make to avocado juice

Make to avocado juice. Aim/goal Make an avocado juice Materials 1 avocado A half glass of water Some sugar and milk Several ice cubes Steps 1. First, spoon out avocado pulp and place in blender. 2. Then, add a half glass of water. 3. Add enough sugar and milk 4. Mix it or blend it. 5. Pour the juice in a tall glass. 6. Finally add several ice cubes. 7. The avocado juice is ready to serve.

Upload: auriza-zuri

Post on 04-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Make to Avocado Juice

Make to avocado juice.


         Make an avocado juice


         1 avocado

         A half glass of water

         Some sugar and milk

         Several ice cubes



1.       First, spoon out avocado pulp and place in blender.

2.       Then, add a half glass of water.

3.       Add enough sugar and milk

4.       Mix it or blend it.

5.       Pour the juice in a tall glass.

6.       Finally add several ice cubes.

7.       The avocado juice is ready to serve.


Page 2: Make to Avocado Juice


1.       Pertama-tama,Sendok daging alpukat dan taruh/masukkan di blender

2.       Kemudian, tambahkan setengah gelas air

3.       Tambahkan gula secukupnya

4.       Blenderlah!

5.       Tuangkan jus tersebut ke dalam sebuah gelas yang besar/tinggi.

6.       Akhirnya, tambahkan beberapa bongkah es batu.

7.       Jus alpukat siap disajikan.