mandatory auditor rotation. hasan kılıç 26 april 2007 antalya

Mandatory Auditor Rotation. Hasan Kılıç 26 April 2007 Antalya

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Page 1: Mandatory Auditor Rotation. Hasan Kılıç 26 April 2007 Antalya

Mandatory Auditor Rotation. Hasan Kılıç

26 April 2007


Page 2: Mandatory Auditor Rotation. Hasan Kılıç 26 April 2007 Antalya

Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç

2©2007 Deloitte Türkiye


• Why Discussing Rotation?

• New Regulations and Mandatory Auditor Rotation

• Auditor Rotation in the World

• Auditor Rotation in Turkey

• Why Rotate?

• Rotation is not the Solution

• Alternatives to Rotation

• Responsibilities of Companies

• Results of Certain Studies

Page 3: Mandatory Auditor Rotation. Hasan Kılıç 26 April 2007 Antalya

Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç

3©2007 Deloitte Türkiye

Why Discussing Rotation?

Page 4: Mandatory Auditor Rotation. Hasan Kılıç 26 April 2007 Antalya

Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç

4©2007 Deloitte Türkiye

• Sarbanes – Oxley Act (US)

• 8th Directive (EU)

• CMB, Capital Markets Board Auditing Standards (Communique X/22)

• BRSA, Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency Auditing Standards

New Regulations and Mandatory Auditor Rotation

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Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç

5©2007 Deloitte Türkiye

• US: Audit firm rotation is not mandatory, rotate only audit partner: 5 years (7

years for some cases)

• EU: Audit firm rotation is not mandatory, rotate only . audit partner: 7 years

(Rotation is left to member country jurisdictions.)

• Canada, Japan & Australia: Rotation discussed but mandatory in these


• Italy: 6 years + 6 years = 12 years

Auditor Rotation in the World

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Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç

6©2007 Deloitte Türkiye

• CMB Communique X/22

- 7 years

- Start: 2003

- End: 2009

- Rotate: 2010

• BRSA Communique

- 8 years

- Start: 2002

- End: 2009

- Rotate: 2010

Auditor Rotation in Turkey

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Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç

7©2007 Deloitte Türkiye

Why Rotate?

Closeness to ClientManagement

• Repetition of prior audits• Tendency to anticipate results• Reliance on prior audit workpapers• Less experienced audit staff

Staleness & Redundancy

• Please the client so as to retain for future periods• The most compelling argument on auditor rotation

Eagerness to Please the Client

• Interact intensively with client• Troublesome close relationship• Conflict of interest when contentious issue• Lack of professional scepticism• Auditors hired by former clients

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Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç

8©2007 Deloitte Türkiye

• Auditor should interact with management,

• Relationship with client should not be limited by number of years,

• Management should be willing to share information,

• Solution partner when problems arise,

• Audit of documentation goes with sharing of information.

• Close relationship contribute sharing of information.

• Prior experience increase audit efficiency.

• Understanding of client operations and changes in activities over periods,

• Less disruption of day to day business,

• No proof of the benefits of mandatory audit firm rotation.

Rotation is not the Solution

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Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç

9©2007 Deloitte Türkiye

• Studies highlight rotation decreasing audit quality.

• Rotation increases cost of audit firms as well as cost of audit services received.

• Pressure to please client due to rotation,

• Less attention to a client to rotate,

• Rotation may result in opinion shopping.

Rotation is not the solution (cont’d)

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Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç

10©2007 Deloitte Türkiye

• Supervision of audit firms,

• Rotating audit partner (problem for small firms),

• Improving independence policies,

• Assigning second partner for quality assurance review,

• Internal quality control procedures,

• Emphasizing the importance of audit team independence,

• Risk and independence policies.

Alternatives to Rotation

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Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç

11©2007 Deloitte Türkiye

• Improving duties and responsibilities of audit committee under corporated

governance principles,

• Evaluation and assesment of audit firm services,

• Coordination bete

• Collaboration between management and audit committee,

• Independence board members and audit committee members,

• Effective accounting and reporting standards,

• Improving the responsibilities of management on accounting and financial


• Ethical principles.

Responsibilities of Companies

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Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç

12©2007 Deloitte Türkiye

• PCAOB Study: Average audit failure rate is three times higher in the first years.

• US General Accounting Office (GAO)/ General Accountability Office Report:

- No evidence of auditor rotation guaranteeing better audits.

- 99% of Fortune 1000 companies do not have policy on auditor rotation.

- Average tenure for Fortune 1000 companies is 22 years, 10% with 50 years of audit with the same auditor.

• Federation des Experts Comptables Europeens (FEE) Study:

- Mandatory auditor rotation has serious disadvantages outweighting perceived benefits.

- Audit firm rotation should not replace audit partner rotation.

- Intensive interaction for understanding and auditing client’s operations cannot be established with a short period of services.

- Audit failure subsequent to rotation is more likely to occur.

Results of Certain Studies

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Mandatory Auditor Rotation/ Hasan Kılıç

13©2007 Deloitte Türkiye

• Bocconi University Study:

- Rotation has an adverse effect on competition rather than improving it.

- Higher costs for auditor and auditee.

- Rotation decreases the quality of services in the first years.

- Rotation adversely affects shareholders and share values.

• AICPA Study: As per the federal hearing statistics, rotation leads to audit

falilures in the first years above the average.

Results of Certain Studies (cont’d)

Page 14: Mandatory Auditor Rotation. Hasan Kılıç 26 April 2007 Antalya

Deloitte Türkiye

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