mageia intro

Mageia The Vayutiger

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The Vayutiger

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Copyright © 2012 The Vayutiger

All rights reserved.


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I dedicate this book to all the Future Mageia Masters.

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Mageia was created in January 8th of 2012 in Jesup, GA as he was visiting some friends on his road trip. The day prior the young magician had missed his train to go back to Terre Haute, Indiana; as his Holy Guardian Angel had predicted three days prior, but the Vayu Tiger did not take the message of his Holy Guardian Angel serious at first. It seemed it was magick in the making as his Higher-Self woke him up with the name “Mageia”, he looked up and saw he was 2 hour late for his train, so he rescheduled for his train reservation 3 days later. Research was thoroughly conducted behind the name of of Mageia. The founding principles were written the very day the traveling magician woke up that morning. The principles were listed as mentioned:

Principles of Faith in Mageia

1. The Divine is endless energy that lacks biological, materialistic, and physical qualities.2. All Deities are an energy that choose us in a certain appearance we need to see them at the time in our life. 3. The Magician is empowered through the art of his Will and stands as the guardian of the physical world. 4. Magick does exist and is in the form evocation and invocation of energies, the magician serves as the catalyst of change in daily life. 5. Knowledge is understanding, experimenting, and recording results. 6. Questioning all theorems on the metaphysics brings enlightenment and breaks the constraints of social slavery. 7. To understand the Self is a long term commitment and the goal of the magician. 8. Every individual truth in enlightenment is not the same. 9. Every death has a positive, negative, and balanced consequence10. Nothing ever dies, it changes.

It was deemed this would be the name of the philosophy of this new philosophy that relied on self-initiatory practices that relied on personal dogma, rather then the conventional church going crowd that believed in


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blind faith. The text has already been written in for this new philosophy in September of 2011 and published in February of 2012, this text that was to be used to demonstrate the power of the Will was the Consilium XVIII: The Book of Pheobus. There were no means to have this publication used as a book for the masses to centralize authority, but rather to be questioned and inspire people to write their own material. The Consilium XVIII stood and still stands as a testament to the True Will and independence that threatens so many dogmatic philosophies.

It was not realized until the February of 2011 when Vayu's friend, Lein, suggested that the text was to be used for the philosophy of Mageia. The idea was very clear in the allegorical language the text offered in the chapters of Phoebus Apollo, Aphrodite, and Pallas Athena; or as their archetypes that are used in Mageia and in the Consilium XVIII. The equivalence of these figures are found in the representations of Phoebus Apollo as the Will, Aphrodite as Love, and Pallas Athena set in Wisdom; these have stood as the three main words to describe the self-empowered and motivated Crystallites. The structure of this philosophy is actually a transformed philosophy from an evolved order.

The primary basis of Mageia came from a fraternal order created by Vayu and former colleagues recognized as En, Bill, Ashley, and Shawn. The Yesodic Order of the Crystal Tower was created at that time period in late 2007, but very flawed by the ceremonial system and academic pressures that were time consuming from personal studies. The term Crystallite was then phrased from Bill as anyone in the Yesodic Order of the Crystal Tower. This flawed system was reincarnated shortly after it's self-implosion in early 2008, it was a lot less dogmatic and grew to be an endless developing system that was more individualized


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without the high standards. It seemed as if things were flowing smoothly as the message was beamed clearly to all the members about individualism. The only flaws that seemed to have been I place was the basic fact the systems were so individualized there was no room for debate, sharing of opinions, and voicing out the idea of personal paths; all that changed when the group moved to the popular site in 2011, this opened new doorways of communication as the group options were created.

The Yesodic Order of the Crystal Tower was now a group of facebook that adapted intelligent minds of Mel, Shay, Josh, Jared, Beverly, Vayu, Deborah, Randall, Jack, Ioana, and Jen. The new age for the Yesodic Order had begun as debates, opinions, and exchanging personal information took place among all the members. The old Yesodic Order of the Crystal Tower had died and revived like a phoenix to help the members grow closer together. The Yesodic Order philosophy as an ever evolving system stuck with the members of the group who were and are proud to call themselves Crystallites.

The strength of the Yesodic Order was shown actually came when a great member and close friend of the Vayu Tiger, Angelus Enochian, passed of cancer in August of 2011. He posted some of his last words in the Yesodic Order of the Crystal Tower, aka YOCT. Angelus showed all of his strength in his last days as he focused all of his energies on living life and the art of magick. I must note that Angelus was a medical doctor and surgeon who lived in Mexico. He was honored for his great works and lives he saved in his own life. He was sainted as a member of the YOCT and stood as role model for those who strive to self-improve in their personal path.

It was through these trials and ordeals that had evolved the fraternity and group, in which, laid out the


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foundation for the philosophy of Mageia to be based on Will, Love, and Wisdom; all three of these words are an annotation of focusing on the attainment of the Higher-Self and be accepting to all views. The word “change” occurs most for the Crystallite in Mageia, we are in an ever changing world that will leave outdated traditions to be like dust in the wind, in this case Mageia as seen in methodologies has no chains to tie it specific traditions that will leave it stranded in the past. It is an ever evolving system due to the fact it is an individual based philosophy focused on knowledge and symbolism.

The idea of knowledge is a key factor of Mageia and to the Crystallite, that is why the conceptualization of the grand city of Alexandria, Athens, Rome, and other capitols of knowledge are mimicked by the philosophy of the practice of Mageia and the YOCT. There was a point when there was a vague veil between metaphysics and science, if there was any at all. John Dee was considered one of the greatest mind's of his era under Queen Elizabeth, but he fled out of paranoia due to fear of the church; men like George Von Welling had to write his alchemical book in codex, like most alchemists did, to protect themselves from the authority of the church, so these alchemists got smart and incorporated philosophy fused into science and magical methods. The age of sharing information freely was over after the rise of the Christian Church; this was by the conversion of Emperor Constantine. The art of safely exchanging information (without being deemed a heretic) took about another 1700 years to evolve into modern culture as we see it now.

There is proof there are more powerful forces that we cannot see with our eyes that science is starting to reveal. What the Bleep Do We Know, The Secret, neuro-linguistic programming, psychology, neurology, quantum mechanics, chemistry, astronomy, and other studies are


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starting to open the door to a bigger world to explain these unseen forces and may even provide proof we as humans with the complexity of the brain can consciously control some of these forces as the classical grimoires state, but they used the archetype of demons and angels to dictate these forces. It has been seen the capacity and complexity of the brain as to how it controls the automatic functions we are not aware of in life, like blinking; the brain can thoroughly conduct multiple functions at the very same time, and control our emotions through hormones. It is now widely agreed among many psychologists today “perception is reality.”

In Mageia we looked at the multitude of individualism, personal truth, and doing magick through the Will. Mageia stands and evolves through knowledge lectures, mass for the three sacred words to Crystallites, and the acknowledgment of a changing world. The Crystallite in Mageia is least concerned about who is right or wrong, left or right, good or evil, and the other duality perspectives. When one is an observer of the world knowledge and wisdom will be attained when he applies what he learns from observing. To know thyself is to weight and measure what is good for you, so when it comes to assisting others the Crystallite can carry their weight, simply by the power of their own self-empowerment does the Crystallite empower the people around him or her.

The last remarks on this introduction are to accept and only take in knowledge that is tested by you. If you feel that you have been denied many good opportunities by asking too many questions or even debated to learn more, but people were overly emotional without rational sources, thus lead to a series of unfortunate events then you have found the right place. If you are want to learn the many methodologies and change with an ever changing world


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then welcome to Mageia. If you see magick as beyond the fictitious realms of Howard Phillips Lovecraft or Harry Potter or Dungeons and Dragons then you have found the right spot. Welcome to the revival of magick and science of one like in Alexandria. Welcome to the home of the heart and the mind in Mageia. Walk in Will, Love, and Will as you read..........XVIII


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Mageia is simply the Greek word for magick. Magick does not require deities, unless the user permits the use of the deity magick with the use of invocation. Mageia is a simple process of breaking out from being the sheep who follow faith blindly. When a man questions the world, his faith, and even himself he finds there is a gray matter that transcends the normal black and white answers we are provided in the public school system, governmental education, and other educative outlets that try to set knowledge in stone. The man who questions authority is simply the man who seeks himself, as is an occult philosophy. To understand Mageia we have to understand the processes that go behind the scenes of magick and we must search ourselves internally and externally in order to be receptive to the awakening of our higher-consciousness. To be clear on Mageia, let us take away the stigma of dogmatic philosophy. All philosophies have a form of dogma to install a discipline to reach the state of consciousness using the same experimental processes to exalt the mind to levels of Nirvana, Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel, Genius, Samadhi, Buddahood, Enlightenment, Augoeides, and other labels that are a form of spiritual enlightenment. To mimic the creators of the forming philosophy allows you achieve the very same results you desire of that “savior.” To reach the level of Buddhahood you must perform yoga, meditate, and train your mind to adopt to that Buddhist Philosophy. Christians must pray, live a pious life,


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worship their Lord and Savior, and attend church in accordance to the Holy Scripture to achieve the goal of Heaven after the resurrection. Though the end of these philosophies means truly falls into an indoctrinated dogma, it is the methodology the occult takes in order to achieve personal enlightenment, the occultist pays no means to the “life after death” aspects of the discipline processes. Many distinctions are served with Magick and philosophies. Too many times has man bowed his knee to Gods. Goddess, God, Goddesses, and other entities; this entails the surrendering of the Will in a very submissive manner, which stands detestable to the art of individualism. The art of individualism is truly the miracle of freewill, we as man were given choice to make decisions and to suffer the consequences. Every man and woman is entitled to freethinking and self-growth without being a sheep of blind faith caught in the very words of a charismatic leader who posses all the answers of the divine, this method is actually outdated by all the sources of information that are available to the public everyday, all one has to do is search. Mainstream philosophies always have the power to deem flocks of slaves with no free thought or leaders to deem the conceptualization as to what is right or wrong. When a man is eager to lead then be scared, when a person is eager to follow be very afraid; both ends lead to a mean s of insecurity. It is either a power hungry person who wants to lead or a person who is insecure with themselves so much they follow for reassurance. This fact can be very simple to overlook. A person in Mageia is neither a follower or a leader, but the man or woman stands alone in his or her personal magick practices. How many times have we watched television to feel the need to purchase an unnecessary item? How many times have we been coerced into making a decision by


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surrendering our Will? Truly, we are programmed to make these decisions everyday without thought and forced to subconsciously into ignorant social structures of preconceived judgments. Many folks who scream out the flaws of modern social programming have been identified and targeted as social outcasts. When a man thinks outside of the box he is crucified for the public as an example. Numerous folks like Galileo, Dr. John Dee, Anton Lavey, Aleister Crowley, and other folks have became demonized as they worked with the truth of reason to understand the functions of the world without restraint; it was ill-educated and the misinformed folks who followed word of mouth without a proper investigation on subject matters that heavily judged great minds. If Stephen Hawking were alive during the Inquisition or if Albert Einstein was formulating theoretical math equations during the Dark Ages they would have been charged for heresy; even the technology we use for swift communication would be deemed a heresy 700 years ago during the 100 year war.

It seems that the more we advance in knowledge the less we deem as evil or inappropriate, thanks to rationality and great minds that have contributed to knowledge and advancements held deep within the art of science. Any organized group that clings to an idea that feels threatened will demonize a subject of knowledge construed with so much misinformation by it's bias view the facts are lost, especially when the group is popular among the masses. When a man or woman questions the groups, organizations, fast growing movements, or even outdated traditions that serve as insufficient to modern times there seems to be a trend to deem this one topic as rebellious or just a phase; but as men question authority the central power is diminished as a movement spreads. Being an individual does not mean to initially be rebellious or disruptive due to a bad experience, but stands


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to help you know yourself, looking inward at the inner-self with as little influence of irrational thoughts as possible. The art of being a detective on an investigation is similar to the art of questioning everything and everyone (including yourself) is a suspect of the crime committed in pure ignorance.

A part of the Will is making change to have the world comply to what you need in life, plain and simple, rather then the idea what you want in life. The natural part of human nature is to carry an inch into a mile when we have every possible chance when it stimulates or compliments a part of ourselves, so materialism is manifested at this point. When a magician can identify his or her weakness they develop a strength within themselves by the mere fact they are conscious with their mind and bodily functions. The Middle Easterners and Jews would refer to the art of paying attention to your decision making the awareness.

Awareness simply means metaphysically being aware, the concept of observing your inner-self and your environment to view make you tick in order to control your actions. The self-proclaimed and unwritten dogma is what the awareness that is individual and does not require a Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Mythra, God, Goddess, or Deities; the answers are in the magician alone with this personal gratifying self-improvement process. It is the very idea of materialism that is the mask that completely sneaks in like a snake quietly which ruins this self-improvement. The remark of materialism is not implied to live like a hermit, monk, or Amish person with no electricity; all it is merely a notation of not overindulging in our carnal desires which lead us astray from our Higher-Self. Much of the Buddhists, Taoists, oriental traditions, Native American, and other philosophies have spoken of being so drunk with material that it will build ego.


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It seems the majority of the western world (meaning Western Europe to the the mixing pot of the United States) have based a culture away from the idea of living withing our means, based around materialism for an ego boost. The social programming in the west seems to be structured around the financial status of a person, earned titles, or simply central based authorities that infiltrate our lives subtly to make us want to climb the ladder to be the “big; dog” of neighborhood. The western world is so programmed to want, instead of need, our happiness is defined by material items for fulfillment; the concept is so simple even the Christian bible speaks of this idea. It is unfortunate many of the westerners are aware of this issue, yet we allow it to control us. This is a part of the movement Mageia is not about in the mission and it's purpose.

The philosophy of Mageia is about being more aware of our minds, bodies, and environment to the point where we can alter our reality to make the change that is deemed necessary to our needs, not our wants. How many of times has many people been coerced grocery shopping and seeing an item we 'feel' we need, rather stands as a want. The very idea of separating the wants and needs is a basic financial philosophy of wisdom that can be further applied to Mageia. As humans we are social creatures that enjoy a good dose of entertainment, but as long as these 'wants' are not holding us back from that self-improvement and are not being applied as a crutch there are not issues. This is the core of the philosophy of the Crystallite. It is not a crime to want nice things, but it may as well be noted it is unwise to surround yourself with nice things if they truly are not needed. Many of the grimoires magicians read state you need certain items with exact precision as in accordance to the text being used in the operation, however, as is taught in many schools, these magical items


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are only focus to tools to assist you in your Great Work. Magick tools are not to be taken literally, not as devices that will always generate a conscious of its own; this would stand as a wild illusion. In these grimoires of antiquity, only use those items that you feel comfortable to perform with as a primal function to achieve your Higher-Self. Do not mistake the materialism of these classical grimoires, as if you actually need all the specific items; it would cost you thousands to buy gold plates with seals, wands made of certain metals, and so on. The insecurity of not having all the tools for a practice has bothered many many magicians of the past, but the Crystallite, aka a follower of Mageia can see through this veil of bullshit.

The Crystallite does use the allegories and symbols of Phoebus Apollo, Aphrodite, and Pallas Athena as a utilization of their great work; this does not make every Crystallite a pagan, polytheist, Hellenist, or Satan Worshiper. To properly explain what the view of the practitioner of Mageia is in this triune, once again we must tell you what it is not.

We as Crystallites do in fact use these deities to in a symbolic sense, not in a literal sense as if these beings of antiquity are gods we worship; quite the opposite. The use of these deities are actually closely related to the symbolism of the Tria Prima within alchemy: salt, sulpher, and mercury. These are the three base elements that are also the 3 primal Kabbalistic elements of the fire, water, and the air. Each one of these have a specific meaning indoctrinated heavily to that specific culture in Hermetics and the Kabbalist community; these three elements are not a literal element we can see or touch, but they are actual representations of the reformation of the psychological processes to transform the magician to reach his 'gold' or to reach his 'Garden of Eden'. Each of these three forces are individual stages of self-initiative


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processes the magician must overcome to achieve the coined termed by by Crowley as “..the attainment Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel”. Crowley himself had the three primary figures of his magical operations Ra-Hoor-Khuit, Hadit, and Nuit and the Christians carred in their culture Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. Does this fact of the trinity make Crowley or Roman Catholics pagans, polytheists, or Egyptian followers? No, these two systems merely indicate that there is an archetypical value where the three are different aspects of the same force. It would be foolish to say the Alchemist or Kabbalist worship these transforming energies literally just by the face value society has labeled these studies through misunderstanding or misinformation.

Now that is clear that Crystallites are not pagans, polytheists, or Hellenism, let us tackle the idea of Satan worship.

Theistic Satanism is the proper terminology for people who actually worship Satan, not even LaVey literally worshiped Satan, but took this adversarial figures symbolic nature. No, as Crystallites we do not see the arcane arts as 'satanic' arts inspired by the dark lord. As a matter of a fact Dr. John Dee, founder of Enochian Magick; McGregor Mathers, founder of the Golden Dawn; Cornelius Agrippa, author of the Three Books of Occult Philosophy; Manly Palmer Hall, lecturer and author of Wisdom for the Ages; Arthur Edward Waite, former Golden Dawn member and translator of his time, also not to forget he authored the best selling deck in the world called the Rider-Waite Tarot; George Von Welling, author of Opus Mago-Cabalisticum et Theosophicum; and other great magicians were all Christians who performed magick and despised that figure of Satan. One of the most prolific anti-grimoire of grimoires, The Book of Abramelin, and The Keys of Solomon actually despise the very idea of


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Satan. Needless to say, the arcane arts are actually more anti-evil based thanks to the Neo-Platonic and Christian reign. To even assume the arts in any way 'satanic' as Bob Larson said many of times is based on pure ignorance. The tarot is actually very Christian based as we see cards like the Last Judgment, which is a reflection of the soul being judged; the Devil, which was famous from Eliphias Levi, a Jew, who used the picture of the Baphomet, and other cards originally had a very strong Christian taste to them. The tarot is actually set up around the Kabbalistic System as is outlined in many books like The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic and The Secrets of High Magic. It can be said Isaac Newton was more of a Christian Alchemist, more then a physicist, as we have discovered his works to predict the end of times.

Many of the great magicians were monotheistic as even the word 'magi' was used by the Zoroaster, a magi was originally a follower in Zoroastrianism. The claimant of anyone who states the arcane arts are demonic seem drastically misinformed or ill-educated on the topic of the occult. In the occult there are actually more monotheistic texts warning against unclean spirits.

Satanism would require one to acknowledge the idea of Satan as a symbol or literal being. The argument has been put up by critics, “You do not have to worship Satan to be a Satanist.” The ignorance of this statement would be like saying, “I do not have to worship Jesus to be a Christian,” or “I do not have to follow Allah to be a Muslim.” It would seem all those statements are from oxymoron with lack of research, but to any extent to be a Satanist you have to apply some form of conformity with Satan. Let us not forget that Satanists deserve respect as well, so the intent is not to push all the pressure onto Satanists to be chastised. A Crystallite is not a Satanist, a Crystallite paves their own path through methodologies of


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the ancient arts of science, Will, magick, and experimentation. The processes and philosophies in the scientific processes of Mageia are ancient in the studies of ancient Egyptians, Freemasons, Alchemists, Philosophers, Alexandrians Greeks, Romans, Zoroastrians, and other accepting cultures which revealed concepts of an open mind. Mageia the philosophy, is not an ancient order, nor does will it make the claim of ancient roots to show a domineering attitude toward other systems of magick or beliefs. One myth that must be busted is the mere fact, just because something is older it is better or more powerful. The false notion used by many pagans, some satanist groups, and occult orders are the history making an ancient history to sound like a prominent group of notoriety. The older a culture, philosophy, or belief becomes it gains more blood on its hands; this is a n unnecessary crutch to back up a word to show validity. Promulgation is used in this method of presenting age to gain more sheep and sound more verifiable to the ears of the followers. Is a newer organization so bad? No. As the times change so do cultures and beliefs the more we advance throughout time, many civilized cultures would consider animal sacrifice unorthodox, but 1,000 years ago it was still a common theme amongst primitive (and less educated) cultures . The cultures who have been guilty of animal sacrifice can be the Mayans, Aztecs, Hebrews, Babylonians, and Sumerians, and other cultures; animal sacrifice still continues with many tribal African cultures and even by the Muslims in the Middle East. Things do change in time without doubt, so Mageia promotes change and evolution and proud to have newborn roots from newly reviving old arts.


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The most valuable process of Mageia is magick. There are things We must cover in regards to magick in Hollywood. Magick are not special affects, psychics predicting the lottery numbers, or being a prophet in the end of time. Magick is a process of causing change by the power of the Will, but keep in mind to make change we must understand magick is understanding how the world works around us; thus, we take the time in Mageia to understand these processes. Fictional magick is Gandalf screaming at a demon, “You shall not pass”, while his staff is lighting up; Harry Potter waving his wand sending energy to his adversary. So many of times Magick has been in comparison to Hollywood Magick, rather then reality. Those who truly compare the practices of those who do magick in the real world to ceremonies are making an unfair analogy with reality and fiction. It seems that another form of Magick people embrace are the stage magicians, more-less illusionists. Stage magick is an illusions caused by the slight of a hand, smoke and mirrors, counting cards, basic math to pick the right cards, or other mind boggling processes to trick the eyes; many magicians of the past would use these techniques to make claims of real “magick” to kings; these are illusions and no more. These tricks and slight gestures of the hands are a beautiful entertaining art, but these techniques can be used for brainwashing, truthfully they do not alter reality. Magick can have many definitions within the natural world of the occult to reflect the processes mother natures uses to make change to herself or even the Universe functions we are still discovering through astronomy; some would philosophize the Magick is life; some people would say it Magick is odds being increased; and there are many definitions an individual can take on as to what


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Magick means to them. As for Mageia, we see magick was the art of causing change through the Will. Magick and the occult studies have always produced brilliant minds of the times to be entrapped in it's enlightenment processes from Dr. John Dee, Carl Jung, William Wynn Westcott, Arthur Edward Waite, Aleister Crowley, Peter J. Carrol, Issac Newton, and other minds who spent their whole lives studying how magick works. It was the world that condemned the art of magick. There was a time when occult and magick studies were only available to the rich, we are now in a time and era where we can all learn this art. It seems The Secret has never really been a secret at all. It has been known by Shamans before man could have written a language. Now that we have covered what Mageia is not the idea of what Mageia is shall be predominant throughout the rest of the text.


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The chapter was written from the involuntary invocation of automatic writing of Metaphoriel, an entity that awakened the author of the text. Since this chapter is written in third person in regards to the Trinity of Mageia it can said that Metaphoriel used this text to unlock and introduce the text to awaken the reader to his/her subconscious or unconscious mind. Chapter 0 is an appropriate title due to the fact that 0 stands for the infinite factor, theoretically it this is the public name of the Higher-Self of the Author as this text was written in late spring.

The idea of this chapter is truly written to be the opening mysticism of the transference of conscious mind to take on another view within the philosophy of Mageia. When you can open your mind to a series of questions and slam the door for the omnipresent force to be invoked then you have achieved a meditative state that will naturally stand as an initiation into the occult and Magick. The Journey of the Higher Self all starts with the challenge of accepting yourself by looking at life through another set of eyes. The underlying status of the transformation of mind stands as a testament to transcend our animal natures.


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Chapter 0

1.Light of manifestation, gift of the Divine, and the life of 0, the thrust of your sword of good shall defeat evil, awake and no longer be a slave to the slave driver.2. You hath a decision to be the abjurer of your inner weapon of which no element can break.3. Be that of the owl, wise and understanding of the night, so you canst face the day and be as keen as the eagle's eye with his perfect4. Unto my feet of the Malkuth, the knave of the gods will bow to the new sky god, the new earth goddess,and the wisdom god, every 2,167 years, as her beauty is the most welcomed of the newly initiated power.5. When Zeus forfeits his throne to Phoebus Apollo and Hera to Aphrodite by the will of the Gods, the Lady of the water bearer will purify the fresh rule, tis the hands of fate and true will of the cosmos.6. Phoebus will announce: Be yourself and find the soul of which the Gods hath Blessed you from your fiery breath and honor thy wife of Love, Love is the Law and highest power! Aphrodite praises: Music will flare, Magick will arise upon our very name; tell your story to the gods to show you value your life!7. Dearest Deity of Wisdom will descend from the heavens holding her spear and shield of wisdom as she bows before her long time peers, dressed in a garment in her undefiled body, she vows all her services in the name of Love and the arts.8. Pallas Athene boldly will declare: Honor the Name of Chaos, for the treasures of his reward and wrath of his punishment, even the youngest of spirits find his genius to be True Will, yea, the Trinity to be complete to create justice for your age of Aquarius lies in the third element; the element of I, Pallas Athena. Love your partner as you


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Love yourself, reach the stars and choose one to represent you, for they speak to every mortal and immortal alike!9. The Goddess of Wisdom will claim the third throne to complete the Great Triad, the souls of the world wilt feel the justice of the self-exploration of the self through art and Love, Prophecy of the Gods will be grown and famed in the ears of the modern society through whispers and suspicion.10. Even the stars and the planets in the sky are numbered by the immortals, however their power of spirit is endless.11. The Crystal Tower awaits you and calls your name, by a glimpse of it's guiding Light, the heart of the entity of the Crystal Tower lies in the True Will you create by your character. Walk up the tower an its spiral path of beauty.12.You must show the dark the Light to give hope unto the blind, hearing to the deaf, and a voice to the mute, yet what is light without dark or good without bad? Nothing, aye the nothingness is the creation of all, from its womb manifested every aspect of life and death; yea, the perfect blackness.13. Remember every blind man can see better then the man with sight as he is blessed by the Gods to not take the privilege of life for granted thus the blind man is wiser, the deaf hears better, and the mute speak louder; these people are the closest to the Divine!14. The Gods of the Great Triad speak to those who listen, so you are muted to your True Will, blind, deaf, and voiceless when you refuse the Great Trinity!15. Follow the 32 paths of Wisdom to complete the journey and be as one with the spirit of your Higher- Self! Even the cruelest of the Gods grant you mercy to reach the Holy Guardian Angel.16. If not granted a second chance and not forgiven then why another sunrise before your very eyes?


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17. The King of the Heavens and the Queen of the Earth blessed you not only the fruits of which you eat, shelter over your head, the Water of birth, or Love of all kin; no, they give you True Will to advance!18. Why do you stand as a brick wall to fight your destiny, Crystallite?19. You should not, as every human is Loved and hated by certain qualities of their individuality, personification of who we wish to be, or how we change; be thyself and know thyself is the standard of the Crystallite!20. All changes like the wind which swiftly moves in every direction, orbits of the planets in the universe, or how experience changes the man and immortal alike.


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It was this chapter that is a strong notation of the dominance of the the Will, to get passed the social programming is the underlying message of this chapter. It seems there are some parts of the chapter that seem pretty dogmatic when this is not the case within this automatic writing with the word of Phoebus. The terms “land of light” and “eternal life” are actually in regards showing a metaphorical of knowing the self, also known as the gnosis. It was written in the Nag Hammadi Scriptures that said heaven is in the individual and not let it wither away. So it is safe to say the gnosis is the way to enlightenment to reach ones personal truth.

Without doubt Phoebus comes to speak of a domineering tone to the text, he is enforcing his new reign on that controversial times of the Age of Aquarius. The Age of Aquarius is also mentioned in the last chapter.



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1. Let the number 15 be my name and Venus be my planet as I am Aphrodite, goddess of Love and Virgo of the celestial planes after the Crowning.2. Bestowed upon my symbol I shall give you the inverted pentagram as is the feminine element of the heart; thus my husband's symbol is the right side up pentagram and combined forms the the Seal of 18,for it is the sacred union of Phoebus and I.3. My Throne of Gold sends Love of lust unto all men and women, desires of the untold mind sent by my will unto you Prophet of Pallas Athene .4. My Intuition is that of the water and grounded into the earth, such as the Holiness as the Tree of Life; so let the woman be Loved and let the woman Love the man with the communion of fruit and wine!5. Am I not the most beautiful of all the gods Prophet? Do you not crave my luscious beauty, but touch me not for I am the Queen of the Earth during my crowning in Virgo, yet I can have the sting wrought by Scorpio and the heart of the mother in Cancer.6. Explore my Love dear Prophet of Pallas Athene, the lowest form of Love, hate, to the most craved portion of my Love. True Will.7. Honor my name in the finest garments and valuable dress attire you can acquire. Pick up not a rock to honor my nature, but a diamond of beauty, I will spare those whom give the truest Love, Love is your diamond unto me.8. I call forth the right pillar of the Tree of Life to show my motherly behavior, seek it and you shall find me. Seek the left pillar and find my husband, but the middle pillar lies the heart of Thoth, god of the wisest men and Magick.9. To those who seek me find Thoth; Magick is the key and you are the door, but what key does Thoth give you to open the door?


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10. Magick is the journey I grant to your feet to fill your spirit to your Kether, are you not a Crystal Tower?11. Every person is a Crystal Tower, dearest Prophet!12. Crystallites will find my works in the letter of the High Priestess! Harvest your experiences and give them meaning unto your True Will for the Higher- Self.13. I am the mother of the earth of my crowning, get the Princess of the Malkuth and I will hold all in my arms who follow the law of the Prophet: Do as you will and abide by the hands of fate.14. Walk up the mountain of gain and learn from Capricorn, for he holds the secret to success of my Love in a subtle way, yet he dwells deep beyond the astral at the veil of death veering at the gate spying unto the world, yet he still climbs.15. If 15 is my number then what is to be the end of my Love as it descends unto the masses? Yes I Love ever the fools, but exalt those of the True Will, for when shown will you not Love the Triad?16. Love is Will! Love of opposites is hate, Love overfilled in the silver cup of Holiness is jealousy. For does not Love make you cry when the veil of death opens for the soul of your kin?17. Oh Dear Prophet, sing and be fruitful of my words in Virgo. Dress fine and fanciful to fulfill my sight with joy, shed the Light of Love by promoting freewill unto the lost and sorrowful.18. Wipe away the tears during my era by Lighting up small places of sorrow with happiness, yet fight with your sword of fire when one steps on your territory, my joy shall be felt unto you when my spirit will descend form my throne in the heavens into your temple, the mundane body.


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19. Be not afraid to promulgate and show courage with passion , say my name without stuttering, True Will shall be your guide given unto you by the Higher-Self.20. Let Ares tell you to laugh at the skeptics, for he will take charge of them and let Taurus be your way as he calls your faith to be true to the Triad.21. Love is my way unto the soul, echo my name and I will fill you in times of distress and danger; then call upon the King and he will fight for you if you are true to your Will.22. I say to you hail the Land of Light that awaits you as you climb the Crystal Tower with the numbers: 1,3,7,10, and 11; but keep in mind 9 and 18 are the keys to the Crystallite.23. Dear Prophet of Pallas Athene, explore the subconscious while the conscious mind encompasses the air you breath. What about the air of the Gods? Is it not fresher?24. Be the follower of True Will, join the army of the True Will, Love in the name of True Will, Light in the name of the True Will ; for this path of True Will has always been in my favor.25. Run as the water and listen to my voice, listen to the water fall hear my roar from the heavens unto the Crowning.26. One is not my number , for I am a Lover, but does not two make one when in communion; show me your Love so our Love can make one.27. Empower the Empress as she is my rule and the Queen of the suits as they are the inverted pentagram, Love me as you Love Phoebus, but crave my ecstasy more then anyone gods. Crave my Love.28. I am the ecstasy handed in your heart and have always been as I am the Goddess of Love, have I reached out to you in every single way possible?


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29. Bless those in the name of your Love with your hand, for your Love is my Love.30. Blessed be the man and woman who sees my gift as the Lamb and as the Lion. They are the individuals granted to drink of my desirous silver cup, therefore I share the Kingdom of the Land of Light with those who drink from my Cup.31. Any man who knows me me knows my husband of the Sun and sees me the Queen of the Moon, for the Sun made the Moon most sacred of all his planets.32. Glimmer and Shite through the hopes and dreams, which will be beyond the Shekniah. Hail to the new Triad and era of Aquarius to soon come from our Great Trinity.33. Like my husband, humanity shall face judgment of who do not use their True Will and cleansing of the soul is near when Aquarius shows his might in the air, the new law shall be redeemed in great magnificent splendor obtained and ordained by the Great Trinity,34. Follow the gate fate of the feminine cycles by every moon phase, shall every fish and every beast be shown passion by my very glory.35. Will not you dance if I ask you to? Would you dance in the great hall of the marble floors if I command you to? Will you not put on the best robe and accessories if I ask you to? Dress in the best wardrobe and bath in the finest oil by my ordinance.36. Say anything lovely to my ears during and after my crowning on the day of Virgo and call this day of elaborate ceremony in the finest dress attire dedicated to me the Communion of Love, but keep the secret to yourself I reveal unto you. Are not the most Holy words the the unsaid and unprinted?37. I am the Queen of the Love and my army is that of Magick through the cosmos, the command of the


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Universal Legion as my essence makes all things meet and part.38. Hand the name of the Holy Chalice Bearer to those of the wisest of seeds and set them sectioned apart from the ignorance from the diving into the eternal pit of black sea, which never ends my Chalice shall bear witness to all hope and miracle that run wild in it.39. The formula of 0=1=2 =3 is my manifestation, but remember not even my husband can recall the truest of every intention which hides in my heart.40. Prophet of Pallas Athena be not afraid to conquer the king of the Abyss on your path to extremes and neutrality, walk with the fainted heart and guide them as all get compiled in the name of Love.41. When a Bird Chirps tis me in the depths of the cycles of Life, I am the present of all living emotions; love is nails and emotion of all feelings.42. Complete the Path, the True Will offers looking beyond the Ego and the the Holy Guardian Angel will call you to the Conversation you seek with him.43. The Holy Guardian Angel is the most sought of all ceremonies in the life Prophet of Pallas Athena, experiment with the forces of Magick and you will see what I have blessed you with in the number 6.44. Hail not to the idols of hate, the most disgusted of all men, seek not their gifts to the Divine; for their ego shall shred them and devour them as the soul eater does, stand before me in my halls of Orion the hunter, for hum of all the the constellations I adore the most.45. When a boy becomes a man the hunter his is blessed with the well of decision, when the girl becomes the huntress then her intuition makes her sky the limit, thus we use the sign of the decagram, for 18 is the age and the key to the heart.


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46. Free the Eagle to the veil Prophet of Pallas Athena, he has the most victorious eyes given of sight and the most powerful of wings to bless him to fly with foresight, be of the Eagle.47. If you are not of the eagle then bind him with freewill and make him hatch from his egg to be born as the eagle. How can he not wish to soar the sky?48. Though the old god of thunder will be dethroned and I shall take the place of Hera, let them always be honored for their heavenly royalty. I love them so! I love all who come before me!49. Dream not and use the fullest of your soul for the Trinity, even the birds and the heart of the stag follow our words.50. Love thy enemy and neighbor, respect them for who they are and let them see True Will.51.Love is the Holder of the True Will. My sacred numbers lay in Virgo, Scorpio, and Gemini.


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CHAPTER III1. My Prophet! You have finished the key to the ages with every word of the Holy Triad in the text and finally my number lies in the power of three; you are my servant of man, word of my wisdom of the Crystal Tower, spread the wealth of treasure you have learned from this Book, tis the key to the Great Trinity that awaits you and every Crystallite!2. Am I not as of Thoth? As he also the God of Wisdom? I am the Goddess of the coming of the third throne and secretly have been the Goddess of Magick, now my secret has been revealed unto all Crystallites. Hold it as the Holy unspoken words of your mouth from here therein.3. One, Three, Seven, 11, and 18 are my numbers you will include to every unwritten ceremony to celebrate the age of knowledge and prosperity in Leo, Virgo, and Libra; remember when you found these great constellations and their secret meeting in the sequence of the Cosmos? When


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they revealed to you the knowledge, you saw the Glory the prophets before you have seen and transcribed, for I am the Libra ofthe Cosmos and justice is my card of power.4. Hear the chants of the Divine union that lay hidden in the soul of every Crystallite; Liberation and True Will!5. Did I not give my people of my sacred city of Athens the breath of Democracy? Now is the time to spread my heavenly concept into every Crystallite, open them to to the spirit to see beauty of the King and Queen, I am a servant too; just you are. Follow the follies of art, love, and prophecy for the age of Aquarius. Did you not unlock the true meaning of the Seal of 18? through a sign of the Great Trinity? Yes you did find the key to the hidden gate and dethroned the power of the pentagram and given it more meaning with the two mixed five-pointed stars to demonstrate full manifestation.6. Every riddle is truth, every lie has tasted honesty from the beginning showing trials of duality.7. Call my name in the mist of hardships and I will sweep from the unforeseen cosmos, passed the Veil of Death and give you Glory, believe every word written by the Gods with your hand, stand strong and face the Demon of Fire in the eyes and I will grant you victory over every obstacle thrown in your path, I shall burn it in the pit of Tartarus for the sake of True Will!8. Be free of Dogma! Be free of falsehoods! Liberated from the misinterpretations of the evil queen of the World, she steers you from the Triad of the Heavens into every sing word by her tongue.9.My warning is made clear to all Crystallites, for the world shall work to misconstrue every unspoken belief you hold dearest to the Axis Mundi and its infinite omnipresence spread into the physical Universe, when some person approaches you and does damage seen and


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unseen call upon my Justice Card, when some person shows you compassion then show them the Chariot card, let Magick be your guide into all workings under the True Will.10. Your star, Prophet, is Polaris. It shines the brightest and gives light to the lost. Was it not said by the Prophet of Ra-Hoor-Khuit., 'Every Man and Woman is a star'? You are a star, choose your star of Polaris and let every Crystallite choose their own star of the Heavens, but write a legend of the Crystallite walking up the Crystal Tower in the Yesod beginning in the Yesod. No Crystallite will be forgotten as the soul climbs the staircase into the heavens, by mortal or immortal will the Crystallite be lost in the harvest or unheard in the masses.11. The Crystallite's True Will, shown through Magick will be the grand word of the 18th key needs the 9th key to exist.12. Call the workspace of the Crystallite the Temple of Elemental Light,55, an not I out of the Nothingness?13.The Temple of Elemental Light shall dwell in your heart, not built by stone or gold, let no one person or God of existence raid your temple, or what tragedy shall come to any mortal or immortal that does treat your temple as waste, so lock the doors and close your windows of your temple of the Grand Hall when the lustrous Great Work is not being performed, a locked home is more secure then that of the house with it's door always open.14. Call my coming and invocation during the autumn equinox, Ritual of the White Robe. Complete all three ceremonies of the Triad and call this the Completion of the Ring of Life.; we will breathe new life into all Crystallites during the age of Aquarius before the dawn of death and dark, beyond all spirits unclean!15. Read not every word with the thought of the intellectual mind when read the Book, but feel the heat of


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the Triad that fills the spirit of the Crystallite, be exalted by your faith, what is Magick without faith dear Prophet?16. Friends will be lost and family will be lifted to higher ground on the mountain when the age of Magick arises in the Crystallite society, hold clear to these words of the next Great Triad, only the followers who see the Triad and give them honor will be exalted in the new Aeon for all ages to see, fire and water will be the paradise of Phoebus and Aphrodite and I shall be the Air of their Will.17. The heir of my word will be in another long after you perish prophet and you will know him well, teach him the majesties of Magick and True Will with the Glories it hold, the Tree of Life will write his name on the waters of the oceans with it's fresh replenished roots.18. Run not from the Power of one when it rises into the time of the 18th key, but fight it with 11, fight fire with fire for the sake of True Will!19. In my name on my day of the Crowning read the book of Phoebus, I have granted you to see the True Will!20. Honor Phoebus Apollo, Aphrodite the Love, and I Pallas Athena, for every Crystallite is is my word, Love of the Crystallite is Aphrodite, and the True Will is Phoebus Apollo; make all three of us equally sacred; not one is better then the other and sacred will be our language of Ares, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. The Sacred numbers for the 12 languages is is 72, do not break down this number, leave it a mystery for only Gods hold the stick to measure this number!21. Be brave in the face of danger as Ares is in the face of battle when called upon, yet he flees when he is wounded! So called the Libra, I, to finish the Great Work of the Crystallite, rebel not against the masses of ignorance and work not to be different from your brothers, sisters, or


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your elders; but embrace them, if they do not listen let them pass; if they open their ears and save the tongue then feed them the words of Phoebus, Aphrodite, and I, Pallas.22. Every soul Walks in a different path to freewill, not only the road of the Crystallite, let those who know not themselves find themselves; they need not be on a path till they call upon their Higher Calling.23. Hear me not for my words of Wisdom, but for my words of justice; words are not of wisdom, but listening is of wisdom. Keep in mind hear not what you want to hear or take my words and jumble them into a million pieces.24. The True Will shall your a vision quest of the Law and food on your feast and wind in your experience; when you live life to be the fullest away from the stricken words of the old God then you make the Triad proud!25. When the newly ordained initiates arrive begin a feast in the Leo and show them the Will of the new King, have them wear the finest robes and put on the most beautiful of accessories in Virgo with a lesson of beauty through the presence of invocation of Aphrodite and have the initiates fill their stomachs, have a ceremony in the finest robes and receive their wreath of knowledge in Libra, blessed be every Crystallite who completes this process of beauty; let music be played in their name, for a new child is born and star is created into their hearts. 26. Despair is not an option of the glory of the Triad, if so then be gone from the order skeptic!27. Be the Witness of Wisdom that brings happiness of love and True Will, not of the 1o headed dragon of sorrow brought forth by ignorance by misinformation and narrow views. He who curses the True Will forgive him or her on the first account, but the second offense calls upon the use of Magick through my hand, wish him not death nor pain, but for his pillars to fall beneath him or her to be grounded on the


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womb of Gaea; when one summons death they summon the underworld and this is not the Will of the Crystallite to wish Hades.28. Magick is the Life to you as tool to grow and learn, it is not restricted by the law of Dogma, you are suffering then use Magick to end the suffering and the True Will to be your Guide for your Higher-Self, remember this the most my prophet.29. Oh Hail to the coming of Aquarius and Truest ofall power bestowed in the Temple of Elemental Light, those whom are faithful of heart will be promised separation from the Harvest invested by the power of the Great Bear and the Hunter.30. Touch your head and call forth my consort, Aries, when you are in confrontation and touch the base of your spine for a fruitful relationship in the power of two.31. The formula of my Will unto you are is in the Door 0=1=2=3=4=5=6=7=8=9=10, this is that of the secret of the Crystallite unto me, but go with 10=9=8=7=6=5=4=3=2=1=0 to find my word for the Trinity as if stops as 3, you are not as the Most High God, you must begin with of 10!32. Be centered and use this energy for your True Will to be of the ranks of the Crystallite of the Crystal Tower of the Sacred Path of the Soul, to a person without heart is that without drive!33. The Sacred Path I give you with these words , for hold this Book Close to yourself at all times, but when the Book of Phoebus come to show the Will of Aquarius then the Book of Aphrodite will be born into nations of Crystallites and my Book of Pallas will be that when the end of the era of Phoebus, Aphrodite, and I are done; but do not weep, there will be another Grand Trinity after us in the age ofCapricorn.


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34. As for now you my Prophet are to show the reign f the new Trinity and show the powers of 0,1,3,9,18, 7, 36, 45, 54, and 72. Look to the stars ans see all the souls of the heavens and their reflections smiling of grace before you.35. The Trumpet will sound, flags will rise, and feasts will be made by the Crystallite and their foresight of the new age are given as a gift unto all men!36. I love you so much Dearest Prophet, for setting these words into stone and lighting the way such as Polaris does for the lost captains of the sea and travelers of the alone would at night.37. mark the calendar of the day of Completion of this Book was at hand dear Prophet and train the next child of the heart to the light as he or she will write the next on the actual date of the Aeon, speak well and speak strong, promulgate the word of the Holy Triad Prophet, I always hold you dear to me.38. The True Will of the Soul is the word and action that makes you are star of brand, but only through my invention of Magick do I bless you to the core of freewill! Be welcomed and Loved by the power or 22!39. Be not labeled or judged by the masses and let them wonder lost without a shepherd or the laws of the old God that will soon be obsolete, show them the moment of Magick and True Will, for it will open their eyes to the losses they felt and the joy they tried to overthrow. Be silent to those who criticize and bless those who listen for a new herd of white sheep is to be born of Magick!40. Harvest my will and send it unto the cosmos for the Higher-Self to seek, you are truly blessed and loved by your Holy Guardian Angel, but woe for those who are the individuals who refuse I; they will see the light in the new age.41. Thunder will cry and the clouds will part for the Crystallite and their Will, I will send all people of the


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Crystallite a grand sign in the universe, watch and you will find if you hold the keys of 18, the hook, the Tzaddi.42. Sing hymns and fast when I send every Crystallite their own beautiful sign on that very Magical day.43. Make me, the Goddess of Wisdom, joyful by learning from every moment in life, what good is the Triad without a lesson if you commit no error; what God or Deity promises you the life of the Land ofLight and reincarnation after death if you follow your True Will and do Magick in the name of the Gods?44. Reincarnation are of the most precious of gifts to make the soul more perfect then prior, the Sun will set and crickets will chirp with the songs of the nights of which you can see.45. Be not of the blind man and see, be not of the deaf and hear, and be not of the mute and speak; all in the name of True Will , if not of the True Will then there is no cause to the madness of Life.46. Hold the number of 18 close dearest Crystallite; 12 of the Cosmos to be your voice; 11 to be the initiation of the Will , 7 to be your path of balance and of me, and 3 to the Triad, 5 to be of the King, 6 to be of the Queen, and 9 to be the gate; follow your True Will and 18 dearest Prophet.


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1. The New Age into the Initiation of the Higher-Self

The Consilium XVIII:Book of Phoebus outlines the very basic concepts of of the Black Grimoire, as it speaks in metaphors about the new age spoken of in December 21st

of 2012; on the contrary, this is the day of the first day of winter and a major indication of the “Black.” The black is the mystery and stands as the initiation into mysteries in the great arcane rites. The most important aspect is not to see he dark of black as evil or troublesome.

Though there are implications December 21st of 2012 is a Mayan formula, the addition to the consilium was merely in my subconscious mind during the automatic writing. It is said that it will be a time of great change for the world with modern rumors and perspectives, but it is symbolic date as we are opening into the Age of Aquarius. It says in the Book of Phoebus to mark this date, “4. Unto my feet of the Malkuth, the knave of the gods will bow to the new sky god, the new earth goddess,and the wisdom god, every 2,167 years, as her beauty is


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the most welcomed of the newly initiated power.” In the Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, he clearly states as an astronomer and his research this is when we start to phase into a new era every 2,167 years. Initially, this passage is showing a symbolic crowning to a new age.

Though this is my personal date of importance, it is widely accepted there will be some major change taking place on this day of Yule, whether it be a spiritual transformation or a doomsday event from the cosmos it is all speculation in the end. I personally see this day as we phase into Aquarius to stand for the qualities of Aquarius in western astrology; this water bearer stands for assertion, independence, progression, analytic, originality, inventive, intellectual, honest, loyal, perversity, contrary, unpredictable, unemotional, and detached in accordance to The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need and Parker's Astrology. Matthew Vossler states in Astrology in Depth with a few key words for Aquarius, “Humanitarian, Progressive, Original, Rebellious, Inventive, and Independent.” As we can distinguish, four astrologers attested to the same words to describe Aquarius to describe the traits.

These implications are showing there are signs of a very humanitarian age, with spurts of violence and unpredictability of detachment. The Consilium XVIII: Book of Phoebus states both the Age of Aquarius glorious and most crude awakenings in the following verses:



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“Unto my feet of the Malkuth, the knave of the gods will bow to the new sky god, the new earth goddess,and the wisdom god, every 2,167 years, as her beauty is the most welcomed of the newly initiated power.”The idea of a new transition from one deity to the next is not a new thing in the pagan world; this is found in the mythologies found in ancient Greece when the Olympian worked to conquer the Titans and even Gnosticism had Aeons that ruled for a certain periods of time, these Aeons were different personalities of God. Although the personalities were separate they all came from the same Deity to the Gnostics.

The Malkuth means “kingdom” or the physical plane kabbalistically and the knave is another word for princess. Kabbalistically the princess of the Kabbalah is the physical plane, but every Shabbat the knave is wed to become a Queen, according to the Jews in the Sefardic tradition. So metaphorically speaking, the mundane will bow to the new sky God in every aeon to the newly formed sky god, also known as the Above in the Emerald Tablets, and the new earth Goddess, the new Queen herself and stands as the Below in the Emerald Tablets.

1:1 “Speak, O Prophet of Pallas Athena, and shed Light on my word as nations are still bound by the old laws of the Old God. Use words of wisdom and heart to share my Love of the world, my princess.”

As I stated earlier, this is my personal reality and rendition of what was spoken to me, so the first line is pertaining to me. The “light”is a reference as to the new Aeon ruled by the Will, most nations do not have the Freewill at all do achieve what they need by oppressive governments or philosophies which have restricted their lives to the fullest.


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So the Crystallites must be an example as to show the meaning of Will to the world.

1:11“My sacred number is 11, Magick shall be my sacred message unto all men! Those who follow the law of the Old God, my Father, shall try to slaughter those who follow the new law, be not afraid! For the slaves seek to let go of the Old God.”

It would seem when major change knocks on the door of our lives, we get pushed outside our comfort zone many of times. The very message this conveys reminds me of the death card in the sense of going with changed that will be forced, if you do not let go of your clinging ways to the past and move forward there will be unnatural tendencies of unstable emotions, as is covered in the meaning of Aquarius section above. The very essence these traits can be read in the description of the Age of Aquarius.

1:23“Fear not no other gods then me in the coming of Aquarius, the Virgin will pour waters of intuition on the earth to initiate my crown of roses as I sit beside my Lovely Aphrodite. Do not misinterpret the sacred Virgin of the Waters or the spirit of the Old God will smite you as he has done before me.”

The very verses show a bittersweet reaction to the Age of Aquarius, as is described in the the detail in the Nature of the qualities of this Zodiacal Sign. Coincidentally enough, it is intriguing the new age is described the the old god smiting those who phase into the New Age, but I find it interesting you have to seek the Age of Aquarius to reap its benefits as reads in 1:52, “Sacred is


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the new Aeon for those who seek it,” and in 1:58, “Let the Moon rain Diamonds on those who believe in the Trinity of the ages and let the Sun rain Gold to those who believe in the new Trinity.” The Trinity is truly an archetype of Will, Love, and Wisdom; one cannot be confused in the literal translation of the text, it much of a codex. The whole book of the Consilium XVIII: The Book of Phoebus is strictly focused in on this day of Yule and the changes that will come with it.

If we were to take a different perspective on 12/21.2012 we will get the number 11. 777 and other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley the number represents the great magical number and of a disastrous fire; but in Gemetria 11 represents the first letter of the Hebrew Alephbet, so this can be equivalent to the Fool Card or Even the Force connecting the Kether to the Chockmah, pretty much a new beginning. Basic numerology says 11 is the messenger number. Without further do we can see that 11 is a very bittersweet number of violent change from the evidence provided.

The date the Mayans wrote down have had an impact on the world through the media, marketing, looking for a new hope and change, but for most people it will be another day. One does not have to accept this day. The Aeon can come to any day you accept the power of Will, Love, Wisdom as your Philosophy as a whole, but apply it in a different manner. One can say this awakening can be equivalent to Buddhahood, as Buddha simply means, “awake.” When a person wakes to the idea the answer stands within themselves they have found a way into the initiatory arts to accompany them in the Conversation and Knowledge of the Holy Guardian Angel. The Holy Guardian Angel is mentions in the passages as read (either metaphorically or literally):


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1:15“Follow the 32 paths of Wisdom to complete the journey and be as one with the spirit of your Higher- Self! Even the cruelest of the Gods grant you mercy to reach the Holy Guardian Angel”

The paths of the Wisdom are the 22 Letters of Creation and the 10 Sefiroth added to make 32. Aryeh Kaplan writes in the Sepher Yetzirah about how 32 is composed of two letters Lamed and Bet, Lamed carries the face value of 30 and Bet carries the face value of 2, in Gemetria making it come to 32. Lev, not to mention in Hebrew means “heart”. In the 1st Chapter of Phoebus, represented by the Sun; alchemical Pheobus would represent the heart and the Sun in the middle of solar System. One of his symbols would be the number 6 in the Tifferet, ruled by the Sun in western ceremonial magick.

1:54 “I can promise this for those who Love my name, honor my name, and war for my name, by the road of True Will the path of the Universe to the path of the Fool.”

The Fool in this case represents the union to the Holy Guardian Angel, as the original fool in the Golden Dawn deck was a child of pure innocence. This Holy Union is the main drive of most mainstream magicians to attain the innocence through various operations that be found in The 21st Century Mage and The Book of Abramelin. It would seem those who honor their True Will and long for their chosen calling will achieve great distances into finding their Holy Guardian Angel.



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“Crystallites will find my works in the letter of the High Priestess! Harvest your experiences and give them meaning unto your True Will for the Higher- Self.”This is another tarot metaphor, but the verse is asking the reader to apply the Hebrew letter that goes with the card. The Letter that rules the Empress is ruled by Gimel, the Camel. Gimel represents a rich man running to the poor man to to give charity, so it is a solidification of punishment and reward justified. Now The Empress Card is ruled by Venus as well, and this very verse comes from Chapter 2, the Chapter of Venus. Aphrodite speaks on a very giving level most of the time in this chapter. It would make sense to have the compassion of Love being a formula to the Holy Guardian Angel, as love opens the mind and takes many shapes and forms.

2:26“One is not my number , for I am a Lover, but does not two make one when in communion; show me your Love so our Love can make one.”

The message of the 2 becoming one is a clear and obvious sign as the symbolic mating of the sun and moon, which can be found in Wicca or even Hermeticism. It would seem that in the Emerald Tablet there is a mastery of the physical and the spiritual when a magician masters both words becomes one with them creating the symbolic Hermaphrodite in Hermeticism.

3:28“Magick is the Life to you as tool to grow and learn, it is not restricted by the law of Dogma, you are suffering then use Magick to end the suffering and the True Will to be your Guide for your Higher-Self, remember this the most my prophet”.


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Without continuing any further on the text with exact quotes form the Consilium XVIII I have to clear out the stigma of some of the wording. First and foremost, the word prophet was used in a different context then what most religions or philosophies would utilize the word. Prophet means, “one who prophesies.” With the techniques of this course in your healing works you will be using divination, magick, and using the metaphysical skills that will give you a wealth of knowledge; this is what Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus did and they did not start a religion based around their gifts. What would make you different.

The symbolism is the main thing that stands behind this book the most. I must emphasize this again, these are metaphorical energies that stood as an involuntary invocation of the Consilium. So the harsh judgments that seem to be spoken are people judging themselves by the lack of Will, Love, and Wisdom. It would be silly to take all the symbolism literally as you read above. It would also be wise to learn from the Consilium XVIII with your own interpretation of the text. You will find how much the book will compliment the practices behind the philosophy.

There is also numerology involved, but that can be a voluntary study on your behalf. There are some parts of the text you will have to explore on your own to be working deeper in the philosophy of Mageia for Magick. So read this without the literalism and you will see how I coded this book, much like the Alchemists did during the dark ages. Messages are kept to keep tradition alive and well.


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The philosophy of the operation is a simple formula: Will, Love, and Wisdom. These philosophies allow the magician to be a tool of his Higher-Self. When a man becomes one with his higher-self, there is that spiritual bond that can allow any beneficial magick to be used without doubt to create massive results.

The art of this book falls in the terms of the Will, to make a magical art happen one must first make the intent happen. The Law of Attraction works very much the same way; if know you Will do something then the magical operations installed will pave the path for you to walk. Much like working a nine to five job, you place the intent to work everyday at nine; so essentially you have used your thoughts to produce the result of earning your paycheck. These results are the result of practical magick.

Personal decision plays a major role in magick, man was gifted with freewill to pick and choose his/her own way in life, but there are consequences that follow through


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with every known action. I would advise before you do any major magical to working to weigh out the laws of cause and effect. There will be many times you will get what you want, but through a series of cirou see on the cumstances that may not make sense for that time. The older we grow and the wiser we become then we will see why things happen the way they did in our life by examining the magick we did in the past, all the sudden it will all make sense. Some spirits and spells will work very speedily and others will not; with this said it can be stated that we need patience as a virtue.

The Will trumps astronomy, astrology, divination, and many laws of the metaphysics. There comes a point when a vaguely printed horoscope does no good when we become a slave to it's properties, we which an choose to make things happen or not. It is by no means to make these occult arts seem rendered as useless, they are still very useful in some circumstances. It is only by this system of magick we will use the power or intent thorugh these arts. The only power we will proclaim is the power of the Holy Guardian Angel, also known as the higher-self. This defies Plato's and Crowley's theory of invoking god in every act whether it is great or small.

To understanding the Will, do not be afraid to dive into this art without doubt. You can trust yourself to make the right decisions in this grimoire, there is no such thing as a no man's land or a divine being land that will punish you for treading on such a path of this Grimoire. If you picked up this grimoire it simple means you were meant to hold this arcane book and trust yourself all the way. If a man cannot love himself then he cannot truly love anyone else. If a man cannot rely on himself, no one can rely on him. A person must look into the mirror and be truthful with themselves, ready to face their inner demons.


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The idea of this course is to understand that the ideas of astrology, divination, kabbalah, and working with your chakras is as only as powerful as you make it by your Will. When you apply your Intent to the these courses you will see the power these ancient studies can hold in relevance in this system of magick that can be used for healing, bettering your career, and assisting others on their journey. Through this philosophy you will be helping yourself in this process so you can assist others, if you cannot carry your own burden then you cannot carry anyone elses burden, this is the simple fact of life.

The Intent of these studies are you to assist you in your energy working, aka magick. Energy working methods will be presented in a formidable manner that will allow you to learn and grow as a person and to gain wisdom. I must first present to you a few key words to elaborate even further: Manifestation, Imagination, and Ego.



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The idea of manifestation is key to any major practice so in Mageia we use the Dodecagram or Decad, this literally means “20 pointed start” and in the kabbalah there are 10 Sephiroth. As you will see below.

It would seem that ten by these two systems would play a key role in magick, magick is the study of the the self in the definition for this system, it does not cover other traditional systems. In this book I feel we need to learn more about our minds, hearts, and soul to develop our own system of healing.


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Manifestation is a process that can be as simple or as easy as you make it. When you learn to emanate the energy through visualization you will find out how the energy works and how it can assist you at that given moment. When we us the art of astrology to heal and read the energies then we can learn to apply them properly when we are well studied and trained. As a Mageia Master you will be knowledgeable, trained, and more developed then most basic people in Magick then most people; so with great power comes great responsibility.

The idea of manifestation to the magician is like a court case to a lawyer. You have to be very detailed in what you want with your energy working with a lot of precision, sometimes manifestation has different ways of working. So you will need to experiment.

The last but most important part of this whole lesson is the fact you need to know 100% that your magick is going to work, belief is not an option. Belief is questionable, knowing is power.


Imagination is key in magick and in Mageia! Get as creative as you can, this is a part of visualization. The more effective your imagination is then the more potent your magick will be in all truth. The reason why many magicians have their tools is strictly for their imagination. When Bob is doing his magick he is no longer Bob, he goes by his magick name. This creates his most potent magick by the use of his magick and visualization. So if you can visualize everything you need then all should play well for you.

To help build your your imagination I am going to give you an exercise that is handy in using what you feel


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and transforming it into the unconscious for the imagination. The process is very easy to learn if you can prepare yourself for the role of a healer and magician.

As a Mageia Master you will find your mind expanding and alwways evolving. This is exactly what we want out of our system. You will find your personal thoughts and your character will always be changing by the imagination. This is not a restrictive system that will hold you back from your true potential as a healer and


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person. It took great men with great imaginations to produce such wonderful work that it changed the world forever.

Activity 1:

1. Put your hands up 1/4th of an inch, palms facing each other.

2. Move your hands at a rapid movement without them touching.

3. Feel the energy and let it build.

4. Visualize the Energy.

5. Make the energy disappear

Activity 2: 1. Visualize a ball of energy

2. Focus your energy with your hands up in the Air

3. Manipulate the Ball's shape by the accordance of your will

4. Bounce the energy ball from one hand to the next

5. Make it disappear



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Ego is one of the most demonized words in the English language. The Ego has been linked to heinous acts of mankind, evil, and being spiritually unclean; this is not a fair approach to looking at the Ego. It is not the Gun or the Sword that kills people, but the person behind the weapon; and it is not the magick that hurts people but the person behind the magick.

Psychologically, need ego to have our own identity as a person. Dr. Nickolas Martin does an extraordinary job in The Ego Unmasked: Meeting the Greatest Challenge of Your Life with greater detail then what I will provide, I will only be laying out the basic foundation of the Ego and why it is so important to the magician and his works, but most of all it will tell you why you should have a balanced Ego as to why you (as a Mageia Master) should have some ego.

The Ego is something every human being has and always will have by the simple stance we have biological needs in our worldly existence. Man will fight to keep food to himself when a food source runs low, he will work to keep a water source just for his own needs when it is scarce, man will be territorial when he feels threatened with insecurity, and man will need a roof over his head and he will fight to protect it at all costs. These are all of our biological needs that can drive a man to the max. The only thing that separates us from any other animal is our advanced brains.

Our advanced brains allow us to gain wisdom to not bite into our nature when it is not wise. That is the meaning of living and learning. In essence we will always have needs and be dual minded with our biological needs and animal nature. This is where the ego steps in and becomes bastardized by man philosophies or ruled as uncivilized. This is where the Ego comes from in our nature.


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There needs to be a balance of the Ego and its properties. Learn to use your ego in an healthy way! You can use your ego to build up someone else's Self-Worth or you can promote something by your image that can help other people. There is nothing wrong with the Ego at all. The ego is not good or bad, but the person who misuses it for his own purposes. One way to manage the Ego is through writing down your thoughts and keeping a diary.


Writing has always been in important skill in the occult and magick. The realms of writing has completely changed the landscape of culture and brought forth some of the greatest thinkers of our time. The mind is a powerful tool and there are things the mind cannot reenact in the physical, so writing is a good sense of putting your own theories and thoughts into manifestation.

Magick as a whole (when brought onto paper) set a doorway for modern science and belief systems. In a world ruled by Demons and Spirits in use as rational thought, it was writing that transformed the approach to these entities as a scientific interrogation process. When we write we are keeping a log of our thoughts and feeling for that time, which shows our growth as an individual. It was writing that transfromed me into an occultist that was on the verge of being an aetheism after being disappointed in Paganism.

It was when I discovered writing that I discovered the hidden parts of myself. Journaling has really helped me keep in touch with myself, even when a topic seemed very minor or silly for the time to record. In a sense, writing makes you more comfortable with yourself in your ever evolving state, when you know your inner worlds you magick can be more potent.


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Astral Prjection in the OTA ( Ordo Templi Astarte) uses the term "Inner World Projecting" in the video Rites of Magic. I find this interesting because people like Howard Phillip Lovecraft made some of the best stories that has attracts many people into the occult. There are many magicians who strictly become writers of some sort because their personal beliefs and spiritual mechanics makes them empowered to embrace themseleves. I always found writing to attract many occultists for this reason.

I always recommend people who start in the occult to learn to keep a record or journal of daily life and their magical practices before they meditate. The reasoning is so when the practitioner meditates in the next task the achievement and goal of the meditation can be easily acquired without too much thought. When you know your mind and inner worlds you can easily make your practices as effective in magick. While the world promotes being a sheep, writing is what makes the sheep be set astray from the flock.

I must say that although many of us dread writing, when we fall into the habit then we will find less stress, more independence, and more productivity in our lives. We will be more real with ourselves and our cirmcumstances. In order to make your magick work you must know yourself, plane and simple, there is not grand mystery to it. Writing helps out the most to know yourself, it is a matter learning to enjoy it.

It is when a person learns to love the art pf writing they learn more about themselves more then any other stage. As you learn to document your notes and work to build that sense of self-worth through writing the old arts concealed will be revealed unto you and the thoughts man recorded for centuries that kept traditions alive in the sacred ways.


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Mageia has a history and background that transcends the modern study and allows the roots to begin for you and your path. The most important part of Mageia is the list of line of teachers. We will and do remember the teachers of the past who brought us to the point where we are now. Here is the lineage as we know it now:


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When you give your lineage of Mageia you will also place your picture in the square and your name and title. Lineage shows where the information came from and gives respect to the teachers of the past. In Mageia there is no second hand information and the student will be taught one on one. That is where the key lies in Mageia, the roots should be traceable with ease and effort as more teachers add their past teachers before them.

Since the heart of Mageia lies in the individuals themselves, this does not mean anything along the lines of group work. That is first and foremost in this system. You carry on the system as being a Mageia Master. Pick those who are worthy.


Respect: Stay within the realms where you and the client are comfortable for the session to begin. This also falls under the guidelines of no sexual harassment, clearly identifying what you can and will do for the the client, explain the processes of of how Mageia works, and do not take advantage of the clients.

Integrity: Mageia is a system that does not have babysitters, so you are to take full responsibility for your own actions and do the right thing that is fair and just for you and the client. Everyone has their own freewill, this should not be manipulated.

Credentials: When you are doing a service always have your certifications of Mageia, lineage, and other basic materials to show you are a trained professional in all your actions and deeds. To offer the best service to yourself and


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the clients, the credentials will show you are trained and ready for your task. This is also a great sign of the Professionalism held in Mageia.

Honesty: Make sure the client knows exactly what a session requires and some of the studies that are involved for the results. To be safe it would be best to be a minister you can touch the clientele with their consent and also you must have parental consent when working with doctors. Unless you you have some sort of degree, we are not trained in the medical field, so we should not be giving out medical advice. We are not here to take the role of a doctor, but help with recovery and illness through the spiritual. This should be heavily emphasized.

Selfless Service: Do something to help the people around you if you can. This training is to help you, so you can help other people and bring out the best in people. Being a Mageia Master is a title to show you went through the training, it is not suppose to be a trip of arrogance.


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The Vayutiger has been into magick since the early 2000's and since then built his legacy on his studies in the occult and magick. He is a seeker of new knowledge and always

willing to apply new methods to his system. The Vayutiger found his Holy Guardian Angel on 1/11/11 and has been working to help others find this momentous moment in their life. He is the author of The Consilium XVIII. He is also a renown tarot reader, magician, occultist, and writer