main index contents 11 main index contents stacks further stack examples further stack examples...

1 Main Index Conten ts 1 Main Index Conten ts Stacks Further Stack Examples Pushing/Popping a Stack Class Stack (3 slides) (3 slides) Using a Stack to Create a Hex # Uncoupling Stack Elt’s (6 slides) (6 slides) Activation Records RPN Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Stacks Stacks Infix Notation Summary Slides (4 slides)

Post on 22-Dec-2015




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1 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents1 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents


Further Stack Examples

Pushing/Popping a Stack

Class Stack (3 slides) (3 slides)

Using a Stack to Create a Hex #

Uncoupling Stack Elt’s (6 slides) (6 slides)

Activation Records


Chapter 7 Chapter 7 – – StacksStacks

Infix Notation

Summary Slides (4 slides)

2 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

StacksStacks A stack is a sequence of items that are

accessible at only one end of the sequence.

3 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents3 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

Further Stack ExamplesFurther Stack Examples

4 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

Pushing/Popping a StackPushing/Popping a Stack Because a pop removes the item last added to

the stack, we say that a stack has LIFO (last-in/first-out) ordering.

5 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents5 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

CLASS stack Constructor <stack>

stack();Create an empty stack

CLASS stack Operations <stack>

bool empty(); constCheck whether the stack is empty. Return true if it is empty and false otherwise.

6 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents6 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

CLASS stack Operations <stack>

void pop();Remove the item from the top of the stack.

Precondition: The stack is not empty.Postcondition: Either the stack is empty or

the stack has a new topmost item from a previous push.

void push(const T& item);Insert the argument item at the top of the stack.

Postcondition: The stack has a new item at the top.

7 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents7 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

CLASS stack Operations <stack>

int size() const;Return the number of items on the stack.

T& top() const;Return a reference to the value of the item at the

top of the stack.Precondition: The stack is not empty.

const T& top() const;Constant version of top().

8 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents8 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

Using a Stack to Create a Hex Using a Stack to Create a Hex NumberNumber

'1 '

'A '

'F '

'A '

'F ''F '

4 3 1 % 1 6 = 1 54 3 1 / 1 6 = 2 6

2 6 % 1 6 = 1 02 6 / 1 6 = 1

1 % 1 6 = 11 / 1 6 = 0

P u s h D igit C h aract ers

'1 '

'A '

'F '

'A '

'F ' 'F '

P o p '1 'n u m St r = "1 "

P o p D igit C h aract ers

P o p 'A 'n u m St r = "1 A "

P o p 'F 'n u m St r = "1 A F "

9 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents9 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

Uncoupling Stack ElementsUncoupling Stack Elements

T rain B efo re U n co u p lin g EA B C D E

10 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents10 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

Uncoupling Stack ElementsUncoupling Stack Elements

U n co u p le E . M o v e t o s id e t rackA B C D


11 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents11 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

Uncoupling Stack ElementsUncoupling Stack Elements

U n co u p le D . M o v e t o s id e t rackA B C



12 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents12 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

Uncoupling Stack ElementsUncoupling Stack Elements

U n co u p le C M o v e as id eA B C



13 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents13 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

Uncoupling Stack ElementsUncoupling Stack Elements

A t t ach D t o en d o f t rainA B D C


14 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents14 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

Uncoupling Stack ElementsUncoupling Stack Elements

A t t ach E t o en d o f t rainA B D E C

15 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents15 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

A rg um en tsin t n

R etu rn A d d ressR etL oc o r R etL oc2

Ac ti vat i o n R e c o r d

I n m a in ( ) : c a ll f a c t ( 4 ) A rg u m en t 4 R etu rn R e t L o c 1

S y s t e m S t a c k

I n f a c t ( 4 ) :c a ll f a c t ( 3 )

A rg u m en t 3

A rg u m en t 4

R etu rn R e t L o c 2

R etu rn R e t L o c 1

16 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents16 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

R P N (R e ve rs e P o lis h N o ta tio n) e xpre s s io n 2 3 +



o pe randStac k e m pty

3. Ide ntify + a s a n ope ra tor B e gin the proc e s s of e va lua ting + .

4 . ge tO pe ra nds () pops s ta c k tw ic e a nd a s s igns 3 to r ight a nd 2 to le f t.

5 . c om pute () e va lua te s le f t + r ight a nd re turns the va lue 5 . R e turn va lue is pus he d on the s ta c k .


1. Ide ntify 2 a s a n ope ra nd. P us h in te ge r 2 on the s ta c k .

C urre nt o pe randStac k




2. Ide ntify 3 a s a n ope ra nd. P us h in te ge r 3 on the s ta c k .

Sc an o f E xpre s s io n and Ac tio n

17 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents17 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

Infix Expression Rules 

The figure below gives input precedence, stack precedence, and rank used for the operators +, -, *, /, %, and ^, along with the parentheses. Except for the exponential operator ^, the other binary operators are left-associative and have equal input and stack precedence.

PrecedenceSymbol Input

precedenceStack precedence


+ - 1 1 -1* / % 2 2 -1^ 4 3 -1( 5 -1 0) 0 0 0

18 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents18 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

Summary Slide 1Summary Slide 1

§- Stack

- Storage Structure with insert (push) and erase (pop) operations occur at one end, called the top of the stack.

- The last element in is the first element out of the stack, so a stack is a LIFO structure.

19 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents19 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

Summary Slide 2Summary Slide 2

§- Recursion- The system maintains a stack of activation records

that specify:

1) the function arguments

2) the local variables/objects

3) the return address

- The system pushes an activation record when calling a function and pops it when returning.

20 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents20 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

Summary Slide 3Summary Slide 3

§- Postfix/RPN Expression Notation- places the operator after its operands

- easy to evaluate using a single stack to hold operands.

- The rules:1) Immediately push an operand onto the stack.

2) For a binary operator, pop the stack twice, perform the operation, and push the result onto the stack.

3) At the end a single value remains on the stack. This is the value of the expression.

21 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents21 Main IndexMain Index ContentsContents

Summary Slide 4Summary Slide 4

§- Infix notation- A binary operator appears between its operands.

- More complex than postfix, because it requires the use of operator precedence and parentheses.

- In addition, some operators are left-associative, and a few are right-associative.