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Crisis Management & Recovery - Local Incident Management Protocols (Insert Org Unit /DepartmentArea)

Monash University

Approved by Team Monash

Version 4.0 – 26 January 2018

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Table of Contents1.0 Acronyms and Glossary.............................................................................................................................................2.0 Response Procedures................................................................................................................................................

2.01 Appeals Against Non-Selection.............................................................................................................................2.02 Arrest of Participant...............................................................................................................................................2.03 Assault Physical.....................................................................................................................................................2.04 Sexual Assault........................................................................................................................................................2.05 Bodily Fluid Clean Up.............................................................................................................................................2.06 Bullying, Hazing and Victimisation.......................................................................................................................2.07 Death of Participant................................................................................................................................................2.08 Death of a Relative/Close Friend...........................................................................................................................2.09 Documentation Loss..............................................................................................................................................2.10 Drug Impaired Participant – Dealing and/or Possession....................................................................................2.11 Drug Overdose........................................................................................................................................................2.12 Expulsion from Accommodation – Individual......................................................................................................2.13 Expulsion from Accommodation – Team/Group..................................................................................................2.14 Extreme Threat........................................................................................................................................................2.15 Family Violence/Intervention Orders....................................................................................................................2.16 Fire – At Event........................................................................................................................................................2.17 Fire – At Residence................................................................................................................................................2.18 Flight Cancellation / Missed flight.......................................................................................................................102.19 Food Poisoning..................................................................................................................................................... 102.20 Injury – Minor (Treatment/Referral).....................................................................................................................102.21 Injury – Major (Life threatening).......................................................................................................................... 102.22 Intoxicated Participant – Minor Intoxication.......................................................................................................112.23 Intoxicated Participant – Major Intoxication.......................................................................................................112.24 Misconduct (General) – Individual......................................................................................................................112.25 Misconduct (General) – Team.............................................................................................................................. 112.26 Missing Person..................................................................................................................................................... 122.27 Money Issues........................................................................................................................................................ 122.28 Motor Accident...................................................................................................................................................... 122.29 Participant Withdrawal – Pre-Registration.........................................................................................................122.30 Participant Withdrawal – Post-Registration.......................................................................................................132.31 Psychological Distress (Extreme).......................................................................................................................132.32 Social Media Posts (Negative)............................................................................................................................. 132.33 Suicide Risk*/Attempted Suicide.........................................................................................................................142.34 Suspicious Person/Unauthorised Visitor at Accommodation / Venue............................................................142.35 Theft from Participant.......................................................................................................................................... 142.36 Theft by Participant.............................................................................................................................................. 14

3.0 Critical Incident Management - Levels....................................................................................................................15

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1.0 Acronyms and GlossaryDefinition Description

CMR Crisis Management and Recovery arrangements in accordance with Monash University's Crisis Management Policy/Procedures and Crisis Management and Recovery Manual

CMR-LIRP Crisis Management and Recovery – Local Incident Response Plan

CMR-LIRT Crisis Management and Recovery – Local Incident Response Team

CMR-Ops Crisis Management and Recovery Corporate Operational Team

Crisis Crisis is an adverse event, or series of events that have the potential to seriously damage Monash University organisation’s people, operations reputation or property

Crisis Management Crisis Management is the development of a system to minimise the impact of a crisis on an organisations people, business, operations and/or reputation and to assist an organisation to recover from such an event

Emergency An emergency is a sudden, unexpected event that requires an immediate response from internal or external emergency services

Emergency Management

Emergency Management is the development of an effective incident response system focused on controlling the event through the use of existing:–    Evacuation Plans–    OHS Procedures–    Standard Operating Proceduresthat requires an immediate response.

Emergency Response Procedures

A documented scheme of assigned responsibilities, actions and procedures within a designated section of the emergency response plan, to respond to and manage emergencies.

Evacuation The orderly movement of people from a place of danger

Facility A building, structure or workplace that is, or may be, occupied by people (staff, students and visitors)

Incident Log Summary of decisions made and actions delegated during an emergency or incident

Event Leader Any person in a leadership position at the event. Could include, camp coordinators, club committee, team organiser. Does not include Senior Event Manager or LIRT Leader

SOPs Standard Operational Procedures

SEM Senior Event Manager, most senior person attending the event.

LIRT Leader Person responsible for managing the Local Incident Response Team

Warden A person available on-site, with clearly defined responsibilities in relation to the facility's Emergency Response Plans. A warden will oversee the evacuation and lockdown processes of a facility / area

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2.0 Response Procedures The following response protocols are the actions you are required to implement during an incident.

Note: The Standard Operating Procedure for all incidents is to apply the OFF part of the OFF CAMPUS immediate response protocol.

O Organise Organise your immediate safety and team safety (eg first aid, 000)

F Facts Collect immediate facts about the incident

F Find Your Manager Report to your Manager on what has happened as soon as you can

C Communicate Communicate with your team on actions to take

A Act Act on instructions from emergency services and your Manager

M Media Do not speak with media, the public, external parties or via social media on the incident

P Prepare Prepare to relocate to an alternate location if needed

U Understand Understand how you and your team are feeling. Seek appropriate support

S Summarise Summarise the incident and complete the incident report

If the incident is assessed as moderate or major (after using the impact assessment in 3.0) the CMR Local Incident Response Team and CMR Ops will be taking the lead in the Monash University response to this level of incidents. If the incident is rated a Major, and/or is highlighted with a ‘Major’ red label below, the Senior Event manager will notify the LIRT Leader and or CMR Ops team.

The actions below are the ‘on the ground’ responses to consider for incidents that are considered minor when assessed against the incident escalation checklist, which will guide all actions from start to finish for an incident:

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2.01 Appeals Against Non-Selection1. All selections are ratified and approved by the University or its affiliate.

2. If the participant is unhappy with their non-selection decision, then the Leader should advise them to contact the SEM and outline their complaint.

3. Following communication between the SEM and the disgruntled participant the SEM needs to determine whether the individual was not selected on merit or whether there were other motives behind the non-selection (discrimination, history, etc.).

4. If it is found that the individual has not been selected on merit, then the complaint should be dismissed by the SEM.

5. If it is found that the individual has not been selected for reasons other than merit, then the SEM should investigate.

6. If the SEM finds that the individual has been discriminated against or vilified, or that a personal issue exists between current team member(s) and the participant, then follow steps outlined in General Misconduct.

2.02 Arrest of Participant Major1. SEM should be notified of incident immediately, gather as much factual information as possible and undertake

an impact assessment of the incident using the agreed checklist. If assessment is moderate or major then SEM will escalate to LIRT Leader.

2. If the SEM assessment of the Incident is it is a minor level eg infringement not an arrest, then the following steps will apply.

3. SEM to attend police station where participant held and inform LIRT Leader

4. SEM/LIRT Leader will meet with the arrested individual and inform them of the disciplinary process arising from this matter.

5. LIRT Leader to initiate sanctions within scope of delegation and authority

6. If participant is to be sent home, then CMR Ops need to be informed of this decision.

7. LIRT Leader to complete Incident Report Form.

2.03 Assault Physical Major1. If requested to do so by the victim or if the victim is unconscious, administer First Aid to your level of training.

2. Contact SEM with OFF CAMPUS response. SEM will assess incident and if major will escalate to LIRT Leader.

3. If assessed as minor level SEM will advise the victim of what options are available to them, such as contacting the Police.

4. SEM will, if asked to do so by the victim, contact Police.

5. SEM, if asked to do so by the victim, will contact emergency contact.

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2.03 Assault Physical Major6. SEM will determine whether there is an ongoing risk to the victim and whether there is a risk or possible risk to

other participants.

7. SEM will provide referral information to Monash Counselling Services. Additionally, if asked by the victim, arrange an appointment with the victim and Monash Counselling Services.

8. If the assault is such that other members of the team has been traumatised, SEM will contact Monash Counselling and arrange a de-briefing session with remainder of team.

2.04 Sexual Assault Major1. Ensure the victim is safe and away from perpetrator(s). Keep all discussions and the matter CONFIDENTIAL

2. Calm and re-assure the victim and with their permission administer First Aid to your level of training

3. Actively listen. Try not to interrupt. Let them talk at their own pace. Do not say anything that indicates that you are judging or blaming them.

4. Advise the victim not to wash any part of themselves and not to change any of their clothing as this may result in destruction of crucial evidence.  

5. Notify SEM. SEM will escalate to Monash University Security 9902 7777 #1 and also to the Local Incident Response Team Leader

6. Advise that there are services available to them to gain expert advice and support. With their permission facilitate contact with their preferred agency e.g. Victoria Police, SECASA 24hrs number 1800 737 732, Safer Community Unit.

7. Provide the victim with the contact details of support services available to them

8.  If the assault is such that the participant’s team or other team members have been traumatised, the LIRT Leader will contact Monash Counselling and arrange a de-briefing session with affected individuals or teams.

2.05 Bodily Fluid Clean Up1. If the spillage is as a result of a person being ill, organise first aid.

2. Keep other persons away from the immediate area.

3. Event Coordinator or SEM to organise for the removal of the spillage. Ensure PPE is worn.

4. Assess area to ensure no further risk to others.

2.06 Bullying, Hazing and Victimisation 1. If a member of the team becomes aware that a participant’s behaviour is contrary to the Code of

Conduct/Participation Agreement (which has been signed by the participant) ideally a local request should be made to the perpetrator to cease this behaviour immediately. If this request is ignored and the behaviour continues and/or occurs again then it must be reported to the SEM.

2. SEM should investigate the report

3. If found to be of a minor nature the SEM will advise the participant that their behaviour is contrary to the Code of Conduct/Participation Agreement, etc., that this behavior must cease immediately and not occur again and may apply the applicable sanction as outlined in the Monash University Approved event representation agreement.

4. If the participant does not comply with the requests of the SEM or the misconduct is rated as a Level 2 Breach, the SEM shall notify the LIRT Leader.

5. LIRT Leader will determine what action should be taken and advise the participant of the application of the University Disciplinary procedure. The sanctions applied may include removal of the participant accreditation.

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2.06 Bullying, Hazing and Victimisation 6. If the LIRT Leader determines that the participant’s accreditation is to be withdrawn for the remainder of the

event then the University CMR and event organizers should be notified.

2.07 Death of Participant Major1. If you find a person who is deceased get help.

2. Call 000 and request an Ambulance and the presence of Police;

3. The person who called 000 should remain with the First Aider to provide support. All other onlookers should be kept back by other event staff.

4. Notify SEM or LIRT Leader with OFF CAMPUS response.

5. LIRT Leader will escalate to CMR. CMR will assume control of situation as it affects Monash University team members.

2.08 Death of a Relative/Close Friend1. If the participant is unaware of the death, determine how best to advise the participant of the death. The

SEM/LIRT Leader may contact Monash Counselling to seek their assistance in this regard.

2. Subject to advice provided in 1 the SEM should meet with the participant as soon as possible.

3. Offer and arrange on behalf of the participant, support by means of: access to counselling; access to a private room; assistance with travel arrangements; contacting emergency contact of the participant, etc.

4. If the participant wishes to arrange a period of absence from the event or cease participation, SEM should get release form signed by exiting participant and advise an appropriate body eg accommodation/travel group of the participants with drawl from the event.

5. SEM should inform the team/group of the situation.

2.09 Documentation Loss1. If documents have been misplaced then Participant and Event Leader should retrace their steps and contact

or visit social venues, sporting venues etc. where the documentation could have been lost and leave their contact details.

2. If not found Event Leader should inform all members of the team or group that the individual has lost their identification and request that they look for it amongst their belongings.

3. In the instance that all identification has been lost the SEM should be informed of the matter.

4. The participant may report the papers lost to the state police and leave their contact details.

5. In the instant the participant has no identification, they should contact their emergency contact and have them email, text etc. an image of an alternate ID or their passport. If time permits, they should post an ID to the participant for use later in the event.

6. Event Leader should advise participant to cancels credit and debit cards in the instant these are lost along with ID. If the participant no longer has access to money because of this follow the Money Issues protocol.

7. Event Leader should inform the SEM when the participant has their new ID.

2.10 Drug Impaired Participant – Dealing and/or Possession1. Contact the participant and/or guest to determine whether there has been an actual offence or whether the

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2.10 Drug Impaired Participant – Dealing and/or Possessionallegation warrants further investigation.

2. If the allegation warrants further investigation, Event Leader must contact SEM and advise them of the situation using OFF CAMPUS response.

3. SEM in conjunction with Local Incident Response Team will assess facts of incident. If an offence has occurred than the SEM will advise LIRT Leader who will escalate accordingly.

2.11 Drug Overdose Major1. If requested to do so by the participant or if the resident is unarousable and/or unresponsive, administer First

Aid to your level of training.

2. If a participant is unconscious, unresponsive, unable to hold a conversation, contact Ambulance services on 000 and inform them of the situation.

3. Contact SEM using OFF CAMPUS response.

4. SEM will determine whether there is an ongoing risk to the participant and whether there is a risk or possible risk to other participants, or other participants of the wider MON group.

5. SEM will notify LIRT Leader who will escalate to CMR.

2.12 Expulsion from Accommodation – Individual 1. Event Leader should notify the SEM as soon as possible if an individual has been expelled from

accommodation with the OFF CAMPUS response.

2. SEM to contact accommodation and find out their reasons for the expulsion from accommodation.

3. In conjunction with the LIRT Leader, the SEM needs to determine the severity of the reason for the expulsion. This decision leads to responses below:

Minor= Level 1:i. SEM to warn individual that their behaviour is not acceptableii. SEM may arrange for alternate accommodation for the remainder of the event period. The cost of

these charges will be incurred by the individualiii. In an instance this is not possible, the individual might be required to withdraw from the event iv. If the participant is forced to withdraw from the event, then the SEM should notify the LIRT Leader of

this decision. Major= Level 2:

i. SEM Notifies LIRT Leader who then instigates the University disciplinary process.

2.13 Expulsion from Accommodation – Team/Group 1. Event Leader must notify the SEM as soon as possible that they have been expelled from accommodation.

2. SEM to contact accommodation and find out their reasons for the expulsion from the accommodation.

3. The SEM needs to determine the severity of the reason for the expulsion. This decision leads to the responses below:

Minor:i. SEM to warn the team that their behaviour is not acceptableii. SEM may arrange for alternate accommodation for the event. The cost of these changes will usually

be incurred by the teamv. In an instance this is not possible, the team might be required to withdraw from the event then the

SEM should notify the LIRT Leader of this decision. vi. If the matter is deemed the responsibility of an individual within the team, then apply 2.12.

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2.13 Expulsion from Accommodation – Team/Group Major:

i. SEM to notify LIRT Leader

2.14 Extreme Threat MajorExamples: bomb threat, fire, chemical, extreme weather, terrorist attack, hostage situation, civil disturbance, infectious disease, flight crash.

1. Follow emergency processes as instructed by venue wardens or official services.

2. Event Leader should notify SEM when safe to do so

3. Move everyone to the nominated assembly area / meeting point.

4. All participants shall rendezvous at the evacuation assembly area, where the Event Leader (or delegate) shall call the roll to ensure that all participants are accounted for.

5. SEM to determine if there is an ongoing risk to the participants and whether there is a risk or possible risk to other participants and take any action that is required to maintain the safety of all participants.

2.15 Family Violence/Intervention Orders1. SEM to be notified and who will determine if there is an ongoing risk to the participant and whether there is a

risk or possible risk to other participants and take any action that is required to maintain the safety of all participants.

2. If a physical assault occurs, follow the protocols as detailed under 2.03 Assault (Physical).

3. If verbal abuse and/or harassment occurs, SEM is required to follow the protocols as details under: Misconduct of a Participant Suspicious Persons or Unauthorised Visitors

2.16 Fire – At Event Major1. Activate the nearest fire alarm, where applicable. Where there is no fire alarm, yell loudly to attract attention.

2. Follow emergency processes as instructed by venue wardens

3. Event Leader must notify SEM

4. All event staff and participants shall rendezvous at the evacuation assembly area, where the Event Leader (or delegate) shall call the roll to ensure that all participants are accounted for.

5. SEM shall determine if there is an ongoing risk to the participant and whether there is a risk or possible risk to other participants and take any action that is required to maintain the safety of all participants.

6. SEM shall inform LIRT Leader of assessment and actions.

2.17 Fire – At Residence Major1. Activate the nearest fire alarm, where applicable. Where there is no fire alarm, yell loudly to attract attention.

2. If it is SAFE to do so where the fire is small and if you have been trained in the use of fire extinguishers or fire blankets, use an appropriate fire extinguisher or fire blanket to put the fire out.

3. Follow emergency processes as instructed by venue wardens

4. Leader must notify SEM

5. All event staff and participants shall rendezvous at the evacuation assembly area, where the Event Leader (or delegate) shall call the roll to ensure that all Monash University participants are accounted for.

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2.17 Fire – At Residence Major6. SEM shall determine if there is an ongoing risk to the participant and whether there is a risk or possible risk to

other participants and take any action that is required to maintain the safety of all participants.

7. SEM shall advise LIRT Leader, Event organiser and Accommodation provider of the incident.

2.18 Flight Cancellation / Missed flight1. Inform Event Leader if a participant’s flight has been cancelled to/from event.

2. Event Leader should notify SEM.

3. If the participant cannot make alternative arrangements to attend eg airline reschedules seat etc and cannot participate the person responsible at the activity will advise event organiser.

4. If the matter occurs on the return journey no Monash University participants will be left stranded. The SEM will assist the participants with booking another flight and any additional expense incurred on their behalf will be reimbursed to the University.

2.19 Food Poisoning1. If the participant is suffering from mild symptoms, the participant should seek appropriate medical assistance.

2. Where applicable the Event Leader should contact the First Aid Officer who can administer first aid to their level of training.

3. Event Leader should notify SEM.

4. SEM to determine the best course of action to take in respect of obtaining proper health care for the participant and others in team.

2.20 Injury – Minor (Treatment/Referral)1. Advise the participant to seek appropriate and or available venue medical assistance.

2. If injury worsens they might require additional treatment. In this instance the Event Leader should advise SEM.

3. SEM should ensure a team member is to accompany the athlete to the hospital or treatment centre.

4. If the incident is deemed serious by the medical personnel and an ambulance should be called the SEM should be notified immediately

5. If the situation becomes life threatening during treatment, follow 2.21 ‘Injury - life threatening protocols’.

2.21 Injury – Major (Life threatening) Major1. If you find a person who is seriously injured and /or unconscious, then either administer first aid

to your level of training or get help.

2. While a you are administering First Aid, get someone to Firstly, call 000 and request an Ambulance and the presence of Police; Secondly to alert the First Aider who will take over the first aid and shall administer first aid to their level of

training; and Thirdly to notify the SEM/Venue management.

3. The person who called 000 should remain with the First Aider to provide support. All other onlookers should be kept back by other event staff.

4. SEM should LIRT Leader with OFF CAMPUS response.

5. LIRT Leader and CMR will assume control of situation as it affects Monash University team members.

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2.22 Intoxicated Participant – Minor Intoxication1. In instances of minor intoxication, the Event Leader and team members are responsible for taking care of

effected individuals.

2. If the participant is not at their accommodation the Event Leader and team members should ensure the effected individual is escorted to accommodation.

3. Depending on level of intoxication the participant might require monitoring throughout the night. If the condition of the effected participant worsens follow steps in Intoxicated Participant – Major Intoxication.

4. Notify SEM with OFF CAMPUS response.

2.23 Intoxicated Participant – Major Intoxication Major1. If requested to do so by the participant or if the participant is unarousable and/or unresponsive, administer

First Aid to your level of training.

2. If a participant is unconscious (unarousable and/or unresponsive) contact ambulance service on 000 and inform them of the situation.

3. If the participant is violent and aggressive, call Venue/Event/Accommodation Security (where applicable).

4. Try to calm the participant down. If the participant threatens you, leave immediately. Do not continue to intervene or put yourself at any risk. If possible, prevent other participants from putting themselves at risk by advising them to keep away from the general area.

5. Call 000 and request Police presence if they believe that the situation warrants such action.

6. Event Leader to notify SEM with OFF CAMPUS Response.

2.24 Misconduct (General) – Individual 1. If anyone on the group/ team becomes aware that a participant’s behaviour is contrary to the University

Approved Event Representation Agreement (which has been signed by the participant) ideally a local request should be made to the perpetrator to cease this behaviour immediately. If this request is ignored and the behaviour continues and/or occurs again then it must be reported to the SEM.

2. SEM will investigate the Report

3. If found to be of a minor nature the SEM will advise the participant that their behaviour is contrary to the Code of Conduct/Participation Agreement, etc., that this behaviour must cease immediately and not occur again and may apply the applicable sanction.

4. If the participant does not comply person responsible at the activity shall notify the LIRT Leader.

5. If the participant does not comply with the requests of the person responsible at the activity or the misconduct is rated as a Level 2 Breach, the person responsible at the activity shall notify the LIRT LEADER.

6. LIRT LEADER will determine what action should be taken and advise the participant of the application of the University Disciplinary procedure. The sanctions applied may include removal of the participant accreditation.

7. If the LIRT LEADER determines that the participant’s accreditation is to be withdrawn for the remainder of the event then the University CMR Coordinator and event organizers should be notified.

2.25 Misconduct (General) – Team1. If you become aware that a team’s behaviour is contrary to the Code of Conduct/Participation Agreement

(which has been signed by the participant) and/or Monash University Policies and Procedures and/or is unreasonably disruptive to other participants, you should contact Event Leaders within the team, and discuss allegations with the SEM.

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2.25 Misconduct (General) – Team2. In response to discussions with the Event Leader and senior team members the SEM should determine the

course of action. The severity of the misconduct will determine the nature of the sanction applied by the University.

3. If misconduct is minor, the team in question will be advised that their behaviour is contrary to the Code of Conduct/Participation Agreement, and that they must cease the offending behaviour immediately; and informed that if behaviour continues sanctions might be put in place. Explain the impact of the group/team’s behaviour on other parties.

4. Give the team possible solutions to modify its behaviour.

5. If the team does not comply with the requests of the SEM or the misconduct is rated as a Level 2 breach, the LIRT LEADER shall be notified.

6. LIRT LEADER will determine what action should be taken and advise the participants of the application of the University Disciplinary procedure. The sanctions applied may include removal of the participant’s accreditation.

7. If the LIRT LEADER determines that the team member’s accreditations are to be withdrawn for the remainder of the event then the University CMR Coordinator and event organizers should be notified.

2.26 Missing Person Major1. If a participant cannot be physically located by their respective team attempt to contact them via mobile and/or

online (facebook, twitter, etc.).

2. If this is not successful, establish when the last time the missing participant was seen by a team member.

3. Obtain details regarding their last known whereabouts.

4. Provide the missing participant’s full details and emergency contact details to SEM who will escalate to LIRT LEADER.

2.27 Money Issues1. As soon as team member /Event Leader become aware of a money issue with a participant contact SEM.

2. Request that the participant contact their emergency contact in order to receive financial assistance for the event period.

3. SEM to monitor situation for remainder of event.

2.28 Motor Accident1. In the event of a minor accident with no injuries follow the process set out in either the hire car agreement or

personal insurance protocol. This will involve documentation of incident etc.

2. Contact SEM especially if accident will impact on sport event timings.

2.29 Participant Withdrawal – Pre-Registration1. A pre-registration withdrawal should be handled by the TO. The TO should inform the coach of the

participant’s withdrawal.

2. If requested by the coach, the TO should ask individuals that unsuccessfully trialled if they were interested in joining the team.

3. TO should contact the replacement player and inform them of their selection, this process should occur until a replacement is found.

4. UTM should be informed of the player’s withdrawal from the program and (where applicable) who has replaced them.

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2.29 Participant Withdrawal – Pre-Registration5. TO should ensure replacement participant completes required documentation as soon as possible (emergency

contact forms and pre conditions set by University). TO will then send these to UTM for vetting and then to the LIRT LEADER for approval.

2.30 Participant Withdrawal – Post-Registration1. If a player withdraws subsequent to registration, then the TO should initially contact the coach and inform them

of the situation.

2. At the request of the coach the TO should look for a replacement player.

3. UTM should be informed of the participant’s decision to withdraw from the event and (where applicable) that this participant has been replaced.

4. In the instance a replacement player is located: The initial athlete that has withdrawn from competition will not lose the money initially paid at the time of

registration. When a player transfer is made, the cost incurred is a transfer fee rather than the full cost of registration.

The TO and participants involved in this player replacement should negotiate to work out which is the best way to cover the cost of the transfer fee and the registration. (Usually the team covers the transfer fee and the replacement player sends the cost of registration to the player they have replaced).

5. In the instance no replacement participant has been located: Then the cost of withdrawing from the event is usually incurred by the participant. The withdrawing participant, or the TO on behalf of the participant can submit a request to the UTM who

will send this through to AUS depending on the circumstance of their withdrawal and a refund can for some costs may be made.

2.31 Psychological Distress (Extreme) Major1. Try to calm the person down.

2. If you feel that you are in danger, leave immediately. Do not continue to intervene if putting yourself at any risk.

3. If possible, prevent other participants from putting themselves at risk by advising them to keep away from the general area.

4. If there is an immediate risk of harm to either the distressed participant and/or other participants request someone to phone 000 (for Police and Paramedics).

5. If the participant has harmed themselves (and it is safe to do so), treat with first aid.

6. Contact SEM with OFF CAMPUS Response

7. SEM to determine if there is an ongoing risk to the participant and whether there is a risk or possible risk to other participants and take any action that is required to maintain the safety of all participants.

8. If the situation is not dangerous provide support by means of: Calling the nearest Crisis Assessment & Treatment Service (CATS). Contact details for state-wide CATS

listed on the next page and can also be found at Providing referral information to Monash Counselling Contacting the participant’s emergency contact if approved to do so.

2.32 Social Media Posts (Negative) Major1. If a negative and /or offensive social media post is noted, seen or observed then the SEM should be notified

immediately. Obtain a screen shot if possible.

2. All efforts to remove the post will then be applied by the SEM and these actions recorded in the Incident log.

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2.32 Social Media Posts (Negative) Major3. SEM to contact any person(s) referred to in offending materials and ensure their wellbeing. SEM may refer

matter to LIRT LEADER

4. If the situation is not dangerous provide support by means of: Calling the nearest Crisis Assessment & Treatment Service (CATS). Contact details for state-wide CATS

listed on the next page and can also be found at Providing referral information to Monash CounsellingContacting the participant’s emergency contact if approved to do so.

2.33 Suicide Risk*/Attempted Suicide*If there is an immediate risk of serious harm to a participant


1. Try to calm the person down. If you feel you are in danger, leave immediately. If it is safe to do so, remove any means by which the participant may harm themselves or others.

2. Prevent other participants from putting themselves at risk by advising them to keep away from the general area.

3. If there is an immediate risk of harm to either the participant and/or other participants, call Emergency Services on 000 using any phone, and/or call venue or event security.

4. Notify SEM with OFF CAMPUS Response

2.34 Suspicious Person/Unauthorised Visitor at Accommodation / Venue1. The Event Leader shall notify the authority responsible for the event location who shall ask the person of the

nature of their visit to the event location.

2. The Event Leader shall contact the SEM.

3. If it is confirmed that the visitor is unauthorised, SEM shall request the appropriate responsible authority to request /remove the person from the event location and immediate area.

4. Determine if there is an ongoing risk to the participant and whether there is a risk or possible risk to other participants and take any action that is required to maintain the safety of all participants which could include calling the police, evacuating and/or locking down the immediate area until Police arrive.

2.35 Theft from Participant 1. If a theft has been confirmed collect all the facts and contact SEM.

2. SEM will confirm with the victim that the theft that has taken place and all facts verified.

3. The severity of the theft is to be determined by the person responsible at the activity which may be escalated in accordance with Impact Assessment.

2.36 Theft by Participant 1. Event Leader should notify the SEM of the theft.

2. SEM to investigate the allegations and validate allegation.

3. For a minor theft, the SEM in conjunction with the Event Leader and those involved in the incident are to determine whether the stolen items can be returned.

4. For a major theft, refer matter to police and implement 2.02 Arrest of participant.

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Page 15: Maintenace -  · Web viewCrisis Management and Recovery arrangements in accordance with Monash University's Crisis Management Policy/Procedures and Crisis Management and

3.0 Critical Incident Management - Levels Following the occurrence of an incident, the person responsible at the activity must determine whether the incident is serious enough to activate the CMR Local Incident Response Team. Activation of the Team should occur immediately for obvious critical incidents.

For incidents where the impacts are not obvious, refer to the following table to gain an objective assessment of whether the incident justifies formal activation of the Local Incident Response Team.

Classification Description Examples ReportingMinor (1)(CMR - Local Incident Response Team)

No or minor injuries. Contained in house. Using University Standard

Operational Procedures (SOPs).

No external services required.

Consultation with emergency services.

No external threat. External reporting. Low/ Medium financial


Bodily fluid General disruption Small fist fight Breaking of team rules Medical / general health

Normal line management reporting.Notify: SEM will notify LIRT LEADER.Activate: Nil - local response only.No CMR Team required.

Moderate (2)(CMR - Local Incident Response Team / CMR - Ops)

Potential to escalate and/or affect event operations.

Attendance of emergency services.

External and/or mandatory reporting.

No external threat. High financial loss.

Psychological distress / mental health issue

Lost person / group Inappropriate behaviour Drug associated incident Robbery – room or person Bomb threat or suspicious


Notify: LIRT LEADER will advise Crisis Team Coordinator Activate: Local Incident Response Team

Major (3)(CMR Ops / CRM - Local Incident Response Team)

Loss of event operational capability.

Detrimental off-campus effect.

External assistance necessary.

Major financial loss

Arrest of a participant Assault – Physical Assault – Sexual Death of a student or staff

member Media exposure

(negative) Overseas country

evacuation Suicide Extreme Incident:

o Active Shooter o Bomb Threato Chemical Releaseo Fireo Health issue / disease

outbreako Natural disaster

Notify: LIRT LEADER will advise Crisis Team Coordinator. Local Incident Response Team will support CMR team relative to Department/Division

Activate: CMR Operations

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