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Information under section 4 of Chapter II of Right to Information Act, 2005

CHAPTER II – (Right to Information and Obligations of Public Authorities)

4.(b)(i) : The particular of its organizations, functions and duties

The particulars of department :-

Name of the department Electric Supply Office

Address DGM(ES) Office, 1st Floor, BEST Bhavan, BEST Marg, Colaba, Mumbai 400 001

Contact No.(Tel.) 22856262 Ext. 501, 510

The function and duties of department :-

The Electric Supply Office is dealing with all the establishment and administrative matters.

4.(b)(ii) The powers and duties of its officers and employees :-

Sr.No. Designation Grade No. of posts

1 Deputy General Manager(ES) A(Spl.) 1

2 Asst.General Manager(ES) A-1(Sr.) 1

3 Superintendent A-4 1

4 Administrative Manager A-4 1

5 Asst.Engineer A-5 2

6 Asst.Administrative Manager A-5 1

7 Deputy Engineer G/GVI 1

8 Sub Engineer G/GV 1

9 Charge Engineer T-8 1

10 Deputy Labour Officer A/GX 1

11 Sr.Administrative Officer A/GX 1

12 Administrative Officer A/GIX 1

13 Administrative Officer(ES) A/GIX 1

14 PA to DGM(ES) A/GIX 1

15 Personal Assistant to AGM(ES) A/GIX 1

16 Asst.Adm.Officer A/GVIII 5

17 Supervisor A/GVII 3

18 Clerk A/GV 8

19 Stenographer A/GV 3

20 Sepoys A/GII 2

Total….. 37


1. The powers and duties of Deputy General Manager:-

The Deputy General Manager(Electric Supply) is overall incharge of the Electric

Supply Branch.

2. The powers and duties of Assistant General Manager:-

The Asst.General Manager(Electric Supply) is incharge of the Electric Supply Branch

and he assists Deputy General Manager(Electric Supply) in his day to day working pertaining

to working of the Electric Supply Branch.

3. The powers and duties of Superintendent/Assistant Engineer

He assists DGM(ES) and AGM(ES) in all the technical matters pertaining to working of

Electric Supply Branch in respect of scrutiny of files, collection of data, draft reply to outside

parties, draft reply to Star Question asked in Assembly, reply to VIP Letters and

correspondence of DGM(ES)/AGM(ES). Also to attend consumers/suppliers/manufacturers

on behalf of DGM(ES)/AGM(ES).

4. The powers and duties of Administrative Manager:-

a. To function as an overall incharge of the Establishment and administrative matters of Electric

Supply Branch.

b. The AM(ES) shall instruct as well as give guidelines to the officers mentioned at Sr.No.6,10,12

& 17 in connection with the various types of work of Electric Supply Branch.

c. To work as an Appellate Authority in chargesheet cases conducted by AAM(ES)

d. To work as an Appellate Authority in the appeal cases received under RTI Act

e. To offer comments in the Letter of Approach cases

f. To give advice/suggestion in labour/Legal cases and Union matters

g. To attend joint/safety Committee meeting

h. Sanctioning the leave to AAM(ES)


i. Attending and giving suitable reply to the letters received from VIP i.e. MLA, MP, MLC, etc.

on top priority basis

j. To conduct the meeting with other officers/staff in different issue of Electric Supply Branch

k. To coordinate with the various departments such as Personnel, Audit, Time Keeping, for

redressal of the grievances of the officers/staff member, resolve the queries, follow up for

filling in the posts, promotions, payments, etc.

5. The powers and duties of Asst.Administrative Manager.

a. To work as an Trying Officer/Appellate Authority in the chargesheet cases conducted by


b. To take action after obtaining approval of DGM(ES)/AGM(ES), AMES like preparing

notes/Circulars etc. e.g. transfer ID/ allocation of staff qtrs. etc.

c. To look after the Imprest Cash, recoupment of bills

d. To attend Joint Safety Committee meetings

e. To act as a Public Information Officer under RTI Act To sanction leave of Dy.LO(ES) and


f. Any other work specially allotted by superiors

g. To attend the work of AM(ES) in his absence

6. The powers and duties of Deputy Engineer

They assist Superintendent and Assistant Engineers in all the technical matters

pertaining to working of Electric Supply Branch.

7. The powers and duties of Sub Engineer

They assist Superintendent, Assistant Engineers and Deputy Engineer in all the

technical matters pertaining to working of Electric Supply Branch.


8. The powers and duties of Charge Engineer

They assist Superintendent, Assistant Engineers and Deputy Engineer in all the

technical matters pertaining to working of Electric Supply Branch.

9. The powers and duties of Dy.Labour Officer(Electric Supply).

a. Trying Officer in cases of departmental enquiry against scheduled and non-scheduled

employee of E.S.B.

b. To prepare MIS statement of summary/ chargesheet cases

c. To give Comments on unfair labour practice cases filed in the Labour Court and attending

Labour Court for affidavit/Management witness etc.

d. Sanctioning the leave of staff working under him

e. Any other work specifically allotted by superiors

10 The powers and duties of Statistical Officer(Electric Supply).

The Statistical Officer suggest/give advice to the senior officer in the statistical matter of

Electric Supply Branch, data collection, bulletin, MIS statement etc.

11. The powers and duties of Sr.Administrative Officer.

a. To conduct departmental enquiry against the staff members of Electric Supply Branch.

b. Scrutiny and checking of all proposal addressed to AM(ES) and present a brief note on the

said proposal

c. Preparing reply to Union Letters

d. To look after BEST Staff Family Welfare Fund of Electric Supply Branch

e. To supervise the work of AAO(Gen.), AAO(Budget), AAO(Est.), etc.

f. Sanctioning of leave of AAO(Gen), AAO(Est.) , AAO

g. Any other work specifically allotted by AM(ES) & AAM(ES)


12. Personal Assistant to Dy.General Manager(ES)/Assistant General


a. To assist AGM(ES)/DGM(ES) in Establishment/Administrative matters.

b. To coordinate with various departments of the Undertaking to resolve the queries,

follow up etc.

c. Scrutiny and checking of proposals – highlighting the contents of the proposal.

d. To maintain records/files/documents relevant to AGM(ES)/DGM(ES) day to day work.

e. Preparing replies to Unions.

f. Issue of meeting intimation to all concerned as directed by AGM(ES)/DGM(ES)

g. To give appointments to visitors viz consumers, executives/representatives of

Supplier, Government officials etc.

h. To supervise the administrative staff working under them

i. Any other work assigned by AGM(ES)/DGM(ES).

13(A). Asst.Administrative Officer(General)

a. Looking after the administrative work of ESO which includes the offices of DGM(ES),

AGM(ES), Chief Engr., AMES and Dy.LO(ES)

b. To attend routine work such as :-

i. Motor vehicle registration/verification

ii. Scraping/replacement/procurement of capital as well as dead stock items

iii Acting/Combination arrangement of ESO

iv. Preparation of Bills and Vouchers

v. Festival Advance

c. To put up proposal for financial Assistance for purchase of books


d. To prepare proposal for monthly procurement of stationery

e. Monthly report of deputation of officers

f. Medical reimbursement of employees/officers

g. Imprest cash of DGM(ES)/AGM(ES)

h. Purchase of sundry non stock items from Imprest Cash

i. Scholar Ship Forms

j. Issue of Briefcase/bags to officers of ESO

k. To make substitute arrangement during the leave period of sepoys

l. To prepare Absentee memo of “A” & “B” Grade Officers

m. To issue Superannuation Letter

n. To initiate Service Termination Slips

o. To attend advices for payment of various allowances such as Functional allowance,

Hazardous Allowance, Shift Duty allowances, clothing and stiching charges etc.

p. Allotment of Officer/Staff Quarters under E.S.B.reserve quota

q. Union matters

r. Collecting various information from the Dept/Divns

s. All work related to BEST day celebration

t. Grant of annual increment of “A” Grade officers

u. Procurement of BEST diaries/Calendars etc. & distribution of the same.

v. To arrange NSCs Calendar & diaries and distribute the same.

w. To attend Joint Safety Committee meeting

x. To arrange Entry Passes of members of staff working at Receiving Stations

y. To prepare Half yearly statement of Motor Car/Scooter

z. Flag day work i.e. collection of money

aa. Sanctioning of leave to staff


ab. Any other work specifically allotted by superiors

13(B). Asst.Administrative Officer(Establishment)

a. All Establishment matter such as promotion/ transfer of officers and employees

b. Establishment work of ESO Establishment

c Taking over duty notes of “A” Grade officers

d. Preparation of variation in Estb.Schedule of E.S.O

e. Proposals of creation of temporary posts for Fair and Monsoon Season

f. To look after the work of revalidation of various posts of E.S.B.

g. Maintaining seniority list, vacancy statement, Scrutiny of proposals of transfers, promotion

of staff/officer

h. Sanctioning of leave of members of staff

i. To arrange Trade Option Forms from various employees of E.S.B.

j. Any other work specially allotted by superiors

13(C). Asst.Administrative Officer(Budget)

a. Budget preparation – First Charge, Revenue Budget of Establishment and Revised Budget

estimates of E.S.B.

b. Keeping control of proposals of furniture and office equipment and tools and equipment of

capital budget of E.S.B

c. All budgetary proposals are routed through AMES. These proposals are to be scrutinized with

respect to the route for management sanction, whether sanction form is filled up, properly, if

not get it filled from respective dept. etc. passing necessary remarks with respect of the

budget provision

d. Preparation of capital work budget pertaining to furniture and office equipment and tools

and equipment for revised budget and of next year’s budget. Also preparation of

performance budget of furniture and office equipment and tools and equipment of capital



e. Compilation of monthly accident report

f. BEST Diary (information regarding A-3 and above grade officers’ names, design., tel. no. etc.

g. To initiate proposal for Safety shoes

h. Replies to Audit and Accounts queries connected to Budget work

i. To attend House keeping of premises of AM(ES) Office

j. Any other work specially allotted by superiors

14(A). The duties and responsibilities of Supervisor

a. Maintaining imprest cash of Family welfare fund and maintaining register and recoupment

b. Preparing vacancy statement of ESO Establishment

c. Preparing, compiling monthly statement of permanent and temporary staff

d. Quarterly Backward class notification statement

e. Maintaining seniority list of administrative staff

f. To initiate proposals for administrative sanction of revalidation of posts

g. To maintain Trade Option Forms and publish list of the same

h. Work related to trade test

i. Attendance during strike

j. Work related to election duty

k. Work related to APO(BC)

l. Scrutiny of Time Bound Promotion cases/files of Electric Supply Branch

m. Any other work specially allotted by the superiors

14(B). The duties and responsibilities of Supervisors.

a. All work pertaining to payment of incentive bonus for reduction in distribution loss


b. All work pertaining to union matters

c. Maintaining of Attendance Register

d. To prepare grant of increment of “A” Grade Officers and other proposals

e. Procurement of entry passes

f. To prepare briefcase proposals

g. Preparation of papers/file of Joint Committee and Joint Safety Committee meeting

h. Maintaining Imprest cash of DGM(ES)/AGM(ES)

i. Verification of registration of motor car/scooters

j. Issue of bus passes/RFID

k. Superannuation Letter

l. Service Termination Slips

m. Purchase of sundry non stock item from imprest cash

n. Writing departmental DLs

o. To recommend leave of staff

p. Any other work specifically allotted by superior

14(C). The duties and responsibilities of Supervisor(Establishment)

a. Quarterly report of powers exercised to sanction the proposals as per revised delegation of


b. Sending letter with forms to All Heads of Dept. for collecting information regarding On Roll

Male/Female and vacancies accrued in quarter

c. Submitting quarterly consolidated report of members of staff of Electric Supply Branch to STK

d. Collecting monthly vacancy information from all the Depts. Of E.S.B.

e. Maintaining the seniority list of “A” Grade officers of E.S.B.

f. Confirm the vacancies with Time Keeping Dept./ and Personnel Dept.


g. Following up proposals in Audit Dept./Legal Dept. and Personnel Dept.

h. Vacancy statement of E.S.B.

i. To send vacancy requisition of “A” Grade officers to Personnel Dept and follow up

j. Any other work specifically allotted by superior

15(A). The duties and responsibilities of Clerk.

a. Handling the dispatch work of the departments

b. Any other work specifically allotted by the superiors

15(B). The duties and responsibilities of Clerk.

a. Payment of Field Duty Allowance, Hazardous Allowance, Excavation Allowance, etc.

b. Family Welfare Fund – financial assistance to the legal heirs of the deceased employee,

maintaining register and form thereof

c. Festival Advance to staff member

d. The work of financial assistance for the purchase of books/note books to the member of staff

having school going children studying in 1st to 12th standard

e. To look after the outstanding cases of retired, deceased and resigned members of staff

f. To maintain the stationery required for AGM(ES)/DGM(ES)/AMES Office by sending material


g. To initiate purchase forms for procurement of items required for AGM(ES)/DGM(ES)/AMES


h. Monthly report of deputation of officers

i. To look after the medical reimbursement of staff members of E.S.B.

j. Printing of books requisitions required by AMES Office

k. Preparing all types of bill vouchers for payment/ disbursement

l. Any other work specifically allotted by superiors


15(C). The duties and responsibilities of Clerk.

a. Dispatch & Filing

b. To prepare “A” and “B” Grade Officers absentee memo

c. Maintaining leave register of staff/officers

d. Maintaining important file, register and circular, procedure order, Adm.order etc.

e. To collect information sought by AM(ES) from various depts./Divns. Of E.S.B.

f. Any other work specifically allotted

15(D). The duties and responsibilities of Clerk

a. To prepare the draft reply to the R.T.I. Application

b. To look after the work of BEST Din, Silver Medal, Wrist Watch, Scholarship and Clothing of

staff members and allied work.

c. Final Bills of the entire E.S.B’s staff members.

d. The work of allotting the Staff and Officers quarters under E.S.B.Reserve Quota

e. To initiate proposal for National Safety Calendar and Diaries and its distribution

f Any other work specifically allotted by the superiors

15(E). The duties and responsibilities of Clerk/Typist

a. All typing work in English and Marathi

b. To work as Clerk whenever asked to

c. Any other work specifically allotted


15(F). The duties and responsibilities of Clerk/Typist

a. To look after the work of Casual Labour attendance, payment, bonus, arrears etc.

b. All typing work in English and Marathi

c. To work as Clerk whenever asked to

d. Any other work specifically allotted by the superiors

15(G). The duties and responsibilities of Clerk

a. All related work of Charge sheet and Summary enquiry cases of entire Electric Supply

Divisions (i.e. calling staff, booking of the case, advices to department, T.K. & Audit for

implementation of punishment, maintain/entry of both the registers and S.R.Files and other


b. To prepare MIS Statement of summary trial and chargesheet cases

c. Regular follow up with the employees and their departments for an early disposal of the


15(H). The duties and responsibilities of Clerk/Typist

a. Preparing drafts and fairs of all types of chargesheet and summary trial cases of entire

Electric Supply Branch

b. Enquiry related typing work such as preparing Chargesheet and summary, booking of the

cases, maintain both the registers and entries in S.R.files, preparing letters, calling slip, calling

letters to employee and outside parties, whenever asked by superiors

c. Any other work specifically allotted by superiors

16(A). The duties and responsibilities of Sr.Steno(Marathi)

a. Work of DGM(ES) and AGM(ES) office alongwith charge sheet and Summary Trial Cases of

Dy.LOES section.


16(B). The duties and responsibilities of Sr.Steno(English)

a. Taking dictation from senior officers and draft the same.

b. Day to day Typing work in English

c. Any other work specifically allotted by superiors

17(A). The duties and responsibilities of Sepoy

a. Dispatch work, clearing of table, chairs

b Xeroxing of documents, bringing stationery, calendar etc.

c. Any other work allotted by the superiors including outdoor jobs

4.(b)(iii) : the procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision

and accountability :-

Not applicable.

4.(b)(iv) : the norms set by it for the discharge of its functions :-

Circulars, procedure order, administrative order, standing order, service regulations and orders

issued by time to time.

4.(b)(v) : the rules, regulations, manuals and records held by it or order its controls or used by its

employees for discharging functions :-

Circulars, procedure order, administrative order, standing order, service regulations and orders

issued by time to time.

4.(b)(vi) : the statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control :-

Staff Record Files of officers and staff members of AMES Office.

4.(b)(vii) : the particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with or representation by

the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof:-

Not applicable.

4(b)(viii) : a statement of the boards, councils, committee and other bodies consisting of two or more

person constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice and to whether meetings of those

boards, councils, committee and other bodies are open to the public or the minutes of such meetings

are accessible for public :-


Not applicable.

4.(b)(ix) : a directory of its officers and employees :-

Sr.No. Name of the officers/ staff

Design. Grade Ch.No. P.S.No. of June,2013

1 Vacant Dy.Gen. Manager(ES) A(Spl.) 101/01

2 M.B.Urunkar Asst.Gen.Manager(ES) A-1(Sr.) 213818 101/01

3 M.A.Rupnar Superintendent A-4 211531 119/01 on loan to DGM(ES)

4 P.S.Deshpande Adm.Manager A-4 210249 101/01

5 I.M.A.Shaikh Asst.Engineer A-5 210917 101/01,on loan to CECC

6 V.K. Ade Asst.Engineer A-5 213319 101/01

7 L.R. Pawar Asst.Admn.Manager A-5 214003 101/01

8 Vacant Dy.Engineer G/GVI

9 U.N.Patil Dy.Engineer G/GVI 217156 137/02 On loan to DGM(ES)

10 Vacant Sub Engineer G/GV

11 M.H.Vora Sub Engineer G/GV 214515 129/09, on loan to DGM(ES)

12 P.A. Jadhav Dy.Labour Officer A/GX 210996 101/01

13 D.S. Dorage Sr.Adm.Officer(ES) A/GX 215402 101/01

14 Vacant Charge Engineer T-8

15 M.S.Limaye Adm.Officer(ES) A/GIX 210942 101/01

16 P.E.Jagtap AGM(ES) A/GIX 214122 101/01

17 S.P. Karande Adm.Officer(ES) A/GIX 212428 101/01 on loan to DCEW

18 S.R. Purao Asst.Adm.Officer A/GVIII 212686 101/01

19 D.G. Kamat Asst.Adm.Officer A/GVIII 212547 101/01

20 S.V.Nibre Asst.Adm.Officer A/GVIII 211547 101/01

21 R.P. Hadkar Asst.Adm.Officer A/GVIII 212212 101/01 on loan to DCECC(S)

22 Vacant Asst.Adm.Officer A/GVIII

23 Smt.S.P.Vichare Supervisor/AAO(P) A/GVIII 213792 101/01

24 Smt.P.S.Indulkar Supervisor/AAO(P) A/GVIII 213323 101/01

25 Anil G. Dhuri Supervisor A/GVII 214059 101/01

26 Smt.A.B.Joshi Clerk/Sup(P) A/GVII 212580 101/01

27 M.D.Mhadeshwar Clerk/Sup(P) A/GVII 213824 101/01

28 J.D.Patil Supervisor A/GVII 213664 101/01

29 Smt.N.V.Yelve Clerk/Sup(P) A/GVII 214876 101/01

30 Smt.S.S.Gurav Clerk-Typist/Sup.(P) A/GVII 215326 101/01

31 Smt.S.V.Palav Clerk-Typist/Sup.(P) A/GVII 215327 101/01

32 Smt.U.R. Hande Supervisor A/GV 214181 133/01 (on loan)

33 B.R.Kamble Clerk/Typist A/GV 217014 101/01


Sr.No. Name of the officers/ staff

Design. Grade Ch.No. P.S.No. of June,2013

34 Shri Nitin Jagtap Shop Recorder A/GV 216197 138/02 (on loan)

35 Smt.C.R.Rane Sr.Steno(P) A/GVII 212993 101/01

36 R.S.Shetty Sr.Steno(P) A/GVII 215087 101/01

37 Jisha Ravi Sr.Steno(P) A/GV 214439 138/02 (on loan)

38 Vacant Clerk A/GV

39 L.D.Kelshikar Jamadar(P) A/GII 280586 101/01

40 Smt.V.S.Kadam Jamadar(P) A/GII 280742 101/01


4(b)(x) : the monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations :-

Sr. No.

Name of officers/staff

Ch.No. Design. Basic Pay

Monthly remuneration (Basic+Allowance) (Rs.)

1 Vacant DGM(ES)

2 M.B.Urunkar 213818 AGM(ES) 36155 109495

3 M.A.Rupnar 211531 Supdt.(ES) 28925 81042

4 P.S.Deshpande 210249 Adm.Manager(ES) 26590 74091

5 I.M.A.Shaikh 210947 Asst.Engineer 28100 86157

6 V.K. Ade 213319 Asst.Engineer 22550 63405

7 L.R. Pawar 214003 Asst.Adm.Manager(ES) 17450 53455

8 Vacant Deputy Engineer

9 U.N.Patil 217159 Deputy Engineer 13970 40804

10 Vacant Sub Engineer

11 M.H.Vora 214515 Charge Engineer 18340 57581

12 P.A. Jadhav 210996 Dy.Labour Officer 22550 60858

13 D.S. Dorage 215402 Sr.Adm.Officer(ES) 15910 48583

14 Vacant Charge Engineer

15 M.S.Limaye 210942 Adm.Officer(ES) 21935 67774

16 P.E.Jagtap 214122 AGM(ES) 16660 52631

17 S.P. Karande 212428 Adm.Officer(ES) 19775 53344

18 S.R. Purao 212686 Asst.Adm.Officer(ES) 16265 49702

19 D.G. Kamat 212547 Asst.Adm.Officer(ES) 15555 40342

20 S.V.Nibre 211547 Asst.Adm.Officer(ES) 19775 60887

21 R.P. Hadkar 212212 Asst.Adm.Officer(ES) 16660 51171

22 Vacant Asst.Adm.Officer(ES)

23 Smt.S.P.Vichare 213792 Asst.Adm.Officer(P) 15200 43316

24 Smt.P.S.Indulkar 213323 Asst.Adm.Officer(P) 14570 41581

25 Anil G. Dhuri 214059 Supervisor 13580 39974

26 Smt.A.B.Joshi 212580 Clerk /Sup.(P) 14775 42500

27 M.D.Mhadeshwar 213824 Clerk /Sup.(P) 14285 40354

28 J.D.Patil 213664 Supervisor 13815 39945

29 Smt.N.V.Yelve 214876 Clerk /Sup.(P) 13355 37795

30 Smt.S.S.Gurav 215326 Clerk-Typist/Sup.(P) 12905 36708

31 Smt.S.V.Palav 215327 Clerk-Typist/Sup.(P) 12475 35524

32 Smt.U.R. Hande 214181 Supervisor 14050 39701

33 B.R.Kamble 217014 Clerk/Typist 7055 22806

34 Shri Nitin Jagtap 216197 Shop Recorder 10155 30990

35 Smt.C.R.Rane 212993 Sr.Steno(P) 14285 41396

36 R.S.Shetty 215087 Sr.Steno(P) 13130 37615

37 Jish Ravi 214439 Sr.Steno(P) 14285 40861

38 Vacant Clerk

39 L.D.Kelshikar 280586 Jamadar(P) 11645 28829

40 Smt.V.S.Kadam 280742 Jamadar(P) 10690 30361


4.(b)(xi) : the budget allocated to each of its agency indication the particulars of all plans, proposed

expenditure and reports on disbursements made :-

The budget allocation :- The plant proposed

4¼[k½¼vdjk½ & izR;sd foHkkxkdfjrk vFkZladfYi; okVi] loZ ;kstukaP;k ri'khykps funsZ'kd]

izLrkfor dsysys [kpZ vkf.k laforj.kkP;k ckcrhrhy vgoky

vFkZladfYi; okVi & eglwyh vFkZladYi ¼fo|qqr ijqoBk½










ri'khy ys[kk Ø-


vFkZladfYi; vankt

lq/kkjhr vankt

vFkZladfYi; vankt

1 ,½ Establishment / vkLFkkiuk

i) Salaries Wages / ixkj] osru HkRrs 1001 276.43 235.61 281.64 284.62

ii) Dearness / egkxkbZ HkRrk 1002 146.22 172.18 170.21 204.29

ch½ Stationery, Printing & Drawing

Maerial ys[ku lkexzh eqnz.k] vkjs[ku lkexzh

1030 2.40 5.00 5.00 5.00

lh½ Dead Stock ( Furniture, Tools &

Equipments ) tMlaxzg ¼ykdMh

lkeku] gR;kjs o lk/ku lkexzh½

1028 0.36 3.07 3.60 2.42

Mh½ Cost of Bus Token & Posses

cl Vksdu o ikl [kpZ

1005 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

bZ½ Provident Fund Contribution

Hkfo”; fuokZg fu/kh

1003 35.25 38.61 37.43 41.72

,Q½ Contingencies

lkfnyokj [kpZ

1032 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.20

4.(b)(xii) : the manner of execution of subsidy program including the amounts allocated and the

details of beneficiaries of such programs.

Not applicable

4.(b)(xiii) : particular of recipients of concessions, permits or authorization granted by it :-


Not applicable

4.(b)(xiv) : details in respect of the information available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic


The information in respect of the department and officers and staff is available in the form of

electronic on the website viz.

4.(b)(xv) : the particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining information including the

working hours or a library or reading room if maintained for public use :-

Not applicable

4.(b)(xvi) : the names, designations and other particulars of the public information as may be

prescribed and thereafter updated these publications every year.

The name of the Public Information Officer for AMES Office is as below :- Shri L.R. Pawar, Public Information Officer, Asst.Administrative Manager(Electric Supply) BES&T Undertaking, 2nd Floor, Electric House, Colaba, Mumbai 400 001. 4.(b)(xvii) : such other information as may be prescribed :- Already explained in 4(b)(i) above.
