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Oracle CX Service Administering Knowledge Management 20A

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Oracle CX Service

Administering KnowledgeManagement


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Oracle CX ServiceAdministering Knowledge Management

20APart Number F24473-02Copyright © 2011, 2020, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved.

Author: Ramana Murthy

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Preface i

1 About This Guide 1Audience and Scope ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Related Guides ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1

2 Administer Knowledge 3Administer Knowledge ................................................................................................................................................................. 3

Knowledge Locales ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Enable Locales ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Assign Locales to Authors .......................................................................................................................................................... 4

Enable Article Statuses ................................................................................................................................................................ 4

Dene Article Statuses ................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Content Types ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5

Create Content Types .................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Change the Article Rating Types ............................................................................................................................................... 7

Enable and Disable Search Filters in My Knowledge ............................................................................................................ 7

File Aachments ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7

Manage Search Content Processing Jobs ............................................................................................................................... 8

Enable Intelligent Advisor Interviews in Knowledge Articles ............................................................................................... 8

Enable File Aachment Content Processing .......................................................................................................................... 9

3 Manage Knowledge Users 11Manage Knowledge Users .......................................................................................................................................................... 11

Create Knowledge Users ............................................................................................................................................................. 11

Predened Knowledge Roles ..................................................................................................................................................... 11

Create Knowledge Roles ............................................................................................................................................................ 13

Modify User Roles ....................................................................................................................................................................... 15

Knowledge Role Examples ........................................................................................................................................................ 16

User Groups .................................................................................................................................................................................. 17

Create User Groups ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18

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4 Congure the My Knowledge Page 21Congure the My Knowledge Page ......................................................................................................................................... 21

Add Knowledge to an Application Page ................................................................................................................................ 22

Congure the Knowledge Component ................................................................................................................................... 23

5 Create and Manage Content Collections 25Overview of Content Collections ............................................................................................................................................. 25

Before You Begin ........................................................................................................................................................................ 25

How the Search Application Assigns a PDF Title ................................................................................................................ 25

Create a Collection ..................................................................................................................................................................... 26

Dene a Collection ..................................................................................................................................................................... 26

Describe a Collection .................................................................................................................................................................. 27

Set Up Access to a Collection .................................................................................................................................................. 28

Complete a Collection ................................................................................................................................................................ 29

How Search Discovers a Title of a PDF ................................................................................................................................. 30

6 Manage the Search Dictionary 33Manage the Search Dictionary ................................................................................................................................................. 33

Concepts and Synonyms ........................................................................................................................................................... 33

List Concepts ................................................................................................................................................................................ 33

Find Concepts .............................................................................................................................................................................. 34

Add Concepts and Synonyms ................................................................................................................................................. 34

Update Concepts ........................................................................................................................................................................ 34

Industry-Specic Search Dictionaries ..................................................................................................................................... 35

Select an Industry-Specic Search Dictionary ...................................................................................................................... 35

About Good Document Titles : Explained ............................................................................................................................. 35

How the Search Application Assigns a PDF Title ................................................................................................................ 36

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7 Analyze Knowledge 37Knowledge Analytics .................................................................................................................................................................. 37

Knowledge Analytics Terminology .......................................................................................................................................... 37

Manage Analytics with the BI Administrator Role ............................................................................................................... 37

Responsive Sizing for Knowledge Analytics ......................................................................................................................... 38

Manage the BI Catalog Folders ............................................................................................................................................... 38

Dashboards .................................................................................................................................................................................. 39

Access Prebuilt Dashboards .................................................................................................................................................... 40

Personalize Dashboards ............................................................................................................................................................. 41

Subject Areas ................................................................................................................................................................................ 41

Dimensions and Facts ................................................................................................................................................................ 41

Article Real Time Subject Area ................................................................................................................................................ 42

Article Links Real Time Subject Area ..................................................................................................................................... 47

Article Category Real Time Subject Area ............................................................................................................................... 51

Article Product Real Time Subject Area ................................................................................................................................. 55

Article Real Time Rating Subject Area ................................................................................................................................... 59

Article Summary Historical Subject Area ............................................................................................................................... 61

Article User Group Real Time Subject Area .......................................................................................................................... 66

How can I Use Subject Areas to Answer Business Questions? ......................................................................................... 68

Create Personalized Reports .................................................................................................................................................... 69

Create Personalized Analyses .................................................................................................................................................. 70

Search for Reports and Analyses ............................................................................................................................................. 71

Share Analytics ............................................................................................................................................................................. 71

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PrefaceThis preface introduces information sources that can help you use the application.

Using Oracle Applications

HelpUse help icons to access help in the application. If you don't see any help icons on your page, click your user imageor name in the global header and select Show Help Icons. Not all pages have help icons. You can also access the OracleHelp Center to nd guides and videos.

Watch: This video tutorial shows you how to nd and use help. 

You can also read about it instead.

Additional Resources

• Community: Use Oracle Cloud Customer Connect to get information from experts at Oracle, the partnercommunity, and other users.

• Training: Take courses on Oracle Cloud from Oracle University.

ConventionsThe following table explains the text conventions used in this guide.

Convention Meaning

boldface Boldface type indicates user interface elements, navigation paths, or values you enter or select.

monospace Monospace type indicates le, folder, and directory names, code examples, commands, and URLs.

> Greater than symbol separates elements in a navigation path.

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Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website.

Videos included in this guide are provided as a media alternative for text-based help topics also available in this guide.

Contacting Oracle

Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. Forinformation, visit My Oracle Support or visit Accessible Oracle Support if you are hearing impaired.

Comments and SuggestionsPlease give us feedback about Oracle Applications Help and guides! You can send an e-mail to:[email protected].

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Chapter 1About This Guide


1 About This Guide

Audience and ScopeThis guide is intended for administrators who need to manage users and locales, and perform ongoing knowledgemanagement operations and maintenance tasks.

To set up and work with the additional features of Oracle CX Sales and B2B Service, see the product documentationon Oracle Help Center at hps:// To set up and work with additional features of Oracle Global HumanResources, see the product documentation on Oracle Help Center at hps://

Note: With release 20A (, "Oracle Engagement Cloud" is now known as Oracle CX Sales andOracle B2B Service. Existing Oracle Engagement Cloud users will retain access to Oracle CX Sales and B2BService features under their preexisting licensing agreements. Any new users created within your currentOracle Engagement Cloud license count will also retain the same access to Oracle CX Sales and Oracle B2BService. To obtain additional features or manage your subscription, refer to your Oracle Cloud ApplicationsConsole.

This document describes features available to users under Oracle CX Sales, Oracle B2B Service, and Oracle EngagementCloud licensing agreements.

Related GuidesRefer to the related guides listed in the following table to understand more about the information covered in this guide.

Title Description

Oracle CX Service ImplementingKnowledge Management 

Describes how to set up knowledge management components and features. 

Oracle CX Service Using KnowledgeManagement 

Describes how to use knowledge management components and features. 

Oracle CX Service Implementing B2BService 

Describes how to set up service components and features. 

Oracle CX Sales Implementing Sales 

Describes how to set up and congure Sales. 

Oracle CX Service Using B2B Service 

Describes how to use service components and features. 

Oracle CX Sales Using Sales 

Describes how sales managers, salespeople, and other sales users can use sales componentsand features in their business. 

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Chapter 1About This Guide


Title Description

Oracle CX Sales Creating andAdministering Analytics 

Describes how administrators can build and edit analytics. 

Oracle Applications Cloud UsingCommon Features 

Provides information on how to use features that are common across Oracle ApplicationCloud. 

Related Topics

• Oracle Help Center

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Chapter 2Administer Knowledge


2 Administer Knowledge

Administer KnowledgeAdministering the knowledge application involves several day-to-day tasks to set up and run the application acrosslocales. You control locale access, dene content types, manage users, and so on to ensure a smooth operation of yourbusiness. You can perform these tasks to administer the knowledge application:

• Manage locales for the application by activating and deactivating them.

• Specify the locales that authors have access to.

• Dene new content types to add new types of articles to the knowledge base.

• Manage application users.

• Congure the My Knowledge page for your organization.

• Manage the jobs that update search as the knowledge base changes.

Knowledge LocalesLocales help you make Knowledge available to users who speak varied languages and are located in dierent countriesor regions. Each locale represents a language and a specic national or regional variation of it. Locales help you todierentiate knowledge content by language and country or region. Important dierences among locales can includeregulations, procedures, addresses, currencies, date formats, and country- or region-specic terms.

Knowledge is available for use in all locales supported by the application. You can use Knowledge with multiple localesby activating the locales that you want to use. You can view, enable, and disable locales from the Manage Localespage. Knowledge is congured to have a default locale. You can change the default locale to one that best meets yourorganization's needs.

Authors, translators, agents, end-users, and knowledge managers can use or manage knowledge in any of the localesthat they have access to. You can search for specic locales, and list all locales, active locales, or inactive locales.

1. Go to Setup and Maintenance and select Service from the Setup drop-down list.2. Select Knowledge Management from the functional areas, and select the Manage Knowledge Locales task.3. Select the locale that you want to enable or disable.

You can disable a locale by un-checking it. When you disable a locale, users cannot search for or browse the articles in it,and authors can't update its contents. Articles in disabled locales remain in the database, and you can re-enable a localeto make its contents available again. You can permanently delete a locale by deleting all of its objects and then disablingit.

Note: You can't disable the default locale.

Related Topics• Available Locales• Set the Default Locale• Preferred Locales for Users

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Chapter 2Administer Knowledge


Enable LocalesYou can choose one or more locales for your knowledge base. You can add more locales any time. Authors, translators,and knowledge managers can create and manage knowledge in any of the locales that they have privileges to work in.Agents and end-users can use knowledge in any locale that they have privileges in.

You can view, enable, and disable locales from the Manage Locales page. You can search for specic locales, and listeither all locales, active locales, or inactive locales.

1. Go to Setup and Maintenance and select Service from the Setup drop-down list.2. Select Knowledge Management from the functional areas, and select the Manage Knowledge Locales task.3. Select the check box of the locale that you want to enable or disable.

You can disable a locale by un-checking it. When you disable a locale, users cannot search for or browse the articles in it,and authors can't add or update its contents. Articles in disabled locales do stay in the database, and you can re-enablea locale to make its contents available to users again. You can permanently delete a locale by deleting all of the objectsin the locale, then disabling it.

Note: You can't disable the default locale.

Assign Locales to AuthorsYou must assign at least one locale to every author so that they can work in Knowledge. Authors can create and managearticles only in the locales assigned to them. You can see and update authors' locales on the Knowledge Users page.

1. Select Knowledge Users from the navigator.2. Locate the authors you want to update. You can use partial or complete user names or IDs to locate authors.3. Select the locales that you want to add or remove and click the arrow icons to move the locales to or from the

assigned column. You can select multiple locales in a single operation, or select all of the locales using thedouble arrow.

Enable Article StatusesYou can use article statuses to mark milestones along the way to publishing an article. Article statuses let contributorsand approvers know what work still needs to be done. You can use the predened statuses or create additional statusesif you want. You must enable the feature to make the predened statuses available to authors.

The application has these predened article statuses:

• Approved

• Draft

• Published

• Rework

• Technical Review

• Work in Progress

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Chapter 2Administer Knowledge


You enable Article Statuses on the Manage Knowledge Article Status page. You must enable the feature to make thepredened statuses available to authors.

1. Go to Setup and Maintenance and select Service from the Setup drop-down list.2. Select Knowledge Management from the functional areas, and select the Manage Knowledge Article Status

task. The Manage Article Statuses page displays.3. Select the Enable Article Statuses option.

Dene Article StatusesYou can dene your own article statuses. You must localize each user-dened article status for each active locale.

1. Go to Setup and Maintenance and select Service from the Setup drop-down list.2. Select Knowledge Management from the functional areas, and select the Manage Knowledge Article Status

task. The Manage Article Statuses page displays.3. Click the + sign to add a new status.4. Enter the Article Status Name.5. Add a localized label for the new status for each locale listed. For example, if you add a new status of Legal

Review in English, and if your company also uses the locales English, US, and English, CA, it would look like:

◦ Legal Review - English, US

◦ Legal Review - English, CA

You can deactivate an article status if it is not used in the latest version of an article. Clear the Active check box todeactivate a status. You can delete an inactive user-dened article status by clicking the X but you can't delete apredened status.

Content TypesContent types dene the various types of articles in your knowledge base. A content type denition serves as anauthoring template for articles that serve a specic purpose. For example, the application has prebuilt content types forsolutions and FAQs. You can dene any number of content types and vary the elements that they contain, including:

• Content elements, including the title, and the text elds that make up the body of the article.

• Locale-specic article and eld-level titles and descriptions.

• Products and categories that are relevant to the content type.

• Visibility to audiences at the article and eld levels.

Create Content TypesAs a knowledge manager you can dene content types. You dene content types by dening the content type, deningthe schema for the content type, and dening the content schema details.

1. Select Setup and Maintenance from the navigator, and from the Setup menu, select the Service oering.2. Select the Knowledge Management functional area and select Manage Knowledge Content Types.

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Chapter 2Administer Knowledge


3. Click the + symbol to begin creating the content type.

Supply Basic InformationYou dene the content type by supplying basic information, including a name, an optional description, a prex ID, andnames and descriptions for additional knowledge base locales, if required. You also need to select an application for thecontent type. The application you select for the content type also determines the products and categories that authorscan assign to articles, and which users can access the articles. For example, if you dene a content type called "Manual",and assign it to the Service application, then authors will be able to assign only Service products and categories to thesearticles, and only Service users will be able to access them.

The application automatically assigns a reference key based on the content type name. If you change the content typename after you initially enter it, you can edit the reference key to match the edited name prior to saving the contenttype data. The description is visible as placeholder text that authors see when creating articles. The prex ID forms therst part of the article ID that is automatically created for each article in the knowledge base. The prex helps to identifyarticles belonging to a specic content type. For example, you might use the prex NA for a News Article content type.You can use numerals and leers in your document ID prex.

1. Enter a name for the content type.2. Enter a prex for the ID number that the application will automatically assign to each article.3. Enter an optional description.4. Click the locale icon and use the Edit Locales dialog to enter translated names and descriptions for the

additional locales.5. Select a department for the content type.

Dene the Content SchemaThe content schema describes the structure of the articles in the content type. You dene the schema by dening theindividual elements that make up an article. For example, you might dene the elements of a news article content typeto include the elements title, summary, body, and related information.

You can restrict the visibility of elds to specic users. For example, you might need to dene a product supportdocument that includes information that only agents should have access to. Select the user groups from the availablelist and move them to the selected list. In the available list, you will see only the user groups that are mapped to thedepartment you selected in the previous step. If you do not select any user groups, then the eld will be visible to allusers.

You can select the type of content that the eld will accept. Use the eld type to select text or full rich text. Text eldssupport simple text entry. Full rich text elds have a full featured text editor that supports complex formaing andmarkup, as well as images. You can also specify whether authors must enter content in a eld, or whether they canleave the eld empty.

You dene the content schema by dening the title eld, the additional elds that you need, and optionally enablingaachments to the content type.

1. Enter a title or accept the default. The title eld is required for all content types.2. Enter an optional description for the title eld.3. Click the locale icon and use the Edit Locales dialog to enter translated names and descriptions for the

additional locales.

You dene the additional elds by supplying the necessary information for each element or eld that your content typerequires.

1. Click the + sign to add additional elds.2. Enter a name and description for each eld.

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Chapter 2Administer Knowledge


3. Click the locale icon and use the Edit Locales dialog to enter translated names and descriptions for theadditional locales.

4. Click the visibility icon to optionally restrict this eld to internal users only.5. Select the eld type to dene the text requirements for each eld.6. Click the check box to specify that authors must enter content in this eld.

Select the option to enable le aachments if you want users to be able to aach les to the content type.

Change the Article Rating TypesYou can change the rating type for articles from the default 5 Star rating type to the Like or Dislike rating type.

1. Open Setup and Maintenance.2. Select the Service oering and then select Knowledge Management.3. Select the Manage Knowledge Common Prole Options, and for the CSO_CONTENT_RATING_TYPE prole

option, select the desired rating type from the prole value drop down list.

Enable and Disable Search Filters in My KnowledgeYou can enable and disable search lters in My Knowledge so that users can restrict the search results to products,categories, or content types.

Search lters are enabled by default in Service > My Knowledge, and Help Desk > My Knowledge. To disable searchlters or enable them again, you must have congure privileges.

1. Sign in to the application and click the user icon on the top right, and then select Seings and Actions >Manage Sandboxes.

2. Create a new sandbox and set it as active, or select an existing sandbox and activate it.3. On the home page, select Service > My Knowledge or Help Desk > My Knowledge.4. Click the user icon on the top right, and select Administration > Edit Pages.5. In the Edit Pages dialog, select Site or Role and click OK.6. Click the Show Advanced Search icon to view the product, category, content type, and locale lters.7. Click the edit icon next to an option, and in the component properties box, select or deselect group to hide or

show the option.8. Optionally, you can modify the display options and style of the component as desired.9. Click OK.

You can reorder the options and change their sequence on the page.

1. Click the Select tab at the top of the page.2. Drag the mouse to select all of the components, and then select Edit Component.3. In the component properties box, select the children tab. Reorder the options using the up and down arrows,

and click OK.

File AachmentsAuthors can aach one or more les, such as product manuals, data sheets, and videos, to a knowledge article to makethem available to agents and end-users. Authors can also update and remove aachments from articles.

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Chapter 2Administer Knowledge


An article can have up to 20 aachments, with a total aachment size of 100 MB. Most common business le types,including oce documents (.doc, .docx, .odt), PDF (.pdf), and video (.mp4) are supported by default.

The search processes aached les and matches terms in users' questions to their contents. When agents search fora term from My Knowledge and Service Request Knowledge pages, the application fetches not only the articles thatmatch the search term but also the aachments les associated to articles that include the term. File aachments areincluded as separate document type in search results. For le aachment search results, agents can perform a fewactions like inserting the link to the le aachment in a service request message. The link to the article is inserted in themessage in this case.

You must enable le aachments for each individual content type that you want authors to be able to aach les to.You must also enable content processing of le aachments so that their contents will be matched to users' searchterms. You can view and edit the list of supported le types, and change the display titles of the aachments uploadedby authors.

Related Topics

• Congure File Aachment Types

Manage Search Content Processing JobsYou can start content processing jobs, view the status of currently running and completed jobs, and view log details ofcompleted jobs.

The Content Processing page lists the jobs that are currently running or completed. For each listed job, the pagedisplays the type of job, the start and end time, the total time that the job ran, and its completion status. You can refreshthe page to update information on currently running jobs.

There are two types of content processing jobs:

• Incremental jobs process only documents and dictionary concept changes that have been updated since thecompletion of the previous job. Incremental jobs should run every 15 minutes.

• Full jobs process all documents, whether updated or not, and all dictionary concept changes.

Incremental content processing jobs are managed as scheduled processes by the Knowledge Search Batch Processjob. The value of the Knowledge Search Batch Processing job should be set to 15 minutes. This value ensures thatincremental jobs will run every 15 minutes. Full jobs can be run on-demand as required. You can view the log summaryfor a completed job.

Related Topics

• Schedule Knowledge Processes

Enable Intelligent Advisor Interviews in KnowledgeArticlesYou can integrate Engagement Cloud and Intelligent Advisor so that knowledge authors can add interviews to articles.Intelligent Advisor is a suite of tools used to build smart interactive interviews that support your organization's businesspolicies.

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Chapter 2Administer Knowledge


Intelligent Advisor provides a central hub from which all the connections and interview projects are managed. There isdesktop modeling software for building interviews called Policy Modeling. The Intelligent Advisor Hub connects PolicyModeling to Engagement Cloud. Here are the major steps to integrate Engagement Cloud with Intelligent Advisor:

• Create an Engagement Cloud connection in the Policy Automation Hub.

• Download and install Policy Modeling.

• Connect the Policy Modeling project to Intelligent Advisor Hub.

• Map data from Engagement Cloud to Policy Modeling.

When Policy Automation is integrated, authors can add interviews when they create or edit articles.

You can learn more about integrating with Intelligent Advisor by reading the Additional Congurations and Integrationssection of the Oracle CX Sales Implementing Sales guide.

Enable File Aachment Content ProcessingYou must enable le aachment processing so that the contents of le aachments will be matched to users' searchterms. When users search in the service request knowledge panel, or in My Knowledge, the application will match theirsearch terms to the contents of le aachments as well as articles. File aachments are included as separate documenttype in search results.

Note: Contents of video le aachments cannot be processed.

1. Open Setup and Maintenance.2. Select the Service oering and then select the Knowledge Management function.3. Select Manage Knowledge Search Prole Options, and then select Yes for the prole value


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Chapter 2Administer Knowledge


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Chapter 3Manage Knowledge Users


3 Manage Knowledge Users

Manage Knowledge UsersYou manage knowledge users so that people in your organization can use the knowledge base to create and publisharticles and use knowledge to answer questions. You can make knowledge available to any new or existing Serviceor HCM users, if they were created using the correct process. You make knowledge available by assigning roles thatcontain knowledge privileges. You can use predened roles or create roles based on your organization's needs. Youcan also manage knowledge users by changing or removing their capabilities and privileges. You can update users bychanging their roles or by modifying the roles that they currently have. Remember, if you modify a role, your change willaect every user who has that role.

Create Knowledge UsersYou don't actually create knowledge users in the knowledge application. Instead, you grant knowledge roles to usersthat were properly created in the Sales or HCM applications. You can grant knowledge roles to Service users who werecreated using the Manage Users work area, as described in the Securing CX Sales and B2B Service guide. You cangrant knowledge roles to HCM application knowledge who were created using the Hire an Employee task or a similarlycongured bulk user creation process, as described in the Securing HCM guide.

Note: You can't grant knowledge roles to Service application users who were created in the Security Console.Users created by this process will not be able to access knowledge functions when granted knowledge roles.Don't use the Create User process to create HCM knowledge users; this process is not intended for users whoneed access to a full range of HCM capabilities, including knowledge.

Related Topics

• Securing CX Sales and B2B Service

Predened Knowledge RolesKnowledge has predened roles that you can use to grant capabilities to users. Dierent types of users have dierentknowledge requirements, and some individual users belong to more than one type of knowledge user. For example,customer service representatives are often also authors who contribute articles to the knowledge base. Here aredescriptions of the predened roles for Service and HCM applications to help you decide which ones to assign to theusers in your organization.

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Oracle CX ServiceAdministering Knowledge Management

Chapter 3Manage Knowledge Users


Service Application RolesUse these roles to assign Knowledge capabilities to Service knowledge users.

Role Purpose Capabilities

Customer Service Representative 

Provides agents with the capabilities touse knowledge to help resolve customerissues. 

• Access to My Knowledge• Access to knowledge in SRs• Access to public and internal

articles• Access only to Service knowledge

base content

Customer Service Manager 

Provides managers with the capabilitiesthey need to supervise customer servicerepresentatives and manage their team'sknowledge activities. 

• Access to My Knowledge• Access to knowledge in SRs• Access to public and internal

articles• Access only to the Service

knowledge base

Knowledge Author - Service 

Provides authors with access to Serviceknowledge content so that they cancontribute to the knowledge base. 

• Access to authoring• Access to public and internal

articles• Access only to the Service

knowledge base

Customer Self Service User 

Provides external web users with accessto public knowledge in Digital CustomerService and in user-dened pages andportals. 

• No access to knowledge authoringor management

• No access to internal user grouparticles

HCM Application RolesUse these roles to assign Knowledge capabilities to HCM HR Help Desk knowledge users.

Role Purpose Capabilities

HR Help Desk Manager 

Provides managers with the capabilitiesthey need to supervise HR Help Deskagents and manage their team'sknowledge activities. 

• Access to My Knowledge• Access to knowledge in HCM

service requests• Access to authoring• Access to public and internal

articles• Access only to the HCM knowledge


HR Help Desk Administrator 

Provides capabilities to administerknowledge in HR Help Desk. 

• Access to Knowledge Home• Access to knowledge in HCM

service requests

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Chapter 3Manage Knowledge Users


Role Purpose Capabilities

• Access to public and internalarticles

• Access only to the HCM knowledgebase

Knowledge Author - HCM 

Provides authors with access to Serviceknowledge content so that they cancontribute to the knowledge base. 

• Access to authoring• Access to public and internal

articles• Access only to the HCM knowledge


General Knowledge RolesUse general knowledge roles to assign Knowledge Manager capabilities to Service and HCM application users.

Role Purpose Capabilities

Knowledge Manager 

Knowledge Managers administer andmanage the knowledge base and otherfunctional areas to ensure that usersaccess relevant knowledge and thatauthorized contributors can create andmanage knowledge base content. 

• Access to My Knowledge• Access to authoring• Access to knowledge analytics• Access to knowledge setup and

maintenance tasks• Access to user management• Access to public and internal

articles• Access to both HCM and Service

knowledge bases

Knowledge Analyst 

The Knowledge Analyst role is a legacyrole that is not recommended for use innew implementations. It enables users tocreate and manage knowledge in bothService and HCM applications. 

• Access to My Knowledge• Access to authoring• Access to knowledge analytics• Access to public and internal

articles• Access to both HCM and Service

knowledge bases

Create Knowledge RolesCreating a role requires the completion of several steps comprised of smaller procedures including basic roleinformation, aaching functional and data security privileges, building role hierarchies and assigning users. Ensure thateach role you create and the content type it grants privileges to belong to the same application.

When you create a new role, you must consider role security. As with roles, you have predened Data Security Policies("DSP") and Functional Security Policies ("FSP") you aach to a role. You also have the option of creating your own DSPand FSP when you create a new role.

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Chapter 3Manage Knowledge Users


To author knowledge articles, a user must be assigned at least one active locale and have a role with all of theseassigned:

• Knowledge Authoring functional privilege

• At least one content type data security policy

• At least one department

If any of these conditions is not met, then the user cannot create articles.

Enter Basic InformationBegin creating a role by entering some basic information.

1. On the Roles tab of the Security Console, click Create Role.2. On the Create Role: Basic Information page, enter the role's display name in the Role Name eld. For example,

enter FAQ Author.3. Enter a unique Role Code value. For example, enter FAQ_Author_JOB.

Job roles use the sux _JOB.4. In the Role Category eld, select the appropriate role category, for example, CRM - Job Roles.

Add Functional Security PoliciesWhen you create a role from scratch, you're most likely to add one or more duty roles to your role. You're less likely togrant function security privileges directly to the role. If you aren't granting function security privileges, click Next.

1. On the Create Role: Functional Security Policies page, click Add Function Security Policy.2. In the Add Function Security Policy dialog, search for CSO and select the Knowledge Authoring privilege.3. Click Add Privilege to Role.

◦ Select a single privilege to add only that privilege to the role, then click Add Privilege to Role to add it.

◦ Select a role to add all of its privileges to the role, then click Add Selected privileges to add them.

All of the privileges you added are listed on the Create Role: Functional Security Policies page.

• Click on a privilege to view details of the code resource that it secures.

• Delete any privilege by selecting the privilege and clicking the Delete icon.

Note: You can add existing privileges to the new role but you can't create new functional security privileges.

Assign a Data Security PolicyAssign data security policies to the new role. You can usually use predened policies, but you can also create a newpolicy.

1. On the Data Security Policies page, click Create Data Security Policy and change the start date if you need to.2. Enter a policy name. The names of predened data security policies begin with the words Grant on.3. Search for and select the database resource for which you're dening the policy, for example, search for a table

name.4. Select the subset of the data made available by the database resource the policy applies to.

◦ Choose Select by key to limit the data set to a single record in the data resource, then enter the primarykey for the record in the database resource.

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◦ Choose Select by instance set to limit the data set to a subset of the data in the data resource, thenselect a condition that denes a subset of the data. Conditions vary by resource.

◦ Choose All values to include all data from the data resource.

Note: If the predened conditions for a resource are not appropriate, you can create newconditions. See the topic Managing Database Resources.

5. Complete the remaining elds, which depend on the selected combination of database resource and data setvalues.

6. In the Actions eld, select the actions to which this data security policy applies.

You view the new policy on the Data Security Policies page by scrolling to the end of the list of policies. You can editData Security Policies on the Security Console.

You can accept the default role hierarchy and click Next to continue.

Assign Users to the RoleYou need to assign the new role to one or more users when you create it. The following procedure is one way to do it.There are other ways documented in Securing CX Sales and B2B Service.

Note: You must assign at least one knowledge role to each knowledge user to enable them to create ormanage content.

1. Click Add User on the Create Role: Users page.2. In the Add User dialog box, search for and select a user or role.

◦ Select a single user to add only that user to the role, then click Add User to Role to add the user.

◦ Select a role to add all of users assigned to it, then click Add Selected Users to add them.

The Create Role: Users page shows the updated role membership.

Review the RoleReview the role to ensure that it is created correctly.

1. On the Create Role: Summary and Impact Report page, review your selections.

◦ Summary listings show the functional security policies, data security policies, roles, and users you haveadded and removed.

◦ The Impact listing shows the number of roles and users aected by your changes. Expand any of theselistings to see names of policies, roles, or users included in its counts.

If you need to make changes, navigate back to the appropriate page to update the role. Once you save the role, it isimmediately available on the Security Console.

Related Topics

• Securing CX Sales and B2B Service Guide

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Chapter 3Manage Knowledge Users


Modify User RolesYou can update user capabilities by updating the roles that users already have. You can modify user-dened roles only.Predened roles cannot be modied. You edit a role by selecting it on the Roles tab of the Security Console and clickingEdit Role. You can't change the role code.

Knowledge Role ExamplesUse these examples to create Knowledge roles.

Copy and Edit an Existing Role ExampleYou may need to give access and capabilities to users that are not available in their current roles. You can create a newrole for these users by copying and editing an existing role, and assigning the new role to them. For example, you mayhave agents who need to create and update FAQs. Here's how you can create a new role based on their current role, andmodify it to meet your needs.

To give these agents the ability to create and update FAQs, you just need to follow a few steps:

• make a copy of their current role

• add authoring capabilities

• provide access to FAQs

First, copy the role by going to the Security Console Roles page and nding the Customer Service Representative role.Choose Copy Role, Copy Top Role. Call the new role CSR Author, and also give it the code CSR_Author.

Now you add authoring capability by nding CSO in the functional security policies, then selecting and adding theKnowledge Authoring privilege.

To provide access to FAQs, which are a specic type of article, or content type, create a new data security policy in thenew role. Call the new policy something like Access to FAQ. Find CSO in the database resources and select KnowledgeContent Types. Since this is a copy of an existing role, leave the Data Set as Select by Key and use the reference keyFAQ. Enable agents to view and update FAQs by choosing the Update Article and View Article actions. Finish byassigning the role to a user, and make sure that user has an active locale.

Create a Restricted Authoring Role ExampleYou may need to limit access and capabilities for certain users that are available in their current roles. You can create anew role that limits the capabilities for these users by copying and editing an existing role, and assigning the new roleto them. For example, you may have authors who need to view, create, and edit articles, but do not need to publish,translate, or delete them. Most authors only need access to one application only a few types of articles, so this exampleshows how to create the new role for use with the Service application and Service FAQ and Service Solution articles.

Here's how you can create a new role to meet your needs. To restrict these authors from publishing, translating, anddeleting articles, you just need to follow a few steps:

• create a new role

• add authoring capabilities

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Chapter 3Manage Knowledge Users


• give access to the appropriate knowledge application

• give access to the appropriate types of articles

• give access to a limited set of authoring capabilities

First, create the new role by going to the Security Console Roles page and create a new role in the CRM - Job Rolecategory. Add a description like Authoring role with only view and create privileges.

Now you add authoring capability by nding CSO in the functional security policies, then selecting and adding theKnowledge Authoring privilege. To give access to a knowledge application, the types of articles that these authors canwork with, and the authoring capabilities, you add two data security policies:

• a policy that will give the author access to the either the Service or HCM application (also known asdepartment). In this example, you give access to the Service application.

• a policy that will give authors privileges only to view and update certain types of articles within that application.

First, create the application policy by nding CSO in the database resources, choosing Knowledge Departments, thenseing the condition to give access to the Service department. Then create a content policy by nding CSO in thedatabase resources, choosing Knowledge Content Types, and seing the types of articles (content types) for this roleto Service FAQ and Service Solution. Finally, choose only the update and view actions, so that authors can view, create,and edit articles, but will not be able to publish, translate, or delete them. Finish by assigning the role to a user, andmake sure that user has an active locale.

User GroupsUser groups enable you to segment the knowledge base so that dierent groups of users have access to dierentsegments of the knowledge base. For example, you may grant everyone access to a portion of the knowledge base,but grant agents access to all knowledge articles. You can use either the predened user groups that come with theapplication or you can add your own user groups such as Tier-1 Agents, Tier-2 Agents, Partners, Registered Customersand so on, depending on your business needs.

Nearly all user groups are exclusively tied to either the Service or HCM application (or department) and this associationcannot be changed. To access HCM knowledge articles a user must belong to an HCM user group. To access Serviceknowledge articles a user must belong to a Service user group. There is one special user group, the Everyone usergroup, that is not tied to an application. Knowledge articles with the Everyone user group are accessible to all users,including unauthenticated users.

The predened user groups are:

• Internal Service - the internal user group associated with Service

• Internal HCM - the internal user group associated with HCM

• Everyone - the user group not associated with any department and that gives access to everyone includinganonymous users.

• Employee - the user group for HCM employees. Depending on your business needs, you can extend this usergroup to other employees of your business.

Depending on the roles assigned to them, users fall into these predened user groups:

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Chapter 3Manage Knowledge Users


Role Predened User Group

Knowledge Author HCM 

Internal HCM, Employee 

Knowledge Author Service 

Internal Service 

Knowledge Search HCM 

Internal HCM, Employee 

Customer Service Manager 

Internal Service 

Customer Service Representative 

Internal Service 

Human Resource Help Desk Manager 

Internal HCM, Employee 

Human Resource Help DeskAdministrator 

Internal HCM, Employee 

Human Resource Help Desk Agent 

Internal HCM, Employee 

Knowledge Manager 

Internal Service, Internal HCM, Employee 

Knowledge Analyst 

Internal Service, Internal HCM, Employee 

Knowledge Search Service 

Internal Service 

When you upgrade to the current release, the upgrade process automatically updates user groups assigned to articles:

• If an article is assigned to the Service department and the Internal user group, then the upgrade processassigns the article to the Service department and the Internal Service user group.

• If an article is assigned to the Service department, and is not assigned a user group, then the upgrade processassigns the article to the Service department and the Everyone user group.

• If an article is assigned to the HCM department and the Internal user group, then the upgrade process assignsthe article to the HCM department and the Internal HCM user group.

• If an article is assigned to the HCM department, and is not assigned a user group, then the upgrade processassigns the article to the HCM department and the Employee user group.

If you have congured roles with the Internal user group, you must update them by assigning either the Internal Serviceor Internal HCM user group.

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Chapter 3Manage Knowledge Users


Create User GroupsYou can create, update, and delete user groups to restrict access to knowledge. You can group users such that they canaccess only the documents relevant to them.

Note: To create user groups, you should have the ORA_CSO_KNOWLEDGE_MANAGER_JOB role with theCSO_KNOWLEDGE_SETUP_AND_MAINTENANCE_PRIV privilege.

1. Sign in to the application and open Setup and Maintenance.2. Select the Service oering and select Knowledge Management.3. Select Manage Knowledge User Groups and select the + icon to add a new user group.4. Enter a unique name and reference key for the user group. The reference key name can have only capital

leers, numbers and underscore.5. Select a department for the user group. The department cannot be changed once the user group is created.

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Oracle CX ServiceAdministering Knowledge Management

Chapter 4Congure the My Knowledge Page


4 Congure the My Knowledge Page

Congure the My Knowledge PageYou can congure the My Knowledge page by adding Recently Updated and Favorites tabs. You congure MyKnowledge by using Application Composer to activate a sandbox, congure the page, and publish the sandbox. Youmay need to create a sandbox as part of this procedure.

Note: You must have the knowledge manager role with the FND_VIEW_ADMIN_LINK_PRIVprivilege to congure the My Knowledge page. You must be an application administrator with theFND_ADMINISTER_SANDBOX_PRIV privilege to publish a sandbox.

Site-Level and Role-Level CongurationYou can congure the My Knowledge page at the site level and role level. Role-level conguration overrides site-levelconguration.

The following table illustrates the roles and the levels at which the congurations are visible.

User with Roles Conguration Visibility

customer service representative 

• Visible at site level and customer service representative level• Not visible at knowledge analyst level

knowledge analyst and knowledgemanager 

• Visible at site level and knowledge analyst level• Not visible at customer service representative level

customer service representative,customer service manager,knowledge analyst, and knowledgemanager 

Visible at all levels 

Access or Create an Active SandboxYou must access a sandbox to congure the My Knowledge page. You can access a currently active sandbox, activatean existing sandbox, or create and activate a new sandbox.

To access and activate a sandbox, open the Seings and Actions menu by clicking the user icon on the My Knowledgepage, and select Manage Sandboxes. If no sandbox is active, select Activate Sandbox in the Sandbox Required dialog.

If no sandbox exists, create a sandbox and activate it.

1. On the Manage Sandboxes page, open the Action menu and select New.2. In the Create Sandbox dialog box, enter a sandbox name and click Save and Close.3. Click OK on the conrmation dialog box.4. Search for the new sandbox and make it the default.5. Click Yes in the dialog box.

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Chapter 4Congure the My Knowledge Page


6. Select Activate Sandbox in the Sandbox Required dialog.

Add Content to the PageAdd tabs to the My Knowledge home page as follows:

1. Open the Seings and Actions menu and select Edit Pages.2. Select the Site layer and click OK.3. Click Add Content to view the Add Content dialog.4. Click Open if you want to add components such as an image, moveable box, and so on to the page.5. Click + to add favorite articles, knowledge search results, or recently updated articles to the page.

Publish the SandboxPublish the updated sandbox.

Note: If you congure at the application level, all users see the changed content. If you congure at the rolelevel, only users with that role see the changed content.

1. Open the Seings and Actions menu and select Manage Sandboxes.2. Select the sandbox you created and click Publish.

Add Knowledge to an Application PageYou can enable users to access Knowledge from HCM application pages by adding the Knowledge Result list. Forexample, adding knowledge to an HCM transaction page, such as Transfer, or to help pages can enable users to quicklyresolve issues and increase productivity. Users will see knowledge content relevant to them and the page that they areusing, and they can read recommended articles or search for additional information.

The Knowledge Result list is available as a shared resource in the common Resource Catalog. Knowledge search andarticle viewing functionality is available only for CRM and HCM pages. Follow these guidelines before adding Knowledgeto CRM and HCM pages:

• Verify that you have these privileges:

◦ Sandbox Management (FND_VIEW_ADMIN_LINK_PRIV)

◦ Sandbox publishing (FND_ADMINISTER_SANDBOX_PRIV)


◦ View Knowledge widget (PER_ACCESS_KM_FROM_HCM)

• Understand the typical workows for working with runtime application changes.

• Verify that the page can be modied by checking that either the general Edit Pages menu item or the EditPages item for the specic page is available in the Seings and Actions menu.

When you have veried the page and your privileges, you can add the knowledge component to the page:

• Activate a sandbox for your application.

• Use Page Composer to add the knowledge panel component.

• Congure properties to set the default tab, search terms, and locale.

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Chapter 4Congure the My Knowledge Page


• Publish the updated page.

Add the Knowledge ComponentAdd the Knowledge component to the page:

1. Open the page you want to edit, and click Edit Pages in the Seings and Actions menu.2. Follow the appropriate Edit Pages visibility instructions, then click OK.

The page will display one or more Add Content buons, or a ribbon with Add Content, Select, and Structuretabs.

3. Click the Add Content buon, or click the Structure tab and the location where you want to add the Knowledgewidget.

4. Click Edit, then click the + icon.5. Click Application Content, then click the + link for the Knowledge widget.

Congure the Knowledge ComponentYou congure the Knowledge component to display the desired content to users by seing these parameters:

• The default Knowledge tab to open on the page.

• The default search parameters to populate the list of knowledge articles.

• The default knowledge locale.

If User Friendly Parameter Setup is enabled, you can use the menu options to select the default tab, and the dialog tocongure the search locales. If User Friendly Parameter Setup is not enabled, you must manually enter the data for theknowledge parameters.

1. Hover over the component to display the Edit icon. If the ribbon displays, you may need to switch to the AddContent tab to display the Edit icon.

2. Select the Parameters tab in Component Properties.

Congure the Default Knowledge TabYou can specify which tab of the Knowledge component to open when users view the page that you add Knowledge to.These tabs are available:

• Recommended Articles displays a list of search results based on the default search terms that you congurefor the Knowledge component.

• Search displays a eld for users to conduct their own search of the knowledge base.

• Favorites displays the user's list of favorite articles.

If User Friendly Parameter Setup is enabled, you can select the desired knowledge tab to display on the page by defaultfrom the Default tab. If User Friendly Parameter Setup is not enabled, manually enter one of these identiers to specifythe desired tab:




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Chapter 4Congure the My Knowledge Page


Congure the Default Search TermsThe Recommended Articles tab displays a list of articles based on the default search terms that you congure. If User-Friendly Parameter Setup is enabled, you can use the menu and dialog to congure the search terms. If User FriendlyParameter Setup is not enabled, you must manually enter the locale and search terms in this format:


Specify one entry for each active knowledge locale in your application. For example, if your application supportsknowledge in English for the United States of America, French for users in France, and Spanish for users in Spain, andyou want to display articles about vacation policy, enter the following:

{"en_US":"vacation","fr_FR":"vacances","sp_SP":"vacaciones ",}

1. Click the magnifying glass icon for the Search Locales Map to display the list of supported locales (languageand territories).

2. If User Friendly Parameter Setup is enabled, enter a search term for each active locale (language and territory)for the application. If User Friendly Parameter Setup is not enabled, manually enter the search term and localedata.

You can now publish the sandbox to make the edited page available to users.

Related Topics

• Page Composer Overview

• Seing Up Sandboxes: Procedure

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Oracle CX ServiceAdministering Knowledge Management

Chapter 5Create and Manage Content Collections


5 Create and Manage Content Collections

Overview of Content CollectionsCollections are groups of documents that you create to quickly and easily include in the knowledge base and makeavailable to agents and self-service users. Thus authors are not required to create additional articles. Collections can bedocuments from web sites or document repositories, such as directories of PDF les.

The Knowledge content processor accesses the documents directly from the web or le server where they reside.You do not need to move or copy the documents to include information from your organization's web sites or otherrepositories in your knowledge base. You can create as many collections as you need.

Before You BeginCreating a collection takes a lile planning and preparation. You need to know which documents to include, how to tellthe application to access the documents so that they can be indexed, and who the audience is for the collection.

The content processor works by rst crawling the web or le server, so you will need a site map le to tell the applicationwhere the documents are. If the documents are secured, you will also need to include authentication information. Andyou might also need information to supply form data, cookies, or proxy server information.

Note: You can't use a javascript password to authenticate the content processor.

How the Search Application Assigns a PDF TitleIn many cases, documents or articles have aachments that are PDFs. If an author of a PDF aachment did notprovide a relevant title or any title at all, or the aachment is part of an external web collection, the Search applicationautomatically assigns a relevant title to the PDF during automated content processing. This feature improves searchrelevancy by providing a more accurate method of determining and assigning titles of PDFs les during contentprocessing.

The application assigns the visual title of the PDF as the search result title except when the visual title is an image andthere's no other text that qualies as a title. A visual title is the lines of text on the rst page of the PDF that readerswould recognize as the title of the document. If the visual title is not clear, Search content processing evaluates the rstpage of the PDF for visual factors, such as::

• The size of the font. Usually the larger text on a rst page denotes a title.

• The position of the text, for example, the rst few sentences of the PDF.

• The phrase length and distance between lines of the text.

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Chapter 5Create and Manage Content Collections


If the application can't nd a visual title to assign to a PDF, the search result title is one of the following:.

• The PDF's override title, if an override title if provided.

• The title in the PDF's properties , if a properties title is dened

• The PDF's le name.

Sometimes the PDF visual title requires some renement to increase its usability. For example, a PDF aachment hasthe visual title User Guide. But let's say this aachment is separated from the main article; users might be confused as towhich user guide it is, so you can assign the override title MyNewPhone User Guide.

As an administrator or manager, you can change the titles in article PDF aachments in Web collections by overriding,or changing it. The results of these updates is the override title for the PDF becomes the title in the search results. Ifthere is no override title for a PDF, the visual title of that PDF, as described in How Search discovers a PDF title section,becomes the search results title.


Create a CollectionYou create a collection in the Collection Management tab under Manage Search Dictionary in Setup and Maintenance.

1. Click Service in the Setup menu.2. Click Knowledge Management in the Functional Areas menu.3. Click Manage Search Dictionary, then open the Collection Management tab.4. Click the plus sign (+).

Dene a CollectionYou dene a collection by naming it and giving it a label that users will see. You also specify whether you want thecontent processor to automatically detect the language of each document, or assign a locale to all of the documents.

Name the CollectionA collection has both a name and a display label. The name is for administrative use, and is not visible to users. Onceyou save a collection, you cannot change its name. You can use spaces and any of these characters in a collection name:

1. Upper and lowercase alphabetic characters2. Numerals (0-9)3. ( )4. -5. _6. { }7. "

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8. .

The display label is the name that users will see. You can change the display label if needed. The display label can be inany language, and can have any characters.

Choose a Language Assignment MethodYou can choose to have the content processor automatically detect the language of each document in a collection, orassign a specic locale that will apply to all documents.

A locale represents a language and a specic region in which a variant of that language is used. Locales help you todierentiate knowledge content by language and country or region. Important locale-specic dierences includeregulations, procedures, addresses, currencies, date formats, and country- or region-specic terms.

• Choose automatic language detection for most collections, whether they contain a single language or multiplelanguages. Automatic language detection assigns a base language to each document in the collection, so thatthe documents are available in all locales based on that language. For example, a document assigned to Englishwill be available in the en-AU, en-CA, en-IE, en-NZ, en-GB, and en-US locales.

• Choose a specic locale only when you need to override automatic language detection. For example, you mayhave documents intended for a French-speaking audience, but which use English titles, causing them to beprocessed as English.

Note: Assigning a specic locale will make the collection available only to users who have set that preferredlocale, or who explicitly select that locale when searching.

Describe a CollectionYou describe a collection by providing a site map to direct the content processor to the documents you want to includein the collection. You also specify whether the content processor will follow or ignore any robots.txt or robots meta tagsthat it nds. You can include or exclude specic documents, or types of documents from the collection by enteringregular expression paerns that the content processor will use to match against le names that it nds.

Provide a Site MapYou must use a site map le and a site map URL to direct the content processor to the documents that you want toinclude in the collection. Site maps are structured indexes created specically for use by search engines. They list theURLs of the documents in your site and include important metadata about each document, such as when it was lastupdated, and how frequently it changes.

You can specify only one site map URL for a collection. However, you can use child site map .xml les within theprimary site map le. You can use an existing site map or create new site maps using many available tools. You can alsomanually create site map les.

Use or Ignore Robot Files and TagsRobot text les and robots tags specify which documents and links on a site are available to the content processor. ClickYes to use them, or No to ignore them.

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Chapter 5Create and Manage Content Collections


Exclude or Include Specic DocumentsYou can exclude or include specic documents by entering one or more regular expression paerns. Enter each paernin a separate eld. The content processor accepts all documents by default, so in most cases you don't need to specifyexplicit document acceptance paerns.

Set Up Access to a CollectionYou set up access to a collection by choosing the department that it belongs to, which groups of users will be able tosee its documents. You must also enter information that the content processor needs to authenticate and access thecontent, including user name, password, form data, proxy servers, and cookies.

Choose a DepartmentYou must assign a department to the collection. Choose the department, either Service or HCM, that corresponds to theapplication that the collection is for.

Choose UsersYou can choose whether all users, or only selected user groups can see the documents in a collection. By default, allusers can see collections.

• Click Yes in the Can everyone see this collection? eld if all users should see documents in this collection intheir search results.

• Click No to restrict this collection to selected user groups. If you chose to restrict the collection, select the usergroups that you want to be able to access the collection in the Selected User Groups column.

Authenticate the Content ProcessorYou may need to authenticate content processing so that it can access the documents in the collection. The default isno authentication.

1. Click Yes in the Do you need authentication to access these documents? eld if content processing needs to beauthorized, then specify the authentication method. Click No if the content acquisition process does not requireany authorization.

2. If content processing needs to be authorized, select one of the following methods for authenticating thecontent acquisition process:

◦ Select BASIC to use plain text user name and password information. You can also specify an optionalKerberos realm, which may be required for environments that are congured to trust non-WindowsKerberos realms.

◦ Select NTLM to use Windows NT LAN Management protocol for access to servers using IntegratedWindows Authentication for HTTP authentication. You must specify the domain in which the user nameand password are valid, and you can also specify an optional Kerberos realm, which may be required forenvironments that are congured to trust non-Windows Kerberos realms.

◦ Select NONE if no user name and password are required, and you need to specify only requiredadditional authentication information, such as form data, proxy server information, and cookie values.

3. Specify the user name and password.

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Note: You can't use a javascript password to authenticate the content processor.

4. Specify an optional Kerberos realm, which may be required for environments that are congured to trust non-Windows Kerberos realms.

5. In NTLM environments only, specify the domain that the user and password are valid within.

Enter Form DataYou may need to enter data that content acquisition can use to complete any HTML-based forms that a web siterequires to access content. You can enter one or more sets of form data, and you can enter multiple eld name-valuepairs for each form action.

1. Enter a form action, which is the URL at which the content acquisition process enters the associated eld name-value pairs.

2. Enter the eld name for the action in plain text.3. Enter the value for the specied eld name in plain text.

Enter Proxy Server InformationYou may need to enter proxy server information so that content acquisition can use an HTTP proxy server to access thecontent. You specify proxy server information as a set of header data and one or more key-value pairs that the contentacquisition process adds to the header information to access the proxy server.

1. Enter HTTP header information.2. Enter the header key.3. Enter the header value.

Enter Cookie DataYou may need to enter cookie data to enable the content acquisition process to maintain a desired state or session sothat it can access content on the site. You enter cookie data as a set of one or more name-value pairs in plain text.

1. Enter the cookie name.2. Enter the cookie value.

Complete a CollectionYou complete a collection by activating it so that its documents are processed, indexed, and available in the knowledgebase. You can also save the collection denition and make it active later.

Enable a CollectionYou must select one of the following options to set the enablement status of the collection:

• Enable this collection to go live, so that its contents are added to the search index, and are available to endusers.

• Keep the collection denition, but do not index for searching. The content in the collection is not available tousers. Use this option to disable a collection.

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If you re-enable a previously disabled collection, content processing and indexing begins with the next scheduledcontent processing for the type of collection.

How Search Discovers a Title of a PDFIn many cases, articles in collections are PDFs. A visual title of a PDF is the string of text that most readers wouldrecognize as the title. A search result title is the title that appears on the search results page. The automatic PDF titlediscovery feature provides an accurate method of determining titles of PDFs during content processing. It nds thevisual title of a PDF automatically and uses it as a search result title and for search accuracy with title matching. The PDFtitle discovery evaluates the PDF for visual factors, such as:

• The size of the font. Usually the larger text on a rst page denotes a title.

• The position of the text, for example, the rst few sentences of the PDF.

• The phrase length and distance between lines of the text.

For example, a string of text appears on a rst page of a PDF as:

ORACLE [Font Size 36, Bold], User Guide [Font Size 24, Bold], Knowledge Management [Font Size 20], OSvC 18.5 [FontSize 18], This user guide describes how to use Knowledge... [Font Size 11] A user would usually not read this string oftext as one of the following:

• Oracle

• OSvC 18.5

• This user guide describes how to use Knowledge...

But, a user might read this string of text as one of the following:

• Oracle User Guide

• Oracle User Guide Knowledge Management

• Oracle User Guide Knowledge Management OSvC 18.5

• User Guide

• User Guide Knowledge Management

• User Guide Knowledge Management OSvC 18.5

So, in this example, the PDF title discovers the best visual titles for search accuracy as User Guide KnowledgeManagement OSvC 18.5, or Oracle User Guide Knowledge Management OSvC 18.5. This automatic featureeliminated any additional authoring on your part to provide the best search result title.

The automatic PDF title discovery may encounter PDFs that have no title at all. If the title discovery can't nd a visualtitle to assign to a PDF, it selects one of the following as a search result title:

• The title in the PDF's properties, if a properties title is dened.

• The PDF's le name.

The visual title displays as a search results title after the full content processing cycle is complete.

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How to Disable the Automatic PDF Title DiscoveryThe PDF title discovery feature is enabled when you open the application, but you can disable it. However, be aware thatdisabling this option may severely compromise search accuracy. If you do disable it, you will see the following warningmessage:

Enable the automatic title discovery for PDFs. Test thoroughly as this changes impact search accuracy. Search willreect the change after content processing completes.

When this conguration option is o, the application assigns a search result title for a PDFs as if there is no visual titleavailable. The change of this option takes eect after the next content processing cycle completes. To disable theautomatic PDF title discovery:

1. Log in and click Setup and Maintenance.2. At the Setup menu, scroll down and select Service.3. At Functional Areas, select Knowledge Management.4. At Knowledge Management, click Manage Knowledge Search Prole Options.5. At the Manage Knowledge Search Prole Options page, click CSO_AUTO_PDF_TITLE_DISCOVERY.6. At the Site menu, select No.

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Chapter 6Manage the Search Dictionary


6 Manage the Search Dictionary

Manage the Search DictionaryYou can use the Manage Search Dictionary tool to view, edit, and add concepts and synonyms to the dictionary. Youcan add terms that are important to your organization and your users, including specic products and services, as wellas the synonyms (acronyms, abbreviations, alternative names, and legacy names) that agents, customers, and authorsmight use when searching for answers to questions.

The dictionary enables search users to quickly and easily nd answers in the knowledge base without knowing specicterminology or how the content is worded or organized. Search automatically matches users' questions to the bestanswer.

Concepts and SynonymsA concept is an important term used in your organization or by your users. Concepts include products, services, andother terms that have specic meaning in your industry. Concepts have synonyms, which are words that have similarmeanings, and also abbreviations, acronyms, legacy names, or other alternative names that people might use whenseeking answers to questions. For example, the concept plan in your industry and organization might include thesynonyms agreement and proposal. The dictionary treats concepts and their synonyms as a single object.

When you implement Knowledge, the dictionary already includes many common and industry-specic concepts andtheir synonyms. In addition, it automatically creates concepts for the products dened in your product hierarchy.

You can update the dictionary by adding new concepts and synonyms, and by modifying existing concepts andsynonyms to ensure that search is matching your users' questions to the best answers in the knowledge base. Forexample, adding synonyms to automatically created product names can help answer users' questions about thoseproducts when they use abbreviations, acronyms, or other alternative terms. Knowledge analytics can also help youidentify possible dictionary updates to improve search accuracy.

List ConceptsYou can list the automatically created product concepts and any concepts that you have updated or added to thedictionary.

To list these concepts, do the following:

1. Sign in to the application, and from the navigator, click Setup and Maintenance.2. From the Setup drop-down list, select the Service oering.3. Select Knowledge Management from the functional areas, and then select the Knowledge Management

Search Dictionary task.

The Manage Search Dictionary page displays the product concepts and concepts that your organization hascreated or modied.

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Note: The dictionary is organized by language, not by locale. All locales based on the samelanguage use the same set of dictionary concepts and synonyms.

Find ConceptsYou can use the Find feature to locate concepts.

To locate concepts, do the following:

1. Click Setup and Maintenance and navigate to the Knowledge Management Search Dictionary task.2. In the Manage Synonyms pane, enter a concept, or a partial concept name, in the Find text eld.3. Click the search icon.

The search results display concepts that match your search criteria in all your active languages. The searchresults include enabled and disabled concepts.

Add Concepts and SynonymsYou can add concepts to the search dictionary. You can also add, update, and delete synonyms for existing concepts.

To add concepts and synonyms:

1. Click Setup and Maintenance and navigate to the Knowledge Management Search Dictionary task.2. Click the + symbol in the Manage Search Dictionary page.3. Complete the elds Concept Name and Description.4. To add a synonym, click the + symbol in the Concept Details window.5. Enter the Synonym name and select the Language from the drop-down list and save it.

Note: You can add synonyms only for your active languages.

Update ConceptsYou can update concepts and synonyms, and enable or disable concepts. Search ignores disabled concepts whenmatching users questions to the articles in the knowledge base.

To update a concept, do the following:

1. Locate and double-click on the concept to open the Concept Details window.2. Edit the concept description in the Description text box if desired.3. Add or edit synonyms as desired.4. Click Save or Save and Close to update the changes.

To enable or disable a concept, do the following:

1. Locate and double-click on the concept to open the Concept Details window.

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2. Click on the check box to change the state of the concept.3. Click Save or Save and Close to update the changes.

Industry-Specic Search DictionariesAs a knowledge manager, you can choose a search dictionary that is more relevant to your business than the defaultCustomer Help dictionary. Industry-specic search dictionaries result in more accurate search results, and are translatedinto all supported languages.

Industry dictionaries include concepts, synonyms, and other features that optimize search results for your business.For example, the Finance industry dictionary comes with pre-dened nancial concepts and synonyms that enable thesearch to fetch the most relevant answers for your search terms.

You can choose one of the following dictionaries:

• Customer Help is the default, and includes concepts like Service Request, Customer Satisfaction and PurchaseOrder. Customer Help is included in all industry dictionaries, so changing from customer help to an industrydictionary does not remove any concepts.

• Computer includes concepts like JDBC Connector, Public Key Certicate, and Read Only.

• Finance includes concepts like Vesting Schedule, Variable Interest Loan and Slush Fund.

• Insurance includes concepts like Dwelling Fire Policy, Claim Adjusting and Optional Coverage.

• Telecommunications includes concepts like Android, Family Plan and Internet Trac.

• Travel includes concepts like Booking Code, Advance Seat Reservation and Twin Cabin. It also includes airportconcepts and IATA airport codes, such as Frankfurt Airport and New York John F Kennedy Airport (JFK),and contextual recognition of ambiguous IATA airport codes. Contextual recognition of ambiguous airportcodes of the Travel industry dictionary is available in 5 languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian.For example, the IATA airport code WAS (Washington Airports) is the same string as the verb was in English.Contextual recognition looks at the context of the user's question to determine whether the string is a verb oran airport code.

Select an Industry-Specic Search DictionaryYou can swap the default search dictionary of the application for an industry-specic dictionary. Selecting an industry-specic search dictionary can fetch beer search results for your search terms.

Changing from the Customer Help to your industry-specic dictionary does not aect product concepts or any conceptsthat you added or modied. Changing the dictionary takes eect immediately in Manage Search Dictionary, and aftercontent processing, the newly selected industry concepts and synonyms will be used to determine the most relevantsearch results.

1. Go to Setup and Maintenance, select the Service oering and then select Knowledge Management.2. Select Manage Knowledge Search Dictionary.3. Select Change and you will see a warning message about the impact of changing the dictionary.4. Select Continue and select an industry from the list.5. Click Apply to see an industry change conrmation.

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About Good Document Titles : ExplainedYou want your customers to have a productive experience when they search for answers, starting with strong, relevantdocument titles. A strong document title identies a topic and begins to inform the customers about the content. A poortitle can obscure vital information so your customers may not select it although it contains the desired content.

How the Search Application Assigns a PDF TitleIn many cases, documents or articles have aachments that are PDFs. If an author of a PDF aachment did notprovide a relevant title or any title at all, or the aachment is part of an external web collection, the Search applicationautomatically assigns a relevant title to the PDF during automated content processing. This feature improves searchrelevancy by providing a more accurate method of determining and assigning titles of PDFs les during contentprocessing.

The application assigns the visual title of the PDF as the search result title except when the visual title is an image andthere's no other text that qualies as a title. A visual title is the lines of text on the rst page of the PDF that readerswould recognize as the title of the document. If the visual title is not clear, Search content processing evaluates the rstpage of the PDF for visual factors, such as::

• The size of the font. Usually the larger text on a rst page denotes a title.

• The position of the text, for example, the rst few sentences of the PDF.

• The phrase length and distance between lines of the text.

If the application can't nd a visual title to assign to a PDF, the search result title is one of the following:.

• The PDF's override title, if an override title if provided.

• The title in the PDF's properties , if a properties title is dened

• The PDF's le name.

Sometimes the PDF visual title requires some renement to increase its usability. For example, a PDF aachment hasthe visual title User Guide. But let's say this aachment is separated from the main article; users might be confused as towhich user guide it is, so you can assign the override title MyNewPhone User Guide.

As an administrator or manager, you can change the titles in article PDF aachments in Web collections by overriding,or changing it. The results of these updates is the override title for the PDF becomes the title in the search results. Ifthere is no override title for a PDF, the visual title of that PDF, as described in How Search discovers a PDF title section,becomes the search results title.


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7 Analyze Knowledge

Knowledge AnalyticsKnowledge Analytics is a real-time reporting solution that enables knowledge managers and knowledge analysts to viewknowledge author's activity. Analytics provides prebuilt dashboards to help knowledge managers to understand howauthors are creating, updating, and publishing knowledge base articles and how they are linking articles to SRs.

Depending on your privileges, you can perform the following tasks:

• Run the prebuilt dashboard reports

• Create personalized dashboards

• Create personalized reports and analyses on subject areas

• Share analytics with other users

Note: Access to the analytics data is restricted based on roles. Analytics reports users will see only the datathat they have access to, based on their roles and privileges.

Knowledge Analytics TerminologyIt is helpful to familiarize with the BI objects to understand knowledge analytics.

This table contains important analytics terminology:

Term Description


Business intelligence objects, such as analyses and dashboards, that provide meaningful datato help with decision making. 


A selection of data displayed in one or more views, such as a table or chart, to provide answersto business questions. 


A collection of analyses and other content, presented on one or more pages to help youachieve specic business goals 


An output of select data in a predened format that is optimized for printing. 

Subject Area 

Subject areas are the organizational units in the BI repository that contain metadata that denewhich columns you can include in analyses. Each subject area has a fact folder and a numberof dimension folders. 

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Manage Analytics with the BI Administrator RoleThe knowledge manager role is not authorized to perform high level tasks in the BI application. You need the BIAdministrator role to perform the following tasks:

• Personalize dashboards, reports, and analyses.

• Manage catalog groups.

• Assign privileges.

• Schedule the publisher.

To create and assign the BI administrator role, use the process described in the Oracle CX Sales Creating andAdministering Analytics guide.

Related Topics• Oracle CX Sales Creating and Administering Analytics Guide

Responsive Sizing for Knowledge AnalyticsYou can enable responsive sizing to optimize analytics display on devices that have dierent screen resolution and size,such as laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.

To enable responsive sizing, use the process described in Optimize Analytics Display in the Oracle CX Sales Creating andAdministering Analytics guide.

Related Topics• Why Use Responsive Sizing?• Oracle CX Sales Creating and Administering Analytics guide.

Manage the BI Catalog FoldersAll reports, analyses, and dashboards are stored and managed in the Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) catalog.

The pre-built knowledge dashboards are stored in the BI Catalog under Shared Folders in the Service Folder, and areorganized as follows:

• Subject Area Contents. This folder contains data related to subject areas.

• Analytics Library: This folder contains generic analytics content which is not role-specic.

• Embedded Content. The Knowledge dashboards are available in the Knowledge Analyst folder. You can usethis folder to view and personalize the prebuilt dashboards.

Navigate to the CatalogTo access the catalog:

1. Click Tools, Reports and Analysis from the Knowledge Home page.

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2. Click Browse Catalog in the Reports and Analytics page.

The Catalog folder opens.

Save Analytics to the BI CatalogKnowledge Managers can save analyses, dashboards, and reports in the BI catalog. The catalog contains a hierarchy offolders that enables you to store objects. You can also create additional folders and add permissions to these folders.

Note: Knowledge Analysts can only view prebuilt dashboards and run reports and analyses that they haveaccess to.

• Shared Folders. This folder contains prebuilt dashboards and personalized analytics that you have permissionto access. All the users with permissions to this folder can view your data. The shared folder contains Customand Service sub-folders.

• Custom Folder. This is a sub-folder of the Shared Folders. Save copies of prebuilt dashboards to this folderbefore editing them.

• My Folders. This folder contains reports and analyses that you have created. Only you can access the contentsof this folder. You can share the contents in this folder by copying and saving the les to the Shared Folders.

To create folders and add permissions to them, use the process described in the Oracle Applications Cloud Creating andAdministering Analytics and Reports guide.

Related Topics

• How to Create Folders

• Set Folder Permissions and Aributes

DashboardsA dashboard is a collection of reports and analyses organized to display data in a single view. The prebuilt dashboardsare available in the BI catalog. Knowledge Analysts can view prebuilt dashboards and Knowledge Managers can createpersonalized dashboards. The information displayed in a dashboard is organized by a set of parameters and metrics.For example, the All Knowledge Breakdown dashboard contains data about all the articles available by products, bycategories, by content types, and by locales.

You can access dashboards to view analytics for the following types of transactions:

• All Knowledge: Generates analytics for all knowledge transactions.

• My Knowledge: Generates analytics for your transactional data.

The following table lists the prebuilt dashboards:

Dashboard Name Description

All Knowledge by Day/ Week/Month 

This dashboard shows all the user activity for the last 12 days/ 12 weeks/ 12 months. 

My Knowledge by Day/ Week/Month 

This dashboard shows the individual activity for the last 12 days/ 12 weeks/ 12 months. 

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Dashboard Name Description

All Knowledge Breakdown 

This dashboard shows the content available in the repository for the By Product, By Category,By Content Type, and By Locale article aributes. 

Access Prebuilt DashboardsThe prebuilt dashboards are available in the Catalog folder.

To access dashboards:

1. Click Tools, Reports and Analysis and then click Browse Catalog.

The Catalog page opens.2. From the Folders hierarchy, expand Shared Folders, Service, Embedded Content, Knowledge Analyst,

Dashboards and then select a dashboard.3. Click Open.

The dashboard displays the analytics. You can also lter the dashboards with the following content volumemetrics:

Metric Name Description

All Articles Created 

The number of articles created by day/ week/month 

All Articles Updated 

The number of articles updated by day/ week/month 

All Articles Published 

The number of articles last published by day/ week/month 

All Article Linked 

The number of article links done by day. 

Links Done By 

The number of links done by you. 

Links Done For 

The number of links done for my content. 

By Product 

The number of articles by product. 

By Category 

The number of articles by category. 

By Content Type 

The number of articles by content type. 

By Locale The number of articles by locale.

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Metric Name Description


Personalize DashboardsKnowledge managers can personalize the prebuilt dashboards to optimize the data presentation to suit yourorganizations' needs. You can also lter information by the available metrics, add and delete pages and objects, andchange dashboard properties.

To personalize a dashboard:

1. Click Tools, Reports and Analysis and then click Browse Catalog.

The Catalog page opens.2. From the Folders hierarchy, expand Shared Folders, Service, Embedded Content, Knowledge Analyst,

Dashboards and then select a dashboard.3. Expand More, click Copy to copy the dashboard and then click the Paste icon in your Custom folder location.

The dashboard is copied to your location.4. Copy and Paste the related objects of this dashboard to the Custom folder.

Note: You must copy the objects associated with the dashboard in order to edit it.

5. Click Edit and perform one or more of the following tasks, as needed:

◦ Add and delete pages.

◦ Add and remove content of the dashboard.

◦ Drag and drop within a page to move content around.

◦ Change the layout of a page.

6. Perform one of the following steps at any time:

◦ To preview the dashboard page, click the Preview buon.

◦ To save your changes, click the Save buon.

◦ To exit the Dashboard builder and return to the Dashboard, click Run.

Subject AreasKnowledge Analytics uses subject areas to create interactive reports and analyses. Subject areas contain metadata thatdene which columns are available for you to create a report or analysis.

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Dimensions and FactsA subject area contains dimensions and facts.

• Dimension: Dimensions are the knowledge parameters such as articles, dates, and categories that can bemeasured using facts. Dimensions contain reference information and serve as columns in the report tables.

Note: You need to select at least one dimension to generate a report.

• Facts: Facts quantify dimensions. In the reports, a fact displays values for the selected dimensions. Forexample, the measure for Articles dimension is 'Number of Articles'. A fact can be associated with multipledimensions.

Article Real Time Subject AreaThe Article Real Time subject area contains information about articles, such as the version, locale, content type, author,and lifecycle dates. This subject area doesn't include product, category, or linking information.

The following table lists the dimensions in the article real time subject area:

Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

Article Version 

Answer ID 

The unique identier of the article. You can exclude this dimension fromyour report but you must include it for thesubject area join to work eectively. 

  Article Display End Date 

The end date after which the article is nolonger available for display. 

  Article ID 

The identier of the article. 

  Article Last Updated Date 

The date that the article is last updated. 

  Article Latest Version 

The latest version of the article. 

  Article Locale 

The language and region of the article. 

  Article Major Version 

The value that increments when the articleis updated. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

You can exclude this dimension fromyour report but you must include it for thesubject area join to work eectively. 

  Article Published Date 

The date on which the article is published. 

  Article Status 

The latest article status 

  Article Title 

The title of the article. 

  Creation Date 

The date on which the article is added tothe repository. 



The department of the article. 

  Original Creation Date 

The date on which the article is originallycreated and imported. 

  Owner ID 

The identier of the article's owner. 


The article is marked as published. . 

Base Locale 

Locale Code 

The code of the locale to which the articlebelongs. 

Locale Description 

The description of the locale. 

Content Type 

Content Type 

The type of content such as an article, orFAQ. 



The department of the article. 

Original Author 

User E-mail 

The E-mail of the original author of thearticle. 

User First Name 

The rst name of the original author of thearticle. 

User Last Name 

The last name of the original author of thearticle. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

User Locale 

The language and region of the originalauthor of the article. 

User Login 

The login ID of the original author. 

Secondary Dates 

Update Date 

The date on which the article is updated. 

  Update Day Name 

The day on which the article is updated. 

  Update Enterprise Period 

The enterprise period in which the articleis updated. 

  Update Enterprise Year 

The enterprise year in which the article isupdated. 

  Update Month 

The month in which the article is updated. 

  Update Quarter 

The quarter in which the article is updated. 

  Update Year 

The year in which the article is updated. 

Secondary Dates - Additional Aributes 

Update Calendar Month Update Calendar Month End Date Update Calendar Month Start Date Update Calendar Quarter Update Calendar Quarter Start Date Update Calendar Quarter End Date Update Calendar Week Update Calendar Week Start Date Update Calendar Week End Date Update Day Of Month Update Day Of Week Update Day Of Year Update Enterprise Period End Date Update Enterprise Period Number Update Enterprise Period Start Date 

The additional aributes that denote theperiod in which the article is updated. Formore information, see Time AdditionalAributes in the Article Links Real TimeSubject Area. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

Update Enterprise Quarter End Date Update Enterprise Quarter Number Update Enterprise Quarter Start Date Update Enterprise Year End Date Update Enterprise Year Number Update Enterprise Year Period Number Update Enterprise Year Start Date Update Oset Week Update Week Update Week By Year 


Date Day Name Enterprise Period Enterprise Quarter Enterprise Year Month Quarter Week Year 

The Time-related aributes of the article.For more information, see Time aributesin the Articles Links Real Time SubjectArea. 

Time - Additional Aributes 

Calendar Date Calendar Month Calendar Month End Date Calendar Month Start Date Calendar Quarter Calendar Week Start Date Calendar Week End Date Calendar Week Calendar Week Start Date Calendar Week End Date Calendar Year 

The additional time aributes available.For more information, see Time AdditionalAributes in the Article Links Real TimeSubject Area. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

Calendar Year Start Date Calendar Year End Date Day of Month Day of Week Day of Year Enterprise Period End Date Enterprise Period Number Enterprise Period Sort Order Enterprise Period Start Date Enterprise Quarter End Date Enterprise Quarter Number Enterprise Quarter Start Date Enterprise Year End Date Enterprise Year Number Enterprise Year Period Number Enterprise Year Start Date Oset Week Week By Year Year By Week 

Version Author 

User E-mail User First Name User Last Name User Locale User Login 

The E-mail, rst name, last name, locale,and login details of the author for thecurrent version. 

Version Locale 

Locale Code Locale Description 

The locale and its description to which thecurrent version of the article belong. 

Version Owner 

User E-mail User First Name User Last Name User Locale

The E-mail, rst name, last name, locale,and login details of the owner for thecurrent version. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

 User Login 

The following table lists the facts of the article real time subject area:

Fact Folder Fact Denition

Article Facts 

# of Article Locales 

The number of article locales. 

# of Article Versions 

The number of article versions. 

# of Articles 

The number of articles. 

Article Links Real Time Subject AreaThe Article Links Real Time subject area contains information about articles linked to from service requests. Onlyarticles linked to service requests, and service requests linked to articles, appear in this subject area. All the articles arelisted by their IDs in this dashboard.

Note: For the article latest version dimensions, see the topic Article Real Time Subject Area: Explained.

The following table lists the dimensions in the article links real time subject area:

Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

Article Version 

Answer ID 

The unique identier of the article. 

  Article Display End Date 

The end date after which the article is nolonger available for display. 

  Article ID 

The article identier. 

  Article Last Updated Date 

The date the article was last updated. 

  Article Latest Version 

The latest version of the article 

  Article Locale 

The article locale (language and region). 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

  Article Major Version 

The value that increments when the articleis updated. 

  Article Publish Date 

The date the article is published. 

  Article Status 

The latest article status. 

  Article Title 

The article title. 

  Base Locale Code 

The code of the locale to which the articlebelongs. 

  Base Locale Description 

The description of the base locale. 

  Content Type 

The type of the content, for example,article or FAQ 

  Creation Date 

The date on which the article is added tothe repository. 

  Department Name 

The name of the department. 

  Original Creation Date 

The date on which the article wasoriginally created and imported. 


The article is marked as published. 

  Version Locale Code 

The locale code for the version of thearticle. 

  Version Locale Description 

The description of the locale for theversion of the article. 

Article Links 

Answer ID 

The identier of the answer. 

Article Locale 

The locale to which the article belongs. 


The ags that are deleted from an article. 

Link Created By 

The user who created the link to thearticle.

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition


Link Creation Date 

The date on which the link is created. 

Reference ID 

The reference identier of the article link. 

Service Request ID 

The identier of the service request. 



The date on which the article is linked. 

Day Name 

The name of the day on which the articlesare linked. 

Enterprise Period 

The enterprise period in which the articlesare linked. 

Enterprise Quarter 

The enterprise quarter in which the articleis linked. 

Enterprise Year 

The enterprise year in which the article islinked. 


The month in which the article is linked. 


The quarter in which the article is linked. 


The week in which the article is linked. 


The year in which the article is linked. 

Time- Additional Aributes 

Calendar Date 

The date of the time period. 

  Calendar Month 

The identier of the calendar month. 

  Calendar Month End Date 

The end date of the calendar month. 

  Calendar Month Start Date 

The start date of the calendar month. 

  Calendar Quarter 

The identier of the calendar quarter. 

  Calendar Quarter Start Date The start date of the calendar quarter.

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition


  Calendar Quarter End Date 

The end date of the calendar quarter. 

  Calendar Week 

The identier of the calendar week. 

  Calendar Week Start Date 

The start date of the calendar week. 

  Calendar Week End Date 

The end date of the calendar week. 

  Calendar Year 

The number identier of the calendaryear. 

  Calendar Year Start Date 

The start date of the calendar year. 

  Calendar Year End Date 

The end date of the calendar year. 

  Day of Month 

The day of the month. 

  Day of Week 

The day of the week. 

  Day of Year 

The day of the year. 

  Enterprise Period End Date 

The end date of the enterprise period. 

  Enterprise Period Number 

The identier of the enterprise period. 

  Enterprise Period Sort Order 

The sort order 

  Enterprise Period Start Date 

The start date of the enterprise period. 

  Enterprise Quarter End Date 

The end date of the enterprise quarter 

  Enterprise Quarter Number 

The number identier of the enterprisequarter 

  Enterprise Quarter Start Date 

The start date for the enterprise quarter 

  Enterprise Year End Date 

The end date of the enterprise year 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

  Enterprise Year Number 

The number of the enterprise year 

  Enterprise Year Period Number 

The period of the enterprise year 

  Enterprise Year Start Date 

The start date of the enterprise year 

  Oset Week 

The week that can be compared to theprevious week 

  Week By Year 

The week number of the year. 

  Year By Week 

The week day of the year. 

The following table lists the facts of the article links real time subject area:

Fact Folder Fact Denition

Article Links Facts 

# of Article Links 

The number of article links. 

Article Category Real Time Subject AreaThe Article Category Real-time subject area contains information about the categories that articles belong to. Thissubject area displays one-to-many relationship from an article to categories.

Note: For the article latest version dimensions, see the topic Article Real Time Subject Area: Explained.

The following table lists the dimensions in the article category real time subject area:

Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

Article Version 

Answer ID 

The unique identier of the article. You can exclude this dimension froma report but you must include it for thesubject area join to work eectively. 

  Article Display End Date 

The end date after which the article is nolonger available for display. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

  Article ID 

The identier of the article. 

  Article Last Updated Date 

The date that the article was last updated. 

  Article Latest Version 

The latest version of the article 

  Article Locale 

The language and region of the article 

  Article Major Version 

The value that increments when the articleis updated. You can exclude this dimension froma report but you must include it for thesubject area join to work eectively 

  Article Publish Date 

The date on which the article is published. 

  Article Status 

The latest article status. 

  Article Title 

The title of the article. 

  Base Locale Code 

The code of the locale to which the articlebelongs. 

  Base Locale Description 

The description of the base locale. 

  Content Type 

The type of the content, for example,article or FAQ. 

  Creation Date 

The date on which the article is added tothe repository 

  Department Name 

The name of the department. 

  Original Creation Date 

The date on which the article wasoriginally created and imported. 


The article is marked as published 

  Version Locale Code 

The locale code for the version of thearticle. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

  Version Locale Description 

The description of the locale for theversion of the article 

Service Category 

Base Service Category ID 

The identier of the category to which thebase service belongs. 

  Base Service Category Name 

The name of the category to which thebase service belongs. 

  Base Unit ID 

The identier of the business unit. 

  Fixed Hierarchy Level 

The level of the xed hierarchy 

  Level 1 Service Category ID 

The identier of the service categoryavailable at level 1. 

  Level 1 Service Category Name 

The name of the service category availableat level 1. 

  Level 2 Service Category ID 

The identier of the service categoryavailable at level 2. 

  Level 2 Service Category Name 

The name of the service category availableat level 2. 

  Level 3 Service Category ID 

The identier of the service categoryavailable at level 3. 

  Level 3 Service Category Name 

The name of the service category availableat level 3. 

  Level 4 Service Category ID 

The identier of the service categoryavailable at level 4. 

  Level 4 Service Category Name 

The name of the service category availableat level 4. 

  Level 5 Service Category ID 

The identier of the service categoryavailable at level 5. 

  Level 5 Service Category Name 

The name of the service category availableat level 5. 

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  Level 6 Service Category ID 

The identier of the service categoryavailable at level 6. 

  Level 6 Service Category Name 

The name of the service category availableat level 6. 

  Level 7 Service Category ID 

The identier of the service categoryavailable at level 7. 

  Level 7 Service Category Name 

The name of the service category availableat level 7. 

  Level 8 Service Category ID 

The identier of the service categoryavailable at level 8. 

  Level 8 Service Category Name 

The name of the service category availableat level 8. 


The stripe to which the category belong. 

  Top Level Service Category ID 

The identier of the service categoryavailable at the top level. 

  Top Level Service Category Name 

The name of the service category availableat the top level. 

User - Original Article Author 

Original Author First Name 

The rst name of the original author of thearticle. 

  Original Author Last Name 

The last name of the original author of thearticle. 

  Original Author Locale ID 

The locale ID of the original author of thearticle. 

  Original Author Login 

The login ID of the original author of thearticle. 

User - Version Author 

Version Author First Name 

The rst name of the author of the latestversion of the article. 

  Version Author Last Name 

The last name of the author of the latestversion of the article. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

  Version Author Locale ID 

The locale of the author of the latestversion of the article. 

  Latest Version Author Login 

The login ID of the author of the latestversion of the article. 

User - Version Article Owner 

Version Owner First Name 

The rst name of the owner of the latestversion of the article. 

  Version Owner Last Name 

The last name of the owner of the latestversion of the article. 

  Version Owner Locale ID 

The locale of the owner of the latestversion of the article. 

  Version Owner Login 

The login ID of the owner of the latestversion of the article. 

The following table lists the facts of the article category real time subject area:

Fact Folder Fact Denition

Article Category Facts 

# of Article Categories 

The number of categories associated witha given article. 

  # of Categories 

The number of available categories. 

Article Product Real Time Subject AreaThe Article Product Real-time subject area contains information about the products that articles belong to. This subjectarea displays one-to-many relationship from an article to products.

Note: For the article latest version dimensions, see the topic Article Real Time Subject Area: Explained.

The following table lists the dimensions and denitions in the article product real time subject area:

Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

Article Version 

Answer ID 

The unique identier of the article. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

You can exclude this dimension froma report but you must include it for thesubject area join to work eectively. 

  Article Display End Date 

The end date after which the article is nolonger available for display. 

  Article ID 

The identier of the article 

  Article Last Updated Date 

The date that the article was last updated 

  Article Latest Version 

The latest version of the article. 

  Article Locale 

The language and region of the article 

  Article Major Version 

The value that increments when the articleis updated. You can exclude this dimension froma report but you must include it for thesubject area join to work eectively. 

  Article Publish Date 

The date on which the article is published. 

  Article Status 

The latest article status. 

  Article Title 

The latest article status. 

  Base Locale Code 

The code of the locale to which the articlebelongs. 

  Base Locale Description 

The description of the base locale. 

  Content Type 

The type of the content, for example,article or FAQ. 

  Creation Date 

The date on which the article is added tothe repository. 

  Department Name 

The name of the department. 

  Original Creation Date 

The date on which the article wasoriginally created and imported.

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition



The article is marked as published. 

  Version Locale Code 

The locale code for the version of thearticle. 


Article Catalog Hierarchy 1 Name 

The name of the article catalog hierarchyat level 1. 

  Article Catalog Hierarchy 2 Name 

The name of the article catalog hierarchyat level 2. 

  Article Catalog Hierarchy 3 Name 

The name of the article catalog hierarchyat level 3. 

  Article Catalog Hierarchy 4 Name 

The name of the article catalog hierarchyat level 4. 

  Article Catalog Hierarchy 5 Name 

The name of the article catalog hierarchyat level 5. 

  Article Catalog Hierarchy 6 Name 

The name of the article catalog hierarchyat level 6. 

  Article Catalog Hierarchy 7 Name 

The name of the article catalog hierarchyat level 7. 

  Article Catalog Hierarchy 8 Name 

The name of the article catalog hierarchyat level 8. 

  Article Catalog Hierarchy Base Level Name 

The name of the article catalog present atthe base level of the hierarchy. 

  Article Catalog Hierarchy Top Level Name 

The name of the article catalog present atthe top level of the hierarchy. 


The item is marked to be deleted 


The item is marked as ready to select. 

  Part Number 

The product's part number. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition


The product group is marked to bedeleted. 

  Prod Group Eective End Date 

The end date of the product group. 

  Prod Group Eective Start Date 

The start date of the product group. 

  Product Description 

The description of the product. 

  Product Line 

The line to which the product belongs. 

  Product Name 

The name of the product. 

  Product Row ID 

The row identier of the product. 

  Product Type 

The type of product. 

  Usage Code 

The code for the type of product usage. Itcan be Base usage, Service usage, or HCMusage codes. 

User - Original Article Author 

Original Author First Name 

The rst name of the original author of thearticle. 

  Original Author Last Name 

The last name of the original author of thearticle. 

  Original Author Locale ID 

The locale ID of the original author of thearticle. 

  Original Author Login 

The login ID of the original author of thearticle. 

User - Version Author 

Version Author First Name 

The rst name of the author of the latestversion of the article. 

  Version Author Last Name 

The last name of the author of the latestversion of the article. 

  Version Author Locale ID 

The locale of the author of the latestversion of the article. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

  Latest Version Author Login 

The login ID of the author of the latestversion of the article. 

User - Version Article Owner 

Version Owner First Name 

The rst name of the owner of the latestversion of the article. 

  Version Owner Last Name 

The last name of the owner of the latestversion of the article. 

  Version Owner Locale ID 

The locale of the owner of the latestversion of the article. 

  Version Owner Login 

The login ID of the owner of the latestversion of the article. 

The following table lists the facts and denitions in the article product real time subject area::

Fact Folder Fact Denition

Article Product Facts 

# of Article Products 

The number of products associated withthe articles. 

Article Real Time Rating Subject AreaThe Article Real Time Rating subject area contains information about article ratings, such as ratings values, rated articledetails, and the users who rated the articles. The subject area helps analysts identify content that satises users' needs,content that users are dissatised with, and content linked to SRs that is eective in resolving them.

Note: For the article latest version dimensions, see the topic Article Real Time Subject Area: Explained.

The following table lists the dimensions in the article real time rating subject area:

Dimension Folder Dimension Description



The department of the article. . 


Rating Type 

The ID of the rating type, 2.0 for like/dislike or 4.0 for 5 star. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Description

Rating Name 

The name of rating type, 5 star or like/dislike. 

Rating Values 

Rating Value 

The actual rating value recorded. 

  Date Added 

The date that the user rated the article. 

Rating Facts 

Average Rating 

The average of all ratings of an article. 

  # of Ratings 

The total number of ratings of an article. 

  # of Rated Articles 

The total number of articles rated by allusers in the selected time period. 

Content Type 

Content Type 

The content type of the rated article. 


Article Display End Date 

The last date on which the article will beavailable to end-users. 

  Article ID 

The article ID. 

  Article Last Updated Date 

The date on which the article was mostrecently updated. 


The locale in which the article is published. 

  Creation Date 

The article on which the article wascreated. 

Rating Added By 

User E-mail 

The e-mail address of the user who ratedthe article. 

  User First Name 

The rating user's rst name. 

  User Last Name 

The rating user's last name. 

  User Locale 

The locale of the user who rated thearticle. 

  User Login 

The login of the user who rated the article. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Description



The time-related aributes of the article.For more information, see Time Aributesin the Article Links Real Time Subject Area.  

  Day Name 


  Enterprise Period 


  Enterprise Quarter 


  Enterprise Year 










Version Locale 

Locale Code 

The locale and its description to which thecurrent version of the article belongs. 

  Locale Description 



Fact Folder Fact Description

Rating Facts 

# of Rating 

The number of ratings that were enteredby all users in the selected time period. 

  Average Rating 

The sum of all rating values divided by thenumber of ratings entered. 

  # of Rated Articles 

The number of articles that were rated byall users in the selected time period. 

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Article Summary Historical Subject AreaThis subject area contains information on knowledge management article historical metrics. This data shows howarticles are ranked in popularity and which articles require updates. Users can create reports on article views, ratings,service request links, article creation, and publishing. The historical data is refreshed on an hourly basis.

The following table illustrates the dimensions and denitions of historical data:

Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

Article - Latest Version 

Answer ID 

The unique identier for the article. You can exclude this dimension fromyour report but you must include it for thesubject area join to work eectively. 

  Article Display End Date 

The end date after which the article is nolonger available for display. 

  Article ID 

The identier of the article. 

  Article Latest Update Date 

The date that the article was last updated. 

  Article Major Version 

The value that increments when the articleis updated. You can exclude this dimension fromyour report but you must include it for thesubject area join to work eectively. 

  Article Published Date 

The date on which the article is published. 

  Article Status 

The status of the article as set inAuthoring. 

  Article Title 

The title of the article. 

  Base Locale Code 

The code of the locale to which the articlebelongs. 

  Base Locale Description 

The description of the locale. 

  Content Type 

The type of the content, for example,article, FAQ. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

  Creation Date 

The date on which the article is added tothe repository. 

  Latest Version Locale Code 

The locale code for the latest version ofthe article. 

  Latest Version Locale Description 

The description of the locale for the latestversion of the article. 

  Original Creation Date 

The date on which the article wasoriginally created and imported. 


The article is marked as published. 

Article Summary 


The numeric value that represents anarticle's popularity based on views, withmore recent views carrying more weightin the rank. Click this dimension to accessthe numeric values. 



The department of the article. 


Stat Calendar Month 

The calendar month of the statistics(stat) date. This is the date on which theaggregation job was executed, and ratingsand other updates captured. 

  Stat Calendar Month End Date 

The calendar month end date of thestatistics (stat) date. This is the date onwhich the aggregation job was executed,and ratings and other updates captured. 

  Stat Calendar Month Start Date 

The calendar month start date of thestatistics (stat) date. This is the date onwhich the aggregation job was executed,and ratings and other updates captured. 

  State Calendar Quarter 

The calendar quarter of the statistics(stat) date. This is the date on which theaggregation job was executed, and ratingsand other updates captured. 

  Stat Calendar Quarter End Date 

The calendar quarter end date of thestatistics (stat) date. This is the date onwhich the aggregation job was executed,and ratings and other updates captured. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

  Stat Calendar Quarter Start Date 

The calendar quarter start date of thestatistics (stat) date. This is the date onwhich the aggregation job was executed,and ratings and other updates captured. 

  Stat Calendar Year End Date 

The calendar year end date of thestatistics (stat) date. This is the date onwhich the aggregation job was executed,and ratings and other updates captured. 

  Stat Calendar Year Start Date 

The calendar year start date of thestatistics (stat) date. This is the date onwhich the aggregation job was executedand ratings and other updates captured. 

  Stat Date 

The statistics (stat) date. This is thedate on which the aggregation job wasexecuted and ratings and other updatescaptured. 

  Stat Month 

The month of the statistics (stat) date.This is the date on which the aggregationjob was executed, and ratings and otherupdates captured. 

  Stat Quarter 

The quarter of the statistics (stat) date.This is the date on which the aggregationjob was executed and ratings and otherupdates were captured. 

  Stat Year 

The year of the statistics (stat) date. This isthe date on which the aggregation job wasexecuted and ratings and other updateswere captured. 

User - Latest Version Author 

Latest Version Author First Name 

The rst name of the author of the latestversion of the article. 

  Latest Version Author Last Name 

The last name of the author of the latestversion of the article. 

  Latest Version Author Locale ID 

The locale of the author of the latestversion of the article. 

  Latest Version Author Login 

The login ID of the author of the latestversion of the article. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

User - Latest Version Article Owner 

Latest Version Owner First Name 

The rst name of the owner of the latestversion of the article. 

  Latest Version Owner Last Name 

The last name of the owner of the latestversion of the article. 

  Latest Version Owner Locale ID 

The locale of the owner of the latestversion of the article. 

  Latest Version Owner Login 

The login ID of the owner of the latestversion of the article. 

User - Original Article Author 

Original Author First Name 

The rst name of the original author of thearticle. 

  Original Author Last Name 

The last name of the original author of thearticle. 

  Original Author Locale ID 

The locale ID of the original author of thearticle. 

  Original Author Login 

The login ID of the original author of thearticle. 

The following table illustrates the facts of historical data:

Fact Folder Fact Denition

Article Management 

Number of Article Updates 

The number of times the article wasupdated. 

  Number of Articles Published 

The total number of article published. 

Article Ratings 

# of Rating 1 

The number of times an article was rated1 star. 

  # of Rating 2 

The number of times an article was rated2 stars. 

  # of Rating 3 

The number of times an article was rated3 stars. 

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Fact Folder Fact Denition

  # of Rating 4 

The number of times an article was rated4 stars. 

  # of Rating 5 

The number of times an article was rated5 stars. 

  Average Rating 

The average rating for the article. 

Article View 

# of Article Views 

The number of times users viewed thearticle. 

Service Request Links 

# of Article Links 

The number of times the article was linkedto a service request. 

Article User Group Real Time Subject AreaYou can report on the user groups that are associated with articles in Knowledge Management Analytics to gainadditional insight into how users are interacting with secured content. The Article User Groups subject area containsinformation about the user groups that are associated with articles. This subject area is structured as many-to one, soyou open your core subject area (for example, Article Real Time), and then add this subject area.

Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

Article Version 

Answer ID 

The unique identier of the article. You can exclude this dimension froma report but you must include it for thesubject area join to work eectively. 

  Article Display End Date 

The end date after which the article is nolonger available for display. 

  Article ID 

The identier of the article. 

  Article Last Updated Date 

The date that the article was last updated. 

  Article Latest Version 

The latest version of the article. 

  Article Locale 

The language and region of the article. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

  Article Major Version 

The value that increments when the articleis updated. You can exclude this dimension froma report but you must include it for thesubject area join to work eectively. 

  Article Publish Date 

The date on which the article is published. 

  Article Status 

The latest article status. 

  Article Title 

The title of the article. 

  Base Locale Code 

The code of the locale to which the articlebelongs. 

  Base Locale Description 

The description of the base locale. 

  Content Type 

The type of the content, for example,article or FAQ. 

  Creation Date 

The date on which the article is added tothe repository. 

  Department Name 

The name of the department. 

  Original Creation Date 

The date on which the article wasoriginally created and imported. 


The article is marked as published 

  Version Locale Code 

The locale code for the version of thearticle. 

  Version Locale Description 

The description of the locale for theversion of the article. 

User - Original Article Author 

Original Author First Name 

The original article author's rst name. 

  Original Author Last Name 

The original article author's last name. 

  Original Author Locale ID 

The original article author's locale ID. 

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Dimension Folder Dimension Denition

  Original Author Login 

The original article author's login 

User - Version Article Author 

Version Author First Name 

The version article author's rst name. 

  Version Author Last Name 

The version article author's last name. 

  Version Author Locale ID 

The version article author's locale ID. 

  Version Author Login 

The version article author's login. 

User- Version Article Owner 

Version Owner First Name 

The version article owner's rst name. 

  Version Owner Last Name 

The version article owner's last name. 

  Version Owner Locale ID 

The version article owner's locale ID. 

  Version Owner Login 

The version article owner's login. 

User Group 

User Group 

The name of the user group associatedwith the article. 

The following table lists the facts in the article user group subject area:

Fact Folder Fact Denition

Article User Group Facts 

# of Article User Groups 

The number of user groups associatedwith the article. 

  # of User Groups 

The number of user groups. 

How can I Use Subject Areas to Answer BusinessQuestions?You can build reports and analyses to answer business questions. Each knowledge subject area is built around a uniqueset of business questions for a particular context, such as the number of articles being published, and the number ofarticles linked to SRs.

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You can choose the appropriate facts and dimensions listed in a subject area to answer your business questions. Usingdierent combinations of facts and dimensions, you can generate dierent types of reports.

Note: Access to the analytics data is restricted based on roles. So regardless of the data you include in yourreports, Analytics reports users will see only the data that they have access to, based on their roles andprivileges.

The following table lists the business questions specic to each subject area:

Subject Area Key Business Questions

Article Real Time 

How many articles are available in the knowledge base? Which articles are published or unpublished? 

Article Links Real Time 

How many links exist between services requests and knowledge articles? Which articles are linked to the maximum number of service requests? 

Article Category Real Time 

Which category contains the highest number of knowledge articles? Which articles are linked to a category? 

Article Product Real Time 

Which products are associated with the most number of knowledge articles? Which articles are linked to a product? 

Article User Group 

How many articles are consumed by a particular user group during a specied period? Which user groups area associated to an article? 

Create Personalized ReportsKnowledge managers can create personalized reports using subject areas. You need to identify the dimensions, facts,and lters to generate a report. You can also select two subject areas that share common dimensions to add additionaldata to your report.

To create a personalized report:

1. From the Navigation menu, click Tools and select Reports and Analysis.

The Reports and Analytics page opens.2. Click Create, Report.

The Oracle Business Intelligence home page displays the Create Report wizard.3. To build the report on a subject area, click Use Subject Area and select the appropriate Subject Area from the

drop-down list.4. Click Next and select the Page and Layout options.

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5. To create a chart or graph, drag and drop elds from the Data Source pane into the layout.

Note: To add additional subject areas to this report, click Add/Remove icon and selectanother subject area.

6. Click View Report to run and view the report and Edit Report to modify the report.7. Click Finish and select the folder destination to enter a Name and Description for the report and then click OK.

The report is created.

Create Personalized AnalysesKnowledge Managers can create analyses using subject areas. To create an analysis, follow these steps:

1. Click Tools, Reports and Analysis.

The Reports and Analytics page appears.2. Click Create, Analysis.

The Select Subject Area window displays.3. Select the subject area check box and click Continue.

The Create Analysis: Select Columns pane lists all the available columns, facts, and aributes.4. Expand the subject area and add columns to the analysis and then click Next.

The Create Analysis: Select View pane lists the table, graph, and layout options available.5. Enter a Title for the analysis and select the Table, Graph, and Layout options from the drop-down lists.

Note: You can Preview the analysis and edit the table and graph layouts.

6. Click Next.

The Create Analysis: Sort and Filter page opens.7. To lter the report, follow these steps:

a. Click Add Sort and select a column to sort the analysis in a specic order.b. Click Add Filter and select the column.c. Select the Operator from the drop-down list and enter the lter Value.

The drill-down for the analysis appears.d. Additionally, you can apply conditional highlight formaing to the analysis in the Create Analysis:

Highlighting page.8. Enter the Analysis Name, Description, and select the destination folder where you want to save the analysis.

Note: Analysis saved in the Shared Folders location is visible to all the users. You can savethe analysis in My Folders location for your personal use.

9. Click Submit.

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A Conrmation message appears that the analysis is saved successfully.

Search for Reports and AnalysesWhen you search for analytics, the search results include all prebuilt and personalized dashboards, reports, andanalyses.

To locate an analysis or a report:

1. From the Navigation menu, click Tools and select Reports and Analysis.

The Reports and Analytics page displays.2. Click the Hierarchical Selector icon to lter the folder location.

The All Folders catalog is selected by default.3. To lter the search results, select the lter type and enter the name of the report or analysis in the search text

eld. You can also click Clear Filter to reset the lters.4. Click the Search icon.

The search results that match your criteria appears.5. Click the star icon.

The analytic is added to your favorites list.

Share AnalyticsYou can share the analytics that you have created with other users as a brieng book. A brieng book consists ofdashboard pages, reports and analyses. To generate a brieng book, you need to select the analytics, add the contentsto the book and save it to the BI catalog. You can download the brieng book in PDF or HTML formats and share it withthe other users.

To add contents to a brieng book and share it with others, you can use the procedure explained in the Oracle CX SalesCreating and Administering Analytics guide.

Related Topics

• Oracle CX Sales Creating and Administering Analytics Guide

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