managing sen: monitoring and evaluation – gathering evidence: making judgements day 1

Managing SEN: Managing SEN: Monitoring and Monitoring and Evaluation – Evaluation – Gathering Gathering Evidence: Making Judgements Evidence: Making Judgements Day 1

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Page 1: Managing SEN: Monitoring and Evaluation – Gathering Evidence: Making Judgements Day 1

Managing SEN: Managing SEN: Monitoring and Evaluation – Monitoring and Evaluation –

Gathering Evidence: Making JudgementsGathering Evidence: Making Judgements

Day 1

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9:00 - 10:00 Overview 10:00 - 10:45 Data analysis 11:00 - 11:20 Coffee11:20 - 12:20 Lesson observation12:20 - 1:10 Lunch 1:10 - 2:10 Work sampling 2:10 - 2:20 Tea 2:20 - 4:00 Action planning

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Aim of the Course:Aim of the Course:

To further develop skills in monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of SEN provision

To provide practical opportunities to carry out SEN self-evaluation relevant to your school

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What is Monitoring and Evaluation?What is Monitoring and Evaluation?

• Monitoring is gathering information about actual practice.

• Evaluation is placing some value on that information. i.e. – what is it saying about quality and standards? – Is it worthwhile/ effective? – Is it adding value to the learners’ experience?

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It should be:It should be:

• Manageable • Purposeful • Focused• Based on appropriate strategies• Systematic• Participative• Valid• Measured against success criteria• Used to maintain / develop good practice

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Why do schools need to monitor and Why do schools need to monitor and evaluate?evaluate?

• Because there’s no point to all your hard work if it isn’t helping pupils to make progress

• Because if it is others can learn from you• Because if it isn’t you will want to change things• Secure inclusion in school profiles of those who

make small steps progress• Demonstrate accountability• Demonstrate value for money and value added• Performance management

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PrinciplesPrinciples• Focus on: learning and teaching

standards and progress

leadership and management

• Informs school development planning cycles / target setting

• Used as evidence of successes and to identify new developments

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Cycle for School Self-improvementCycle for School Self-improvement


1. HOW WELL ARE WE DOING? (own data analysis, groups of pupils)

2. HOW DO WE COMPARE WITH OTHER SCHOOLS? (national data analysis)

3. WHAT MORE SHOULD WE AIM TO ACHIEVE THIS YEAR? (setting targets for improvement)

4. WHAT MUST WE DO TO MAKE IT HAPPEN? (development/ action planning)

5. TAKING ACTION AND REVIEWING PROGRESS (monitoring and evaluating outcomes)

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Establishing a Manageable and Purposeful SystemEstablishing a Manageable and Purposeful System


(depending on school context)


BASELINE M & E Annual/Regular

e.g. SATS

e.g. Literacy Strategy, IEP targets

e.g. Accommodation

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What gets in the way of monitoring and evaluation?

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•Analysis of documentation •Observation•Interviews/questionnaires•Analysis of data•Work sampling•Audit of resources•Analysis of environment•Evaluation of professional development

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The Monitoring and Evaluation Process


Decide upon the group to be focused on

Agree the most appropriate people to carry out the monitoring


Establish agreed judgement criteria



Choose an appropriate strategy for gathering reliable information

Set a realistic timescale


Gather information using agreed strategy / strategies

Develop a plan of action for improvement to be implemented

Evaluate the outcomes against the agreed judgement criteria




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• What do you understand by the term ‘data’?

• What is the practice in your school in terms of collecting data for pupils with SEN?

• What does your school collect this data for? Why?

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Focus for Data AnalysisFocus for Data Analysis

• Individual pupils with SEN

• Pupils with SEN within a year group

• Area of need e.g. GLD or SpLD

• Placement on SEN record ie SA, SA+, St

• Groups receiving specific support e.g.

spelling group, intervention programme

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What data is available to measure

progress? • P/NC/GCSE levels at end of year /key stage (test/teacher assessment)• Group/individual Standardised test scores, such as reading and

spelling, repeated at appropriate intervals• Criterion referenced assessments (e.g.initial sounds, high frequency

words)• IEP targets met• Behaviour checklists (e.g. QCA)• Percentage of pupils gaining accreditation at end of Key stage 4• Exclusions (number and length of fixed term arrangements)• Attendance figures• Progress demonstrated as a result of an intervention programme• Levels of attendance at extra curricular activities• Level of inclusion in lessons (% of time in classroom)?

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Questions for Data AnalysisQuestions for Data Analysis• Are pupils making progress? • Are they making expected progress?• Are some pupils making more progress than others?• Are pupils making progress in some areas but not

others?• Is progress consistent over time?• Is there a relationship between the amount of

progress made and the amount of support given?


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Data AnalysisData Analysis

Work in pairs to: • Analyse data using key questions• Form an evaluation • Use the Evaluation/Action sheet to summarise

your evaluation and decide on action you as SENCO will take.

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Lesson Observation is…Lesson Observation is…

• Part of a professional dialogue to support and develop effective practice

• Support for development given by a sympathetic colleague

• A process by which even the most competent teachers can learn

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Lesson Observation is not…Lesson Observation is not…

• A one way conversation where comments are conveyed from observer to observee

• A formal evaluation that can be used for performance management review

• A process only relevant to inexperienced teachers

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Good Practice in lesson observations

• Follow protocol on p106 ‘Advice on Supporting Staff through the observation process’

• Follow guidance on lesson observations (in pack)

• Remember when recording, try to link effect of teaching to learning

Cause leads to effect on(what teacher does) (link verb) (learning/achievement/attitudes/


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Lesson Observation Lesson Observation

• Whilst observing the lesson, complete the observation form by following the aide memoire

• With a partner, discuss: - Effective practice observed. Choose 3 points to

highlight and record on Evaluation/Action sheet. - 2 or 3 areas for development and record on

Evaluation/Action sheet.- How will you, as SENCO, support these actions? Again, record these on the Evaluation/Action sheet.

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• In threes, decide who will be – the teacher of the lesson (see card for personality

type!)– the senco feeding back– the observee.

• Role play the feedback.

• Observer to take notes in relation to the skills used by the senco and give feedback at the end.

Lesson ObservationLesson Observation - - FeedbackFeedback

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…Use verbal and non-verbal


…Keep to the point

…Explain why they want to say it

…Are good listeners

…Choose the time to say it

…Give examples

…Check the listener


…Know what they want to say

…Summarise points

Good communicators...

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Work SamplingWork Sampling• In pairs, study the work sampling monitoring form

and choose 3 key questions from it to focus on.

• Monitor your work samples focusing on the 3 questions you have chosen.

• Use the Evaluation/Action sheet to summarise your evaluation and decide on action you as SENCO will take.

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Ofsted Self evaluation form (SEF) (replaces S4 form)

• Summative document drawn from the school's own rigorous self evaluation

• School grades its work on a four point scale

• Sense form will be aligned with this

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School M and E SEN M and E

SDP SEN Action Plan

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Card Sort

• Sort cards into two piles – Those that you are confident about making

a judgement on– Those you are less confident about making

a judgement on

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Extended task

• Based on ‘what you need to know’ Choose your focus for monitoring and evaluation

• Decide on most appropriate method of carrying out M&E:

-Work sampling, lesson observation, data analysis

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With your buddy:

•Swap phone numbers

•Arrange a date to phone/meet

•Identify what you will have done by the time you next meet

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Day 2

• Share findings of monitoring and evaluation work

• Examples of good practice

• SEF form

• Other forms of monitoring

• Practical tips for managing monitoring and evaluation