managing interpersonal conficts

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  • 8/8/2019 Managing Interpersonal Conficts


    Managing InterpersonalManaging Interpersonal

    conflictconflictBy Adip Shetty &By Adip Shetty &

    Nikhil MaliNikhil Mali

  • 8/8/2019 Managing Interpersonal Conficts


    Working together isnt alwaysWorking together isnt always


  • 8/8/2019 Managing Interpersonal Conficts


    Interpersonal conflictInterpersonal conflict

    Interpersonal conflict isInterpersonal conflict is

    unavoidable, but we can learnunavoidable, but we can learn

    to manage itto manage it

  • 8/8/2019 Managing Interpersonal Conficts



    Conflict : A condition that exists anytime inConflict : A condition that exists anytime in

    which two or more people disagree.which two or more people disagree.

    Functional conflictFunctional conflict serves the organizationsserves the organizations

    interest whileinterest while

    Dysfunctional conflictDysfunctional conflict threatens thethreatens theorganizations interest.organizations interest.

  • 8/8/2019 Managing Interpersonal Conficts



    Conflict is a natural phenomenon, neitherConflict is a natural phenomenon, neither

    Inherently good or bad , but there may beInherently good or bad , but there may be

    positive or negative outcomes.positive or negative outcomes.

  • 8/8/2019 Managing Interpersonal Conficts


    Causes ofConflictCauses ofConflict

    Competition for limited resources.Competition for limited resources.

    Inadequate communication.Inadequate communication.

    Interdependent tasks.Interdependent tasks.Unreasonable or unclear policies,Unreasonable or unclear policies,

    standards, or rules.standards, or rules.

  • 8/8/2019 Managing Interpersonal Conficts


    Causes ofConflict (continued)Causes ofConflict (continued)

    Unreasonable deadlines or extreme timeUnreasonable deadlines or extreme time


    Decision making by consensus.Decision making by consensus.Unmet expectation.Unmet expectation.

    unclear job boundaries.unclear job boundaries.

  • 8/8/2019 Managing Interpersonal Conficts


    A Rational Way of ResolvingA Rational Way of Resolving


    Identify the ProblemIdentify the Problem. Have a discussion to. Have a discussion tounderstand both sides of the problem. The goalunderstand both sides of the problem. The goalat this initial stage is to say what you want and toat this initial stage is to say what you want and to

    listen to what the other person wants. Define thelisten to what the other person wants. Define thethings that you both agree on, as well as thethings that you both agree on, as well as theideas that have caused the disagreement. It isideas that have caused the disagreement. It isimportant to listen actively to what the other isimportant to listen actively to what the other issaying, use I statements and avoid blame.saying, use I statements and avoid blame.

  • 8/8/2019 Managing Interpersonal Conficts


    Come Up With Several PossibleCome Up With Several Possible

    SolutionsSolutions. This is the brainstorming. This is the brainstorming

    phase. Drawing on the points that youphase. Drawing on the points that you

    both agree on and your shared goals,both agree on and your shared goals,

    generate a list of as many ideas as yougenerate a list of as many ideas as you

    can for solving the problem, regardless ofcan for solving the problem, regardless of

    how feasible they might be. Aim towardhow feasible they might be. Aim towardquantity of ideas rather than quality duringquantity of ideas rather than quality during

    this phase, and let creativity be your guide.this phase, and let creativity be your guide.

  • 8/8/2019 Managing Interpersonal Conficts


    Evaluate These Alternative SolutionsEvaluate These Alternative Solutions. Now go. Now go

    through the list of alternative solutions to thethrough the list of alternative solutions to the

    problem, one by one. Consider the pros andproblem, one by one. Consider the pros and

    cons of the remaining solutions until the list iscons of the remaining solutions until the list isnarrowed down to one or two of the best ways ofnarrowed down to one or two of the best ways of

    handling the problem. It is important for eachhandling the problem. It is important for each

    person to be honest in this phase. The solutionsperson to be honest in this phase. The solutions

    might not be ideal for either person and maymight not be ideal for either person and mayinvolve compromise.involve compromise.

  • 8/8/2019 Managing Interpersonal Conficts


    Decide on the Best SolutionDecide on the Best Solution. Select the. Select the

    solution that seems mutually acceptable,solution that seems mutually acceptable,

    even if it is not perfect for either party. Aseven if it is not perfect for either party. As

    long as it seems fair and there is a mutuallong as it seems fair and there is a mutual

    commitment to work with the decision, thecommitment to work with the decision, the

    conflict has a chance for resolution.conflict has a chance for resolution.

  • 8/8/2019 Managing Interpersonal Conficts


    Implement the SolutionImplement the Solution. It is important to. It is important to

    agree on the details of what each partyagree on the details of what each party

    must do, who is responsible formust do, who is responsible for

    implementing various parts of theimplementing various parts of the

    agreement, and what to do in case theagreement, and what to do in case the

    agreement starts to break down.agreement starts to break down.

  • 8/8/2019 Managing Interpersonal Conficts


  • 8/8/2019 Managing Interpersonal Conficts
