magtungtong tayo

Running head:  MANTUNGTONG TAYO (  MAG-USAP TAYO ) 1  Mantungtong Tayo (  Mag-usap Tayo): The Negotiation Process between the Community and the Barangay Counc il of San Isidro Norte in Binmaley, Pangasinan regarding Local Health Programs Hope R. Bongolan, Maxlee Y. Merida, & Carleen G. Reyes University of the Philippines-Diliman

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 Mantungtong Tayo ( Mag-usap Tayo):

The Negotiation Process between the Community and the Barangay Council of San Isidro Norte

in Binmaley, Pangasinan regarding Local Health Programs

Hope R. Bongolan, Maxlee Y. Merida, & Carleen G. Reyes

University of the Philippines-Diliman

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Participation in initiatives (e.g., negotiations and dialogues) that aim to improve the quality of 

life in a community offers the best guarantee that more adequate actions will be taken for the

community's benefit by the authorities, such as the implementation of more appropriate barangay

 programs. This study looked into the whole negotiation process between the community and the

local government unit of Barangay San Isidro Norte in Binmaley, Pangasinan regarding the

community’s health-related issues, and the local government unit’s means of disseminating

information about local health programs conceptualized in response to those issues. In-depth

interviews were conducted with the residents and the officials of the barangay. The study found

that direct verbal communication is used by both the residents and the barangay officials in

expressing their health-related needs and disseminating information about local health programs,

respectively. Negotiations operate mainly on a personal level; most residents only express their 

own needs and do not include those that concern the entire community. The decisions in making

local health programs are dependent on the barangay officials’ initiatives since there is a lack of 

involvement from the community. The findings raise serious questions regarding the utilization

of communication as a tool for community development in the barangay.

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Under the general idea that people know what is best for them and their localities because they

have common values, loyalties, and concerns (Einsiedel, 1968), members of a community constantly

strive to improve their quality of life by being deeply involved in their environment. With this goal in

mind, they feel the need to interact and share perceptions and interpretations about their current state

among themselves. Communication, a fundamentally social process that makes organized action possible,

 plays a very vital role in this, as all their joint actions is based on shared meanings conveyed through it

(Habito-Cadiz, 1968; Kunczik, 1992).

There are some who take responsibility in managing their communities‟ problems by negotiating

with those higher up what they believe is best for everyone, as development is an internal process that

cannot be done to or for them by outside groups (Habito-Cadiz, 1968; Staley, 2001). Negotiation — a

dialogue that takes place between different parties in order to satisfy the interests of everyone involved — 

 becomes a tool for the community in achieving its aim of bringing about positive change in their 

environment, attaining holistic growth (Development Research Initiatives, Inc., 2005; Habito-Cadiz,

1968; Torry, 2008). It paves the way for community development, a circular social action process brought

about by members of a community which takes into consideration the concerns of the communities

themselves by involving them in the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of programs

for the welfare of their localities. (Development Research Initiatives, Inc., 2005; Labonne & Chase,

2009a). It is “a process by which the efforts of the people themselves are united with those of the

governmental authorities to improve economic, social, and cultural conditions of communities, to

integrate these communities into the life of the nation, and to enable them to contribute fully to national

 progress” (as cited in Einsiedel, 1968, p. 7). 

At the center of community development is participation (Zadeh & Ahmad, 2010), which can

offer the best guarantee that better decisions will be made and more adequate actions will be taken. When

members of a community play a considerable part in dialogues that gather substantial information for a

future — or even an ongoing —  program that can enhance their quality of life, authorities are more likely to

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come up with programs that are more efficient and effective, reducing the risk of failure (Zadeh &

Ahmad, 2010). Because it assures the stakeholders‟ commitment—as they “own” the decisions (Labonne

& Chase, 2009a; Zadeh & Ahmad, 2010) —people‟s participation ensures the program‟s social

acceptability (Habito-Cruz, 1968) and increases the community‟s enthusiasm for the program‟s

implementation and maintenance. Unfortunately, in the Philippines, participatory development was

termed by Okamura as “pseudo- participatory” because the beneficiaries are merely given “token

 participation” and simply execute plans organized by the government (Habito-Cadiz, 1968); regular direct

communication with the communities themselves are not very common, and these are done through

informal channels and outside office hours. Moreover, mayors still have the final say on the decisions

made because they are in control of the government funds (Malone, 1995), especially if the community is

equal, poor, or uninterested in dialogues with the government; in contrast, Labonne and Chase‟s study

show that it is neither the barangay officials nor the local elites but the households in the middle of the

village wealth distribution and those more involved in barangay assemblies who are more likely to have

their opinions represented in negotiations (2009b).

A good two-way information flow throughout the entire process is crucial to program formation

and implementation because only when information is properly disseminated can they be truly understood

 by people; if the information is completely grasped, the program has a higher chance for success

(Development Research Initiatives, Inc., 2005). In Philippine rural communities, there are various

 patterns of propagating information news about programs within barangays (Mercado et al., n.d.) — most

of which rely on word of mouth or other very traditional means. For instance, in Balatong B, information

about a program is received by the barangay captain, who shares it to his relatives, friends, and neighbors;

and they then share it to other members of the community. In Salvacion II, extension workers let informal

leaders know about a program, and they share this information in organizational meetings of men,

women, and the youth; and these people share it with the rest of the barangay. This old-fashioned set-up

of using solely interpersonal communication to get the word around about community programs takes a

great deal of effort because they do not utilize modern media or other types of mediated communication.

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This definitely requires collective action — as with the entire process of community development — and it

greatly entails participation from the community to accomplish the members‟ goal of addressing their 

needs and other societal issues.

Concerns regarding health, in particular, should be given more attention, as the health sector is

said to be one of the areas sought to be enhanced by the 1991 government decentralization in the

Philippines, which shifted the power to municipalities (Ramiro et al., 2001). It was a way for local

government units (LGU) to better address the health-related needs of their constituents, and it supposedly

improved the quality, transparency, and participation of the community in decision-making regarding

local health programs (Bossert & Beauvais, 2002); nevertheless, that move did not seem to improve the

state of health in the country due to the LGUs‟ lack of  funding to implement proposed health services

(Ramiro et al., 2001). A case in point is the construction of community health centers, which — to some

extent — have been helpful in providing health services to underprivileged members of localities,

especially in rural areas, because most of them are not capable of shouldering hospital expenses (Whelan,

2010); however, health workers are only able to administer starter doses of prescribed medications

 because some cannot afford the full doses since 80 percent of the people live below the poverty line

(Concha et al., 2003; Malone, 1995).

It is important to note how LGUs are trying to alleviate health-related issues through active

negotiations with its residents, as developments regarding the maintenance of every Fi lipino‟s health are

imperative in attaining poverty reduction and sustainable development because a strong economy is no

good without its healthy citizens. Also, knowing how barangay officials disseminate information on local

health programs conceptualized to answer those needs is also essential because being able to think of 

appropriate programs is not enough — effective implementation is necessary for community development

to truly work. In spite of this, no researches have been made on either the negotiation process or the

dissemination of information on programs conceptualized in response to the community‟s needs. 

As such, the current study —entitled “ Mantungtong Tayo” or “let‟s talk” in Pangalatok, the main

dialect in Pangasinan — aimed to discover the negotiation process between the community and the LGU of 

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Barangay San Isidro Norte in Binmaley, Pangasinan in relation to health issues, and to explore the LGU‟s

means of communication in disseminating information about local health programs in response to those



Since one communication theory cannot adequately cover the phenomenon studied, the

researchers took concepts from three theories — namely, Stuart Hall‟s Seminal Theory, Symbolic

Interactionism, and Social Exchange Theory — to come up with an integrated framework.

According to Stuart Hall, there are three ways in which understanding a text can take place:

dominant reading (full acceptance), negotiated reading (partial acceptance), and oppositional reading (full

rejection). This concept acts as a filter for both parties (Chandler, 2001): the community can accept,

negotiate, or oppose local health programs being implemented based on how they have interpreted the

meanings behind the symbols; conversely, barangay officials can also accept, negotiate, or oppose the

 petition of the community during negotiations.

Meaning making, taken from Symbolic Interactionism, was operationalized as the subjective

meanings anchored on one‟s background. It exists in messages that are being sent by both parties, in

which case it was defined as programs and verbal communication. Once a negotiation has been settled, it

will then result in an action, operationalized as conformity/defiance to the implemented program.

 Naturally, if a community‟s petition is granted, conformity will follow; however, the opposite will happen

if negotiations were unsuccessful, or if the community negatively interprets the meanings attached to a

 particular program.

Equal give and take between parties still serves as the foundation of the operational framework to

further emphasize that reciprocity, a concept from the Social Exchange Theory, should always be

observed in every section of the negotiation process.

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Figure 1. Operational Level Model


A qualitative research design was employed because the problems required a closer look at the

nature of activities within the community and involved the construction of meanings.

In-depth interviews were conducted with both the community members and the local government

officials of Barangay San Isidro Norte in Binmaley, Pangasinan to be able to give a holistic view of the

negotiation process, validating statements from main actors from both parties. Separate interview guides

were made for the two groups to draw out the necessary information.

Maximum variation sampling was employed for the residents, with education as the criterion

 because of the presumption that locals with varying educational backgrounds make use of different

negotiation strategies. On the other hand, snowball sampling was used for the barangay officials, with the

 barangay captain serving as the point person.

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The data constructed from the informants‟ interviews were organized and analyzed in line with

the study‟s objectives. To fully draw out the findings, verbatim transcriptions were done for all the

interviews, and manual grouping was done in order to organize statements according to concepts. Their 

age, sex, and level of educational attainment were also used as anchors of comparison to be able to fully

wring out the relationship of such demographic factors to their responses.

Results & Discussion

 Profile of Barangay San Isidro Norte

A wide range of residents was covered by the researchers in terms of age: almost half of the

informants were in their fifties, while the others‟ ages were spread out: 18, 24, 32, 43, and 74 years old.

Apparently, age does not significantly determine if negotiations will take place, as the informants who

have conveyed issues concerning the entire community have varied ages. Moreover, the residents are well

aware and informed of the local health programs despite their age. On another note, the barangay officials

are at least in their mid-thirties. This shows that holding a position in the barangay council can be

associated with age; older people are assumed to be more experienced and mature, and, therefore, be

more able to manage his or her constituents.

On the subject of sex, it was found that women are more able to convey their concerns to the

 barangay officials, and this assertion was reinforced by the barangay captain, who said that those who ask 

help from him are usually women who need financial help for ultrasound and/or labor assistance.

Meanwhile, the dominance of men in the barangay council may be associa ted with the country‟s

 patriarchal system of governance. Although the researchers were not able to meet all of the officials, the

number of men who hold positions in the local government unit is enough basis to say that the barangay is

in a patriarchal state.

Regarding the barangay‟s economic standing, it can be said that San Isidro Norte has a relatively

low standard of living, being a rural and provincial community; thus, what might be small in an urban

area is already quite enough for the residents of the locality being studied. However, it must be noted that

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their economic standing does not significantly influence their tendency to negotiate with the barangay

officials since the residents who were able to communicate with the local government unit about

community-related problems are from varied economic standings. On the other hand, the barangay

officials were all classified as well-off; hence, it can be said that financial stability is a prerequisite for an

individual to hold public office. This may be attributed to the fact that the barangay‟s internal revenue

allotment or IRA, which only amounts to roughly 1.4 million PhP, is literally in their hands; thus, they

must be able to rely on their own resources in order to help their constituents without resorting to corrupt


With the last socio-demographic factor being educational attainment — and the criterion for the

residents‟ maximum variation sampling— it was found to play a vital role because those who are able to

 better understand the community‟s needs are the ones who negotiate in order to work out the true issues

of the community; and just as presumed, those who were able to receive a relatively high level of 

education are the ones who are able to negotiate community-wide concerns with the barangay officials.

As for the authorities, it can also be posited that the level of education they received can influence their 

fitness for public office, as the barangay captain was found to have graduated from college.

 Health-related Issues

Five concerns regar ding the community‟s health were raised: (1) common illnesses and

immunization; (2) cleanliness; (3) hypertension; (4) malnutrition; and (5) family planning.

Common illnesses and immunization are usual problems, especially with children and the elderly;

they are the most prone to ailments because their immune systems are not yet or no longer strong enough

to be resistant against infections. Most of the informants mentioned that they needed medication for 

cough, colds, and fever at some point in the past. Kids were also vaccinated to avoid preventable


Cleanliness is a health-related issue as well, as a polluted environment may lead to the

aforementioned sicknesses and diseases related to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) such as

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leptospirosis. Dengue is a specific example of a WASH-related sickness, and it is widespread in areas

with unsafe drinking water, poor sanitation, and inadequate hygiene practices. Fortunately, there have

 been no reported cases in the barangay, as confirmed by the barangay captain. Nevertheless, the

community is aware of the dengue outbreak in the country and is cooperating with the barangay officials

in preventing the sickness through fogging and seminars.

Another condition the residents look out for is hypertension or high blood pressure, which is more

likely to develop in older people. The elderly informants pay close attention to their blood pressure,

getting it checked whenever possible, because having high blood pressure increases the risk of heart

disease and stroke. One informant shared, “  „Yong mister ko, high blood... nagpapa-BP  siya diyan sa

health center... Gusto ko mino-monitor  ang BP niya. „ Di ba ‘pag high blood, daily magpapa-BP  para

alam niya ‘yong kilos niya, [kung ] magpapagod ba siya o ano.” [My husband has a high blood pressure...

He has his BP checked at the local health center... I want to monitor his BP daily so he would know what

to do, if it‟s okay to tire himself out or what.] (Resident, F, 50)

Malnutrition is also prevalent in the impoverished locality, as not all of the residents are able to

eat three complete and healthy meals a day.” Mahirap talaga [ang barangay namin]. Nagkakaroon talaga

ng  food shortage.  Masakit mang aminin, pero makikita mo talaga na karamihan ay halos hindi na

kumakain ng kumpleto sa isang araw. Tatlong meals, hindi na nila nakukumpleto ‘yon.” [Our community

is poor. There really is a shortage of food. It hurts to admit it, but it is apparent that most of them do not

eat three complete meals a day.] (Captain, M, 49)

Lastly, family planning or conceiving a plan on when and how many children a couple is going to

have, preventing unwanted pregnancies, has become the main problem of the community; however, it is

only perceived to be as such by the barangay captain. According to him, residents do not think of it as an

issue because they believe in God‟s command to “go forth and multiply.” He attributes this ignorance to

the residents‟ lack of education: 

‘Yan ang problema sa’tin. Kasi sila, wala silang  education...  Hindi nila alam ano ‘yong mga

modern technologies  para sa family planning...  Syempre akala nila hindi ‘yon ang  cause ng 

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 paghihirap nila... Wala silang trabaho. Wala silang  fixed [way] kung paano nila bubuhayin

‘yong bata. Kaya ang  style dito, pagkapanganak, papakainin lang nila ng two years,

 papakawalan na. [That is the problem —they‟re not educated. They do not know the modern

technologies for family planning, which they do not believe is the cause of their poverty. They do

not have jobs. They don‟t have a sure plan to be able to take care of their children. That‟s why in

this community, after they give birth, the parents would just feed them for two years and then let

them fend for themselves.] (Captain, M, 49) 

 Negotiation Strategies and Tactics

 Negotiators in the barangay can be classified into two types, determined by the goal of the

negotiation: the self-centered and the altruistic. The self-centered, as the name suggests, cares only about

his or her immediate environment‟s health concerns; informants categorized as such went to barangay

officials in order to address their family‟s needs regarding medication for ailments and monetary needs

for checkups, among others. A case in point is one informant who approached the barangay captain in his

home because she needed personal financial assistance. These kind of negotiators do not suggest

sustainable local health programs with barangay officials; they simply express their immediate health

needs instead. This is consistent with Timberman‟s belief that the Philippines‟ predominant “culture of 

 poverty” compels its deprived citizens to take interest in immediate benefits, as opposed to long-term

gains (1991). The altruistic, on the other hand, are those who communicate with barangay officials to

resolve issues that concern not only themselves but the entire community as well. Informants classified as

such conveyed their interest in large-scale barangay programs (e.g., drainage system) and their concerns

regarding the security within the community.

Consistent with the studies in the related literature, negotiations are done through informal

channels and sometime even outside office hours. The residents simply go directly to the barangay

captain‟s house because of the urgency and severity of a certain need. When asked how she approac hes

the barangay officials, one informant answered, “ Kapag araw kasi, andiyan sila [ sa  barangay hall]...

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kapag gabi na, sa bahay. Pwedeng puntahan mo sila sa bahay, Malalapitan mo sila .” [They are at the

 barangay hall during the day. At night, we can easily approach them in their own homes.] (Resident, F,


In line with the utilization of informal channels in the negotiation process, there is no legitimized

 process that the residents have to follow if they wish to communicate with barangay officials, especially

the barangay captain. “Walang  process ‘yan. Wala ‘yong  hierarchy na pupunta muna sa purok  leader,

tapos ‘yong purok leader, ia-ano niya sa  barangay kagawad, tapos ‘yong  barangay kagawad to kapitan.

 Mali, kapitan kaagad, e.” [There is no process, no hierarchy. The residents do not go to the purok leader,

who then supposedly goes to a barangay kagawad, and then the barangay captain. No, they approach the

 barangay captain directly.] (Captain, M, 49) The community perceives the barangay captain as its access

to the higher ups because he or she has the power and capability to ask help from other institutions, such

as the Department of Social Welfare and Development and the Municipality of Binmaley, Pangasinan.

The barangay captain commented that in utilizing direct verbal communication in negotiations,

those seeking for help are able to inject emotions into the discourse unlike in formal written

communication: “Umiiyak ditong pumupunta ‘yan. E kung pwede lang talagang maresolba ‘yong 

 problema nila, pahintuin mo ‘yong iyak sa pamamagitan lang ng maliit na bagay o kaya sa magandang 

 pakiki-usap.” [They come here, crying. If only I can solve all their problems, make them stop crying by

giving them a small amount or talking to them.] (Captain, M, 49) Some even use their children to fish for 

sympathy so they can get what they are asking for. As compared to formal written proposals, informal

and direct verbal communication can be sparked at any moment. One kagawad said that formal written

letters are often used in big projects and solicitations, such as Christmas caroling; hence, it is not usually

used by the community in addressing their immediate health needs.

Social distance also played an important role in the negotiation process, as it determines if 

negotiation will even take place. Informants who have close ties with barangay officials are the only ones

 proactively involved in the negotiation process regarding programs that are deemed important for the

entire community; those who are socially distant from the local authorities do not suggest or have little

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interest in bringing up their issues concerning the community to the barangay officials. One informant

who is friends with the barangay captain recounted:

Consultant ako ng  barangay... pumupunta sila dito kung saka-sakaling may ire-report  silang 

 problema.  Pumupunta lang sila dito sa bahay para tanungin ako... Parang magkaibigan kasi,

actually. ‘Yong kapitan dito, kumpare ko e. Tinulungan ko kasi siya kaya nanalo . [I‟m a

consultant of the barangay. They go to me if ever they need to report a problem, to ask me

something. We are friends, actually. I am a close friend of the barangay captain because I helped

him win.] (Resident, M, 50)

 Local Health Programs as Negotiation Feedback 

Knowing how the local authorities perceive and interpret the community‟s health-related needs is

essential because it is part of the decoding process during negotiations, and it serves as the foundation for 

the creation of local health programs — the concretized feedback of barangay officials regarding the

community‟s concerns. 

Aside from the residents‟ expressed needs taken collectively by the barangay officials, hearsay

from barangay health workers (BHW) is another source from which the local government unit gathers

information about the community‟s health-related concerns. These BHWs serve as the barangay captain‟s

additional “eyes” in looking after his constituents‟ pressing health needs because he cannot check up on

each and every resident himself.

In addition to the BHWs as the barangay o fficials‟ source of information on the community‟s

needs, the barangay captain himself inquires about the community whenever he can. He believes that he

should be aware of the happenings regarding his constituents, and should be directly involved in handling

their health needs. “ „Yan talaga ang [role] ng kapitan: siya ang directly involved doon sa mga tao. Halos

kapamilya na nila ‘yan, e.”  [That‟s the barangay captain‟s role: he is the one directly involved with

 people because they are like family.] (Captain, M, 49)

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Through these, several local health programs were implemented based on the information

collected from the said sources, each one corresponding to a certain health-related issue raised by the

community — free checkups, medication and vaccines, cleanup drives, fogging, feeding programs, and

family planning seminars, to name a few.

However, it is important to note that there is clearly a lack of involvement on the community‟s

 part in the development of the said local health programs, and this finding is consistent with the studies

mentioned in the related literature. Only personal pleas are evident in negotiations. This is so not because

residents do not explicitly express their concerns regarding the community‟s health-related issues;

therefore, no dialogue ensues between the residents and the barangay officials concerning programs that

can be conceptualized to best meet their needs.

This lack of involvement can also be rooted in the community‟s trust in their barangay officials.

Some informants believe that the local authorities are capable of carrying out their duties, which include

implementing local health programs that the entire community will benefit from. Since the residents trust

them enough to perform such responsibilities, they tend not to state their problems about their health. For 

instance, one informant thinks the barangay officials are able to answer their health-related needs because

“weekly, andiyan sila [ sa health center]...  Kapag may humihingi ng gamot, andiyan naman sila. Basta

 sinabi mong kailangan mo ng gamot, binibigay nila.” [They are always there at the health center every

week to give out medicine if someone asks for it. Just tell them you need medicine, and they will give it

to you.] (Resident, F, 29)

Consequently, the decisions regarding the making of local health programs are usually dependent

on the barangay officials‟ initiative. When asked if the community negotiates its concerns and gives out

suggestions for future programs, the barangay captain said, “‘Yong may magrereklamo pa, hihintayin mo

 pa ‘yong reklamo tapos tsaka ka lang mag -aaksyon? Hindi, hindi sa amin... Inuunahan na namin ‘yong 

 problema.” [We‟ll wait for someone to complain before we take action? No, not in our community. We

take steps in order to prevent the problem.] (Captain, M, 49) It is the authorities themselves who think of 

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what the main health-related problems are and how to best address those within their limitations because

the residents are not as involved in the negotiation process.

 Information Dissemination of Local Health Programs

After identifying and interpreting all the needs of the community, the barangay officials, in turn,

address these through the implementation of community development programs — the encoding process of 

the local government unit in the overall negotiation process. However, their power to implement comes

with the responsibility of communicating with the residents; information dissemination, then, becomes a

tool for negotiations to persist. Furthermore, the level of awareness may affect the community‟s reception

and participation in the program being raised by the barangay. This can be increased by employing

effective means of information dissemination.

Though modernization is ubiquitous in urban areas, barangay officials of Binmaley still observe

the traditional ways of communication, with the voice of the communicator being the only medium.

Considering the economic standing of most members of the community, this becomes the most

appropriate means of communication since they cannot even sustain their basic needs, and modern

technologies such as the radio and television may be affordable to a few. This eliminates the use of other 

media in information dissemination. Though using print media seams feasible, it will be difficult and

ineffective, as it might cater only to a small portion of the community because of the level of illiteracy

due to the lack of education as a result of poverty.

One particular strategy being employed by the local authorities is the barangay assembly, which

is usually help every March and October at the barangay gym. It aims to accommodate the whole

community and raise the members‟ awareness, as shared by the informants: “ Doon na sinasabi ‘yong mga

 ganitong  projects... Magkakaroon tayo ng  medical-dental mission na nagmumula sa  NGO tulad ng 

Rotary Club. Sinasabi na doon para alam nila.” [This is when projects are announced. We will be having

medical-dental missions from NGOs like the Rotary Club. They tell us so the community would know.]

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(Resident, M, 50) However, the attendance of all the residents is not assured, as some are reluctant to

leave their homes because they cannot leave their children, among other reasons.

An alternative way of communicating with the residents is through house-to-house visits of 

BHWs or “barangay patrol”, as the residents call it. This is parallel with Mercado et al.‟s study wherein

there really are people responsible in dissemination information through traditional verbal

communication. Using megaphones, the BHWs would announce upcoming programs to almost every

house in the community:  Mayroong mga miyembro dito ng  BHW.  Labindalawa sila, umiikot... Kung 

schedule ng Huwebes ng mga BHW, pupunta sila diyan [ sa sekretarya], kukuha ng gamot, tapos ilalagay

 sa [health] center.” [There are twelve BHWs who go around the community. Every Thursday, they would

go to the secretary, get medications, which would be taken to the health center.] (Resident, F, 74)

However, the BHWs are not able to reach all the residences in the community, as mentioned by an

informant: “ Paminsan, pumupunta; paminsan, hindi. Pero madalas, hindi kasi asa likod kami... doon

malapit sa dagat.” [Sometimes, they would come; sometimes, they would not. But more often than not,

they would not because our house is by the sea.] (Resident, F, 43) This shows that being equipped with

these means of information dissemination is not enough. The execution of these means still determines

the success of instilling awareness in the community

 Participation and Negotiation Motivators

One of the basic premises of symbolic interactionism is that people act on the basis of the

meanings they attach to certain things. Consequently, in this process of decoding and meaning-making,

the residents filter the messages they receive and respond according to how they interpret the programs.

These responses can be either full acceptance or rejection, as pointed out in the operational framework;

there is no partial acceptance since there is no observed negotiations occur regarding issues of the entire

community, especially after the implementation of the programs.

The residents‟ needs are an essential aspect that influences their interpretation of local health

 programs. If they sense that a particular program will satisfy their needs, there is a tendency for them to

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 participate more in that program (full acceptance). A certain example would be those who constantly take

 part in the feeding program, which helps lessen the cases of malnutrition; those underprivileged families

are more willing to participate because they cannot provide enough food for the family due to financial

instability. Most of the needs mentioned by informants are physiological ones (e.g., food, shelter,

medicine, money). Once these needs are not met, they will respond more positively and participate more

actively in programs that satisfy these basic needs; the community will join only if the intensity and

urgency to fulfill a particular need is extremely high. Moreover, residents tend to support a program more

if it gives them immediate benefits; otherwise, they will simply be aware of the program but take no


Education also plays a vital part in how residents interpret local health programs being

implemented by barangay officials. It serves as a lens through which they can see things, such as that of a

 professional photographer‟s: the higher the level of education received, the wider their “lens” become

when perceiving barangay programs. Residents who are relatively uneducated perceive a particular 

 program as unnecessary and harmful to them (full rejection). For instance, the barangay captain pointed

out that people in the community are not receptive to his family planning program because they are afraid

of it: “ Hindi sila interesado [ sa family planning program] kasi takot din sila. Takot daw sila kumain ng 

mga [birth control] pills. Takot silang magpa-ligate... kasi nga kulang sila sa edukasyon.” [They are not

interested in the family planning program because they are scared. They are scared of taking birth control

 pills. They are scared of having a ligation because they are not educated.] (Captain, M, 49) Education also

 becomes a basis for implicit physical segregation within the community. The condition of houses

improves as they are located farther from the ocean. One informant argued that those who live by the

ocean are poorer, while those who live farther are well-off: “’Di naman sa nakakaangat, pero ‘yong mga

 skwater sa area, malapit sa dagat.” [It is not that we are better, but the underprivileged in the area live

near the sea.] (Resident, M, 50) This segregation can also be rooted in the type of livelihood the two

different social classes have. Because the poor‟s livelihood consists mainly of fishing, it is imperative that

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they live closer to the coast for maximum efficiency; on the other hand, those who are well-off live

farther from the coast because their work is probably nearer to the city.

Lastly, religious and traditional beliefs can substantially influence how residents decode local

health programs. This specifically applies to the family planning program of the barangay. The barangay

captain commented that only a few residents attend his seminars, and he slightly coerces them just to go

to these discussions. Coercion is deemed necessary because some are so attached to their religious beliefs

that they decode it as something that is against their religious background and reject it completely : “ Ang 

nasa isip lang nila, ‘yong nasa Bible na ‘ go forth and multiply‟.” [They are only thinking of the saying in

the Bible, “go forth and multiply”.] (Captain, M, 49) This rejection may be rooted in the lack of 

negotiation between the community and the barangay officials; since the residents do not negotiate their 

health-related concerns with barangay officials, the latter are unable to take into account their religious

 beliefs to the conception of local health programs.


In this qualitative investigation, it was learned that Barangay San Isidro Norte in Binmaley,

Pangasinan is a poor community located near the coastline, with fishing as its main livelihood; most of 

the residents earn less than 10,000 PhP monthly.

The main health concerns of the community are common illnesses (e.g., cough, colds, and fever),

immunization, cleanliness, hypertension, malnutrition, and family planning.

As  part of the community‟s negotiation strategies and tactics on both personal petitions and

community-wide concerns, the residents use informal and direct verbal communication in conveying

 personal need; through this, the resident seeking help is able to inject emotions in order to add validity to

his or her pressing need. They simply go straight to any barangay official since there is no legitimized

 process needed to follow, as there is no hierarchy at the barangay level.

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Barangay officials gather information about the community‟s needs through the residents‟

expressed needs taken collectively, hearsays from the barangay health workers, and the barangay

captain‟s personal inquiries with his constituents. 

When they have already conceptualized a local health program based on the collected information

from the community, the barangay officials disseminate information about the program through direct

verbal communication as well. The barangay health workers would go around and inform the community

on the upcoming local health program. Barangay officials resort to traditional methods of information

dissemination because of the absence of technologies that can make the process more efficient.

The residents‟ needs, educational attainment, and religious and traditiona l beliefs are underlying

aspects that play important roles in molding the community‟s interpretations, and, in turn, affect their 

reception of and compliance with the local health programs.

With Stuart Hall‟s Seminal Theory and Symbolic Interactionism, the researchers were able to

identify significant concepts on how the local government unit perceives the needs of the community,

which leads to the construction of appropriate programs, the community‟s interpretation of barangay

 programs, and how their interpretations play a role in their participation in the said programs. However,

the concept of reciprocity from the Social Exchange Theory was not observed in the relationship between

the community and barangay officials in the conducted study. The decisions in making local health

 programs are dependent on the barangay officials‟ initiatives since there is a lack of involvement from the

community. Negotiations between the community and the local government unit are not as prevalent as

anticipated. They operate mainly on a personal level; residents are only concerned with their own needs,

and they are not vocal about what they may believe are urgent health issues in the community.


Future researchers can improve on the methodology used. To gain more insights, interviews

should be more exhaustive in discovering the nature of the negotiation process. Barangay health workers,

midwives, and even volunteers from the community who may give new perspectives on the study can be

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interviewed. One crucial limitation of the current study was a language barrier. It is suggested that future

researchers concentrate on localities that consist mainly of residents who speak a language or dialect the

researchers are articulate in so more insights can be obtained from different informants. In utilizing

maximum variation sampling, other criteria may be used which could influence the community.

In a practical sense of fostering community development, both the residents and the barangay

officials should be proactively engaged in dialogues between and among them. This will help the local

authorities to respond effectively to the community‟s needs and not just depend on hearsays. It should be

the local government unit‟s goal to improve the means of communication in the community regarding the

identification of issues that should be resolved, which can lead to community development.

Barangay officials can make use of traditional communication‟s full potential in disseminating

information by holding assembly meetings more frequently; in encouraging the residents to attend and

 participate in the meetings, simple incentives can be given away to them. Barangay officials may hold

activities, such as election of programs, which makes the proposal‟s decision -making process more

transparent, beneficial and participative to the community. More importantly, they may start using

modern technologies in raising awareness among the residents. More efficient means of disseminating

information about community programs the barangay officials have come up with should be employed

through the help of mediated communication and modern media. This may be a long-term process for 

development, especially for a rural area like Binmaley, but it will be more beneficial for the community in

the long run.

Considering most of the residents‟ health-related needs have to do with financial assistance,

allocating funds or a certain portion of the budget will be highly beneficial to finance local health

 programs in response to these concerns (e.g., feeding program and free medications). Provided this fixed

source of funds, there is no need for barangay officials to draw their own money in sustaining the

residents‟ needs. Also, an allotment of funds for the use of media in disseminating information is


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Lastly, education in the barangay should be given more attention, as it is one of the major 

influences on the residents‟ perception of their needs and participation in community programs.  

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A.  Interview Guide for the Community

1. Ano po mga nararanasan ninyong problema pagdating sa kalusugan? O kahit po mga kamag-

anak ninyo?

2. May mga proyekto po ba ang barangay na tumugon sa mga problemang ninyong ito?

3. Paano po ito ipinatutupad ng barangay? Naabutan na po ba kayo ng proyektong ito?

4. Kung wala, papaano niyo po ipanaparating sa barangay na may mga ganito kayong

 problema? (Probe for verbal and nonverbal messages; in form of formal petitions,

outright/hostile conversations, friendly conversations) Bakit sa ganitong paraan po?

5. Susundin niyo po ba ang mga panuntunin na ito kung ipatupad man ito ng inyong barangay

 batay sa inyong mga suhestiyon? Bakit?

6. May ibang mga proyekto po ba ang barangay na tumutugon sa inyong pangangailangang


7. Kung meron, ano ano? Sinusunod niyo po ba ito? Bakit oo? (Probe if answered

“nakakabuti”) Bakit hindi? (Probe if answer negatively; might be against


8. Anu-ano po ba yung mga serbisyong pangkalusugan na sa tingin ninyo po ay dapat na

ibinibigay ng barangay?

B.  Interview Guide for the Barangay Officials

1. Mayroon po ba kayong mga proyekto na inluunsad para sa komunidad ng Binmaley? Ano-

ano po ito? (Probe for health projects)

2. Meron po bang tungkol sa kalusugan?

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3. Paano niyo po ito ipinatupad? Ipapatupad? Pinapatupad?

4. Kamusta naman po ang naging pagtugon ng mga resident e sa proyektong ito? Bakit po kaya

nagging ganito ang kanilang naging pagtugon? Naging epektibo po ba ang proyekto?

5. Paano ninyo po nalalaman na itong mga serbisyo ang kanila pong kailangan? (Probe if 

dialogues between the barangay and community exists)

6. Sa paanong paraan po nila ito pinapahayag? Nakikipag-diyalogo po ba ang komunidad sa

inyo? (Formal petition/friendly convo) Bakit po sa ganitong paraan?

7. Tinutugunan ninyo po ba ang ang lahat ng kanilang pangangailangang pangkalusugan batay

sa kanilang mga hinain o suhestiyon o diyalogo? Bakit oo? (Significant/”palakasan” system)

Bakit hindi? (Probe reasons for not implementing all of the commnuity’s suggestions;

financial constraints/feasibility/insignificant)

8. Sa tingin niyo po ba ay nagagampanan ninyo nang maayos ang inyong tungkulin upang

solusyunan ang mga hinaing ng mga residente pagdating sa mga isyung pangkalusugan?

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A.  Personal Information Sheet for Community

Name: Sindrell Apostol

Sex: FemaleAge: 18

Birthday: February 25

Address: San Isidro Norte, Binmaley, Pangasinan

Projected Monthly Income:  N/A

Educational Attainment: First year college

Occupation: Student

Aware of Barangay Activities: Yes

Name: Emilita Ayad

Sex: FemaleAge: 59

Birthday: September 22

Address: San Isidro Norte, Binmaley, Pangasinan

Projected Monthly Income:  N/A

Educational Attainment: Grade 6

Occupation: Mananahi

Aware of Barangay Activities: Yes

Name: Rodolfo Cerezo

Sex: Male

Age: 50

Birthday: December 2

Address: 185 San Isidro Norte

Projected Monthly Income: 25,000

Educational Attainment: Bachelor of Law

Occupation: Director of Government

Aware of Barangay Activities: Yes

Name: Camillo CruzSex: Male

Age: 55

Birthday: October 29

Address: San Isidro Norte, Binmaley, Pangasinan

Projected Monthly Income: 2,000

Educational Attainment: Grade 4

Occupation: Fisherman

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Aware of Barangay Activities: Yes

Name: Lederlesida T. MacanilaoSex: Female

Age: 50

Birthday: January 3

Address: San Isidro Norte, Binmaley, Pangasinan

Projected Monthly Income: 3,000

Educational Attainment: First year college

Occupation: Housewife

Aware of Barangay Activities: Yes

Name: Merna RosarioSex: Female

Age: 32

Birthday: August 8

Address: San Isidro Norte, Binmaley, Pangasinan

Projected Monthly Income: 1,500

Educational Attainment: High school graduate

Occupation: Housekeeper 

Aware of Barangay Activities:  No

Name: Manilyn Soriano

Sex: Female

Age: 24

Birthday: October 31

Address: San Isidro Norte, Binmaley, Pangasinan

Projected Monthly Income: 2, 000

Educational Attainment: High school

Occupation:  N/A

Aware of Barangay Activities: Yes

Name: Marilyn Soriano

Sex: Female

Age: 43

Birthday: March 29

Address: San Isidro Norte, Binmaley, Pangasinan

Projected Monthly Income:  N/a

Educational Attainment: Elementary

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Occupation: unemployed

Aware of Barangay Activities:  No

Name: Maria Torio

Sex: FemaleAge: 74

Birthday: December 30

Address: San Isidro Norte, Binmaley, Pangasinan

Projected Monthly Income:  N/A

Educational Attainment: Elementary

Occupation: Unemployed

Aware of Barangay Activities: Yes

B.  Personal Information Sheet for Local Government Officials

Name: Dennis Ruiz

Sex: Male

Age: 49

Birthday: December 25

Address: San Isidro Norte Binmaley, Pangasinan

Projected Monthly Income: 30,000

Current position in barangay


Barangay Captain

Duration of service: 1 year 

Past positions in the barangay:  None

Duration of service:  N/A

Have you taken part in any local

barangay projects within your

time of service?


What are these projects? Drainage system, clean-up drive

How many of these projects are

focused on health?

Family planning, feeding program

Name: Imelda Abalos

Sex: Female

Age: 53

Birthday: September 28

Address: San Isidro Norte, Binmaley, Pangasinan

Projected Monthly Income: 13,000

Current position in barangay



Duration of service: 1 year 

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Past positions in the barangay: Barangay Health Worker 

Duration of service: 11 years

Have you taken part in any local

barangay projects within your

time of service?


What are these projects? Livelihood, women’s brigade, wella How many of these projects are

focused on health?

Wella (boneless bangus), feeding

Name: Angelito Bijaron

Sex: Male

Age: 35

Birthday: January 4

Address: 54 San Isidro Norte, Binmaley, Pangasinan

Projected Monthly Income: 15,000

Current position in barangayoffice:


Duration of service: 1 year 

Past positions in the barangay: Kagawad

Duration of service: 3 years

Have you taken part in any local

barangay projects within your

time of service?


What are these projects? Basketball, plummery, canal (drainage)

How many of these projects are

focused on health?

Feeding, fogging, general cleaning (dengue),half-court basketball

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Interview Transcripts

A.  Barangay Official

M: „Di ba nabanggit niyo po kanina na may mga programa po kayo na inilulunsad sa komunidad

ninyo p tungkol sa... para sa ikauunlad nitong barangay ninyo. Paki-enumerate ninyo lang po

kung ano po itong mga ito, „yong lahat po. 

R : Na ano? „Yong... 

M: Opo, „yong naabutan ninyo po. „Yong mga proyekto po na... 

: Naabutan ko na? O „yong... 

M: Mga ginagawa ninyo po.

R : Tsaka gagawin?

M: Tsaka gagawin po. „Yong mga plano ninyo pong gawin? 

R : „Yong ano, „yong garbage disposal.

M: Tsaka „yong uplifment of the poor. Ganon! „Yong ano „yong trabaho nila... 

R : Ah, „yong para po sa mahirap? 

M: Ano pa po, sir?

R : „Yong kasi tabing dagat kami. Gusto naming „yong ano... mangingisda sa illegal fishing. 

M: Illegal fishing po? So „yon po „yong pinaka-focus niyo?

R : Oo, illegal fishing.

M: Ano pa po?

R : Tsaka „yon nga, „yong garbage disposal, paglilinis ng mga ilog, ganon.  

M: Bakit po? Madumi po ba „yong ilong? 

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R : Oo, madumi masyado „yong ilog na‟tin. Grabe „yong ano na‟tin. Tsaka „yong ano... kaya nga

ang priority ko talaga ang drainage system.

M: Opo.

R : Oo, kasi para malayo tayo sa flash flood.

M: „Yong basura po, wala naman pong nagkakasakit dahil sa mga basura na „yon?  

R : Oo, marami rin.

M: Katulad po ng alin „yong mga sakit na „yon? 

R : Pero dito naman, hindi naman masyado ang dengue dito. Hindi naman masyadong sakit.

„Yong nga, nagpapalinis kami. Mayroon kaming... basta weekly, mayroon kaming clean-up

drive. Kung hindi sa dagat, dito sa mga bahay-bahay.

M: Pero nagka-dengue naman na po dito sa inyo?

R : So far, wala pa kaming kaso ng dengue dito sa barangay namin.

M: Wala pa naman, buti naman po. Ayan, meron po ba kayong proyekto dito tungkol sa

kalusugan bukod sa mga nabanggit ninyo po kanina?

R : Oo, „yong mga bakuna. „Yong mga bata.

M: Ano pa po para sa kalusugan?

R : Bakuna, tapos „yong sa feeding program.  

M: Opo.

R : Sa malnutrition, „yon lang. „Yon lang yata. 

M: „Yong sa family planning po? 

R : Ayon, „yong sa family planning. 

M: Opo, „yong sa family planning. „Yong mga proyekto po na ito na pangkalusugan, paano

ninyo po siya ipinapatupad?

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R : „Yong sa mga bata? 

M: Opo. Sige, isa-isahin po na‟tin. „Yong sa feeding program po muna sa mga bata, paano ninyo

 po siya ipinapatupad?

R : Every... twice a month na, kwan... dati, ang mga rotary, tapos may mga volunteer na nagpapa-

ano... feeding program dito.

M: A, may mga rotary po?

R : Oo, rotary club tapos „yong ano... may mga balikbayan din na nagbibigay ng mga donasyon

nila e.


: Paano ninyo po pinapaalam sa komunidad na may ganito kayong mga programa, na feeding


R : Umiikot „yong mga ano... „yong mga ano... BHW.  

M: May pinapaikot po? Ano poi to? Voluntary work o inuutusan ninyo po?

R : Oo, voluntary sila. „Yon „yong obligasyon nila eh, ng mga BHW namin. Barangay health


M: Nagbabahay-bahay po ba sila?

R : Oo, nagbabahay-bahay sila.

M: Saan po ba „yong sakop nitong San Isidro? Malaki po ba „yong sakop na‟tin? 

R : Hindi naman masyadong malaki, pero maraming malnourished sa taga-dagat. Oo, „yon ang


M: Dito po „yong sa may dagat?

R : Oo, tsaka „yong educational attainment nila, medyo mababa. Mas marami pang illiterate na

ano dito e. Kaya ayon din iniisip ko e, kung paano ko ma-improve „yong educational system dito

e, kasi maraming bata ang hindi nag-aaral dito e. Nagre-rely na lang sila sa dagat. Maaga sila

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kasing nagkakaron ng trabaho e kaya hindi na nila focus ang sa eskwelahan. Ang focus na nila

„yong magka-income sila ng kaunti.

M: Kayo po ba, may mga anak?

R : Oo.

M: Nag-aaral naman po sila?

R : Tapos na „yong dalawa kong ano... „yong bunso ko, nasa FEU, kumukuha ng med tech.  

M: Tapos „yong isa ninyo pong anak? 

R : „Yong panganay, nagtuturo sa Lyceum dyan.  


: Sa Maynila po?

R : Dyan sa Dagupan, College of Nursing. Tsaka „yong isa, nagdu-duty pa sa ano... „yong

volunteer. Nursing... dalawa „yong nursing ko e.  

M: So „yong iba po na proyekto ninyo? „Di ba nabanggit ninyo po „yong feeding program.

„Yong bakuna po? 

R : Every Thursday, merong ibinibigay na gamot „yong munisipyo. Tsaka nagpu-purchase din

kami ng mga gamot.

M: Saan po nanggagaling „yong pambili niniyo po ng gamot? 

R : „Yong sa IRA ng barangay. 

M: Ano po „yong IRA? 

R : Ano „yon... internal allotment. 

M: Allotment po? So „yong mga gamot po na nanggagaling sa munisipyo, kayo po ang naga-ano

sa mga tao?

R : Internal, oo. Internal revenue allotment yata.

M: Opo. Paano ninyo po ina-ano „yong bakuna? So every Thursday po... 

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R : Oo, every Thursday, mayroong midwife na nagdu-duty dyan sa barangay center namin.

M: Mga nagvo-volunteer po?

R : Hindi, mga kwan talaga...

M: Mga barangay officers po talaga?

R : Sa munisipyo, galing munisipyo siya. Every Thursday, nagko-conduct sila ng mga ano sa

 bata, tsaka „yong mga may sakit, ganon. 

M: Opo. E paano niyo naman po pinapaalam doon sa mga tao na may bakuna kayo every


: Alam na nila.

M: A, alam na nila. Pero nagbabahay-bahay pa din po?

R : Oo, nagbabahay-bahay pa rin, pero alam na nila. Sila na rin ang interesado e.

M: May kusang loob na po?

R : Walang problema ang dissemination dito. Sa mga tao kasi, talagang gusto rin nila na

mabakunahan „yong mga anak nila. 

M: Bakit po kaya sa tingin ninyo sila na mismo „yong nagkukusang-loob?

R : Syempre kapag pupunta sila sa private hospital , e „di mas mahal. Lahat „yan nagbo-boil down

sa kung walang pera sa bulsa.

M: E „yong sa family planning naman po?

R : Nagko-conduct kami ng seminar sa mga mother na medyo marami-rami na ang anak nila.

„Yan „yong pinipili naming. 

M: Pinipili ninyo po?

R : Pinipilit. Pinipilit naming mag-attend ng seminar kasi dito, halos mga 16 years old, mother na

sila e. Oo, „yong lately dito, 2nd

year at 3rd

year high school e.

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M: Paano ninyo po nalaman? Sila po ba „yong lumalapit sa inyo? 

R : Hindi. Nagi-inquire din ako kung anong nagiging balita. Syempre, mga tao mo „yan e.  

M: Paano ninyo po nakuha „yong balita? 

R : „Yong mga BHW ko nga. 

M: „Yong mga nagbabahay-bahay?

R : Oo, „yong mga nagbabahay- bahay. Nagsasabi sila kung ano „yong mga balita sa kwan nila,

tsaka lately, ayon „yong mga nakukuha naming balita, na maraming bata ang nai-involve sa

relationships at early pregnancy. Karamihan dito na minor, buntis na sila e. Kaya ayon, ang ma-

control talaga naming „yong population e. 

M: So focus ninyo din po „yong population at pre-marital pregnancy?

R : Oo, pre-marital. „Yon ang number one focus namin. 

M: Kung baga sa health po, kung ira-rank po na‟tin „yong tatlong proyekto, number one po ba

„yong pregnancy? 

R : Oo, „yong early pregnancy tsaka „yong population. Hindi na kasi nila iniisip „yong... basta

gawa lang sila ng gawa ng bata.

M: Bakit ninyo po sila pinipilit? Wala po silang kusang loob?

R : „Yan ang problema na‟tin. Kasi sila, wala silang education. Halos wala talaga. Hindi nila

alam kung ano „yong gagawin nila. Hindi nila alam kung ano „yong mga modern technologies

 para sa family planning kaya ang nasa isip lang nila, „yon nga, „yong nasa bible na “go forth and


M: So kaya ninyo pinipilit kasi...

R : Para mabigyan ng proper ano... „yong ma-educate sila, kung ano „yong ibig-sabihin ng family


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M: May nga tumatanggi naman po?

R : Halos lahat talaga, tumatanggi „yan. 

M: Bakit po?

R : Syempre akala nila hindi „yon ang cause ng paghihirap nila, na hindi „yon ang cause ng

 poverty nila; pero syempre kami, alam na alam namin kasi mahirap. Wala silang income, wala

silang trabaho. Wala silang fixed kung paano nila mabubuhay „yong bata, kaya ang style dito,

 pagka- panganak, papakainin lang nila ng two years, papakawalan na e. Oo, grabe dito sa‟min e

kasi ayon nga, lack of education. Wala silang pinag-aralan talaga.


: Nabanggit ninyo din po „di ba „yong sa feeding program. Kamusta naman po „yong naging

 pagtugon nung mga tao doon?

R : Ay! Ikaw ba naman. Syempre gutom na gutom „yang mga „yan. 

M: Masasabi niyo po ba talaga na mahirap „yong barangay ninyo? 

R : Mahirap talaga. Nagkakaroon talaga ng food shortage. Masakit mang aminin, pero makikita

mo talaga na karamihan ay halos hindi na kumakain ng kumpleto sa isang araw. Tatlong meals — 

hindi na nila nakukumpleto „yon. 

M: „Yong sa feeding program po ninyo, sa bata lang po iyon, ano? 

R : Oo, bata lang. Bata ang concentration naming sa feeding program.

M: Ilan po ang ina-accommodate ninyo? „Di ba twice a month po siya? 

R : Ang pumupunta siguro mga 50 above.

M: Pero may sumosobra po ba? Like may gusto pa pong pumasok pero hindi niyo nap o


R : Marami ang pumapasok. Kulang lang talaga „yong pagkain. 

M: Saan po ba nanggagaling „yong funds po para sa feeding program? 

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R : Minsan nag-aano kami ng mga members ng barangay. Kami na mga opisyales, nagshe-share

na lang kami para makapag-feeding program kami.

M: „Yong mga officials po? Kasama po dito „yong barangay captain? 

R : Kagawad.

M: Ilan po „yong kagawad ninyo? 

R : Pito.

M: Pito po? So nagaambag-ambag na lang?

R : Oo, ambag na lang, share-share. Kung wala kayong makuha na ano... kasi ang feeding

 program, kanya-kanyang ano na „yan e... wala namang budget para dyan e.  

M: So wala pong ibinibigay ang munisipyo?

R : Wala, walang binibigay ang munisipyop dyan.

M: Hindi po kayo nagpe-petition?

R : Magre-request?

M: Opo.

R : Kulang na rin ang pondo nila e sa DSWD. Halos kukulangin talaga sila sa dami ng

nagkakasakit. Kaya ang barangay captain, talagang mapipilitan kang maglabas ng pera mo e.

 Ngayon, meron akong kaso. Talagang napakakawawa. Kailangan niyang magpa-ultrasound.

Pumunta siya sa ospital, overdue na e. Pumunta siya sa Bolingin. Wala palang libreng ultrasound

dyan sa Bolingin kaya pinapunta sa region, sa Dagupan. Ang ano naman ng region, kung wala

kang pera, hindi ka naming iu-ultrasound. Kaya ayon, ewan ko kung ano „yong magiging

desisyon ng local barangay council sa amin.

M: So kayo na po „yong bahala sa kanya na magpa-ultrasound?

R : Talagang ganon ang mangyayari doon.

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M: Pagdedesis‟yonan pa po ng barangay?

R : Oo kasi ultrasound „yan, tsaka CS „yan e. Oo, caesarian „yon. 

M: Mahirap po ba siya?

R : Mahirap talaga. Halos pumapatol sila, walang control sa pagbubuntis.

M: Siya po ba „yong lumapit sa inyo? 

R : Oo, sila ang lumapit sa‟kin. 

M: „Yong mismong tao po na nagdadalang-tao po? So kinausap po kayo?

R : Gusto nang manganak, talagang walang pera e.


: Paano niya po kayo kinausap?

R : Dito, pumunta lang siya dito.

M: Siya lang po mag-isa?

R : Kasama niya „yong mga anak niya. 

M: Paano niya po sinabi sa inyo na kailangan niya po...

R : Diretsahan niya na ano... kailangan niya magpa-ultrasound. Dala naman nila „yong reseta ng

doktor for...

M: So parang pinapakiusapan lang po kayo?

R : Oo, ganon.

M: Ayan, balik po tayo doon sa feeding program. Naging epektibo po ba „yong proyekto na


R : Hindi ko pa alam „yong resulta. 

M: Kailan po ba na‟tin sinimulan „yon, sir? 

R : Mga three months pa lang e.

M: So hindi pa po na‟tin nakikita „yong resulta? 

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R : Oo, hindi pa na‟tin alam kung ano „yong magiging resulta.  

M: E „yong sa bakuna naman po, kamusta „yong naging pagtugon ng mga tao? 

R : „Yong sa bakuna, okay lang naman. Interesado silang ipabakuna „yong mga anak nila. 

M: „Yong sa bakuna po, may limit din po ba tayo? 

R : Wala, nababakunahan naman lahat, pwera lang „yong mga ayaw pumunta sa center.  

M: Bakit ayaw nila pumunta sa center? „Di bap o nagbabahagi naman kayo ng impormasyon?

R : Meron talagang matitigas ang ulo, „di mo talaga maalis „yan kasi busy ang magulang kasi



: Bata din po „yong focus nung bakuna ninyo? 

R : Oo, bata ang focus namin. Wala naman tayong matandang binabakunahan e. Ang libre lang sa

atin ay puro bata e.

M: Opo, puro po sa bata. E „yong sa family planning po? 

R : Ayon, ang focus na‟tin „yong mga ina, mga magulang, mga babae. 

M: Sa tingin niyo po ba ay nagiging epektibo ito?

R : Hindi ko pa masasabi, pero ang ano ko dyan, sabay „yan e. Maturuan mo sila kung ano ibig-

sabihin ng ganito, ganyan, ng family planning...

M: Pero marami po bang pumupunta sa mga seminar ninyo?

R : Sa family planning?

M: Opo.

R : Kakaunti pa kasi talagang busy sila. Kung minsan ay ayaw pa nila e. Hindi sila interesado

kasi takot din sila. Sabi nila takot daw sila na kumain ng itong mga pills. Takot silang magpa-


M: Natatakot po sila?

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R : Oo kasi nga kulang sila sa edukasyon.

M: Edukasyon po talaga, ano? Ayan, „yong mga serbisyo po ba na ito, paano ninyo po siya nako-

conceptualize? Parang, paano ninyo po nalaman na kailangan nila itong mga proyekto na ito? O

 parang may sinusunod po ba tayo na guidelines?

R : Wala. Basta ang ano ko lang kung paano i-uplift „yong taong mahihirap na maging


M: So base na rin po sa kalagayan ng buong barangay?

R : Oo, sa kalagayan ng buong barangay.kasi hindi nila kayang i-sustain‟yong buhay nila e. 


: So sa tingin niyo po ito „yong mga proyekto na para ma-uplift „yong buhay nila? 

R : Oo, para ma-uplift nga „yong buhay nila. Hindi doon sa talagang pinakamababang level ng

 poor. „Yong talagang pinakamahirap talaga. Dapat ay maihahon lang na‟tin sila sa kahirapan.

Sila dapat ang mag-sustain at hindi na sila aasa sa iba pang tao.

M: So wala naman pong pumupunta dito na nagsasabi na kailangan po nila ng ganito? Kunyari

 po may pumunta dito sa inyo na may dengue, parang sasabihin po sa inyo na, “Barangay captain,

kailangan po na‟tin ng ganitong programa para sa dengue kasi maraming nagkaka-dengue.” May

ganon na po bang instance?

R : A, „yong may magrereklamo pa? Hihintayin mo pa „yong reklamo tapos tsaka ka lang mag-

aaksyon? Ay, hindi. Hindi sa amin. Kami ang unang... inuunahan na namin „yong problema.  

M: So wala pong pumupunta dito para makipagdayalogo „yong mga constituents ninyo po?

R :Wala, wala. Kami talaga ang... kami pa kamo ang interesado sa dengue. Maglinis dyan,

 pumupunta kami sa mga bahay-bahay, lahat ng garbage disposal nila, kami na mismo ang


M: Kayo na po umaalam ng mga problem nila?

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R : Oo, kami na. Kasi „di ba dapat active „yong approach mo sa kanila e. Hindi „yong mag-aantay

ka pa. Dapat ikaw na mismo ang gagalaw kasi kung andyan na „yong epidemic, wala na. Kasado

ka na.

M: Pero „di ba nabanggit ninyo po „yong may pumunta dito na buntis. May iba pa po ban a

ganon na humihingi ng tulong sa inyo?

R : Ay, nako. Marami. Araw-araw „yan kung pinansyal. 

M: Financial po? As in araw-araw po? Paano po humihingi „yon? 

R : Oo, karamihan dito, may sakit ang pumupunta.


: Ano pong mga sakit nila usually?

R : Usually may trangkaso, may...

M: Mga simpleng sakit lang po?

R : Hindi, hindi. Lahat „yan ay naka-confine sa ospital. Puro naka-confine sa ospital.

M: Paano ninyo po ito sinosolus‟yonan?

R : Ayon, kung ano lang „yong kaya kong ibigay, „yon lang, o kaya pumupunta kami sa DSWD.

Meron ding tulong ang mayor, at meron ding tulong ang gobyerno.

M: So ito pong lahat ng humihingi sa inyo ng tulong, paano po nila kayo ina-approach?

R : Kung medyo malaki-laki na, mag-aano kami sa DSWD, tapos puntahan namin si Mayor.

Tapos sa gobyerno, meron din.

M: Pero kung maliit lang?

R : Kung maliit lang, kami na lang para din...

M: Kayo po mismo, nanggagaling sa bulsa ninyo?

R : Oo, personal sa bulsa namin.

M: Wala po kayong ibang kasama para doon sa pagbayad? „Yong mga k agawad ninyo po.

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R : Ay, wala. „Yon ang masakit e. Ang masakit dito sa local government, marami kaming

opisyales pero halos ang concentration, nandoon sa barangay captain kasi head of the barangay e.

 Nandoon lahat ng concentration, kaya magtataka tayo kung bakit marami tayong sinuswelduhan

 pero ang naghihirapan ay ang kapitan.

M: So sa inyo po kaagad ang takbo?

R : Oo, walang process „yan. Wala „yong hierarchy, na punta muna sa purok leader tapos „yong

 purok leader, ia-ano niya sa barangay kagawad, tapos „yong barangay kagawad to kapitan. Mali,

kapitan kaagad e. Kaya „yong una mong ano, kapitan e.  


: Pero may mga natanggihan na po tayo?

R : Marami tayong tinatanggihan. Hindi natin... kung kakayanin mo „yan, mangangako pa tayo

ng pera, o kaya mangho-holdup pa tayo. Oo, talagang mapipilitan ka kasi halos dito sa amin, ang

takbuhan ng tao talaga kapitan lang e. „Yon ang malaking ano dito... ito ha, bigyan ko kayo ng

 background ng kaunti dito sa IRA, ha?

M: Opo.

R : Ang IRA namin is less than 1.4 million pesos sa isang taon. Maliit lang „yon, pero malaki na

„yon sa akin. Tingnan mo, ha? Kung iisipin mo, maliit; pero kung titignan mo, pera din „yon.

Ang napupunta sa allocation for personal services is 55 percent — mahigit kalahati. Ang

ginagawa pa dyan , mayroon pang sumosobra dyan, kaya ang sweldo namin... ang computation

ko ay 900,000 pesos. Lahat ng tanod, BHW, lahat ng appointed na kagawad. Pati ako, „yong

kapitan. Tulad ko, ang sweldo ko, 5,000 plus lang per month. Ang barangay kagawad ko, 4,000

 plus lang. Pero pito „yong kagawad—30,000 kamo na. Compare mo sa‟kin, 5,000 lang. Halos

ang function ng pito, wala pa sa kalahati ng function ng kapitan, kaya mali „yong... doon ako

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nagtataka. Bakit sa pitong kagawad, wala silang... ang kagawad kasi nandoon. Ang responsibility

niya ay taga-gawa lang ng batas e; legislation lang sila e.

M: So hindi po sila nakikialam sa proyekto ninyo?

R : Oo, hindi sila ma-oblige na makialam kasi ang alam nla, legislation lang e. gagawa lang ng

ordinansa, gagawa lang ng mga solusyon. Ang kapitan, siya ang person of authority. Person of 

ano ng lahat na e... lahat ine-exercise ko sa barangay e. Kaya 30,000 kontra 5,000. „Yong 30,000,

hindi nila nagagalaw „yon sa kagawad kasi wala namang tumutulong na kagawad e. Tapos halos

lahat „yan, puro barangay captain ang... kasi sasabihin mo, ganitong project natin, “Bakit kami

makikialam sa project, e ang purpose lang naming dito e gagawa ng ordinansa?”  

M: Ay, ganon po?

R : Oo „yon ang nasa local government code, na ang purpose nila ay legislation lang.

Samantalang kami, administration, lahat.

M: „Di ba nabanggit niyo po kanina na mga nagbibigay po ng pera sa inyo, „yong iba po ay

donasyon lang?

R : Wala. Ay, donasyon „yong sa mga rotary. „Yon lang, pero madalang. 

M: Ibinibigay lang po, o nagbibigay din po kayo ng formal letter?

R : Oo, magre-request kami.

M: A, nagre-request pa po kayo? Tapos po, naaprubahan naman po siya?

R : Ay, matagal pa „yong approval nun. 

M: Pero kung ano naman po „yong in-indicate ninyo na amount, nabibigay naman po ba?

R : Basta „yong kaya nilang ibigay lang.

M: A, wala po kayong sinasabi na amount?

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R : Oo, wala kaming sinasabi na amount, pero kapag feeding program, lugaw lang naman „yan e

tsaka manok. Ganon lang ka-simple „yon. 

M: Opo. „Di ba nasabi ninyo din po na „yong mga balikbayan, nagbibigay din po?

R : „Yon, kung minsan may mga kaibigan tayo na balikbayan. Doon na tayo humihingi, pero

halos napakahirap din humingi ng donasyon. Hindi kasi tayo sanay sa hingi e. Ako... kayo

siguro, mahirap sa inyo „yong hihingi-hingi ka na... para kang nagmamakaawa e.

M: So kusang-loob pong nagbibigay itong mga „to? 

R : Oo, „yon na lang ang nangyayari dyan. Kusang-loob na lang lahat kasi may kasabihan tayo:

“Kung may utang, may babayaran.” 

M: Tama po.

R : „Yan ang kakulangan ng DILG e. „Yan ang gusto kong ayusin nila.

M: Nabanggit niyo po „di ba na may mga pumupunta nga po dito, kinakausap po nila kayo „di

 ba? Personal na po silang lumalapit sa inyo?

R : Oo, umiiyak ditong pumupunta „yan. E kung pwede lang talagang maresolba „yong mga

 problema nila, pahintuin mo „yong iyak sa pamamagitan lang ng maliit na bagay o kaya sa

magandang pakiki-usap.

M: So halos lahat po ay ganito ang sistema? Nakikipag-usap, tapos may kaunting iyakan po na

magaganap, tapos „yon na nga, kung maaprubahan ninyo o hindi?  

R : Oo.

M: Sa tingin niyo po, parang awa na lang?

R : Awa talaga. Walang anong mga allowance para doon. Kasi ang calamity fund, calamity fund.

Ang style dyan, kung hindi nag-delcare ang mayor ng calamity, hindi ka pwedeng mag-declare

ng calamity. Meron kaming calamity fund, pero ang problema nga, hindi naming pwedeng

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 pakialaman „yong calamity fund kung hindi nila ide-declare na state of calamity ang buong


M: „Yong sa mga ganito pong pakikipagdayalogo, nagkaroon na po ba ng problema? Katulad ng

sabi niyo po, hindi naman lahat ng naaaprubahan at „yong iba, naaaprubahan. Ano pong

nangyayari sa mga naaaprubahan? Nagkakaroon po ba ng kaunting problema?

R : „Yong mga hindi nabibigyan kamo? Ay, talagang ano na lang „yon... kung baga, „yon na ang

itinuro ng anak ko sa‟kin e. Sympathy or empathy ba „yon? “Daddy,” sabi niya, “kung lahat ng

tao magsi-sympathize ka, walang mangyayari sayo.” Hindi mo rin magagawang hindi tulungan. 


: E ano po „yong nagiging batayan ninyo sa pagtulong at sa pagtanggi?

R : Depende sa laman ng bulsa ko. Kung maswertehan nla na meron, walang problema; pero

kung naswertehan nilang wala, pasensyahan na lang.

M: So hindi pos a kalalaan nung ano nila... na importante talaga?

R : Lahat, importante sila e. Wala namang pupunta dito na hindi nagsasabi ng katotohanan e.

Makikita mo talaga na totoo „yong sinasabi ng lahat ng tao na pumupunta dito. 

M: Wala naman po „yong parang dahil kaibigan ninyo... 

R : Ay, wala. Wala „yon. Walang ganon. 

M: So lahat po ay pantay-pantay?

R : Oo, pantay- pantay „yan lahat na in-need talaga sila, tsaka hindi ka naman pupuntahan ng mga

„yan kung kaya pa nila e. Kung baga, walang wala na talaga, tsaka sila pumupunta.

M: At naaaprubahan niyo lang kung may pera po kayo?

R : Oo, kung may pera, „yon lang. Maaprubahan lang kung may per a, pero kung wala,

 pasensyahan din. Kaya sabi ko, hanggang kailan kaya ako mag-survive kapag ganitong style ng

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ano... kinakausap ko „yong tesorera ko, paano kaya natin iresolba ito, na dapat meron tayong

allocation sa mga taong pumupunta sa bahay, sa akin.

M: A, so may ganon po kayong plano?

R : Mayroon akong plano kung paano namin makapag-allowance ng pera para doon sa mga

laging lumalapit kasi talagang in-need sila e, para hindi naman masyadong... paano na kung may

 pumunta na talagang kailangan niya, wala kang mabigay? E „di masakit din. 

M: Ano po ba „yong pinakamalala na sakit na humingi ng tulong sa inyo sa tingin ninyo po?

R: Pinakamalaking gastusan na „yong mga cancer.


Marami na pong lumapit sa inyo na may cancer?

R: Wala pa namang karamihan, pero basta cancer victim, talagang malaking pera „yan kaya ang

ginagawa ko, pupunta ako kay mayor. Pupunta ako kay governor, tapos magbibigay ako ng

kaunting ano ko... tulong-tulong na lang para makapagpagamot siya e. Itong chemotherapy...

M: So nakikipag-usap po kayo ng personal doon sa mayor at governor ninyo po?

R: Oo, meron naman silang ano e... pupuntahan kang tao diyan e.

M: A, doon na po nagkakaroon ng hierarchy?

R: Oo, hierarchy.

M: Huling tanong na po. Sa tingin ninyo po ba ay nagagampanan ninyo po ng maayos ang

inyong tungkulin upang solus‟yonan itong mga hinaing ng mga residente pagdating sa mga

is‟yong pangkalusugan?

R: Ay, wala. Hindi kaya. Aminin ko talaga „yan, hindi ko natutugunan ang lahat. Ang

natutugunan ko lang siguro mga 20 percent lang e. Doon sa talagang kailangan e. Because of ano

„yan... syempre wala ding pondo ang barangay. Kulang ang pondo ng barangay kasi wala

namang naka-allocate para sa mga pagkain e; ang allocation lang sa amin sa barangay, „yong

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 personal services na sabi ko, „yong mga sweldo namin. Tapos „yong electric lights, ano yan...

mga halos 10 percent ng IRA din namin „yan e. Sa mga electrical maintenance, kaya lang

malalaking ano... katulad niyan, 900,000 „yong sweldo namin, tapos kuryente naming 100,000.

One million na „yon, ano? 400,000 na lang. „Yong calamity na lang, e „di mga 400,000 na lang.

Mga 100,000 „yong calamity namin e. Tapos „yong 400,000, mga gamot na lang. Ay, meron pa

 palang 10 percent ang SK.

M: A, may SK pa?

R: E „di 250,000 na lang. „Yon ang ibinibigay namin sa development ngayon; mga drainage,

ganyan. At least nakagawa din kami ng kaunting kapirasong drainage dahil doon sa 250,000.

M: So „yong kalusugan po medyo hindi po siya „yong priority?

R: Hindi priority. Ang priority, ang pinakamalaking percentage doon sa IRA, „yong sweldo ng

kapitan, kagawad, tsaka tanod at BHW. Kaya nga hinahamon ko sila, “kung gusto niyo, wala

nang swelduhan e.” Oo, para maibigay na „yong 900,000. Ibili na lang natin ng bigas tsaka

gamot lang e. Oo. Isipin mo, „yong 900,000, ilang bags of rice „yan. Ilang medicine „yan. Kung

gusto mo talaga, tutulong, sasabihin mo sa eleksyon, gusto ko kayong tulungan, pero ang usapan

dyan, wala nang pupunta sa akin. Kasi baliktad e, sila walang pumupunta sa kanila, mga

kagawad.Ang pinupuntahan nila puro kapitan.

M: Opo.

R: Samantalang sila, ang sweldo nila, halos kapareho. Halos maliit lang ng kaunti sa akin, kaya

hindi balanced e. Mas maganda pa „yong wala nang tanggapan ng sweldo, ibili na lang ng bigas

at ng gamot. E „di wala nang pupunta sa akin.

M: Pero gusto ninyo naman po talagang ma-improve itong mga proyekto ninyo sa kalusugan?

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R: Gusto, kaya nga ang nasabi ko sayo, ang natutulungan ko lang, 20 percent doon sa

 pangangailangan nila na 100 percent e, kaya hindi kaya ng isang kapitan na ang sweldo niya ay

ganyan lang na matugunan niya „yong needed na 100 percent. Ang kaya ko lang siguro — hindi

naman tayo mayaman e, mahirap ang buhay natin — ay „yong mga 20 percent lang siguro. Kaya

tingnan mo, nagmamanok ako para sa arroz caldo.

M: A, so „yong iba po dito sa mga manok ninyo, ibinibigay ninyo po?

R: Oo.

M: So hindi lahat, pera? May in-kind din po kayong ibinibigay?


Hindi, arroz caldo mo rin e. E „di magmanok ka na lang, gawin mong arroz caldo. Hindi ka

na bibili sa bayan, makatipid, ano?

M: Pero may mga nagdo-donate din po ba ng bigas, ganon?

R: Wala, wala. Halos lahat ng tao, in-need na din e, o gusto na ring itago „yong pera nila e.

„Yong mga mayayaman, „yon ang nagtatago ng pera e. „Yong mahirap magbibigay sakin ng

 pera, e „di ibalik ko na para... kawawa naman siya. Kasi ang balance ng mahirap at mayaman,

malaki e. Malaki ang gap e. Kapag nandito ka sa amin, siguro maisip mo „yong... makalimutan

mo „yong buong buhay mo. Maisip mo „yong magserbisyo sa tao. Iba ang barangay, iba ang

munisipyo, iba ang gobernador, iba ang presidente, iba ang senador. Kami ang nandito sa field e.

Ang bakbakan, nandito sa amin e. Kami talaga ang nakikipag-usap doon sa talagang mismong

mahirap e.

M: Kayo po talaga ang involved sa negosasyon?

R: Oo, kami talaga ang involved. „Yan talaga ang ano ng kapitan. Siya ang directly involved

doon sa mga tao; halos kapamilya na nila „yan e. „Yong, “tatay, pahingi ng ganyan. „Tay, bigyan

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mo kami ng ulam. Wala kaming mailuto na bigas, bigyan mo kami ng ulam. ” Ganon na lang ang

nangyayari e.

M: A, may mga ganon din po kahit hindi po pangkalusugan, may humihingi din po?

R: Ay, marami „yan. Kaya nga ang sabi ko sayo, „yong three times na pagkain ng tao, hindi na

nila nakukumpleto e. Wala naman tayong bigas na maibigay kasi kapag may calamity lang

 pwede mong i-release „yong calamity fund, kaya nagtataka ako kung bakit ganon e. Ngayon ang

tawag na nila “risk-reduction”; hindi na „yong calamity victim. Risk-reduction na „yong style

nila ngayon e. Bibili ka pa ng bigas, wala pa „yong calamity, pwede ka ng bumili ng bigas. Pero

ewan ko lang kung naaprubhan na nila „yon, pero halos chine-check ng accountant e.

M: Sa accountant na nagkaktalo?

R: Pati sa accountant problema „yan e kasi kung nandoon na „yong wala na silang iluluto, hindi

 pa nila i-release „yong pera. Gamitin mo muna „yong pera mo na barangay captain, tapos ire-

reimburse na lang. Isipin mo „yong chanelling, matagal.

M: So mismo kahit doon sa barangay ninyo ay nagkakahirapan din po?

R: Oo, malaki ang pagkakaroon ng problema e, kaya talagang gagamit ka ng personal ano mo

talaga e... kaya sabi ko nga kung mayaman lang ako, walang maghihirap samin e, pero wala rin e

kaya dapat talaga ang isang kapitan, bukod sa may pinag-aralan, may kaya din ng kaunti sa

 buhay para hindi talaga mahirapan. „Yon ang qualification ng kapitan.

M: Okay lang po ba na itanong namin kung ano po ang natapos ninyo?

R: Bachelor of Science ako, Major in Accountancy.

M: Kaya naman pala, Accountancy.

R : Two years ako sa UST, tapos dito na ako nagtapos sa Luzon Colleges. Kayo,

communications. Sa‟min naman, arts and letters.

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B.  Resident

M: Aware naman po kayo sa mga aktibidad po ng barangay ninyo ngayon?

R : Yes.

M: Yes po? Opo. May nararanasan po ba kayong problema pagdating sa kalusugan? Kahit po sa

mga kamag-anak niyo po.

R : Dito sa barangay, kalusugan talaga dito... malnutrition. May parting lugar sa barangay namin

na mga iskwaters.


: Opo.

R : At saka karamihan naman dito ay fishing ang hanapbuhay. Madalas na „di sila nakakalaot,

lalo na kung may bagyo, umuulan — daming problema nitong malnutrition.

M: Alin pa po, „yong tingin niyo nagiging problema sa kalusugan dito sa barangay? 

R : Kulang sa gamot.

M: A, opo. May mga proyekto po „yong barangay na tumutugon sa mga problema na ganito? 

R : Actually, every month... I think every week [02:19-02:20] ng medicine „yong barangay. „Yon

ang mga binibigay sa mga nangangailangan.

M: „Yong sa malnourished po... malnourishment  po, meron pong project „yong barangay para

dito po ba?

R : Actually, dyan pumapasok „yong mga NGO namin, katulad ng Rotary Club ng Binmaley.

 Nagbibigay sila ng school feeding. Regular „yan, every year, nagbibigay sila. 

M: Every year po?

R : Oo.

M: E „yong mga gamot, may mga project po ba?

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R : Yeah. Last year, nagkaroon kami ng medical-dental mission.

M: A, may medical mission po?

R : Pati medical hanggang dental.

M: Paano po „to ipinapatupad ng barangay? Paano po nila pinapakalat tuwing may ganito silang


R : Actually, nagkakaroon ng barangay assembly.

M: May barangay assembly? Kailan po nangyayari „to? 

R : Twice a year, March and October. Doon na sinasabi „yong mga ganitong projects, mga

ganitong... magkakaroon tayo ng medical-dental mission na nagmumula sa NGO tulad ng Rotary

Club. „Yon, sinasabi na doon para alam nila. Kumbaga, nalalapit na „yong okasyon na gagawin

„yon, may magbo-broadcast na barangay official, umiikot. So may megaphone.

M: A, nagbabahay-bahay?

R : Oo.

M: Naaabutan po ba kayo ng mga ganitong proyekto?

R : Yeah, nangyayari ito sa barangay.

M: Na-try niyo na po?

R : Oo.

M: May mga instances po ba na may problema kayo sa kalusugan na inilalapit niyo po sa

 barangay? O kahit sa iba pong kakilala ninyo na may sakit, inilalapit niyo po ba sa barangay

itong mga ganito?

R : Oo „pag ganon kalala. Tulad ng nangyayari ngayon, „tong dengue outbreak. „Yong ginagawa,

[04:37-04:40] through the help of municipal government. Pagkatapos ng [04:46] decision, ayan,

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 pupunta sila dito sa barangay to [04:51-04:56]. Mga dalawang beses na siguro nag-conduct ng

dengue [05:00].

M: Para doon sa dengue outbreak?

R : Laban sa dengue.

M: Meron po ba [05:06] kung paano napapatupad „yong mga barangay tungkol sa kalusugan?

Kunyari po „yong mga seminar, ganon, about family health. Kahit ano po. Meron [05:15] family

 planning na seminars dito sa barangay?

R : [05:21] wala pa naman.


: A, wala po kayong alam?

R : Wala.

M: Pero gusto niyo po ba na may ganon silang proyekto about sa family planning?

R : Oo, mas maganda.

M: Bakit sa tingin niyo kailangan?

R : Kailangan kasi alam mo naman dito, dyan sa skwater, talagang maraming bata dyan. „Di tulad

dito sa mayayaman, kasi busy sila, may mga trabaho sila. Karamihan dyan sa skwaters kasi,

hanapbuhay nila „yon ngang sinasbi kong, kwan man, fishing, naglaot ng dagat. „Pag wala „yon,

syempre ang kwan doon, walang magsasabi sa kanya anong nangyayari dyan, e magkakaroon

sila ng [06:07-06:10].

M: So ito pong lugar ninyo, medyo nakakaangat po?

R : Di naman sa nakakaangat, pero „yong mga skwater sa area, malapit sa dagat. Mga skwaters


M: A, okay po.

R : Marami dyan.

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M: Ano po „yong mga serbisyong pangkalusugan na sa tingin niyo po ay ninyong natatanggap

mula sa barangay?

R : Actually, every Thursday of the week, may mga health workers and may barangay midwife.

„Yong midwife and municipal nurse, pupunta sila dyan, nagko-conduct ng check-up sa mga tao.

M: So nakausap niyo na po ba „yong barangay tungkol sa mga ganito pong health projects?

Parang nag-suggest na po ba kayo kung ano „yong mga dapat ipa-improve?

R : [07:13] konsulta nila e.

M: A, talaga po?

: Minsan, konsulta ako ng barangay.

M: So paano po kayo nag-uusap ng barangay?

R : Pumupunta sila dito kung saka-sakaling may ire-report silang problema, pumupunta lang sila

dito sa bahay para tanungin ako.

M: Ano po „yong mga problema na ganito? 

R : „Yong ano talaga, health.

M: Health po?

R : Health. Tungkol sa malnutrition...

M: So „yong buong barangay po ba o pati mga kagawad, nagpupunta dito sa bahay niyo, o „yong

 barangay captain lang?

R : Barangay captain lang.

M: So paano po kayo nag-uusap? As in parang magkaibigan lang?

R : Oo, parang magkaibigan kasi actually, „yong kapitan dito, kumpare ko e. Tinulungan ko siya

kaya nanalo. Kasi [07:57] na kapitan ako e.

M: A, kayo po „yong huling naging kapitan bago...

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R : Hindi naman. Meron pang sumunod sakin, tapos ito namang bago.

M: Si kapitan Dennis Ruiz po?

R : Oo.

M: So hindi po nagiging pormal „tong konsultasyon? Parang ganito lang po? 

R : Oo, parang ganito lang. [08:20] sabi niya sa‟kin may tatanungin lang kami tungkol sa

 problemang ito, paanong ire-resolve ito. „Yon lang pag-uusap namin, tapos sasagutin ko.

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Interview Matrix




Strategies and

Tactics of the



Reception and

Interpretation of 

Residents’ needs


Dissemination of 

Local Health


Underlying Aspects

that Influence


Interpretation on


Health Projects

 Dennis Ruiz  “Tsaka yung

ano, yun nga

yung garbagedisposal,

 paglilinis ng

mga ilog,ganun. ” 

“Yung nga




 basta weeklymayroonkaming

clean-up drive.

Kunghindi sadagat,

ditto s mga

 bahay- bahay.” 

“Oo, sila ang 

lumapit sa akin.” 

“Dito pumunta siya

dito [yung

nanghihingi ngtulong].”

“Kasama niya 

yung mga anak niya[yung nanghihingi

ng tulong].”

“Oo, karamihan dito maysakit ang


“Oo, walang

 process yan. Wala

yung baga nahierarchy, na punta

ka muna sa purok 

“Hindi. Nagi-

inquire din ako lung

anong nagiging balita. Syempre, mag

tao mo yan e.” 

“Oo, yung 

mga nagbabahay- bahay. Nagsasabi

sila kung ano yungmga balita sa kwan

nila. Tsaka lately

ayun yung mag

nakukuha naming balita, na maraming bata ang na-involve

sa relationships at

early preganancy.Karamihan dito na

minor buntis na sila

e. Kaya ayun angma-control talaga

naming yung

“Umikot yun

mga ano, yung mga

ano BHW” 

“Oo, nagbabahay-

 bahay sila [BHW].” 

“Oo, nagbabahay  bahay pa rin. Pero

alam na nila. Sila narin ang interesado


“Una, siyempre

akala nila hinid yun

ang cause ng paghihirap nila.

Hindi yun cause

ng poverty nila, perosyempre kami, alam

na alam namin kasimahirap, wala sialng

income,w ala silangtrabaho, wala silang

fixed kung paano

nila mabubuhay

yung bata. Kaya angstyle ditto pagka- panganak,

 papakainin lang nila

ng 2 years, papakawalan na e.

Oo, grabe ditto

samin e. Kasi ayunnga, lack of 

educational, wala

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“Bakuna,tapos yung feeding program” 

“Ayun, yung sa



leader, tapos yung purok leader ia-anoniya sa baranggay

kagawad, tapos yung baranggay kagawad

to kapitan. Mali,

kapitan kaagad e.Kaya ang yung una

mong ano kapitan


“Oo, umiiyak ditong pumupunta

yan. Eh kung pwedelang talagang

maresolba yung mga

 problema nila.Pahintuin mo yung

iyak sa pamamagitanlang ng maliit na

 bagay, o kaya sa

magandang pakikiusap.” 

“Ay wala,

wala yun wala.

Wala, wala, walangganun. Walang

ganun [palakasan


 population e.” 

“Ah yung 

may magrereklamo pa? Hihintayin mo

 pa yung reklamo

tapos tsaka ka langmagaaksyon? Ay

hindi, hindi sa amin.

Kami ang unang,inuunahan na

naming yung problema.” 

“Oo, kami

na. Kasi diba dapat

active yung ano moe, yung approach mo

sa kanila e. Hindiyung mag-aantay ka

 pa. Dapat ikaw na

mismo ang gagalaw,kasi kung nandyan

na yung epidemic.Wala na, kasado ka


“Iba ang

 baranggay, iba ang

munisipyo, iba anggobernador, iba ang

 presidente, iba angsenador. Kami ang

silang pinagaralantalaga.” 

“Yan ang problemanatin. Kasi sila,wala

sialng education.

Halos wala talaga,hindi nila alam

kung ano yung

gagawin nila.Hindi nila alam

kung ano yung mgamodern

techonologies parasa family palnning

control. Kaya ang

nasai sip lang nila,yun nga yung nasa

 bible na, go on andmultiply.”  

“Kakaunti pa,kasi talagang busy

sila kung minsan eayaw pa nila e.

Hindi sila

interesado. Kasitakot din sila. Sabi

nila takot daw sila na

kumain ng itongmga pills. Takot

silang magpa-ligate.” 

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nandito sa field e.Ang bakbakan,nandito sa amin e.

Kami talaga angnakikipag- usap dun

sa talagang

mismong mahirape.”

“Oo, kamitalaga ang involved.

Yan talaga ang anong kapitan, siya ang

directly involveddun sa mga tao.

Halos kapamilya na

nila yan e. Yungtatay, pahingi ng

ganyan. Tay bigyanmo kami ng ulam.

Wala kaming

mailuto na bigas, bigyan mo kami ng

ulam. Ganun na langang nangyayari e.” 

“Oo, k asi ngakulang sila sa


“Oo, sa

kalagayan ng buong baranggay kasi hindi

nila kayang i-sustain

yung buhay nila e.” 

 Angelito Bijaron “Oo yung


system. SaBinmaley. Bale

Hindi pa tapos

yun eh.” 


“sa ngayon parang

wala pa kong

ganyangnaencounter na

[nagpupunta dito

 para magsabi ngkailangan nila] eh.”

ahh... hindi. yung

mga halimbawa mga

ganyan, taposkaramihan naman

kahit na wala naman

naming naririnig pagka mga ganito

kailangan yung sa

sa barangay naman

kasi.Yung isang

kagawad naminkung minsan umiikot

yan. at "yung mga

 bahay bahay ninyolinisan niyo.

maiwasan natin ang

siyempre wala na.

 para sa mga bata na

mga yon eh, para sakanilang mga anak 

eh. kasi nakikita nila

na kumakain silatalaga ng


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 program…tapos ano pa bayung iba…ano

naming sahealth,


 Nagfogging narin kami sa


“Oo, anti-

dengue. Taposmga ano ahhh

generalcleaning kasi

 para ano

maiwasan yungano ng dengue.


nagclean up

rep kami dyansa coastal area,

sa tabi ngdagat…” 

Ay. meron na[pumunta dito parahumingi ng tulong].

Hindi na nga sigurohalos naman kami

 barangay opisyal

talagang mga ganyannaencounter na

namin. kung sa

 bagay, kaya namansiyempre kahit

naman sino kungkailangan talaga

kapag meron kayokahit konti... di,

kahit konti bigyan

mo ng kahit ano. atleast walang sila


Kadalasan kasi mga

verbal lang eh.walang pormal...

kasi pag pormal kasi

 pag mga ano na yan,

kumbagamalakihang gawa.

kadalasan niyan mga

disyembre. kapagmangangaroling,

gagawa sila ng pormal letter sa'min

gamotnagpupurchase rinkami ng mga gamot

ah. hindi na. kami na

mismo ang nagano

ng initiative na kungano kailangan na

natin magfogging,

kailangan natinmagpurchase ng

gamot para yungmga bata pag may

sipon o lagnat, kasimay makukuha sila

sa ano barangay.

dengue. mga ganon.tapos pag ka mgasaturday, kami

naman yungmaglilinis… 

oo yung mga...hindi yung mga

ibang bhw... yun ang

mga ibang halosnagtrabaho. kasi

nagtatanong yungmga bhw kung

tutustusin trabahonila talagang sa

field sila eh.

talagang dapat silasa mga ganyan sa

ano paglilinis, pagfofogging, yung

sa mga bata. mga


 pagkain talaga nadapat yun ang kaininng mga bata para

maiwasan nga angmalnourished na

ganon na sitwasyon.

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sa schedule. mgaganon, pero pag mgahihingi ng tulong

halos kadalasan mga biglang susulpot

yung mga yan.

 Lederlesida T.


Yung ano din...

yung normal namga sakit lang

din na ano di ba high blood,

tulad nung last

month,namatay ang

kapatid ng

tiyahin ngmister ko dahil

high blood yunay taga rito

Oo kasi pagka

ano... yung

mister ko high

 blood din nga,oh ganon.diyan.

magBBP siya.

magpapaBPsiya. yun.

.Yung umpisana nagbago ang


Oo. diyan kasi

malapit ka sacaptain... yan...

sinasabi niya,"kapitan, ang ano

sa'tin ganito eh. ang

 pangit sa'tin nakikitasa kalsada nagiinom,

mga nagsusugal,

katulad yan sa isangano na yan merong

liquor, hindi mo naalam yung pagiinom

nila may kasamangdrugs" na kapagka

lasing na o

nakapagdrugs na,

andyan lang sakalsada

Yun... lumapit yung

kasi pinsan ng mister ko yung isang

volunteer. yan. sabinga niya "oh bukas

uumpisahan na

namin na ano kasiyun ang ano namin

na mga volunteer na


Pag ka ano, yun lang pag ka ano

magmimeeting dindiyan parang ganon

 barangay assembly

ganon... sinasabi nila

na ganon.

Ganon din. may

magaano na

kagawad diyan na,"oh, sinong gustong

magganon, may

medical ano tayodito sa barangay


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captain. onemonth maymga naglilinis.

nagwawalis.After nun na

nakakuha na

sila ng panganonila

 Emilita Ayad  “Pina-ano nila ditto,

 pinasabi ng kapitan.” 

“Pumunta sila dito

[barangay official].” 

“Sa anak ko

[gumagastos sagamot niya]. ” 

“Wala naman dyan.Sa kwan noon nung

nagpa-BP ako. Nung

huling kinunan akodyan, nung libreng

nagpupunta dyan.” 

 Merna Rosario “‟yong mga bata, lagnat

nila, ganon.” 


sila doon sacenter ng mga


“yong mgagamot sa ubo,

ganon, lagnat.” 

“May BP rin,nagpapa-BP,


“Midwife [yungnagsabi ng

 baranggay project]” 

“Oo. „pag wala kang pambili, hingi ka

kasi meron daw.” 

“Oo, libre [check -up

sa baranggay].” 

“Oo, mahirap ang

 buhay ditto, mahinaang kita.” 

“Hindi, hindi ako

 pumupunta doonkapag…[family


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 Manilyn Soriano Sa sakit,lagnat, ubo,

Pag gabi na sa bahay... kung gabinangyari, pwedeng

 puntahan mo sila sa bahay. malalapitan

mo sila.

Direct na kasi yun

[papkikipagusap sa

opisyales] eh.

Sinasabi rin...lumilibot yung mgakagawad

Hindi. sila. barangay

 patrol tapos inaano

 bahay bahay.

Hindi.pag may

assembly meeting,nagpapatawag ng

mga tao

Sa barangay opisyal.may kagawad na

 Rodolfo Cerezo “Dito sa barangay,

kalusugantalaga dito...

malnutrition.May parting

lugar sa


namin na mgaiskwaters. “ 

“Kulang sa


“Yeah. Last


kami ng

“Minsan, konsultaako ng barangay.” 

“ Oo, parang

magkaibigan kasiactually, „yong

kapitan dito,

kumpare ko e.

Tinulungan ko siyakaya nanalo. Kasi nakapitan ako e. ” 

“Actually,nagkakaroon ng

 barangay assembly.” 

“Twice a year,March and October.

Doon na sinasabi

„yong mga ganitong

 projects, mgaganitong...magkakaroon tayo

ng medical-dental

mission nanagmumula sa NGO

tulad ng Rotary

Club. „Yon, sinasabina doon para alam

nila [baranggay

“Oo „pag ganonkalala. Tulad ng

nangyayari ngayon,„tong dengue


“Kailangan [family

 planning] kasi alam

mo naman dito, dyansa skwater, talagangmaraming bata dyan.

Di tulad dito sa

mayayaman, kasi busy sila, may mga

trabaho sila.

Karamihan dyan saskwaters kasi,

hanapbuhay nila

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assembly].Kumbaga, nalalapitna „yong okasyon na

gagawin „yon, maymagbo-broadcast na

 barangay official,

umiikot. So maymegaphone.” 

„yon ngang sinasbikong, kwan man,fishing, naglaot ng

dagat. „Pag wala„yon, syempre ang

kwan doon, walang

magsasabi sa kanyaanong nangyayari

dyan, e

magkakaroon silang…” 

“Di naman sa

nakakaangat, pero„yong mga skwater 

sa area, malapit sa

dagat. Mga skwaters„yon.” 

Camillo Cruz  “Oo, tapos

yung maga-anosila ng sa

dengue. Libre


“Oo, tapos yung

maga-ano sila ng sadengue. Libre sila”

 Marilyn Soriano “Paminsan hindi, paminsan

 pumupunta [yung

mga BHW] Peromadalas hindi kasi

asa likod kami” 

Sindrell Apostol  “Oo, yong  bilihan ng


 Maria Torio “Syempre kung “May umiikot nga

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inuubo, hihinigkami nggamot” 

ditto, kasi mayBHW. Hindi namanako miyembro dito

ng BHW,labindalawa sila.

Umiikot sila.” 

“Oo, nililibot nila

„yong mga bahay e,

hanggang sa dulo.”

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Images of Barangay San Isidro Norte




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