make the most of may – august mathematical finance graduate program

Make the Most of May – August Mathematical Finance Graduate Program

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Make the Most of May AugustMathematical Finance Graduate Program1Get excess return on your sharpe ratio for your internship and summerLogistics

Study Company


MentorBEFORE YOUR INTERNSHIPBe early..Every day, for everythingFor work, for meetings, for anything you are involved in.If you have to, take a practice run to the locationDress codeTemptation might be to stand out..not always the best idea. Have your own sense of style without going against the company culture.

StudyCompanyMission StatementCorporate Objectives for current business yearPeopleIndustry/Business SectorUnderstand the industryChallenges/Opportunities in the sector/industryDemographics how large is the market?Their service or productWhy?When you approach people you will have contextual foundation that is obvious that you are unusual and have given due diligence to your internship and how you can best add value.You can focus on topics related to the company while youre there like:organizations strategic directionemerging growth areasnew products or clientsissues and trends affecting the broader industry

GoalsCheck list of what youd ideally like to accomplish at this company for the SummerSee if you can make a list of one thing a week youd like to be sure to do.The focus is at this companyinformational interviewing is separateWhat do you hope to gain?What skills would you like to develop? (soft and tech)What types of projects would you like to work on?Maybe youre doing a PhD or thinking of one any thesis topic of interest you could work on? Is there an experience you could have to tie to one?Be sure to check off the items on your list as you accomplish them throughout the Summer so you can see what you have accomplished and whats still pending to work towards those goals. Make sure youre making the most out of the experience.Why? If you dont design your life plan, chances are youll fall into someone elses and guess what theyve planned for you? Not much.Be accountable for your experience and your career

What not to do?Do NOT just hum drum your way through your summer. Take advantage of the real world experience with purpose and focus.

MentorYou may be assigned a mentor and even if so find one that YOU want.Research people at the company to find those that either have a career path youd like to learn about or represent what youd like to be doing or have something about them that you would like to emulate or learn about.If you do not find any candidates through your research, have an idea of the things youre looking for in a mentor so you can be targeted in your approach once there.Some people might be those who can shed light on the organization, share their career story, give you tips for how to excel in your own career, provide honest feedback and help you navigate workplace challenges.What not to do?Stalk someone. Its good to do your research but not good to tell them all at once everything you know about them. Be purposeful and interested without being too close too fast or intimidating.2Get excess return on your sharpe ratio for your internship and summerWhat, exactly, is their business?How do they compare to their competition? Whats different?Are they bigger, smaller, avg? Sales/# of employeesWho is on the leadership team?Read their 10Q, Annual ReportHow do they talk about themselves?How are they different from other organizations in the same industry? IE: All are likely in the financial industry so what are their concerns v. a commercial bank v. an investment firm v. a hedge fund, etc?Studying the CompanyWhat do I mean by Study the company?3Get excess return on your sharpe ratio for your internship and summerManager Meeting

Meet as Many People as Possible

Take the Opportunity to Learn about Yourself

Take Notes/JournalAsk questions ****YOUVE ARRIVED..NOW WHAT?Manager MeetingOften scheduled, but if not, get one scheduledImperative that you understand and review a set of guidelines and expectationsHow do you position your objectives?Im really appreciative of the opportunity to be an intern in this department.Im looking forward to the work you are going to assign me; I know I will learn from every experience I have.What are your expectations of what youd like me to accomplish this Summer?Ive taken some time to think about my goals for my internship and I wanted to share those with you. Im hopeful that at some point during my time here, it will be possible for me to.. (make sure you prioritize them the most important first)Which of these goals seem doable to you; which are not? Are there any additional goals you would suggest to me?What are the next steps that I should take with regard to the goals that are doable?Thanks so much for your time. What NOT to do?Dont be demanding with your objectives or disappointed if s/he doesnt think some are doableBe positive and position your goals as experiences youd like to have in addition to what youll achieve for your managerBe excited for those on your list you CAN accomplishMeet as Many People as PossibleBreak Room, Water Cooler, wherever people congregate to take a break - Make a point of stopping byYour summer is as much about building interpersonal relationships as it is about job training. Learn about what they do and what they think about the company, the culture, and the industry. Take them out to coffee and ask them about their career paths and why they decided to pursue that particular profession. Ask for advice.Learn about them so if you want to stay in touch, you know their interests, what makes them tick.What was the biggest challenge theyve faced so far?What do they attribute to their success?All of this, coupled with your own experience, will help inform your decision as to what youd like to do with your career.Why?You often learn more about the business from casual conversations in the break room than formal meetings.You can learn about the basic benefits 401K, Health, Vision, Gym, etc. learn about what companies typically offer so youre educated when youre looking for a full time position.Learn how performance reviews are done formally in their company.Learn how the executive team interacts and communicates throughout the organization.What not to do?Don't segregate yourself with other interns only. Learn about Yourself Think about your Leave-BehindBe observant of your likes, dislikes, comfort and discomfortSee if you can learn what you gravitate towards and what skills or traits you might want to improve. Consider the technical and soft skilsEg: Id like to be more comfortable leading a meeting, presenting ideas, getting people to open up, being an active listenerWhat kind of people do you relate to?Compare yourself to people you admire at the they have skills you lack or can work on acquiring?How will people remember you? How would you like them to?Eg: me?Helpful, friendly, positive lifting up peoples day rather than bringing them downEmpowering peopleAble to give feedback so people can improve and feel good about their improvementApproachableAble to provide people with tools to get them to their next levelThe person to call with a challengeTake Notes/Journal BookKeep a notebook or log of everything you do, anything in which you particpate.Not just handy for a resume, also give you things to summarize what you accomplished to your manager so s/he can pull together a letter of recommendation easily when its time.

Ask Questions***Do not make assumptions, especially when working on a project. Make sure you are absolutely clear about your goals and objectives for each project and if you dont understand how to approach the project or understand the organization, take time to ask. If you work on a project making assumptions and they were wrong, youre wasting your time, your managers time, and you have to start all over again.4Get excess return on your sharpe ratio for your internship and summerTeam PlayerPositive AttitudeNatural CuriosityRepresentBe CourteousBe Coachable

FOOD FOR THOUGHT-ATTITUDE/BEHAVIORSTEAM PLAYERTempting to stand outshow off. What are employers looking for? Lone superstars?TEAM PLAYERS. Your reliable and consistent work will demonstrate your competence.Be viewed as a valuable TEAM member.POSITIVE ATTITUDE FIND THE OPPORTUNITYLow level work it happens to almost every intern. However, if its going on for over 2-3 weeks, then request a meeting with your manager to ask about new projects. Youll never know unless you ask.The opportunity to be at the company for the summer is just that, an opportunity. Be observant.Do not swell on the negative, make it a positive and focus on all aspects of opportunities..not just the job function but networking, learning how a company works, learning how successful people communicate, manage, etc.Remember that you are there to contribute and the type of contribution the organization needs from you may not always be what you want to do. Your willingness to show that you are team player goes a long ways towards selling yourself for future opportunities.Deliver, deliver, deliver. When you are given an assignment, make sure you exceed expectations and meet or beat the deadline for the project. If you do this consistently you will demonstrate the wow factor hiring managers are looking for. BE NATURALLY CURIOUSTreat Every Project as major, no matter how petty or small it seems think about it from a higher perspective Why is something done a certain way? Think of any questions you might be able to ask about it and how it relates to the company.REPRESENTAlways remember you represent the BU MF Graduate Program. Your success as interns is one of the most important factors in the marketplaces perception of the program and representative of the results from the program to the marketplace. Professional, ethical, positive, knowledgeable, helpful etc.BE COURTEOUSThank people who help you. If your boss or another co-worker takes the time to help you with something, give them a sincere thank you. People who feel appreciated are more likely to go out of their way for you again. If you don't seem to care, they probably won't bother again.BE COACHABLE LOOK TO BE COACHEDIf you make a mistake, don't minimize it. Instead, take responsibility for it, figure out how you're going to fix it, and make it clear that you understand its seriousness.Ask for feedback. Even if theres no review cycle or if its only scheduled to occur at the conclusion of the internship, ask for feedback along the way. Always make appropriate adjustments based on what is shared with you or the opportunity and value of the feedback is lost.Asking for feedback can be intimidating, but Ive found that asking, Whats one thing I did well, and one thing I could do better next time? can be quite revealing.Learn to take criticism gracefully. No one likes to be criticized, but youre sure to encounter many negative opinions throughout your life and career. Criticism can help you. Follow up a negative assessment by asking for their thoughts on what you could have done better.Are there resources you dont know about? Is it true you need to be more detail-oriented. And then put that information to use. The best part about a summer job or internship is that youre not expected to know everything. Both you and your employer know that you are there to learn. Take advantage of that.5Get excess return on your sharpe ratio for your internship and summerGet Involved

Offer Positive Added Value

HOW ELSE TO MAXIMIZE TIME?Get InvolvedAsked to join the company softball team? Go for it. Invited to go along on a Starbucks run? Say yes, even if you don't drink coffee. Asked to tag along on a client meeting? Accept graciously. Employers want someone to take whatever is thrown at them, do it well and then come back for more.If lunch n learns offered attend them show interest in the company.Offer Positive Added Value Be creative in what would be valuable to the companyEg: Use social media for good. Check with your supervisor to see if the company actively engages in the use of social media and what their policies are for interns and other employees. Ask if you could blog or tweet about your experience. Make sure your posts are positive and creative and always consistent with the organizations policies and practices.Always keep the balance of giving more than you get. Most successful networking is when you want to help. When youve left, theyre talking about you.6Get excess return on your sharpe ratio for your internship and summerLetter of RecommendationAsk to Stay in TouchInterested in working there? Let your manage know

TWO WEEKS BEFORE YOU LEAVEPresent your manager of a list of what youve done over the summer to help him/her easily write it (from your journal/log)Ask if you can stay in touch with anyone youd like to *******Ask how to stay in touch and how often theyd like to hear from youIE do they prefer phone or email? Would it be ok to say hi monthly?7Get excess return on your sharpe ratio for your internship and summerQuotes for perspective

There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.and dont fret one step at a time will get you there. Before you know it, youre on the 100th floor.

If youre not making someone elses life better, youre wasting your time.-Will Smith

ITS OVER8Get excess return on your sharpe ratio for your internship and summerIndespensible?What did you learn?Did you like what you did?The sector/area?Did it help you determine where you WOULD like to work?

IN RETROSPECTDid you make yourself indispensable?Can they live without you? Can you live without them?Maybe it wasnt love at first internshipand thats ok.What did you learn about yourself?About where you WOULD like to work?ReflectionDo I want to work at this company when I graduate?Do I want a full-time job similar to my internship? If not, what do I want to do instead?What am I good at and where are my opportunities to grow professionally?Are the colleagues who work in this career/sector people with whom I identify and are the "stars" people that I admire and want to emulate?Does the career evolution in this sector appeal to me long term? Will this career/sector help me develop the skills and knowledge I enjoy using and that will keep me challenged?9Get excess return on your sharpe ratio for your internship and summerTouch base with any company initiatives in are they going?How did the internship shape your career?Create interesting ways to connect

STAYING IN TOUCHStay In touchKeep in contact. Even if your internship only last a few short months you were still a part of the company at one point so work this. The best thing you can get from an internship is a job, the second best thing, a reference. Stay fresh on your supervisors and coworkers minds. Should a position open up you want to be the first person they think of. Follow the communication guidelines you established before you left.Youve asked if you can stay in touchnot be sure to do so.

10Get excess return on your sharpe ratio for your internship and summerNON-INTERN PART OF SUMMERYoure going to want work in January - PrepareInformational InterviewsStudy/ReadSchedule

PreparationYoure going to want employment come JanuaryInformational InterviewsTargetCompanies youre interested inPositions you are interested inHave your list of questions readyHow many contacts do you want to be able to make aware youve graduated?How many companies?What companies?Think about your goal and work backwardsReading/StudyingBe proactive. Get a reading list or projects to work on during your Summer that you can either add to your resume or use to build your knowledge and skills towards the career youd like.Schedule Your SummerX contacts per weekRemember, if you dont get in touch with everyone the first time you call during your internship lunch break youll have to call again at least 3 business days apart. Be realistic but purposeful.What projects/reading/skills improvement do you want to accomplish?Break it into each week accomplish x11Get excess return on your sharpe ratio for your internship and summerPOSITION YOURSELFI didnt get the internship I wantedhow do I present myself?Show that youre accountable for your internship/summerDemonstrate your purpose

PositioningWhat do I say if Im not doing something related to what I want to be doing when informational interviewing?Some examples:While I did not acquire quite the flavor of internship I had hoped.I have a strategic plan to accomplish the following items during my internship: _____________list themI decided to take an internship with ____ because of their relationships with x, y, and z companies and hoped to make a connection with their clients.I decided to take an internship with ____ because of their position in the ____ sector/marketplace looking to gain knowledge in __________________Always position yourself as a person that made a decision with purpose and strategy no matter how you decide to communicate your internship.12Get excess return on your sharpe ratio for your internship and summerINTERNSHIP CHALLENGED SUMMERProjectsInformational Interviews on SteroidsNetworkRead more than if you had an internshipIf your English needs work or to stay in shape, volunteer or work where you interact with people

Talk to your Professors about projects you can do over the summer that will give you real-world scenarios. Maybe some of them will even be around to help and coach you solicit their help to make the most of your summer and boost your resume.Make it a challenge Prepare like you have an internship make a list of 100 people at companies you want to connect with over the Summer.Get a part time job if you need one but find a way to have lunch and/or coffee with people after your first informational interview. Find those you click withwhat about them makes you click with them, do you think?Read, Read, Read whatever interests you related to your career. When you have your informational interviews and you think youre getting an idea of what you want to do, ask how to best prepare for your job search in January what skills can you hone? What knowledge can you build to be successful?Look at your Summer as X hours per week to further your learning and career. If youre not working, then 40 hours per week spend it on all of the above. If youre working full time but not in your field, dedicate at least 10 hours per week towards the above.Why?Youd be surprised how much better youll feel about yourselfWhen you go to look for a job it will be 1,000 times easier with your established networkWhat not to do?Do NOT waste your Summer..13Get excess return on your sharpe ratio for your internship and summerCome Januaryyou dont want to hear.

14Get excess return on your sharpe ratio for your internship and summerWhat should everyone do when?

TIMELINEBefore Summer: Know the top 50 companies you want to work for in JanuaryList of contacts and office locations/ phone numbersAdd projects/Internship to Resume (watch non-disclosure)July 28 Start looking for employment15Get excess return on your sharpe ratio for your internship and summerQuestions?Cristine NigroAssistant Director, Corporate Relationsp: 617-358-0542e: [email protected]
