make you money online .com ebook

The NO BS, Straightforward Guide on How to Make Money on the Internet. By Austin Woolridge Website: Email: [email protected] Visit my website for constant updates on how to make money online. © Austin Woolridge 2008 This eBook is not to be edited or sold in any way without my knowledge. I have all rights to this eBook. If you purchase this from anyone besides me, on eBay or anywhere else, please contact me ASAP.

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The NO BS, Straightforward Guide on How to Make Money on the Internet.

By Austin Woolridge


Email: [email protected]

Visit my website for constant updates on how to make money online.

© Austin Woolridge 2008 This eBook is not to be edited or sold in any way without my knowledge. I have all rights to this eBook. If you purchase this from anyone besides me, on eBay or anywhere else, please contact me ASAP.

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This guide eliminates all the crap that most other eBook writers throw in theirs. This isn’t going to be full of pictures of items and homes to entice you into doing anything. This guide will show you straight up, the techniques to generate HUGE profits on the internet. You need to put in some effort to get a return. The effort doesn’t have to be big by any means, but the more you put in, the more you get out. That said, sometimes there must be a small amount of money spent to gain a large amount. You know the saying; it takes money to make money. That is definitely not 100% true though, because I provide methods that don’t have any fees at all. But to be honest those are the ones that are hard to make money, let alone at a steady rate. But it is up to you, that’s why I’m providing you with a bunch of methods.

I will take you through these various methods of how to utilize the internet to make money, with steps included. This guide is very straight forward, there will be no embellishing. If you want a REAL eBook on making money online, this guide is all you need. There are dozens of almost hidden websites on the internet that generate HUGE profits to those who find them. I have found a bunch of them and I will share them to you in this

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eBook. This guide is NOT complicated, nor hard to understand. I have written the SIMPLEST eBook on the internet on how to make money online. It honestly doesn’t get any easier than this. I am literally handing you the opportunities on a silver platter. The methods are not saturated with useless information and heavy repetition. I get straight to the point. I provided links to everything you need to get started IMMEDIATELY. You can be making money 5 minutes after you finish reading this guide and that is not a joke. This eBook is 100% scam free. Now let’s get started.


Money Making Method #1

eBay and Wholesale

eBay is the mostly widely used auction site online, and one of the most visited sites on the entire internet. You may notice when you search for your favorite products, people are selling them for

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SO CHEAP. You think to yourself, “How do they even make a profit?” I will tell you how. They have utilized wholesale suppliers to sell the goods for WAY under the retail value. There is an almost secret place on the internet that has a HUGE database of tens of thousands of wholesalers, liquidators, drop shippers, and manufactures.

SaleHoo is the best site to get wholesale goods.

You can even have the companies ship the products straight to your customers without you even physically seeing or touching them! It’s a great service and anyone who wants to make a good profit on eBay needs this site. It eliminates all the scammers online because every company listed on the site is confirmed to be legit. They are prescreened to make sure they actually go through

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with their transactions, so everything on that site is 100% safe. It comes with research tools, great support and even more. It is truly an amazing site. Literally any type of product is available on this site.

Click here to get a lifetime membership to SaleHoo through this limited offer.

I am a member of Salehoo and it has made me thousands of dollars on eBay. Also the forums are excellent, there is a huge community of people like you selling on eBay, and they more than welcome to help you out if you have any problems or questions. It is a very excellent investment.

Auction Inspector

A product that comes with Salehoo (or you can purchase it separately) shows you what products or in demand on eBay. I bought this program and it does wonders. It’s called Auction Inspector. It

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searches eBay’s wanted now section for whatever you want. It shows you what items are in high demand that have little supply. For example I searched tennis racquets. There is a large amount of people asking for them, but not a lot of people selling them. You can even search eBay UK, Australia, or Canada to see what is profitable in other parts of the world. Excellent program, I would highly recommend it if you want to become a power seller. I have found dozens of niches on eBay that have high demands that aren’t being met by supply, thus making me tons of money.

Click Here to download Auction Inspector.

eBay Affiliate Program

eBay has an affiliate marketing program that tons of people capitalize on since it is one of the most profitable sites on the internet. The affiliate program enables you to promote eBay listed products in exchange for a healthy share of eBay’s revenue for each sale that you refer. ALSO, they pay you $25-$35 for each person you get to sign up for eBay. Now to be able to advertise the products you should first selected the type of

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product you want to promote so you can center in on one niche. The best way to advertise is to create your own website, and link ending auctions to you site so people can access them from your site. You must first sign up with the eBay Partner Network. Then you will need a good back ground in web design if you are starting from scratch. If you don’t like me, which is likely, you can use this INCREDIBLE program which makes the site for you. It literally sets up everything for you and you are ready to make money in a matter of moments. More information is available here. It is an excellent program and I recommend it to anyone who wants to use eBay’s affiliate program to make money online. I used bought this product and made my money back within the next month. Now I am making over $300 a month on eBay affiliate sales. Click here to see the site I use for this.


Money Making Method #2


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Blogging is taking the internet by storm these days, so it is only smart to use it to your advantage to make money. It is very simple, plus it’s completely free. Here are the basic steps.

1 .Create a blog

2. Add Google AdSense to it.

3. Generate Traffic

First, use to make a free blog. It makes blogging very simple, anyone can do it. You want to make a blog about a popular topic/subject to generate the most traffic, which in turn equals more money. Use Google to search the most search terms on the internet to get a good idea of what to write about. Next, add AdSense. It will be in the layout section of your blogger account. It takes a day or two to get your account verified. Google AdSense is a utility that creates ads provided by Google on your site for no cost what so ever. Whenever someone clicks on an ad you make money. At first you won’t be making much but when your traffic increases, so will your revenue. Google owns Blogger so it is already integrated into

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the site. All you have to do is go to templates and you can add the ads. Now you have you blog up and running. Next thing to do is generate traffic. First you should ping your blog. It basically updates search engines every time you add a post to your blog.

Here are some sites to use for pinging:

Another way to generate traffic is to create RSS feeds. Use these sites to guide you.

Best Blog Directory And RSS Submission Sites:

Another list of sites to submit your Blog:

Also, you can add other sites RSS feeds onto you site to always have the most popular content. This is a great way to constantly add more traffic because it keeps the hot new news and information on your site. If you generate good traffic to your blog, you could be making up to $5-10 per day. And

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if you have multiple blogs you can be generating big money.

Now if you are like me and don’t know what to blog about or you are not a good writer, there are products that make it ever so easy for us. The people who know the ins and outs of blogging have created a way for typical people like you and me to make tons of money off blogging. I got this product and you have no idea how fast my profits rose after implementing the technique given here. I combined this with a program that writes instant articles for you that are high quality. Plus it is all 100% original so they are your articles! If you have these high quality articles on your blog you will get tons more visitors, which equals tons more cash! Click here to download the instant article wizard.

Money Making Method #3

Making a Website

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This one is pretty self explanatory. You go about this almost the same way as making a blog. The only difference is that you must create your own website. First you need to register a domain name. To do so go to I Have found that this is the best hosting company I have run into so far. It has received numerous rewards. I signed up for the baby croc package, which gives you unlimited web hosting for only $9.95 a month. It has received numerous rewards so I highly recommend them.

Next you need to create the webpage. A couple good free programs to use are WebPlus and NVU. And then just like the blog, you need to ad AdSense and generate traffic. This time isn’t as simple because you don’t have the blogger automatically generating your ad placement. You need to go to the AdSense page and create your own ad style. It will generate HTML code for you to put on your web page.

Then you should go to to automatically submit your site to all the major search engines.

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Now if you don’t have the time or patience to start your own website you are in luck because I have a link to over 150 topics with over 15,000 web pages that are PRE MADE for you to generate immense AdSense profits. They are custom designed to make the most of the Google ads and I highly recommend it to people who want to start making money NOW. It can easily make you an extra $1500 just this month. All the work is done for you, you just put the site up and your money is waiting to be made without you having to do a thing. There is little to no effort need to be put in the site once it’s up other than generating traffic. It is a cash machine from there. To be honest, this might be the EASIEST way to make money online today because you can literally just set it and forget it. It’s made me tons of AdSense money. Here is an example of a website using these

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custom designs.

Click here to see more.

Now to generate traffic to your website you have many options.

1. Advertise.

You can do this through by using Google AdWords.

It is a pay per click advertising service provided by Google. You create keywords so when people search for those certain keywords your ads will

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come up in the search results. You can determine how much you want to pay per click. You can also use Yahoo to display your ads.

Now if you don’t want to pay for the ads on a regular basis, you can use this method on how to get Google, Yahoo, and every existing search engine ads FOR FREE. I have saved so much money on ads using this, and the money I have gained is immense.

Click here for free search engine ads.

This system is well worth the price if you want to constantly advertise your site. You will never have to pay for ads again. The traffic for your site will increase 10 fold. A few of my friends and I used it to promote our sites and it did us wonders. Our AdSense revenue skyrocketed. Our ads were always coming up in the search engines which in

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turn generated us large amounts of traffic in a short period of time.

2. Opt-In Emails

With Opt-In Emails, you can pay a service a small or large fee (depending how many people you want to view your site) for them to email their HUGE subscriber list. This is NOT spam. The people who are subscribed to these sites get paid a few cents to read these emails. They are also targeted by their interests! So if you have a music site you can have the service email your site to all their music lovers. Here is a great site for this service: Blast Your Ad. It is expensive but it is the only site that I found that is legit. I have gotten scammed on many Opt-in e-mail services, but this one is actually legit, which is why I am sharing it with you. IT IS INSANE, how much traffic you will get with this. Opt-In e-mails + adsense/ads on your website = A LOT OF MONEY!

3. Jump your Website to the Top of the Search Engines

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There are programs/methods that do all the work for you in getting your site to the top of the search engins. It is VERY hard to get to the top of the search engines because the big companies pay BIG dollars for them to have those spots, and also only those who are an expert in the field of seach engine optimization can get their sites on the first page of google. But people have created software to even the playing field. Click here for the best Search Engine Optimizer available right now.If you have the money, this is THE BEST way to increase your traffic. If you are selling things on your site your profits will skyrocket. It will single handedly increase your profits by at least 50% in 30 days. I used this with my one of my old sites and I was on the first page of google in little over 30 days.

This program is also efficient in gaining large amounts of traffic in a short period of time. It's called Web Traffic Machines. Click Here for more info.

4. Use Chat Rooms, Message Boards, MySpace, classified ad sites and Facebook.

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This requires probably the most work, but it is cost free. Try using Google to find chat rooms or message boards relating to you website’s topic. Make a Facebook group and invite all your friends, and the same with MySpace. Post on the classifieds and forums on MySpace. Make the most of free exposure. Also try free classified as pages such as Epage and USfreeads.

You can also post your link on other people’s popular blogs in the comment section.


Money Making Method #4

Online Survey’s + More

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A lot of people think these are scams, but if you find the right sites they aren’t and you can make TONS of money just giving your opinion. Surveys pay between $5-125 each. It’s a huge market just waiting be tapped. People are skeptical so the market isn’t oversaturated. It is a great way to make money on the side. These are the best paid survey sites that I have come across on the internet. They require a small onetime fee to start but don’t let that scare you away. You will be making that up in less than an hour, guaranteed.

Online Best Surveys

Paid Surveys ETC

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Paid Surveys Online

If you set aside an hour or two a day to do these, you can be making HUGE money. Out of all those I believe I have made the most money with Paid Surveys ETC (probably the most efficient out of the three), but anyone will generate profit. If don’t like one you can get your money refunded and try another. Trust me, surveys are a great way to make simple money online, yes it is a little tedious, but it’s worth it when you are making $800 a day.

These sites also pay you to shop, eat, drive your car, try new products, travel, watch movie trailers and tons more. This is no joke; they actually give you money for this! You basically choose how much money you want to make. The more time you spend the more you make. It’s that simple.

For those who don ’t want to pay up front there is a site for you, but you will make less money, at a slower rate.

I recently found this site, and it is okay. The upside is that it is free, but the down side is that it does not compare to the sites I mentioned above in terms of payout, nor does it offer the other “paid to do” programs. Click here to sign up. One plus side

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is that if you refer people you make 20% of what they make, and 10% of their referrals. Other than that and it being free, I’d say stick to the survey sites mentioned above.


Money Making Method #5

Data Entry Jobs

You are basically going to get paid to type. That’s all there is to it. Companies need hundreds of thousands of forms to be filled out but don’t

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have the man power to do them. As companies are beginning to realize that the Internet is rapidly becoming the best place to market their products and services, it is predicted that by the year 2012 Internet commerce for many large companies may make up to 80% of their total revenue. The problem these companies are finding out is that this retail mega-giant called the Internet is so huge, that in order to properly market on it they need all the help they can get. These companies look to outsource this part of their company to affiliate data operators, and in return the affiliate data operators charge them a fee. That’s where you come in. You are the affiliate data operator. Most of the forms are VERY SHORT. You can be making between $30-50 per form. You don’t need any technological expertise either. These forms are simple. This isn’t a get rich quick scam. It’s an actual job that companies will pay you for. People are making $300-2000+ dollars a day off data entry. If you set aside an hour or two each day you can make a whole living on the side. You can start making money literally 5 minutes after starting. This is one of the best ways to make money online. This site I found to be the best when it comes to data entry:

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My Data Team has been reviewed as the best site for Data Entry Jobs. My-Data-Team has made me huge amounts of money, and it will for you too. The customer support is excellent as well; I highly recommend this for beginners to online money. In the time it took for you to read this eBook you could have made around $100 dollars in data entry! Get started!

Some members have made over $43,000 a month. Insane, I know. These jobs are starting to become very popular so I suggest the sooner you sign up, the better.


Money Making Method #6

Take Pictures for Money

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Yes you read correct. You will get paid to submit pictures with this website. You can earn up to $250 a day and also the opportunity to earn monthly residual income off every photo that you submit online. You don’t need any experience in photography either. Over 18,000 people have capitalized on this great system. You don’t need any special printers or expensive photography equipment because all of the pictures you take will be uploaded straight to the internet. You don’t need to know anything about digital cameras or photography to make money with this system.

The steps need to do this are simple:

1.You pick the pictures you want to sell, whether you took them yourself or found them on the internet.

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2.Upload them to the site and set the price YOU want to sell it at.

3.Wait and watch people buy your photos!

There has never been a better chance to be a freelance photographer, or just be an online money making machine.

Start making money by taking pictures today by clicking here.


Money Making Method #7

Online Poker & Gambling

Poker is already a HUGE source of income for hundreds of thousands of people online, and it is only growing even bigger every day. Millions of

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people are playing poker online all over the world as we speak, and most of them are bad! If you have a little bit of skill in poker, playing smart will generate HUGE income for you. If you are just beginning I suggest you research online poker tips to get started. The key to winning in online poker is patience. You see so many more hands than in an in-person game.

I play a lot of poker online and I have had the best experience playing with Absolute Poker.

They have huge tournaments like the one above (click above to sign up) on the daily. You can also play for almost any amount of money ($1, $5, $10, $20, etc.) so there are games for everyone. You can even play for fun.

Plus they have this feature called bad beat jackpot. If you lose a hand with a 4 of a kind or higher, you and everyone at the table gets some of the jackpot, with you getting the largest percentage. The biggest the jackpot has ever been was around

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$825,000. Where else can you win HUGE money for LOSING in poker? Nowhere, except for Absolute Poker.

Now I found something that puts me above the average online poker player in terms of winning cash. This guide has taught me the ins and outs of winning in sit and go games. It is a great guide and has certainly made me a good amount of money. The day I bought this guide, I made my money back within the following four hours.

Click here for the Sit-N-Go poker system.

Hundreds of people have been successful with this system and you will to.

I also found a way to have a great “advantage” over your opponents in online poker.

For more information click here.

There are a bunch of poker secrets that this product reveals, such as viewing other players cards , poker calculators, automatic poker bots and other tricks of the trade of online poker.

Now when it comes to sports gambling, I make HUGE amounts of money! Not because I’m lucky

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though, but because I have science on my side. I basically have the “code” to winning 97% of my bets online, and you can too. I’ve made over $4000 dollars a week simply betting on sports. You do not need any sports knowledge or better experience. Learn how to get rich off sports betting now! It’s just too easy!


Bonus Money SAVING Method

Convert Your Car to Burn Water!

How you can drive around using WATER AS FUEL and laugh at rising gas costs, while at the same time reduce emissions and help PREVENT GLOBAL WARMING? While 100% "water cars" and "water trucks" trucks" are still on the drawing board I am very excited to show you how you can start right now and use this technology to Convert Your Car/Truck to BURN WATER as well as Gasoline and DOUBLE your gas mileage. The best thing about

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this is that it is not a scam and there are thousands of satisfied customers. Here a review:

Money Back Guarantee: 8-Week 100% Money Back

Review: Out of all of the water-fuel kit conversion guides Water4Gas is by far the best. I found the directions in the guide to be very easy to follow and everything was setup in a clear, step by step format with lots of high quality pictures so you can see exactly how to do the conversion.

But more importantly, the HHO technology recommended in this guide works! After spending just $54 at my local hardware store for the materials I needed to pull of this conversion, I begun the installation process which was surprisingly quick. Right away my car was faster, quieter and smoother, and I’m saving thousands on gas!

Start saving thousands on gas today!

The best part is the cost. Less than $100! Just think of the amount you will save on rising gas prices. Thousands? Tens of thousands? Spend a little now and save yourself tons.


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There you go, seven methods to start making huge money at the comfort of your own home. You can

email me if you have any questions.

Get that MONEY!


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