magnetic presence

Magnetic Presence the Art of feeling confident and powerful in your body, no matter what is happening in your life and who you are around. Copyright 2011 Lauren Sheehan, The Feminine Rhythm [email protected]

Upload: femininerhythm

Post on 15-Jan-2015




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  • 1. Magnetic Presence
    the Art of feeling confident and powerful in your body, no matter what is happening in your life and who you are around.
    Copyright 2011 Lauren Sheehan, The Feminine Rhythm [email protected]

2. Thats me, Lauren Sheehan
Follow me on Twitter @lauren_sheehan
Tweet what you learn, use #growyourglow
Connect with facebook and comment on this webinar as we go along!
Copyright 2011 Lauren Sheehan, The Feminine Rhythm [email protected]
3. Have a pen and paper ready!
Copyright 2011 Lauren Sheehan, The Feminine Rhythm [email protected]
Ill have time for questions after the presentation.
Ill also be announcing a sweet gift with tons of value (including a FREE giveaway) at the end of this presentation. So stick around.
4. Today well cover
Copyright 2011 Lauren Sheehan, The Feminine Rhythm [email protected]
5. Why you need more presence..
Copyright 2011 Lauren Sheehan, The Feminine Rhythm [email protected]

  • We have created safety shapes with our presence that may not serve our true longings and desires

6. Those walls are blocking you from receiving all that you desire and are already creating. 7. People are demanding transparency from you in all areas (friendships, intimate partnerships, and business relationships etc.) 8. Your presence is your most effective communication tool