manual instrucciones moulan

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instrucciones operacion motosierra moulan


  • PoulanPlease do not return unit to retailer.Por favor, no devuelva el aparato al lugar de compra.Veuillez ne pas retourner I'outil au d_taillant.

    Instruction ManualManual de Instrucciones

    Manuel d'lnstructions



    For Occasional Use Only

    WARNING:Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions beforeusing this product. Failure to do so can result in serious injury.ADVERTENCIA:Lea et manual de instrucciones y siga todas Ias advertencias e en-strucciones de seguridad. Et no hacerlo puede resuItar en tesionesgraves.

    AVERTISSEMENT:Lire le manuel d'instructions et bien respecter tous tes avertisse-merits et toutes tes instructions de s_curit& Tout defaut de le fairepourrait entra_ner des blessures graves.Poulan Poulant030 Stevens Creek Road 5855 Terry Fox WayAugusta, GA 30907 Mississauga, Qntario L5V 3E4

    545186779 Rev. 1 4/15/08 BRW

  • I'_ 1 WARNING! This chain Dsaw can be dangerous! Care-less or improper use can causeserious or even fatal injury

    Read and understand theinstruction manual beforeusing the chain saw.

    A_ways wear appropriate ear protection, eye protection and head protection.

    Always use two hands when operating the chain saw.

    @WARNING! Contacting the guide bar tip with any objectshould be avoided; tip contact may cause the guide bar tomove suddenly upward and backward, which may cause se-rious injury.

    Measured maximum kickback value without chain brake for the barand chain combination on the Iabel.

    Starting Fleminder

    Move ON/STOP switch to

    _T theONp osition-

    Prime 6X Slowly press primer bulb times.


    Fell Choke PUlEchoke/fast idle lever(_ out to the full extent (to

    the FULL CHOKE posi--- tion)

    Pull 5X


    Half Choke

    Pull to Starl

    PulI the starter ropesharply 5 times with yourright hand.

    Push the choke/fast idlelever in to the HALFCHOKE position.

    Pull the starter rope sharplywith your right hand untilthe engine starts.

    _k WARNING: Always disconnectspark plug wire and place wire where itcan-not contact spark plug to prevent accidentalstarting when setting up, transporting, ad-justing or making repairs except carburetoradjustments.Because a chain saw is a high-speed wood-cutting toot, speciaI safety precautions mustbe observed to reduce the risk of accidents.Careless or i_13roperuse of this tool cancause serious Injury

    PLAN AHEAD Read this manual carefully unti_ you com-

    pletely understand and can follow all safetyrules, precautions, and operating instruc-tions before attempting to use the unit.

    Restdct the use of your saw to adult userswho understand and can follow safetyrules, precautions, and operating instruc-tions found in this manual.

    Wear protective gear Always use steel-toed safety footwear with non-slip soles;snug-fitting clothing; heavy-duty, non-slip

  • gloves;eyeprotectionsuchasnon-fog-ging,ventedgogglesorfacescreen;anapprovedsafetyhardhat;andsoundbarri-ers(earplugsormufflers)toprotectyourhearing.Regularusersshouldhavehear-ingcheckedregularlyaschainsawnoisecalldamagehearingSecurehairaboveshoulderlength.

    Hearing SafetyHatProtection_b"Iw"tlr ProtectionSnug

    Fitting-_,lI HeavyDuty





    Carefullyplanyoursawingoperationinad-vance.Donetstartcuttinguntilyouhaveaclearworkarea,securefooting,and,ifyouarefeltingtrees,ap}annedretreatpath.OPERATEYOUR SAW SAFELY

    Do net operate a chain saw with one hand.Serious injury to the operator, helpers, by-standers or any combination of these per-sons may result from one-handed opera-tion. A chain saw ts intended fortwo-handed use

    Operate the chain saw only in a weIFventi-lated outdoor area.

    Do not operate saw from a ladder or in atree.

    Make sure the chain wilI net make contactwith any object while starting the engine.Never try to start the saw when the guidebar is in a cut.

    Do not put pressure on the saw et the end ofthe cut. Applying pressure can cause you tolose control when the cut is completed.

    Stop the engine before setting the sawdown.

    Do not operate a chain saw that is dam-aged, improperly adjusted, or not com-pletely and securely assembled. Alwaysreplace bar, chain, hand guard, or chainbrake immediately if it becomes damaged,broken or is otherwise removed.

    With the engine stopped, hand carry thechain saw with the muffter away from yourbody, and the guide bar and chain to therear. preferably covered with a scabbard.

    MAINTAIN YOUR SAW tN GOODWORKING ORDER Have all chain saw service performed by a

    qualified service dealer with the exceptionof the items tisted in the maintenance sec-tion ofthis manual. For example, if improp-er tools are used to remove or hold the fly-wheelwhen servicing the clutch, structuraldamage to the flywheel can occur andcause the flywheel to burst.

    Make certain the saw chain stops mowngwhen the throttle trigger is reteased. Forcorrection, refer to CARBURETOR AD-JUSTMENT.

    Never modify your saw in any way Keep the handles dry, clean, and free of oil

    or fuel mixture. Keep fuel and oil caps, screws, and fas-

    teners securely tightened. Use only Poulan accessories and replace-

    ment parts as recommendedHANDLE FUEL WITH CAUTION Do not smoke while handIing fuel or while

    operating the saw. Eliminate all sources of sparks or flame in

    the areas where fuel is mixed or poured.There should be no s moking, open flames,or work that could cause sparks. Altow en-gine to cool before refueling.

    Mix and pour fuel in an outdoor area onbare ground; store fuel in a cool, dry, wellventilated pIace; and use an approved,marked container for all fuel purposesWipe up all fuel spills before starting saw

    Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) from fuel-ing site before starting engine.

    Turn the engine off and let saw cool in anon-combustible area. net on dry Ieaves,straw, paper, etc. Slowly remove fuel capand refuel unit.

    Store the unit and fueiin an area where fuelvapors cannot reach sparks or openflames from water heaters, electric motorsor switches, furnaces, etc.

    KICKBACK&WARNING: Avoid kickback whichcan result in serious injury. Kickback is thebackward, upward or sudden forward motionof the guide bar occurring when the sawchain near the upper tip of the guide bar con-tacts any object such as a log or branch, orwhen the wood closes in and pinches thesaw chain in the cut. Contacting a foreign ob-ject in the wood can also result in loss ofchain saw control. Rotational Kickback can occur when the

    moving chain contacts an object at the up-per tip of the guide bar. This contact cancause the chain to dig into the object,which stops the chain for an instant. Theresult is a Iightning fast, reverse reactionwhich kicks the guide bar up and back to-ward the operator.

  • Pinch-Kickbackcanoccurwhenthethewoodclosesinandpinchesthemovingsawchaininthecutalongthetopoftheguidebarandthesawchainissuddenlystopped.Thissuddenstoppingofthechainresultsinareversalofthechainforceusedtocutwoodandcausesthesawtomoveintheoppositedirectionofthechainrotation.Thesawisdrivenstraightbacktowardtheoperator.

    Pull4n can occur when the moving chaincontacts a foreign object in the wood in thecut along the bottom of the guide bar and thesaw chain is suddenly stopped. This suddenstopping pulls the saw forward and awayfrom the operator and coutd easily cause theoperator to lose control d the saw

    Avoid Pinch-Kickback: Be extremely aware of situations or ob-

    structions that can cause material to pinchthe top of or otherwise stop the chain.

    Do not cut more than one log at a time. Do not twist the saw as the bar is with-

    drawn from an undercut when buckingAvoid Pull-In: Always begin cutting with the engine at full

    speed and the saw housing against wood. Use wedges made of pIastic or wood.

    Never use metal to hotd the cut open

    X_.,\ .


    _IIWARNING: The following featuresare included on your saw to help reduce thehazard of kickback; however, such featureswill not totally eliminate this danger. As achain saw user, do not rely only on safety de-vices. You must follow all safety precau-tions, instructions, and maintenance in thismanual to help avoid kickback and otherforces which can resuit in serious injury. Reduced-Kickback Guide Bar, designed

    with a small radius tip which reduces thesize of the kickback danger zone on thebar tip. A Reduced-Kickback Guide Barhas been demonstrated to significantly re-duce the number and seriousness of kick-backs when tested in accordance withsafety requirements for gasoline poweredchain saws as set by ANSI B175.1

    Red,,cad Kickback Symmetrical Guide hal


    SymmetricalGuide Bar 1_4_


    Low-Kickback Chain, designed with acontoured depth gauge and guard linkwhich dedect kickback force and allowwood to gradualIy ride into the cutter Low-Kickback Chain has met kickback per-formance requirements when tested on arepresentative sample of chain saws be-low 3.8 cubic inch displacement specifiedin ANSI B175.1

    Contuumd Depth GaugeE_ongated Guard Unk

    L _ a_qd a_]ows woodChain to gradualJyride


    Not a

    Front Hand Guard, designed to reduce thechance of your left hand contacting the chainif your hand slips off the front handlebar

    Position of front and rear handlebars, de-signed with distance between handles and"in-line" with each other. The spread andlngJne' position of the hands provided bythis design work together to give balanceand resistance in controlling the pivot ofthe saw back toward the operator if kick-back occurs.

    CHAIN BRAKE AND CKA ANGLE Chain Brake, designed to stop the chain in

    the event of kickback.

    dnI.W/4.1-{l_lll_l,i: WE DO NOT REP-RESENT AND YOU SHOULD NOT AS-SUME THAT THE CHAIN BRAKE WILLPROTECT YOU IN THE EVENT OFA KICK-BACK. Kickback is a lightning fast actionwhich throws the bar and rotating chain backand up toward the operator. Kickback can becaused by allowing contact of the bar tip in thedanger zone wifh any hard object Kickbackcan also be caused by pinching the saw chainalong the top of the guide baE This action maypush the guide bar rapidly back toward the op-erator. Either of these events may cause youto lose control of the saw which could result inserious injury or even death. DO NOT RELYUPON ANY OF THE DEVICES BUILT INTOYOUR SAW. YOU SHOULD USE THE SAWPROPERLY AND CAREFULLY TO AVOIDKICKBACK. Reduced-kickback guide barsand low-kickback saw chains reduce thechance and magnitude of kickback and arerecommended. Your saw has a low kickbackchain and bar as obginal equipment. Repairson a chain brake should be made by an autho-rized servicing dealer. Take your unit to theplace of purchase if purchased from a servic-ing dealer, or to the nearest authorized masterservice dealer. _p contact in some cases may cause a light-

    ning fast reverse REACTION, kicking guidebar up and back toward operator.

    Pinching the saw chain along the top of theguide bar may push the guide bar rapidlyback toward the operator

    Either of these reactions may cause you tolose control of the saw which could result inserious injury. Do not rely excIusively upondevices buiif into your saw.

    _i, WARNING: Computed kickbackangle (CKA) listed on your saw and listed in theCKA table below represents angle of kickbackyour bar and chain combinations will havewhen tested in accordance with CSA (Dana-dian Standards Association) and ANBI stan-dards. When purchasing replacement bar andchain, considerations should be given to thelower CKA values Lower CKA values repre-sent safer angles to the user. higher values in-dicate more angle and higher kick energiesComputed angles represented indicate totalenergy and angle associated without activationof the chain brake during kickback Activatedangle represents chain stopping time relative toactivation angle of chain break and resultingkick angle of saw. in all cases lower CKA val-ues represent a safer operating environmentfor the user.The following guide bar and chain combina-tions meet kickback requirements of CSAStandards Z62.f, Z62.3, & ANSI B175.1when used on saws listed in this manual.Use of bar and chain combinations otherthan those listed is not recommended andmay not meet the CKA requirements perstandard.

  • Computed kickback angle (CKA)

    MODEL PiN BAR Length /

    P4O 8WTL 530044749 8 /NOTE: If this saw is to be used for com-mercial logging, a chain brake is requiredand shaII not be removed or otherwise dis-ab}ed to comply with Federal OSHA Regula-tions for Commercial Logging.

    _WARNING: The engine exhaustfrom this product contains chemicais knownto the State of California to cause cancer,birth defects or other reproductive harm.

    SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibra_onsthrough prolonged use of gasoline poweredhand tools could cause blood vessel or nervedamage in the fingers, hands, and joints ofpeople prone to ckcuiation disorders orabnormal swellings. Prolonged use in coldweather has been linked to blood vesseldamage in otherwise healthy people. Ifsymptoms occur such as numbness, pain,loss of strength, change in skin color or texture,or loss of feeling in the fingers, hands, or joints,discon_nue the use of this tool and seekmedicat attention. An anti-vibration systemdoes not guarantee the avoidance of theseproblems. Users who operate power toots ona contJnua_ and regular basis must monitorclosely their physical condition and thecond_on of this tool.


    CHAIN P/N CKA without chain brake952051338 33

    SPECIAL NOTICE: Your saw is equippedwith a temperature limiting muffler and sparkarresting screen which meets therequirements of California Codes 4442 and4443. AII U.S. forest land and the states ofCalifornia, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, NewJersey, Oregon, and Washington require bylaw that many internal combustion enginesto be equipped with a spark arresting screen.if you operate a chain saw in a state or facalewhere such regulations exist, you are legallyresponsible for maintaining the operatingcondition of these parts. Failure to do so isa violation of the law. Refer to the SERVICEsection for maintenance of the sparkarresting screen.Faiture to follow all Safety Rules and Precau-tions can resuIt inserious injury. If situationsoccur which are not covered in this manual,use care and good judgement. If you needassistance, contact your authorized servicedealer or caII 1-800-554-6723.STANDARDS: This saw is listed by Under-writer's Laboratories, Inc., in accordance with:ANSI B175,1-2000 American NationalStandards for Gasoline-Powered ChainSaws - Safety RequirementsCSA Z62.1-08 Chain Saws - OccupationalHealth and SafetyCSA Z62.3-96 Chain Saw Kickback Occu-pationa_ HeaIth and Safety

    Protective gloves (not provided) should beworn during assembly.ATTACHING THE BAR & CHAIN (If notaIready attached)J_WARNING: If received assembled,repeat all steps to ensure your saw is propedyassembled and all fasteners are secure. Al-ways wear gloves when handling the chain.The chain is sharp and can cut you even whenit is not moving!1. Loosen and remove the bar nuts and the

    clutch cover from the saw.2. Remove the plastic shipping spacer (if


    Clutch cover

    Bar nuts Locatfanofshippingspacer

    Chain edjustmenttool(Bar Tool)

    3. Turn adjusting screw on bar counterclock-wise to move the tensioning rack as far asit wilI go toward the tiont of the bar.

  • AdjustingScrew

    Tensioning R_c_kk

    4. Slide guide bar on bar bolts untiI guidebar stops against clutch drum sprocket.

    NOTE: When adjusting chain tension,make sure the bar nuts are finger tight onlyAttempting to tension the chain when the barnuts are tight can cause damage.Checking the teneion:Use the screwdriver end of the chain adjust-ment tool (bar tool) to move chain aroundguide bar. Ifthe chain does not rotate, it is tootight. Ifthe chain is too loose, itwilI sag belowthe bar.

    5. Carefully remove the chain from the pack-age. Hold chain with tile drive links asshown.


    Cutters Depth Gauge

    Drive L_nks

    6. Place chain over and behind clutch re-tainer, fitting the drive links in the clutchdrum sprocket.

    7. Fit bottom of drive links between theteeth in the sprocket in the nose of theguide bar.

    8. Fit chain drive links into bar groove.9. PulIguide bar forward until chain is snug

    in guide bar groove Ensure all driveIinks are in the bar groove.

    10. HoId guide bar against the saw frameand install the clutch cover.

    11. RepIace the bar nuts and tighten fingertight. Once the chain is tensioned youwill need to tighten bar nuts.

    CHAIN TENSION(Including units with chain already installed)

    WARNING: Wear protective gloveswhen handling chain. The chain is sharp andcan cut you even when it is not moving.


    Chain AdjustmentAdjusting Tool

    Screw (Bar Tool)

    Adjusting the tension:Chain tension is very important. Chainsstretch during use. This is especially trueduring the first few times you use your sawAIways check chain tension each time youuse and refuel your saw.An adjusting screw (located on the guidebar) is used to adjust the tens ion of the chain(see illustration).1. Loosen bar nuts untii they are finger tight

    against the clutch cover.2 Turn adjus_ng screw clockwise until chain

    sotidly contacts bottom of guide bar rail


    3. Using bar tool, roll chain around guide barto ensure all links are in bar groove

    4. Lift up tip of guide bar to check for sag.Release tip of guide bar, then turn ad-justing screw untiI sag does not exist.

    5 While Iifting tip of guide bar, tighten barnuts securely with the bar tool

    6 Use the screwdriver end of the bar toolto move chain around guide bar.


  • 7. If chain does not rotate, it is too tight.Slightly loosen bar nuts and loosenchain by turning the adjusting screwRetighten bar nuts.

    8. If chain is too toose, it will sag below theguide bat DO NOT operate the saw ifthe chain is loose


    IIIWAI'INII'tI_: If the saw is operatedwith a loose chain, the chain could jump offthe guide bar and result in serious injury.

    READ THiS INSTRUCTION MANUAL AND SAFETY RULES BEFORE OPERATING YOURCHAIN SAW Compare the illustrations with your unit to familiarize yourself with the location ofthe various contrefs and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference.

    Chain Front Hand GuardAdjustment Tool

    (Bar Tool) Starter RopeON/STOPSwitch Choke/

    Chain Muffler Lever

    Bar Bar Oil Fill CapSprocketHole

    Starter Housing Fuet Mix FiII CapPrimer Bulb



    Cylinder Cover

    Chain ChainDirectionof Travel

    Throttle Ctutch CoverTrigger Bar Nuts

    ON/STOP SWITCHThe ON/STOP SWITCH is used to stop theengineTHRO'n'LE TRIGGERThe THROTTLE TRIGGER controls enginespeed.THRO'n'LE LOCK-OUTThe THROTTLE LOCK-OUT must bepressed before you can squeeze the throttletrigger This feature prevents you from acci-dentaIly squeezing the tngger.CHOKE/FAST IDLE LEVERThe choke and fast idle are set by puIling theCHOKE/FAST IDLE LEVER out to the full ex-tent for cefd starting or after refueling Thechoke provides add_onal fuel to the enginedubng cold starting.

    Guide BarCatcher

    PRIMER BULBThe PRIMER BULB circulates fuel to the car-burefor to provide quicker starting.CHAIN BRAKEThe chain brake is a device designed to stopthe chain if kickback occurs. The chain brakeactivates automatically in the event of kick-back The chain brake activates manuatly if thefront hand guard is pushed forward. The chainbrake is disengaged by pulIing the fiont handguard back toward the front handle as far aspossible.CHAIN TENSIONit Is normal for a new chain to stretch during thefirst 15 minutes of operation. You should checkyour chain tension frequently. See CHAINTENSION under the ASSEMBLY section.

  • _k WARNING: Muffler is very hot duringand after use. Do not touch the muffler or al-low combustible mateda_ such as dry grassor fueb to do so.BEFORE STARTING ENGINE

    _k WARNING: Be sure to read the fueIhandling information in the safety rutes sec-tion of this manual before you begin. Ifyou donot understand the fuel handling informationdo not attempt to fuel your unit. Seek helpfrom someone that does understand the in-formation or call the customer assistancehelp Sine at 1-800-554-6723FUELING ENGINE

    _ WARNING: Remove fuel cap slowlywhen refueling

    This engine is certified to operate on unleadedgasoline. Before operation, gasoline must bemixed with a good quahty synthetic 2-cycle air-cooled engine oil designed to be mixed at a ra-tio of 40:t. Poulan/WEED EATER brand syn-thetic oil is recommended. A 40:1 ratio isobtained by mixing 3.2 ounces (85 ml) of oilwith I gallon (4 liters) of unleaded gasefine.Included _th this saw is a 3.2 ounce (95 ml)container of Poulan/WEED EATER brand syn-thetic oil. Pour the entire contents of this con-tainer into 1 gallon (4 lifers) of gasoline toachieve the proper fuef m_xture DO NOT USEautomotive or marine oil. These oils willcause engine damage. When mixing fuef fef-low the instructions printed on the container.Always read and follow the safety rules Iistedunder HANDLE FUEL WITH CAUTION.

    BAR AND CHAIN LUBRICATIONThe bar and chain require continuous lubb-cation. Lubrication is provided by the auto-matic oiler system when the oil tank is keptfilled. Lack of oil will quickly ruin the bar andchain. Too little oil will cause overheatingshown by smoke coming from the chain and/or discoloration of the bar.In freezing weather oil will thicken, making itnecessary to thin bar and chain oii with asmall amount (5 to 10%) of # 1 Dieset Fuel orkerosene Bar and chain oil must be freeflowing for the oil system to pump enough oilfor adequate lubdcation.Genuine Poulan bar and chain oil is recom-mended to protect your unit against excessivewear from heat and fricfion. Poulan oil resistshigh temperature thinning.If Poulan bar and chain oil is not available,use a good grade SAE 30 oil Never use waste oil for bar and chain lubri-

    cation. Always stop the engine before removing

    the oil cap.

    IMPORTANTExpedence indicates that alcohol-blendedfuels (called gasohol or using ethanol or meth-anef) can attract moisture which leads to sepa-ration and formation of acids during storage.Acidic gas can damage the f_el system of anengine whi_e in storage. To avoid engine prob-lems, the fuef system should be emptied beforestorage for 30 days or longer. Drain the gastank, start the engine and let it run until the fuellines and carburetor are empty. Use fresh fuelnext season. See STORAGE section for addi-tional information.

    CHAIN BRAKEEnsure chain brake is disengaged by pullingthe front hand guard back toward the front han-dle as far as possible. The chain brake must bedisengaged before cutting with the saw.

    _,WARNING: The chain must notmove when the engine runs at idle speed. Ifthe chain moves at idle speed refer to CAR-BURETOR ADJUSTMENT within thismanual. Avoid contact with the muffler. A hotmuffler can cause serious bums.To stop the engine move the ON/STOPswitch to the STOP position.To start the engine hold the saw firmly on theground as illustrated. Make sure the chain isfree to turn w_thout contacting any object

    Use only 15" - 18" (40 - 45 cm) ofrope per pullHold saw firmly while pulling starter rope.

    Starter Rope Handle

    Left Handon FrontHandle

    Right Foot Through Rear Handle

    IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBERWhen pulling the starter rope, do not use thefull extent of the rope as this can cause therope to break. Do not let starter rope snapback Hefd the handle and let the rope re-wind s}owly.For coId weather starting, start the unit atFULL CHOKE; allow the engine to warm upbefore squeezing the throttle trigger.NOTE: Do not attempt to cut material withthe choke/fast idle lever in the FULL CHOKEposition.

  • STARTING A COLD ENGINE (orwarm engine after running out offuel)NOTE: In the following steps, when thechoke/fast idie lever is purled out to the fullextent, the correct throttle setting for startingis set automatically.




    1. Move ON/STOP switch to the ON posi-tion.

    2. Slowly press primer bulb 6 times3. Pult choke/fast idle lever out to the full

    extent (to the FULL CHOKE position).4. Pull the starter rope sharply 5 times with

    your nght hand. Then, proceed to thenext step.

    NOTE: If the engine sounds as if it is tryingto start before the 5th pull, stop pulling andimmediately proceed to the next step.5. Push the choke/fast idle lever in to the


    __FF HALF

    I_. / FULL

    6. PulI the starter rope edarpIy with yourright hand until the engine starts.

    7. Allow the engine to run for approximate-_y 30 seconds. Then, squeeze and re-Iease the throttle trigger to allow engineto return to idle speed

    STARTING A WARM ENGINE1. Move ON/STOP switch to the ON posi-

    tion.2. Slowly press primer bulb 6 times.3. To set the fast idle, pull the choke/fast

    idle Iever out to the full extent (to the fullchoke position); then push the leverback in to the HALF CHOKE position.

    4. Pult the starter rope edarpty with yourright hand untit the engine starts.

    5. Squeeze and release throttle trigger toatlow engine to return to idle speed.

    DIFFICULT STARTING (or etarting aflooded engine)The engine may be flooded with too muchfuel if it has not started after 10 pulis.Flooded engines can be cleared of excessfue} by pushing the choke/fast idle lever incomplete}y (to the OFF CHOKE position)and then following the warm engine startingprocedure listed above Ensure the ON/STOP switch is in the ON position.Starting could require pulling the starter ropehand}e many times depending on how bad}ythe unit is flooded, tf engine fails to start, referto the TROUBLESHOOTING TABLE or ca}l1-800-554-6723CHAIN BRAKE

    _, WARNING: If the brake band is worntoo thin it may break when the chain brake istriggered. With a broken brake band, the chainbrake will not stop the chain. The chain brakeshould be replaced by an authorized servicedenier if any part is worn to less than 0.020"(0.5 mm) thick. Repairs on a chain brakeshould be made by an authorized service deal-er. Take your unit to the place of purchase ifpurchased from a servicing dealer, or to thenearest authorized master service dea_er. This saw is equipped with a chain brake.

    The brake is designed to stop the chain ifkickback occurs

    The inertia-activated chain brake isactivated if the front hand guard is pushedforward, either manually (by hand) orautomatically (by sudden movement)

    If the brake is alreedy activated, _t isdisengaged by pulling the front hand guardback toward the front handle as far aspossibte

    When cutting with the saw, the chain brakemust be disengaged

    Braking function controlCAUTION: The chain brake must bechecked several times daily. The enginemust be running when performing this proce-dure. This is the only instance when the sawshould be placed on the ground with the en-gine running.PIace the saw on firm ground. Grip the rearhandle with your right hand and the front han-dle with your Ieft hand. Apply full throttle byfully depressing the throttle trigger. Activatethe chain brake by turning your left wristagainst the hand guard without releasingyour grip around the front handle The chainshould stop immediately


  • Inertia activating function control

    _iLWARNING: When performingthefottowing procedure, the engine must beturned off.Grip the rear handIe with your right hand andthe front handte with your left hand. Hold thechain saw approx+mately 14" (35 cm) abovea stump or other wooden surface. Releaseyour gnp on the front handte and use theweight of the saw to let the tip of the guide barfalI forward and contact the stump. When thetip of the bar hits the stump, the brake shouldactivate.OPERATING TIPS Check chain tension before first use and

    after 1 minute of operation. See CHAINTENSION in the ASSEMBLY section

    Cut wood only. Do not cut metal, plastics,masonry, non-wood building materials, etc.

    Stop the saw if the chain strikes a foreignobject, tnspect the saw and repa+r or re-place parts as necessary.

    Keep the chain out of dirt and sand Even asmallamount ofdirtwillqu+cklydul_a chainand thus increase the possibiI_ of kickback.

    Practice cutting a few smatl logs using thefeflowing techniques to get the "feel' of us-ing your saw before you begin a majorsaw+ng operation. Squeeze the throttle trigger and allow the

    eng+ne to reach full speed before cutting. Begin cutting with the saw frame

    against the log. Keep the engine at full speed the entire

    time you are cutting Allow the chain to cut for you. Exert onty

    light downward pressure. If you forcethe cut, damage to the bar, chain, or en-gine can result.

    Retease the throttle trigger as soon asthe cut is completed, allowing the en-gine to idle If you run the saw at fullthrottle without a cutting Ioad, unneces-sary wear can occur to the chain, bar,and engine. It is recommended thatthe engine not be operated for lon-ger than 30 seconds at full throttle.

    To avoid losing contref when cut is com-plete+ do not put pressure on saw at endof cut.

    Stop the engine before setting the sawdown after cutting.


    WAR NIN G: Checkforbrokenordeadbranches which can fatI while cutting causingserious injury. Do not cut near buildings orelectrical wires if you do not know the directionof tree fall, nor cut at n+ghtsince you will not beale to see wail, nor during bad weather such asrain, snow, or strong winds, etc. tf the treemakes contact with any uUl_ line, the utit+tycompany should be not_f+edimmediately

    CarefulIy plan your sawing operation in ad-vance.

    Clear the work area. You need a clear areaall around the tree so you can have securefooting.

    The chain saw operator should keep onthe uphil} side of the terrain as the tree is_ikely to refl or s_ide downhill after it is felled

    Study the natural conditions that can causethe tree to fall in a parlcuiar direction.

    Natural conditions that can cause a tree tofall in a particular direction include: The wind direction and speed The Iean of the tree. The lean of a tree

    might not be apparent due to uneven orsloping tarrain. Use a plumb or tevef to de-term+ne the direction of tree lean.

    Weight and branches on one side. Surrounding trees and obstaclesLook for decay and rot. if the trunk is rotted,it can snap and fall toward the operatorCheck for broken or dead branches whichcan fallon you whilecutting.Make surethereisenough room forthetreetofall Maintain a distance of _1/3 tree lengthsfrom the nearest person or other objects. En-gine noise can drown out a warning call.Remove dirt, stones, loose bark, nails, sta-ples, and wire from the tree where cuts are tobe made.PIana clear retreat path to the rear and diag-onal to the line of fail.

    _. _ Plan a clear retreat path

    _"- _ - O"'_ * Direction of Fall

    FELLING LARGE TREES(6 inches (t5 cm) in diameter or larger)The notch method is used to fefi targe treesA notch is cut on the side of the tree in the de-sired direction of fall After a failing cut ismade on the opposite side of tree the treewill tend to fall into the notch

    NOTE: If the tree has targe buttress roots,remove them before making the notch, if us-ing saw to remove buttress roots, keep sawchain from contacting ground to prevent dutl-ing of the chain.NOTCH CUT AND FELLING THETREE Make notch cut by cutting the top of the

    notch first. Cut through 1/3 of the diameterof the tree. Next complete the notch by cut-ting the bottom of the notch. See iIlustra-tion. Once the notch is cut remove thenotch of wood from the tree


  • Final (felting) cut here, 2 inches(5 cm) above center of notch.

    First cut

    Notch - _-- 2"

    JSecond cut

    After remowng the wood from the notch,make the felling cut on the opposite side ofthe notch. This is done by making a cut abouttwo inches (5 cm) higher than the center ofthe notch Th_swilI Ieave enough uncut woodbetween the felling cut and the notch to forma hinge. This hinge will help prevent the treefrom failing in the wrong direction.

    Hinge holds tree on stump and helpscontrol fall

    Openingof feIling

    Closing ofnotch

    NOTE: Before felling cut is complete, usewedges to open the cut if necessary tocontrol the direction of falI. To avoid kickbackand chain damage, use wood or plasticwedges, but never steel or iron wedges. Be atert to signs that the tree is ready to

    fa_l: cracking sounds, widening of the felbing cut, or movement in the upperbranches.

    As tree starts to fall. stop saw, put it down,and get away quickIy on your planned re-treat path

    DO NOT cut down a partially fatlen treewith your saw. Be extremely cautious withpartially fallen trees that may be poorlysupported. When a tree doesn't fall com-pletely, set the saw aside and pull down thetree with a cable winch, block and tackle,or tractor.

    CUTTING A FALLEN TREE(BUCKING)Bucking is the term used for cutting a fallentree to the desired log size

    WARNING: Do not stand on the logbeing cut Any portion can roll causing lossof footing and control. Do not stand downhil_of the log being cut.IMPORTANT POINTS Cut only one log at a time.

    Cut shattered wood very carefully; sharppieces of wood could be f_ung toward opera-toe

    Use a sawhorse to cut small logs. Neverallow another person to hold the log whilecutting and never hold the tog with your tegor foot.

    Do not cut in an area where logs, limbs,and roots are tangled such as in a bIowndown area. Drag the logs into a clear areabefore cutting by pul}ing out exposed andcleared logs first.


    _, WARNING: If saw becomes pinchedor hung in a log, don't try to force it out. Youcan lose coofrol of the saw resuIting in injuryand/or damage to the saw. Stop the saw,drive a wedge of plastic or wood into the cutuntil the saw can be removed easily Restartthe saw and careful}y reenter the cut. Toavoid kickback and chain damage, do notuse a metal wedge. Do not attempt to restartyour saw when it is pinched or hung in a log.

    Use a wedge to remove pinched saw

    Turn saw OFF and use a plastic orwooden wedge to force cut open

    Overcuttthg begins on the top side of the logwith the bottom of the saw ag6tnst the logWhen overcutt_ng use light downward pres-sure.


    :9 Undercutting',,>

    Undercutting involves cutting on the under-side of the log with top of saw against the log.When undercutting use light upward pres-sure. Hold saw firmly and maintain control.The saw will tend to push back toward you.

    _WARNING: Never turn saw upsidedown to undercut. The saw cannot be con-trolled in this position.Always make your first cut on the compres-sion side of the log. The compression side ofthe fog is where the pressure of the log'sweight is concentrated.

    First cut on cot_ression side of Iog

    Second cut


  • Second cut

    First cut on compression side of log

    SUCKING WITHOUT A SUPPORT Overcut through 1/3 of the diameter of the

    log. Roll the log over and finish with a second

    overcut. Watch for logs with a compression side to

    prevent the saw from pinching. See iI-lustrations for cutting logs with a compres-sion side.

    BUCKING USING A LOG ORSUPPORT STAND Remember your first cut is always on the

    compression side of the log(Refer to the illustrations below for yourfirst and second cut)

    Your first cut should extend 1/3 of thediameter of the Iog.

    Finish with your second cut.Using a log for support 2nd Cut

    - . _ -- st

    1st Cut

    2_ cut _)f_Using a support stand

    2nd Cut

    __J_ 1st Cut



    ,_WARNING: Be a_ertfor and guardagainst kickback Do not allow the movingchain to contact any other branches or objects

    at the nose of the guide bar when _imbing orpruning. Allowing such contact can result inserious injury

    WAR N ING: Never climb into a tree tolimb or prune. Do not stand on ladders, plat-forms, a log, or in any position which can causeyou to lose your batance or control of the sawIMPORTANT POINTS Work sIowly, keeping both hands firmly

    gripped on the saw Maintain secure footingand balance.

    Watch out for springpoles. Spdngpoles aresmali size limbs which can catch the sawchain and whip toward you or pull you off bal-ance. Use extreme caution when cuttingsmalI size limbs or slender material.

    Be alert for springback. Watch out forbraiqches that are bert or ur_der pressureAvoid being struck by the branch or thesaw when the tension in the wood fibers isreleased

    Keep a clear work area. Frequently ctearbranches out of the way to avoid trippingover them.

    LIMBING AIwayslimbatreeafferitiscutdown. Only

    then can limbing be done safely and prop-erty.

    Leave the larger limbs underneath the felledtree to support the tree as you work.

    Start at the base of the failed tree and worktoward the top, cutting branches and IimbsRemove small limbs with one cut.

    Keep the tree between you and the chainCut from the side of the tree opposite thebranch you are cutting

    Remove larger, supporting branches withthe cutting techniques described in DUCK-ING WITHOUT A SUPPORT

    A{ways use an overcut to cut small and free-{y hanging limbs Undercutting could cause{imbs to fall and pinch the saw.


    _tLWARNING: Umit pruning to Iimbsshoulder height or below. Do not cut ifbranches are higher than your shoulder. Get aprofesslonai to do the job. Make your first cut 1/3of the way through the

    bottom of the limb. Next make a 2nd cut all the way through

    the limb. Then cut a third overc ut leaving af to 2 inch (2.5 to 5 cm) collar from thetruckof the tree

    I Second cut //_'

    _/ Pruning technique


  • ilWAt-iNINLi: Disconnect the sparkplug before performing maintenance exceptfor carburetor adjustments.We recommend all service and adjustmentsnot listed in this manual be performed by anauthorized or Master Service Dealer.

    MAINTENANCE SCHEDULECheck:Fuel mixture level .... Before each useBar lubrication ....... Before each useChain tension ....... Before each useChain sharpness ..... Before each useFor damaged parts ... Before each useFor loose caps ...... Before each useFor loose fasteners... Before each useFor loose parts ...... Before each useInspect and Clean:Bar ................ Before each useComplete saw ....... After each useAir filter ............. Every 5 hours*Chain brake ......... Every 5 hours*Spark arresting screenand muffler .......... Every 25 hours*Replace spark plug . YearlyReplace fuel filter ... Yearly

    Hours of Operat{on -Each hour of operation is approximately2 tanks of fuel

    GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONSThe warranty on this unit does not coveritems that have been subjected to operatorabuse or negligence. To receive full valuefrom the warranty, the operator must main-tain unit as instructed inthis manuaI Variousadjustments wilt need to be made periodical-]y to properly maintain your unit. Once a year,replace the spark plug,air filter,

    and check guide bar and chain for wear. Anew spark plug and air fiLLerassures propera_r-fue}mixture and helps your engine runbetter and last IongeE

    CHECK FOR DAMAGED ORWORN PARTSContact an authorized service dealer for re-placement of damaged or worn parts

    NOTE: It is normal for a smalI amount of oilto appear under the saw after engine stops.Do not confuse this with a leaking oil tank. ON/STOP Switch - Ensure ON/STOP

    sw@h functions properly by moving theswitch to the STOP position. Make sure en-gine stops; then restart engine and conbnue

    Fuel Tank - Do not use saw h' fuel tankshows signs of damage or leaks.

    OiITank- Donotusesawifoiltankshowssigns of damage or leaks.


    Bar NutsChainMufflerCylinder ShieldAir FiIterHandle ScrewsVibration MountsStarter HousingFront Hand Guard

    CHECK CHAIN SHARPNESSA sharp chain makes wood chips A duIIchain makes a sawdust powder and cutsslowly. See CHAIN SHARPENING.CHECK GUIDE BARCond*fions which require guide bar mainte-nance:

    Saw cuts to one side or at an angle. Saw has to be forced through the cut. Inadequate supply of oil to bar/chainCheck the condition of guide bar each timechain is sharpened A worn guide bar willdamage the chain and make cutting difficult.After each use, ensure ON/STOP switch isin the STOP position, then clean al_sawdustfrom the guide bar and sprocket hole.To maintain guide bar: Move ON/STOP switch to STOR Loosen and remove bar nuts and clutch

    cover. Remove bar and chain from saw. Clean the oil holes and bar groove after

    each 5 hours of operation.

    Oil Ho_es

    Burring of guide bar rails _s a normalprocess of raiI wear. Remove these bLlrrswith a flat file.

    When rail top is uneven, use a flat file to re-store square edges and sides.

    _ File Rail Edges _- rE[]and Sides


    Worn Groove Correct Groove


  • Replace guide bar when the groove _sworn,the guide bar is bent or cracked, or when ex-cess heating or burring of the rails occurs. If re-placement is necessary, use only the guide barspecified for your saw in the repair parts list oron the decal located on the chain saw.CHECK FUEL MIXTURE LEVEL See FUELING ENGINE under the OP-


    Air FilterCover


    See GUIDE BAR AND CHAIN OIL underthe OPERATION section.

    INSPECT AND CLEAN UNIT ANDDECALS After each use. inspect complete unit for

    loose or damaged parts. Clean the unit anddecafs using a damp cloth with a mild deter-gent.

    Wipe off unit with a clean dry cloth.CHECK CHAIN BRAKESee CHAIN BRAKE in the OPERATIONsectionCLEAN AIR FILTERCAUTION: Do not clean filteNn gasoline orother flammable solvent to avoid creating afire hazard or producing harmful evaporativeemissionsCleaning the air filter:A dirty air filter dec reases the life and perfor-mance of the engine and increases fuel con-sumption and harmfuI emissions. Alwaysclean your air filter after 10 tanks of fuel or 5hours of operation, whichever comes first.Clean more frequently in dusty conditions Aused air filter can never be completelycleaned it is advisable to replace your air fibter with a new one after every 50 hours of op-eration, or annually, whichever comes first.1. Loosen 3 screws on cylinder cover2. Remove cylinder cover.3. Remove air filter cover and air filter.4. Clean the air filter using hot soapy water.

    Rinse with clean cool water Air dry com-pletely before reinstafling.

    5. Reinstal} air filter and air filter cover6. Reinstall cylinder cover and 3 screws.

    Tighten securely.

    INSPECT MUFFLER AND SPARKARRESTING SCREENAs the unit is used carbon deposits build upon the muffler and spark arresting screen,and must be removed to avoid creating a firehazard or affecting engine performance.Replace the spark arresting screen if breaksOCCUr

    Spark ExhaustArresting OutletScreen Cover

    i /


    CLEANING THE SPARK ARREST-ING SCREENCteaning is required every 25 hours of op-eration or annually, whichever comes first1. Loosen and remove the nut from the ex-

    haust outlet cover2 Removethe exhaust oulet cover.3. Remove spark arresting screen. Handle

    screen carefully to prevent damage.4. Clean the spark arresting screen gently

    with a wire brush Replace screen ifbreaks are found.

    5 Replace any broken or cracked mufflerparts.

    6 Reinstall spark arresting screen, exhaustoutlet cover, and nut. Tighten nut securely

    REPLACE SPARK PLUGThe spark plug shouId be replaced eachyear to ensure the engine starts easier andruns better. Ignition timing is fixed and non-adjustable.1. Loosen 3 screws on cylinder cover.2. Remove the cylinder cover.3. Purl off the spark plug boot.4. Remove spark piug from cylinder and



  • 5. Replace with Champion RCJ-7Y sparkplug and tighten securely with a 3/4 inch(19 ram) socket wrench. Spark plug gapshouId be 0.025 inch (0,6 mm).

    6. Reinstaltthe spark plug boot.7. Reinstal} the cylinder cover and 3

    screws Tighten securely.


    SparkPlug Boot


    REPLACE FUEL FILTERTo replace fuel filter, drain your unit by run-ning it dry of fuel. Remove fuel cap and itsconnected retainer from tank PulI filter fromtank and remove from line. Replace and re-assembieCHAIN ADJUSTMENTSee CHAIN TENSION in ASSEMBLY sec-tion.

    CHAIN SHARPENINGChain sharpening is a complicated task andrequires speciai tools. We recommend thatyou refer chain sharpening to a professionalchain sharpener.CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENT

    _' WARNING: The chain wifl be movingduring most of this procedure. Wear yourprotective equipment and observe all safetyprecautions. The chain must not move at idlespeed.The carburetor has been carefuIly set at thefactory Adjustments may be necessary ifyou notice any of the following conditions: Chain moves at idle See IDLE BPEED-T

    adjusting procedure. Saw wi}l not idle See iDLE SPEED-T ad-

    justing procedure.Idle Speed-TAItow engine to idle. if the chain moves, idle istoo fast. ff the engine stalls, idle is too siow Ad-just speed untiI engine runs without chainmovement (idle too fast) or stalling (idle tooslow). The idle speed screw is located in timearea above the primer bulb and is lapeled T Turn idle screw (T) cIockwise to increase

    engine speed. Turn idIe screw (T) counterclockwise to

    decrease engine speed.if you require further assistance or are unsureabout performing this procedure, contact yourauthorized service dealer or ceil our customerassistance hetp line at f-800-554-6723.

    ,=IWARNING: Perform the foilowingsteps after each use: Allow the engine to cool, and secure the

    unit before storing or transporting Store chain saw and fuel in a wail venti-

    lated area where fuel vapors cannot reachsparks or open flames from water heaters,electric motors or switches, furnaces, etc.

    Store chain saw with eli guards in pieceand position chain saw so that any sharpobject cannot accidentally cause injury.

    Store chain saw we_l out of the reach ofchildren.

    SEASONAL STORAGEPrepare your unit for storage at the end of theseason or if it will not be used for 30 days ormore

    If your chain saw is to be stored for a periodof time: Clean saw thoroughly before storage. Store in a clean dry area. Lightly oiI external metal surfaces and

    guide bar. Oil the chain and wrap it in heavy paper or


    FUEL SYSTEMUnder FUELING ENGINE in the OPERA-TION section of this manual, see messagelabeted IMPORTANT regarding the use ofgasohol in your chain saw.Fuel stabilizer is an acceptable alternative inminimizing the formation of fuel gum depos-its dudng storage Add stabilizer to the gaso-line in the fuel tank or fue} storage containerFollow the mix instructions found on stabiliz-er containers Run engine at least 5 minutesafter adding stabilizer.Poulan/WEED EATER 40:1,2-cycle engineoil (air cooIed) is blended with fuel you do not use this oil, you can add a fuelstabilizer to your fuel tank


  • ENGINE Remove spark plug and pour 1 teaspoon

    of 4-0:t, 2-cycle engine oil (air cooled)through the spark plug opening. Slowlypuli the starter rope 8 to 10 times to distrib-ute oil.

    Replace spark plug with new one of rec-ommended type and heat range

    Clean air filter. Check entire unit for loose screws, nuts,

    and bolts. Replace any damaged, broken,or worn parts.

    At the beginning of the next season, useonly fresh fue_ having the proper gasolineto oil ratio.

    OTHER Do not store gasoline from one season to

    another. Rep}ace your gasoline can if tt starts to



    _1, WARNING: Always stop unit and disconnect spark plug before performing alI ofthe recommended remedies below except remedies that require operation of the unit


    Engine wi}l not 1. ignition switch off. 1. Move ignition switch to ONstart or wil_ run 2. Engine flooded 2 See "Difficult Starting" inoniy a few Operation Section.seconds after 3. FueI tank empty. 3 FiII tank with correct fuel mixturestarting. 4. Spark plug not firing 4 Install new spark plug.

    5. Fuel not reaching 5 Check for dirty fuel filter; replace.carburetor Check for kinked or split fuel line;

    repair or repIace

    Engine wil_ t. Idle speed requires 1. See "Carburetor Adjustment" in thenot idle adjustment. Service and Adjustments Section.properly. 2. Carburetor requires 2. Contact an authorized service dealer.

    adjustment.Engine will not f. Air filter dirty. 1. Clean or replace air filter.accelerate, 2. Spark plug fouled. 2 Clean or repJace plug and regaplacks power, 3. Chain brake engaged 3 Disengage chain brakeor dies under 4. Carburetor requires 4 Contact an authorized service dealera load adjustment.Engine t. Too much oi_ mixed with t Empty fuel tank and refil_ withsmokes gasoline correct fuel mixture.excessively.Chain moves 1. Idle speed requires t See "Carburetor Adjustment" in theat idle speed, adjustment. Service and Adjustments Section.

    2. Clutch requires repair. 2 Contact an authorized service dealer.


  • Poulan, a division of Husqvarna OutdoorProducts Inc, warrants to the ohginal con-sumer purchaser that each new Poulanbrand gasoline chain saw is free from de-fects in mateda_ and workmanship andagrees to repair or replace under this war-ranty any defective gasoline chain saw asfollows from the original date of purchase.2 YEARS - Parts and Labor, when used forhousehold purposes.60 DAYS - Parts and Labor, when used forcommerciaI, professional, or income pro-ducing purposes.30 DAYS - Parts and Labor, if used for rentalpurposesThis warranty is not transferable and does notcover damage or liability caused by improperhandling _mproper maintenance or altera_on,or the use of accessories and/or attachmentsnot specifically recommended by Poulan forthis chain saw. This warranty does not covertune-up, spark plugs, fi{ters, starter ropes,chain sharpening, bars, chains, and other partswhich wear and require replacement with rea-sonable use during the warranty period Thiswarranty does not cover predelivery setup,installation o{ guide bar and chain, and normalad;ustments explained in the instruction manu-al such as chain tension adjustments. Thiswarranty does not cover transportation costs.In the event you have a claim under this war-ranty, you must return the product to an au-thorized service dealer.Should you have any unanswered questionsconcern{ng this warranty, please contact:Poulan, a division of Husqvarna OutdoorProducts Inc1030 Stevens Creek RoadAugusta, GA 309071-800-554-8723


    In Canada, contact:Poutan5855 Terry Fox WayMississauga,Onta8o LhV3E4Giving the model number, serial number anddate of purchase of your product and thename and address of the authorized deatsrfrom whom it was purchased.THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFICLEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY HAVEOTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROMSTATE TO STATE.NO CLAIMS FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OROTHER DAMAGES WILL BE ALLOWED,AND THERE ARE NO OTHER EXPRESSWARRANTIES EXCEPT THOSE EX-PRESSLY STIPULATED HEREIN.SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITA-TIONS ON HOW LONG AN }MPUEDWAR-RANTY LASTS OR THE EXCLUSION ORLIMITATIONS OF INCIDENTAL OR CON-SEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THEABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUS$ONMAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.This is a limited warranty within the meaningof that term as defined in the Magnuson-Moss Act of 1975.The policy of Poutan is to continuously _m-prove its products. Therefore. Poulan re-serves the right to change, modify, or discon-tinue models, designs, specifications, andaccessories of al_ products at any time with-out notice or obligation to any purchaser.

    LtGATIONS: The US EnvironmentaIProtection Agency, California Air ResourcesBoard, Environment Canada and Poulan arepleased to expIain the emissions controlsystem warranty on your year 2007 and latersmall off-road engine. In California, all smalloff-toed engines must be designed, built, andequipped to meet the State's stringent anti-smog standards. Poulan must warrant theemission control system on your small off-road engine for the periods of time listed be-low provided there has been no abuse, ne-gIect, or improper maintenance of your smalloff-road engine. Your emission control sys-tem includes parts such as the carburetor, theignition system and the fuel tank (Californiaon_y). Where a warrantable condition exists,Poulan will repair your small off-road engineengine at no cost to you. Expenses coveredunder warranty include diagnosis, parts andlabor.

    MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY COV-ERAGE: if any emissions related part onyour engine (as listed under Emissions Con-trol Warranty Parts List) is defective or a de-fect in the matedaIs or workmanship of theengine causes the faiIure of such an emis-sion retated part, the part will be repaired orreplaced by Poulan. OWNER'S WARRAN-TY RESPONSIBILITIES: As the small off-road engine engine owner, you are responsi-ble for the performance of the requiredmaintenance tisted inyour instruction manu-al. Poutan recommends that you retain atl re-ceipts covering maintenance on your smalloff-road engine, but Poulan cannot denywarranty solely for the lack of receipts or foryour failure to ensure the performance of aIIscheduled maintenance. As the small off-road engine engine owner, you should beaware that Pou_an may deny you warrantycoverage if your small off-road engine en-gine or a part of it has faitsd due to abuse, ne-


  • glect,impropermaintenance,unapprovedmodifications,ortheuseofpartsnotmadeorapprovedby the odginalequipmentmanufacturer.Youareresponsibleforpres-entingyoursmalloff-roadenginetoaPoulanauthorizedrepaircenterassoonasaprob-lemexists.Warrantyrepairsshouldbecom-pletedinareasonableamountoftime,nottoexceed30days.ifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingyourwarrantyrightsandresponsi-bilities,youshouldcontactyournearestau-thorizedservicecenterorcallPouIanat1-808-554-8723.WARRANTYCOM-MENCEMENT DATE: The warranty periodbegins on the date the small off- road engineis purchased LENGTH OF COVERAGE:This warranty shalI be for a period of twoyears from the initial date of purchase.WHAT tS COVERED: REPAIR OR RE-PLACEMENT OF PARTS. Repair or re-p}acement of any warranted part wilt be per-formed at no charge to the owner at anapproved Poulan servicing center. If youhave any questions regarding your warrantyrights and responsibilities, you should con-tact your nearest authorized service centeror call Poulan at 1-800-554-8723. WAR-RANTY PERIOD: Any warranted part whichis not scheduled for replacement as requiredmaintenance, or which is scheduled only forregular inspection to the effect of "repair orreplace as necessary" shall be warranted for2 years. Any warranted part which is sched-uled for replacement as required mainte-nance shall be warranted for the period oftime up to the first scheduled replacementpoint for that part. DIAGNOSIS: The ownershal_ not be charged for diagnostic labor

    which leads to the determination that a war-ranted part is defective if the diagnostic workis performed at an approved Poulan servic-ing center. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES:Poutan may be Iiable for damages to otherengine components caused by the failure ofa warranted part sfill under warranty. WHATIS NOT COVERED: All failures caused byabuse, neglect, or improper maintenanceare not covered ADD-ON OR MODIFIEDPARTS: The use of add-on or modified partscan be grounds for disallowing a warrantyclaim Poulan is not liable to cover failures ofwarranted parts caused by the use of add-on or modified parts. HOW TO FILE ACLAIM: if you have any questions regardingyour warranty rights and responsibilities,you should contact your nearest authorizedservice center or calI Poutan at1-800-554-8723 WHERE TO GET WAR-RANTY SERVICE: Warranty services or re-pairs shall be provided at alI PouIan servicecenters Catl: 1-800-554-8723 MAINTE-NANCE, REPLACEMENT AND REPAIROF EMISSION RELATED PARTS: AnyPoulan approved replacement part used inthe performance of any warranty mainte-nance or repair on emission related parts witlbe provided without charge to the owner ifthe part is under warranty. EMISSION CON-TROL WARRANTY PARTS LEST: Carbure-tor, ignition system: spark plug (covered upto maintenance schedule), ignition module,muffler including catalyst (if equipped), fueltank (California only). MAINTENANCESTATEMENT: The owner is responsible forthe performance of all required maintenanceas defined in the instruction manual.

    The information on the product label indicates which standard your engine is certifiedExampie: (Year) EPA Phase 1 or Phase 2 and/or CALIFORNIA

    This engine is certified to be emissions compliant for the following use:

    [] Moderate (50 hours)[] h_termediate (125 hours)[] Extended (300 hours)
