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  • 7/31/2019 Magical Drafts and Potions


    Magical Drafts and Potions (from

    Dear ReadersWhether you come from a Muggle or Wizarding family, youve probably been e

    xposed to various portrayals of potion-making throughout the years. Most of these images probably involved objects being randomly thrown into a kettle, loud bangs, and a spectacular end result. Youll soon find that, in reality, potion-makingis a laborious, precise practice. Oftentimes, the entire potion can be ruined if you do not follow the instructions given directly. On the other hand, there are hundreds of ways to come to roughly the same end result, and I do encourage experimentation once you have a basic grasp of the concepts involved in potion-making. In this book, we have included the simplest methods, which are typically the most popular as well.

    I would like to clarify that simple methods, does not mean that potion-making is at all easy. A keen attention to detail is critical to this art, as is knowledge of the techniques discussed throughout this textbook. However, the mostimportant virtue in potion-brewing is patience. While some only require a few minutes and others require several months, a large part of potion-making is waiting. Some ingredients may only be gathered during certain parts of the year, whilespecific potions must sit for a long while to thicken. These periods of inactivity are crucial, and must never be ignored. You will find that you waste even more time by not fulfilling these wait times, as you must then return to the beginning.

    The study of potion-making is far more than learning mere techniques. Tobecome a true master of the subject, you must understand how these potions should be applied. As Edgar Moran (Order of Merlin, Second Class), once said, Mixingup the potion is only a small portion of the whole ordeal. The quality of a potion-maker is determined by how he uses the potion, rather than how he made it. Many potions may be used to benefit or harm others. Take, for example, the Draughtof Living Death. While Healer Ren Russelburn modified the recipe to be administered to patients during particularly complex surgeries, her co-worker Herman Quigley used the same potion to render his patients unconscious while Quigley stoletheir money. Russelburn earned herself the Outstanding Healer Award, while Quigley was promptly dismissed and sent to Azkaban. Included with each entry is information regarding the possible uses of the potion and side effects associated with that particular brew. Please pay careful attention to these warnings, and use

    the potion wisely. Also, note that every potion can and may go wrong, and weighthese possibilities for disaster against the use of the potion.The myHogwarts edition of Arsenius Jiggers original text, while containin

    g most of the same potions, has modified all of these recipes to some extent. Asdiscussed earlier, there are multiple ways to brew the same potion. Thus, discoveries are constantly made in the field which simplifies how certain potions arebrewed. While the myHogwarts writer staff provided most of these modifications,a plethora were borrowed from a small group of students who attended Hogwarts within the past century. Likewise, more uses have been found for older potions, and we have included them within our text.

    Happy brewing!Mallory Harris

    Adam C. (Ravenclaw)Hogwarts 00WriterAs a 2000 graduate of Hogwarts and a proud member of Ravenclaw House with a focus on animated plants, I went on to become the proprietor of the most dangerous walking garden in the United States. I maintain that the goblin came into my garden missing that finger, and there are absolutely no refunds.

    Saoirse C.Writer

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    Stephanie C.Editor

    Andrew Dewar (Ravenclaw)Hogwarts - Currently attendingWriterEven though I moved to the USA when I was six, my Scottish parents wanted me togo to Hogwarts, where they grew up. Only one of my four sisters have graduated and left the school. At home, I am always surrounded by magic, which I truly love. A proud Ravenclaw, Im the top of my year in Herbology and Potions; the reason my professors recommended I apply for this textbook position. It is absolutely thrilling for me to be writing for myself and my fellow students for this oncomingyear at our phenomenal school. Some of my other interests include music, Quidditch, exploring Hogwarts, and playing with my Crup, Dash.

    Shawna P.Writer

    Sara R..Editor

    Sarah Riffel (Slytherin)Writer for Hogwarts Textbooks

    Hogwarts 11; Texas Tech University - Currently attendingAs a Muggle-born and recent graduate of Hogwarts, I was quite impressed when they contacted me to return and be a part of this fantastic new program. Writing has always been a passion of mine and Ive always had an eye for facts and details that I couldnt rid myself of. Thats why its sort of a no-brainer that I should writetextbooks for the two subjects I loved the most in my time at school. Potions and Herbology go hand and hand a lot of the time and I enjoyed both thoroughly inmy time at school, and now as a writer as well.

    Emily Vanderwell (Ravenclaw)EditorHogwarts 08A Ravenclaw through and through, I strived to succeed in all my classes, but Her

    bology and Potions were my best classes. Its due to my love of grammar, instilledin me by my mom who home-schooled me before I attended Hogwarts, that I appliedfor a job editing textbooks. Im the middle of five kids from a Muggle dad and awitch mom, so I used my academic success to try and stand apart from my many siblings. Since graduating from Hogwarts, Ive been furthering my studies in Herbology, hoping to become a Professor someday. Im also attending a Muggle university to get a degree in Psychology. In the future, Im hoping to study the effect magichas on they psychology of witches and wizards.


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    Ingredient Handling

    Your ingredients are what make your potions possible. It is essential, therefore, that you have a thorough understanding of the different techniques for handling your ingredients. The following topics will be covered in this text: storageand handling, chopping and measuring, and tools of the trade. All of the information contained in this book will be useful as you embark on what is sure to bea promising career in potions.


    It is obvious that all of the ingredients listed within these pages can be easily and readily obtained. This means that most ingredients are not extremely dange

    rous to store and can be found in any basic potions kit. Depending on their state, most ingredients can be stored in simple glass bottles or boxes. Many ingredients are somewhat perishable, so it is important to follow any instructions given by the apothecary regarding expiration date, storage temperature, recommendedcontainers, etc. The storage instructions will be most important with perishable ingredients, though it is obviously important to keep the non-perishable itemssafe and sound as well. It should be noted that though ingredient storage canbe left to the potioneers discretion, contamination can and will occur if ingredients are not stored according to the specific instructions given for a particular ingredient. What is important for our purposes, however, is acquiring the ingredients and keeping them in a useable state.

    Measuring for Use

    There are a number of measurements listed in this book. While many measurementsare done by weight, sometimes measurements of length or even simple counts can be used. When one beetle is called for, you would obviously use one entire beetle.If a potion calls for a specific weight of beetle eyes, simply weigh them out using a set of scales (brass, copper, gold, etc.). If a recipe asks for two inchesof daisy root, use a standard ruler to measure two inches of your roots. It isreally very simple, and the writers of this text have made every effort to pointyou in the right direction in terms of measurements. The instruments used for these processes will be prescribed by your instructor. As always, it is important

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    that things are done in a standard way. The wizarding world weighs in ounces, pounds and stones. We measure in inches and feet. If you have a firm grasp on wizarding measurements, you should be able to work through any potion recipe listedin this book.

    Tools of the Craft

    The right tools are essential to the success of a potion. If your ingredient issupposed to be squeezed with the broad-side of a silver dagger, and you decide that you would rather use your mothers best china plate to crush said ingredient,your potion will likely end up a disaster, and your mother might not be too happy.

    When not specifically stated in this book, it is preferred that you use silver daggers for your cutting and/or crushing needs. Your scales can be made of any number of materials; most will not cause negative effects on the desired potion.Gloves (dragon-hide) are sometimes necessary for handling particularly nasty ingredients. Your cauldron should be made of either pewter or silver. Unless otherwise called for, glass or crystal phials will be suitable for most basic storagepurposes. Your wand is necessary for most, if not all, potion brewing, so be sure to keep it readily available. A mortar and pestle can be used as well, and darker stone is preferred. However, there is serious debate over the legitimacy ofthe claim that the shade of the stone truly matters in potioneering.

    Using Ingredients

    When you are asked to crush something, the mortar and pestle is your best option. It is especially useful when a specific recipe calls for ingredients to be made into a powder form. Other forms of crushing include using the side of a knifeto flatten or extract the juices from the ingredient.

    Juicing your ingredients can be difficult. As previously mentioned, you can crush an object to obtain juice. Certain ingredients can also be cut and squeezed torelease their juice. However, using this technique can present difficulties, because some ingredients can be rather tough to get through with a knife. If an ingredient is stubborn, it is often most prudent to find an alternative method. Crushing seems to be the easiest alternative, though ingredients can be juiced us

    ing another method, if one can be found.

    There are a variety of ways to cut your ingredients. They can be chopped eitherfinely or coarsely. A finely chopped ingredient can sometimes be sprinkled intoa brewing potion, though it can also be added normally as is often the case withleaves or roots of various plants. A coarsely chopped ingredient will yield bigger bits, and they are often added early in order to soften. They can be removed before the potion is completed, though this is not necessary in every situation. Ingredients such as fruit and thick stems of plants are often coarsely chopped. Additionally, ingredients may be sliced. When slicing is called for, the recipe will often specify the thickness required. Slices are often done lengthwise,though this too can vary.

    There are a number of other things that can be done to the various ingredients.Most recipes will specify what it is you are supposed to do, and it is usually best to follow the instructions. If handling a specific ingredient becomes too difficult, alternative methods or materials should be employed. However, it is always best to ensure that the integrity of your resulting potion will not be compromised if these alternative measures are taken.


    The most important thing when brewing a potion is to ensure your safety and the

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    safety of those around you. It is imperative that you follow the aforementionedguidelines for handling your ingredients. Extra care must be taken when you handle animated things. You should also pay close attention to known poisonous ingredients. Remember, fire will burn you. Chomping cabbages will bite you. If you decide to gnaw on your Nightlock, things might not turn out very well for you inthe end. Be sure you are using the proper tools for the specific potion you intend to brew, and do not hesitate to ask for assistance from your professor whenneeded. In short, you must remember to play it smart during all stages of potion brewing.


    The act of stirring may seem simple, but in a potions class you are not cookingsoup with your mother. The ingredients that you stir can be extremely dangerous,and the resulting concoction can be equally dangerous. Stirring is an art thatmust be perfected in order for you to advance in your potions career. It is oneof the most basic and important tasks in the art of potioneering, and, if not done correctly with extreme care, you could injure yourself or others. As always,it is most important that you follow the instructions set forth in this book aswell as anything your professor says on the subject. Safety is always the firstpriority.

    By definition, stirring is the act of disturbing the relative position of the particles or parts, especially by a continuous circular movement. For our purposes

    , we will define it as moving the contents of your cauldron circularly. This chapter will outline the various tools and methods that you can use to stir your potion.

    Obviously, you have already acquired the most basic tools. A potion that is being brewed must be held in a particular vessel. Cauldrons have already been covered in your list of basic supplies, but it is important to pay attention the material that your cauldron is made out of before selecting your stirring implement.By doing so, you can protect your cauldron from damage and avoid contaminatingthe potion with which you are dealing. Additionally, by noting the cauldrons material, you can avoid endangering yourself and others. The size of the cauldronis also important. The smaller the cauldron, the smaller your stirring implementmust be. If it is too small, you will not be able to stir safely. If it is too

    big, you probably will not be able to stir at all.

    It is also important to note if any heat is being used for brewing. Certain stirring implements do not do well in heat, and you should forgo their use. Once again, safety is key, so you must be very mindful of what it is you are doing during all stages of the potion brewing process.



    You can choose to stir your potion with a variety of things. Your wand is quiteobviously the easiest of options. No contact is necessary. You merely learn a v

    ery simple stirring spell, and you are ready for whatever you need to do. The incantation is simple, and there is little wand movement required. A slow, circular motion above the cauldron is all that is needed. The contents within the cauldron will move to match your wand movements. This movement can also dictate the speed at which the contents will be stirred, which is a very important concept insome brews.

    The second most obvious choice for stirring your potion would be a paddle or spoon of some sort. While these implements went out of style when the stirring spell was discovered in the late sixteenth century, they are still important to disc

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    uss. Some potions require stirring be done by hand, while others prefer it to bedone by wand. It simply depends on the potion in question, but learning about hand stirring is an essential component to any potions education.


    There are many different varieties of spoons - slotted or non-slotted, wooden ormetal, long or short, wide or skinny. Each characteristic makes a specific spoon better suited for one potion or another. Much of the decision depends which ingredients you are using and what your eventual outcome is supposed to be.

    For things that are supposed to be more viscous, the slotted spoon is the way togo. It allows the contents to be more thoroughly mixed. For the less viscous, the wider, non-slotted selection is the most prudent. Obviously, a longer handleis necessary for many things and should be used most often, unless otherwise stated in the recipe of said potion. Selecting the material of the spoon apparatusin question is a very basic. If you are working with heat, metal might not be best suited for the task as it is a conductor of heat. Therefore, the wooden variety is favored. In fact, a wooden spoon is the most commonly used spoon in theart of hand stirring because it does not often interfere with potion ingredients. It is worth noting that wooden spoons have been popular for many centuries.

    When dealing with spoons, however, the most important issue is keeping the potion safe from contamination. For example, you would not want to walk into the kitc

    hen and get a spoon from the sink that your mother used for dinner that evening.Nor would you return a spoon that you used in your potioneering to the sink after you were finished with it. These spoons are to be used specifically for potions and are often labeled by the manufacturer so as to avoid any terrible disasters that might result if they were used for a different purpose. That being said,most any spoon you purchase can be used if absolutely necessary.


    A paddle is much like a spoon and is therefore similar in handle length and material. However, it should be noted that paddles are often favored only for extremely large cauldrons. Larger cauldrons are typically used for potions with manyingredients and those that take considerable time to brew. Paddles are most co

    mmon in commercial potions manufacturing where a large amount of product is madeand can be handled by more than one person at a time, depending on the size ofthe paddle/cauldron combination in question.


    If you find some other item to stir your potion, there should be no problems, provided the implement in question is safe. In historical accounts of quick potioneering, a great number of things have been used including sticks and even handsin some situations. If it can be used to move the contents of your cauldron around, then it technically can be considered a stirring implement.


    The act of stirring is simple but can be done in a variety of ways. You can stiryour potion with great speed, or you can do it very slowly. You can stir your potion both clockwise and anti-clockwise. You can do it repeatedly or you can doit once in a great while. These rules are frequently listed in the potions directions or are set forth by your potions instructor. There are a few things to note, however.


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    When a potions instructions say that it is supposed to be stirred a certain number of times, it is important that the potion is stirred precisely that many times. This means that you must physically or mentally mark where it was that your stirring implement began to move so you can see when the implement passes over that point, making one full rotation and no more.


    Clockwise and anti-clockwise are two very easy concepts. To clarify for our purposes, when facing your cauldron, if the potion calls for clockwise stirring, your implement should move from the furthest point away from you to the right and from the closest point to you to the left. In comparison, when stirring anti-clockwise your implement should move to the left when it is at the furthest point away from you and to the right when it is closest to you. Basically, the anti-clockwise motion is the opposite direction of a clocks hands.


    Your implement should make a full circle around the cauldron. It should never cut through the middle for any reason, as that would not create the accurate circular motion that is called for in stirring potions.

    Bottling and Storage

    Proper bottling and storage of potions are imperative aspects of your potions career. While in your early years of study, you are not likely to make a potion that needs to be stored for an extended period, but the bottling of your potions is what makes it possible for your professor to assign a grade to the work you are doing in potions class. Certain potions must be bottled and stored for a certain amount of time so they can age and mature properly. As with most things in this field, bottling and storage must be done correctly or there can be grave consequences.


    The Vessel

    If you are to bottle your potion, you must have something in which to put that potion. Most often, this bottle or phial is made of glass, but they can also be made of various other materials. At one point, most storage vessels were made ofwood until it was realized that the wood absorbed some of each potion into it, thereby contaminating the next potion stored in that vessel. Therefore, wood is unadvisable as an option. Certain metals can also be used, though at times they can interact with the potion being stored. Prolonged exposure to metals can result in contaminated potions. For that reason, metal containers should not be usedfor potions that require long-term storage.

    A container can come in every shape, size, colour and type. It is important to select those containers that best fit a potions contents. Some potions need to bestored in darker containers while others need to be stored in lighter vessels. C

    ertain potions need room to expand during their ageing process and should be putinto larger containers. Others can only be bottled in very small quantities. Some situations call for enormous bottles, but turning samples in to your instructor will only call for very small phials.

    Your container (glass, metal, or otherwise) should always have a stopper, most of which are made of cork. If you do not have a stopper, certain spells can be performed in order to keep the potion from being exposed to the elements. These charms are difficult, and it is often much easier to simply locate a stopper. Allof the potions that you will make in this course will need to be presented in st

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    oppered containers so your professor can evaluate them.

    The Means

    Most potions are viscous enough to be poured. Pourable potions can be funneled into your vessel. A simple funnel contraption is often used for this particular method. While this method is simple enough to do, it can become rather cumbersomeif a large cauldron is being used or if the cauldron in question is heated. Insuch situations, it is much easier to use a siphoning charm. If you use this simple charm, you will be able to siphon your entire potion into the correct bottleor phial. This charm is the most often employed and by far the easiest method of transferring liquids from one vessel to the next.

    Storage Specifications

    Once bottled, potions must be stored somewhere. There are countless varieties ofpotion cabinets on the market including tabletop, wall mounted, etc. These cabinets provide several racks of varying sizes in which to place your bottles. Theycome in handy but are not entirely necessary. As long as you have a space withthe right conditions, your potion will be fine.


    Sometimes light exposure can ruin a potion or upset its ageing process in some way. You can combat this problem in one of two fashions. First, you can place your potion in a dark glass bottle. The bottle itself will prevent light from interfering with your potion. Another suitable option is to store your potion somewhere dark. Closets, the special cupboards previously mentioned, drawers, etc. canbe used for this purpose. It is important that absolutely no light be let in while the potion is being stored as it might ruin the potion, even if exposure is extremely limited.


    Some potions need to be cooled while stored, while others should be kept warm. It is important to review the potions instructions before attempting to bottle andstore. The temperature is perhaps the most difficult part of storage, as temperature regulation can be quite difficult. Most potions do not call for specific temperatures, but rather state that they can be stored at room temperature or incooled or warmed conditions. A good rule of thumb is to always keep the temperature comfortable for you. Your storage cupboard should not make you shiver or sweat, but it should be right around the too cold for me point or the too hot for me p

    int. These differences in temperature will vary from person to person but are good gauges when the instructions are so unclear. The method of temperature regulation is widely left for the individual to decide. With so many different placesto store and so many situations, it would be impossible to explain how to regulate temperatures for your specific situation. Most of your potions can be storedat room temperature, so you should be fine, especially in this course, without any special sort of temperature regulation technique.

    Other Things to Take Into Account

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    Some potions will need to be stored for a very long time. Longevity of stay often dictates the place in which a potion is stored. If it will only be there for aday or so, it might be acceptable to put the potion in your sock drawer, but ifthe potion needs to age for a few months or a year, it most likely will need aplace of its own. Some potions will need to be isolated when stored, while others can be stored with a variety of different potions. Certain potions need to have different environments at different stages of their ageing process and will therefore need to be moved at some point or, at the very least, have the circumstances changed. These are all very important things to note, and they are all regulations that are set forth in a potions recipe. If there are any questions, as always, ask your instructor.

    Ageing Potions

    After brewing, some potions require time to age. This process can take a short time, or it can take a long time. Most potions have sufficient time to age whilethe potion is bottled and then stored for a specific amount of time before use.Some potions mature and become more potent as time passes, while others lose their potency as they age.


    Most potions, after they have reached maturity (either during brewing or by ageing), can be stored for later use. Others must be used as soon as maturity is rea

    ched for the desired effect to result. Potions can eventually expire. Once thishappens, they need to be disposed of properly. Expired potions can be dangerousif used, and the results of using an expired potion can be extremely different from the originally desired outcome.


    Timing, as they say, is everything. In potion brewing, it is no different. The order in which you put the ingredients is important, but perhaps even more important are things such as the rate at which you put ingredients into the brew, theamount of time between ingredients, or even total brewing time. These are important factors in most potions, and while the potions you will brew in most classeswill not take more than the allotted class time, it is important to realize tha

    t not all potion brewing is so short-lived. This section will venture to take you beyond certain brews and into a more thorough understanding of what timing means to a potioneer. Some of this information can only be imparted through years of experience, while some of it is listed word for word in the potions recipe. However, the theory of timing is simple to both understand and convey to others.


    The use of most ingredients is staggered throughout the potion brewing process.Potions are not soups, and it is not advisable to throw everything in your cauldron at once and just let it be. It takes time and careful attention in order toget a potion just right. It can also take a certain amount of time to collect your ingredients as they may have to be collected at a precise time. Both collecti

    on and addition of ingredients are imperative to a potions success.


    When it comes to the ingredients required, most potion recipes are very specific. If a recipe merely says that you need to add daisy roots, then it is not really important when or where your daisy root was gathered. However, if it specifiesthat a certain ingredient must be picked during the full moon, it is extremelyimportant that you time the rest of the potion accordingly. For example, if there are seven steps before you get to the step that calls for the full moon ingred

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    ient and those seven steps take a total of two weeks to complete, it is a good idea to look at your calendar and begin brewing two weeks before the full moon. This way you will be able to use your new ingredient almost immediately, and yourpotion will be done in a reasonable amount of time. Timing is very important when it comes to the collection of ingredients for several other reasons as well.Some ingredients must be used fresh, whereas other ingredients need to be aged.These are important considerations to take into account when you look into brewing a potion because they dictate when you must start your collection and when you must start to brew. Without these specifics listed, it is very difficult to time the brewing and collecting processes correctly. Some advanced potioneers keepa specific brewing calendar for this purpose, though most of the potion makingyou encounter during school will not require you to do so.


    Adding ingredients is another aspect of potioneering that must be timed perfectly in order to correctly brew a potion. Some of the issues related to the addition of ingredients have been covered, but there are still several issues that needto be addressed. First and foremost, not all potions are set to a specific timeschedule. Depending on the type of potion, the recipe may not always require aspecific amount of time between the addition of each ingredient. It may insteadcall for the potion to be a particular colour or have a certain characteristic before the next ingredient is added. For example, a recipe might specify that once the potion turns dark brown, the next ingredient should be added. However, it

    is important to note that the recipe may not state how long the potion will taketo turn brown. It could take no time at all, or it could take hours or even weeks to reach that point. It is important, therefore, that potions without specific times assigned are not taken on lightly. Most basic potions are much simpler than this, and will give certain time limits, or, if done correctly, should all begin to reach a certain point at about the same time. Potioneering is not the most exact of sciences though, so there is always room for change. It is importantto listen to instructions and carefully follow the directions set forth in thisbook to ensure that all of your ingredients are added at the correct time.

    Order is also related to timing as far as ingredient addition goes. Putting theingredients in out of order can have disastrous results and should be avoided. Order also relies heavily on the directions given by your instructor and the book

    , so be sure to pay very close attention not only to the timing, but also to when an ingredient should be added in relation to others.

    Total Brewing Time

    The calculation of the total time it takes a person to brew a potion is very inexact. There are too many contributing factors. If you calculated all the times between ingredient additions and the amount of time needed for the entire potionto brew, you would get the closest possible estimate. Such an estimate is typically referred to as Estimated Brewing Time or EBT. EBT is the generally accepted amont of time it takes to brew a potion. If your total amount of brewing exceeds that estimate by a great amount, it is often assumed that you have done somethingwrong during the process. However, your potion might still turn out alright in t

    he end. It is a very inexact art, and some of the most practiced experimental potioneers still have a difficult time assigning a correct EBT to their new-foundbrews. Some potioneers and recipe writers find EBT to be so inexact that they choose not to include one at all. A famed author once stated, "A potion will be ready when it is ready. You do not tell an egg when it is to hatch. Likewise, youdo not tell a potion when it should be completed." There is a lot of scholarly discussion on the matter because waiting on a potion to finish for too long can often be a tedious and possibly failing effort. The assigned EBT makes it easierto know when you have done something wrong, and it gives you a point at which you should begin again.

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    The EBT for short-brew potions is much more exact than it is for long-brew potions. If a potion is simple, the ingredients are all pre-gathered and ready to go.If the potioneer follows the instructions closely, the EBT should be a good estimate of how long that potion should be brewing before it is ready. If a potionis extremely complex and its ingredients have to be gathered throughout the brewing process, then the EBT becomes less accurate, especially if said potion requires a more advanced knowledge of potioneering. It is a general rule, therefore,that EBTs shorter than one 24-hour period are recognized as standard, and all those exceeding that time frame are to be taken as very loose estimates.


    Deviating from Estimated Brewing Time, there are some potions that need to mature for a certain amount of time after they are brewed. These are often stored andleft until mature. Maturity is addressed more completely in the Bottling and Storage section of this book. However, it is important to address maturity in terms of timing. Like EBT, the Total Maturation Period (or TMP) is not the most exact of sciences. While it is generally more correct than EBT and therefore less disputed, there are cases in which a potion does not reach full maturity in the allotted TMP. Potion maturity is a very serious matter, and each potion typicallyhas a set of standards or characteristics that it needs to possess in order to be considered mature. Such standards and characteristics are more important thanthe listed TMP. If the potion has yet to reach those standards after the allotte

    d time, it is a good idea to wait until it does or contact your instructor.


    By now, you have no doubt realized that potions can be used for a great many things. You can create potions that will cause you to shrink, get bigger, sprout boils, grow profuse amounts of hair, or any number of equally exciting things. Perhaps the most useful potions are those that do not cause anything to grow or boils to pop up in inopportune places. They are not potions that you would brew for amusement or sport. They are truly useful concoctions that provide remedies toa great number of ailments and other medical issues. Commonly referred to as the medi-potion, a potion with properties for healing or bettering of the health in some form or fashion can be called a medical potion. These potions can be simp

    le or extremely complex in nature. They may contain easily obtained ingredientsor ingredients that are extremely difficult to retrieve. Medical potions can heal simple wounds, and they can save lives. The field of medical potions is constantly evolving because there is always a new strain of a virus or a new way thatpeople have injured themselves. The ability to brew medi-potions is an excellentone to have, and it is a skill that can be used for many years to come.


    The idea for medicinal potions occurred at a very early point in Wizarding history. Humans have nearly always had ailments. About the time that Muggle medicinebegan to develop, the Wizarding world took the same basic principles and quickly excelled in the formulation of solutions to both normal and magically induced

    problems. Because many in the Wizarding world had a vast knowledge of ingredients and the way they work together in ordinary situations, the development and implementation of medicinal potions was easy. Some early potioneers gradually shifted focus, and apothecaries began stocking more medicinally powerful ingredients.Thus the medicinal potions movement was born. Many of the first Healers were actually converted potioneers who decided to take up arms against Wizarding illness and injury.


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    As previously mentioned, medi-potions can be used for a vast number of things, but there are a few categories into which they can be sorted. First and foremost,there are topical potions used to treat minor cuts, bruises and scrapes on theoutside of the body. There are also core potions that deal with issues inside ofthe body such as viruses and minor infection. Next, there are the inhibitors that can inhibit things like pain. Finally, the experimental and advanced potionsare used to treat the more devastating injuries and ailments.

    Topical Potions

    A topical potion can generally be applied directly to the source. Topical woundsare visible to you or the Healer working with you, and topical potions are therefore considered the easiest to use in such situations. That does not necessarily mean that they are the easiest of the bunch to make. In fact, many of them have special application processes that require a certain brewing process in orderto achieve the correct consistency. The most basic of these potions can be usedfor a variety of different things, while the more advanced potions tend to havea very specific purpose. For example, Essence of Murtlap is relatively easy tomake and can be used to treat a variety of different scratches, scars, and scrapes that occur on the surface of the body. The commercial Billies Bruise Removal Balm, which can only be used to treat bruises obtained in magical situations, wouldbe an example of a topical potion that is extremely difficult to manufacture but has a very specific purpose.

    Other things that can be treated with topical medi-potions include boils createdby a health issue, extreme acne, or a rash occurring as a result of an allergicreaction or other health problem. The less severe the skin irritation or issueis, the less likely it is that you will need to treat it with a medi-potion. Asit stands, there are many potions used to treat minor skin issues that are not considered medicinal in nature.

    Core Potions

    Core potions are so named because they are used to treat issues at your core, such as those that affect your organs or cause some other internal problem. Thesepotions are slightly more difficult to master than topical potions, but they areoften easier to use because most are simply ingested and do not have a specific

    method of application. While not all core potions are ingested (some are injected or administered in some other similar way), they do tend to be easier to brewthan topical potions, though they are a bit more advanced in their ingredient content. Certain brews, such as the Pepper-Up-Potion, have effects that are blatantly obvious. Others are more subtle. Because they work internally, sometimes the only sign that they are doing their job is improved health. The more advancedyour symptoms and health problems are, the more advanced the potion to treat itcan become.

    Some potions deal solely with symptoms and are therefore taken more often. A potion that deals with a cough can be used in any circumstance in which a person has a cough. A potion that treats the Fiberian Flu, however, would only be used totreat a person who has this particular flu. Taking a medi-potion that you do no

    t need can sometimes have devastating consequences and should be avoided.


    Inhibiting potions are aptly named because they inhibit things such as feeling physical pain. Inhibiting potions deal primarily with problems on the neurological level and are therefore among the most complex potions to brew. Pain inhibiting potions are some of the most commonly used potions, and they are also commercially distributed.

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    Experimental or Advanced Medical Potions

    There is always need for a new medi-potion. If you need to treat something thathas not been dealt with before or of which you are completely unaware, the bestcourse of action you can take is to check yourself into the nearest health facility and let trained professionals, such as Healers, take care of the issue. These trained professionals may have to create a potion to treat your needs or decide which combination of existing potions would be best. These experiments and combinations are not to be taken lightly and should not be attempted in your studies. However, it is necessary to inform you that such situations may arise.

    A Note on Antidotes

    Though antidotes work within the body to target problems, they are not considered core potions because they deal with different aspects. Venoms and poisons cancause specific symptoms and injuries. These symptoms and injuries can be treated with medi-potions. However, the venom or poison itself is treated separately from the body and must be treated with an antidote. Since the venom or poison isnot considered part of the body, these antidotes are not considered core potions. They are not even considered medi-potions in some situations.


    The medicinal potion should not be taken lightly. They are perhaps the most impo

    rtant potions a person can brew, and they have the ability to save lives. That being said, they can also be extremely dangerous or detrimental to your well-being if they are not made or used properly. It is extremely important, therefore, that you carefully follow all instructions given regarding these potions. The ingredients, their amounts, and the brewing times all become extremely important when dealing with a potion that will be used for medical purposes.

    Why Choose Potions?

    This section poses an obvious question: Why one should even bother with potions? After all, most minor injuries can be cured with a simple incantation. The answer is simple: preferences vary. There are actually many things that can be donewith just a wand and a few words. However, there are people in the world who s

    imply prefer methods that are more advanced, and the effects might even last longer if a potion is used. Additionally, potions can be used to solve problems that simple incantations cannot. It is nearly impossible for charms to fix an allergic reaction or work within the body on ailing vital organs, so potions are often used in those situations. Generally speaking, it is up the Healer and the patient to figure out the best course of action for a particular situation.


    Potions can be administered in any number of ways. In fact, there are nearly asmany ways to administer as there are potions. However, each potion must be administered in a certain way, so be mindful of this fact as you read through the instructions for each potion. Simply following a potions preparation instructions i

    s not enough; if incorrectly administered, even the perfect potion can be completely worthless, or worse, it might even become dangerous to use. Each potions information and recipe will tell you exactly how it should be administered. This section offers a general overview of all that potion administration entails, though not every method can be covered. If in your quest to delve out your newly brewed substances you happen across anything of which you are unsure, ask your instructor for guidance.


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    Potion administration was formerly considered a very difficult task because nobody could really be sure which method would work best for each potion. During a potions creation, potioneers would experiment, and the potion would be administered using many different methods until the desired results were reached. Sometimesa potion could do several different things depending on the way in which it wasadministered, while other times the potion merely varied in its degree of effectiveness. Over the years, it became blatantly obvious that, in order to ensure proper use, potion administration needed to be regulated in the recipe of the potion. In older books, there is often no mention of administration at all, and, after a few too many catastrophes, the Ministry of Magic began requiring that authors of published potions books include the steps by which a potion should be administered. This created quite a stir among those in the potions community, but it was generally agreed that these steps to regulate the administration of even the most common potions would better potions as an institution.

    Tools of the Trade

    From the very basic spoon to very advanced injection tools, the implements usedto administer potions are sometimes imperative to its success. Obviously, spoonscan be used when administering a potion orally or even topically if the potionis administered by pouring a small amount onto something. Other tools include droppers, which can distribute the potion to its target drop by drop. Droppers are often used for medi-potions or other viscous liquids. You can also use needlesto inject certain potions into the object or being that is in need of the potio

    n. Obviously, injecting the potion is the most direct form of administration. Other forms of administration require methods that are more advanced. Some are taken orally in capsule form; others can be administered without the need for anyspecial tools.

    When dealing with potion administration tools, it is important that you use appropriate materials. All injections will likely be done with metal needles, and itis important to be sure that the metal you select for your needle will not interact negatively with the potion. Most droppers are made of glass and rubber, butin certain circumstances, other materials will be required. As always, these specifications can be found in the administration instructions. If they are not and you are unsure, ask your instructor.

    Administration Techniques


    Some potions are administered orally. This means that the recipient takes them via the mouth. This can be done many ways. When viscous liquids are taken orally,it is common for the recipient to sip the potion or drip it from a spoon into the mouth and then swallow. Other methods of oral administration include placingbits of a potion into capsules, which will allow the potion to begin taking effect once swallowed. Typically, medi-potions and some transfiguration potions aretaken orally. However, this is one of the most dangerous ways to take a potion,as ingesting certain substances can often cause harm to the recipient. Therefore, it is imperative that you pay particularly close attention to the instruction

    s and dosing information of all orally administered potions.


    Potions that are applied directly to the surface requiring the potion are calledtopically administered potions. This method is a more direct way of potion administration, and topical application will work in any number of situations. For example, you can rub a potion onto the spot you wish to affect, or you can drop afew drops of a liquid potion onto a ball you wish to shrink. You can also coatcloth that you wish to strengthen by dipping it into the cauldron. You can truly

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    do any number of things with topically administered potions. The process of topically applying a potion is often outlined in the instructions, but if it is not, it is usually best to use the drop method, as it is direct and precise. However, if the potion is not viscous enough, other methods of topical application should be used.


    If you want to get right to the heart of the problem, injection is the best method to use, though it can be a rather finicky operation. The use of needles is not as attractive to some as it is to others, and many potions that require injection will suggest alternative methods of administration. When using the injectionmethod, you directly insert the potion where it needs to be, which is often inside something. This means that you have to break the surface of the object or being receiving the potion in order to get the potion inside. A phial of the potion is typically attached to a hollow needle, and the potion is then pushed through a small tube and into its desired location.

    Other Methods

    Some other methods of potion administration include adding the potion to something that would otherwise be used normally, such as a food additive or cosmetic. Some potions can be inhaled in gaseous form. Various other ways for getting a potion into your system can also be used. As long as the potion can find a way to

    get to where it needs to be, it can do its job. Even though the methods for administration may seem bizarre, they can still be effective.


    GRADE 1

    Breath Freshening Solution


    In the early 1730s, Marie HAleine was born to a Muggle family living in Nice. When her powers began to manifest, she was sent to live with her magical grandmoth

    er in Cannes. It was her grandmother who secured a place for Marie at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, located just outside Cannes. Marie was a mediocre student who showed prowess in potions, though not enough to secure a good job outside theAcademy. After graduating, she found a job in Paris as a housekeeper for PierreFauchard, who was a pioneer in Muggle dentistry. She showed an interest in Pierres work, and, after a few months, he took her on as an unofficial apprentice. She took what she learned during her days with Pierre and attempted to put a magical twist on it. Using her knowledge of herbs and potions, she created a solutionthat sweetened even the foulest of breath for a period of time. After Pierres death, she was homeless and not much richer than she was when she started workingwith him. She used the last of her money to buy the supplies needed to make a large batch of the potion, and she traded it to some sailors in exchange for passage to England. After arriving in England, she sought out the fabled Diagon Alle

    y and set up shop there. Selling the potions was not a lucrative business, but she made do with what she had. One winter in the early 1800s, she passed away onthe street. Her body was discovered clutching the recipe and a half- filled bottle of the solution. To this day the potion is still sold on Diagon Alley, the very place where Marie died for her art. Valentines Day is the most popular day forthis potion. When combined with Amortentia, it is believed to make your kissesirresistible.


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    The most obvious use for this solution is to freshen the breath in the mornings.As Muggle and wizard dentistry improved, the Breath Freshening Solution lost its appeal, though it still remains popular around Valentines Day. It is also a useful tool to carry in your bag for emergencies. There has been some speculation that if the solution is mixed with some Felix Felicis the user will not speak a word out of turn. They will become a sweet talker. However, due to the nature ofFelix Felicis in its pure form, it is hard to prove this theory.


    When brewed properly, this solution should be a pale, pastel green with flecks of blue shimmering through it. It should have the consistency of water and shouldbe completely smooth. The taste can be tweaked once you have a proper grasp onbrewing this potion. Both the original recipe and the one listed here taste of mint with a hint of rose. If the potion is brewed incorrectly the flecks will notbe blue. A badly brewed solution has been known to burn through a cauldron.


    The recommended dose is a sip or two; it is potent and effective. Spearmint is anatural irritant, and if the dose is exceeded, you will break out in ulcers. It can also burn your throat. It is rare that a superfluous dose of the solutionis fatal, but in one such case a young witch hiccupped rose and mint scented bubbles for three months. This potion is relatively harmless, though after a year t

    he solution will curdle, and the blue shimmering flecks will turn black. If thepotion is ingested in this state it will rot the teeth almost instantly. If thepotion is left longer than a year, it will slowly become more and more acidic.A three-year- old Breath Freshening Solution has been known to burn through a wooden table. This potion will not replace good dental hygiene. It is an archaic method that only has a cosmetic effect - changing the scent of your breath. If your breath is consistently bad, you should seek the help of a Healer.



    3 rose petals

    2 dill leaves1 sprig of spearmint1 pint of rosewaterA dash of flobberworm mucus to thickenrose quartz (whole point)Grind three rose petals, two leaves of dill, and a good sprig of spearmint intoa fine powder. Mix with a pint of rosewater and simmer gently for an hour. Afterthe hour, mix in a dash of flobberworm mucus to thicken, stirring only in a clockwise direction. Tap the side of the cauldron thrice sharply to amplify the effects of the solution. Decant into a crystal phial with a rose quartz gem in thebottom. Place a stopper on the phial, and the potion is ready for use. Label your potion with the date brewed so that it is not consumed after the year is over.

    Coughing Concoction


    Though the Pepper-Up Potion has long been considered the standard cure for the common cold, there was still a market for the treatment of chest infections. TheCoughing Concoction was a useful tool because it contained an expectorant, but it was more widely used as a treatment for asthmas attacks and smoke inhalation.Constance Tussis watched her Muggle mother suffer with tuberculosis toward the end of her life. In order to soothe her ailing mother, Tussis developed the Coug

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    hing Concoction. The ingredients are all found in the Muggle world, and, thoughit will not be as effective as the magically brewed version, this concoction canbe made without channeling magic. Constance focused on ingredients from the Muggle world so the concoction could be easily made when she and her father were attending to business in the wizarding world. The remedy became popular among Muggles and wizards alike, though Tussis was careful never to give the magical version to Muggle people.


    This potion has been used as a remedy for chest infections and coughs. It is nota cure for asthma or bronchitis, but it can be used to alleviate the symptoms.Constances mother was never cured of her tuberculosis, but she was granted a respite from the coughing in the later stages, making her death more peaceful. Constance never set out to find a cure, so do not use the potion as such. It is essential to consult your nearest Healer for a long term solution. It was once said that a perfectly brewed version of this potion could cure asthma permanently, butunfortunately this is just a rumour, and, if such a recipe exists, it is long gone.


    The Coughing Concoction should be a thick, honey coloured syrup. It should glidedown the throat smoothly but will be sticky to touch. It tastes considerably sw

    eet for a coughing solution, but the taste can vary from person to person depending on their sensitivity to the base ingredients. To me it tastes very gingery,but my friend says it tastes very much of fennel. A properly brewed concoction should stick to the back of a wooden spoon but pour smoothly and not stick to your throat.

    Warnings/Side Effects

    This potion is generally harmless if brewed correctly. There was an old story that told of a woman who left the concoction in the bottle so long that it becamerancid. She gave some of the potion to her sister, and it was so thick that it blocked her airways, and she suffocated. To be safe, you should brew a fresh batch of this potion every six months. That is the main warning for the potion, but

    you should also be careful not to give a magically brewed version to a Muggle asit may arouse suspicion. Because the magic will amplify the effects, use only the exact amount of ingredients listed. Otherwise, it may cause you to literallycough up a lung.


    Ingredients:1 sprig of fennel1 inch of ginger root2 sprigs speedwell1 scruple of anise seeds8 drachm of manuka honey

    Finely slice the ginger root, and bruise it with the side of the blade. Collectany liquid released, and add it to the cauldron with the ginger. Let it gentlysimmer in the honey whilst the other ingredients are prepared. Using the same knife, finely chop one of the sprigs of speedwell and the fennel, and add to a mortar with the anise seed. Grind as finely as you can, and add this powder alongwith the final sprig of speedwell to the ginger and honey in the cauldron. Leave to simmer gently for three hours. When the brewing time is done, stir the concoction three times clockwise and three times anticlockwise to mix the ingredients thoroughly. Finally, dip your wand into the centre of the mix, and raise it out gently, letting the concoction drip from the wand back into the main brew. Th

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    e concoction that drips should be silver in colour. Mix the concoction one finaltime in three clockwise strokes to disperse the silver droplets throughout thebrew. Remember to omit the final wand stage and mixing when preparing this for aMuggle. If anise is unavailable, you can swap it out for half a scruple of fennel seeds.Fattening Potion


    Adriana Wilde was a fixture of the wizarding fashion world in the early 1920s. She immigrated to England and eventually set up shop in Diagon Alley. Her robes were the most sought after fashion items of her time. Her secret, you ask? When designing robes, Adriana used real women instead of mannequins! This technique allowed her to see how the garment moved thereby enabling her to make the robes even more attractive to prospective buyers. But problems arose when she realised that she had no clothing for larger women. Upon spotting this gap in the market,Wilde began to toy with the idea of a potion that would, for a period of time, increase the size of the person who ingested it. After much trial and error (anda few trips to St. Mungo s), she finally perfected her formula. Adrianas businessboomed, and soon she was selling robes to witches of all sizes across the United Kingdom. Her robes were so popular that they brought several celebrities to her doors. One such celebrity was actress and rising star Louise Brookes. After witnessing the effects of the Fattening Potion firsthand, Louise was struck witha brilliant idea. She could use this potion in order to plump up for certain rol

    es! After begging and badgering Adriana for some time, Brookes was finally giventhe secret formula. Unfortunately, Louise was unable to keep the formula a secret, and many began using the Fattening Potion to exact revenge on their foes. This is a prime example of how something made with the best intentions can becomean item of malice and petty jokes. The Fattening Potion is a more controlled version of the Swelling Solution. If brewed correctly, this potion will last up tothree days.


    This potion has several practical uses. Despite the fact that many consider the Fattening Potion strictly a tool for revenge, it has been used in many different ways. For example, it can be used to create a disguise, though it is only ef

    fective if the individual you are attempting to trick does not know you very well. It can also be fed to animals to plump them up before slaughtering them for food. However, the potion has been known to transfer its magic to the person whohas consumed the fattened animal, so it should only be used in dire emergencies.Wrestlers have also used this potion to move up a weight class. Your imagination is the only limit when working with this particular potion.

    There has been some work on the formula to make the effects more gradualand long lasting. This would make the potion an excellent ration and an effective treatment for malnutrition. Unfortunately, there has been no progress in making the gained fat healthy.


    The potion itself is a creamy off-white colour. It has a thick consistency that is quite similar to lard. When brewed correctly, it will give off puffs of brownish smoke at random intervals. In terms of flavour, it is quite tasteless, but in larger doses it has a distinct bacon taste. For the potion to work, it mustbe mixed with a food or drink that has natural fat content. The potion binds tothe fat cells and amplifies their effects to gigantic proportions. If the potion is not brewed in the correct manner, it can appear to be very thin and will resemble chicken soup instead of lard. An incorrectly brewed potion will still cause the person who ingests it to balloon, but the effects will not last as long.Additionally, the effects will not be as pronounced as when the potion is proper

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    ly brewed.


    This potion is known to have a few undesired side effects. It can cause itchingas the skin expands. The potion contains sneezewort which is a natural irritant. When the effects are amplified, this potion may cause great swelling. There have also been recorded cases of extreme gas, though this is more common when thepotion is mixed with foods that are known to cause excessive gas in humans.Warning: Although the potion is harmless in moderation, it has been known to increase cholesterol and blood pressure when used too frequently. Miss Wilde rotated out her models on a weekly basis to ensure their safety. There is one recordedcase of bullying where students consistently spiked a fellow student s food with the potion. Although she died at a normal weight, the cause of death was a heart attack due to hardened arteries, a complaint most common in people who eat high fat foods over long periods.


    Ingredients:2 puffer fish eyes3 sneezewort leaves pint of pig sweat6 drops of flobberworm mucus

    Grind two puffer fish eyes and three sneezewort leaves into a smooth paste. Heathalf a pint of pig sweat over low heat whilst gently mixing in the paste made in the previous step. When the ingredients are combined, add six drops of flobberworm mucus and stir three times clockwise. Leave the potion to simmer over medium heat for ten minutes. The potion should emulsify and become thick and creamy,giving off puffs of brown smoke at random intervals. When you feel the potion isready, gently tap the side of the cauldron once with your wand, and decant immediately into a darkened glass bottle. Leave it to rest for twenty-four hours toachieve the maximum thickness. The potion is now ready to use.

    Forgetfulness Potion


    Seamus Grmuith was a pioneer of his time. Born in Ireland in 122AD, he fronted the Irish quest for the Draught of Immortality. At this time, magic was still abundant in Ireland due to the fact that Paganism was the primary religion,and the Muggles were less suspicious. This made Seamus more protective of his works, so he wrote them in code lest they be discovered. Unfortunately, his questwas never completed. The combination of ingredients he thought to be the Draughtof Immortality was in fact the first Forgetfulness Potion. Because he was so protective of his works, he decided to test the mixture himself. The Forgetfulness Potion targets the short term memory, and the dose he gave himself was quite strong. As a result, he forgot how to read his notes, and the Forgetfulness Potion recipe remained untranslated. After being bitten by the snake he kept for testing the Immortality Draught, Seamus was sent to a wise woman in the neighbourin

    g village. She treated him but eventually wrote him off as being mentally unstable. He later left her care in search of the mythical Nair Uh Ghals and was neverheard from again. Some believe he settled down and started a family. It is nowknown that the Wit Sharpening Potion can help alleviate severe cases of Forgetfulness Potion abuse.


    This potion has been known to help counteract the effects of Veritaserum, and, when used correctly, it can disguise any knowledge recently gained. Howe

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    ver, it can also have the opposite effect. The Forgetfulness Potion is a volatile mixture. The effects are random and unpredictable and can leave a person evenmore open to the effects of Veritaserum. This potion can also be used as a stopgap for Obliviate. It will not completely mimic the effects of Obliviate, and it must be used soon after the event in order to be effective. Obliviate shouldstill be used to ensure the memories are truly forgotten.


    The correctly brewed potion should be a fairly thick, swirling, dark silver liquid. It will taste quite earthy with a hint of bitterness to it. If incorrectly brewed, the potion will not swirl of its own volition. The potion shouldbe smooth; a lumpy potion is a sign that the ingredients have not been handled correctly, and the potion will not work. A light coloured potion indicates thatthere is too much Lethe water, and the potion will have a very negative effect on the mental prowess of the person who ingests it.Side-Effects: The potion has been known to cause dizziness and headaches. Due tothe nature of mistletoe berries, it can also cause stomach upset. Drowsiness isanother common side effect, and users should refrain from flying a broomstick after ingesting this potion. Additionally, an improperly brewed potion may causenightmares.


    If taken regularly in small doses this potion can completely erase an individuals short term memory, rendering them unable to remember anything that happens to them on a day to day basis. If a large dose is taken, the potion can alsocause long-term forgetfulness such as Grmuith experienced. The leaves of the mistletoe plant are toxic, so great care should be taken to ensure they remain outof the potion.


    Ingredients:Lethe water2 sprigs of Valerian2 measures of the standard ingredient

    4 mistletoe berriesPestleMortarAdd two drops of Lethe water to your cauldron, and heat gently for twenty seconds. Lethe water is a powerful liquid from the River Lethe; add any more than twodrops and you risk complete memory loss. Add two sprigs of Valerian to your cauldron, and stir three times clockwise. Wave your wand over the mixture, and leavethe Valerian to brew in the Lethe water for ninety-five minutes. Add two measures of the standard ingredient and four mistletoe berries to a pestle and mortar.Grind into a medium-fine powder. Mistletoe is an irritant to the stomach, so only the required amount should be used. Add two pinches of this powder to the cauldron, and stir five times anti-clockwise to blend the ingredients. Wave your wand over the cauldron to finish the potion, and decant carefully into a crystal p


    Knee Buckling Potion


    In a small store in Diagon Alley, a young witch worked to make a living by selling herbs and potion ingredients that were native to her fathers homeland of India. This young woman was Tabitha Patel. Apart from larger institutions, theft is not an issue with which most in the wizarding world are concerned. However, for s

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    uch a small shop with a low income, every rare herb stolen was money from Patelspocket. In the early 1770s, Tabitha began formulating a potion that she could readily have on hand for such situations. She wanted it to be easy to use and relatively harmless to the person on which she used it. Around the same time, several Indian potioneers began working on creating magical gases by the mixing twoseparate potions together. Inspired by this new way of potion making, Tabitha began her quest. The result was the Knee Buckling potion, which was the first of its kind in the United Kingdom. The fine balance between the weights of the potions made it volatile at first, and she had many a disaster. However, a true potioneer will persevere for their art. Approximately five years after she started formulating her potion, Patel finally had a viable working potion, although it wasnot perfected for some time.


    The potion is made of two separate parts. When combined, they create a magicalgas that ensnares the target or targets and causes the knees to buckle, immobilizing them for a period of time. The primary use of this potion was to stop thieves from easily escaping stores within the wizarding community, but it has developed into a very useful part of the wizarding defence repertoire. As you should be aware, a wizard cannot practice magic outside of Hogwarts until they are overthe age of 17. This leaves younger wizards vulnerable. The Knee Buckling potioncan be used by minors but only in dire circumstances. This potion has also become a popular anti-theft device in Gringotts. The potion is placed under a stone s

    lab, and when weight is put on the slab, the phial breaks, causing the potion toactivate and immobilize the would-be intruder. However, I doubt very much thatyou will ever make it far enough into Gringotts to experience this. Some Aurorshave been known to keep this potion on hand for when they are trying to immobilize someone with minimum damage. The fact that it can be used in front of muggles without too much suspicion (although NOT recommended) makes the Knee Bucklingpotion a very useful Auror tool.


    One part of the potion should be light and smooth. It should be dark blue with flecks of silver through it. The second part should be thick, syrupy, and brightred in colour with soft swirls of yellow moving through it. Neither part of the

    potion should be tasted. To test if the darker side is properly brewed, take a few drops and place them in a bowl of water. The drops should hold their shape and float gently on the surface of the water.


    Both parts are highly dangerous if consumed. The dark part will cause your central nervous system to shut down, causing paralysis and death. The red part will cause third degree burns if it comes in contact with the skin. If swallowed, it will burn through the throat and stomach. It is best to brew the potions either separately or far away from each other. The steam rising from them as they simmerwill combine and give mild knee buckling effects. If the potions are mixed in large amounts, they will cause nerve damage that is only partially reversible by

    a Healer. Constant exposure to the gas can cause hysteria and eventually minor nerve damage. So please brew in moderation and use sparingly.


    First Part (Dark; contains the ingredients that cause the knees to buckle)

    Ingredients:1 ounce lovage ounce tansy

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    1 ounce rue1 ounce parsley ounce wormwood ounce elecampane2 ounce larkspur (freshly sprouted)2 pints of mist waterGrind the wormwood, elecampane, larkspur and tansy into a fine paste and put toone side. Coarsely chop the lovage, rue and parsley, pressing them with the flatside of the blade to bruise them. Mix the chopped herbs into the herb paste andplace in the cauldron. Carefully pour the mist water into the cauldron, and cover it with either a magical barrier or glass. Heat gently for three hours untilthe herbs and the water have fully combined and the potion has gone dark. Removethe barrier or the glass and tap the side of the cauldron once with your wand.Silver flecks should begin to appear in the potion. When it resembles the nightsky, it is ready for use.

    Second Part (Red; causes the first part to evaporate, creating the mist)

    Ingredients: quart liquid flame (Harvested from a Fire Crab)1 gill Syrup of Ghost pepper1 salamander tailPour the liquid flame into a very thick cauldron, preferably one treated with magic to prevent melting. Slowly incorporate the syrup. The potion will sizzle and

    spit occasionally, so take precautions. Leave the potion to simmer in its own heat for three hours. After the three hours, the potion should have turned thickand darker red. Stir it carefully with the salamander tail three times clockwise. The tail will disintegrate into red sparks. The potion will turn vivid red, and the yellow swirling will begin. The potion should also be emitting puffs of smoke at this point. This potion needs to be left to cool, which can take up to four days. When a full hour has passed without any smoke being emitted, it is ready to decant.

    You can buy special dual sided bottles for this potion. You decant the individual potions into either side. This is a waste of money and is more for show than practical use. To use a normal potion phial you will need some spring water and your two potions. Fill the phial halfway with the red potion and then add a thick

    layer of water; this will solidify the top layer of the red potion. To be extracautious, you can leave the water there and pour in the dark potion, which willfloat. However, this is only necessary if the bottle will be jostled. If you plan to keep the bottle stationary then you can remove the water layer before adding the dark potion.

    Nail Growing Formula


    Clavus Grandir was an unlikely candidate for the invention of a formula that iscurrently a very popular item in wizarding spas. However, the secret to a perfect manicure has a dark and bloody past. Such a simple and seemingly impractical f

    ormula was originally developed as a weapon. Clavus was a pureblood wizard who witnessed the brutal murder of his family for being magical. He sought revenge but had made an Unbreakable Vow with his father to never to turn his wand on a muggle. Clavus was brutal and bloodthirsty, so it seems fitting that he would create a weapon that was effective yet still gave him the satisfaction he needed from the revenge and complimented the hand to hand combat training that he had received from his father. The idea was a simple one: make the hands more deadly andefficient without sacrificing the joy of the kill or using his wand. The answer?Nails. Clavus developed a solution that made his nails grow quicker and stronger than the average nail. He sharpened them and had his murder weapon. Upon killi

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    ng the Muggle witch hunter that had slaughtered his family, he was sent to Azkabanfor killing a Muggle. Although he had managed to bypass the Unbreakable Vow, hewas unable to escape the law. It is unknown how his formula became known to thewizarding world. Some say that it was carved into the wall of his cell, while others say he did not invent it at all. The mists of time have a habit of muddying the truth.


    The formula is most effective when massaged into the nail beds. Unfortunately, this formula is no longer as effective in turning the nails into weapons, as thestrength of nails has decreased over time. It does, however, have a use within the world of Magical Cosmetology. It can be used to grow nails to a desired length for cosmetic reasons. When used in small quantities, it is very effective in strengthening brittle nails. In the past, it has also been used on owls to make their talons longer, thereby enabling them to be more efficient in carrying mail.It is also useful in case of an unfortunate accident in which the nails are lost. It is believed that this formula was a pre-cursor to Skele-Gro, a potion thatcauses vanished or otherwise lost bones to regrow.


    The correctly brewed formula should be thick, yellow, and buttery. It is for external use and should not be take internally. It should not be runny in any way,

    but rather it should be soft and malleable.


    Do not ingest this formula. It will short circuit the body into making all keratin grow at an exponential rate thus causing very unpleasant side effects and insome cases, death. If too much of the formula is used at once, it can cause thenails to grow rapidly and fall off. In these instances, the body rejects the formula, and you will have to wait for the nails to grow back naturally.



    12 sunflower petals4 lemon balm sprigs ounce crushed Scarab beetle shell2 Pints Flobberworm Mucus7 chamomile flowers3 ounces refined bubotuber pusBruise the sunflower petals and chop finely; add them to a mortar with the chamomile, lemon balm, and beetle shells and crush finely. Simmer the bubotuber pus in your cauldron for 20 minutes and add the powdered ingredients. At this point,the distinct smell of the pus should begin to fade. Add the Flobberworm Mucus slowly to let the formula thicken to the required consistency. Stir 12 times clockwise with your wand. Decant the formula into a jar, and leave it to develop fora week. You will know it is brewed correctly by the distinct lemony smell. If i

    t smells like petrol, the pus was not refined enough.

    Shivering Potion


    Isis Green was a great herbologist of her time. She led the field in discoveringnew herbs and their uses. Although she dabbled in potions and potioneering, hertrue loves were Herbology and exploration. It was during her time in the FrenchAlps that she discovered the herb glacialis and its magical properties - the ab

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    ility to infuse a person with cold. She was in the Alps when she lost her pack and was unable to transfer the food up to herself. She tried using accio, but thecold was already getting to her and slowly draining her magic. She used the last of her supplies, which included a small cauldron, spearmint, and a spark of magic, to ignite a fire. She melted some snow and mixed it with nearby herbs thatshe had tested earlier and guaranteed them safe to be consumed. She used the stem of a snow drop to mix it, but unfortunately the magic from the magically castfire was already in the potion. The soup she thought she had created was actually a potion. This potion became known as the Shivering Potion, and it nearly destroyed what was left of the witch. Fortunately, she was found by another travelling herbologist, Apollo Green, who saved her, and the two eventually wed. Whilstin St. Mungos, Isis met a woman who was suffering from a terrible fever. She gaveher a few drops of the Shivering Potion when the nurse was distracted; this broke the fever. From that day forward, the nurses of St. Mungos kept a few vials ofthe potion for use in cases where high fevers are present but the cause of thefever is unknown.


    The potion can also be used in the case of an overdose of Pepperup Potion, but it must be used sparingly and wisely as to not exacerbate the situation. Some children have tried to use this potion to get out of doing chores, and students have used it in attempt to get out of classes. Unfortunately for them, the smell ofthe Shivering Potion is known to most wizarding mothers and the staff at Hogwar

    ts, so this plan rarely succeeds. There is also a case of this potion being usedas a method of immobilizing enemies, making them shiver so hard that they are unable to move. Although quite effective, considering the lengths one would haveto go to in order to conceal the taste and appearance of the potion, it would be just as quick to use spells or poison the target. One woman swore by it as a cure for warts, applying it externally to the wart and making it drop off. Healers have not adopted this as a recognized treatment, but it is believed to be worth trying.


    A properly brewed Shivering Potion should be a translucent blue colour of exceeding, startling clarity and iridescence. The very top of the potion should bubble

    lazily, releasing white smoke that floats upwards before turning into snowflakes and flower petals and falling back down to settle on the surface of the potionas a foam. The potion has a fresh taste, like mint but amplified. It is how a winter storm would taste, and it melts away delicately on the tongue like snowflakes.

    Warnings: Columbine contains a toxin that targets the heart; the magical fire burns off most of the toxin, but if taken regularly, the potion can cause heart failure. If taken in a single large dose, it can cause pneumonia and nerve damagesimilar to frostbite. One woman was known to have shaken so hard that she dislocated her hip. In addition to shaking, the potion can cause ridiculously fresh breath. If brewed with enough magical power, it can cause the shaking person to breathe snowflakes. Whilst this is an attractive side effect, the potion that caus

    es it must be used with caution. It is far more potent that its weaker brewed brethren, thus meaning that the negative side effects will be easier to attain. If the potion is mixed with Pepperup, it may become volatile and explode.


    Ingredients:10 columbine petals20 glacialis petals3 generous sprigs of spearmint

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    1 snowdrop, with stem attachedA quart of freshly melted snowPut the freshly melted snow in your cauldron and use incendio to light the fireunder the cauldron. This step is essential as it is what gives the potion its magic. Next, hand tear the columbine and glacialis petals before dropping them into the cauldron. Wait until they sink into the water, and then gently rub the spearmint sprigs between your hands to bruise it. Add the bruised spearmint to thecauldron. Finally, take the snowdrop and drag it through the water in diagonalstrokes to mix the ingredients fully. Leave to simmer and infuse for two hours.Decant into a thick crystal phial. If the crystal is too fine, the potion with freeze the crystal and cause it to shatter, rendering the potion useless.

    Shriveling Potion (For Plants)History

    Avarian Wilde was a herbologist who made one of the biggest discoveries to affect modern Herbology. Whilst he was gardening one day, he noticed that if he usedsalt (to deter flobberworm) around certain plants, the plant died. He did some research and found a Muggle book that stated that salt draws in all the moisturearound it. This got him thinking about all the practical uses of salt. If he combined it correctly and used a little bit of magic, perhaps he could quickly extract the liquids stored in a plant and use them for oils and syrups. So he beganexperimenting. He used different concentrations of salt and different carriers for the potion. He killed half his greenhouse before he came upon the winning sol

    ution. This potion is known as the Shrivelling Potion. The potion has to be injected into the root of the plant. The salt causes the plant to expel the liquidwithin making the plant shrivel and thereby allowing the user to collect the liquid easily with minimum waste.


    As stated above, the potion has to be injected into the root. As any herbologistknows, that is where the plant absorbs moisture and distributes it throughout the plant. It is recommended that you hold the plant in a cauldron before you inject it. This allows the liquid to have somewhere to run. If you stir the liquidwith your wand clockwise three times and inject the liquid back into the plant,it will revive. However, there has to be the exact same amount of liquid injecte

    d for it to work fully. You can also soak the plant in the potion and let the plant transfer its fluids via osmosis. This method is not good when you need to extract the liquids for a magical purpose, but it does work well in situations where you are extracting the moisture from a plant before drying it. This step makes the plant dry out completely in a fraction of the time, which is essential for storage of magical ingredients that can be used dry. Some experimentation hasbeen conducted with this potion and dangerous plants such as devils snare and mandrake, but thus far the results have not been satisfactory. It has also been used as a weed killer, but it will not destroy the plant unless used in larger quantities. It will, however, damage them enough to make them easier to remove.


    The potion should be bright green if brewed properly. If the solution is darker,too much salt was used. There should also be flickers of bright yellow flashingthrough it. The texture will be smooth and runny, thereby allowing the plant toabsorb the solution easily. Because this potion is administered via a needle, it can often be mistaken for a poison, but it is harmless to humans. It smells like the ocean with a hint of fresh cut grass.


    This potion is harmless to humans unless ingested or injected in ridiculously la

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    rge amounts. You would have to inject someone with three standard cauldrons fullin order to make them shrivel slightly (about the amount you shrivel after swimming in a pool for a few hours). They would have to ingest five times this amount to get the same effect as a plant. If you use too much on a plant, however, you can destroy it completely. It is recommended that it only be used by a trained herbologist on rare and endangered plants. If you spill the potion over a flowerbed, you will risk damaging all the plants growing there.


    Ingredients:3 inches of pruned yelp root3 ounces of rock salt.2 quarts of salt water1 medium Abyssinian ShrivelfigChop the Shrivelfig and the pruned yelp root as finely as you can and add to a mortar. Add the rock salt to the mortar and grind it up with the plants until youmake a gritty paste. In a cauldron over low heat, allow the paste to dissolve in quart of the salt water for three hours. The mix should become quite thick andreduced in volume over this time. Whilst still on the heat, slowly stir in thefinal quart of saltwater until the mix is combined. Finally, stir the potion three times anti-clockwise using a stirring spell. Decant into any container that is not metal or wood. The potion will cause metals to rust and wood to warp.

    Vomiting Solution


    The Vomiting Solution was an accidental creation by Glover Hipworth as he attempted to achieve the cure for the common cold (see Pepperup Potion). It was created around the year 1773, but was not widely known until the early 1800s.Despite not being liked, the potion is still part of most wizarding households due to its usefulness.


    The Vomiting Solution, often confused with the Anti-Vomiting Solution, i

    s one of the foulest potions in the wizarding world, yet it is very common to most wizarding households. It is easily recognized by its putrid scent of sulphurand thick, goopy appearance. The Vomiting Solution is greenish-brown and often has floating chunks of solid potion suspended inside of it (precipitate). This, combined with its taste of rotten eggs and slimy sensation on the tongue, often makes it a young wizard or witchs worst nightmare.


    It is a common action for parents to threaten their children with a doseof the Vomiting Solution if they misbehave. The Vomiting Solution causes vomiting, contrary to the belief of some wizards who mix it up with the Anti-VomitingSolution. The main use of this potion is to aid in the removal of dangerous toxi

    ns from the body if they have been accidentally ingested. It is especially useful to magical creature specialists, since it can often prove difficult to force abeast to vomit. Alchemists also keep this potion handy in case of an emergency.

    The consumption of the Vomiting Solution is strictly supervised after anunfortunate discovery that some teenage witches had been using the potion to throw up after meals (a disorder commonly known as bulimia). The girls were immediately taken to St. Mungos for treatment and recovery, and new rules were createdto control the selling of the Vomiting Solution. Each household is now permittedno more than one pint of the potion in their home at any one time, and are advi

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