manifest destiny. belief that the u.s. has the god given right to expand from “sea to shining...

Manifest Destiny

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Page 1: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

Manifest Destiny

Page 2: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

Manifest Destiny• Belief that the U.S. has the God given

right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

Page 3: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

Missouri Compromise• In 1818, the U.S. consisted of 11 free states and

11 slave states• In 1820, Missouri wanted to enter the U.S.• Henry Clay makes a compromise

1.Missouri enters as a slave state2.Maine enters as a free state3.36o 30’ line is established; anything North is

free, anything South is slave

Page 4: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”
Page 5: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

British Cession 1818• Known as the Rush-Bagot Agreement• Divided the land that was in dispute

Page 6: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

Florida Cession 1819• Spain had problems defending Florida

against American invasion• Spain agrees to give up Florida if U.S.

would pay American citizens $5 million that was owed to them by Spain.

Page 7: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

Fifty-four Forty or Fight

• Slogan adopted by those who wanted the U.S. to won all of the Oregon Territory

• In 1846, the U.S. and Great Britain agree to split the land along the 49th parallel

Choose your 5th color. Label and color Oregon Territory 1846.

Page 8: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

Oregon Territory


Page 9: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

Texas Revolution• Called the “Lone Star Republic,”

Texas became an independent country in 1836.

• After Mexico gained its independence from Spain in 1821, it made land grants to attract people to Texas.

• Settlers eventually sought self-government. Mexico revoked local powers and the Texans rebelled in 1835.

• “Remember the Alamo!”

Page 10: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

Texas• Texas asked the U.S. to annex it in 1838,

but this was blocked by anti-slavery forces who do not want any more slave states.

• In 1844, James K. Polk runs fro President on an expansionist platform and is elected. Texas was then admitted to the Union in 1845.

Choose your 6th color. Label and color Texas Annexation 1845.

Page 11: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

Texas Annexatio

n 1845

Page 12: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

War with Mexico• Polk sent James Sidell to Mexico in

1845 to try to buy California and New Mexico. This was rejected by Mexico

• Polk then ordered the U.S. Army into an area claimed by both the U.S. and Mexico

• Polk claims that Americans have been killed and convinces Congress to declare war.

Page 13: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

Mexico• Many Northerners oppose the war

because they do not want any more slave states.

• War lasts 2 years, with many battles fought in modern-day Mexico.

• U.S. WINS!!

Page 14: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Mexico cedes (gives) to the U.S.• Present day California, Nevada, Utah,

New Mexico, and parts of Arizona, Colorado, and Wyoming.

• U.S. gives Mexico $15 million for instigating the war

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Mexican Cession 1848.

Page 15: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

Mexican Cession


Page 16: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

Gadsden Purchase• In 1854 U.S. bought additional land from

Mexico for $10 million

• Need it to complete a railroad

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Gadsden Purchase 1854.

Page 17: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

Gadsden Purchase


Page 18: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

California Gold Rush• In 1848 gold was discovered in

California (Sutter’s Mill)

• Began “Gold Rush” and thousands rushed to California to try to get rich quick; Called forth-niners.

Page 19: Manifest Destiny. Belief that the U.S. has the God given right to expand from “sea to shining sea”

Gadsden Purchase


Mexican Cession


Texas Annexatio

n 1845

Oregon Territory

1846 Louisiana Purchase


Appalachian West 1783

British Cession


Florida Cession


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