manifest everything now

Manifest Everything Now Morgana Rae and Kristen Howe in Conversation "Make Money Fall In Love With You" © 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved 1 Kristen Howe: Hi, this is your host Kristen Howe, and I am so excited to welcome you to this call. Today on Manifest Everything Now, I am pleased to welcome Morgana. Morgana Rae is an internationally acclaimed life coach, author, and professional speaker. She is regarded as the world’s top relationship with money coach, and was named one of the Top Women in E-commerce by WE Magazine in 2011. Morgana is the owner of Charmed Life Coaching, a successful life and business coaching company that guides clients to be business and money magnets, to have more fun at work, and more love at home, and to create a total life of ease, flow, and synchronicity. With what Morgana shares today, you will be able to uncover your hidden blocks to abundance, abolish your financial anxiety, change your relationship with money from being a ‘monster’ into a ‘partner’ who guides you and wants to stay with you, reveal your next step to creating wealth, and receive a revolutionary system you’ll use for the rest of your life. So over the next 60 minutes you’ll discover a totally new way of relating to money that’s unlike anything you’ve ever heard before, and trust me, it truly is unlike anything you’ve heard before, and it enables you to take a quantum leap toward creating the wealth and abundant relationships that you deserve. So Morgana, thank you for joining us today, and welcome to this call. Morgana Rae: Oh, I’m so happy to be here. I love, love the topic. Kristen Howe: Yeah, I’m so excited about everything we’re going to talk about. Before we jump in, I’d love for people to get to know you a little and find out what your major turning points were in your life that allowed you to manifest your current level of success. Morgana Rae: I’m so glad you asked that because it’s funny, I was in Bali in August, and the dogs there are much skinnier than they are in the west. In fact, many of them are starving and I was so horrified that I went and I bought these three giant bags of dog food and tried to feed them. Because I was a stranger and they didn’t know me, the

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Manifest Everything Now Morgana Rae and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Make Money Fall In Love With You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


Kristen Howe: Hi, this is your host Kristen Howe, and I am so excited to welcome you to this call. Today on Manifest Everything Now, I am pleased to welcome Morgana. Morgana Rae is an internationally acclaimed life coach, author, and professional speaker. She is regarded as the world’s top relationship with money coach, and was named one of the Top Women in E-commerce by WE Magazine in 2011.

Morgana is the owner of Charmed Life Coaching, a successful life

and business coaching company that guides clients to be business and money magnets, to have more fun at work, and more love at home, and to create a total life of ease, flow, and synchronicity.

With what Morgana shares today, you will be able to uncover your

hidden blocks to abundance, abolish your financial anxiety, change your relationship with money from being a ‘monster’ into a ‘partner’ who guides you and wants to stay with you, reveal your next step to creating wealth, and receive a revolutionary system you’ll use for the rest of your life.

So over the next 60 minutes you’ll discover a totally new way of

relating to money that’s unlike anything you’ve ever heard before, and trust me, it truly is unlike anything you’ve heard before, and it enables you to take a quantum leap toward creating the wealth and abundant relationships that you deserve.

So Morgana, thank you for joining us today, and welcome to this

call. Morgana Rae: Oh, I’m so happy to be here. I love, love the topic. Kristen Howe: Yeah, I’m so excited about everything we’re going to talk about.

Before we jump in, I’d love for people to get to know you a little and find out what your major turning points were in your life that allowed you to manifest your current level of success.

Morgana Rae: I’m so glad you asked that because it’s funny, I was in Bali in

August, and the dogs there are much skinnier than they are in the west. In fact, many of them are starving and I was so horrified that I went and I bought these three giant bags of dog food and tried to feed them. Because I was a stranger and they didn’t know me, the

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Manifest Everything Now Morgana Rae and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Make Money Fall In Love With You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


dogs would not touch the food. They would eat plastic, and they would eat garbage, but they

wouldn’t touch – of course, I got like the most high nutrition best dog food and they wouldn’t touch it and I thought, “Wow. That is such an amazing life lesson that if you don’t know me, and you don’t have a reason to trust me, then it really doesn’t matter what I have to offer.”

Kristen Howe: I love that. That’s such a great way of putting it. It’s so true. Morgana Rae: My path, especially to what I’m known for, was really unexpected

because my joy is helping people. I’ve always had a magic touch without even trying. I’ve always had, I don’t know, some kind of energetic aura around me.

It’s so funny, I had a first date with a guy a week ago, and three

days later he called me he said, “Oh, my God. Morgana, I’ve gotten more and bigger job offers than I’ve ever had in my life,” for all you cute guys out there. But the thing that I was an amazing failure at was money, which is really was such a surprise to me because I was always such an overachiever growing up.

When I was 16 I was hit by a car and I was in a coma and I had a

head injury for years. I still went to a top college and graduated with honors. So I’m really good at being a student, and working hard, and getting results, and doing what needs to be done. As a coach, from the very beginning when I first started coaching 16 years ago, yes, I’m that old; the first month that I was coaching, one of my clients was nominated for an Emmy. A housewife from Maryland with no credits, I got her set up to become a staff writer on a hit primetime TV series. I had an actress also get a TV series. Not all of them within the first month.

I have this reputation for getting these really unlikely results, and

one would think that that would translate into making a living, right?

Kristen Howe: Absolutely. Morgana Rae: Yeah, one would think. I was always told that, “Go to school, get

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Manifest Everything Now Morgana Rae and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Make Money Fall In Love With You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


good grades, do good work, and you’ll make money.” They have nothing to do with each other.

Giving value is a completely different skill and a different part of

your brain than making money. In fact, there was a brain study that showed that the parts of our brain, the warm fuzzy loving generous cuddly part of our brain that lights up when we’re with people we love, shuts down as soon as the topic of money comes up, and then the competitive and survival part of the brain turns on.

Helping people makes me feel good. I told you before this call

began that I got the sweetest email this morning from a woman in my Money Goddess home study course who two days into the program watching the videos came into $1,500 out of the blue totally unexpected. I get emails like that all the time. It’s fun. And my work is really – and I’ll explain that as we go on – it appears to be about money, but it’s really not. Money is the side effect. It’s nice frosting.

Helping people is easy and it feels good for me. Asking people to

pay me, having that conversation about what I charge, didn’t feel good, and as a result, I was really, really suffering financially. I would do things, and I’m sharing this because I’m sure that there are people on this call who can relate, because I was so uncomfortable charging and not really honest with myself about the reasons why I was uncomfortable charging, I would keep doing things like taking more classes, and “When I’m better, when I’m certified, when I get this skill, when I get that skill, when I get this skill, then, then I won’t feel guilty about charging money to help people.”

So I would just add on skill set after skill set and spend years and

tens of thousands of dollars getting more skills. Getting certified as this kind of coach, and then hypnosis, and NLP, and just wracking up the certifications, and still stuck with this area about making money. At the lowest point I was making $100 a month, and I had all these testimonials, and all these success stories, and I was actually known and respected.

People wanted to work with me, and somehow I had like this super

human magical ability to push away the people who actually

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Manifest Everything Now Morgana Rae and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Make Money Fall In Love With You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


wanted to hire me even though I had the website, and the brochure, and the business card, and I’d taken the classes on overcoming objections, and I’m a great student. So it really didn’t matter that I was doing everything right. Somehow I had this miraculous ability to repel money.

I hope I was more effective at it than anybody currently listening.

At the worse time, seven people in a row said they wanted to work with me, they hired me, and they didn’t show up, and they didn’t pay. Seven in a row. I was holding onto one half of one not very good client for $100 a month. And I’m the girl who had the director who made half a million dollars on his first film my client.

I have all these great case studies, and I have this gift, there’s very

little in the world more painful than knowing what you’re here to do and knowing that you’re good at it and that you have a gift. Actually, knowing what your purpose is and not being able to do it. It feels like the meanest cosmic joke.

It was such a dark period, and I was so angry. So angry, and

hopeless because I had taken all these classes in how to coach, how to help, and then also business classes on how to sell, and how to set up a website, and it was like I was doing everything right, and these were the result.

I actually thought about killing myself at that time, which is why I

take this work so seriously because it really is that serious. The pain that we have about money, the way we measure our self-worth, the way we fear for our survival, the way it puts our whole life on hold when it’s not working.

My passion in life is really love and bringing out people’s

authenticity, and gifts, and self-love, and self-worth, and that is what excites me. Money is consistently the number one excuse that I hear from clients for not living their dreams.

So it’s necessary, it’s necessary to slay this beast first. And when

we change this piece, what happens next is stuff that I never could have predicted when I started this journey with clients. One client struggled with an eating disorder for 12 years. The doctors said she should be dead based on her vital signs. She has shared all of

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Manifest Everything Now Morgana Rae and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Make Money Fall In Love With You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


this publicly, so I’m not breaking confidentiality at all. She went to Reiki, she did tapping, she did hypnosis, she went to therapy. She could not break free of this horrible deadly eating disorder. I coached her and in the first session, not only did we kill her money monster, but we changed her relationship with her body forever. And she’s not the only one, I had four women with eating disorders last year, and the eating disorders went away with this work. But we start with the money because that is the easiest monster to slay, and that’s what I want to do with people on this call.

Kristen Howe: Wonderful. Morgana Rae: So here I was making $100 a month, and now I make hundreds of

thousands of dollars a year helping people. Kristen Howe: That’s fantastic. You managed to turn it around, I’m hoping that

you’re going to share some of that with us today. Morgana Rae: Absolutely. That’s the whole point of the call. Kristen Howe: Wonderful. So let’s jump in. I know people are listening now and

they’re going, “Yes, Morgana, I’ve been there too,” because so many people have. And we’re not just talking about money when we talk about manifest everything now, but that is – you’re absolutely right – that’s what a lot of people first get caught up on, so I think you’re so smart to address that.

Morgana Rae: There’s a lot of people who can manifest everything else. Kristen Howe: I see that. Morgana Rae: In fact, a lot of people who can manifest everything else except

money and there’s a reason for that. Kristen Howe: Interesting. Okay, so how do the people listening who are going

“yes, yes, yes,” how do they become a money magnet? How does that happen?

Morgana Rae: A great question. I think I said money monster when I was just

talking a minute ago, and that’s the first step especially as so

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Manifest Everything Now Morgana Rae and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Make Money Fall In Love With You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


centered idealistic healer types, and us artists, and us caring spirits in the world, and especially if you’re into the law of attraction and positive thinking, and all that kind of stuff, I want you to go in a slightly different direction, and there’s a real purpose for it.

If what you’ve been doing hasn’t been working. If you even have

money and you still find yourself anxious, and exhausted, and afraid you’re going to lose it, or it’s causing fights in your relationship, and you guys know who you are, it’s time to take off our “positive thinking personally developed responsible for ourselves hat”, and just set that aside for a second.

The magic begins when we get really honest about what’s not

working. The problem that I see with the way I see the law of attraction being taught, especially in The Secret, and I’m not going to name names, it’s so tempting, is that there’s so much denial. Your conscious brain, your conscious mind, can be thinking positive and it doesn’t matter because the problem is not conscious. If it was just a matter of what we think consciously, nobody would ever have to go on a diet again because consciously we know not to eat the chocolate cake and we know to exercise, but our behavior goes in a different direction.

Our results, our desires, our energy, our impulses just go in a

different direction. Our conscious brain is just like the very tip of the iceberg, but what’s really going on is subconscious. So that’s why affirmations and vision boards and all that kind of stuff are great, they’re groovy, and they’re not enough because they don’t go to the root of the problem, and that’s what I invite you to do now.

I’m going to sound maybe different from most of the coaches

you’ve heard before and say, “I want you to become a victim right now” for a purpose. It’s not going to last, I swear it, but it’s like a slingshot. It creates the tension that we need to get over to the other side.

I call my process Financial Alchemy because alchemy is the

transmutation of lead in human experience into spiritual, and as a nice benefit, material gold in this process. And the first step of alchemy is nigredo, the blackening. Nigredo means blackening in

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Manifest Everything Now Morgana Rae and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Make Money Fall In Love With You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


Latin because alchemy goes back tens of thousands of years in ancient Greece and ancient Egypt, so I’m just using their words.

What we want to do is we want to find out why you are

unconsciously repelling and protecting yourself from the wealth you think you want. Because if you are not feeling at ease, you’ve got a very good reason, and we want to respect it, and we want to dig it out and bring it into the light.

Anything that you have ever seen, or heard, or experienced

personally negative about money, and this is the challenge, and for some people it’s easy and obvious, and for some people it’s really challenging to stay in the negative, and I understand because we don’t like to be there and we’ve trained ourselves not to be there, so it’s very tempting to pop out. But for this process, we need to start, and it’s almost like building a legal case against money.

I’m going to give you some really awesome tips here for that

because we think we want money, and we’ve heard that money is energy, and we know all the good things we could do with money, put that aside, okay. Just I don’t want to hear, just set that aside that for now. Every time you say, “I can’t afford it,” or “I would if only I had the money,” you are building a case against money. You are creating a money monster. Every time that you’ve heard these messages from other people, or you’ve seen real things like pollution, British Petroleum choosing profit over lives, wars around the world because of money, the way people are loosing their jobs while the bank owners are taking these huge bonuses, it’s unfair. Some of you may have met or seen rich people who were unethical, or got there through lying and cheating like Bernie Madoff, or just are uncaring, that goes into why you as a sensitive and ethical person who wants to bring light to the world would unconsciously reject money and you would have no idea you were doing it.

I think Kristen, I should tell my story of transformation because I

think that would really illustrate what we’re building here. What do you think?

Kristen Howe: I think that’s fantastic. Go for it.

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Manifest Everything Now Morgana Rae and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Make Money Fall In Love With You"

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Morgana Rae: Okay. So I told you my tale of woe, and what a really black horrible place I was in. I didn’t tell you how I got to where I am now, and I’m going to do that right now.

Oh, my gosh, I just went through coach after coach after coach

crying and crying and crying and doing everything, and they could not figure out what was wrong. I’m friends with them to this day. Because I was broke and miserable, what did I do? I took another coaching class. That’s what I do. This time it was in relationship coaching because I had this fantasy, “Well, if I become a relationship coach, I can coach this sort of relationship,” which completely didn’t pan out, but I discovered I really didn’t want to coach that kind of relationship anyway. However, it did create an opening that became what I teach now. I started seeing everything in terms of relationship.

I had this awesome coach who had been hearing me cry and wail

for months and months and months, and just couldn’t help me. Then one day he had a stroke of brilliance and he asked me, “Morgana, what happened with money when you were growing up?” Now, I’m a coach and I’m personally developed, and I’m responsible and I’m not a victim, blah, blah, blah, blah, right? So I had really not thought about some huge things that had happened in my childhood that I didn’t know affected me. I hadn’t thought about this stuff for 20 years. But when I was 12 years old, an immediate family member who I loved, loved, loved – still do love – stole a huge inheritance, and family members haven’t spoken to each other since.

I was put in a really difficult situation because I heard that what

happened was wrong, but I also loved all of the people involved. If there’s a choice between money and love, I choose love because that’s the way I’m built. That’s just who I am. And it’s also the healthiest choice when you’re 12 years old. Also, when you’re 12 years old you don’t pay any bills, so losing something of that magnitude really doesn’t matter when you’re 12, so I didn’t realize how deeply it affected me.

Then a couple of years later, another immediate family member

stole my college trust fund, and other family members haven’t spoken to each other for the last 30 years. Again, I had a choice

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Manifest Everything Now Morgana Rae and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Make Money Fall In Love With You"

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between money and love, and I decided this is an issue for the grownups and I will ignore it, and I will just love everybody, which is the best decision a 14-year-old can make for survival and health and all those things. If I’m given a choice between money and love, I choose love. Then 20 years later I’m wondering why I’m broke, because I chose love.

So as soon as I remembered those things that happened, it was like

this huge light bulb went on over my head, “Oh, my lord. No wonder I have money issues,” I remember thinking. And then my coach being a great coach and using what he knew about me against me, which is exactly what best coaches do, he knew that I was studying relationship, he said, “Well, if money were a person, who would money be?”

Immediately into my imaginary vision I saw this big, scary, dirty,

violent biker. Big, tall, bald, with the big sideburns, and the wife beater shirt and I could feel myself shrinking. It’s funny because you know there are girls who like that kind of guy, but I don’t. And I was imagining myself at a party with my eye on this guy all the time keeping maximum distance between him and me. In that moment I realized “that’s what I do with money”. The whole time that I was paying attention to money, and working so hard, spending a fortune on networking meetings, and having all the sample sessions, and on, and on, and working so hard, and sending out the newsletter, and doing everything right, I was keeping maximum distance between myself and money. And if you even hear the words I used, dirty, scary, violent, you can hear the fear and distain and contempt that I felt for money that I never even knew about until I made money a person.

That is the second step. I gave you the first step, which is

uncovering the root cause. If you are feeling anxious about money, you have very good reasons. And all of the positive thinking in the world consciously is not going to create the transformation you want if this other stuff is going on underneath at a deeper level. And what’s so cool is when you do this process, the results can happen so quickly.

I coached a gentleman named Elliot Malach a few years ago, and

again, he is public with this story. His name and his face, his

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Manifest Everything Now Morgana Rae and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Make Money Fall In Love With You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


picture, are on my website. His letter in his own words is on my website, and essentially I coached him, and six hours later, he received $87,000 that day six hours later, and then another $15,000 a week later. I get a lot of these stories.

That kind of stuff happens. It can happen while I’m on the phone

with somebody. There seems to be this like magic 24/48 hour period where a lot of people just get - $10,000 is one of those numbers that come up really, really frequently of new clients. Like Laura Koehne, I think within 48 hours, $10,000 of new clients.

That’s why when I invite you to take off your healthy evolved hat

and go into the hurt and create the person for money that is so repulsive, and scary, and all bad, really, really important because the next step is you have to get rid of it because if you keep this relationship with money, you know exactly what you’re going to get. You’re going to get more frustration, more anxiety. If you are already anxious about money, it’s because you have a relationship with money that is so deep and so frightening that you must get rid of it so that you can have wealth in your life. So the third step is getting rid of your money monster.

I received a great email yesterday from a woman who does voice

dialog. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s a coaching technique that I adore, and I’ve been using it for about ten years where we take an aspect of yourself, a part of yourself that you really don’t like. I did this with a client’s fibromyalgia and we gave it a voice and we found out what the positive intention was of the fibromyalgia. From that session on, the pain of her fibromyalgia went away. They became partners, she found out what it needed, and it didn’t need to hurt her anymore. That’s voice dialog.

What I do with money here is different. It’s similar because we

give money a voice, but we don’t make your monster your friend. It’s very tempting for us people who are all about love and light to forgive and embrace and want to heal the monster. Do to do it. It is a serial killer. It will kill you if it really had its way, and it would torture all the people you love along the way.

This is different. We are not integrating the monster. I’ve been

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Manifest Everything Now Morgana Rae and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Make Money Fall In Love With You"

© 2012 Live Big Media, Inc All Rights Reserved


doing this process since 2003. I’ve done it thousands of times. I have had a lot of opportunity to try things out and see what works and what doesn’t. And so it’s very interesting to me to see all the people in the last year who used to be grief coaches and marketing coaches and empowerment coaches, and suddenly they’re relationship with money coaches and they’re trying to talk like me. But they didn’t spend the years of testing it, and making mistakes, and wondering why it wasn’t working and figuring out how to make it work that I did. I get their emails because some of these people are my friends and they’re suddenly trying to sound like me, and they don’t really understand the process yet.

What I have learned because I’ve tried lots of different things

along the way is that your money monster has to be all bad, and it has to be bad enough and scary enough and repulsive enough that you are willing to eliminate it by whatever means necessary or you will not be able to have a healthy relationship with money.

When I talked about the first step of the alchemical process is

nigredo, the blackening, in alchemy they separate the impurity from what will eventually become the gold, and that’s what we do here. You don’t want to mix your money monster with your new relationship with money, or the best thing you’re going to get is money mud which is what you have now.

Kristen Howe: So just to be clear, you’re not saying that money is the monster,

it’s our relationship and what we’ve identified our relationship to be with money that is the monster, correct?

Morgana Rae: It takes a really huge creative leap of the imagination, and this is

where the process can be kind of tricky. We are actually, just for convenience, we’re going to say money’s the monster. We’re just going to say money’s the monster. Yeah, it’s really our relationship with money, but we’re just going to say money is the monster. And it’s not going to be just about money, it’s going to be about anything that has ever been unfair or hurtful or made you feel unworthy because that is all stuff that is going to make you want to push it away.

When I actually coach clients personally, I listen for the stuff that

isn’t about money because that is typically the richest source

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Manifest Everything Now Morgana Rae and Kristen Howe in Conversation

"Make Money Fall In Love With You"

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material for the money monster. So with Jocelyn, I mentioned her eating disorder, I totally took advantage of what I knew about her relationship with her body and used it in coming up with her money monster.

With other people, we will blame money for their abusive of

children. That can be a really big leap conceptually and that’s why I’m the coach because it’s my job to make it work, but I’m giving you all the tips I can here. Later on we’ll talk about steps you can take to go farther than we can cover on this call because we’re already I think two-thirds or three-quarters through this call.

Kristen Howe: Yeah, you’re giving us so much it’s amazing, it’s fantastic. It’s

definitely going to be resonating with people, so that’s very exciting for me. So thank you for that.

Morgana Rae: Awesome. Okay, so step one, you come up with the root cause.

Step two, you personify the monster. Step three, you get rid of the monster.

Easier said than done, the trickiest thing doing it on your own, and

I really want you to be gentle with yourself, is it has to be safe for you. By its very definition, the monster’s not safe. So you will go as deep as you can go on your own. I have some suggestions, and I’ll discuss that later of how to make it safer to go deeper.

Some people just listening to this call will have a manifestation

because that always happens. There’s always somebody who has something dramatic happen the next day, but that’s not my goal for you guys because it’s really fun when I find out that Nancy made $10,000 the next day, or Robin made $7,000 the next day, and these are real people, real examples. I’m just not giving their last names because I haven’t gotten permission. It’s just those two people on my mind right now.

That’s awesome, that’s fun, and it means nothing over the course

of your lifetime. What I want is for you to have such a real transformation that you can make this happen for the rest of your life. If you don’t have some really groovy windfall tomorrow after listening to this call, that’s okay because we’re in this for the long haul. You are going to have a relationship with money for the rest

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Manifest Everything Now Morgana Rae and Kristen Howe in Conversation

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of your life, so you really want to make it a good one. It’s just an invitation to go deeper and make the relationship more real, and that’s what I’m going to talk about now.

So I got rid of the big, scary, dirty, violent biker, and then thought,

“Oh, no. I just got rid of the only money I had.” Even though this is all imaginary, I knew that I needed cash to live. It’s like I just got rid of my money. Now what? Because you have this huge vacuum, and I knew intuitively that if I didn’t fill that vacuum with something, the monster was coming back and nothing would change.

So I thought to myself, “Hmm. Who would I want in my life so

much that I’d want him even though he’s money?” Because if you do this process correctly, the money you just got rid of will be so horrible that you won’t really be in a hurry to jump into a new relationship with money. If you have ever gotten out of a really abusive relationship, you are not ready to jump into a new one the next day, so I had to make sure that the new relationship was going to be very different, and it had to be a relationship that I would want even though it’s money because it’s the only way that I would be able to have money in my life.

It’s really important to hear that it’s not a relationship based on “I

want a new car,” or do this for me, or do that for me at all. It’s like, “Who would I want in my life as like a person who I could love so much and want so much that I could overlook this thing?” And I apparently have a really overactive imagination because presto, I saw this tall, dark, handsome adorable young man with dark hair in a tuxedo carrying a bouquet of red flowers. I want that, which is funny because I was actually in a wonderful relationship and very much in love with a real live human being, and I also got to have a really romantic relationship with money.

I discovered through trial and error over coaching a few hundred

people over maybe my first two or three years of trying this process out on my coaching clients. After I changed my relationship with money, my practice filled up immediately. The next day, four people called me and wanted to hire me and pay me twice what I had ever charged. And they just kept coming so that in six months I had a waiting list and I started group programs. It

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was so funny because I was like, “Oh, it’s too much. I can’t keep track of them all.”

I wasn’t coaching them on this, but because everybody’s

concerned about money, and this is way, way, way before 2008, this is when the economy was good that people were still worried about money and feeling poor and scarce and all that stuff, so I would try this out and then wonder, “Huh? Why didn’t that work? Hmm, it worked with this person, but not that. What’s going on?” I found that a romantic relationship with money works way better than a relationship with a friend, or a pet, or anything like that because honey I’ve seen them all. There’s something about romantic and sexy that lights us up. There is so much magic in it. Even Napoleon Hill has a whole chapter on sex transmutation. It’s the chapter that nobody talks about.

It’s so funny, I share the law of attraction people up on the stage

and they’re talking about Think and Grow Rich, and they talk about all the chapters and they skip over that one, or make kind of dismissive crack because they don’t understand it. What I do is I go farther than Napoleon does because he doesn’t make money that romantic person and I do which makes it very different because suddenly you have a lot of power in the relationship. You’re not longer the victim asking money to bail you out. You’ve actually got this lover who needs you.

When I saw this gorgeous guy I could feel – it’s so wild – I could

feel how much he loved me, how much he wanted to woo me, and how deeply I had hurt him all those years that I was embarrassed to say my fee. How much I had broken his heart every time I pushed him away. And I also got a sense of being the driver in the relationship.

This brings up a really important point. Money is not here to

rescue you, especially not to rescue you from yourself. It’s here to partner with you and challenge you to be your best self. Your money will always see you as more powerful and creative than you see yourself, and may actually kick you in the ass sometimes with love.

So I see this guy and I say to him, “What do you need from me so

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you can stay with me?” And he told me – by the way, this is step four, asking your money, talking to your money. Actually, that was step five. Meeting your money honey is step four. Step five is talking to your money. Step six is then you take action.

Taking action is fun. My money needed me to stop treating him

like a monster, which when you think about it, that’s probably a good step in any relationship, to love him. And this brings up a lot of discomfort with a lot of people who have heard that the love of money is the root of all evil, love is love is love is love. Love cannot be evil. Love is the opposite of evil. When I say love of money, it’s coming from such a generous selfless place, not a “what’s in it for me place”, not a “lying cheating stealing”, not “choosing money over love”, but coming from this loving generous partnership where when I slash my rates or give away my services for free, I am telling this sweet vulnerable loving devoted partner that he doesn’t matter. Not only am I disrespecting myself, which will break his heart and he doesn’t know how to be with it, but I am rejecting him, choosing some stranger who is committed to their story over this lifelong partnership. That’s not right.

When my money said he wanted me to love him, it was coming

from that really sweet place of loving a person and being a good partner. Not being a jerk is the technical term.

The funniest story that I have on instant manifestation and doing

what your money tells you to do, especially if it makes no sense because that’s the best stuff. That’s the stuff that is like divine channeling. Coming from somewhere I don’t know where. There’s one woman named Lynn Swanson and her money honey, it’s so cute, kept dressing up like John Travolta from Saturday Night Fever, and that was silly, so she would try to imagine him dressed like something else, and he would resist, and he would pop back into her head dressed like John Travolta in that ridiculous white suit.

She kind of rolled her eyes and said, “Okay, whatever you want.”

And then he told her to transfer money from one bank account to another.

Now, to give you a little context, at that moment Lynn was freaked

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out when she did this process. She had all these clients who owed her money and she could not get them to pay and she could not meet her payroll and pay her employees that week. What is her money honey – that’s what I call the new relationship with money – what is her money honey’s solution? Transfer money from one account to another. “Oh, wow, great. Thanks a lot. Real helpful.” She does it because she knows I say do it.

So she goes down to the bank and she transfers the money and she

gets the deposit slip. She gets in her car and Saturday Night Fever is on the radio. It takes a moment to click in and then she gets the joke. Then she stops and picks up some coffee for an employee. She’s standing in line checking her email on her smartphone like we all do, and a client that they invoiced that day emailed her back to wire her the money that day. The money was not even due for 45 days and it was big five figure chunk of money that would more than cover the payroll.

Kristen Howe: Wow. Morgana Rae: You want to talk about manifestation. Instant manifestation. She

looked at the timestamp on the bank deposit slip and she looked at the timestamp on her telephone, and there was a two minute gap between doing what her money told her to do and seeing the results.

Kristen Howe: Wow. Morgana Rae: I get stories like this all the freaking time. Kristen Howe: That’s amazing. Morgana Rae: Yeah. There’s something magical about action. People think

manifestation is just magic. Just sit back and manifest. Manifest, actually, the root of the word is “make happen with your hand”. Mani is hand, fest is action. You have to take the action to bring things into existence.

Kristen Howe: That’s so great. Morgana Rae: Now, I was going to tell people what to do next, right?

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Kristen Howe: Well, yeah, so actually, what I want to do, you’ve been so amazing

with the story you’ve shared of people that have really turned things around.

Morgana Rae: I’ve got more. Kristen Howe: I know. You’ve got probably a million of them; give us one more

that pops out to you. Morgana Rae: Oh, I have a client named Athena and she is on my website, and

when she came to me, she was in such financial anxiety that I had this impulse to not let her hire me because I was scared for her because she had all this debt. She had two small children. She was in a marriage that she couldn’t be in any longer. She had done my process on her own, and her new relationship with money told her to hire me.

I could actually hear my money, he was whispering in my ear

saying “Treat her like an adult. Let her make her choice.” So she hired me. We did the process again, and I coached her over the course of several months. Within in four months we had changed her business from charging something like $125 an hour to packages. She’s this really gifted healer musician, just brilliant woman. Healer, channeler, coach, and her money kept telling her to inch up her fee.

She would go, “Oh, no, money. I could never,” but she would do

it because he told her to do it, and he would get more clients at the higher fee. So she crept up very freighted up to $3,000 packages and sold out. And again, she’s a full time mother of two small children so she could only work part time, and then money pushed her up to $5,000, and then $8,000 packages, and then $10,000 and she kept selling out the higher the rate was, and she was taking these ‘moneymoons’ with her money down to Miami all in the course of four months. Went from this debt to making tens of thousands of dollars a month.

Kristen Howe: Wow. Morgana Rae: Yeah. And her bank called her and offered her to renegotiate her

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mortgage and pay off her credit card debt, and then she ended up paying less per month. That’s actually on the website. They called her and offered to give her a less per month mortgage and pay off her credit card debt. What she said is, These are all real world miracles, but the real miracle is how she feels about herself and how she is free to be of service and help others.” She calls that the real miracle is this quality of self-love and happiness and being able to be of service in the world.

Kristen Howe: That’s amazing. And I think it’s so true. So many people they

know that money is a hurdle in their heads, but that is truly what so many people I know listening today, they also want that, so that’s thrilling.

I know you created a special offer for everyone who’s listening,

but what I want to do is there is one other question I have for you that I’m going to have you address right before we get off the call, and I know everybody’s going to want to know the answer to this, so you’re going to want to listen in. It’s how you change the relationship with your money honey when you’re in the midst of loss and fear about the future, which I know so many people are experiencing. So we’ll talk about that right before we finish up.

But right now because there is so much, obviously, you can tell

this from hearing the stories and from hearing you speak, how much more there is to this. Once I give the link, I would love for you to tell everybody what they’ll find there. The link is

Morgana, can you let everybody now what they’re going to find

there? Morgana Rae: Yes, I’ve put together a bunch of products to support you in going

through the Financial Alchemy process because people learn differently, and you’ll hear something different, and I covered a lot in this. But there are things that I cover elsewhere that I wasn’t able to go into here. Every time I teach something, there’s something that unlocks for people.

So what I put together was seven products that normally if you

could buy them separately would retail at $170 total. Two of them

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I actually don’t even sell outside of this package. Let me describe what I have.

I have an e-book, which is one of my best sellers because I know

that I learn visually. I just retain what I see better than what I hear, so it was really important to include something that’s written for people who take in information that way. What’s also fun about this e-book which is based on a teleclass that I taught a few years ago for Harv Ecker’s company, I did a live demo with a complete stranger and coached her through the process. So you can actually see what the process looks like, and you can see where I actually redirected her where she came up with a money honey that looked sort of like this, and I knew it wasn’t the right one, so I redirected her into something that was going to work better.

What’s really fun about doing these live demos is I hear from them

later. I did one with Katie Curtin who was a stranger to me at the time, and when she did what her money honey told her to do, which was again, one of those weird things, her money said, “You have to go skating,” so she put it off, put it off, put it off, wasn’t making any progress at all. Finally went skating, came home, and received $10,000 as soon as she came home without asking.

The next thing is the mp3 recording of a CD that I sold for about

six years for $30 and I’ve taken it off the market. It’s a recording of a live class that I taught for the International Coaches Federation. And it also includes a live coaching demo with a very brave and nervous and difficult client, and that was fun.

Now, some people have challenges coming up with the monster

and getting rid of the monster, and some people find that really the easy part. It’s very individual, but I’ve noticed a lot of people have trouble with the money honey part because they’re already in a relationship, or they’ve never had a good relationship, or they’re struggling too hard to come up with the right one, so I really wanted to create something that focused just on the money honey. What I did was I interviewed a client of mine who is a relationship expert and she did something so cool. After I coached her, she took her new relationship with money through the same test that she takes clients through to test the viability of any relationship they’re in.

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I created an mp3 of the “Seven Keys to Love Chemistry to Your

Relationship with Money”. It’s your seven keys to money honey chemistry, and these are the seven things that have to be present for this to be your new relationship with money. And of course, you can also use it on your real life honey.

I included something that is not specific to Financial Alchemy and

actually doesn’t have to be used in relationship with money at all. You can use it for any pattern that you have trouble with. This is like my other big gun of a tool for changing your past and creating a new future. It’s my “Limiting Belief Obliterator”. So if you have a pattern of bad relationships, or of injuries, or health problems, or disappointments, or you’ve got some belief that’s holding you back, I love this, and it’s hypnotic so you cannot listen to it while driving. Seriously, do not listen to it while driving because it puts you into a deep trance. Even when I was recording it, the technician at the sound studio went into a total trance. It was really funny.

Then I threw in three specialized audios, Financial Alchemy from

different kind of special perspectives. One is specifically as it applies to women and money, women’s issues that guys don’t really have. And then because these poor guys have been listening to me talking about women and money, I created a class just for them because while the steps of the process are the same, it’s also different. Whereas women, we want money to be our hero, but men need to be the hero, so I threw that in. If you’ve got a father, or a son, or a brother, or a husband, or a friend, this is for him.

Then I finally included “Money and Spirituality”. Again, it’s

Financial Alchemy but it’s the most far out, and in a way, intimate teleclass I ever gave because I share things that I don’t usually discuss for people who are on a spiritual path. Very specific to the spiritual people, the light workers, the healers, and you know who you are easily, so I really wanted to speak to you and what your issues are.

I put all of this together. I told you that you cannot get the live

class recording, or the Money and Spirituality recording separately. But if you could get all of these together, it would be $170. For

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this group, it’s $99, and it’s my “Money Magnet Breakthrough” product for this instant manifestation crowd.

I recommend that you listen to them all because each one will add

something different. Find the one that resonates with you the most and use that to kind of hold you as you go through the process.

Kristen Howe: Fantastic, that’s wonderful. Again, everybody, the link is I mean, this is amazing and just even with the stories you’ve shared, we’ve seen how instantaneous it can be.

Morgana Rae: I have huge testimonials from each product on here where people

have made thousands of dollars and have had really huge breakthroughs with each of these products individually, and so I’m just putting them together because I don’t know which one is going to be best for you.

Kristen Howe: That’s amazing, and I think that’s fantastic because you are giving

people the ability to find what’s best for them, so that’s amazing. So now I’m going to hold you to it, you said you would answer the question that everybody wants to hear the answer to, which is how do you change the relationship with your money honey when you’re in the midst of loss and fear about the future?

Morgana Rae: Thank you, because I get that question a lot because people have

heard so much that they have a positive attitude when they can’t pay their rent, and they can’t pay their bills, and they’re freaked out and they’re frightened.

What I would say is that is the best time in the world for this

process because you are so in touch with the emotion, and this is not an intellectual process. Again, if it was what was in our conscious mind that mattered, nobody would ever have to go on a diet again.

For the change to happen, you want it to be a really emotional

whole body experience. So if you’re feeling fear and anxiety and resentment, use it and start the process, create the monster from that. And the bigger and badder and scarier the monster is, the bigger and better and more wonderful its opposite will be on the

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Manifest Everything Now Morgana Rae and Kristen Howe in Conversation

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other side. Kristen Howe: I love that because it’s literally saying, “Look, your darkest

moment, your most fearful moment is the very thing that you use.” I think you used the word slingshot before.

Morgana Rae: Yeah, it’s like congratulations. Yay. I’m so happy for you. Not

that you’re suffering, but this is the best time. Kristen Howe: Yeah, it’s like the biggest opportunity. Morgana Rae: So much easier than people who are kind of, “Yeah, okay, I’ve got

a good relationship with money, but I’d like to make more.” That’s just really hard to shift.

Kristen Howe: Right. So that’s exciting, and anybody that’s struggling on this

call with money, look at this as that opportunity. Really take Morgana’s lead on that sort of approach to it because she’s already shown us how effective that can be and completely life changing that can be. It’s not just about money. I mean, this is life changing stuff, so I so appreciate that. Let me give the link one more time, it’s

I can’t thank you enough Morgana. It’s been so great having you

on here, and such a new way of looking at this that I think it’s really going to resonate with people, so I so appreciate how much you’ve shared with us. Is there anything else you want to share before we go?

Morgana Rae: No. This is just my absolute pleasure, and I really look forward to

serving the listeners more. Kristen Howe: Fantastic. Well, again, thank you so much for being on here and I

am sure we will connect soon, and I appreciate everything you’ve done for us here.

Morgana Rae: Thank you. Kristen Howe: Yeah, absolutely. Have a great, great rest of your day. Morgana Rae: You too.