manual overview sql

MANUAL PRACTICO JOB OVERVIEW El job Overview está habilitado y programado dentro del servidor Dresden, el cual se ejecuta cada dos horas durante las horas hábiles (en horas pares) y cada 4 horas para los horas no hábiles (en horas impares). Este job está conformado por 16 pasos: 1. Paso: Se obtiene el tiempo de la última ejecución del Job y se guarda en la tabla [rep].[SQL_Overview_Last_Run_Date] -- Get Job Name set nocount on DECLARE @JobName sysname SELECT @JobName = [name] from msdb.dbo.sysjobs WHERE job_id = CONVERT(uniqueidentifier, $(ESCAPE_NONE(JOBID))) PRINT '>'+@JobName+'<' -- Get the date of the last successfull execution of this job DECLARE @dtLastRun datetime DECLARE @chLastRun char(26) SELECT top 1 @dtLastRun = CAST(CAST(run_date AS char(8)) + ' ' + -- Convert run_date to DateTime data type STUFF(STUFF( -- Insert : into Time RIGHT('000000' + -- Add leading Zeros

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Page 1: Manual Overview SQL

MANUAL PRACTICO JOB OVERVIEWEl job Overview está habilitado y programado dentro del servidor Dresden,

el cual se ejecuta cada dos horas durante las horas hábiles (en horas pares) y cada 4 horas para los horas no hábiles (en horas impares).

Este job está conformado por 16 pasos:

1. Paso: Se obtiene el tiempo de la última ejecución del Job y se guarda en la tabla [rep].[SQL_Overview_Last_Run_Date]

-- Get Job Nameset nocount on DECLARE @JobName sysname SELECT @JobName = [name] from msdb.dbo.sysjobs WHERE job_id = CONVERT(uniqueidentifier, $(ESCAPE_NONE(JOBID)))PRINT '>'+@JobName+'<'

-- Get the date of the last successfull execution of this jobDECLARE @dtLastRun datetimeDECLARE @chLastRun char(26)SELECT top 1 @dtLastRun = CAST(CAST(run_date AS char(8)) + ' ' + -- Convert run_date to DateTime data type STUFF(STUFF( -- Insert : into Time RIGHT('000000' + -- Add leading Zeros CAST(run_time AS varchar(6)) ,6) , 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':') AS datetime) FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs A, msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory B WHERE A.job_id = B.job_id AND B.run_status = 1 AND = @JobName ORDER BY 1 DESC

Page 2: Manual Overview SQL

SELECT 'Job Last Run Date', @dtLastRun IF @dtLastRun is NULL SET @dtLastRun = '1900-01-01'SET @chLastRun = Convert(char(26),@dtLastRun)PRINT 'Job Last Run Date = ' + @chLastRun

DELETE FROM [rep].[SQL_Overview_Last_Run_Date]

INSERT INTO [rep].[SQL_Overview_Last_Run_Date ([LastJobRun_date]) VALUES (@chLastRun)

2. Paso: Crea las tablas temporales en la BD tempdb y las cuales van a ser utilizadas por el paquete overview.

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[tempdb].[dbo].[HoldforEachDB]') ) DROP TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[HoldforEachDB]GO

CREATE TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[HoldforEachDB] ( [Server] nvarchar(128) NULL, [InstanceName] nvarchar(128) NULL, [DatabaseName] nvarchar(128) NOT NULL, [FileId] smallint NOT NULL, [GroupId] smallint NOT NULL, [Size] real NOT NULL, [MaxSize] real not null, [Growth] real NOT NULL, [FileStatus] [int] NOT NULL, [LogicalName] nvarchar(128) NOT NULL, [Filename] nvarchar(260) NOT NULL, [DatabaseStatus] nvarchar(128) NULL, [Updateability] nvarchar(128) NULL, [User_Access] nvarchar(128) NULL, [Recovery] nvarchar(128) NULL, [SpaceUsed(MB)] real , [UsageType] varchar (6),

[Owner] nvarchar(128) NULL,[CreateDate] datetime NULL,[CmptLevel] tinyint NULL,

[DateChecked] datetime ) ON [PRIMARY]GOIf Object_Id('tempdb.dbo.ErrorLog') is Not Null Drop table tempdb.dbo.ErrorLogGO

CREATE TABLE tempdb.dbo.ErrorLog([Server] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,[dtMessage] [datetime] NULL,[SPID] [varchar](50) NULL,[vchMessage] [nvarchar](1024) NULL,

Page 3: Manual Overview SQL

[ID] [int] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOIF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[tempdb].[dbo].[HoldDiskSpace]') ) DROP TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[HoldDiskSpace]GO CREATE TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[HoldDiskSpace] ( [Server] nvarchar(128), Drive char(1) PRIMARY KEY, [Free(MB)] int NULL, [Total(MB)] int NULL, [Free(%)] tinyint NULL, [DateChecked] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_HoldDiskSpace_Date Checked] DEFAULT (getdate()),)GOIF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[tempdb].[dbo].[Hold_XP_MSVER]') ) DROP TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[Hold_XP_MSVER]GO


IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[tempdb].[dbo].[Job_Info]') ) DROP TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[Job_Info]


CREATE TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[Job_Info] ([job_id] [uniqueidentifier] NULL ,[originating_server] [nvarchar] (30) NULL ,[name] [nvarchar] (128) NULL ,[enabled] [tinyint] NULL ,[description] [nvarchar] (512) NULL ,[start_step_id] [int] NULL ,[category] [sysname] NULL ,[owner] [nvarchar] (128) NULL ,[notify_level_eventlog] [int] NULL ,[notify_level_email] [int] NULL ,[notify_level_netsend] [int] NULL ,[notify_level_page] [int] NULL ,[notify_email_operator] [sysname] NULL ,[notify_netsend_operator] [sysname] NULL ,

Page 4: Manual Overview SQL

[notify_page_operator] [sysname] NULL ,[delete_level] [int] NULL ,[date_created] [datetime] NULL ,[date_modified] [datetime] NULL ,[version_number] [int] NULL ,[last_run_date] [int] NULL ,[last_run_time] [int] NULL ,[last_run_outcome] [int] NULL ,[next_run_date] [int] NULL ,[next_run_time] [int] NULL ,[next_run_schedule_id] [int] NULL ,[current_execution_status] [int] NULL ,[current_execution_step] [sysname] NULL ,[current_retry_attempt] [int] NULL ,[has_step] [int] NULL ,[has_schedule] [int] NULL ,[has_target] [int] NULL ,[type] [int] NULL ,[last_run_duration] [int] NULL ,[last_outcome_message] [nvarchar] (1024) NULL ,[Package_run_date] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Package_run_date] DEFAULT

(getdate()), ) ON [PRIMARY]GO

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[tempdb].[dbo].[Job_Activity]') ) DROP TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[Job_Activity]


CREATE TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[Job_Activity]([Server] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Job_Activity_Server] DEFAULT

(@@servername),[session_id] [int] NOT NULL,[job_id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,[job_name] [sysname] NOT NULL,[run_requested_date] [datetime] NULL,[run_requested_source] [sysname] NULL,[queued_date] [datetime] NULL,[start_execution_date] [datetime] NULL,[last_executed_step_id] [int] NULL,[last_executed_step_date] [datetime] NULL,[stop_execution_date] [datetime] NULL,[next_scheduled_run_date] [datetime] NULL,[job_history_id] [int] NULL,[message] [nvarchar](1024) NULL,[run_status] [int] NULL,[operator_id_emailed] [int] NULL,[operator_id_netsent] [int] NULL,[operator_id_paged] [int] NULL,[Row_inserted_date] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Row_inserted_date] DEFAULT

(getdate())) ON [PRIMARY]GO

Page 5: Manual Overview SQL

3. Paso: Recolecta la información a través de la ejecución del paquete Overview e inserta la información recolectada en las tablas de la BD Overview del servidor Dresden. Antes de actualizar la información contenida en dichas tablas, se hace una actualización de dicha información a otras tablas con el sufijo _hist con el fin de conservar los históricos de la información obtenida a través del paquete Overview.

Esta es la estructura del paquete (ver Información en Paquete Overview)

4. Paso: Ejecuta el job Report Job failures a través de la sentencia:

EXEC dbo.sp_start_job N'DBA-SQL Overview - Report Job Failures'

En dicho job se revisa la tabla sql_overview.dbo.Job_History_report y envía un correo a los usuarios que están incluidos en la tabla sql_overview.dbo.SQL_PersonasNotificacion con el asunto 'SQL Server - Job Failures Detected' si encuentra registros en dicha tabla después de hacer una consulta desde la última fecha que corrió el job contra la información de la tabla sql_overview.dbo.Job_History (alimentada con el paquete Overview) con los job en estado 0, a continuación se transcribe la estructura:

set nocount on DECLARE @dtLastRun datetimeDECLARE @chLastRun char(26)SELECT @dtLastRun = LastJobRun_date from rep.SQL_Overview_Last_Run_DateSELECT 'Last Run Date', @dtLastRun SELECT @dtLastRun = ISNULL (@dtLastRun ,DATEADD(dd,-1,current_timestamp))

Page 6: Manual Overview SQL

SET @chLastRun = Convert(char(26),@dtLastRun)PRINT 'Job Last Run Date = ' + @chLastRun

-- Using the Last Run Date, check if there are failed jobs since the last -- execution of this job.

truncate table job_history_report

insert into job_history_report(server,name,step_id,Run_start_datetime,Run_end_datetime,Message)

SELECT [Server],[name],[step_id],convert(varchar(16),Run_start_datetime,112),convert(varchar(16),Run_end_datetime,112),[Message]FROM sql_overview.dbo.Job_History where run_status = 0 and datediff(ms, @chLastRun ,Run_End_datetime ) > 0 order by Run_start_datetime,step_id update jr set id_cliente=sl.id_cliente from job_history_report jr inner join SSIS_ServerList sl on jr.server=sl.instancename -- Jobs failures found send e-mailIF (select COUNT(*) from job_history_report)> 0

BEGIN-- Send E-Mail if new failed Jobs are Detected DECLARE @From varchar (100) DECLARE @Subject varchar (100) DECLARE @OutputFile varchar (100) DECLARE @Statement varchar (500) DECLARE @TableHTML NVARCHAR(MAX) declare @min int declare @max int declare @client int declare @clientes table (id int not null identity(1,1),id_cliente int) declare @MailsEnviar as varchar(max) declare @i as int create table #tabla (i int identity(1,1),mail varchar(150)) insert into @clientes(id_cliente) select id_cliente from job_history_report where id_cliente<>-1 and id_cliente in (select id_cliente from sql_overview.dbo.SQL_PersonasNotificacion where id_cliente is not null) group by id_cliente set @min=0 set @max=isnull((select MAX(id) from @clientes),0) while @min<@max begin set @min=@min+1 select @client=id_cliente from @clientes where id=@min truncate table #tabla insert into #tabla select mail from sql_overview.dbo.SQL_PersonasNotificacion where id_cliente=@client

Page 7: Manual Overview SQL

set @MailsEnviar = ''

set @i = 1 /*Arma la cadena de mails para enviar*/ WHILE @i <=(SELECT MAX(i) from #tabla) BEGIN

if @i = 1 set @MailsEnviar = (Select mail from #tabla where i = @i)

ELSE set @MailsEnviar = @MailsEnviar + ';' + (Select mail from #tabla where i = @i)

set @i = @i+1 END SELECT @From=@@SERVERNAME

SELECT @Subject='SQL Server - Job Failures Detected' SET @TableHTML =

N'<table border="1">' +N'<tr>' +N'<th>Server</th>' +N'<th>name</th>' +N'<th>step_id</th>' +N'<th>Run_start_datetime</th>' +N'<th>Run_end_datetime</th>' +N'<th>message</th>' +N'</tr>' +CAST ( (

SELECT td=[Server],'' ,td=[name],'' ,td=[step_id],'' ,td=Run_start_datetime,112,'' ,td=Run_end_datetime,112,'' ,td=[Message]

FROM sql_overview.dbo.Job_History_reportwhere id_cliente=@client

FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) +N'</table>' ;

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail@profile_name = 'SQLMailCAS',@recipients = @MailsEnviar ,@subject = @Subject,

@body = @tableHTML,@body_format = 'HTML' ;

end declare @tablad as table(i int identity(1,1),mail varchar(150))

insert into @tablad select mail from sql_overview.dbo.SQL_PersonasNotificacion where id_cliente=-1

set @MailsEnviar = ''set @i = 1 /*Arma la cadena de mails para enviar*/ WHILE @i <=(SELECT MAX(i) from @tablad)

Page 8: Manual Overview SQL

BEGINif @i = 1 set @MailsEnviar = (Select mail from @tablad where i = @i)

ELSE set @MailsEnviar = @MailsEnviar + ';' + (Select mail from @tablad where i = @i)

set @i = @i+1 END SELECT @From=@@SERVERNAME

SELECT @Subject='SQL Server - Job Failures Detected' SET @TableHTML =

N'<table border="1">' +N'<tr>' +N'<th>Server</th>' +N'<th>name</th>' +N'<th>step_id</th>' +N'<th>Run_start_datetime</th>' +N'<th>Run_end_datetime</th>' +N'<th>message</th>' +N'</tr>' +CAST ( (

SELECT td=[Server],'' ,td=[name],'' ,td=[step_id],'' ,td=Run_start_datetime,112,'' ,td=Run_end_datetime,112,'' ,td=[Message]

FROM sql_overview.dbo.Job_History_reportFOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE

) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) +N'</table>' ;

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail@profile_name = 'SQLMailCAS',@recipients = @MailsEnviar ,@subject = @Subject,

@body = @tableHTML,@body_format = 'HTML' ;


5. Paso: Ejecuta el Job Report Database Missing backups

EXEC dbo.sp_start_job N'DBA-SQL Overview - Report Databases Missing Backups'

Dicho job contiene 3 pasos:

Page 9: Manual Overview SQL

En el primer paso actualiza la lista de base datos [rep].[Database_List] en la cual se lleva el control de las bases de datos a las cuales se les va a revisar el backup con máximo de 1 día de acuerdo con la consulta a la tabla [Database_Status] obtenida del paquete overview contra la tabla [SSIS_ServerList] la cual contiene las instancias de producción que se controlan por los DBA.

SELECT [Database_Status].[Server] ,[Database_Status].[DatabaseName],NULL,NULL ,[SSIS_ServerList].[Usage] FROM [Database_Status] INNER JOIN [SSIS_ServerList]ON [SSIS_ServerList].[InstanceName] like [Database_Status].[Server] + '%'Where NOT EXISTS (select * from [rep].[Database_List] WHERE [Database_List].[Server] = [Database_Status].[Server] AND [Database_List].[DatabaseName] = [Database_Status].[DatabaseName])ORDER BY 1,2

INSERT INTO [rep].[Database_List]([Server],DatabaseName,Usage)SELECT [Database_Status].[Server] ,[Database_Status].[DatabaseName] ,isNULL([SSIS_ServerList].[Usage],'NA') FROM [Database_Status] INNER JOIN [SSIS_ServerList]ON [SSIS_ServerList].[InstanceName] like [Database_Status].[Server] + '%'

Where NOT EXISTS (select * from [rep].[Database_List] WHERE [Database_List].[Server] = [Database_Status].[Server] AND [Database_List].[DatabaseName] = [Database_Status].[DatabaseName])

UPDATE [rep].[Database_List] SET [AllowableDaysBetweenBackups] = NULL WHERE [DatabaseName] in ('TempDB','Pubs','Northwind','model') AND [AllowableDaysBetweenBackups] IS NOT NULL

DECLARE @dtLastRun datetimeSELECT @dtLastRun = LastJobRun_date from rep.SQL_Overview_Last_Run_DateSELECT @dtLastRun = ISNULL (@dtLastRun ,DATEADD(dd,-1,current_timestamp))PRINT 'Last Run Date = ' + Convert(char(26),@dtLastRun)

UPDATE [rep].[Database_List] SET [AllowableDaysBetweenBackups] = 1 WHERE [AllowableDaysBetweenBackups] IS NULL and exists(SELECT 1

Page 10: Manual Overview SQL

FROM dbo.Backup_History AS c WHERE [rep].[Database_List] .Server = Server AND [rep].[Database_List] .DatabaseName = c.Database_Name AND c.backup_finish_date > @dtLastRun)

En el Segundo paso envía el correo 'SQL Server - Databases Missing Database Backups' a la lista de correos anteriormente citada si existe información en la vista rep.vw_DatabasesMissingBackups

set nocount on -- DECLARE @Subject varchar (100) SET @Subject='SQL Server - Databases Missing Database Backups'

declare @Count as intselect @Count=count(*) from rep.vw_DatabasesMissingBackupsprint @Count

IF @Count > 0 Begin

DECLARE @tableHTML NVARCHAR(MAX) ;SET @tableHTML = N'<table border="1">' + N'<tr><th>Server</th>' + N'<th>Database</th>' + N'<th>Status</th>' + N'<th>Usage</th>' + N'<th>Project</th>' + N'<th>Days<br>Crit.</th>' + N'<th>DB Status</th>' + N'<th>Latest Backup</th></tr> ' + CAST ( ( SELECT td=[server],'' ,td=DatabaseName,'' ,td=[Status],'' ,td=Usage,'' ,td=[ProjectName],'' ,td=[AllowableDaysBetweenBackups],'' ,td=DatabaseStatus,'' ,td=LastBackup,'' from rep.vw_DatabasesMissingBackupsorder by 1,2,3,4,5 FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) + N'</table>' ;

/*Declara variables*/declare @MailsEnviar as varchar(max)declare @i as intdeclare @tabla as table(i int identity(1,1)

,mail varchar(150))/*Define valores de variables*/insert into @tabla select mail from sql_Overview.dbo.SQL_PersonasNotificacion where id_cliente=-1

set @MailsEnviar = ''

Page 11: Manual Overview SQL

set @i = 1/*Arma la cadena de mails para enviar*/WHILE @i <=(SELECT MAX(i) from @tabla)BEGIN

if @i = 1BEGIN

set @MailsEnviar = (Select mail from @tabla where i = @i)


set @MailsEnviar = @MailsEnviar + ';' + (Select mail from @tabla where i = @i)END

set @i = @i+1END

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'SQLMailCAS', @recipients = @MailsEnviar, @subject = @Subject, @body = @tableHTML, @body_format = 'HTML' ;END

La vista rep.vw_DatabasesMissingBackups revisa las bases de datos de la [rep].[Database_List] contra la tabla dbo.Backup_History para revisar para cuales no hay backup de las últimas 24 horas.

USE [sql_overview]GO/****** Object: View [rep].[vw_DatabasesMissingBackups] Script Date: 01/25/2012 14:53:58 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER VIEW [rep].[vw_DatabasesMissingBackups]ASSELECT a.Server, a.DatabaseName AS DatabaseName, 'No Backups Found' AS Status, b.usage, ISNULL(b.ProjectName, 'NA') AS ProjectName, b.AllowableDaysBetweenBackups,DatabaseStatus, NULL AS LastBackupFROM dbo.Database_Status AS a INNER JOIN rep.Database_List AS b ON a.Server = b.Server AND a.DatabaseName = b.DatabaseName AND b.AllowableDaysBetweenBackups IS NOT NULLWHERE (NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 AS Expr1 FROM dbo.Backup_History AS c WHERE (a.Server = Server) AND (a.DatabaseName = c.Database_Name) AND (c.backup_type = 'database')))UNION ALLSELECT a.Server, a.DatabaseName, 'Needs Newer Backup' AS status, b.usage, ISNULL(b.ProjectName, ' ') AS ProjectName, b.AllowableDaysBetweenBackups AS 'Days Allowed Since Backup',DatabaseStatus, MAX(c.backup_finish_date) AS 'Latest_Backup'FROM dbo.Database_Status AS a INNER JOIN rep.Database_List AS b ON a.Server = b.Server AND a.DatabaseName = b.DatabaseName AND b.AllowableDaysBetweenBackups IS NOT NULL

Page 12: Manual Overview SQL

INNER JOIN dbo.Backup_History AS c ON c.Server = b.Server AND c.Database_Name = b.DatabaseName AND c.backup_type = 'database'WHERE (NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 AS Expr1 FROM dbo.Backup_History c WHERE (a.Server = Server) AND (a.DatabaseName = c.Database_Name) AND (c.backup_type IN ('Differential', 'database')) AND (c.backup_finish_date > DATEADD(dd, b.AllowableDaysBetweenBackups * - 1, (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP+0.006777778)))))GROUP BY a.Server, a.DatabaseName, a.DatabaseStatus,b.usage, b.ProjectName, b.AllowableDaysBetweenBackups


En el tercer paso hace lo mismo que en el anterior paso para los log de las bases de datos enviando en correo 'SQL Server - Databases Missing Log Backups' , a continuación se transcribe el script, utilizando la vista rep.vw_DatabasesMissingLogBackups.

set nocount on -- Send E-Mail if new failed Jobs are Detected DECLARE @Subject varchar (100) SET @Subject='SQL Server - Databases Missing Log Backups'

declare @Count as intselect @Count=count(*) from rep.vw_DatabasesMissingLogBackupsprint @Count

IF @Count > 0 Begin

DECLARE @tableHTML NVARCHAR(MAX) ;SET @tableHTML = N'<table border="1">' + N'<tr><th>Server</th><th>Database</th>' + N'<th>Recovery</th><th>Status</th><th>Usage</th><th>Project</th>' + N'<th>Latest Backup</th></tr>' + CAST ( ( SELECT td=[Server],'' ,td=DatabaseName,'' ,td=[Recovery],'' ,td=[Status],'' ,td=Usage,'' ,td=[ProjectName] ,'' ,td=LastBackup,'' from rep.vw_DatabasesMissingLogBackupsorder by 1,2,3,4,5 FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) + N'</table>' ;

/*Declara variables*/declare @MailsEnviar as varchar(max)declare @i as intdeclare @tabla as table(i int identity(1,1)

,mail varchar(150))/*Define valores de variables*/insert into @tabla

Page 13: Manual Overview SQL

select mail from sql_Overview.dbo.SQL_PersonasNotificacion where id_cliente=-1

set @MailsEnviar = ''set @i = 1/*Arma la cadena de mails para enviar*/WHILE @i <=(SELECT MAX(i) from @tabla)BEGIN

if @i = 1BEGIN

set @MailsEnviar = (Select mail from @tabla where i = @i)


set @MailsEnviar = @MailsEnviar + ';' + (Select mail from @tabla where i = @i)END

set @i = @i+1END

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'SQLMailCAS', @recipients = @MailsEnviar, @subject = @Subject, @body = @tableHTML, @body_format = 'HTML' ;END

La estructura de la vista rep.vw_DatabasesMissingLogBackups, es:

USE [sql_overview]GO

/****** Object: View [rep].[vw_DatabasesMissingLogBackups] Script Date: 01/25/2012 15:05:24 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER VIEW [rep].[vw_DatabasesMissingLogBackups]ASSELECT a.Server, a.DatabaseName, a.Recovery, 'No Log Backups Found' AS Status, b.usage, ISNULL(b.ProjectName, '') AS ProjectName, NULL AS LastBackupFROM dbo.Database_Info AS a INNER JOIN rep.Database_List AS b ON a.Server = b.Server AND a.DatabaseName = b.DatabaseName AND a.Recovery IN ('FULL', 'BULK_LOGGED') AND a.DatabaseName <> 'Model' AND a.UsageType = 'log'WHERE (NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 AS Expr1 FROM dbo.Backup_History AS c WHERE (a.Server = Server) AND (a.DatabaseName = c.database_name) AND (c.backup_type = 'log')))UNION ALLSELECT a.Server, a.DatabaseName, a.Recovery, 'Log backup required at least every 24 hours' AS status, b.usage, ISNULL(b.ProjectName, '') AS [project name], MAX(c.backup_finish_date) AS 'Latest Backup'FROM dbo.Database_Info AS a INNER JOIN

Page 14: Manual Overview SQL

rep.Database_List AS b ON a.Server = b.Server AND a.DatabaseName = b.DatabaseName AND a.Recovery IN ('FULL', 'BULK_LOGGED') AND a.DatabaseName <> 'Model' INNER JOIN dbo.Backup_History AS c ON c.Server = b.Server AND c.database_name = b.DatabaseName AND c.backup_type = 'log'WHERE (NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 AS Expr1 FROM dbo.Backup_History c WHERE (a.Server = Server) AND (a.DatabaseName = c.database_name) AND (c.backup_type = 'Log') AND (c.backup_finish_date > DATEADD(dd, - 1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP+0.006777778))))GROUP BY a.Server, a.DatabaseName, a.Recovery, b.usage, b.ProjectName, b.AllowableDaysBetweenBackups


6. Paso: Ejecuta el Job - Report Drives Very Low on Space

EXEC dbo.sp_start_job N'DBA-SQL Overview - Report Drives Very Low on Space'

Dicho Job envía el correo 'SQL Server - Servers Very Low on Disk Space' después de verificar la información contenida en la tabla [rep].[Disk_Space_Alert] contra la tabla [dbo].[Disk_Space] (traída con el paquete overview) y teniendo en cuenta un margen del 10% de espacio disponible para todas las unidades a los correos de la lista ya mencionada.

La estructura del Job mencionado es:

-- This SQL script is used to report when disk space on a server is below 10%-- When the free space drops more another e-mail is sent-- When free space gets to be more than 10% it is removedDECLARE @MinFreespace as TINYINTSET @MinFreespace = 10DECLARE @Subject varchar (100)SET @Subject='SQL Server - Servers Very Low on Disk Space'

-- Delete any alerts that were below 10% free and are now above 10%DELETE FROM [rep].[Disk_Space_Alert] WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [dbo].[Disk_Space] B WHERE [Disk_Space_Alert].[Server] = B.[Server]

AND [Disk_Space_Alert].[Drive] = B.[Drive] AND B.[Free(%)] > @MinFreespace )PRINT 'Old Alerts Deleted Count=' + CAST (@@ROWCOUNT AS VARCHAR(9))

DECLARE @Count as int

SELECT @Count = COUNT(*) FROM [dbo].[Disk_Space] a WHERE A.[Free(%)] < @MinFreespace AND NOT EXISTS (Select 1 FROM rep.Disk_Space_Alert b WHERE A.[Server] = B.[Server] AND A.[Drive] = B.[Drive] AND A.[Free(%)] <= B.[Free(%)] )

Page 15: Manual Overview SQL

PRINT 'New Alerts Detected Count=' + CAST (@Count AS VARCHAR(9))

IF @Count > 0BEGIN

INSERT INTO [rep].[Disk_Space_Alert] ([Server] ,[Drive] ,[Total(MB)] ,[Free(MB)] ,[Free(%)] ,[DateFirstReported])

SELECT [Server] ,[Drive] ,[Total(MB)] ,[Free(MB)] ,[Free(%)] ,Getdate()

FROM [dbo].[Disk_Space] a WHERE A.[Free(%)] < @MinFreespace

AND NOT EXISTS (Select 1FROM rep.Disk_Space_Alert b WHERE A.[Server] = B.[Server] AND A.[Drive] = B.[Drive])

PRINT 'New Alerts Inserted Count=' + CAST (@@ROWCOUNT AS VARCHAR(9)) UPDATE A SET [Free(%)] = B.[Free(%)] FROM [rep].[Disk_Space_Alert] A INNER JOIN [dbo].[Disk_Space] B ON A.[Server] = B.[Server]

AND A.[Drive] = B.[Drive] WHERE B.[Free(%)] < @MinFreespace PRINT '* Alerts Updated Count=' + CAST (@@ROWCOUNT AS VARCHAR(9))

SELECT * FROM [rep].[Disk_Space_Alert]


N'<table border="1">' +N'<tr>' +N'<th>Server</th>' +

N'<th>Drive</th>' +N'<th>Total(MB)</th>' +N'<th>Free(MB)</th>' +N'<th>Free(%)</th>' +N'<th>Date First Reported</th>' +

N'</tr>' +CAST ( (

SELECT td=[Server],'' ,td=[Drive],'' ,td=[Total(MB)],'' ,td=[Free(MB)],'' ,td=[Free(%)],'' ,td=[DateFirstReported]

FROM [rep].[Disk_Space_Alert]ORDER BY [DateFirstReported] DESC,1,2


Page 16: Manual Overview SQL

N'</table>' ;

/*Declara variables*/declare @MailsEnviar as varchar(max)declare @i as intdeclare @tabla as table(i int identity(1,1),mail varchar(150))/*Define valores de variables*/insert into @tabla select mail from sql_overview.dbo.SQL_PersonasNotificacion where tipoper in ('TELMEX1','DBA','Operador')

set @MailsEnviar = ''set @i = 1/*Arma la cadena de mails para enviar*/WHILE @i <=(SELECT MAX(i) from @tabla)BEGIN

if @i = 1BEGIN

set @MailsEnviar = (Select mail from @tabla where i = @i)ENDELSEBEGIN

set @MailsEnviar = @MailsEnviar + ';' + (Select mail from @tabla where i = @i)END

set @i = @i+1ENDEXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'SQLMailCAS', @recipients = @MailsEnviar, @subject = @Subject, @body = @tableHTML, @body_format = 'HTML' ;END

7. Paso: Se ejecuta el Job Report Large Log File

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job N'DBA-SQL Overview - Report Large Log File'

Este Job envía el correo 'SQL Server - Databases with Log File Larger than the Database File (Maybe Shrink or Backup Log)', si encuentra información en la vista rep.vw_DatabasesWithLogFileGreaterThanDatabaseFiles la cual realiza una consulta sobre la tabla dbo.database_info que es alimentada por el paquete overview con las condición de que el tamaño del archivo se > 50 M y que el tamaño del archivo de la DATA sea menor que el del archivo del log de la BD.

Esta es la estructura del Job:

set nocount on -- Send E-Mail if new failed Jobs are Detected DECLARE @Subject varchar (100) SET @Subject='SQL Server - Databases with Log File Larger than the Database File (Maybe Shrink or Backup Log)'

declare @Count as intselect @Count=count(*) from rep.vw_DatabasesWithLogFileGreaterThanDatabaseFilesprint @Count

Page 17: Manual Overview SQL

IF @Count > 0 BeginDECLARE @tableHTML NVARCHAR(MAX) ;SET @tableHTML = N'<table border="1">' + N'<tr><th>Server</th><th>Database</th>' + N'<th>Recovery</th>' + N'<th>DataSpace(MB)</th>' + N'<th>DataUsed(MB)</th>' + N'<th>LogSpace(MB)</th>' + N'<th>LogUsed(MB)</th>' + N'</tr>' + CAST ( ( SELECT td=[Server],'' ,td=DatabaseName,'' ,td=[Recovery],'' ,td=[Data Space Allocated (MB)],'' ,td=[Data Space Used (MB)],'' ,td=[Log Space Allocated (MB)],'' ,td=[Log Space Used (MB)],''

from rep.vw_DatabasesWithLogFileGreaterThanDatabaseFilesorder by 1,2,3,4,5 FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) + N'</table>' ;

/*Declara variables*/declare @MailsEnviar as varchar(max)declare @i as intdeclare @tabla as table(i int identity(1,1),mail varchar(150))/*Define valores de variables*/insert into @tabla select mail from sql_overview.dbo.SQL_PersonasNotificacion where tipoper in ('DBA','Operador')

set @MailsEnviar = ''set @i = 1/*Arma la cadena de mails para enviar*/WHILE @i <=(SELECT MAX(i) from @tabla)BEGIN

if @i = 1BEGIN

set @MailsEnviar = (Select mail from @tabla where i = @i)


set @MailsEnviar = @MailsEnviar + ';' + (Select mail from @tabla where i = @i)END

set @i = @i+1END

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'SQLMailCAS', @recipients = @MailsEnviar, @subject = @Subject, @body = @tableHTML, @body_format = 'HTML' ;

Page 18: Manual Overview SQL


Esta es la estructura de la vista rep.vw_DatabasesWithLogFileGreaterThanDatabaseFiles:

USE [sql_overview]GO/****** Object: View [rep].[vw_DatabasesWithLogFileGreaterThanDatabaseFiles] Script Date: 01/25/2012 15:31:57 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO

ALTER VIEW [rep].[vw_DatabasesWithLogFileGreaterThanDatabaseFiles] AS

select A.[Server] ,A.[InstanceName] ,A.DatabaseName ,A.Recovery ,CAST ( SUM( A.[Size(MB)]) AS BIGINT) As [Data Space Allocated (MB)] ,CAST ( SUM( A.[SpaceUsed(MB)] ) AS BIGINT) As [Data Space Used (MB)] ,CAST (B.[Size(MB)] AS BIGINT) As [Log Space Allocated (MB)] ,CAST (B.[SpaceUsed(MB)] AS BIGINT) As [Log Space Used (MB)] from dbo.database_info a inner join dbo.database_info b on A.[Server] = B.[Server] and A.[InstanceName] = B.[InstanceName] and A.DatabaseName = B.DatabaseName and A.UsageType = 'DATA' and B.UsageType = 'Log'WHERE B.[Size(MB)] > 50GROUP BY A.[Server] ,A.[InstanceName] ,A.DatabaseName ,A.Recovery ,B.[Size(MB)] ,B.[SpaceUsed(MB)] HAVING SUM( A.[Size(MB)] ) < B.[Size(MB)]GO

8. Paso: Ejecuta el Job Report ErrorLog Messages

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job N'DBA-SQL Overview - Report ErrorLog Messages'

En este Job se envía el correo 'SQL Server - ErrorLog Messages Requiring Further Review', con la información de los errores contenidos en la tabla temporal ##ErrorLog que es creada con base en la información de la tabla [SQL_Overview].[dbo].[ErrorLog] filtrada según el texto del mensaje de error obtenido a través de la ejecución del paquete Overview (si hay más de 100 mensajes de error se crea la tabla ##ErrorLogSummary) a las cuentas de correo anteriormente mencionadas.

La estructura del Job es:

Page 19: Manual Overview SQL

set nocount on If Object_Id('tempdb..##ErrorLog') is Not Null Drop table ##ErrorLogIf Object_Id('tempdb..##ErrorLogSummary') is Not Null Drop table ##ErrorLogSummaryGODECLARE @SummarizeResults as CHAR(1)DECLARE @RowCount_Saved as INTSET @SummarizeResults = 'N'

DECLARE @dtLastRun datetimeSELECT @dtLastRun = LastJobRun_date from rep.SQL_Overview_Last_Run_DateSELECT @dtLastRun = ISNULL (@dtLastRun ,DATEADD(dd,-1,current_timestamp))PRINT 'Last Run Date = ' + Convert(char(26),@dtLastRun)

CREATE TABLE ##ErrorLog([Server] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,[dtMessage] [datetime] NULL,[SPID] [varchar](50) NULL,[vchMessage] [nvarchar](2048) NULL,[ID] [int] NULL


-- Using the Last Run Date copy all valid error messages to Global Temp tableINSERT INTO ##ErrorLogSELECT [Server] ,[dtMessage] ,[SPID] ,[vchMessage] ,[ID] FROM [SQL_Overview].[dbo].[ErrorLog]where ([vchMessage] like '%error%' or [vchMessage] like '%fail%' or [vchMessage] like '%Warning%' or [vchMessage] like '%The SQL Server cannot obtain a LOCK resource at this time%' or [vchMessage] like '%Autogrow of file%in database%cancelled or timed out after%' or [vchMessage] like '%Consider using ALTER DATABASE to set smaller FILEGROWTH%' or [vchMessage] like '% is full%' or [vchMessage] like '% blocking processes%' or [vchMessage] like '%SQL Server has encountered%IO requests taking longer%to complete%')and [vchMessage] not like '%\ERRORLOG%'and [vchMessage] not like '%Attempting to cycle errorlog%'and [vchMessage] not like '%Errorlog has been reinitialized.%' and [vchMessage] not like '%found 0 errors and repaired 0 errors.%'and [vchMessage] not like '%without errors%'and [vchMessage] not like '%This is an informational message%'and [vchMessage] not like '%WARNING:%Failed to reserve contiguous memory%'and [vchMessage] not like '%The error log has been reinitialized%'and [vchMessage] not like '%Setting database option ANSI_WARNINGS%'and [vchMessage] not like '%Error: 15457, Severity: 0, State: 1%'and [vchMessage] <> 'Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 16.'and [dtMessage] >= @dtLastRun

SET @RowCount_Saved = @@ROWCOUNTSELECT 'Row Count = ', @RowCount_Saved

-- Jobs failures found send e-mail

Page 20: Manual Overview SQL

IF @RowCount_Saved > 100 SET @SummarizeResults = 'Y'

IF @SummarizeResults = 'Y' BEGIN CREATE TABLE ##ErrorLogSummary ( [Server] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL, [dtMessage] [datetime] NULL,

[SPID] [varchar](50) NULL, [vchMessage] [nvarchar](1024) NULL, [Cnt] [int] NULL

) ON [PRIMARY] INSERT INTO ##ErrorLogSummary

SELECT [Server] ,MAX([dtMessage]) ,[SPID] ,[vchMessage] ,Count(*)

FROM [SQL_Overview].[dbo].[ErrorLog]where ([vchMessage] like '%error%'

or [vchMessage] like '%fail%' or [vchMessage] like '%Warning%' or [vchMessage] like '%The SQL Server cannot obtain a LOCK resource at this time%' or [vchMessage] like '%Autogrow of file%in database%cancelled or timed out after%' or [vchMessage] like '%Consider using ALTER DATABASE to set smaller FILEGROWTH%' or [vchMessage] like '% is full%' or [vchMessage] like '% blocking processes%' or [vchMessage] like '%SQL Server has encountered%IO requests taking longer%to complete%')

and [vchMessage] not like '%\ERRORLOG%'and [vchMessage] not like '%found 0 errors and repaired 0 errors.%'and [vchMessage] not like '%without errors%'and [vchMessage] not like '%This is an informational message%'and [vchMessage] not like '%WARNING:%Failed to reserve contiguous memory%'and [vchMessage] not like '%The error log has been reinitialized%'and [vchMessage] not like '%Setting database option ANSI_WARNINGS%'

and [vchMessage] not like '%Error: 15457, Severity: 0, State: 1%'and [vchMessage] <> 'Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 16.'

and [dtMessage] >= @dtLastRun GROUP BY [Server],[SPID],[vchMessage] END

-- Jobs failures found send e-mailIF @RowCount_Saved > 0


-- Send E-Mail if new failed ErroLog Error and Warnings are Detected DECLARE @From varchar (100) DECLARE @Subject varchar (100) SELECT @From=@@SERVERNAME + '' SELECT @Subject='SQL Server - ErrorLog Messages Requiring Further Review'

DECLARE @TableHTML NVARCHAR(MAX) ; IF @SummarizeResults = 'Y'


N'<table border="1">' +N'<tr>' +N'<th>Server</th>' +

Page 21: Manual Overview SQL

N'<th>dtMessage(MAX)</th>' +N'<th>SPID</th>' +N'<th>vchMessage</th>' +N'<th>Count</th>' +N'</tr>' +CAST ( (

SELECT td=[Server],'' ,td=[dtMessage],'' ,td=ISNULL([SPID],' '),'' ,td=[vchMessage],'' ,td=[Cnt]

FROM ##ErrorLogSummaryORDER BY 1,2,3,4

FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) +N'</table>' ;


SET @TableHTML =N'<table border="1">' +N'<tr>' +N'<th>Server</th>' +N'<th>dtMessage</th>' +N'<th>SPID</th>' +N'<th>vchMessage</th>' +N'</tr>' +CAST ( (

SELECT td=[Server],'' ,td=[dtMessage],'' ,td=ISNULL([SPID],' '),'' ,td=[vchMessage]

FROM ##ErrorLogORDER BY 1,2,3,4

FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) +N'</table>' ;


/*Declara variables*/declare @MailsEnviar as varchar(max)declare @i as intdeclare @tabla as table(i int identity(1,1),mail varchar(150))/*Define valores de variables*/insert into @tabla select mail from sql_overview.dbo.SQL_PersonasNotificacion where id_cliente=-1

set @MailsEnviar = ''set @i = 1/*Arma la cadena de mails para enviar*/WHILE @i <=(SELECT MAX(i) from @tabla)BEGIN

if @i = 1BEGIN

set @MailsEnviar = (Select mail from @tabla where i = @i)ENDELSEBEGIN

set @MailsEnviar = @MailsEnviar + ';' + (Select mail from @tabla where i = @i)

Page 22: Manual Overview SQL

ENDset @i = @i+1


EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'SQLMailCAS', @recipients = @MailsEnviar,

@subject = @Subject,@body = @tableHTML,@body_format = 'HTML' ;


If Object_Id('tempdb..##ErrorLog') is Not Null Drop table ##ErrorLogIf Object_Id('tempdb..##ErrorLogSummary') is Not Null Drop table ##ErrorLogSummary

9. Paso: Se ejecuta el Job Report Table Refresh Errors EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job N'DBA-SQL Overview - Report Table Refresh Errors'

En este job se envía el correo 'SQL Server - SQL Overview Table Refresh Errors' a los correos mencionados de acuerdo con la información obtenida de la tabla [SSIS_Errors].

La estructura del Job es:

SET nocount ON--DECLARE @Subject VARCHAR (100)SET @Subject='SQL Server - SQL Overview Table Refresh Errors'


IF @Count > 0BEGIN

DECLARE @tableHTML NVARCHAR(MAX) ;SET @tableHTML =N'<table border="1">' +N'<tr>' +N'<th>Server</th>' +N'<th>TaskName</th>' +N'<th>ErrorCode</th>' +N'<th>ErrorDescription</th>' +N'</tr>' +CAST ( ( SELECT td=[server],'',td=[TaskName],'',td=[ErrorCode],'',td=[ErrorDescription],''FROM [SSIS_Errors]ORDER BY 1,2,3,4FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE

Page 23: Manual Overview SQL

) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) +N'</table>' ;

/*Declara variables*/declare @MailsEnviar as varchar(max)declare @i as intdeclare @tabla as table(i int identity(1,1),mail varchar(150))/*Define valores de variables*/insert into @tabla select mail from sql_overview.dbo.SQL_PersonasNotificacion where id_cliente=-1

set @MailsEnviar = ''set @i = 1/*Arma la cadena de mails para enviar*/WHILE @i <=(SELECT MAX(i) from @tabla)BEGIN

if @i = 1BEGIN

set @MailsEnviar = (Select mail from @tabla where i = @i)ENDELSEBEGIN

set @MailsEnviar = @MailsEnviar + ';' + (Select mail from @tabla where i = @i)END

set @i = @i+1END

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'SQLMailCAS', @recipients = @MailsEnviar,@subject = @Subject,@body = @tableHTML,@body_format = 'HTML' ;END

10. Paso: Ejecuta el job Report Instances Recently Started

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job N'DBA-SQL Overview - Report Instances Recently Started'

Este job envía el correo 'SQL Server - Instances Recently Started' a las cuentas ya mencionadas de acuerdo a la comparación del campo [InstanceLastStartDate] de la tabla [dbo].[SQL_Servers] (obtenida a través del paquete Overview) si es mayor a la fecha contenida en la tabla [rep].SQL_Overview_Last_Run_Date.

La estructura del Job es:

SET nocount ON--DECLARE @dtLastRun datetimeSELECT @dtLastRun = LastJobRun_date FROM [rep].SQL_Overview_Last_Run_DateSELECT @dtLastRun = ISNULL (@dtLastRun ,DATEADD(dd,-2,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))PRINT 'Last Run Date = ' + CONVERT(CHAR(26),@dtLastRun)--DECLARE @Subject VARCHAR (100)SET @Subject='SQL Server - Instances Recently Started'

Page 24: Manual Overview SQL

DECLARE @Count AS INTSELECT @Count=COUNT(*) FROM [dbo].[SQL_Servers]WHERE [InstanceLastStartDate] > @dtLastRunPRINT @Count

IF @Count > 0BEGIN

DECLARE @tableHTML NVARCHAR(MAX) ;SET @tableHTML =N'<table border="1">' +N'<tr>' +N'<th>Server</th>' +N'<th>InstanceLastStartDate</th>' +N'<th>ProductVersion</th>' +N'<th>WindowsVersion</th>' +N'<th>ProcessorCount</th>' +N'<th>PhysicalMemory</th>' +N'</tr>' +CAST ( (SELECT td=[Server],'',td=[InstanceLastStartDate],'',td=[ProductVersion],'',td=[WindowsVersion],'',td=[ProcessorCount],'',td=[PhysicalMemory],''FROM [dbo].[SQL_Servers]WHERE [InstanceLastStartDate] > @dtLastRun

ORDER BY 1,2FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) +N'</table>' ;

/*Declara variables*/declare @MailsEnviar as varchar(max)declare @i as intdeclare @tabla as table(i int identity(1,1),mail varchar(150))/*Define valores de variables*/insert into @tabla select mail from sql_overview.dbo.SQL_PersonasNotificacion where id_cliente=-1

set @MailsEnviar = ''set @i = 1/*Arma la cadena de mails para enviar*/WHILE @i <=(SELECT MAX(i) from @tabla)BEGIN

if @i = 1BEGIN

set @MailsEnviar = (Select mail from @tabla where i = @i)ENDELSEBEGIN

set @MailsEnviar = @MailsEnviar + ';' + (Select mail from @tabla where i = @i)END

set @i = @i+1END

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

Page 25: Manual Overview SQL

@profile_name = 'SQLMailCAS',@recipients = @MailsEnviar,@subject = @Subject,@body = @tableHTML,@body_format = 'HTML' ;END

11. Paso: