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Smart NoteTaker




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Smart NoteTaker

1. Introduction1.1 Rationale1.2 Problem Definition And Proposed Solution 1.2.1 Problem Domain 1.2.2 Main Problems 1.2.3 Solution Domain 1.2.4 Proposed Solution need to be 1.2.5 Features of the System1.3 Functionality Set

1. Introduction:-

Our project the Smart NoteTaker is an android based application, which runs on mobile phones. This tool is such a helpful product that satisfies the needs of the people in today’s technologic and fast life. This provides taking fast and easy notes to people who are busy one’s self with something. With the help of this project, people will just have to take a snap of the notes in the class with their mobile phones, and it can be converted to a document file which can further be e-mailed, saved as text, remainder, etc. The written note or the document will be stored on the memory chip of the pen. This will save time and facilitate life.

By this way, the lectures are aimed to be more efficient and fun. This product will be simple but powerful. The sensed information will be processed and transferred to the memory chip and then will be monitored on the display device.

1.1 Rationale :-

Smart NoteTaker allows Google Android users to take pictures of various notes being presented on the black-board while being in a lecture and then convert those pictures into a document file. Those files can then be emailed to contacts and saved to the user's Android Smartphone. We have fulfilled every aspect to make our project handy to the user and can be trusted, with no suspect and thus we solve the problem of the user with it.

1.2 Problem Definition :-

Our project named “Smart NoteTaker” would provide the facility to take notes, when you are sitting in a class and attending a lecture just by taking a snap of the required text area will allow you to save that content in the digitized form(which will be done by OCR). Moving Further, this digitized form file, which in turn will get converted into a document can easily be handled and transferred from one person to another. Our project is not only useful for students but also for professional delegates, which can make use of this tool very efficiently.


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1.2.1 Problem Domain:-

Much of our activity is based upon paper documents: manuals, user guides, training courses, forms, reports, books, etc. Publishing software packages offer powerful features to optimize the final aspect of the documents being natively created, but no similar tools are available when the documents enter the workflow on paper format. Processing image documents has therefore become a key task in today’s workflows.

1.2.2 Main Problems:-

Normally when sitting in a class and attending lectures, sometimes students face difficulty in copying the notes from the blackboard, which in turn wastes the time, the stationary i.e. pages, ink, etc, and hence is very tedious to do so.

For the professional delegates if they want to take a print or send the image of some chart, diagram, or some important document, then they can just click a photograph and the image can be converted to its original form, making it easier and portable.

1.2.3 Solution Domain:-

Smart NoteMaker is a modular product that includes functions to capture, view, order, merge, and edit documents. Capture capabilities let acquire paper through office, any college’s lecture, or any hand written notes. Captured image documents can then be viewed and converted into a document which will possess the same quality of words.

While the other market products manage images at a page level (that is all functions can be performed only one page at a time), Smart NoteMaker allows working “at document level”: functions can be performed on multiple pages or the whole document. As a result, you will be able to build documents ready to be saved on the system in image format, or converted to PDF with the integrated conversion option, or distributed.

1.2.4 Proposed Solution Need to be:-

Smart NoteTaker is simple to use, open the application, just hover your phone over the document you want to "scan" and then click on the "Take Snap" button located on your mobile phone's display. That action then takes a picture of the document which can then be viewed to make sure it's fully readable. The "Make Document" button can be used to turn the "scanned" document into a portable file.When you open the application you will be given options such as:-

Take Snap History Pages Send the file Exit


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Now when you have taken your snap that will be stored in the application’s database with whatever name you want to specify. Then you can get whole log of information in the option “Hisory Pages” where all of the images will be stored. Now by browsing the required file you can send it to anyone, whom you like to share it with.

1.2.5 Features of the System:- Portable: Imagine being able to scan any document anywhere! No more searching for a scanner or photocopier you simply whip out your phone and scan the document. Easy: Making a Portable document in any format you needed, from a snap has never been easier! Pages are scanned with one button presses and a PDF is made with two button presses - that's 3 button presses to make a PDF from a paper document. Quick: Smart NoteTaker is quicker. Document sharing: With Smart NoteTaker's email facility you can quickly share a document with friends and colleagues. The speed and convenience of the sharing is very exciting. High Quality: The Documents made with Smart NoteTaker possess surprisingly good quality. As the scanning is done by a powerful software named as OCR. Convenient: PDFs are generated and stored on your phone. There is no upload to the internet or online document retrieval, you know exactly where the PDF files are and the can be retrieved later on your PC or else emailed immediately. Green: Making electronic copies of paper documents means less need to reprint them. Smart NoteTaker can also cut down on your postage needs as you can email documents instead of mailing them. As well as the cost savings involved there is an environmental saving associated? Hi-Tech: Until now James Bond would be the most likely candidate to be seen photographing documents, but this kind of technology is finally mainstream.

1.3 Functionality Set:-Our objective is to utilize the visual capabilities of the Android mobile phone. We use the camera features of the Android to capture data. Extracting information from the document requires accurate recognition of the text of the document. Any camera image of the document would be subject to several environmental conditions, such as variable lighting, reflection, rotation, and scaling, among others. Function of OCR Forms containing characters images can be scanned through scanner and then recognition engine of the OCR system interpret the images and turn images of handwritten or printed characters into ASCII data (machine-readable characters). And hence this ASCII code can be converted into our desired language, and hence the document can be translated into any language easily. 


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Smart NoteTaker is a software system that offers users a flexible and comprehensive way to use their handwritten or text notes to retrieve and share specific media moments. This project segments handwritten notes into an effective media index. This project also has web publishing and email capabilities to enable anyone to access or email media moments directly from a web page.Students still take class notes using pencil and paper-although digital documents are more legible, easier to search in and easier to edit--in part because of the lack of software to support note-taking. Class notes are characterized by free spatial organization, many small chunks of text, and a dense mix of text and graphic elements. These characteristics imply that a note-taking system should use pen, keyboard and mouse-or-equivalent; allow the swift entry of text at any desired position; and minimize the need to switch between input tools. The user will prefer our system to pencil and paper, suggesting that taking class notes with the computer is feasible.The smart NoteTaker can replace multiple physical notebooks, binders, and collections of paper notes with a single streamlined, search indexed, tabbed and subdivided master notebook. Whether you're a student taking notes in class or an employee taking notes in company meetings, check out just how useful our project can be.


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CHAPTER 2Literature Survey


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2. Literature Survey2.1 Tools & Technology

2.1.1 Introduction2.1.2 History2.1.3 Features

2.1 Tools and Technology:-

2.1.1 Introduction:-

Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. The Android SDK provides the tools and APIs necessary to begin developing applications on the Android platform using the Java programming language.

2.1.2 History:-

FoundationAndroid, Inc. was founded in Palo Alto, California, United States in October, 2003 by Andy Rubin (co-founder of Danger), Rich Miner (co-founder of Wildfire Communications, Inc.), Nick Sears (once VP at T-Mobile) and Chris White (headed design and interface development at WebTV) to develop, in Rubin's words "...smarter mobile devices that are more aware of its owner's location and preferences”. Despite the obvious past accomplishments of the founders and early employees, Android Inc. operated secretly, revealing only that it was working on software for mobile phonesThat same year, Rubin ran out of money. Steve Perlman brought him $10,000 in cash in an envelope and refused a stake in the company.

Acquisition by GoogleGoogle acquired Android Inc. in August 2005, making Android Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of Google Inc. Key employees of Android Inc., including Andy Rubin, Rich Miner and Chris White, stayed at the company after the acquisition.[9] Not much was known about Android Inc. at the time of the acquisition, but many assumed that Google was planning to enter the mobile phone market with this move.

Post-acquisition developmentAt Google, the team led by Rubin developed a mobile device platform powered by the Linux kernel. Google marketed the platform to handset makers and carriers on the premise of providing a flexible, upgradable system. Google had lined up a series of hardware component and software partners and signaled to carriers that it was open to various degrees of cooperation on their part.Speculation about Google's intention to enter the mobile communications market continued to build through December 2006. Reports from the BBC and The Wall Street Journal noted that


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Google wanted its search and applications on mobile phones and it was working hard to deliver that. Print and online media outlets soon reported rumors that Google was developing a Google-branded handset. Some speculated that as Google was defining technical specifications, it was showing prototypes to cell phone manufacturers and network operators.In September 2007, InformationWeek covered an Evalueserve study reporting that Google had filed several patent applications in the area of mobile telephony.

Open Handset AllianceMain article: Open Handset AllianceOn November 5, 2007, the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of several companies which include Broadcom Corporation, Google, HTC, Intel, LG, Marvell Technology Group, Motorola, Nvidia, Qualcomm, Samsung Electronics, Sprint Nextel, T-Mobile and Texas Instruments unveiled itself. The goal of the Open Handset Alliance is to develop open standards for mobile devices. On the same day, the Open Handset Alliance also unveiled their first product, Android, a mobile device platform built on the Linux kernel version2.6On December 9, 2008, 14 new members joined, including ARM Holdings, Atheros Communications, Asustek Computer Inc, Garmin Ltd, Huawei Technologies, PacketVideo, Softbank, Sony Ericsson, Toshiba Corp, and Vodafone Group Plc.

LicensingWith the exception of brief update periods, Android has been available under free and open source software licenses from October 21, 2008 until March 2011. Google published the source code for their Linux kernel changes under the GNU General Public License version 2, and the rest of the code (including network and telephony stacks under the Apache License version 2.0. Google also keeps the reviewed issues list publicly open for anyone to see and comment. The Open Handset Alliance develops the GPL-licensed part of Android, that is their changes to the Linux kernel, in public, with source code publicly available at all times. The rest of Android is developed in private, with source code released publicly when a major new version is released. Typically Google collaborates with a hardware manufacturer to produce a flagship device featuring the new version of Android, then makes the source code available after that device has been released.In early 2011, Google chose to withhold the Android source code to the tablet-only Honeycomb release, creating doubts over Google's commitment to open source with Android. The reason, according to Andy Rubin in an official Android blog post, was because Honeycomb was rushed for production of the Motorola Xoom, and they did not want third parties creating a "really bad user experience" by attempting to put onto smart phones a version of Android intended for tablets. Google later confirmed that the Honeycomb source code would not be released until after it was merged with the Gingerbread release in Ice Cream Sandwich.Even though the software is open source, device manufacturers cannot use Google's Android trademark unless Google certifies that the device complies with their Compatibility Definition Document (CDD). Devices must also meet this definition to be eligible to license Google's closed-source applications, including the Android Market.


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In September 2010, Skyhook Wireless filed a lawsuit against Google in which they alleged that Google had used the compatibility document to block Skyhook's mobile positioning service (XPS) from Motorola's Android mobile devices In December 2010 a judge denied Skyhook's motion for preliminary injunction, saying that Google had not closed off the possibility of accepting a revised version of Skyhook's XPS service, and that Motorola had terminated their contract with Skyhook because Skyhook wanted to disable Google's location data collection functions on Motorola's devices, which would have violated Motorola's obligations to Google and its carriers.

Version historyMain article: Android version historyAndroid has seen a number of updates since its original release, each fixing bugs and adding new features. Each version is named, in alphabetical order, after a dessert.Recent releases2.3 Gingerbread refined the user interface, improved the soft keyboard and copy/paste features, improved gaming performance, added SIP support (VoIP calls), and added support for Near Field Communication. Android 2.3 Gingerbread is the latest Android version that is available to phones3.0 Honeycomb was a tablet-orientated release which supports larger screen devices and introduces many new user interface features, and supports multi-core processors and hardware acceleration for graphics. The first device featuring this version, the Motorola Xoom tablet, went on sale in February 2011.3.1 Honeycomb, released in May 2011, added support for extra input devices, USB host mode for transferring information directly from cameras and other devices, and the Google Movies and Books apps.3.2 Honeycomb, released in July 2011, added optimization for a broader range of screen sizes, new "zoom-to-fill" screen compatibility mode, loading media files directly from SD card, and an extended screen support API.Huawei MediaPad is the first 7 inch tablet to use this version4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, announced on October 19, 2011, brought Honeycomb features to smart phones and added new features including facial recognition unlock (with serious security issues), network data usage monitoring and control, unified social networking contacts, photography enhancements, offline email searching, and information sharing using NFC.

2.1.3 Android Features:-Handset layoutsThe platform is adaptable to larger, VGA, 2D graphics library, 3D graphics library based on OpenGL ES 2.0 specifications, and traditional Smartphone layouts.StorageSQLite, a lightweight relational database, is used for data storage purposes.ConnectivityAndroid supports connectivity technologies including GSM/EDGE, IDEN, CDMA, EV-DO, UMTS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LTE, NFC and WiMAX.


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MessagingSMS and MMS are available forms of messaging, including threaded text messaging and now Android Cloud to Device Messaging Framework (C2DM) is also a part of Android Push Messaging service.Multiple language supportAndroid supports multiple human languages. The number of languages more than doubled for the platform 2.3 Gingerbread.Web-browserThe web browser available in Android is based on the open-source Web Kit layout engine, coupled with Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. The browser scores a 95/100 on the Acid3 Test.Java supportWhile most Android applications are written in Java, there is no Java Virtual Machine in the platform and Java byte code is not executed. Java classes are compiled into Dalvik executables and run on Dalvik, a specialized virtual machine designed specifically for Android and optimized for battery-powered mobile devices with limited memory and CPU. J2ME support can be provided via third-party applications.Media supportAndroid supports the following audio/video/still media formats: WebM, H.263, H.264 (in 3GP or MP4 container), MPEG-4 SP, AMR, AMR-WB (in 3GP container), AAC, HE-AAC (in MP4 or 3GP container), MP3, MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, WAV, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP.Streaming media supportRTP/RTSP streaming (3GPP PSS, ISMA), HTML progressive download (HTML5 <video> tag). Adobe Flash Streaming (RTMP) and HTTP Dynamic Streaming are supported by the Flash plugin.Apple HTTP Live Streaming is supported by RealPlayer for Mobile, and by the operating system in Android 3.0 (Honeycomb).Additional hardware supportAndroid can use video/still cameras, touch screens, GPS, accelerometers, gyroscopes, barometers, magnetometers, dedicated gaming controls, proximity and pressure sensors, thermometers, accelerated 2D bit blits (with hardware orientation, scaling, pixel format conversion) and accelerated 3D graphics.Multi-touchAndroid has native support for multi-touch which was initially made available in handsets such as the HTC Hero. The feature was originally disabled at the kernel level (possibly to avoid infringing Apple's patents on touch-screen technology at the time). Google has since released an update for the Nexus One and the Motorola Droid which enables multi-touch natively.BluetoothSupports A2DP, AVRCP, sending files (OPP), accessing the phone book (PBAP), voice dialing and sending contacts between phones. Keyboard, mouse and joystick (HID) support is available in Android 3.1+, and in earlier versions through manufacturer customizations and third-party applications.Video callingAndroid does not support native video calling, but some handsets have a customized version of the operating system that supports it, either via the UMTS network (like the Samsung


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Galaxy S) or over IP. Video calling through Google Talk is available in Android 2.3.4 and later. Gingerbread allows Nexus S to place Internet calls with a SIP account. This allows for enhanced VoIP dialing to other SIP accounts and even phone numbers. Skype 2.1 offers video calling in Android 2.3, including front camera support.MultitaskingMultitasking of applications is available.Voice based featuresGoogle search through voice has been available since initial release. Voice actions for calling, texting, navigation, etc. are supported on Android 2.2 onwards.TetheringAndroid supports tethering, which allows a phone to be used as a wireless/wired Wi-Fi hotspot. Before Android 2.2 this was supported by third-party applications or manufacturer customizations.Screen captureAndroid has native support for screenshot capture ability by pressing the power and volume buttons at the same time on an Android device. This native support came about with the release of Android's 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) update which is first seen on the Galaxy Nexus smartphone.Previously Android did not feature native support for screen capturing which would have likely been due to security concerns. Furthermore previously, manufacturer and third-party customizations as well as using a PC connection (DDMS developer's tool) were the only known methods of capturing a screenshot on Android

2.2 Design Architecture:-Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications.The following diagram shows the major components of the Android operating system.


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Fig: - Architecture of Android


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CHAPTER 3 Process Model Adopted


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3 Process Model Adopted3.1Requirement Analysis3.2OOA(Object Oriented Model)3.3Architectural Specification3.4OOD (Object Oriented Design)3.5Software Development Process

3. Process Model Adopted:-

3.1 Requirement Analysis:-Requirement Analysis is the process of understanding the customer needs and expectations from a proposed system or application and is a well- defined stage in the software Development Life Cycle model.Requirements are a description of how a system should behave or a description of system properties or attributes. It can be a statement of ‘what’ an application is expected to do.The software Requirements Analysis Process covers the complex task of eliciting and documenting the requirements of all these users, modeling and analysis these requirements and documenting them as a basis for system design. Requirement analysis is a software engineering method that bridges the gap between system requirements and engineering software design. Requirement allows the software engineer or analyst to refine the software allocation and build the model of data, functional, behavior domains that will be treated by software.

3.1.1 Software Requirement Specifications:-

It includes the following types of requirements:

Functional Requirements:-The functional requirements describe the interaction between the system and its environment. For our project functional requirements are to allow the software user to interact with the application and use all the functionality provided by the system like document sharing, view page, scan multi-page, delete page, make PDF etc. Non-Functional requirements:-The non-Functional requirements describe a restriction on the system that limits our choice for developing a solution to problem. The non-functional requirements in our projects is:

1) Time:The project should be completed within the stipulated time period.

2) Cost:The cost involved in making the project should be feasible. The automated system ought to be less expensive than the manually handled system.


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3.2 Object Oriented Analysis:-Object Oriented analysis(OOA) looks at the problem domain, with the aim of producing a conceptual model of the information that exist, such as concurrency, distribution, persistence, or how the system is to be built. Implementation constraints are dealt during object-oriented oriented design (OOD).Analysis is done before the Design.

The sources for the analysis can be written requirements statement, a formal vision document, and interviews with stakeholders or other interested parties. A System may be divided into multiple domains, representing different business, technological, or other areas of interest, each of which are analyzed separately.The result of Object-Oriented Analysis is a description of what the system is functionally required to do, in the form of conceptual model. That will typically be presented as a set of use cases, one or more UML class diagram, and a number of interaction diagrams. It may also include some kind of user interface mock-up. The purpose of object-oriented analysis is to develop a model that describes computer software as its work to satisfy a set of customer defines requirements.

3.3 Architecture Specification:-

Architecture is the structure design of general process systems and applies to fields such as computer (software, hardware, network etc) , business process( enterprise architecture, policy and procedure, logistics, project management etc), and any other process system of varying degrees of complexity.Processes are defined as having inputs, outputs and the energy required to transform input to outputs. Use of energy during transformation also implies a passage of time: a process takes real time to perform its associated action’s process also requires space for input/output objects and transforming objects to exist: a process uses real space.A process system is a specialized system of process. Processes are comprised of processes. Complex processes are made up of several processes that are in turn made up of several processes. This results in an overall structure hierarchy of abstraction. If the Process system is studied hierarchically, it is easier to understand and manage; therefore, process architecture requires the ability to consider process system hierarchically.

A simple, yet powerful way to model process architecture is using the dualistic extension of Petri nets called dualistic Petri nets(dPNs).A Petri net(PN) is graphical, bipartite modeling language that intuitively and mathematically represents theoretical relationship of moving objects in a network of interconnected constructs. Classical place/Transition PNs can represents theoretical process, where the movement of objects implies where transformation, but is to absolute to be pragmatic is representing real-world process. The real world is dualistic in nature and process is a dual Stick phenomenon, this can not be easily represented using a digital-type modeling system. Instead, dual Stick Extensions to place/Transition PNs have been introduce and used successfully is modeling the architecture of computer-based systems and business processes.


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3.4 Object Oriented Design:-

Object-oriented design is part of OO methodology and I forces programmers to think in terms of object, rather than procedure, when they plan their code. An object contains encapsulated data and procedures grouped together to represent an entity. The ‘object interface’, how the object can be interacted, is also defined. An Object oriented program is described by the interaction of this object. Object oriented design is the discipline of defining the objects and there interactions’ to solve a program that was identified and documented during object oriented analysis.From a business perspective, object oriented design refers to the object that make up that business for example a business object can consist of people, data files, equipment, vehicles etc. this are the elements which comprise the company and should be taken into consideration whenever analyzing the needs of any business.

Object Oriented Design

3.5 Software Development Process:-

3.5.1 Proposed Model

A process is set of partially order steps intended to reach a goal. In software engineering, goal is to efficiently and predictably delivered a software product that meets the needs of business

3.5.2 Incremental modelIncremental model combines elements of the linear sequential model with the iterative philosophy of prototyping. The incremental model applies linear sequential in a staggered fashion as calendar time processes. Each linear sequence produces a deliverable increment of the software. In our project we intend to use this linear sequential model (waterfall model) because our project cast modules are dependent closely on each other. Therefore if we try our hands on a concurrent model then the complexity in its implementation could make the condition worse.We require completing one task at a time so as to pave the way of other task to begin. Such high degree of dependency makes the condition ideal for using the incremental model.


Public Procedures

Private DataPrivate Procedures



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Implementing this model is the project heightens the efficiency of the system and yet maintains yet complexity under controls.

The Incremental Model

Advantages and Disadvantages:-

Advantages:1) Early increments can be developed with few people.2) Increments can be plan to manage technical risk 3) Deadlines can be managed in an effective manner.

Disadvantages:1) Reusability of codes among the modules is minimum.2) Integration testing is difficult to do.

Reasons for use:-

The project can be created through a series of delivery steps with each delivery steps adding a new feature to the existing product. Thus the process model suited to the project is incremental model. It combines elements of the linear sequential model with the interactive philosophy of prototyping. Our project demanded to be on time so this model helps us in the right way. Such an approach does not call for many people working on the initial increments so it serves us right. And such increments where very well plan with minimized set of technical risk coming our way.


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CHAPTER 4Use Case Diagram & Description


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4 Use Case Diagrams And Desciption4.1Actors4.2Use Case Diagrams & Descriptions

4. Use Case Diagram & Description :-

4.1 Actors:- An actor is represents a user or another system that will interact with the system you are modeling use case is an external view of the system that represents some action the user might perform in order to complete a task.A use case diagram is a type of behavior diagram defines by the unified modeling language (UML). Its purpose is to present a graphical overview of the functionality provided by a system in terms of actors, there goals – represented as use cases-and any dependencies between those use cases.The two main components of a use case diagram are use cases and actors.

Actor Use Case

4.2 Use Case Diagram & Description:-

The use case diagram is used to identify the primary elements and processes that form the system. The primary element is termed as “Actors” and the process are called “Use cases”. The use case diagram shows which actors interact with each use case. A use case diagram captures the functional aspects of a system. Mode specifically, it captures the business process carried out in the system. Due to the simplicity of use case diagrams, and more importantly, because they are shorn of all technical version, use case diagram are great story board tool of user meeting. Use case diagrams have another important use. Use case diagrams define the requirement of the system begin modeled and hence are used to write test, scripts for a modeled system.


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Fig. Showing the use case diagram


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5 Sequence Diagram

5 Sequence Diagram: - A sequence diagram depicts the sequence of sections that occur in a system. The invocation of methods in each object, and the order in which the invocation occurs is captured in a sequence diagram. This makes the sequence diagram a very useful tool to easily represent the dynamic behavior of a system. A sequence diagram is two-dimensional in nature. On the horizontal axis, it shows the life of the object that it represents, while on the vertical axis, it shows the sequence of the creation or invocation of these objects. Because it uses class name and object name references, the sequence diagram is very useful in elaborating and detailing the dynamic design and the sequence and origin of invocation of objects.


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6 Class Diagram6.1 Class Diagram

6 Class Diagram:-Class diagram are widely used to describe the types of objects in a system and their relationships. Class diagrams model class structure and contents using design elements such as classes, packages and objects. Class diagrams describe three different perspectives when designing a system, conceptual, specification, and implementation. These perspective become evident as the diagram is created and help solidify the design. This example is only meant as an introduction to the UML and class diagrams. If you would like to learn more see the resource page for more detailed resources on UML.Classes are composed of three things: a name, attributes, and operations. Below is an example of class.


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7 Data Flow Diagram7.1Level 0( Zero)7.2 Level 1(One)

7 Data Flow Diagram:-

A data flow diagram (DFD) is also known as a Process Model. Process Modeling is an analysis techniques used to capture the flow of inputs through a system (or group of processes) to their resulting output. The model is fairly simple in that there are only four types of symbols- process, dataflow, external entity, data store.

Process - An activity or a function that is performed for some specific reason; can be manual or computerized; ultimately each process should perform only one activity.

Data Flow - Single piece of data or logical collection of information.

Data Store- collection of data that is permanently stored.


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Smart NoteTaker Data Flow Diagram


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8 Time Line Chart

14.1 Time Line Chart

8 Time Line Chart:-The development details the project is planned and documented in the form of grant

chart as follows:

Work TasksSep15 Sep15 Oct15 Oct15 Nov15 Nov 15

-----------------------(1-15) (16-29) (1-15) (16-31) (1-15) (16-30)

1. Problem Definition

Gathering the requirementsObtaining the list of tasks to be performed

Preparation of the problem definition

MILESTONE: writing problem definition

2. Preparation of Functional Specification

Make a brief overview of the system

Prepare a list of the objectives, goals, anticipated benefits and scope.

MILESTONE: Defining the functional specification.

3. Decide on the process model to be


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Considered the alternative process models available for use.Deciding the relevant model on the basis of requirements.

Writing thedescription of the process model MILESTONE: process Model Chosen.

4. Perform the Requirement Analysis

Write out the requirement documentation including the requirement, definition and the requirement specification.

MILESTONE: Completion of the requirement analysis phase.

5. Planning the Project

Determine the project scope.

Determine the project resources.

MILESTONE: Plan of the project completed.


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6. Identify the sub-system

Separation module-wise information.

Modularize software.

MILESTONE: Modularizing


7. Design Modules

Designing of Record Sub module.

Designing of PlayerSub module Designing of Settings Submodule

Designing all other settings

Sub module.

Designing of Exit Application Sub module.

MILESTONE: Completion of the design of System Modules.

8. Deciding Tools

Comparison of available tools.

Evaluate the selected tool. Decide the architecture to be used.

MILESTONE: Tool & Architecture decided.


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Figure14.1: Time line Chart




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9. Cost Estimation

9.1Cost Estimation

9. Cost Estimation:-

For estimating the cost of our project, we have used the basic COCOMO model. Constructive cost model (COCOMO model).it uses empirically derived formulas to predict efforts as a function of LOC estimated. In this mode, the cost is estimated solely on the basis of the delivered source instructions, or lines of code measured in thousands (KLOC). The equation for the basic COCOMO model is as follows:

E=a0 + (KLOC)b0



KLOC=Lines Of code Expressed in thousands

a0 and b0 are constants

Effort can be calculated in semidetached mode for as follows:

E=3.0* (KLOC)1.12

E=3.0 * (12)1.12

E=48.506 P-M

Duration can be calculated as:

D=2.5* (E) 0.35 Months

D=2.5 * (48.506)0.35 Months

D=9.727 Months ~ 9 Months

Number of Person can be calculated as:

N =E/D Persons

N= 48.506/9.27

N=4.999 ≈ 5 Person

This COCOMO Model is used with respect to LOC based calculations which vary from one programming language to other for the same project.


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Total Cost= [9* (1000*5)] = 45,000 /-




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10 Conclusion10.1 Limitation Of Project10.2 Future Enhancements

10. Conclusion:-

With Smart NoteTaker Android app, you can benefit having a document scanner or fax machine at your fingertips while on the go. The app lets you save and share business documents, magazine articles, letters, statements and much more. You can quickly create a PDF of your typed or written documents.

10.1 Limitations:-

Smart NoteTaker is not a substitute for developing good records management and effective record keeping practices.

You can’t scratch them, they do require some care. It is costly.

10.2 Future scope and application:-

The advanced paid version is enhanced with clearer mono scans. Premium and account versions available with more included faxes.


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Smart NoteTaker




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Smart NoteTaker

17 Reference Books and Bibliography

11.1 Reference Books

11.2 Bibliography

11 Reference Books And Bibliography:-11.1 Reference Books:-

The following are the reference books that are used for the development of this project:


3. G. Nagy. At the frontiers of OCR. Proceedings of the IEEE, 80(7):1093--1100, July 1992.

4. S. Tsujimoto and H. Asada. Major components of a complete text reading system.

Proceedings of the IEEE, 80(7):1133--1149, July 1999.

5. Y. Tsujimoto and H. Asada. Resolving Ambiguity in Segmenting Touching Characters. In

ICDAR [ICD91], pages 701--709.

6. R. A. Wilkinson, J. Geist, S. Janet, P. J. Grother, C. J. C. Burges, R. Creecy, B. Hammond, J. J.

Hull, N. J. Larsen, T. P. Vogl, and C. L. Wilson. The first census optical character recognition

systems conference. Technical Report NISTIR-4912, National Institute of Standards and

Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce, September 2001

11.2 Bibliography:- /