management -accounting ppt

MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING FUNDAMENTALS OF ACCOUNTS An account is a summarised record of relevant transactions at one place relating to a particular head. It records not only the amount of transactions but also their effect and direction. Debit and Credit are simply additions to or subtractions from an account.

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Management -accounting ppt


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relevant transactions at one place relating to a particular head. It records not only the amount of transactions but also their effect and direction.

Debit and Credit are simply additions to or subtractions from an account.

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Fundamentals of Accounts

The three rules of accounting are Debit the receiver and Credit the giver Debit what comes in and Credit what goes out Debit all expenses and Credit all gains and


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Classification of Accounts

Personal Account Real Account Nominal Account

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Classification of Accounts (Contd.)

Type Rules for Debit Rules for Credit

Personal Accounts

Debit the Receiver

Credit the Giver

Real Accounts Debit what comes in

Credit what goes out

Nominal Accounts

Debit all expenses and losses

Credit all incomes and gains

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Classification of Accounts (Contd.) Assets accounts Liabilities accounts Capital accounts Revenue accounts Expenses accounts Assets = liabilities + capital + profits – losses Profits = revenue – expenses Losses = expenses - revenue

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Rules of Debit and Credit Increase in assets are debits and decrease are credits Increase in liabilities are credits and decrease are

debits Increase in capital are credits and decrease are debits Increase in expenses are debits and decrease are

credits Increase in revenues are credits and decrease are


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Financial Statements Financial Statements are compilation of

accounting information for the external users. They include Profit and Loss Account Balance Sheet Schedules and Notes forming part of the


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Financial Statements (Contd.) Capital Expenditure is the amount spent by an

enterprise on purchase of fixed assets that are used in the business to earn income and not intended for resale.

Capital expenditure normally yields benefits over a period extending beyond the accounting period.

Revenue expenditure is the amount spent on running of a business

The benefit of the revenue expenditure is exhausted in the accounting period in which it is incurred.

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Distinction between Capital and Revenue Expenditure

Purpose It is incurred for acquisition of fixed assets for use in business

It is incurred for running of business

Capacity It increases the earning capacity of the business

It is incurred for earning profits

Period Its benefit is extended to more than one year

Its benefit extends to only one accounting year

Depiction It is shown in the balance sheet

It is part of trading or Profit or Loss account

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Management Accounting

Definition Management accounting is the process of

identification, measurement, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation and communication of information that assists managers in specific decision making within the framework of fulfilling the organizational objectives.

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Types of Decisions The decisions, managers are concerned with, can

be categorized as – Planning decisions Control decisions

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Planning Decisions

Planning Decisions are concerned with the establishment of goals for the organization and the choosing of plans to accomplish these goals

Management accounting information is needed to take Planning decisions

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Control Decisions Control decisions result from implementing the

plans and monitoring the actual results to see if goals are being achieved

If goals are not being achieved, either corrective steps must be taken resulting in goal achievement or goals themselves have to be revised to attainable levels

Cost accounting data are needed for taking Control decisions

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Financial Accounting vs. Management Accounting

Financial Accounting covers the process of book keeping, finalization of accounts, preparation of financial statements, communication of accounting information to users and interpretation thereof

Management Accounting is concerned with accounting information that is useful to management

Financial Accounting emphasizes the preparation of reports of an organization for external users whereas Management Accounting emphasizes the preparation of reports for its internal users

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Financial Accounting vs. Management Accounting

External users vs. Internal users Record of financial history vs. Emphasis on the future GAAP vs. Own rules Objectivity and verifiability vs. Flexibility Emphasis on accuracy vs.Acceptance of estimates Focus on company as a whole vs. Focus on segments of a

company Bound by conventional accounting systems vs. Use of

other disciplines such as Economics, Statistics, OR, OB, etc

Governed by Regulatory Bodies vs. Freedom of choice

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Cost Accounting vs. Management Accounting

Cost Accounting is mainly concerned with the techniques of product costing and deals with only cost and price data. It is limited to product costing procedures and related information processing. It helps management in planning and controlling costs relating to both production and distribution channels. Cost Accounting is a “Line function”

Management Accounting is not confined to the area of product costing. The objective is to have a data pool which will include all information that management may need, both costing and financial. Management accounting is a “Staff function”

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Management Accounting Framework

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Management Accounting Framework

Data accumulation is done through Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting systems. Financial records are maintained through financial accounting system and cost records are maintained through cost accounting systems

In Management Accounting system, data support is taken from financial accounting and cost accounting and also data accumulation is carried out from external sources. Accumulated data are reclassified as per the requirements of the management decision making process. Information is built up and then communicated to assist the decision making process

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Contents of Management Accounting

Management process is a series of activities involved in planning, implementation and control. Each phase of management process requires decision making

Management Accounting supports managerial decision making providing the required information

Information generated in management accounting process includes-

- Financial Statement Analysis - Cash flow information - Cost information - Budgets and Standards

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Statements of Financial Information

Balance Sheet Profit and Loss Account Statement of changes in financial position - Cash flow statement - Fund flow statement

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Contents of Balance Sheet The balance sheet provides information about

the financial standing/position of a company at a particular point in time i.e. as March 31, 2006

It is a snapshot of the financial status of the company

The financial position of the company is valid for only one day i.e. the reference day

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Contents of Balance Sheet The financial position as disclosed by the balance

sheet refers to its resources and obligations and the interests of its owners in the business.

The balance sheet contains information regarding assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity

The balance sheet can be present in either of the two forms:

- the account form - the report form

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Assets Assets are the valuable resources owned by a

business Assets need to satisfy three requirements: - the resources must be valuable i.e. it is cash or

convertible into cash or it can provide future benefits to the operations of the firm

- the resources must be owned in the legal sense. Mere possession or control would not constitute an asset

- the resource must be acquired at a cost

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The assets in the balance sheet are listed either in the order of liquidity i.e. promptness with which they are expected to be converted into cash or

In the reverse order i.e. fixity or listing of the least liquid asset first, followed by others

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Assets All assets are grouped into categories i.e. assets with

similar characteristics are put in one category The standard classification of assets divides them

into- - fixed assets / long term assets - current assets - investments - other assets

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Fixed assets These assets are fixed in the sense that they are

acquired to be retained in the business on a long term basis to produce goods and services and not for resale

They are long term resources and are held for more than one accounting year

These assets are significant as the future earnings/profits of the company are determined by them

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Categories of Fixed Assets

Tangible Intangible

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Tangible Fixed Assets These assets have a physical existence and generate

goods and services Examples are land, buildings, plant, machinery,

furniture, etc They are shown in the balance sheet at their cost to

the firm at the time of their purchase The cost of these assets are allocated over their

useful life The yearly allocation is called “Depreciation”

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Tangible Fixed Assets (Contd.) As a result of depreciation, the amount of tangible

fixed assets shown in the balance sheet every year declines to the extent of depreciation charged that year

By the end of the useful life of the asset, value becomes nil or the salvage value, if any

Salvage value signifies the amount realizable by the sale of the asset at the end of its useful life

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Intangible Fixed Assets These assets do not generate goods and services

directly They reflect the rights of the company Examples – patents, copyrights, trademarks,

goodwill, etc They confer certain exclusive rights on their owners Intangibles are also written off over a period of time

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Current Assets The second category of assets in the balance sheet are

current assets In contrast to the fixed assets, current assets are short

term in nature As short term assets, they refer to assets / resources

which are either held in the form of cash or expected to be realized in cash within the accounting period or the normal operating cycle of the business

The term “operating cycle” means the time span during which the cash is converted into inventory, inventory into receivables/cash sales and receivables into cash

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Current assets (Contd.) Current assets are also known as “liquid assets” They include- - cash - marketable securities - accounts receivables/debtors - bills receivables - inventory

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Current Assets (Contd.)

Cash Most liquid form of current asset Cash in hand and at bank To meet obligations / acquire assets without

any delay

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Current Assets (Contd.) Marketable Securities Short term investments which are readily

marketable and can be converted into cash within a year

Outlet to invest temporarily available surplus/idle funds

Declared at cost or market value whichever is lower and the other amount is indicated in the financial statement

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Current Assets (Contd.)

Accounts Receivable The amount the customers owe to the firm,

arising out of the sale of goods on credit They are called the sundry debtors The unrecoverable portion is termed as bad

debts and written off out of the P & L a/c

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Current assets (Contd.)

Bills Receivable Amount owed by outsiders for which written

acknowledgements of the obligations are available

IOUs are drawn and exchanged Temporary credit can be arranged by

discounting these IOUs

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Current Assets (Contd.) Inventory It includes The goods which are held for sale in the course of

business (finished goods) The goods which are in the process of production

(work in progress or semi finished goods) The goods which are to be consumed in the process

of production (raw materials)

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The third category of assets is investments They represent investment of funds in the

securities of another company They are long term assets outside the business

of the firm The purpose is to earn a return and/or to

control another comapny

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Other Assets

Included in this category are the Deferred Charges

Example: Advertisement, Preliminary expenses, etc

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Liabilities Liabilities are defined as the claims of

outsiders against the firm They represent the amount that the firm owes

to outsiders other than the owners The assets are financed by different sources Depending on the periodicity of the funds,

liabilities are classified into - Long term and short term sources

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Long term Liabilities Sources of funds included in this category are

available for periods exceeding one year Such liabilities represent obligations of a firm

payable after the accounting period Example: Debentures, Bonds, Mortgages, Secured

loans from FIs and banks They have to be redeemed/repaid either as a lump

sum on maturity or over a period of time in instalments

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Current Liabilities or Short term Liabilities

These Liabilities are payable to outsiders in a short period, usually within the accounting period or the operating cycle of the firm

Example: Accounts payable, Bills payable, Tax payable, Accrued expenses, Short term bank credit

Accounts and Bills payable are considered as Trade Credit

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Current Liabilities (Contd.) Trade Credit The claims of outsiders who have sold goods to the

firm on credit for a short period Usually these are unsecured Such liabilities extended without any written

commitment are Accounts Payable or Sundry Creditors

Such liabilities extended with formal agreements through IOUs are Bills payable

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Current Liabilities (Contd.)

Short term Bank Credit Liabilities contracted through banks for a

short period for the purpose of running the business

Example: cash credit, overdraft, loans and advances

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Current Liabilities (Contd.)

Tax Payable refers to the amount payable to the Government as taxes

Accrued Expenses represents obligations which are payable and kept outstanding by the firm

Example: outstanding wages, salaries, rent, commission, etc

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Owners’ Equity or Capital The next main component of the balance sheet is the

owners’ equity It represents the residual claim of the owners on the

assets of the company after settling all the external liabilities

The owners of the company are called the shareholders

Two types of shareholders – equity and preference

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Preference Capital These shareholders are entitled to a stated amount of

dividend and return of principal on maturity In this sense, they are akin to that of a lender But, he is entitled to the dividend only if the

company has made profits In this sense, they are the owners

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Equity Capital They are the residual claimants of the profits After all the external liability holders and the

preference shareholders have been paid, the balance amount, if any, belongs to the Equity shareholders

Components: Paid up capital which is the initial investments made by this group and Retained earnings/Reserves and Surplus which is the undistributed part of the residual profits over the years which has been put back in business

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Common Doubts

Why is share capital shown as a liability? Depreciation – what is its nature? Accumulated losses – treatment? Goodwill – what is its nature? What is the significance of the auditor’s


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Contents of Profit and Loss Account

Revenues : Turnover Other income Sale of fixed assets Expenses Profit / Loss

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Revenue is defined as the income that accrues to the firm by sale of goods and services or through investments

Sales Revenue is the amount earned through sale of goods/services

Gross sales is the total sales, while Net sales is gross sales minus the trade discounts

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Revenue (Contd.) Other income is earned through other

sources of investments Examples: Interest, dividend, royalty,

commission, fee, etc Sale of Fixed Assets are the revenues which

come into the business when unused / unwanted assets are sold and money recovered by the company

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The cost of earning the revenues are the expenses

Examples: variable expenses like cost of manufacture, cost of selling, fixed expenses like salaries, administrative expenses

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Expenses (Contd.)

Cost of goods consumed This is the value of the inputs used to

manufacture the final product It is calculated as – Opening stock + Purchases - Closing Stock

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Expenses (Contd.) Manufacturing expenses These include all expenses related to plant and

manufacturing operations like power and fuel, repairs and maintenance, stores consumed, water consumed, etc

Excise Duty This is the amount paid to the Govt. as a tax, before

the goods are dispatched from the factory

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Expenses (Contd.) Salaries and Wages These are the cost of labour and other staff

and will also include all other employee benefits and amenities.

The other benefits include Provident Fund, ESI contributions, medical benefits, LTC, bonus, gratuity, pension, other superannuation benefits, etc

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Expenses (Contd.) Administrative Expenses These include office expenses, secretarial costs,

postage and telephones, director’s remuneration and other administrative expenses

Selling Expenses These include freight, advertising and sales

promotion, commissions and discounts and other selling and distribution costs

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Expenses (Contd.) Interest The interest costs consist of interest on long term loans,

debentures, bank loans for working capital, interest on public deposits and other loans

Depreciation This represents a non cash expenditure as it is only an

accounting provision. This amount is not paid to an outside party

Other expenses This includes auditor’s remuneration, petty expenses,

donations, etc

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Profit / Loss The difference between the revenue and

expense is profit When expense exceeds the revenue, the

company ends up with a loss. PBID: Profit before Interest and Depreciation PBT: Profit before Tax PAT: Profit after Tax

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The Profit Appropriations

Profit after Tax (PAT) is available for appropriations for

Debenture Redemption Reserve General Reserve Dividend on Preference Share Dividend on Equity Share

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Profit or Loss carried over

After appropriating the taxes and dividends, the balance surplus is transferred to Reserves and Surplus in the Balance Sheet

The net loss reduces the Reserves and Surplus in the Balance Sheet

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Financial Ratio Analysis Financial Analysts use the financial ratio

analysis to gain critical insights about companies

Several ratios are worked out using the financial data drawn from the P&L account and Balance Sheet

These ratios are studied and compared to obtain analytical insights

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Merits of Ratio Analysis Financial ratios are helpful: To bankers for appraising the credit worthiness To the financial institutions for project appraisal To investors for taking investment and disinvestment

decisions To financial analysts for making comparisons and

recommending to the investing public

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Merits of Ratio Analysis

To the credit rating agencies (like CRISIL, ICRA, etc) in their credit rating exercise

To the Government agencies for reviewing a company’s overall performance

To the company’s management for making intra-firm and inter-firm comparisons

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Limitations of Ratio Analysis No uniformity in definitions No norms Varying situations Limitations of published accounts Diversified companies Historical costs (replacement cost / market price) Window dressing

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Financial Ratio Analysis

Ratios on ROI Activity ratios Liquidity ratios Profitability ratios Leverage ratios Coverage ratios Equity investor’s ratio

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Ratios on ROI Return on assets = PAT ---------------- * 100 Total assets Return on total capital employed = PBT + Interest -------------------------- * 100Total capital employed(Total cap.employed = total assets–current liabilities)

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Ratios on ROI

Return on Net worth = Net profit after tax ------------------------ * 100 Net worthNet worth = Share capital + reserves &

surplus – accumulated losses

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Cash Flow Analysis

A cash flow statement depicts change in cash position from one period to another.

“cash” stands for cash and bank balances. Cash flow statement is useful for short term

planning It helps to make reliable cash flow projections

for the immediate future.

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Difference between CFS and FFS CFS Only with change in

cash position Mere record of cash

receipts and payments More for short term use Improvement in cash

improves funds position

FFS Change in working

capital position Needed for short term

solvency Long term use Improvement in funds

position need not necessarily improve cash

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Helps in efficient cash management Helps in internal financial management Discloses the movement of cash Discloses success or failure of cash planning

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Limitations Cash flow does not reflect net income as it

does not consider non cash transactions Cash position can be manipulated by

collecting ahead or deferring some payments FFS, CFS and Income statement – each has its

own use and one can not replace the other

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Sources of Cash Internal External Applications of Cash

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CFS Internal sources Cash flow from operating activities Net profit + Depreciation + Amortization of non cash expenses + Loss on sale of fixed assets + Gain on sale of fixed assets + Provisions made in the P&L account + Transfer to reserves

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CFS Adjustment for changes in current assets and current

liabilities Adjusted Net profit + Decrease in sundry debtors + Decrease in bills receivables + Decrease in inventories + Decrease in prepaid expenses + Decrease in accrued income + Increase in sundry creditors + Increase in bills payable + Increase in outstanding expenses contd..

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CFS Adjustment for changes in current assets and current

liabilities - Increase in sundry debtors - Increase in bills receivables - Increase in inventories - Increase in prepaid expenses - Increase in accrued income - Decrease in sundry creditors - Decrease in bills payable - Decrease in outstanding expenses

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Increase in cash Decrease in current asset Increase in current liability Decrease in cash Increase in current asset Decrease in current liability

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External sources Issue of shares Issue of debentures Raising of deposits Raising of loans – secured and unsecured Raising of bank borrowings Sale of assets and investments

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CFS Applications of cash Purchase of fixed assets Repayment of loans – secured, unsecured Repayment of bank borrowings Repayment of deposits Redemption of debentures Redemption of preference shares Loss from operations Tax paid Dividend paid

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Cost Concepts Important inputs in managerial decision making is

cost data Cost data is classified based on managerial needs Managerial needs are- Income measurement Profit planning Costs control Decision making

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Relating to Income Measurement

Product cost and Period cost Absorbed cost and Unabsorbed cost Expired cost and Unexpired cost Joint product cost and Separable cost

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Relating to Income Measurement

Product cost and Period cost Only variable costs are taken as product costs,

as they are affected by production volume Period costs vary with the passage of time and

not with volume of production, viz., fixed costs

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Relating to Income Measurement Absorbed cost and Unabsorbed cost Since fixed costs also contribute to production, they

need to be shared by the volume produced SFOR – Standard Fixed Overhead Rate SFOR = Fixed cost / Units produced Absorbed costs = units produced * SFOR Unabsorbed costs =AFC–(Units produced*SFOR) AFC = Actual Fixed costs

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Relating to Income Measurement

Expired cost and Unexpired cost Expired cost can not contribute to the

production of future revenues Unexpired cost has the capacity to contribute

to the production of revenue in the future., example, inventory

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Relating to Income Measurement Joint product cost and Separable cost Joint Product costs are the costs of a single

process that simultaneously produce multi products and can not be attributed to any one product

Separable costs can be attributed exclusively and wholly to a particular product

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Relating to Profit Planning

Fixed, Variable, Semi variable / Mixed cost Future cost and Budgeted cost

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Relating to Profit Planning Fixed, Variable, Mixed costs Fixed costs are associated with those inputs which

do not vary with changes in volume of production (Committed and Discretionary)

Variable costs which vary with volume of production

Mixed cost are partly fixed and partly variable

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Relating to Profit Planning Future cost and Budgeted cost Future costs are reasonably expected to be incurred

at some future date as a result of a current decision They are estimated costs based on expectations When an operating plan involving future costs is

accepted and incorporated formally in the budget for a specific period, such costs are referred as budgeted costs

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Relating to Control

Responsibility costs Controllable and Non controllable costs Direct and Indirect costs

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Relating to Control

Responsibility costs This concept applies more as responsibility

accounting Costs are classified with the persons / centers

responsible for their incurrence

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Relating to Control

Controllable costs are those which can be controlled / influenced by the responsibility centers/persons

Non controllable costs are those which can not be influenced

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Relating to Control

Direct costs are those which can be identified in their entirety to a particular product in a responsibility center

Indirect costs are “common costs” which are shared among products / departments

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Relating to Decision making

Relevant cost and Irrelevant cost Incremental cost and Differential cost Out of pocket cost and sunk cost Opportunity cost and Imputed cost

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Relating to Decision making

Relevant costs are those influenced by a decision and hence are important for decision makers, typically variable costs

Irrelevant costs are not affected by the decision taken and hence decision makers do not worry about them, typically committed fixed costs

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Relating to Decision making

Incremental costs are additional costs incurred if management chooses a particular course of action as against another

Differential costs are difference in costs between any two available alternatives

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Relating to Decision making

Out of pocket costs are costs which involve fresh outflow of cash on decision taken

Sunk costs are those which have already been incurred where current decisions have no impact on.

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Relating to Decision making

Opportunity costs represent benefits foregone by not choosing one alternative in favour of another that can be quantified

Imputed costs are the hypothetical costs that must be considered while arriving at the right decision

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Marginal Costing Marginal cost is the cost of producing one additional

unit Variable cost varies with the level of production Fixed cost remains constant for a range of capacity

utilization Therefore for a given range of capacity utilization,

the marginal cost is the variable cost per unit.

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Marginal Costing (Contd.)

If the level of capacity utilization changes, the fixed cost changes.

Then the incremental fixed cost has to be shared by the additional capacity produced

Then the Marginal Cost is the sum of variable cost per unit and the incremental fixed cost per unit

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Marginal Costing (Contd.)

For a given capacity level, the marginal cost is only the variable cost. This is because the fixed cost will not change up to a certain level of production

When the fixed cost changes with the change in capacity utilization, the marginal cost is the sum of variable cost per unit and the incremental cost per unit

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Marginal Costing (Contd.)

Under Absorption costing, all costs, both fixed and variable costs are allocated to the product

Under marginal costing, only variable costs are allocated to the product and the fixed costs are recovered out of the contribution

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Break Even AnalysisSalesminus

Variable cost=


Fixed cost=

Profit or Loss

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Break Even Analysis (Contd.)

BEP (in Units) = Fixed cost (in Rs.) ---------------------------------- Contribution per unit (in Rs.) Contribution per unit (in Rs.) = SP(in Rs.)/unit – VC(in Rs.)/unit

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Break Even Analysis (Contd.)

Profit Volume Ratio = Contribution (P/V ratio) ------------------ * 100 Sales

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Break Even Analysis (Contd.)

BEP (in Rs. = Fixed Coat (in Rs.) ----------------------- P/V ratio

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Break Even Analysis (Contd.)

Margin of safety = Actual sales – BEP sales Margin of safety ratio = Actual sales – BEP sales ------------------------------ Actual sales Profit = Margin of safety * P/V ratio

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Budgetary Control

Budgeting is tool of planning Planning involves specification of the basic

objectives that the organisation will pursue and the fundamental policies that will guide it

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Budgetary Control (Contd.) Steps in Planning: Objectives defined as the broad and long

range position of the firm Specified goal targets in quantitative terms

achieved in a specified period of time Strategies to achieve these goals Budgets to convert goals and strategies into

annual operating plans

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Budgetary Control (Contd.)

A budget is defined as a comprehensive and coordinated plan, expressed in financial terms, for the operations and resources of an enterprise for some specified period I the future.

As a tool, a budget serves as a guide to conduct operations and a basis for evaluating actual results

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Budgetary Control (Contd.)

The essential elements of a budget are: Plan Financial terms Operations and Resources Specific future period Comprehensive coverage Coordination

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Budgetary Control (Contd.)

The main objectives of budgeting are: Explicit statement of expectations Communication Coordination Expectations as framework for judging


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Budgetary Control (Contd.) The overall budget is known as the Master budget. Classification – Operating budgets and Financial

budgets Operating budgets include cash flows from the

operations of the firm viz., sales, collections of receivables, etc

Financial budgets include cash flows from collection and payments of financial nature viz., borrowings, external raising of money, taxes pais and dividend paid, etc

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Budgetary Control (Contd.)

Operating budget Sales budget Production budget Purchase budget Direct labour budget Manufacturing expenses budget Administrative and Selling expenses budget

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Budgetary Control (Contd.)

Financial Budget Budgeted income statement Budgeted statement of retained earnings Cash budget Budgeted balance sheet

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Budgetary Control (Contd.) Budgets prepared at a single level of activity, with

no prospect of modification in the light of changed circumstances, are referred to as fixed budgets

A flexible budget estimates costs at several levels of activity

While fixed budget is rigid in nature, flexible budget contains several estimates / plans in different assumes circumstances

It is a useful tool in real world situations, that is, unpredictable environment

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Budgetary Control (Contd.)

The framework of flexible budget covers- Measure of volume Cost behaviour with change in volume

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Inventory Costing Inventories are assets: Held for sale in the ordinary course of business

(finished goods) In the process of production for such sale (work in

progress) In the form materials or supplies to be consumed in

the production process or in the rendering of services (raw materials)

Purchased and held for resale

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Inventory Costing

Inventories should be valued at the lower of cost or net realizable value

Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make such sale

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Inventory Costing The cost of inventories should comprise all costs of

purchase, costs of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition

Cost of purchase consists of the purchase price inclusive of the taxes and duties, freight inwards and other acquisition costs directly attributable to the purchase and trade discounts, rebates, duty drawbacks and other similar items are deducted in determining the cost of purchase

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Inventory Costing Costs of conversion include costs directly related to

production like labor, factory overheads, etc. In this process, if any byproduct, waste or scrap are produced, their net realizable value is removed from the cost of conversion

Other costs included in the cost of inventories are only those incurred in bringing the inventories to their present level like design cost, etc.

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Inventory Systems Periodic System: inventory is determined by a periodic

count as of a specific date. As long as the check is frequent enough to avoid negligence, this system is acceptable. The net change between the beginning and ending inventories enters the calculation of cost of goods sold

Perpetual System: inventory records are maintained and updated continuously as items are purchased and sold. It has the advantage of providing up to date inventory information on a timely basis, but needs a full fledged record maintenance

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Inventory Cost Methods In selecting the inventory cost method, the main

objective is the selection of the method that clearly reflects its usage and the periodic income. Frequently, the identity of the goods and their specific related costs are lost between the time of acquisition and the time of their use. When similar goods are purchased at different times, it may not be possible to identify and match the specific costs of the item sold. This has resulted in certain accepted costing methods

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Inventory Cost Methods

First In First Out Method (FIFO) Last In First Out Method (LIFO) Weighted Average Method

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Inventory Cost Methods

FIFO: here costs are charged against revenue in the order in which they occur. The inventory remaining on hand is presumed to consist of the most recent costs. In other words, items are converted and sold in the order in which they are purchased.

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Inventory Cost Methods

LIFO: this method matches the most recent costs incurred with the current revenue, leaving the first cost incurred to be included as inventories.

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Inventory Cost Methods Weighted Average Method: this method assumes

that costs are charged against revenue based on an average of the number of units acquired at each price level. The resulting average price is applied to the ending inventory to find its value. The weighted average is determined by dividing the total cost of the inventory available, including any beginning inventory, by the total number of units.

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Inventory Cost MethodsDate Units Cost per unit Total costJan 15 10000 5.10 51000Mar 20 20000 5.20 104000May 10 50000 5.00 250000June 8 30000 5.40 162000Oct 12 5000 5.30 26500Dec 21 5000 5.50 27500Total 120000 621000Op.inv 10000 5.00 50000Cl. inv 14000

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Under FIFO

Dec purchases [email protected] = 27500 Oct purchases [email protected] = 26500 June purchases [email protected] = 21600 Ending inventory 14000 = 75600 (using FIFO)

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Under LIFO

Opening inventory [email protected] = 50000 Jan purchases [email protected] = 20400 Ending inventory 14000 = 70400 (using LIFO)

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Under Weighted Average Method

Weighted average cost =total cost/total units Wei. Ave. cost = 671000/130000 = 5.1615 Closing inventory [email protected] = 72261

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Under FIFO = 75600 Under LIFO = 70400 Under WA method = 72261

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Comparison In periods of inflation, the FIFO method produces

the highest ending inventory, resulting in the lowest cost of goods sold and the highest gross profit.

LIFO produces the lowest ending inventory resulting in the highest of goods sold and the lowest gross profit

The WA method yields results between those of the above two methods

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Emerging Concepts The transition from Cost Accounting to

Strategic Cost Management (SCM) Cost Analysis is traditionally viewed as the

process of assessing the financial impact of alternative managerial decisions

SCM involves usage of cost data to develop superior strategies to gain sustainable competitive advantage

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The process of SCM- Target Costing Activity Based Costing Quality Costing Life Cycle Costing Value Chain Analysis

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Target Costing Target Cost is defined as “a market based cost that is

calculated using a sales price necessary to capture a predetermined market share”

Target Cost = Sales Price (for the target market share – desired profit)

Target costing is market driven design methodology It estimates the cost for a product and then designs

the product to meet the cost

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Target Costing It is Cost Management tool which reduces a

product’s costs over its entire life cycle. It includes actions management must take to- Establish reasonable target costs Develop methods for achieving those targets Develop means to test the cost effectiveness of

different cost-cutting scenarios

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Activity Based Costing (ABC) Applying overhead costs to each product or service

based on the extent to which it is caused by them is the primary objective of overhead costing

This is carried out using a single pre determined overhead rate based on a single activity measure

With ABC, multiple activities are identified in the production process that are associated with costs

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Activity Based Costing (ABC)

The events within these activities that cause costs are called cost drivers

The cost drivers are used to apply overheads to products and services when using ABC

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Activity Based Costing (ABC)

The following five steps are used in ABC: Choose appropriate activities Trace costs to activities Determine cost drivers for each activity Estimate the application rate for each cost

driver Apply costs to products

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Activity Based Costing (ABC)

Overhead account Cost driver Indirect labor Man hour cost Depreciation-building Sq. feet used Depreciation-machinery Machine time Electricity Watts used

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Quality Costing A quality costing system monitors and accumulates

the costs incurred by a firm in maintaining or improving product quality

The cost of lowering the tolerance for defective units come from the increased cost of using a better tehnolgy

Total Quality Control (TQC)/ Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management process based on the belief that quality costs are minimized with zero defects

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Life Cycle Costing

Products have definite phases of life Cost, revenue and profits vary in these phases Each phase has different threats and

opportunities Different functional emphasis comes with

each phase

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Life Cycle Costing

Different phases are- Introduction Growth Maturity Saturation Decline

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Value Chain Analysis

Value chain is the linked set of value creating activities from the basic raw material sources to the end use product delivered into final customer

The primary focus is to create low cost strategy relative to competitors

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Value Chain Analysis

It highlights – Linkages with suppliers Linkages with customers Process linkages within the value chain of a

business unit Linkages across business unit value chain

within the firm