making justice work experiences of criminal justice for children and young people victimised through...

Making Justice Work Experiences of criminal justice for children and young people victimised through sexual exploitation Dr Camille Warrington

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Page 1: Making Justice Work Experiences of criminal justice for children and young people victimised through sexual exploitation Dr Camille Warrington

Making Justice Work

Experiences of criminal justice for children and young people victimised

through sexual exploitation

Dr Camille Warrington

Page 2: Making Justice Work Experiences of criminal justice for children and young people victimised through sexual exploitation Dr Camille Warrington

1. Rationale: why this project, at this time?

2. Methodology: how we did it?

3. Key Findings: what we learnt

4. Next Steps: what next?

Making Justice Work: Overview

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?1. Rationale – why this project

Page 4: Making Justice Work Experiences of criminal justice for children and young people victimised through sexual exploitation Dr Camille Warrington

A response to priorities identified by young service users engaged in our research

“People don’t go to the police because when you got to the police it makes the situation 150 times worse. You have to go through it again and again.”

‘What Works for Us’ Group in CEOP, 2011


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2. Methodology – how we did it

i. Key principlesii. Project set upiii. Data gathering iv. Analysis and write up

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Key principles• Prioritising best interests of children and young people

• Informed by participatory practice

• In partnership with practitioners

• Exploring criminal justice process as a journey

• Focusing on opportunities for change

Methodology i

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Project Set Up• Ethics and Advisory group

• Developing partnerships with specialist services

Methodology ii

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Data Gathering • Literature and policy review

• Participatory workshops with young service users

• Focus groups with local frontline practitioners

• Focus groups with national policy professionals

Methodology iii

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Analysis and write up• Thematic analysis of data

• ‘Cross checking’ with young service users

• Report writing

Methodology iv

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3. Findings – what we learnt

i. Process and proceduresii. Experience of young people

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All too often - absence of empathy and humanityo Investigative /prosecution needs prioritised over victim

welfare needs (Interdependence goes unrecognised)

o Failure to understand possible impact of abuse on young people and their behaviour

o Needs of most vulnerable victims most likely to be overlooked

The process – professional attitudes

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“She [the police officer] tried to blame my upbringing for the people that I was associating with..she kind of like blamed me for what had happened” (young person)

The process – professional attitudes

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Young people’s journey characterised byo Absence of regular, timely communication

o A lack of clarity – jargon and misinformation

o A failure to explain why things happen (as well as what and when)

o Changing and inconsistent points of contact

o A failure to prepare young people for what comes next

The process – poor communication

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“I didn’t get talked to about the jury. I didn’t know what a jury was back then. I didn’t ask about a jury, but nobody told me. I didn’t know what they were or what they would do.” (young person)

“Sometimes you have to keep retelling your story over and over again to different police officers” (young person)

The process – poor communication

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Majority of young people’s ‘big asks’ feasible within current policy and guidance context

o Current guidance and policy inconsistently applied

o Good practice dependent on individual’s knowledge and commitment - unsustainable and inconsistent

o Clear need for advocacy role – though not panacea

The process – failure to implement policy and guidance

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The process – failure to implement policy and guidance

“An ABE will be one of the most difficult things a young person has done, having to share so much detail. If you look at the guidance, things that are in place that aren’t offered” (professional)

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Extensive support needs of young people going unmet:

o Advocacy (throughout process and beyond)

o Therapeutic support (pre-trial and beyond)

o Post court (or NFA) support

o Needs of witnesses

The process – unmet support needs

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“I didn’t know what was coming really till I got there, it was just a massive shock. I didn’t know anything about court. I just knew I had to go somewhere or I’d be arrested.” (young person)

“Some of these children are absolutely on their knees they’re so traumatised, and to stop them from having therapy for at least a year while something goes to prosecution – that’s wrong” (professional)

The process – unmet support needs

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Process described by young people as: o ‘Disempowering’: loss of control experienced throughout

the system

o ‘Isolating’: Lack of opportunities to talk about and process experiences; isolation from peers and school; potential access to internet and phones

o ‘Stigmatising’: linked to lack of confidence in professionals and process to maintain anonymity; exposed to stigma from peers, community and professionals

YP’s experiences – Loss of control

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“I was basically a puppet. When they wanted me, I had to do it. When they didn’t want me, I heard nothing” (young person)

Young people’s experiences

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Engagement with the criminal justice system exposes young people to significant risks to wellbeing – including:

o Guilt and self blame Particularly around impact on families and carers; falsely assume responsibility for their victimisation

o Anxiety: about process and risks from perpetratorso Depressiono Physical safety – threats from perpetrators and their


YP experiences – risk to wellbeing

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“You feel really stupid. You feel like its your fault, this burden you’re putting on everyone, you feeling like you’re stressing everyone out and you feel like it’s your fault” (young person)

“I felt worthless, insecure and angry” (young person)

Young people’s experiences

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Absence of sense of justice from engagement in the system. Particularly in cases where

o NFA (‘no further action’ decisions by police or CPS)o Where charges reduced or dropped (usually without

consultation with young people)o Where different victims in multiple victim cases receive

differential treatment and outcomeso Or where sentences not felt by young people to reflect

severity of crime

YP’s experiences – lack of justice

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“You go through all this - having to relive what happened, through your interviews, for them to turn around and say ‘nah, we’re not going to take it any further. Devastating – it is devastating.” (young person)

Young people’s experiences

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1. What are the barriers to implementing policy and good practice guidance in this area and how can we overcome these?

2. What does effective support for young people who are victims or witnesses in CSE cases look like?

Discussion points

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email [email protected] [email protected] @uniofbedsCSE
