manage product attribute variations

HTTP://HOMEBAKERSPRO.COM/ Steps to Manage product Variations Professional Home Bakers

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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Manage product Attribute variations


Steps to Manage product Variations

Professional Home Bakers

Page 2: Manage product Attribute variations

Step 1: Set the Weight attributes for the product (Refer “Manage-Product-Attributes” slide tutorial for the steps to set weight attributes).

Step 2: Check both “Visible on product page” and “Used for Variations” check boxes.

Step 3: Click on “Save attributes” if you have changed values.


Page 3: Manage product Attribute variations

Step 4: Click on Variations. The User set weight attributes/values will be displayed as shown in the Screenshot below.

Step 5: User can set the Default weight of the product to be displayed on the shop cart page.


Page 4: Manage product Attribute variations

Step 6: Set the Price for the corresponding weights(In the Screenshot below it is shown for ½ kg).

Step 7: Set Stock status[?].

Step 8: User can enable product’s stock information for this particular weight of the product to be displayed on product’s page by checking Manage stock? checkbox.

Step 9: Enter the Product quantity to be displayed on Shop page in “stock Qty”.

Step 10: User can Enable are Disable Back orders by selecting appropriate value from “Allow Backorder?” Dropdown.

Repeat the Same steps for all the Weight Values.


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This is how the product attributes will appear to the visitors in the site. Product with the weight values set in the dropdown and the Default value set to 2Kgs.


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This is how the Stock information will appear to the visitors in the site when Stock Management is Enabled.


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Step 11: Once all the changes are made click on Submit for Review at the top right side of the page.

The submitted Product will be reviewed by the Administrator and Published.


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User will not have to make changes to the Attributes if the Copied / Duplicated Product’s Attribute and the Newly Created Product Attributes are same, they will just have to make changes to the product name, picture and short description and detailed description.

Please refer to slides at “ ” to learn more about the product attributes.


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Thank You [email protected]
