make history straight and frank to the facts for public

9/16/2011 12:02 AM Museum Historians and Librarians, Auckland War Museum, Tamaki Paenga Hira, The Domain, Auckland 1142, New Zealand. Make history straight to truth and frank to the facts Dear Auckland War Memorial Museum Historians and Librarians, You will become the most respectable and honourable historians in New Zealand if you work hard like Sima Qian,司馬遷, (ca. 145 BC or 135BC to 86BC), the father of Chinese historiography. He was the first historiographer who da red criticize Emperor Han Wudi (漢武帝) on being r esponsible to two defeated and taken captive military generals despite government officials con demned and imprisone d him. His gallantry fostered his highly praised work, (史記), history of China, covering more than two thousand years from the Emperor Huang to Emperor Wu of Han . From thereafter, all Ch inese, their administrators and Emperors had to study his great historical findings about governors’ good work and wrong-doings, includin g inhumane history never to be repe ated. Everyone can look fo r ways to make peace and harmony on re-studying history以史為鑑 , a crucial factor that keeps China an everlasting nation with recoverable prosperity with main stream culture that foreign tribal conquorers gladly adopted. New Zealand needs you, the historians and librarians, to work unaffected by and independent of politics and official authority, to disclose the historical truth and facts that everyone can judge the truth to proceed forward; by then you will win the Top Honour from International Historian Societies. The Auckland War Museum has partially informed our children that the Boer War ended on 30 th May 1902 after signing the Peace of Vereeniging between the Boers and the British army. However, the reasons New Zealand adopted its third nation al flag on 12 th  June 1902 and dismissed the Union Jack having such a close link to the Boer Wars ended and not at a time when Hone Heke, are not even on the Minister of Arts Culture and Heritage website who was Hon. Helen Clark now working in United Nations. Only the First National Flag was chos en and d ocuments s igned by Native Chiefs. Just as Helen created embarrassment by her deception signing her name on an artist’s painting that she did not draw causing public displeasure and frustration, neither she nor the current Minister have taken the effort to correct the historical facts.  Now Japan’s new Prime Minister, Yoshihiko Noda, finally promises neither he nor his ministers will visit the controversial Yasukuni war shrine to r esume affection between Chinese and Japanese after years of Nanking’s war museum evidencing a huge massacre committed by Japane se army on conquering the c ity. The pledge came despite Mr Noda's past remarks that Japan's 'Class A' war criminals from the World War II, honoured at the

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8/3/2019 Make History Straight and Frank to the Facts for Public 1/6

9/16/2011 12:02 AM

Museum Historians and Librarians,

Auckland War Museum,

Tamaki Paenga Hira,

The Domain, Auckland 1142,New Zealand.

Make history straight to truth and frank to the facts

Dear Auckland War Memorial Museum Historians and Librarians,

You will become the most respectable and honourable historians in New Zealand if you

work hard like Sima Qian,司馬遷, (ca. 145 BC or 135BC to 86BC), the father of Chinese

historiography. He was the first historiographer who dared criticize Emperor Han Wudi(漢武帝) on being responsible to two defeated and taken captive military generals despite

government officials condemned and imprisoned him. His gallantry fostered his highly

praised work, (史記), history of China, covering more than two thousand years from the

Emperor Huang to Emperor Wu of Han. From thereafter, all Chinese, their administrators

and Emperors had to study his great historical findings about governors’ good work and

wrong-doings, including inhumane history never to be repeated. Everyone can look for

ways to make peace and harmony on re-studying history以史為鑑 , a crucial factor that

keeps China an everlasting nation with recoverable prosperity with main stream culture

that foreign tribal conquorers gladly adopted.

New Zealand needs you, the historians and librarians, to work unaffected by andindependent of politics and official authority, to disclose the historical truth and facts that

everyone can judge the truth to proceed forward; by then you will win the Top Honour

from International Historian Societies.

The Auckland War Museum has partially informed our children that the Boer War ended

on 30th May 1902 after signing the Peace of Vereeniging between the Boers and the

British army. However, the reasons New Zealand adopted its third national flag on 12th


June 1902 and dismissed the Union Jack having such a close link to the Boer Wars ended

and not at a time when Hone Heke, are not even on the Minister of Arts Culture and

Heritage website who was Hon. Helen Clark now working in United Nations.

Only the First National Flag was chosen and documents signed by Native Chiefs. Just as

Helen created embarrassment by her deception signing her name on an artist’s painting

that she did not draw causing public displeasure and frustration, neither she nor the current

Minister have taken the effort to correct the historical facts.

 Now Japan’s new Prime Minister, Yoshihiko Noda, finally promises neither he nor his

ministers will visit the controversial Yasukuni war shrine to resume affection between

Chinese and Japanese after years of Nanking’s war museum evidencing a huge massacre

committed by Japanese army on conquering the city. The pledge came despite Mr Noda's

past remarks that Japan's 'Class A' war criminals from the World War II, honoured at the

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Shinto sanctuary, are no longer considered 'criminals' because of treaties and domestic


For peace to pakeha and Maori community concerning National Independence and

 jurisdictional flag, the following questions need to be answered:

1.  Upon the call of Queen Victoria, the ten contingents of NZ troops carried whichnational flag, the Union Jack flag or 1835 Declaration of Independence (DOI) flag

when they departed to the African war?

2.  If it was not the Union Jack then what flag did the contingent use?

3.  Were the NZ contingent in South Africa fighting under a NZ or British flag that no

photos show the contingents with flags?

4.  Based on the notice shown below was there confusion as to which flag was the

contingents lawfully allowed to be used on foreign soil, as Britain ruled the waves?

The New Zealand Gazette of Saturday October 23rd

1869 had the following

entry for use by all vessels, a flag not use on land, a red herring to the origin and

birth of 1902 NZ flag."Whereas by a Proclamation bearing date the 10th day of January One Thousand Eight

Hundred and Sixty Seven the letters NZ were temporarily appointed as the badge of New

Zealand; And whereas it is expedient to adopt a permanent device; Now therefore Sir George

Ferguson Bowen, the Governor of the colony of New Zealand, do hereby appoint that the seal

and badge in future to be worn, in accordance with the Queen's Regulations, as the distinctive

badge of the colony, by all vessels belonging to or permanently employed in the service of the

Colonial Government of New Zealand, shall be the Southern Cross, as represented in the Blue

Ensign by four five-pointed red stars in the fly, with white borders to correspond to the

colouring of the Jack; in the Jack by four five-pointed white stars on the red ground of the St

George's Cross; and in the pendant by four stars near the staff similar to those in the Ensign.

And I do further order that the temporary badge consisting of letters NZ at present in use in

colonial vessels shall from and after this date be discontinued.

Wellington. 23rd October 1869. W. Gisborne.”Obtained from

5.  This helps global clearing the authenticity and legitimacy of a second second New

Zealand national flag, constitution and New Zealand Independence Day. If not,

why not?

Evidence and facts point to the non-extinguished New Zealand first national flag,

constitution and jurisdiction:

●  In the section of Paihia and Waitangi in Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand


‘in 1834 Māori chiefs gathered at Waitangi to select a national flag, and in 1835 to

sign a declaration of the country’s independence.’ 

●  On 10th

January 2011 the New Zealand Herald Editorial wrote

‘Let’s have a special 171st  birthday party. … If it is something of a historical

accident that Auckland's anniversary falls on January 29, it is a happy one. … The

council's event-organising agency wants to stage a fIreworks display to mark the


Timing back 171 years, Auckland administration was formed on 29


January 1840, aweek before the Treaty of Waitangi (TOW). This evidence that a nation had been born

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with the first New Zealand national flag, a blessing by King William IV with the design

and colour specified in the blue print:

If New Zealand became British colony after the Treaty of Waitangi 1840, the Union Jack 

flag would be hoisted identical to the flag flown in British colony Hong Kong (HK) and

was lowered on returning HK back to People’s Republic of China on 1st July 1997. When

NZ became a dominion on 26th September 1907, then it was still not an independent nation

with its own jurisdiction even though it is mistakenly being introduced to be a member of 

the United Nations. Under what justifications for a change of nation’s flag in 1902 and for

what reasons the Coat of Arms used in 1908 legislations as shown below was displaced by

today’s one containing a very frustrating ‘national flag adopted in 1902’ with no Letter 

Patent signed and approved by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II?

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A flag was hung to a canon taken on New Zealanders assembled in Timaru on 7th


1900, Pretoria Day, celebrating Pretoria captured by British forces. How come the 1902

flag does not have a big St. George’s Cross and did not flown in the photo?

Obtained from

We would appreciate if our museum historians and librarians can collect and exhibit moredetails about the formation of Auckland and the corresponding jurisdictional flag used by

the governors prior 1902.

As written on the museum wall, Boer War is not a ‘white-man war’ for the Maori had their 

lives and resources backed to the Empire call. Secondly, a stone plaque in Rotorua wrote

in memory of a seventh contingent soldier promoted by the King on 25th

March 1901.

Thirdly, a medal at time of the Boer War from Alexander Turnbull library had a flag

which looked like the 1835 DOI flag. Sufficient evidences show Maori’s heart of affinity,

respect and friendship to the Royal family of United Kingdom.

Fourthly, the fact that five years later, but not immediately, the flagstaff war in year 1845

broke out after signing the Treaty of Waitangi.

Fifthly, many Chief’s besides Hone Heke objected to 1835 DOI flag had been lowered

after the signing of the Treaty. Have you any information as to the reason for such

objection as it is important that Hone Heke not be remembered as a mad savage who

chopped down flag poles? What was it the flag or the pole he objected to? If it was the

flag, then what was his objection to it?

Sixthly, if the 1835 DOI flag was taken down on the signing of the Treaty as truthfully

claimed in the flag consultation, then Captain Hobson had disrespected and dishonored

King William IV’s protection promise and blessing to Maori on having his Seal in the DOI


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Would Hobson have committed treason? Not a doubt, there are documents which

evidence that Royalty advised the signatories to the DOI that their sovereignty and Royal

protection be withdrawn and replaced by colonial authority which made Native

sovereignty subordinate.

Numerous successful claims in Waitangi Tribunal evident that the TOW was broken by

parties of British administrations and the regime who claimed TOW being the founding

document of New Zealand.

In the interest of all historians please response to the questions below:

1.  When did the Auckland War Memorial Museum become the Auckland Museum?

2.  How has the museum honoured the Boer soldiers?

3.  What was the NZ National Flag at the time during the Boer War?

4.  The flag flying on top of the museum is for the soldiers or not?

5.  Is that flag the NZ national flag during the Boer War?

6.  What flag was the NZ national flag during the Boer War?7.  Did the national flag represent any other country and what country does it

represent today?

8.  Did the NZ soldiers in the Boer War become non New Zealanders?

9.  Are there any NZ Boer War medals with the National NZ Flag?

10. Does the War Memorial Museum display it with an information sheet? If not, what

 justification do you have for not doing so if they exist?

If you do please evidence it and send a copy to us, thank you.

We look forward to receiving the Auckland museum’s account to prove to Te Papa in

Wellington that they have failed to give out accurate information based on their TVNZ 6

report. We bring this to your attention as the chair of Auckland Museum we understand is

former Secretary General of the Commonwealth Sir Don McKinnon, National Deputy PM

and Minister in Charge of War Pensions.

No one need be subjected to false historical information as we are lead to believe a

museum would have properly researched information when they know that TVNZ will use

it to inform our children.

Would you not agree that if a correction is needed then the Museum has an obligation to

take proper steps to correct TVNZ and even the Ministry of Art Culture and Heritage whohas conflicting flags stating to the First National Flag? The detail for such an important

event cannot be inaccurate would you agree? Therefore could you please inform TVNZ as

to which DOI Flag was chosen by the Native Chiefs and confirm to them that it is the

exact flag on the Ministry of Art Culture and Heritage website and Te Papa.

The information you have about Natives in the Boer War may be of interest to Maori TV

as they do a very good ANZAC Day programme and Maori people would like to see and

know the attitude white people had towards Natives going to the Boer War.

Please inform as to what step you have or will be taking. As a courtesy we think it only

righteous that we be kept in the loop as to how you may proceed with this matter goingforward.

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United Nations International Day of Peace is coming very soon on 21st

September next

Wednesday. Looking forward a peaceful answer to mankind history.

Kind regards,

T Y Chan and D Rupa