managing radiation degradation of ccds on the … · 1999 2004 20 40 2008 2013 2019 time ......

Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory--III 'D *a Stephen L. O ell , Thomas L. Aldcroft b, William C. Blackwell e, Sabina L. Bucher d, Jon H. Chappell b, Joseph M. DePasqualeb_ Catherine E. Grant e, Michael Juda b, Eric R. MartinC, Joseph I. Mino_v f, Stephen S. Murray b, Paul P. Plucinsky b, Daniel A. Schwartz b, Daniel P. Shrops_re e, Bradley J. Spitzbart b, Paul R. Viens c, and Scott J. Wolk b a NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, NSSTC/VP62, 320 Sparkman Dr., Huntsville, AL 35805 b Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138 c Jacobs Sverdrup, Sverdrup/MSFC, P.O. Box 9030, Huntsville, AL 35812 a Northrop Grumman Space Technology, CfA/MS33, 60 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 0213 8 e MIT Center for Space Research, MIT, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139 f NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, MSFC/EV 13, Huntsville, AL 35812 ABSTRACT The CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory are vulnerable to radiation damage from low-energy protons scattered off the telescope's mirrors onto the focal plane. Following unexpected damage incurred early in the mission, the Chandra team developed, implemented, and maintains a radiation-protection program. This program--involving scheduled radiation sating during radiation-belt passes, intervention based upon real-time space-weather conditions and radiation- environment modeling, and on-board radiation monitoring with autonomous radiation safmg--has successfully managed the radiation damage to the CCDs. Since implementing the program, the charge-transfer inefficiency (CTI) has increased at an average annual rate of only 3.2x 10 -6 (2.3%) for the front-illuminated CCDs and 1.0x 10 -6 (6.7%) for the back-illuminated CCDs. This paper describes the current status of the Chandra radiation-management program, emphasizing enhancements implemented since the previous papers. Keywords: X-ray astronomy, CCDs, radiation damage, radiation environment, spacecraft operations 1. INTRODUCTION Now 8 years into its mission, the Chandra X-ray Observatory 1" 2, 3 continues to provide superb arcsecond imaging, imaging spectrometry, and high-resolution dispersive spectroscopy. Chandra's Science Instrument Module (SIM) houses 2 instruments, each with an imaging (I) array and with a spectroscopy (S) array for reading spectra dispersed by transmission gratings. The High-Resolution Camera 4 (HRC) uses microchannel plates. The Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer 5 (ACIS) has 10 CCDs: ACIS-I comprises a 2x2 CCD array; ACIS-S, a 6xl CCD array. Of the 10 CCDs, 2 CCDs--both in the S array are back-illuminated (BI); the remaining 8 CCDs are front-illuminated (FI). Upon initial Chandra operations, the ACIS FI CCDs experienced rapid degradation6--a significant increase in charge- transfer inefficiency (CTI). While the CTI ofFI CCDs increased, the CTI ofBI CCDs did not; nor did the dark current of either device increase: These symptoms indicate that weakly penetrating, low-energy (0.1-0.5-MeV) protons caused 7 8 this damage. An urgent anomaly investigation concluded that trapped protons had Rutherford scattered off Chandra's x-ray mirrors 9 onto the CCDs during the 8 radiation-belt passages that ACIS had been in the focal position. Fommately, upon recognition of this unforeseen problem, the Chandra team immediately modified operating procedures to ensure that the ACIS never remained in the focal position during radiation-belt passes. This policy soon became the keystone to a radiation-protection program 1° (Paper I) that has successfully limited subsequent radiation damage to acceptable levels. Here we report the status (§2) of that program and describe recent enhancements (§3). Contact author: Steve.O'[email protected]; phone 1 256-961-7776; fax 1 256-961-7213; 2018-08-21T03:05:48+00:00Z

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Page 1: Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the … · 1999 2004 20 40 2008 2013 2019 Time ... Nominally once a week, the Chandra Operations Control Center (OCC) ... Managing radiation

Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the

Chandra X-ray Observatory--III

'D *aStephen L. O ell , Thomas L. Aldcroft b, William C. Blackwell e, Sabina L. Bucher d,

Jon H. Chappell b, Joseph M. DePasqualeb_ Catherine E. Grant e, Michael Juda b, Eric R. MartinC,

Joseph I. Mino_v f, Stephen S. Murray b, Paul P. Plucinsky b, Daniel A. Schwartz b,

Daniel P. Shrops_re e, Bradley J. Spitzbart b, Paul R. Viens c, and Scott J. Wolk b

a NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, NSSTC/VP62, 320 Sparkman Dr., Huntsville, AL 35805

b Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138

c Jacobs Sverdrup, Sverdrup/MSFC, P.O. Box 9030, Huntsville, AL 35812

a Northrop Grumman Space Technology, CfA/MS33, 60 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 0213 8

e MIT Center for Space Research, MIT, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139

f NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, MSFC/EV 13, Huntsville, AL 35812


The CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory are vulnerable to radiation damage from low-energy protons scattered off

the telescope's mirrors onto the focal plane. Following unexpected damage incurred early in the mission, the Chandrateam developed, implemented, and maintains a radiation-protection program. This program--involving scheduled

radiation sating during radiation-belt passes, intervention based upon real-time space-weather conditions and radiation-

environment modeling, and on-board radiation monitoring with autonomous radiation safmg--has successfullymanaged the radiation damage to the CCDs. Since implementing the program, the charge-transfer inefficiency (CTI)has increased at an average annual rate of only 3.2x 10 -6 (2.3%) for the front-illuminated CCDs and 1.0x 10 -6 (6.7%) for

the back-illuminated CCDs. This paper describes the current status of the Chandra radiation-management program,emphasizing enhancements implemented since the previous papers.

Keywords: X-ray astronomy, CCDs, radiation damage, radiation environment, spacecraft operations


Now 8 years into its mission, the Chandra X-ray Observatory 1"2, 3 continues to provide superb arcsecond imaging,

imaging spectrometry, and high-resolution dispersive spectroscopy. Chandra's Science Instrument Module (SIM)houses 2 instruments, each with an imaging (I) array and with a spectroscopy (S) array for reading spectra dispersed bytransmission gratings. The High-Resolution Camera 4 (HRC) uses microchannel plates. The Advanced CCD Imaging

Spectrometer 5 (ACIS) has 10 CCDs: ACIS-I comprises a 2x2 CCD array; ACIS-S, a 6xl CCD array. Of the 10 CCDs,

2 CCDs--both in the S array are back-illuminated (BI); the remaining 8 CCDs are front-illuminated (FI).

Upon initial Chandra operations, the ACIS FI CCDs experienced rapid degradation6--a significant increase in charge-

transfer inefficiency (CTI). While the CTI ofFI CCDs increased, the CTI ofBI CCDs did not; nor did the dark currentof either device increase: These symptoms indicate that weakly penetrating, low-energy (0.1-0.5-MeV) protons caused

7 8

this damage. An urgent anomaly investigation concluded that trapped protons had Rutherford scattered off Chandra'sx-ray mirrors 9 onto the CCDs during the 8 radiation-belt passages that ACIS had been in the focal position.

Fommately, upon recognition of this unforeseen problem, the Chandra team immediately modified operating

procedures to ensure that the ACIS never remained in the focal position during radiation-belt passes. This policy soonbecame the keystone to a radiation-protection program 1° (Paper I) that has successfully limited subsequent radiation

damage to acceptable levels. Here we report the status (§2) of that program and describe recent enhancements (§3).

Contact author: Steve.O'[email protected]; phone 1 256-961-7776; fax 1 256-961-7213; 2018-08-21T03:05:48+00:00Z

Page 2: Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the … · 1999 2004 20 40 2008 2013 2019 Time ... Nominally once a week, the Chandra Operations Control Center (OCC) ... Managing radiation


HerewediscussChandra's orbit and radiation environment (§2.1) and the Chandra radiation-protection program

(§2.2). With this program in place, increases in the CTI ofACIS CCDs have remained within budgeted levels (§2.4).

2.1. Orbit and radiation environment

The ChandraX-ray Observatory is in a highly elliptical orbit, with a 63.5-h period and 80.8-Mm (12.7-R_) semi-major

axis. In the 6 years since reaching operational orbit, Chandra's orbital eccentricity and inclination have evolved from0.800 and 28.5 ° to 0.563 and 57.5 °, respectively. Therefore, Chandra's apogee and perigee altitudes have changed

from 139 Mm and 10 Mm (22.8 Re and 2.5 Re, geocentric) to 120 Mm and 29 Mm (19.8 Re and 5.5 Re, geocentric),

respectively. Figure 1 shows the evolution of the orbit's inclination, apogee, and perigee, over 25 years.

Evolution of Chandra's Orbit

llnclination _Perigee ............Apogee

90 180





60 120


100._ 5o€ _0 "0

40 80

30 60


1999 2004

20 40

2008 2013 2019

Time [Year]


Figure I: Evolution of Chandra's orbit and external exposure to trapped protons. The orbit's apogee, perigee, and

inclination change substantially over the 25 years shown in the plot.

Page 3: Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the … · 1999 2004 20 40 2008 2013 2019 Time ... Nominally once a week, the Chandra Operations Control Center (OCC) ... Managing radiation

Ep [MeV]


Trapped-proton spectral intensity

-- 0.I ---" 0.2 _0.5 --- 1.0 ----2.0 --5.0 i0.0


o 1.E+IO-



_' 1.E+08


2\ , \


\ ,, / ' / \ ,

Y ' / \ ", •

I _ " "


1999 2004 2009 2014

Time [Year]

\, 7 " "

, ," /" .__ J _,i t /.


2019 2024

Figure 2: Evolution of external exposure to trapped protons in Chandra's orbit from 1999 August (first light) to 2024August.

As Figure 1 illustrates, the perigee of Chandra's orbit varies about its mean value (_ 16 Mm) quasi-sinusoidally withapproximately a 13-y periodand 13-Mm amplitude. At 6 years into the mission, the perigee was near a maximum.Consequently, Chandra's exposure to the Earth's radiation belts was substantially less at that time than at the start ofthe mission; but it will now increase. Figure 2 shows the trapped-proton (external) orbital fluence, obtained using theSPace ENVironment Information System tl (SPENVIS) tool to propagate Chandra's orbit through the standard AP8radiation environment. IfACIS were left in the focal position during perigee passes, the rate of radiation damage due tolow-energy (0.1--0.5 MeV) trapped protons varies by about 2 orders of magnitude. Of course, ACIS will never again beexposed to trapped protons during a perigee pass. Indeed, the command load always instructs the SIM translation table

to remove the ACIS from focal position by about 70-Mm altitude (12 R_ geocentric). Thus, the low-energy (weaklypenetrating) trapped protons that caused the initial damage to the front-illuminated CCDs will produce no additionalCTI increase.

2.2. Radiation-protection program

The obvious radiation-protection strategy is to limit exposure of the ACIS to high proton-flux environments. In order toaccomplish this, the radiation-protection program (Paper Im) employs scheduled (§2.2.1), manual (§2.2.2), andautonomous (§2.2.3) radiation sating. In each case, radiation-safmg actions are the same--stop science observations,translate ACIS into next-in-line (NIL) position, power down ACIS video boards, and ramp down HRC high voltage.

2.2.1. Scheduled protection

Nominally once a week, the Chandra Operations Control Center (OCC) atthe Chandra X-ray Center (CXC) transmitsthrough NASA's Deep-Space Network (DSN) a command load for Chandra's on-board computer (OBC) to executeautonomously all science observations and other scheduled operations. Prior to radiation-zone ingress, each loadexplicitly safes the ACIS and HRC against radiation damage; after egress, the command load resumes science

Page 4: Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the … · 1999 2004 20 40 2008 2013 2019 Time ... Nominally once a week, the Chandra Operations Control Center (OCC) ... Managing radiation

observations. In order to set the time to protect the science instruments and the time to resume science observations, the

mission planners utilize the standard AP8/AE8 environment, with AE8 being the more restrictive. Because thesemodels are not perfect and because the radiation zones--especially the outer electron zone--exhibit substantial transient

and localized variations, it is necessary to pad the AE8-predicted times by a few hours. The science operations teamcompleted a study and implemented changes to optimize these radiation-zone pad times.

Scheduled protection prevents the rapid increase in FI-CCD CTI suffered during proton-belt transits. However,transient events elsewhere in the radiation environment--solar radiation storms, solar-wind shocks, and geomagnetic

storms--contain proton fluences that would noticeably degrade CCD performance over time. Thus, the Chandra teamdeveloped and implemented additional steps (§2.2.2 and §2.2.3) to limit exposure of the ACIS to such events.

2.2.2. Manual intervention

Chandra has an on-board radiation monitor that the OBC uses autonomously (§2.2.3) to protect the science instrumentsagainst certain severe radiation events such as inadvertent, unprotected radiation-belt entry. However, the radiation-

monitor data (like all Chandra data) are available in real time or via data dump only during DSN contacts, typically forabout an hour every 8 hours or so. Furthermore, the Chandra radiation monitor is not sensitive to the low-energy

protons responsible for damaging the ACIS CCDs. For these reasons, the team implemented an extensive monitoringprogram using real-time environments data from other spacecraft, available through the National Oceanographic and

Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Space Environment Center (SEC).

The GOES proton monitor and the Advanced Composition Explorer 12 (ACE) Solar Isotope Spectrometer 13 (SIS)transmit real-time data for protons more energetic than 5 MeV and 10 MeV, respectively. GOES satellites are in

geostationary orbits, while ACE is near the first Lagrange (L1) point. In order to get real-time data at altitudes more

representative of Chandra's orbit, the science operations team has also arranged to retrieve near-real-time data from theradiation monitor aboard ESA's XMM-Newton. Because solar protons more energetic than about 5 MeV typically

penetrate the Earth's magnetosphere down to geosynchronous orbit, the GOES proton monitor serves as an effective

real-time predictor between DSN contacts, of the count rate in the corresponding proton channels of Chandra's on-board radiation monitor (§2.2.3).

The ACE Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor TM (EPAM) provides the most relevant data--namely, the low-energy

(0.05-2-MeV) proton spectrum in the solar wind. To supplement the ACE EPAM data, MSFC's space environmentsgroup developed the Chandra Radiation Model 15 (CRM). Used in conjunction with ACE data, the CRM permits real-

time estimation of the 0.14-MeV-proton spectral intensity throughout Chandra's orbit, which passes through 3 space-

environment regions---(1) solar wind, (2) magnetosheath, and (3) magnetosphere. Recently, the space environmentsgroup updated (§3.1) the CRM.

The Chandra team carefully monitors the 0.14-MeV-proton orbital fluence measured by the ACE EPAM (in the solarwind) and estimated by the real-time CRM, and issues an alert (via pager and e-mail) if the 2-hour fiuence exceeds a

specified value. Based upon this or other automated alerts or upon concerns of personnel watching the radiationenvironment, the team convenes via teleconference, evaluates the radiation environment, and decides whether to

intervene manually upon the next scheduled DSN contact, by activating the radiation-protection stored commandsequence (SCS107). The team re-convenes as needed until the radiation threat has passed, the mission planners havebuilt a new load, and science observations have resumed.

2.2.3. Autonomous protection

The Electron, Proton, Helium Instrument I6 (EPHIN, §3.2.1)--flight spare for the SOlar & Heliospheric Observatory

(SOHO)----serves as Chandra's on-board radiation monitor. EPHIN collects data in 4 electron channels (0.25-10.4MeV), 4 proton channels (4.3-53 Mev), 4 helium channels (4.3-53 MeV/n), and an integral channel. During DSN

contacts, Chandra downloads all EPHIN data for CXC use and for space-physics science by the EPHIN science team.

During normal Chandra operations, the process "RADMON" runs on the OBC, sampling and evaluating 3 EPHINchannels--P4 (4.3-7.8-MeV proton), P41 (41-53-MeV proton), and El300 (2.6-6.2-MeV electron)--that serve as the

real-time radiation monitor. If the count rate in any of these 3 channels exceeds its respective pre-set threshold for N

consecutive 65.6-s samples, the OBC autonomously activates the radiation-protection stored command sequence

Page 5: Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the … · 1999 2004 20 40 2008 2013 2019 Time ... Nominally once a week, the Chandra Operations Control Center (OCC) ... Managing radiation

(SCS107).Recently,theChandra team increased the number N--from 3 to 10 of over-threshold samples required to

activate SCS 107, in order to reduce spurious or otherwise unnecessary triggers.

Due to elevated EPHIN temperatures resulting from degradation of its multi-layer insulation (MLI), the data in someEPHIN channels may eventually become noisy. In order to prepare for this possibility, the CXC and HRC teams

recently prepared contingency plans for using the HRC anti-coincidence shield as a radiation monitor (§3.2).

2.3. Radiation events

During the first eight years of Chandra operations, there were 64 radiation protection (SCS 107) events. The team

manually protected the science instruments 20 times for 1.911-Ms lost science; Chandra autonomously protected the

science instruments 44 times for 5.240-Ms lost science. Most SCS107 triggers resulted from solar-energetic-particle(SEP) events accompanying major solar flares: This is the type of hard-proton event for which the radiation monitor

was originally intended. Several SCS107 triggers occurred just prior to scheduled protection (§2.2.1) for radiation-zoneingress: These events resulted from electron-flux spikes that present no danger to the science instruments. A few

SCS 107 triggers happened immediately following re-enabling of the RADMON process following a radiation safmg: Inthese cases, a single above-threshold sample (either real or stale data) triggered SCS107 before the above-threshold

counter had cleared from the previous radiation event.

Table 1: Radiation protection events

SCS107 time



Re-start time


2000:196:04:472000:196:22:00 2000:198:23:152000:257:19:15 2000:258:21:00

2000:313:23:26 2000:316:06:50

2000:331:19:46 2000:333:10:002001:093:02:222001:098:04:40















2001:360:06:30 2001:362:00:00

2002:011:03:17 2002:011:21:152002:077:13:51 2002:079:07:342002:107:12:55



2002:110:17:432002:111:04:52 2002:113:21:30

2002:143:09:582002:144:11:452002:198:12:32 2002:199:15:452002:230:18:43


2002:314:03 20

2002:331:00:022003:107:20:36 I





97.2 A

61.2 manual

171.8 manual93.5 A

141.7 A

137.9 A215.5 A

122.4 manual49.0 A

99.5 A33.8 manual

79.2 A471.4 A

105.8 A95.0 manual

117.5 manual300.3 A

68.8 manual167.5 A97.4 A

64.8 manual116.7 manual42.1 manual

83.5 manual171.8 A

93.6 A95.2 A

90.0 manual126.0 A

155.4 A97.2 manual

5.7 A

SCS107 time

2003:120: 23: 37









2004:208: 03: 542004:208:21:59







2006:340:16:162006: 344:08: 59

2006 :347: 22:44

Time l

23.3 A

50.8 A74.1 manual

10.8 A7.8 A

61.1 manual90.4 A

172.3 A293.2 A

112.6 manual

139.8 A68.2 manual

118.8 manual0.8 A3.6 A

82.8 A5.3 A

3.3 A92.9 A183.2 manual

104,7 A381.7 A

6.0 A66.9 A128.1 manual

283.1 A286.5 A

95.2 A10.3 A

225.0 A84.0 A

115.6 A

Page 6: Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the … · 1999 2004 20 40 2008 2013 2019 Time ... Nominally once a week, the Chandra Operations Control Center (OCC) ... Managing radiation


Manual • Auto ...... Manual -- Auto Total9



o 10

• •

• • • •

• I I'









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007


Figure 3: Science time lost to protecting against radiation events during first 8 years of Chandra operations.



2.4. Charge-transfer inefficiency

The radiation-protection program (§2.2) has successfully reduced the rate of CTI increase to manageable levels. Figure

4 displays the CTI since 2000 January, after cooling the ACIS focal plane to its current operating temperature (-120°C).Displayed CTI measurements 17 are from the ACIS (Fe 55) external calibration source (ECS), which ACIS views whilestowed in the NIL position, and are corrected for sacrificial charge TM from cosmic rays. Currently, the FI-CCD CTI =

16.0x10"5; the BI-CCD CTI = 2.0×10 "5. Since 2001 January, the CTI has increased at 0.29×10 -5/y (1.8%/y) for FI

CCDs and at 0.08x10 5/y (4.2%/y) for BI CCDs--slightly less than the average rates since 2000 January. Hence, the

rate of CTI increase is sufficiently small to allow ACIS to continue to provide spectrometric imaging for decades.

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BI CCD Corrected Parallel CTI



FI CCDs Corrected Parallel CTI5 .i i i ii i i .


+ 0 4+


15 _"5 2

14 oo 1


2002 2004 2006 2000 2002 2004 2006Time (year) Time (year)

Figure 4: Charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) ofACIS CCDs at 5.9 keY (Mn-Kc0, for the focal plane at -120°C, correctedfor cosmic-ray sacrificial charge. Left panel shows the average CTI of the 4 front-illuminated CCDs comprising theimaging (I) array; right panel, the CTI of the back-illuminated CCD ($3) at the center of the spectroscopy (S) array.

CXC data processing now implements a CT1 corrector, originally developed by the ACIS team. t9,20 The CTI corrector

removes the non-stochastic part of the CTI-induced position-dependent gain error. Thus, the FI CCDs continue toprovide high-resolution imaging spectrometry 21 albeit With poorer energy resolution than originally expected. The

CT1 of the B1 devices is an order of magnitude less than that of the radiation-damaged FI CCDs, but currently

increasing at about 0:3 the rate of that of the FI CCDs. In contrast, the unprotected radiation-belt passes, whichproduced the initial damage in the FI devices, resulted in no measurable increase in the CTI of the BI CCDs. Thisindicates 17 that the average spectrum of protons reaching the ACIS CCDs is now significantly harder than during the

unprotected radiation-belt passes. Note that 1.9x10 -4 gcm -2 shields the FI charge transfer channel from protons under

0.1 MeV; 1.2x10 "2g cm "2(45%tm silicon) shields the B1 charge transfer channel from protons under 2.2 MeV.


We introduced several enhancements to the radiation-protection program (§2.2) since Paper I.x° For scheduledprotection (§2.2.1), we reduced pad times on AE8 predictions of radiation-zone ingress and egress so as to increase

science time. For manual intervention (§2.2.1), we added access to real-time data from the XMM-Newton radiation

monitor; we updated the Chandra Radiation Model (CRM) to include data through 2004 that more fully populatesrelevant parameter space (§3.1). For autonomous protection (§2.2.3), we increased the number of EPHIN samples

required to activate radiation safmg, in order to reduce unnecessary triggers; we developed contingency procedures touse the HRC anti-coincidence shield as a radiation monitor if EPHIN data become problematic (§3.2).

3.1. Chandra radiation model

The Chandra Radiation Model 15 (CRM) is a 3-dimensional map of the 0.14-MeV-proton spectral intensity (Figure 5).

We derive the CRM from a correlation of archival data--from the Geotail Energetic Proton and Ion Composition(EPIC) detector z2 and from the Polar Comprehensive Energetic-Particle Pitch Angle Distribution (CEPPAD)

instrument23--with the geomagnetic planetary index Kp. In order to populate fully the data cube throughout the domain

of geocentric radii 8-32 Re, we also map the particle distribution along the magnetic field--"field-line mapping".

Recently, we updated the CRM to include Geotail EPIC and Polar CEPPAD data through 2004, which significantly

increased data coverage for high-Kp periods. Figure 5 exhibits an equatorial slice in Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric

(GSM) coordinates, of the updated CRM data cube for geomagnetic conditions characterized by Kp = 1 (quiet), 3

(moderate), 5 (minor storm), and 7 (strong storm). Note the three distinct radiation regions--(1) solar wind, (2)

magnetopause, and (3) magnetosphere separated by the bow shock and by the magnetopause, respectively.

Page 8: Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the … · 1999 2004 20 40 2008 2013 2019 Time ... Nominally once a week, the Chandra Operations Control Center (OCC) ... Managing radiation

Kp = 1 Kp = 3



-20 -10 0 10 20 30 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30

Xgsm [Re) Xgsrn [Re)

Kp = 5 Kp = 7








-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30

Xgsm (Re) Xgsrn (Re)

Figure 5: Chandra Radiation Model (CRM) for 0.14-MeV protons at geocentric distances 8-32 Re for 4 values of thegeomagnetic planetary index Kp. Each displayed map is an equatorial slice in geocentric solar magnetospheric (GSM)

coordinates, with the sun on the +Xgsrn axis and the Earth's magnetic poles in the Xgsrn-Zgsm plane.

We employ the CRM for multiple purposes. Mission planners now schedule radiation protection for perigee passes

using radiation-zone pad times derived from a combined analysis of archival EPH1N and mean-CRM data. For real-time estimation, ACE Solar-Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor 24 (SWEPAM) data 25drives the SEC-provided (neural-

net) Costello Kp estimator 26, which in turn drives our Kp-dependent CRM estimator of proton intensity. This allows a

real-time estimate of 0.14-MeV-proton fluence from the start of an orbit. For an assumed value of Kp, we can also

project the fluence for the rest of that orbit. If the estimated fluence exceeds a budgeted amount, we can decide whetherto intervene (§2.2.2) by manually activating radiation saf'mg (SCS 107) at the next DSN contact.

Naturally, the ACE EPAM P3 channel furnishes the best real-time estimator for the 0.14-MeV-proton spectral intensitywhen Chandra is in the solar wind. In the magnetosheath (between bow shock and magnetopause), the population mayhave contributions from shocked solar-wind protons and from protons leaking from the magnetosphere. In the

magnetosphere, the population may have contributions from quasi-trapped magnetospheric protons and from solar-windprotons penetrating the magnetopause. Thus, we adopt a conservative approach and utilize a hybrid of real-time EPAM

data and the real-time SWEPAM-Kp--driven CRM estimate:

1. Solar wind Fl(t) = FEPAM(t)

2. Magnetosheath F2(t) = 2 x F_PAM(t) + FCRM(Kp(t))

3. Magnetosphere F3(t) = FcRM(Kp(t)) + 1/2 x FEpAM(t)

3.2. EPHIN thermal degradation

During the mission, the thermal-control properties of Chandra's silverized-Teflon multilayer insulation (MLI) have

degraded, probably due tO radiation damage during perigee passes and thermo-mechanical stresses during sun-anglechanges. While thermal control of the Observatory itself has adequate margin, that of the Electron, Proton, Helium

Instrument (EPHIN) does not. Designed to monitor solar energetic particles, EPHIN resides on the sunward side of the

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spacecraft,unshadedduringnormaloperations.TemperaturesexperiencedbyEPHINdetectorsandelectronicswillcontinueto riseastheMLI's solarabsorptancefurtherincreases.Limitingsunanglesto minimizenear-normalilluminationof EPHINhelps;however,thispracticeconstrainsmissionplanningandwill eventuallybeinsufficient.Thus,weexpectthatprogressivelyhighertemperatureswilleventuallydegradeEPHIN'sperformanceandefficacyasaradiationmonitor.Hereweconsider(§3.2.1)theanticipatedimpactofrisingEPHINtemperatures,describe(§3.2.2)potentialuseoftheHRCanti-coincidenceshieldasaradiationmonitor,compare(§3.2.3)HRCanti-coratesandEPHINrates;anddiscuss(§3.2.4)contingencyplanstoreplaceEPHINdatausedbyRADMON(§2.2.3)withHRCanti-codata.

TheEPHINisacriticalcomponentoftheon-boardradiationmonitoringsystem.Continuingdegradationofitsthermal-controlsurfaceshasleadtohighertemperaturesatagivenattitudeandshorterdurationsallowedatsun-facingattitudeswhenattemptingtolimitthemaximumtemperature.Theelevatedtemperatureisaconcernduetotheincreasedleakagecurrentsathightemperatureincreasingthedetectorbackgrounds.However,amoresignificantaffectoftheelevatedtemperaturesisthattheincreaseddetectorleakagecurrentsresultinalargerthanplannedforpower-drawonthe+27V-railpowersupplyusedtodrivethedetectorhigh-voltagepowersupplies.Thishighpower-drawcausesthe+27V-railsupplyto entera current-limitedstate,withareducedoutputvoltage.Thereduced+27V-railsupplyoutputvoltageresultsin reducedoutputin thedetectorHV supplies.Thisanomalousbehaviorresultsin changesin EPHINperformance.TheEPHIN+27V-railsupplyentersthecurrent-limitedstatewhenthedetectortemperaturesreach-37 degC.Theentranceischaracterizedbyasuddendropin the+27Voutputtotypicallylessthanhalfitsnominalvalue.The+27VoutputdropisaccompaniedbyadropintheoutputoftheHVsupplyfordetectorG(Figure6,leftpanel),thePMTusedto readouttheguardcounter.Thereis notelemetryfortheoutputlevelsof theotherHVpowersuppliesbut thepresumablydropaswell.TheobservedneteffectoftheHVreductionisadecreaseinthedetectorGrate(Figure6rightorFigure7 left)andanincreasein theratesof thefourEPHINelectronchannels(Figure7 right)andtheintegralchannel.Theseincreasesareduetothelossof theanti-coincidencesignalsfromdetectorG.Theratesin theotherEPHINdetectorsdonotcurrentlyappeartobeaffectedbythe(unmeasured)dropin theirHVsupplies.TheoutputlevelsoftheHVsuppliesfortheotherdetectorsdonotappearto dropenoughtoimpacttheiroperation.As long as the

HV output is sufficiently above the level required for full-depletion of the Si(Li) detectors should not decompensate.There is hysteresis in the recovery from the anomalous state and temperatures must fall below -29 degC for the +27V-

rail supply to return to normal.

This anomalous EPHIN behavior initially lead us to schedule observations such that the maximum predicted EPHIN

temperature would not trigger an entrance into the anomalous state. Unfortunately, as the thermal-control surfacescontinued to degrade and a thermal constraint imposed by the spacecraft propulsion system removed the best attitude for

cooling EPHIN from use, scheduled science-observing efficiency was noticeably reduced. Since the detector rates(other than that of detector G) did not appear to be affected by the reduction of the HV and an analysis of the median

detector pulse-heights for minimum-ionizing particles showed no significant degradation with reduced voltage it was

decided in December 2005 to allow the EPHIN to routinely operate in the anomalous state. In order to reduce thepossibility of unnecessary triggers of on-board radiation safmg sequence due to false high-E 1300 fluxes during times of

anomalous performance, the El300 threshold within RADMON had to be raised from 10 cts/cm^2-s-sr to 20 cts/cm^2 -s-sr. The EPHIN detector rates and pulse-heights are monitored for evidence of the onset of degradation.

One factor the aided the decision to permit the routine operation of the EPHIN in the anomalous state was the fact thethe HRC was available as a replacement for on-board radiation monitoring. As described in our earlier paper[referenceto 2005 paper], the HRC anti-coincidence shield rate can be used within the on-board computer's RADMON process to

flag times of high fluxes of particle radiation. Figure 8 compares the HRC anti-coincidence shield rate to the E1300 andEPHIN P41 fluxes. As discussed in our earlier paper, we currently do not choose to activate HRC anti-coincidence

monitoring within the RADMON process due to the possibility of an unnecessary trigger given the observedperformance within the available dynamic range.

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I000 L ......







Non-Rad-Zone Times 2006-12-16 to 2007-04-16

................. ,I iBehov[orDuring Current-Limil:Enisooes 4-00L _[I _ I r/- i ]

..... t i i i i I i i i i I r i i i i i i i i . ,

10 15 20 25 15 20 25 3C

EPHIN +27V-rail Voltage EPHIk +27V Output

_oo6 [L

gg8 2ooE-a g



_ . T I0_" t i T T . _ I I I i

30 5 10

Figure 6: Consequences of rail-voltage drops due to high operating temperatures upon operation of the EPHIN guard (G)detector. The left panel shows the output of the detector G high-voltage power supply as a function of the input +27Vlevel during times when the EPHIN +27V was operating in an anomalous state. The right panel shows the observeddetector G rate as a function of+27V-rail supply output during anomalous operations. Times when Chandra was withinthe Earth's radiation belts have been excluded.

3.2.1. Potential impacts

The EPHIN instrument 16 uses coincidences in a stack of 6 detectors--3 ion-implanted Si detectors ("A", "B", and "F")

and 3 lithium-drifted Si [Si(Li)] detectors ("C", "D", and "E")--plus a guard detector ("G", a scintillator read by aphotomultiplier tube, PMT), to assign the species and energy of incident particles. The EPHIN Input/Output (EIO)

interfaces between EPHIN and the spacecraft and collects EPHIN data--including counts in a number of coincidence

channels corresponding to various particle energy ranges--for inclusion in telemetry. Currently, the OBC RADMONprocess watches 3 of 13 EPHIN coincidence channels--El300, P4, and P41 (§2.2.3).

The EPHIN team anticipates that elevated temperatures will eventually degrade performance of the Si(Li) detectorsthrough more rapid Li diffusion. Further, elevated temperatures have raised the detectors' leakage currents, triggering

episodes of reduced high voltage: This also would increase the Li diffusion rate if the bias drops too low. The expecteddegradation symptom is increased noise in the Si(Li) detectors. This may ultimately render detectors C, D, and E

unusable, thus making EPHIN channels using those detectors--i.e., the higher energy channels--problematic.However, there are steps to mitigate the adverse impact of increased Si(Li)-detector noise upon the radiation-protectionprogram--e.g., adjusting RADMON trigger levels, averaging samples, or watching alternate EPHIN channels.

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40ONon-Rad-Zone Times 2008-12-_6 to 2007-04---16

............ i II IIT.i .... 'i'[JO0


8 200

1 O0



0 ; ; , -r T T+ _ , I , ; _ i I ; J _ ; I ; _ i z

5 10 1 __ 20 2.5 30

EPHIN +27V Output

2006-10-06 Current-Limit Eoisaae

] 0.00 b

- I

"°°FE I

" i0.0t I _ i i i I L i I i I ,

5 10 15 20 25

EPHIN -l-27v-Ra[I Outpu_ iV]


Figure 7: Consequences of rail-voltage drops and resulting (temporary) anomalous behavior of the EPHIN guard (G)detector. The left panel shows the observed detector G rate as a function of +27V-rail supply output during anomalousoperations. Times when Chandra was within the Earth's radiation belts have been excluded. The right panel displays theeported El300 flux as a function of+27V-rail supply output during anomalous operation. The horizontal line at 20 cts/s isthe current threshold for El300 triggers of SCS107.

3.2.2. HRC anti-coincidence shield

The HRC 4 anti-coincidence ("anti-co") shield comprises plastic scintillator blocks that surround the detector housing on

5 sides, read by 1 of 2 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). The purpose of the anti-co shield is to detect charged particles

that penetrate the microchannel-plate (MCP) detectors, in order to distinguish (through coincidence) charged-particleevents in the MCP from x-ray events and then to veto those events in the HRC electronics. Although the HRC team

planned using the HRC anti-co shield and MCP detector total event rates as radiation-monitor inputs, implementationhalted during pre-launch software development after incorporation of EPHIN as Chandra's radiation monitor. By

design, EPHIN is a more versatile particle counter than the HRC anti-co shield and it has a much larger dynamic range.

HRC A-side and B-side electronics each send anti-co rates and total MCP rates to the OBC: Only data from the activeside (now A) are meaningful. Recently, the flight operations team patched flight software to substitute these 4 HRC

channels for the 4 EPHIN helium channels in the telemetry. If needed, the flight operations team will patch RADMONto substitute an HRC channel for one of the 3 watched EPHIN channels. Complete failure of EPHIN would require an

additional patch so that the RADMON process would ignore the EPHIN hardware failure: Currently, RADMON will

activate SCS 107 if the OBC does not receive an "alive" signal from EPHIN through the EIO and from the EIO.

3.2.3. EPHIN-HRC-anti-co comparison

In order to determine optimal use of the HRC anti-co shield as a radiation monitor, the science operations and HRCteams conducted a comparative study of available EPHIN and HRC-anti-co data. Although the EPHIN operatesthroughout each orbit, the HRC high voltage (HV) is always "off' during radiation-zone transit. During the fu-st year of

the mission, the HRC HV remained "on" outside the radiation zone. Subsequently, the HRC HV was "on" only inconjunction with HRC observations, so as to maximize the operating life of the PMT. As concern over potential

EPHIN degradation grew, we resumed collecting HRC anti-co data at all times outside the radiation zone, but at variousreduced HV levels when the HRC was not engaged in a science observation.

Using available data, we compared HRC anti-co rates with rates in the 3 EPHIN channels--P4 (4.3-7.8-MeV proton),

P41 (41-53-MeV proton), and El300 (2.6-6.2-MeV electron)--watched by the RADMON process (§2.2.3). Figure 8exhibits the scatter plots of raw (OBC ingested) HRC anti-co rates versus P4 spectral intensity (left) and versus P41

spectral intensity (right). The vertical line in each plot demarcates the respective threshold for RADMON to activate

SCS107. For all anti-co data in Figure 8_ the PMT HV had been set to step 8, its nominal setting for operations. Data

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100 _- . . -::=.::,,!___i_,. iI- , _ :,'.' i.._:_i_!fid|_._.l- ; " • :• : ,.]:;:3Hillll_'ii;i_k_,_'ql[l_

10 _ ,_ ):,:,:i:,:,:i::_ ,':, :, ;,: ...... ::,.. ! , ,

O.Ol O.lO l.OO lO.OOEPHIN E1300 Flux

Figure 8: HRC anti-coincidence shield rate versus EPHIN El300 flux (left) and P41 flux (right). Diamonds denote dataacquired during anomalous operation of the EPHIN +27V-rail supply. The vertical lines indicate the respectiveRADMON thresholds for autonomous activation of radiation protection (SCS 107). HRC anti-co rates are in analog-digital units (ADU); EPHIN, #/(cm 2s sr). Note the data-handling ceiling in anti-co rates at 248 ADU.

A potemially important limitation in the HRC anti-co data is a data-handling ceiling at 248 ADU (analog-digital units),

set to avoid overflow of the single byte encoding the anti-co rate. Figure 8 clearly evidences this ceiling and that theanti-co rate typically reaches it before any EPHIN channel reaches its respective SCS107 threshold. The RADMON

threshold for the HRC anti-co rate--necessarily less than its ceiling--might result in many unnecessary SCS107activations. However, an investigation ofEPHIN-triggered SCS107 and instances for which the anti-co rate would have

triggered SCS107 alleviates this concern: Requiring 10 consecutive EPHIN samples above threshold, the anti-co rate

would have triggered SCS 107 for 6 of 14 EPHIN triggers, but would never have triggered without an EPHIN trigger.

3.2.4. Contingency plans

For Chandra radiation protection, HRC anti-co data are a poor substitute for EPHIN data. Whereas weakly penetratingradiation (0.1-0.5-MeV protons) causes most of the damage to the FI CCDs, the anti-co shield is sensitive only to

penetrating radiation. Although not ideal, the EPHIN P4 channel (4.3-7.8-MeV proton) is a much better proxy for thelower energy protons of most concern. Further, while the HRC anti-co shield is a reasonably good proxy for the EPHIN

P41 channel (§3.2.3), P41 seldom triggers SCS107. Hence, the data-handling ceiling on HRC anti-co rates wouldprobably not result in frequent unnecessary radiation safings. Indeed, the investigation of past SCS107 triggers foundthat the HRC anti-co rate would not have triggered about half the radiation saf'mgs triggered by EPHIN rates. On the

other hand, the HRC anti-co rate would have triggered the other half and certainly would preclude an unprotectedperigee pass--by far the most damaging radiation event for the ACIS FI CCDs.

Our strategy then is to employ HRC anti-co data in autonomous radiation protection only when they contributecapability that is no longer available from the EPHIN. Of course, a catastrophic failure of EPHIN will require that we

use the HRC anti-co shield as the Chandra radiation monitor. However, the expected scenario (§3.2.1) is a "gracefuldegradation" with the higher energy EPHIN channels--those relying most on the lithium-drifted silicon detectors in the

detector stack becoming noisy f'lrst. If fewer than 3 EPHIN channels are useful, RADMON will then watch HRC

anti-co rates and the remaining EPHIN channel(s) for autonomous radiation sating. It is some comfort that the EPHIN

P4 channel the most relevant to radiation protection of the ACIS--is the least sensitive to thermal degradation.


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M.C. Weisskopf, T.L. Aldcroft, M. Bautz, R.A. Cameron, D. Dewey, J.J Drake, C.E Grant, H.L. Marshall, & S.S.

Murray, "An Overview of the Performance of the Chandra X-ray Observatory", Exp. Astron., 16, 1-68, 2003.

2 M.C. Weisskopf, B. Brinkman, C. Canizares, G. Garmire, S. Murray, & L.P. Van Speybroeck, "An Overview of the

Performance and Scientific Results from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory", Pub. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 114, 1-24,2002.

3 M.C. Weisskopf, H.D. Tananbaum, L.P. Van Speybroeck, & S.L. O'Dell, "Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO):

overview", Proc. SPIE, 4012, 2-16, 2000.

4 S.S. Murray, G.K. Austin, J.H. Chappell, J.J. Gomes, A.T. Kenter, R.P. Krafq G.R. Meehan, M.V. Zombeck, G.W.

Fraser, & S. Serio, "In-flight performance of the Chandra High-Resolution Camera", Proc. SPIE, 4012, 68-80,2000.

5 G.P. Garmire, M.W. Bautz, P.G. Ford, J.A. Nousek, & G.R. Ricker Jr., "Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer

(ACIS) instrument on the Chandra X-ray Observatory", Proc. SPIE, 4851, 28-44, 2003.

6 G.Y. Prigozhin, S.E. Kissel, M.W. Bautz, C.E. Grant, B. LaMarr, R.F. Foster, & G.R. Ricker, "Radiation damage in

the Chandra x-ray CCDs", Proc. SPIE, 4012, 720-730, 2000.

7 G.Y. Prigozhin, S.E. Kissel, M.W. Bautz, C.E. Grant, B. LaMarr, R.F. Foster, & G.R. Picker, "Characterization of

the radiation damage in the Chandra x-ray CCDs", Proc. SPIE, 4140, 123-134, 2000.

s S.L. O'Dell, M.W. Bautz, W.C. Blackwell Jr., Y.M Butt, R.A. Cameron, R.F. Elsner, M.S. Gussenhoven, J.J.

Kolodziejczak, J.I. Minow, R.M. Suggs, D.A. Swartz, A.F. Tennant, S.N. Virani, & K.M. Warren, "Radiation

environment of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory", Proc. SPIE, 4140, 99-110, 2000.

9 J.J. Kolodziejczak, R.F. Elsner, R.A. Austin, & S.L. O'Dell, "Ion transmission to the focal plane of the Chandra X-

ray Observatory", Proc. SPIE, 4140, 135-143, 2000.

lO S.L. O'Dell, W.C. Blackwell Jr., R.A. Cameron, J.I. Minow, D.C. Morris, B.J Spitzbart, D.A. Swartz, S.N. Virani, &

S.J. Wolk, "Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory", Proc. SPIE, 4851, 77-88,

2003. (Paper I)

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lz E.C. Stone, A.M. Frandsen, R.A. Mewaldt, E.R. Christian, D. Margolies, J.F. Ormes, & F. Snow, "The Advanced

Composition Explorer", Space Science Rev., 86, 1-22, 1998.

13 E.C. Stone, C.M.S. Cohen, W.R. Cook, A.C. Cummings, B. Gauld, B. Kecman, R.A. Leske, R.A. Mewaldt, M.R.

Thayer, B.L. Dougherty, R.I. Grumm, B.D. Milliken, R.G. Radocinski, M.E. Wiedenbeck, E.R. Christian, S.

Shuman, & T.T. yon Rosenvinge, "The Solar Isotope Spectrometer for the Advanced Composition Explorer", SpaceScience Rev., 86, 357-408, 1998.

14 R.E. Gold, S.M. Krimigis, S.E. Hawkins III, D.K. Haggerty, D.A. Lohr, E. Fiore, T.P. Armstrong, G. Holland, &

L.J. Lanzerotti, "Electron, Proton and Alpha Monitor on the Advanced Composition Explorer spacecraft", Space

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15 W.C. Blackwell Jr., J.I. Minow, K .Warren, R.M. Suggs, S.L. O'Dell, D.A. Swartz, A.F. Tennant, & S.N. Virani,

"Modeling the Chandm space environment", Proc. SPIE, 4140, 111-122, 2000.

_6 R. Mtiller-Mellin, H. Kunow, V. Fleissner, E. Pehlke, E. Rode, N, Roschmann, C. Scharmberg, H. Sierks, P.

Rusznyak, I.E.S. McKenna-Lawlor, J. Sequeiros, D. Meziat, S. Sanchez, J. Medina, L. der Peral, M. Witte, R.Marsden, & J. Henrion, "COSTEP--comprehensive suprathermal and energetic particle analyzer", Solar Phys., 162,483-504, 1995.

17 C.E. Grant, M.W. Bautz, S.E. Kissel, B.W. LaMarr, & G.Y. Prigozhin, "Long-term trends in radiation damage of

Chandra x-ray CCDs", Proc. SPIE, 5898, [Paper 27], 2005.

18 C.E. Grant, G.Y. Prigozhin, B. LaMarr, & M.W. Bautz, "Sacrificial charge and the spectral resolution performance

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L.K. Townsley, P.S. Broos, J.A Nousek, & G.P. Garmire, G. P., "Modeling charge transfer inefficiency in theChandra Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer", Nucl. Instruments Methods Phys. Res. A, 486, 751-784, 2002.

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22 D.J. Williams, R.W. McEntire, C. Schlemm II, A.T.Y. Lui, G. Gloeckler, S.P. Christon, & F. Gliem, "Geotail

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23 H. Spence & J. Blake, "First observations by the CEPPAD imaging proton spectrometer aboard Polar", Advances in

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25 R.D. Zwickl, K.A. Doggett, S. Sahm, W.P. Barrett, R.N. Grubb, T.R. Detman, V.J. Raben, C.W. Smith, P. Riley,

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Managing radiation degradation of CCDson the Chandra X-ray Observatory-III

Steve O'Dell, Tom Aldcroft, Bill Blackwell, Sabina Bucher,Jon Chappell, Joe DePasquale, Catherine Grant, Mike Juda,

Eric Martin, Joe Minow, Steve Murray, Paul Plucinsky,Dan Schwartz, Dan Shropshire, Brad Spitzbart,

Paul R. Viens, & Scott Wolk

NASA Marshall Space Flight CenterHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Jacobs SverdrupNorthrop Grumman Space Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Space Research

Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Dbservatory-II!UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV2007 August 26-30, San Diego, CA USA

SPIE Conference 6686Paper 02

Slide 1

ACIS CTI increase• Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) has 10 CCDs.

- ACIS-I comprises 2x2 CCD array; ACIS-S, 1x6 CCD array.- 2 S CCDs are back-illuminated (BI); rest, front-illuminated (FI)

• During initial operations, ACIS FI CCDs experienced degradation.- Charge-transfer inefficiency (CTI) increased dramatically.- ACIS had been in focal plane during 8 radiation-belt passages.

• Trapped protons Rutherford scattered off x-ray mirror onto CCDs.• Displacement damage increased FI-CCD CTI but not BI-CCD CTI.

- 45-/-lm Si shields BI charge-transfer channel for Ep < 2.2 MeV.- 0.7-/-lm Si shields FI charge-transfer channel for Ep < 0.1 MeV.

• Radiation management substantially reduced rate of CTI increase.- dCTIjdt now results from harder radiation outside proton belt.- Strongly penetrating radiation contributes to CTI increase.

• Accounts for about 25% FI CTI increase; nearly all BI CTI increase.

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Current (2007 July):CTI = 16.7xl0-s

Parallel average rate:dCTI/dt = 0.32xl0-sfy


CTI measurement:Fess Mn-Kct (5.9 keY)ACIS TFP = -119.7°C

Reference (2000 Jan):CTI = 14.3xl0-s

Framestore average rate:dCTI/dt = 0.062xl0-s/y

~~ ~


CTI front-illuminated CCD

Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory-IIIUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV2007 August 26-30, San Diego, CA USA

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Current (2007 JUly):CTI = 2.40xlO-s

CTI measurement:Fess Mn-Kct (5.9 keY)ACIS TFP = -119.7°C

Reference (2000 Jan):CTI = 1.66xl0-s

Parallel average rate:dCTI/dt = 0.097xl0-5/y

Framestore average rate:dCTI/dt = 0.092xl0-5fy


CTI back-illuminated CCD

Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory-IIIUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV2007 August 26-30, San Diego, CA USA


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Radiation protection<~~­

;':<'9. 0"~

• The Chandra X-ray Observatory is in a 63.5-h high elliptical orbit.- 140-Mm-altitude (23-Re geocentric) initial apogee- 10-Mm-altitude (3-Re geocentric) initial perigee

• Orbit passes through proton and electron belts.

- Only real-time communication is during DSN contacts.• Have nominally 3 DSN contacts/d for data dumps & commanding,• Command loads normally execute a i-week observing plan.

• Revised operating procedures to protect ACIS against radiation.- Use a radiation-protection configuration in high radiation .

• Translate ACIS into NIL position; power down video boards.• Leave HRC in focal position; ramp down high voltage.

- Ensure radiation protection during all belt passages.- Invoke radiation protection as needed for space weather.

• Employ autonomous, commanded, and scheduled protection.

Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory-IIIUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV2007 August 26-30, San Diego, CA USA

volution of Chandra orbit

SPIE Conference 6686Paper 02

Slide 5

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NGSTSPIE Conference 6686

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Trapped protons CAPS)E, [MeV]



Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory-IIIUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV2007 August 26-30, San Diego, CA USA

Time lost to radiation events•


SPIE Conference 6686Paper 02

Slide 7

• •• • •• ,.• • • • •.. + • • •• .+ •• • • • • • •• •• • • ••• •• •• •• •+• •


• ••• • •


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Management strategy

• Scheduled protection- Move ACIS to NIL position for all radiation-belt passes.

• Pad AE8-predicted boundary against inaccuracies and variations.

• Manual intervention- Monitor real-time ACE & GOES data provided by NOAA's SEC.- Monitor estimated soft-proton environment in Chandra's orbit .

• Built Chandra radiation model (CRM) of soft-proton environment.• Use real-time solar proton and Kp data to drive data-based CRM.

- Manually protected 20 times for 1.911-Ms lost science.

• Autonomous protection- EPHIN on Chandra measures electron & >5-MeV proton flux.

• Lower-energy (0.1-1 MeV) protons cause most damage.

- Upon trigger, OBC halts load and moves ACIS to NIL position.- Autonomously protected 44 times for 5.240-Ms lost science.

Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory-lIlUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV2007 August 26-30, San Diego, CA USA

SPIE Conference 6686Paper 02

Slide 9

Radiation-zone pad times •~.

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\,W?{• Use EPHIN flux and CRM fluence to reduce pad on AE8 model.

- Recovers about 200 ks/y for science observations.

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CRM (l.4-MeV p) -'," i

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magnetosheathmagnetosp!'.ere ~; , I

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-~--' - - - -E1300 trigger level

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. P4 triggeredcs 107

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Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory-lIlUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV2007 August 26-30, San Diego, CA USA

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SPIE Conference 6686Paper 02Slide 10


Page 20: Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the … · 1999 2004 20 40 2008 2013 2019 Time ... Nominally once a week, the Chandra Operations Control Center (OCC) ... Managing radiation

Chandra radiation model

Jacobs Sverdrup

SPIE Conference 6686Paper 02Slide 11

0.14-MeV p


• Archival-data-based CRM- Data through 2004

0.14-MeV protons• Geotail EPIC• Polar CEPPAD

- Streamline mapping• GSM coordinates

- Correlated to Kp

• Magnetosphere [3]',"

• Magnetosheath [2]• Solar wind [1]

• CRM proton fluxIntegrate past fluence

- Project future fluence

Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory-IIIUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV2007 August 26-30, San Diego, CA USA

EPHIN radiation monitor •/~~\'. ' ;'i:&~~'~~"

• Chandra EPHIN is SOHO COSTEP flight spare, from Univ. of Kiel.- Electron, Proton, Helium Instrument (EPHIN)

• 4 electron channels (0.25-10.4 MeV) plus integral (> 8.7 MeV)• 4 proton channels (4.3-53 MeV) plus integral (> 53 MeV)• 4 helium channels (4.3-53 MeV/n) plus integral (> 53 MeV/n)

- Stack of 2 Si, 3 Li-drifted Si, & 1 (guard) scintillator detectors.• Use EPHIN as a radiation monitor for Chandra.

- Record all EPHIN channels for download during DSN contacts.

- Monitor 3 channels for triggering autonomous protection.• P4 (4.3-7.8 MeV), P41 (41-53 MeV), and E1300 (2.6-6.2 MeV)• RADMON process defends against rapid damage to instruments.

• EPHIN temperature continues to rise due to MLI degradation.- Keeping temperature within range constrains operations.

- Li-drifted Si detectors may become irreversibly noisy.

Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory-IIIUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV2007 August 26-30, San Diego, CA USA

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EPHIN rail-voltage drop• Increased temperatures lead to current-limited state.

- Rail voltage drop causes drop in guard (G) detector high voltage.• G-detector voltage drop results in reduced count rate.

cxcManaging radiation degradation of CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory-IllUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV2007 August 26-30, San Diego, CA USA

SPIE Conference 6686Paper 02Slide 13

EPHIN noise increases•


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• Rail voltage drop causes drop in guard (G) detector high voltage.- G-detector voltage drop results in reduced count rate.- G detector is used for anti-coincidence.

• Thus noise in other detectors increases during rail-voltage drops.

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Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory-IIIUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV2007 August 26-30, San Diego, CA USA

cxcSPIE Conference 6686

Paper 02Slide 14


Page 22: Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the … · 1999 2004 20 40 2008 2013 2019 Time ... Nominally once a week, the Chandra Operations Control Center (OCC) ... Managing radiation

HRC-EPHIN comparison.-::"~

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':~r• Have patched flight ~oftware to replace EPHIN He data with HRC data.

- Facilitates potential use of HRC anti-co data by RADMON process.• RADMON will use HRC anti-co data only if EPHIN channels are not useful.

- HRC anti-co rates correlate best with EPHIN P41 channel rates .• HRC anti-co saturates at about 1/6 of the current P41 threshold.



Managing radiation degradation of CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory-IIIUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV2007 August 26-30, San Diego, CA USA

SPIE Conference 6686Paper 02Slide 15