t9rA. s('cr('ltIry- of two "tours =.

. plug ((0(' rrQm tht> l!rtllth ServJcc for ~ , tTl'a' urrr trl Ul :l llud lOGO ~his sludl('.'J. VallCI' rcc('lved hl~ tl. wa.'1 l',j;u('d r('('('oU\' It WUt h'><I" ~ . lItemtl!'rn or Ule Cnpunn MUIIlel· .,

___ on thc Lincoln Counts WI,U, bm tht' Onn' ha" tllkt'll 26 IlroJc('L'I In pal SChool Donrd nrc ZAnc ~1lUr. ef IRST BAPTIST CHURCH Ule Cedar Cr<'Ck cnmp growld on most Intl'r('sUng part of tll(' book 4-H nnd Ul('ly Incllld(' ran!lc pllUll.'1. prclIldl'llt. Pliul Jonl'.'J. \,11'('-pr('91· ::

Thurooa): alternoon nlll'r lunch lor are 1l0ml' InformaUv('l parncrnphg br('1 ('nIl, 1:011 and wnti'r C'Ow.ervt\- d('nt. :Mrs. Loullll' ("00 HWuWl'l. •nil Ihe l;tudenl.9 or Nob HIli Schoo\' nbout hIstorIcal Llnroln tlllll, Il'nUlprcrnf1, poultry. nnd he mocretary, SId OoodlOt:' nnd Ocoruc E-:_=':.::::=::::==:F=:::===::::=:;:"===_:.:;:=.:;"';:~';;·:'===:; 1'1 III hh fourth yrnr R'l JunIor I(,lld, \V Mt'Bl'lde. memberE}. ~~~~~ii~m~m~iE~: 0.11........~ 1'1' I,[".t ~'t'll I' nt !hI' 1,lnroln COun· __ ..-_=-_ -'.~= • =- ,.-= . --'"

WAr's COOKIN' II\' hlr Onr)' lind thc first plt1(l(' .WllWlW".."IUU....•..·IIWIlIlUUU IUlIlUIIII ..UJWUJWIJ

lIl'rl'ford ('(,N nnd tn IOG3 bnd the I eo Happy Easier to Everyone«hllmi,ioll bt'l'f frml\l~ ~~ Come by for a fin.. m&ul on £a,lor Sunduy cd noon.

WELCOME, lJOJt!olF:\U;S - The rare trat'k barllll lUt' Ilt'lng Gan' plnS't'd on the Carrlwro! Olr 9

• HU!h Sehoot football and trill'\( . \:'. i. Our Menu Will Featureopened tor hor!lt'mt'n and theIr !ltork. and W~ wanl Jo !lay "Uowdy" I('nm'l and hn.'l br('ll nrUv(' In the tt.,1 '" _a,f.>and "Welcome back lor another big lIea!lolt." Come by and vbll band He l'l r.tudi'nt council rcpre- .....t~ ~..,...-~. Chicken - Ham - Breaded Veal\\lIh II!!, t('11 WI lIo\\' )'OU'\'C bet'n. We're al\\'a)'8 glad 10 !It'c )'OU al 't>nt'ltivl' for U1t> !lkl c\ub nnd ill inI ~ ~0 ~"to and all the good thing, thaI go wilh Ihem

thn t;f'tl!or pin)' UU'I )'('nT He 1'1 the ..'J.O~ ~f.1>G ~ ~~i OP"N EARLY AND LATE<.on of MT and MI'!I J A High-' po- '). #f.> >0- c;

111\\ (Or nnd hi<: 4-fI (':ub It'ud~r 1.'1 ?,t.1>(,0 e'"01 I' ~~e Serving A VarIety of Wafflos and Hot CttlunMr'l T r\ KnIl(hl "'n~ _...t~d...,.,~ Plus Other Finfi Foods for ISr.oklou, lum:h and Supper

.- ._-_.-.- ,- .• v-~O"'f'Q>'J:Go ,,- HOME OF OEUCIOUS FRIED PIES

:::.~~,~.__~_~..:::,,.::... ===:::~==~__~~_~.. :=.~..<:::..~ ~::~r~e~~:~: "10

JACK'S WAFFLE SHOPBorn In Nogal In '95' . Jack and Golda Tllwt'r" and ('lara Jt'lIlC'rOru\i'~ld£' fUIlPrnl ';;('rvll't'!l w('re I f;ut c;f ttnldll!l" J)l)wnl\ on lIl11tml1Y 70 .,n ~~I~oa~ :.n;l~; ~::~~~y ~::d':ll~1~..nlll'.~~I,~II~I.~!!.I~IIII~!~~~!llll~~..r~~~~gr!r·'l!Il~~~~~~~~!!!l!~~~~~~.I,I'ltlltY.",Uttl,., ..fyl~.....

.- J f U . AI'I 11 t l'4'1 ~ "t.iliMiiniilliTMUtii&tk.lo..- +A~.n:Jiii.&a.Jll.J:. *t;l••••7.."TtftTt'tiktfi~&IJi.~.6C&~1 ..,--- +~J~UItOli or ""nrton \' n Wi. <oJ. .. _._- ._.. - ._...--_..•._- ......_..'._._'.-._."-

of IlOO Flrl'll Sl. TUliroStl-:-wllo died ~~-- . _._.W"dll('<:dny IMt wt'ek In thllt elly, I

A rl"qdt'rlf 01 Tulllro.~n (01' III"'1'1lN. ftU!.1 WUG born S'l.'pl 25, lroS·nt Snl!ll! Ire Wll!l 11 relll'cd rl'dlrOlldn~ I

f;urvlvlnu flfP hl!l wlft'. Mrs. DollY;nU~1 of Tuillro,,n. Oflr ton, ~cbyIn,w of Tularo.t,JI. four brothers.01'(,1'0:(' illtd 011" Hust ot 'rulnro;;",: ~

lo:iIDt'r Hu:,t of Cn.rrltotO. and lWy'Bu: t 01 E.'.;plIlloln. ont! slllter, Mrs. ,JIm 01'('( r of AIIJUl:juerqup and toutf!rnndchJldrl'h,


, .






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Page 4: Many Cburches of Tn---06servance' .. ON RO''AD'.',.0'.'CA' IT' · 2013-11-20 · In'Arl- theme of the 0C!OdF'rla&yservices,

, ..








,-~ "



A8 Gl.JNrfR



L·:P~GAS~ , I

, ,

• Who"$ in tht" product thaI mokes it harmtur-necessary Information {or Ihe doctor incate Of iniury.

.. HOw' ,r con llarm-"fJommabT.," "vaporharmful." "poison," elc:.

• Speciol wOfds 10 flog the ho:tord. "DAN.GER," "WARNING," "CAurlON"-endIhI! shU Cllld crossbones symbol if highlyloxie_ I

• WhOf fo do t(j ovoid harm, and olso flrstaid instructions, if indicated, in cas. ofaccidenl.

• 1'he statemenl "KEEP out OF THE REACHOF CHllD~EN:'



Many cornmoo household ptClducu lite dll1lgt!r­I'U!!, eSpl'dall)' it accidentally swallowed.

These indulfe Ct'rtain bll'acb~, tleane!!, furnI.lure poli!!hC"$, kerosene lind other fud!l. painl$,Jlaint Ihinnl'r& and l'emover&. and the like.'F..drral "l\~. r<'quire~ label! on !uch producU

10 ghoe )'OU the folJowint: information:

'- '.-



..... - .~

I t ,."1'" 1. - . l-'Uil&L'- " -' -":' "[

. ~. ~

Fot Mghl 8enlee tan ~57..2934 at 257..224a.,

F()r~Appliances, ot !Jtilaneand Propane can"


..~ -

It's too bard. whose faUlt 19 it butj.'t>urs that )-'OU h&,,'Cn'~ tlot a jobor a useable sk11l1

ThIs great- nation W&$ bullt ont:eU·tespect, not. sel!,ptty.

"Olmmle'· Clln wieck n,................

FOR COMFORTWhen You Want Wanntb

FOR EFFICIENCY:E"tom Your AppUae.ces


April 6. HIllSMr (leOtic \\'h1te, SuperintendentRUIdoso MunlcllUlt SchoolsRUidoso, New Mexlt»Dear Mr. WhIte:

hi behalf of the student memobeJ'# of the Caf'Tirczo Sid Club. OlenE1uson. High School 'PrincIpal and

'G1M~IIE' Ski ClUb spo1lS(lr. and myself asSOm('thl~ dllJllieroU!l has hall- part>ttt-sponsor" t would mea to

Jl<'nc.'d to ibis country-spread of thank you and those of the RUldO'""othr cownrdly Idea. that the world EkhOol AdmtnlstratJon and tac:u1tyo\\'r:1 you nnd me n Uvlng just ~. Who have been so' helpful to ust'ltu<,e wC"r(> hcre throughout the winter In regard to

SO!"inJls!..q 1U1.-a U) mouth UleDl!e- our new' sIding project. YoUr t!n.larCluon "life. Llberl:\,' lind "1tappl. fhWlastlc encouragement and pruc.ttl'S!'!" but th..y omit the most 1m. _•._, a . _••

IlOrtRnt word'- "Pursuit" I'ursUltlakes enf.>rgy alld Intestinal torU­lude which bealnlks nnd rubblerou<;..r", lUld th"lr rabble havctl't!rot and Ilaven't the ooUfngc to ae­qUlr<-

~;Atl\.OmlltlOn took my Job of car·rlnl'll' drl\'t'r tor lce-mnn or what­<,ver' 1;0 )'OU owco me relic'''' Oet\jut antl drl"'!! )'uuJ:sl'lf. and if youhawn't got l¥ skill. be the ~sl floorsWf'(IPt"r or day labOrer In town-- .. Tht fl'dnat l!aZllrdoll9 SuhstlfitH Laheling Act, en-lind you'll be In dertll\nd. forml by Ih" }'oo,1 and Orug Adminhlralioil, U.s.

lr )-'ou dropped out 01 schooi ot D"pmrill'nt of Hulth, F:dUtll!iO.!', and WelfAre.WOll"t 110 to night tichool ,bfieatiSe , '"'=~6"'~,'.__h"e .........",_...""" '/":'1' fr" -'t"-f'- • st." '''*.' oj ---'":''$'*'$ ..<'''"", .. 1"'-•••• '," ~ g"- " -",b "",,'1-''''+ ,It'_ , _"'- _'r' '"'."I_Ok! :


... ---

, " >. ,. ,,, "


, .




.. ,- --- -

, ."




NOTICEROlwell. N. M.• Your AUlhorbed

FRIGIDAIRE DEALERfo, Ruldolo and Surrounding A,eas

Will Itt Moiling ONE TRIP WEEKLY To Handl.V.u, frigidaIre Service Probt.mi and Dellver.e.,





)lOEMBt:ll-ht AU "our A\lplfIlU('f! NC'C'd.! Rdrllt'fIIltor'l,._ ...."UCl Wutl,,", f: It:"lrI" aud au Oryer.,'elrle RlIIrl«ct.......aPen. Bullt·I,... Ite1rtJtNatrtl Air C'on/tlllenC'r'I. Ico Ma",era

..". ·r,..Mrs, <.-"It \'1t~II"ct or ('\}lU~ bi liIl 1'otlr FoUnD\ (litt'lytBo

~ '" .....,~ ';'Univel"sal Appliance COli' Inc.

'.,' ~ ,'" 1-, .."i "FRIGIDAIRE"

123 N. Moln -lotwell, New M.xlto,..., Young (Owne,) Pho, 622"'140


(J'owldcd May 16. 1046 by Lloyd and Ida D1olldworttlllP1bael1ptlon fa·60 per year In I1dHt.nce III l.lncoln County

t4W per YCllr l)UI~ld,' I.lncoln CO,lWty .~,-

I'ubI1Ah4Ji once II, week elldl /"r uje V In H.uldoso. New M.!!x1COS;rJnd cla36 JIO"Lllllc pIUd ut IWlllfl,'IO, New Mellico'

Member: New MA"oco l'r",,~ A(tf,oCllltlon

'. W'ul It.'1vlce "IWC us tIle confl<1enCc!>ome 1Iludy of V\!,cwn;, • V·. ".' .X.. .·P.I.X .. ' t.;ede<l to Jn1t!ate a prO&T/lm con•.

Algebra n '":" Tlte thlrd year be~ '~, COli-.;n's which there had been manygins with a comprebentllve review - •. , .. ', '<'r:<n"'-<;";';r.~,:."." C;::l,luts!mQ lears due to our lack()f Algebra I, deal'i e"tlm/;llvely wlth r'.Q'! 'U"" ,:'<",,;. , '. , cf slt.:ng experlenc,e, ,trigonometry, and followll throu~h : . .' , '. . " " ',' . I dwith the algebra of relatlanIJ and. '., '... --., ,': ,I.' ",,,oui,,,,,,.!., Ii.,'.' ."•. 'II i i a.. '.i I r<\n'l tell you !low mpresseftlJ1ctlollll. eemplex numbers.'Be'."" • . . "r~" '" ,'," . " '1\"" are 'vlth your very fine winterqucnces. series amI bInomial expa~. • ._ :, ""10~~'> ril·('-rram. The parftlCIPtllotl0lnilion," • ," ~, ~'our sld:ng program 0 no on 31 '1L::~;;;;

Advanced MaUl-The (ourt/;l' yel!-r • " / '.•. < t' 'la\'~e Plwt of youl'student body,mathcourlle eonmln."1. Ill" IlCctlonn: '..' but al!:: many of your faculty mem- Mnt It funny 40w bPsy We beenfIOlld geometrY. trig'pflomctry, anPo-' ". " _ tor'S and townspeople. must. be roost lIVin lately. seem~ like ever timeIytlc.geometry, calculus of poly- , .," gra.tlfylng to you. The Junior we see each qUler we're hlo a deadnomlal (unction!!. probabl11tyand''F' R,llclng Program set up by the Sicr. run, Recon I am a llttl,e bIt lazy but1l1l\tIt;ltlCIi. anli a review of al~ebra ..' ," ra BI!mca SId Club Is 'certainlY out- ever Once In a whtle 1. woUld likethrough theory of equations. Each n l' ' ...• , '. • standIng, My son. Chris. cxperlen. to slow down and Visit jest a Utt!eof thCi'>C \.OplCs .Irl Introductory,·tile.;·, , ced the thrl.lI of his life being a dab. Can you member .back whim(Inlt lhree and the lalst beIngmost:;:. ': '!,' member qf that Ifroup thIs winter. the Jonese,S Would'lnvite YQu Oqt tocompn"hC!Dlllve. . . ' . The people of the RUidoso Scllools have frIed chlcken ancf. homemade

TIlt! above II> only a brief 'r;ynop- wcre more than generous to invite ice cream an. then acter,youd getIll'•. of course content meant to be , the Carrlwzo children to partlcl. full o{ both youd' slt aro~d a~ .'

IEC'110N A I' AC H. H) l' I NAT ION ALE D ITO RI A l rl'prC"wnlatlvc rathc'r' Ullln all-In, .It pale In their skIIng pro~ram. The plain ole 'visit. DldntllaVC mucbr ~~(," I IAcJSh CAATIl:i:N chJ.qlvco It mlfl,ht b~ well tomention, .. ,' few students from Ollr group who money an not much promise o{ a

Ruidoso News 'It":~ v -.:::J U:J hert" that there Is a movement \.0 • ".,.",.'. ,;-",. were fortunate enough to be able crop but somellow you hardly everFriday, April 111 11105 J' • JlI1"h all thl"''I:' COllr'leg down a year, . to join your wec1nesday program heard of ulcers er heart attacks,• 'All(c·bru I would Ix> taught In tho . ' '. were'thrllled by the friendly recep- Nowdays you mlgnt th1nIt of those

Ab. Those Kids • . , . ell~hlh grad!.' I to ml\ke room lor " tion. they were given by th.e pays. days and those people a Uttle onSow in Ih'o paper Ihe OIf"H do'( where tJ 17 year,old high rurttll'r advanced math at the hjldl and girls {rom Ruidoso, It Is won· the lazy side but I'm afraid youd

• school boy hod o,loundod profouoll In college wilh his perfee:· f.ebool l(>vc'\' ' ..... derful to know that there are such be very wrong. Then a· feller gotlion of a pllndvlum Ihol ,w,n9~ in a c,rcvlof mJI,on, a now op' Now to my Idea of malhematical I~ grllnd people nearbya~d we hthn: up at four In the momlng (lnd had

I N undc'r"landlnll' an my t'lecond pur· ~, . ' .... ,.... yoU trom the bottom 0 our ea to do bls chores' and t.1lat consistedIIcallon of an old, old "'Ortl'!'C ond molhllmotlCal prine:ipo ow. '" f 'd'~ I J In" hand to uspO'C' In lhl'! particular teacher'/l .~.... or ex,en ...g a Ie p " of feed an~water for nll the stock,

I rthhe bOIy'. dllchovory w"~ bo u\l·d 10,r d



mar:kdind, 'oaf hl~llsolaryr' "OTrJ('r Evc'ry mathematical con.'~", ' ..~ .•".' In Carrizozo. mUkln and gatherin eggs nnd Ulenen law w oro onol"", '(oung ~ u on rna 0 a mo 0 U 'C('pt hll'J muaU beginning/!, nl'ed'l ,~ * •. ~. With every good wish for your after all thts breakfast, and a long

~ Ihe orbiting saloll,Io Ihol " u~ed by COrYlmvnicol.on, media for CCIIWf('l(' ('xamplo'j, and dovelops "",,,,,' '0'''> ,.., , .contlnulng success, I am hard days worle. Tlte women neverI' bouncing all -ItJl'ld, of rr1l'Hog'" and Ilgnol, around Ihe world, Inw nb'jlract urdl'T5tandlng c'vl"r • ,,"". ._ Sincerely. heard of all these fancy open upu and he had' gono 0 ""P I'Jrlltl" Ih'.n ,hc' Boll Telophone laboro· t'llpanlhllK wltli 1'3ch I"xample con· " " :-:-... ' Mrs. A. N. Spencer; " and eo.tum things we got In lIlec lory technicIans he had uddcd 0 (" (u,I for v$lng a lalor beam. (,ldC'rc'd I hllli!' ,<!'Iccu'd division by . <', '1(- • ,. Secretary {)f the Super Markels, they grew nnd can." A co,e of a youflU,lcr pulling h'gnl( ,k,lIed lechn,cions in 'he ~ fmcllon, or, In cl('arc'r wrm.~, dl· . ' :- "r', • • Board of Trustees' ned all that, Had to carry wood for

.hode. \'l',I<l1l by a raltonal numhl!r. f.·b.", Cnrrlzow Municipal Schools the cookln and do a devil of a lot, Such s'orills 0'0 co,,',null'(j 10 "fJpeor ,n Iho pren. Qvr own' wh,l'r!' a lind b arc' Inlol(l'rlJ. af> lUI ", Carrizozo, N. M. of washin In, .the yard l\1'l Ironm

. C'lUlIIlplo or ('llp:lfIdlni,l unl!t'r<,.tnnd' . - --. - - wJth an olc sad Iron. Yep, lIley wuz: younglle" 'n Au,dolo orC! 0

1'0 (rJnlll"JII'9 10 make .he news ,n .Iug Thl~ brIef qal('mc'nt If> byno, f\V'OO"'O TU'S ON GIVING DIRECTIONS busy but they certainly seemed to

I many wayland .,.,0 '0 lo'"v''' ~tll"'r1g to .g,vo .hom all 'he roo m"nn~ tIl b(' con',ldC'rl'l1 t'xhau~t1ve. ..~ • o~ • r-eWs Preparecl tor Carlsbad enjoy their neighbors and them.~ cognition we con ,n our (alun,,,, TrndlllclDal math l'ltnte<l a rull' , .... - •••• , . --_.. . - ,- Chamber of Commerce sel\'es a lot morc than we do now., L. Which b"ng\ u\ 10 m'n" Ihtt'"Ofblofvol,on Ihol no mOf"Of Tr, r1llilrlCl by a frtlCtll:rn

h· InVf

I'rt UlC," numbern U,CJI uge a /Specific ex. -See Editori(ll "Ah, Those Kids" ~.""-'1' by Peler G. sanllc~ez. ld kinder enjoy a little dab of

, wnol you hoar o'hllrw,u,. 1ft" ~,d, () AmellCo 0'0 a prclIy one d'\'t""r f.nd multiply C' ru C' ·.c't<1· I ' _ " •••••1'(, I'ark Natura II. thnt, woulc1nt you? -Ab, bunch of young (11"0'" ",I,,,U n 'J'I· m"'uro and u,"I.blc .in up au aJIJ0rlMTI ,l1 Pll:lC'rn ~() rOI: "'~f.:ell IIny real number, a. sup- bers. propertlNI of numbers under ~T~'!!$;;,f.....~"..."(J~-r,;o. Carlsbad Caverns Nallonal Park __ .'_0' -. , ,

, many wa'll Ihan Iholt "Id",~ Wro rtlCld of sporod,c, 1I0/o'od In· Illl.\< I.\<lthout ImdC'rAand nil Ihc prop 1>0"(> wp are rl"qulreQ \.0 dive a b" thl!se operatloll1l. and deal'! at least --...;;.....~ By follOWing these tips you will you hel1dlng toward Roswell or EI1 d b II b r"'" of (IUmb<'rM or L111' prlndplc"l • ~ a'! much with InL-quaUon.'> as with ' discover that your ctWlomers wUl Paso? Are you walking or driving?

I .Ianoelo lorna leon "0"'" ,,,,ll II"." Ir(JlJb '" an ro 0 .ons, ul I' . t r I ttl(' rallOnal number be, a diVIded I d b I RUIdoso, New Mexico 'hit'" "'''ore ot "'OU, You wll' be not ;Ar.e you pUlllng 11 trl1l1er? HowI on ttt. wholo wt> ho~., (J IJ"",d I, ,,'(h lIf l...d~ 0 10' ~morl()f Ihon U'''I! npPlY'dlOfllh" .c'PC;OTl,'ltlO I (J mu, ••. ,. -a.,!1 dorflnll'rUtoo ft Cit' rr~qQurIQr~8i " . AprU n, IDU5 ' ,1\; .. , ~ ....

. , ', tlJlIIll'1I0n I' m'u on 'Ntl c("xac , n !l e n~ ~ ~. d ju,~t another clerk. but a reul public much time do rou havc to spend?. w. wef' '1'1 .ovr 9"nm ""r,'· IH d, I 1,,·100 ve mor.C "l)e:crc In IhelT Pur tlU! 'hll!l,C' !lr brC:\IIy. 1I',numc' by b C' mllY lIf! wrItten: . Tltc an e)twn:;Ive l!lcrea!:e In vocubu. ~~~:so News Sl."nant and FRIEND. Do you want a direct or a scenichop•• to moko a b"",,, .... ".Id undl'r'>!tllldlnu of til!' opl',atlon of b c IlIry.. to many It appears a new po G'lveonly 3 directions, ¥ore route?

Th.y·re domo luLl ':r,., '" ""'" of. VI ond by Ihot I moon in lIIultlllllc tlUlm wl1M It ciON. to mulllpll('t\II\'f' Im'erne or b C' III InngualI('. IL'! aim III to slmpllfy Ruidoso, New Mexico than 3 fucl.'llead to contusion wiless DO think for a. momen~; pllUl.plt. of the 01l0",,,1/), """'Il \(., fe" ,,,,.,,, b" adults Who producos numh,'r" lind wh~ It ",'!J:oC'ful Moc!. c b lI/lei t' b divIded by c'b equals and ('Iarlty lIle ,.Iudy of math. It Dear Editor: dlrecllons arc written, what you ate about to !lilY.

, liP,S. Senator Dodd has lIubmltted bl.h••muUy rnov 'O~ ou' ~ ·d, (), fl , •• pe,~rod 1o. who pI inl" 'he porno, NI. \\lath lay', n IClundl\U'ln IIf prop. 1 'f11l'1I we can mu ttp your num· III my oplnlcm- that we know only bill No. 1592. whtch Is delligned to PO draw a lIllctl'h mup U paSSI e. DON'T rllmble on describing~,ophlc Iltera'vfe . .,.,ho I'rt·",,\ 1'1"" '" () '0(101 mus', and smok I'rtll''' of rC'111 numhc'r" 1'01' '.!illll c thnt math lbut we completely un· take' away more rights of .the DO rcpC(l1 your dJrecUons slow. evory landmark a person may findlng, 0 IIgh' rllgord I", ""fl" 01 uu' Iowa and a few o,hor such WI' two CI! whlth upply pUftlt"Jlur- ~,- dprstand to. bc ubI" to follow llQ American people. nls bill 18 can. Iy and dlbtlnctly. Emphasize dl.~CC- alon3' the wny. BE BIUEF, SelectIhlng,1 'I', 'ho odu'" A.,d. f",,,d .... "t. n COOllfllJlng and on tn' h, lbt' prop('fUc'~ of multlfJlle(tI!\'" n x b al(lorl:'.m I~, not cnollgh; we mu.'lt cerned with lhI! lll,IUlufl1cture. sell. tlons and numberlJ, EJCnmple: 00 only significant landmarks.

I k h · Idl'lIl1\~ lwd Illulllp!lc IIllvt' 1II',,('r'.(o~l bl'rq a~ follows: ,.' ~"', Iwacn· underllUllld why I><'L Pt\ttenJ.'! work. t THREE block!! In the direction you DON'T use compass directionscr,al ng ou'pou""\1 of ""t. ".,If It." ~,d~ monago I~ cep I orr !»ltIIJlJlll'aJl~'. Ihl"'c' arc Mnted b c c b ~PAUL VANCE ~~~:n.bUying 0 guns and 11m· ar" now headed; turn rIght, ete." unless nbsolutely neccsllary. Fewbalonc., forced ".10 .. ,.,~ '''\1 ., '.· ..·1 ,,~·Il"J1l<11 of whol • good and brtpny tlUJl~' unlllg tl1l' prInciple of Ident!. Tltlll bill could lead to I1dmlnJs- . DO refcr him 10 EOml'One .eltle pertlOl1lI can tell norlll from up arwho'" "0'- and lu,n ewl I'. I... "" lOp 'u'p""ngly tn almo" any hl-lJlIlV prlnc'lpl'" c An Idea! Itrntlve declnlolUl thnt WoUld dis. furtller along the roule tor IIddl· down even on n clear dnyl Oct hlmt1'I'C1l1on 'hoy'ro plo,,,d I~J:=;R"";='.Rc:~7.·.=::...', .. ~.. ....- . . dt II I te th I IlonaI dlrcctloll!l, cspeclally if In· hl'llded correctly then uoo rlsht

... -. '--"- - "'_ iJ..... "' .......... - ......... ly t.u mulUply by I, b equal!l 1. ~~~Il::n~llhIopr o~ ~~aguns eE~~~ strucHoll" are compll'x. Exnmple: llnd let~ Instead. '.. ,If a. The - 11 t h'lIl • h drlH" straight ONE block. DON'T be afrnld to flllY you don't, h ' c b A Bu.lnau Opportunlly you cnrho ~ weer '~b'~u ahnv~ Slop M the XYZ station nnd lusk )cnow. Refcr him 10 Someone nellI'-Teac ers IA tll'rC' • I" till' operllllnn cm lhl' For Somoone 10 Sterrt or your G o.gun. remem er w • for additiOnal dlrcctloll.!l frO m h d

IIUI'lbN~ _nc hllPlxmed In Germany and·tho.~c lh"re'" by W 0_ oes. __ ' , 'f",c'r',' Prlllcfplr . '.. ... In RuldQso- -;J'Uler-courttr1l'$ which lire now nus.' ' . DON r give III1OrmaUon you ro

~'i'lJ. I) ~J Corner w'£~-'- .=,c_,":"_ ,-~_.. , . , ~-, ' to UUltl,' 111m, neferrlng m lUI you don't know thlIn to mislead

~ a.u...1. ~ v1'J(~ \ ...1 R:;:', R "If''l'' • • .,- tJINr)'rllr'iOfel:pl"flell((> loyoul10er Itelld lIle bill llud write your ob~.curo sign hfddl'n Ilmong olhers\ ' 'I 'l'V~14 3 (, ";1<'. • ..., .. ,.Jl:CI. i 1 mC'rChl\lll'l who plan a nl'W venturI' Congretl.!lman (uU of theml. NOWI nt a btClY intersection l!l no help. htm


TItt It

t:..!- ~-1:.'." .. ".' •. "'" 11, ",,1, '''''''' II ... ·1t'lIclll'r'~ " 11 III a rrtnll r.tOT!', or who arc huvlnjf Respectfully submitted, Obod Cltample!!), 1lI "00 three t N fee pu ou b !lOm~ona; u.,_ ''''m. Frnm J1uld..... , ••.,. ,. "., .. II 1.1 Ilk" II to do Iwo I.\<IIIi 'flUlI' mrnrllml of • w,,, mllY (on<.'ludt' tJua • equala lllmt'Ully "<,tUnlt 1\ !llore rolling Mrs, Fred W. Bogardus. Sr. bloclro In the dl;'~CtlOn you are now nil ,,,.~.!or Illform

bMlaho ut uys

" ... 'I , 1· HIll'" IIII' t'fllltpnt or 'UII";<' ',UU",tnC'lIt'l '.ny UIM for b'c throulth lin orr:nlUlllllon of con· Ii t h n I tr f oO.....qs. Remem er. fl may como" A'~l It. Illst /., I, • t.,.,j ","lh 11IIIf...,'! Rnd l:t. ('H"" It'l\l lIumht". tj, (lm\l'r tlit' l\f.' ullnntq 'l1lf'fl' 1" I' naUomd organ l'le&iIe DelpH hl'nded: tum rig tnt I! rs ll' back If you lrCIlt. hIm rlghl.• k :,....... of ...... k 11".1".",," /";1- t'l .' I ,,' '''''h r U Ad mAO· fle IIghl: drh'c tltralgbt one block," DON'T mention atreel names or''11 \!Il' """ f i,,·. '1,. l'Url'"'' lllld huprdfor n', (l1't'falloll,·. f I' tJ!rrt' rxl':w II rpnl • vl'rUylng lilt! rule from trn· za on \lOW~ ,h..~ e r", , ~ We hl1ve lila word!! to a benuUCul bl "Drlve Ii mllt.'s In the dlrectlon •ot,~ Rllldolo ....."d M",I "" ,II, ·jl' ..1 ",\ ""JlIi 'OlU'U'!l "" "C'lnll uumhC',. f' C1d''fItI\y "I"lI\l'nt'. "uel! 11 01 commerc1' nft' fi'ln\lnble {or t1ln- old ton1t which we think would be ' I I It refer to olller algns not .. lslble nt.~!ld thls Wl'f·k ht I Vi / ,,' k., ." .1" '(1' "u.tI "' fro, 111:11 II" (/IlwJllllnIlW" orwrlll!nn nn d'llonnl malh nbout ItlvC'rtlnr, lhe r.11l!nlllrn lIert' In Ruldow. tbert! an l/leAI lIlcme song for our Call1e. ~~O~I' ":]Jl~~~ ~~~I~~";l.e~It ~r(yCiS night. -l)ubmntcd by M. n. lJawllMhi..- LlJbb(M:k ·T., ."" ,.. ,I ' .• '." I.ll' flu' Iif' I I' ni, ,'IllUlll'l R (J" 1\,' n II j 11" ull I ". dOl"l liCIt 1I1\\';or nnd ItlltluplYlllll b)('ldc'utfll, nmy br> I'.(,n'rul tlll'll ot thl!J call· dral of UlC Pines. only Olll' blllCk matibox ilion!: l1Ie ••ettanlllf and Ih'" "' •. 1 .' ." , " ...I '"'''' ',I,,,h'" IIu' ,,'cohfl Ilmld' I' lllod tJ. 1I."'c' c'1t\ t:. n Iy. havl' you t'w'r found hal! of A brC', with thl' "!lIlflw,ltow~' nnd the We fnU!l1 hnve the Utle of the rOUlf" I Water PUmp1'Il.ekir ...hc) IIwn,.1 Ih. I" " I"., • '-'~" \ '''' "'I':""" d IhurOllllhl)' 'N,I 1.'JllIltPr n' '.lll'h thM 11.', ('(1m· lllunbf"r b)' divIding by Iwo" Noll' )'en to flll ItlNr rellrl'd 110UrlJ with song lltId the mU!llcal GCore. We DO know )"our nn'll lind wbllt the Sal SDlIbllUt ItIilrp fOI n ,I,.. , I ••• , "" • " ,t. ,.' '" • ,':. , 1tI1l11'1r~ lJI 1.10 h'!'I1 Itlu!nll\,' 1I11"rnllOlI on a 1!l1i,., ro ll'l thl\t Itll'J 10 Inv('rllnlf ttl" multlpller ,>OIl1C'lhllll/ (If l>lJmc' U5~ to comC'one. hope corne one wUJ hnve a source OflC!I).1\Slc.NI quer,\Io115 nrc. es & ervice\IN. )'tl~1\ Iogft '"1<1 I.. I,,, 1•.• ,,\ ,' •. , I'''''' I.., HIl'" II: 1",,,, liNt' ff'.U·I l'ur 'IIC' 'lrrro<lOIl of odell· nfifl dl\'ldlllg. find It ('tin Iw ohown A (hurttl' ('auld lie mlldf.> ror the to hl'lp us. DO Mk a f('w background ques- W"unberly Electric\bJ IJUUtllnll If''''' I' W , •. k , .. ', .. hill"". "h" '10\'1 lUI IlJur lIlIn !til' UIf'll!l!Y t"lrull'/lt I'J 0 Alid to lw '!,Alld In II malUll!r !JlrnUClr to ('onfJUllntlolll:PT\'t'I'. nnd thOOc pcr~ II )·ou hllove nny st1ggesUoM or lIOll... If tl£'l."c:;:;nry. Ellamples: Are 1'bone 151411.l\IIuf1r. '"flJl''' (" .... , ..I 'I· I .1 " "I ,.,Il'lt ,. ." "If' 1Il0\ mw Ih.. ndlltll\t' u,\C'r',(' of AIl\' Ilumbt'r. thl' llOO\'l' For !l;,. !1)li'f'I{lC' ('lCClm. ron" famlllOr wllh certAl11 ll~pecUr information please conlaet Mrs.lIi,t , '!' I "'1,, ",,,, "....h·I' III I h."" n to tI W4' 'hulllr.. rO'lf'('rrll'd with 111l.'. r:uppo:.t' we r.cll'Ct n rr:olllUvl'ly or nre!l." or II .,u'llr.e'i.'l could be MOode Erlc~n Oot 2S'l-22ll1 or wrlt(l

A .ctaf'1llAI nfl' ..I ." ,I.·"" " ",·1 I••' \\,11 I,n,,. "" ...1(11"0(1 muall,l,tQl!(I11 IAtlf'rp I1IP 1/!,'IlUty r.ltrlpJe dl\',c.:lon Z3 rtlvldrd by 3 l'l. (,lllll'd Oil to help 'CoIn' a problem In to hcr nt Box 84. RuJdO"..o.r4 orilln trUl!c>d u", .., ,.,,1 ,.., t ' ,I \ .., I., .."" lilt Idl'l,lolI\' , ('f('IIiI'fl! I" , and Ihl' lfll1lt1plff:~lfvl' 23 17 3 23xl'l 3 that p:uUculllr flrld TIll' cOl\.1ultlng These nrc the words Mil 1 think01 IlJCI old fl'JAd,. '" "w,1 " C·ol."<tI~ , •. , (1,,,,,,,,1 K"II,. M",.II,.f', S"IA 111\(>/'«' of till' trill num!Jt'r. n. 1"1 X l'qualfl !'quaIs burt>tlu. or Cf>llJt.('llng r:ervlce. or the tllle:"'day nlatl! n,,. huUrlll •.: II, ...,. "u' 'f'. II, lit" FI ",,<4, Tlln". 1 It 3 11 17 a 3 17 It 17 a bU'IIlt",!; I\dv1:>ory bonrd or wbnt. The Grt!tD CaUledralUQI\OUI ~>\Ct .'It", II ,"II ........, .. III I,' '.:.".,' Murt"', lPrJ~ u" rvll,'(" l'ltdr:or~lnlldlllll or t111'r.c two prin. rVI'r )-ou want 10 ('all 1\ l'.QUld be I know a grei:'n Cathedral, A shllod.lfiOi. was A r/ll"wII. 111"""""kit" h'll" 0' /InoJ ff('~hlJl(l1l t) fltl!fl', In'ooll;t... " UH'1l1 tiN" morl' 23 \I 11 :I t'qunl:'\ 23 It 11 or alll Tbl!tl mndl> up 01 {rom Uuct' 102& P1!ople owed foreAt llhrlbe

PurtbaIiO of 1111 IJl1l1du'1! ,.""". \I"" l)f"n' t111ul UII" nbUIlY It' quotl" thNIl 0110 • ,,_. • ••• . mNl nnd wom<'n ot rnnlUre Judg. Where leavC9 In lovel Join hlltldsInM\ an<1 IItcK't. ..f It.., Il. It,,,, h. '",.. , ,,," I Hd lllru, .. 10 "ludlt'd II! thr'W lllrnlltll~~ trill' U'l tlmt nllY 1 :1:1 lfll'nt who'd 11k!' 10 give n tift to above •of Lltlcoln Counl ) "". 11." .. "".. ,·1 ",..", hUiUIO<JC' IlItd ',"lnUlIn. IUl:t tN11 numb..r f,tiHocl te' t1l1tl mllny Ullltt' nre I;!O I 3 0'3 17 tn 23. The olll('rn ",ho hlw" fhl.'lr rilet' In com· And arch your prayer and mlnc.UIa WMIL by Jn~"l'h » I""., 'L' ., ",' 'I".· 'I!hnlll 11,.. \1'.' l"rllllC'r. 0/11''' rille,. for llll~ r('lll nUnibrr, 1\. e1lal/l1l1<, f;.l'fV('3 l() 1Ilu.'llrnle UII' met('e yN to rull The St'rvlce Within ltD 0001 deplll sacred. A0' Rutd(l(loO 1111,..111". ,,.,,, •• !\ ..C I.. .., I,umb"f ...1'. hlll1l tho lin, A l( I r"qtlAh 11. or \\ltll llPt'ellte ('It- prlllelplM 1n\-oIVC'd. whlC'h ar(> ba. could bl' offt'rt'd to P1'opll' all over shlld~'ed foresl lies.R.a.wt'll. ha.. br,.n • ..IU,,·, ' ...1 "P', '.'" '" Ill.. , ..01'0 1I1111 llllm Ipl"q lIfupl,." 'I It I ('qunh 7. '" It I t'Qull!q tll(' \.0 pfClblcmll In nlli"brn Intolv. th.. o;oulhw,,;t. with II llt'ndquarlers And the leaves in love, Join hands8aL'ra Dfothrro (lao Cot h.' .• ",,, I ., """l' .." ... 111111'" lilt UII'm nfl' ' 3 ll!t1 X 1 rClUol'a 3 l!51. (>i~ Ali. Inll oolll"It'x frlu'uoIl.'l. orrtt"l' hl'r", In RUldo..o;o. above)'I'Sr. • ., 01 ", 1,,,,'£\\1\1' nUmbl'rfl nlld lI'hN tnl"nnlllil ohot", ll'l Uillt ror Lot U!I <'llrry undt"rslnlld!ng aUt- cWI' Invite )'Our Id",\l.'I for lIlls Unto UlC clear blUe slttes.

Un "'"".. 1t'''''llI'\ .. Q' ,',,', 1 ": •••"tltl,,,1 11f\l"'f,IC'~ urro lll'l'·~'·lIt1)' Urr m\rr":{' 0Pt'fDUOfI of multlpllcl\. til' f'Jrther In n dlftcofCllt way. jo..'It ('('lumn you may hA\'e a suggl'S­pr"I'd.enl ot 11>4' Utlhl:.... , i'll'" 'I. ,Ii II " 'lit ,''''1 0 fur 'itlldrnl~ In """ .dht~WIl' Olll' III '11U1 Rtl lelMl, b(>llllf rct\.r.onllblc g(lch ot Ule cnl'S lIOD Ihat 'would pro'o'ide a lIveWwod&bool r·TA till.......k 11'1,.....'11 ,,, ,10. 'tll,d Ornldlo uf -11ll/!" VRrl IIU r!C'ml'lll II nllV numbrr In lh.. III ZJ 10; 17 f;(''o'('IlIt'entJtq, so Um& 23 for r.omt'one hN'!' I

etta Ill"cll'd Wf'fl' 101,- M" .. "1.1.,1 '.. 1''''1 "",..rnl~· IInet rudC't..d Ilumber rlJlrt'!l.o:('d 'll ones, U,l'll "'Ould be 23 lit I'i ot lWiL'l \\t' ('nil -~,--- --- ..lokC'oy. f1nt I'1e ... 1"1' IrI.,,1 M, I" ,.~ 1I1.11 "I'""'"UO!L' IAIUI tlOlA"'" r1l.f'f\! numbt"r to) lL'\ au'll lIum\}(>r &("\'cutl.'t'nthq nul 3. 11 \g. uir('(>P'"8 Loatun ~.",..I " •• I"''" I tI. ,I ",..I' .uhflllllll4> III QtlRdrllllr of IIltt'''' t:cl Iltnl tor tht' r01l1 num, Umt'q I.q bill tl!l 1 1'1. &0 th("re ('nndftlt. Ur. UcoUt 1'1'1" .,., r"'M' h,Un'Utl\" ... lIlt llfllttltlnlf llI11,ctrnt, bf'f n II dIVided by \ <'<1unb" 111.. Ix> enl)' n third ItS mnny 3 n In 23ADd Uti Ruth Mum.. "." >tI.. 'k I r I'lt 11'1'_ U,M IIllpl)' W" u~ Ittt'nnmu of mulupIICnU\'1' In'o-rfl:C n.~ lhl'rc ar(' t17 in 23 Thl'r{'fore and Mn Fohn" IlAn,." I",,,, 'I,.. , t"t\<' tlol..tHI'\ lonn lilt flll.t,ll of \\!lIC'·h u{' "hAll muk" \Uro 19 Slllt. Utl,,, munbt'r of:J 11 In 23 b 23 lit 11 3."ly cI hoM«!. 1 ..~ ..,"'..,"'..' "'" Uo ''''''M r'lmllhmot OJld In«llInll· Ill\ It'; d('tUIIUel! tor allY f(ll\l num. or, as Abov.. 130 1 3 ot 11I1!m.theJ bAv. I,,~d II... (In'lI ~,... " I" I ... fl' R hl11ndnUOll for It" ...r prill· be'f It n l 1 CI I'qutll'l 1 Now W(l Mod..m II1Alb gee!! be~'Otld trn.e..UtJa In Palm.., (lAtrl> In IIltd .... 11 ""I,.. •hnll dl\tt!t' b)' n mllOllll.1 numbf'r dltlonnl mnUl In sludylnll JlrlnrlplMOf'ttl .. drua OllJft' lU,d l,h,u".II') Or"f""II) 11,1" ~"co1Jd >'"nf lor n rrRrUon' t1~1 w,th Clny rt'al InvOlnd In operations \l,1th lOOn '«1.1'11'1<' Ih,. l"nllUll\l1' of Ah:rbrR _ ',,_c< " ._>~_ '_~'_=,,_ '.' '."~ . ., ,

CoNrtrucuon 01 a /,(1000 "" I',·" T 'H." d"lll" \10'11'1 IlfUof<> lJl!orltll\1tfottrvo1r III OI~fI Tr.... tll>t1 0 u a 111 .•1 hlltltnl 1111111\1\1" And rillorflll~

If' dt.tl1buU\'t' n·..wltl 10 "'H' tla IAll::''''"" df'tlitnlt w11h l.'UItdmillmlor the tru:ofl)Orll!c>d ""'R '''ti~ tI> '£jlf'ltI('lil" Iq lnlrlldut'f!d l.opl("l1 Ineured whtn Ihf' HIIRI/C' I'n't""" •..!td lo/f'OllI"lrv llre \llclud...d. findewnen App.awrd A .72 000 Imud Do II,,,,,, 10 II bcolllnnllm of nn"I1'Ue.lIe Iut wuk """"''''0 lIod '''"OflOmelr)'. wtlli



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Page 5: Many Cburches of Tn---06servance' .. ON RO''AD'.',.0'.'CA' IT' · 2013-11-20 · In'Arl- theme of the 0C!OdF'rla&yservices,



















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. COMPLETEDEPAB'1'MENT STOllE·Downtown RuIdoso -,.. ....1- Phon. ~$7·2911






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'" ~ECTION A • PAOE FlVl!; i '

Ruidoso 'News' iFrldl\:\" April 16, 19li5


. .



.,. ,, ~~ ...:.-• ..;...#.o l '-~- .. ' \

~ ,

'65 ('1Itrrolcllmpa1a. Sport Coup,


'65 Clu:rtllc MahiJl' I,-Door Stalion Wagon


,. -'. ,_.,,, '.", . '"




• •


Z;pg into spring!in a new Chevrolet



•," .,


,..- ~" .. " <,

" I••" ~




"--' -~.,,.. -'......~ .



\. THiS WEEKThe annunl Cnnltan TII~('nl Show

sP< QY tt~ CIlpltll1l FutureHomemnltt'rs of AllWl'a'fl will be"he'd lI.t th(l C'lpitnn SchoDI Oym

.! Thurl'dny e1.'I'·lill'~. Apr-II 1'\. Jack_Mayflcld, Caplfnn HL,!l Schoolprlnclpnl 1l11notm",'d lhls w('('k.

Some of tht' /l'jl1\bl'l" on· tho pl'O­.gl·nm wHl Ut' fu "111 'Iwd hr tht'

, I ~'RebeJ Rpu"c;rs' jn('l1\dlu'~ Pn'o;lon

AhT . HIGHWhAY COMMISSION MEETING - Ruldosoons are' favors thl;~rl;lo hO$ received. Far right are A, E. Hunt, 'former' - ~~dC~~I<~~~~!d f:;~CI~~I~~l~. D~:; " _. _ .. ,'<'~,\:~>;:.: .. j' • " . • . "........ ..' >i!'::-"~~.~:';'k' ..

~Q~~V5 ~~etl~gel~i':Slno~~tr~~e :~~~~~~aFf;~i~, ..~~~' ~n v~~~ ~~:~~. ~~:~li~:~t h~:~dl'.~~ 'c~~~~Q:h: ~pp~~~~~~~n o~ri~~. ~ ~orlC'~lnil~Qloln::MQI'rl O~llll:-'cnI~~I.rl/lt(ll~~~.'1' n~~d' . ".' ...•.•;j::;p••:~;.: ~: ..·~:~5:;f(::: .. ;~tI;!~·;;.. . ;';,!,j'i"ff;l{,~'~~'~':::-Z~l:i~ .to tpe road department to express thanks for th; many fine half ;f the area. skits 'bY \lIe F:l Caplll\u' 4.ll Club. .. . . ,::'~;_::~'~:,,~.:_::;,~.,;;......;...::f.r,,:"1re~:,::,;;;:~::"' .... " ~.._~i~""'-'~""'~'-:: .' ':,..

- ----_--....:..----.-.--..----~---....,,-~- , .. lhe Cupltlln ~:r('shmnn Cla"".'lInd ON ERS PI • h bid .J h IOWNED NEWSPAPERS IN FOUR STATES- 'rhl' bOY was -\lecoll\lng a.J\ old The ,ol!lcers wanted to avoid Clut;; fhe l'lghth ImHI(' ('l.l\'l~ MUsiC' will ~I ~. - oneenng t e nurse/')' ness tions and resl eotes slnt:e, they opeM... --t e rt;.·_ - . , , ,- • hand In the·l:fllme. He moved ob to terlng up the deok, not knowing, b!' fUl'nMled bv thl' Cnpllnn Sl'hQol In RUldosi:> have been Mr. (md Mrs: ~. W. firm here more than '15 years ago. Besido,,*,_ ..Lo··'cal Ma'n' Rec-aIls~ 51 Ye'ars \l.l· !);lny Commercial Record, a what might t!\ke plate the next· Band nud tlll' Jlllllc'r Dand. Vo('al. By&rs, shown· above with their pet In front frurt'ir'cfc»;"$l1ode trees and landscape bush........

~ firm which printed 1\ dally pnper moment, antt, they ordered tM old solos IJ)' Nltn Cnmpbpll. Tony SI\ll. i of one of Iheir several buildings In Skyland es, the poll' also stoc'k bulbs and plants."

Eel p e. Sh ,col111:llnlng clW lind county recorlls paper cutter to be dumped ove\,' (h!'z lind 1.lud)' Stmms ar!' ulso on ' 01'00, where Ihelr Ruidoso Nursery 15 locoled, They also hQve lawn anti garden insecti.::xpen.ence n. rlntmg ~ Op'S sc'eOcuurrlc~fur;em, the city pall and the bO.~{d,b d th ~ .d Wh th ,.lhl' prol'mm. ana pillUO ~olos by' The poll' has contributed many hundreds cldes, fertilizers',' plonlfood5~ ot:cessories for;'

, ' 0 eye _ e 01" er, , en ,:IPM<;y Walkl'l' , l<albr" Robinson.' of evergreens and olher nunery ilems to 10' those who have a .green thumb, " I,

ny FltIEPA nRYAN nvATT I '* Time WI\S WllsUU' for Roy, He WIl8~~:'~::~W~u.;~lsS= ~?~~~: .IILrl'.~ot!'., rll,Ls'101:ukmhal'I~II.nlll~odl0.~lbl::awNIIJIIII~·I: ~ . ,._c,-:I, school, "h",(1spitol, "c_hu.~,~h., .,.bu,s._i,n_flss__ '".o, ,c.<1:".,_ ,'_"_~ , ,'.'.___ " _ .._ .. , __ , __RUidoso Downs track sometimes ~:~,- "...,••~ -.. 'iCll'"' ..·::'[....'4 g-ctUu' old so al thCllge of 13 he . • ... v ., , - - - -,' " _ .. -,- ..- ~ -,' ••- .' ,---

gets "1\ horsellUln who hIlS been in ,;. '.. . - _ ; sla.rted on a, t:.Inotype machine, He chine could not be used, We hila 10 I Rosellbllltl l.l/1g Bo Cnlldlll wcre all· ' .the game 1\ long time. There WIlS k * 11.;.: '" ...... ..... '1 wa'> OU his wny, make a wooden pllitern, the mao I nouncNI by 1111' Capltali FHA Former RUle.Josnan Is'!Re'll-r'l-ng 1st convlmllol\ bun'au there,

e J , Fl.nnk Norfleet, considered' lhe '..........._ ..., ,-. ~.... 'n- Pown throu"h the years since chine shop on the ship cast a nl'W I .' U. U Among hl~ otlll'r nUl\wrous reo..... ~." bed nnd the prlnUn" shop Wl\~ llJlOlllllbl\ltll'~ 1m\'1' hl'1'1\ his 1llee·

natl(ln'~ olde"t horse breeder, (Nor- lhat time Ro" 11M worked on val'· , .,," bit as nll\('h in thl' I,rlnt shol' ,.IS F P bl R I · ' W k" ... 'tlnnU" bnck In business" • t lion a~ rll'st Ill'l'~jil('nt o.f rhe New. tleet observed hIs !OOth blrthdllY (ous IlCWspnpCl's In Corsicana, Tex,:' • In ~ny t'lassrOOlll. Evt'ry tillY III rom U Ie e a Ions or

M T,.. 0 I N Ruidoso's veteran of the print· lhl' Ill'",!! Ihl're Iii liOllll'thlnlC Mc"lco Trndt' ""''in \hr\:'tl years

last month,) Roy Sizemore Qoesn't e1\ll1. ex.; ",e IIlns ews,the.- I I I t 11 n~o nnd IIcrvuil-l as bOl~rd presidentIll}' claim to being the country's .'. San Antonio Express, lind many ng game s very II el' ,e 11Iffl'fent und Interej;UII~. I Ilill Ry JM'Kn~ STf:ttN I * In 1004, lind ht'llIK mallngl'r of theolde"t pnntel'. For one who can otht'rs. He hns owned weekly pllpers notes: ". don't kllow whether mlldl' llnare or Ull~ throlll;h !let· . (In AII'U1IUl'rQUe Jourllal). Nl'w l\1l'ltj('o noys' Ranch. thecut .. nent fI"ure In II square donee ...... · -.' In Oltlnhomll, Texns, New Mexico • learned spelling and pUnCIUl\- Ung b'pI' 'n;illl 1'1'11111111; IlToof..•... ., t10n In the print Ilhop or III "0' f'll dF. tl'll ('\1'1'\' lin:" OWI"t' 1.I0yd P DloodwUI·th, r('tll'cd Sl'C. • Rl'slnurnu! As,<u .. lh!' Nl'w Mexicolind wbo wns born In 1905, he might and Arlmnsas, 0 1 lib II II d Rry n y 1 1, l'l'tnrv·nullIllll('r of till' Nl'W MI'xll'O MOlor 110\('1 Al':;n aud Ihe West

b II d d~ ~ "",q Ill' 100 • e eve Cl\fnC IlV~ ,Is 111\ ('Il'l'tlon UI a lit...· U1'c1l1ilUIC'l' .

e CVoCU resent clng cj), e 01. But ..$....' ... 'l'or(llgn IlInds. cntered the young _ ' hI' INlrn" t'''il''tl\' .\' Illll I'. 1l1"."I\'I'd Ilfls!llurtlnt Abl'II, 1:. Holnlf 10 piny Tl'Xl\S·Nt'\\' Ml'xlC'o 1"lorlsl .Assn.ho nIls dabbled In pril\tlllq i"IIIY- f E. r num'!1 life;> When he sold his Lwo CLUB-CALENDAR WHIt' {lOW .. - ... • Taitt's "billt"on~:.e~~d 1;:';:~~lzemor"'cllme to J'P"'l- ~A""'~"c.-- .~. e'~t~~ieerSN~yAI~k~~~~~~re~ Wbu'e ·lllountnlll ' ... '1·:~I~:~\11~~l,f>~~::(l;:~~li:~,il\'hi::;l~t:,I.~:~~· .NI'\\· .M~,,\('a.·ns' wllOknow ll;~ VI'I'1 ·ll lllkt", 1;11 ablltly to orgnnlze

,~ .. .1~Pe hCIU~. hmler"tds 011 In the rOIlIlIlUIUI}' .1'. lhl' way (lian Unlll' ll.sorlal\on IIncj chnm-


· l\Ud Ilt'l 1I111IlH with lll~{\pll' COl' suchRllidoso In 1963. Since tbnt time I r,. '. .lUld r.l'rvl'd aboard the repair ship ~ • IJ f (' II" Id U11(j"r' nkill"'.', lIc'C'orclln',' 10 BI~"-

I• Tl\eadll)' of the Ihl' PUtl' It l'r 0 .ollll\lcrcl' I'X('('II It' 1'011 ' ; ' '''" ' .. .......

roily pol Y Roy hall b!'en e. mem- ..', ' ... lhe U. S, S. R\"el. Here Rov was th t 7 30 I Ith DJ d U - d '1 I tl. . t' 0 ~ m.tolltb

,•• Ch:ap.Pr'rm.. ·1 ' ' For n hobb" no~' ll(Jl'q In £,11' pho. ' Oll~' 1'011(,111' W 00 WOI' IS!" I ! wort I, l\ vl'INall organ m on man.ber of the staff of the Ruidoso ~ " ... ~.; ~' •.' ~" .; In charge of the print shop which .....__ ~ I INews, lending lin hand - nOll'\' Olcnr Chllu. ~-c'..!.: , tOI:raph!>'. H(' lnufJ,ht pn:t!.II: lll'llIl' <'Is 011. , . . 0111' 01 tilt' 1'\'1'111.'1 of whiCh he .111

ens a printer, He ,vas p. mite young ,t>- ".' ,Cj:"'"' I'., lwo prc'l'>es, 11 paper cutter and /l C'~ri:~~hl~~~~:~:' II" ,.W" .":;;;. ,. Un!\'l r'iilty of CllfJIII.. Chi I,ll In (\)1" Mo,t of hft, Ufl' IIIUI b(,l'n spl'1I1 In' y 1 prOUdI'll! \:l AllJuquI'rqul"s 250th an-when be slarted In this type 01 i' ,.--.....,'\; iJ ,th.· .. \ ' .811W. A shlp's pllper wal'! printed, s""rotAry.. pu" ('hriRtl. T{'x frulll \'1'1"', \0 tOb6 l\l~ "nil work, no plIlY" 5('IIt'dull', '\ IIh'l'rllllr)' ('t'Il'brnllon {'ooralllAtedwork. r'0;:,. f7'-\4J (' ,.,;.",. . Roy's dC'pnrtment also printed AlcoItOIl~" Anonymouo n1l'''lIn/:" I EdHor'/) Nol(' ('Ullll'Il!l'nlll lly. but n1oodworth's m'w·found t)'Jll' of by hlmsl'!f ; ,

At the nge of nine the Iud who ~_"A', .•..~r-_ .:D Corum lor ships In the 7th Ampl1lb- ;'b~hn.;r~~;.:abl ~:mo.'\:~~o~r.s,() ..\Vn.,; lIl(' SUbjl'l't of 1M!, nTIlC'I!.' by Mn. 1'\'\lI'>atlon t·.ll't wllM most lleopll' Olll' would Ullnk IlUl'h plnnn~wns born In Denton, T<.'x., Gtarted ROY SIZEMORE 10'15 Foret!, . , i JIratl onCl' worltl'<1 fUI lilt' fntlwr oC would call piny would ('nll for UIl' orgalliur to ~work on n weekly newflpllper In of' '. • Lilt" l"vPl'yone else In tho Armed u: ". I,lona sup~!,;' ,,\·pr.. , lhl' nUldoso Nt'w. 1'(lIto\' ami pub" Slll·aklng. Wrltlz'K • at lll·\·t'rni plnC'l·'·j t\t Oll\' lImt'. ...Bonz, Ala. "Th15 wat; aftt'r sc1\ool moved to that larue city three yenrl'l FOI'C('5, Roy wIU nlways remember k rr:~~IIiturF., ~It~tln~:f ,.'I·. SIZl'mUrl' worlll'd In M('xln. Ill' pllln,; 10 do !<oml' IIftl'NIIIUll'r . l, P, BLOODWORTH "MlIybll I ~huuld hav!'." bali!.nnd on Snturdnys." recalls Jolly lifter he hila InWlched ht.'l prlt1ter nl lea"t onl' of htD experiences. The .ij;l~ '>i.·block . trom Il,"1 Tl'K, a'l u prlntl'r 011 Illl' l\tl'xln ,.pl'ukllll:, liOllW' wrlth1R Oil hlq II Bloodworth. "but I don't plun itRoy, "I foet typt!<-hnnd nnll thll!', career. . 011(> Ihnt I.ort ot stands out during ~ ~~~ce l?:~~:' bflblnll i D1I1I)' Now. III tlll'.l'arl)' 1020'" fur blll"k:~roulld rt'lIchlJll{ bRC'k to his * Ihnl wnr .. ~

eWl\!l lny fll'llt !ltnrl nB II wurker Ill' "I worked on an embo~l\ng bl'j hl'rvlCI' from 1941 to 1945 was WO/ll~n" Soclet)' tor. C'hrlHllln' °lWIIl'br l'.~~~llt 1.,::"b. ~1~t~l('r o~ ~II blrlh lit Ull' tllrn or tilt' C'I'l\tllr)' on . \~ny " Dl'!lplll' hl'l t'xc/,pllonal tlbI1l11.'t.l prlnllihop" t preGS," gays Sizemore, "and wm. Ihl> Ilml' hr WRq In a partlcular Sl>I'Vlcft mtlelll encb tll'lll W(lIln",dl" nm. I or on ))11 . WI' U II' . the '1't''''I.·, plll.lIl.'j 90 mllt'·, (rom thl' , fltsl Job D1tlOd\\Ol'lh t.. (lbably wnn nQ~ cO,l1-, With a henvy lond 0(12 'yenrs on respon..i1ble for Inylng out sh!'!'ttl ItOmbRt lOll('. "Thlngll wero might}. ~~~~~n':;':£lb ut 7:30 p Pl.. 1.lacf> to be: nUldo,o N~ \VI'I I 11I'(lH",t fl.tl1rond, amt Juuklnll II(tt'r I 111' rl'rl'rrl'd 10 hill first Job In llulh'd lor II. plarl orllltit mOhU\'phi!! IJhouldcrl.l. young Roy went to of cmb08.'led paper on drying r:cl~l:~ .I,~rh} rlll'n," rcmembers IWy. rtult\O~1I f'hnpt..~, :..... ..-, , • ~. ~-,- lib lullr Vr"\ll·"t 1l1\\1I'hlldr('I1'.~"'" 10:!6 wlwl\ hI' (ound('d 1l1!.ID!lttt.l-c·o!!U!l:!·l'lliI:.t!Il!!.U..!!u1JJWlll!.'lit'~MC.ltI~...n.CBJ~----lwork for the Mason Engraving Co. -1-~Id---thlll-kllld,-or Work-<lurln .\ ('I'}'bod,;, Wtl5 on edge. of cours , ern Ht",r .. lD"al._ th" 1 hI' moodwurlll'l abo lul\'l' four' of ('olOnll'rcl' \froUI) In UIC 10wl.'I' lIurnnl Aw<n '111t· n'n"on: He wall111 Dallas. Tc.<... hlll fnmlly having summer." We ):tId nu old paper cutter on deck, ;m aecond Thul1"ln)' of (hlld'I'!1 nnd 10 "rlllldchlldrru 'f111' RIo Urlllllll.' Vall1'Y, - \Ill' olle bl'tun 1t1lllOf(·t!r '....' 113 "very month. II p,m" . .. .. .= ~-~!e~~ P.nal"rn Slar buildIng "llnplt' nWWI II fllrlll at nOll\JUI' 1"rnv('llul: to Nl'W M(lxll'O In 111.5, enrl 1>t.,nonl of rtuUlo!lo gave.A

'v ~:::~:r:: w"lc;,:.·~unr I f'IJlIll" nlld II I,UIllIl1('r hUllle III RuI- I U1oodworUI Illarlcd thl' Hutdor.o "Tht.. In Your I.lft''' report ondor.o INe\\!I, sold tho new/lllll,per flvc DloodwurUfrJ wurk'ln New MexIco

o?r~" ~~tll'M'hr~l~en~"bu~~~°:ri~~lt: '1'\"1' workl'd all of lilY IIf('," "lIld }'l'llrll latl'r lind mndl' hill way to UIl' 11Il1" 1<l'\I'rnl Yl'llrll tn'communi-011 thll flrllt )1ontll\)' ot etl('h mOll" !UuudWnllh "I Cllllll' Ull the hard AllJu(IUI'r\Jue to 1l1nrl till' Ilrlll lour· ty llC'lI\'IU<",tor bUlllllc" allt1 lIludy III tbo Cbl\rcb .. 1II 1:lUI n.ll\. tt.I UIUI.IIIII••III••••lmlll•••Ii••••·r",IS

Pon,lerol" Court N'l, I:: .6, Order ot Ihe Am,,· ..1'AlItb, Inc.. moolS illll_Tue.llllY 0 t \'v".y"monlb, 8 p 1n In 1~IlRt.. =ern fltnr Uulldlng, ..•The Womell'. AUlllllllry ot the 1':\>11' =

.. ,pilI Cburch meGllI every lblnl 'rUM"_11l.Y or lh" month al 7:30 lI.m., place :o be announC!lld, ...The 'Vorrleo's lIIl!Ullllll"y ('nlon nf •

~... Ortoen Tree n"pthlt ('hllrth ma"tft •~"cll TueAllny mortltng trnm 9':;0 lo :to::IO II,In. In Ihe homp. ot tr.emb".... '..

The Ylral J'.uhy.!'rlan Cbur.'h AUI' •I:!e, every tbtr.1 ,VWI\(lllllny tl'l'enl..!; 1\\ : :.:00 p,rn. III (ho "huroh, ...

Lunchlllln And .."rll gAm". lit the'.Womlln'a ClUb llvuy 1\101l<1IlY l\l 12'30 :noon. •....••..

Ruldolo·U"ndo Val•. •Joy nolnry Club lnee" =ellt!b TUlllItIllY 1I00n al _'V.Ule'.. •....•'tbo lIuh1oao.Hondo Valley Cbllm· :

Jer ot Commerce !JI&ellJ ""ob tll'lIl,_rbllrsdlly otlbe mqllth at 1:lUI p,rn. ..

" II lhe Co ot C.· lIUIe.. The me"UlIlr b -,p<!n lo the lIubllcl. ; :'.RulcJooo Dl9trld Junior =

Chllmh"r ot Comuleree ..m~UIIIC ....t!ry TUeAdAY. :7:2l'I p,m. In Ihe C'ontt!r· ,:eDClI nOOIll al ChIl.PlltrAI :lIotor UOlel. •:

ltuE/(o.o nu.llled .lId Prot"...lollal·:W"mell's Club m...u lbll thIrd )lou •".y ot ut!b menth III 7:ZO P:1IL at lbe :'I'"".jo Lodll:8. •

ltuldoso P&t'elll.Tut!bllt Auodtltlon .=metU Ilat!b tblrd ThuNlday ot tbe I.",ontb at 7:30 p. m, Al the Cdel"rl... .•

. Ruldoo" Sbrlne:dUb moelJo l:lI<,h •tblrd \V~nClldllY:ot lbe monlh At ..1:30 p.m. Vleltln;;r ­Doblu Invited, J.e::1I0y aammu, pte.· .. _Idenl. ••,-­..:

Rul4000 J..<)dK& No ..13 mll<le- eAt!h fit.' =:Monday In tlUl 0, E ,.S, Hall, 7:M. lJ.rn :=Carl no,,", W. 101,•.•

.remes o. (ned) : •Jt&tn~y. Seey. I:'.,.ltUI'D080 -n P. 0, »1 I:

No. 2(ll!6 , ..J(U!l1 eBeb ilecond n.hd ,­fourth Monday at 1\091' . :1Illka Club huUdltii' on ;..

" .... nteM'..y 10 ",est, 8:00 ' -

I '•. <'J)i~~'~e been sitting fight waiting f(Jp'j~;t' e"", SpMl c...." ":~~~I..~~. I~~'";":r':ld.U"kind of C~I', with ~ust you~ kind ofpaws",.<; .'. Ii'.~.l': :.·a~, ..•.'"(1st youI' kind ofPl'lCS-'!'Blt no longs,.r m~t~'J1; ~dD,2:li ' :

.. r •1tI. . 4tb .."urad..ys~ "I •,.•; . --:\'. , . -F:. TllO 1I;m. .In ."tka •

.. !p .ChevrDlbt' It's a. bigger,1n9te ~h8W D'. No eat so trim has a . 1ft£me on nlgh"""y :.'' .... OOauU(ulcar thIs year. Whteh tight to ~ so thnCty. But _

~. .·1swhythn.t handsome silholi= thti£ty it is, with monl:!Y~ ltalnbow =• .~tw.couldbemistakelt {orears savers like .brnkes that :ld)ust ~11t~~;'t.·:~~h :~ .. costinga thousand-even two themselves and a long-ltv-cd flr,t IlM tlllrll :

thotiSahd.....doUars more. exhaust watem., ' Tl!utlldayl, 1:00 :u,p> p.m, 1110. ],;! _•. •. 8. nail In 1',,1· _• C~,,,,dI.:·This o't1e's got lively Comlr, Ask,any ;65 COfVair w:rl1~~Ulwt~i :

.. looksjl!pirited power, a Meter O\Vner how 1t feels W dnve a. . . -rhlOry nOll", t •:, ride"""and reinl1rkable t&m car with sucJt easy steering, .' . . it4'frl;;pr.\' IIMI" 'rhunt1t.1 Of \hf- _.

r •..... ~.:'~ ;~~ru~~h~~:,~le~~l: .~:~~~;f:::O~.T~~·~HIGHTIME TO r.iD~------J· ~i~~jj::r~~7t%:rt~:~e• t6f1a:r.s'Otvorlt(froid-siu eat. ready to do lots o! liSttmifig. ATYOVlUlI£YWf 1lUUn ..~~m~tib~i't J, Ittllree P~tv~o, '1~ 5

'. 1.Zhtjlnt...ptlhX In fI n'w Chevrolet, Cherelle, ConaJr, ChlWY1lOfCOl're"'_ .~e~t.~~~T:n Ll!:J~fll_rld n:,,~,; ;,. ;I!" '"'••*""'"' ~ 'OC ., ~ • , .. ~ ,.. "' * "' .. iloq ~."' "'.~ "' _"' "''Io','H''_._ _...,...,.........,-......-.......w f(t1nlt

lt ()I), th$ ':f1ts{ ~ut"IJ*"y>ot ~1\('h =". ,mlltl b ~t 1 p.m. .lItro d J'ilhn.Otl ... .., " """,\' ii 30 'ttl? Com!Mlll!er, :

~ ·S···'.IE'ta'"'RA'~'..,'. ,-ILA"N"CA MO'TOR" ·COM.P''"A'Nt.:. i~~1.k~i\:i~it~~~; §__ _ l1l1ln4.,. or lb. "iIlo,,~b at 1b, :r"'llteJa. " , - ," •

, • ..... .,'nI.Presbtterlau 'WorMa of lllf ~'. l' CIlu.reJa "MIt :eaell ~ilild 'I'tJe.odAY or

,. .', ··,.,NSVlMEx1~O .' PHONE 257..4081 ~':.Vu1=·~tJI" });IlI;f"~ III ~ •

11III'11III'11III ,l~:r'"__..,-,",1...1'_21.#...__.11I,.,,.:J.IIIIILJ!I!£2Il.tJ.III!,4I1ll".> lil!'!U"':'''.,,,.!!',,,.., !"...i.i!",,,,!,,,,!,,,'l"J."'!",;."!'.",L",".., ...",..." ..,,~"".,..L..., ....,,III',I'!"!,,""'!!!,.,_"',"'.. ,'!".",""!'I.,,,,.,,,'1"\..%....':"')....9..'.',..')3....-,'!'!:;eti'!"c<'!"P!'!'f; ....~:"":c"'¥f\-'_k"'H"'.~""'0"","".;,"",,_,"'':'.,,...t.., ''''''''''''~''''""'",j""'!\."",h"'L:"<","",~,_!""~t~"".,.,",,,,,."'II·,,,,,,,.~"""",._r\_~'*'t.d'\·""'FG"_ ;' ,·~;;-,-"".,.,,-,;>,;;o,_,·.:w,'''''~~,",,~:'J.~,..,T."""'"', ""'- ~~'~':<"'c" __·.c.." ",~, ...,..,,,.,,.~",,,,",..,,,-,-,,.. '~'~~-A': .,- _'__ <O~"' <

• "'. ' • • • ~ ,y,


Page 6: Many Cburches of Tn---06servance' .. ON RO''AD'.',.0'.'CA' IT' · 2013-11-20 · In'Arl- theme of the 0C!OdF'rla&yservices,

I' •


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.." .., ' ."~ 'f' '", +'",':;"" .. ',~'~, '.I., , ,,' "~ ... ,;",. '" ':' :



'the Crowds. te..pComing ISGck'tot

Mor....they'''' Yep." .•

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•. -, t, . "'. 'If,,, '~~ .. :,~" .'_ .--. ,'< .',_. ", '., ",",. ~"

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,1t\l1Y1)W -Nfu-<:Iul;$~at~ ,..·SaJHCohffrance· .

-o,,~riventl~ bf'theVJIlCi-

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IN-OURCOC!ttAtL~OtlN·E_~._."__. ....:,.,_,~_.••__..........._._. " .. ,~~~_~ _ """'~ ...""'c_,_


••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •: TURKEY DINNER :• •: AND TRIM:MlNGS :· ~


: $1.50 :• •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••



•..t' "', ':' ~ '-'-:,-,"-~,··'=l"=·='"'~.~.,~,='~~,=""'"'~=""-'-="" ' ·J.I ' ··· i··..·· · ..,;;ef ·· ..·""' '..· ·..·'\'\oi"!oi··,·..··"'· ;; 'W"""· ,,,,.""· _"'.. .-,·""O:..··..·i,,;,,;..:.,.." ..•..··I· ',;,!"·." ·"""'''00' ' ' -....1•'--'- " .,,_-'__!ll.,. _.',_ ,'OJ! ,~., _. __ "'!"'!!'!..!!!!!!!' _nu_~I,I .. _,±lL&£_3_L ,_..'! Ii. r" ',.' J ," ',,' ",



Money Saring DeUcious

Lunch Every Day

;~ 1;( '*•

A La Carie At All TunesMOltNING - NOON -mrENlNG

Swimming Pool In Springand Summer

60 Beautiful Rooms

A Sparlding Cocktail Lounge

Comfortable Dining Room

Private Conference Room

. ,. "


••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •: '4·0Z.1·BONE STEAKS :• •• •: - SPECIAL ON - :• •: THURSDAY-fRIDAY :• •i $2.95 ~• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

- -, " - >



In the.nelghborhOodl, .-.. ,,~~~

~ .~~~

, If YQur f~UY 'hit, j~t mo~oc1

.lnto town,~ cotdll\lly tnvit~ YOU,to ftop in. "t the ltJutt<. lfth~19 IU1Ytbing \\~ can- do to belp)'OlJ ~t 8CltUed. Pte... call on UJ.

, .

I, ,. r W~I",'i I', A,jlhrJ'\ of Iho ,evon orig;·rot {"" '1<' 1'1'lt~ pJf'~(ln:,.d ,n 'Tho Night ofPIClY' 1(1',1 11,," "jr,y ot t.ob Hill School, from1,.1t 11", .. ('\1,. aurn~, C,ndy Pound" Calhy


~F.r'TTnN 1\ PAOlll

Lette,rs To Ebtido~o New",The E,ditorr::: j. TX~!.. ;:::~;,~~~rra ..;~~,r6:~ .. ---- . i

. fJ\?f!1 \2.'\965 i' ~J{'~:- '.' (('u,~t'1\"('1l from :Pa~t' 1-·')I'Q. Al '~:f.l" (",f~"'r·J't· P. 1.~·h~te ~1J.t't. ..,~ ~ Ir,~':!' ,,' .... 'r:' v.r,l~:r:!<·H-;'·':'(l . to rl1nf\ ...~ :"nn{~'\·l"h·)~· \' ,l\f~:t""1' I· .. ' 't ftl'i""l I' • "p'" ' , ,}-,.,,~ ,.~,,' i nn,l (",,'f' " h' {"('" :h,' h\I;{'rc:. Mo."'v, " .go,,; t •• ,'J J ' JH" ,., <JC.-J"" j.Q tS""" -; ".,( . •~~ '"~ .... " .". .. I ,;~

.~,1' ,ttv'O tJrU\' l\fa"dco ! I' 'f~ ;'\ ", ,r"' i,••, f'n"'bIJ(,~bt~~ 'Ury·(l'"11 f()~tj "'r.,1'f;~(l~ ',~"" .. :".

"V1" Mr. White: r~·. ;;;1;' i'zJl . ,; , .. la'Wn trH:llo,~ I';"il ~·wh("e\ drlv~ vc- F,;·· ;~"~'J/I' C:a.,ltan Hoard of Ed,ucaUon j ~'''~', ~~':~~. hll;!c'l {"('ve of,f.>red \hl'QUr·'lll'ut UP I:'; . ;:c~~

I" I'd l.h(' foJ'O\l'jn~ ne<'olutlpn .lit' t:;; ;,:, , ii.:s~:." ..''l~If'rJ>("'l"I n"d In 'r,:\rml'~" !'>I)'lf'i cf bt:,.;'. ,;;1';,...Il(' r 'lI<t roorulal',meot!ng: 1!:')Hj.,..,;;;~,~~1'j '1,1' I1I;-hl (I'; tn" 1.l'nl l,lu'1!'comed t~;~·,!,;.~, ,~'~ .. " '\"P!"~""1\<': TIl" CaDUnn M'11l101";,hi:~'.· ~ "', :, ' -. ""'n II l' ,'\ 'pr pr::l)ect. ';,. ~ <1' '0';"" '\:~

:11 Bdwol hM ('~rved It's SCMOII ~.,~~:.; j'llf..'" ':,' , .' ", Mr"'. ;Rvrl"Jn ('(\1'eo the RuldMo , ,.-! . <.' , '~1.,lo1llf In Cl '/l" .(ll."f(l~ T'1a"ner I.i, , " .... ' ... " .,tt'. .'; .·Nf'~t~., f>ll,rly l\1o.,dny (l.fter l'E-turn!nl? .}',:;;i{:,"';:.s~ i '>.nf we bc'le"c It to Qt> In the belt I .. ,. . ", • '" ". '1 to·Wl',.lk(>r Air porce 13II':e the nltI'ht I':~'" ,...,"t£'rl'''\' or an thechlldrPn of U1e i '. il: ,.i ~.i . t..' '.~' 'j bofOf? togav flhe wl\uted to e:-:prel>" /';l;if~\;.' '.·'\r.\l0.n Mun\c\ ~hool Dlfl~r.letl .. ' .,'- ."" :.~;" '.' t,' thO ~rll.teful thank" Qr all In ll(>r I ~1~"'jlI) kC'op the ·dlll'lrict Intact that It t ' " i .. '.Ii fn mt V Ie tlll' manv numv•. people I:,..,. \ '>';'nuv continue \I} serve In the slime • '; '''''~"..:, .. ' .'. ' ~ "!iI' who vo!untcel'(~d t!lf>'t' 11,.,.,". VI'- .' ..... ' ..

rlll"nor. ..' " . \.., ," '. , .. ' hi "e" !'.rd mOlley ard olhfr help In I'<~;:'; ;~:'.:~:WHE'lF'Ml' 'ThC' bO'lPdarvof thl" i' '. ..', ; ."<fLl Ihe nmreh ~hf.' "a.ld "'w ('e'I'd f1Clt, .: ,':' .. ,:,,~-,'-, . . . W iIdI -"

'll!,Han cl!qlrlc't Iq at -the botlom or ...... ";:';'-~-'T' . . . h"· 11'1l~J'k enrlo orl' p'...~Ol'af1v b'lt ...hp ''-: •.... "":";1,"".~

t\ '10 Hm wh!'re Alpine Vlllngc road GETS RECOGNITION-An cn. wi"hed that !t Wf.'r!" po»';ib1p {pr hI'\' Ii ,,: '('¥~"'illo,; StClte HIghway 48. graved plaque was given to ~o :,0. "P;"ll'C If>t tpew (1'1 k"ow r:.".,;i.d,":~..,.o''''c,'

BE I'f RJi:SOLVED: The Capllan J(:Ick r. Pior, above, son i5l "we will' be lndebt<'d to them fQ),· , •• ,,". i', '.'. , "c'·",.f: "'\fuhlclpal SChool Board of Eduen· Md' I l'ver for their facMflces on our be· I • <: ';.' :"'< ' .•' .... ,.;o,·,•.oJ· ':" ..' ~ :.'Ion request the RuIdoso poard or r. on Mrs. Ear Plor, as a . haIr" fihe concludE-d. r""'~-;;:*:·'i~~~"f~.o:\ftIc·~·':llI~- . j"ducatlon to Inslruct theIr bus testimonial of appreciation Planes flown by Ralph Brown' .' , . 'i:','''' '..'., . ~ "

f 'F d J EI t I I C I > < ' , 1~ " 'J ,,,._.~ Irlvor to refrain from pickIng up rom e era ec r co arp· and R H, Hl'd'~eeok(.> were u';ed,. . ":, .. ' :. ", '-\ ';',~"i.'" ,~), ..


• Cindy Harr',", Nancy Sullln:., and JU A • Ichildren bcyoudthln boundary. 'or(:ltlon, a civilian fIrm that Ifor f,everall1o'Jr,; in the hunt dUI'm~ li l"", ~'~;J,,~~~.~..:...d,,\> -,'. fr'."'··:..,v· v D II 8' I t I f Ih t hid d b t \ ' A. (, ,'," \ lji,,;,j.~ ,~",,";, '.

Ion S'evenson. Chuck Wrnpplo 'rho wrole I ,';' DUlItlC fI" nA'. IIpt, Of'S s s n some 0 e ec n· Iht' mlddlc of tIl(' (ly Sun ay, u \. :.' «', ';;\.I<I- ".- ','" J, "'. ;':,~ .

'The Coincidence' i~ nol s_how.n in Ihe plclure. C"pltlm M\UI ,,,t Schools c91 work on the .oi:.tant Eorly : the turbulence was too great to con· \' i~,: :,;. • .' .:'Cop»' - J. T" Reece, LClOnard J. Warning Line (DEW) In Ala:.•. ttnue this In"llller or search, the I",~' ' . .Q'...:, ,)

. _ ..... ~ ..••. _..•• _ ......_••_ f)i·ta)'o. koal'ld Canada where young 'men reported,., F'c~.. . ~ .'•. ,-~-,- ' •• ¥- ." " Plor served for· over 42 I Onn hundred nnd 20 men were €,:,,~.. :.' ,:.~ ~ '"

Elks Install 1. Funeral'Services month:.. The plaque wa:. gi. Ibeing l>rrlu..!ll h~rf.' via bus [!'om l., :"/ '.' '~... tar!t E...."'lt"d Ruler hI D 2 1"6 : \Vh'ln foll'd', Ml',~111' Pl'om' wC'sl of . r",," '.', . '"... "......".. Held In Oklahoma ven mac. 1, ... .4 upon : AlamO,l(lrd') III Ink" Plut In Ihl' l' .r!('w offlc('f" of H'lIdm;l) F:lk I hi:. leaving thai aroa. He Is hunt a'l we': I' 8'\ Inl'n (l'om Wnlkt'r t

l.olll''' In l/Illl'd ill II bu,IlClIlI·t hl'hl For Mrs. C. Bal'ber expected here thl:. summer, All' Fore'1' }la',f> Ro·;weU. A" Ihny I '" ,,'.M,}/ldn~· nltdl' III till' HUldo':o 1!:lk~ r'uIlI'rnl I!.orvlcc/I were held at At presont he Is In Hawaii at· I' nrrl\"'d al AliI). Ihf'Y WN'I' Inform· I'\!', (- : '..... ,.lIall w('rl' Don L, atnrk, Exalted, 1,IUIe,. Okln. MondllY. IIprU 12. for IQndlng IhQ vnlversily In thot cd til(' child hnd bl'l'n found nnd ~,f'" ',7,Huh-I', Jlmy Hlckmnn ''''ndlllif Mnl Carolyn M Barber, 94, who $tatc, He recently wed on tllI'Y WMe rl.'tllrned to thell' bnses. !,: , . . 'l~Knluht W I, JlllkN I.orat Knluht; dlnd April, 10 ,In SemInole. Okla. Hawaiian, his parents report. Howell Rt'-iCUI' squad, hl'adcd 1 .,",," ", .-::iII'~1.1'111\' Mlr;)ll~ I N'turlm~ Klllllhl; RI'\' H('rmnn !\f('Mlllnn offlcltlwd IIv 1,('(> .'om': with 13 ml'I'lbl'r'> ar· .... :: ........::. .,.. • . ,."-..~.'.. _ _.' ---.Iuhn Alldf>r·.()/\ J<:'··llllln· nOll Urlv. lind burll'l WM In the Llttlo Ct>ml" He attended fhe UnIversity Clf Iml'il clIlly II fl'w milllltl'~ bt>torf' HEAD ELKS-Shown ,at in:.tallatlon of new officers (It Ruldo:.oI'r "':'rrotlln' ull'k 111111 !rt'II'.Url'ri 'l('r\' New Mexico In 1955·56, mo· tI'l' \wrd wa', r'>f'<>I\('d 1.1: II h!ld Elks lodge Monday nighI, from left: Don L. Stark, newly In-W')' HnmlJ1l'r lIlI .("", Allun (Jray,! Hun'lvon; Include five dIlUUIlWrEl.! loring In engineering. He wos Ilt'l'Il lemod. a1:d wa', unabll' to tnkl' ~tgll!ilg g,xgll~d. Fuler; '.W... !Sh,orly) a!.lrkoltJCIQ.y1J~\'Ir.:e-

~'m"('" nouh) J Wrllklll'i. 'l'Ue'r: llwludUlll Mm,. Mtlmlc Lillie or, Q. lupervlsar in the Q(.(tic, and flnll lI\1t,(, 1'1l,'·.lull prosident of New MexIco Elks (Soulh); Dick Fox, retiring Ex·",llt'd Ul'llloll, OlinI'd rmd J)IIVt' ltuldo!1o. and onl' /lOn. I\lliO r.urV!v· I had from 9 to 50 men under 11 1'1 I II J II<I n I i Ir'fI' arf> t Irl'C' 11.( "r (' I Irl'n I altod Ruler•• IlUllhc·... • mllhllll • \I' AIl\UlIl!:<Jl(\o'llm Ilrc thlrW.four grn."Idchlldrell. hill direction In pOllhol Point Itill' B!;mnn frl1llll~' all '.on';. Bundy -._ ... _..- ... _. - , . , = .-

Elk'i l,c:llf·.' pur'le'IllIII",l ,Ill 11I',lnl•. I'II'hty.fjnvt'1I grf>lIt.grtmdrhlldren Borrow (:Ind olhor ploceli, m;,d 11. Jf'H('r)', 10, llllli Pt'fr~·. 8. • ~,llItI'lll I ,'rplllll11),' I>It k £'011. 1t·11l· i nnd lourwcn grentrf:rcnt-granc1chU, monning rador and eOlOmun. .'rh';~ w('rl' t!w bl'ottlf>rt, I,lf,(I 'mid l\~r, nnd wj}lked II wldl' arc of tile nl t1l(' Walker Relrent 0/1 Saturday..,11m nUIN "'lllIIINI , drl:'l1 I lcolions lnslallalions. had bl'l'/I !'(Klnil with hN nod bad art'll llud 6t111 found. nO trace. of her.jnlllYlrig overnlgl1t In ono of theI t Mru Darbl'r. who waft born In nlll ofr amI I('fl /IN An hour Ilnd n A~I('r nO(1n tro('\(S were found In Itrnnera prOVided (or \hJ.t purpose.1ItO,III.;/) mtol'NJ)~ ': MI',lOurl III 1871. was preceded III red Ct'r('lnOnll'!' ,hall a.f!nr th,' fllml!}' hnd ml<;,NI 1/1l' llll' MlIl~ cany,.11 country, which· It Wll:i 1l1elr flr!it Iitl\Y at tho re-i I( 1.I/JlhIU(·d 'rllUl I agc- 1-8('1'. AI I' dt>lIUI by her hWlband 37 yt'nrs ago, An In\'ltatloll III nil thl' 11".1 I",r' I h"d. n ('f.luplt' In 11 Vullt';wa;;(I\, cau ..d !'rllrch dircc\.Oru 10 coneen- treat. Tile fClmlly came to Walker

___....... . ""nil,' Iw 1n'llIlhnu WI GWII lilli' Sht' lived nhnO'.!1 her enUre lICe In of our communttv 'rt'·!lud:.", til £1", r1llvtna down thl' road. pll,,,,..d 1»' Iraln theIr et.rorl!l In lhat region. AFB lWO yl'nrs ago. They Ilre nel-lind «(JIlII(>(llrlll WIlIl tilt' rlty IIlnltl IOklnhoma . nomination of tlll'lr rallb ''1 eXI"I'd. l' ' fl'lr/'llt Plld Ill(' rllttwr a~kl'd 'Jll' lWo otrmrn from Wnll:t't UVl)'S of Oldnllomt\ elly_

N( IGt1I\Ofi t, r.\'.! lJ Rf [Jo" HUl'. HUhl, ,how, hi, davuhlor. 111 1\ p"'\'lnUIl ('01111('11 1IlC'l'111ll:. Cnrl , .. _~_. cd by Ii'nther l.l\br'" Ill' All art' "'''Ill when lw \\11 \'('d tllC'1Il t!l tI I.ald thl')' hnd driven up to Noglll Many 01 the hunte,S cnme by toDour / l f'''' "" "" t", .. 1"".1 f[JI~, ore invilod 10 slick on Ill'1Iord Il'PI"""llllIlIHlw l'OllIprmy, ,F.AS·r..;n S~nVJC'E8- Ur(fcd to kc('p HI'n.d thr P\I't,". of ' 'Ip rI Ihl:'Y hnd ",'/,11 l!',a Th"~' Lake 10 W.h S\Ulda.)'. but upon hear- ~tlkp n look tit Usa before they'hI'" t',. , " " .. " I ltv'" I"" \ II \u y' 'Hi Trovolorl Nood ',lIul hi' IH~d II 11't1"S' frum tIll' vlllngt" 1('onUnued from l'Il11C I-sec. Ai 'lle'IC HolY CIl."", tv pa"1I Illa.....'.1 • '1.1 t11(')' [lnw It 111rl It..r <;,7<' dre~L' Ill'l oJr tbe lost l:blld. thpy unld they ,hcndcd for homo Sunday nIght. SheA\",'" "" ; •• ',"j1 M., I-It'll w'H broughl bock 10 Rui tllllll"rlllr, r.tlltJlIll 111111 tht' vlllllllr, In lwe otherll or the churche!l Orlln ltl'rVICl'1l ellht>r In t!I,1' P,'t t·; (\', h., df'f,cr!hC'd hr'!' t111"H./~unr. t/:oll':ht UlI')' \\ou!d PUI the JeCPlwa!! cradled In Ule arms of berdo\o f ... o< • .1 c to .. ", I)"fl, who " ouulanl v, lIaoe III ,"1I1l' \\'m~ld lillY til<' Inlltn (rom 'hI:' parlllh M San Patricio nud "hureh, Or. 11 nom.> un' twld. th(')' \"1,01 It uull' '1'1 III) Hu' Iliad 11lIW' tIle';,' \wrl' drlvl~J w Itbod uce by rnther. nnd hl'r motber WM 6&:0-

(J , " , ~ .. 'III. t 'I up w.' h Ru,do\o Hondc Volloy ,UJ( I (j1ll(11:'111) " Uundo, Inre lnvl~d to ntlrnd our Holy Week Ill'l III 1,ItUe <"rl·I,t. 'till' Intllrr Jom:ng Ul tile (earch, IIIII!' coup out or n bowl to tbo h ry'" ""11'" All 01 \ r of $~tl 000 00 nnd nil nr.. 110ly 'l'lJurcllIlY- The Solemll!LlLUrgy nt Bl, EII'nnor'!l dm\(' tlll'rp hurrlntl". did no\ find '!lll' IJruum ramlly 11M! Ilfrlvcd 1Itllco Indy.(homb,,' ,I (" ,(', ". M .... IIOo, Bob Walkor 01 0 lourism '.t'!mn1l'1l1 II 1111 lI!l!'..l'Ii"lmrlll dl!ltrlrl l'velling MWl.~ of \he Lord'lt Supper, _, , = cO' •. _ _ ..;=~,~,~. ..0= ~, .. . • _. -'-- '. .. =~--m ...C1l'''1I 0.," ~ ••• ,./., 1/1' obluH,..d from wy hall and C, of WII!l}OTlnt>d WWl mlldl' by \t\[' tru!1- 700 pm. at 8t... Elcanol"•• JWlaO. UI••UUUUI.IIIUUIIIU.IIIIIII.IIIII1IIIIIU...WU.lUtIllJ...JUIIOIdIIIP........··11111..-----1(' off.,,· . , .__ ~. ,.' . ". , lu!JLlrc 11H\---JfJ.1tt'r /;0 1111' Mtlundy. or War.blui of /.be , . .

- . . . ~ rf'od III llll' bollrll lIIC'I'tll1" IMt P(,i1t Cerell10llY wherein PaUler W ELeO M E H 0 RS EMEN ,II \l lill'I"'~ Of' IU"~U)loI()"NIl '11111rtJelrlY, flUld""o E\lWrprl~n reo Lrturler A. Lab~ecbo, thePaat.or,· •

Junior High School .. , I 1I11'!l "r N III. foI. t, JI',1('d fll,' "It"r hh'C'lIrly rmld thOI'I> wlI!lhcn tho feet of men of the par- .,Sludontr. J\ppf'Dr I I., N, II 1J"'(Jk~ lit HlIlcloou, ',>' \\1'" Ill' ft'ul UII" I ,.~. to rtC't on UII> I!lh In rell1t>mbrll.tlC(l of Cl'Jrlsl.'s

In Sovon PlaVG ." ,iI. 'JI,.Ir'r thr UlndUI1\(' RIi.'lbt, dwo f:nlc>rprl'C'·, '.("\\'('1' IIIit' M('· thl> nl,llll bt'fore He died, wllllAllcc .. ENJOY YOURSELF IN11". 'Ii," , "",. ,\I"'" ," \ 1""'Jluln ('lUI)' llh, 1IIlIIM)'nl 'lit' ('lty mlghl plnCC' durIng the Mas:J. The Solcma\'

Ihl> I HI" n" ", 'I" ,. " '. ,f .. , It•• ~,", I' n tC'n<'l1l1l1l 1\';'.'1t".t· r.l"" II,O!i'''' on Ill' 'alllll\: I.r ....·t'r l'roft'!l:'llon of thc Tren.,\(errnl of the RUIDOSO'Sh\ M' . , " ••• " .. ,. '" 'I. 'Jo-.mrlH\l',,1 '11 (IUIiItUll'" Ihlll'" [\I.d Inb'Inl ..... h'·11 n lIew n!l· MOllt IJIl'!'lr,('e1 Utl-crnment to Ule AI- . .t"'I,>I ,II, '.,.. I' .01, ..... 111 !"".'''''. nl N.\I. .. ,·It",,1 til 111'1 ',\(I t"rmrd tty Inr of nl'po~(' \\111 fOllow UolyI u' "iI.' , , .,',' ,,, I '. ," 1.1111 "' I '"'1''' \ 11,,1 Il' m\ 1\ '\\('1' Ill'll:lrt, MlI'l" Aduratlon nt flIl' A!tnr of ft('- ' • FINEST ACCOMMODATION11,.1 ,. , l' '\ I II. 1\.. (fUIl',ll fl' ('"" !'.,I «.'\\111. II ,"11 t; .". 'hl' \,1. lit'· I' '-\III 11I1:p plnrp frum the time . '

•Iu' .' • I Ii-, 11\111 <f1"4,' ",,, /I, al,1 "I nl It''(lfl'llIun ulItll Ille tlml' of lloly I MOT0RHOTEL1\ M ' " " I" I "" .", II., ~.~ ro'., I\ ...d llt'f Hlv hI' 1'1 "" I kl"ll\\ 11 'I. \\ '!l. ,•.j:' II 111'11/ C'unllnllltlCm 011 OOOd }<'rldllY byI THE VILLANN .

III ... ,,'.' • , , ," .,' ,I,,·'. I' " .. , '" ~ ' I'" , II' III ...., uril"l1 \ I I III Iwl el,h' .. (t! .n' \\, •· .. ' ..1 n 1110, nWflILl'f" ", the enUre jl:trtMt,JIll' ,'"",.1"" ...... In • I'll,., II, I/o,· """' """1,1'''111 P·Il',l..W Nf'W M"ltl out nl lI'u',1 ".01111' '.IUIl)· IlII II uul' (lood Friday _ 1110 SOlemn LIt- 'I"n ..... I"' , " ,," I ,,' ,. " " ""',,,r ,Ill II, IIHO AI NMt1f1, I Illl t!llnk '-lor' Utt""1 . 'ulh IIw po~.. urulenl Action of Ule PA!l:lLon nndI""'" ."." ' ,. • '''''.. I,. u",klllU ,..\Ulul, II 1IlIl!'.lA:·t " I"'blll'\ . ~:fI CI' 111111 uu. /(,kf'fl otl hl'l neaUI 01 our :1Jlensed Lord nnd.... In' ..., ,,' P.' ". ... III' "11II'.pI.III' "lid lIu/dlllln' , "Ii:U,Hlllflll NUlI'r I·.'."I~ till\! UII' SavIour, Je!Jtl'l ('hrbt.. at at. Elen-I"",I • ",. ,," , : t,' j ""IIII"d Ifl MilloI' 1 fOl' N ,1II1111.' "I'Ill!,"'" ()llm!('l1 Danlrl lIun~ Hllldo.'lO, at '1:00 p.m.. In, ..

\\1 .•, --" ' .. '" II' Il' 1Il","hl'l "I NMtnl', mill l\\a' nckt'd 10 'Huh Mid 'u!Jmlt dUlllnt;&,rlpturc felldlnit!. &tlemn"(10"" If,,, " '"I .', 1/ •. ". 'If', ""11'" It"ul\) '111t') IIn\\'1 'filliP fIVUU"1 tn !til' lIoard 011 Iho fJrlly"rn tor C'bureh and C()unlf)',t ,·,.u "•. ~.. , .. , I I ..,., ,d,l, , '. I, : \ , ... htlllr"l1 'INn JU(' 11, IUld 111lf;"IW"'!" fir In)IIIR II (>('wrr mnlll Solemn UlwclllUll of ilio crOM,:.".... uuol ", .... I 1 ..,' .' II \" ,", II IIlI' .."'1 II 14 down IIII' lJlJIl!l Sprlll$l'l ('llll)'On Into AdornUcm by the PrJ~lI\!l and t40111\ \'u"\\ lin.'. ..luI till'" h'tI h\ MI'. lIwokl\ In thl.' da.u\thle1 of ()l\vllntl ptI!\.'llbIC' ('(\>!il'l (etU\lbllt~y, FAllhful. 11(1)' Communion. Strip-.,' .... ,,, II,. ,'.1 MII,t1\11 !'u,k,'" iM, Illlll Mrll Ernf'Il1 It Dlood of Innll rill IIt'l·or·wa)' pro'lJWcL'l, ('Ie pIn" of the Altar."I." II •• •• ,I ', ...",,'"'''' I... "." ..1, Ilultlnr.o OU\t'rll at IlIl.' ~WNtn" tnl'lueled !lolY Snturdll)' _ Tho Restored• I,' '" ' --. • Tru' WI". .Jodll' HUrman, CIl\udc EIlr;!t'r Vigil SCrvlco: 11:00 pm, at

I JOI I ' ..... I" ',' "','" ", I .. i'.l I'A'" W,'duC'<:.tlny for I '\o'hltlttt'lt Ml'I}'1It U II 8Ionl'mnn. St "1leunor's. nUldOSO: 'I1le Llg'ht',.. • .. '"'' .... .\, I,' 'hf> <h"" I'lllttl1lllnhll'fl It~ \' VlIIlIllc' Malltl!:!'r ('JNk JIll1 lIIn(1 Scrvlcl'. 1'lJe DleS!l1nl; 01 Ulo NewIII" ...,'. ' ,I. I'" Ie 11>', i ',' I hum Mp, N.'ll ('..ull MI" lind hi" n·.'.I· Inllt 1)(111 Hart. gn. F'1N1. ProeeMlon with Ute t>al:Cal/" ,. '1""" 1I11'p !ll.t! I'rllltlp:,1 M n M,' '1/1IIN'f llnlllf'l lind VIlItl-Ge AltOM!, Cnndle' Soll'mn Cban\ll1ft o( the,

WI ..... ,'. "., " .. " ,,, II.. 1"(, (lUlU' nu> IltelUP nf.lltt \t!lllL>d UI<,! 1')' JolUl '11101111)."011 'nrc 1'l1.'<t.'1lon nd· El\!lwt' Son . the Ba ~mal serv..... ..... , .... , III 1\' ""It! FI M......·llII Crnfl!l f.'lthlbU "nd 1'1." IJouf1lMl R 'toW rnlJlul('!l nnt'r nlnl' I('l' ntl'!I!dn~' of the B~pltlJmtllFont""" I ," u"'k nl II 1l0 1:Utllld W('dlle,tln)' f'\l'nln" Mp, lo,IOf'Il, ('nrlt",.1 (lo:\ltl1 1I1n" lor and WRter. Rencwal ot Bapttsmal'u' • • . , .\ 1"'''''11 tlnll 1,,11 I. ,I,,,," "Iud lIlRJI)' wrrk.-. Inr Ihf' ('It~· "U1('lnl!l. Jlrotntl:{'!t by 1111. SOlemn Ma.r.a of t

. _--_.._---_. -,--=,- the F.Mtt>r Vlllll I1'.1\'.\1"1 Summy MllS.~ - Ruldo­

w j 00 t\ m Ilnd 11:00 am, StmPattlelo D fll) nm,. Uigh Ml1.~..Hondo: IO:4S Q m h

TIll' vnrlous dlotrs nellve In the'P:lflsh' from liondo. s.~ Pi'ltl1clo."nnd RUld~ "1U lend nit the mem­bl'r<l of UIl' parIsh at St. Elcanor'sror thl' ro!t"mll !'('rvfc('!1 (lfI 1I0ly11mr'.<lI1)'. Oood 1"nday, And .fof theER-"wr VIIlI1 Scn'lce btllt.nmn,g troty iSl1turdtl)' evening.

TIm!'!! 01 C'onles.';loru; ror trolyWC1lk. . At 8t E'lctUtOf'S (or bOllt1I0ly 'l'11urlldny and Oood 'FrIdayftoln 500 pm. '0 iUIO p.rn. lloM on .]foly Satutdny ftom 7:00 p,m, to1)00 p.m.

}o'lIth"t Lnurler A. LabrecbC',PMlor 01 St, Elel\nor's VRl'lSh wmbe ll!l.'ll'ltl'd during Holy Wet'lt ~tv."IcC!'! by Ft\thcr Robert J, lUrllcb, It1S!\I!ltllnl I111..'\to1 Itl 8t. Elcltllot'snlld b)' Fnlhcr Jtltr\NI D. MonO)', litllnrochllll resIdence. John LllfoyE~ulbcl, 0011 ot Mr. lind Mrs. John.~!lqUlb(!1 ,of 1tuld()S,(), sludent tor~.

tho l'rtelltll00d. atutWJbg ntIm­ml\culMc COltCl'pUOn &!m!nltty,'t'onc('pUon. Mo" wm l\!toO Q!;.'I!st.

~~ ~o.,~(.. ,~~I~,,~'~~~~~~!.rn. .IA,~ t~. ~e: i




Page 7: Many Cburches of Tn---06servance' .. ON RO''AD'.',.0'.'CA' IT' · 2013-11-20 · In'Arl- theme of the 0C!OdF'rla&yservices,










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WHO ,JUsT GaT T~'AXesuq.P UIMSELF uP IN10A WON KILL~R -11 ",(;Vi:~ j:"All.S'.'

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I. :

c.c. VOTESONSEVENDIRECTORSMembers of Rllfdo$&Hondo Val­

ley Chnmber of Commerce v;erc"oUng on se\'en new directors thisw~k by mall baUot. Ballots mU!ltbe returned to thl" C, 01 C. offfceJli) later than 5 p,m. April 20.

NohllIlli.ted for dlrE'etotshlp.'l bytoll1-ovef directors arc Joc Truitt·f WhIspering Pine CabInS and

Rest3urlii1t; :alll NplI1, fannel'­tnnl'!ltcr: James B~lI, dent1$l;Charles ltumbllunh ot Hfgh CountryL<ldge; BUl Dean, accounlant; ~fnlt

McCoy, mAnligl'r COmtnunll:v PUb--4'a. Cantrell, Ap3che Summit; Dan

(1rIfOth. 1,n Pinata: Ralph pett)']_Gambles: John Lyon, Slerrll.

13lanca Ski Shop; Eddit> Siddens.nUldoso 'News. TIle hold·over direC­tors Mil be StormY EdwardS. we.u·den Chlnd. Dnll! nodds. Mike 'Long.Allen LUnllin, Lowell Morgan andDon stark.

Members get to cast a vote for('~ch SGO mcmbctshfp hl'ld, 'theeVe.ri new directofS ate to serve

from May 1 thts yenr until April30. next.

It \Vas aMounced this week Cot.Hugh ~tUlon, USA retired. wm beprincipal speakt>r tot the lii1nltldC. 01 C. bantjuet to be held at theChaparral Holel on MIlY- .~6~,lP~la~te!I~'1!+_-b:=::=~""""~wlll be $i~tiCh.CrMl1ton.cut...f~Uy servinit art the StMe HIgh·way Comtnlsslon, IS 11 formet- torti.l'IttU:ldiU'lt of New Mexico M11l1nt)'111Smuietn rtoswell.

nANClI 1tA.....n-Continued from I'.tte I-&:l'. A)

dl\)' morning, \0 be U~l.t'd by theiiltlrtll.1g night. In her trldler.

Police had to force the bClthroc)mdoor opcn, the man's body be1t1gwedged between nle door !lndbathtub. Thl!)' (ound he Md pUt (bemuule of Ute .30.30 beneath hlg

hln nnd fired The bUllet loreway part ot his hend.A doclor, eltal'ltlnlng the body,

said the man had been dead sinceSMutda.y afternoon. he believed.

-On the coroner's Jllry Were JImlIme, foreman, Jltn WImberly"Odell s~r. Otho N, Oile8. R. 11.

ed\tecolte nod Don Haft.

F!v\." hUPol'od aod fin \' perROP«lJ,tlended . \110 196'\ Humbll' FllCD,"'f'T\'lcl' station nllll'n'Xcr's two-day I

, (,(,~l\ ('nt'C'1l 111')'1' nt Ille' Chnnnrrnl\ Winners In the room Sp",lIlng n",e Motor Hotel MOl'dlW lind TUt"sdn\" •


conte~l'> \\,(>n' annollnced thl" wet'k .FJ. C, PenclC'I'y of tht' marketlno::'QV JUnlo}' HlRh School Principal depal·lment. PaPa,> are!l wlio dl·

, M, B; McGUire for Ih\." tlflh, sixth reclt'a the prol(rum for the third'. ! seventh nnd ei~hlh grades, ,>ucce<;sl\'e yeM bere, decl~red the'.. ;I 'Winnel's ifl the ,thl'ee firth grlldll' me('lIng waR all unqullliflel! SU(:,Cl'SR ,

,"" i rooms we're:' Knnl\' Bell. AlmeUa !v'd tbat thl;! many re..ldel~ts of thi" 1

IJont's alld BOpby Zion: nltl'fnntes. al'el\' Who Workt'd with the B,tllff ofLISA Bover. Ronie Rodgl'rs nnd the Chnpnrl'l\l, Motor notel to. ellre • ' "

., \ Janlco Gent. for the larp,'1' qllthf'rlnfJ' did n bllng·, ..: ....:...................i.'.,;........_,""....41.11;J.'l~••iM.liilOl=llili'l~"'I"""I's In thn '''r"n sixth "rade ' up job to 1l1ake· tht> ,,1"ltO\'ll lel"l nt I b f N' I H l' d F: d .' C Ih HIne>Y ....~ _ .' .... ~" • .. " ON T.V, _ 'Why Novem er', one 0 seven 10 yman, In a In ,Clsen, a y ,

,roon,s were>: Mary uclen Orierro, homl', Ht> WlIS high III hl.i prnlsl' . I C' d H I, •• P f II I lId II I tl til f original one act pla.ys pr"senled ot Nob hul Laura Jones, E (line Denlon', In y .:11'1' 5,

, , Jeannetl.e Bo~~nrdlls lind .Delores 0 II W 10 Ie pe I lOS n3 ell, " '"'~lIlbU 111"'" " fall' Scho.QJ lo.~t Thursday nighi, was Wrillen. by' DelTTo Richey, TereSI;!' Eckerl, Jeanie t:luse,jJft"C'l2!U' • J dblLl :r1l..111I..111J!1I'~••Jlb~~'" ll1ii,Ii;;r,:;',O. • Gal'cia: a:l{ernntos. MIII'!l'(,ret Mor· . C h HI d cll t d b R . l' ft"'\"h C l land an"-l Morl'lyn ParL r' 'Why Novem·

, ' rison, DnrnlY Penton lind oall alee. Managers of stnUolls (rom West , at y ,nl) on rec e 'Y OXle. e YV" • Y e ~ , " .GETS AWARD _ 'Poor lYtlessa', written by Parsons and Regina Sharp, Roxie Leftwich Q Te,.ns and Nt'w Mexico IInQ their Karen Campbl'1l1 is shown stcmding Qddress· ber' received C\n honorable mention awardCindy H<:lrTls and directed by Jeanl}le 'Huse (]Iso In the cast is not shown. 'Poor Lynesso' S ~venth grade winners: Juelan wlvl's wl're on hand (or Ole event In9 chairman prayed by Bruc~ Bullard. Olher I 'and was video taped for TV prosentalion onand Marilyn Parker, cast shojNn, from left: received an honoroble manllan aWQrd for stevenson, Denise SteWl\rt ami whtqh featured !lome wark panels members of cost arc. Kathy Boyer, Carey EI Paso's KROD·TV stotion Thursday morn·Cy Leland, Cindy Harris, p(]t Forrar,. Snaron good characterization. Jealltle Cnrruth: alternlltes, Brad· ns wellns entet·lnlllment. Sllle>s Horlon;, Neale Williams, Barbara Trulillo" j"g Ihis week,~_. , _ .... '~_ ,_ •. ., • ,I•. __• . -.--- '•. - .---' --_.-'--- "'---._.. ley Flndels\."n. Prlscllla Agulll\!' tillS. new products. easler, and. .., . j(;N":I'OR IrlGJI UA!\'o

El,lICIlTION- 1 and ,lenllnle l1u51', simpler methods of sen'lclng ve. dlstlncl hit, saId Pendrl'Y, _ SUi "I IS CI.omn-;lU·;nCouUnued from Page 1--501'. A) A'"'iJl ort . CAPITAN SCIIOOL- Elghtll grade wbmers: ZlIne Nenl. 111('le5 were alllong topics talked, P, W. Edge.JI· .• markelltlll dc, ,lml l\'lIn Wood was d\arged by FICO!\[ I,AS CRl'CF.STile Rotllr)' Chlb In CarrIzozo has ,., , ~Colltfnued from Page I-Sec.',\) Ann Clarke IInl! Lavonno Chico: Service aWIIl'ds were given nu. pUl'lment mBllager from Plillas, nUldoso pollcl." W1th fallul'l' to IUiO GIl'ES CONCERT III~RE

amed il. committee composed' of tested the resolutIon of the Capl· nllerllntes; Suslo Kelley, MIchelle merous operators, ,A dinner on 'Mon· WIiS Humble's oUielal hos,! whlll."; (lIw ClIrl' Saturdny, Aprll 10; whl'n SlltlY youngstt'rs. nlt'mbN'S of l!;\e11\\1 P+lyton. ·Cnrl Thornton !lnd Acf',·v,'f,'es tlln board ma.:ea to Supt. Oeorge Burns and Melissa Courvelle. .dny evening In lhe Clmpllrrnl wns B(l~'d Cecil.· retl\ll sales tnntlliger. 'his 1957 !\1rl'cun' vel'rl'd shl\rpl~' to J\ll\ml'c!l\ .Junlol' HU~h Sl'hool Bl\nd,lbert Roberts to work on II prO: .. p;. White of the Ruidoso schools, Tllt~ twelve room wllmors In thl' follo\VM by 1\. dlmce fn 'the ni.>wly WllS clmtrmnn onhe cOIlvent1on.. 1 lllt' 1'I::hl III iht' lI\wrseclioll of pre-sented l\ conc{'rl In RuIdosomm which will -slart al 10 a,m. 55110 n. lJ~ved runwl'y-12Z,8 April 12, which conclud~d: SpeiUflg Bec contl"-t will compete! I'emodelt'd 1l'<>·O:RnlUa. thl" first Sl'vl'rlll oWclnls of thl' Humblt' S\I(ldt'rlh lllltl l\·I·I·h('llI. hilling 11 81'hool llym,ulldlllJrllUll ht'fl' F'rl-he courtholllie will be viewed be. Unlcum "The C a 11 I til 11 lillUJJrJllal TllUl'SdllY. "April 15. III 1.1Ie flnnls. ltme the hUlll." bullcUllff hus been put 011 &. Refining Co, offlcl's r!'OlIl 1011111 'fhl' lIl'cldl'lJ1 .... l\~ l'l'portect ut: dll>' mornlnll' Itl·.1 w(','k "fill' nTOUpr.'CCIl 10 nnd noon. Ralph Dunlap, School BOArd of Education re- 'rIll.' winner In Ihl;' flnal~ here \\'111 to us!' ill Ihlli mllnnel·. Hou:ilon (lnd Los Anll'ell'~ wer(' a ,Ia p 11\ Thl'I'I' Wl'n' no In}lij-h'~; ClIllIe In lWO I'hartl'n d b'lw~ nndounty extension IIgent, 1'> arrang- RuldosD Jllunlcfpal Airport quest tbe Rlddo~o Bonrd of Edu. represent Ruidoso III the District Charles W. JI\I'\'i~, n dcnU5t from spel'lnl honor IIUl'sts,· , aC('ordlllU to 1M ))01l1't' l'I'port \'1~Jl('d 10\'\"('1'111 olh')' !Owns IIIg to lllWO <l.H clUb members to' Sunny E\iwards lind Dr, Don cation to Inslrui't IlIelr hus Spt'l1Ing nt'e contt'''l ~pollSorl."d by IStill !\fa reo'> , Tl'x. kno.... n In tlw ... '., .... '... Southl'rn Nl'\\' Mt'xICO Dlrt'l'LOr

Id Th d dl I Simms flew In Edwards' Bonanza d I f I f I I I J I Of Ucrve lI.S gil ell, I' e cat on to Phoenix, Friday; William Wright r vcr ra ra 1\ rpm p e.1 ng SCrlpps·HOward N('wspnpl'rll and to r Bouthwe~t UI! It hUIllIJl·I,.1 of rMe TWO SCHOOl, DAVS \'11'11' S('1I00l.S wall 011\ .. C eeeremony will be promptly nt 12 l1ud lBm Smith flew In from Albu. up dllldrcn hl')'ond thlll boun. lbl' I.Wld In El Pnso for this MC(l, l'(ulent. WIIS ~ !>Pl'dlll ~!le~l,kl'I'Ii~ t,h"l eOl'llPOSE nOl.UUl'S , Ill'lll'y' 1'(\"I'Ul\I,Snnla Fl', llt'ad. .':. ' , ..oon, with the barbe>cul' to follow I TIP t tl d dar)·.'· that n art of Ma) 7 l\nd. ',8,'.__._,. _~ Imal.,n~ll.I,IlIU( t. HI" ,dlSI U'islOn \\Ils II leon f:ASTI~R Sl~ASON of Ih<> modt'rn ItlIU11Il\1ll' dl'pllrl- I t OUMI·.1l In lD!):-iO,\NSs scon AS pOSSible niter thnt. It Is querque 11 a r· ncer 0 a en S Ib t t d" P .".. . , ,- _.- IlIt'nl w\th Ihl' '8tllle l>''lll\rtnwnt o( 'S()~ IS i\l,\IUU....)nnoun~ed. Boy Scouts will serve to the .prlnclpals' com/ention .here: hi' cr nl'r II n ~ II C ltau-.dlsa p' . A Mill 111' wns mnrrlC'd to Alice 8('11(' Dill" TWlJ sehool da>''', Fndn\' anct ['~du('nlllln, nud (JeoHll' !'>11'IlIU\('. '1h~ r('Cl'lll lIIl\l'I'lllt:lt' IIf MI•. '; l."q·nlso the nag and as color guard. locel pUots. including 'Bob Pl't,rllon tr~ctlt~~l ~~~; I; u:; R~idOSO dl';' i . O\lntaln. ere I<lIlt all Dt'c, 25, 189-1011 Ct'dnr Crt'e\l. MondllY, compo!<c tI\l' En',lt,i, 1!I,It l>l11'l't'llIr III TIllI' 111 \\lIh tilt' Slnll'llIl' Robl'l'tll SlIllwrlaud lit fl·hn·Inglng of thl! StUI' Spangled Banner In his 18~. ijll1 Neal, Jr" In a Trl· trl I b t t1 t his children went to 1 Pioneer Area jlll~Uldo"o, Ilh Wlr" preceded him dn;rs, r or .stlld,'n~s. ,0.1 HI!)<!'!''! ilt'l'I:lrtltl('lIt ~f "~dtlont1tm. 1n'iltl'd {'l1I\pl. ('nllf, ilml (til/'dlll! W'ill open Ute.ceremonles. ,Pa,ecrnpd Klll'l JOlm.<'QII In. Ills C. 11 , .,& I'a d uj i ui Ii- II" .....,.... I, III 111'Unl In 1'93G 'I\chools. Supt U\,OI'III' P Whll" .m· lit,. Huldo'.o MIIIIll'IIIUI 8('\101I1" Vaughn ot 111\\l.1'l·',Ill'ltt l'lIllf ' ~Oll

All II I t.. I /I' Com(lnche. mnde locnl nJghl'l: RUidoso sc 00 II n

llfact', RUII I Rancher Dies • SUI'vl\'ors IIwlud(' rour /ions. E. Iloullccd Ihl!! wN'k. C!lI'\Sl'" IWI'(' \'('dllt'.'II,'I", SUIII (lnOI'''I' \"'llt'. rn. ,01 tOl'ml'I,">Hllldw,onll'., Mr and MI''!

v ng coun y comm..'iS oner Fa "r N. Anderson came up from terest... lI.nd social I' \\ er II' II t. ' I l' ' " • " • • .. ~t d I lied to t- d d I tl Id b f t t A W(> "lIlJWll [lten r:mrler \\' 10, E "Brpthl'r" MIlII'r. Ma~'or of Rul· Il!Rmll',st'd Thursdn)' nUI'rt\oun llnd pO.ll'lI, ,Elmo \in\ll.lI~I\. \\11'. alllll"'I1I'I'd b:.:as an prcllt'llt lire !LV I 11d £1 Paso; Fritz Dolph rt'nted an .:?so~ t Iral c :'~: rld/tl~~ :CI~O~ 1m" 1I\'ed In Ill(' RUidoso area since i do'io DO~IUi: YUle MllI(·r. Alamo· wlll re:lIIll1l' TUIQlln' 1IU1, nlllil PI'tI' , "". ,_~' ~ ".....,~._ llhl' brIC!t'·,\ parl'lIh M. ,lIld Mrsnd the progrl\ln,nnd wll be aske Alpine A.V1aUon charl-l'r plnne for a ..,l'In", ...e t r ~I 17 11 to the 1834. Founlnln All'llundel' IIUller, gordo; tIl!'l" Mllll"r. 1,ordsl,J11l'g.' l:rIllll1 observlnlJ lIll' Ent.h'r huly Ill' SI'I\'\I'" hen' llull 1)rl\l'r, W,".I·' Wultl'r Suthcrl1\lu1 III 'l'1'!J11I'hl\I)\'lt~peakdll~t U~t>Y d~~~rt\) A~1l0 flight, repOrtedly to Denver: W. V. bUll approx,ma

llYOll m ~s Al 98. died In UII' RUlllo:>o·Hondo Val· 'lIlId Ira l\ftller. DI'Il\'('r. ('010 . ont' Wll.,on \\'l'rt> I)re....nh·d In Nob lllll prn Offll'" [';qUl/J11II'Ill, ('\II'1J'i Bt·ll. I ('l\11! Till' ~hllo VlIImlin', \\r'n' 0\\11·

Is nit gI at' es w e~. l1elm, Jr.• new here from Hobbs CrPll~:1I!l"~O::~~ thl,l~~ ~~~a a~ ley Oc,nel'lIl Uo,spltal SWlda)', April. dllunhtt'r died In Infllney A IlI..ter, Sehool W"dm'sdn)' lIllIl lin [o;l\'.II·r III',UI II 111'1' nUt'III' Salll NUIUU1Ur, , l'r.. Wllh MI' 111111 MI' A' W l)ellll',rodl1ccd' al this t1llleih to ~ In hIS Bonnnia. p net t~ til M and Ill. FWll'ral bl'l'\'lce~ wert' Ill'ld l\trll Sh'Ua Flft" of Cnllfornln lIlso t":m hunl WllS "Inll('d ·rhul'!.dlll ltlllN' of 8huI'" O~t'M Chauvin.' IlOW of Elel'Lrn 1't'1( III Ihl' 1';1W~~a~,e ~~cr~~:m~~d ~tn:': O::U. "'lAth llthY1nre!':!~b ..~alls, BblcllenNenfOI,rlJnlt'md ~nd~: lit' ::<>11 l~~ \\:e~ L rpeeb- ,Tllursdn)', April 13. III 2 p,lII, U) Ille ; tiUrrlvl'!l, and ~l'\'{'n I!rlIfldrhlldrl."lI nrt<'l110011 for tilt' 111111' tot" 111 (','It:U 'llI'ltll'rl.od·ll' dt'nll'r _ Boll (:ro!ilJ)·.1 ('01'1'111 Court.:, !ll'ft' III thl' l'url)'

db f C .. ., ...,,,,, ,.. ' Ira. Ofowar

D.~ M' rps ;'1' D n Plrst Dnptl!Jt Chureh',1n Ruldo'lO \ lIud mlN'n grelll·grnndl'hlldrC'lI. Cret'k pllrk, Iillly UIl' Kill, Vllrl<>l)' l.lquor. C WlI.o'!i,

Inls an all the mem erll 0 onll'- Wimberly anel B<lb OI18ton. who hM !lS, "rs. orm , ee., es. 0 DOWlltl willi Rev. Orval Sec oUl'j .,__ _= .._--, --- - --,~" -...= "----------------=.------CPJl from New Mexico. Bllf!dn of bought Dill Mc:C(lrty'li Trl.PlIcer, ChlldlWI nod Ra)'tnond Buekper. elatin\t. Bllrllll Wa!l III the Sletson11 thc' Dchool!! III ,\he county afe !l'rltz Poll flow Alpine 'Avlatlon Darling said tlmt the re30lu~lofl iCCll\l'ter)' em;t or RUidoso DOWIlIl.j WHAT 'NOUL'D SCRAMBLEDrned to be on hand for pInyin" duro chnrtcr pl"ne to HOUlltoll unci reo Wns madl' pcrlninuill 10 the 198a·CO I Chapl'l of IU1'«". F'tlllt'rill HomeIllf the barbecue. liondo FlellUt. tum: other chnrtcr flights were school )'t'l\T nnd thnt 110 chnll(;t' In Iof Ruldo!;o hal'ldl<>d nrrllnlIl'Illl'nw. : >t 'IOU 80'1$ EGIS5 'W\1Haneem. "quare dallct'1'5 nnd n lid· flown to LM Cruces and return (l,nd bUll Ilchcdu1e!1 was cOlltemplaled I Mlller. Who \\.t\<; bom Oc~, 20.' "g 1.lKE TO 6RCOl-t !lIers' contNlt are scheduled for Ule to £1 Puso nnd return. Two fire ror th(' remnlnder of thts school 18G8 In Colfax County. N 'M moved; \4FNI; '2

f~C::~rlhoUl:e square will be ~~~h ::;~:l::M::::y ~o':pc~ ~~~~ ~l~t aalr~:::t~l~ha~u~rr:~~~ito UuldollO 11\ HIM at iho nile of 16., b ~~e Site [PI' Ule barbecue corvlna. nroa for JlO!llI1ble fires nfter reliCUt' d(mt White 'for the joint bonrd!! to~cr8' mt<mro-nn~<mr~"7i1'J-!_JQ(~_~~~-==-~~~~~=;~~

rt Sianton bo.:spltnl, tltehens ae"rch Sun@1'-10r--tollt (flrJ-; 'Two meet thl!i monl.h--to-dlseU59 UI n 'Othcr mltttl'til tile board nco'wll1 bc aaked to cook Ule lnrge clmrter I1Ighls for Forc:lt service problcmlJ. c,cptt'd tht' n~5!1ml\tlOl\5 of lIerb:Amount of bean.. (or Ihe big menl, Wednesdny, hl1u1lng men nnd equIp- Membl'l'5 of tilt' Cnpltnll bonrd Wefs!;('nfcl!l. 1I1'INIC<> nnd aUtlt'lie I,md counly cX1C11!llon clUb women ment 10 fire on western slope nt'ar pre!ll'nt were: Zalle Leslie, prellt· lIlr.trut'tol' and Mrfl PhUll'i Wl"5-1wm be asked 10 prcP:lrC the pOtulo Alnmogordo, Lloyd Pcrry nrrlvcd denl; Paul JonC!l. Vlcl'-prl'sfdl'Ut; tll{'llft"lli. fiC'fl'nc('. mnt11 nud ph)'lll.

alad. Tuesday In IB2 CC!l!Intl from Fln;- Mrs Rwmel!I, cecrctnry; Sid 0000', cnl ('dut'nllon lrullru('tor, Conlrnct'l;Fund!! will ~ rnmcd for tre:L!lUr· stnH, Ariz. rolrl Jobnr.on mndc reg- loe nud George M'cBrldo. Illcm'l were rencwNl for Mrs, Lydln E"

,tes of f.1t club'l through t;elllug Ulnr trip:J to A1buquorQuc Bud Snnin - - = Hall on the IIdmlnl~trlltirc !llnrt;cold drinks durtllB tM bitt I\((all'. Fe <,uri)' In the week nnd It'lL for Broll, Truck nlld Equipment nnd and (hI' faculty. ctLqlo()lnM "nndI

'St Wtl!J plnnned, \\·~t cout Thursdo.y to tI[K'nd Ennt- elm Onrdner. Albuquerque. man· cllft'll'rla IllMf, .... .:..,..;Ice crenm. cnkes nnd. pies will cr vllcnUon. Jim Lakin, Denver, Mer, nrrlvt'() Wednl'f.dny In l\ I '.1111' lIonrd'" N>,:olutton III ftlll l!l'

be sold by membefn of thc CIUrl· Colo.. vlce,presldent o( Temple c,c:.m~lT~c~N-~-EIIoVERtcdby ~F~ed1l~ILS!InU, rep~I~~ on pall~!:~St"C~ .~. = I:row Woomnn'{\ Club to rAise fund.'1 ~.,....----------~-­or their projetll'l. It WM nl!lO de·'ldell,II you ha\'t' nny SUlnfclltlOIl9 tor

the big evellt~bplle\'t'd to be theInrgl,!st such program ever plnlUlcdIn the county. )'OU nre invited toC<JIlli'1c:t Chairman Oliver.

• •

Page 8: Many Cburches of Tn---06servance' .. ON RO''AD'.',.0'.'CA' IT' · 2013-11-20 · In'Arl- theme of the 0C!OdF'rla&yservices,


•• ,

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i. \


, t





'Jt; •



,. .' .

e..., •-_.._-

lO" "1




-. ,".', ' .',. ,', ".'" ,---



At tho "V" Hollyw~od - Phone 378.3133


- Go Home and Tell Your Mother-


RUIDOSO MOJO·,RSWatch For Grand Opening!

Free':Prizes! -, Free Bar-B.Q!

- "' ..- .. -, .. " -. ,.' - -' ,

GUM, All Kinds

. -.-

.-T~HE ,"'MARLIN':

rONATO,JUICE, Hunt's 46 oz••• 2 FOr 59c\

CANNED BISCUITS 3 For"~5c,. . . .

. LINK SAUSAGE, Swift's • • 1 Lb. Box 69cBUT'l"ElL.§wift's Premium, Otrs••• Lb. :S7cCanned PICNIC HAMS, Swift's 3 lb. can $1.79,


.. ,,' ... ". . ._,


• '

Is Moving:Nexi Week To Space In Front of Race TrackOn Highway 70


••... '

, -


'. ~ . .. • ." "-Y" ~,,, ."

'.". -

nandez, Edward Guthrie, StephonHelon .pearson, Donna Rash, Rickey Scoltand' Zane Neal. Also In cast but not shownIn picture were Jack Valliant and MargloPearson.


,. ,. '---,' '_.- --- •• , " ,,-, .. > ,.--.

, " ;.' ~.~.


LEON HERRINQ.Repreunlatlve

Am.rlcan NatIonalInlurance .Company

I'bo. 251-12t8 - Rulcto••

--, -


- - -', -..' ,;,- ... ",', ..... ,- .




~.- ,"



In The SioryThatTore The

Vast TimberCountry


• 0

.. .. ..

' .. "'''-''., . "'-, ~-,,--

-Plu. Cartoon-

- Plul Cartoon ­

* * *


I',,, ... tt,t,

WA,.NI!" 8,.08. Tfl.lHll(/JlI)fl".u ,,_ LYLE. OETTGER NOAH !lEERYVf 'IliA fn 'or, AlAliA lALfJ flt ',ll~ T'Jf ,M[ 1 M'"",.·df ..If,t., "fj.ff~' I'tfl.:'L'''' f'"':JAAP'J'I 'Jfl~j"i. mI,·.".If'!t' ~A'ltlt l'OO:~ I~ A~.. " ....,.-,.....

"lIMt4Dt~"'" ~ti.U"'", """''t4hktOL''J (1111&:1

. ., .. '. .... ,,-, .


•GtTS FIRST fllACE - 'A Moment of Truth'wrillen by Nancy Sullins and directed byJon Crandall. received first place awa'rd Injudging of seven original one act plays pre·senled. last Thursday night at Nob HillSchool. Cast from left Is shown; Mike Her_. ~--~... ' _.'" .., --"A'-N°'-YON way '10 In Shier'S Shopping Center.

More Than $600 C " Hodges' Tack Shop & Veterln-

-SAT. ONlY .Collected So Far .ECHOES :~::~: :~~:;rn:~:~~~ week In, .. . . Jn .Cancer Crusade BII1 Salnalo, brother or John

]slond d M L Sainato, has moved here rrom Bos·Mr. W I> Horton lin . I'll, • Mr. and Mrs. Junior Winfield and d•o. ton, Mass., 10 mllke his home an1. I>a\'h. fir. co·chnlrml'n ror ...e ramlly and Mrs. Tommy WhItefJ/Jl1w d r d Is wor"I"~ WIth J. J. DlPaol,o'sIt . rtUl<llhO an'n Cancer CrWilIl e un were called 10 Lubbock where a _

d h t D. ConstruQtlon Co. '

lJot U! lp~Uns rlll·.lnl( l'n III Pllljlll , rl'llorte t a grandmo'''er ls very 111. . d

I d '" Henry Hale, Olencoe, was a mit-mOT(' tllIIn &600 hUll bN'n col eete Mrs. Rex WhIteley and son, Chris,I d F I ted April 6 as a patient In St. Mary's.11 rrll' III till' drlvro A It·u lei r· were III Roswell Saturday.RI k I .o. Hospital In RoollweU.'" COLO drl" 1l/lI'n"Jfln la'll wel' n ....e Mrs. Truck Lusk ls In Amarillo

't, ,.,,~.. , n t N Supt. Oeorge P. WhIte ls In Santa.. UIIIVI"aAL "'""vnl _ 110111" or Mr'; Jaml'~ linn a 0- to have dental work done. Fe this week-cnd on school busl-A"0.'''' • ">a'ml PMuner.uli lIal brUlll'hi In $311.05. It was reo Mr. lind Mrs. A. C. Reddell or-"'UI Cartoon- pnrwd TIll' two "hnlrmcm lIald they Hl11sboro. Tex.. arc visiting Mrs. ne;;:;b Walker, C. or c. mllnager

! • wanll'<I Ii, "XpTl'll'1 tlll'lr IIppreela· M'lnnle Lee this week. Mrs. ReddellI here. who has been very III at hls* * * lIoll III Mr.. I>lIllnror h.avlng tile Is Mrs. Lee's nJece. home at Alto ror about two weeks.II'Il II. Iwr hlm,l' , nnd 10 II number Mrs. lll1rold Johnson Is back InSUN MON TU'ES I d d may be up and around by next' • - • - • or HUll:'" () woml'n W 10 onnte her Ruidoso home ror about threo week, but that Is not certain. He'lu'II",I"';'''; nn<l ('ooklr-j for the ten, weeks. Hor hUSband, Harold John- Is scheduled 10 address a conven-nlO'" who hrllll'd 10 pour cortce .son .relDaloed 10 P.ortAransas, ,. ,alill lI'll Wf<fii'l'.lffl A. N.Bpchccr TOlL where they have been spend- E rythin

· lind Mr'; nllly Sll·phrl1!lOn. both or Ing the winter. Mrs. ZOra Edward9 ve. g· ClIrrJzo;~o. Mr'j 1I01l1~ CUmmins. or EI PlL3Or-a-.slster or Mrs. John.Cllpllllll. rllld Mr-j Ed Snnders and lIOn Is vfJJltlng Mra, Johnson here. Electri·,.cal.Mr" 'fom lIood from Ruldo/lO. Mrs. W, M. scott hns returnedWonwn rrom nil OVl'r the county to her Ru\doso homo In the upper

l"tll'ndl'd thl' It·n. Mrll. 1I0rton Imld. canyonllfler spending the winter Wimberly. Electric' ,. h.. C'll1I\'lIEl'l or bu..'lIIlI.'!lSCS and In Lub~ ,.nd other Texas areas. _..........,:._1"JI!.:~"~"~U~1~.zJ.~1'~ ~~~!!!!e!~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~!:!!!!!~~· homl"l ronduct<>d on Mondny. April Jpc 'Moore. Harl~)1 Pam'cU. ;JIm' • i l __ • . I .. , ..; •• •

I 12. brotllfht III &.100 77, 1\ wan nn· mv Beall lnd Wendy Lamb were ' '''11I1111l1'l.'d. bUI tllnt l'hMe or the among Unlverslty or New Mcxldq •

·<In\'1' b uot Yl't cornpl"t<>d. Mrs. sludentn'arrlvlnlf home ror the· Horlon ·.lnlrd RuldmlO women who Enster holidays this mld.week.· 111'111('(1 on till' how;" to hOWle cnn- Memberll or tho Jim JUne Jamlly

\ ,1'_'1 Mondny Wt'fl' Mrs R4ymond nrc vlsltin"g relllllvcs In Abilene,DUl'knC'r. Mrll Pili Vnlllnnt, Mrs TelC. during the holldnys. ' _.,I ('RII)' (lool'h, Mr!l Howard. Tate. Several members or tho Woman's; .

· Mr<l ()Il'k Bl.'nnNt. Mr'l, I.1oyd Society Of Christian Service plan­, Ua\·I'l. ,tr 0 Mr', RobC'rt Prnroon. nrd to altend a sub-dlstrlct uGlIlonMr!l nrrun Vnnrll'r'llok nlld Mrs, In Carrizozo Wednesday this weelc.'fom !Jlllld. M \\'ell M tht' C()ochnlr· The Marrs have opened theirlIll'n, MI". lloyd L, DavIa. Sr.. nnd Mllrrs' Waffle Shop on U. S, High-

IMrr. W D. Horton.11)<' !Jondo 8<'hool lalent show

•lin!! b l' I.' n llehcdlllt'd' for Fri­da)'. April 23. at '7:30 p.m. at theUomlo School A Ilancnkc supper

,Will b(' I:l'r\'C'd nl the school be­; forI' thl' tall'lIt ahow by the OpU·mbt Club. All proct'edll from the111m\\' wlll go to thl.' Cancer Cru­~Adl' Mrll Frnnk Titsworth Ischlurmnn ror Tlnnlt> nnd Hondo.

~~~( COLOR I ..... - ... -----I. I1AAlJUl litCHt 1'tmte1 .A~~ ~tull .. _. Rotarians Hear

- Plul Cartoon - " Of Art Group's--~.~"-~~~'...--=- - _:_~''''----'-

'SOARD 1Sum.mer Plans ,. . .' . D3\' III Tra\'Is. presldenl' or theI, Uncoln ('ounty Art Association. OIl 8ill'&1 ,. AI EadnIlOe". STUDIES :\\0'1 ·thC' Ilrtnclpnl speaker at the 1'41 Jlace Track: 'T\ll''lday noon m('«llng or the Rul·

I(\o~o ltolnry Club held M Wattle·lI. Adm1Mloa Adalia lie

10 BID.S .TrR\·t'l ouUlnC'd tbl.' nlmll !llld ob· cnlLDREN UNDE& U rat:J: WE. ARE OFFER'N"Jl'l'lhp<l or Ult' Art ASSOCiation and *0 * '"

.. Melllbers or RuJdooo School Bollrd IlII\M ror Ihl.' sumlllC'r !!Cason. Trn.

mC't with !l(werol or tile It'n blddlnlf • \'1'1 'lnld 111:\1 Art Shows nnd exhibits SAT. - SUN. - MON. A S·,.G D'SCOU'NT('ofllrnclOrll In II llPt!clal ml'cllng will b" dlslllnYt'<l ilL Iho Chaparral Double FeatureMonl1t\y nlltht here 10 lt0 over oome Iuotl.'l bl'ltlnnlnl1 MIIY 27; In a ten-or Ule matters concerning UII.' new i dAY t'xhlblt beglrU1111ft July.2. Tex· • 0 All Our"'U .

. elementary Ilehool to bc bUIlt nenr I1!l Art will be featured, Trnv1s "Pink' Panther"" n' mtsIho airport Dlds wer" opened' said lollIC'r In the scason an Arts

'rhufllday night last week. and nnd crorts li'esllvnlls planned•. Tra- •••ut. Peter SeUe- an'd· ',,' BE"0'"RE W'EMOVEAWl\rdlll1t or a contract had bet'n, v19 rl'ported, W.LUI ....

proposed ror Monday nJght, 'rhe I Othl.'r ltlll.'SL'l rellorled by J. H. R be t W . ....~..board IIl1d EIOmo or the bidders lire' Coopl.'r, nsslstant secretary, were: 0 r .agner.IlUIl 10 delermlne pOlloy lind eMIs The Hev, Robert Zapp. Andrew _. and .·Cqtn.~.Look Over Our Stock of MobU~ Homes Ai Our Oldon !lOme or the raellltle!l' ror tht' Ullle and Fred Peso from Mesca- "BULLET F'OR'school. And ror that reason, more 1ero. Tom FnulkMr and I>lstrlet .'. Location At 1Iighway 70 and 3rd St., Ruidoso DownsstUdy Is belDi" (lIVen tho prOpOsals ,. Oovemor Ted Donnell from Alamo- . MA"N'iii,' t..before a contract wJl1 be leI. . !fordo. ABAD .' 'Th Ar I St~_1. N d Ar Off' dTIlesI' lUC colltraL'lors nnd Ihl.'lr· Art Olllllnnd t('ported no word . {J' ese e n UQi, OW an . e erebllb o~l\ed lallt Friday Tby the Ir('('cl\'ed from n. 0" While .who 18 ~-* ...L A'udl··.... h'· ". AT DISCOUNT' PRI'.CES ~lrChool bollrd In a Ilpeclal mcetlll"' ,collvnlt'llrlrl[t In Houslon. WhIWll wun. . e .\•.a.\U'P Y •llrRd6Ury • Stamforll. AlbUQUrrqul',: addrl'M III Parl,Wood Al)a.rlfr\cnl8. --plUi Cartoon _. G:l.m. John· O. carr. Carl'tbl\d.! 11)18 W)·ndl\le. Houston. Tox. .. * * * . . JUtiencim 52x20-ft. 3..bedrooms, furnished, air conditioned .U:iU~; Compton construruon'l' _M' - 'M~. ,-. 0 '-' TUES . WEI) ".nO$well, U36.m: John C. Cornoll, , P' '. On' Rh""',j , I '. •-. . Junerican 51xlO-ft. 3.bedroom('lo\'ls, mUM: o. & L, Construc.' rogram \,lUes a ." ........, . '.. .1I01l. Alanll!VOrdo. *330,242: ora)'1 PresGl1tedLions SURPRISE· 1l ......o.Iciul.·'. 57x12-ft. 2-bedroomColllltfUdloll. *349,11'11: 0, _A.llnd Sid Ooodloo t\ ra.ne1l11r north of , AUHI",....,,, .", .S, L. Jones. nuldO$o. $33D,l\ltl.1 Cnplh\Il, Was ~ tlJ'iCclat gucBL oflbe - 1I!J!.j&"U.ftJ! ' IUI·" . . . f 2 t.."'dr' •MIl.r~.1tl~1l .~~lrucUon. Espnllo!!',; nuldosoLlonlJ Cl\lbltli$~ TUesday" ..:J:58J ' !cftli..- .. . AlII"...... 5OxlO- t. ·-uu. aom .$3fjjJ.6(jQ; Perollco":,~UC"on.RM·''Umht: Qoodll)(! 1ii'e~pi'O"' - ---, . l.._J ' ( d"lwoll. 5330.&'10; '!I'""E. SU1nller, ROll-, gram, t\ Illmm film on SOuthern ;",,",Plul Cartoon...· .:. ~can l-~oom, use .well. Qft.W.." lUlodNl!1\ atld mil tho prIncipal' , . *'.* *. ... .. __, .'

••-- "0' 'n. ,. ", sPenktlr rOt \hutl\'cnll'lg. A deleg.. 'I1ItJltS FRI.-SAT. '. ' . .". 'Q~.atLakti SS)C12-f~ 2.~~~., (used)Ml:N( AI.ERO CADEt: tloll or silt n\ombelil ftom tho '1'\11.. . . 'k) .: • .AT N, .M, H. I. n.ATES 1II00t rOM LlQIl!l Club' aUcl1dcdtho «tin- . .' (nt" W.. '.. '. ". Grw:Lak..SOxl0-ff. 2~bedrO()I11S

tlCll'olcd for'last rl\'U'$ C<lIb\ln,lUld. ,I tier '\It<<1tll1a,Llon ,lim Hino report. '00"•...L.'le·". Fe'a".k ....e .' . ",.' .'. ., '. f

cr.' 'LllIt fol' hIWllIg"padC<!~ de.! cd; .'.. ~ '. UD . ... lW';. ' :Cr*at:taki.S0x20.ft. 2-bedi'oom, (used) . . . . .,.i~:n:;:' ~tt"~.~,';..~:,,,~,'1\'tlOll"'-;'~';I;;;i<'i - ' , "SURF PARTY".," .~ .

Kal\l(t Of ),(eac~leto.. .Jlnf Mi\tttl\ thl\l 'Wet!"k J'\'KIpene~ . wltJliBobby 'Vinton '- . . . . . '. t '".. ,. ", ...,,, •.",.,,,,",.r··_···,"-.--.t~:i;~~;:b~i~ =~8tetJ~t~e{~ .' .:,t:':land '.' .., '0 RN" ES M08 I LE HOMES \ 4 '"

.. ..... . • 'OklowaYShopplfi«Ccnwl'. J4arUtt" '.' 1·:iW '...• ". '. UN"" .v, BA, .. .. . ..' .. , .. .0 ''1.1. 0 "

.~:'~:~~i";;~~~~~~lf~~~~.'· Nol\yi\JOR·· ,.... ~; .. ~37""701 . ItUIDOSQ-Q.Q.WNSi-NEWMEJUCO '0)(327•.. \... ..:'.......

1,= :~~I:t~::-M~~ba~Vt~ •. ,~9~'.'R· :1'h'tCOMPLEtESal"aDa~ceFacilltt for-all ~l#htmN..w ~C~· ,'\hO-1)~rbtt ~<li' .tbO.... ' . .'. . ~ c........... :\

'.'" '.',

. " ", ." '





.. " " - '. ' .






.. 3· Rolli 25C



'.' .

. ,

o .





, .•. .



•. .


__ ',' , __", '.'''-, _, ,.-,."'''''' ,,_,,_c',."::_," _.

Glover,~ 2 Lb.

BACON 98¢-

APRIL 16-17

Stev/ r~eat. lb. 29cRib Steak, lb. 79c


Liver, lb. .. . 29cFRESH FRYERS

LB. 29tt

....-- ._--..., ~''':''';''---_'_-4".:''~~.-----".1'-~~{;t--


ICE CREAM ~~~;'~a,ionFRUIT PIES Mo,lon',



SALAD DRESSING o~orlon" 39c

BLACKEYE PEAS K~~;:I~~ 2 19c

DOG FOOD AIC',1 3 Can, 29c



CAN MILK T:~: 0'



o eeFLOUR Full DrOll





eoSILK TISSUETOMATOES ~n'3~~u .... '. 2 For 29C

tr *U. S. NO. I


*'..... ,.lQ.LB__.BAG.

pu S. cBANANAS .. 2lIS. 19'CELLO CARROTS .... 2 ~or 19c

CABBAGE .. ,. .. ... LB. 5t

-10TH nons OPEN SUNDAy....W. Give Frontier Stamp. - Doubt. ()ij.Wtd•.

••••••••••••••••••••1 11.1... .




..," -,

Page 9: Many Cburches of Tn---06servance' .. ON RO''AD'.',.0'.'CA' IT' · 2013-11-20 · In'Arl- theme of the 0C!OdF'rla&yservices,


..,. ,'''' '" , .,•

-"t" • >' " • • ,,'" .. ..• , ~.,;, '->\'''J ....."~,.,''i'' ".'.• " l>f;-\"'~~ " ' l'! .. III

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---~, ...·1

.LO pr(l~, :I37 .0 II

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~9 .0 Ii34. ;0'38 .0/35 .0.25 .0 "29T .,~

A V... 5.2.... ' .n ,I

,. ··~~;:1.· .~

. ..

... .





The Finest Pick-Up Stock ~acks,Ev.erBuUtJust'SlIp Them On - Tighle'1 Four Bolts

On Each Side - AnCl YOtl'ro Roapy To Gol

Priced At $128.00 to $149,00(Dependln,S On Plck-.Up Style)

Contractors Wheelbarrows - $25.00



(w. Don't Want All The Business ••• We Just Want Yours)IIIw,,)' 10 - Hollywood - Phone :n8-2085

, , • , • I , •• , t t • , •• , I , , I •••• , ••• , t t , •••• , t t •••• , ••••••••••••• ,. I ••• , .. t ••

• I •••• j •• f •••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••• I.' ••,e ••••••••••••• t •••••I

t",_,""". ~ :. * = ....... ,__ , .".,,_ ,'. ..,-.=". - =......... 'i.

ter that year. " ". 'CapUan, Hondo Nines l'• • • "f

PIne Pong Tourn"menC To Meet Tuesday ~,Student Cowlcll Is flponsorlng a At Fi, Sfanton

pmg;pong tournllment limon" U)e Jndl M,l,rh"<l ('.Ipllan High tR. II. S. students ond rorult)· Sdlll<rl j'r'I\"!I'i11 UlUIO\UU·,'d thtllOames will be pla)'ed durlnll' thl' w"I'I, Ih:ll h""':11 Itld' Sdl001 blll>e.noon break In the gym al\d UII' will· hall le'I'1I \\ i'l lJ'.I', ('"pllllll III Fortncr wtll be given a lill~all Ilrlzl' by I Sll\llhlll 1'· ...,.,1.1 ,. Allrll:.!O In theIIII' coullell. Till' tourllllllleni ••tumld '1.1 ..1 '1111:11' ;\1 Hill,du. if 7·, III' W£\$begin Ihls wl·l.'k with 1111' IltUtll'U''': JI'll" "11 ('11 1', ';'" • ,!j'1 lIUllllWh,;iihcOmpl.'ltllf; all'nlll!ll. ('acll otlu"r nnd I CIlI"' Illl \\ IIlll:·.. I. 1 MIl) Ill'hl /llllli.raeu1ly Illelllb(.rti eOll1llt'UIlIl \\' IIh Ifellow teaeher~.

'" •. """"""''''-''='''.. I I.~"~,,~,~c.###~~,,,~,,#~,#~~#~,~##,,######,~



-t. '" "


, .

.. ,


.. , .!

Scotch Fo~o~At Cree MeadowsAprU 24 ..AI Scotch Foursom~' toumament III

Ilas been set for Saturday, April. :14, :,..';.1'1rt 7 __ ...... ., .. 64t . Cr!!e l\!eadows .Qolf Course, it • • . 8 . .. .,__ ,....... 66

was announced this week. . " - 9 __ ..,. ...... _. 03All ~ocal p~ple are InvIted to I HAT!! TO $ut" ' 10... ' .. .. . ... 57

. . ' , participate In the touriJey ~nd YOU OOING Al.L. II ~if~~~~ 11 59~RIPAY,. "PRII.! 16, ."9~ . should call' stormy Edwards this THI IU!AVY WOAlC '.. "" ~111 vo" ~":'" ......... "'-......,_~_ __' .......,...............~' '. . ..,. AItOUNO HIlt! ~ .:"._ _ •.~ 12 .. ' .. ' .. ' ... 59

. , , .\veek ~ rind out stnrtln~ Urnes ror 811S~'E I WHY' ~ lID~ ~:.:: .::." " 13 . ' .. 65eaph roursome. . " . e~~I[' '(O~~n: r~}1 ~~l~"N-T: Prec,lp. Since Jan. I

Tho tournament Is the type where· FISIlIN. &El"ORE • - ··;:'i.-.l~t Preclp. ThJll Monthevliryonq has l\ ·dll$',g~.,JuJ\...andIt la '~. YOU TACI('-e, IT? . Bno\'ifall Tbls Winternot desl~ned .as a compeUUve con. BnQwfal} Lall't WlIltl.'r .test. Namell are drawn ror pairingson the foursomes with a man andwoman playing J'Ilother twosome Ora man and woman. ~acll team

,~' ; turns hitting the ball and the'. "'. ,. j day or run provides many, many

< 'j lau~hs ror the players.':j Edwards said thIs week that· a

,.' . ') starting Ust or Plnyers .has already

.~o:: ~:e~b~1\~Cpj:; :~o~~t :~~~Te;~~, .'. 1 call the I\'olf courSe so your name

'I can be withdrawn.

.... ...


, ' .. , .•

•, .

. ' -


Holiday Bowl .6.·WLIN&





= .....

·cABLE·IV• • •'" ~$:OLOa TOO!.. .




Redrrann Radio & TV


EASTER GREETINGSIWe Would liko To Extend Easler Greetings To Everyone

and We Hope You'll AHend the Church of Your

clioleo T~is Easter Sunday.





RUidoso Ulgh School studentsin assembly Tuef.dny voted fo elect,Ihe rollowmg Varsity Cheerleadcrslfor the 19C5·60 Ilehool year. Chris;Cheney. Dana Nl'lson. Sandy Left-;wlCh. Debbll.' Q'llIltn and Ann Wink­els. PrincIpal Pat Vaillant announ-;ccd Wednesday.




RUIdoso's Warrior\!. arler a poorIcompetitIon. .showing last Saturday at the Ros· Only two more meets remain onwell Invitational track meet. will the schedule berore the districttry to Iron out the kinks this week I cll\sh at Jal on· MaY 7. Remaining

, .In practice a1,}d then travel to Canu. are the' Rose Festival Relays'attlllo, Tex;. ,SaturdaY ror tile rourth Tularosa and the Jal of. the season. • Thls Tuesday tile WarriOrS will

'Thursday last wcek the WarrIors enter~'another practice m.eet at Th~rsday1\flln's League'

•were in a pracUce meet at Tuln" Carrlwzo to try to get In as much Standlngll as ot. April 8,

. rOlla Ilnd rlln some or theIr best. actual competlUoo as possible be-" Team W L._v Jlmes or the seallop. but Coach Ken' fore the Canutillo ml1et. Otller "eeth Gas Co 68 32

: Newton sl\ld thIs 'week he relt the teams expected to be at the prac. 'Chapl\rral Hotel ,6'l 33_ team had a let down after tvc prao. lice meet are CapItan. Tulllrosa, C. & L. Lumber 61 v.. 38'1..

lice session and the performance I Carrizozo and C.orona. Timber Beasts" : ~. 46'wa:;; pot qUite up to par at Roswell. I . . BIg Chlers .48 52

The only one to place In the last j' St. Peter's Tops Jones Const.. 4'l 53week·end's meet was mller SIl. Apache Mustc , .44'1... 55,,?verlo Candelaria with a third place Hondo Eagles Hall Const. ···Sc· ·•• .. •• 3492 6518rlnlsh In that event. , I B b II Til Community PUb. rv ..

C h N to t t d in Int i n ase a t CapItan Lions _ .29 '11vle~a~arlye~lsn\~e~ke that ~?a Ilt~[; Hurll'r Mike Henderson or the St. 1 High team s'erles: Keeth Gas,

• shuffling around" \vlll take place Peter's Crusaders pitChed 4 2/3 In. I Co.. 2833; Timber Bealits, 2885; I

this 'week during prl\ctlce sessions Inings or pel·rect baseball last Satur. Chap~rral Holel. 28:8. 1~:~;a:berore going to CanuuiJo., "We"re' day at Roswell berore having to set· gan:e . Tlmb~r Beass, I Htel C;:82going to have 10 re.orgaolze our tie ror a 15·2, two--hlt victory over IGas Co.• 994. Chap~rra clt~r It Ith'relays and other e\'cnls and rind Hondo's Eagles. '. High indIvIdual ser es: .' e , tlon In Las CrUCeS last w/,ek.end.where our strellglh Is." Newton The Crusaders banged out 12,643; Arthur Struve. 561, Jerry The girls left at 11:00 Fr1l1ay andt ted "W' b kl I hits In the contest which went onlyIKannady. Jr.. 545. HI$th individual returned Saturdll)' nlght arler the

~v:ek ~o ra~ ~~ a e:cna:v~:rdn~u:~~~ i rlvt' Innings due to the rule game: c'tIrt Kelth,- 257, 232: Klett banquet." . ' •schedule and frOtTI now on Into the: which gaves a team a vlctory after' an)!. ~dwards. 208. At the .conventlon the gIrls weredIstrict meet the sl'hedule won't be five fra,ml!s tf It holds a ten l' Jll L.o1Vednesday MIxed 4--SuJt\ N~W KIND OF MONEY":'Mrs. George Brooks, cashier at Rut. prtvlleged to hear several Interest-quite so Severe as tile boys h'bve lead at that poInt. " (After April 7) doso Slate Bank holds new kind of money, a huge washer Ing speakers. Ineludlng Mr. C. L. •rounded Into Ilhapl.' pretty well." -- . -- - Team W L engraved on one side 'POVERTY DOLLAR-H, H. H.-196S' Kay,lI man who ts or course ramll·Newton rein ted. S S . DavIs Developments 58, 46 d 'THE GREAT S Cle'I' L B J I L d ,I~r to all GIrls' Stnters an.d Boys'

M r tl ports puts lIat·T Ranch .57~ 46 ')" an on reverse q y-. , . SlIe sal It Stost·p le teams which thc Wllr· i • Leck's For Fun 54 50 wouldn't' be dccepled as payments on notes,. Ab Gunler 9lJve t~~r:y K.!'y Harris. wllo Is FHA

~~~ss:~~~~nl~~t'r;~s~v~I~:e~~:~ I .Cathy ]ipwllrd. da~ghter or Mr. INavajo. Lodge ." 53* 501)" the new type 'dollar' to the News. He SQi~ It came from the prelildent this year. also led l\ dls.

hand ror the Canutillo Invltal1ollalland~ Mrs. Woodrow. Howard or i Borden II Milk .' 52 52 Mid.West.. cusmon group on Mr. Kay's .speech.this week.end as the trnclt season Wbltharral. Tex.. rormer ~Uldoso lB. & D. Auto Sales _..... ..50 54 . •• ~~ .. , The session was closed SlltUrdaystarts Into the Clnal rew weeks be· I resIdents. was named all·dlstrlct Clarke Ins

Sta' kAgenCy :: 56 J H- h F its dosoans w I.l r I.' Alrred. Pearson, nt"ht with a banquet. The banquet

fore the district IIlld slate cinder' guard In Class liB In Texas at the ,I Cactus Ilcl I'Trs . ";;',,'''1':'; III ..r. 'Ig a RJcky scott, Dale Perry and Don· had n HawaiIan lbrme lind the___._. _" . ,end or the gIrls' basketball season ellm ""r ~~ .' nle Klein. Coaches Dub Wllllnms delegates all wore Mu Mus and

RHS PICKS whIch ended last fmonth. Hat-T Ranch.. 2377 T,,0' PIa'ce A't and $Ict MUter lJavc anoUler rlne (lowerll In 'theIr hnlr.Navajo Lodge ' 2344 back-·up relay team In Farrar. Dcleg..tetL.,rrom R. H. S. were

.CHEERLEADERS III Team Game Steve Spall, Roy lIamllton and Molly Hanls. Ida RIchardson.Neq WIUlt-Adit Work Wonders 853 'R 11M'Navajo Lodge ,. ... . . . , ,0,.swe eet Carey Harlan. • Anile Wlnkc!., (lnd Mary Ann Jen·

Cactus Stackers , 843 . Some of tht' competltlon which nlnns. Mrs. Kathryn Williams at-Indh'ldual SerIes RuIdoso's Junior HIgh thlncladB. the lOCals fllccd were from Ft. Sum. tended a8 a liponsor for the group.

Bonnie' McEuen ...... 499 In their (lrst traek meet or the sea- ner, Carlsbad. Hobbs, Porlales, • • •t Erma Stevenson. .. .. ..470 son last FrIday at Roswell, ran In- ClovIs, ~rtesla and Roswell. Rrport On Natlonl\1 F. II. A.

ICUrry Reynolds.. ... ..576 to some of the best competition In The next ml'et on the track sche- Frldl\Y lIlornlnlf. April 9. !heJerry Kannady '... . .......501 tile state among junIor hIgh schools! dule for 11m JunIor hlO(h traeksterll F. n A. Illr!.'J held an I\llllembly' to

I Indh'ldual Gamll and picked up only ooe point. will be Afay I at Capitan. Wllllnms f'lhlll\X Natlonnl F n. A. Week.lIelen JIlY . .. ...189 A surr wind kicked liP dust all said thllJ wC!ek. April 5·0 Project'! WhIch were heldFl'Ilncell Sanehell . .. .. 1~ durlng the meet In whIch 18 teaIDll - 1I1ls week were n run nhtht. a Good.Jerry Kannady .' . ,. .. .. .2

05parUclpated. At times the runners groomIng conWtlt. and a project In

Oerald Tully ...., . .2 Id b th r Id A''O''''d whlet.'" II. A membl!rn decorated . F Cit C205 cou not e seen on e ar ..5 0 n" "", .. or omp' e e overageBill Edwards . .... r th k It 'Ad bulletin board!! In l'ach tel\cher'lI .. Spllis Converted: Bud Starkey, 0 e trac, was repor... . I •

Jerry Kannady (2). 3-10: Bonnie Tbe hIghlIght or the meet for the ' 0: PI-noI I r~~~i1)' lIarrl9 and Candaee Farrar SEE CURTIS BELt!..IMoEuen. 5·8-10: Jack KaMady, locals was a fifth place in tho broa<l III fJll", ilIon l{a\'e a report on tllo NationalJr.. 3·0·7·10: Judy KlIJUUldy. 3-9· jump by RIcky SCott and a. socond Com'entlon which they attended la11t CURTIS BELL INSURANCE AGf'\''''Y I INC.

I 10; Maxine Wrlaht. 31-7-10, 5-10. pfac:o finish tn one of four hoatn lIumnJ('r In ChIcago. They told orI Oddity: MaxIne Wright,. 115, 114. run In the 88O-yard relay. The Jocal _ By _ mtetinltll till')' attended. thoCQn- R. O. Whit. Building - P. O. Box 764 - Ruido'o, N. M.

113 - 1 pin do\'o'n eaeh game. lhIneJad!l were Just.a st.ep behindI ,\,('11110n flpt'Bkers. and aL'lO their Phone- 251.2204-~,-,'·~'~"~'----S--1; Maxine Wrltht, CapItan and cap. in theIr heat but three other wIn. LOIS LANE lll[lht.m'ellllf expcrlcmcc!lI. " '*"'..__~#_#,.,..# #<N>#.. ##_--:___ •

Itnln or the CaeltL'I staQ,kero team ners In other heAlS had futer tlmen Candnl'c thcm ann6unced that i1 ••••••• Ii til Ii • Ii ••••-; ;~ ; ~ •••••••••••••••••••• ~ -;;;••• '.from Cllpltnn.. was voted Bowler of and plekedup the rlbbollB. '. Four GIrl. MCrnll Molly Itny had been elected 1\.'1 : '. :the Year In Ulls leall1le. .JlunnJnS the relaYll for Ule RUI- Stille F. II. A. Convention "F. H A Olrl or the YCllr" by the • T.

lI!ollllay Nlltht 1I11lCCd LeaI'IlCl ~t1gh • IndIvIdual serIes womcn; Four sirls from UIO Ruldo:lO Chap. ehapll.'r nll!1 hOl1or III glvell each : FAMILY NIGH :Relultll of April 1% L CllArlotte Hardl$ter, 5'l5 (high tor ter of the Future Homemakers br )'eBr to tile girl that tho membc!I'l'I'. :

TClIlII W. IlelLSOn); AnnIe Keith, 601: Ellen' Amedea attClnde~ the atate (,'Onveh· reel ha!ldone tile- most ror tlJc chap. : ..•Ideal Laundry ., ..'13 31 Merrlll, ~'5. HIgh indiVidual game . : EVERY FRIDAY f"'l,..lJ n~HT :lIO}!d~y Dowl, ..; .~', .62, 421 wombl1: /onn1eJ(elth, 215; CharJotto.· .• iI~l.l~:

. Irazel tl " .. , ,. ,_......._ •.M.!I 53;~! ~ti.1:dlllter, 199,'195. = Laundered Work Garments - Bargains ! · , _IRny Dell 011 CO. ,." .• n ~~ ~ ~ I ~pll\S converted: Hatel BrItten- =LADIES' CoTTON tlNU'OR:\IS SI.I8 51: :I Morton Food!J ' Ibapk, 2-7 Maxine Robertnon. 6-6: =ltlEN'S COVF-UALL,l4 I: ~U01' ('OATS . SUO • • 35 P L" W"th Tl i Ad -Uolllum Dilkery. ,m..· 28 76 CharJott.e Hard1ster. 3010: Peggy =ltG:N'S KIIAKr PANTS. $1.211 _ fClIAKI 8U1RTS 8llc II f)3(! =. : c er me 1 IS:I High tellm cerlCI!I:Ideal Laundry, Doat, 1).6: Jerry Kannady, 2-7-8. =!\fEN'S IIEAVY LANSIIIRE "ANTS, 31 .. ". "'alttll "'I.N • • •

, 2603 I hIgh tor thC&tl&50DI: Ray nell. =!\lEN'S COtiNTER COATS _ AUraetlvc St)'lel . $Z.1I0 •.•• Bring the wholo family and enjoy -on Co., 2391: noUday Bowl. 22G9. =LADIES' DUI\ND Ntm' (:ortoN t'NIFOltMK $!oN :: : :lUl:lh tellm same: Xdeal Luundry. • _ We 8UII Jlave A WIde VarIety ot l.olhoClil For Eallter and Gradutlon • • an evening of Bowling •

•ry Reynolds. 553; Charles HardJs- = • . . :ter. 536: ClIU KCI~. MO. High tn· = .' DI')' GOtHlll _ CloChlnj{ _ ShOt'. :: '. : :

Owned and Operatod by Lou Baker Iltd A Th 'Y'I H" d Ph 378-6331 dy. 203; Charles ltarldBter, lD5: ;~. lttJ1DOSO DOWNS, NEW MEXICO !" • 'I

:.....__..:;.;;.oc;;.;;a~e;;.;;..;.;;;..t~e;....;...;.;.n;..;.;.o~yw..;.;..;o_o -_.;.,.O.;.;';...;;.;.~;...- ....l CUrry Reynolds, 191. . , PHD. "w.zne '~'I'••H'.'~!.!!!!!~",!.'!..~••U.·I••~~••!.~.I.II!I.!~~.!~, : I :'.

~"II,•••rt,.r'"'VlJrvlll"'I""'~"""II""'i'I'11111.1 ....•••••••••••••••••

l-----""---~'.••••••••= Localed in the Skyland Area - Pho. 257·2565•...........a••••••••••••••••"••••••••••••••••••••a.a•••••••••••••



; .'

• •





• •

·2 Cans .25c:

We Sell Only U. S. D, A. Choice Beef



PORK STEAK LB. 43¢. . .

PORK CHOPS End ~U.l. LB. 49C

HAM ENDS LB. 39¢'. . . .



I'VORY SOAP Largo Bars 19(;, E'ach . .. .

HOt-eHlLl-SAUCE .T.rv~ .~e)(]~c:


R.d••mabl. In These Stores-Gambles. Hart's Ruldosc)Dry Good. and Gateway Food Market

.' Double Stamps OJl W"Eldnesday

Mr. and Mrs. AI Beach- _ •• -<- -~--.- ,." " "

, ., Open: 7 a.m•. - Close 7:30 p.m.~. ,On SUdderth In Palmer Gat.way- Phon. 251.2982. -

•••i ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,""~_ ,~\. ' , •• 1



Ruidoso; New Mexlco

, ,.




.,Hot and Cold Showers

• SanDary Flush ToUets 'f • ,

.. mec.hic OWlets and Waier .Faucets 'atEaC1i'Camp Site•.. The Pits and Grills for Campers' Outdoor Cooking


.Phone 257..2537



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" . - ~ -~-

•...., ..

'-, • ~ < _ -j ,

~.: .' • - \,_ - -i "<

.' ' . ". .-' '"",,, ..

.- ..,.,. • ,1<' • I "~ ;

" '" .' " ,-

Modern Camp Ground is a prIvate ent~rpr;seowned bV MI'. and Mrs. SamMontgomery, hosts to those who enloy the fun of camping Ollt.,



t':";;":';~~~~~~"""'~.~., _

Tables ol}d benches are (lvaltablc!forr~(lmpers'

• •


:t ..,

r• I




Page 10: Many Cburches of Tn---06servance' .. ON RO''AD'.',.0'.'CA' IT' · 2013-11-20 · In'Arl- theme of the 0C!OdF'rla&yservices,






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-', -

, '- ,



'01,': ;J, : ,~~, " ' .

'.• •



, ; ,"'


"'~~~". ,

. ,' ...

THE "MARLI-N':'. \

IS ·HERE NOW \.. ,



Watch For

Free Prizes!

Iweek-end, but whether he It make Friday AprU 1a 1965. 'the date Js yet to I>e determined. '; '.' j. ,..... t.· .' .

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Seale of Vaughn flUlllly, no~ 'of :(Iakel,'s{leld.Electra, Te:x., 'former .RUldesoans, Calli. were partners 4t.~ owner. .)vtsltl:d In RUIdoso last week. The . ., .' ."'. . ' l!JLSeale family and. with the Elmo ship Of El qor>:!'! Oou>:/.$ ~el'e.

1•••i •••••••I •••i•••I••••li••I ••I •••li•••••1••••••••~i•••~••~•••~,

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. ,


•...'.' " "

. nandexi . EdwQrd G"thrlo,:'-StePhOil Long,Helon .Pearson, Donna Rash, Rickey S~ottand lane Noal, AI,o In cast but not shownIn picture were Jack Valliant and MargiePearson. '

.,;} "

, ! ..: ;,: ~

. '''f'.:' .,'",

::ti, , "',< ~~I _ c ' ,

, ~,



? •

* * *

- PJUI Cartoon ­

* .* *

. -P/u. Cartoon-



f'j ,...,,,..COLORI

AllINFree "I.ADD

Show ~EAHNE .;Thurs. - .CIUIIN

.Fri.Snack Bar GII.BEItI'Is Open!. IUtIAllD

Q .RuiiiiiJE~#~ AVALON

InThe StoryThatTore The

Vast TimberCountry









C.• •


3 For29c

2For 31c



. I'"'. Ii2l.S.··.,.·, • ....,!••~. ,



• q


, •• "'. 0





Reg. Si,O

'itA,.. ,.,


Glover - 2 Lb.



Liver, lb. .. . 29cFRESli FRYERS

LB. 29¢


JELLOCAN MILK Pot or Carnation

Tall,. ... ...•


ugarCRACKERS ~I~l~ ~~I.I~ .... , .. , .,.


)~(- -t(_.~.

FROZEN DINNERS ~o~t.on·1 39C

ICE CREAM ~~;;'" .. 19¢FRUIT PIES .Morton'~....... 2~C

j~{ *SALAD DRESSING Q~~rt~n" 39c

BLACKEYE PEAS K~~::l~:. 2 .. 19CDOG FOOD Alert 3 Can, 29c


o eeFLOUR FU~I D,e.. .... 5 Lb,. 39c

DETERGENT Giani ,. . . .. 49c


eoSILK TISSUE· , 3 Roll.25t

"OM'AT''0"ES Mtn. Pan 2" 2'9'.c·• . . No. 303 .•.••• . For" '.

* * *.U; S. NO. 1 10 LB.

puBANANAI ......

" n ~ .-.

·C·EUQ...CARROTS .,•. 2'0,19«= .."' -, , . .

.CABBAGE ~._.~~ "L8... -lOtH StOQ$()HNSUNOAY" ,"

w. Gl•• rtolitl.rStamt'.~J)o~.·OzlW~ .Iii , .






..Gt:TS FIRST PLACE - IA Moment of Truth l

written by Nancy Sullina cmd directed byJan Crandall l received first place award Injudging of seven original one act plays pre·sented last Thursday night at Nob HlIJ

School. Cast from left is shown, Mik~~_.__• -:-__""'='=~~~:--:--=;-'''''''''===-:::::::7:"::'""' At the "Y" HoJlyWolJd _ Phone.378-3133-_. .. ...._--,-_.- ANYON 'way 70 in Shier's Shopping Center. .More Than $600 C . Hodges' Tack Shpp & Veterin- !I•••nllll!!!•.~."!."'i~

of d S F artlLm' Supply opened this week InCO.Llecte 0 ar . ECHOES Shlers' ShoppJng Center.. . "In Cancer Crusade. B111" Sainato, brother of John" _ Go Home and Tell Your MotTter:--.",',Mm. W. O. Horton nnd Mnn. L. Mr and Mrs Junior Winfield and BatelnaMto, hastomovekd hehire hfrom BoB

d• '\

- 1 0 ISh I f th •. n ass., ma e. some an I "1.._ "Nl~it ,. IlV fl, • r .• cooc Q rmen or e family and Mrs. TommY White 18' king with J J DIP I' TOMATO JUICE, Hunt's 46 oz••• 2F~ SgenuldmlO nreu Cancer Crusnde fund were called to Lubbock where a D war truQU Co" ao 0 s

ml9,lnlt cnmpuign. reporled that grandmother 18 very 111 iICQnJH 1~I • d It- CA''NN'ED SIS'CUITS 3 \"5cman' lhun IGOO hill! been collected. Mrs. Rex WhIteley and'son, Chris, ted ~~16~se~ p::=in~a:~a~'s . .' F~r ~ J

riO fnr In th!' drive. A teu held Fr!. were In Roswell Saturday. Hos Ita! In RoollweU ". . ; .dny nlll'moon lust week In the Mrs. Truck 1-usk Is In AmarlUo. s: t. Oeorge P. while Is In Santa LINK SAUSAGE, Sw,ift's •• 1 Lb. Box" 6geJlOm!! of Mrs. Jnmes Dunn ut No- to have dental work done thlaP k d' h 1 b I

" U"IV'''U~ "'''TV"I I I I' I '''11 o~ ~Il wall re e wee -en on sc 00 us - BT'rIWI"I:"n S of' Pre ° n£-... Lb '67II nOI"'" I. "'D""I ""OOI/DrUJII KU >roug b n.... ,iI. • Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Reddell of nesl' ' U..L ..L ";'D, WI t s DUUDl, '-I.UIJ.' " '. I C

-P/ul Cartoon- porled TIl", two chnlrmcn fluId IMy Hillsboro, Tex., arc vls1Ung Mrs. udb Walleer C of 0 manacr'wuntcd to ('xprl'ti.'1 tJlClr app~ccla· Minnie Lee this weele. Mrs. Reddell be who~~n verY 111 at k Canned PICNIC HAMS, Swift's 3 lb. ClUl $1.79* * * . lion to Mrs. Dunn for hl1vlng the Is Mrs; Lee's niece. hOr::~ at Alto tor about two weeks, . ,It'u In ht'~ !lOIlJ(l. nnd ~o n number Mrs. 'Jlarold Johnson Is back In may be up and around by next WESSON OIL .. 3 19cSUN. - MON. - TUES. : of nUl~lo_o womt'n who donnted her RuIdoso home lor about three weele, bUt that Is not certain. He . 24 Ox• • ' •••• i f..1,

'" Ilnrl~WII h,t'!l lind cooklt''.l Cor the tea. weelca. Her husband, Harold John. .......8..._ -d"~8ft8 8 88~V--"'+~~---IN : . . r CQ son, rema . n or ranaas, "'4"'~ ~":'.. .... , """'LL • • • • •• 6 pkgl.· 25c

ExwotMWY I:~~ ~~Il.w~~I~y~r:j,h~~'.l~~. s:~c:~ ~C;:C·ih:'::te~e~::.v~~:e~d=~ ·Eve.-w........:....g' MODERN GROCE;o .J .:~STon ·Cnrrlzcr..o; MrR, lIom!' CummII1!J. of EI Paao a sister 01 Mrs. John· &1~ .'EYE. . ICnpltq,n. lind MrR. Ed Sandera and son 18 viSlUng Mr••. Johnsoll here. . . E'Ift~ca1 ...' ::::-~

f I , - ,Mrll. 'rom lIood from RUidoso. Mrs. W, M. SCott has returned ~U.. ..U£I., .. i~:;;' Women from nIl over the county to hCl1" nu\doso bome In tho u~r .' ....' ,.~. . • ~• i rl,,!J./I ;f/-- nt!(lndt'.d UIC len, Mrs. Uorton said. canyon ~r spendlng the wtnter W1DlberlyEIechic . WE GIVE KJNGKORN $TAMPS 11~ ,~ "

",- . hO~~!l :~~~te:~nb~~~~:,1JA~~ InJ~~~~:r~;r:=U~~I::...., ."'"~;.;.'~!;"".~~~r~~·:·~II~fom~.~._.~f_--"•..!!!!!!!:!!!..~.!!.~!.~,~.~..i~.~"~j'~"'~l~"!!:;~"~':~".~"~'...!!.~;!.!,~;:!':~:~.:!!~~~~!!.%2. brought In *300'17. It was .lI,n- my Beall ~d Wt!ndy Lamb were.. ~.. " " ~

; nounred. but thnl phnse 01 the am0l1lrc Tlp1verslty 'of New :Mexldq • .f drIve b hl>l yet completed, Mrs. stUdenlB" arrJvlngbome for the

, BALM 0JC)~ Horton nlIltC'd Rnldoso women who ElUlter Iiolldays this mld.week. .'NELSON'S ~ ht'lpcd on UI!' houzo to house can- Mentbllr, ot ~e JJm ~e,JlUlll!Y

-::JlP'1'I-7ln ,vans Monday wero Mrs. Raymond are visiting relaUves in AbUene,Itut", " ([}).JL «JI.11.t8 'Ducknl."r. Mrs. PM Vnlllnnt. Mrs. Tex. during the holldaYlfo' " ';r...,PC<~~.'1fjj~(ffl LtoRoy Oooch, Mrs. Hownrd Tnte, several "'''mbers of the Wo""an'",..,..... • LI d ..... .,. '"

,... ,...... Mr!l. Olck Dt'nnelt, lurs. oy SOCiety at ChrIstian service plan-Olwl!!. Jr. Mr'l. Robert Pcnrson. ned to attend a 8Ub-dJStrict sellSlon

........ ""WJIOIK.':I Mrs. Dram Vnndcl'Iltok nnd Mrs. In Carrizozo Wednesday 1hIs week.Tom Hood. R!I well M the co-chalr- Tho Marra have opened theIrmrn, Mr!l. Lloyd L. Onvls. Sr.. nnd Marrs' Waffle Shop on u. s. mgh-

IMrll. W. D. Jlorton,

The Hondo School 1II1t'nL show LEON ~'DY'A."G .!1M b l." C n scheduled for Frl- ~..

: day. April 23. nt '7:30 pm. at the RepreunlaU"e. Hondo SChool. A pllncaleo supper ,AmerIcan NatIonalwill be f,t'rvt'd at the school be·fore the 1II1cnt show by the OpU- Insurance Companymist Club. All proceeda from the PM. lt51-42M - SlIleto••

Inhow will go to the Cancer Cru· . I

sndl·. Mrs. Frl\nk Tlt&worth Is

';:~~::"~'~?"~ DOWNSsUmmer Plans .DilVld Trnv\s, president ot the Is Moving:liexl Week To Space InFront of RaCe Tr.ack'Lincoln County Arl Association. 0. Bit..., " Ai Epfn_ .

WllS the princlpnl sJ>C1lker at tile . ......._.. " On Hi h 70' •TUt'sdny noon micetlng of the RuJ. Te aaoe ...~ . 9 way,

Idor.o Rolnry ClUb held at Wattle's. A~ AdllJta 110 4 • '

Trnv\g oUIlInt'd the alms and ob· CBJI.DaEN UNDD 1I111!:1l ,. WE ARE O''fER'I'NG . ~Jectlves 01 the Art AssocIation and *' * ... '\

Members of RuJdc>:ro SclJool Board; plMS for the summer season. Tra. . .'

mot with Ilc\'Cr.1 of the ten bidding ivis SAId thM Art Shows Md ~hlbtts SAT.... SUN. - MON. A BIG DISCO'.UN"'reontl1lclIlrtl In a' specIal meeUl1Irc will be dlsptnycd 1\1- the Chaparral D ubi F turMooday IUllht hero to /fo over someIllolel bcltlnnlnlf MAy 21: in a. fen· O· e ea e . .,or the mattei'll concornlnlf the new day exhibit bentnnlUlr July.;l, 'reX- ;; 0" All' 'Our"'U .elementary Il<.'hoollo be built near as Art wUl be ferttured,Travis "p''!;'''''''l''';'p'an'. tho'e'r'.' '1 . n .' . . mtsthe aIrport. :Sldlt were opened •. saJd. t.atei tn the scnson an Arts lOll ,'l'htirsday nlaht 1..t week, and 'nnd Crafts Fc.'itlvlIol IS planned, Tta· ...ooh1.. .p' S'"'U'"'".'-" an'.d .. "." ~cr; ,~ . BE'fO'.R''. ·.E·. 'W'. I' MOV'I'. '.awatdln/f at .. contract bad been vis rcported. WUD .... VA,.. • ;-proposed tor Monday night. Tho Ollier "Uests reported by J. H. R'O·t..· ·W·a'tnt·,··r _ , ,.. ' . _ ".boal'd and tl()mc Of the arc Coop"cr, nmllstant secretAry, w.e're: . UW",... aI- ~ .'. ' '.

aUtl to dotel'tntne J)6l1c)' aM COll!fi Tho Rev. mbert Zapp. AtIdmV and . . " .. Q,.. • eqmtand LookOvel' Our Sfocko(MobU~,g~m~AtOur Old.on tOmo of the laclUUtI!J for tho. tttUc {\tId t"red PeSO from 1desU· "BU' I D..T·'. F'.,0'.. R'" ',' .,. . . " .' . . i;j .... ,.

8c.boot. and fQr thlltreallon, morc· Jero, 'rom l"nutkni!r alld 018trlcit LI.tJ:j.''.t..". " ..~Ol1At Highway 70 and ·3rlSt.,· R.Uidoso. :Downs','a~ud, Is be1nt rtt\-~ the l>toposals tOoVernor Ted Bonllell frc~. /UilmOo A .. ,'B'. AD···..' MAN·.··, , ,... .. ',. .Wfore a contraot YIlU \)0 le.t. . gordo, ' . . '._,', ;. . .. ~.1L -.1" S· ~,... N'. d'" Jt.... Of'f' d'

'11Jcll" aro contractors and their Art ClUII4U1d rc:port¢d now,Ord ' .' Ii' • ..'...~ese Ant D uc& OW lUl..cve ere. ;J ,

~o:.~ I~u: /l~~rm~ti~~ =~~'fu~cf~~mlt~\?;us~te W1:flA!~: wlthAildU MtU'pby ': >, ~ ," .' ';. # AT DISCOUNT .PRICES ' ",'. '. ' Jllradbuty·Stantf()rd, Albuquerque, I\ddrC!l!l Ill: Patk~OOd~PtL.rl,trtef1tlt, . '-""".~rtoon ... -, ·, ....~.~"-- ..,L~ .,=:~; J~::n~~ncalJ~~~~~~~: 11lJ8 \~!~~~ ,~~~~~.'r~~:. . TUES'.... *.'" WED". .. '<; . ! ::".'\~ 52~0.ft. 3·bedrOoms, fUrnIshed.. bit tondUioD~\''..RotIWClU, t3~lI.l~1 .JohllO, ~mllll'PrQg1'amODlUtodesla ~ ..- . . l ", ,. Am.IdcanS7~io.ff.3~bedroom . :,.,Clovl"$»t,268. O. ttL. CoW$ttue- .. '-~' .. ' . '. • . . S·U·.·.R·P·.··.R·.. "·S·.'If!,." • , '''''. ',.• ,' ,': ',\ 'Uon, }..ramororcU),~,~; Or"YPresenlw. Llolll:- 5, .' .~. ,··.........-'*can '57x12:ft2"bedtoom.' , ~. ".~Uitcuou. f,$4P.1S'71 O. A~and ··SltHl<iodIOti. " tAAeher north ot . •• ,,':_ ,~J,\. • • . ",. '.. ,

~a~e~~tl~~3:'&~~\:: ~~J~~·tr:J=~~e~~d~ "ArURE··· ,~:'" ' '5Ox{a.ft.2·bedroOin .: .~' 'f. ..UN,etI'l: pei:Oft COl\l~ClUon•.~. mallt. OOOdtoe pr~nt~ lhilptoo .", .. ~ , . f .• . 1 . ....:1)" • ". .:.. I,well. *330,110; w. 1:. BUmntll', no!" Itfall'l. a ·lImil\fIlm on Bcmthem . ,...... Plu. (:arttori. ... ' .'1"". ~im 28x8.ft. ..bedroom, (USeu . , .'\ .,,'Cu, '$341.",. . . modesl.. and ...__• 1htf J)rlli~lpa! ..'.~) ; *" .* * .' ~'. .:.; '!'.' : ':': ' • • . d • • • ~.' "" • " > ..' . ," '.~' .

..;.-,~.'. ~":'::'';'T'"'''' , aPOak(lrfoi'Ui~.ct\<'(!nlli... Adt'llela. t8'OIIS.-FBI'-SAT,,',' "".' :_~.n:.-.kH5Sx12.ftf2..bePiooms. (11SEtd) =_ '•. ' ".,;~Q ....A .co.RO 'i'U"" , . . llon.or tlI11· Dlflmbt!ta (tolll thb Tula- . .~." -fItf -"'. '" .', ' .~~ . . ,,) .A't N, M.M. I. llA.ns. lUOI\ fo,)t\ Lious Qlub ·.U~rtdCd thC) dJno D' 'uJ)J'~Mxtw.-F ). , ',:,' • '~LJk..SOXI0.ft 2~bedr()()ms. , . '. ,:", . /', I~~1<lCt~ fot fllll'. C()nnl\an~. Mr mteU!Ir•. Lion Jim mn~ report- , 0" e' e"alt..~e' . ':"",," ... ..• " ..... {" _. ' .~; '. ",

Ilrl\ tJ:&t lor havIng a. ~rt~t de- ed. . . ....;.. ... ... LW-! . ..... . "". Jr,e',,"~Y: S0x20..f! .2..hedroom, (used) . ,. ~ .' ~., ,~=t~~~..~1:~~t:~~ -Attn:SfAS""o.l'ENS"· "':":.. .' 14s·m11 p..'b~I!' -~'~ .. :.. ~ '=~~Z:~5: 0" 10" Ii.· 2" ........:.1.... , .. , ""...~ .. ili:'L_~... ' . , (~J~d)" ". ~~~......." iOn' (if Nr. ~ Nu, I, (lAUWAY JlAllJhS&&HO'- .•_.. '.~: . Ui\f ". ~'I-f . "'.;,. ~ : ~.~~",....... )( -I,;. "",.W'oom,expWDlon.~~OUtn,.~. '~\,

~..~r!~~~ ... ~''''''''''''H-:-io;f:~:·~r~S:O~ tt::t; ~!ObI!'~".' ;\}~}/'~"'A\<"";" .S .' ' . ....Ii.S·· L.E···... H·~·M.. ;····.:E·'-cl'r ,f.:~~',:. OPll\'l\ted.tiy~ c.nWlU. !I:i.~ .' <"i"r" ·1lDd· .... .... . "',' ·B" RN E Mu I . ····W ..~:.:~ . :$' 'f)..', . 'Oatewa,. ~pptlllJ ~ntflt. 1(itlin C'U'IlW, .'0" DIm" :" .' '. ;', . ' . . '.: '~'. '; ;~>'. .:.~.

~.==~~~~~~ ,,l'4lY~IIU~'·.~J~~_~~t' . RUIDosO tIOwNs, ,'NlW· ME)ttCO: ~:IO~~.' '. \{: ..: ~fI,· ~'f~.:...~~~~~ . ~.s...., '1iIL.~. :~Urij~Cf':"1" ana $nic.F....d ..... for 111' C!Jiiii'dhim.~UW_'·~bl~t-m~~~· .' '. ,Nj\ "~'CtI~:" ~;~~~~",..~ . ' '. . ..' ··.·~I'~, , .. ".l'Y.~(~~--~" ,.~-~, ~- . ,- ,'-' - ,-, -' . ." .), . ~ ~ ....' . , . '" .~,. ,'.

' . . - ,,' - -.." #'. . '':/ " -, -- " ".". , . . - ",' < t'· • - ,.' -'pi -, ,"':, ';) ,;~ .• 'l.l.:" . ", 'J ".- _~ '.' _ • " '" : "

-<A-f' :~......~"..;:.u.',- '.. ~' .~; ~ _" " ,'.",_"' _~, ,of _'rt.;~ ,'.-r; f' i: to _>.,,' • '10 biFi ;:,,, :.,-'4-' ' ~':, . '" ..{"', r ,_ ott:; 'j',. C' ~n" I;';;" ' t'< -'j; ,. ) w".t, " ~Nit;> _ht;' f~;'''';'M< ,',f;,; '1_0'_ :.:, j ,;;, :.,~, 't' Ii ,n, -- - .', 'i t'·' "('-dO <., ,- do'Yf' .--~-' -' .t' .- t,.' -" ~-! '"'' '.' ~ , '~'_' _:' _'~"'''.? ,':: ". '. ':, :J... ',: . 'h,::t:.- ..,,,'~ ;. ~_ ',_ •.•~ ". ' .. " ."'.. ,,_ • ~f._,.1'. ._, ,.,. __ ~. __ '-,:~-", ," t,' " ',l' _"_"_'.' . " """"""S'S'-'i'&';'fiji'n",s...''h''P''''--~e'.?.;t.tpl'i'jK·?(L;'ft'!"-7t·t!!i!f'lcii:t'7,-npjznf(" .'.;.~ ,.. 0.".' •••• ".' "",,".,. '" II' ." "" "'"" , " •• , ...... , no,~ . ". II ,' ,~ ..:<_'''' ,;..;;' K.', .",-<.'2,~ ,;.'~, ) ",·,"'t;;:~'J.u;~..:.;>:.;t~~",,· "iN',' ", ·~l;,;~l.o-~:h""""'j·rl""·;';:hl<I",;!i;'..q'!!"-·-h>\·1' '. ·&,-1SIB'j!';i'0~,.i:t .. , .__ ._,_ ...... ~,n., ,. _,..•" ,",,'," ,__ _


Page 11: Many Cburches of Tn---06servance' .. ON RO''AD'.',.0'.'CA' IT' · 2013-11-20 · In'Arl- theme of the 0C!OdF'rla&yservices,




t)I1',,, '




. .

it :


I, , ,

.• • 1

. --


, LB. 83C

LB. 89¢•

LB. 99~

lB. 79'


I'.""""'.o ~ , =_.....".. ", -__.,.", _,","'.'" ,!" !~

Capitan, Hondo Nines lTo Meet Tue:=:dayAt Ft. StantonJa!'lt M'lyflf' l d. CapitAn High

School prlll('lpal Anllowlccd this tW('('I, Um! Hondo llH!h 5('hool bllllc·. •ball It-11m \\ III IJlny ('npllnn at Fort /'Slalllon TUl'~,dIlV, April 20, In thehlst gallle lit Hlllllio. n 7·7 Ite wasp!a~'l'(1 orf III IWO l'Xlrtl Illnlngll withCapitan Wll\lltlllT II 7. Ma)·tll'ld said.

. .. .. ... ... . ...



The Finest Pick-Up Stock RQcks Ever BulltJust Slip Them On - Tighten Fopr Boltl •. '

On Each Side - And ~ou're Ready To Gol

Priced At $128.00 to $149.00CDependlng On Pick-Up Style)

Contractors Wheelbarrows: - $25.00

We Sell Only U. S. D. A. Choice Beef

(W. Don't Want All The ••• We Just Want Yours)" 11I1\\'''y 70 - lI,ollywood - I'bone37B-29S5 . ,

oJ.! I'" I •• '" 'I' Of f' '"" "'1 t I' If ••• ttl ttt., ••••• t, ,. II tit '_.'11'.

... , " ' .



I • • • • ..

BEEF RIBS ...... LB. 29'PORK STEAK LB. 43''PORK CHOPS .e~.d.~u". LB. 49C

HAM ENDS .... lB. 39'KIM DOG FOOD 2cOi\s 2'Sc

·~ll.PTON/S SOOP .. ~ .~kgs.30~ .'IVOftY 'SO'"'AP Lorge 80rs . l'9". ~..: ,,' ~ach f •• I Ii ••• f .. c..

•,H'OT. CHILI SAUCE...... ,

Truo Mex l'ge.'." ...

....WEGl'IE ~OSE$TAMp$­

a.dHmabf.fn Th••• Stores---eJambl••,Htll't1s R!Jtdoso.D,y Good. ~nd Oat.wClY FOCld Market . .'

... Double Stamp. on. Wednesday. "~..Mr•.and.Mrs•.AI· Beach .; .i .

, i .

.~' 'OiIs~:"~n~~;Ca~O:-~7ieo~!2~;~d' < 1.i••I ••••~•••••II••••••II.I.lill.ii.i.i.I•••I••i ••I•••••~~~!!!~G .~

'\>".!'" .





. ,~'


. .. 1t , Boland Cold Show81'S

• ~aty Fi1l8b· ToUets.. ',' . -, .. .£ltddc Outle,.Sl ~d;'Watet Faucets at Each cmrip SUe

..... ,.-3' ''F&4'PiIs:lU1d GrUII lot· Campus' Outdoor Cooldng



. .•• •




'~'.: .. ·~··.~·.North)n Stale 1Joad3~-1Ui1lr1ght at first paved roadbeyond Mt. Vue Drive-ln.~e~~ 10 Hulllload~and go"·norlh·

.on ~U11 Road about two mU~s•.~o1tow signs., .




.-"-'~- .•

." ,-




. .

. . ")



Modern Camp Ground fs aprlvato enterprfse'Owned by Mr. and Mri.samMontgomery, hosts to th¢lie whotnloy the fun of camping olit. ;

WHITE AUTO'STORE.~. Own..l!td a.ndOp.r~h.d b)' lou Balcerlocat.d At The 'V' in Hollywood- pho. 318-633f

. .

•. "

: :'. "', "

, ',. " ' "' , '

, ' ..


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WARRIORS TRAVEl TO CANUTILLO' ,-".:.. " ,,' .; Sc:o~r,,~~··\··f ~fOR TRACK MElr rHISSArURDAY'" , ,AtCreeMea.aQ\'{s;~'.:I; --rtf...,," nil WnalllfJ/' . .:~,··l,:RWdosO'1l WArriors, after a IKl~r comp~tttlo~. ..:'. ...•. •...'.,,; . h'" • '\<~~)f: >.~~~~$2~!1rllo~~wum"m~Pt' If~\.J1 '.: t

S~O\V1ll~ JalilSaturday at the Ros- -'Qnlr ~womoreme~tsr~mail;1-an ." '.". . .. ~;,:.' . has been·l!llUOr saWrdaYI ~prU2•• ' JIl 1,0 Pre~ip. ~.Wel1....InVltatlO~l track;. m,.eet, wUI the schedUle be,for.e t"'e. "'~trlet HO'I,-d' . '. B. . "1:' .. ," at Cree MeadoWs Golt' \lrse 1" 7 : ,; (l4 37' .lJ. :rtry tQJronol,lt the klQkll th~ week o)as1l l\~ .Ial on May 7, 'iw~lnlng . _ ,ay., .'..~..;.:: Wjl.S ~no.m~ed: thIs we~k:'''''''''' ~" II '66'29 '.0." f

· In p~l\ctlce ariel then travlll to Canu. arll. tile ROl>.ll Fel>tlval Relay~ .Il.~ a.'aO'L''I"'~N'a '., . ',' ' ..'~1I lo<:al pe(!plQ 'are '!nvlt~'w "'.'::=H:::.:!.\TI! TO Silt .. 9 6.3 34 .0' ~~l~t~;~e~~~~~~~tor the fourth Tu~~:~~;::ai~~a~~i:~Q:i .. ~•.? ... , .. :y tA.G~,,,P~' ,~~~, 13 ~~~~I~ll~~l :tor:~ ~~~:a.Il,=, ~~ 3f~W~1( .~, ::-. -=: i~ :::::::.::.::::=::~::::::::::::: .~~ ~~ .:g .:

';l'hurl>daY last week the Warriors. eQter praotice meet at Thul'llday ,~lll:'ilf ~pe .. Week to fln~ out ~tartlug t1mes for ~:g~~ t!.W" ·"i'St~t:ll:' 12 1 ;, 59:!5 .0 t.were In a practice meet at Tula- Carrizozo ,tQ try to get In jl.S m~ch Standlng;,as of April' 8. ea<:.11 toursome. ' . . .' 32N

T,'r YO,~1"'T' !_:~.1)i\1 ~a;;P:i-."~~~: l~ :.............. . 6& 1111 T f.raaa, and ran sOl1'\e,of their bellt tActual oompetltlon- as IKlSslblt;l be- Team . . .. ' .;.,;.,w". L Thl) tournament Is the type where! . "iSHINti UI"OI\E '~i;.ft:,~ p'reclp.~lnce Jan. 1 ,:. 5.:Z.t~Jlles of tile I;eason. but Coach Ken I fore tile CanutlllQ' meet. Other Keeth Gas Co. ; ,..~. 32 eve};'yone has a day of tun an~ it Is YOU TAC:lCL!, IT? AAU-:: PrecJ.p, 'l'hls M;pnth ,n"Newton. ::oald this week he f~lt thetel\ms ex~ecteli to beat the pral;' (;haparral Jlotel 8'1 .. 33" not <\esllPled all a CQmpe'tltlve CQJ1'i sno\'(fal1 This Winter" " ~.,:j7;7·.tea,mhad a let down after the prac. tloe meet are caplt'ln, Tularosa. C. & L, Lumber , ~~..,,6~~ .38% test. Names are drl\\Vll tor pairings SnO\,\f~l} Lnst Wltlter, ~ .51:4 :.tlce session and the performance Carrizozo aud corpna. ',l'lmber Beasts _ :~.•.~ '.«1 on the tourllOmes with a man and :,w~w pot quite lip to par at Roswell. Big Chlets ~ ""'..48 . !i2 woml\n playing anoth~r twosome of' '4

w~eeO~,Y one t~ place In the last St. Pe~er.s TopJi Jones Canst ~•.;.. ~..•J7 ~.~\j.;,.'.}~ ,'~.; . a mM aud woman,' Each tean\ ~, • n s mee was mller SIl- Apache M~o ~.;.M% .5511.1 ., takes turns hitting the ball and tl1,e7~~~ ~~n.~~~rla wltth .a thlr(\ place :Eolondo EagI~s CHall COunt'nstt••~ ~~ .. .~ .;": '.; :~":~~\.:. Idl\Y hot ttun prOv:ldeS many, many

.... even. In Baseball TJlt omm y ",ub.serv lll! . 81 ... , i aUS{ s or e pla.yerS.· Coach Newton stated In an Inter.' Capitan LI!>us .~...~.._ ~., '11 .' ....• Edwards said this w~k th",t ~

view ear,ly this week that "a IItUe i Hurler M;lke ~enderson ot the st. High team sertes: J{ellt!\ Gas starting lIst at players has alreadyshuttling' around" will take place' Peter'll Crusaders pitched Wlln- Co.. 2833: Timber J3ea!!ts, 2885: been made and Ilhould anyoneuotthis week, during practice sessions nlngs of perfect baseball last Satu..- ;Cha~arral Hotel, .28611. ,High. team I be able to play on that day plea!\Obetore going to Canutillo. "We're day at Roswell betore having to set. game: nmber Bess\S. 1~:' J{eeth call tIleVgolt course so your namegolnIJ . to have to re.organlze our tie for a 15-2, two-l!1t viCtory over' Gas Co.. 994 ; Chaparrlll Hotel. \)82. can be wtthdra"iI"relays and other ey.ents ~nd Clnd Hondo's Eagles. .. High Jndlvld~al setles:. Clllt,J{elth; ! ,.

where our strength Is," Newton 'fhe Crusaders banged out 12 643; Arthur Struve,. 56~:. Jerry tlon In Las cruces last week-end.stated. "We've been working every hits In the contest which went only Kannady. Jr•• 545. JlIg4 lndlv1dual The girls .Iett at 11.:00 Friday andweek so far 011 a real hard running tlve tnnJngs crUe-tll me ten.rUi'i rule game: CU!! Keith" 25'1, 232:1Oe\l retl1med Satur(Jay night atter the

.schedule and from, now on IntO the, whjch gaves a team a victory after and Edwards, 208. . . banquet.district meet the schedUle won'tbe' nve frames It It holds a ten nil Wedn\'lldayJ\fiXed Uum. .. At the convention the"girls werequite so ,sltvere as the boys have lead at that pelnt, :, (~ter .A~rl' 7)'. .' • ' N~W' KINP Of MONEY....Mrs. Georg9 Brooks, cashier at Rul. privileged to hear several Interest-rounded Into shape pretty well." __ , . Team .I" ..; 'Wls'.dos,!) StatoBa'nk,.boldl ne.w kind of money, a huge washer 111.8' l/peakers, !Qcludlnn- Mr. C. ~,Newton related. S· S' Davis Developments .58 46 engraved on'o"e slae 'POVERTY DOLLAR....H, H. H.-1-965'· Kay, a man who Is or course famU·

M;ost qf the te1\mll which the War. . ports puts Hat-T Ranch' ~ .ll7l,!J 4611.1 . and on, .reverlo 'THE GREAT SqCIETY L•.B. ~.' She' said It iar to all Olrls' Staters and Boys' • met In the first' two meets at Leck's Ji'or Fun __ ~.50 would" t £:lede,cepted as payments Cln notes. Ab Gunter g"v.e· Staterll. ter • a' yeath S In EI P C

'.... H N Jo Lod ' ...." ""'L th t d lIb'" h ". ... Molly Kav Harris. who Is ~A w.. r....e eason aso wlll be on' a y· award. daughter ot Mr. ava ge ~.l7"J """'1" e new ype o. r to t e News. ije..lIgI~ It j;amlt from the " J{ ..

hand for the Canutillo Invitational and M;rll. Woodrow Howard ,o( Borden's Milk _ ~ tI:I 52 Mld.West. . . • .' • preSident this year. also led a dis- '1'1 P T ttbls week.end as the track season Whitharral, Tex.. tormer RuidosoB. & D. Auto Sales ~ 50 54 l' . . . ;." " cusslon group on Mr. KaY'o sPeeqh.. ' nl onr oum"menstarts. Into lhe fl I f k b resld ts. d'" Clarke Ins Agency ,t8 all • '~ The seSlllon was closed Saturday Student Council Is IlIKlnSorlng a

na ew wee s e- . en • was name all-d",trlct • c......~..• ._""., ·j]i..r··.~ 'H')'gh Fails"" .d.osoaus we r a A'fred. Pearson, . I ."fore ,....0 dlstrl t d ttl m'ard In Cl 5'0 I 'T Ca"tus S'''ckers -I .. AI night with a banquet. 0 b-""uet p ng-penll' ....urnament among Ule.... . c an s a e c nder 0" aSll p n exas at the .. . u Rfck·1 SCott.• Da'e Per'ry au" Don- R H_~__ ' d t th I Is' b k III Team Serl- ~ • .. had a HawaUan theme and the . . S. studeQts lmd facUlty ...~._ .._ ~ en 0 e g r as elball season ...... nle' ""eln. "'A.clles Dub Williams 0 III b I

RHS PI'CX l1J h d d 1 t Hat-T R nch ~TI r PI .... ....... delegates all wore MuM;us and ameli w l) ,p ayed during theS w c en e as month. a - _.~,............. '.' A't' anll $,Itt MllIer ltAvo anotller fine !lowers In their hair. noou break III Ule g)'m nnd the win·


- Navajo x;:g;e~.;;··G;;;·:.. ·····.2344 ' ..0·. ace . ba~·up re,lay team In Pat Farrar. Deleg.tes tram R. H. S. were ner wlll be given a small prize by... UIIU,.,.. N j Lod ~ R II M Steve Spal~ Roy Hamllton and Molly Harris, Ida. Richardson, the council. 1'1le tournament should

RuldollO High S~hool stUdents ~ Cav~ staci: ·· · ~ 643 ,oswe .eet .. Carey Horlon. Anne Wlnke13 and Mary Ann Jell. begin Ulill week with the student.sIn Mscmbly Tuesday voted to eleot . ao Ind.:.~p·~i·&;;i;..·_··_..· Bome ot the competition which nlngs. Mrs. Kathryn' Wllllams at. competing against 'each other nnd'

~he ~llOwlng Varsity Cheerleaders Bonnie McEuen ~ 499 In~:s~~tJ:~C::::ro~~;l:~: ~~:oc~~~::w~:b~:.'J1 :~~~~~: tended as a lIrlU:'lO~ tor tile group. ~:~~~y1c::::~:r~~rB competing with~h e 1965·66 school year. Chrts Erma Stevenson ~ 4'10 son last Friday at Ro!lwell. ran In. Clpvlll. Artesia and Roswell. Dc a llt'lItl'\lmu. not a litterbug,

IChneYD' Dana Nelson, Sandy Lett- . curry Reynolds , 57(1 ." -mA or _ 'best compeUtlon In Th'e' next m-et qn'lhe track s"he. Rtlport On National F. II. A. . ~ .~~_. rr.~- - •

~8~ prl~:~:l~~I:~:I~J~~n:::~: i Jerry Ka::t:;d~~i..G;;·;.._· .tIlI1 the";tato .mw~ junior high scbools dule for tbe tuitlor high tracksters F.F!tI.d';( g:;.'~r~~~~.':~~t,~bIY~ --,-N~~~~S-U~~~"R~-A-~"N"-~C..""E-#,...,.,.-""*-~##### __#'''''''''· ~.

ced Wednesday. .. Helen Jay., , _ .189 and p,Icked up only one point. ::~b~ay lkat capitan. Williams cllmax National, F. H. A. Week. - BONDS ,!..!t I 'n '""w IIII•••J1I Frances Sanche3 188 du~n~U!~e'::et~:~t.:~I:: l:~.~~e~ . ~~I~~·:k :~~:~~h~~~h~e~eg:r.,§ EASTER GREETINGS' . i~~?r··::::::::::==:E :''f.''::::-g; -::.~m.:: ::=:J: Arouml =::'~~ J~~:';'::'~~ ::%,,~\~~ F. H. A. LOANS": • . .' Splits Converted: Bud Starkey. ot the 'tracle. It was reported. I bulletill bonrc19 In each te.cher's For Complete Coverage: ,Jerry Kannady (2), 3·10; Bonnie 'I11e highlllrht of the meet tor tho room.: We Would Uko To Extend Easter G....t1ngs To McEuen. 5-8-10; Jack ~.nnady. loeals was. tltth place In tbc llroal1' 111 Skoo/ Molly Harrl!! and Ctlntlflec Farr.r SEE CURTIS B~~·L: Jr.. 3-6.7.10: Judy Kaunal,1y. 3.9. Jump by Ricky SCott. and .. cecond . thon gave a reIKlrt on the NaUonal l{;,i sa.§ and We Hope You'll Attend the Church of Your 10b:'t~~~:~~\:;~~t~~~; 114, :::~ =~~a~~ere~~/f~lt ~=t :~' ;.:~~~o~ w~~a~:Y ~~:cs~1ctU:~ CURTIS BELL INSURANCE AGE:NCY, INC.• olco-thls-£attor-Svnda • In-40w u - Dr - meetlngll they at~ded. tho .~u. R. O. Whit. Building - P. O. 80x 764 - Ruidoso, N. M•.: M;axlne Wright. Capitan~ cap. In'thelr heat ~ut threo other win. • ~ < • ""JIlrlb"Ur

. .__ . ~-Phono 257·'2204- ..._- ~= R d taln ot tho C.ctus StaQlcc!r8 ~am norll f.!1 othor hcais had taster Urnes LOIS LANE B1ibt,.lICelnir experlenceli. ..."....-#~~#"-""""""'--,,-"'''''''''#,---....,.,;-,,##,, ;: e r.:\'!lann. Rad.l·o & TV trom Capitan. was voted :aowJcr ot and. picked up the ribb()ns. "" (] Can~aco then announced that •••••••••••••••••• ; •••'; ~ ••• ;. ~ •••• ;.;••••••••••••= 11¥i, . the Year In thts Ieavue. tt'PU\lnlf the relays tor tbe Rul. 4' Out" IrJlI M~nd Molly Kay had· been elected ..., • -

•: ' Locoted In the Skyland Area _ Pho. 251.2565 l\IondarNIJbt 1'1Uxc4' Jape •. ' S~ P· I!!::- Ce~~enuond "P'. II. A. 011'1 ot tho Yellr" by tho : FAMILY NIGHT :_ . Results ot AprU 1% " mgh indiVidual series women: . rg r"" roan w.f! nul oso ~p. chapter. Thin bonor b Rlvel\ each: .•................................................................, Teatn . W L ~rlo~to HlJ.rdllltor. 575 (hIgb for ~~f. the t1"Ut~urdc thuomcmakerll ~f year to tho Rlrl that the members • :

Ideal Laundry ..." _ '13./ 31 IIe~U): Annie Keith. 5IIt; EUen, a ••; ~. e .lItato conven· teel has dono tho most tor tho chap. • •Holiday BowL.~,~.~ ft .e2 4:1 M.ernll, ~li, 1p8h IndiVidual~amC'.· ,.. : : ""

.. }{a:£el'l\,;:~;,.~~~~,~!;'~~!~~>~? ;~~~~~~D~\Zl.~~~; Cbado~to :-:". . .... ". .. • ... '9: EVERY FRIDAY NBGHT :nay nen all eo ,..;~..,_..M~ &3.~ 9pU\SJonverlect: Hatel nrIUCln.:: ." Laundereq Work Garment. - BargaIns ...-MorUm :.Food!J.,,~ ,...:.." 47 &1 Iba~k 2-'7 Ma Inc ROW t&o 5.fI' =!,ADIES' corroN VNIJ.'ORMS .. ',.. .• "I M : • :Jlo1:nJm Bakery ".." .28 75 (" • 1'. r • n. • =MEN'S COVERALLS & SIIOl' COATS ." "... n,,,.'. . ..• : : 35c Per Line Wi~h TIlis·Ad -

High tel\m aerteli;,Jdeal Laundry. ChP.rJotto. Uar~lster. 3-10. Peggy • MEN'S KJIAKI PAl'oiTS. sus - KJlAKr maRTS Uc ,. He= . .a. :2G03 (l1Jgh tor thd aeuon); Ray Dell ne.l, U. Jerry Kannady, 2-7-8. a.llIEN'SIIEA,VY LANSUIRE I'ANTS, 11 .. 41 waist. ., .. "1." :-.OU Co.• 2391: Hil!\c1ay Bowl, 2:189. • . • MEN'fJ ~OVNTER COA1"8 - .AUraetlvt! 8tylllJl . . ... t;.$O =: Bring the whole family and enjoy : ..HI(th team aame:;~de.l Laundry. E' , =LADIES BRAND NEW <-..oTTON UNIFORMS ~.. ••~P," : • •892. 858. 853.' . ~e' : We BUll nllve A Wiele Vnlely of Shoes For .hd QraduU'1l =: an evening of Bowling :

1IIgh Indlvldu.l serles men:cur.: =• -ry Reynolds. 553: Ch.rlelS Hardls- ElA~caI' = R,.OLAND T. PARKER =: : .J

• ter. 536: ClUt Keith. &30. Hllh tn· . Iat" I = . • • - 'J. d1vidual game men:' Jerry KaDnao . a . . Dry Qoqd, - ClothlnJ - 8hCK\ll5 : :

; Wbnbedr.E1ectric·CUrry Rcyno}d!l 104. ..' rho....-aut . :!!. . RUIDOSO DOWNS, NEW MEXICO e.-

o 7 ,.


, •. t. '"

·..: ..WH~~li1JISCOUNT···,c. ~ ltRlds

PEAT MOSS. 50 Lb. Sack • • • •VIGORO PLANT FOOD, 50 Lb. Sack,pAAS :EASTER EGG DYE, reg. 49c • •

, ",. ,.

·• ••II ~ .,t..



.."~;' ":,:::_:-::",:"::._.,, ._.~,., .'H.'"



,.• ~ .

~",*... ,!.,t·, .


Page 12: Many Cburches of Tn---06servance' .. ON RO''AD'.',.0'.'CA' IT' · 2013-11-20 · In'Arl- theme of the 0C!OdF'rla&yservices,










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and Dtiv,e One Away!, .

four Cho~ce ~f Any, , .

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NAVAl '-, ttl'~""~'"Ov~'••'" .

•• 9- Draww()n.. tlfaMi1- ........

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tAr,. ... 8matt (,.~FJre,Jacft ·JUte.....

Ofte MUeWftt 0ltiIc4tr. Q. ~~ ~,n - aaSclNf. ~. M­"''MIl .... a.:~ i.i&rNIl


•. ,y "'


CabIns with

FIt.places and


".. ,-

....... -.-

Things'to Do - Whefe to Shop

In The Playground of th.~SQWhW..t. "" • '"~~ I.-~ til .....




I,I':' ..... --,"

-" ,., l- i:- ," ~

, •• '1,. , ,- 1 -,

ND··l(f····5. .

. . YOUR': ._,WALl. 'PrJ "Olla~ : .

.COVERING < ..' " ,.'VAatsRS·,

PltoMP'f nma ~'1'11~ ';, '. ..'fth" riS7" ~8"1 .. .'... ,', :s"'-~','" :': "Ift';'.'ron'" -.. 7 .' ' ':.. " '. '; ,... :.,_ ' ;' " "ft .

•• ._ ," <.- ••., -~ _,.-.' ••. - ., ......~ _ .', .. v·_..v ""-':"",, _ ' . .: ,:._'!>t' ~ ,

"Th. Fin... food In RuldotO'.MOlt CharmIng Spot"



naldollo'. Fines'

lIIr. " Mr.. Ed AlldeooJl, SNea•I'ho. !G1-4t78 - Room PM""'

It. 0, BtIx "t'RUIDOSO, N. R


Phone 257."451 -BOx 190

, .Bob, Marl. and E,ina wIll ~hciPPtfQ IfrtIXt.:V

for all your ~tfj h~

BILLY THE KID:..: " ',\ .' ft

VARiETY LIQOOR S10RI, .. . 1....1- ... w ,,")' "

'han. 257.2245 -1- suddftffi ptive. .,f!'" , I,

"H~..#m "_"_"__#H~""'f;~bj:H~,· ,

J.' •• 'J,'•~#~'~~'''~#''''~'~'''''~'''~~I'#~~#_'''''#''~~~#I''•

I'or Bey. Charcoal IroU.d Steaks• l) ....... '\ In Iho "ecruUon a!l4l 8eetllo Area

pellll • . or Hulet.leI, New ltex.l~

July It Ono hlllo abovD 1'01& Oll1eo"" Telephone 25T-:...

• *.• Vllil Our.Rainbow Room


• •

Canc1IC'11 and Novt'U,lIeml 'rom .11 over

thl! World<"tomplet... Koda


Pho. 257:


Camp Geronimo

Herb It. I'aullne GreIClllrllCln

-American l'lan­

Pho. 251...,e-- Drawer"

RulclollO, New Mealco

Carrizo Lodge



Eagle CanyonLodge

On the road to tho Ski Area-<>nt, 11 MUM from the hmoUl

WIn\Cr 8pon.'1 LodiOl~.u.... OpUona'...... Dlalft( HMJ1\

Estra Larp lAbb)' ..a Fire_face,

I'bo. Ul-taS' - P. O. ISo. ,111'1auldo$O, N. M.

fa .....ut1a1 ~.11o (~r~k eall'••WafH .. 1"atty ,.,111te. Toar II....

Mall Order•WelCtlm~

I'ho. l!S1-et1. - 1'1aU••~#••••#."''''#.#•••''~.'.'#4

For rnrOrtnaUon Write Dos 30Ru" N. ttl. - J'ho, %5T...~U,.., ~••,#..,~~~,.,.~#.~-

, ,


o R CHEF~~• oj ,

Is AlWJlYs Happy



.'.'., .




Low Winter Rutes

All Utilities Paid

Phon. 257·"058

CARL D.80RD, Manager


..",..,.. 1'••1' .10 ..


p, O. 8n ...."lteDe U1 U'

Flre,laeea - TV'.Oa. BIet1l Wesl .t Baall

ItlJIII D.wa..... la.lIJj.... Naw Mos~

P. O. Drawer H


~.#...,.,....~••, ....#.*•••.,~...#*...~#~,.,#,•.,-

HElEN • CLAYTON IINNETnINDIAN SHOPw.,., .as lllt"l' Tt - n.. 1N1 ItH


···Aipin;·~;·#··CENTaALLY LOO.\1'£D

p!,-", .IUl TY~C:.v...,. cwt.·

W~ ... Wall,~UqDra~_..-.. ..,......aUI , HEW M1CXJO(J

, .<\ ",. ~j

~ ,.~;.~#.._-. # 'I '.~•••••••, #~




Dan Dee CabinsKitch.1lI - FlreplacH

1to 4BedrOOl11l

10144,hen. 257·2165

PARK MOTELLcKatetl On. llode Eas' 0' Old Mill

ti·Lincoln CountyPhoto Album


48 Units For Your Vacationing Pleasure

. FISHING IS IMPROVED - In·slallatlon of numeroul checkdams along 'he Rio RuIdoso

I to slow 'he rUlh of wa'erdownstream, and fo •ml:lkl'small ponds, Is a proJect un·derway by Iho village ofRuidoso I under. 'ho lupervl.sian of' ,he Slale Game andFi,h Dopartmen. to ImproveI rout fishing.


Page 13: Many Cburches of Tn---06servance' .. ON RO''AD'.',.0'.'CA' IT' · 2013-11-20 · In'Arl- theme of the 0C!OdF'rla&yservices,





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'.t;',' ;, I .'

:( f


. .

--,, -

El~ic HeatingBe Insulation

'Wimberly Electric'Phone Z5"~UO

PubUc Warehouse. 'I


FireproOf - Frostproof ,;~

AdJolnlnr Hollywood I'oatoffleoon UI~hway 10



Pho. Z1Ul$30 After 11:30 p,m. ;

A '



, ,

, ,



H' 11316 EL 402665 i

Rapid~yton Pump Sales &Service I'. ~~. - ~ sTaL TANK CONSTUCTION ,.. J


,_...._.•._I_,_I_j_.~; .._._I_._._._._i_._._,_._.~'~t

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Phone 257-2410 Of ItHJdenc. 211-~11Now in GatewaY c.nfIIt

In the MtJd,..d Wantl.1I; Real Satcrte Offlce

CommercIal - Homfl- Addltlo.""epalr. - Itllmodfilng



Ucented ContrCldot~ho'" 257·2241

, ... ,.,

• •

- . , ...~_._~~._...I_._._._.._._...._._._1..2L._.·..........i ......~ . ~

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;ow1.1._.:.t 'Pl'• "::'~U~5t',..,·· .•:' ,'\.7OUO' - \IIIIUW ., . , i,. ~. '

D~I1~. ~ .:.' '.". ";)~Iii~·

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tr. 'ii\i;~,·'Mt;~·;::· :MH. hblti,'-'0..'" .-

. V..flfOv. 1ft

mtruitd .v­KOHLIIt'" ••..' I

ANtilleAN S1AHOdD'........."':...,·....tiqla~

•AU WOrk

Strlctfv Ca'"

. .

" ..


• >., ,




~.iitly on U•. S. Highway 70 oast of Ruidoso

Downs In tho northern part of Agua Frla.

".,- .. '" ~ "',' T . I't "'''i''' l- '" ~.(,~. ':~r'." i;' , •. ", .'.... ' .", " " ':' , •• '4 '~ < • '

,; .. '.,. Z', .- "I, "'.' " , "",

.' /!. " - • , , " •. ,.


, ,

.' ,

.' "

Adding Machines,. CalculatonIC6 New Yorlc Avenue

- AlamogordO, N. Menc.

¥, ~", "

Agents UNDERWOOD Typewrlters



NEW HOME-Elvis Worden's slgl) shop r. now

housed in its own building, (:ompleted reo


, . .

Efficient Qualify-EngineeredDesign and BuUdDg

ED BOYER,. Contractor - P. O. lox 45 - 'hOt 2~7.2"9 ,,~._=_._._I_._.•._",_._._._._I_._._._.__._i~_. ,_

f'~ ,) ...1

·'1,.'. ' .', r ' :,. ,'. _," .' l"~ "" ..}.'~ ,·" •.\~f,...... : 1\"

'")'1 ~! J'U' ...··.1 .oJ~~. . ti''llt'\~'1' ' '".~

.' ~ .~,'•. ~ ",.,', '1- .'," '.e', \i ~":")\' ., .;~.,,,. ,,',., . iI ":, ~

., .~ .These Q~edCon~ctqrs, ,lJ)d' FinDs'O.r~amy F~~"·Se",~~., -aa:~t~b.. .', #~• • • , . ' ). ., ~ , " ' , • '. _ ...' • f'1. c, • ., I, " '. "

...- ''''.:-•••OM'.'.'_._._•••~'~'.io'_'-~,~ ''','iooO".li_".~_':-!"'" t"••":"""~.,!,,,!:',,u.n ~..~"" I~:'? ',,:,,~~"'i ~/:.:-:-,~~';i~','!"'!'''''''~. r_ ~-: _ '-"'!"" -:•••~.~;:-'. .w· '''''':';'.. •\~,.,,-~"'mi'\~-~~.,.,··e .' A'lt'... B eel':., ' ...JDlr over her prol!C'riy. at Vill" :Ma.. SJ!X1J'ION B • , PAOli; , ', .fj»;<~d!lt:'~rr;~r(;¥~;;:~;'~d~'i::-1;'i£i.I~' ,. , '.,O· ." ,0': "". '; ~"I ~.. .'~ ,". . RuidosQ News .;.,',~'¥'" ,.:~1 ,i~~~~~l~,~i ..::'it·;;;;:~\¥';~~f __ .... -.;' w..uii.. a'-OOD~' ,•... " .,)(r. anp W/J. Frank !nrby..smtth 0 ' ,;"."', ,r. ''t;.' ',,' 501.':·' ,.t~·;:'I'·!,'''·f':'· .• ' ..~ ,........,... ~~~~. Fame up froin EIl'lI.S9 for the week. Friday. Apr1116. 1 6~ ::~~.

, " Last ~eek~~a .~rry ~~.uY" etld. ". .. .,.... .. '0, WILl! here to ~lt btll, aunt, 1ftI'1 ." .''~ii Charlie Peobles and famUy havtllB"~' '---.-'--.,-,--. ..,..-.-•.......,.

.~ .,:~: come up from Hollom"n Al~ Base~ . 'Ro'Dv-o·o·d' Note'•,~'.' Tu~day. lLl'. and Urs. Van HIlr...'. ~ w., , ,. Q

, ' rod went tp :etoUdCrOft for the dar: . .Mrs, W. c.campbeUand grand-Mrs. Lawrence Peebles' spenf: 'dlt.\1lJhter {rom *bba spent several

Monday at Claunch. • , ,. , ' ,Mfa. Wa~ White and daughters 1 dayS here~ wtte~ Tbe campbellsJenlterand' Dede. Wlmt to AI.m~ were Rut residenta unijl theygordo' Th~ay wiUl Mrs, White'll~oveet to )r~bbiJ lIe~ral yetra agt>.parents. ' Mr. and )(reo; H\1iey . :.Mr. and. M,r!fo.~•.E. ·Wane fromWaterman. .' \. El~ ,are spenlllillJ ~ Weeks

The James Ealtlns famIly of~ :1.1\ their!~e 'In' upper RUIdoso. ..well' sp\)nt... feW daYll here Illlt ~~~~ ~( .Ul,e •A. M. .fussellweek .... ' ,f"wly.~ ..J.O~ we.", hereKe~ Fuller of Corona stop~ In' ~~t WO~k.d9ti1ir ~m, work on. Ulelr

to see WI 1"rlday. . :Nlme 1Il ~ndllse. Canyon.Urll, PaUl Terry of Ar~a was ,,'~ol'J~ ~teY w~ a bualness

ller!'J for the day Wednesda~" loolt( ,t~ee~~ ~l tho. first. ~fcertain lease of Ule real estaieO'fo'it+: ~ ")Ir. ami Mioll,~rolay Hendersoned by Jilin, 1n RUidoso Downs.~ fromAlatn.OflOtdo were Ruldoeocoin CounW. New 'Uexlco on whIca V1al~.~ .Jlot~~a)': •real estal.e aald Items of equipmen ~ . ' . 0 ,

arc' prel$ently and have for 80m . NO:nCll: TO BIDDERSUrne bee.'11ocated, plus COlIt.s of act. Tit e. J\~O MUNICIPALverUstnland maklng Ule ule., " SCHOOx..s are 'how accepUng bids

1 _ Orl11e. ~ .an librarY tables, trophy CUI!6,1 _ Air Conditioner. ." llClence tables, teacher and stuetent1 - Range wlUl hood and fan. qhalh,.,· .1 - ]O"1ve-Btool Co\U1ter, .• Bids wtl1be "ocepted up to and

LEO A L NOT ICE of Ulis Court within six monUus from said caSe 011 or before tho 2fth day 2 - Refrlgeratol'll. ~ l,nc1udJnll May 13th, UII~ at ., p.m.. ':=====::::;;:==:;~NoUce Is hereby given Ulat tho ."'e '0'''' d f A II lOll" d k of M"y 196" judgmen' wUl be 1 - Foocl1"reezer. '. ~t which UIlte alJ bids wiil be open-,"_'_''''_'' .--'!"!!---':'-l

w. w. ay 0 pr. III, an ma e .. , III, • , 1 _ Na"oM"I,CAA'" Register; "'d pUbUoly'and I'ead aloud. WA'T'E'R' .Village of RUidoso, Now Mexico proof l\ll required by law.' rendered against you and each of w... ..... ~ vcalls for bids on approxlmllotely. ' .> you bY,de.faUlt. lnd the relief praY- 45 - Tables, l. Q j. Further Wormatlon and bid5,000 feet of slx.lnch asbestos ceo lsI HELEN R. KINCAID, ed rOt ~ tho Complaint will be 8 - CblLIrs. \orr.n

ll'1f1&Y be ,obtained from the PROBLEMS

mont water pipe wlUl fittings. Pipe EXEctrrRIX granted. 45 - BOoUl Seata. • ~perkitel1dcm.'" WOce, 'and fltllngs must be Class 150, or RIOHARD A. PARSONS. The name and post ortlce actare" 1 - Dearborn Heater. . .e4: I " • •

200. designed for 3~!l feet of cov,er Attorney for Executrix of tile att.<!mey"for Ulo PJall:1Wf I.rJ :I - Aqor1ed Tablel:l. . .' ~. HJ}~ ret~. :t;t.rellll!ent" ..

:~~:~~:b~e;:Pl~::lc:~ ~~I~~xi=!4e~lco .~ J;~~siQOO~~~~~~N;:~':: i.-;g~~~:n~:r=cf'~; t ~. ~~~oe p:r~. see~i:.~ ? . "Waterworks AssocI"UOn. Bidders 4-0·16·23-30 co. ware. l· :=:;=;========= •must guarantee delivery wlUlIn ten • WITNESS my hand anet soal of The rental fOr 'Io'hIch 'Ul1S'UelfliJ PICK UP YOUR PHONE AND SA(10) days from date 01 acceptance. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF the DIstrict COurt of Lincoln Coun~ claimed 11 In Olo IIWn of OM nW1~ •Bids should Include.deUvery price THE THIRD JUDICIAL PISTRICT IY. New Moxlco, on this 6th day of dteet ('100,00) POr mQrlUl oomm~~ .'to Ruidoso, New Mexico. OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO April. 19M. Ing with the month of J\11y. 1",;,

No bids wUl be accepted af\(lr WITmN AND FOn THE COUNTY Is/ Eugen1a Vega. Clerk AAd conUnuea to ~rue aDd ~ . "8:30 a.m.. AprU 1'1. 1965 at ,wblch OF LINCOLN (SEAL) 4-N8-2340 accrue unut uleS eqUIpment h&'li .~Ume the bids will be opened at a ROID,QSO, STATE BANK) ,. , beon rernovec1' from such rHl,.Special MI!tlUng of the Board of A New MexiCo CorporaUoD ) • NOTICE OF 8ALE estate. ..\ It:Trustees. VUlage of RUidoso, at Ule VS. ) To Whom It),fa Concern: 'nlc aald sale of each of the jjal~ •

un Plio g 060 ew N U 'M h tha' n. . tetnJH)f equlpment-to-&a . ;I;f ATEI&•• ~.., 0 Cll... ereby g:lv n ......y Uen clalme" wUl >Ak_ "1."0 ." 2',·1000 , CONDITIONINGMexico. MARY L. AARON. his wue) Bell ,011 Co.• who I.rJ In control and .. - .. ....... ... ~

The VUlage reserves Ule right DEFENDANTS) posa~lon as lien claImant of the o'clock p.m. on Ule ~th day of vat . ,~ PDO. m.uuto reject all bids and walvo aU NO. '1~ Items of oqUlpment hereinafter de. 1~5 at RUldo~ DoWM, LlnoolU . " I.ooa&ed III a.lewa,.formaUUIlS. SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF ~Ibed. wU1 sell each of saletltema ,county, New Uexl!lO. ' ~~.111.....,......... Ikz= ~.8~~1~r•Is/ JAMES L. BINE. Clerk ,;PENDENCY OF surr of equlpn'll:nt at publIc aucUon to /a/ RAY !l1'1L~: PfOaSde~ ..,.,i....;:.:.......; ..d_._._o _. _Village of RUIdoso, New Mexico THE STATE OF NEW MJ!lXICO tho bidder for CIUIh,. to nay 1lCll \ILl CO, ;.l". .'-'.'-'-'-'-'-'-' 1

4-0. 111 '1'0: , aaUsfy the lien for rentals undor a . 4-1t ' - • ., • I ". JEIm'll: AARQtt an<! JI.Al\Y L".. ~ '" . . .' ~ ' " 1ItA"'D'IA'"OR REPAIRS" AARON. h1s vtlfo. • , ",0 " 0 'If 'STATE 01" NEW MEXIvO) OREETlNOS: '.'~._''''i_._._._._._._._._.~._i'.'_'_'_._'."_I.'P.

) YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE . ,'~ • AU T f WId·COUNTY OF LINCOLN) HEIlEBY NOTlFlED that ~ert:. A IMdosoConcemwtthA NEW HOME .' ypes.o e lUg

~A~ROB~COtmT.haa been fOed In the D1JJtrfct Court Concem for Ituldo.. . I., , . Po~abl. EquipmentIN THE..... .ll'ER OF .....~ LAST) of Lincoln County. New MexIco. a . < " ...WILL AND TESTAMENT OF ) certain cause of action where1.n 100% Home Owned DES I..G N. 5 SAMMER ORNAMENTAL mONLYNN L. KINCAID. ) RuldollO Sta\(l Bante Is PlalnU,f•Decea4el1 ) and YOU AND EACH OF YOU aro Rm-dolo 'TI·t1e :~, ...~ itt .... .Id.... Btlwaa - I'hOhll 31843115

NO. 1105 Derendants, the same belng Cause , Iy' " ~::::;==::=:::::=::=============;NOTICE ?F APPO~N'I1dENT N9. '1f95 on tha Clvll Docket. ,,' ~ '. OF EXECUTRIX The general ob]ecl, of tha acUon O~. 'Ab -" C W W LU'CAS' 1

NOTICE IS HEREBY ONEN Is to foteclOlie II mort4fage In and at' stra\;L 0_ • '.. .. •. . RUIDOSO IIhat,.on tbc :l91J:1 day Qf Jofarcb. IQ66, to Ulc property _de8el1bed Ul_~ '. . , ~ ..,," • :' ,

the undera1g:ned wu .~polD\(Id complaint of atet caWlC. wblQlI Is ne. JI1M1t - ....... ;,..,lIiil ... ·. ," '"bBA<l''VEL". .' -"S'ERVleEExecubix of. tha Estate! of Lynn L. situate In the vmaaejOf Ruidolo Adotte PIcma.251'.2721 -Kincaid, Aaceased. in tho above- DOwns. Lincoln COunty NC\II Jlext-l1 21 •••• _ , 'lIIi._ _._ ,..~e.Wv.j••• lhnamed Co~ and hav!nk quallfled co. . ......1_1_1 __.JII!II._••••,I_i••_ ' .. , ".u..;-..t..,..·....:;jas such. anYone f1avlnlr a claim YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE .B0 GARDUS' ~:......Gh~~UitD~'-OAYATING - TIlENCRlNC,against 88M Estate III hereby noU- F'URTHER NOTIP'IED that lUUC8ll ..~ ,..... 4IVAU'l'T WOIlS - PDO. m.(111fled to me the Ell\h\c wlUl the Clerk you enter your appt!araneo In tho , . ,... M" .",O! ,ioLLnrOOD. N. HEX. - J. 1'1. CLOSE "

o AU'T'·0'MOTIVE SER''v'le i " ...3..·I ....i :a~._.~' i ••••••_._._._._•••_._._._.._ _._._._ _._._._ .~._._._.__*_* _._11.' ~., I,••M ••1i'1" _ 1_1_._._._. ._._.__.... . t·· J. w. TAL LEY I,~UILPJNG CONTRACTOR' J~ - Commercial J

. '.. .LJeelll4td- Proficient 1,~157·W'-Ruldoso - P. O. Box 81711'. . '" I>



440.00440.00880.00440.008S0,01)WI.OO •




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SkylandAuto Service

P1ae. W04Ul!Sear Wlaeel~t

GeMrat AN~





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;j.t;.;i"~~ $T.\~S . 2i5~.J;W, (u tT. s. c. l1'l1,X"U,!ero,:1lit~il.J;~:~~F wl1t,tie offeret\'tq Ule ~~stJ)lddt:r..: '~4..,t~:F ·:t:rciRE.All oll" ""'J.)ut at I;I,O~ l~ss thal.\ UteappralJ3ed.\;i, , ,'~ANI>WN40~ ' value, il,h plJblJQ s~e tQ beJ1eld a~,,~j, :>~t, ., '.. -, . 'PumtbU'~C~~I'~ 10:3Q j)',clj)ok a;JIl., ~ln th~ 1st. day, of,,;~.~ ~f, • """" ~~. ~96~ ,l1telt~ at.



fll of!,lUlsd

·:Ji~~.1"0~ ~OBLIC4TIO~~ p"o~g~:~:, &a~eral 'utidixm:'.;:7ft f" litJtJLlC SAI..J;!:' ',' . flOuth Fe.,eral Place, Santa Fe.1l:J.;~:'. , '~;. '. "·Mircb'29.19611 New. MexlCQ the foUowtns tracta Ilf~~tp.~o~ .!Sf lltIctlonl~d. " ",ii.".. t~o':'··. .,Lanc1'.PescrlPUoll ACres Appraised Value

.,Ft~i: 1, .' .. ' ."""'$1 11;~,~G lll.. lIT. Melt. ,PrlD. Mer•• .N. Mex:~~" '1' i. "'~c; 34:NY"NE%, SE1ANE~ 120.00 $1.320.00,f. ,~:. ','!. ~~·S.. R•.16 E., NMPM\1.;: ' flec. 5; ~:E~ISE~~ . " ....t<'" .. . .

,)t;~ ., ~c. ~:'S1ll'4NW~' '~. " " " 'd.... 10 .L<li'.' f '. ... ~. .: ~7JI!NW~:f~l"i, ." .. Bec.11'! Nwt,(SE'!.

.'./,:: ~ . Bec. 14: E%8Et,(~.. ' : ' .. 'Bec, 15J Nw'ANP.:t,(',r I', ,I' ., T. 10 8•• R. 1'1 E., NMPM~. '/&. . seq. '1: NE'ANW '4. 40.00 440.00'%' : ", ,o': . sec. 19: SE1ANE%. EY"SElt,( 120.00 1.320.00.

. .« wUl b8sold II\lbject to Ule ," bapk. drafts, or c&l5h1ers·. checkll_. ' ~fetvaUons to the United made payable tQ tJ1e Bureau of· " ~ rllth~f.wa3i' ,tor dltehes andILand Management for Ule amounts~'Ia~,~U'Ie ACt. of August 30, of the bIds. The envelopes muat bel'iIo."~ I5t~3\1": 011 and gas, marked In Ule lower left-hand~~IiI'It&lACtOf JUly 1'1, 1914 (38 corner NM 06M536 "Publlo Sale~Illtl. ·aJ1drlgb~f.w.ay for a BId, Parcel No. • sale held~l Md JUghway Under the 10:30 a.m" June I, 19115," Tlie blgh­~~\olIA~t' 27, ·11158 ('12 stat. 855) estbletc1el' IIot Ule sale will be ~t'~~Ii9\lthwest comer of parcel q\ilred to pay lmmedlately Ule'i,;>Th. '. ;'ut1}or1r:f.ld orncer reserves, amou,nt thereof, Any adverse clat­~# i '~l'eje9t any and all bids mants Of Ule above-descrlbed ,landp~ .tbe ijlne of ~uance of should file Ulelr claims, or objec.~hP.runc4te. The Bureau of t1ons. with the undersigned on or~ll )(j.t1Agemcnt has nQt checked before Ule time designated for sl'1e.~~r~tdS ot 'Lincoln County to Any cc:intlguous owner claiming a~ij14 .Ole-eltilltence of adverse preference right muat assert such~Blds may be made by Ule right to the undersigned wiUl1n 30llffl!CJlI&l.01' ;11W agent. dther per. daya from Ule above sale date. How·~'~.t1i, it the sale or by mall. Bids over, contlguoua owners will. not be

.." Jpp.rcelmlist be for all Ule l'ble to assert Ulelr preference~~~.," ~ p.,rcel, Bids sent- by rlghta to any parcel for wblch bids• ", bl! consIdered oDly l( re. are not received. For relmDurse;.ct!Vtd. j,t the :Land Office. P. O. ment to owners of "uUlor!zed 1m.!SOJ!1'l~; santa Fe, New MexIco provemeDta on Ule lands, payment~r w·''o·clock a,m.• on June or cost of publication, and other ro­:f( 'J.~. BIds m,W!lt be In sealed en' qulrements. see 43 Cl1'R, 22<13. For"'~ accompanied by eerWled !nformaUon write: Michael T.~.pc»~lce mOll8yordeTl•• SOlan, 1danager. P. O. Box lW..'. ., Banta Fe. New Mexico 8'1501.

....11·111-23-30: 5-'1



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. ,'1'0 'he'lJ»a~ tf.. VIlfage Uarcl of 'Trulte.1 In Workingfer IMN .mel .....r hcteatlon hi thl. Area, You Are 'nvltedloU. TJ1t. ta\fof. PiHM Moll It To "'Recreation, P. d. r:>raw-..,19, .1.1 ,N.M!'

i; ,,= < ;1 _",%~>i'1' _.,(1; )'," ....


, ... "HELP WANTEb

., , ••,." - " ,-., --. '-' _. < ., '.

.Nat."" '. ,IW....~"_» u ....a-.....'r .•-- :'1(',.",+ •...- }"'lll',jir"'''::'''~"",,,WI"t ~.~ ,'....... ;; - " -, ,_ q _

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~ Water ·SPorta ",""'Uli...m~~~_I1~"-~--'~-,jj~.".'~'.t--.."~. ......"".......~~.... :




RegistercdQuarter Stallion

Moron'. bUII~r No. 8<1·933~Irol Sial' DUller P.51S2

Darru Prelly lena (appendIx)Stud Fee, $100 - Mar. Cdre

$1.50 Per DayBob Joyce Ranch, Dry Canyon20 Mlle. Saulhwe.t of RuIdosoMalUngAddr.u, Bob Joyce

80x 134. Ruidoso Down., N, M.

Lawnmower Tune.-Ups$5.95 N~"'A.tIC·· E"Plu. Porta V

GRAVELY TRACTORS sto. SOIA or UI6 tTbltotm DaUdin, cIoct~. SlAto ot New :&.Iexl-

=~:ot~I~:w=oo=d:-=p:~o:n:.::~:7:8::.3=~=8.:°:it-~:~t:&'::fi~te:a~~~:r~-~~~~::te~::~6~ .the Vlila"~ or tw.I~, county of LinCOln, Slate Of New Milxlco

&le. 301A. \1lillorm Btl1ll1Jn1t COde:No JlClntOD, nun ot corporaUon shan erect. COD!ltruct. enlarge, repalt. move. Improve. removil, convcrt. or demollilh anybll11d1n1f or IU'Ueture fn tho cUY. or cause "me to be done, wJthout Ill'IIt obl&1n1nlr a separAte bUlldltig pcrtntt for flac:h bulldnlt or&U'Uclure from tho Cny BUlld!ng otl1~I.t.

BecUOQ 303: ••• Where ."ork for wllleh .. pclrtntt l.s requiredby thl5 CODl!: Sa alAtU!d or procedcd berore obtaln1nlt aaldpenult apeclf1dd at)ovc, the fea than be doubled.

Pleue conlAd the DulIdlng Otllclal ."bose name and addr....~..rj ~lClW, rrt rera.rc:r to the! abo...e. 'wUbotli deli.y.

• •

> '.,.-.' "_', _"'"0, ,,_. 0" ., __" '" "_ ,_,",;" -c-_-.. ".,~,_......__ ,,, -.~ ".~, ."._~~~:,", ...'.,,__ .,_ ..... , _,.-.'_,-"


"Your FriendlY Broker"





- SALES - .L: C Crews - Loin Easter - Joyce Stanley

- Member M. I•. S. - ..- NOTAnY PUBLIC - Mechem Dl1ve

----- .

PINE. TOP HEICHJSPaved Streets.-- AlIUtiIitia -- Cable'tv



Ruidoso'. PionHr RAl Eatat. Firm


Of S.autUul, Scenic Lob, in the Sunahln., among the Junlpenand tall pin.., and with panoranilc 'ft'" o. C)'CU' for..l cladmountalnJ.

Make Your Dream Come TrueWith A Rcdwood TimberLodge

Summcr Cobin - Permancnt Home orWinterized Ski Chalet

• Never Need. Palnllng or OUTI• Won't Rot - No Malnt.nan~

• Prefabulou. - Er.cted In A f.w Day.• W. Will Build It For You With Our Crew• Excell.nt Financing Avallabl.


You Build IttW. Help You Build It fREE of Charge

- WrIte For comptete InforrnaUOD-Bee our Office and our lI!ldel CabUla &b4 som..

CD Wah_, n Acrou 'rom ToW'D .. OCNDU7 J:n&_


TimberLodge of New MexicoJ'hone!l 25'1,2811 or ~,·m.

Rl11doso. New Ullltl00O. Doll WtI

o JlIl/Id nlleht IIUl'v~yor"

CIlII N"w. ofllce 267-40014:J-tr·nc

l' 2li'lo4370

,-_.",~~.--,-,' .•"_.':""".' .- .••• ,1 _'0, , ..", , .•, __ , ..... ,- ,. ,"', "",,,"

•... --- ----

,: .



.A.OIIN!) • < ; • ,-, . t.lhe hActa horlleta~n.mecH9r1lel' . .

Il~eA:nh:~;::::.t ;;I:~ : :e~~.e~~~::I~~·r=;::o~;uon·l~~I~lh~~d'kfa~~~~bo:.D~~ :t~~u~v~tl::i6~4~:~tl':~#thll J-taikei :t>l~~, qtc;~~~..~ ,,"~~c.: ~~$~~~D~~~! .. :~:~ei'" .1'9 ~~~-:!t. ,~ ~\1lCIQi&:~ ..ei,tALL MOTEL. prIced worth the money. Owner wllJ fl# cllUon. 9~ to lIl!/,! hl;ltlitl'1U~lf faceH~rQ'WblppttH~1<It.'a )iltol' m .--4 ....;... '1"'• ...,...;..".."...,...;~.,..,..g;...;..;;,:;.;.~...;,, :.....4.~.~"".'f.4...~....;,,,;,....~4.;".;.4__--J~"""';...;.;...:..4~...:...~,,;:;;",.:..H:-.···'.-O·.-.,..'.-.;. It··.•E.7.' ~'t"'l" ..,' ;u,. , "'.-.......-ceo Bee It today.bP,CI¢ At Work,.. .' .everYo1!el!!ta~k'" to, Itllt th~·t~. ' , . , J,VJ; I:): ,tiUSUIEss BIJILDINO locMed on SUdderth DriVe pi'fced' for ' Mabel 11M,lmalJap" new baby ~y, ftaffli\ ~1i'ailcd dts Intlm~ fof ihe " "'.:, '~. . .' . . ' • .' '. . .." '. ,". ,. I

llFdlate sale. Cun bo seen at anytime. 29% down and owner Paul. weT/.!. relellSlld frQm, Itle ho~- bllr dance held In Connection with CAB INS ~ :~~l!~g~ 11~··(lg "~. 2: :a~~t,. l';v~r~~«den~!;'g~ .fInance balance aL 6'. Interl'st. ' . ~I Fitda~. :TQ~her 'J'lI~mY 'ir tile H\1mb)e }!:DCl> collvpntloij here ~reenJlClrcJt •.J1'¢~Au~J.'oQk'1l,rep~,.X!t~~~.Il11qD·.~• . . appO nte . .~u . wMl1' 11:, ~"r ". Monday. ltllllllllWe. my' tfRer,.'" 'seautlfu\cllb1ll 1.0 U1~t/!oU p\J1eil:~JqtchegarltJ Itv1nj,f coml;l~- paveptent, ,11,601) t9taJ price. ." ." . . '/W, e have a. large sclecUonqlllne homes and cabJnS. .'. M,llt"Q~ Ch,". aVC1l.• n.I,lW b.. ea1mm- Mol."v"'n'r.· th "i. S· v·e· e ali ~."'.··t·'· " . .

/lPCctor lor our county-. Very rdc;o ;;;r~s 'tuncil~-'" ...... tlon, .len; W_lf to wall ¢'a~t a#<1' tnlJwatecL CompletelY furnished V'M ·."(*,,c«10'3 an' home m 9~n 'lI~lt:({'QW8 .(d!1i~on.A1l. \~r~~m 110M IlQ YO\lllIl tQr lI\lcm A rO:nafc1686DCSWM 1$' Itrcfty to· fi!i(i'.e .. an4prl~d right. ". . c:itty uuUtlcs!' bei'Ut#Utiy paneJ~d; c4'iPew'c{ a'iic!:1Jdl1t.-tii·~~1lJl. .8JlOJIlItble Job. .' ;, . \ t!14,'16(i 'p"rlt:~; .'. . .• : ..

"""'n Mu'/lIl(ln w". In i_ urll- 11 pUij" '.' as. .lloo..~.' as", . ."......., '"" , u ~ f "- tlf", 3 b d 'U l Itt" '.•" . .t <1 iii . .. . m nar the. At rto ..Jail.";:' fta'J, · tdayevenlflg"'liltlrig JJls S!Swri "obn ~1)1l"'.m,of!.((U.s. P:<I.~te- e rOOm/ ~t-eV't: VIlCa Oil ••ome on ...0 pavem~ /1n .... . 3. ~~•. ~~ baU\ no. el;! ... ~,.... ... rt'l . .. WQ ....,.~.

Mrs. Mabel 'l'bomlUJ, and hill now I1preads our~ s"C!aUty IlJ'P\UId, Yellr 'toilrici location. LlI.tie flreP~~ C'lrpqrt aM c»mplet.!'l)". enclo~d' garl1ge, owhe-~ mtU!t ~eU 1Jnn111dJat!:lly;·. • '.. ,,~nep~cw, '. /I, .JJum.bIe 4~lertr6m dowp ~tb . ,tutAAJb,ell. . . , . ... .. 'iii,,"" 2 BR 1 b th 11" iot· Ul i l\t1l.t ""'til :

Vl.!lltllllC Lincoln COlWt"I'./l now said he ~4 bl!~rd;1Q! mUCh ,.b9Ut .. ' .Bej!.u. .. ~, MW . . ' " a QlJ\el~p..~ e "" '!"'< ~.courtho....·"" T!luT'n.d"y 'W".". J.ed. an.d llUl.. t "ear 8. .C</..Ilven..t!... 1)11,.' ..h.e... ',. ji,...r,6.t.;. .., loom' dl)woslalrs an!l carport, Lot::! of eltus. :rocK wor~. '...", ".. ..... . , -""'''lfe...W: 1.$ l!beU, rcdwood c,ltbfn.~tOO mIdeal locatl.·onon..' . .Ted CWk. "Bf)autlfuJ: building," John for de~lJ!labQ\lt 1~....~114 N'el1'rly new 2~bea:t6lSm. 1 bath home Ji1 Y~rd~JWiPes.they lIajd. Wlll'l C</mltlg W.t~4. thl.i one.' thl! pi,VeJrieIlt. ~JBh yQUrself; fummneli. $2.000 dovi~ and balance pl\.yabl\'l a't~·~r~th.

()randma Leeman hal,l been tml:1!lrJ•.. P. '1'al11ler of V.1l t!iCl :Ita}'.' .the weatller Ii\wly, "9PC !.lpr!ng N. M,. wJU. be oP~ of ~.~.t$m '

_________-------.-.-.._.•-."-:..!-_-..-__-.~-_-_-,-.. ...I helps to piCk her up. Spring??? the Humble .m.~e~. ~., 21"me .Uf'j b .·MJJl; ;:VUJ~- FOR BALE -.1969 Buick, good con- Mrs. Lermard S\.Irglner under- 'Yah tee Jt4)' moW' JlfIUo 'O""'SQQ4~ . ,

dillon, 4.door,· automatic tranllmls- went mlnQr /lurgeryln ElUltem'Nllw llye In NavaJa:.}ePefJdfnl( Qri,. ~Ruidoso Newfil aton power steering. Contact Mexico Medlcl\.l Cqn~r MQnday. pronunclaU()Jl. 4VJr, ~"l' buill: Ii"'rldny. April II!, 106li Mn'~I(' LltLir lit l.orene'lI Chlldrcn'll' Shp Is doing fine lUld q"pccwd to Il!u>PJ)fnlf Ce-nter Qft .me ",,"rva!lpn

IAI.I-; . Ooo{j-'-lI.-('I-bU~k bl!d;. Shop throUKhout the day or call return bome. S\Ulday, lind th!!t Nava~ .rnd.l~ lil~rtedDi

ke. nlc(' UNt'd couchp•. bed- 2liH2li3 lifter I! p.m. 43.21.0. Mark, y,ou wondllTed on your rl'- call1ng I~ Va~ tee 'BAYi",Nr)"N i.t Jlq_ __ __ __ ___- dlo prpgrllm If thla Ted and Jed Il pe!l~fflce anel the s""tb'hQ ac-

RUIl" I1ln('Il,' Aloo cook flEI.P WANTED.-Man to wateh Wall rela.ted to your father's Ieam qep(ed. f,b'Ei ~me; l ~n~ • te!,bnd rl'frlUNnWrn HUldcmo Brtcr ,'Iderly ma.n. MUllt be able to 01 hor(l{lll of the flame name. Yep, daya er~ In Jl'efJruanr lln,d it W~

IS PO!!t 43·1 tc wllik Bud follow If ncceasary. Five we're flrot cou811l11. a real UlrUI to ~eoUle O~O!llf.8A.LE· 16.118;;;,;u;-1~1l11;'~' doy week clIlI 2ll'l-l3'1'1. 4a.Itp. (Jan only fiat O()d Watl with little 8eVj:lr,J of f,b&rae~ lrack peppl(l -. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT . COMMERCIALS

_.n Ill!'W tl'I"phCIlll' 2b7·2614 ., . LIlla Bynum Sunday and know tha, are co~lnlt dQ,~ nOW, P1A1I:lJtg rCiS- RENT: "LS SPEcrr.AlI E tm ood bu" It tbJa sman '11 ffi'fat c"'ari i)o43-2tp. IIAVE OPENJN(I~For two ladlll8 all the praycrlJ !Nero alUlwered that ervptloM wtore t48.~. 'nllt.· ,n.. . . - , . - x .. g . '. « o. 0 0

to hl'lp with oprlng ruSb of bUnl: were oUered that day by 80 many trallerparJ(s ~ourd ovllrllQw. . Vnn INVITE Yom REStPEN',I;'IJ(t. AND COIOOlRCl"AL cared In the Activity CenWr. Three 1*1 story re~~' QaJful.S-,illiiill,;' ('rr", ,~.;nti;I\,.n: nl'Ml One part time. on" lull Umbo for her IlBfety. Shc'lI a lucky young P'lltJBe 'l1!omal ""6Ii.hl'l'room'llldtehens and bal4a. Large 3 Bedroom, :I batll XJv1nft~·

Uf.', II ltJUlld I')OM" rplurn lJJ AVI'rnlll' ('llrnlnUIl tOO a wellit. WrIte lAdy. Ilpclllllg ~~ illd SJI real' RElNTAL tJS"l':rnos with offlce. $35,000 to~l with good flnanc~._.~ •Jllm,.~ Mulln. "·ll'phOlIl' 26'1· BtnnJl'y Homo Producu. DOO DavId- TIre tUlip, lUe In bloom at Lee hard 80 8he Can gO higher In the ElCceJltlonall)' nice two bedroom unfUtt\lshed bouse fn upper 6 'UNIT MOTEL for sale, Ready to go for the summer r~c,.lOll 162 !lUlt1,,,,,, 43·2tc I'llll Drll'l'. Ro/lwcll. N. M. Uotl.O, mover'/I former house up the can. con~t. <. . can)'on arca. FIreplace, wall to wall carpet, tub and shower en- sea.llOp. PrIme location, e/CcelleDe re.palr and lOOm for I1mlted-

~'on LEASE-DIning' room at cre; yon. Mr. McCarty hall bought the Sure mlsa Trudie Balcom'S amU- clI08Ure. A beauUtll1 place to Jive for onlY' .100 Per month year expansIon. Flhanclng aVllllable and priced 1'1Bht.

2MI'I·nldOWII Oolf Courlle. Clll~3.2tlltc'1·. IJmrnOpOn_rlltUYCJa.ln~ Ibe~untklfUhle JlllaCao.luCkY ln~.!.~...c;'tta~I:r ~W::l'vfilr" tUM .orIs ·roun". / One Of We most popUlar Tour18' coutta ld'·JtIilC106O atd. "

.. ...... m.. "" D"V Ii' Attractive two bedroom tl'aUer for rent race season, May 15 'Onlts fn'dJ 1:0: 't b'-- Jdt h"- d fl'. J':JI .I,ll .F~ ..s.t_ • ' Oatoway DrulJO liIlnd4 out a love. a twJrl and J1C! kno.w," of th.e • v ca....... C ,,11lJ an. repmcCl. au\l 1I~ "wa.'OlI'lENT' 31';'d;~rn- h~IU'; -With F;ABTER C)JlEE:MNGB To 1\11 our ly ~IH for ne'; babieD. Wish we ()ther? WatCh It. 00y. You are too to Beptember 15. $550 and all bills paid. • prlmcland'wJth room for expansion. Con1PletcfW1W tmt. 2~ baijl,Ienl'y npn,lrn,."tn IlIrnlllll. frlt'nllll from tho W'ray Surfteftll of had .. "Welc.ome Lady" service in yountr to be .hunjf. J.arie Commercial BIl1!dlnll. ~1LIlC or sale. Hillhway '10 10- llvfnll Quatters. ",wnlCJwn JlUIt10flll Hfor l.orfOnr nUldo!lll mIlK' Shop. aoroll.'l from RurdollO Downrl. now about It, .clty It i(l wonllertul :B<!b J4ll1er anc;l cation. Ideal for Warehouse or IIldustrJal 'OliO. GOING BUSINESS FOR SALE-Includes flxturt:., 1nvmtori.r III l.orf'lll' " C'hlhlrl'll'" flhOP R1fOrfll B1llllra Ski Shop. Pho. 26'1· hall? 'nJlbk Ulat would be a lovely Ctm JJroW1'! will con~nuCJ to be 0\11' Conta~ excellent IbcaUon. lintl stOre bulldltlg With Uvlbi qlSU~ .

261.21128. 43·2U- 42119 .3·ltp. Job. ~~to POIl~.'Yi! .rp JU~kX'tQ ~v6 • , LAROE commi!relal bll1ld1Jlg In h~art 6t ltUldOlO rot ...,.:'~=- :"" --=.="';'.-=====~ Sorry to hear on the newll today lom. .1(1$t U1eh' c~et tb dJfterent. LYNN KEYS· I...... h -_.. 11.""'011 .JJ • .o1.j ....._

- Unda Dllrnell dIed of her bum In- (COn hills had It ~~ "eeis ott duty - Wo InvIte your Listings tor Property Kanapment DI.sp loy r""m, lam ware 0\lSC area....... y .... q rl"'••• --..'JurleD. I ha.d tile plcanure of IICrving: becaUsC of. bto'ten iUilde.Hb d~p. for shop Q~i1pltnQY. . " .. ~ .JJer lant ye~r at tile Chaparral when prd In a hole an4lt I$Il4pPed. "0'11 ';'';'''. , children. ',' Wouldn.'t. ';'Otl. know It woUld han. JO!Jt JI(Ue all" ;C.. \(,.K "IW'...•~c:.f7'Jfif'·. • '_"•••• ' •• ., .. be back pn the lob 8MrUy.l next year. Ruidoso DOWfUl In tor- "... • ... _ .~ ,'lM<'\~>eFOR 8ALe-J0(l3 Chevrolet Impala Mr. and 141'8. t-feweU and family tunate In !la.vlng thc beauUfll1 Chap. HarrY WhIpple Is giVing'a free pen-onc of thc Humj,)10 on guclUa ..It that was offer~ 101.' ·the 1l1cer·ll-panr,onKer IllaUon w!'Kon. Jow from Pennllylvah1& were 110 sut. artal and the go-getters IIko Harry dance and refre8hmenls for all the tan ou, of gan and It wuloo late at fort. . ••• ~~mllugCl. extra clean, all peweT and prillcd to hear there is Ii reAl and Leona Whlpple to keep It JUmp. teen agera GWlday afternoon from nigh, to get any. The r6Vlval ottHItta~~~liT. wlll finance. Phono 26'1·Z81lG Smokc)' the Bear .and ita hOme Is Ing. one un«l tour o'clock and wl.fJhes The Uve' tiller from Oateway ~pt1:lt ChurCh etKfe~ ""'t:~..

42·:ltc. In Now MexIco. ~f 'Were Bolng Mr. SColt of scottY'/J Dar·n.q or to oxprellS h18 t.hanks for the won- Enco Wll!l d1llappolnted. ms wifo arid was pt'l)Q()~ct4:,,~.I1'~ 4UC'--,-A--O--t-Ltl-k--t'-n- on to sec lIIs hOn1Cl In Capl~n. Roswell1tl in tov.'ll looklnll tor lI. 10' dertul service given by so man)' made him change to a JlUJt tor the ceq by tho pa.ator. tho nov. Ol'­FOR e I,E- rea . 011 ra er, Oo8b, I WOrfd'er bOw many trtore cation to s~rt a drIve·1n and cater- or them lor the Humble convention. dlnner-dance Monday evening. val Bee. ,~. " . .co!..81141. I~. model, neW hot water Uilnlt It JlI a fabrlca",d olqry. Cali't lrur servIce heTo. . The auests were amazed at the co- 'l1Iank.s go Q\lt to aU the people . Anyone wiU\ DC'" IQY tlO\" ~•heater, .1,'160, Call 25'1·2324•."~.ltc: New Mexico do 'c>methInlt .bout Mrs. Jaok ElUley 111 In Menard. opclratlo? Of. the enUte crew-so tor tumlni out to belP blit:i' tot the wM-pleuo Ql1 me If~'+

CARD O· F THANKS that? And on tIlo tire prevenUon Tex., on bU!llncn.'l. tde> .. 1)Ow. you bOys arid gIrls." '-'.-, ,." ..posters of the fQrll~t sel'V1ce tlley FoUntaIn MJIler. 90 years old and Woncflff if HaI1'}' wtll name the! . #

Wo would Uko t.O take I.hlll melM could llUt IIOm~ al»Ut 8mO!c- an otdtLmer.,1n Ru14o.~ Downs, and the newly decorated Ice.()·Rama RuidoSo Merchandising and Auction..Co. SiHei .ot~reA.~lnlL oUr dcc~ rCCla-,. lauiiJr' ot our Ma~r~. E. E. lBl'O- tho '''1'i{ler !loom"? A to nate ~, ._. ~ .-.. .UOn tor tho kina exprCMlot1!J of Mabel 1fI<>nulJI safd abo was ther) Mutor. d~ed sunday evening namo, ' say. - Startat-t-p:rIr.-Every-Satufday--- .. -1-------fl"nlpathy, cardll. OowcrlJ anct tIIo'n"'A coo" a"'aln ....~ -mm..t- .In n._ local bo· pita)•. Funeral ~"rv- Ut. and )drs. W...........-dencer T-Yt.! ::i'.rOOd durIng UIO death or our loved iuckY the po~ Who'ler; ber"for I~':rcrc held TUe3day at 2 P.;;:.t ot Yah tee Hay. N. u: ';;;r6 COn. In the Fotmer Bb"Wlin's Bldg. oil: niglt«r2lY -r() ,ene. their restatuartL iter fned chfcken thlt Rll1d().'j() DoWlCl BaJlt1:lt Cllurcb venUOQ' aueat8. . . ,e ~

Mm. D«m& Luck, III IlOIl'ItlUililr, with the lUlv. Orval BeebltlcIatblrr.···· .~. ··n '·.1Kcltll and Charlo ne"lna Reeves U worktnr at the DllrIal Will l.ti Stcltson Cemetenr ..

l!r. and MrlJ. ltorbert Smllh Oatoway.. Dtn1nr noont and Ann east·of hert!. AU 0U1' aytnpafhy toMr. and lIrn, O. 11. Smllh helP$ bel' 'Parenti it H01itrd's 00 tho family. Tbl:l decoued had sevenMr.•ADtI Mro•. Ql11nton Smith w~1to(!ndJ. tJeldom see tho enUreMm, 11., W. Luck famOy In one tude. And, AntI

WD.I f T I draWII to wel!-ovcryone IIho\1ld see. J SJIARE 1 PWlO tal cr wltll her 11m "Dtl'" '....-·11 ......... It r .('onjl't'tlIJIII man (non drInker). 800 .,., """'"' te..... ...

Roy' Bl7Jlmortl at nUldOl:o Nown. or leal proud ot mine, Ann. U)anQ.In trlllll!r bC!h1nd 11. & Orocery. Tho lIumbl0 011 crow nIe! tile)'. .. ." " .!. . llfiJOYM thortlHlvClS oven more thls

yellr than l&!l' and plan to return-"""'~



,~' suatiwwah--



BILL McCARn. Sal.. Mau_ .... J'ihd. :iS7..l425LOWELL 8. MORG.d. tHdt.!ial.. !lIp..-Ph~iI,.lall .

• ,~ ....," P', ,,",,_, _ _-.,tif~·),i'ii.,if.Ui.h....'t60ii1au_eC;, ;~illltH'lh.'*;'-:j4rl4 lt4$.~~"'\i'·I-- y .•~'ilr;''':w;a~~I'';q.l' ......, '

I..."·...' f~:r-":-''''''._,.....,...<........, ......,_n~...,....__,•.a""'d_'.;"".........(....·...'oio··..·,~...:iita,....' \- - .....'...'i·...··-'.:...i-...'_.•""'-,;IiII:'(...7,;...?'..·'...'Y...L...r'·...:'··iii,,·...;-',..'o.l·-:. ,-(",~ '-'5•••'_·•.~~,;__"):;,·. _,~ ",.' .

Page 15: Many Cburches of Tn---06servance' .. ON RO''AD'.',.0'.'CA' IT' · 2013-11-20 · In'Arl- theme of the 0C!OdF'rla&yservices,



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Nine (9) RustIc CabIn., ~cel"nf locatIons; Mdt Whl..perln;P!".; p,~ bom .3,900 16 6,$00.

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60·'••t .Bu.fn.~ rfOn{ag. OJ1;MaIli ~d ...'" UP~tC'anyC)n; tt<llt of WhI'".rln; PIne R.staurant.. $6,000.

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BROWN AIR SERVICEThis IsAPrivate Enterprise

·Afr'.fUf Ab1 PlaceAtt AmbU1a1:lC4s ServIce

-8CENIC 70U1l8-Clomp~au .. 011 8el"ffee Complete Shop service~ 1&'1-aoa . nenc Clara

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or, 0IllfP~Fe~~;'A~en~}ial?~ll"rF.··92~Fti~"..; .. NlJltSERY,' i~o~~dv:Jhcob~n~:t!cf;~~P1~g!"'HOME OF SOUND:' INVESTMENT ': • p;lgr;rQf{B~~~GJ:J'IY:C~ "·:":'Chlld ea~ :S~~~~na: 1~~Bcr.-~ t~~'rde~~~~,I': . . I AMAN INDep~NDENTR~l\L ESTATe'~ROKi:R' . 'uiclos~NeW'..

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. '.' .·t' 1';'!:P.hcf";;n!iP8.'!!;.'~.,:~.' ,, . .',.' " ,'.'<~lF/H ''\'",''' • <Ii '.. ' ~.~~~'~::' WA~,'1'''I~~t:~!l9~3 ;.~~~O~~lI11",~rlls QIl Ul8~Wl!o¥ '101'1" wabf'thsmal,n 119\1S~ ~' ~, ~!lJ'lXlm, , .. , '" '. ,5'OMcii'ROPERTI'ES

, .' ... . " • .,. t,. ..;.;,.'",,' " .. elm be m!lltll'lIod b .' tbe n bera, t nm' \0. ~l\,llrspa.~!!o.. QDe 11m" . 2a .. ,1I\rgl:\ !tving ,rO()In. W1~ ';' .' '" "" ".. " .. UND .• ,. "".1 , , , . ,- ... "'~ .~.. ween ,tbe ..." III ~o }j.,UW!"Wb~fI, m94ern trailer. ~e. lOx2o-ft. UrllPlace, C!f,le becVQQm,.p-'1'l- ..' 'to CO~$IPER''; r '.•.. HAS BEEN OUR Busm:~~a OVJa\ so.~ " "',' .", . .',1'" .' , .. ~:tJlfI,~~!~IC'~~iilUledal1"lllelL\le.n·bl9ck',.~1ll1d1nS:1 ~~ (lown ,and • ment oJf ot d9UblEl carpottr ",", TO TAKi:INTRAI;)E~~!' a cabtnll1t~Hor !~ ~,~~~ ~~~~blO 111 \ ,., . . '. ., f.~~JlYll!l)n ntl4::~~!lt.-lri'.l'4.tte: b~$72.0fP9rm9~tb. ' 0 c9mplett:ly fl1tnlsh\'ld,~po.1,'a.HENRY T~ WI,C::~~R;, '~ealtor '

:fIpeesr .~~~Os?, (ieclJl,r ,~~~It '1r 'F"~q~!~' t~ .~',~i;pus()D ..3'J:l~<lr90~ hom~ onll'rlfe lot~7~4!~ ~#e,~ tl1nn ~"4$1,'ut ~~1l()~~~t: )' TIi~d~ ...ttIltA()pn 11 .:;q\l arQ l09~~nl for lI;stelL1., iii lats:e lot. O!lOd Ye!\r arQund 1(,\_. ~.O. »Ole' 207,-J;"0i'~les.J'J. 'M. ,"1i'rc' ...'.'. :......,.. '.'C, .' til the rl'{er tn Palmer Ol\wway.•.yeat tJ'(lWl(l:!ocaUon. wI~ patio. :'j'.; ...,. '. '.' , 1 hl'VQ f,i \ll}1~ w~tb. ~tcl;ten. Q eMlon. Terms.... OmcelJ Across :fJ'l)m ;"' • ,\, ''tWo new SUbd1v~ons,J:Qpe~U1 oPl!n~~. ,Qn~ l!1jhf~ 9reelt be.utlfUlly landljcaped.'" '. .• ,'.' .' \- ,'." IJ.~~I;):~~~~~tr :Ne*r~~~':d~:~~iowf3~~mov.CS For Rent for .sea~On. J, b~~ . J'J..tnsJ,fotQl' ~oter :

. f.l'Qn:~~a:; :e:et~~r~:~h~r~e:.m:~:n~c:t;~ri= '~;;;FOOt:~;'~rn~erclat propel'ty at the Y at $ui1derth~ Mes- Federal ~~* ~~QIl .Nice' J~"'llllqf, m!ho Qll.te~ay, ~g ~frr~~~:::r~~fst;:W~N'!'ifQ:atr.i"';2U$~dpl~9s,re......5QO.oo...>ith ............. . '" . "" '.. "'.' . ' I T all tn ' . • " O' of~. .'. '. s:ocxl1)usl1less locat!c!n. 180 feet ·Rent to september 15 tor' ."Na. p.rlll~ ll(<;llndltlon, CaU :;l57·21152."" ,.. ""...... ' ca ,ero r Palmer OaWway. (both streets with ~de pavJng) F •.• jJolt •• J?bO. (IDol~ frllDtage ,QD pnved street,' 125 . , . .. .. '~' .. " , ~·1tp.\' Nice 2;bedroQm ~o\1Se qn pavement. SJla.c!, for g~l'den. $500 with ;l-1ledf',.ooJP...pra,cuC&Uype'o/' J!.OW;,.e. cOnlDlotelY turn,lshed. onJl.!llweD. '~"" K6xlCQ fee~ daap.Small. down payme{1t II; Nice .3·~edroom home•. tur~· .. . ~ '~own..m~ve,s you' In lfumelifate1y. '. rear or large lot. "~ J' 'Ii. .'. ~~J~.K~qer !\lld the I}alance III 10 years at e~ to rent by Year. Rea,sonable., 1993. ~JC~'UPS - Ford V-Band --'I Small caJlI~al !Iwlls~m~n~ needed for good business. several . . •. . ...,' . .... . .' .. ' . 6';g I1ltllrest. ffi· .bedropm cabtn. rurntshed. D9dge. 4-speed. air ~ndltloned!opportlmittes. ready .for yoy. ..' .. ' .... . ~ P'QR "~-~tiql1e WheelQc~ Nlc:ehou,s.e,s and lof,s In aU'1 fireplace, olose tn. Full prlco camper. Belt a~ ;Brllnc1l Bank, RUI·

sq~~e Il'apd plan!). ,9Ver 104 Yellrs arlla!l oJ RuldollO. Inoludiqg $5600, d'pso ppm. 42·Uq•., Need acrellge for your Plans? We have parcels of 1'h, 5,.11 • "old. noeePdltitm~. Q,.mble~,·ln C01ij\try Club. PltlecllfC, Oreen The. season Is hero for upper~ .and u,p. Some with water rlgh~. • M-Id .dW ... .the Cf!wl'l~Y. " 22·Uc. MeadoYt'Il. Wlns:fleld, and tho canyon property. I have 3 cab· IN THE.DXSTRICTCOUR'l' O~

t We neeel newl1aUngs now t.o /lupply ~ur market. .' ....i.... , ,r,e "'.. a.ntlez _. .~. SIlRVlOJll"':' 1:)a)' d or . oateway. W0 u Jd appreolate. 1118, tn good locations, all Jum· TlJE 'tHJJU> JUDJCI4L D~C'l' _, FORaEAL ~ATlIl~,3~;~ '. .... - iUlrht' U.N~tShop. Clld P98tofflce' ahowlng you these properties. 1:lheel. Two, of ijlem have fire.. QF TltE STATE:.O~N~ ~XICO

• • . REAL ~,(t.'l'J!} bU11dlnr. ~~T~ dar:' ~'1~ C",1~ bulJd1nlr and eq,Ulpment plnce,s, priced, from $7,000 and' WITHIN AND' FOR ~j"';' " OftTl:WA"2:!\'NTER ~' nI,ih\. "2Mfo. for Jlla$O ~heap.- ,uP. mE' COUNTY' OF LINCOLN

i ~ember .'paONE. , ' 2':~' J.,OTSFOR SA~ree MeadoWs. PAUL 'H. DOUGLASS REAL ESTATEs~~~~~~~~uCx~oP'•. § MLB YOUR ~:, I," XlfY~l) 10~n:~' bal~c~ 9V\lf 5 years. . Dus. Phone 258·2,523 - lltlsldence :Phone 2!i'l0249Q· 'I'HE STATlIl1)P' NEW 'MEXIqO.~ ._, _ f' •• ' •., •.• , , oJ • -' " • ...:...:...--.. __ • "";'?O _ .'~ >0'-"" ,r _~ -4250. , G1·Uc, ~ Postofflce Block~ Box.294 - Tom J"sper. ~'I.2«8 T<i:

EVERY BUaINlIlSB ~Jll,EDa 'Rub- ,WANT T9 ~ENT~A~~ltcelitoragQ pt181'014 :P1cti rranung, over loo QROuP ONE: 'Ple foUowln~~RUIDOSO REAT I't1"t7 CO Inc' (1933) ber Stamps. ';p1q ar'e tune and space rot '~ weeks. call 251-44114 Jnoulc11Jlga tn s t. One day servtce. " n"med Defenelants by name.U

.. . '.L.I.L,J, ., • money sayers. O~der ~ct from or 25'1.28~. . r . ~. • .a·Up. ·NAMrr J3H • -old poet offlCtL', L. 'k RIC llvlnlr 'Udecel\S\ldi their unknownEmadalr Chase Jon~' SALES The RUlcIosQ News. P~' ?I7-tOO1. HELP 'A '_ e r; U11c11Jlll. PhoooI25'l.~. ·lotto. OC e ea' ty' ' 0 hl'\rs: t:.x... ~lapkC;Il8l:\lp; C.:\l';hes: 25'1.2080 .1f'~ fr~tchett¥-trno. preferabll~Perl~toe 11'OR SALE-l'lh (:\1. ft. commerDlal ...., • ca~dWe1\1 1:lYbllll

aA. caldweU,:

_, Res: 257·:1058 FOR SALE-:I¥edroom uiiJlinilsh. tel work. ·~tt ~ree Manor~tel upright Hot point rre~zeri lnrgtl ~~~. K~g~ldWell 1tisl~,sctssO~T~.and ~~ 1lV'\1l. '. '.. '.'i::T'-== ' rio ed house, Back of Deep Rock Sta. Apartmenfli.fhone 25704068. U-t{F- Bervel gas rpfrlgeJ:.tor, a1l;0 new "YOUR KEY 1'0 A. 09utm INVlI:STIO:NT" OROUP TWO' Do11a WlngCleld....:... "'.,'....... SHO ' , ~ l'Tl " .• '.Li, ~~t" apa tion, Call 25'1.2086. 42-2'" -', ". .,' 225 Lincoln ilUQ weld\lr. I:;all 25'1· ." •~' y·••.lu••u, p. 0 01· men~, C!'fI!C. • we bath, 'panel ray , .t'. HmLP WANTED-Permanent posl· !Z405 or 3'18.6531. . 42.ttc.. NEW LISTINGS THIS WEEK- Hale, Opal Wingfield Powers.

1C?d bulkUnll. one day serv1e:o. Ho. Mat. Call 257-2lU8 day. or 25704253 FOR SALE-Ch1nch1ua ferUl1zer tioo for local. neat appearing man. " AI1I1 all unknown elalman~ <If In. •OR S,ALE-One-half bl9Ck. 13 lots affAlr IS p'~ .... ,34-UC;!~ $5 a plc~"p 10lltl1, 1.0" ~~ 1*. Cali Age 25, ~ .~. ma~: Wlth caT. HELP WAJ'Tl!:D - Hnndyman ror Excellent Bu'51'ness Opportunl'tl'es te~st In tha p ndverse to

approxImately 140x14(f ft.) r~~ LE AT.l"OJUlS-llaD 257M4L . ~1.5tp. o~c:e !0J; advili~ment. $110 ~r seneral lI\alUtenanco, good salary, ' 'the PlalnUrrs.blocks from highway, nice bU11d. O~....., , ' . , . Ykinds oJ Ie- .' , woelf av~race·to~~rt.1!'QJ' $nt(lnnJ.- )·~a.r·roundj~b. Apply Cteo Manor This Ume or ~·cl\r. Oood cbl\l1l)c. to get acqul\lnted and sUu"ted OnEE:TJNOij: .Inlr spot. espcclaUy for traUer p1'~' ~~~OWII. so-Uno. FOR RENT - 2 Bedroom unfum· ~on Illnd ¢OmPleJO rosumow Mr. ~artments. , 42·tto. berore the summer 60n50n starts In a rush, We have listings on YOU AND l\lACH OF YOU AREcourt. extra Inrgo ceSSPool: 'Cali 1"OR llAL~lS16O"J~p i1tAUon W"Il' !shed house•. tn Pl'bner Oateway. Gll~" ~r••allQ • nth $..~ l'PR AL nil types of buslnessell, largo and small ~ Well-equlppcd anel estab' H~REBY NO'l'tP'IED that there37a.4425 or P. 0 Box 485 Ruidoso OI1j ,,"wheel-d.r1vp new motor and Newly painted. Year a'i"olmd 1euc., In>QSPrdQ, ~. x. '~tp. dobe8.b li!-~ 2Beslroom• splll. level IIShed gnrllBO. sn1l\1l Ice crenm bar, hOWlC !lnd shop for woldlng has been filed tn the District CourtDO . N M' , ur . . 'j,,",,+'CQPdlUO Ph . ~U or write Ip~ CbUbb)1cjr: l~.' ,. .' . a .. , ome, »car Sllrage, Agun of lJncoln County, N~w 'MexI~, a

WJ1ll. • ex. 4O-Uc. ~.f.'1aJJI,ct~'" ,.. . n 42-~ mo!lev~lt. JUarnosof(lo.. N~)f.·~. M'Y~q ::-: ~'1'QQl~ 1"lIa EBtaWs. C~U 257.2730. or write compllny. anel mlloy ·others. We wlll be .hnppy to as:J1st you In 10- cartatn cause of actton w!),creln'REEl _. 1.000 y~d,S of .'. .... -r- "'-7-22l\$1. . • ~to. UlJ. J1iXI' ~'~ rolieS boblDd J:J JJox Cl3G. RUidoso. N. 11'. 42·Uc.' catmg In the Ruleloso nrca. • ' Herman Ooodrum and Velma Oood·

5011 dl1't. Como a.nc1 get 1~ Te~ ~AtiJ4~~"",,:~t ,CUf,t1ng.~ :fOR SALE-Ve "'_ '~~~L PtiODO ~1.f1tt. IU.CPHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meet- It doesn't cO:Jt - It pays to cOI,lSUI. a Realtor I rum, his Wife. arc PlalnWfs. anelDar.lJ.Q. Phone 251-4310. 4.2-Uc. WaYne ~. ~ 321, RuIdo6O JorCO Ir ~.~~ ~p .Sl·l1o• inP each Tue8day ~ pm RUleloso . you AND EACH Oll' YOU arc, DownIi pboIiO 2'11-UG1 41.&tc .rva or~ COl!lpac~. . no Ph '. •• MEMBER OF MLS Betty Locke, Realtor Dcfenelants tho same being CauseFOR RENT-Cabln, also tra11et. ..•. ,. U~: tl'ead exceUent. no breaU!". Ww roJt~"~tra cJeaQ com~ct ~' ono 3'18-4306, P. O. Box D Ci Uld 5 029 'I 2G03 NI ht 1;0. 'I~ o~ the C1vll Docket.parking. Call 378-3950. 1I1ghway 'lOt WaYnCi' BoObOt;"l3Sx"32f.~uldoSO much you offer. huh? Vlo Lambi two bedroom tnUu h/)uao. ~o 1418 38-Uno (J) ox 00, R 050 - 2 H pay; 25 • g The general obJect of the actlonlIollYI!Vood. 35,~. ~' ~ a'l~. 41-6to. ,U-tfno. T6xu~~' CaUt61~0. ,1\'0" RENT-:.Traller space on prl. OUlce Next to Midway Oaraso 15 to quiet the UUP of the PJatnUffs


WANTJro~ ..... ~.. \.: ., '. . .' ',. WANT TO RENT _ PC!rnt~. . f.O.Uc.. va~ lot. $20 pOr month. Pay your FOR-BENT _ ....'Ur11lshed cablno,~lll-W~ mfee simple tn IUld to the properly.oOllUJ at cree Manor., 42-3:. 1"OR lSAJ.IIl..4J' DedroOtrt, 2 ~th ~ belttoom...bOusc, lIJ1hlril.laflcjd 1"01\~ "~ap&rl, own billa. Bee Rex \Vh1teley. 25'1· clo.'!e tn, Dingle or couple," .75 per Pfoueer Cba1n .-n at O... L. Lbr. dellCrlbed In the COmpla,lnt of said

___ . 1¥'Me.,1~ .,eara oleS.Wall to waU 01' pjarUy furn1sbcc1. At oo~. PhOb, ~enta. acl'OU IroJn No)) ~11 rc.t.- :1809 after 6 p.rn. 39-Unc. month. bills paleS. 25N1651 after 5:30 " SUPPlY OD BIab",a, 70. UoUTwooc1. causCl. which Is situate In the V~"geHecla Water Pum~ . ~g:g~t,~~:o~~i 1~~~ 25'1-j4.OCS or 257·21120. _ . . ~~~ ~*" 1INa :IiU.~' .t4278.c. !'OR RJCNT-on., t-nd ~wo bedroom p.m. 160tto. (a) :DAllY SITTINO-By day or week ~e~~~OSO' Ltncoln Coun\y. NewSales & Sen!t!tl ". J.~~ 4()oUo. HELP WANTED-Lady for liO«Ml .' ,~' ~Io". apartmllQta. A1ao duplex HELP-New. Ut:cd and Repo:mctl!lo In my home. 257·2227. 33 UQo. YOU A~D EACII OF YOU ARE

. "" , • ":10' . ,.. . cleablng and baby aUUoar three AVON ~AT.lVJ::-Km. " r J'CU\. Phone ~7.:mO.. 13-Uo. d bll h t be Id W • FURTHER NOTU'IED that unlensI---mtiriberl~" "'I.l~,.loo",.. d .....J~ilo~~~1........ y....-week•.uua...- ~A'"· Jl..1IO.,.nJi...~..;26,..1.~,_.... , .llLlIo. 'IIfrO...."...._ ,., n e mo come!! mus 50. C FIREPLACe WOOD you enter your appearance In thernwMl.-"'::., __ \i1Nl.-.nJ ,,__ ......... rt.IO'1J-._- --~ .. -~ ~_ ..LJoI"Uo. trado tor furnIture. Opcn Sunelays. S Ut plnO 1'.111 ,'unl' 0 k

...... 'N04 . "... ~, ranta. Year around work. CiUI61. T1Ul amai1nC J5~ 'LUIt,.., wU1 %SeU's ~t StAUoa. pbone x, s;I)caroom, Hi llalli!l, "lOW' p .. 110, Il."~ Pll,r ~ ~- 0 tho 21st ela~.L-_--I• .. .,.' . . . . »61. U.Uo. lea ..··. yoW: u-..~, ..t4 I*anmnUu 2I1.~. 22-U u 'G~5,OO. Cnn collect, JU 6-4001. • ERNEST TRUJILLO of May. 19M. julltpncnt wlU be

B:1..1.. in Servi AK11IAL~PbO. "'.22&7.' . .: aot't! . .. "iiT Z?J..J"' ---t' ' 0, Larry Spruill Co.. m E. AU!ltln. Prompt PtlUVelY renderc!d against you aDd each of

· oo,'DtnJ! l:)E ce . 'Uottno. CABIN FOR R1Il'NT-N1celY.~' aDd tteiU1.. , I:lt lIt--l""wm·. Itomllt. 'fex. ' Gotfo. P. O. Dol( 25 -Capll&n. N. 11. )'Ou by \!efault. and the rellof pray.· TaX~ ~ . .. . . . JIbed. reuonab1o. '~' Ji>hbIoa >, f ••I,W. aab1b~. iI·ltc• -- or Phone m. ..~O. C"pltan ~d .for In tho Complaint wU1 be

PbO. ~~ . ~1t¥ir.' nx moat any· Soot ~ Shoo~ or caUI1... FOR 8At.~, TJ:LESCOPJD _ In- Vacati·on C'abms· 2nd and lilt «ranted. ' .Glad S Thom"so....~t. t1. SUO? Jl'hoQe »7~ ple. RuldQSO DownI. N. JL 41-11e. .1 "1_.. In _.........__ _...... . . '. Morlgago Loans Fon ONLY SIO a rn\'.~tb you <'an Tho name and po.'!\ orneo addrell5

u. _f:Ou o

" ' .._ ' ...,........ . . . ..,.. """". '1_ m."..... W pur has 1 t and 2nd c1otbo !lnd food an orp_n thlld. For_. .11&. ",...ceb_. 'I-\le. BO,.US'll! FO.R R ......._ ........'."..... plane\l. atara? 'Sen!. Sa V_._ NMY\r. 'For Re t T R 'd 0 cell d..lallll "rl\ll. CIl,t.llaR Children'. of tho attorney for tho Plalntlffa Is

_ . . . ." ... ' . •...0 "':::droom, ...:.....,,3'~ •._ '... b""-',,' --.... ..:r:.;,:,:-:." .." " n 'in .. Ul 050 Real Estato Contracts rund. 1m,',. Clltn. ut4... Rlcbmond. &lI foUowa: Richard A. l'&tllOnlI, • On..... ,v,:", IWQ COO-uau .,,,, _ .~ ~v-.,.... . 0 "' ,~-.. . 81'ANDAnD ldORTOAOIJ Va.. 01' Ha¥lltbeClllldrtll.I'OUII4aUOII, P 0 'ft_ 1000 RUI"--- N' .... •1300KKEEl?INI'l ....:... ~AV SERVICE balhs c:arpeteeS. ··see TeuI Bar'~ a nal bJrcd%1. 1" bU'. bWlt In by W.ek.Ends _ Weok INVES'l'. co. Inc•• JJOlClUI ,Norwallf. COil" ~ • """.. • """"'. ew _xl·I " ,,) '-! J'I • ?"'t Q. Call ~'I..u10. 4O-Uc,. f1nde1' and the ma1G mirror ts IS- Month - or Season Dox lQD2 - Ro::;wcll - Ph. O23-4Ul WrrNES8 h d d 1 f, Acturato - btpen oMe - Confld.ntlal . • 1N'\n REN'" La 'f.._I." Jncbes In dlamete1' wIth & ...lnch E1 Indio - N~r Mecalero Rcll. _. - ... Dl!ltrl t ~y t ar Lln

anlnll~ 0'.' W S Arrrtl'PQn ... v... ~- rgft IS-room ........... local Jenllth. It Ia mau.nted OD a rv U "'uaJnl. d 1 FOR SALE - DcauUfU1 lot 3 In "10 C our 0 co "",un·

• , ., A~ t~ • f~ house. fJre~ ~ ~ms. :l beavy ateel tripod wbleh "bre~ Cl a, on, ~. . an unU!lua. Block 4. AIfUll FrlaE:Jtate!l. $2.000 ty. New MeXIco. on th1ll 3101. day, Tele= '2$7-4200 _ Office At:811\~~.~. ba~. gtaUea1ll ~l'Cbj upper RuI- down" for euy portablUty. SCI!! at LtL CabMJA - '1\1.1) bath!J. near ClWJ. 1'hollO AlbuquerqUe 21S:1-3358. Of J,!areh. 19G5. .

=:~=::;=======~~:"~;:'~~~"~'.~'~':'~'t::'==~ do4o on rlv~1'. P1IoI:IO ~7'2111S. :Pat's Sport!nlr 0C»c1s SIOre. 43.110. Ruidoso mYer. a raV4rlte. 41-4lp. ID/ Eugc.nla Veca, Clerkr: . " 42-Uc. (d) . Pebble Beach - on RUIdoso Rlv~ ~~_ By 181 Judy Arnwine," '. . '''.. ~:--:~~===.....,_____FOR SALE=1t1rby Vacuwn Clean- er. ". cuUc". BEAtrr'IP'UL Sobedroom, c:omplete- 'DflputyHave ~rW th.'lt 'Ilo'cu1d tradtl.ta1 acre. 01 sb1Der&1 Nh1.a and. TV AND WASHER REPAIR - er. tn excellenl. COI1d.1Uoo. WIth aUBI 1.0 _ N P Iy Jurnlshed ''The VacaUoner". (SEAL) 4-9-1&-23-30

posmbly a 1964mocle11l'Ord ea.r (or:I1f 3.000 tiit1i.&fln oD nIce tlver James' TV and Washer RClP&lr bas attachments, see. at Pat·s 8porU1lB 'rh ear ost Office. large. behind Oateway Food Marlcet.· ......----------~bln. WouId"oonslder olber.1ocaUoos 111 upper canyon. opened for bustneu II;) RuldOlllO and Ooods Store. euc. e Cotlage - COuntry Club E!I- Larry Spruill Co,. 200 Easl. AU!ltln, FOR SALE TUML.INSON

19 located tn the 014 Wet\en1 OfOce tatell. nelr' ~Ir course. a "beaut" Kermit Tex "u", " ., .c.... . ....... -i!."_ ....._' ,.1"",-. ...,.,........... "'-'-'-- dellght"'l r tre • ...,. '" TV & RADIO SER'''ICEmllcrcn 'Of JO(ld. level fann _ ~Uth or .n.rlaTea. lfilJa .........pment bull...--in _-mtylan4 vR ......,..u.-..mfort&ble......_.. '1" ll. a.. ~ ,~ .. '~~,' ....__ .=, . In Agua Fria Estate.s..... ,y150 Icl'e wheat bUG. goocllrrfgaUoo well, a.nc1 eo acrea'~hnlnerals. ~d.lUOD. Repall'll 011 aU mak4lll and ,<1 house. t!'o bedrooms. large kU· All eabln!J arc clello and Im...o IllllJ CORVAIR MO.NZA -Ooo-own- . . We a)Nldalbe 1a JIclwe ...AU 1he JI.t1d tn lJDder c;U1UvaUod. Situated 1n Iooc1 ~uon for mbde1!J of TV's &net W~t& Pho: ~ &n_d t)ath. tJec1s ror •• ~&lIOO' l1ect!8!lary equipment for c:omfor\,o cr. Uke new. tl.4!lii. Druce OrlUlth, l1r Mile East of Race Track ~....leasing mJneta1s. ,257-2122. 'fG-UC: alikl a> flI~ PCOP14!. ~ ~obnilOn able vacation Uving. ES 6-45GO. or ES Q.5£liG. 42·ltc. 3 Bedroom House. 2 Balh., ID ehter's 1!IbOWCn« ceottt

tiOO........ unI' ranch t---'-d •• no -- ...._ ...._.__. N"'. JOHNSON'S" B"......xT =:~~()~c:o~~~: Owner. MRS. MARY WATSON Fon R,ENT-One bedroom modem Family Room, Fireplace. Furnl.h. D&1 PbooO I7I-IUII.....n. """'''''... c = "'WI'"~ .., VV 10 li Oarfle1d 1Waian4. 'I'ex 360t 32nd. St. - Lubbock. Tex. housekeeping unit!;, Also ed, 2 Lorge Landscaped LoIs, ~~t~ na.a<n

Wire fencing. 00Cld owners and foremlt1'. bbm... N1d priced at & SHOE REPAIRS t'hcicJo tnt }4'102.' 434tc: Lubbock Phone SW.9.0386 cabIn with bath, CaU 257-4491. Oar· Enclosed Pallo with Fireplace; FOR RENT$20 per acl'e. . 1/5 JIlle East Of Cb&p&ttaJ .. -' . .. - . ~?~ld?_MOlcl, S4-lto, Healed Swimming Pool. ", 3 Bedroom anel den, unfurnlshed

. 35 Years of~~ FOR RENT-New modern OM bed· RuIdoso Phon. 257~"392 1"OR ...... "'11 ~'= .' - SUE THOM'PSON hoWle!. on annual IclLSCl. Also O1Iea.nc1 RosweU Pr1t!e* _ 'l"llo.~ room furn1llbed c:otCare OD paved <WIll be tn RuldoW dUrlni ~. acrea ne"r race., • .,... ;;,.. , " ;, street, UUUUII8 ptWLCaU »1-42Sf l:uter weeko(!nd) track with G~ aere water right. 8. Box 291 _ RUIdoso Downs. N. ld. bedroom. couple only.

eu~ B. Boykin. phone :»1-4006 or 378- . 42-Uc. LOUIS SMITH -

BeL~ThL,~~S I'OR SALE-A.!rame a DR home: = , • • " "~" ,- -- "" 1!,:~ ;====='::'::''==~~~==R~uI~d~OlIO~Do~=w~rn!l~. ~~~'~1l~.==:',.FURNiSHED HOMe large knotty pine U\ing~ w11h .... '" SMALL MOTEL(M'O.llt Be'uWU11tome 1tt RUIdOSO) large beauW'ul rock Itreplaee. ~t- " . .

Y.....e U'''-'' __ .... ,t.. .._pI..... chen. hard...'OOd f1oOra. screenedlo~i ~£;rl'~~: and IJaU potcb, carpon and uu,u. ,ldtehen, utWty room. mald's~ ty loom. In~ taU eool ~. on • With Small Down Payment

R·E .. L' E" S' T' A' T E' thr~ baw. PJU1e1-ray. bnl1l1 -ch ~~frt Red ce4ar subd1wlott. . In Upper RUl'doso

r\ room aM outdoor fireplAce. Wm • nO.500. 4 mlles from. Across trom Ruldq!lo~"~ - ~~ be 111 Rulc1OIlO durfng Euler week- RUldOlllO. PboDe PboeD1Jc. Ar1%.. 002-

Pbo. 251-2351 Daf._.~~ end. '~' , 434tp.(U No Anawet. can:111~) MRS. MAR'Y W' A. 'TSON .&P.....ARTMEN'TS.. FOR RENT..-.R. B •.SALES - GEORGE 1SONAl. R\1ldo5o _1'bOQe ~..., ()r' Anderson s Red '1'op Lodge. Box

......~...e_n...t_For_·...1Je1dns V_an_tJne ._O.......x:.~'...V_a.n:~~_8tcraIf~·..:";..·._....;=~__..!.I Lubbocll:. Tex. _ PhO. 8W1It f.03.M 4Q5. Bollywood, N. M.. phone 261~- • c • . . . , 0 ~. 43-t!c.




, ...... __.. " ,......-'''-'n ..,

•" ~,,., l!t <., __ ". .- ."

Page 16: Many Cburches of Tn---06servance' .. ON RO''AD'.',.0'.'CA' IT' · 2013-11-20 · In'Arl- theme of the 0C!OdF'rla&yservices,

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·No.2%Can ', .


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•.. ' LB..

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. . .. ," ~" --I .~ ,.,.'

Alcoa AlUminum .

FOIL Reg. 25·Ft. 29c_ Roll. II •••••• II • II II •••

P~n Champ, Room 3 FOR

C DEQDORt~ER $1Fo~, 30 Counf·Pkg.



Hunt's"Spiced, No. 2% Can


Hunt's, 300 Can

TOMATOES 1,3 fOR49c, I


Northem Luncheob, 80 Count


Del Monie, CrUshed-PINEAPPLE ~:~.~ .....3 FOR $1Stokely·s, Cream Style Golden \-

CORN 2~; ~ 3 fOR' 49c

Del Mom;~. 46 0:1;. C8J1, ". I . PINEAPPLE•DRINK, GRAPEFRUlT •••••••

. Pillsbury's, Assorted

CAKE MiXES ..... 3 BOXES $1


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•PltlcES En'EC'ITVE 'bltm·SbA'Y·~ FlUl)AY-- SAT'O'RDA'Y. -.

\2$ LB... $I BAG .




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, Coconut •••EL CHICO,"REG. 49C VALUE



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POTATOE·S 8LIS 69¢'A'P'PL·ES 4 LIS 53¢, '.. is,,, 'Ii ,.'. • • II .' ' . .' II • jJ •• II II ... 4;' .., '

..... Fresh Califomia. .

3 EABs

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Virginia. Reel


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V2 or Whole




HAMS..3 Lb. Clln 5 Lb. Can

49 $

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6 Oz. Pkg.

4 FOR $1.00 .

" .. .- ~'" >




CREAM CHEESE :.~~: ...... 35~






" 4 •

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11 c~, . , Colors - Dba, Red Ind Gl'ftn ." .. .'.. .,.... . .... . .' .. k e' ". ... " ..6" .J: """"~ - - I ... -_.

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