maintaining, monitoring, and developing productive student’s behaviour in a classroom essay

Task 2: Reflective essay KHADIJAH BT ABDUL RAJAK HAMIM Over the years, teachers play an important role in maintaining conducive classroom in order to have an effective lesson. There are many methods that have been introduced by the expertise in managing classroom efficiently. Good classroom management might help the students to learn better and vice versa so the teachers should always make sure that they are handling the classroom well. One of the main features in handling a classroom is maintaining, monitoring, and developing productive student’s behaviour in a classroom. In my opinion, one of the ways in maintaining productive student behaviours in classroom is that teachers should set few rules that seem necessary and applicable such as ‘ students should pay attention when the teacher is teaching’, ‘ students should raise their hands whenever they want to answer or ask question’ and many other classroom rules. The teacher should also make it clear for the students that they are expected to follow the rules or otherwise they will face the consequences for disobeying the rules in the form of punishment or refrain from doing things they like. The use of classroom rules might probably make the students behaves appropriately as ‘students understand exactly what behaviours are acceptable and what behaviours are not.’ Nevertheless, based on my observation, there were students who break the rules that have been highlighted by the teacher like ‘do not talk while i am teaching’. I will suggest that the teacher should be stricter whereby they should at once carry out the punishment to students who have broken the rules while monitoring their behavioural changes as time passes by. If the implementation of this rule does not affect the students, teacher should find other alternative such as informing their

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Classroom management assingment


Task 2: Reflective essayKHADIJAH BT ABDUL RAJAK HAMIM Over the years, teachers play an important role in maintaining conducive classroom in order to have an effective lesson. There are many methods that have been introduced by the expertise in managing classroom efficiently. Good classroom management might help the students to learn better and vice versa so the teachers should always make sure that they are handling the classroom well. One of the main features in handling a classroom is maintaining, monitoring, and developing productive students behaviour in a classroom. In my opinion, one of the ways in maintaining productive student behaviours in classroom is that teachers should set few rules that seem necessary and applicable such as students should pay attention when the teacher is teaching, students should raise their hands whenever they want to answer or ask question and many other classroom rules. The teacher should also make it clear for the students that they are expected to follow the rules or otherwise they will face the consequences for disobeying the rules in the form of punishment or refrain from doing things they like. The use of classroom rules might probably make the students behaves appropriately as students understand exactly what behaviours are acceptable and what behaviours are not. Nevertheless, based on my observation, there were students who break the rules that have been highlighted by the teacher like do not talk while i am teaching. I will suggest that the teacher should be stricter whereby they should at once carry out the punishment to students who have broken the rules while monitoring their behavioural changes as time passes by. If the implementation of this rule does not affect the students, teacher should find other alternative such as informing their parents about their misbehaviours in order to assure they will behave appropriately. In addition, classroom rules should not be solely made by the teacher; instead they should also involve the students likewise in order to determine the consequences for breaking the rules. Involvement of students in creating classroom rules is quite essential to make it effective because this cooperative approach encourages children to be self-regulating and helps them develop "autonomous morality. (Willis, 2006) so it has no doubt that classroom rules are important in order to maintain productive students behaviours. Besides that, I think the teacher will manage to monitor productive students behaviour by consistently motivate them to learn. Students can be easily unmotivated if they encounter any difficulties in the learning process or any other factors due to poor learning environment or teachers attitude that make them lose their interest in learning. Therefore it is important for the teacher to always motivate the students. There are two types of motivation which are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to behaviour that is driven by internal rewards while extrinsic motivation works the other way. Teacher can motivate students intrinsically by letting them to connect between what they have learnt and to their daily life activities and hence inspiring them to share any inspirational stories and video recordings. Apart from that, the teacher can also implement extrinsic motivation by rewarding the students who perform well with praises or tangible items like stickers to make them feel appreciated as well as to encourage them to perform better in their next learning sessions. Based on my observation, the teacher had barely motivated the students neither intrinsic nor extrinsic motivations so there were students who did not bother to participate in the lesson. It seems to me that the teacher should personally call the students and find the reasons as to why they have lost interest in learning. The teacher could help them to solve their problems and as well as to motivate them in their lessons. I believe that this practise might help the students to participate actively in the lesson as student motivation naturally has to do with students' desire to participate in the learningprocess. (Isa Saphiu, 2013) Other than that, in my point of view, the teacher should have established classroom routines that should be followed by the students so that lesson can be carried out smoothly. Unlike classroom rules, classroom routines refer to specific behaviour at particular times on particular tasks such as the students have to take turns to clean the whiteboard and many other simple daily routines, Students can carry out common classroom routines such as checking attendance, distributing materials, collecting and checking students homework so as to enlighten workload as well as to use up precious time which will interrupt the efficiency of the lessons that are carried out. Teacher should constantly remind the students on what they are expected to do and while the routines are being carried out, a student from each row for example will line up to collect the distributing materials for other students who sit in the same row, or students should sit quietly in their places while the teacher is checking their attendance or students should take turns in collecting homework. These classroom routines help the teacher to have an effective lesson because it is necessary not only for the smooth running of instructional activities but also for reducing the frequency with which teachers need to give instructions for daily classroom events. (Huei Ming Tak, 2008) Referring back to the observation, there were students who do not cooperate during the classroom routines, I reckon that the teacher should forbid the students from participating in the lesson within a specific time till the students agree to behave appropriately and obey to the teachers instruction. This kind of method would probably help the teacher to handle the students who did not conform to expected classroom norms and hence helping the teacher to establish the classroom routines effectively. Other than that, from the way I see it, the teacher should build a good relationship with the students. Building good relationship means that the teacher would be able fulfil students basic needs in learning and at the same time the students help the teacher by behaving appropriately and to obey teachers instruction. When the students started to develop emotional attachment with the teacher, it might be easier for the teacher to handle the students because when there is strong foundation in relationship with students, they will appreciate and love you, they are more willing to want to please you--which cause them to be more likely to behave appropriately. (Jensen, 2009) If the way of building good relationship with the students does not work with some students, I personally suggest that the teacher should approach the students and have a private and personal chat so as to find the reason of their misbehaviours and refusal to participate in the lesson. If the teacher were able to identify their problems, it might be a lot easier for the teacher to handle the problems immediately and encourage the students to participate back in the lesson. This kind of practice is indirectly building good teacher-student relationship as well as to enable the students to obey their teacher as positive teacher-student relationship with young children can mean making a child feel secure by feeling attached to a teacher. (Scarlett, 2010) It has been proven that teacher should build good relationship with students in order to develop productive students behaviour. As a conclusion, teacher plays a major role in maintaining good classroom environment and appropriate students behaviour in order to carry out effective lesson whereby teacher should be more creative and logical in handling teaching and learning activities.

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ReferencesHuei Ming Tak, L. w. (2008). Classroom Management: Creating a Positive Learning Environment. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Press University.Isa Saphiu, E. S. (2013). Teachers Role in Classroom management and traditional methods. Anglisticum Journal , 96.Jensen, E. (2009). Chapter 2. How Poverty Affects Behavior and Academic Performanc. In E. Jensen, Teaching with Poverty in Mind (p. 5). London: ASCD.Scarlett. (2010). Buliding positive teacher students relationship. In Scarlett, Relationship Building (p. 4). London.Willis, S. (2006). Managing Today's Classroom. 70th ASCD Annual Conference and Exhibit Show (p. 38). Texas: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.