making connections with your b2b linkedin company page

B2B MARKETING EBOOK Making Connections with B2B LinkedIn Company Page Your

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Post on 09-May-2015




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Over 225 million professionals are following more than 2.7 million companies on LinkedIn. Is your B2B Company Page making a good impression?


Page 1: Making Connections with Your B2B LinkedIn Company Page

B 2 B M A R K E T I N G E B O O K

MakingConnectionswithB2BLinkedInCompany Page


Page 2: Making Connections with Your B2B LinkedIn Company Page


Is Your B2B Company PageMaking a Good Impression?Over 225 million professionals are following more than 2.7 million companies on LinkedIn. When professionals want to know more about your company, they look to your Company Page on LinkedIn. They follow you for new developments, to compare products and services, track business opportunities or seek new job openings. In short, your Company Page o�ers tools to bring your brand to life.

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Why Does My B2B CompanyNeed a LinkedIn Company Page?Your Company Page is your anchor on LinkedIn and the place for professionals to go to learn about your company, your culture and your products and services. You can provide your most relevant and tailored message to your prospective customers.

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Why Does My B2B Company Need a LinkedIn Company Page? (continued)

You can also engage your followers via updates, breaking news, blogposts, videos, special o�ers and more. The word-of-mouth recommendations from friends, peers and colleagues add more weight than your corporate marketing messages. When you promote and curate these recommendations, you can showcase the most credible and authentic endorsements of your brand.

Your Careers Tab is a gateway to savvy job seekers. You can introduce them to your culture and employment process and highlight your most relevant jobs based on the viewer’s professional background.

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Your Company Page can be viewer-aware with the content �ltered by the viewer’s experience and interest, as well as network-aware so they can see who in their networks works at your company or recommends your products and services.


What Content Goeson My Company Page?

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Your Company Page is Made of 4 Tabs:Overview, Careers, Products & Services and Analytics. Let’s look at each of these separately.

Overview Tab - This tab provides a friendly introduction of your brand. Here viewers can see everyone in their network that works at your company, your company’s blog posts and Twitter feeds.

Careers Tab - This tab allows you to interact with millions of passive and active job seekers on LinkedIn. Enhanced Silver or Gold Pages add features for additional content and targeting your job postings to speci�c audiences.

Products & Services Tab - Catch the eye of prospective customers by highlighting products and services that are relevant to them. Viewers also see how many recommendations come from within their network.

Analytics Tab - Only you see this tab as the administrator of your Company Page. Use this information to understand your follower base by who they are, what they do and what products and service interest them.

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IntroduceYour Company


Member’s Networkat Your Company

Company Status Update

Follow Company

Data Summary

Twitter Feeds & Blogs

Overview ofYour Company

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ShowcaseWhat You Do


Featured Productsby Audience

Display Banner

Follow Company

Network-Aware Moduleof Recommendations

Product VideoProduct Listing

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Build YourEmploymentBrand


Recruiter Contacts

Display Banner

Employment Video

Bene�tsCustom ContentModules

Employment Spotlight

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Gain InsightAbout YourFollowing


Member Visitsby Industry

Interactions withYour Company Page

Unique Visitors Comparedto Similar Companies

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There are plenty of ways for members to organically discover your Company page while they are doing research or searching on LinkedIn. Your Company page will always appear when a member types in your company’s name in the search box, if they hover over your company name on pro�les, receive noti�cation when one of the members in their network recommends you and other actions.

Discovery ofYour Company Page


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Discovery of Your Company Page (continued)

You can also grow your followers and increase your recommendations through a few simple steps:

B Embed a “Follow us on LinkedIn” button on your website

C Invite hiring candidates to visit your Company Page for more information

D Add your Company Page URL to outgoing emails and communications

E Mention your Company Page in customer newsletters

F Promote you Company page via email campaigns or advertising


Page 13: Making Connections with Your B2B LinkedIn Company Page

Need an Inbound Lift?If you’re looking for an agency that can get your B2B content marketing ideas o� the ground, look no further.Give Billy Mitchell a call at 800-265-1244, ext. 227, or reach him online at up, though. We can’t wait to get started.

The MLT Creative team brings decades of B2B marketing experience to building your brands and business. We craft winning programs with results that matter.

MLT Creative is an Atlanta-based B2B marketing agency. Founded by partners Billy Mitchell and Glenn Taylor, we are known as the Idea Launch Pad™ for B2B marketers. MLT Creative services include B2B Content Marketing, B2B Marketing Strategy, B2B Digital Campaigns, and B2B Design / Branding.

4020 East Ponce de Leon AvenueClarkston, GA 30021www.mltcreative.comPhone: (404) 292-4502Fax: (404) 292-4480