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MALAYSIA KDN PP 9865/10/2010 (025460) SINGAPORE MICA (P) 061/10/2009

issuE 6 2009 NOVEMBER


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2010 Shuang Hor Outstanding Vice Manager Overseas Seminar – Guilin, China

The Picturesque Scenery, The Real Shangri-La

The countdown for the much awaited tour to Guilin has begun!

What is there for YOU to hesitate?

Gear up, lock onto your goal,

and make the final dash.

Secure for yourself the opportunity to join the tour.

Indulging in the poetic,

picturesque scenery of Paradise on Earth.

Admiring the awesome landscape

as you cruise along Lijiang River.

And adding that extra touch of vibrant hue to your life.

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P18 [email protected]


SHUANG HOR - A bimonthly magazine published for Shuang Hor distributors exclusively.Shuang Hor magazine is an internal publication published by Shuang Hor Enterprise (M) Sdn. Bhd.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without Shuang Hor’s written permission.

Published By : Shuang Hor Enterprise (M) Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 184951-D) (AJL 93423)

No. 54, Jalan Tago 2, Taman Perindustrian Tago, Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Tel : 603 - 6275 8818 Fax : 603 - 6276 6822

Printed By :Percetakan Osacar Sdn Bhd (Co. Registration: 63461-W)

Lot 37659, No. 11, Jalan 4/37A, Taman Bukit Maluri Industrial Area, Kepong, 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

issuE 6 2009 NOVEMBER

SYStem & YOUMake Shuang Hor Business Your Chosen CareerWinning for Yourself the 8 Major Fulfilments of Life

Triple DiamondPhoon Khee Onn & Lim Ah Ai


The Epoch-making Energy Health Food - VitaKing


Achievement Roll (July & August 2009)

Ordering DetailsDiamOND StORY










8 16




Jia Hor Hi-Fibre -Eases the Burden of Your Body with Daily Intake

Jia Hor Instant Soya Protein Powder -

For Full Vitality and Great Health!

The Vcare Hair-care Range - Crowning Glory Begins with Healthy Scalp

Be Wary of Free Radicals, the Killer of Youthful Skin –Vcare Refining Serum

Moisturizing & Nourishing Body Skin –Vcare Hand & Body Lotion

Dehydrated Skin? – Vcare Facial Toner

Flashback:The 1st New Vice Manager Leadership Seminar (Batam Island)

Coming Event (Medan):The 2nd New Vice Manager Leadership SeminarDistributor Award & Rally

The 91st New Vice Manager Leadership Seminar – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

HeaLtH tOPiC:A Strong Immunity Begins from Our Everyday Life

Lo and Behold!Health Hazards Common to Computer Users

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System Leader

Ku Cheng Chun

A countless number of ways to make money are available out there. Why should I make Shuang Hor

Business my choice, then?

Make Shuang Hor Business Your Chosen CareerWinning for Yourself the 8 Major Fulfilments of Life


A: You should make Shuang Hor Business your chosen career by taking the following reasons into consideration:-

I. Wealth creation: Shuang Hor Business is undoubtedly a golden opportunity to build your own business and earn lucrative income (Note: You may refer to the previous issue of Shuang Hor Bimonthly, in which the subject Why wealth can be created through Shuang Hor is covered in the same column System & You, enti t led The Business Opportunity of Enormous Potential for the 21st Century).

I t goes without saying that this one reason alone is not good enough to justi fy the purpose, for opportunit ies of wealth creation are aplenty out there. However, when it comes to making lots of money without having to dish out a huge capital outlay (zero-risk factor), then your options would be very, very l imited.

In Shuang Hor Business, you can build a free enterprise of your own with only as low as RM35 or S$20. Where else can you f ind another opportunity through which wealth can be created with such an incredibly small amount of investment?!

And that is not al l…

II. Time freedom: In Shuang Hor Business, what you can earn is not only big money but also t ime freedom. That means you have lots of money to spend and at the same t ime enjoy a great deal of leisure. This feature differentiates Shuang Hor Business from so many conventional business opportunit ies out there, for which the bigger the business grows, the less t ime freedom you wil l have at your own disposal.

In Shuang Hor, a successful, high-f lying Shuang Horean (such as a Gold Diamond Distr ibutor) refers to someone who has successful ly developed a network supported by thousands of distr ibutors. This implies that he or she not only has a stable and sustainable source of passive income. More so, when outstanding downline distr ibutors in the network promote themselves as junior leaders, i t transforms into a ful ly autonomous, self-empowering entity whose members of respectable statuses enjoy an uncommon freedom (enormous f lexibi l i ty) to pick and decide on how to make good use of their t ime at their own disposure, such as attending a f loral arrangement class, going for yoga sessions, pursuing a PhD degree, ski ing at the foothi l ls of the Alps, hunting at the Safari in Afr ica, travell ing round the world l ike an ace, or engaging in their favourite Shuang Hor activit ies to enti t le themselves for bigger bonus cheques, month after month… After al l , i t is a matter of doing what they enjoy doing.

Yes, i t is a matter of having a date with your destiny – to “enjoy a lucrative income while having a great deal of leisure” by making Shuang Hor Business your chosen career, or to “earn big money but left with too l i t t le t ime to enjoy l i fe” by st icking to those conventional opportunit ies. Which one would you pick?

III. Health: Shuang Hor Business becomes an obvious choice i f you l ist “optimal health” as the next but no less crucial component of your perceived ideal l i festyle.

This is because – General ly, as far as a conventional business opportunity is concerned, money is made provided that you work for i t hard enough when you are st i l l young and your physical wellbeing is st i l l in t ip-top condit ion. In other words, you barter health for wealth. More often than not, by the t ime you have reached the prime of your career, i t is also when the condit ion of your health has very l i t t le left to be salvaged. As a result, you embark on a desperate scramble to pay the ransom for the return of your health with the wealth you have accumulated. Before long, visit ing the hospital, undergoing treatment, and taking course after course of medicine would become a way of l i fe.

In this respect, Shuang Hor Business is i tself a l i felong crusade to promote optimal health. As a successful Shuang Horean, you are dealing with topics concerning physical wellbeing, day in and day out. In effect, you are continuously programming into your awareness the importance of preserving a healthy body. Most importantly, you are consuming, on a daily basis, the most eff icacious health food ever marketed in human history – the Lingzhi products of Shuang Hor – which also serve as a driving force that spurs you on to walk the talk on the f iner points of prevention better than cure.

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IV. A harmonious matrimonial relationship: Shuang Hor Business is your fami ly business.

Shuang Hor Business is so designed that i t is inherent ly meant to be bui l t and run by husband-and-wife teams, who are to work for i t and reap the sweet f rui ts of success as couples. Because of i t , you and your spouse get to embrace the same object ives in l i fe, share common topics, and rel ish a more bl issful mari ta l t ie. There may st i l l be di f ferences and occasional disputes, though. But as leaders, you and your spouse have become indoctr inated on the importance of maintaining a posi t ive image and exercis ing sel f -discipl ine. Moreover, your upl ine couples wi l l usual ly assume the role of intermediar ies in a t imely manner as a part of the environment put in place by the Educat ion System of Shuang Hor to inculcate the values of a harmonious matr imonial relat ionship. I t is through this hol ist ic set of interact ive inf luence that a better understanding is forged and wedded bl iss further enhanced.

In contrast , as this regulatory mechanism is glar ingly absent f rom most convent ional business opportuni t ies, i t is not uncommon to see couples making a mountain out of a mole hi l l , which explains why promises of “happi ly marr ied ever af ter” could wel l plunge into a dead bol t of worsening relat ionship sooner or later.

V. A widening circle of fr iends: Due to the fact that f requent contacts and gett ing to know more people are essent ia l aspects of network market ing, i t is just natural that establ ishing a cordial bond with others, equipping onesel f wi th a posi t ive mindset, and handl ing si tuat ions with people-or iented approach have become the indispensable ski l ls to ensure success in Shuang Hor Business. These grow by the day as enr iching habits that wi l l natural ly ref lect on the ways you interact in your network, your everyday l i fe, and your social act iv i t ies, which wi l l work wonders as you bui ld your network f rom strength to strength, wi th closer rapport being establ ished with old buddies and more meaningful union nurtured with new ones. You begin to win t rue fr iends who cher ish the same ideals. What ’s more, for those who have regained vi ta l i ty (heal th benef i ts) through the products of Shuang Hor recommended by you and for people who have l i f ted themselves out of f inancial t roubled waters because of your ef forts as an upl ine, your connect ion with them wi l l def in i te ly be beyond the scope of “ f r iendship”!

VI. Personal development: The distr ibutor networks (Educat ion System) of Shuang Hor Business are col lect ively a progressive, studious organizat ion and an ecosystem where mult i - faceted l i fe long learning thr ives.

Each and every indiv idual here is not only imparted with knowledge pertaining to the products but also i ts spin-of fs that extend to heal th care, the abi l i ty to express onesel f , oratory ski l ls , know-how on managing a network of people, leadership qual i ty and commanding apt i tude, social iz ing, moulding of character, key areas on how to respect each other as a couple, and so on. Al l these can be acquired in hands-on and learn-as-you-do si tuat ions through the sel f less mentorship from your upl ines, guidance from the System Leader, or even the synergy harnessed from the macro environment of the Educat ion System of Shuang Hor en route to achieving mastery and constant perfect ion.

VII. Self-reassurance and respect from others: Success and high achievements in Shuang Hor Business are bui l t upon the foundat ion of helping others (your downl ines) to succeed – to upl i f t more people through wealth creat ion and to br ing them health. Something that you could not possibly have ful f i l led with your past cal ibre as an indiv idual but now that wi th Shuang Hor, the transformat ion you have gone through has enabled you to touch the l ives of people around you, to turn the impossible possible.

Putt ing into pract ice the bel ief of “garner ing personal gain by f i rst br inging hope and benef i ts to others” wi th concrete act ions is certainly the surest way to beef up your sel f -esteem and earn you the respect f rom others. This is exact ly what makes Shuang Hor Business so extraordinary.

VIII. Benevolent deeds: The def in i te and noble purpose of becoming a Shuang Hor distr ibutor is to rekindle the l ives of those suffer ing from f inancial hardship and people enduring physical anguish. I t is through the moral cul t ivat ion and edif icat ion of th is compassionate environment that one becomes a car ing ci t izen, a Samari tan, and a white knight in shining armour who is always reaching out to the needy and the less fortunate.

In Chari ty of R.O.C. Associat ion, a non-prof i t organizat ion set up by Shuang Hor Group and devoted to helping the poor and the sick, our distr ibutors f ind a meaningful channel to contr ibute in cash or k ind. Over the years, they have chalked up one f ly ing colour af ter another wi th their big hearts for a good cause, earning them much appreciat ion and numerous of f ic ia l recognit ion from the government of Taiwan.

I f making money is your only concern, then I am afraid that Shuang Hor might not be your ideal chosen career. But i f your intent ion is to benef i t f rom the best of both worlds – to create wealth and at the same t ime opt imize the qual i ty of your l i fe, then Shuang Hor Business is absolutely your choice of a l i fet ime.

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Triple Diamond Profile

Current Residence: Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.

Growth Stages in Shuang Hor:

Signed up Shuang Hor in January 1991

Promoted to Vice Manager in April 1991

Promoted to Senior Vice Manager in July 1994

Promoted to Special Vice Manager in May 1995

Promoted to Diamond in August 1998

Promoted to Double Diamond in August 2007

Promoted to Triple Diamond in July 2009

(to be continued…)

Phoon Khee OnnYear of Birth: 1966

Lim Ah AiYear of Birth: 1964

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Chapter on Diamond

Phoon Khee Onn was born to a poor family in Ipoh. With his humble background, he has since a very young age vowed to make it big in life and bring comfort to his family. After completing his

upper secondary education, he began working as a lorry driver. In between jobs, he also became an assistant to his mother at her vegetable farm. Soon, Khee Onn discovered to his dismay that what he was doing could hardly help him fulfil his dream. Subsequently, he left for Singapore where he looked for a greener pasture in the shipyard industry and, with sheer fortitude, he worked his way up as a contractor. However, just as his career advancement seemed to have progressed smoothly and life seemed to be getting better and better, he began to indulge in gambling and lead a dissipated life. It goes without saying that his wife was heartbroken.

Early Rejection to the Life-changing OpportunityThe couple’s Shuang Hor Business began first with the involvement of his wife Lim Ah Ai. In the early stage, she was met

with Khee Onn’s intense rejection instead of his blessing or support. Whenever their upline paid a visit for a follow-up, Khee Onn would either give a cold shoulder or make excuses to absent himself. Even by the time Ah Ai had her condition of poor health markedly improved through the consumption of Lingzhi and promoted herself to the level of Vice Manager Distributor within 4 months, Khee Onn still refused to get involved. Though he would occasionally accompany her to attend meetings, his support was half-hearted, as he would just puff away stick after stick of cigarette and impatiently urge her to go home early. Opportunity came knocking on his door several times, but he did not act to grasp at it.

A Changed Attitude towards Shuang Hor BusinessFor 3 years on, through Ah Ai’s unreserved commitment in Shuang Hor Business, Khee Onn witnessed with his own

eyes how their upline transformed in many aspects. Upon being inspired by a ceremonious Diamond Award Presentation cum Distributor Rally, he started to look at the potential of Shuang Hor Business in a new light. He proceeded without hesitation to give up his shipyard contractor job and plunged headlong into this wonderful business by following the footsteps of his wife. Khee Onn is frank to admit that due to his biased conception of the past, coupled with the trouble of having to swallow his pride and false arrogance as a boss, one can imagine the initial defeats he had to go through when he tried to do it his way. Khee Onn has had the bitter experience of having sold only 1 bottle of Lingzhi in 3 long months. At one stage, he almost lost confidence and considered going back to his old trade. Fortunately, it was only a spur-of-the-moment disillusion. Khee Onn points out that it was the tremendous power of Shuang Hor Education System and its quality products that drove him on. And of course, the support and encouragement from their upline was also instrumental to his determination to forge ahead.

Khee Onn and Ah Ai are adamant that as long as they persevere in this business with an attitude of optimism, all challenges and difficulties could definitely be overcome. They also count their blessings that if without Shuang Hor Business, they would remain to be an ordinary couple, and the yearly 5-star overseas tour treatment provided by Shuang Hor would be something beyond their wildest dream. Most importantly, Shuang Hor has turned Khee Onn into a cheerful and approachable guy who now enjoys an increasingly stronger intimate bond with his family.

A Warrior Who Smiles At All Times

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Chapter on Double Diamond

Bouncing Back from a Downturn with an Unwavering Resolve Through a trying episode that would last 9 years, and from a raw Diamond Couple who had had their share of ups

and downs, Phoon Khee Onn and Lim Ah Ai have today metamorphosed into a Double Diamond Couple beaming with confidence and charisma, while their network has by now grown to a respectable size and recorded enviable group sales performance. To this dynamic couple who always greet others with passion and full vitality, their growth path is a reflection and manifestation of their trademark maxim: “Ask not for personal gains, but be a friend in need.”

Khee Onn admits that upon qualifying as Diamond Distributor back in 1998, he once allowed himself to take things easy and fall into complacency. As a result, the group sales performance of his network underwent a gradual decline. By the year 2000, Taiwan Gold Diamond Lin Shen Chang came to Malaysia to coach fellow distributors on how to fulfil the fundamental goal of 3,200 points. The couple was like having got hold of a piece of driftwood while in troubled waters. The moment they were initiated into this proven right approach to reach for success, the anxiety that accompanied their longing to break through the bottleneck vanished.

The Turning Point – Putting the Fundamental Goal of 3,200 points into PracticeKhee Onn took 2 solid years to readjust his pace and fine-tune his focus, during which he did a lot of soul-searching,

analysis, and deduction, which eventually enlightened him on the omnipotent power of the Fundamental Goal and its far-reaching impact. “There isn’t any shortcut. The only way out is to walk the talk and keep doing it! When I took to the stage to spread the gospel of the Fundamental Goal of 3,200 points in my network for the first time, my downline distributors were inspired, and the rest was history.” Ever since putting this fundamental goal into practice, the group sales performance of his network grew by almost 40% within a short period of 6 months. And that was exactly how his confidence was rekindled.

To the guidance rendered by the Gold Diamond, Khee Onn extends his heartfelt appreciation when he says: “As far as us Shuang Horeans are concerned, Mr. Lin is as good as the godfather to Shuang Hor Family. More so, he is our dedicated mentor. It’s only fair that we reciprocate by putting into practice what he advocates.”

Promotion to Double Diamond – Yet Another New Beginning“When I was promoted to the level of Diamond Distributor, I put satisfaction in terms of material gain above everything

else. Today, what I value and care most is fulfilment in terms of personal development and spiritual enrichment.” From Khee Onn’s smiling face that bespeaks sincerity, we can tell the triumphant sense of having transformed into what he is today – the higher the vantage point a man perches on, the more panoramic the horizon becomes.

Driven by a Burning Desire Diamond, Now One More Level Up

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Chapter on Triple Diamond

Engaging in Shuang Hor as a Mission An Appreciative Heart

Along the way, apart from the firm belief that they have in Shuang Hor Business, Phoon Khee Onn and Lim Ah Ai have also devoted to it with a deep sense of mission. “Over the years, we have been rewarded in ways far exceeding our anticipation. With an appreciative heart, we extend our deepest gratitude to what Shuang Hor Business has brought us. Indeed, it is only by learning how to humble ourselves and be appreciative that we have been able to overcome one challenge after another and advance with ever steadier strides in this business of ours.”

Markets in Indonesia and Malaysia Growing at Synchronized Pace

Since 2008, Khee Onn and Ah Ai have begun developing the Indonesian market with zeal and zest. With the previous experience accumulated and by the lessons learnt during their attempts in developing the Thai market, the couple went on to prevail over the language barrier and build their strongholds on islands of all sizes in Indonesia, which were literally strangers’ markets on the outset. After years of committed cultivation down the road, the results have become very encouraging. “We attribute it all to the modus operandi of the Fundamental Goal of 3,200 points, an educational tool that we have successfully adopted and religiously applied in Indonesia. The progress has been one of plain sailing, paving for us the way for a strong foundation to be laid in this part of the world. More importantly, this has enabled

us to also take good care of our network in Malaysia for synchronized growth.”

Forging a Harmonious Bond with Downline DistributorsForever radiant with his unmistakable, affable, and contagious smile, Khee Onn is

today a famous and popularly sought-after speaker for functions and events organized by Shuang Hor. To this feather on his hat, the modest Khee Onn gleefully reveals: “I really enjoy the profound gratification that I draw from sharing on the stage. As long as I have the time, and irrespective of which of my downline network the invitation

comes from, I will be more than happy to share with those who want to gain a more in-depth insight into OPP Flip Chart or become successful. For to me, helping more and more people to scale the pinnacle of success is not only an obligation but also something I want to do most.” Khee Onn stresses that moulding a mutual trust among uplines and downlines for the common interest of all is of paramount importance in forging a harmonious bond. Committing in Shuang Hor Business is about shouldering responsibilities. In other words, it is the bounden duty of an upline to lead his or her downline distributors and to impart them with his or her valuable experience, so that they will not repeat the same costly mistakes or deviate from the direction leading to success.

An Epitome of a Fulfilling LifeOver the years, Khee Onn and Ah Ai have never neglected their family life

while focusing on building their Shuang Hor Business. With both of them committing wholeheartedly in this meaningful engagement, their son have by osmosis learnt to be sensible and independent in sharing the special attachment to Shuang Hor Business as part of the family. In retrospect and looking around, the couple have found in their possession a successful career, family bliss, healthy mind and body, time freedom, financial independence, and more. “Shuang Hor has enriched our lives, allowing us to reach for life’s fulfilment. To us, nothing else on earth can be more satisfying, rewarding, and gratifying than what Shuang Hor has in store for us. What say you?” From the bottom of their heart, they believe that by holding fast to this sense of mission, as well as taking result-oriented steps with fortitude, a more promising future is as good as assured.

The couple are closely connected to and proud of son Hong Wai, who has learnt to be sensible and independent.

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Nutritionist Ng Jia Yee

Lemon Verbena:A natural herbal ingredient widely used in the West

for i ts exceptional anti- inf lammatory effects:

Efficacies:1. Clears pathogenic heat, eliminates toxins, enriches

the blood, heals bruises, promotes smooth urination, and offers antioxidant attributes.

2. Protects cellular tissues of our body and reduces cellular inflammation.

Hydrolyzed CollagenA high-tech hydrolysis method is used to produce hydrolyzed collagen of extremely minute molecules that can be rapidly absorbed into the blood stream of our body.

As collagen is itself a vital constituent of cartilage in our joints, it can thus fulfil the need of ‘direct assimilation’ by the joints without having to go through any conversion process in the body.

Efficacies:1. Discourages and minimizes damage done to the cartilage and

at the same time repairs cartilage cells to promote regeneration of cartilage.

2. Reduces inflammation.3. Repairs skin tissues, encourages cellular renewal, and restores

skin elasticity.4. Assists in the production of lean muscle tissues in the body.5. Capable of repairing and strengthening the vascular walls to

boost cardiac functions.

Special Features of VitaKingVitaKing is enhanced with Lemon Verbena, which is known for

i ts exceptional abil i ty in subduing inf lammation, enriching the

blood, and detoxifying the body, and Ribose, which faci l i tates

energy regeneration in the body, giving a state-of-the-art

biotech Hydrolyzed Collagen product that is natural, safe,

directly eff icacious, and of immense health-giving benefits,

RiboseThis is a major component of the intercellular energy

source Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), capable of

synthesizing vitamin B2 to rel ieve muscular pain

and diseases related to the metabolism of skeletal

muscles, apart from rapidly replenishing the body

with the ATP consumed.

Efficacies:1. Rapidly restores the cardiac and skeletal

muscles. 2. Streamlines energy recovery in the heart.3. Relieves enlargement of joints and pain in the

fibrillar muscles.

The E

poch-making Energy Health Food – VitaKing

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15 sachets/ boxDistributor price: RM230/S$113/B$113Retail price: RM265/S$130/B$130PV: 180

Recommended Consumption:Can be consumed either before or after meal,

preferably on an empty stomach for more eff icient

absorption. Recommended 2 sachets daily or 1

addit ional sachet or 2 depending on the needs of

individual condit ions.

Q: Why is it recommended that VitaKing be consumed with calcium


A: Movements of the human body are made possible through synchronized

interactions between the bones and joints. On the other hand, a suff icient content

of col lagen is crucial to a healthy density level of the bone mass. With collagen

constitut ing a major part of our bones, calcium is stored up in between the

bones and collagen molecules. The lack of col lagen wil l result in the drainage

of calcium, which in turn leads to a reduced density of the bone mass, hence

affecting the skeletal health. As such, i t is strongly recommended that in order to

effectively cut down the r isk of lesions in the joints and bones, the consumption

of VitaKing (to protect the joints) should be supplemented with Jia Hor Calcium

Plus Tablets (for healthy bones).

About VitaKing…

Direction of Consumption:Add a sachet of VitaKing into a glass of water or any

of your favourite non-carbonic drink. To be served hot

or cold. For better results, consume together with Jia

Hor Instant Soya Protein Powder, Jia Hor Calcium Plus

Tablets, and Jia Hor Hi-Fibre.

Q: What is the difference between a Glucosamine formulation and VitaKing?

A: Both the composit ion of VitaKing and Glucosamine are important to our

cart i lage. Glucosamine is a type of mucopolysaccharide, which is usually isolated

from chit in, an extract of the shells of crustaceans such as crabs and prawns. A

typical Glucosamine product cannot be directly absorbed by the joints. Instead,

i t has to undergo many rounds of conversion processes before f inal ly being

converted into collagen and other substances that are beneficial to the joints.

In contrast, Hydrolyzed Collagen in VitaKing is capable of directly catering the

raw materials needed for the construction of cart i lage. At the same t ime, i t also

promotes the regeneration of cart i lage.

Q: Will VitaKing bring any side effects?

A: No, VitaKing is absolutely free from any known side effects. I t is basically

a health food formulated using purely natural ingredients, hence is universal ly

recognized as a safe product.

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NOVEMBER 2009 10

Nutritionist Ng Jia Yee

Fundamental Steps to Intestinal Health, Clean Inner Environment, and Normal

Physiological Functions

Special Features of Jia Hor Hi-Fibre

Each sachet of Jia Hor Hi-Fibre contains about 4g of dietary

f ibre of the highest grade, providing a valuable mix of water

soluble and insoluble dietary f ibres. I t is further enhanced

with the valuable Lingzhi, vitamins, and minerals, making it

a perfect source for the replenishment of dietary f ibre for the

modern people.

Jia Hor Hi-Fibre ~Eases the Burden of Your Body with Daily Intake

No thanks to a drastic change in our dietary and l iving habits, we as the modern people are unable to get

a suff icient supply of dietary f ibre from our daily meals, result ing in the cropping up of a long l ist of civi l

diseases, notably colon cancer, diabetes, heart problems, hypertension, and arteriosclerosis.

Today, an increasing number of people among us are being aff l icted with gastrointestinal problems, ranging

from a mild stomach-ache, rough skin, headache, poor appetite, and bad breath, to the more serious

ai lments including haemorrhoids, l iver lesion, and colon cancer.

Our gastrointestinal system is a crucial l ine of defence for the maintenance of optimal health. I t is only with

healthy intestines and stomach that our physical wellness can be assured.

20 Sachets / BoxDistributor price: RM90/S$47/B$47Retail price: RM104/S$54/B$54PV: 72

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NOVEMBER 2009 11

The Advantages of Jia Hor Hi-Fibre

What is the right way of consuming Jia Hor Hi-Fibre

1. Promotes peristalsis in the intestinal tract Dietary f ibre is capable of increasing the volume of the faeces,

strengthening the intensity of excitat ion on the intestinal wall , and promoting peristalt ic activit ies. Besides, i ts excellent abil i ty in absorbing and holding water contributes to softening and moistening the faeces for their more eff icient el imination out of the bodily system. By encouraging smooth bowel movements everyday, i t also helps preserve skin radiance, retards skin ageing, and prevents the onset of various health problems.

2. Reduces cholesterol and discourages arteriosclerosis The water-soluble dietary f ibre in Jia Hor Hi-Fibre is remarkable in

adsorbing away free fatty acids to reduce the absorption of cholesterol by the human body, hence contributing to discouraging the premature onset of arteriosclerosis and lowering the r isk of heart diseases.

According to the recommendation of WHO, an adult needs to consume 25g~35g of dietary f ibre on a daily basis in order to preserve the wellbeing of the intestinal tract. This is because an adequate presence of dietary f ibre is the key to encouraging the growth of fr iendly bacteria and discouraging the prol i feration of harmful ones, thereby promoting a healthy gastrointestinal system.

3. Helps control blood sugar Dietary f ibre is known for i ts eff icacy in suppressing the elevation of the blood sugar

level and improving the metabolism of carbohydrate in the body. As i t assists in capturing the sugar content from what we eat, i t reduces the speed at which the level of sugar r ises in the blood, thus contributes to control l ing the blood sugar and preventing the onset of complications associated with various types of diabetes.

4. Assists in controlling bodyweight Taking 1 sachet or 2 of Jia Hor Hi-Fibre before each meal wil l ensure suff icient replenishment of dietary

f ibre to increase the sense of satiety. With a decreased craving for food preceding a meal, i t fol lows that less food is eaten and hence a reduced intake of calorie is achieved. At the same t ime, i t also speeds up defecation and encourages daily bowel movements to support your weight-loss program.

On the other hand, taking 1 sachet or 2 of Jia Hor Hi-Fibre after each meal wil l aid in a more eff icient digestion to make us feel hungry for food again in a much shorter t ime, thus encouraging an increased amount and frequency of food intake. That explains why consuming the product after food helps contribute to increasing the bodyweight.

5. Prevents hypertension As dietary f ibre exhibits a superb abil i ty in absorbing moisture and adsorbing body toxins to expedite

the el imination of excessive sodium content in the blood, i t contributes to preventing health problems associated with hypertension.

6. Improves the condition of duodenal ulcer As modern people and no thanks to our hectic l i festyle, an increased level of stress, having irregular

meals, and unhealthy eating and drinking habits, we become extremely vulnerable to duodenal ulcer. Since a suff icient content of dietary f ibre in the gastrointestinal system contributes to subduing the endocrinal activit ies in the duodenum, i t can effectively improve the condit ion of duodenal ulcer.

Recommended consumption: Take 3~4 sachets everyday, or increase the amount depending on individual needs.

Direction of consumption:Prepare 1 sachet of Jia Hor Hi-Fibre with about 300ml of water. Better yet, add Jia Hor Instant Soya Protein Powder and VitaKing, or make a delicious beverage by mixing it with your favourite fruit juice or milk. Stir well and drink i t immediately.

Jia Hor Hi-Fibre – Your burden-free beverage with low caloric content.

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NOVEMBER 2009 12

Nutritionist Ng Jia Yee

Protein is a fundamental bui ld ing block of al l l i fe forms.

For the human body, protein const i tutes the major component

in every cel l and t issue, ranging from the hair , skin, and blood

to our var ious internal organs, bones, and so on.

Functions of Protein:

1) Constructs tissues and repairs body cells.- It forms the various t issues and organs in the human

body, such as the skin, muscles, hair, bones, blood, kidneys, heart, lungs, and brain.

- It replenishes and repairs cel lular t issues that have worn out and become damaged during the metabolic processes.

Consume Jia Hor Instant Soya Protein Powder

for Full Vital ity

3) Provides calories Protein is one of the nutr ients that provide the human

body with caloric supplies. I t accounts for 10~15% of the total calories needed by the human body on a daily basis.

Protein is closely connected to every aspect of our everyday l iving.

In the event of protein diff iciency, i t wi l l give r ise to a decreased rate of production of the renewal cel ls, retarded developmental growth, a drop in the bodyweight, susceptibi l i ty to lethargy, impaired bodily resistance, anaemia, slow recuperation from i l lnesses, reduced mental sharpness, and the l ist goes on.

As the human body is unable to store up unuti l ized protein, i t has to be assimilated on a day-to-day basis. Unfortunately, the great majority of our protein source from food intake, such as red meat, seafood, cheese, eggs, and milk, are found to have high contents of fats and cholesterols.

Jia Hor Instant Soya Protein Powder is r ich in plant-based protein of the highest grade – Isolated Soya Protein, which is extracted from soya bean (soybean) through the most str ingent process, and hence does not contain any purine. Besides, i t is enriched w i t h c a l c i u m c a s e i n a t e e x t r a c t e d f r o m milk. The protein content offered by each sachet is equivalent to that of an egg, or a glass of ful l-cream milk. I t also features a low percentage of fat and is absolutely free from cholesterol.

This Makes Jia Hor Instant Soya Protein Powder a Perfect Source to Replenish Protein!

2) Forms all l ife-supporting substances in the human body.

- Hormones, enzymes, antibodies ( immunoglobulin), red blood cells, white blood cells, spermazoa, eggs, and the l ikes are al l formed with protein as the key building material.

- These substances assist in regulating al l of our physiological activit ies, such as digestion, circulation, reproduction, and so on, so that our physical wellness is maintained.

and Great Health!

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NOVEMBER 2009 13

Isolated Soya Proteinl The best form of plant-based protein that boasts the most complete spectrum of amino


l Universally accepted as being helpful for the prevention of health problems associated with the disturbances in our physiological functions.

l A protein source of high biological value, capable of being readily assimilated and uti l ized by the human body.

l Free from cholesterol, but contains unsaturated fatty acids essential ly needed by the human body.

l Capable of reducing cholesterol, protects the l iver, and aids in preventing cancerous diseases.

l Rich in isoflavone, a hormone-l ike compound derived from plants, capable of subduing the growth of tumour cells tr iggered by hormonal disturbance. Also features exceptional abil i ty in preventing the drainage of bone mass, promoting the growth of bone cells, and reinforcing skeletal functions.

The Exceptional Composition of Jia Hor Instant Soya Protein Powder

l Provides a rich supply of top-grade Isolated Soya Protein and Lecithin

l Contains papaya enzyme (papain) and pineapple enzyme (bromelain), which facilitate a more effective assimilation of protein.

l Introduces a caloric content of as low as 43Kcal.l Can be readily absorbed and utilized without incurring any

physiological burden.

Who Needs Jia Hor Instant Soya Protein Powder?

Every one of us needs to replenish protein. Regular consumption of Jia Hor Instant Soya Protein Powder wil l help achieve this objective for chi ldren, youngsters, senior cit izens, pregnant women, lactating mothers, those recuperating from surgery, and vegans al ike.

Add 1 sachet or 2 of Jia Hor Instant Soya Protein Powder into about 300ml of lukewarm water. Stir well and it is ready to be served. For better results, prepare 1 sachet of Jia Hor Instant Soya Protein Powder + 1 sachet of VitaKing + 1 sachet of Jia Hor Hi-Fibre for their ful l and synergist ic health-giving benefits.

Consuming Jia Hor Instant Soya Protein P o w d e r e v e r y d a y a s s u r e s h e a l t h improvement with adequate assimilat ion of quali ty protein.

Lecithinl A vital component of the cellular membrane. Especial ly helpful in revital izing the brain


l Promotes development of the brain, improves memory, and prevents the onset of senile dementia.

l A powerful emulsif ier and a scavenger that dislodges the fat deposits in our blood vessels.

30 Sachets / BoxDistributor price: RM65 / S$34 / B$34Retail price: RM76 / S$40 / B$40PV: 50

Clinical experiments have shown that isolated soya protein helps enhance heart functions and reduces cholesterols. Daily consumption of 25g of soya protein to supplement a low-fat and low-cholesterol diet can effectively bring down the r isk of contracting cardiovascular diseases.

Special Features of Jia Hor Instant Soya Protein Powder

How Should Jia Hor Instant Soya Protein Powder be Consumed?

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NOVEMBER 2009 14

Soft and silky tresses that shine with a healthy glow not only make you the focus of attention but also help win the admiration of others. Yet, the purpose of maintaining healthy locks should never be limited to the appeal for “good looks” alone, as the needs for hair care and scalp care are also justifiable for the following valid concerns:-

The Vcare Hair-care Range – Crowning Glory Begins with Healthy Scalp

The Two Major Hi-tech Ingredients of Vcare Hair-care ProductsNano-Ganoderma Lucidum: The liquid concentrate of Nano-Ganoderma Lucidum is extracted through the most advanced techniques of the 21st Century. It is rich in Ganoderma Lucidum polysaccharides, triterpenoids, adenosines, nucleic acids, vitamins A & B, and a valuable mix of various trace elements. Besides, it also helps promote healthy hair growth and at the same time regulates sebaceous activities, repairs hair scales, and prevents the hair from splitting or breaking.

Aloe Barbadensis Concentrate: It encourages an efficient blood flow in the scalp to excite growth in the hair roots. At the same time, it also exhibits anti-inflammatory attributes and the ability to revitalize scalp cells for effective control of dandruff.

Vcare Moisturizing Shampoo

Moisturizes Your Tresses from the Inside OutUnder normal conditions, about 80% to 90% of our hair is in the anagen or

growing stage, during which a wholesome supply of nutrients is all-important to ensure healthy growth. Furthermore, water is also an essential element for healthy tresses. About 15% to 20% of the hair is made up of water by weight, the most part of which is locked up in the protein tissue. Water helps preserve the soft texture of the hair and keeps the latter moistened. In the event of water deficiency in the hair, problems such as dryness, split ends, brittleness, and the lack of lustre will soon crop up.

Apart from Nano-Ganoderma Lucidum and Aloe Barbadensis Concentrate, Vcare Moisturizing Shampoo also offers a valuable blend of vegetal extracts, which are capable of moisturizing every strand of the hair from the inside out, allowing the hair follicles and tresses to be completely nourished. In essence, it is a remarkable moisturizing formulation that leaves your hair moistened and soft as silk after shampooing.

Ingredients & BenefitsLavender: Features a refreshing and sweet smelling aroma, capable of moisturizing the tresses to promote cellular renewal, balancing up the sebaceous secretion, and contributing to the growth of new hair.

Rosemary: On top of imparting the scalp with an exceptional astringent effect, it also offers anti-bacterial and deodorant benefits and assists in improving the condition of dandruff problem.

Vitamin E: Capable of rapidly penetrating into the deep layers of damaged and dry hair, where it delivers inner repair, replenishes the water needed, and prevents the adverse effect of static electricity, leaving the stresses soft and bouncy after shampooing.

Vitamin B5: A micro nutrient needed to strengthen the hair shaft tissue.

200ml/bottleDistributor price: RM15/S$8/B$8Retail price: RM19/S$10/B$10PV: 12

1. In the midst of our daily activities, the sweat glands and sebaceous glands in the scalp are busy producing sweat and sebaceous secretion. If left to build up in the absence of regular cleansing, these metabolic wastes would become the source of nutrients for bacteria, causing blockage to the pores, the formation of dandruff, sickly hair growth, and a long list of other hair and scalp problems. In serious cases, the nightmare of hair loss could become real.

2. Healthy tresses with their thick volume contribute to protecting the scalp against direct exposure to the intimidating sunlight and also avoiding possible injuries from physical impacts.

3. In the aspect of interpersonal relationship, clean and healthy hair is essential to giving a positive impression and establishing good self esteem.

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200ml/bottleDistributor price: RM22/S$12/B$12Retail price: RM26/S$14/B$14PV: 17

It is true that only healthy scalp produces healthy tresses. When the sebaceous secretion in the scalp becomes too active, it not only renders the hair oily and gives an unkempt appearance, but also encourages the production of dandruff that will indirectly lead to hair loss problems.

Vcare Scalpcare Shampoo is a powerful repair formulation. In addition to Nano-Ganoderma Lucidum and Aloe Barbadensis Concentrate, it is also enriched with a good number of vegetal extracts to effectively regulate the wellness of the scalp. In particular, it is immensely beneficial to tresses that are either oily or have become brittle and damaged due to frequent dyeing. It gives a great sense of comfort after shampooing and restores their strong and healthy condition apart from keeping dandruff problem at bay.

Vcare Scalpcare Shampoo –

Ingredients & BenefitsGreen Tea: It possesses antioxidant and anti-fungal capabilities to effectively prevent dandruff and preserve the wellbeing of your hair.

Chamomile/Rosemary/Sage/Nettle: A formulation that provides scalp-care and anti-dandruff benefits. It enables deep cleansing in the inner layers of the scalp to effectively fight bacterial infection and eliminate dandruff, in addition to keeping the tresses constantly moistened, soft, and shiny.

Peppermint: It exhibits bactericidal functions to prevent the formation of dandruff, leaving the scalp refreshed and comfortable after shampooing.

The Answer to Strong & Healthy Hair

What is DandruffProduced through the natural process of metabolism, dandruff is basically made up of loose, dead skin cells from the scalp. It has a grayish and scaly appearance and usually causes irritation in the scalp. The scalp cells normally take a month to complete a metabolic cycle. However, on a scalp where dandruff is found, the cells tend to metabolize at a much faster rate, prompting them to move to the outer layer of the scalp more rapidly than normal, forming what we call dandruff as a premature and unsightly metabolic byproduct.

In addition to cleansing, the hair also needs deep layer nourishing on a regular basis. Frequent use of the hair dryer, dyeing and perm treatment, and excessive chlorination due to swimming can damage the outermost cellular coat of the tresses and turn them rough, resulting in the loss of their resilience and lustre.

Apart from a rich content of Nano-Ganoderma Lucidum and Aloe Barbadensis Concentrate, Vcare Hair Nourish Cream is further enhanced with various vegetal extracts that help nourish and protect the tresses at one go. It is capable of efficiently nourishing the hair roots, repairing damaged ends, and improving the condition of dryness and splitting to restore the radiance and volume of the tresses, making them even more bouncy and manageable.

Vcare Hair Nourish Cream –

Ingredients & Benefits: Chamomile/Rosemary/Sage/Nettle: An excellent scalp-care and anti-dandruff formulation with powerful deodorant and anti-bacterial abilities, apart from assisting in promoting wellness of the scalp and improving the condition of dandruff.

Green Tea: Possesses antioxidant and anti-bacterial capabilities to effectively prevent dandruff formation.

Jojoba Oil: Repairs the tresses, improves the condition of rough texture, and promotes the growth of new hair. At the same time, it also helps prevent splitting ends and dandruff problem.

Vitamin E: Capable of rapidly penetrating into the deep layers of damaged and dry hair, where it delivers inner repair, replenishes water, and prevents the adverse effect of static electricity, leaving the stresses soft and manageable after shampooing.

Vitamin B5: A micro nutrient needed to strengthen the hair shaft tissue and protect the tresses from external threats.

Nourishes & Protects the Tresses at One Go

Direction of Use:On dry hair: Apply directly on the tresses to improve the condition of dryness in the hair and rough texture, other than preventing hair splitting and breakage.

On wet hair: Apply as a hair conditioner after shampooing. Massage into the scalp for a while before rinsing. Helpful for nourishing the tresses and improving hair texture.

120ml/tubeDistributor price: RM24/S$13/B$13Retail price: RM28/S$15/B$15PV: 20

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NOVEMBER 2009 16

Imagine one day you f ind out to your dismay that despi te having rel ig iously carr ied out the

fundamental 3-step skin care regimen every morning and evening, your skin remains far f rom

perfect . You begin to wonder why. The answer is: “ the k i l ler of youthful skin” – f ree radicals – is

wreaking i ts havoc without you not ic ing i t !

Is Your Skin Ageing Too Fast?

Be Wary of “the Killer of Youthful Skin” –

What are Free Radicals?You don’t smoke. Neither do you drink. But you can never escape the toxic attack from a seemingly

unlikely source – oxygen. With each inhalation of the air, its oxygen content injects your body with the “life force” it needs. However, some of the oxygen molecules are converted into atoms when they are left with unpaired electrons, producing what we call free radicals. These free radicals attack the nearest cell and rob it of its outer electron. The attacked cell becomes a free radical itself, beginning a chain reaction when it starts attacking other cells. The damage cascades and results in skin ageing, an oxidation process that develops in much the same way as iron starts to rust when it becomes oxidized by the highly reactive radical oxygen.

Scientists have proven that free radicals are linked to more than 200 types of health problems. Examples are ageing, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, ailments that crop up when our immune system becomes either too weak or too strong, stroke, senile dementia, and diabetes. In particular, visible signs of the harm inflicted by free radicals to the skin include wrinkles, loss of skin luster and resilience, rough texture, brown spots, and you name it. It can thus be seen that free radicals are the prime culprit behind the onset of ageing. As such, the right approach to effectively retard the ageing process of the skin is by beefing up its antioxidant power.

The Formation of Free RadicalsInternal Factors1. Metabolism: The human metabolism is itself an oxidation process, of which free radicals are the byproducts. Besides,

free radicals are also produced when various useful chemical substances are manufactured by the human body to maintain its normal functions.

2. Guarding against viruses & bacteria: Whenever a foreign microorganism enters the human body, free radicals are dispatched by leucocytes (white blood cells) to engulf the intruders. That explains why free radicals are always found in large quantities in the human body whenever there are inflammatory symptoms.

3. Mental state: Excessive stress, exhaustion, quick temper, anxiety, depression, and other emotional problems.

External Factors1. Keeping to the bottle and active or passive smoking (Just imagine, 1015 or

1,000,000,000,000,000 free radicals are produced with the puffing away of

merely 1 stick of cigarette!).

2. Unhealthy dietary habits: Fried and spicy food.

3. Radiation, UV rays, and electromagnetic waves.

4. Environmental pollution (Including polluted air and drinking water, industrial

exhaust and effluents, contaminated farmland, etc.)

5. Chemical abuse (Such as food additives, farm chemicals, contaminated fruits

and vegetables, drug abuse, non-prescription medicine, chemical cleansing

agents, etc.)

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30ml / bottleDistributor price: RM183/S$96/B$96Retail price: RM229/S$120/B$120PV: 151 Free radicals and their oxidative actions will gradually turn

a tenderly-soft skin rough and fair complexion dull-looking due to

uneven precipitation of melanin. Close on the heels are the cropping

up of blemishes, wrinkles, and freckles. As relying on an elementary

skin-care regimen alone is no longer good enough to contain the

problems, Vcare Refining Serum comes to your rescue to effectively

help retard the ageing of your facial skin.

Vcare Refining Serum is formulated using Nano-Ganoderma

Lucidum and Aloe Barbadensis Concentrate as its major ingredients.

Nano-Ganoderma Lucidum as a liquid concentrate is remarkably

effective in arresting the free radicals and subduing the activities

of tyrosinase, in addition to help preventing skin ageing and the

formation of melanin. Hyaluronic Acid is added as a long-lasting

moisture-retention formula to complement Aloe Barbadensis in

retaining skin moisture. Nano-L-Ascorbic Acid, together with the

natural extracts of Rose, Green Tea, and Algae, works wonders in

replenishing the skin with nourishment essentially needed to fight

free radicals and put oxidation to a halt. In effect, this marvelous

product helps regulate your skin from the inside out and tones

down freckles. It allows you to bid goodbye to a dull complexion

and leaves your skin smooth and radiant with a firmer touch and

younger looks.

Vcare Refining Serum

Useful Skin-care TipsAs the corners of the lips, neck and decolletage are where the secret of our age can be easily

unveiled, special care should be given to this area with the application of Vcare Refining Serum,

which offers a generous supply of nourishing and moisturizing nutrients to reduce the appearance

of fine lines due to skin dryness.

l Nano-L-Ascorbic Acid: It is a powerful antioxidant known for its amazing effects in subduing the activities of tyrosinase and whitening the skin. Nano-L-Ascorbic Acid assures exceptional skin-care benefits as it features a skin absorption rate that is 8 to 10 t imes better than that of ordinary vitamin C.

l Rose: Capable of improving the natural moisture-retention abil i ty of the skin to keep it resi l ient and young-looking.

l Green Tea: Green Tea is intended in many skin-care products for i ts antioxidant effects to assist the skin in retarding the ageing process.

l Algae: Capable of fort i fying the skin t issue to help retain moisture and prevent premature ageing.

Free Radicals to Blame for Skin AgeingApart from causing a tanning effect to the skin, ultraviolet (UV) rays are also one of the major causes of skin

ageing. Some of their very direct harms to the skin include exciting pigment activities, promoting the formation of

melanin, or producing free radicals that inflict damage to the cellular membranes and nucleoli, and setting off the

rupture of elastin. These in turn lead to reduced moisture-retention ability, elasticity, and metabolic rate of the skin.

Free radicals also consume the natural antioxidants in the skin. Over time, the signs of ageing will soon deteriorate from

skin dryness in the early stage, to sagging of the skin in the intermediate stage, and eventual appearance of fine lines,

wrinkles, the loss of skin luster, decreased fineness, etc in the final stage.

Retards Skin Ageing

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180ml/bottleDistributor price: RM32/S$17/B$17Retail price: RM40/S$21/B$21PV: 26

Vcare Hand & Body Lotion is specially formulated to help achieve tenderly-soft skin. Apart from the main ingredients Nano-Ganoderma Lucidum and Aloe Barbadensis Concentrate, it also contains Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E, and natural extracts of Lavender, Algae, Sunflower, and Cucumber, making it an exceptional skin-care product for the specific purpose of nourishing your hands and body to rectify problems associated with skin dryness. Besides, it is enriched with Hyaluronic Acid, which imparts long lasting moisture-retention benefits at the inner layers of your skin to improve their condition from the inside out. It is worth highlighting that large molecular masses are the prime culprit to blame for the poor absorption rate of generic skin-care products sold in the market. In contrast, as Nano-Ganoderma Lucidum is a liquid concentrate extracted through state-of-the-art Nanotechnology, it features Ganoderma Polysaccharides, Triterpenoids, and Vitamins A, B & E of molecules so minute in size that they can rapidly permeate through the skin to reach the true skin layer, where the intended moisture-retention and nourishing benefits are delivered. At the same time, they also help subdue the activities of tyrosinase and prevent the formation of melanin to effectively retard the ageing process. On the other hand, Aloe Barbadensis exhibits an amazing ability in regulating the skin condition, in addition to facilitating the softening, soothing, and anti-inflammatory functions.

Vcare Hand & Body Lotion

Jojoba Oil: Rich in vitamins, capable of moisturizing and softening the skin.

Vitamin E: Contributes to making the skin tenderly soft and helps resist the appearance of wrinkles.

Lavender: Made available in the form of Lavender essential oil of the highest purity to enable aromatherapy functionality, calm the nerves, and promote sound sleep, apart from expelling mosquitoes and keeping allergens at bay.

Algae: Replenishes skin moisture and at the same time controls the oil-water balance in the skin. Capable of bringing whitening effects through regular use.

Sunflower: Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, remarkable in solving problems such as allergic skin and hand eczema.

Cucumber: Rich in vitamin C and various soothing and moisturizing substances, hence is exceptional in soothing, relieving stress, retaining moisture, giving a clear complexion, refining the pores, and improving the condition of skin allergy.

Mention moisture-retention and nourishment of the skin and most of us would usually pay attention solely to the face and tend to overlook one fact -- our body as a whole also craves for the same need. Indeed, the key to owning exquisite and dewy-moist skin lies in the moisture content of the skin, which is made up of several layers, primarily the epidermis (outer skin), dermis (true skin), and subcutaneous tissue. The outermost side of the outer skin is where we find the horny layer, of which the sebaceous membrane plays the role of preventing the drainage of moisture from the skin. Right inside the horny layer is also the home to a special group of intercellular lipids that are instrumental to the retention of moisture. At a time when the skin’s metabolic rate becomes retarded, the production of sebum by the sebaceous membrane also gradually diminishes. Coupled with various external excitations, the moisture content in the skin will soon become depleted, leading to skin dryness.

Moisturizing & Nourishing Body Skin

Essentially, we should drink a lot of water to ensure that our skin is hydrated at all time. By all means take large amounts of fruits and vegetables, as this will contribute to replenishing the body with the vitamins and other nutrients needed by your inner environment. While having a bath or shower, alkaline soap or excessively high water temperature should be avoided. Otherwise, this will subsequently give rise to skin dryness and dehydration. Since direct exposure to sunlight will speed up the onset of skin dryness and premature ageing, always remember to apply sun-block before leaving home and heading outdoors.

Make it a must to apply hand and body lotion right after bathing or showering. Do it before towelling your body dry, as the absorption will be more efficient, and skin-care result better, when the skin is still warm and moist.

Protecting Body Skin from Dryness and Dehydration

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125ml / bottleDistributor price: RM35/S$18/B$18Retail price: RM44/S$23/B$23PV: 28

Vcare Facial Toner is formulated using Nano-Ganoderma Lucidum and Aloe Barbadensis Concentrate as its major ingredients, and further enriched with natural extracts of Rosemary, Rose, Algae, and Cucumber as well as Hyaluronic Acid as a long-lasting moisture-retention formula. Its dedicated function of retaining skin moisture is exceptionally remarkable in replenishing water, apart from offering the benefits of double cleansing, balancing up the pH value of the skin, softening the aged cutins, and preparing a skin condition that is more receptive to the absorption of skin-care nutrients. The liquid concentrate of Nano-Ganoderma Lucidum is extracted through the most advanced Nanotechnology to offer a rich supply of macro molecular polysaccharide peptides, triterpenoids, adenosines, nucleic acid, and various active constituents that contribute in no small way to the retention of moisture and nourishment in the skin. On the other hand, Aloe Barbadensis Concentrate features a wide range of skin-care abilities, including regulating the skin condition, softening, soothing, balancing up the pH value, countering inflammation, and preserving the moisture content in the skin.

Coming to the Rescue of Dehydrated Skin

- Vcare Facial Toner

Rose: Exhibits amazing efficacy for dry, sensitive, and ageing skin. It helps improve

the natural moisture-retention function of the skin and at the same time possesses

soothing, calming, and anti-inflammatory capabilities.

Algae: Provides remarkable benefits in countering bacterial actions, promoting

metabolism, and retaining moisture.

Cucumber: Rich in vitamin C, vitamin B1, mineral salts, and various skin-care

nutrients. A natural moisture-retention formulation that exhibits astringent ability and

helps reduce the red and swollen skin caused by direct exposure to the sunlight.

The lack of water is usually the tell-tale sign of skin ageing. Following closely on the heels, other signs such as dryness, sense of tightness, scales, irritation, and even fine lines, will soon crop up one after another. It can thus be seen that water is the most important and indispensable element to a radiant and healthy skin. In fact, moisturization or replenishment of moisture is supposed to be the foundation on which other skin-care steps such as whitening, sun screening, oil control, etc. are built. Whatever skin type we may belong to, dehydration is the common enemy that you and I must always guard against.

“Dehydrated” Skin?

Causes of dehydration:1. Rays: A prolonged period of direct exposure to the sunlight will inevitably lead to skin dryness and dehydration.

2. The onset of skin ageing: By age 25, the moisture-retention ability of our skin will begin to decline. When the skin becomes aged, the elastin in the true skin layer (dermis) will lose its elasticity, the content of collagen will start to drop, and its power to retain moisture will fall off, resulting in the thinning of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

3. Air-conditioned room: Due to a lowered level of temperature and humidity, the contents of moisture and sebaceous secretion in the skin also drop, leading to an accelerated drainage of moisture.

4. Water-oil imbalance in the skin: The skin is born with a natural moisture-retention mechanism, which automatically produces moisture retaining substances and sebaceous secretion, forming a sebaceous membrane to prevent excessive drainage of moisture. However, when an increased level of sebaceous activities occurs, it indicates the level of moisture in the skin has become insufficient, which will subsequently trigger off the conditions of oiliness on the outside and dryness on the inside of the skin.

5. Unhealthy living habits: Insomnia, burning the midnight oil, smoking, regular showering using excessively hot water, prolonged exposure to the elements, failing to drink enough water, dietary bias for excessively spicy food, and various unhealthy living habits are the precursors to the formation of rough skin, dull complexion, and fine lines.

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NOVEMBER 2009 20

Shuang Hor Indonesia held i ts f i rst ever 2-day and 1-night New Vice Manager Leadership Seminar in the country wi th enthusiast ic part ic ipat ion by the invi ted newly-promoted Vice Manager Distr ibutors of Indonesia. Noted for i ts al l - round educat ional at t r ibutes and pract ical i ty, the seminar featured a powerful and experienced panel of speakers comprising several Malaysia Diamonds led by none other than Taiwan Gold Diamond Lin Shen Chang. Besides, the rookie Vice Manager Distr ibutors also benef i ted in no smal l way from topics on Business Phi losophy and Bonus Scheme of Shuang Hor covered by company of f icers.

The course content of the event included “How to Set & Accompl ish the Fundamental Goal of 3,200 PV”, “How to Conduct an Effect ive Home Meet ing”, “How to Present the OPP Fl ip Chart Ef fect ively”, and “The Essent ia ls of a Leader”, a l lowing part ic ipants to grasp the secret to success in Shuang Hor Business in a more f i rmly manner as wel l as to connect them even more closely wi th the compet i t ive advantage of Shuang Hor Business. The new Vice Manager Distr ibutors of Indonesia unanimously commented that they had their conf idence substant ia l ly boosted af ter at tending the training.

★Date: 29/8/2009 & 30/8/2009 ★Venue: i Hotel, Batam Island, Indonesia.

The 1st New Vice Manager Leadership Seminar – Batam Island, Indonesia

Taiwan Gold DiamondLin Shen Chang

Regional General ManagerFoo Kok Wah

Triple DiamondWee Kim Hoo

Triple DiamondLim Ah Ai

DiamondTan Sheng Teik

Motivational talk presented by Diamond Couple Patrick Tan Tzu Chun & Jannice Tan Yean Theng.


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NOVEMBER 2009 21

Motivational Talk:

Diamond Couple Mr. Susanto Effendy & Ms. Fenny Surdjono

Medan Distributor Award & Rally

Date: 8/11/2009 (Sunday)

Time: 4.00pm ~ 6.30pm

Venue: Grand Swiss-bel Hotel, Medan (2nd Floor, Diamond Ballroom)

Address: Jl. S. Parman 217, Medan 20152, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

In my opinion, th is New Vice Manager Leadership Seminar held for the f i rst t ime in Batam Is land has been met wi th a high level of sat isfact ion among

I ’ve benef i ted tremendously f rom attending this New Vice Manager Leadership Seminar held in Batam Is land. The hospital i ty accorded by the

Ruddy Januarko (Pekanbaru)

company was simply marvel lous and the course content was r ight ly enr iching. Though the speakers used a Bahasa Malaysia ‘blend’ of Indonesian language, I could comprehend their message perfect ly wel l and became inspired!

Herlina Xu Bi Chang (Tg. Pinang)

the part ic ipants both in terms of the service and treatment rendered by the

company as wel l as the course content. Most of the speakers del ivered their ta lks in Bahasa Malaysia, but for tunately, I could clear ly f igure out what they wanted to put across. The 2-day and 1-night seminar benef i ted me in a very meaningful way. I would l ike to convey my deepest grat i tude to al l the staf f who had made i t a resounding success through their hard works. – Thank you Shuang Hor and thank you everybody!

The relaxing and fun-f i l led ambience of the par ty at t racted keen part ic ipat ion of each and everyone present.

A sumptuous banquet served to the del ight of a l l . Bir thday celebrat ion.

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Distributors can attach the duly completed Renewal Form to a Wesel Pos of an amount Rp25,000 and mail them to the main office in Jakarta. (Only Wesel Pos will be accepted for postal renewal. DO NOT send company cheque, personal cheque, or cash.)

For distributorship renewal, you pay Rp25,000 for 4 issues of Indonesia Shuang Hor Quarterly Magazine. The need for renewal is waived for those who have joined or join Shuang Hor in 2009, and their distributorship shall remain valid until 31/12/2010. They are also automatically entitled to 4 issues of the Shuang Hor Quarterly Magazine in 2010.

Apart from the main office in Jakarta, distributors can also visit the respective Distribution Centres in Batam, Medan, Surabaya, and Pekanbaru to renew their distributorship on the spot. (On-the-spot renewal shall be on cash term. No credit card will be accepted).

In order to keep the distributorship valid

for eligibility to continue building Shuang Hor

Business, Indonesia Distributors who signed up in

or before the year 2008 are required to have their

distributorships duly renewed this year.

Mode of Renewal:

Period for Postal Renewal: 1/10/2009~15/12/2009

Period for On-the-spot Renewal: 1/10/2009~31/12/2009

Reminder:Effective from 1st October 2009, all new distributors, and those who have renewed their distributorship but have yet to apply for Shuang Hor Website Personal Identification Number (PIN), will receive the individual PIN together with their Kartu Identitas Distributor.


Motivational Talk

How to Set & Accomplish the

Fundamental Goal of 3,200 PVHow to Conduct an

Effective Home Meeting

How to Present the

OPP Flip Chart Effectively

Date: 7/11 & 8/11/2009

Venue: Grand Swiss-bel Hotel, Medan (2nd Floor, Diamond Ballroom)

Address: Jl. S. Parman 217, Medan 20152, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

The 2nd New Vice Manager Leadership Seminar- Medan, Indonesia

Double Diamond

Lesley Liew Chew Mei

Diamond Couple

Low Ah Lip & Lim Em Tee


Tan Sheng Teik


Patrick Tan Tzu Chun

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NOVEMBER 2009 23

T cells, B cells, phagocytes, etc. are what the immune system has in store for us as the defensive forces, which will activate the defensive mechanisms the moment an invasion of the viruses and bacteria is detected. For example: T cells take on the task of slaughtering the intruders in close-range encounters; B cells shoulder the responsibility of spraying bullets – the “antigens” – into the adversaries; and phagocytes directly engulf the opponents to cripple the assault.

It can thus be seen that the human immune system is a complex and sophisticated defence system. Upon identifying the presence of any foreign pathogens, phagocytes are mobilized to exterminate them. When a sufficiently huge number of pathogens has somehow succeeded in invading this line of defence, T cells and B cells are deployed to take over the task of exterminating them. At the same time, they produce memory antigens, so that a specific group of pathogens could be recognized and instantly killed the very instant they reappear.

How does Our Immunity Mount Counter-Attacks on Diseases?

Living in an age with new strains of viruses and never-before imagined infections cropping up every now and then, our health has literally become ever more vulnerable to such constant threats. Right on the heels of the mad-cow disease, bird flu, and SARS, we now have to brace ourselves for the dreaded Type A (H1N1) pandemic and its impending mutated variants hitting us on the global scale. It has thus become imperative for you and me to boost our mostly less-then-adequate immune system, on which we must depend to ward off the coming rounds of viral attacks.

A Strong Immunity Begins fromOur Everyday Life

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In What Ways Can Immunity be Modulated?

Its sole composition, Isolated Soya Protein, is a plant protein of the highest quality that can be readily absorbed by the human body. Besides, it helps reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. Isolated Soya Protein is also rich in Isoflavone, a plant-base hormone-like compound capable of subduing the proliferation of tumour cells caused by hormonal disturbances of our body. Another component of Isolated Soya Protein, Lecithin, is an important building block of body cells. It exhibits powerful anti-oxidation and emulsifying actions that enable more efficient digestion and absorption of protein by the human body, help preserve normal cellular functions and metabolic activities, in addition to participating in normal functions of our immune system.

It goes without saying that apart from dietary balance, nutritional replenishment through food supplement is also indispensable. It this respect, while the consumption of Hi-Fibre is an ideal way to replenish fibre, Pollen makes a perfect source for guaranteed intake of a full spectrum of nutrients.

Jia Hor Instant Soya Protein Powder –

Each sachet offers 4g of a balance mix of water soluble and non-water soluble dietary fibres, allowing you to replenish an enough amount of dietary fibres that are usually lacking in your daily meals, thus contributing to a more efficient digestion and better intestinal health.

Jia Hor Hi-Fibre –

Pollen features a diverse and wholesome spectrum of micro nutrients. In particular, the rich content of B group vitamins in Yung Kien Pollen is several times higher than those of other pollen products. As pollen is a powerhouse of nutrients that actively participates in energy metabolism of the body, it helps establish a perfect foundation on which a stronger immune system can be built.

Rule # 1: Observe a Balanced NutritionIt is true that we become what we eat. In other words, adequately replenished and balanced

nutrition is the most important step and also the easiest way through which we can ensure a well-regulated immunity for optimal wellbeing. It is however glaringly obvious that our nutritional intake of today bespeaks of unwholesomeness and imbalance, with the great majority of us taking just too little amounts of fruits, vegetables, and grains, which by right should be included into our daily diet in much greater servings than milk, egg, fish, and meat!

Protein, making up of 17% of our body by weight, is a life-sustaining nutrient. Insufficiency of protein intake will not only give rise to retarded developmental growth, but also adversely affect our normal metabolic functions, leading to weakened bodily resistance. It must be pointed out that our usual daily source of protein, which mostly consists of beef and chicken as well as egg and dairy products such as cheese and milk, are characterized by high contents of saturated fats or cholesterols. These foods tend to incur extra burden to our health, especially when they are prepared or cooked through unhealthy methods, such as frying, which will inevitably lead to elevated levels of blood lipids and cholesterols, resulting in increased risks of cardiovascular diseases.

That explains why plant protein is preferable for the replenishment of protein needed by our body to maintain full vitality on a day-to-day basis and yet incur no burden to health.

Yung Kien Pollen –

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Rule # 2: Go for More Regular Physical Workouts and Drink More WaterMake it a habit to exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday or every other day. Cycling, jogging,

and even brisk walking are some examples of physical workouts that are simple and yet effective. Apart from revitalizing our physiological functions, regular exercise also contributes to maintaining fitness and a healthy bodyweight, which are the basis to constitute a physical vitality robust enough to militate the invasion of pathogens. On the other hand, as drinking more water is known to be essential in elevating our bodily metabolism, we should replenish the body with at least 2,000ml of

water everyday to facilitate effective elimination of metabolic wastes and toxins and promote a healthy inner ecology.

Lu Chun Lingzhi Tea – An exceptional tea formulation that ropes in the goodness of Lingzhi,

Semen Cassiae, Gynostemma Pentaphyllum, and Oolong Tea. In addition to quenching the thirst and water replenishment, its other health-giving benefits also play a vital role in invigorating your body and adding the healthy glow on your face.

Rule # 3: Have Enough Sleep and Maintain a Cheerful Frame of MindNo thanks to our present-day busy work schedule and heavy workload, for many people among us, burning the

midnight oil and staying up late have become a way of life. This results in sleep disorders such as hyposomnia (chronic lack of sleep), leading to a deranged immune system. As such, living life the way our biological clock intends it to be and having enough sleep and rest are also a crucial factor to building our immunity and keeping viral attacks at bay.

It is also worth pointing out that an extended period of melancholy or depression can potentially “passivate” or wear away our immune response. An American scientist conducted a study in which the emotional patterns and development of 1,000 students were observed through a period that lasted 18 long years. It led to the discovery that when a person whose state of mind was attached to such negative emotions as a sense of loneliness, disappointment, and dejection for a long period of time, he or she would suffer from the repercussions of a disturbed inner balance, resulting in a declining bodily resistance. In other words, maintaining a cheerful frame of mind is the antidote to ensure that our mind and body remain healthy.

Rule # 4: Consume More Health Food with Immune Modulation FunctionsIn the market today you can find a wide variety of health food that feature immune modulation functions. Among them,

Ganoderma or Lingzhi is a remarkable choice. According to the most current research findings, regular consumption of Lingzhi will contribute to modulating our immune functions, as it not only promotes the production of antibodies by B cells, but also the proliferation of T cells as well as the activities of phagocytes.

Yung Kien Ganoderma has been awarded Immuno Modulation Health Food Accreditation by the government of Taiwan. This is an official endorsement affirming the product to be a health supplement with exceptional abilities in modulating our immune system. Yung Kien Ganoderma differentiates itself from other products of similar functions with up to 5 (which is by far the highest number and the most complete) immuno modulation functions as follows:

1. Capable of promoting the production of antibodies;2. Capable of enhancing the production of immune cells;3. Capable of regulating the functions of T cells;4. Capable of promoting the vitality of Natural Killer cells; and5. Capable of promoting the vitality of Phagocytes.

Our immunity is the key to preventing viruses and harnessing the self-healing power in us to make health recovery possible. In other words, the immune system is what we have to rely upon pending the successful development of an anti-viral medicine or vaccine that works. Indeed, we become unlikely to fall prey to a viral transmission provided that we have a strong immunity. Even if a virus has found its way into the body of a person with a strong immunity, his or her self-healing power will soon develop a new way to fight and contain the virus.

By toeing the line of the above rules in our everyday living, namely observing a dietary principle of balanced daily meals typified by less oil, less salt, and less sugar; having more regular exercise, practicing better stress management, and consuming more Lingzhi products for its amazing attributes in modulating the immune functions, we are putting ourselves in a position to seal the eventual victory in our immune war waged against viruses.

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Following the advent of the 21st Century Information Technology (IT), personal computers have become an almost inseparable tool to us modern people in literally all aspects of our everyday life, be it at places of work, study, and amusement, food outlets, and the list goes on and on. In particular, an increasing number of the youngsters today have become hooked to the PCs surfing the Internet, communicating through cyber chat rooms, and playing on-line games, day in and day out. It must be pointed out that this phenomenon of staring at the PC screen for prolonged hours has given rise to the emergence of a spate of novel civil diseases.

As the network marketing industry is among the first to jump onto the bandwagon of computerization, various PC applications such as the construction of words documents and spreadsheets, sending and receiving e-mails, and filing management are being adopted as useful tools by IT-savvy distributors, who would pin themselves onto the seat working on the PC for hours upon hours. This explains why many among them have fallen prey to a good number of PC-related health hazards, which include dry eyes as well as problems associated with sedentary work, such as backache, obesity, and piles (hemorrhoids). It can thus be seen that these so-called occupational diseases are not confined to IT personnel alone, since they also pose a real threat to anyone who works on the PC for more than 4 hours a day.

You may have to live with the curse of dry eyes, backache, and obesity

Improper sitting posture the precursor of backache

Lo and Behold!Health Hazards Common to Computer Users

Given the need to use the PC for long hours, is your favourite posture the right one? Many computer users tend to sit in such a way that it offers the greatest comfort and stick to it for up to 1 hour or 2, until sudden warning signs such as pains in the neck or back set in. Before long, even the wrist holding the mouse will start to make complaints, reminding you that you have been sitting in front of the computer and working on it for just too long.

No thanks to postures that do not conform to the rules of ergonomics, symptoms of computing syndrome are fast becoming a trend among us. The most common posture of all that create trouble is the sitting

position, to be followed by the repetitive strokes of the wrists and fingers manuveuring on the keyboard and the mouse. On a typical day, our fingers could well be hitting on the ENTER key and other alpha-

numeric keys in addition to clicking on the mouse for not less than hundreds of strokes, which add up to well over tens of thousands of strokes a month, every month. It is thus essential for us to select a mouse that suits the size of our wrist, lest injuries could be inflicted on the fingers over time.

Of course it is as good as impossible for us to maintain a particular posture, even if it is an ergonomically right one, when we have to work on the keyboard or browsing the Internet for a long period of time. The most burdened parts of the body will eventually become fatigued and stressed. These include the shoulders, forearms, wrists, upper arms, the back, and the neck, giving symptoms such as muscular strain, pains, numbness, or even stiffness. If left unchecked, the conditions will sooner or later deteriorate into acute aches. These repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) affecting the neck, shoulders, and wrists are collectively known as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).

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The best ways to avoid CTS1. Calcium deficiency is the prime culprit behind the onset of backache and muscular spasm: The general lacking in calcium intake among people of our time makes the supplementation of calcium a necessity.

Dairy calcium is strongly recommended as it can be most efficiently assimilated by the human body. Better yet, select a formulation that is enhanced with Vitamin D3 and Casein Phosphopeptide (CPP), which can contribute to a more complete assimilation of calcium, the answer to reducing the risk of backache.

2. Joint degeneration is also one of the factors leading to pains: Appropriate replenishment of a formulation that contains Hydrolyzed Collagen, Lemon Verbena, and the likes can help

retard the onset of joint degeneration and heal pain.3. Adopting a right posture: Sit upright, preferably on a back-friendly chair that comes with a back support and a pair of

arm rests. Position your upper arms and forearms such that they are at right angles or with the elbows slightly tilted upwards, say at 10 to 20 degrees to the desktop. The wrists and the forearms should ideally be maintained at the same level.

4. Take a 15-minute break every 1 hour, allowing the body and the eyes to relax.5. Take up frequent indoor exercise: Walking around, pulling in the abdomen, thrusting out the

chest, swinging your hands, and the likes.6. Always maintain a distance of at least 40cm between your eyes and the computer screen.7. Do not use the PC continuously for more than 4 hours.

In the wake of the increased popularity of PCs, the per capita hour of near work involving the usage of the eyes is also on the rise. According to a survey, about 80% of the people with myopia (short-sightedness) spend an average of more than 7 hours on near work involving the usage of the eyes. This implies that long hours of computing or reading digital messages have become the trend of the current time, while visual fatigue has been listed as being a disease affecting the eyes.

The images in the PC screen or visual display unit are made up of tiny glowing dots and not continuous graphics. As such, if we stare at the images of these glowing dots for an extended length of time, our eyes will become fatigued, leading to reduced frequency of blinking and rapid loss of moisture from the surface of the cornea. Over time, this will result in chronic conjunctivitis or dry eye syndrome.

The need to stare at the PC screen for long hours, especially so for IT people, will bring about loads of visual problems including myopia, which is the most commonly seen, dry eye syndrome, and muscae volitantes (also known as “flying flies syndrome”). Youngsters who indulge in surfing the Internet and playing computer games, usually for up to 3 to 5 hours or even longer, as well as those whose jobs require them to work with PC on the daily basis, are potentially vulnerable to these eye hazards as IT people do.

Ways of protecting the eyes: With every hour of using the computer, take a break of 10 to 15 minutes. Gaze at a distant object to relax the eyes. Care must be taken that the illumination intensity of the PC screen is the same as that of the indoor lighting. Adjust the angle of the PC screen or reposition the PC monitor when reflection occurs. Ensure that the font size on the PC screen is not too small. By all means consciously blink your eyes to keep them moist at all time.

Eye-care diet: Research findings have shown that a great number of eye diseases are associated with the lack of certain types of nutrients. In other words, assimilating those essential nutrients from our food and drink is crucial to preventing and relieving certain eye diseases. Listed below are eye-care nutrients that are useful in preserving our visual health with their regular replenishment:

The eyes are an organ of precision functions and complex makeup. As such, they need a diverse and sophisticated range of nutrients that are difficult to be wholesomely assimilated from our food intake alone. In order to preserve the healthy condition of our eyes, it is essential for us to consume Yung Kien Eye+ Tablets, a supplement that provides a complete spectrum of the eye-care nutrients.

Staring at PC Screen Causes Eye Fatigue

1. Lutein and Zeaxanthin: Lutein and Zeaxanthin help prevent glaucoma and macular degeneration. They are also capable of filtering away the UV rays and blue light to avoid harm done to the eyes. These two nutrients are mostly found in spinach and cabbage.

2. Blackcurrant and Bilberry: Blackcurrant and Bilberry, which offer a rich variety of Anthocyanines, were consumed by bomber pilots in World War II to help night vision. Apart from exhibiting a powerful antioxidant capability, they also play a pivotal role in enhancing blood flow in the body to expedite transportation of nutrients to the eyes.

3. β -Carotene : This nutrient facilitates the formation of visual purple, a pigment that aids the eyes in adapting to changes in the light source and enable night vision. β -Carotene is mostly found in carrot.

4. Other eye-care nutrients: Wolfberry and Vitamins C, E, and B group are capable of imparting antioxidant functions to help prevent dry eye syndrome, optic neuritis, conjunctivitis, intolerance of light, tearing, conjunctival congestion, etc.

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While PCs do bring tremendous benefits to modern living, there are also growing concerns on their harm to the human body. People whose jobs require regular computing work and netizens roaming the cyber world tend to sit in front of the PC for long hours without consciously noticing it. Some of them become so focused that they even forget about meals, have irregular meals, or take food that are nutritionally unwholesome. Obesity soon sets in, and following close on the heels are piles.

According to statistics, piles are a common health problem. The condition can be traced to maintaining a sitting posture for long hours, bringing about poor blood circulation. Besides, piles can also be the result of a sluggish bowel movement caused by drinking too little water. People whose jobs involving computing or requiring them to remain seated for up to 6 or 7 hours a day are the high risk group for constipation and piles.

Insufficient intake of dietary fibreObesity and piles have become common among the masses of the modern

world and they can be traced to insufficient intake of dietary fibre as one of the factors. As recommended by nutritionists, an individual should take about 25g to 35g of dietary fibre daily. However, a survey reveals that we the modern people typically take only 14g of dietary fibre on the average, every day. This is way below the standard recommended amount. There is no wonder that more and more people today are suffering from obesity and piles. The situation is particularly worse for those who have to work on the PC throughout the whole day and well into the later hours. It is worth highlighting that large servings of fruits and vegetables alone will do little to meet the standard intake amount of dietary fibre as recommended by nutritionists.

Selecting a hi-fibre product of top qualityOther than having more exercise, the replenishment of quality dietary fibre is

also a key contributor of preserving wellness and vitality. In this respect, Jia Hor Hi-Fibre makes a perfect choice for it features the attributes of offering a rich blend of water soluble and insoluble dietary fibre marked with their nourishing efficacy. Moreover, as Jia Hor Hi-Fibre has won the accreditation of Japan Health Food Association (JHFA), it can be conveniently prepared into your favourite beverage anytime, anywhere to help you keep obesity and piles at bay and live life to the fullest.

Sitting in front of the PC and staring at the screen all day long not only incurs strenuous loads to the eyes but also points to a lack of physical exercise. Unhealthy eating habits like having frequent suppers can add fuel to the development of obesity. By age 30, the metabolic rate of our body begins to slow down, further aggravating the overweight condition. Actually, losing weight can become an impossible mission after age 30.

Obesity is known to cause untold health problems, the most obvious of which is an elevated risk of the Triple High

(high blood lipid, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure), which are inherent problems attributed to metabolic disorders. In the event of failing to take improvement measures in a timely manner, the conditions can worsen into diabetes and other metabolic disasters. As such, for the sake of your health, you should observe a balanced diet and take time to exercise no matter how busy you are.

A Sedentary Life

an Open Door to Obesity and Piles

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To become a Senior Vice Manager Distributor, a distributor must sponsor three 28% groups within the same month.


To become a Vice Manager Distributor, a distributor must meet one of the following requirements for two consecutive months : -1) Have a personal group PV at 28%.2) Have one 28% group and maintain a personal group PV of at least 6,500 points.3) Have two 28% groups.

July 2009 >> August 2009 >>

July 2009 >>

Yeo Hwe TingWinda Gandi Wijaya OieySponsor: Swee Kim Tin

In building your Shuang Hor Business, tough time is only temporary, but a promising future is here to stay. With unwavering resolve, success will surely belong to you.

Ong Bee ChinJua Tick MengSponsor: Toe How How

Yu Lai AngChieng Siew LengSponsor: Tiang Koh Peng

Lee Fong SoonOng Bee HoonSponsor: Neoh Choon Aun

Chin Hock MengLau Siao LinSponsor: Lee Bee Yoke

Tan Chiat SengDee Sing BoonSponsor: Teo Po Long

Lim Soo HoonTan Tek HaiSponsor: Mah Siew Fong

Health is what paints our life colourful! Shuang Hor is where we find big dreams! With commitment and perseverance, we can definitely make it. Thanks to the company and my uplines.

Money is valuable. But health is invaluable. It is only with physical wellbeing that we are able to go the extra mile.

We are grateful to Shuang Hor and our uplines for initiating us into a wonderful garden and a business that brings Health and Hope to people.

Our dreams can be fulfilled provided that we commit in it with persistent efforts and result-oriented actions.

With unwavering resolve, all of us can turn our aspirations into reality and join the rank of highfliers.

Thanks to our uplines for their selfless coaching and encouragement as well as to our parents and family members for their support. Shuang Hor is a business to help ourselves and others to gain optimal health and rise above financial woes.

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July 2009 >>

(New Vice Manager Distributor without enclosed photograph)

Thanks to Shuang Hor and upline. Shuang Hor Products are very effective for us. Never use, never know.Once use, never stop. I love U Shuang Hor.

Eddy WoonRahimahSponsor: Woon Yuet Ling

Low Keat CheongWong Shui FernSponsor: Low Kit Wei

Poh Chwee PohSandy Lee Yoke PingSponsor: Hardi Bin Masrikin

How Lye KhangSponsor: Khoo Kuan Thai

Chin Yaw HsiangSponsor: How Lye Khang

Shariani IbrahimAzrul Syamsul Bin SahakSponsor: Oh Ping Ping

Wong Bing MingYap Chen PingSponsor: Yong Choong Hing

Liew Nyet KeowSponsor: Tay Hwee Hwee

Zaleha Binti YusofMustaffa Bin IbrahimSponsor: Shariani Ibrahim

Lee Chien ShengSponsor: Chang Fei Cherng

Patience is a great element of success as the journey will not be as easy as it seems.

We wish to thank our upline, Ms Cindy Woon, who is my niece for introducing Shuang Hor business to us. With her guidance and support, we believe we’ll be able to achieve to a higher level.

Shuang Hor not only blesses us with great health and additional income, but also allows us to redefine and rediscover the true purpose of life. Thanks to our uplines for their selfless mentorship and encouragement.

It is only by equipping ourselves with the right attitude that we can cruise along and keep progressing with Shuang Hor! Special thanks also go to our uplines.

Never ever call it quits, as success is just around the corner!

Shuang Hor not only helps me to regain wellness but also to embrace a truly promising future!

Thanks to Jia Hor Lingzhi for bringing me a healthy life and happiness.

July 2009 >>

July 2009 >>

August 2009 >>

August 2009 >>

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NOVEMBER 2009 31

To qualify as an Achiever Distributor, you have to sponsor and build up at least one (1) downline group that maintains a monthly PV of 3,200 points for two (2) consecutive months. At the same time your personal group PV must also maintain 3,200 points, of which 200 points must be from your personal sales (sales performance of international sponsoring groups are to be excluded).Note: Personal group PV : the sum of your personal PV and those of your downline distributors who have not achieved the monthly PV of 3,200 points.

The 91st New Vice Manager Leadership Seminar

How to Conduct an Effective Home MeetingDiamond Distributor Ng Cheng Siang

Motivational TalkDiamond Couple Sim Ching Tong & Lok Yem Ching

How to Present the OPP Flip Chart EffectivelyTriple DiamondPhoon Khee Onn

How to Set & Accomplish the 3,200 Points Fundamental GoalDiamond Distributor

Tan Shien Wee

Date : 12/12/2009 & 13/12/2009 Venue: The Westin, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Wong Wan YingChoong Shee YeanSponsor: Wong Moon Fah

July 2009 >>

Asmah Binti IbrahimSponsor: Shariani Ibrahim

Lee Fong LingKuan Fook PingSponsor: Hee Chai Keong

Loo Seow ThengSponsor: Low Ah Lip

July 2009 >>

August 2009 >>

Cheong Lee TingSponsor: Cheong Lai Yuan

Teh Li TyngSponsor: Oh Ping Ping

Ooi Lean KhengSponsor: Chin Lai Yee

Ng Cheong KooiOoi Kim SuanSponsor: Koh Chai Hing Khin Maung Myint

Sponsor: Ma Than

August 2009 >>


Featuring pragmatic and all-round course content, the latest New Vice Manager Leadership Seminar is scheduled to be held in December. The panel of speakers for the event comprises outstanding leaders, who will take to the stage and share their invaluable experience and proven steps with the objective of helping the rookie Vice Manager Distributors to promote themselves one level up!

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Shuang Hor Enterprise (M) Sdn. Bhd.

Shuang Hor (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Johor Bahru Distribution CentreNo. 19-25, Jalan Utama 43, Mutiara Square, Mutiara Rini, 81300 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia. Tel : (607) 554 7668 Fax : (607) 559 1689

Kuala Lumpur Distribution CentreNo. 54, Jalan Tago 2, Taman Perindustrian Tago, Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Tel : (603) 6275 8818 Fax : (603) 6275 4932

Penang Distribution CentreNo. 148, Tingkat 3, Jalan Hutton, 10050 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.Tel : (604) 226 4848 Fax : (604) 228 9633

12, Tannery Road, # 06-05 HB Centre, Singapore 347722.Tel : (65) 6846 9288 Fax : (65) 6842 1678Customer Service Freephone : 1-800-846 8107

No. 54, Jalan Tago 2, Taman Perindustrian Tago, Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Tel: (603) 6275 8818 Fax: (603) 6276 6822Website : Service Freephone : 1-800-88-3203

3) Modes of Payment:l For destinations in the Peninsula, distributors shall pay a delivery

charge of RM15 for orders below RM1, 500. l For destinations in Sarawak and Sabah, distributors shall pay a delivery

charge of RM50 for orders below RM1, 600. l For orders below the “Specified Amounts for Free Delivery” as

mentioned above, distributors can pool their orders together and appoint one of them as the official recipient.

l Having made your payment through telegraphic transfer, please call our Telegraphic Transfer Ordering Free Phone at 1-800-88-3002 before 4.00pm on the same day to notify our staff about the particulars of your orders. Upon receipt of the payment, Shuang Hor Malaysia shall deliver the products immediately through courier service, which is expected to reach you on the following day.

Ordering Details: All Distributors of Shuang Hor are eligible to order directly from the Company or Distribution Centres of Shuang Hor

Ordering methods: 1) On-the-spot Purchase : Every Monday to Friday, and the last Saturday of the month: 9.00am-5.00pm Distributors can go directly to any distribution centre located in Kuala

Lumpur, Johor Bahru, or Penang to purchase and pick up the products from the sales counters either with cash, credit card (Visa/Master), or debit card.

2) Telegraphic Transfer Ordering: Every Monday to Friday : 9.00am - 4.00pm Distributors can call the Telegraphic Transfer Ordering Free Phone at

1-800-88-3002 to place their orders. They may transfer their payment to any of the following Shuang Hor accounts (all banking charges will be borne by Shuang Hor Malaysia). Please state Account Payee as :

Shuang Hor Enterprise (M) Sdn. Bhd.l Public Bank Berhad Account Number: 3-9990647-36l Maybank Account Number: 5 -14011-53677-6 l Telegraphic Transfer Ordering also accepts payment via credit cards. For

further information, please contact us at 1-800-88-3203.

Ordering methods: 1) On-the-spot Purchase : Every Monday to Friday, and the last Saturday of the month: 10.00am-7.00pm Distributors can go to Shuang Hor Singapore to purchase and pick up the

products from the sales counters either with cash, Nets Card, or credit cards (Visa/Master).

2) Telegraphic Transfer Ordering : a) Every Monday to Friday :10.00am - 4.30pmb) The last Saturday of the month: 10.00am - 1.00pm Distributors can call the Telegraphic Transfer Ordering Free Phone at

1-800-846 8067 to place their orders. They may transfer their payment to

the following Shuang Hor account (all banking charges will be borne by Shuang Hor Singapore). Please state Account Payee as:

Shuang Hor (Singapore) Pte Ltdl OCBC Bank Account Number: 501-575500-001

3) Modes of Payment: l For destinations in Singapore, distributors shall pay a delivery charge of

S$10 for orders below S$800.00. l For orders below the “Specified Amount for Free Delivery” as mentioned

above, distributors may pool their orders together and appoint one of them as the official recipient.

l Having made your payment through Telegraphic Transfer, please call the Telegraphic Transfer Ordering Free Phone at 1-800-846 8067 before 4.30pm on the same day to notify our staff about the particulars of your orders. Upon receipt of the payment, Shuang Hor Singapore shall make immediate delivery through courier service, which is expected to reach you on the following day.

Shuang Hor (B) Sdn. Bhd.

A) Ordering methods: 1) On-the-spot Purchase: Every Monday to Friday, and the last Saturday of the month: 10.00am - 6.00pm Distributors can visit Shuang Hor Brunei to purchase and pick up the

products from the sales counters either with cash, debit card or credit card (Visa/Master).

2) Telegraphic Transfer Ordering: a) Every Monday to Friday: 10.00am - 3.00pmb) The last Saturday of the month: 10.00am - 11.00am

No. D2, Block D, Lot 51180, Bangunan Haji Lajim Dan Anak-Anak, Kampong Kiarong, Bandar Seri Begawan BE1318, Negara Brunei Darussalam.Tel: (673) 242 3118 Fax: (673) 242 2449

Distributors can call 673-242 3118 to place their orders. They may transfer their payment to the following Shuang Hor account (all banking charges will be borne by Shuang Hor Brunei). Please state Account Payee as:

Shuang Hor (B) Sdn Bhdl Baiduri Bank Account No: 02-01-110-313162

3) Modes of Payment: l For destinations in Brunei, distributors shall pay a delivery charge of B$10 for

orders below B$800.00. l For orders below the “Specified Amount for Free Delivery” as mentioned above,

distributors may pool their orders together and appoint one of them as the recipient.

l Having made your payment through Telegraphic Transfer, please call 673-242 3118 before 3.00pm on the same day to notify our staff about the particulars of your orders. Upon receipt of the payment, Shuang Hor Brunei shall deliver the products immediately through courier service, which are expected to reach you on the following day.

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Company off days:

Change of Meeting Venues

Komp. Ruko Mega Grosir, Cempaka Mas, Blok F9-F10, Jl. Let. Jend Soeprapto, Jakarta 10640, Indonesia.Tel : (62-21) 4288 7149 Fax: (62-21) 4288 6721

Medan Distribution CentreJl. Dr. Wahidin, No. 100-100A, Medan 20211, Sumatra Utara, Indonesia.Tel: (62-61) 455 0288 Fax: (62-61) 455 0299

Batam Island Distribution CentreKompleks Regency Park, Blok IV No. 47-48, Batam 29436, Kep. Riau, Indonesia.Tel & Fax: (62-778) 452 126

Surabaya Distribution CentreJl. Raya Kupang Baru No. 22, Surabaya 60225, Jawa Timur, Indonesia.Tel & Fax: (62-31) 732 9501

Pekanbaru Distribution CentreJl. Teuku Umar Gg Jaya, No. 27A-27B, Depan Gereja Kalam Kudus, Pekanbaru,Propinsi Riau 28112, Indonesia.Tel & Fax: (62-761) 35499

PT. Shuang Hor Indonesia

Tanjung Pinang Service CentreJl. Temiang No. 36, Tanjung Pinang, Kep. Riau, Indonesia.Tel & Fax: (62-771) 311141

Tanjung Balai Service CentreJl. Trikora No. 48, Tanjung Balai Karimun, Kep. Riau, Indonesia.Tel & Fax: (62-777) 325259

Indonesia Distribution Centres Business Hours: Monday to Friday, and the last Saturday of the month: 9:30am~5:00pm

Indonesia Service Centre Business Hours:Monday to Saturday:10:00am~3:00pm

Ordering methods: 1) On-the-spot Purchase: a) Monday to Friday, and the last Saturday of the month: 10.00am -6.00pmb) To purchase and pick-up the products at the sales counters either with

cash, debit card, or credit card.

2) Telegraphic Transfer Ordering:a) Every Monday to Friday: 10.00am-3.00pm Distributors can dial the Telegraphic Transfer Ordering Phone at 62-21-

4288 7149 to place their orders. They may remit payment into to the following Shuang Hor bank accounts (all banking charges will be borne by Shuang Hor Company). Please state Account Payee as:

PT. Shuang Hor Indonesia Bank Central Asia Account Number: 8770178798

l The Company shall be closed for 1 day on 27th (Friday) November as public holiday (Hari Raya Haji).l The Company shall be closed for 1 day on 25th (Friday) December as public holiday (Christmas).l The Company shall be closed for 1 day on 1st (Friday) January 2010 as public holiday (New Year).

l Jakarta office, Indonesia DCs & Service Centres shall be closed for 1 day on 27th (Friday) November as public holiday (Idul Adha1430 Hijriyah).

l Jakarta office, Indonesia DCs & Service Centres shall be closed for 1 day on 18th (Friday) December as public holiday (Tahun Baru Hijriyah).l Jakarta office, Indonesia DCs & Service Centres shall be closed for 1 day on 25th (Friday) December as public holiday (Hari Raya Natal).l Jakarta office, Indonesia DCs & Service Centres shall be closed for 1 day on 1st (Friday) January 2010 as public holiday (Tahun Baru


The extended business days on Saturdays in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, and Indonesia are: l 28th November 2009 l 26th December 2009

l If the ordering amount is less than Rp1,000,000, a delivery charge shall be incurred as shown in the table below.

l Having made your payment through Telegraphic Transfer, please call the Telegraphic Transfer Ordering Phone at 62-21-4288 7149 before 3.00pm. on the same day to notify Shuang Hor on ordering contents. Upon receipt of payment, Shuang Hor shall immediately make arrangement to deliver the products through courier service.(Next-day delivery for destination in Jakarta, or 3-7 days for destinations out of Jakarta.)

l For orders below the “Specified Amounts for Free Delivery” as mentioned above, distributors can pool their orders together and appoint one of them as the official recipient.

3) Modes of Payment: l If the ordering amount is more than Rp1,000,000 , which are also for the

same destination, the delivery charge will be waived.









From Jakarta to Delivery Charges (Rp)

Other Districts

From Jakarta to Delivery Charges (Rp)

l The Company and all DCs shall be closed for 1 day on 27th (Friday) November as public holiday (Hari Raya Qurban). l The Company and DCs in Kuala Lumpur shall be closed for 1 day on 11th (Friday) December as public holiday (Birthday of Sultan Selangor).

Business shall be as usual for the Penang & Johor Bahru DC.l The Company and all DCs shall be closed for 1 day on 18th (Friday) December as public holiday (Awal Muharam 1430H).l The Company and all DCs shall be closed for 1 day on 25th (Friday) December as public holiday (Christmas).l The Company and DCs in Kuala Lumpur & Penang shall be closed for 1 day on 1st (Friday) January 2010 as public holiday (New Year 2010).

Business shall be as usual for the Johor Bahru DC.

With effect from November 2009, the venue for the System-organized Mandarin meetings will change from Butterworth Travel Lodge to Hotel Palm Inn Butterworth. The scheduled dates and times remain unchanged.

Address:Hotel Palm Inn Butterworth, (Ground Floor) Pinang 1No. 4802, Jalan Bagan Luar,12000 Butterworth,Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Tel: (604) 332 7532

l The Company shall be closed for 1 day on 27th (Friday) November as public holiday (Hari Raya Aidiladha).l The Company shall be closed for 1 day on 18th (Friday) December as public holiday (1st Day of Hijriah 1431).l The Company shall be closed for 1 day on 25th (Friday) December as public holiday (Christmas).l The Company shall be closed for 1 day on 1st (Friday) January 2010 as public holiday (New Year’s Day).

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Effective from 1st October 2009, all new distributors, and those who have renewed their distributorship but have yet to apply for Shuang Hor Website Personal Identification Number (PIN), will receive the individual PIN together with their Distributor Authority Cards. As a distributor of Shuang Hor, you are encouraged to log in ( to Distributor Zone of Shuang Hor Website with the PIN for the purpose of checking the latest updates pertaining to your progress in Shuang Hor business.

Turn Your Big Dreams into Reality in Shuang Hor

Renewal Period:By Post : 1/10/2009~15/12/2009On-the-spot : 1/10/2009~31/12/2009

Mode of Renewal: For distr ibutorship renewal, you pay RM25/S$15/B$15 for 6 issues of Shuang Hor Bimonthly Magazine. The need for renewal is waived for those who have joined or join Shuang Hor in 2009, and their distr ibutorship shall remain val id unti l 31/12/2010. They are also automatical ly enti t led to 6 issues of the Shuang Hor Bimonthly Magazine in 2010.


Whatever the framework of an ideal l i festyle you have outl ined for yourself, health should always be your top priori ty. When your body is no longer healthy, i t would be meaningless even if you owned the whole world.

Shuang Hor Business assures you wellness and makes available the golden opportunity that al lows you to l ive the l i fe you have been aspir ing for. I t envisages that you are the mastermind of your f inancial and t ime freedom. It sends you to overseas destinations for free. I t puts in place a system that engages you in l i felong learning and moulds your character. I t empowers you to unleash the l imit less potential within and rediscover the true purpose of l i fe. I t charts for you the course that leads to the destiny of l i fe’s fulf i lment.

Remember to renew your distr ibutorship, so that you wil l continue to make your loft iest dream come true through Shuang Hor Business as your chosen career!

* A copy of the Renewal Form is enclosed.

2010 Shuang Hor Renewal Activity