managing conflicts 1

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  • 8/6/2019 Managing Conflicts 1


  • 8/6/2019 Managing Conflicts 1



    People belong to different


    Point of View

    Values, Need


    When they interact tension are developed,

    Dissension, Confusion, Hostility, Disunity, Harsh treatment, Lack of cooperation are common features. IT IS A PART OF LIFE

  • 8/6/2019 Managing Conflicts 1



    A process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected ,or is about to negatively affect,

    something that the first party cares about .

    It involves collision between ideas and disagreementbetween/amongst people.

    Conflict tends to obstruct cooperative action , create suspicionand distrust and decrease productivity.

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    Task Conflict Task Conflict Conflicts over goals and content of the work.Conflicts over goals and content of the work.

    Relationship ConflictRelationship Conflict Conflicts based on interConflicts based on inter-- personalpersonalrelationship.relationship.

    Process ConflictsProcess Conflicts Conflicts over how work gets done.Conflicts over how work gets done.


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    1. Conflict between individuals

    In our diverse society, the possibility of these differences leading to conflict between individuals is always there.

    2. Conflict between groups of peoplePeople form groups, they tend to emphasize the things that maketheir group "better than" or "different from" other groups. Thiscan sometimes change from healthy competition to conflict.

    3. Conflict within a group of people

    Even within one organization or team, conflict can arise from theindividual differences or ambitions mentioned earlier; or from

    rivalry between sub-groups or factions.

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    ConstructiveConflict can be highly desirable. It is constructive when it

    Introduce different solutions to problems.

    Encourage more creativity and the testing of ideas.


    Conflict can be destructive when it

    Distract attention from the task..Subvert objectives.Creation of hostility.

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    1. Collective bargaining

    Especially in workplace situations, it is necessary to have agreed

    mechanisms in place for groups of people who may be antagonistic(e.g. management and workers) to collectively discuss and resolveissues. This process is often called "collective bargaining.

    Because representatives of each group come together with a

    mandate to work out a solution collectively. This is better thanavoidance or withdrawal, and puts democratic processes in place toachieve "integrative problem solving.

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    2. Conciliation

    The dictionary defines conciliation as "the act of procuring good willor inducing a friendly feeling".

    The process of conciliation is groups who are in conflict and whohave failed to reach agreement, can come together once again toattempt to settle their differences. This is usually attempted before themore serious step of a strike by workers or a lock-out is taken.

    It has been found useful to involve a facilitator in the conciliationprocess.

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    3. Negotiation

    This is the process where mandated representatives of groups in aconflict situation meet together in order to resolve their differencesand to reach agreement.

    It is a deliberate process, conducted by representatives of groups,designed to reconcile differences and to reach agreements by consensus. The outcome is often dependent on the power relationshipbetween the groups. Negotiations often involve compromise - one

    group may win one of their demands and give in on another.

    In workplaces unions and management representative usually pursuenegotiations to solve conflicts. Political and community groups alsooften use this method.

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    4 . Arbitration:

    It means the appointment of an independent person to act as anadjudicator (or judge) in a dispute, to decide on the terms of asettlement.

    Both parties in a conflict have to agree about who the arbitratorshould be, and that the decision of the arbitrator will be binding onthem all.

    Arbitration differs from mediation and negotiation in that it does notpromote the continuation of collective bargaining: the arbitratorlistens to and investigates the demands and counter-demands andtakes over the role of decision-maker.

    Organizations can agree on having either a single arbitrator or a panelof arbitrators whom they respect and whose decision they will accept

    as final, in order to resolve the conflict.

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    5 . Mediation:

    When negotiations fail or get stuck, parties often call in andindependent mediator. This person or group will try to facilitatesettlement of the conflict.

    The mediator plays an active part in the process, advises both or allgroups, acts as intermediary and suggests possible solutions.

    In contrast to arbitration, mediators act only in an advisory capacity - they have no decision-making powers and cannot impose asettlement on the conflicting parties. Skilled mediators are able togain trust and confidence from the conflicting groups or individuals.

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  • 8/6/2019 Managing Conflicts 1


    W hen to use avoiding

    1 . When the stakes aren't that high and you don't have anything tolose - "when the issue is trivial.

    2. When the context isn't suitable - "it isn't the right time or place.3. When more important issues are pressing.

    W hen to use accommodating1 . When the issue is not so important to you but it is to the other

    person.2. When continued competition would be detrimental - "you know

    you can't win.3. When preserving harmony without disruption is the most important

    - "it's not the right time."

  • 8/6/2019 Managing Conflicts 1


  • 8/6/2019 Managing Conflicts 1


    W hen to use compromise

    1 . When the goals are moderately important and not worth the use of more assertive modes.

    2. When people of equal status are equally committed.3. To reach settlement on complex issues.4. To reach expedient solutions on important issues.5. When competition or collaboration don't work.

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    Emphasize subordinate goals

    Reduce differentiation

    Improve communication

    Reduce task inter-dependence

    Increase resources

    Clarify rules & procedures

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