malvern, vic 3144. · happens that reece bourbon, our ever so talented lion tamer is rather...


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Page 1: Malvern, Vic 3144. · happens that Reece Bourbon, our ever so talented lion tamer is rather susceptible to spider venom. So when Reece walked into Judi’s tent, and Judi had left
Page 2: Malvern, Vic 3144. · happens that Reece Bourbon, our ever so talented lion tamer is rather susceptible to spider venom. So when Reece walked into Judi’s tent, and Judi had left


Published by Jordan and Co. (Year 11 and 10), De La Salle College, 1318 High Street, Malvern, Vic 3144.

Copyright © 2017 De La Salle College.

All rights reserved. This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the broad purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the copyright act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Enquiries should be made to the publisher.

Page 3: Malvern, Vic 3144. · happens that Reece Bourbon, our ever so talented lion tamer is rather susceptible to spider venom. So when Reece walked into Judi’s tent, and Judi had left

Jim Marks stood on the hot sand of St Kilda Beach and sighed. It had been many months since he had experienced the simple pleasure of sunlight on his face. His job as an accountant consisted of long hours in a small office so he rarely had the opportunity to encounter pleasant weather; and when he did, the stress of work prevented him from enjoying it. But here he was, savouring his first holiday in twenty years. Jim closed his eyes and took a moment to just listen to the sounds of the world. The cries of children playing in the surf, the crash of waves on the shore, the quiet chatter of adults relaxing under colourful umbrellas. Jim glanced around, taking in the picturesque scenery and floating seagulls, before he spotted the reason for this particular trip. His identical twin brother, Bruce, was standing with his hands on his hips at the top end of the long beach; wearing nothing but a swimming cap and bright red budgie smugglers. Jim, feeling slightly overdressed in the light grey suit that was the only outfit he owned, started trudging towards the impressive figure of his slightly more muscular counterpart, stumbling occasionally on the uneven ground.

“JIMMY!” – Bruce had finally noticed his approaching brother and started sprinting athletically towards him, kicking up sand as he went. Jim saw the oncoming wall of flesh barrelling towards him and braced for impact just as Bruce reached him and lifted him off the ground in a lung crushing hug. Once Jim was back on his feet able to breathe again he retreated to a safe distance – more than an arm’s length away - and the proper greetings began.

“How have you been Bruce? You look well.” Jim began tentatively. “Good mate. Doin’ pretty well. I finally found my calling, man, I’m a lifeguard now –

protecting the public from the dangers at the beach. How about you, last I heard you were starting at some crumby accounting firm. What are you up to these days?”

Jim suddenly felt inadequate. Here was his brother, a muscular lifesaver at the top of his game, having the time of his life; and then there was him, Jim, an uninteresting, sun-deprived accountant.

“Actually… I’m doing quite well for myself”, Jim lied. He didn’t know where he was going with this but he couldn’t stand telling Bruce the truth about his dull life.

“Really? What do you do?” Bruce asked. Jim cast out his mind, searching for a profession which would impress and amaze his brother.

“I’m… a lion tamer,” Jim said; wincing internally at the ridiculousness of his claim. “A lion tamer? Here I was thinking you were a bit of a wet blanket. But you’re out there,

dancing with lions - Crikey!” “Yes, that’s right. I’m a world famous lion tamer. I’m known in the circus as Carlos the

Magnificent.” Jim was getting caught up in the lie now. “I tour the world, performing in cities on all the continents. I’m well known in Europe

especially.” Jim stopped, worrying that his outlandish claims had gone too far, but Bruce was smiling and nodding.

“That sounds very cool,” Bruce said, “I’m proud of you, bro” Jim smiled, he was disappointed with himself for the fabrication he had created by he couldn’t help feeling good about himself and the admiration he was receiving from his twin. Since birth the two brothers had had a small rivalry, nothing spiteful, just a desire to outdo each other. Bruce had almost always come out on top, but now, for the first time in his life, Jim felt like he was the best.

Jim sat down on the soft sand, taking off his shoes and jacket. He rolled up the jacket and put it under his head to act as a pillow. Bruce sat down next to him and the two men started exchanging stories. Bruce told Jim about his discovery of and training as a lifeguard, while Jim told wild tales of traveling from country to country, of taming ferocious and dangerous lions and of the strange ways of the circus folk. Bruce laughed and smiled and gasped in all the appropriate places as Jim’s imagination went into overload. The talking went on for hours and it was nearly dark by the time Jim’s creativity was finally exhausted.

Page 4: Malvern, Vic 3144. · happens that Reece Bourbon, our ever so talented lion tamer is rather susceptible to spider venom. So when Reece walked into Judi’s tent, and Judi had left
Page 5: Malvern, Vic 3144. · happens that Reece Bourbon, our ever so talented lion tamer is rather susceptible to spider venom. So when Reece walked into Judi’s tent, and Judi had left

“Wow!” Exclaimed Bruce as Jim finished his story of the monkey riots he experienced during his time in Croatia.

“You’ve been living quite a life these past few years. My own seems pretty bland in comparison.”

“Yeah, suppose so. But that’s just what happens when you seize opportunities like I do.” Jim was feeling on top of the world. He finally had the sort of life he’d always dreamed of, even if it was a fiction. Jim and Bruce lay on the beach in a comfortable silence for several minutes until they were both roused by the startling sound of a trumpet fanfare. The circus had arrived. After days of travelling and sleepless nights on the road, their large, colourful trucks, full of excitement and anticipation rolled up to the edge of the sand. Hordes of circus people, each different from the next, left their buses to assess their new grounds. The soft, white sands of St Kilda provided a perfect area for the circus to pitch their large tents, both for performance areas and living quarters. These actions were obviously lead by none other than the legendary Mr. Buxton. People gathered in the streets to marvel at the machine-like efficiency of the circus tent’s construction. Jim and Bruce stood in awe, holding high expectations for the great performances to come, as circus people whizzed past them in flurries of preparation.

As the two brothers wandered around, they witnessed the madness unfold all around them. Magicians with capes and cards amazing onlookers with miraculous tricks, men on stilts towering above the visitors, clowns with painted faces and strange clothes and an assortment of animals – caged, but available to be admired by passers-by. They saw storytellers surrounded by wide-eyed children, impressive strongmen and quick moving jugglers. The twins were amused by the quirkiness and individuality of each tent. As they walked past the main tent, where Mr. Buxton himself resided, they heard voices inside the tent, a hint of desperation leaking through the echoes of their conversation.

“What are we going to do without our lion tamer? He’s the main attraction!” The booming voice that echoed through the tent was easily recognised as Mr. Buxton’s.

“I’m not sure sir, we need to try to find a replacement.” His assistant mumbled. “You will not try. You will do it.” Commanded Mr. Buxton. “Yes. I will start looking right away.” The assistant promised over his shoulder as he exited

the tent. The twins saw the assistant run out hurriedly, and Bruce turned to Jim excitedly.

“Oi Jimmy, you should do it mate.” He insisted “No, no I couldn’t” Jim sensed that his tiny lie was close to unraveling into an unruly mess. “Oh don’t be modest mate, you’re probably better than any other lion tamer they could

find. It’ll be amazing mate; you’ve got to do it!” Jim thought about it for a second. The voice inside his head told him to try something new in

his life for once. All his life he had stayed inside his comfort zone, scared of failure. After finishing school, he went straight into university, blitzed it all and moved directly into a 5 day a week, long hour office job. For once in his life, he decided to not just go with the flow, not just cruise, and put himself out there.

“You know what? I’ll go and talk to Mr. Buxton.” Jim didn’t really know what he was getting himself into. Lion Taming? What does a Lion Tamer do? Jim had no idea.

“Yeah go get him mate! Maybe you’ll finally live up to the family name, like me. I wanna see what this ‘Magnificent Carlos’ can do!” Jim walked sheepishly into the tent. His feet seemed to stumble over each other, one after another.

“Uhh, Mr. Buxton?” “Yes?”

Page 6: Malvern, Vic 3144. · happens that Reece Bourbon, our ever so talented lion tamer is rather susceptible to spider venom. So when Reece walked into Judi’s tent, and Judi had left

“I heard you were in need of a lion tamer?” “Where on earth did you hear tha- never mind, it doesn’t matter. Do you know someone

who could do it?” Jim had to psyche himself up in his head before he built up the courage- and foolishness- to say this.

“Well, actually, I am a lion tamer myself!” “Really? What sort of experience do you have?” “I…” Jim stuttered, worried he was taking this lie too far. He was scared of what his twin

might think, if he found out he was a fraud. Jim thought back to his internal battle and took the thought of Bruce out of his mind.

“I used to be in a circus… that had two lions in it. A-A-And I would perform, every night!” “Oh wow! Which circus my dear boy?” “You wouldn’t have heard of it, it was back in my days in France.” Jim had always dreamed

of going to France. He decided to live out his dream, in his head at least. “Alright, you’ve got the job. I didn’t catch your name though.” “Oh, I’m Jim. Jim Marks, But I act under the name Carlos the Magnificent!” “Well I’ll see you later tonight Carlos.” Mr. Buxton chuckled “The costume and equipment will be ready for you tonight. Be in the main tent by 5:30.”

Jim wandered towards the opening of the tent, surprised that Mr. Buxton believed his childish lies. Just before he exited through the tent flap, he was struck with a wave of curiosity.

“What happened to your original lion tamer?” “Jim, Jim, Jim.” Mr. Buxton sounded like a grandfather, sitting down to tell his grandson an

old story. He continued: “It is truly a tragic tale. Our lion tamer was injured in an incredibly unlucky turn of events.

You see, one of our acrobats, Judi, has a particular affinity for large spiders. She keeps several of her favourite in jars in her room. Most people stay far away and there are no problems. It just so happens that Reece Bourbon, our ever so talented lion tamer is rather susceptible to spider venom.

So when Reece walked into Judi’s tent, and Judi had left her largest funnel web spider out of its jar, a disaster was waiting to happen.

You see, Judi had been playing with her funnel web earlier in the morning and was simply too distracted by its beauty to remember to put it away. She left it on her chair, which Reece sat on. I believe Reece was there to give Judi back a book he had borrowed- although that doesn’t really matter right now.

What matters is Reece recovering. He is in the nearest hospital and they say he is in a stable condition.” Mr. Buxton walked to his desk and opened the second drawer from the top. He reached in and pulled out a very large jar. As he walked back, closer to Jim, Jim was able to see what was in the jar. A spider, much bigger than Jim’s hand and covered in fuzzy fur, clung to the side of the jar.

“This is the dumb creature that bit the poor man.” Buxton explained. Jim shuddered at the idea of being in contact with that terrifying eight-eyed nightmare…

“Alright thanks Mr. Buxton. For the opportunity, I mean.” Jim exited the tent, to see his twin eagerly waiting for an answer outside.

“How’d you go?” “I’m part of the act for tonight’s first show.” Jim stated proudly “Congrats mate, I’m definitely going then, I can’t wait to see you wrangle some lions.”

Jim’s mouth grew into a wide smile as he and his twin walked away from the tent, arm in arm. “Let’s get a bite to eat before your big show” suggested Bruce. “Good idea”

Page 7: Malvern, Vic 3144. · happens that Reece Bourbon, our ever so talented lion tamer is rather susceptible to spider venom. So when Reece walked into Judi’s tent, and Judi had left

Jim and Bruce walked into a café, which had a window facing the beach. As Jim stared into the sand through the window he wondered how such a small lie, just to one-up his brother, had evolved into a string of lies that had entangled him into a circus show, where he would be up close with lions. Jim looked down at his phone to check the time. Only a few hours left. The nervousness inside him grew stronger. Jim was scared. Carlos the Magnificent looked forward to the challenge. Buxton ushered Jim into the tent, whose torches kept its extravagant colours lit up against the night sky. The summer heat of the day was lingering and the sand was still hot to touch. The stars, free from the drowning lights of the city, shone brightly. The crowd erupted just as Jim and Buxton were entering, cheering and applauding as the gymnast on stage swung from ring to ring, nothing but a toe between her and a deathly fall. Underneath the rows of seats, the lions lay in their cages, awaiting freedom. Buxton introduced them as Emerald and Sapphire, and Jim noted their sharp claws and long teeth. Jim realised that very soon, he would have to somehow tame and control them. He reasoned that it couldn’t be that hard. The lions were already trained, it shouldn’t be too hard to make them follow orders.

“You’ve already met the lions. They won’t be too much work for you since Reese has already trained them.” Buxton stated, his chin flapping about as he spoke. Jim nodded, his eyes fixed on the lions - natures perfect killing machines. Jim knew they were already trained, but he didn’t know to what commands. Questions were racing through his head. What if they don’t listen to him? What if it goes wrong? What if they try to kill him?

“Carlos?” Buxton asked, breaking Jim’s trance. “Oh uh yeah, good. Good!” Buxton lifted an eyebrow, he thought that the man before him

was looking oddly nervous for the great ‘Carlos the Magnificent’. “Well you’re up in uh…” Buxton took a peak at his watch then almost jumped as he saw the

time. “…Now!” he exclaimed, signalling the handlers to release the lions. The lights began to dim

and Jim was forced into the centre of the stage, his heart racing, knees shaking. He couldn’t see how this could end well.

“And now, ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together, for Carlos the Magnificent!” Buxton announced, the crowds cheering almost deafening, it’ll be magnificent alright. The roar of the lions, however, was greater than the crowds, their true power announced, and Jim recoiled, to the disappointment of the crowds. At the centre of the stage were the rings, one fitted to burst into flames if lit. He had to make the lions jump through, so what better way to put it between him and the lions and coax them through. Emerald was the first to approach.

“Here kitty kitty” he called out, snapping the fingers in his free hands. Sapphire jumped of Emerald, leaping through the ring to thunderous applause.

“Wow, I’m really doing it!” Jim exclaimed to himself, his excitement getting the better of him. Only Emerald was left. He continued the coaxing, to no avail.

“Emeraaaaaald, come on, you know you wanna.” And with a few short whistles, the second lion followed suite. The crowds were ecstatic, and Buxton was cheering Jim on from under the stands.

“Aha! I’m lion taming god!” He said through his scattered breaths, the adrenaline gushing through his body uncontrolled.

Now to give them the real show. He pulled out a lighter and turned a valve, igniting the second ring, its flames almost singeing him as they burst into existence. The lions recoiled backwards, disturbed the presence of flames. He tried the same tactic from earlier, he stood behind the ring, placing it between him and the lions, the flames drowning out the lions from his view.

Page 8: Malvern, Vic 3144. · happens that Reece Bourbon, our ever so talented lion tamer is rather susceptible to spider venom. So when Reece walked into Judi’s tent, and Judi had left

“Alright Sapphire, another jump!” He called out, whistling to no response. He tried snapping his fingers and soon Sapphire approached the ring, but wouldn’t jump through.

“Hey come on now, you’ll be alright!” Jim promised, grabbing a slab of steak from off stage. He dangled it through the ring, hoping to bait the lions, and slowly Sapphire approached, rearing for its jump through the burning ring. Jim moved the steak closer to the lion, allowing it to smell the scent before pulling it back. With one swift leap, the lion jumped through and grabbed the steak, almost slicing through Jim’s wrist.

“Woah there! Alright, you got your steak, calm it down.” Jim said, anxious after such a close call.

“Let’s not lose an arm tonight.” He whispered to himself, collecting another steak from off stage. He approached the ring again. Emerald hadn’t even come close, opting instead to stare at the crowds of onlookers, as far away from the rings as possible.

“Hey, Emerald!” Jim called out, grabbing the lion’s attention for only a second, before its gaze strayed away from the ring.

“Helloooooo?” He continued, again only getting its attention for a second or two The lion completely ignored him and the steak. Jim moved past the ring and held out the steak a little closer and Emerald’s eyes turned to stare at the fresh meat. The lion bounded forward for it, almost clawing it out of Jim’s hand completely, and the crowds began to worry, a few screams and gasps, and the circus was silent.

“Ha, it’s alright, it’s just a small case of stage fright.” He assured, hoping to please the crowds.

“Okay, that was a bit rude. Just come forward with me and jump through the ring!” Jim said through gritted teeth. Emerald responded with a growl. The lion got low on its front paws, and stared at the succulent steak intently which glistened in the spotlight.

“Oi! Be good!” Jim shouted at it, his facing turning red. This wasn’t supposed to happen; he thought they were supposed to be tame.

The lion jumped forward, taking another swipe at the steak, this time slicing through Jim’s arm, leaving a deep red cut, which started bleeding immediately. Jim yelled in pain and cracked the whip, catching the lion on the forehead. It bounded back and reared its head towards Jim, releasing a mighty roar, asserting dominance. Jim dropped the steak on the ground and backed off slowly, keeping the whip at the ready. The lion followed him, slowly pacing forwards, ignoring the steak, interested only in man who had caused it pain.

“Okay uh, I can see that you’re obviously angry, uh, just take the steak and I’ll be on my wa…” He was cut off by a roar from behind - Sapphire was joining in on the fun. Emerald bounded at Jim, giving him no choice but to duck and jump behind the ring, the flames his only guardian. The crowd began to stand on their seats as panic set in, screams could be heard as they scrambled for the exit, and the handlers attempted to approach the ever growing menace of the lions. The ring may not have been the best of his choices. Hell, none of this were his best decisions. How did he even get into this mess!? Sapphire jumped at him, knocking over the ring, his claws catching Jim’s shirt, tearing it to shreds. The ring, still aflame, fell below, burning the wood the seats were placed atop, now empty from the disaster. Within seconds the stands were ablaze, searing the curtains that kept the show hidden from the judgement of the night sky, letting even god witness the disaster that was Jim’s attempt at lion taming.

Jim zigzagged around the burning canvas as it fell around him, surrounding him in flames. He could hear the roars and growls of the lions as they, like him, attempted to escape. After the painful navigation through the fiery mess, Jim finally discovered an escape, only to find Emerald in the way, some of is mane burnt and the eye forced shut, its lid sliced. The growling became constant and much more intense, as Emerald crept forward, the weight of his paws forcing the sand down with

Page 9: Malvern, Vic 3144. · happens that Reece Bourbon, our ever so talented lion tamer is rather susceptible to spider venom. So when Reece walked into Judi’s tent, and Judi had left

every slow step he took. Jim pulled out the whip, and prayed to whoever was watching that he’d make it.

The lion pounced, only barely missing Jim, slamming into some of the burning wood, a roar let out in its pain and frustration. It took one look at Jim and he flinched with the whip, lashing out at the lion again, only making it angrier. Jim lashed out again, the lion grabbing the whip under its paw and ripping it away from Jim. As quickly as the fire began the whole tent was collapsing, anything suspended was already on the ground and the supports were soon to break from the intense heat, and were giving way to the sweltering punishment of its weight. Jim ran backwards, attempting to make a break to the exit. The lion in hot pursuit, a piece of debris fell just in front of him, he ducked to make a turn, he heard the roar as it quickly pursued, and he fell. He looked back, he could see it, just about ready to turn him into its own steak. His shirt caught on a piece of wood. He struggled and struggled, using all his strength to pull free, but it was no use. The lion pounced once more and in a desperate attempt at freedom he ripped his shirt, the lion finishing it off, freeing him.

He ran and ran and yet again looked back to see the lion, of which would join him on the warm sands of the summer night, the handlers at the ready to catch it and keep it restrained.

All about them the big top crumpled to the ground. The crowd ran out, screaming in the confusion brought about by that foolish lion tamer. They watched as the flames consumed the tent, the sirens of a fire truck could be heard in the silence that followed.

“My lions!” Buxton yelled, seeing them burnt and bloody from the chaos of the circus. Jim, stood up, still shaken from the event, slowly backed away, hoping no-one would notice.

“You!” Buxton called out, a rage building up behind his eyes as his deathly gaze lay on Jim. “You did this!” “Actually, you did this, I can’t work with untamed lions.” Jim returned, fully committing to

the role he had created. “Wh-what, you, you destroyed my circus! Burnt it to the ground!” Buxton yelled back,

baffled at Jim’s arrogance. “Well, due to the incompetence of your trainer, the lions weren’t controlled enough, so this

is on your hands.” Jim returned, continuing to back away. Buxton continued on, his rage getting the better of him as he shouted and screamed, while Jim just ignored him and walked away. He was Carlos the Magnificent, after all.

“Hey.” Said Bruce, still in his beach outfit. “Oh, hey.” Jim responded, watching the fire as it slowly burnt out and the beach was left in

near darkness. An awkward silence followed, broken by Jim as he confessed, “You know, I’m not really a lion tamer, especially not someone called Carlos the

Magnificent.” He stated, looking apologetically at Bruce. “I’m sorry that I lied, but my real life is so boring and Carlos’ life was everything I wanted.”

Bruce looked surprised but soon he started laughing. “Ha-ha! Well while we are confessing…I’m not really a lifeguard, I just wanted to impress you

so I just grabbed some speedos and showed up!” Bruce responded. “Oh...” Said Jim. The two stood shoulder to shoulder, gazing at the embers that were all that

was left of the night’s fiasco. “You wanna get a beer?” Jim asked, “I know a good pub not far from here.” Jim was relieved

that he had reconnected with his brother after all these years, and that they had both eventually been truthful with each-other. Jim and Bruce walked off into the night, laughing and joking as they went.

Page 10: Malvern, Vic 3144. · happens that Reece Bourbon, our ever so talented lion tamer is rather susceptible to spider venom. So when Reece walked into Judi’s tent, and Judi had left
Page 11: Malvern, Vic 3144. · happens that Reece Bourbon, our ever so talented lion tamer is rather susceptible to spider venom. So when Reece walked into Judi’s tent, and Judi had left

Hey there. We here at Jordan and Co., the team who made this book, would like to personally thank you for reading it. We worked extremely hard to try and create a funnily interesting story and we hope that it brings a smile to you and the people around you. Whether that be through making some laughs or immersing you in the world like some of the other stories made by other teams. At the end of the day our goal is to help spread joy through the power of words. Thank you, and stay strong.

Page 12: Malvern, Vic 3144. · happens that Reece Bourbon, our ever so talented lion tamer is rather susceptible to spider venom. So when Reece walked into Judi’s tent, and Judi had left

Jim, an accountant, is unsatisfied with his job. When he runs into his dashing twin brother, he is dismayed by his glorious life as a lifeguard. Seeking to impress his brother, Jim claims to be a lion tamer, only to find himself caught in a web of deceit when a travelling circus comes to town.

A charming story full of action, humour and the mischief of sibling rivalry aimed at the 14-16 age.