managerial effectiveness part ii of training on personal & managerial effectiveness

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Managerial Effectiveness Part II of Training on Personal & Managerial Effectiveness. Who is MANAGER??. X. X. X. X. X. Thinks of self as BOSS. Follows Chain of Command. Makes Decision ALONE. Hoards Information. Masters ONE major DISCIPLINE. Thinks of self TEAM MEMBER. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation

Managerial Effectiveness

Part II of

Training on Personal & Managerial EffectivenessThinks of self as BOSSFollows Chain of CommandMakes Decision ALONEHoards InformationMasters ONE major DISCIPLINEThinks of self TEAM MEMBERDeals with anyone & everyoneInvites & Involve others in DecisionShares InformationMasters MANY DISCIPLINESWho is MANAGER??


Skill Types Needed1. Conceptual Skill: Ability to think analytically & achieve integrated problem solving2. Human Skill: Ability to work well in cooperation with others, emotional intelligence3. Technical Skill: Ability to apply expertise, do specific tasks with proficiency

Realization of a GREAT ManagerAffectsAffectsAffectsAffectsthe key to developing people is to catch them doing things right.5

6Self Awareness Understand own moods and emotionsSelf Management Control over emotions, think before act!

Self Motivation use our emotions to guide towards our goal, take initiative & persevere

IUNDERSTANDDEVELOPEmpathize identify with and understand others situation, feelings & motives, respond to emotions in meaningful mannerRelationship Management Handling relationships, interacting with People successfully and bring out collaborationIntrapersonalInterpersonalIn the previous KSS we discussed about how to make ourselves effective INTRAPERSONALLY.The shift is needed now to improve ourselves INTERPERSONALLY.EMPATHYAbility to identify with and understand anothers situation, feelings & motives. It also eliminates misunderstanding, communication errors and confusionThis facilitates working relationships that produce creative solutions. Promote openness and help encourage others to share their ideas more willingly. Be a Supportive ListenerHelp speaker clarify thoughts & IdeasKeep your emotional perspectiveAvoid Negative Body LanguageUse Positive Body LanguageImprove your empathetic SkillsSYMPATHY versus EMPATHYSympathy is to convey a feeling of sorrow, without necessarily relating, for what another person is feeling or going through.

Sympathy is AGREEING to persons feelings

To empathize is to imagine oneself in the shoes of another and relate to how it feels to be in that certain situation.

Empathy is UNDERSTANDING persons feeling with no interest in agreeing or disagreeing

Relationship HandlingThis comes automatically by having mastered : Self AwarenessSelf ManagementSelf MotivationEmpathyWe need to bring these skills together to become SOCIALLY INTELLIGENT

But, this all is not that easy as it sounds!!12CONFLICTDefinition of Conflict A situation in which someonebelieves that his or her own needs have been denied.Constructive Approach13

Individuals have different objectives

There is an unhealthy level of competitionTheir roles are not clearly defined

The workflow has been disrupted

There was a breakdown in communication

Is Conflict Always Bad?GoodCan help us develop ideasLearn more about othersImprove relationshipsContribute to creativityLets us know there is need for change

BadCan erode confidenceCan make us resentful or frightenedDamage relationshipsCause concentration and work to sufferCan make life unpleasant for everyone

When we get into arguments with people, the problem wont be sorted until both parties feel that they have been treated fairly.Grrrrr..Grrrrr..


To resolve the conflict, all parties have toUnderstandWork TogetherFind a Solution

17Techniques : Conflict Resolution

CollaboratorCompromiserAccommodatorControllerAvoiderWINWIN LOOSE - WINLOSELOSEWINLOSE19Tips for Managing Workplace ConflictBuild good relationships before conflict occursDo not let small problems escalate; deal with them as they ariseRespect differencesListen to others perspectives on the conflict situationAcknowledge feelings before focussing on factsFocus on solving problems, not changing peopleIf you cant resolve the problem, turn to someone who can helpRemember to adapt your style to the situation and persons involved 19Adapted from Dispute Resolution Center of Snohomish and Island Counties (2004). 1801 Lomard Ave, Everett, WA 98206; 425-339-1335.Impact of an Effective ManagerA Warmer, healthier, collaborative climate.Better involvement of subordinates in inviting views & opinions.This helps build people their skills & competencies.Constructive conflict handling.Adherence to Core Values.Effective performance feedback.A BEST PLACE TO WORK

MYTH#: Male managers are more likely to possess task-oriented abilities than are female mangers, whereas female managers are more likely to possess person-oriented skills than are male managers. MYTH#: In order to maximize managerial effectiveness, men should be given the jobs that require task-oriented abilities and women should be given the jobs that require interpersonal skills.

MYTH#: Task-oriented skills are more important for leadership effectiveness than are person-oriented skills.MYTH#: If women want to rise to the top levels of management, they need to be more like men.

Indira Nooyi

Chanda Kochar

Kiran Mazumdar ShawThank YouHappy Womens Day