maimonides community shmos

Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363 produced by Rabbi Mendel & students in the TNT (Torah „n Technology) Program Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY [email protected] BH. Teves 17, 5771 / December 24, 2010 MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 Candle-Lighting: 4:08 Shabbos Ends: 5:14 This newsletter is sponsored in memory of Joe Saidel Yosef ben Shabse Nachum Yartzeit next Friday, Tevet 24 Originally from Glens Falls and Utica, Joe was a founding member of Albany’s Daf-Yomi, an upstanding long-time pillar of Shabbos Minyans at Shomray Torah and weekdays at CBAJ, served as attorney for NY State and for Chabad and on the Board at Maimonides. He was a frequent learner, walker and biker. To Sponsor this newsletter, please call the school office 453-9363 or email [email protected] YEAR-END CONTRIBUTIONS Last week’s “MC” newsletter asked readers for year-end contributions to support Maimonides. There’s still time left to participate in this Mitzvah! As we’re now close to the Rambam’s yartzeit, each $36 contribution ($72 would be two tickets) will be entered into a drawing for Hebrew or English Rambam classics. $180 contributors will receive a free translated book of Maimonides commentary on Avot (Ethics of our Fathers), his “8 Chapters” on character and his 13 Principles of Faith. KOLLEL BREAKFASTUDY “Kaddish Connections” exploring the power & reach of saying Kaddish for a loved one; and Halachic calculations of Shloshim & Siyum Kaddish from date of passing or from date of burial.. Friday, Dec 31st, Teves 24 following 8am Shachris at Shomray Torah 463 New Scotland In commemoration of: Dr. Floyd Tuler’s completion of 11 months of Kaddish for his mother, Elka Odes bas Avraham HaKohen Yartzeit of Joseph “Joe” Saidel see “newsletter sponsorship box” Yartzeit of R’ Schneur Zalman, author of Tanya & Shulchan Aruch HaRav In proximity to the yartzeit of the Rambam on the 20th of Tevet Along with a nice breakfast spread! All are welcome! SWEET SNOWFLAKE KIDS 3rd graders teamed up with their Kindergarten buddies to make individual paper-cut snowflakes (because, like snowflakes, no two kids are the same…) and the 3rd graders wrote nice, positive, self-descriptive sentences that Kindergarteners wanted written on their snowflakes. It’s easy to make a snowflake: Fold a sheet of paper into eighths, make whatever cuts up want, and it will open up into a beautiful symmetrical shape. Each snowflake also featured a picture of that student. CONDOLENCES TO SONENBERGS Our condolences to Sam and Barbara and their children (MHDS alumni) Sonenberg on the passing of his father. Shiva will be in Queens.

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Maimonides Community Newsletter


Page 1: Maimonides Community Shmos

Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363 produced by Rabbi Mendel & students in the TNT (Torah „n Technology) Program

Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY [email protected]

BH. Teves 17, 5771 / December 24, 2010

MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street

Albany NY 12208


4:08 Shabbos Ends:


This newsletter is sponsored

in memory of

Joe Saidel Yosef ben Shabse Nachum

Yartzeit next Friday, Tevet 24

Originally from Glens Falls and Utica, Joe was

a founding member of Albany’s Daf-Yomi, an

upstanding long-time pillar of Shabbos

Minyans at Shomray Torah and weekdays at

CBAJ, served as attorney for NY State and for

Chabad and on the Board at Maimonides. He

was a frequent learner, walker and biker.

To Sponsor this newsletter, please call the school office

453-9363 or email [email protected]


Last week’s “MC” newsletter asked readers for year-end contributions to

support Maimonides. There’s still time left to participate in this Mitzvah!

As we’re now close to the Rambam’s yartzeit, each $36 contribution ($72 would be two tickets) will be entered into a drawing for

Hebrew or English Rambam classics.

$180 contributors will receive a free translated book of Maimonides commentary on Avot (Ethics of our Fathers), his “8 Chapters” on

character and his 13 Principles of Faith.


“Kaddish Connections” exploring the power & reach of saying Kaddish for a loved one; and Halachic

calculations of Shloshim & Siyum Kaddish from date of passing or from date of burial..

Friday, Dec 31st, Teves 24 following 8am Shachris

at Shomray Torah 463 New Scotland

In commemoration of:

Dr. Floyd Tuler’s completion of 11 months of Kaddish for his mother, Elka Odes bas Avraham HaKohen

Yartzeit of Joseph “Joe” Saidel see “newsletter sponsorship box”

Yartzeit of R’ Schneur Zalman, author of Tanya & Shulchan Aruch HaRav

In proximity to the yartzeit of the Rambam on the 20th of Tevet

Along with a nice breakfast spread! All are welcome!

SWEET SNOWFLAKE KIDS 3rd graders teamed up with their Kindergarten buddies to make individual paper-cut snowflakes (because, like snowflakes, no two kids are the same…) and the 3rd graders wrote nice, positive, self-descriptive sentences that Kindergarteners wanted written on their snowflakes. It’s easy to make a snowflake: Fold a sheet of paper into eighths, make whatever cuts up want, and it will open up into a beautiful symmetrical shape. Each snowflake also featured a picture of that student. CONDOLENCES TO SONENBERGS Our condolences to Sam and Barbara and their children (MHDS alumni) Sonenberg on the passing of his father. Shiva will be in Queens.

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MAZAL TOV STEMPEL-RAVNOY Mazal Tov to MHDS alumnus Miriam (Stempel) and Rabbi Ariel Ravnoy ) on the birth of Sarah Esther. The Esther name is in memory of Esty (Rubin) Cohen. CONDOLENCES TO MRS ROSSI Mrs. Mary Rossi passed away this week, the mother-in-law of our long-time (former) English teacher, Mrs. Barbara Rossi, who was very dedicated to our students, and helped them develop writing skills and a love for books. One of her favorite projects was helping students enter the annual Bnai Brith Holocaust Essay contest. For many years Maimonides students (based on anonymous judging) were awarded high place winners. HAVA NAGILA BACKGROUND This fascinating historical tidbit came up last week when the flutist came to school. She played Hava-Nagilah, and Rabbi Mendel mentioned that the tune (without the words) originally comes from Chassidim. Nachum piped up that his great-uncle, Moshe (the son of Nachum) Nathanson was a student of music teacher Avraham Idelson in Jerusalem. He’s the one who put the words to this melody, which became one of the most famous Jewish songs ever. Later as a cantor, Moshe came to America, where Hava Nagila was even sung by non-Jewish singers. Nachum at Maimonides is named for Moshe Nathanson’s father. SOUP OF THE WEEK Last week Mrs. Levin made a good-to-the-last-drop vegetable soup, and this week Morah Clara made a very yummy and filling split-pea & veggie soup. Parents, there are still open weeks… contact Mrs. Wildman to sign-up.

REFUAH SHLAYA REQUEST Please say Tehillim for Malka Leah bas Breina as she will be soon going in for a surgery. RAMBAM YARTZEIT TEVES 20 This coming Monday is the Rambam’s Yartzeit, and a special assembly and activities will be held at school that morning. Sholom (and others) in TNT researched and typed up highlights of the Rambam’s life, here are some of them: He was born in Cordoba,

Spain; studied in Fez, Morocco; visited Israel for a bit; worked and passed away in Fostat, Egypt.

He was a doctor and a Rabbi, a Halachist and also a philosopher.

His Mishna Torah has 14 main books. That’s why his kever in Teveria has 14 pillars leading up to it.

Mishna Torah is the only classic Halacha book to cover all areas of Torah. It’s also the first to organize Gemorah Halachos by topic.

He wrote a commentary on the Mishna, and a famous encouraging letter to Yemen Jews.

Morah Nevuchim or Guide to the Perplexed is his famous philosophical work.

He was called “The Great Eagle” because of his broad span of knowledge and his keen bird’s eye view of all of Torah.

FISHY TRIVIA See below right for the 5/6 fish project, some of the trivia facts were quite interesting: The poisonous puffer fish has enough to kill 30 people (chas v’shalom), Angler fish light is powered by bacteria, Some grouper fish can grow to be 8 feet...

“THE OUTCAST” BOOK On a good day of learning, Morah Devorah Leah finds a little time to read “The Outcast” to her 4th graders. It’s about a butcher and his wife, a famine, a child, a little town, and changing negative character traits…

COFFEE, SALT, SAND... 3rd graders are learning about layers inside the earth, and used different colored and textured materials in a clear plastic cup to illustrate it... K’NEX CARS IN SCI-ENRICH Mrs. Ballard had students in 4-6 grade put together model cars in Science Enrichment, with rubber-band pull-motors, and test their designs to see how they worked. Some kids were so excited about this project, you could see them in the lab - overtime! THE STUB BOOK Mrs. Mulder’s HS class read this short story by Pedro Antonio de Alarcon, and each student wrote a pseudo-newspaper article covering their imaginary version of the trial regarding the stolen prized pumpkins in the story. BISHUL AND PAS YISRAEL 5/6 Halacha class is now learning the very interesting and relevant laws of Bishul (and Pas Yisrael), and the various factors that are involved. Is this a food that would be served at a king’s table (or for a special guest)? Is this cooked food also edible in raw form? The text they are using is the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch,

DRAFTING A 7TH GRADERS BEDROOM TO SCALE Whether they used their own bedroom, or an imaginary dream bedroom, 7th graders had to fill it with furniture and design it to scale, as part of a unit in math with Mrs. Sahay. The accuracy & proportion is harder than it may seem.

FISHY FACTS REPORT BY 5/6 Each student in Mrs. Sahay’s 5/6 science class researched a specific fish species, designed a fish model for display and listed interesting facts about it. See some facts above...

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but Rabbi Yossi shared with them up-to-date stories and examples. They also learned about a leniency with professional baker bread vs. homemade bread, and that some people rely on that leniency but some do not.

STRINGY STRIPED LETTERS The letter “Tes” can stand for Tallit, which is why the Kindergartners striped them and hung four sets of strings from the edges. This is also a good reminder for the boys to wear Tzitzis to school each morning. LIVING WITH THE TIMES Last week it was 5/6 grade, this week the HS Girls have been studying Chumash that happens to be the Parsha for this week. They learned the first chapter of Shmos with Morah Leyee, exploring many different Meforshim commentaries, including Kli Yakar, Ibn Ezra, Baal haTurim, and of course Rashi. AN OLD EARTHQUAKE DEVICE Did you know that ancient Chinese invented the seismograph device to detect earthquakes? It didn’t have sensors, gauges and electronics like today's gadgets, it featured a pendulum, dragons and toads, and would send a little ball out in the direction of the quake. Ms. Zalak’s class is now studying China in ancient world history, and they found this quite interesting. THE END OF AN AVIMELECH The name Avimelech occurs repeatedly in the Tanach, in this case its referring to Gideon’s (who was a righteous and humble Judge of the Jewish people) son who did a lot of harm in his selfish desire for power. After fighting down a rebellion against his harsh rule in Shechem, a woman threw a millstone at his head, mortally wounding him, and then he himself asked his guard to kill him. Rabbi Laber asked them, “So who killed Avimelech?” This could be a complex legal question. APPS “NIGHT” PROJECTS Last week’s MC featured a group photo of PPS Program participants’ projects on “Night”. Close-up photos will be next week, there’s not enough room in this week’s edition.

YAAKOV BLESSES HIS SONS 5/6 grade is up to that now in Chumash with Rabbi Andrusier, he even offered each student a monetary reward if they’d learn it by heart, as it is one of the sections of Torah that there’s a tradition of knowing it by heart. THE MONKEY’S PAW Morah Clara has been working with 7th graders on character analysis of David and Shaul and other key historical figures they’ve been learning about in Navi. Now she joined forces with Mrs. Mulder as the students are writing character analysis on the story and play “The Monkey’s Paw” by W.W. Jacobs. Hopefully, the skills learned can be transferred to their Navi learning and analysis. HS MELAVA MALKA Last night HS Girls had a private Melava Malka at school. Some students worked in the kitchen and prepared mac & cheese, roasted potatoes, and a fresh salad, and set-up a “truth & dare” game. Some students spent time on the phones raising some scholarship monies toward the JGR Girls Winter Retreat this weekend. They actually dared Leyee to take them to treat them at Starbucks, which she did later (they split the cost) that very same night!

UPCOMING MELAVA MALKA Talking of Melava Malka, Rabbi Shea Hecht, of NCFJE, who has years of personal experience counseling couples & others in crisis situations, will talk about Shalom Bayis (harmony in the home) at a post-Tu Bishvat Melava Malka on January 22nd. See page 4. PAPERCUTS W/ CHANA COTTER The HS has been working on paper cuts these past few weeks. Some featured pesukim, while others did their mother’s name or phrases like "baruch haba" or "shabbat shalom".. MAZAL TOV SHERYL & ARON Both graduate students at UAlbany, they were married by Rabbi Mendel in Long Island last Sunday, and are having a Sheva Brachos this weekend at Shabbos House. Best wishes!! NOMINATING AUTHORS Each year, in addition to the Dr. Morton Berger Memorial Award, the Maimonides Dinner highlights and honors a spectrum of individuals based on a theme. One year we did Educators for Rashi 900, another year we did Explorers for Hudson 400. This year, to celebrate “People of the Book” we’re looking to highlight and honor a spectrum of local Jewish authors. If you have someone you’d like to nominate, please contact the school office.

SAVE PULL-TABS ON CANS Since their visit to the Ronald McDonald House on South Lake Ave, the HS Girls have been saving and collecting metal “pull-tabs” from soda cans etc for a fundraising effort by Ronald McDonald. You can still go ahead and recycle the rest of the can at the store, they just need the tiny pull-tab that’s used to open the can in the first place.

MENORAH TOYS HELP KIDS Portions of the UAlbany/Shabbos House/NCFJE Toys-Menorah were distributed to Friendship Circle, and another bunch was brought to the Ronald McDonald House by Rabbi Mathless and the HS Girls.

CLOTHING IN HEBREW Kova = hat, Na‟alayim = shoes, Mishkafayim = glasses. Tza‟if = scarf, Me‟il = coat, Svehter = sweater, Simlah = dress, Mahgafayim = boots…

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12/23-27: GIRLS WINTER RETREAT This weekend at an East Greenbush hotel. Highlights include: “Glow in the Snow”, Performing Arts, Soap & Candle-making, Dance Dance Revolution, tubing & skiing, & concert. or call Nechama 727-9581 for program, cost and info. 12/25: RABBIS REISMAN & FRAND Satellite shiur: Rabbi Reisman 7:30pm Sat Nights, Rabbi Frand at 9pm Thursday, both at CBAJ. 12/25: MELAVA MALKA KUMZITZ 7pm at 495 Moe Road in Clifton Park, celebrating Rabbi Yossi’s birthday. Call 495-0779 for more info. 12/24-30: HALF DAYS AM ONLY AM Judaic sessions, pickup at 11:45am, snack only, no lunch or bussing. Activities and learning planned. 12/27: RAMBAM YARTZEIT Assembly at school, starting after the morning recess for grades 3+ will celebrate “The Five Senses of the Rambam/Maimonides”. Reports in next week’s MC. 12/29: APPS PROGRAM ACTIVITIES Grades 5-7 participants in this past month’s “APPS” at Maimonides will enjoy a “evening meets morning” with roasted foods in a fire-bowl outside school, and a cozy story-time afterward in the school’s new wing basement. Please dress warmly for the outdoors. 12/27-30: FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE CAMP HS Girls will be staffing the Friendship Circle winter break camp for kids with special needs, located at HACD. Maimonides students have half-day school that week up until and including Thursday. 12/28: MAGIC SHOW @ C.P. LIBRARY “Magic Show with Jim Snack” 2pm at the Clifton Park Library on Moe Road for families with kids ages 4 and older. No registration required. 12/28-30: THE TRAINS ARE RUNNING Big train display will be running 12-3pm Tues-Thurs at the Schenectady Museum on Nott Terrace. Plus there are other regular science and historical exhibits to enjoy. Museum admission is $5 for kids 4-12, and $7.50 for adults (planetarium is extra). 12/31: FRIDAY BREAKFAST KIDDUSH See front page box for reasons & theme BreakfaStudy following 8am Shachris at Shomray Torah. 12/31: NEW YEARS WEEKEND No school on Friday December 31st. Enjoy the longer New Years Weekend. School resumes on Monday, January 3rd at 8am.

1/1: SONGS OF FAITH & HOPE II Sat Night Dinner and Dual-Concert at CBAJ. Shloime Kaufman (who just released another CD) accompanied by the Strosbergs - for adults, and Yaakov Yisrael (Jim) Costello with a simultaneous concert for children. Dinner and concert cost is $30 for adults and $15 for children. Concert only cost is: $20 per adult and $10 for children. $100 max per immediate family. RSVP by Dec 26th. 1/22: RABBI SHEA HECHT TO SPEAK AT SAT NIGHT ON SHALOM-BAYIT Rabbi Shea Hecht of NY’s NCFJE, a bold, dynamic Rabbi with much personal experience in counseling couples and people in crisis will be the guest speaker. Rabbi Hecht is engaging, humorous and “he tells it like it is.” This will be the first of a semi-annual series on harmony at home, good parenting etc, presented in memory of Esther Aidel (Rubin) Cohen. Stay tuned for more info, and regarding a possible children’s program that evening by the HS Girls. SPECIAL MINYANS AT SCHOOL 1/6: Rosh Chodesh Shvat Minyan 2/4: Rosh Chodesh Adar I Minyan 3/6: Daniel S’s Bar-Mitzvah Celebration 3/24: Eli L’s first Aliyah

at Maimonides and in the Community

MAIMONIDES SCHOOL (Nursery / Elementary / High School)

404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363 [email protected]

Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a UJF-NENY Beneficiary

THE BREISHIS CARNIVAL In honor of last week’s “Chazak!” conclusion of the entire Book of Breishis, Rabbis Yossi & Shmuly and the HS Girls put together a carnival for the school with one activity booth for each Parsha. Each student started off with a “Parsha Passport” which got checked off at each booth. All booths had some connection to that Parsha, and included activities like: (1) The Brother/Sister Game (2) Find the Silver Cup in a Bag of Sand (3) Dress-Up like Esau and Yaakov (4) Draw a Black-Magic Rainbow (5) How Long to Reach Israel (or Canaan) (6) String an Edible Necklace… and much more. Thanks to the HS girls for making the signs, and running the booths, (and taking these photos) even on short notice.

SWITCHING HANDS Nursery kids loved learning about their right and left hands, and how Yaakov switched his hands when blessing Menashe and Efraim. Although it is from last week’s Parsha, here’s a cute photo because the kids were so excited about it!

HALF-DAY PM IDEAS From Thursday 12/23 thru Thursday 12/30, there’ll be half-days (pick-up is at 11:45am, send snack but no lunch, there’s no bussing). We asked kids to come up with afternoon activity ideas to do at home, with parents etc… Obviously, some of these activities need parents help or permission. Take a walk around the mall, stop into the pet

shop, buy a drink at the Food Court. If the weather is decent, try a new park or one you

haven’t been to in a while. Make hot-cocoa or tea, and play a board-game

around the dining room table. Go to Chuck E. Cheese or Jeepers for indoor fun.

Try the Albany Art Room on Madison. Take a nap or relax with a book. Cuddle up on the

couch with a blanket and a good book. If it snows enough, get out and have fun, build a

fort or a snow-man. Find a slope to go sledding. Some places are close enough to go skiing and be back that afternoon.

Get some books out from your neighborhood library, or try a different branch for a change.

Draw a picture or paint a canvas. Maybe try to write a story, or make a comic-strip.

Visit a friend’s house, or write a post-card or email to an out-of-town friend or relative. Maybe you can Skype with them.

Clean-up your desk or dresser, go through old papers, organize your stuff.