malcolm x - why i am not an american


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This is compilation from two of Malcolm X's works, one a Speech at the University of Ghana and the other a letter from Cairo as a representative of the period of his Struggle to internationalize the quest for African American liberation.


Page 1: Malcolm X - Why I am not an American
Page 2: Malcolm X - Why I am not an American


Malcolm X "'.s born a. Malcolm Little in 1925 in lhe Unired St ..... 01 Americ~. Wlwn he "'a •• youlh. h;,; I.ther _ ..... der in lhe Blac~ National.., Marcu.

Gaf\'CY movement - "'as murdered by Americ.n "'hi'~ .up...-maci .... and hIS "",thot< was impri>or\ed in • men,.1 instilu'ion.

Aller spending many Y"o" in • life a petty crim~. Malcolm .....Jed up in pl"i$<>n. where he me' "'P.-ntati,·" of the Nation of '''.m. a Blac~ .. organizAbon th., drew some 01 ito i".piralion from the ",Iigion of Islam.

Me",""" of the Nation of I".m dropped the-ir • .... '·e nam .. • and replaced them wi,h an · X. ·Tl>e Nation of I .... m ... ·O/ked '0 empo .... er Black Am"""",,,,, and was op~ to the """" 'iolen' 'Pf'rodch 01 Olhot< American d"il right; orga' nizations •• d,·""" .ing m.'ead that African Americ.ns protect 11,,,,,,,,,1,· .. from white suprem.a.t; and. r.odst US go,·em· menl "by any me'''' "'"<'-...... 'Y .•

A,. dynamic public .pe.keT. Malcolm X .urO<"Wd ,hou· .. nd. of Afrit.n Am"""".n.'o .he Nation of 1.1.m.. and a. ,he <><gani ... i"" grew II drew inc",.5C<I media ond poIial.lten· liOll , Wlwn M.1co1m hO"eW ou,side I .... UniW 5tat .. in , .... early 1%05, he began 10 relhink the ,,,verse-raci<m of , .... Nation of 1.lom, and .",,,,,tu .. Uy left ,he group 10 fonn 1M M",lim Mosque and the Organi .. lion of African American Unity (OAAU) in New YO/keity.

He ..,.,... ,""unl<!<! • pl.n 10 bring the Uniled St."" .,.,fore the United Notions on c .... rges 0/ r.>Ci.m .nd abu"".,f hum.n rigl1ts, equaling the USA with ,p0r1heid Soulh Africa.

In 1965, while """king" on OAAU r~lIy in New York, M.lcoIm X was ....... inal<!<! in w .... t many .,.,IIeI'" was. plo! by I .... American police forces.nd disgrun'W members of .ho N •• i"" of I.lam.

Why I am Not an American


REP S Radical ESSf!ntial$ Pamphlet Series

y" .. r Progk,. Sene. Edi""

Page 3: Malcolm X - Why I am not an American

CI1IHNS INTE RNATIONAl 12Toylo<_ 116(lll'ttw>g


rMt.,.;I by i."print l. 5oI<>k So.on&>i PiJw\g J

~P""ng 111«1 PeNng



From his tf~\·el.s in Africaand Asia in the earl)' 1960s 1<1 his aS$3ssi".tion in 1%5, Malcolm X's .truggle .sainst A""-'fican apartheid took on an in<"'uingly ;ntem;.lio~1

dimension. With th~ issue of American racism trml<!<! only in the ronh.'Xt 0/ dvil righls. Makolm could be seen as. miliUnl c"uniert>;.lan.:e to Martin l uther King". paci­fist .pproacn. and in both uses their appeals were at th .. mell"y of the American government. wruch had no! mode good on ii. promi .... of "'1"01 rights for African Americans. Ouring his numerous trips abroad. and after his split from 1M Nation 01 Islam. Maloolm embarked on a specific program of gaining support for his C'~ in the Unit,><;I Nations. wruch at the lime was hearing similar cases against apartheid South Africa.

Many f""'ple set' Malcolm X's pilgri1Th1se to Moo::. as a tuming point in this part m his life. The annual Tit.:: of the world', Muslims put civil rights and racism into. l\eW perspective f", him. He soon wro«> that the r . ............. racism of the Nation of Islam w;IS wrong·t...~ded.. and thai limiting tt... slruggle 10 civil right< w()Uld root .,hi",-e the desil"Cd ","ults. In his tr .. · .. ls bclo ... and .ft .... the hajj, Malcolm met many Third World leaders of It... day, including Kwame Nkrumeh and Garnal Abdcl N;IS6er, _onlo<lS 1h.>1 he eaned upoll in his qUf'S1 to intemational· ~e IhO' plight of African Amerieans by way of the United Nations. ,

Page 4: Malcolm X - Why I am not an American

In lhe sp'-""h p"-~led ho.'"" .... 'h;.;h ,,'as gh-en allhe Unj,-"l'"Sily 01 Ghana in 1%4, M.lcolm is lhe 'child of Afric." who has ",Iuml.'<!, and his ",Wm brings a multi pit, mC560g" of solidarity in lhe cause of li~rahon. a w.ming for African Nlions to a,-oid slipping und, .. tho." spell 0/ American "dollarism: and • ""Iuest for suppon in his "flO<! to bring the United 51ales belo", the UN on charges n/ human rights abuses_ This edition n/ his speoch """­cludes with a letter he wrot" home from Cairo. also in 1%4, where he formally ..... it"'ates hi. ""Iu, .. t 10 AI""an

S"'I'''men, One of the most Stanli ng asp«ts of this sp<!"<'h is

Malrolm's statement. " I'm from A",,'lica but I'm not an Ame"".n_" As a de<cendent of sl .. 'es .nd a son of p.a ... "'ts pc""""I,"" by white sup",,,,,,<ists, Malcnlm 's politics had a rough p""""".1 edge Iq lhem, H~ minced 00 word., unlike his romp"triots in the ci"it rights """-,,menl. His anger was palatable and it was ell,,,,th'''_ Of COUlSe, then" was a lot'" be angry about. America was built on land .",Ien from Indians and A"",,,,,a wos built on labor slolcn from Af""ans. llul dual theft of land and labor ,"cry quickly made the richest rountry in Ihe .... ·otld, But the riches Wen" 001 shared. and one hundred yea ... after the aboli tion of sla"ery in America. Afric.n A"",,,,,ans we", still treak"" as roloni~ed peoples. offici.l­Iy cuphemi7.ed as "..,.,ond..:lass citizens."

WI-...-n I lil'"St disnJ\""red Malcolm X, it waS through

1i$lening'" recordings of his sp",,,,he$. He had an amazing ability to captivate an audience, and his turns of phr ....


and .lratc'Sic repetitions we", t-nli",ly engrossing_ Bo.'Sidcs his ability to arhculate the horro<s of living in a radSI soci­

ety, I wa. also attracted to Malcolm's quest f",. til<" truth, and I was imp"""'-'<l with his willingness to admit hiS erro .. and I".m from his miS"''''". llut i •• ra", quality in a 1 .. .:Id"r. and il was probably why he declared on ,;ev­

e-ral occasions that he waS not a politici.n, In preparing this p.amphle-t. I ",ad .11 I could find of

Mal«>lm X'. spe«hes currently in prinl and on til<" lnt~met. and I ... ~tlcd on his spe«h at the Uni'-eJ$ity n/ GhaN and the letter from Cairo as "'present.Ii,·" n/ the p<"riod of his struggle to inlernalionalize the quest fot African Amer;';.n liberation, These twn ..,k<:lions, in my

"Ie ...... abo demon.lrate his uncanny ability to frame the issues in ways that still ring lrue t<:>d.y, and so it is easy to ....... from this work, in lighl of Ame"",,'s ongoing agg""'­sion in the Third World. that fony y·c .... lat<:r Malrolm " 'OI.Ild .till not wanl 10 ~ an American,

Y~c;4 Proglrr Ramadan 2003



Page 5: Malcolm X - Why I am not an American

Why l am Nol an American

J in«:nd 10 be ~ery informal. beca""" our POS'tion in America is an informal posjlion, and I fUld that it is ,-try difficult to use /ormol tmn. to describe. "<'1')' informal position. No condition of any p<'Ople on earth is more deplouble than the condition or plight. of the twenty­two milUon Black people in Am..nca. And our rondition is 50 deplorable be.;a""" we are in. country that prof ....... to be a democrocy and prof< "rs to be sm"ing to> give jus­tice and freedom and equ.olily to everyone who is born under ils constitution. If "' . ., .......... bom in South Africa.". in Angola or some pari of this earth when:: they don't pro­fess 10 be for freedom. th.Jt would be another !1Ung. But when we 01'1' born in. country thai stands up and repre­sents itself as the leader of U>e F"", World. and you still have 1<1 beg and crawl iUln to get. chana to drink. cup of colf""_ IMn the condition is ,-ery deplorable indm.

So that you wi!! understand me and why I sp&lk as I do, it sI>ould probably boo point...:! out at the oulset Ih.>t [ am not. politician . [don', know anything about potitics. I'm from Amnir. but I'm not an American. J didn't go ,

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Ihere 0/ my own I"", cho;c.,. III , .... ."... an Amcrk an lho..""", would be no problem. the",,' d be no net>d lor l<'gislation or <:i"il righls or anylhlngclse. So I just try.o face the lact as it actually;' and sp". k to )'ou as on<' 0/ th~ "ictims 01 America. one of the victims 0/ Americanism, one 01 the ,·ictims 0/ democracy, on<' 0/ the ' ·"'tim,; of. "ery hypo­critic. 1 system that;' going an o,'er thl' eanh today "'p"'" scnting il ... 11 as being 'l""lilied to U.n other people how 10

.. .for the twenty-two million of us in America who are of African descent, it is not an American dream. It's an American night­mare.

rUn their counlry when they can ' t get Ihe dirt}· things lhal .re going on in their own country straight· en«! oul.

So if somt .. o ..... else from America sp"a~s to you, the)" '" probably sp"aking as Americans, and they speak as pooplc "'ho """ America through the eyes 01 an Allll""rican . And usual· Iy those t)'pes of f"""O'"

"'fer to Allll""rica. or that which exists in America. as the American Dream. But for the twenty·t",o million 01 U5 in America " 'ho are 01 African descent, it is not an American dream. It·, an American nightrn.",.

1 don't leel that I am a , ';'itor in Ghana or in any pan 01 Africa. I feel that r am at home. ]""e b..'efl away for lour hundred. y .... rS. but not 01 my own volition, not of my o,,'n will. Our poople didn 't go to Allll""rica on the Quo:en Mary, we didn 't go by Pan American.. and we didn 't go 10 America on the Mayflower. We wenl in slave ships, we

went in chains. We weren' l immigrants to America, we wert.' cargo lor purposes 01 a system .hat was bent upon ma king a prolit. So this is the cotl"gOry or level of which I spea k. I may nol spea k il in the language many of you would u .... , but I think you will underStand the mea.ning of my terms.

The Child Ha, Rd umod

When J was in lbadan.. Nigeria, a' the univerSity of lbadan """",lIy, the sludenl there gave me a new name. wltich I go 1m - m .... ning I like it. "Omowale: which they say mea'" in Yontba· il I am pronouncing il c""..."II)'. and il l am not pronouncing it ron""ly it's becouse 1 hal'cn', had the ch.""", to pronounce it for lour hundred years· which m .... ns in that di<llect, "The child has returned . - It waS an honor 100" ffiO' 10 be ",ferred. to as a child who h<>d """"" enough to retum to the land 01 hi$ forda!hers • '0 his f.ther!and .nd to his motherland. Not sent b.>rk h<n> by the American State Department, but rome b.>rk ...... "" of my own I".., will_

I am happy and I imagine, since it ;. the policy that whene"er a Black ITL>n le",'~ .. America and IrOl·el. in any par! of Africa, or Asia, or lalin America and says things conlrary to what theAmerican propaganda machine lumS oul. usually he linds upon his retum horne that his pass-­port is U/ted. Welt il they had not wanted me to say the things I am saying. they should ne,'er ha"e given me a p . .. pon in lhe lirSl place. The policy usually i, the lifting of the passport. Now I am no! going to condemn America, I am not going!O mak" America look bad, but I am going


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10 I~IJ you the tru th .bout U", $it"alion ih.ol llI;><:k peop'" in Ameria f;nd IhtmM'l""" ronfronltd with. And il lrulh condftnno A"",rica. 111m """ stands condemned.

Thi5 is tht most bea .. tiful ronlino'nl wl l',·t~..,.,. 5tI':<\,.

and ii' s ,tit riche, I'Ontinmt I'~ tv« -... And strangt ... ,I INy ........ I lind many ... hi", Anw>ricam ....... ,...;Iing in It.. fOCfS of OUr Aftio:an b"" ...... like thty ha"f bftn Joy. ing 1hm1 all of ,t.. ri ...... , n.. fact is. the>e ........ whi"", who in AIntric • in our laces, It.. Silo"'" whiles " 'ho in A"". ica club WI brutally, tN, "In<' "'hi"'" who in America IIlI ""- tlwit dogs upon us. jusl b«a ..... we w~nl 10 bot hff h"miLn boSng •• tho ""me whilt'S who !t,m lheir W''''r ........ upon oor wo"",n .nd ou, babies ~"'. u ... w~ wanl 10 inl~r"tt with Ihem,.", ""cr he", in Africa smiling in your f.", trying 10 lnl<'gra le wilh you.

I .... d to wriw • letter b.>ck home yesterday and It II _ 01 my frimds I .... t if American N..groes .... nl inle­gration, they should come 10 A/ri<., 1>0<: ... .., """" whllt people O~H """' - while Americans. lhal is _ look like lhey .'" lor inlegratiOll ,han there an:' in ,he m'i ... Arntrican counlry. 6uI KItIaUy ,,· .... t il is. they wanl to intq;""" with tht _alth that lhey know is ....., _ the unta~ ... lural ...-orte which e:o<cft'd tht wfalth of any continml on this urth today.

Whom I was Ira"cling from La",", 'oA", .. . I was riding on.n .i'PI."" with. whi", man who ..""""",1<'<1 _ of tt.. inl ...... '" you know. that a", inlemttd in Africa, And ..... admitted _ .1 it.ISI ;t waS hi. impression - thai our pe<>plfo in Alr",a didn'! knuw ho .... 10 measu'" .... ...,lth. thol they wonhip "'~.hh in termS o. gold and silver. not in It"'" oIlhe na' ...-..ou""," thot 0'" In tho ~."h. and ..... t as long art tht A""'oi<a .... or otM' Imp<'l'ialislS '"


1w""lielh..,.,."",ty could cootinue 10 m.k~ tN, Africa .... mNSun:' wtallh in terms 01 g<>Id .nd oiIVH. Ihl'y rev« would ha"f an opponunily 10 rNlly mo· SUn:' tN, ~alue 01 tN, .. 'uhh th.ol is in tM soil • • nd .. ·ould conlinut 10 dunJ<. lhat it is they ,,·ho MftI tIw WeslH'n p<>Wet"$ ins~.od 01 Ihinlting thaI il i. lilt Wes«>m p""·rn who """" tN, peoplo and 1M conll · nem lhal i. known .s Afnc.. Th.e Ihing is, I hope 1 don' l m .... up ""rbody. poIili,a or anybody" plot> Or plans Or ",hell,,,,, b" t tl1m I think lhal it Can be well pr'O\'~ and bocktd long as the Americans or other imperialists or twentieth-century colonjalis" could continue to make the Africans measure wealth in terms of gold and silver, they never would have an opportunity to really measure the value of the wealth that is in the soil.,.

Ghan.a is ont 01 lilt rnotI progrnai~f ... tiO<\$ on tN, A/ricon continmt primarily becou",", il .... s ont of the rnotI p"'g .... iv~ Ioad~., and tnOft prog....s5i'·f p"";d""ts. Th.e pf\"Sid~'n' of 'hio ... Iion hn done IOmelhing that flo American, no white Americ.n, ",anl$ ,,, """ doni' _ "'ell. I should say "no Amtrican" b«ause .U the Americans ""er the!\! an whi ... Amcriunt.


Page 8: Malcolm X - Why I am not an American

PrHId.,.,t Nkromel\ If doing s",.le'thing tho!,.. th.t II .. , go",,",,n.,.,t In AlMric~n does not lih to _ dono' • .on.! that IS he', restor"" the AfrlC~n lm.o~. He IS n,.~,ng t .... African proud of lite African lmag~, and w ............. the African ~ proud of lite Akhn ~ and tru, I"""" it;,~ image is p""""ted -..-I. thrn lite man In Amforica _ " 'ho up 10 now No had nothing but • no-gatn~ inwge 01 Africa - automatic. II)' lite inwg<' tNt the BI.ock man In A ..... 'ic. has 01 his African brothei"$ chaRgft from neg'Hv~ 10 p""iti"~, and lite im.oge that tho 8L.ock nwn In A ..... Iie. No, of hi~lf will .lso ch.ang~ from ""lIati"~ to positi,·e.

And the American racists know that they can rule the African image in America, the African-American in America, only as long as we have a negative image of ourselves,

And th~ Americ.n r.dst. kno ... th.t the)' can rule tho! African imaS" in A",er;"a, th.. African· A ..... rican in America, only os long as we ha,'" a rwga' t,,· .. imag<' of ouTSel,·('$. Su 1I>e)' keo>p ... with a ""&'I' ti,-.. ,nwg<' of Africa. And !bey'1<o .......... t .... t U,.. da)' tN. lite i ..... g .. of Afric. " ch.angt'd from neg;ot;'·~ I(>

positi,· ... automatic.lly tl\O" a"itude of ",·.,.,ty_two mil· lion Af.ic.ns in Americ.

will also change from ""g~t;""lo posith-... And """ of .ho! ontl6t import~nt dforts to ( hongc ,ho.'

image <Jl the Afric~n ,. t-eing mode right he .... In Ch~n • . And t ..... Chonai,n P"roonality Can t>.. pkk<-od right ou' of .ny group of Africans .n)· .......... 00 this pLonct. b«.u§O!

" -

)"OU ..... notlling in him tNt ... .fI«rs .ny kind 01 f""ling of ",rerio,;t)" or anyth,ng 01 tNt sort And,. long .s you ho,~. ~t .. ·too ~Ns you tNt you can do .ny­thing; tNt .n)"body~ .. undoe<.he ~n un do, you got. ,.,., ~.

Not onI)" ........ " ... who Ihe In A ...... IC. ""'~ INntN 10 ..... as.. .... Black men, the tt>,e< t ..... u .. I(>.roeasu .... tum is ih<' attitude of Americ. I"ward him When .. ~ find. Black man who', al .. ·.)'" """;";ng I~ pr .... of the America ...... ,,·t b«ome suspicious of him. WhHt "'e find a IlI .. d m.ln who ~, . .., honon.nd all kinds of pl.q~ and beauti_ ful phrases and word s from Americ., we imrnroiately begin I" SlOsp<'<l that 1"'''''''' ' 6«,u~ illl •• been our e"f>e"" rien<:e that lhe Americans doo' t p .. i5t any Glad man "'00 is ...... lIy " '",king for the t>..ndil of lhe 81ack man. b«au .. they ..... Ii'e tNI when you t>.gin to "'OI' k in ~ames' to do Ihing. t!wt .... good for lhe f""OP'" on t ..... Afriun conn­"""I. all tM good you do for poq>~ 00 the African conti­nenl has got 10 t>.. ~g.inst ,.,...,.. one ~,.,., b« ...... ..,.,... """ el .. up to now has benefited from lhe Lobo.. and !he .. · ... 11h oflhr ~on lhis conti ....... So ..... yardstick in ..... "'uring ttw.. ,·.riouf ~aders is 10 find out " 'hal t ..... A","" i<ans Ihlnk .bout !Mm. And thew IudH-5 "' .... Iwf"f' .. ·ho ................ ng the pra,~ and palSon t ..... back from t ..... A ..... ric."'. you can;"'t "ush the !Oiler .nd Ier !hem go right down the

n.. p,...,.id .... t heR' is disliked . Don't tllink that iI's just the American p'"-'. iI's II .. go'· .. mmmi. In America w",," you find • ron<".'rkod .'fforl of II\(> r"-'" 10 alwoys ' P"ok in " bad way aboul an Afric.n I ... de •. usually that p""'" is aclu.lly "fle.cling the g<!vemment opinion. But America


Page 9: Malcolm X - Why I am not an American

is a very shn-wd g""cmtn<.'n1. If it know. thai it,; own gov­~rnrrK'ntal position will ""use a negative ",action from the people that it wants t" """tinue '" e' ploit, il will P""I<-'f\d to ha"" a f"", and at the sa"", tim .. tum that free p ...... on a ",.1 African Ie. d..,-.nd stand on tt..: sideline and say thai this is not government policy. But ........ rything that happens in A"",rica is govemm""t poii<)'.

Not only is the presid""t of this rountry disli k" .;!, the presid""t of Algeria.. Bm Bella.. i. ~isliked because he is n,volulionary, he's fOT fre<.dom of everybody_ Egyptian presid""t NaS<ier i. disli ked because he'. for freedom of ev .. rybody. All of them are ""erred 10 as dicta ton. A. """" . s they get tt..: maSS 0/ the-ir people bcltind them, they're a dict.tor. As """" a. tMy "'we unity of their peopl~ in their country, they'", a dictator, If the.., i. no division,. fighting. and squabbling going on, tl>e leader <:>f that country i. a dictatOT if he is . n African; but as k>ng as i. is in Am~"';ca,

t..:·s just an A"",rkan p .... id .. nt who has the support "I ,t..: "."" .

Coming Out lrom Under Ihe Coloni,1 Mentolity

1 am ""ming 10 A""-'!'ica in a minute, but J just "'an, t" comment on OUr relations 1',." noti"" since being l>ere, 1 heard that there is. conflicl among"""'" of "u. brothers and sisters <we, II<'re """"ming w ..... 1hcr or not it's ad,'i.­able 10.- the gO"em"""'t 10 play such a promin<. ... 1 role in guiding til<' <.'ducati"" - the curriculum .nd what noI • of til<' people of the country and in t ..... ".rious uni'· .. rsiti ... , y .... , anyt;me you hav ... peopl .. woo have I>e<.'n roloni2ed for a. long as our propl" It ... " I>e<.'n coloni~, and you leU them """' they can vote, t"'ry will spend.U night arguing


and ne,-er get anywl>e .... Everything net:ds 10 be eon­tr<>lted unlil the colonial mentality has been completely destr<>yed, and when that oolon1ol mentality has been d .... lr<>yed at least to U", point where they know what they .'" V(~ing for, then you give them a chance 10 v,,", on this and vOl<' on that . But we ha,'" this trouble in Amerka, a. weI! as other a ...... whe ... roIoniaIism has e, i.ted, the only way t!w-y can pract;c.,. Or apply d ..... ocr. tie p.aclkes is tJu-ough .dvice and counsel.

So my own honest, humble opinion is, anytime you want to come out lrom und..,. a colonial mentality, let the government set up the educational sys""" and educ.Me you in tM di"-""ion or way tl>ey wanl you to go in; and then alter your und .. rstanding is up to the le,' .. 1 whe"" il should !>e, you can stand around and argue or philooo­phi7.c or ..,mething 01 that sort,

Twenti eth Ce ntu ry Coloniali , m

There is probiobly no mo ... enlighlE'ned lead..,. on the African continent than President Nkrumeh,. becaus<:: he li,'ed in America_ He knows what il is li ke there, Hecould not he in th.t land as long . s t..: did .nd be disillusioned or confused, or be deceivN. An)'time you thin k that America is 'M I.nd of the fre.e, you come the ... and take (Jff your national dress and be mistaken /0, an A"",rk~n Negro, and you will find out you're not in the land of the lree, America is a e"lonial po .... " ._ She is jusl as much. colooial po .... ~r in 1%-1 a. Fran«>, Britain, l'ortug<>l, and.1I these <>ther European rountri .... "'''''' in til<' 1864. She's a twentieth..,....tury ""Ionial pow..,-; sM', a mod..,." colonial

Page 10: Malcolm X - Why I am not an American

J'O" ...... ~nd she ..... 001"",,«1 Iwenl)··I,,·O m,IIiOll AIrk~n ·

Americans. \\'hUe lhere ..... 001)" ele ... ,,, miliioo Alrk~n ("IOIl,~ed ,n Soull\ AInc •. four or li"~ ml ihoo "olonlnoJ m Angola. Ih"'" . '" Iwenly.lwO mil iioo Afrkans colonized in America righl now on May 13, 1964. Wru.1 is S«Of\d. dass ciH>omsh.ip if noIl\ing bUI IW""li<"lh<entury ",loni.l· ism? They dOll't want you In lnaw Ihat sla" ery still exi.'s. 50 rather than call il 51"'ery 'hey call II S«Of\d ·.da .. cili· 7.cnship.

Ei,her )·ou.", a citizen or )'ou are roola cili~en at all . If you .", a citizen. you are f"",; if you are nol a citi7.<."'. you .re a sl .. ·". And the American gcm,mment is afraid '0 admil t ha i ohe ""' ..... ga.'" fl"l'"<.'dom 10 ,he BI.>ek man in America and ..... 00'1 e""" ad mit Ihal the Black man in America is not f""', os not a coti"",_ and dOl'Sn '! ha .. e his rights. She skillfully <amou(]ag~'S It unMr 1iK.'S<> pMty terms 0/ second-class citizenship. It's ,,,Ioni.liom, .... ..,. colonialism. imperialism.

Uberty ,,, Duth

One 0/ OUr brottoers just I."ded he ... too.1)" from N~'W York. He told me Ih.t w .... " .... left New York, t .... poliC<' we", walking in Harlem si •• b",ast_ Why' ilecause Harlem is aboul In e"plooe. You lnaw "'h'" I flWan by "Harlem"? Harlem is ,ho.: mosl famous city on earth; then> is no city on tl\e African cortti"""t with as mony Africans in Harlem_ In Harlem, Iht')' call it liltl~ AIrica, and ""hen ~'ou wa lk Ihrough Horlem. )'ou ' n' in INd,m, e"crv"",,, tho.:", looks jusl like you. And tOOo)' the police ""en: out in lOIn', wi th their dubs_ Tho.')' dun't ha"e police dogs, 'ca""" t~ kind 0/ prople "'ho li"e in Harlem don'l ollow police ..

d<:tgS 10 <orne in H,,,I,'m. Thar. lil"l"'i"t, the)' doo't .11",,· police dog. 1<, C","" In 11,,,I,'m

The)' .. " t"",bh.,(! ,,·tth the ">1st""",, "f little gang. who hal'" 1>0."", going arouoo kIlling 1"'01'1", killing white po<>­pie. Well now, ,1>0.')' pn>jo...:1 il abroad as an anti ·whi'" gang. Not, it's not an anti·"'h",, gang. it's an anti",,!,pTeS­sioo S,lng It's an anti· frustr. tion gang. The)' don't lna,,' wh.l! etS<' 10 do. They"'e been ,,'aitiog for the gowrnmenl 10 ..,kc their problems, lhey',·" bt'Cn "'aitong for Ihe p"",dcnt 10 ""f", the .. probtem., Ihey',·" been ",.iting for the s..",.le and the Cun~""" and the Sup",me Court t" sol"e their problems,

What is second-class citizenship if nothing but twentieth-century colonialism? They don't want you to know that s lavery still exists, so ra ther than call it slavery they call it second­class cit izenship.

they',·" been waiting 1m t>:egm lead~>J$ In • .,I .. e lheir problem,;, and all the)' hear.", a lot of p"-1ty ,,'ord:;. So they b«<m1o' fru.trakd and don 't know whal to do. So tilt')' do lilt· o"ly Ihing t~y k"o,,· how: tlwy tlo I~ same thing Iht- Americans did "I><n they got fn,:;"a"'(! " ' ith the British in 1776· liberty or dN'h_

-Ihi< is what lho> Americans did. They didn't tum ,ho.' other d,.:d to I~ Brilbh_ No, Ihey had dn old m"n named I'alrick Hen,,' ,,'ho., ",,,d , "l,beflv or d,'.1Ih " I tk" ,'r ho.'dnl tht'm rd.'r 10 him .os an "d .... ",ate of "iol,-nee; th .. ), "') he', one "f the Founding F",ho.-rs, bt'CauS<' ~ had ,ho.' sense t" Sd)' "Libert)' or de,Hh "

Page 11: Malcolm X - Why I am not an American

And 'he,,' " ~ gm" Ing I~nden<y dmung BI.lCl Amel'lC"lb 'od~). who .'" ~b'" 10 ..,.. Ih.ol lho..,. d",, '1 h.o, e ,,,,-'<I,,,,, , ,....." ~'" .....,110"1; ,Iw pOilU now " 'he", ,ho. ... ~".

"-....:Iy 10 ,ellllw no ...... 11 .... wh.ol tIw odd. ~'" iO&"UW IIwm. no .... , ...... ""N' ,"" cost IS. 11'5 "" <k ... th. II ttus 1$ tIw Lond 01 tho.' f ...... then " .... us """'" f,,-'<'<Iom II !hlS is tIw I.ond 01 jw;.tt«'. ,hen ,,, ... us ........ jUStiu And II t ...... tIw Lond 01 ftlu~"ty. g"'" ... ......., ftI ... III). ThIS is ,Iw g!"OW"', toIm~ 01 tIw 81ack AllM.'t'ialn. 01 ,"" Alrialn· Arl'I<-;;ca,,- oI .... hic:h Ih<ff~ .... h,..,."y·,,,"o mIllion.

Am I j ... ' if~ In tall:ing IiI:<- ,his? Let me "'-~. I .... a. in

I never heard them refer to him as an advocate of vio­lence; they say he's one of the Founding Fathers, because Patrick HCTlry had the sense to say, "Liberty o r death."

C ..... .., ... nd. OhIO. lUst two mon,hs ago when ,hi. ""hi'e dergymon " 'dS ~iII,.,j

by • bulldo"'r I " '." in CJ~I·ddnd. I w~s 'he ..... Now you know If .. "'hlt~ mJn in tho.- garb. in ,"" ou' · fi,. ,I><- COS(u ...... or ".!w" ..... .... you ...... n' to call i,_ of " prwst if ,....." run "'·.". .... m

" 'Ith .. bulldozer. "'h.o! ,,·,,1 tho» do to a 8I.ock .... n ' T1wy fUn ""cr ........ .,.,.. ,,·ho Io%;s 1;1;0, 'ho.'III .... ho is

<k1noru.trdllng for f,,-"<"<Iom. ,,""t eN""" d",,, .. BI,","~ .... n "" ... ,1 This w"S<\', In M~lppi. this was in C ...... · ~ldnd in tho.> North Thi. is ,ho.- tvpe 01 e~I"''''''''''' the UI..-k "",n in AM<'ric. is l.l«'<I wi,h c",·", ddy.


An APP".l lo thc Afriun Iluds 01 S,"'~

Tlw, ... hon 01 Afro-A .......... an Unlly ~, "'" to ~~ a hIStoric Afnc:an .... mMit ~as.n ct. '''''. .... to "'I''''"'-'''t ,IIr in ........... 01 ,,, ..... ')·.""·0 mill"", Afncan-A ........ """ ".t>oso. hu ....... righ .. a ... b.:"" \'Iol~~ <UII,' ltv 'M racism of 'M A_rlC~n Imp.·' .... lists. nw-6rg..n' ... '''''' 01 At' Unity (OAAU) has '-n f<>rnW'd by a '" 5 • • ,.,,"'" 01 An'l('r'lCa'$ Afric"""A .......... ~n communi'Y. and is p.ottt. ",d .ft ... ,he lett .... nd spirit 01 tllr Organi ... t"", of AI""an UnIty (OAU).

Just os tho.- Org~nl~'iun of Af,ic:.n Uni'y h.os , .U,'" upon all African Icodcrs ~l ;;ubmcrg~ lhei, dill","""",, and uni,,' on comm<)n 00,,-.:'''''' for lhe common g<:>otl ui.1I AI"""",, 5.n America tho.' Orgdni;W'i"'" "f Afro-A meric." Unity h.o. call.,.J upon Afro-A_ric:.n "'''''crs 10 sub. me.g~ ,hei, d,l..,,,....:,,,, ~nJ find a",as of .S",..,...." w""""'n .... c can w...-l in unIty 1...- tho.- ,00<1 01 tIw enli", , .. · .... ,y·'wo mIll"'" AI....: .... A.....ncans.

SO';"" ,Iw .... """Y·two mIllion 01 US ... ...., origin.llly Africa ..... ,,·ho~ ... now III Amo>rica no! by el'loia but only by .. cruf'I Kridml in our hlSlory. ,,~~rongl)' btoI,.· ... WI African probk-ms ~"' ou. prob ......... nd our problems ~..., African probk.'III>. \\'~ .1"" t>o:L ...... ·f W I .os ho.-;>ds 01 tIw Ktd~ent Alric.., ,tare, you ..... ,t.., ,;h:phenl 01 .IL Afnean peoples .... ·nywhe"'. ,,'herhe, t...,. .... st.1I ~,

...,..,., on the mother ronUn<",' <>< 'Iwy N\'~ been scau",,-'" dbrwd

Son,.. Alried" "'.d,·rs.t thIS ron"'ri'1"IC<' hal'" Implied ,hd' th<'Y h.\-~ enough rn>bl~"'. he", "n the mother """. Ii""", wi,hou, adding ,"" Aim-American problem. W;,h


Page 12: Malcolm X - Why I am not an American

oil d "" WSf'l'<1 1<> yOllr OSIC"'''''''' positions. I must ",mind .11 of you 'Milt... gu<>d wpherd "'ill k>a "e n ir'WIy.niM "'-P ... ·ho."' .. f., II ~. I<> go to tIw:.1d '" I~ OM " 'ho is 1061 and /\as f.llen into tho clutdws of tho im.,.......l. ;sf wolf.

Woo. in Am ....... a~ your 1ong·lost brothers and ........... .and I am het"t only to remind you thai ou. pootl ...... a.., your pt'Oblt'mt. As 1M African' Ame"cans - .w.kt"n­KId. y. we ftnd ouoo .. "" ;" a strange land mal has 0 titChe..:! us. and, lik tt... prodisa l son ....... .... turning !(I OIl' t id","

brotlwn for ""Ip. We pray our pi"". will "'" flU Up"" 001

N" Inhuman Aln>(ili..,.

w., we", 10k"" fun:ibly in chains from this """...". ronli· """I and ho" e now >pml '''' .... 300 Y".rs in A_rica. suf· f""int tfw _ inh .. rn.on ''''"'''' of physical and P5)'('ho­logical lorlulft i .... pwt> ... During tho> past ten Y""rs the enll .......... Id ha, Wlb' ::std our men. "",otn and child ..... bftng atuck<f .nd btl_ by " icious poilu dogs. b",IaUy '-1m by poIia dubl;. and washed down tho> S ..... n by high-p~~ w . ..... ho!cs thol would rip tho> _loINs from OIl. bodies .and It... n...h from OIIr Umbs. And all Iheit iNt ....... n .,,,,,,i'ies !w,·t tocm innicllO<l up"" us by tIw American ~o,·tm"""'''1 .ulhorities. tIw polict tlwm· SO'I .... s. lor no .... son <>IMr th. n Wt _ k tIw le<ojIliition .. nd " 'Sp<"<1 gr.n.,-.j other human beings in ",,, .. rico , The American go)\wnm"". is ~i ther unable '" unwilling .0 p..,. tt"C1 the I,,·., .nd prope.ty 01 your tW~'f1ty"wo million Alrican·Ametic~n brolhers and ,isters. We stand d .. feoue­less . ... tt... mo."'y 01 A_rican raciSI, who murder ... s at


"'ill /or 1'10 """iO" "Ih • .,. IlI.>n "' •.• '" bl..,\: And of Alriedn d<'$CE'l'll.

T".., bI.<\: bod....s ... e .... "",nd ill It ... ~Io><iissippi !to,..,. lhis Wftk; I.os! ......... a" .. ""mwd African A_ric.n .... "" •• to< ..... murdo>n>d 11'1 cold blood in c...wg;..; • lew days bdor.: thol ,tv.:e ddl·nghlS workers d05olppHnod rom· pIeteIy. pm..a~ murd""'" also. onl)' 00c.,,~ I~y wm1 leaching our 1>«>pIe in M~ppi how 10 ,.~

and how I<> _ .. .., Ihrir f"'lilical rights.

Our Probltm i. You r r",bl~m

Ou. probl"ms a", your probl .. ms. Wr ho,'~ lil"f'd 10< 0'· .... Ih ...... huf\oJmj YO'" in .h~1 A_ricIn den of racist .. '01,..., In (QRStOnt /ooa. of losing li~ .and limb. R«lontly. thf'ft' students from k ffiY. " ....... miSlaken for A_ric .. n

And all these inhu-man ahocines have been inflicted upon us by the American governmental authorities, the police themselves, for no reason other than we seek the recognition and respect granted other human beings in America.

Negi'Oo'S and ,,'l"" brut~lIy '-I\. ... by N",,' York police. Shortly .. fter t!wl. ''''0 dlpl"m .. ~ from Uganda ""en> .Iso beat"" by lhe N' .... York Cily poIict, who mistook them /or Am .. rican N''/i;,.,.... II Afri('ans .. ~ bru t.lly b<-At<m whil .. only "is iting in A"",.ic., imagin<' the physical and psy. ,hological suffering,'."j b)' )'OII r and .;'Iel'>

who hi"''' he<! ''''' .... lor o'·~ ... JOO Y"'''''


Page 13: Malcolm X - Why I am not an American

Our JL<ObIem oJ your p,otlom. No .... "'" how much ind~"",,", A/rk'ans gfl "'"'"" on lhe motho-r CO<>Iit>en1 unleN; you " .... , your ,..tion.ol .I,"" at .11 Ii",.,.. whm you ,·isil America. you m.y be mi.token lor one 01 U$ and , uf· ler ,he $.0"", poydoological humiliation Ind physica l muti_ lat"'" thol is an c,"tTyd'y QCCulltln in our livn. Your problems will 1W\.<'f be tully .... ved ""til and IlI"1IfA ou .. .... 1OI,·ed. You wm _ .... M tully , .. pa.ed u"ti1 and u,*,," w ..... I~ tfl .... ltd. You wiU _ '<'f be lNO(Vliud If f_ human MIngs unlil and unlH5 we . ... . Iso recog­nll:ed and tn>.ted as human Mings.

Our problem Iti your probl"",. It is not ~ Negro ptob­Im-I. nor an Amm.:an problm-l. This If a world probIorm; a probLem lor humanity. It is no! a p,oblt:m of (i ... il rights .... 1 • problem of hu ..... n rights.

II the Uniled s..tes Sup ... _ Court jus~. " " hu. Goldbocrg.. ~ I~ ",,,,,\:s ago, could find 1"8.1 g"""nds 10 thtNtm to bring RuSoli. bdo.., lhe United N.Ii""" Ind charge her with "loIaling the human rights 01 less then th ..... mill .... RllMiiln ~ what .... keo our "fric .... broth· en; to...italf' to bring tIw United St.Lles g()\·~rrunenl btfor~

,he United Nalions and dt.arg~ her "" i,h violating the hum.n rights 01 t""-"'y·lwO million African·Americ.ns.

IW poy thol our African bfOllo.e .. ho,·" no! Ireed 1",",,­wi ..... of EU"'l"""n ('O/onialism only to be "''''''00'''' .nd held in check by Anwrir.n dollarism. l)Qn't let A ..... nc." bt "lcgal iud" by American doll.ri ......

America is wOlSOO ,hon South Aim, bKa""" no! only is Ameriu r.ocist, .... ' ~.oo is domltuJ and hypocriricaJ.


Soulh Mm p ... iIIO; ..... ""8"1>61 ..... nd p'''''' __ !i<'groog.>" lion. She, II k~, procticoo ,,·hol ~ plneheo. A ... ~ liea prud>e$ inh.'1Ir.'ion ... .1 praclicft ~g"1>OIion. St... pINC"'" one thing while do«iliully pra.clking .nothe •.

South Alrica i . like a vicious woll, Of".",ly Mlile _..-ds black humanity. Bul Anwrir.n is ~wming li k., . 10 .. frimdlv .nd $miling. but ",·en """'" ,·icious and deadly lhon lhe wolf. ""'" woll and the 10 • • re both cnemies of humanity. both are caniM. both humiliah' .nd mutildh' I~' victims. 60th ho, ... It.. !lame '* j!C' Ih·ft. but dilfer only in melhods.

[/ South Alrir. is guilty 01 viololing II><> hum."

rights of AlTic.", ""'" on

__ .bring the Uni ted Sta tes government before the United Nations and charge her with viola ting the human rights of twenty-two million African-Americans.

tIw moIher continenl. Ihm AJtW;'fb is guilty of ""'"'" vio­lalions of tM '''·en'y·t ... ·o mIllion AI"".n. on ,he AfIl<'ri<.n ronlinent. And if South Altiron racism I!I not. domeslic is/;uc, then Ame.ic.n rMlsm .Iso i. not " ,I" ....... ti<: issue.

~bny of you h.we """" Io.od 10 bel.....,., lhot It.. much publiciled, r«t'nlly.--. civil.rights bill is a ... gn Ihdt A",,,,, K. is malins ' si""""" ellon to ,""rred It.. Inj~ ,.·r h.o,·c .ull.....,J lhen- This p"'P"g.nd. m ....... ' · .... is P"" 0/ her d<'n'" .nd ITicb·.y In h"'1' the Alri<.n ,,"'~>nS lrom rondemning her rMiSI p.a<1m befu ... I"" Unil,'(! N.tions. as you .... now doing as ....gard, the !lam<' prac. .~ ofSoulh Afrir"a.

Page 14: Malcolm X - Why I am not an American

lhe Unitt-.1 St.ues s...p"-.",,, Coun p._.,; a law 'e'" )'"ars ago ma king Amerka'S S<'g"-'8"'e"; ",hool system ill ... g.l. 6u. the leder.1 g",-cm""-",,, has Y'" '0 enlorce .i'II'; law e""" in .he North. If .he led~,"1 governmenl ',,""WI ...nfomo lhe law of lhe high<'S' "oun ,n ,he land ..... to.... i, ""IDeS '0 ""'thing bu' equal right> to ed...,ation for African­Americans. how can anyone be SO nai,'c as to think all tlo<­additionall"ws broughl in,o being by the civil-right> bill

America is worse than South Africa, because not only is American racist, but she a lso is deceitful and hypocritical.

will be enfo..:ed> lhcs<: are nothing but tricte.. 01 Ih~

century's I~ading """""o\(>. ni.list po ..... er. Surel)' our intelll'Ctu.lly motu," Afric.n broth~rs will not rail for th,s t .. ckcry_ The Organi~.tion 01 AI..,. American Unity. in (OOpt'r_ ation with a "Oollition 01 o,her Negro leaderS and

organization., has dIXided to "I",-ate our I,,--..:Iom ""'Ule abo,,-e lhe domestic 1 .. "eI of ci"il rights. W" intend to

"in'ernationalize- i, by placing it al the le,-.. I "I human rights. Our ,,,,,-"'om struggl,' ror human dignity is no lunger ronlino.'dlO tho.' dom<'Stic jurisdiction of the United'S go"emment .

The Coming R"". W ..

w~ ~h lho.' inde!"-,,,d""t Alrie .. " >t."<'S to help u, bring our problem before the Unitt"<l Natoon>, on the grounds Ihal the Unit,'d Slales go,''''''_'''t i. morally incap"blc of pmteding lhe 1;'-0$ and P"'l""rty 01 hH'flly_


two m,lIion Afric.n -Am~rican._ And on tlo<- grounds th.ot our dctc';or.hng plight is definitely b..'CUming a thn>al 10 ......,oId p<'''''''_

Out of frustration and hopelessn.",. our young peopl~ h.",,, reached the po;nt of no Mum. W~ no longe, ""do".., p"tienoce and '"ming_the.<olher_d,,,,,k. We as,s.,nthe right "I self..:ld""", by wh''''''~r means ~ry .• nd reserve the right "f maximum "".Iiahun againS! uur ,.cist "f'pressors. no matter what thc odds against uS .re_ F.-nm he", on in. if ,,-e must die .ny .... '.y. we will dOe fight­ing back and we will not di<> alone . .... .., in'end to set'

Ihat our racist "f'p""""rs also g<.>l a taSie of death.

lVe aT<' well ."·a,,, th,,. our luture effort> to ddcnd "urseh'l'S b) ",uliating -by ""-'Cling ,'iolene .. with "iol"""". eye 10' an eye and

Don't escape from European colonial­ism only to become even more enslaved by deceitful, "friend­ly" American dollar-Ism.

looth for a tooth -«mid ,,,,,ate ,he type of racial rorollkt in Ameri"a that could ,,,,ily """.Iat" into" ,-ioIt-",t. world­"-ide. bloody race war

In the of world p"''''' and Sl'C .... ity. we b.>so.'<'Ch t"" head. 01 the independent African statCS to nxomm.'nd an immediate inn'stigation int" our problem by th~

Unit,'d Nation> Commission on I·tuman Right •. If thi. humble pic. th.I I am "oking ,\l Ih;,; ronl""""'" i. "0' p"'p"rly wo"k'\l, the" Id our cider brothers. who know I"" kg;oll.nguag~. come 10 our ~id ~nd ..... ord our plea in • lhe p"'per languag~ neco$';;:"Y lor it to be heard.

Page 15: Malcolm X - Why I am not an American

0.. I.tst ,",'or.:i, my ~""'cd brotIw. ... at this Afric .... lUmmi!: - No ~ knows the ~ bttIer than IUs __ " ...... " Iv" ,,",.., boom ............ On Amt, ic. for <Wf!r JOO ~n. Iv" hai'e thoo""~ ;--sode knowledge of this rrYn

who calls hi_,I -Uncle Som." Tlw:'£Mt, you must Ned OUr wamU1S' Don', """'P'" from Europr .... roIoniaIism only to berome "' .... ",.,.. ~1,wcd by d~lful, "friend. Iy" American doll~rism.

May Allah's bl .... ings of gnod """ th and wisdom boe upon you all, Solum AI. ykum.


Tho Autd>kijv.p/>l' of ~"kolm X io """,lred '""'''l\ lor '11)'" ...... ink' d ...... III<-, and M io .v';l>bIr ... ...... , d,lkl<'M oW ........ world ...... In .... HOi,. 199Ol, in pool due to .... popot" LorilV cl Spik lft', film .-. .... ~/o cl M.>kolm X, • ~u_ of"';'", ' 0 fino! _ w .... PU' boo<~ in pnnI. and _01 ...... W(Jf1<s .pp"'tN. Tho 1oI1ow"'fl ;,. good .. k.';"" 0( WOI'I<s fr<>m ,he 100ft pomod clhlo lif<-, .n 0( whictl a", .. · ... obIt f""" I'.'hli~der 1'..,.., "'a,1'd in Syd ... y, Auckland, Mon,..,." T""",'o, New YOfk and l.ondori;

• "A~,._IW<tfM,,{Sooond Edition. 1m) • r........, 11165: TJotr,lWII s,.", ... (Edil«l bySi£w Clork) • MoobI. lC: llot 1Mt s,."",~ (Ed>1«I by """'"' I'ftty) _ 1wWR>I. X 000 Afro:. A .. ' .... ,,~ (upondood and m"",..1«1 Ed_, _M,'''''. XToIb .. t""lrl'", I _ S, "'", .. ,.,. U.s.. ........ Afru (Edil«l by s....., a"k)


Page 16: Malcolm X - Why I am not an American


Ibdiral ~h .. ls l'amphlo1 Sorriu

Yusef l'rog .... , Sor. " &hlor

Tho, RadICal EMc.-nn .. t. I'amphlot Suits brings rutk ... a

rolle<:hon 01 """ys....... "")' for (·, ... i$ioning life boyood thl' ho.W""""1<" Srip 01 Wesl<'1'Tl modernity, it. kno .... k-dgr luditions and itS oocio-«on<:>mk Oysl""';. l'dmphl<'!> fCll '

tun> .... (},ks by m,,,.~'rick thinkers op<"I"dling with", 11K' \"">rern Inl~II''<1"al t •• duion and Third World Ih inkM'S d'>"clopin); tht·" own intei""".ual l.adilion<. n,.. fOClJs 01 tho;- ,Ioo,,.;n is .... ~lioo""';''r11<>d erit;';.1 a""I}'>i~ about . , -ariel)' 01 rotll<'1t1po<ary IOpics. includmg llw e.wiron_

"'''' ... COO\Sl1M<"Iism. t<cl\noIog); "".lth and «I"" • • """


Cili......s InlernoticlNl (CmlENS) iu 5klboJ peep)" twt·

wud ~ in I"""'ng. Malays"," which woOs.,., issues of pHC1'. anti-militarism., cull" ••• ~ti(In, environmen­tal proICCtion. ''''Mai""b''' dev,.q,mml and tradiho .... J knowl('<jge systems.

CITIZENS ""iie\1;'S that l'<'<>f'lcs acth 'ism on H>ese iS5UCO globally ;s """"'tial 10 a,,,,,. the wO)<ld's ... pid slide rowards i""",.S<'d miLna.l.-lion 01 land .... as. ~; ..-asldul produ<bon 01 ........ """'1". i,n,....wle ~I'U<"­

tion 01 out '"",.""""""'. and <'<'OIogy; wu, J'O"erty and ~Imtt lor the gJotr.J """,,"Iy.

cmZENS is """"g<>d by a Boord aI T~ aI ... peri. c ... o:d NCO acI,..ISI • . TlIr et.;,i"""n aI 1M Boord is SM Mon..rned ldris, 1M ~t aI Coou.u~ Asooociahon oIrenang (CAP) and s" ALom Mal.~ (Friends 01 1M F..,rth, Mal.oysio) (SAM) and C""onlj",,tor 01 Third World Network (TWN).

Page 17: Malcolm X - Why I am not an American

Other Radica l Es:\Cnli"b r ,lnlrhlct Scril'" Available


Other Radical Esscnhab r ","phlct Serl."


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-~,~­_ .... - ............ -"'*'11\0 ""'-"d '"""1 __ oauc. _, .. " ",", """" _ I\at .... I\Uvy ,,_ .. ,_ 0/, " , • .,..... "" ... _ ..... """' . , 0/'" nn'. ........ , "

C> _,_. "

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r ubl i •• lion5 by Cilinn' Inl. mali""a'

A BASIC CALL TO CONSCIOUSNfS6 ~A~';:P"·. Add.-to the Western World

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WHERE SHALL WE BEGIN? Enlidllmed Thinkers and I"" Revolutionary Society fly ,.,li 51.1 ... ,1

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WARON IRAQ: COO1CftVN in Iso-.... 6y S/tp/ltn I S~IIJO'4'

USA: Tho Crumbling 01 Emp'''' N Frtdtrir r CIo,..""

IRAQ: n... Turmenl of Emp"" by Frrd"i< F. Ch",IIO~'

IlOLiI/IA: n... Rt>."'Kenreof Ind<rAmerica by rrrdrril: f. C"';ffIt(J~'

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