
Mangoes When choosing a mango, pick one that is plump and heavy for its size, but most importantly, the mango should be fragrant at the stem end. Mangoes are ripe when you can indent them slightly with your thumb. Avoid a mushy mango. Sniff for a fragrant fruity odor at the stem end, or squeeze very gently to detect a firm yet yielding feel under your fingers. Wash, peel, and eat. Unzip the fruit almost as you would a banana. Or, use a knife to slice around the large central seed, as you would an avocado. Then divide the mango into two halves and extract the seed, which can be lifted out from the flesh with a little help from the knife. Spoon the sometimes stringy, sometimes smooth, fruit directly into your mouth, or slice, or cube.

Upload: tammy-prenot

Post on 28-Sep-2015




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Mangoes When choosing a mango, pick one that is plump and heavy for its size, but most importantly, the mango should be fragrant at the stem end. Mangoes are ripe when you can indent them slightly with your thumb. Avoid a mushy mango. Sniff for a fragrant fruity odor at the stem end, or squeeze very gently to detect a firm yet yielding feel under your fingers. Wash, peel, and eat. Unzip the fruit almost as you would a banana. Or, use a knife to slice around the large central seed, as you would an avocado. Then divide the mango into two halves and extract the seed, which can be lifted out from the flesh with a little help from the knife. Spoon the sometimes stringy, sometimes smooth, fruit directly into your mouth, or slice, or cube.