magnetic properties of melt spun smfe11ti-sm2tm17 pseudobinary alloys

~ 1391 Ul7 or IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 26, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 1990 MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF MELT SPUN SmFellTi-S%TMl7 PSEUDOBINARY ALLOYS S.H. Huang, T.S. Chin, Y.S. Chen, S.K. Chen and C.H. Lin Dept. of Materials Sci. & Eng., National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, 30043, Taiwan, Rep. of China P.Y. Lee Dept. of Materials Eng., Tatung Institute of Technology, Taipei, 10451, Taiwan, Rep. of China ~~ ~ ~~ SO alloy S10 alloy S20 alloy S30 alloy spun anne'd spun anne'd spun anne'd spun anne'd 108.2 105.8 100.3 106.4 104.5 113.3 110.5 101.5 72.6 66.9 71.9 74.4 68.2 75.1 70.3 60.4 Abstract-Several a l l o y s i n t h e SmFe lTi-Sm TM (TM = Co/Fe/Cu/Zr) pseudobinary system conhaining20 L79O wt% Sm2TM17 were prepared by melt spinning technique. A ma- ximum as-spun coercivity of 4.6 kOe is obtained for the alloy containing 10 wt% Sm2TM17 at a substrate velocity of 15 m/s. The coercivity is enhanced t o 5.3 kOe after annealing at 800 OC for one hour. XRD and TEM were used to investigate the microstructure of the alloys. It was suggested that grain refinement, doping of the 1-12 phase with Sm and other elements, and reduced free iron might be the main reasons of coercivity enhancement. INTRODUCTION The discovery of possible high coercivity in Sm-Fe-Ti alloy with ThMn (1-12) structure [l], has drawn much attention on t@ feasibility of preparing permanent magnets from this novel structure [l-61. Most of the works led to remarkable intrinsic coerci- vity of the 1-12 alloys were from sputtered films [2], or melt spun ribbons of the Sm-Fe-M (M = Ti, V, MO, Cr, etc.,) systems [3-61. In the latter cases, over quen- ched ribbons were subjected t o a suitable heat treat- ment, hence coercivities of from 2.5 kOe[3] t o 9.8 kOe [6] were obtained. There were works on preparing them by mechanical alloying which resulted in 3.8 kOe [ 7 ] , although iHc of greater than 50 kOe was obtained, it was from a new composition Sm2Fe7Ti not of 1-12 struc- ture [8]. In this study, we tried t o dope the SiFe Ti alloy with a high coercivity phase, Sm2T17 (TM=Co)$e/Cu/Zr) with commercially avilable composition, for three desi- gned purposes of (1) absorbing the possible existing free iron since the 2-17 phase has a high solubility of iron [9], (2) serving as possible domain wall pinning sites should it be stably coexisting with t h e SmFe Ti phase, and (3) investigating the possible extra phiies between t h e 2-17 (or 1-8.5) and the 1-12 structure. EXPERIMENTAL 1 9Fe10 - The starting materials were prealloyed Sm Til and Sm(Coo 65Fe0.27Cu0 g6Zrp 022k 44 &oys (?CP analyzed composition.), respeC ive 9. By were ground, axed at lU wtL intervals, then induction meltea unQer Ar protection. For simplicity, the SmFe Ti added with 10, 20, 3Owt% etc., 2-17 composition is'aesignated as S10, S20, and S30, etc. The melt chunks were rapidly solidified by melt spinning at different wheel speeds (Vs) of 10, 15, 30, and 40 m/s. Some r i b b o n s were fur- ther annealed at 600, 800, 1000 OC for 10 minutes to an hour. Crystal structure was studied with X-ray diffractome- try (XRD). The magnetic properties were measured by a vibrating sample magnetometer. Microstructure was stu- died by a transmission electron microscope (TFM). Curie zemperature (Tc) was determined by a thermal magnetic balance at a field strength of 400 Oe. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The As-melt Spun Properties Fig. 1 shows intrinsic coercivity (iHc) and (0 /a ), where 0 is the specific magnetization at the dxi&m field ofS17 kOe, versus the 2-17 additions of the rib- bons obtained at a wheel speed (Vs) of 15 m/sec. It is evident that 10 wt% addition (S10 alloy for simplicity) h a s t h e maximum iHc of 4.6kOe, which is higher than the reported best as-spun coercivity, 3.6 kOe o f a SmFe l T i alloy [61. a maximum of h.69 for the S10 aloy.r Tfhs is of great industrial import- ance since only minor amount of the 2-17 composition is necessary to attain high spun coercivity. Table I shows specific magnetization values. The (0 /U ) also reaches Table I Specific magnetization (emu/g) of the alloys Fig.1 The composition dependence of iHc and ( as) XRD patterns of the as-spun S10, S20, and S30 alloys are shown i n Fig. 2. The 1-12 structure is the major phase with minor 2-17H phase and trace free iron in the S10 and S20 alloys. For the S30 alloy, the 2-17H turns out to be the major phase with increased amount of free iron and decreased 1-12 phase. Over 50 wt% addition, no more 1-12 phase and free iron could be found. Effect of wheel speeds on the as-spun coercivity of the S10 alloy was studied, as shown i n Fig. 3. It is clear that the speed of 15 m/sec is optimal for the doped alloys. A Vs of' 10 m/sec resulted in undercooling, while 40 m/sec overcooling, as concluded from the degree of XRD peak broadening. Effect of Annealings. The spun S10 ribbons were annealed at 600, 800 and me 6OO0C a n n e a l i n g 1000°C, respectively for one hour. 0018-9464/9010900-1391$U1.00 0 1990 fEEE

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Page 1: Magnetic properties of melt spun SmFe11Ti-Sm2TM17 pseudobinary alloys







S.H. Huang, T.S. Chin, Y.S. Chen, S.K. Chen and C.H. L in Dept. of Materials Sc i . & Eng., Na t iona l Tsing Hua Un ive r s i ty , Hsinchu, 30043, Taiwan, Rep. o f China

P.Y. Lee Dept. of Materials Eng., Tatung I n s t i t u t e of Technology, Ta ipe i , 10451, Taiwan, Rep. of China

~~ ~ ~~

SO a l l o y S10 a l l o y S20 a l l o y S30 a l l o y

spun anne'd spun anne'd spun anne'd spun anne'd

108.2 105.8 100.3 106.4 104.5 113.3 110.5 101.5

72.6 66.9 71.9 74.4 68.2 75.1 70.3 60.4

Abstract-Several a l l o y s i n t h e SmFe lTi-Sm TM (TM = Co/Fe/Cu/Zr) pseudobinary system conhaining20 L79O w t % Sm2TM17 were prepared by m e l t sp inn ing technique . A ma- ximum as-spun c o e r c i v i t y of 4.6 kOe is obta ined f o r t h e a l l o y con ta in ing 10 w t % Sm2TM17 a t a s u b s t r a t e v e l o c i t y of 15 m/s. The c o e r c i v i t y is enhanced t o 5.3 kOe after annea l ing a t 800 OC f o r one hour. XRD and TEM were used t o i n v e s t i g a t e t h e mic ros t ruc tu re of t h e a l l o y s . It w a s sugges ted t h a t g r a i n re f inement , doping of t h e 1-12 phase wi th Sm and o t h e r e lements , and reduced free i r o n might be t h e main r easons of c o e r c i v i t y enhancement.


The d iscovery of p o s s i b l e h igh c o e r c i v i t y i n Sm-Fe-Ti a l l o y wi th ThMn (1-12) s t r u c t u r e [l], has drawn much a t t e n t i o n on t@ f e a s i b i l i t y of prepar ing permanent magnets from t h i s novel s t r u c t u r e [l-61.

Most of t h e works l e d t o remarkable i n t r i n s i c coe rc i - v i t y of t h e 1-12 a l l o y s were from s p u t t e r e d f i l m s [2 ] , or melt spun r ibbons of t h e Sm-Fe-M (M = T i , V, MO, C r , e t c . , ) sys tems [3-61. I n t h e la t ter cases, over quen- ched r ibbons were sub jec t ed t o a s u i t a b l e h e a t treat- ment, hence c o e r c i v i t i e s of from 2.5 kOe[3] t o 9.8 kOe [ 6 ] were obta ined . There were works on prepar ing them by mechanical a l l o y i n g which r e s u l t e d i n 3.8 kOe [7 ] , a l t hough i H c of g r e a t e r t h a n 50 kOe w a s ob ta ined , it was from a new composition Sm2Fe7Ti n o t of 1-12 s t r u c - t u r e [8].

I n t h i s s t u d y , we t r i e d t o dope t h e S iFe T i a l l o y wi th a h igh c o e r c i v i t y phase, Sm2T17 (TM=Co)$e/Cu/Zr) w i th commercially a v i l a b l e composition, f o r t h r e e des i - gned purposes o f (1 ) absorb ing t h e p o s s i b l e e x i s t i n g free i r o n s i n c e t h e 2-17 phase has a h igh s o l u b i l i t y of i r o n [9 ] , (2) s e rv ing as p o s s i b l e domain w a l l p inning sites should it be s t a b l y c o e x i s t i n g wi th t h e SmFe T i phase, and (3 ) i n v e s t i g a t i n g t h e p o s s i b l e extra p h i i e s between t h e 2-17 (or 1-8.5) and t h e 1-12 s t r u c t u r e .


1 9Fe10 - The s t a r t i n g m a t e r i a l s were p rea l loyed Sm Ti l and Sm(Coo 65Fe0.27Cu0 g6Zrp 022k 44 &oys (?CP ana lyzed composition.), respeC i v e 9. By were ground, a x e d a t l U w t L i n t e r v a l s , then induc t ion mel tea unQer A r p ro t ec t ion . For s i m p l i c i t y , t h e SmFe T i added wi th 10, 20, 3Owt% etc., 2-17 composition i s ' aes igna ted as S10, S20, and S30, etc. The m e l t chunks were r a p i d l y s o l i d i f i e d by m e l t sp inn ing a t d i f f e r e n t wheel speeds (Vs) of 10, 15, 30, and 40 m / s . Some r ibbons were fu r - t h e r annea led a t 600, 800, 1000 OC f o r 10 minutes t o an hour.

C r y s t a l s t r u c t u r e w a s s t u d i e d wi th X-ray d i f f rac tome- t r y (XRD). The magnetic p r o p e r t i e s were measured by a v i b r a t i n g sample magnetometer. Mic ros t ruc tu re w a s s t u - d i ed by a t r ansmiss ion e l e c t r o n microscope (TFM). Cur ie zemperature (Tc) was determined by a thermal magnetic ba lance a t a f i e l d s t r e n g t h of 400 Oe.


The A s - m e l t Spun P r o p e r t i e s

Fig. 1 shows i n t r i n s i c c o e r c i v i t y (iHc) and (0 /a ), where 0 is t h e s p e c i f i c magnet iza t ion a t t h e d x i & m f i e l d ofS17 kOe, ve r sus t h e 2-17 a d d i t i o n s of t h e r i b - bons obta ined a t a wheel speed (Vs) of 15 m/sec. It is ev iden t t h a t 10 w t % a d d i t i o n (S10 a l l o y f o r s i m p l i c i t y ) h a s t h e maximum iHc of 4.6kOe, which is h ighe r t h a n t h e r e p o r t e d b e s t as-spun c o e r c i v i t y , 3.6 kOe o f a SmFe lTi a l l o y [61. a maximum of h.69 f o r t h e S10 a loy . r Tfhs is of g r e a t i n d u s t r i a l import- ance s i n c e on ly minor amount o f t h e 2-17 composition is necessary t o a t t a i n h igh spun c o e r c i v i t y . Table I shows s p e c i f i c magnet iza t ion va lues .

The (0 / U ) a l s o r eaches

Table I S p e c i f i c magnet iza t ion (emu/g) of t h e a l l o y s

F ig .1 The composition dependence of iHc and ( as)

XRD p a t t e r n s of t h e as-spun S10, S20, and S30 a l l o y s are shown i n Fig. 2. The 1-12 s t r u c t u r e is t h e major phase wi th minor 2-17H phase and trace f r e e i r o n i n t h e S10 and S20 a l l o y s . For t h e S30 a l l o y , t h e 2-17H t u r n s o u t t o be t h e major phase wi th inc reased amount of free i r o n and decreased 1-12 phase. Over 50 w t % a d d i t i o n , no more 1-12 phase and free i r o n could be found. E f f e c t of wheel speeds on t h e as-spun c o e r c i v i t y of t h e S10 a l l o y was s t u d i e d , as shown i n Fig. 3. It is clear t h a t t h e speed of 15 m/sec is opt imal for t h e doped a l l o y s . A Vs o f ' 10 m/sec r e s u l t e d i n undercool ing , w h i l e 40 m/sec overcool ing , as concluded from t h e degree of XRD peak broadening.

E f f e c t o f Annealings.

The spun S10 r ibbons were annea led a t 600, 800 and me 6OO0C annea l ing 1000°C, r e s p e c t i v e l y f o r one hour.

0018-9464/9010900-1391$U1.00 0 1990 fEEE

Page 2: Magnetic properties of melt spun SmFe11Ti-Sm2TM17 pseudobinary alloys


- 3

z v


1 -

.. . .

0 , - .-.- c - - 0 -

0 - O W - .

+ X ' O w l 0 -0- x -10 w l o -0- x = 2 o w / o -+ X = 3 0 w / o 1 %4


70 6 0 5 0 40 30 - 2 0

Flg.2 XRD patterns of as-spun al.l.oys at Vs=15 m/sec


Y z 3 2


-8- x = 0 W/(

-0- x =IO Wll


40 60 Annealing Time(min)

Fig.4 Effect of annealing time at 800 OC on coercivity 2


c' N

N s 1 7 e- - 0 %?



vs=15m/s Anneali ng

. 800'C

20 min Q

6 0 min + - 30 Sm2TMii (wt%)

Fig.5 Free iron content vs. that of the 1-12 phase

alloys were measured, as typically shown in Fig. 6 for the S10 alloy. There are two Tc's during heating up, and this is similar for all the above as-spun alloys. The former, Tcl, was adopted from heating curve, while Tc from cooling curve. After 6OO0C annealing the Tc sth1 exists yet shifts to higher temperature, whid after 800 OC annealing Tc disappears. This indicates the possible existence 02 a metastable phase, which disappears after high temperature annealing, not iden- tifiable from XRD pattern though. Tc2 is representative of the major 1-12 phase. Tc varies with composition, annealing and wheel speed as shown in Fig. 7. Tc values increase with doped 2-17 amount, Fig. 7a, depicting the incorporation of CO in the phase. Tc and Tc2 for the as-spun S10 alloy show a peak at Vs 15m/s, Fig. 7b, depicting possible difference in element partitions, notably CO, with wheel speed. at 30 and 40 m/s, 193OC is believed to belong to an amorphous phase. After annealing, TC ' s of all the alloys increase as

increasing the 2-17 azdition amount due to increased CO incorporation, as shown in Fig. 7a.

Microstructural Features

The low Tcl value

Fig. 8 shows two TEM micrographs taken from a S10 al- loy prepared by Vs=15 and 30 m/s, and annealed at 8OO0C for an hour(Vs=15) and 10 minutes(Vs=30), respectively. The grain size ran es from 50 to 100 nmfor the 15 m/s quenched alloy, w k t o 50 nm f o r the 30 m/s quen- ched alloy. This is comparable to that of other works [ 6 ] . The extremely fine grain such as this may be in part responsible for the high coercivity.

Page 3: Magnetic properties of melt spun SmFe11Ti-Sm2TM17 pseudobinary alloys


I annealing a t

IOOO'C lhr \> \ ' c 2 I

eoo'c lhr Y1 100 200 300 400 500 600

Temperature {C)

Fig.6 Magnetization vs. Temp. curves of the S10 al.l.oy

k = 1 5 rnls ~As-spun Tc,

$300 +As-spun TC;

+Annealing8dO'C 60 rnin

/I As-spun

Fig.7 Curie temperatures vs. composition (a) and Vs (b)

Possible Mechanisms of Coercivity

- -

From the fact that the as-spun SO (pure Sm;F&Ti) al- loy has an iHc of 1.5 kOe, it is evident grain refinement itself bestows coercivity. The addition of 10 w t % Sm2TM17 composition provides excess Sm and dop- ing elements in the 1-12 phase hence increases greatly the coercivity at the as-spun state. Annealing at 800°C reduces the free iron content, Fig. 5, hence improves the coercivity further. The existence of the 2-17H phase might not be beneficial since the as-spun 2-17 rich alloys (S50, S80 and S90) showed low coercivity.


Magnetic properties of melt spun SmFellTi - Sm TM alloys were investigated. A 10 w t % addition of the22-13 composition greatly enhanced the as-s un coercivity from 1.5 to 4.6 kOe. Annealing at 800 C further im- proves it to 5.7 kOe. The mechanisms of coervivity are attributed to refinement of grain size, stabilization of the 1-12 phase, and reduced free iron content. The 2-17H phase was identifiable in the 10-30 w t % addition alloys, while it is dominating when weight fraction of the 2-17 composition is over 50. A metastable phase was detected in Tc measurements, however it was not resol- vable in the XRD patterns.


Fig.8 TEM micrographs of annealed spun S10 at (a) Vs=15 m/s and 800°Cxlh annealed, (b) Vs=30 m/s and 800' CxlO min annealed; the marker represents 50 nm


The authors are grateful for the sponsorship of this research by the National Science Council of the Rep. of China under the contract number NSC 79-0416-E007-06.


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