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MISSISSaUGd Committee of Adjustment The following staff reports are current as of January 16th at 3:30pm. Any staff reports received after this time may be obtained by emailing committee, [email protected] Please note: resident comments are not posted online and may be obtained by emailing the above.

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Committee of Adjustment

The following staff reports are current as of January 16th at 3:30pm.

Any staff reports received after this time may be obtained by emailing committee, [email protected]

Please note: resident comments are not posted online and may be obtained byemailing the above.

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Location: COUNCIL CHAMBERSHearing: JANUARY 18, 2018 AT 1:30 P.M.



FileName of ApplicantLocation of LandWardB-010/18 2169460 ONTARIO LIMITED 5758 DIXIE RD 5



File Name of Applicant Location of Land Ward




A-031/18 2267062 ONTARIO LTD. 2800 SKYMARK AVE 5







Name of Applicant Location of Land Ward






Note: If you wish to receive a copy of the Committee’s decision, please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" form is located on the table adjacent to the entrance doors to your right. (Please do not remove that form from the table. Thank you.)


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City of MississaugaPlanning and Building Department HississauGa

Date: January 12, 2018

File: C of A - 'B' 10/18(Ward 5 - 5758 Dixie Road)

January 18, 2018Agenda:

New Item


The Planning and Building Department has no objection to the application.


Mississauga Official Plan

Character Area: Dixie Employment AreaDesignation: Industrial

Zoning By-law 0225-2007

Zoning: E3 (Employment)





The subject site is located in the Northeast Employment Area, near the intersection of Dixie Road and Highway 401. The subject property is a through lot, with frontage on Dixie Road and Datsun Road. No building alterations are proposed. The subject lands are an existing commercial motor vehicle repair use.

The application proposes to sever the existing property into two parcels. One larger parcel fronting on Dixie Road are the retained lands, and the smaller parcel on Datsun Road are the severed lands. The severed and retained lands have existing access from Dixie Road and Datsun Road.

In our opinion, the proposed consent is considered appropriate development of the lands.

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The Planning and Building Department has no objection to the requested consent.

http//teamsites mtssissauqa ca/sites/18/CofA/Comments/2Q18/Januarv/Jan 18/ian18 rra doc

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City of Mississauga

Memorandum MississauGa

TO: S. Kenney, Secretary Treasurer Committee of Adjustment

FROM: D. MartinTransportation and Works

DATE: January 11, 2018

RE: Applicant:Date of Hearing: Our File:

2169460 Ontario LimitedJanuary 18, 2018'B' 10/18, Ward 5 (Z-35W)

This department has no objections to the applicant’s request to create a new lot for employment purposes. Should Committee see merit in the applicant’s request we are providing the following conditions/requirements to be imposed as conditions of approval:

A. Items Required Prior to the Issuance of Final Consent

A Drainage Study is to be prepared by a Consulting Engineer for our Environmental Engineering Section to review which is to identify and confirm the storm sewer outlet for both parcels. Based on the information available to us, in particular from our review of the Storm Design Areas Drawing, Plan C-28768 (Prepared by R E Winters & Associates Ltd for the Datsun Road Extension dated June 1989), the storm sewer outlet for a significant portion of the subject lands is the existing 675 Diameter storm sewer service connection which is located at the south westerly limits of these lands.

Upon the review of the Drainage Study any required servicing easements can be identified and arrangements will have to be made to establish the required easement(s) in support this severance proposal. Should the applicant require more information with regards to the above, we would request that they contact Ghazwan Yousif from our Environmental Services at 905 615-3200 ext. 3526.

2. Required Easement(s)

Upon the review of Item’s A1 and the confirmation of any required easement(s), the applicant/owner will be required to provide a 43R-Plan and letter/schedule prepared by the applicant's Solicitor which would specifically describe the new private easement(s) to be established. It should also be noted that any documentation received will be forwarded as an attachment with our clearance memo to the Committee of Adjustment Office in order that any new proposed private easement(s) can be identified and also be incorporated into the Certificate of Secretary-Treasurer.

1. Drainage Study

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B. General Information

1. Site Plan Approval

Any re-development of the subject lands will require the owner obtaining Site Plan Approval where any site specific conditions/requirements relating to detailed lot grading and drainage, servicing, access, etc. will be addressed.

For further information regarding the above noted comments, please contact Tony lacobucci at (905) 615-3200 ext. 5129 or [email protected].

D. MartinSupervisor, Development Engineering South 905-615-3200, ext. 5833

c; williamoughtred(a)on.aibn.com [email protected]

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S Region IF of Peelworking with you

Date: January 12, 2018

To: Sean Kenney, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment, City of Mississauga

From: Alex Martino, Junior Planner - Development Services

Public Works Subject: Mississauga Committee of Adjustment Agenda January 18th, 2018 Consolidated Regional Comments

10 Peel Centre Dr,Suite A Comments for Conditions to Approval:Brampton, ON L6T 4B9tel: 905-791-gi^ent for Severance Application: B-010/18 peelregion.cBevelopment Engineering: Iwona Frandsen (905) 7917800 x7920

Please note that severing the lands may adversely affect the existing location of the water and sanitary sewer services, if any exist. The result of this may require the applicant to install new water / sanitary servicing connections to either the severed or retained lands in compliance with the Ontario Building Code. The applicant may require the creation of private water / sanitary sewer servicing easements.

For location of existing water and sanitary sewer Infrastructure please contact Records at 905-791-7800 extension 7882 or by e-mail at PWServiceRequests(5)peelregion.ca

Condition: Arrangements satisfactory to the Region of Peel, Public Works shall be madewith respect to the location of existing and installation of new services and/or possible required private service easements.

Transportation Division: Avesha Khan (905) 7917800 x7909

Please note that the Ministry of Transportation, Ontario (MTO) has jurisdiction within 800 metres from their ramp terminals, which this property falls under. Therefore, the Region of Peel requests that the MTO acquire the following lands and provide the Region of Peel with a copy of the transfer documents to confirm the land dedications to the MTO.

In addition, The Region requires the gratuitous dedication of lands to meet the Regional Official Plan requirement for Regional Road 4 (Dixie Road), which has a right-of-way of 45 metres, 22.5 metres from the centreline of the road allowance. Additional property over and above the Official Plan required within 245 metres of intersections to protect for the provision of but not limited to: utilities, sidewalks, multiuse pathways and transit bay/shelters, is 50.5 metres

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(25.25 metres from the centreline of the road allowance) for a single left-turn lane configuration.

The existing configuration of the access on Dixie Road operating as a full- movement access does not adhere to the Controlled Access By-law 62-2013, which speaks to the Road Characterization Study; therefore the Region requests that the MTO require the physical restriction of the existing access onto Dixie Road to a right-in/right-out configuration, by extending the existing center median.

The Region of Peel also requires that the curb and boulevard be reinstated in front of the decommissioned access on Dixie Road, and that the center median be extended in front of it as well.

The Region requires that provisions be put in place by way of easements for interconnectivity between the two lots so as to provide access to Datsun Road for both properties.

A draft reference plan will be required for our review comment prior to being deposited.

Condition: Satisfactory arrangement shall be made between the owner and the Region ofPeel with regards to land dedication and access configuration.

I trust this information is of assistance to you and the Committee. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (905) 791-7800 ext. 4645 or by email at Alex.Martino(5)peelregion.ca



Alex Martino, Junior PlannerDevelopment Services, Public Works, Region of Peel

cc. Allison Morris, City of Mississauga Greg Kirton, City of Mississauga Robert Ruggiero, City of Mississauga Marylu Javed, City of Mississauga

Public Works10 Peel Centre Dr., Suite A, Brampton, ON L6T 4B9 Tel: 905-791 -7800 www.peelregion.ca

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Planning and Building Department

City of MississaugaMississauGa

Date: January 11,2018


File: Cof A-'B' 11/18(Ward 1 - 15 Tecumseth Avenue)

January 18, 2018

New Item


The Planning and Building Department has no objection to the requested Consent application.


Mississauga Official Plan

Other Applications:




No development is proposed through the subject application; however, a Building Permit will be required prior to construction of any new dwellings on the property.


Under the RM7 Zone provisions, a semi-detached dwelling is permitted in compliance with the RM2 zone regulations.

Since 1961, the Village of Port Credit Zoning By-law No. 1227 has permitted a variety of housing types for the subject lands including detached, duplex, triplex, double duplex, double triplex, fiveplex, converted dwelling and boarding or lodging house. In 1997, City Plan (the Official Plan) was adopted, permitting detached, semi-detached, duplex and other forms of

Character Area: Port Credit Neighbourhood (East)Designation: Residential Low Density II

Zoning By-law 0225-2007

Zoning: RM7-5 (Residential)

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dwellings with individual frontages on a public street. In 2007, the City undertook a Zoning By­law conformity and consolidation exercise including public consultation, which adopted the current RM7 zone provisions.

Furthermore, the subject property is located within the Port Credit Local Area Plan of Mississauga Official Plan and Section 3.1.2 states the following:

• The Residential Low Density II designation permits detached, semi-detached, duplex, triplex and street townhouse dwellings.

Section of Mississauga Official Plan states that a Consent application should generally represent the greater of the average lot frontage and area of residential lots within 120 m (393.70 ft.) or the requirements of the Zoning By-law. In this instance, since the RM7 Residential zone provisions permit semi-detached dwellings, and the surrounding properties contain a mix of single detached dwellings and semi-detached dwellings, this comparison is not appropriate.

Further, we advise that the frontage and lot area of the proposed severed and retained lots would exceed the requirements of the Zoning By-law for a semi-detached dwelling.

Given the preceding information, this Department has no objection to the Consent application, provided that the severed and retained lands comply with provisions of Zoning By-law 0225- 2007, as amended.

http://teamsites.mississauga.ca/sites/18/CofA/Comments/2018/January/Jan 18/jan18.gk.a.doc

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City of Mississauga

Memorandum MississauGa

TO: S. Kenney, Secretary Treasurer Committee of Adjustment

FROM: D. MartinTransportation and Works

DATE: January 11, 2018

RE: Applicant:Date of Hearing: Our File:

Eaglewood Development GroupJanuary 18, 2018'B' 11/18, Ward 1 (Z-7)

Should Committee see merit in the applicant's request we are providing the following conditions/requirements for Committee's consideration:

A. Items Required Prior to the Issuance of Final Consent

The applicant’s consulting engineer will be required to prepare an Overall Grading and Drainage Plan which contains sufficient details to ensure grading compatibility with the adjacent lands and submit the grading and drainage proposal to this department for review/approval.

Upon the review of an Overall Grading and Drainage Plan it may be determined that a catch basin may be required and satisfactory arrangements will have to be made for the construction of any required catch basin.

2. Removal of Existing Dwelling

From our recent site inspection of this property we note that there is an existing dwelling which conflicts with the new severance line. In this regard, satisfactory arrangements will have to be made for the removal/relocation of same.

1. Overall Grading and Drainage Plan

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1. Lot Grading and Drainage

We advise the applicant that issuance of any building perimits for the new dwelling(s) will be subject to the owner submitting a certified lot grading and drainage plan to this Department for review/approval. The grading and drainage plan is to contain sufficient detail to ensure grading compatibility with the adjacent properties. In addition, the owner will be required to submit the applicable lot grading and municipal services protection deposits.

2. Servicing

All costs incurred in providing any service laterals will be the responsibility of the owner. The owner will also be responsible for all costs incurred for the required road reinstatement (if required). If the service connections are to be installed by a private contractor retained by the owner, issuance of an open cut permit will be subject to the owner depositing adequate securities with the City to guarantee proper road reinstatement.

3. Access

We advise the applicant that all costs incurred in providing any new driveway entrance(s) to the subject lands or any modifications/reinstatement required, would be at cost to the owner. We are also noting that should any utilities need to be relocated, all costs incurred will also be to the owner.

4. Storm Sewer Outlet

The applicant is advised that there is no storm sewer system available in front of the proposed lot on Tecumseth Avenue. In this regard we advise that all dwellings to be constructed on the subject lands will require a sump pump to discharge the weeping tile to grade. It is the full responsibility of the applicant to advise any prospective purchasers of the properties of this requirement.

For further information regarding the above noted comments, please contact John Salvino at (905) 615-3200 ext. 5183 or iohn.salvino(a)mississauqa.ca

D. MartinSupervisor, Development Engineering South 905-615-3200, ext. 5833

c: [email protected]

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City of Mississauga

Memorandum MississauGa

DATE: January 15, 2018

FILE: B” 11/18


The Park Planning Section of the Community Services Department has reviewed the above noted consent application and advises as follows:

City of Mississauga Forestry Staff have attended the site and identified the following City owned tree within the municipal boulevard:

1. One (1) White Spruce - good condition

Should the application be approved, Community Services wishes to impose the following conditions:

1. The applicant shall provide tree protection securities in the amount of $2,500 for the above noted tree. Additional fees shall be required if the tree needs to be removed.

2. The applicant shall provide framed tree hoarding to the dripline of the above noted tree to the satisfaction of City of Mississauga Forestry Staff. Please call Ryan Cormier at 905-615-3200 ext. 4580 to arrange a hoarding inspection.

In addition, Community Services notes the following:

1. Payment of tree preservation securities can be made at the Parks and Forestry customer service counter located at 950 Burnhamthorpe Road West in the form of a certified cheque, letter of credit, bank draft, or money order. Any damage to the above noted City tree will result in the full or partial loss of street protection securities, as determined by City of Mississauga Forestry Staff.

2. Please be advised that securities may be held for up to two years, as determined by City of Mississauga Forestry Staff.

3. Prior to the issuance of building permits, cash-in-lieu for park or other public recreational purposes is required pursuant to Section 42 of the Planning Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13, as amended) and in accordance with the City’s policies and by-laws.

Should further information be required, please contact Lucas Petricca, Planning Assistant, Community Services Department at 905-615-3200 ext. 4388.

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fS. Region IF of Peelworking with you

Date: January 12, 2018

To: Sean Kenney, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment, City of Mississauga

From: Alex Martino, Junior Planner - Development Services

Public Works Subject: Mississauga Committee of Adjustment Agenda January 18th, 2018 Consolidated Regional Comments

10 Peel Cent-fe-Dr:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Suite ABrampton, ONL6T 4B9 Consent for Severance Application: B-011/18tel: 905-791 Engineering: Iwona Frandsen (905) 791 7800 x7920

peelregion.caPlease note that severing the lands may adversely affect the existing location of the water and sanitary sewer services, if any exist. The result of this may require the applicant to install new water / sanitary servicing connections to either the severed or retained lands in compliance with the Ontario Building Code. The applicant may require the creation of private water / sanitary sewer servicing easements.

For location of existing water and sanitary sewer Infrastructure please contact Records at 905-791-7800 extension 7882 or by e-mail at PWServiceRequests(5) peelregion.ca

I trust this information is of assistance to you and the Committee. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (905) 791-7800 ext. 4645 or by email at Alex.Martinoffipeelregion.ca



Alex Martino, Junior PlannerDevelopment Services, Public Works, Region of Peel

cc. Allison Morris, City of Mississauga Greg Kirton, City of Mississauga Robert Ruggiero, City of Mississauga Marylu Javed, City of Mississauga

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Planning and Building Department

City of MississaugaMississauGa

Date: January 11, 2018

File: Cof A-'A' 12/18(Ward 1 - 1622 Lincolnshire Boulevard)

January 18, 2018Agenda:

New Item


The Planning and Building Department recommends that the application be deferred to redesign the dwelling to reduce the overall height.


Mississauga Official Plan

Character Area: Lakeview NeighbourhoodDesignation: Residential Low Density I

Zoning By-law 0225-2007

Zoning: R3-75 (Residential)

Other Applications:

Building Permit File: 17-7485



The Planning and Building Department is currently processing a Building Permit application and based on the review of the information currently available, we advise that more information is required to verify the accuracy of the requested variances or determine whether additional variances will be required.

Zoning staff notes that Variance #4 may be deleted as the garage does not contain a second storey and therefore the one storey provision of the R3-75 - Residential zone applies (1.20 m).

Further, the stats are not clear and insufficient dimensions have been provided to determine whether the front porch is included in the lot coverage calculation. The driveway width may also not have been measured correctly.

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The applicant is proposing to construct an addition onto the existing dwelling and requires a number of variances to address both existing deficiencies to the Zoning By-law and variances required as a result of the new construction. The Planning and Building Department has no objection to variances #1 - #5 and #7; however, we cannot support variance #6 and recommend that the applicant defer the application to reduce the overall height of the dwelling.

Many of the requested variances are for existing conditions related to the driveway, setback deficiencies and area are all requests that are minor in nature and not causing any negative impacts to neighbouring properties or the streetscape on Lincolnshire Boulevard. The required variance for the height to the underside of the eaves is only present at the highest point on one of the dormer features and the majority of the main portion of the eaves is closer to a single storey and well below the permitted height requirement.

However, the overall height request is out of context with the neighbourhood. The predominant character of the neighbourhood is that of modest bungalows and limited reconstruction. The Zoning By-law permits two storey dwellings and larger heights than is currently normal for the neighbourhood; however, new construction should be sensitive to the existing context as well. The Department is of the opinion that the proposed roof height is excessive in this context, relative to the neighbourhood fabric.

Based on the preceding information, the Planning and Building Department recommends that the application be deferred to redesign the dwelling to reduce the overall height.

http://teamsites.mississauga.ca/sites/18/CofA/Comments/2018/January/Jan 18/jan18.gk.a.doc

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City of Mississauga



TO: S. Kenney, Secretary Treasurer Committee of Adjustment

FROM: D. MartinTransportation and Works

DATE: January 11, 2018

RE: Takebacks - January 18, 2018 -1:30pm File - C.A. Agendas

Re: C.A. 'A' 012/18Natasha & Dennis Kuzmar 1622 Lincolnshire Blvd Ward 1 (Z-5)

Transportation and Works concerns will be addressed through the Building Permit process for this property. Enclosed are photos depicting the existing driveway and accessory structure.

D. MartinSupervisor, Development Engineering South 905-615-3200 ext. 5833

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|& Region lir of Peelworking with you

Public Works

10 Peel Centre Dr, Suite ABrampton, ON L6T 4B9tel: 905-791-7800


Date: January 12, 2018

To: Sean Kenney, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment,City of Mississauga

From: Alex Martino, Junior Planner - Development Services

Subject: Mississauga Committee of Adjustment Agenda January 18th,2018 Consolidated Regional Comments

Dear Mr. Kenney,

Regional Planning staff have reviewed the applications listed on the January 18th, 2018 Committee of Adjustment Agenda. We have no comments or objections to the following applications:

Deferred Applications: DEF-228/17, DEF-A-343/17, and DEF-458/17 Applications^ A-012/li, A-029/18, A-030/18, A-031/18, A-033/18, A-036/18, A-037/18, A-038/18, A-039/18, A-041/18, A-042/18, A-043/18, and A-044/18

I trust this information is of assistance to you and the Committee. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (905) 791-7800 ext. 4645 or by email at [email protected]


Alex Martino, Junior PlannerDevelopment Services, Public Works, Region of Peel

cc. Allison Morris, City of MississaugaGreg Kirton, City of MississaugaRobert Ruggiero, City of MississaugaMarylu Javed, City of Mississauga

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City of MississaugaPlanning and Building Department


Date: January 11, 2018

File: C of A-'A'29/18(Ward 8 - 2260 Doulton Drive)

Agenda: January 18, 2018

New Item


The Planning and Building Department has no objection to the requested variances.


Mississauga Official Plan

Character Area: Sheridan NeighbourhoodDesignation: Residential Low Density I, Special Site #1

Zoning By-law 0225-2007

Zoning: R1-5 (Residential)

Other Applications:

Building Permit File: 17-8711



The Planning and Building Department is currently processing a Building Permit application and based on the review of the information currently available, the variances are correct, as requested.


The applicant is requesting a minor variance to permit the construction of an accessory structure that exceeds the Zoning By-law permissions for height and floor area, on the northerly side of the rear yard of the subject property. Numerically, the floor area requests seems excessive and is many times what the Zoning By-law permits; however, the accessory structure floor area provisions are the same regardless of the size of the lot. Furthermore, Doulton Drive is an anomaly in the City of Mississauga, with exceptionally large lot areas, which are capable of

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appropriately accommodating significantly larger accessory structures than the Zoning By-law permits as of right.

The intent of the Zoning By-law provisions around accessory structures are to ensure that accessory structures are proportional to the dwelling and the lot on which they are being constructed and that they do not cause undue impacts on neighbouring properties. Given the extremely generous lot size of the subject property, the Planning and Building Department is of the opinion that the applicant’s proposal is appropriate in this specific context and that the variance requests maintain the general intent of the Zoning By-law.

Based on the preceding information, the Planning and Building Department has no objection to the requested variances.

http://teamsites.mississauga.ca/sites/18/CofA/Comments/2018/January/Jan 18/jan18.gk.a.doc

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City of Mississauga

Memorandum MMississauGa

TO: S. Kenney, Secretary Treasurer Committee of Adjustment

FROM: D. MartinTransportation and Works

DATE: January 11, 2018

RE: Takebacks - January 18, 2018 -1:30pm File - C.A. Agendas

Re: C.A. ‘A’ 029/18Feras Salmeh 2260 Doulton Dr Ward 8 (Z-17)

Enclosed please find photos depicting the location of the proposed gazebo and the subject property.

D. MartinSupervisor, Development Engineering South 905-615-3200 ext. 5833

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RegionIF of Peelworking with you

Public Works

10 Peel Centre-Dtr Suite ABrampton, ON L6T 4B9tel: 905-791-7800


Date: January 12, 2018

To: Sean Kenney, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment,City of Mississauga

From: Alex Martino, Junior Planner - Development Services

Subject: Mississauga Committee of Adjustment Agenda January 18th,2018 Consolidated Regional Comments

Dear Mr. Kenney,

Regional Planning staff have reviewed the applications listed on the January 18th, 2018 Committee of Adjustment Agenda. We have no comments or objections to the following applications:

Deferred Applications: DEF-228/17, DEF-A-343/17, and DEF-458/17 Applications: A-012/18, A:029/18,>-030/18, A-031/18, A-033/18, A-036/18, A-037/18, A-038/18, A-039/18, A-041/18, A-042/18, A-043/18, and A-044/18

I trust this information is of assistance to you and the Committee. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (905) 791-7800 ext. 4645 or by email at [email protected]


Alex Martino, Junior PlannerDevelopment Services, Public Works, Region of Peel

cc. Allison Morris, City of MississaugaGreg Kirton, City of MississaugaRobert Ruggiero, City of MississaugaMarylu Javed, City of Mississauga

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City of MississaugaPlanning and Building Department


Date: January 12, 2018

File: C of A - 'A' 30/18(Ward 11 - 6644 Opera Glass Crescent)

Agenda: January 18, 2018

New Item


The Planning and Building has no objection to the application, but the applicant may choose to defer the application in order to verify the accuracy of the requested variances.


Mississauga Official Plan

Character Area: Meadowvale Village NeighbourhoodDesignation: Residential Medium Density

Zoning By-law 0225-2007

Zoning: RM5-30 (Residential)



We note that a building permit application and a site plan approval application are required. In the absence of one of these permit applications we are unable to confirm the accuracy of the requested variances or determine whether additional variances may be required. It should be noted that the variances, as requested, have been reviewed based on information provided however a full zoning review has not been completed.


The subject site is located in the Meadowvale Village neighbourhood, near the intersection of Mavis Road and Highway 401. The area context is medium density townhomes and semi­detached dwellings.

The application proposes a raised deck located off the main level of the dwelling. The application requests variances for a rear yard deficiency and excessive lot coverage.

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The subject site is part of a medium density townhouse with garages located below average grade. The living areas of the dwelling are located above the garage. Due to the living spaces located one level above grade balconies or raised decks were part of the original design. A variety of sizes of balconies and raised decks are part of the local area context. The lot directly to the north has a similar raised deck, but is located on a larger corner lot. In our opinion, due to the grading and local context the proposed deck maintains the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law.

Based on the preceding, the Planning and Building has no objection to the application, but the applicant may choose to defer the application in order to verify the accuracy of the requested variances.

http //teamsites mississauaa ca/sites/18/CofA/Comments/2018/Januarv/Jan 18/ian18 rr a doc

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City of Mississauga

Memorandum MMississauGa

TO: S. Kenney, Secretary TreasurerCommittee of Adjustment

FROM: D. MartinTransportation and Works

DATE: January 11, 2018

RE: Takebacks - January 18, 2018 -1:30pmFile - C.A. Agendas

RE: COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT - January 18, 2018 - 1:30pm

This Department has no objections, comments or requirements with respect to C.A. ‘A’ TV 228/17, ‘A’ 458/1/, TV 30/1| and TV 31/18.

D. MartinSupervisor, Development Engineering South 905-615-3200 ext. 5833

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Region IF of Peelworking with you

Public Works

10 Peel Centre Dr.' Suite ABrampton, ON L6T 4B9tel: 905-791-7800


Date: January 12, 2018

To: Sean Kenney, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment,City of Mississauga

From: Alex Martino, Junior Planner - Development Services

Subject: Mississauga Committee of Adjustment Agenda January 18th,2018 Consolidated Regional Comments

Dear Mr. Kenney,

Regional Planning staff have reviewed the applications listed on the January 18th, 2018 Committee of Adjustment Agenda. We have no comments or objections to the following applications:

Deferred Applications: DEF-228/17, DEF-A-343/17, and DEF-458/17 Applications: A-012/18, A-029/18, A-030/jfe, A-031/18, A-033/18, A-036/18, A-037/18, A-038/18, A-039/18, A-041/18, A-042/18, A-043/18, and A-044/18

I trust this information is of assistance to you and the Committee. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (905) 791-7800 ext. 4645 or by email at Alex. Martino (5) peelregion.ca


Alex Martino, Junior PlannerDevelopment Services, Public Works, Region of Peel

cc. Allison Morris, City of MississaugaGreg Kirton, City of MississaugaRobert Ruggiero, City of MississaugaMarylu Javed, City of Mississauga

Page 36: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

City of MississaugaPlanning and Building Department MtsstssauGa

Date: January 12, 2018


File: C of A-'A'31/18(Ward 5 - 2800 Skymark Avenue)

January 18, 2018

New Item


The Planning and Building Department has no objection to the application, but the applicant may wish to defer the application in order to submit a building permit or a certificate of occupancy to determine if additional variances are required.


Mississauga Official Plan

Character Area: Airport Corporate CentreDesignation: Business Employment

Zoning By-law 0225-2007

Zoning: E1-18 (Employment)



We note that a building permit application and a site plan approval application are required. In the absence of one of these permit applications we are unable to confirm the accuracy of the requested variance or determine whether additional variances may be required. It should be noted that the variances, as requested, have been reviewed based on information provided however a full zoning review has not been completed.

The subject site is a commercial office condominium, in the Airport Corporate Centre, near the intersection of Eglinton Avenue and Renforth Drive.

The application proposes a new convenience store within an existing unit. The E1-18 Zone does not permit retail uses.


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The existing building has a variety of uses, including office, medical office, restaurant, personal service, and other uses. The proposed convenience retail store is located immediately adjacent to the existing McDonalds restaurant drive-through entrance. The proposed retail store is approximately 156 m2 (approx. 1,679.17 ft2). In our opinion, given the modest size and overall variety of uses on site, the requested variance maintains the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law.

Based on the preceding, the Planning and Building Department has no objection to the application, but the applicant may wish to defer the application in order to submit a building permit or a certificate of occupancy to determine if additional variances are required.

http //teamsites mississauaa ca/sites/18/CofA/Comments/2018/Januarv/Jan 18/ian18 rr a doc

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City of Mississauga



TO: S. Kenney, Secretary Treasurer Committee of Adjustment

FROM: D. MartinTransportation and Works

DATE: January 11, 2018

RE: Takebacks - January 18, 2018 -1:30pm File - C.A. Agendas

RE: COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT - January 18, 2018 - 1:30pm

This Department has no objections, comments or requirements with respect to C.A. ‘A’ ‘A’ 228/17, TV 458/17, TV 30/18 and TV 31/18!.


D. MartinSupervisor, Development Engineering South 905-615-3200 ext. 5833

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ip Region lir of Peelworking with you

Public Works

10 Peel Centre-Dr. Suite ABrampton, ON L6T 4B9tel: 905-791-7800


Date: January 12, 2018

To: Sean Kenney, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment,City of Mississauga

From: Alex Martino, Junior Planner - Development Services

Subject: Mississauga Committee of Adjustment Agenda January 18th,2018 Consolidated Regional Comments

Dear Mr. Kenney,

Regional Planning staff have reviewed the applications listed on the January 18th, 2018 Committee of Adjustment Agenda. We have no comments or objections to the following applications:

Deferred Applications: DEF-228/17, DEF-A-343/17, and DEF-458/17 Applications: A-012/18, A-029/18, A-030/18, A-Q31/l$, A-033/18, A-036/18, A-037/18, A-038/18, A-039/18, A-041/18, A-042/1SA-043/18, and A-044/18

I trust this information is of assistance to you and the Committee. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (905) 791-7800 ext. 4645 or by email at Alex.MartinoPpeelregion.ca


Alex Martino, Junior PlannerDevelopment Services, Public Works, Region of Peel

cc. Allison Morris, City of MississaugaGreg Kirton, City of MississaugaRobert Ruggiero, City of MississaugaMarylu Javed, City of Mississauga

Page 40: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

City of MississaugaPlanning and Building Department MississauGa

Date: January 12, 2018


File: Cof A-TV 32/18(Ward 11-94 Vista Boulevard)

January 18, 2018

New Item


The Planning and Building Department recommends that the application be deferred in order for the dwelling to be redesigned.


Mississauga Official Plan

Character Area: Streetsville NeighbourhoodDesignation: Residential Low Density I

Zoning By-law 0225-2007

Zoning: R2-50 (Residential)



The Building Department is currently processing a building permit application under file IT- 7246. Based on review of the information currently available for this building permit, we advise that more information is required to verify the accuracy of the requested variances or determine whether additional variances will be required.


The subject site is located in the Streetsville Neighbourhood, near the intersection of Thomas Street and Erin Mills Parkway. The area context is modest original one-storey dwellings, with occasional larger replacement dwellings in the broader neighbourhood.

The application proposes a new replacement dwelling. The application requests variances for excessive gross floor area, excessive lot coverage, and excessive height.

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We note that the proposed garage is located within a Bell Canada easement.

The Streetsville Infill housing review was conducted in 2010 and 2011 in response to public sentiment seeking to protect the existing character of the neighbourhood. The review resulted in a residential infill by-law that was tailored to address the concerns specific to Streetsville. The proposed dwelling is requesting a gross floor area of 321.24 m2 (approx. 3,457.80 ft2) whereas 297.75 m2 (approx. 3,204.95 ft2) is permitted, a lot coverage of 31.8% whereas 25% is permitted, and a height of 10.24 m whereas 9 m is permitted. The requested variances for lot coverage and height are excessive and contravene the general intent of the Zoning By-law.

There is one example of a new replacement dwelling on Vista Boulevard within 300 m of the subject site, which was constructed after the adoption of the current Zoning By-law. There are a small number of replacement dwellings on nearby streets such as Vista Drive, De Jong Drive, Wareham Drive, and Alphonse Crescent which were constructed under the previous zoning regime that could influence the local character. The proposed dwelling does not have sufficient regard for the planned character of the area, as described by the Zoning By-law.

Based on the preceding, the Planning and Building Department recommends that the application be deferred in order for the dwelling to be redesigned.

http //teamsites mississauaa ca/sites/18/CofA/Comments/2018/Januarv/Jan 18/ian18 rr a doc

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City of Mississauga

Memorandum MMfssissauGa

TO: S. Kenney, Secretary TreasurerCommittee of Adjustment

FROM: D. MartinTransportation and Works

DATE: January 11, 2018

RE: Takebacks - January 18, 2018 -1:30pmFile - C.A. Agendas

Re: C.A. ‘A’ 032/18Ashdeep Rana94 Vista BlvdWard 11 (Z-39)

We are noting that any Transportation and Works Department concerns/requirements for the proposed new dwelling will be addressed through the Building Permit Process.

D. MartinSupervisor, Development Engineering South 905-615-3200 ext. 5833

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Region Hr of Peelworking with you

Date: January 12, 2018

To: Sean Kenney, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment, City of Mississauga

From: Alex Martino, Junior Planner - Development Services

Public Works Subject: Mississauga Committee of Adjustment Agenda January 18th, 2018 Consolidated Regional Comments

10 Peel Centre Dr.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Suite ABrampton, QMinor Variance Application: A-032/18L6T 4B9 Development Engineering: Iwona Frandsen (905) 7917800 x7920 tel: 905-791-7800

peelregion.ca Please be advised that service connection sizes shall be in compliance withOntario Building Code and Region of Peel Design Criteria. An upgrade of your existing service may be required. All works associated with the servicing of this site will be at the applicant's expense.

For more information, please call our Site Servicing Technicians at 905.791.7800 x7973 or by email at siteplanservicing(5)peelregion.ca

For location of existing water and sanitary sewer Infrastructure please contact Records at 905-791-7800 extension 7882 or by e-mail at PWServiceRequests(5)peelregion.ca

I trust this information is of assistance to you and the Committee. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (905) 791-7800 ext. 4645 or by email at Alex. Marti no @ peelregion.ca


Alex Martino, Junior PlannerDevelopment Services, Public Works, Region of Peel

cc. Allison Morris, City of Mississauga Greg Kirton, City of Mississauga Robert Ruggiero, City of Mississauga Marylu Javed, City of Mississauga

Page 46: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

Planning and Building Department

City of MississaugaMississauGa

Date: January 11, 2018


File: C of A - 'A' 33/18(Ward 2 - 965 Raintree Lane)

January 18, 2018

New Item


The Planning and Building Department has no objection to the requested variance; however, the applicant may wish to defer the application to apply for the required permit application to ensure that all required variances have been accurately identified.


Mississauga Official Plan

Character Area: Clarkson-Lorne Park NeighbourhoodDesignation: Residential Medium Density

Zoning By-law 0225-2007

Zoning: RM5-3 (Residential)

Other Applications:

Building Permit File: RequiredSite Plan Approval File: Required



A Building Permit application and a Site Plan Approval application are required. In the absence of one of these permit applications we are unable to confirm the accuracy of the requested variance or determine whether additional variances may be required.


The applicant is proposing to construct a relatively small, single storey, sunroom addition at the rear of their property. The reduced setback is only present at one point in the rear yard and the irregular lot shape means that there is plenty of rear yard amenity area still available. The

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Planning and Building Department is of the opinion that the sunroom addition is in scale and character with the neighbourhood and that the reduced setback is minor in nature and keeping with the intent of the Zoning By-law given the orientation of the rear yard and the irregular lot lines.

Based on the preceding information, the Planning and Building Department has no objection to the requested variance; however, the applicant may wish to defer the application to apply for the required permit application to ensure that all required variances have been accurately identified.

http://teamsites mississauga ca/sites/18/CofA/Comments/2018/January/Jan 18/jan18 gk.a.doc

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City of Mississauga

Memorandum MississauGa

TO: S. Kenney, Secretary Treasurer Committee of Adjustment

FROM: D. MartinTransportation and Works

DATE: January 11, 2018

RE: Takebacks - January 18, 2018 -1:30pm File - C.A. Agendas

Re: C.A. ‘A’ 033/18Li-Jen Chen &Tzu-Yun Fang 965 Raintree Lane Ward 2 (Z-9)

We are noting that any Transportation and Works Department concerns/requirements for the proposed new dwelling will be addressed through the Building Permit Process.

D. MartinSupervisor, Development Engineering South 905-615-3200 ext. 5833

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fSm Region IF of Peelworking with you

Public Works

10 Peel Centre Drr Suite ABrampton, ON L6T 4B9tel: 905-791-7800


Date: January 12, 2018

To: Sean Kenney, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment,City of Mississauga

From: Alex Martino, Junior Planner - Development Services

Subject: Mississauga Committee of Adjustment Agenda January 18th,2018 Consolidated Regional Comments

Dear Mr. Kenney,

Regional Planning staff have reviewed the applications listed on the January 18th, 2018 Committee of Adjustment Agenda. We have no comments or objections to the following applications:

Deferred Applications: DEF-228/17, DEF-A-343/17, and DEF-458/17 Applications: A-012/18, A-029/18, A-030/18, A-031/18,^r033^18, A-036/18, A-037/18, A-038/18, A-039/18, A-041/18, A-042/18, A-043/18, and A-044/18

I trust this information is of assistance to you and the Committee. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (905) 791-7800 ext. 4645 or by email at Alex.Martino(5> peelregion.ca


Alex Martino, Junior PlannerDevelopment Services, Public Works, Region of Peel

cc. Allison Morris, City of MississaugaGreg Kirton, City of MississaugaRobert Ruggiero, City of MississaugaMarylu Javed, City of Mississauga

Page 52: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

Planning and Building Department

City of MississaugaMississauGa

Date: January 11, 2018


File: Cof A-'A' 34/18(Ward 1 - 446 South Service Road)

January 18, 2018

New Item


The Planning and Building Department recommends that the application be deferred.


Mississauga Official Plan

Other Applications:

Building Permit File: 17-5184



The Planning and Building Department is currently processing a Building Permit application and based on the review of the information currently available, we advise that the variances should be amended as follows:

1. a proposed combined width of side yards of 1.49 m, whereas By-law 0225-2007, as amended, requires a minimum combined width of side yards of 6.26 m in this instance;

2. a proposed side yard setback of 1.20 m to the detached garage, whereas By-law 0225-2007, as amended, requires a minimum side yard setback of 1.80 m in this instance;

Character Area: Mineola NeighbourhoodDesignation: Residential Low Density II

Zoning By-law 0225-2007

Zoning: R3-1 (Residential)

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Although the Planning and Building Department does not have concerns generally with the setback, as it is identical to what was previously approved by the Committee for a different orientation of the garage structure, the proposed access arrangement to the garage in the current application does not appear to have sufficient vehicular access.

Based on the proceeding information, the Planning and Building Department is of the opinion that the application should be deferred so that the applicant can clarify that they have appropriate access to the garage through consultation with Transportation and Works staff.

http://teamsites.mississauga.ca/sites/18/CofA/Comments/2018/January/Jan 18/jan18.gk.a.doc

Page 54: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

City of Mississauga

Memorandum MississauGa

TO: S. Kenney, Secretary Treasurer Committee of Adjustment

FROM: D. MartinTransportation and Works

DATE: January 11, 2018

RE: Takebacks - January 18, 2018 -1:30pm File - C.A. Agendas

Re: C.A. ‘A’ 034/18Lucia Maria Pinelli & Richard Dernoswki 446 South Service Road Ward 1 (Z-7)

We are noting that any Transportation and Works Department concerns/requirements for the proposed new dwelling will be addressed through the Building Permit Process for this property under file BP#17-5184. For Committee’s information, we note that the applicant is proposing a garage door on the side of the garage versus the end of the garage and question whether adequate turning radius is provided to perform the turning movement of a vehicle into and out of the proposed detached. A revised site plan should be submitted which provides accurate turning radius details to determine if the movement into and out of the garage is possible should the Committee have concerns with this door location.

D. MartinSupervisor, Development Engineering South 905-615-3200 ext. 5833

Page 55: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

!&■ Region lir of Peelworking with you

Date: January 12, 2018

To: Sean Kenney, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment, City of Mississauga

From: Alex Martino, Junior Planner - Development Services

Public Works Subject: Mississauga Committee of Adjustment Agenda January 18th, 2018 Consolidated Regional Comments

10 Peel Centre-Dr.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Suite ABrampton, QMinor Variance Application: A-034/18L6T 4B9 Development Engineering: Iwona Frandsen (905) 791 7800 x7920 tel: 905-791-7800

peelregion.ca A water service upgrade may be required for the proposed uses. All worksassociated with the servicing of this site will be at the applicant's expense.

Please contact our Site Servicing Technicians at 905.791.7800 ext.7973 or by email at siteplanservicing(a)peelregion.ca for more information.

I trust this information is of assistance to you and the Committee. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (905) 791-7800 ext. 4645 or by email at [email protected]


Alex Martino, Junior PlannerDevelopment Services, Public Works, Region of Peel

cc. Allison Morris, City of Mississauga Greg Kirton, City of Mississauga Robert Ruggiero, City of Mississauga Marylu Javed, City of Mississauga

Page 56: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

City of MississaugaPlanning and Building Department MississauGa

Date: January 12, 20183$

File: Cof A-W32718(Ward 3 -T606 Sedlescomb Drive)

Agenda: January 18, 2017

New Item


The Planning and Building Department recommends that the application be deferred pending the submission of a parking utilization study to justify the reduction in parking.


Mississauga Official Plan

Character Area: Dixie Employment AreaDesignation: Business Employment

Zoning By-law 0225-2007

Zoning: E2-1 (Employment)



The Building Department is currently processing a certificate of occupancy permit application under file 17-8396. Based on review of the information currently available for this building permit, the variances, as requested are correct.


We advise that a parking utilization study that satisfactorily justifies the requested reduction in parking is requested. Until we are in receipt of this information, we cannot determine the appropriateness of the requested variance. Staff has been in communication with the applicant regarding the requirements of a Parking Utilization Study.

Based on the preceding, the Planning and Building Department recommends that the application be deferred pending the submission of a parking utilization study to justify the reduction in parking.

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http //teamsites mississauqa ca/sites/18/CofA/Comments/2018/Januarv/Jan 18/ian18 rr a doc

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City of Mississauga

Memorandum MMississauGa

TO: S. Kenney, Secretary Treasurer Committee of Adjustment

FROM: D. MartinTransportation and Works

DATE: January 11, 2018

RE: Takebacks - January 18, 2018 -1:30pm File - C.A. Agendas

Re: C.A. ‘A’ 035/18Htut Ltd1606 Sedlescomb Dr Ward 3 (Z-19)

Enclosed for Committee’s reference are some photos which depict the subject property.

D. MartinSupervisor, Development Engineering South 905-615-3200 ext. 5833

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S. Region IF of Peelworking with you

January 12, 2018

Sean Kenney, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment, City of Mississauga

Alex Martino, Junior Planner - Development Services

Mississauga Committee of Adjustment Agenda January 18th, 2018 Consolidated Regional Comments

10 Peel Centre Dr------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Suite ABrampton, ONL6T 4B9 Minor Variance Application: A-035/18tel: 905-791 -^^|opment Engineering: Iwona Frandsen (905) 791 7800 x7920

peelregion.caThe Region of Peel will require review of this application if there are any changes to the fire protection to accommodate the proposed place of worship. All works associated with the servicing of this site will be at the applicant's expense.

For more information, please call our Site Servicing Technicians at 905.791.7800 x7973 or by email at [email protected]



Public Works



I trust this information is of assistance to you and the Committee. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (905) 791-7800 ext. 4645 or by email at A1ex.Martino(5) peelregion.ca


Alex Martino, Junior PlannerDevelopment Services, Public Works, Region of Peel

cc. Allison Morris, City of MississaugaGreg Kirton, City of MississaugaRobert Ruggiero, City of MississaugaMarylu Javed, City of Mississauga

Page 62: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

City of MississaugaPlanning and Building Department MississauGa

Date: January 11, 2018


File: C of A - TV 228/17(Ward 8 - 3233 Erin Mills Parkway)

January 18, 2018

Deferred Item


The Planning and Building Department recommends that the application be refused.


Mississauga Official Plan

Character Area: Erin Mills NeighbourhoodDesignation: Motor Vehicle Commercial

Zoning By-law 0225-2007

Zoning: C5-3 (Commercial)

Other Applications:

Building Permit File: RequiredSite Plan Approval File: Required


The applicant was previously before the Committee on October 5, 2017 where staff indicated a number of outstanding issues that would need to be addressed to demonstrate the feasibility and appropriateness of the applicant’s proposal, similar to what was indicated at the original hearing date on June 8, 2017. The October 5, 2017 Planning Report is attached for background information, for the benefit of the Committee. Since the previous hearing, no new information has been received by the Planning and Building Department in support of the applicant’s proposal and the same concerns are still relevant.

Based on the information provided currently available, the Department is unable to support to application in its current form. The applicant has not adequately demonstrated how the proposal meets the four tests for a Minor Variance, as outlined in Section 45(1) of the Planning Act. It is

Page 63: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

unclear how the filling of the tank will affect the overall parking, which is currently negatively affected by overflow storage and parking associated with the repair garage at the rear portion of the service station. Another concern is how filling will affect the flow of traffic and the obstruction of the aisles on the site given the relatively tight aisle width between the building and the proposed location of the propane tank.

Additionally, the Department does not have adequate confirmation that the proposed use is safe abutting a residential zone. In normal circumstances, similar propane filling tanks in Mississauga are located in area surrounded by commercial or industrial lands, where residential is not a concern. Although, the abutting residential zone does not necessarily prevent a propane tank from being installed safely, evidence must be provided to show that this could be achieved beyond a reasonable doubt for the Department to deem that the general intent of the Zoning By­law has been maintained, in this unique circumstance.

Based on the proceeding information, the Planning and Building Department is of the opinion that the applicant’s request is not minor in nature and does not meet the general intent of the Zoning By-law, based on the information currently available with the application. As a result, the Department recommends that the application be refused.

http://teamsites.mississauga ca/sites/18/CofA/Comments/2018/January/Jan 18/jan18.gk.a.doc


City of MississaugaPlanning and Building Department


Date: October 4, 2017

File: C of A -'A'228/17(Ward 8 - 3233 Erin Mills Parkway)

Agenda: October 5, 2017

Deferred Item


The Planning and Building Department recommends that the application be deferred.


Mississauga Official Plan

Character Area: Designation:

Erin Mills Neighbourhood Motor Vehicle Commercial

Page 64: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

Zoning By-law 0225-2007

Zoning: C5-3 (Commercial)

Other Applications:

Building Permit File: RequiredSite Plan Approval File: Required



A Building Permit and Site Plan Approval application are required; however, the most recent proposal has been reviewed by Zoning Division staff and the two most recently circulated variances are correct, as requested.


The application was previously before the Committee on June 8, 2017 and was deferred to allow for clarification from the zoning division as to what variances were required. Although the required Site Plan Approval application and Building Permit application have not been applied for to date, a more thorough zoning review has been completed to help address the initial deferral issue. However, upon further review of the application and consideration of what input would be required to ensure that there are no concerns with the location of a propane tank in this location, the Department recommends that the application be deferred again in order for the applicant to provide additional information to substantiate the application.

The By-law provisions restricting a propane storage tank on a lot abutting a residential zone originally came into effect in 1982 as a result of an increase in the usage of propane and a surge in the construction of distribution tanks. The original report to the Planning and Development Committee (August 16, 1982) cited a number of reasons for the restriction abutting a residential zone, primarily centered on safety concerns. Zoning regulations regarding propane tanks have been modified over the years, but the prohibition against propane tanks being located on properties adjacent to residential properties has remained unchanged and is a long-standing prohibition.

The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) regulates the installation of propane storage tanks. Generally comments are not received from their organization at this point in the process; however, in this instance we are awaiting feedback on this specific proposal as a result of the required variance and the proximity to the residential units in the adjacent townhouse condominium units. No supporting documentation has been provided in association with the application. Planning staff lack the technical expertise to ensure that the proposed propane storage tank location is in a location that would meet the safety standard threshold to sufficiently maintain the intent of the zoning by-law.

Further, should a buffer area and/or concrete bollards be required around the proposed tank, additional parking may need to be removed as the tank is currently proposed immediately adjacent to a parking space. The associated parking variance would need to be amended accordingly.

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In this instance, the Planning and Building Department is unable to currently determine whether the applicant’s proposal meets the intent of the Zoning By-law and recommends that the application be deferred for the applicant to provide supporting documentation in order to substantiate the request. Staff has reached out to TSSA, but have not received a response.

http //teamsites.mississauga.ca/sites/18/CofA/Comments/2017/October/October 5/Oct5 gk.c.doc

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City of Mississauga

Memorandum MississatJGa

TO: S. Kenney, Secretary Treasurer Committee of Adjustment

FROM: D. MartinTransportation and Works

DATE: January 11, 2018

RE: Takebacks - January 18, 2018 -1:30pm File - C.A. Agendas

RE: COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT - January 18, 2018 - 1:30pm

This Department has no objections, comments or requirements with respect to C.A. fAi7V 228/17, ‘A’ 458/17, ‘A’ 30/18 and ‘A’ 31/18.

D. MartinSupervisor, Development Engineering South 905-615-3200 ext. 5833

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|p Region lir of Peelworking with you

Public Works

10 Peel Centfe-Drr Suite ABrampton, ON L6T 4B9tel: 905-791-7800


Date: January 12, 2018

To: Sean Kenney, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment,City of Mississauga

From: Alex Martino, Junior Planner - Development Services

Subject: Mississauga Committee of Adjustment Agenda January 18th,2018 Consolidated Regional Comments

Dear Mr. Kenney,

Regional Planning staff have reviewed the applications listed on the January 18th, 2018 Committee of Adjustment Agenda. We have no comments or objections to the following applications:

Deferred Applications: DEF-228/17, DEF-A-343/17, and DEF-458/17 Applications: A-012/18, A^029/18, A-030/18, A-031/18, A-033/18, A-036/18, A-037/18, A-038/18, A-039/18, A-041/18, A-042/18, A-043/18, and A-044/18

I trust this information is of assistance to you and the Committee. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (905) 791-7800 ext. 4645 or by email at [email protected]


Alex Martino, Junior PlannerDevelopment Services, Public Works, Region of Peel

cc. Allison Morris, City of MississaugaGreg Kirton, City of MississaugaRobert Ruggiero, City of MississaugaMarylu Javed, City of Mississauga

Page 68: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

City of MississaugaPlanning and Building Department MississauGa

Date: January 12, 2018

File: Cof A-TV 343/17(Ward 4 - 4486 Centretown Way)

January 18, 2018Agenda:

Deferred Item


The Planning and Building Department recommends that the application be refused.


Mississauga Official Plan

Character Area: Hurontario NeighbourhoodDesignation: Residential Low Density II

Zoning By-law 0225-2007

Zoning: R5-44 (Residential)



The application was previously deferred. No new submissions have been received.

We note that a building permit application is required. In the absence of a building permit application we are unable to confirm the accuracy of the requested variances.

Regarding variance #2, the rear setback required to a pergola is 0.61 m.


The application was previously deferred. No new submissions have been received.

The subject site is located in the Hurontario Neighbourhood, near the intersection of Confederation Parkway and Eglinton Avenue West. The area context is detached dwellings and semi-detached dwellings.

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The application proposes a pergola in the rear yard requesting variances for occupied area, rear setback, and height.

The proposed pergola extends across the majority of the rear yard. Accessory structures, such as pergolas, are typically subordinate in size and scale to the dwelling and the lot. The overall size, massing and design of the proposed pergola is disproportionately large for the dwelling and the lot. The design of the structure does not have sufficient regard for the subject lot and the neighbouring properties. The proposed height exacerbates the size and scale of the structure. In our opinion, the pergola represents overdevelopment of the site, and does not maintain the intent of Zoning By-law.

Based on the preceding, the Planning and Building Department recommend that the application be refused.

http //teamsites mississauaa ca/sites/18/CofA/Comments/2018/Januarv/Jan 18/ian 18 rr a doc

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City of Mississauga

Memorandum MississauGa

TO: S. Kenney, Secretary Treasurer Committee of Adjustment

FROM: D. MartinTransportation and Works

DATE: January 11, 2018

RE: Takebacks - January 18, 2018 -1:30pm File - C.A. Agendas

Re: C.A. ‘A’ 343/17Feroze & Shaireen Bakssh 4486 Centretown Way Ward 4 (Z - 29)

Further to our comments submitted for the October 5, 2017 and August 17, 2017 Hearing we are advising that we have received no additional information and in this regard our previous comments are still applicable.

From the information submitted with this application, our site inspection and as clearly evident from our enclosed photos, the pergola structure currently under construction is very excessive. This department has grading and drainage related concerns with the structure being constructed, in particular with regards to where any roof drainage from the structure will be directed. This department also foresees significant drainage related concerns when there is a heavy rainfall as the runoff will likely be directed into the abutting properties as the structure is so close to the rear property line. Consideration should also be given to any significant accumulation of snow which will also be directed into the rear yards of the abutting properties. Some attention should also be given to any impact that the weight of any snow runoff could have on the existing fence between the properties.

We are also attaching a copy of the Grading Plan approved through Registered Plan of Subdivision 43M-1781 which indicates that the subject property is to accommodate drainage from the abutting property to the north (Lot 64) and this drainage was designed to be directed to the existing catch basin on the abutting property to the south (Lot 62). The structure being constructed will have a negative impact on the approved grading design as there will not be adequate room for a drainage swale across the rear property line.

In view of the above we cannot support the request as submitted and would suggest that significant modifications be made to reduce the size of the covered porch.

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For further information regarding the above noted comments, please contact Tony lacobucci at (905) 615-3200 ext. 5129 or tonv.iacobucci(a)mississauqa.ca

D. MartinSupervisor, Development Engineering South 905-615-3200 ext. 5833

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fis RegionIII of Peelworking with you

Date: January 12, 2018

To: Sean Kenney, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment, City of Mississauga

From: Alex Martino, Junior Planner - Development Services

Public Works Subject: Mississauga Committee of Adjustment Agenda January 18th,2018 Consolidated Regional Comments

10 Peel Centre Dr. Suite A Brampton, ON L6T 4B9tel: 905-791-7800


Dear Mr. Kenney,

Regional Planning staff have reviewed the applications listed on the January 18th, 2018 Committee of Adjustment Agenda. We have no comments or objections to the following applications:

Deferred Applications: DEF-228/17, DER-A-343/17, and DEF-458/17 Applications: A-012/18, A-029/18, A-030/18, A-031/18, A-033/18, A-036/18, A-037/18, A-038/18, A-039/18, A-041/18, A-042/18, A-043/18, and A-044/18

I trust this information is of assistance to you and the Committee. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (905) 791-7800 ext. 4645 or by email at Alex.Martinoppeelregion.ca


Alex Martino, Junior PlannerDevelopment Services, Public Works, Region of Peel

cc. Allison Morris, City of MississaugaGreg Kirton, City of MississaugaRobert Ruggiero, City of MississaugaMarylu Javed, City of Mississauga

Page 73: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

City of Mississauga MPlanning and Building Department MtssissauGa

Date: January 11, 2018


File: C of A-'A'416/17(Ward 1 - 1034 Meredith Avenue)

January 18, 2018

Deferred Item


The Planning and Building Department recommends that the application be deferred to complete a resubmission through the Building Permit process to evaluate the proposal against the current Zoning By-law standards, which have changed since the original submission.


Mississauga Official Plan

Character Area: Lakeview NeighbourhoodDesignation: Residential Low Density II

Zoning By-law 0225-2007

Zoning: R3-75 (Residential)

Other Applications:

Building Permit File: 99-5787


As no new information has been received, the Planning and Building Department's comments from the September 28, 2017 Committee of Adjustment hearing remain applicable.

http://teamsites mississauga.ca/sites/18/CofA/Comments/2018/January/Jan 18/jan18.gk a.doc

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City of Mississauga MississauGa

Planning and Building Department

Date: September 21, 2017


File: C of A - 'A' 416/17(Ward 1 - 1034 Meredith Avenue)

September 28, 2017

New Item


The Planning and Building Department recommends that the application be deferred to complete a resubmission through the Building Permit process to evaluate the proposal against the current Zoning By-law standards, which have changed since the original submission.


Mississauga Official Plan

Character Area: Lakeview NeighbourhoodDesignation: Residential Low Density II

Zoning By-law 0225-2007

Zoning: R3-75 (Residential)

Other Applications:

Building Permit File: 99-5787



The Department acknowledges Building Permit 99-5787 but note that this Building Permit was received prior to the implementation of zoning by-law 0225-2007 and that no resubmission has taken place since. In the absence of a zoning review under the current by-law, we are unable to confirm the accuracy of the requested variances. It is not clear where the parking space referenced in requested variance #5 is located and it is not clear whether additional variances will be required.

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The applicant is proposing to construct a second storey addition on the existing first floor footprint and requires variances to maintain the existing side yard and front yard setbacks as well as permit a deficient sized parking space. Although the Planning and Building Department has no objection in principle to the applicant’s proposal we recommend that the application be deferred to go through another submission of the Building Permit drawings given that the original review was done 18 years ago under a different Zoning By-law.

http://teamsites.mississauga.ca/sites/18/CofA/Comments/2017/September/September 28/Sept28 gk.a.doc

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City of Mississauga

Memorandum ixiMississauGa

TO: S. Kenney, Secretary Treasurer Committee of Adjustment

FROM: D. MartinTransportation and Works

DATE: January 11, 2018

RE: Takebacks - January 18, 2018 -1:30pm File - C.A. Agendas

Re: C.A. ‘A’ 416/17Gareth Knocher 1034 Meredith Ave Ward 1 (Z-6)

Transportation and Works concerns will be addressed through the Building Permit process for this property.

D. MartinSupervisor, Development Engineering South 905-615-3200 ext. 5833

Page 77: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

|& RegionIF of Peelworking with you

Date: January 12, 2018

To: Sean Kenney, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment, City of Mississauga

From: Alex Martino, Junior Planner - Development Services

Public Works Subject: Mississauga Committee of Adjustment Agenda January 18th, 2018 Consolidated Regional Comments

10 Peel Centre-Cte———-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Suite ABrampton, ON Comments for Information Purposes:L6T 4B9tel: 905-791-7800

peelregion.ca Deferred Minor Variance Application: DEF-A-416/17Development Engineering: Iwona Frandsen (905) 7917800 x7920

Please be advised that service connection sizes shall be in compliance with Ontario Building Code and Region of Peel Design Criteria. An upgrade of your existing service may be required. All works associated with the servicing of this site will be at the applicant's expense.

Final Site Servicing approvals are required prior to the local municipality issuing

building permit.

For more information, please call our Site Servicing Technicians at 905.791.7800 x7973 or by email at siteplanservicing(g)peelregion.ca

I trust this information is of assistance to you and the Committee. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (905) 791-7800 ext. 4645 or by email at [email protected]


Alex Martino, Junior PlannerDevelopment Services, Public Works, Region of Peel

cc. Allison Morris, City of MississaugaGreg Kirton, City of MississaugaRobert Ruggiero, City of MississaugaMarylu Javed, City of Mississauga

Page 78: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

Planning and Building Department

City of MississaugaMississauGa

Date: January 11, 2018


File: C of A-'A' 418/17(Ward 1 - 1173 Strathy Avenue)

January 18, 2018

Deferred Item


The Planning and Building Department has no objection to the requested variances; however, the applicant should consider deferring the application to apply for the required Building Permit to ensure that all required variances have been accurately identified.


Mississauga Official Plan

Character Area: Lakeview NeighbourhoodDesignation: Residential Low Density II

Zoning By-law 0225-2007

Zoning: R3-75 (Residential)

Other Applications:

Building Permit File: Required



A Building Permit application is required and in the absence of a Building Permit application we are unable to determine the accuracy of the requested variances or determine whether any additional variances will be required.


The application was previously before the Committee on September 28, 2017 and at that time a single variance that was not required was applied for and the applicant deferred the application to identify any additional variances that may have been required before withdrawing the

Page 79: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

application. Although a Building Permit has still not been applied for, the applicant has identified two additional variances for lot coverage and height to underside of the eaves since the previous hearing.Although Planning staff has no objections to the two newly requested variances, the applicant should consider deferring the application to apply for the required Building Permit to ensure that they comply with all required Zoning By-law provisions. Each of the requested variances are minor deviations from the Zoning By-law requirements and will not significantly alter the appearance of the dwelling relative to what is permitted by the By-law.

Based on the preceding information, the Planning and Building Department has no objection to the requested variances; however, the applicant should consider deferring the application to apply for the required Building Permit to ensure that all required variances have been accurately identified.

http://teamsites.mississauga.ca/sites/18/CofA/Comments/2018/January/Jan 18/jan18 gk.a.doc

Page 80: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

City of Mississauga

Memorandum MMississauGa

TO: S. Kenney, Secretary Treasurer Committee of Adjustment

FROM: D. MartinTransportation and Works

DATE: January 11, 2018

RE: Takebacks - January 18, 2018 -1:30pm File - C.A. Agendas

Re: C.A. ‘A’ 418/17Malkit Patara & Jagir Randhawa 1173 Strathy Ave Ward 1 (Z-6)

Transportation and Works concerns will be addressed through the Building Permit process for this property.

D. MartinSupervisor, Development Engineering South 905-615-3200 ext. 5833

Page 81: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

Region lir of Peelworking with you

Public Works

10 Peel Centre-Br.- Suite ABrampton, ON L6T 4B9tel: 905-791-7800


Date: January 12, 2018

To: Sean Kenney, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment,City of Mississauga

From: Alex Martino, Junior Planner - Development Services

Subject: Mississauga Committee of Adjustment Agenda January 18th,2018 Consolidated Regional Comments

Comments for information Purposes:

Deferred Minor Variance Application: DEF-A-418/17Development Engineering: Iwona Frandsen (905) 7917800 x7920

Please be advised that service connection sizes shall be in compliance with Ontario Building Code and Region of Peel Design Criteria. An upgrade of your existing service may be required. All works associated with the servicing of this site will be at the applicant's expense.

Final Site Servicing approvals are required prior to the local municipality issuing building permit.

For more information, please call our Site Servicing Technicians at 905.791.7800 x7973 or by email at siteplanservicing(5)peelregion.ca

I trust this information is of assistance to you and the Committee. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (905) 791-7800 ext. 4645 or by email at [email protected]


Alex Martino, Junior PlannerDevelopment Services, Public Works, Region of Peel

cc. Allison Morris, City of MississaugaGreg Kirton, City of MississaugaRobert Ruggiero, City of MississaugaMarylu Javed, City of Mississauga

Page 82: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

City of MississaugaPlanning and Building Department MississauGa

Date: January 12, 2018


File: CofA-'A' 458/17(Ward 6 - 5764 Invergordon Lane)

January 18, 2018

Deferred Item


The Planning and Building Department recommends that the application be deferred.


Mississauga Official Plan

Character Area: East Credit NeighbourhoodDesignation: Residential Low Density II

Zoning By-law 0225-2007

Zoning: R4-20 (Residential)



The application was previously deferred. No new submissions have been received.

We note that a building permit application is required. In the absence of a building permit application we are unable to confirm the accuracy of the information provided, or determine whether additional variances may be required. It should be noted that the variance, as requested, have been reviewed based on information provided however a full zoning review has not been completed.


The application was previously deferred. No new submissions have been received.

The subject site is located in the East Credit Neighbourhood, near the intersection of Creditview Road and Britannia Road West.

Page 83: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

The application requests a variance for a reduced garage area due to a new stairwell to access a dwelling unit.

The Planning and Building Department is currently pre-screening a building permit that has not been accepted. The plans submitted through the pre-screening process indicate that the proposed stairwell accesses a third dwelling unit. Variances would be required for the additional unit, as well as required parking spaces. This Department would not support these variances.

Based on the preceding, the Planning and Building Department recommends that the application be deferred.http //teamsites mississauaa ca/sites/18/CofA/Comments/2018/Januarv/Jan 18/ian18 rr a doc

Page 84: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

City of Mississauga

Memorandum MississauGa

TO: S. Kenney, Secretary Treasurer Committee of Adjustment

FROM: D. MartinTransportation and Works

DATE: January 11, 2018

RE: Takebacks - January 18, 2018 -1:30pm File - C.A. Agendas

RE: COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT - January 18, 2018 - 1:30pm

This Department has no objections, comments or requirements with respect to C.A. ‘A’ ‘A’ 228/17, * TV 458/17,)TV 30/18 and ‘A’ 31/18.

D. MartinSupervisor, Development Engineering South 905-615-3200 ext. 5833

Page 85: MISSISSaUGd MALKIT PATARA & JAGIR RANDHAWA 1173 STRATHYAVE 1 ... please complete the form entitled “Request for Written Notice of Decision" ... Date …

Bb Region IF of Peelworking with you

Public Works

10 Peel Centre Dr, Suite ABrampton, ON L6T 4B9tel: 905-791-7800


Date: January 12, 2018

To: Sean Kenney, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment,City of Mississauga

From: Alex Martino, Junior Planner - Development Services

Subject: Mississauga Committee of Adjustment Agenda January 18th,2018 Consolidated Regional Comments

Dear Mr. Kenney,

Regional Planning staff have reviewed the applications listed on the January 18th, 2018 Committee of Adjustment Agenda. We have no comments or objections to the following applications:

Deferred Applications: DEF-228/17, DEF-A-343/17, and DEF-458/17 Applications: A-012/18, A-029/18, A-030/18, A-031/18, A-033/18, A-036/18, A-037/18, A-038/18, A-039/18, A-041/18, A-042/18, A-043/18, and A-044/18

I trust this information is of assistance to you and the Committee. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (905) 791-7800 ext. 4645 or by email at Alex.Martino(5)peelregion.ca


Alex Martino, Junior PlannerDevelopment Services, Public Works, Region of Peel

cc. Allison Morris, City of MississaugaGreg Kirton, City of MississaugaRobert Ruggiero, City of MississaugaMarylu Javed, City of Mississauga