malthchick molluscsenvitonmentalvar wetlands

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  • 8/3/2019 Malthchick Molluscsenvitonmentalvar Wetlands


    473Braz. J. Biol., 2010, vol. 70, no. 3, p. 473-482

    Responses of freshwater molluscs to environmental

    factors in Southern Brazil wetlands

    Maltchik, L.a*, Stenert, C.a, Kotzian, CB.b and Pereira, D.c

    aLaboratrio de Ecologia e Conservao de Ecossistemas Auticos,

    Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos UNISINOS,Av. Unisinos, 950, CEP 93022-000, So Leopoldo, RS, Brazil

    bDepartamento de Biologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria UFSM,CEP 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil

    cLaboratrio de Malacologia, Museu de Cincias e Tecnologia,Ponticia Universidade Catlica do Rio Grande do Sul PUCRS,

    Av. Ipiranga, 6681, CEP 90619-900, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

    *e-mail: [email protected]

    Received January 20, 2009 Accepted April 13, 2009 Distributed August 31, 2010

    (With 2 gures)


    Freshwater molluscs play an important role in auatic ecosystems, providing ood or many sh species and verte-brates. Investigations on actors that determine mollusc species richness and distribution in wetland systems are scarcein the Neotropical region. The main goal o this study was to determine how much variation in mollusc richness andcomposition is eplained by area, hydroperiod, altitude, water conductivity, and dominant auatic vegetation. Thissurvey was perormed in an etensive area o a Neotropical region (~280,000 km2 in southern Brazil), with a largenumber o wetland systems (111) and covering a wide gradient o altitude and wetland surace area. The molluscrichness was positively associated with wetland area and negatively associated with altitude. The richness and com-position o the reshwater molluscs were similar between permanent and intermittent wetlands and it did not diersignicantly between auatic bed and emergent wetlands. The rst three aes o CCA eplained 16.2% o the total

    variation in the composition o the reshwater mollusc observed. The variation in the composition had a correlationwith wetland area, altitude and water conductivity. Our results showed that the wetlands are important habitats ormolluscs in southern Brazil, and that the richness and the composition o molluscs were associated with area, altitude,water conductivity and dominant vegetation.

    Keywords: wetland area, altitude, hydroperiod, auatic vegetation, neotropical region.

    Respostas de moluscos lmnicos a fatores ambientais em reas midas do sul do Brasil


    Moluscos lmnicos desempenham um papel importante em ecossistemas auticos, ornecendo alimento para diver-sos peies e vertebrados. Investigaes sobre os atores ue determinam a riueza e a distribuio das espcies de mo-luscos em reas midas so escassos na regio neotropical. O principal objetivo deste estudo oi determinar a variaona riueza e na composio de moluscos em uno da rea, hidroperodo, altitude, condutividade da gua e tipo devegetao autica dominante. Este estudo oi desenvolvido em uma etensa rea Neotropical (~280.000 km2 no suldo Brasil), com um elevado nmero de reas midas (111) e compreendeu um amplo gradiente de altitude e tamanhode reas midas. A riueza de moluscos oi positivamente relacionada com o tamanho da rea mida e negativamenterelacionada com a altitude. A riueza e a composio de moluscos oram similares entre reas midas permanentes eintermitentes e no dieriram signicativamente entre reas midas herbceas e emergentes. Os trs primeiros eiosda CCA eplicaram 16,2% da variao na composio de moluscos. A variao na composio oi correlacionadacom a rea, altitude e condutividade da gua. Nossos resultados mostraram ue as reas midas so ecossistemas

    importantes para os moluscos lmnicos no sul do Brasil e ue a riueza e a composio de moluscos estiveram rela-cionadas rea, altitude, condutividade da gua e tipo de vegetao autica dominante.

    Palavras-chave: reas midas, altitude, hidroperodo, vegetao autica, regio neotropical.

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    Maltchik, L. et al.

    474 Braz. J. Biol., 2010, vol. 70, no. 3, p. 473-482

    The environmental actors that determine the mol-lusc richness and distribution in inland waters have beeninvestigated. Water hardness, conductivity, pH altitude,substrates (plants), ood resources (plants) and biotic in-teractions have been reported as important environmen-tal predictors o molluscs (Dillon, 2000; Brown, 2001;

    Grard, 2001; McMahon and Bogan, 2001; Heino andMuotka, 2006; Sturm, 2007; Horsk et al., 2007). Thespecies-area relationship was not always consistent orwetland molluscs. While the richness o snails tended toincrease with wetland area (Lassen, 1975; Aho, 1978;Brnmark, 1985), this relationship was not signicantor Sphaeriidae (Oertli et al., 2002). Investigations onactors that determine mollusc species richness and dis-tribution in wetland systems are scarce in the Neotropicalregion.

    The main goal o this study was to determine howmuch variation in mollusc richness and composition iseplained by area, hydroperiod, altitude, water conduc-tivity, and dominant auatic vegetation. This survey wasperormed in an etensive area o a Neotropical region(~280,000 km2 in southern Brazil), with a large numbero wetland systems (111) and covering a wide gradiento altitude and wetland surace area.

    2. Material and Methods

    2.1. Study area

    The state o Rio Grande do Sul is located in the south

    o Brazil and has an area o 282,184 km2 (Figure 1).The Moist Subtropical Mid-Latitude Climate prevailsin this region. The annual precipitation varies between1,200-1,800 mm, and it is relatively well distributedover the year, without the eistence o a dry period (C -Kpens climate classication). The mean temperaturevaries between 15 and 18 C. The minimum tempera-

    1. Introduction

    Wetlands are important sites or biological con-servation because they support a rich biodiversity andpresent high productivity (Mitsch and Gosselink, 2000).However, biodiversity in wetlands is being reduced in

    most o the world by agricultural, urban and industrialdevelopment (Shine and Klemm, 1999). Almost hal othe worlds wetlands have disappeared over the last cen-tury due to agricultural and urban development (Shineand Klemm, 1999). The rapid degradation o wetlandsand the insucient status o scientic knowledge on pat-terns o the species richness bring the urgent need orecological studies to provide scientic support to biodi-versity management and conservation programs.

    One o the main hydrological characteristics oSouth America is the eistence o large wetlands (Nei,2001). Approimately 50% o the inventoried wetlands

    in South America are located in Brazil (Naranjo, 1995).Conservative data indicate that approimately 90% othe wetlands in southern Brazil disappeared in the lastcentury due to agricultural epansion, especially riceand soy plantations (Gomes and Magalhes, 2004). Inthis sense, the understanding o species composition andrichness patterns in ragmented and natural wetlands is apriority or biodiversity conservation strategies and land/water management in southern Brazil.

    The macroinvertebrate community is an importanttrophic level in wetland systems, providing ood or sev-

    eral wildlie species. The macroinvertebrate structurein wetlands has been associated with area and habitatheterogeneity (Oertli et al., 2002; Batzer et al., 2004;Panatta et al., 2006; Studinski and Grubbs, 2007; Stenertet al., 2008); hydroperiod (Tarr et al., 2005; Whiles andGoldowitz, 2005; Stenert and Maltchik, 2007); altitude(Oertli et al., 2002; Jacobsen, 2004); water chemistry(Heino, 2000; Batzer et al., 2004), and water depth andtemperature (Zimmer et al., 2000; Hall et al., 2004; Tarret al., 2005; Studinski and Grubbs, 2007). However, mosto these surveys were developed in the North Hemisphereand Australia. In the Neotropical region, Stenert and

    Maltchik (2007) demonstrated that area and hydroperiodare important predictors o macroinvertebrate richnessand composition in 72 wetlands distributed in southernBrazil and the occurrence o molluscs was observed inmore than 65% o studied wetlands.

    Freshwater molluscs play an important role inauatic ecosystems, providing ood or many sh spe-cies (McMahon and Bogan, 2001; Garcia et al., 2006;Fagundes et al., 2008) and vertebrates (Cummins andBogan, 2006). A total o 373 native species o reshwa-ter molluscs were registered in Brazil, 117 attributed to

    bivalves and 256 to gastropods, but these numbers areunderestimated and may represent only 50% o the totalmalacoauna (Simone, 2006). Additionally, about nine al-ien species have been recorded in Brazilian inland waters(Simone, 2006), but accurate estimates o the number omollusc species in southern Brazil are unknown.

    49 W

    58 W

    27 S

    34 S

    0 50 100 km




    W E

    Figure 1. Location o study area (state o Rio Grande doSul, Brazil) with the position o all studied sites.

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    Freshwater molluscs in Southern Brazil wetlands

    475Braz. J. Biol., 2010, vol. 70, no. 3, p. 473-482

    Mollusc collections were carried out using a kick net(D-shaped, 30 cm width, 400 m mesh). Sampling waslimited to the littoral zone o wetlands (water depths oless than 50 cm), by kicking up the substrate and thensweeping above the disturbed area. The sampling eortwas the same or all wetlands, represented by 25 sweeps

    o 1 m over the various habitats o the littoral zone (de-tritus, rooted macrophytes and other dominant vegeta-tion). Sweeps were pooled into one sample per wetland(3.5 L plastic bucket) and preserved in situ with 10%ormaldehyde.

    In the laboratory, each sample was washed througha 400 m sieve, and leaves, stems, and other debris wereremoved. The resulting material was preserved with80% ethanol. Individuals were identied at genus andspecies level (when possible), by using the etensivemalacological literature available. Ancylids and sphaeri-ids were identied only at amily level due to the shellpreservation condition. Mollusc richness correspondedto the number o taa (genera or species) collected ineach sampled wetland.

    2.3. Data analyses

    The continuous environmental variables consideredin the analyses were wetland area, altitude, and waterconductivity, and the categorical variables considered inthe analyses were wetland hydroperiod (permanent andintermittent) and vegetation cover (auatic bed and emer-gent). In order to remove the heteroscedasticity, continu-

    ous environmental variables were log transormed.Correlations among area, altitude and water conduc-tivity were tested using the Pearsons correlation coe-cient. Variation o mollusc richness between perma-nent and intermittent wetlands was uantied through at-test. In permanent wetlands, richness variation betweenauatic bed and emergent vegetation was also analysedthrough a t-test. Multiple regressions (GLM) were car-ried out to ascertain the etent to which wetland area,altitude and water conductivity eplained the patterns omollusc richness in all wetlands and in permanent andintermittent wetlands.

    The direct multivariate analysis o the environmentalparameters in the composition o reshwater molluscs inthe studied wetlands was carried out through CanonicalCorrespondence Analysis (CCA) (Ter Braak, 1986), us-ing PC-ORD Version 4.2 (McCune and Meord, 1999),and the signicance o the aes generated in the anal-ysis was validated through the Monte Carlo test (us-ing 5,000 iterations) (Ter Braak and milauer, 1998).Environmental variables utilised in the CCA were:wetland area, altitude, water conductivity, and the com-bination o hydroperiod (permanent and intermittent)

    and dominant vegetation (auatic bed, emergent andmulti-stratied). Environmental data were centred andnormalised. Biological variables were based on the pres-ence and the absence o the mollusc taa occurring inour or more wetlands. Composition variations betweenpermanent and intermittent wetlands, and among auatic

    ture is lower than 10 C in the winter, and the mai-mum temperature is higher than 32 C in the summer(RADAMBRASIL, 1986).

    Rio Grande do Sul has approimately 3,441 wet-lands, with a total inundation area o approimately30,332 km2 (Maltchik, 2003), distributed in ve geomor-

    phologic provinces: Coastal Plain, Central Depression,Crystalline Shield, Highlands and Pampas (Hausman,1995). The vegetation is characterised by small rag-ments o orest, with temperate and tropical grasslandareas. The orested areas are represented by temperatesummer-green and mied ever-green deciduous orests,and temperate mountainous conierous orest. The grass-lands are represented by savanna, steppe, and pioneeringormations (RADAMBRASIL, 1986; Rambo, 2000).

    A total o 111 wetlands were sampled in the stateo Rio Grande do Sul based on three criteria: 1) area nolarger than 10 ha; 2) macrophyte presence, and 3) airlyeven distribution o the wetlands across the state o RioGrande do Sul (Figure 1). Sampling was perormed ini-tially in the eastern portion o the state o Rio Grande doSul, and then moved towards the western portion. Eachwetland was sampled once rom March to October 2002,always during the period with surace water. The studiedwetlands were classied in permanent (84 wetlands) andintermittent (27 wetlands). Permanent wetlands retainwater or the entire hydrological cycle, whereas inter-mittent wetlands eventually dry up, retaining water orat least our months o the year (Maltchik et al., 2004).

    All wetlands presented vegetation cover higher than 30%o the total wetland surace. While permanent wetlandswere represented mainly by auatic bed (submergedand foating plant species - 45 wetlands) and emergent(erect herbaceous vegetation - 29 wetlands) vegetations,intermittent wetlands showed predominance o emergentvegetation (24 wetlands).

    The wetland area was measured in the eld. Thewetland boundaries were determined based on 1) visualobservations o the watermarks, drit line and/or ownersinormation, and 2) vegetation indicators (e.g., plants

    with morphological, physiological or reproductive ad-aptations to prolonged saturation/inundation, and theproportion between auatic and terrestrial species in theplant community). The wetlands location and altitudewere determined using a GPS receiver (model GPS IIIPlus, Garmin).

    2.2. Data collection

    Two surace water samples were collected in thelittoral zone o each wetland using polyethylene bot-tles (500 mL). All samples were placed on ice in darkcontainers and taken to the laboratory, and immediately

    ltered upon return to the laboratory (Whatman GF/Fglass ber lters, pore size 0.7 m). Analysis o wa-ter samples did not eceed 3-4 days ater eld collec-tion. Measurement o water conductivity (S.cm1) wasperormed with the methodology provided by APHA(1989).

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    Maltchik, L. et al.

    476 Braz. J. Biol., 2010, vol. 70, no. 3, p. 473-482

    Five species o molluscs were identied: Pomaceacanaliculata Lamarck, 1801; Biomphalaria tenagophilaOrbigny, 1835;Lymnaea columella (Say, 1817); Omalonyxconvexus (Martens, 1868) and Eupera klappenbachiMansur and Veitenheimer-Mendes, 1975. Planorbidaeand Sphaeriidae were the amilies that showed the great-

    est species richness in the studied wetlands (Table 2). Themost reuent mollusc taa were Biomphalaria (40.5%- ound in 45 wetlands), Pomacea canaliculata (18.9% -ound in 21 wetlands) andDrepanotrema (18% - ound in20 wetlands). The most reuent taa were also those withbroad geographic distribution. The majority o the generaand species identied were present in less than 10% o thesampled wetlands.Heleobia andMusculium were oundin just a single sampled wetland (Table 2).

    bed, emergent and multi-stratied wetlands were testedthrough the Multi-Response Permutation Procedures(MRPP). The MRPP is a multivariate analysis whichtests dierences between two or more groups.

    3. Results

    The range and mean values o wetland area, alti-tude, and water conductivity in the studied wetlands areshown in Table 1. Wetland altitude was negatively cor-related with wetland area (r = 0.486, P < 0.001) andwater conductivity (r = 0.274, P = 0.004). Wetland areawas not correlated with water conductivity (r = 0.126,P = 0.187).

    A total o eight reshwater mollusc amilies and10 genera were ound in the studied wetlands (Table 2).

    Table 2. Taonomic list o reshwater molluscs and the number o wetlands where each mollusc taon was ound accordingto hydroperiod and dominant auatic vegetation (PA = permanent wetlands with auatic bed vegetation; PE = permanentwetlands with emergent vegetation; PM = permanent wetlands with multi-stratied vegetation; IE = intermittent wetlands

    with emergent vegetation; and IM = intermittent wetlands with multi-stratied vegetation).Taxons Hydroperiod and vegetation


    GASTROPODAAmpullaridae 5 - - 4 -

    Pomacea canaliculata 5 8 4 3 1Hydrobiidae

    Heleobia - 1 - - -Physidae

    Physa 1 - 1 - -Lymnaeidae

    Lymnaea columella - 3 - 2 -Planorbidae

    Drepanotrema sp. 1 7 4 - 2 -Drepanotrema sp. 2 2 1 1 4 -Biomphalaria tenagophila 4 7 - 3 -Biomphalaria 10 3 - 6 -Biomphalaria sp. 1 1 1 - 1 -Biomphalaria sp. 2 6 3 1 4 -

    Ancylidae 4 1 2 1 -Succineidae

    Omalonix convexus 1 3 - 1 -BIVALVIA

    Sphaeriidae 10 9 2 14 -Pisidium sp. 1 1 1 - - -Pisidium sp. 2 1 1 - - -

    Eupera klappenbachi 2 1 - - -Eupera 1 1 - - -Musculium 1 - - - -

    Table 1. Ranges and mean o selected environmental variables characterising the studied wetlands in southern Brazil.



    All wetlands Permanent wetlands Intermittent wetlands

    Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean

    Wetland area (ha) 0.01 to 10 1.97 0.03 to 10 2.25 0.01 to 10 1.09Wetland altitude (m) 1 to 1,058 285.72 1 to 1,046 281.45 24 to 1,058 299Water conductivity (S.cm1) 16 to 325 78.95 16 to 292 77.36 23.20 to 325 83.88

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    Freshwater molluscs in Southern Brazil wetlands

    477Braz. J. Biol., 2010, vol. 70, no. 3, p. 473-482

    4. Discussion

    The observed mollusc richness represented the spe-cies molluscs usually ound in lentic environments osouthern Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. The most re-uent taa ( Biomphalaria, Pomacea canaliculata and

    Drepanotrema) was previously observed in dierentwetland classes, such as lakes, ponds, streams, back-water rivers, dams and rice elds (Chie and Moretti,1979; Bonetto et al., 1982; Mochida, 1991; Pereira et al.,2000a,b, 2001; Kloos et al., 2004; Agudo-Padrnand Oliveira, 2008). The high reuency o Pomaceacanaliculata, Pisidium and Eupera can be attrib-uted to their ability to support variations at waterlevel (Bachmann, 1960; Junk and Robertson, 1997,Kretzschmar and Heckman, 1995). Gundlachia,Omalonyx convexus and Eupera were also observedfoating in water in Neotropical wetland systems (Nei

    and Nei, 2006). The scarcity oHeleobia should be in-vestigated, since this genus was commonly associated toauatic macrophytes in this region (Coimbra et al., 2005).Darrigran (2002) pointed out that the introduction o al-ien species was responsible or the declining oHeleobiaspecies in Argentina. The absence o the Mycetopodidae(Anodontites e Mycetopoda) and Hyriidae (Diplodongenus) amilies may be associated to the kind o samplerused, since these individuals are usually observed buriedin deep sediment. Mansur and Pereira (2006) observedeight bivalve species in southern Brazil wetlands.

    A positive relationship between macroinvertebraterichness and area has been ound or specic taonom-ic groups o macroinvertebrates (Spencer et al., 1999;Heino, 2000; Oertli et al., 2002; Sanderson et al., 2005;Studinski and Grubbs, 2007). Stenert and Maltchik(2007) showed that area was an important predictor omacroinvertebrate richness and composition in south-ern Brazil wetlands. Our study showed that the wetlandarea was positively associated with mollusc richness.However, this relationship is not always consistent,

    Mollusc richness ranged rom 0 to 8 per wetland, andit was positively associated with wetland area and nega-tively associated with altitude (GLM, R2 = 0.103, F


    4.113, P = 0.008). The richness o the reshwater mol-luscs was similar between permanent and intermittentwetlands (t

    109= 0.770, P = 0.443), and water conductivity

    was not associated with mollusc richness (P > 0.05). Inrelation to dominant auatic vegetation, the richness didnot dier signicantly between auatic bed and emer-gent wetlands (t

    72= 0.587, P = 0.559).

    While the mollusc composition was similar betweenpermanent and intermittent wetlands (MRPP, A = 0.0005,P = 0.365), the molluscs composition was dierent be-tween auatic bed and the multi-stratied wetlands(MRPP, A = 0.082, P = 0.002) and between emergentand multi-stratied wetlands (MRPP, A = 0.049, P =0.003). The rst three aes o CCA eplained 16.2%

    (7.7% in ais 1, 5.4% in ais 2, and 3.1% in ais 3) othe total variation in the composition o the reshwatermollusc (Table 3). Wetland area, altitude and permanentwetlands with multi-stratied vegetation were correlatedwith ais 1. Water conductivity and permanent wetlandswith emergent vegetation were correlated with ais 2.The Monte-Carlo simulation test (5,000 iterations)showed that the variation in the mollusc compositionhad a correlation with both variable sets correlated withaes 1 and 2 (Table 3). While Pomacea canaliculata,Pisidium,Eupera and Ancylidae were more reuent in

    permanent wetlands with larger area and located at low-er altitudes, Omalonyx convexus, Lymnaea columella,Drepanotrema andBiomphalaria were observed mainlyin wetlands with lower area and located at higher alti-tudes. Omalonyx convexus, Pisidium and Eupera weremore associated with more elevated water conductivity(Figure 2). Omalonyx convexus was also associated withpermanent wetlands and emergent vegetation (Figure 2).Ancylidae and Biomphalaria were observed mainly inwetlands with lower water conductivity (Figure 2).

    Table 3. Summary o Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) results, or the 111 wetlands studied in southern Brazil.CCA axes

    1 2 3

    Eigenvalue 0.230 0.162 0.094

    Cumulative % variance o mollusc taons 7.7 13.0 16.2

    Pearson correlation: taa-environment data 0.650 0.567 0.458

    Inter-set correlation

    Wetland altitude 0.574 0.143 0.115

    Wetland area 0.286 0.153 0.178

    Permanent and multi-stratied wetlands 0.327 0.036 0.280

    Water conductivity 0.053 0.479 0.073Permanent and emergent wetlands 0.112 0.284 0.006

    Monte Carlo test

    Eigenvalues (P) 0.050 0.004 0.014

    Taons-environment correlations (P) 0.061 0.035 0.051

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    Maltchik, L. et al.

    478 Braz. J. Biol., 2010, vol. 70, no. 3, p. 473-482

    was negatively associated with wetland altitude in thisregion. Our study showed that the mollusc richness wasnegatively associated with altitude. The lower richness omolluscs observed in high altitudes may be related witha low capacity o some species to tolerate etreme envi-ronmental and climatic conditions (see Hausdor, 2006).

    Biomphalaria, Drepanotrema and Lymnaea columellawere more reuent in the studied wetlands located at

    higher altitudes. The pulmonate genera have a strongability to support harsh conditions (Brown, 2001). Sturm(2007) also observed a higher occurrence o Planorbidaespecies and other generalist molluscs in lakes o high al-titude in the Eastern Alps. The biology o the amphibiousgastropod Omalonyx convexus is poorly known, making

    since some small studied lakes also had a great numbero mollusc species. Oertli et al. (2002) did not observethe relationships between wetland area and Sphaeriidaerichness.

    The macroinvertebrate richness usually declines romlow to high altitudes, although this pattern can be blurredrom lowlands to midlands (ca. 500 m) (Stoneburner,1977; Miserendino, 2001; Jacobsen, 2004). Oertli et al.

    (2002) regarded altitude as an important richness predic-tor to some macroinvertebrate amilies in Swiss ponds.While Stenert and Maltchik (2007) did not observe anegative relationship between altitude and macroinver-tebrate richness in southern Brazil wetlands, Panattaet al. (2007) showed that the richness o Chironomidae

    Wetland areaWater conductivity

    PM wetlands

    Wetland area

    PE wetlands












    Lymnaea columella

    Omalinix convexus



    Pomacia canaliculata





    Axis 1 (7.7%)

    Axis 1 (7.7%)2.5 1.5 0.5



    Water conductivityPE wetlands

    PM wetlands0.0



    Aquatic bedEmergentMulti-stratified




    0.5 1.5

    Figure 2. Diagrams o Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) ordination: a) Relationship among mollusc taa and en-vironmental variables (vectors); and b) Relationship among environmental variables (vectors) and wetlands categorised ac-cording to dominant vegetation. Abbreviations: PM wetlands = permanent and multi-stratied wetlands, and PE wetlands =

    permanent and emergent wetlands.

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    Freshwater molluscs in Southern Brazil wetlands

    479Braz. J. Biol., 2010, vol. 70, no. 3, p. 473-482

    (Barker, 2001) (herbivore) inhabits emergent vegetationand has been commonly ound near the margins o manyauatic environments (Thom et al., 2006).

    Our results showed that the wetlands in southernBrazil are important habitats or molluscs, and that therichness and the composition o molluscs are associated

    with area, altitude, water conductivity and dominant veg-etation. In terms o conservation, a wetland does not nec-essarily have to be large and located in lower altitudes tohave a high value. In this study, smaller wetlands at highaltitudes supported a mollusc composition that dieredrom those o larger wetlands and located in lower alti-tudes. In this sense, there is a need to promote conserva-tion o all wetland systems in southern Brazil, regardlesso their area, altitude and kind o dominant vegetation.These points should be seen as important to determinethe environmental actors that shape and maintain biodi-

    versity in these ecosystems. Such inormation is essen-tial to develop conservation and management programsor wetlands in this region, where more than 90% o thewetland systems have already been lost, and the remain-ing ones are still at high risk due to the epansion o riceproduction and eoticEucalyptus and pine plantations.

    Acknowledgements This research was supported by undsrom UNISINOS (02.00.023/00-0) and CNP (52370695.2).Leonardo Maltchik holds a Brazilian Research Council(CNP) Research Productivity grant. We thank two anonymousreviewers or helpul comments on the manuscript. We declarethat the data collection complied with Brazilian current laws.


    AGUDO-PADRN, AI. and OLIVEIRA, JV., 2008.Malacological auna in irrigated rice elds o the SouthernBrazil: a comprehensive general study. UNITAS Malacologica,vol. 26, p. 8.

    AHO, J., 1978. Freshwater snail populations and the theoryo island biogeography. I A case study in southern Finland.

    Annales Zoologici Fennici, vol. 15, p. 146-154.

    ALExANDER, JE. and COVICH, AP., 1991. Predation riskand avoidance behavior in two reshwater snails. Biological

    Bulletin, vol. 180, p. 387-393.

    American Public Health Association APHA, 1989. Standartmethods or examination o water and wastewater. Washington:American Water Works Association, and Water ControlFederation.

    BACHMANN, A., 1960. Apuntes para una hidrobiologaargentina II Ampullaria insularumOrb. yA. canaliculata Lam.(Moll. Prosobr., Ampullaridae). Observaciones biolgicasy ecolgicas. Acta do Primer Congreso Sudamericano de

    Zoologa, vol. 1, p. 19-26.

    BARKER, GM., 2001. Gastropods on land: phylogeny, diversity

    and adaptative morphology. In BARKER, GM. (Ed.). Thebiology o terrestrial mollusks. New York: CABI Publishing.p. 1-146.

    BATZER, DP., DIETZ-BRANTLEY, SE., TAYLOR, BE.and DEBIASE, AE., 2004. Evaluating regional dierences inmacroinvertebrate communities rom orested depressional

    it dicult to eplain its association with wetlands ohigh altitude.

    Several studies suggested that the hydroperiod infu-ences the structure o wetland macroinvertebrate com-munities (Wellborn et al., 1996; Zimmer et al., 2000).Our study showed that the mollusc richness and compo-

    sition were similar both in permanent and intermittentwetlands. The majority o the genera observed (pulmo-nate gastropods) are able to deal with long term hypoia(Brown, 2001). The aestivation process was observedin several species oBiomphalaria, Drepanotrema and

    Lymnaea columella, includingB. tenagophila (Teles andMarues, 1989) in Brazil. Many bivalve populations arerestricted to shallow waters and susceptible to droughtsor dry periods. However, the bivalves observed were rep-resented eclusively by Sphaeriidae, a amily with hightolerance to air eposure (McMahon and Bogan, 2001).

    Water conductivity is closely associated with di-versity and richness o auatic invertebrates (Friday,1987; Nyman et al., 2005). Lewis and Magnuson (2000)and Metzeling et al. (2006) ound strong relationshipsbetween mollusc richness and electrical conductivity.Our results did not show any association between waterconductivity and mollusc richness. Many studies haveshown that this relationship is not a consensus regardingwetland systems. Horsk (2006) remarked that the snailrichness did not increase with electrical conductivity.Several studies with Pisidium and Lymnaea columellahave ound dierent results in relation to the associa-

    tion between mollusc richness and water conductivity(Marchese and Drago, 1992; Berezina, 2003; Kazibweet al., 2006; Horsk, 2006; Sturm, 2007). Our resultsshowed that Biomphalaria and Ancylidae were mainlyobserved in wetlands with lower water conductivity.Berezina (2003) observed thatLymnaea columella is usu-ally more tolerant to low values o salinity, and Kazibweet al. (2006) sustained that Biomphalaria tend to avoidwaters with high conductivity. Pisidium was registeredpreerentially in areas with high electrical conductivityin South America (Marchese and Drago, 1992).

    The mollusc richness did not dier signicantly be-tween auatic bed and emergent wetlands in the studiedwetlands; however, the composition was dierent be-tween them. The majority o the taa observed showedpreviously some relationship with auatic plants (Pereiraet al., 2000a,b; Kotzian and Simes, 2006). Pomaceacanaliculata and Ancylidae are commonly associatedwith macrophytes in southern Brazilian. Macrophytesunction as substrate, ood, local or eggs deposition andprobably shelter or both taa (Aleander and Covich,1991; Veitenheimer-Mendes et al., 1992; Brown, 2001;Pizani et al., 2005; Damborenea, Brusa and Paola, 2006;

    Boland et al., 2008). Pisidium andEupera have also beenassociated with Eichhornia (Mansur and Veitenheimer-Mendes, 1975; Ituarte and Dreher-Mansur, 1993; Ituarte,1994). Lymnaea columella (algarivous) is commonlyound associated with emergent vegetation (Pereira et al.,2000a), where periphyton can grow. Omalonyx convexus

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