manning valley u3a · pdf filereconciliation to ensure that the payments made and receipts...

Manning Valley U3A (Pilot Hill and breakwalls, Harrington) Learning for life CONTACTS President: Merlin Freeman 6557 0019 Secretary: Lyn Rayward 6553 9516 Membership: Ern Hollebone 6553 9383 Treasurer: Ross Connell 6552 5951 Welfare: Helen Heathwood 6550 0616 Program: Pam Hollebone 6553 9383 Commissariat: Robyn Brown 6553 8145 Day Trips: Brian Groth 6551 3435 General: Julie Frederiksen 6550 0277 Theatre Trips: Robyn Brow 6553 8145 Publicity & Paul Robinson 6553 3918 & Seniors Week display: Margaret Sparkes-Carroll 6552 3914 Postal address: PO Box 436, Taree 2430 Website: CALENDAR FOR 2012 Term 3 Enrolment Day: Monday 16 July 9.30 am – 12 noon Uniting Church, Taree Activities: Tuesday 17 July – Friday 14/21 September Various OBE Luncheon: Monday 17 September Sailo’s Restaurant Term 4 Enrolment Day: Monday 8 October 9.30 am – 12 noon Uniting Church, Taree Activities: Tuesday 9 October – Friday 7/14 December Various Course Leaders’ Luncheon: Wednesday 12 December Sailo’s Restaurant

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Page 1: Manning Valley U3A · PDF fileReconciliation to ensure that the payments made and receipts issued for the year agree with the balance as per the bank statement. ... his/her craft and

Manning Valley U3A

(Pilot Hill and breakwalls, Harrington)

Learning for life

CONTACTS President: Merlin Freeman 6557 0019 Secretary: Lyn Rayward 6553 9516 Membership: Ern Hollebone 6553 9383 Treasurer: Ross Connell 6552 5951 Welfare: Helen Heathwood 6550 0616 Program: Pam Hollebone 6553 9383 Commissariat: Robyn Brown 6553 8145 Day Trips: Brian Groth 6551 3435 General: Julie Frederiksen 6550 0277 Theatre Trips: Robyn Brow 6553 8145 Publicity & Paul Robinson 6553 3918 & Seniors Week display: Margaret Sparkes-Carroll 6552 3914

Postal address: PO Box 436, Taree 2430


CALENDAR FOR 2012 Term 3 Enrolment Day: Monday 16 July 9.30 am – 12 noon Uniting Church, Taree Activities: Tuesday 17 July – Friday 14/21 September Various OBE Luncheon: Monday 17 September Sailo’s Restaurant Term 4 Enrolment Day: Monday 8 October 9.30 am – 12 noon Uniting Church, Taree Activities: Tuesday 9 October – Friday 7/14 December Various Course Leaders’ Luncheon: Wednesday 12 December Sailo’s Restaurant

Page 2: Manning Valley U3A · PDF fileReconciliation to ensure that the payments made and receipts issued for the year agree with the balance as per the bank statement. ... his/her craft and

Words from Our President

I begin by paying respect to the Elders of the Biripi people and the

people of the Kattung Nation. Welcome all to this, our third term for 2012. We enjoyed quite a

few new courses last term and look forward to our old favourites as well as some very interesting new programs this term. Thank you to all the group leaders who so willingly and capably led members through the past term and to all those who assist our course leaders.

The Group Leaders afternoon tea on June 17th was a great success. It was a chance for us to catch up with each other and share ideas, successes and challenges. Thanks to Ann Summerhill and Julie Frederiksen for making sure we were all aware of time, date and venue and for organising the afternoon tea. We are very fortunate to have a great committee working for our benefit with five new Committee members bringing fresh ideas to our meetings. Pam Hollebone has the huge task of organising programs and providing us with an information packed Newsletter. Ern Hollebone is our Vice President, Web Master and Keeper of the Roll. Ross Connell is our Treasurer and we are happy to say our financial status is very healthy. Lyn Rayward is our Secretary, Helen Heathwood our Welfare Officer, Paul Robinson and Margaret Sparkes-Carroll are taking care of our Publicity needs. Robin Brown is managing Theatre Trips and our refreshments at the Uniting Church and Brian Groth will be taking on the role of Day Trip manager while Julie Frederiksen will give assistance to any member needing an extra pair of hands.

We thank all members who make new-comers welcome to groups and to our luncheons. We have a large number of members and it is important we maintain our friendly welcoming attitudes. A sincere thank you to all those working quietly behind the scenes making our U3A the success it is.

It was a great pleasure to give certificates to five of our OBE members who have reached a significant age/birthday, at our luncheon at Sailos on 27th June. A special thanks to Pam for producing this Newsletter and to Ern for organising it to be available via the internet We encourage members to take advantage of receiving the Newsletter via email and thus also allow a speedy message to be sent if the need should arise. We look forward to reading our Newsletter and to find out what new experiences are being offered.

I look forward to meeting with all members on Enrolment day, during the coming term and at the Luncheon at Sailos. Merlin Freeman

Courses, Courses, Courses Every term I’m asked “What new courses are coming up?” As you can see by this term’s offering; perishing few!! We have 380 members and 24 course leaders for this term. How pathetic!! I realise that not everyone feels comfortable about organising a course BUT the NSW Network library has, literally, hundreds of courses prepared by members of other U3A groups which are available for any U3A person to use within their own U3A. Why not check their website: Why not look into what’s available (see Pam for a run-down) before MV U3A withers and fades into nothing. How will you feel when there’s nothing left but daytime TV because you couldn’t be bothered to move out of your “comfort zone” and CONTRIBUTE.

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Thank you I would really like to thank my U3A family for their kindness, hospital visits and best wishes during my recent incapacitation. (Julie Frederiksen - Committee member – upper right photo) Editor’s comment: only a qualified nurse would use “incapacitation” BUT we’re all pleased that you have made such a good recovery after your very nasty accident.

Term 2 Term 3 Luncheon Well done!! Only one couple missed the luncheon without notifying but Ross’s chooks were thrilled with the doggy-bag hand-out of chips ‘n’ salad! It really keeps our restaurateurs happy and willing to put up with our rowdy hordes when we observe the basic courtesies. I’m currently negotiating with Sailo’s to have variations to two of the options ie a different chicken dish and red meat dish (eg lamb shank); the fish and vegetarian dishes would remain unchanged. I have therefore listed the options as fish, chicken, red meat and vegetarian - ring me if you want to know the changes.

Page 3 Manning Valley U3A New Committee Members Congratulations to our new Committee members (2012-2013):

Vale Pat Warner

16-11-1935 to 26-04-2012 Generosity personified, Always found a silver lining A true butterfly spirit, aiming for the light

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Help Us To Be Aware Helen Heathwood Phone: 6550 0616 email: [email protected]

Please contact me, as Welfare Officer, if you are aware of a member who would appreciate contact or a card from U3A. Many recipients of cards have let me know how much they appreciated the thought. Let us show support for each other when we are ill, stressed or grieving; let us show our happiness for each other when we are celebrating a happy occasion. It’s all part of the MV U3A Family.

Left: Brian Groth - Day Tripper Extraordinaire will take you to enjoy the local scenic/cultural/edible delights. Right: Robyn Brown - fills the stomachs at the Uniting Church and organises trips to our local theatrical highlights.

Left: Margaret Sparkes-Carroll & Right: Paul Robinson - our dynamic duo of wordsmiths will get the news out to the great unwashed public about how good MV U3A is. They will also put together our Seniors Week display in the library.

Right: Julie Frederiksen - ‘Member without Portfolio’ assists all the rest & controls the scrum at Open Forum

Vale Gail Evans

19-10-1947 to 02-06-2012 A recent, enthusiastic member

Our sincere condolences to Connie & family

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Committee Profile – Ross Connell After retiring as an archivist and librarian in 2007 I moved to Taree from

Sydney with Bruce, my partner of nearly forty years. We’ve settled into a semi-rural lifestyle at Taree South and I can honestly say we have no regrets about leaving the big smoke.

I joined Manning Valley U3A in 2008 and a few years ago who would

have believed that this city slicker would be line dancing most Friday mornings!

In April 2009 I took on the task of U3A Treasurer, which at times can be quite rewarding, especially when the books balance, and at times quite frustrating, when they don’t. My busiest time occurs during enrolment periods and at the end of enrolment day you can find me in the hall ensuring the total of the receipts agrees with the money and cheques, preparing the bank deposit slips and then actually banking the takings. After getting home I then start the task of entering each receipt into the Receipts Journal, dividing each into memberships, course fees, day trips, theatre parties, term lunch, etc. This job continues to a lesser degree throughout each term as people decide to do additional courses or go to theatre parties or day trips. Other tasks include writing cheques (and getting them countersigned by another committee member) and entering them into the Payments Journal, maintaining an Assets Register and at the end of each month preparing a Reconciliation to ensure that the payments made and receipts issued for the year agree with the balance as per the bank statement. Whew! When I read this I wonder where I find the time to go line dancing! But it’s not really as bad as it sounds. You get to meet a lot of people and also have the satisfaction that you have contributed in a small way to the success of Manning Valley U3A.

Class Leaders’ Afternoon Our Class Leaders’ Afternoon was held on Sunday 17 June 1 pm – 3 pm. 19 leaders were able to attend as well as most of the Committee and seemed to find the exercise useful for sharing ideas & concerns and, of course, the afternoon tea, organised by Ann and Julie disappeared rapidly (especially the mini meatballs!). A gathering such as this is one of the few occasions each year when people who would not normally come across each other, can meet as friends in U3A and value the achievements of our campus. But most of all, it’s a chance for the committee to show their appreciation of our Class Leaders’ enthusiasm and dedication. As we keep saying: “without class leaders, there is no U3A!” and no need for a committee!

Premier’s Women of the Year Awards Lucia Bokulic was nominated by local MP Stephen Bromhead for one of the NSW Premier’s Award for Woman of the Year - there were four categories and, although Lucia was not a finalist, she was certainly a worthy representative our area. See Page 16 for photo of Lucia & Stephen at the Awards ceremony at NSW Parliament House.

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2012 Annual Membership Fees Annual membership fees for financial members from 2010/2011 are being waived this year (2012). Of course we cannot waive ALL fees but you, our loyal members, will only have to pay costs incurred for the courses and activities you do each term. New members will have to pay the usual annual membership. We ask everyone to read the Question 1 options on the Enrolment Form VERY carefully and complete the relevant one. ALL 2012 members should fill in ONE of the five options listed.

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Authors of the Manning Valley (Page 7) It’s quite surprising to learn just how many writers there are in our area. Helen has come up with an exciting course in which each session will feature a different local author discussing his/her craft and willing to answer your questions. The authors will be: 23 July Cheryl Meyer: “The Love of Trystan & Essylt” –a retelling of the timeless love story, the earliest romance in Western literary heritage, using many traditional elements from medi ǽval sources & earlier poetic material. 30 July Jacqueline Winn “Once More with Feeling”, “Salt & Pepper”are collections of award-winning short stories which deal with relationships and powerful events in life’s drama. 6 August Marion Hosking “Why Doesn’t She Leave – the story of Taree’s Refuge” In the book are some individual stories to lead to an understanding of why some women won’t leave a violent relationship. Marion, awarded the Centenary Medal & an OAM for her work on abortion law reform & women’s refuges, wrote this as a result of her volunteer work at the Refuge. 13 August Maurie Garland “The Trials of Isabella Mary Kelly”, “Horace Dean, a Pocketful of Lies”, “Jimmy Governor: Blood on the Tracks” Maurie challenges some of the myths in our society. He will discuss his research and the truth about these well-known figures. 20 August Joy Bell “The Pretty Place”is set near Coolongolook and deals with young relationships, hopes, dreams, separation, friendship and describes a lifestyle many can relate to: just getting by. Easy reading, happy ending. 27 August Alison McIntosh “Research Fellow in Academe – Aspects of Violence in Rural Australia, Esp. Mining Communities”:writing & publishing book chapters, journal articles & conference papers on this controversial topic. She aims to amuse, intrigue, inform & alarm by presenting research findings and revealing behind-the-scenes incidents. She will give insights into reviewing other authors’ works & preparation for publication. 3 Sept Helen Hannah “Voices – A Folk History of the Manning Valley”, “Peaceful Revolution: Eland’s Alternative Community 1970 – 1995” These collections of interviews with local residents, against a background of factual research, attempt to illustrate and explain aspects of these communities. In all her books, Helen attempts to answer the question: what leads a community to have a certain quality. The Elands’ history reveals details which may shock.

Jewellery Course This term the second Beginners’ group will get under way while the graduates continue to expand their skills in a Continuers course. Both groups will be in the Church of Christ hall. (See Page 9)

Cooking This term the cooking course will look at how to make a variety of foods that can be easily added to your normal diet eg vegetarian that doesn’t taste like cardboard, decadent slices. (See Page 9)

Magic Carpet of Music Peter Manson has unrolled his magic carpet of music for a “one day a term” revisit. You can choose to go for the morning session only or for the full day of two two-hour sessions with morning & afternoon tea and a Bring a Plate to share lunch. Venue will be Peter’s home in Old Bar with room for 12 members. (See Page 10)

Thursday Skills Special On Thursday mornings we will run a series of information & “how do you …?” sessions, at local businesses, Bunnings, the Uniting Church … basic first-aid, digital TV etc, how to (See Page 11)

Sat’die Arvo Card Sharks No, not Strip Poker but Five Hundred! After requests from some of our members, we are trialling a Saturday afternoon session of learning and/or playing the game. Note that we need at least 12 players to make it viable. (See Page 12)

Page 5 Looking Ahead - This Term

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Coming Soon! * In Term 4 we hope to have a local history course and a special Day Trip to complement it. * Beginners’ Digital Photography Workshop will be held in Nabiac in Term 1, 2013. * Term 1, 2013 Four day trip to Goulburn - see below.

And Reports From Term 2… Early Australian Anthropology Maggi’s course really had the group hooked! So many fascinating facts, ideas and theories to keep the group begging for more!

HEL Not the bottomless pit of Hades but Ern’s History of the English Language, a thorough examination of the truth behind the phrase: “a mongrel language” - Heinz and its 57 varieties didn’t get a look-in by comparison.

NSW U3A Network 2013 Annual Conference Goulburn Mulwaree U3A will be hosting the 2013 conference on Thursday 4 & Friday 5 April, 2013. I will prepare an itinerary for interested tourists - we would leave Taree on Wednesday and return on Saturday with two days exploring the area while the conferees go to workshops! The cost would be roughly $350 plus incidentals PLUS bus - the greater the number travelling, the less the bus would cost. I’ll have more details in the Term 4 Newsletter. What Does “Item No:” Mean? Each entry in the Course Descriptions will include Item No in the top left hand corner. This number corresponds to the number on the Course Selection part of your enrolment and is the number used on your receipt. So now you can work out what you paid for!!! And remember to go to it!!!

U3A Etiquette As members of a co-operative, as U3A surely is, there are certain ways of behaving which are vital to the health of our “family. We don’t have loads of rules; what we ask our members to do is just commonsense and good manners: 1. BEHAVIOUR in sessions. Chatting while the class leader, guide etc is addressing the group is bad manners and distracting for all. 2. PROBLEMS IN GROUPS. If you have a problem in a class, your first point of reference should be the Class Leader. If the problem persists, approach Pam H or other committee member. 3. Please RING THE CONTACT PERSON if you are unable to attend a session. It’s common courtesy, if you are expected, to let someone know if you won’t be there. 4. PLEASE, PLEASE REMEMBER (ie write in your diary, on a calendar …) what you have enrolled in so that you don’t waste your money and other people’s time. 5. Please wear your NAME BADGE – as proof of your membership, as a record of emergency contacts** and to assist others in the group who may not know your name. 6. Please bring your own MUG to activities. 7. EXCURSIONS We rely on volunteer drivers, guides etc to make our trips run so smoothly. Don’t scare them off with demanding or rude behaviour - we value our volunteers! Local DIY Activities 1) Tues 31 July National Broadband Truck will be in Manning Mall car park, giving free 20 minute demonstrations. 2) 4 August Craftathon at PCYC 3) 7/8 September Spring Orchid Show 4) 7/8 September Rural Expo Wingham 5) 23 September Craft at Upper Lansdowne

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Item No 11: Gentle Exercise Time: Tues 9 am – 11 am Dates: 24, 31 Jul; 7, 14, 21, 28 Aug; 4, 11 Sep Venue: MV Sailing Club (near KFC) Contact: Margo Gollan 6551 3197 We all need exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle & combat nasties like heart disease etc. This course provides a balanced program of activities, suited to our bodies’ requirements and able to be adapted to individual needs if necessary. Wear loose clothing and flat shoes. BYO cold drink or mug for tea/coffee.

Item No 24: Social Craft Time: Mon 1 pm – 3 pm Dates: 23, 30 Jul; 6, 13, 20, 27 Aug; 3, 10 Sep Venue: Uniting Church, Taree Contact: Annemarie Heitmann 6552 6985 The group enthusiastically adopted the sub-title “Stitch & Bitch” several years ago as a sort of “tongue-in-cheek” logo which gives a fair idea of what happens! This course provides a relaxed atmosphere in which enthusiasts are able to work at their chosen craft, sharing their skills with or learning new ones from their colleagues. And, of course, they share jokes, gossip, recipes …as well!

Item No 4: Art Basics for Beginners Part 2 Time: Mon 10 am – 12 noon Dates: 23, 30 Jul; 6, 13, 20, 27 Aug; 3, 10 Sep Venue: Uniting Church, Taree Contact: Jill Deer 6553 4785 This is a continuation of the course commenced last term; therefore anyone wishing to join the group now should discuss it with Jill before enrolling.

Courses and Activities Term 3, 2012 MONDAY

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Item No 14: Let’s Speak Spanish Time: Mon 1 pm – 3 pm Dates: 23, 30 Jul; 6, 13, 20, 27 Aug; 3, 10 Sep Venue: Uniting Church, Taree Contact: John Peters 6553 8345 This course covers the basics of the Spanish language - in particular, areas of usefulness for travellers - and also brings in aspects of the culture. We are fortunate in having some native speakers drop in on the class regularly now to assist with pronunciation and with improving our fluency in conversation. Beginners can certainly be accommodated in the course.

Item No 6: Authors of the Manning Valley Time: Mon 10 am – 12 noon Dates: 23, 30 Jul; 6, 13, 20, 27 Aug; 3, 10 Sep Venue: Uniting Church, Taree Contact: Helen Hannah As the authors produce such different types of work, we anticipate that not all members may want to or be able to attend all seven sessions of the course. Therefore we ask you to indicate on your Enrolment Form which sessions you plan to attend. Seven sessions = $12; single sessions = $2 per session. This is basically as a matter of courtesy to our speakers so that each one can have a fair idea of the number to cater for. 23 July: Cheryl Meyer 30 July: Jacqueline Winn 6 August: Marion Hosking 13 August: Maurie Garland 20 August: Joy Bell 27 August: Alison McIntosh 3 September: Helen Hannah Full descritions of each author’s genre and work(s) are on Page 5. Read them carefully, fill in your Enrolment Form accurately and put the dates in your diary!! Copies of the author’s books will be available for purchase at each session.



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Art for Pleasure and Purpose have washed out their brushes and hung up their easels until 2013

Item No 23: Silver Ukulele Strummers Time: Tues 10.30 am – 12.30 pm Dates: 17, 24, 31 Jul; 7, 14, 21, 28 Aug; 4, 11 Sep Venue: Girl Guides Hall (Douglas Ave, Taree) Contact: Val Stack 6557 0009 Silver Ukulele Strummers continue with enthusiasm and ever-increasing expertise partly through their many “gigs” all over the place. Note: Starts in Enrolment Week

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Item No 7: The Book Marks Book Club Time: Tues 10.00 am – 12 noon Dates: 17 July; 14 August; 11 September Venue: Taree Library (small meeting room) Contact: Laura Sykes 6552 1680 The Book Marks new format of meeting every four weeks throughout the year has been very well received. At each of the 12 meetings for the year, we discuss our chosen "Novel for the Month". Celebrate “2012: Year of Reading” by joining our group! Note: Starts in Enrolment Week

Tai Chi - Men Only Class will resume in Term 4. Members of the group may join the Wednesday class this term.

Item No 10: Gardening Greenfingers Time: Tues 1 pm – 3 pm Dates: 24 July; 7, 21 Aug; 4, 18 Sept Venue: Various Contact: Ann Summerhill 5511 0028 This term we will continue with the fortnightly meeting format, with one member of our group arranging the day. If you would like to be a leader for a day, please see one of our 1st term leaders: Lynne Barnes 6552 2458 Lesley Bird 6552 2728 Helen Heathwood 6550 0616 Roselea Roche 6552 3315 Ann Summerhill 5511 0028 24 July: Meet at 328 Victoria Street, Taree, the home of Rod & Joy Schofield 7 August: Honeycomb Valley Farm at Nabiac. Afternoon tea ($10) is cooked in their very large solar oven. Arranged by Ann - please let her know by Monday 30 July if you are going so that she can notify them at the farm. Car pool - meet at Taree Info Centre at 12.30 pm Activities for 21 Aug, 4, 18 Sept will be advised on 24 July.

Silver Beats Percussion will resume in Term 4

Honeycomb Valley Farm Visit Time: Tues 1 pm – 3 pm Date: 7 August Venue: Honeycomb Valley Farm Contact: Ann Summerhill 5511 0028 You might not know a cabbage from a rose but if you’d like to go with the Greenfingers to the amazing Honeycomb Valley Farm, give Ann a ring BEFORE 30 July so she can include you in her numbers. Cost of afternoon tea ($10) is paid on the day to Ann. Meet at Taree Info Centre by 12.30 pm to sort out car-pooling arrangements.


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Item No 19: Philosophy Discussion Group Time: Wed 10 am – 12 noon Dates: 25 July; 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Aug; 5, 12 Sept Venue: Uniting Church, Taree Contact: Brian Pope 6551 6929 One of our original courses, Philosophy has always maintained its popularity by evolving to suit the interests of group members and by using materials from U3A Online and other courses to expand the discussion opportunities. New members are always welcome.

Item No 26: Tai Chi Time: Wed 8.45 am – 10.15 am Dates: 18, 25 July; 1, 8, 15, 12, 29 Aug; 5, 22, 18 Sept Venue: MV Sailing Club (near KFC) Contact: Barbara Moore 6552 3715 There will be no intake of beginners this term. This enables the class to keep increasing their knowledge and expertise steadily without having to repeat the early lessons. We progress slowly so that you learn in your own time at your own pace. Group times will be: Seniors and Continuers: 8.45 am - 9.30 am Beginners: 9.30 - 10.15 am Wear comfortable clothing and light, flat footwear. BYO water/juice.


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Item No 20: Play Reading Time: Wed 10 am – 12 noon Dates: 25 July; 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Aug; 5, 12 Sept Venue: Uniting Church, Taree Contact: Christine Ritchie 6557 8482 The main purpose of our course is to enable people who are passionate about all forms of drama: tragedy, comedy, whatever, to come together to read and discuss those works which they hold in high regard.

Item No 13: Polymer Clay Jewellery (Beginners) Time: Wed 10.30 am – 12.30 pm Dates: 25 July; 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Aug; 5, 12 Sept Venue: Church of Christ, (Victoria Street, Taree) Contact: Sue Vanderkley 6552 3824 So easy! So creative! So spectacular! Learn how to make beautiful jewellery inexpensively and quickly in your oven! Fulfil your Inner Designer with this innovative method of creating something unique. The $47 fee includes an additional cost of $35 for a “start-up” kit which contains basic equipment, clay, a selection of odds and a few ends to get you up and creating! Note: Maximum 8 people

Item No 12: Polymer Clay Jewellery (Continuers) Time: Wed 10.30 am – 12.30 pm Dates: 25 July; 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Aug; 5, 12 Sept Venue: Church of Christ, (Victoria Street, Taree) Contact: Ann Summerhill 5511 0028 Our first group has become so besotted with this craft that they want to expand their ideas, share their skills and try out some of the more unusual designs they’ve ferretted out on the internet (what did we ever do pre-Google?).

Item No 8: Cooking Time: Wed 10 am – 12 noon Dates: 25 July; 8, 22 Aug; 5 Sept Venue: Church of Christ, (Victoria Street, Taree) Contact: Pam Hollebone 6553 9383 In this course, people who are passionate (and able!) about a particular style of cooking eg Vegetarian or slices etc or about a particular you-beaut dish eg Big Sausage Roll will demonstrate how to cook it/them with a small sample for each member of the group to taste – it’s not intended to be your lunch for the day! Each member should be prepared to have a go as some contributions may only need one hour to demonstrate. Copies of recipes will be made available to all class members. Maximum 10 people Note: 4 sessions only. Please answer Q3 on Page 1 of your Enrolment Form.

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Item No 9: Folk Dancing - Village Circle Dances Time: Thurs 9 am – 11 am Dates: 19, 26 July; 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Aug; 6, 13 Sept Venue: MV Sailing Club (near KFC) Contact: Sandra Bassetti 6552 5142 Through the ages people have come together to dance & enjoy each other’s company. The dances often reflect a culture’s history and customs: dances to celebrate the seasons, special days, harvests, weddings, religious days, market days … almost anything to do with village life. Musicians played their treasured instruments, home-made food was laid out and everyone in the family, young & old, danced together. It created a strong sense of family & community. Performed mainly in a circle, it allows dancers to join in or drop out of the circle at will and everyone can move at their own pace. It is a fun way of exercising and keeping the mind and the body active. Do come along and join us. NOTE starts in Enrolment Week.

Item No 22: Silver Tones Choir Time: Wed 1 pm – 3.30 pm Dates: 18, 25 July; 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Aug; 5, 12 Sept Venue: Uniting Church, Chatham Contact: Pam Archer 6552 4694 You don’t need to have a classically trained singing voice, just the desire to sing! Pam is able to perform miracles with our diverse group, all of whom are certainly enjoying their weekly sessions. Although we are pleased with the number who have joined, especially of men, there is always room for more. NOTE starts in Enrolment Week.

Item No 15: Magic Carpet of Music Time: Thurs 10 am – 12 noon or 10 am – 3 pm Date: 16 August Venue: 1/10 Mistral Place, Old Bar Contact: Peter Manson 6553 7094

Peter’s courses have always been full of people luxuriating in the beautiful musical compositions, erudite discussion and soul-soothing ambience of the gathering. After a few years fighting feral (ie his neighbours) goats (unsuccessfully) on his property, he has made a graceful retreat to the salubrious air of Old Bar and is ready to don his U3A mantle again. He has proposed that members can elect to spend just the morning or the whole day enjoying the light classical music of his choice. If you elect the double-session option, you will be expected to bring a plate of food which can be shared by the group for the lunch. Maximum number of partipants is 12. Please answer Q4 on Page 1 of your Enrolment form. Directions: turn left off Old Bar Road into Medowie Road, left into Mistral Place.

Beginners’ Silver Ukulele Strummers Will resume in Term 1, 2013

Item No 16: Mobility & Vitality into Our Third Age (Refresher Sessions) Time: Wed 1 pm – 3 pm Dates: 1 Aug; 5 Sept; 3 Oct Venue: Uniting Church, Taree Contact: Pam Finlay 6557 0101 For members of the Term 1 class only, these sessions are to refresh the ideas discussed during the course.

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Item No 18: Open Forum Time: Fri 10 am – 12 noon Dates: 20, 27 July; 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Aug; 7, 14, 21 Sept Venue: Uniting Church, Taree Contact: Julie Frederiksen 6557 0277 Our topical discussion group continues to subject a variety of current affairs and “questions of a higher morality” to close scrutiny and spirited disection. Topics are suggested by members of the group. New members are greeted with enthusiasm!! NOTE Starts in Enrolment Week

Item No 17: Modified Line Dancing Time: 10 am – 11.30 am Dates: 20, 27 July; 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Aug; 7, 14 Sept Venue: MV Sailing Club, Taree (near KFC) Contact: Joy Clancy 6552 1891 Line Dancing is a great way of getting exercise, dancing (but without having to worry about bringing a partner) and socialising. Our No 1 Rule: “No mistakes, only variations” means that anyone is capable of dancing with us. Wear comfortable clothing, flat shoes; bring your own mug for refreshments. NOTE Starts in Enrolment Week

Item No 25: Table Games & Mahjong Time: Fri 12.30 pm – 3.30 pm Dates: 20, 27 July; 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Aug; 7, 14, 21 Sept Venue: Uniting Church, Taree Contact: Margaret Savage 6551 4991 Mah Jong and Scrabble are still most popular but other board games get a run too. The group continues during the break between terms with any other members looking for something to do, welcome to join in. (Holiday fee $2 per week).



Item No 5: Art in the Gallery Time: Thurs 1 pm –2 pm’ish Dates: 19 July; 23 August Venue: MR Art Gallery (Macquarie Street) Contact: Lois Bedggood 6557 0667 19th July. Three regional artists, Rod Spicer famous for his stunning oils of ‘scapes, and master pastelist Yvette Hugill together with husband Peter will be showcasing their talents. This exhibition should not be missed and gives us the opportunity to support our very talented regional artists. Note: This is in Enrolment Week 23rd August. The 60th Blake Prize for Religious Art will be on exhibition during August. Our Art Gallery curator Sue Mitchell will walk us through this fine exhibition and discuss the finer points i.e. medium, structure etc. Another one not to be missed. We are very privileged to have Sue or Jane support our U3A art lovers.

Peter Schouten, famous wildlife artist and illustrator is currently demonstrating his talents in the Gallery each Thursday from 10am till noon. Feel free to come in and watch Peter at work and ask any questions. He makes the whole process look so easy. We only set aside 2 exhibitions each term - our time for each is about one hour. If you have difficulty standing or tire easily there are seats throughout the Gallery. Don’t forget to put these dates 19th July and 23rd August in your diary. See you there!

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Item No 27: Thursday Skills Special Time: Thurs 10 am – 12 noon Dates: 26 July; 2, 9, 23, 30 Aug; 6, 13 Sept Venue: Various Contact: Pam Hollebone 6553 9383

Most of us could do with brushing up or developing skills important for successful everyday living: basic first aid, basic maintenance and all this about digital TV, radio, just about everything. Bring along suggestions to our first meeting in the Uniting Church for us to work on – part of the program will already be set up but there will be room for extras.


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Item No: Saturd

Special and Regular Happenings

Sunday Lunch Club Time: 12 noon Dates: 29 July; 26 August; 30 September Venues: see below Contact: Helen and Errol Heathwood 6550 0616 A great chance to try out the different eateries in our area (and beyond, sometimes) with convivial company. Each venue is selected by of one of the Members who wish to book a seat, should contact the organiser at the BEGINNING of the month concerned and notify any cancellations ASAP to avoid giving grief to the restaurateur. 29 July: Old Bar Tavern Annemarie 6552 6985 (cnr Old Bar Road & Saltwater Roads, Old Bar) 26 August: Beanbar Kerry 6551 6816 (Pulteney Street, Taree) 30 September Wingham Bowling Club Joan 6553 5434

(cnr Wingham Road & Combined Street, Wingham)

Item No: End-of-Term Luncheon Time: 11.30 am (for 12 noon) Date: Monday 17 September Venue: Sailo’s Restaurant (Macquarie Street, Taree) Contact: Pam Hollebone 6553 9383 The first of our OBE Luncheons to celebrate with those of our members who (will) have reached the “Four Score Years” milestone this year was a great success with friendship and good food combining toproduce happy faces all round. See Page 3 for general comments.

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Item No 2: Not A Cloud In The Sky Time: Fri 4 pm – 6 pm Dates: 27 July; 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Aug; 7, 14 Sept Venue: Taree Community College, (Macquarie St, Taree) Contact: Lloyd Seaton 6557 0187 Microsoft and Intel used to call the shots in the computer game but they took their eye off the ball and are now playing catch-up. Today, the world's consumer electronics, communications and media giants have joined with upstarts like Google and Facebook to muscle into the action. Personal computers have been reduced to little more than a connection device and Windows are primarily a means of access to "the cloud" that is charged with a multitude of Internet applications. Our combined computer class of 2012 may not provide you with a full understanding of these bizarre words but we do intend to build your confidence in using the Internet to prepare and exchange emails and to share photos, documents and spreadsheets with your family, friends and associates. You don't need a computer, netbook, smart phone or tablet to attend the class but the class is intended to be most helpful to users of such devices, especially those with an Internet connection either at home or elsewhere $25 fee (per computer) covers use of Taree Community College facilities and refreshments.


SATURDAY Item No 21: Sat’die Arvo Card Sharps Time: Fri 1 pm – 3 pm Dates: 21, 28 July; 5, 12, 19, 26 Aug; 2, 9, 16 Sept Venue: Uniting Church, Taree Contact: Margaret Sparkes-Carroll 6552 3194 This term we are trialling Five Hundred as an activity separate from Table Games but note that it is available to anyone, not just members of Table Games, not just sheilas but blokes, too. Ern will give some introductory lessons to those who don’t know a Joker from an Ace. “The Action” will take place in the Red Dove where the tables will be ideal. Note: We need a minimum of 12 members to make it viable.


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Item No 30: Day Trip 3: Port Macquarie: Morning Music Songs of Love with Jackie Love Date: Monday 6 August Contact: Pam Hollebone 6553 9383 Pick-up: Wingham Log am: 9 am; Taree Info 9.15 am Return: approx 3.30 pm Come on a wonderful trip down memory lane with Australia’s international leading lady of television, musical theatre and stage, Jackie Love. With a song in her heart, Jackie will remember the songs that filled our days and shaped our lives and loves through the years. Sing along and remember how love looked with songs such as We'll Meet Again, Sentimental Journey, As Time Goes By and It's Now Or Never. Loved by audiences Australia-wide, Jackie will thrill you with her effervescence, warmth and beautiful voice. Cost: $38 covers bus and entry fee to Glasshouse performance – all else at your expense.

Page 13 Item No 28: Day Trip 1: Vintage Train Mystery Tour Date: Saturday 4 August Contact: Pam Hollebone 6553 9383 Depart Taree 9.30 am Return: late afternoon The train will depart at approximately 9:30am for a run along the North Coast Railway. Enjoy morning tea and the scenic countryside before pausing at an undisclosed location where your lunch (included in the price) will be served on the train. After lunch we will continue our mystery tour with another stop to stretch your legs before the journey home. Afternoon tea will be served before returning to Taree in the late afternoon. Cost: $60 includes train fare, lunch, morning & afternoon tea. This may be the last weekend of trips from Taree.

Item No 29: Day Trip 2: VintageTrain Tour to Paterson Date: Sunday 5 August Contact: Pam Hollebone 6553 9383 Depart Taree: 9 am Return: late afternoon Join the train for a 9:00am departure for a run along the North Coast Railway through Gloucester and Dungog to the historic township of Paterson (first land grants in 1821). Relax with morning tea as you travel through the scenic coastal countryside. On arrival at Paterson, you will have time explore the Rail Motor Society’s museum and heritage listed rail motor collection or explore this historic country town. A barbeque lunch (included in the price) will be served at Paterson before you re-join the train for the return journey to Taree. Afternoon tea will also be served en-route as we return to Taree in the late afternoon. Pickups will also be made at Wingham and Gloucester. Cost: $90 covers train fare, lunch, morning & afternoon tea. This may be the last weekend of trips from Taree. NOTE: Please answer Q 2 on Page 1 of your Enrolment Form

Item No 31: Day Trip 4: Port Macquarie: Morning Music The Crooners’ Story with Issi Dye Date: Monday 3 September Contact: Pam Hollebone 6553 9383 Pick-up: Wingham Log am: 9 am; Taree Info 9.15 am Return: approx 3.30 pm Celebrate the “Swing Kings of Cool” with Issi Dye, one of Australia's leading original cabaret stars. Take a trip back to vintage Vegas with songs made famous by the great Swing Kings of Cool with hits from Frank Sinatra, Bobby Darin, Nat King Cole, Perry Como, Bing Crosby and more. This was a time of class and style and these timeless classics are still as cool today as they ever were. A morning swing-a-long loaded with song, dance and humour. Cost: $38 covers bus and entry fee to Glasshouse performance – all else at your expense.

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Theatre Parties

All theatre party enquiries to Robyn Brown 6553 8145 Venue: Manning Entertainment Centre for Theatre Trips 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8

Please note: There is now a $1 booking fee for each seat at MEC productions Tickets for each MEC production will be held at the desk for you to collect.

Make sure that you arrive at the theatre 15 minutes before commencement time.

Item No 33, 34 : Theatre Trip 2 Ballet - Don Quixote Cost: $41 Dates: Friday 03 August at 7.30 pm OR Saturday 04 August at 2 pm The Dancers Company, the regional touring arm of The Australian Ballet, will present the lively ballet classic Don Quixote. Based on the legendary tale by Spanish author Cervantes, this classic ballet tells the story of the knight Don Quixote on a quest to find his lost love. On his journey he crosses paths with the swooning young lovers Kitri and Basilio in a tale of fun, mischief and mistaken identity. Set in a Spanish seaside village, this light-hearted and colourful ballet features a rich diversity of characters. Its dramatic liveliness and virtuosic dancing makes it the perfect showcase for The Dancers’ Company’s many talented dancers.

Item No 32 : Theatre Trip 1 Christine Anu Presents Cost: $60 Rewind— The Aretha Franklin Songbook Date: Wednesday 1 August Time: 8 pm Christine Anu will pay tribute to the singer Rolling Stone magazine rated at the top of its 100 Greatest Singers list, in the brand new live show, touring Australia to coincide with Franklin’s 70th birthday. Anu has also released an album of the same title and will be joined on stage by back-up singers Women of Soul featuring Miss Min and Evie J Willie. Christine has been delighting Australian audiences for two decades with an award-winning repertoire spanning music, theatre, dance, film, television and children’s entertainment, working with movie, music and dancing luminaries such as Baz Luhrmann, Paul Kelly and David Atkins.

Item No 36: Theatre Trip 4 The Australian Bee Gees’ Show Cost: $51 Date: Thursday 23 August Stayin’Alive Time: 8 pm After 16 years and over 2,000 performances on the world stage, The Australian Bee Gees Show is now the toast of Las Vegas where the show has just celebrated 500 performances. The Australian Bee Gees Show is now taking the Vegas show back on the road for select dates back home in Australia. The new show featuring a chronology of the greatest hits from the Brothers Gibb, has captured the look, sound and personality that defines one of the most successful and adored acts in musical history. Performers are Michael Clift as Barry Gibb on guitar and vocals; Wayne Hosking as Maurice Gibb on keyboard, guitar and vocals; David Scott as Robin Gibb with Tony Richards on bass guitar and Rick Powell on drums.

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Item No 35: Theatre Trip 3 The Duelin’ Pianos Show Cost: $20 Venue: Upper Lansdowne Hall Date: Sunday 5 August Time: 2-5 pm The Duelin' Pianos concept is a hit format out of New Orleans. From Lady Gaga to Gershwin, these two eclectic piano players are just as much at ease with the honky tonk of Elton John, AC/DC played on the piano or the swinging class of Frank Sinatra. You request the songs - they bring them to life. The spontaneity guarantees memorable moments, with a bit of audience participation and camaraderie along the way. And just when you think you've heard it all, four of the fastest hands in the country are flying across the keys in a boogie woogie duel. BYO Drinks and Nibbles - Refreshments available for a gold coin donation. Upper Lansdowne is about 40 mins drive from Taree – turn left at the Airport. If you need a lift or can give a lift, please answer Q6 on p1 of your Enrolment Form

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Item Nos 39, 40: Theatre Trip 7 Manning Valley Choral Society Cost: $18 Memorable Musicals from Rodgers & Hammerstein Date: Saturday 15 September at 2 pm OR Sunday 16 September at 2 pm A program of the most popular, emotive, humorous, serious and entertaining offerings from five musicals produced by the talented pair: “Oklahoma”, “South Pacific”, “The King & I”, “Carousel” and “The Sound of Music”. Conceived by Liz Tilson, conducted by Deirdre Sutherland with accompanist, Joan Saxby, this performance will bring nostalgic memories and musical enjoyment to all.

Item nos 41, 42: Theatre Trip 8 The Full Monty Cost: $33 Dates: Saturday 03 November at 8 pm OR Sunday 04 November at 2 pm Based on the film, The Full Monty is the story of six unemployed steelworkers, low on both cash and prospects, who decide to present a strip act at a local club after seeing their wives’ enthusiasm for a touring company of Chippendales. One of them declares that their show will be better than the Chippendales dancers because they’ll go “the full monty” — strip all the way. As they prepare for the show, working through their fears, selfconsciousness and anxieties, they overcome their inner demons and find strength in their camaraderie. Note: These performances will be in Term 4 but I need to make bookings now.

Item No 38: Theatre Trip 6 Morning Melodies at the MEC Cost: $16 Date: Tuesday 28 August Time: 10 am Performer(s)’s details have not yet been finalised. We hope to have the information by Enrolment Day. Note the earlier starting time of 10 am

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Item No 37: Theatre Trip 5 Coopernook Amateur Theatrical Society Cost: $15 Inspector Drake & The Perfekt Crime Venue: Coopernook Hall Date: Sunday 26 August Time: 2 pm The infamous Inspector Drake is called to investigate the mysterious disappearance of Mrs Victoria Short, the fourth and most lovely wife of Dr Rupert Short. The ensuing action proves to be Drake’s most challenging case to date. A warthog named Victoria, a mysterious microscopic mole, two heroines, a villain with an IQ in the stratosphere and, of course, the blundering buffoonery of his long-time sidekick Sergeant Plod all conspire to make the investigation “more twisted than a really twisted thing” (Inspector Drake). Great fun - bring your basket of nibblies and drinks (but leave room in the tum for the afternoon tea!) Coopernook is about 20 mins drive north of Taree. If you need a lift or can give a lift, please answer Q6 on p1 of your Enrolment Form

A Bit of Zen Sarcasm to Finish off! It's always darkest just before dawn. So if you're going to steal your neighbour's newspaper,

that's the time to do it.

Always remember that you're unique. Just like everyone else.

Never test the depth of the water with both feet.

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

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A Pictorial Round-up

Our photos show Lois’ hat; Bob & Peter sharing a joke; Heather snapping away; Terry on the megaphone; at Sea Acres; Lois & Patricia (all taken on Day Trips to the Grandis & Sea Acres). From our Term 2 Luncheon: a quartet of Nealons & Nettleys; OBEs Elaine, Gerd & Marcia; OBE Irene with Jim and David & Anthea; Ann enjoying a mocktail this time. Lucia with Stephen Bromhead at the NSW Women’s Award ceremony in Sydney.