makes delicious not biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls and muffins....for 3years at an annual rental of...

This table gives tbe highest and lowest tem- perature lnJackson for each day, together with the rainfall, as recorded by self-registering instruments kept at tho Ledger offlcfl. Church Notes. . —_,— . Order of Bervicos nt the Methodist Episcopal church bs follows: Kun- diiy BChool at '2 p. tn , pnmc.liitiK ser- vii'iiHevery Suiidiiy to oommeuce at 11 a. tn. and 7:30 p. in., prayer meet- ing every Wednesday at7:UU p.m. The publio ia cordially invited to attend tbOße services. The End of the World should it come to-mori'cw would find fully Miol'Uin people' Buffering with rheumatism of either alight or serious nature. Mobody need suffer with rheumatism for JJallard'a Snow Lini- ment drives away tue trouble, relieves the paiu instantly and leaves the user as well and eupple as a two year old. .Sold by Kusbor's City Pharmacy. HON. F. V. WOOD, JUDGE Estate of Ueo. il. Kinuhart. Final account and petition for dis- tribution filed, May 2ti set fur hear- ing. New Cases K. V. Lonlgo vs. IS. Privitali.-The complaint sets fortb that on the 11th day of May, 11*1)t, a judgment was entered in tbe superior court of Ama- dor in favor uf plaintiff arid against defendant for the sum of SSIU.GJ Tbe judgment has remained wholly unsatisfied, save the sum of 6100 paid thereon. Suit is brought to obtain judgment for the balance witb in- terest at V por cent, tbe total amount claimed boing 6710.10. Estate of Orvillo U. Kandolph.— Mary M. Litbgow petitions for letters of administration; May 25 sot for hearing. \u25a0 : Total rainfall for season to date ..5t. 27 inches To corresponding poriod 1 ust Reason U.S'J " I'fhnfollowing tnntmmflnts hAy« h«en fllfid tor record In thfi recorder* omen ulnee our Iftit roport. We publish n complete H*t of rtncii- mentu recorded, and must decllnn lo acondo to any roqtient to mipprOHS ftny document from thoRO column!). Unn'tnßk us to do *o Deeds.— Oustnv Ilaumnun ct ux, et nl to J. J. McHorlnv, Original Ama- dor quattz mine, Amndor Cily, Charles llngberg to John N. Lnf- stead and nndlvidntl ouc'-half lutfr- lest In tbo Silver Tick claim nent De- fendo, 610. John J. MoSorley to Original Ama- dor Mines Co., Original Amndor quartz mine, Amador City, 8!ii>.000. Krnest L'lokerlng to (Jeorge Hvana, 40 ncros in 15-7-11, 810. Jasper 11. Phillips ot ux to Thomas L\ ilnwdon, 120 acres In 10-7 10, and right of way, 910. Wm. K. MoKenzie, et ux to Jasper il. Phillips 1120 acres iv 10-7-10 aud right of nay. 910. James 11. Marks ot ux to Thomas V. Hiiwdnn, Plymouth gold quattz mine, near Plymouth. 6500. Henty Schroeder to Mrs Mary A. Sobroeder, 112^ acres in 3U-8-10 and lot 4 block 5, Oleta, $1. Albert U. Volz et ux to A. V. Johnson et ux, 40 acres in18-7-10, no consideration. Mortgage— Maria Garabaldi to Jose- phine Kettagliatn, lot 4 block 4, Sutter Creek, 6200 for four years with interest at tbe rate of G pet cent per annum. ljease— Mrs E. H. Uambert et al leases to A. C. Matulicb a one-half interest in 680 acres known as the Central llouao ranch near Drytowu, for 3 years at an annual rental of 6340. Proof ot Labor— J. ii. CJrillo et al on placer claim iv 22-7-12. Trust Deed— Ueorge Hloom et ux to Title ( and Trust Co., 80 acres iv 22-7-11 and lauds elsewhere, 6500 payable in eight months with interest at tbe rate of 12 per cent per annum. Cancellation of Mortgage— Oneto tq IJadaraano. Jjocntion —W. I!. French locates Coyote placer, Oleta district. \u25a0 Certificate of Kedemption- J. JJ. Weston on 100 acres iv 30-8-12, IGO acres in 3-8-11 and ICO ares in 31-8-12 and 30-8-12 taxes of 1888, 1895 and 1902, $02.81. tsOCUMENTS RECORDED. The Free License Business. Posteis are out tor the Italinu picnio in celebration of tbe independ- ence of Italy, on Fullou's grove ou Suuday, the (Jth of June. The officers selected are Q. Uranohetti, president. W. Tarn, vice president, A. Ambi- golio, grand marshal: aid, 11. Foletti; orators, F. N. Belgrano of San Fran- cisco in Italian, and Judge Wood iv Knglisb. Among tho amusements may be mentioned a baseball game for 575, between Jackson and Sutter C?eek; a bnena game, witb 820 as first prize and 810 seooad prize. Everything is being done to mako this the most attructivo affair of this kind in many years. Italian Picnic. A flnrptiso whh given to sporta Innt Sunday afternoon nu tho Jackson diamond. Tho rngulnt club arranged a match with the socoiid nine, -com- posml mainly ot chlldieu nttondiug \u25a0Ohooli The Juveniles, however, havn been practicing very faithfully, nud proved n Ronulno eyo-opeuor to the older players. It was oloßoly i.ou- tooted from start to llulsh. J'iach side nmli/.eil at the outset that it wns no walkover. At tho ond of tbe ninth innings the score stood 4to 4. Ho it waa decided to play another iiiiiingf, and this sealed a victory for the youngsters, the soorp being l> to 4. Timid was great jubilation over tbo result. Indeed, throughout tbo same the small nlue was cheered to the echo wbenover an especially good play was scored. Tbo line up was as fellows : 2d Jackson Ist Jackson L. l>ove o f W. Conners li. lioro 1 t Cailemartori H. Love ss Jj Fortnor Holtz a b W. Fortuer Carrara 1 b W. Kust Tain r f Jjavorono Hicks o Uaifney Horo p Merkel Delabide 1 b Ardittu Kuiib by Innings. 1 2 34 B II 7! 0 10 2d Nine 3 O 00 1 00 0 0 1 —5 Ist Nine 000201)01 10—4 New Ice Plant Started. J'mv persons are aware of tbe extent to which John Strohm has lately enlarged his ice making plant, aud the big outlay involved therein. For a couple of months mou have been working to install tbe large electric motor and tbe com- pressor for the ice making business. It is now nearing completion. Ihe 75 horse power dynamo was started for the lirst time Sunday and worked nicely. The whole plant bus been tested, and found to bo all right. It was expected to get tbe new works started at ico making to-day, and to run steadily thereafter. This im- provement has iiivovied an expend! tare of 810,000. The two plants, the old one being of only 8 tons capacity, bavo cobt 818,000, to say nothing of the beer making plant. Altogether, Strohm has spoilt $50,000 on the biewery aud ice plant. The new plant is equal to 20 tons of ice per day. 'The consumption of ice in summer averages about 5 ' tons per day for tbo general public, and 3 tons per day used in the brewory business. And to prcduco this quantity the plant hud to be run to its utmost capacity nißht and day, aud still fall short of the demand. It has cost SIiOOO per year for import- ed ice. This outside expense will bo entirely obviated now, aud ample provision left for a big iu<:rcaso iv the demand. In Memoriam. is a pretty hard thing to accomplish when you're bine, bilious and out of noils. There is a sure euro for all kinds of slomnub and liver complaints —constipation and dyspepsia. Isal- lard'fl llerbiue is mild, yet absolutely effective iv all ensos I'rice TiO cunts per bottle. Sold by l-tusher's City I'harniaey. A Smile "Sulrered day aud night the tor- inont of itching piles. Nothing help- ed me until 1 uaud Ooau's Ointment. It cured mo permanently."— Hon. John K. (Jurrett, Mayor, Uirurd, Alii. The Lime Deposits. At lost meeting of tbe supervisors John lialto, tbe proprietor of tbe moving picture show in Jaokson, was awarded a freo license iv tho same business for all points iv the county outside of Jackson. This aoticn corses on the top of a free licones for the thtoo months preceding. Now at 10 per week, this free litimiso is tuutumouut to a gift to. the favotud individual of 8210. -What will (lie taxpayers of Amador county thin It of this act of generosity— or more properly speaking, favoritism on' the purt at those intrusted with tbe management of tho county's finances. The buideu thus taken from tho shoulders of the individual, means tho imposition of tin addition- al corresponding burden upon the general taxpayets. It must bo ro- menibored that this free licenso was granted without any formal request in writing from the party benelltted. So far aa the record shows, it was unasked— literally forced upon the benollciare. There is no plea of in- digence or charity to back it up. Whcio are we drifting to iv Amador county anyway. For Sale. Horse, buggy and har- ness Horse is good either sinele or double. Buggy aud harness iv good oonditiou. Will bo sold aheap. For particulars apply to ~A. H. Stelfeu, mny 21-lm Amndor City, Col, The ladies' exguaufifo w jn be at iiliicklloid'ti uuw store ou Main street on Saturday afternoon, and will be in charge of Mis ISrowu and Miss Boar- man. Call on them for something good to eat. They will bave for salo a good asßortmont of cakes, etc. .Ledger and Han Francisco daily Hulletiii, only *:i per year, iv ad- vance. Herbert Stewart, who has been em- ployed at the mines, left for Kug- laud yoptorday morning. Tbo niuo or teu alieU3 who departed tor tbo old couutiies this week, took about 820,000 witb thorn accord- lug to report. Thia was principally the savlugs from the wages earned in tbe mines. It will make them well-to do people ia tbolr native countries. * tilled Minnie Delabide left Sunday fur a tiip to Yosemito Valley, in company with a friend from Oakland. liy a notice iv another column a citizens' meeting is called for noxt Monday aiteruoou, to form au or- ganization in tho nuture of a do velopmout aud protection ussoolutlou fur Jucksoii. *~* ~ A healthy man is a king iv his owu right; uu uuboultby in;.u ia un un- happy hliivo. llurdock Illood liittorn buildo up souud himllh kn<i|H you well. >;.;>; Hesolved, That this heartfelt testi- mouial ot our sympathy be spread upon the reoords of our Chapter, and a copy thereof be transmitted to the family uf our deceased sister, and to each ot tbe newspapers of Jaokson. Mar. Id. Matson M. S. Matsou. If you expect to get the original oarbolized witch hazel savle you must be sure it is PoWitt's Carboliz- od Witch Hazel Salvo. It is good for cuts, burns and bruises, aud is os- peoially quod for piles. Refuse sub- stitutes. Sold by City Pharmacy. Il'I 1 ' W h'ubßecs. prop. . ; . .'•.;\u25a0-• '".^ Hesolvod, That it Is but a just tri- bute to tbe memory of the departed to say that in regretting her removal 111 1 viii our in ii lat we moiirn for one who waa in bvcry way worthy uf our respect and regard, and that while 'vo how witb bumble submission to Che willof the- Moat" High, no do not tbe less mourn for our sister who bus beou taken from us. Wherons, iv view of the loss (ioldeu Star Chapter Wo. 00, O. K. S. hus Hustaineil by tbe death of out' sister. t!osa Froulich, and of the Mill heavier loss sustained by those who woro nearest aud deaiest to bor; thoretore be it To tho Worthy Matron, Worthy I'atron, Officers and Alewbnrs of Golcieu Star Chapter No. OU, O. ti. S. of tho State of California. The Sutter Creek Concert A gentiumau named I.'ohh mudo a trip to this couniy from Stockton thu liilter i urc ot last ivwik. Ho camo for tho express purposb of inspecting the lime deposits iv the viciuity of Mount Echo. These deposits are commanding much attention. While virtually nt a standstill, they will unquestionably be tho scene ot much activity in tbo near future. We are iutormed that the owners of ttie lion- ham quarry, which ia under au option of sale to the Spreokles com- j>auy owning the sugar refinery at Salinas iv Monterey county, have asked for a bid on BUUO tons of lime stone rock, delivered at lone. This is the biggest order, or rather pro- posal, that has been received. It de- monstrates that those interested are keenly alive to tbo possibilities of the lime resources of this county. Tbo difficulty is not iv quarrying the material, or the quantity, but tho transportation problem iv shipping it the three miles which iutorvenes be- tween tbe quarry and the railroad do- pot ut lone. The J. aud K. road is nearer tbe quarry, but there is no road, aud tbe county to be traversed ia rough aud billy, presenting morn serious obstacles to ; transportation than even tbe three miles to love. In the event of the Speoltels option huing permitted to lapse, soino ettort willdoubtless be made to organize v company to purobaao the quarry, and construct a tramway to the railroad so aa to bo üblo to deliver tho mineral at a price to compete with other outside points. Iho option runs until November next. It is not likoly, however, that it will bn aur- rendered. California Postcard Views, in colors. Over !!OUO subjects compris- ing Yosemlte Valley, Lmlto Taboe, Übasta and places of interest through- out the state. 25— no two alike—2s cents, W. Fred Uentle, 2212 Sutler St. Han Francisco. Dr. J. D. Fogarty, dentist, Jack- son. Otlloo in Kay 'a building, Main street. 1 Hours from 9a. in. till sp. p. m Telephone, Black 363. : Postmaster F. Duden, accompanied by his bride, returned home Tuesday evening. The pair were cordially greeted on the occasion by their many well-wisbere. < Kauobers. are busy harvesting volunteer crops. The crop is much better than the gloomy forbodings ot a couple of weeks back predicted. ln some places it comes pretty well up to the average. Sidney Oerrans, who has been em- ployed around the mines hereabouts, left Saturday for tbe land of his nativity, with tbe intention of re mainiug there. Mr and Mrs Sinclair left Saturday for Cripple Creek, Colorado, where they formerly Jived. Mr and Mrs Trenery departed Saturday, bound for Orange county, in tbe southern part of tbo state, and intend to go into tbo fruit busi- ness. The liov. B. U. Hnin, rector of the Episcopal church iv Jacksou for the past year, left witb bis family, on Saturday last for Minnesota, whore ho has accepted a call from a church. The church hero is left without a resident pastor, hut arrangements will bo mude to hold services at stated intervals, until a regular pastor cau be socuretl. Mis^ JCriMO Htusal left Sunday niorn- ii;g for Hun Francisco, to stay inde- finitely. She expects to visit Seattlo and the Alaska Yukon exposition in tbo near future. Mrs A bratnol'sky left Sunday morn- lug fur Sun Francisco, on a visit to relatives'. (J. Ji. Arditto, senior past presi- dent of Amador Aerio No. 1776, Fraternal Odrer ot Eagles, left Satur- day to attend tbe stuto convention of that order, which met ut Santa CJmz fur tbe Hist four days of this week, lie is entitled to a Beat iv the con- vention uy viitue of bis official posi- tion. Instead of tbe usual evening ser- vices iv the M. E. church Just Sun- day, Jesag I). Kuykendail i'eud au ncidiess to t tip young folks. Reports from Glue L^ea »««t week from reliable sources, were to the ulltHit that snow was over 25 feet deep on. tlj« level in tout vicinity—an un- precedented quantity for thia Season ot tbe yeai. ibere willbe no lack of stored water for mining and other purposes this summer aud fall, uulohh unusually waim rains occur to melt tbe snow. Tbo pasturage season in tbe vicinity of Silver Jake and across tbe divide will be very late this year. Mrs Oscar Keicbling, and her sister, Miss Daly, came up from San Frauoisco Saturday ou v visit witb friends iv Jackson. Jos. (iluckfeld expects to mnvo into bis now premlaos, the lied Front, dunug the next few days. The sbelv- liug Is all in plaoe, aud everything is in roudinowH for busiuess. Altogether tbo coruer of Court uud Muni street is the finest appearing busiuess pio. perty along Alain stieot. We acknowledge receipt of a tiukit of admission to tho grounds (if the Yukon-Alaska exhibition in Soattlo, good during the entire period of tho oxpnsitiou, from Juue until October. The mauagemont of tbe fair appro- dates tbe importance of tho pross in contributing to tbe Hiiooesu of the aifnir. Ah a rule tbe press in the most proteut factor In eucoeua or failure of noy publio enterprise. Jon. (Jurilmldl, employed ut (Siiioc- uhlo'd. store while uuiug v sharp knife, the blade slipped iv some way, uud cut au ugly gush in hia left leg. It was not Horhiiiu. Tho nuviiiiw of l)r Kudlcult wore culled to ilimh tho wound. Jhu victim weut right along with his work uttenvtm!4. J. B. Wilson. Dentist. Hours 9a. m. to 5 p. in. Phone Office, black 441: residence. Black 391; Jackson. Krneet Lernin baa resignod hia posi- tion as clerk at the Ulobe hotel, hav- ing accepted a place at tho Atnndor Central depot at Mnrtells. His plaoe at tho Ulobe has been tilled by J. b\ - Mello. J. H iiytti oil Volcauo, left yester- day morning Jar Stockton for medical trentmeut. He has sull'eiod for a loug . time from cancer below the right eye. lie has undergone treatment at the bunds of several doctors, and sub- mitted to siirgicul operations, but. tbo disease persists. Ho will'cousult ex- perts in fcjtookton, aud perhaps go on to Hitri KiauMisoo to place him under tbocare of some expert iv that city. A marriuge license was issued Tues- day to .Ezra A. Taylor, age 20, of Plymouth, to Clara M. Kreuch, 17, Oletn, thu consent- iv writing tit the .father in erioh iustauco being given. Kor Kule. t!JB ncres of good agii- cultural aud grazing luud, lit I'oruat Homo. Thirty miroG timber land, with at least 1000 cords live black onk. for full particulars apply on premises, or to John Uulds, Jackson, Cal. my 7-t f WllQtecl-A pplioitor to secure orders for the tailoring huisness. Uooii salary to the right man, and steady employment. Apply to Wai. 2{obs, the Tailor, Jackson. x ,"\Vni. Scbroeder baa a now delivery wagon, manufactured by (Jeo, Lnoot. j It fa a very couvoniunt vehlolo for the business. five or six men formerly employ- ed at tbo Aigouunt, went to work at the copper mine near lone on Wed- nesday, presumably on the same terms as tiro olfered by tbo mines arouud Jaokson— eight hours actual work. Johnny Chinii, who has rcovered from a serious iittuct of pbneuDiouio, la able to roturu to bis work at Pi con nl oh haruess shop. Owing to the strike tho business , bouses— hutcher shops, grocery bouses, aud hoarding bouse keepers, have \u25a0 been compelled tor their own proteotion to adopt a ousb baals. With the underground workeis unem- ployed, bußinesa men are compelled to out out tired It aa much as possible. Jn au emergency ot this diameter, the commercial Interests. Rbould get together, aud adopt a common policy. Iv union, there is strength. Aud united iiutiun is judt us salutary for tradesuiau us (or those engaged iv manual labor. lteut vvill.lm charged on idle motets, and after (il) days they will be removed without noMi'o. U. I'i. Letung. , W. J. Duvia of Pluo (JrovH, who lost one eye uud was injured in thu other, by v lii.nt whllo employed ou tlni A mini or tiauul UQU Wn.nt I'uint, lntt for Uiii ifraoolJOQ Wtulnusdny iDoriilux for troatmett tor ji iv tight. A big delegation from Jackson is KoiMK ovt'r to Suitor Creek to-woriow (Sutiirdiiy) night, to attend the con- cert; over thirty reseivod eeut tickets Imve been cold hure ami there urn hut ii few left ut Kiilisi'i'h diug store. Tho udvuuoe eulo of seats in Suiter has beeu large, uud v packed house iv assured. Only tho bi'.-l oIh«hIohI iiiiisin will be iLMidcrcd. Tliii Gutter Creek Hraes liniiil will tiivn nil tuu'ii uir concert (in Mulu itii'it in Nuh"r Creak, pre- rudiii"thu ii.v H'iul. Tim proQrillii t i tie it'inlmiil in Hut or Croelt Silunln ui^ht will ba (jipon fret) to the IVslon eobool boja I'iiiliiv Btteruoou, nu'l for the l cm-lit of the Idiiu Mt>thu I ut •'luiri'h in louu | Frid iv ill;.'.lii. Tun woi'Bt toe tor 12 yotim of John Duyu, uf tSiiuhviii, Mirii., was » iuii niiiK ulitor. tin paid dm-ims over IIWJ wit li.jul. benollt. Then Uuobleu'l Aniimi Halve killed thu ulour uud ruied Mm, (.'uioh fever-torei, tmiiu, trlmiH, re/emu, mlt iliciim. lllllllli- ble for pilot), iiuni:-, Hi'iiMi, outs, t'uruu. 23ut Hiiiijjiuilin'n (Inij; btorr. Kills to stop the Fiend BASEBALL. Jackson Juveniles Defeat the First Nine. SUPERIOR COURT PROCEEDINGS AMADOU LEDGER 1 JACKSON, Cal MAY 21, 100!) TEMPERATURE AND RAINFALL LOCAL NEWS iTemp! Si- jTompig. Date. g,ii Date. ig, K:!r_ lay 1.,'.908j 43: 86;....; 17 \u0084..j-85; 78]' •• i! i 43: 88: ...! 18 .80; 76! H ! 67i 87!....! I 89: 77j . 4 i 48! Iff..y. 20 1.89 74 j• "6 11 86!....! 21 i 8H; 55:.... 6 44r 86:....! 22 ; j : j.. . 7 43! 85!....! 23 : li. .. \u25a0' 8 «: 85!....! S4 : ; .... 0 ! 45! 00!....! 25 \ : .... 10 i 35! 75: i ! : \.V.t 11 85 75..;J 27. ...-.| : . U,; \i ;40 76!....! 28 | II !.... 13 ! 38! 70!....!! 29 j:: j.... it 40| 80 .vr. so : :;•••\u25a0 15 ! 4(>i 83:.... i| 31 j i, : ...! 16 ! OS: 78L...! :i:.... iTemp! Si- jTompig. Date. g,ii Date. ig, K:!r_ lay 1.,'.908j 43: 86;....; 17 \u0084..j-85; 78]' •• i! i 43: 88: ...! 18 .80; 76! H ! 67i 87!....! I 89: 77j . 4 i 48! Iff..y. 20 1.89 74 j• "6 11 86!....! 21 i 8H; 55:.... 6 44r 86:....! 22 ; j : j.. . 7 43! 85!....! 23 : li. .. \u25a0' 8 «: 85!....! S4 : ; .... 0 ! 45! 00!....! 25 \ : .... 10 i 35! 75: i ! : \.V.t 11 85 75..;J 27. ...-.| : . U,; \i ;40 76!....! 28 | II !.... 13 ! 38! 70!....!! 29 j:: j.... it 40| 80 .vr. so : :;•••\u25a0 15 ! 4(>i 83:.... i| 31 j i, : ...! 16 ! OS: 78L...! :i:.... o jfi. m vj o sixJLm Boars tho /) liM kx.i Vcj Have Always Bought Ms <XM9£s& Makes delicious not biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls and muffins. The only Baking Powder Made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar BEAUTY. Your beauty can bo improved by using Lang* ley's Vaiysbing Peroxide Cream, 'the best vanishing peroxide cream on Uio market. Langloy's Peroxide Cream contains no chemicals injurious to the skin, nor does it produco any un- pleasant feoling after application. Beneficial for rough and chapped hands; having a mild bleaching action it is excellent for tho removal of discoloration of tho skin. Langloy's Peroxide Cream \a a fino preparation for tho removal of sunburn and tan that is so prevalent just now, Sold only at RUHSER'S CITY PHARMACY Main Street, Corner Court St. JACKSON, CAL, Vela & Piccardo AGENTS FOR Edison Phonographs \u25a0 \u25a0 Como and listen to the New Records. y^^j^ List of Edison (2 MINUTE) "" 10J18 Won't You Kven Say "Hollo" Manuel Koaiain 1011!) Oh La, La, La. Lb, La, Sallie Stembler 10122 Mako a IVoise LiUe a Hoop and Roll Away Collins & liarlan . 1012:! lieautiful Kyes Ada Joues 1012fi Ayesha, My Swoot Egyptiau Herbert Payne 10120 How l-'irm a foundation Edison Mixed Quartette 10127 1 Used to He Afraid to (Jo Jloine in the JJurk Hilly Murray 1012'J Tho Hoatt of Ninon Florence 1 1 inkle 101U0 When the Humming Hirds Ke- turn. Sweet Jreue JliuJim & Stanley 101U:i 1 TJon't Caie if There's a tlirl There Harry Fay 10134 Shine On, Harvest Moon Ada iiones & Hilly Murray 10117 Venus on L'aitb— Waltz National (London) Military iiand 10128 A Coou Haud Contest Maurice Lievi and his Hand 10132 Unllowe'ou Dance American Symphony Orohostra 1013G Amina ICdismi Concert Hand 10120 Sterling Castle and Harvest Dance .William Craic 10124 Uolden Trumpets Albert Henzler 10121 A ConUdential Chat Press Eldrldge 10131 Uncle Josh at tbe Dentist's Cal Stewart & Len Spencer 10135 The Model Minstrels Kdisou Minstrels (4 MINUTK) 11(5 It is Euougli James I' 1 . Harrison 118 To tho End of the World With You Manual Kouiaiu 121 Prize Song-"Tbe Mastersiuget" l{eed Miller 122 (ioldi)ii.l!ud Mabel McKinloy 124 Jerusalem KiliKin Mixed Quartettes. 125 Oood Hye, Molly Hrown Ada Jones 127 Kven Uruvest Heart Thomas Chalmers 128 1 l<'eel Thy Angel Spirit Miss Chapiimn & Mr Harrieou 130 I'm Awfully Strong tor You Hilly Murray and Chorus 131 Come Whore tho lollies Uloom Metropolitan Quartette 115 Kietizi Ovorture Kdison Concert liaud 120 S. K. HeuryV Hnrn Dance N. V Military liaud 123 Awakening of Spring American S\ m phony Oicht>t!tra 121) New Creation Two-Step N. 1. Military Hand 132 Kiihi's lii iii!; Prvauii of You Med- ley, Anieiic'iiii (,v .!' phony Orchubti'u 134 Kuir harvard Wmtaea Maiiili' 1 . i ' v iand Ms Hand 117 Love and Ouv-: ion Vi n.'ii lii-ti'iitnental Tun 120 Nina lliiiih Kioiu:li| 11'J Ca-ting llreail IJjjuti thn Wbteil Xi jrii Vaiiiioville Co. 183 Si lVrliim/ Horn Duui'e j Ada Jonei & Leu Speuucr

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  • This table gives tbe highest and lowest tem-perature lnJackson for each day, together withthe rainfall, as recorded by self-registeringinstruments kept at tho Ledger offlcfl.

    Church Notes..—_,— .Order of Bervicos nt the Methodist

    Episcopal church bs follows: Kun-diiy BChool at '2 p. tn , pnmc.liitiK ser-vii'iiHevery Suiidiiy to oommeuce at11 a. tn. and 7:30 p. in., prayer meet-ing every Wednesday at7:UU p.m.The publio ia cordially invited toattend tbOße services.

    The End of the Worldshould it come to-mori'cw would findfully Miol'Uin people' Buffering withrheumatism of either alight or seriousnature. Mobody need suffer withrheumatism for JJallard'a Snow Lini-ment drives away tue trouble, relievesthe paiu instantly and leaves theuser as well and eupple as a twoyear old. .Sold by Kusbor's CityPharmacy.


    Estate of Ueo. il. Kinuhart.—

    Final account and petition for dis-tribution filed, May 2ti set fur hear-ing. •

    New CasesK. V. Lonlgo vs. IS. Privitali.-The

    complaint sets fortb that on the 11thday of May, 11*1)t, a judgment wasentered in tbe superior court of Ama-dor in favor uf plaintiff arid againstdefendant for the sum of SSIU.GJTbe judgment has remained whollyunsatisfied, save the sum of 6100 paidthereon. Suit is brought to obtainjudgment for the balance witb in-terest at V por cent, tbe total amountclaimed boing 6710.10.

    Estate of Orvillo U. Kandolph.—Mary M. Litbgow petitions for lettersof administration; May 25 sot forhearing. \u25a0 :

    Total rainfall forseason to date ..5t. 27 inchesTo corresponding poriod 1ust Reason U.S'J


    I'fhnfollowing tnntmmflnts hAy« h«en fllfidtor record In thfirecorder* omen ulnee our Iftitroport. We publish n complete H*t of rtncii-mentu recorded, and must decllnn lo acondo toany roqtient to mipprOHS ftny document fromthoRO column!). Unn'tnßk us to do *o

    Deeds.— Oustnv Ilaumnun ct ux, etnl to J. J. McHorlnv, Original Ama-dor quattz mine, Amndor Cily,

    Charles llngberg to John N. Lnf-stead and nndlvidntl ouc'-half lutfr-lest In tbo Silver Tick claim nent De-fendo, 610.

    John J. MoSorley to Original Ama-dor Mines Co., Original Amndorquartz mine, Amador City, 8!ii>.000.

    Krnest L'lokerlng to (Jeorge Hvana,40 ncros in 15-7-11, 810.

    Jasper 11. Phillips ot ux to ThomasL\ ilnwdon, 120 acres In 10-7 10, andright of way, 910.

    Wm. K. MoKenzie, et ux to Jasperil.Phillips 1120 acres iv 10-7-10 audright of nay. 910.

    James 11. Marks ot ux to Thomas V.Hiiwdnn, Plymouth gold quattz mine,near Plymouth. 6500.

    Henty Schroeder to Mrs Mary A.Sobroeder, 112^ acres in 3U-8-10 andlot4 block 5, Oleta, $1.

    Albert U. Volz et ux to A. V.Johnson et ux, 40 acres in18-7-10, noconsideration.

    Mortgage— Maria Garabaldi to Jose-phine Kettagliatn, lot 4 block 4,Sutter Creek, 6200 for four years withinterest at tbe rate of G pet cent perannum.

    ljease— Mrs E. H. Uambert et alleases to A. C. Matulicb a one-halfinterest in 680 acres known as theCentral llouao ranch near Drytowu,for 3 years at an annual rental of 6340.

    Proof ot Labor—J. ii.CJrillo et alon placer claim iv 22-7-12.

    Trust Deed— Ueorge Hloom et ux toTitle ( and Trust Co., 80acres iv 22-7-11 and lauds elsewhere,6500 payable in eight months withinterest at tbe rate of 12 per cent perannum.

    Cancellation of Mortgage— Oneto tqIJadaraano.

    Jjocntion —W. I!. French locatesCoyote placer, Oleta district. \u25a0

    Certificate of Kedemption- J. JJ.Weston on 100 acres iv 30-8-12, IGOacres in 3-8-11 and ICO ares in 31-8-12and 30-8-12 taxes of 1888, 1895 and1902, $02.81.


    The Free License Business.

    Posteis are out tor the Italinupicnio in celebration of tbe independ-ence of Italy, on Fullou's grove ouSuuday, the (Jth of June. The officersselected are Q. Uranohetti, president.W. Tarn, vice president, A. Ambi-golio, grand marshal: aid, 11. Foletti;orators, F. N. Belgrano of San Fran-cisco in Italian, and Judge Wood ivKnglisb. Among tho amusementsmay be mentioned a baseball gamefor 575, between Jackson and SutterC?eek; a bnena game, witb 820 asfirst prize and 810 seooad prize.Everything is being done to makothis the most attructivo affair of thiskind in many years.

    Italian Picnic.

    A flnrptiso whh given to sporta InntSunday afternoon nu tho Jacksondiamond. Tho rngulnt club arrangeda match with the socoiid nine, -com-posml mainly ot chlldieu nttondiug\u25a0Ohooli The Juveniles, however, havnbeen practicing very faithfully, nudproved n Ronulno eyo-opeuor to theolder players. It was oloßoly i.ou-tooted from start to llulsh. J'iach sidenmli/.eil at the outset that it wns nowalkover. At tho ond of tbe ninthinnings the score stood 4to 4. Ho itwaa decided to play another iiiiiingf,and this sealed a victory for theyoungsters, the soorp being l> to 4.Timid was great jubilation over tboresult. Indeed, throughout tbo samethe small nlue was cheered to theecho wbenover an especially goodplay was scored. Tbo line up was asfellows:

    2d Jackson Ist JacksonL. l>ove o f W. Connersli. lioro 1 t CailemartoriH. Love ss Jj FortnorHoltz a b W. FortuerCarrara 1b W. KustTain r f JjavoronoHicks o UaifneyHoro p MerkelDelabide 1b • Ardittu

    Kuiibby Innings.1 2 34 B II7! 0 10

    2d Nine 3 O 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 —5IstNine 000201)01 10—4

    New Ice Plant Started.J'mv persons are aware of tbe

    extent to which John Strohm haslately enlarged his ice makingplant, aud the big outlay involvedtherein. For a couple of monthsmou have been working to installtbe large electric motor and tbe com-pressor for the ice making business.It is now nearing completion. Ihe75 horse power dynamo was startedfor the lirst time Sunday and workednicely. The whole plant bus beentested, and found to bo all right. Itwas expected to get tbe new worksstarted at ico making to-day, and torun steadily thereafter. This im-provement has iiivovied an expend!tare of 810,000. The two plants, theold one being of only 8 tons capacity,bavo cobt 818,000, to say nothing ofthe beer making plant. Altogether,Strohm has spoilt $50,000 on thebiewery aud ice plant. The newplant is equal to 20 tons of ice perday. 'The consumption of ice insummer averages about 5 ' tons perday for tbo general public, and 3tons per day used in the breworybusiness. And to prcduco thisquantity the plant hud to be run toits utmost capacity nißht and day,aud still fall short of the demand.It has cost SIiOOO per year for import-ed ice. This outside expense will boentirely obviated now, aud ampleprovision leftfor a big iuauy owning the sugar refinery atSalinas iv Monterey county, haveasked for a bid on BUUO tons of limestone rock, delivered at lone. Thisis the biggest order, or rather pro-posal, that has been received. Itde-monstrates that those interested arekeenly alive to tbo possibilities of thelime resources of this county. Tbodifficulty is not iv quarrying thematerial, or the quantity, but thotransportation problem iv shipping itthe three miles which iutorvenes be-tween tbe quarry and the railroad do-pot ut lone. The J. aud K. road isnearer tbe quarry, but there is noroad, aud tbe county to be traversedia rough aud billy, presenting mornserious obstacles to;transportationthan even tbe three miles to love.In the event of the Speoltels optionhuing permitted to lapse, soino ettortwilldoubtless be made to organize vcompany to purobaao the quarry, andconstruct a tramway to the railroadso aa to bo üblo to deliver thomineral at a price to compete withother outside points. Iho optionruns until November next. It is notlikoly,however, that it will bn aur-rendered.

    California Postcard Views, incolors. Over !!OUO subjects compris-ing Yosemlte Valley, Lmlto Taboe,Übasta and places of interest through-out the state. 25— no two alike—2scents, W. Fred Uentle, 2212 SutlerSt. Han Francisco.

    Dr. J. D. Fogarty, dentist, Jack-son. Otlloo in Kay 'a building, Mainstreet. 1 Hours from 9a. in. tillsp.p. m Telephone, Black 363. :

    Postmaster F. Duden, accompaniedby his bride, returned home Tuesdayevening. The pair were cordiallygreeted on the occasion by theirmany well-wisbere. <

    Kauobers. are busy harvestingvolunteer crops. The crop is muchbetter than the gloomy forbodings ota couple of weeks back predicted.ln some places it comes pretty wellup to the average.

    Sidney Oerrans, who has been em-ployed around the mines hereabouts,left Saturday for tbe land of hisnativity, with tbe intention of remainiug there.

    Mr and Mrs Sinclair left Saturdayfor Cripple Creek, Colorado, wherethey formerly Jived.

    Mr and Mrs Trenery departedSaturday, bound for Orange county,in tbe southern part of tbo state,and intend to go into tbo fruit busi-ness.

    The liov. B. U. Hnin, rector of theEpiscopal church iv Jacksou for thepast year, left witb bis family, onSaturday last for Minnesota, whoreho has accepted a call from a church.The church hero is left without aresident pastor, hut arrangementswill bo mude to hold services atstated intervals, until a regularpastor cau be socuretl.

    Mis^ JCriMO Htusal left Sunday niorn-ii;g for Hun Francisco, to stay inde-finitely. She expects to visit Seattloand the Alaska Yukon exposition intbo near future.

    Mrs A bratnol'sky left Sunday morn-lug fur Sun Francisco, on a visit torelatives'.

    (J. Ji. Arditto, senior past presi-dent of Amador Aerio No. 1776,Fraternal Odrer ot Eagles, left Satur-day to attend tbe stuto convention ofthat order, which met ut Santa CJmzfur tbe Hist four days of this week,lie is entitled to a Beat iv the con-vention uy viitue of bis official posi-tion.

    Instead of tbe usual evening ser-vices iv the M. E. church Just Sun-day, Jesag I). Kuykendail i'eud auncidiess to t tip young folks.

    Reports from Glue L^ea »««t weekfrom reliable sources, were to theulltHit that snow was over 25 feet deepon. tlj« level in tout vicinity—an un-precedented quantity for thia Seasonot tbe yeai. ibere willbe no lack ofstored water for mining and otherpurposes this summer aud fall, uulohhunusually waim rains occur to melttbe snow. Tbo pasturage season intbe vicinity of Silver Jake and acrosstbe divide willbe very late this year.

    Mrs Oscar Keicbling, and hersister, Miss Daly, came up from SanFrauoisco Saturday ou v visit witbfriends iv Jackson.

    Jos. (iluckfeld expects to mnvointo bis now premlaos, the lied Front,dunug the next few days. The sbelv-liug Is all in plaoe, aud everything isin roudinowH for busiuess. Altogethertbo coruer of Court uud Muni streetis the finest appearing busiuess pio.perty along Alain stieot.

    We acknowledge receipt of a tiukitof admission to tho grounds (if theYukon-Alaska exhibition in Soattlo,good during the entire period of thooxpnsitiou, from Juue until October.The mauagemont of tbe fair appro-dates tbe importance of tho prossin contributing to tbe Hiiooesu of theaifnir. Ah a rule tbe press in themost proteut factor In eucoeua orfailure of noy publio enterprise.

    Jon. (Jurilmldl, employed ut (Siiioc-

    uhlo'd. store while uuiug v sharpknife, the blade slipped iv some way,uud cut au ugly gush in hia left leg.It was not Horhiiiu. Tho nuviiiiwof l)rKudlcult wore culled to ilimh thowound. Jhu victim weut right alongwith his work uttenvtm!4.

    J. B. Wilson. Dentist. Hours 9a.m. to 5 p. in. Phone

    —Office, black

    441: residence. Black 391; Jackson.Krneet Lernin baa resignod hia posi-

    tion as clerk at the Ulobe hotel, hav-ing accepted a place at tho AtnndorCentral depot at Mnrtells. His plaoeat tho Ulobe has been tilled by J. b\-Mello.

    J. H iiyttioil Volcauo, left yester-day morning Jar Stockton for medicaltrentmeut. He has sull'eiod for a loug

    . time from cancer below the right eye.lie has undergone treatment at thebunds of several doctors, and sub-mitted to siirgicul operations, but. tbodisease persists. Ho will'cousult ex-perts in fcjtookton, aud perhaps go onto Hitri KiauMisoo to place him undertbocare of some expert iv that city.

    A marriuge license was issued Tues-day to .Ezra A. Taylor, age 20, ofPlymouth, to Clara M. Kreuch, 17,Oletn, thu consent- iv writing tit the

    .father in erioh iustauco being given.Kor Kule.

    —t!JB ncres of good agii-

    cultural aud grazing luud, lit I'oruatHomo. Thirty miroG timber land,with at least 1000 cords live blackonk. for full particulars apply onpremises, or to John Uulds, Jackson,Cal. my 7-t f

    WllQtecl-A pplioitor to secureorders for the tailoring huisness.Uooii salary to the right man, andsteady employment. Apply to Wai.2{obs, the Tailor, Jackson. x,"\Vni. Scbroeder baa a now deliverywagon, manufactured by (Jeo, Lnoot. jIt fa a very couvoniunt vehlolo forthe business.

    five or six men formerly employ-ed at tbo Aigouunt, went to work atthe copper mine near lone on Wed-nesday, presumably on the sameterms as tiro olfered by tbo minesarouud Jaokson— eight hours actualwork.

    Johnny Chinii, who has rcoveredfrom a serious iittuct of pbneuDiouio,la able to roturu to bis work atPiconnloh haruess shop.

    Owing to the strike tho business, bouses— hutcher shops, grocerybouses, aud hoarding bouse keepers,have \u25a0 been compelled tor their ownproteotion to adopt a ousb baals.With the underground workeis unem-ployed, bußinesa men are compelledto out out tired Itaa much as possible.Jn au emergency ot this diameter,the commercial Interests. Rbould gettogether, aud adopt a common policy.Iv union, there is strength. Audunited iiutiun is judt us salutary fortradesuiau us (or those engaged ivmanual labor.

    lteut vvill.lmcharged on idle motets,and after (il)days they willbe removedwithout noMi'o. U. I'i. Letung. ,

    W. J. Duvia of Pluo (JrovH, wholost one eye uud was injured in thuother, by v lii.nt whllo employed outlni Aminior tiauul UQU Wn.nt I'uint,lntt for Uiii ifraoolJOQ WtulnusdnyiDoriilux for troatmett tor jiivtight.

    A big delegation from Jackson isKoiMK ovt'r to Suitor Creek to-woriow(Sutiirdiiy) night, to attend the con-cert; over thirty reseivod eeut ticketsImve been cold hure ami there urn hutii few left ut Kiilisi'i'h diug store.Tho udvuuoe eulo of seats in Suiterhas beeu large, uud v packed house ivassured.

    Only tho bi'.-l oIh«hIohI iiiiisin willbe iLMidcrcd. TliiiGutter Creek Hraesliniiil willtiivn nil tuu'ii uir concert(in Mulu itii'it in Nuh"r Creak, pre-rudiii"thu ii.v H'iul.

    Tim proQrillii t i tie it'inlmiil inHut or Croelt Silunln ui^ht will ba(jipon fret) to the IVslon eobool bojaI'iiiliivBtteruoou, nu'l for the lcm-litof the Idiiu Mt>thu Iut •'luiri'h in louu|Frid iv ill;.'.lii.

    Tun woi'Bt toe tor 12 yotim of JohnDuyu, uf tSiiuhviii, Mirii., was » iuiiniiiK ulitor. tin paid dm-ims overIIWJ witli.jul.benollt. Then Uuobleu'lAniimi Halve killed thu ulour uudruied Mm, (.'uioh fever-torei, tmiiu,trlmiH, re/emu, mlt iliciim. lllllllli-ble for pilot), iiuni:-, Hi'iiMi, outs,t'uruu. 23ut Hiiiijjiuilin'n(Inij;btorr.

    Kills to stop the Fiend


    Jackson Juveniles Defeat the FirstNine.



    JACKSON, Cal MAY21, 100!)



    iTemp! Si- jTompig.Date. g,ii Date. ig,

    K:!r_lay 1.,'.908j 43: 86;....; 17 \u0084..j-85; 78]' ••

    i! i43: 88: ...! 18 .80; 76!•—

    H !67i 87!....! 1» I89: 77j—.

    4 i 48! Iff..y. 20 1.89 74 j•"••

    6 11 86!....! 21 i8H; 55:....6 44r 86:....! 22 ;j :j.. .7 43! 85!....! 23 : li...

    \u25a0' 8 «: 85!....! S4 : ; ....0 ! 45! 00!....! 25 \ :....

    10 i 35! 75: i 2« ! :\.V.t11 85 75..;J 27. ...-.| : . U,;\i ;40 76!....! 28 |I I!....13 !38! 70!....!! 29 j: 40| 80 .vr. so : :;•••\u25a015 ! 4(>i 83:.... i| 31 ji, : ...!16 ! OS: 78L...! :i:....

    iTemp! Si- jTompig.Date. g,ii Date. ig,

    K:!r_lay 1.,'.908j 43: 86;....; 17 \u0084..j-85; 78]' ••

    i! i43: 88: ...! 18 .80; 76!•—

    H !67i 87!....! 1» I89: 77j—.

    4 i 48! Iff..y. 20 1.89 74 j•"••

    6 11 86!....! 21 i8H; 55:....6 44r 86:....! 22 ;j :j.. .7 43! 85!....! 23 : li...

    \u25a0' 8 «: 85!....! S4 : ; ....0 ! 45! 00!....! 25 \ :....

    10 i 35! 75: i 2« ! :\.V.t11 85 75..;J 27. ...-.| : . U,;\i ;40 76!....! 28 |I I!....13 !38! 70!....!! 29 j: 40| 80 .vr. so : :;•••\u25a015 ! 4(>i 83:.... i| 31 ji, : ...!16 ! OS: 78L...! :i:....

    o jfi.m vjosixJLmBoars tho /) liMkx.i Vcj Have Always Bought

    Mst!tra121) New Creation Two-Step

    N. 1. Military Hand132 Kiihi's liiiii!;Prvauii of You Med-

    ley, Anieiic'iiii(,v .!'phony Orchubti'u134 Kuir harvard Wmtaea

    Maiiili' 1.i'viand Ms Hand117 Love and Ouv-: ion

    Vin.'ii • lii-ti'iitnentalTun120 Nina lliiiihKioiu:li|11'J Ca-ting llreail IJjjuti thn Wbteil

    Xi jriiVaiiiiovilleCo.183 Si lVrliim/Horn Duui'e

    j Ada Jonei &Leu Speuucr