
Ferdinand Magellan By Ryan, Alfonso, Adela &

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Post on 11-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Ferdinand Magellan By Ryan, Alfonso, Adela & Sanara

2. Contents

  • Biography of Magellan
  • Timeline of Ferdinand Magellan
  • 3 learner profiles that Ferdinand Magellan displays
  • More facts about Magellan
  • Ferdinand Magellans Ship
  • Who did Ferdinand Magellan fight? (drama)
  • Sketch of Magellans Travels
  • What was Ferdinand Magellan looking for?

3. Biography of Magellan

  • Magellan was born in Sabrosa, Portugal,1480. Ferdinand Magellan had 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Although he was Portuguese, he sailed under the Spanish flag in 1519. He sailed around South America.
  • After much hardship he finally sailed across the Pacific Ocean. The reason he wanted to go was because he had heard of the famous Vasco da Gama and wanted to follow in his footsteps.

4. Biography of Magellan(continued)

  • Soon after, he got killed in the Philippines by the natives of Mactan island. After even more difficulties, 1 of the 5 ships finally returned to Spain safely.
  • Although he didnt complete the trip, he was still credited for being the first person to circle the world as he was the crews leader.

5. Timeline of Ferdinand Magellan Ferdinand Magellan was born in Sabrosa, Portugal. 1480 1493 He went as a page at the Court of Lisbon. 1518 He left Portugal and went to Spain. 1519 Magellans small fleet set sail. 1521 The Victoria begun its long journey sailing around the tip of Africa. April 27 th , 1521 He died in the island of Mactan, Philippines. 6. 3 learner profiles that Ferdinand Magellan displays

  • Ferdinand Magellan was:
  • Knowledgeable because he became a page at Lisbon court as he had to read a lot of books.
  • Reflective retreated from the Philippines as he had to learn fencing when being a page.
  • Risk taker Went on his journey which took his life.
  • BUT.. Ferdinand was NOT an
  • Inquirer When he went on his life-taking voyage, he didnt do any scientific experiments.

7. More Facts about Magellan

  • Magellan liked the King of Spain better than the King of Portugal because the King of Portugal didnt give Magellan the equipment he needed.
  • Ferdinand Magellan is now significant in Spain and in Portugal.
  • Ferdinand Magellan was killed by Chief Lapu Lapu in the Island of Mactan.
  • Magellan was killed heroically, a spear through his heart and an axe through his foot.

8. Ferdinand Magellans Ship 9. 10. 11. 12. Sketch of Ferdinand Magellans Travels Magellan died 13. What was Ferdinand Magellan looking for?

  • From 1519 to 1521, with 5 ships and 241 men, they searched for a western route to the Spice Islands. Ferdinand Magellan was killed in a battle with Philippine natives on April 27th, 1521, and only two of his ships continued to the Spice Islands. The two ships then made separate return voyages, and only one, commanded by Juan Sebastian del Cano, completed the trip back to Spain.
  • Magellan, who was looking for the Spice Islands, failed to find a short route to them, but his voyage contributed greatly to knowledge about the earth.

14. Finished!

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