magnetic structure of alnico alloy

MAGNETIC STRUCTURE OF ALNICO ALLOY D. A. Laptei and V. E. Shcherbakov UDC 669.405.538 Domain structure as observed in the alnico alloy in a high-coercive state was described. The obser- vations were carried out for different magnetic states of the alloy with simultaneous use of the magneto- optical Kerr effect and powder suspension methods. Since the formation mechanism of structure, revealed by the powder method, is described in detail in [1, 2], and in [3] only the basic principles of the use of the magneto-optical method in the domain struc- ture studies of alnico all0y are layed out, it is of interest to discuss only those magnetic characteristics of this alloy that have been possible to reveal by the simultaneous use of the two methods and also to dis- cussthe structures that deserve the attention from the point of view of their physical state and which con- tain novelty elements. The single crystal specimens, cut in the form of plates (14 • 9 x 1 ram) with longer side coinciding with the direction of the field HT applied during thermal treatment, were subjected to testing (H c = 600 Oe). The magnetization reversal process when the reverse magnetizing field H coincided with the direc- tion of the previously applied field HT is shown in Fig. la, b, c. It can be seen that magnetization reversal of the specimen as a whole occurs by formation of a considerable number of nuclei of reverse magnetiza- tion that grow along the field covering the whole of the specimen. It is known that in alnico alloy during magnetization reversal process macroscopical domains appear each of which is formed by a large number of interacting ferromagnetic particles. In a conventional under- standing the domain wails were not observed. By presenting the particles considered in the form of dipoles, arranged parallel to one of the axes, Craik [4] has shown on the basis of the magnetostatic interaction that the tendency of the walls to drift in the transversal direction will be insignificant as compared with the domain growth in the direction of the reverse magnetizing field. The reality of such a process is illustrated in Fig. la, b, c. Fig. 1. Domain structure during magnetization reversal parallel and under an angle to H T. Branch of Krasnoyarsk Polytechntcal Institute. Translated from [zvestiya Vysshtkh Uchebnyk_h Zave- denii, Fizika, No.4, pp. 136-137, April, 1973. Original article submitted February 7, 1972; revision sub- mitred June 6, 1972. 9 1975 Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted~ in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00. 567

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Page 1: Magnetic structure of alnico alloy


D. A . L a p t e i a n d V . E . S h c h e r b a k o v UDC 669.405.538

Domain s t r u c t u r e as obse rved in the alnico al loy in a h igh-coe rc ive s ta te was desc r ibed . The o b s e r - vations were c a r r i e d out for different magne t ic s t a t e s of the a l loy with s imul taneous use of the magne to - optical K e r r effect and powder suspens ion methods .

Since the fo rma t ion m e c h a n i s m of s t r u c t u r e , r e v e a l e d by the powder method, is desc r ibed in detai l in [1, 2], and in [3] only the bas ic p r inc ip les of the use of the magne to -op t i ca l method in the domain s t r u c - tu re s tudies of alnico al l0y a re layed out, it is of in te res t to d i scuss only those magne t ic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of this a l loy that have been poss ib le to r e v e a l by the s imul taneous use of the two methods and a lso to d i s - cus s the s t r u c t u r e s that de se rve the a t tent ion f r o m the point of view of the i r phys ica l s t a te and which con- ta in novelty e l e m e n t s .

The single c ry s t a l spec imens , cut in the f o r m of pla tes (14 • 9 x 1 ram) with longer s ide coinciding with the d i rec t ion of the field H T applied during t h e r m a l t r e a t m e n t , we re subjec ted to tes t ing (H c = 600 Oe).

The magne t iza t ion r e v e r s a l p r o c e s s when the r e v e r s e magnet iz ing field H coincided with the d i r e c - tion of the p r ev ious ly applied field H T is shown in Fig. l a , b, c. It can be seen that magne t i za t ion r e v e r s a l of the spec imen as a whole occurs by fo rma t ion of a cons iderab le number of nuclei of r e v e r s e m a g n e t i z a - tion that grow along the field cover ing the whole of the s p e c i m e n .

It is known that in alnico al loy during magne t iza t ion r e v e r s a l p r o c e s s m a c r o s c o p i c a l domains appea r each of which is f o r m e d by a l a rge number of in terac t ing f e r r o m a g n e t i c p a r t i c l e s . In a conventional u n d e r - standing the domain wails were not obse rved . By presen t ing the pa r t i c l e s cons idered in the f o r m of dipoles , a r r a n g e d pa ra l l e l to one of the axes , C r a i k [4] has shown on the ba s i s of the magne tos ta t i c in te rac t ion that the tendency of the walls to dr if t in the t r a n s v e r s a l d i rec t ion will be insignificant as c o m p a r e d with the domain growth in the d i rec t ion of the r e v e r s e magnet iz ing field. The r ea l i ty of such a p r o c e s s is i l lus t ra ted in Fig. l a , b, c.

Fig. 1. Domain s t r u c t u r e during magne t i za t ion r e v e r s a l pa r a l l e l and under an angle to H T.

Branch of K r a s n o y a r s k Poly techntca l Inst i tute . T r a n s l a t e d f r o m [zves t iya Vysshtkh Uchebnyk_h Z a v e - denii, Fiz ika , No.4 , pp. 136-137, Apri l , 1973. Original a r t i c l e submi t ted F e b r u a r y 7, 1972; r ev i s ion sub- mi t red June 6, 1972.

�9 1975 Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. No part o f this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted~ in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission o f the publisher. A copy o f this article is available from the publisher for $15.00.


Page 2: Magnetic structure of alnico alloy

Fig. 2 Fig. 3

Fig.2. Domain structure as revealed at the same site by different methods: a) magnetic suspen- sion method; b) magneto-optical method.

Fig. 3. Domain structure in a demagnetized state and during magnetizing along HT: a, b) magneto- optical method; c, d) powder method.

Considering the crystal structure (shape, size, misorientation of easy axes, density of particles), magnetic state, and relative posRion of the easy axis with the field direction, the character of the structure changes can be different. This is illustrated in the figures presented. On Fig. id, e, f are shown structural changes during magnetization reversal at an angle to H T. From the figure R is seen that in this case along wRh the domain growth in the direction close to HT, change in the structure on account of the domain dis- placement in the transversal direction is observed.

Comparing the structures corresponding to one and the same state, but revealed by different methods, enables a qualitative esthnate of the I s vector orientations in domains to be made. The presence of bright domains , cor responding to one and the s a m e s i te , F ig .2 , conf i rms that the vec to rs I s in these domains lie in the spec imen plane. The dark domains as r evea l ed by the magne to -op t i ca l method and powder suspen - sion, indicate that the vec to rs I s f o r m in these domains longitudinal and perpendicu la r components . D i rec - t ion of the longitudinal component in these domains is c lose to the di rect ion of the r e v e r s e magnet iz ing field.

F igure 3a, b shows the magnet ic s t r u c t u r e cor responding to the demagnet ized s ta te of the spec imen . Domains as r evea l ed by the magne to -op t i ca l means have the shape of per iod ica l ly a l te rna ted da rk and br ight bands pa ra l l e l to the axis of easy magnet iza t ion . This indicates the an t ipara l le l or ienta t ion of the vec to r s I s in the neighboring domains . The perpendicu la r component in these domains is c lose to ze ro . This can be ver i f ied by an ana lys i s of Fig. 3c in which the p a r t of the s a m e s t ruc tu re is shown with the aid of the magnet ic suspension. Powder p rec ip i t a t e s only at the domain boundar ies forming t rans i t iona l l a y e r s which appear much like the block boundar ies . In this case the magnet iza t ion r e v e r s a l p roce s s dif- f e r s s ignif icant ly f rom that desc r ibed above. According to the field inc rease along the ea sy axis the do- main configurat ion and the i r posi t ion in r e s p e c t to the spec imen sur face r e m a i n unchanged (Fig . 3b, d). At the s a m e t ime con t r a s t of the bands cor responding to the an t ipara l le l domains as r evea led by the m a g - neto-opt ica l method, fades away and d i sappears at fields cons iderably exceeding H c. When observa t ion is made with the magnet ic suspension the powder p rec ip i t a t e s , concent ra ted at the boundar ies of these do- mains , sp r ead along the spec imen su r face with increas ing field. C lea r ly , this can be a t t r ibuted to the fact that the magnet iz ing p roce s s occurs by ro ta t ion of the vec tor I s in the spec imen plane in domains where it is or iented opposi te ly to the field direct ion.

Thus the r e su l t s p resen ted showed:

a) the type of magnet ic s t ruc tu re in alnico al loy depends on t r e a t m e n t by the field;

b) depending on the magnet ic s ta te the magnet iza t ion and magnet ic r e v e r s a l p roceed differently;


Page 3: Magnetic structure of alnico alloy

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2. 3. 4.

c) the presence of magnetic structure in the demagnetized state allows to assume that in this mate- rial along with the magnetostatic occurs volume interaction between particles.


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