magazine publisher

Magazine publisher

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Post on 10-Apr-2017




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Magazine publisher

Page 2: Magazine publisher

VibeVibe is a music and entertainment magazine founded by producer Quincy Jones. The publication predominantly features R&B and hip-hop music artists, actors and other entertainers. After shutting down production in Summer 2009, Vibe was purchased by the private equity investment fund intermedia partner and is now issued semimonthly with double covers, with a larger online presence. The magazine's target demographic is predominantly young, urban followers of hip-hop culture. In 2014, the magazine moved online-only.

I want to base my magazine as the same concept as Vibe because of the hip-hop vibe it does have. This is because Vibe is a well established magazine in its field and genre of hip hop and therefore if i used the same types of techniques as vibe and can portray the same sort of magazine style as them.

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History of the magazine.Vibe magazine was launched in 1993.

The year was 1999. Hip hop became American pop music and it did so on the back of a willing media. The music’s ascendancy was ushered in on the back of one very important magazine, Vibe. The Source was the bible that spoke to the converted. But Vibe was evangelical.

Vibe’s launch was engineered by entrepreneurs Len Burnett and Keith Clinkscales. Quincy Jones provided the vision and the business acumen to partner with Time, Inc. Quincy knew the market was huge, and knew how to position the title. But bringing it to life, running the business and understanding the nascent market of urban was left to the entrepreneurs. They cut a wide swath helping to create a market for urban; selling to print media planners who had never considered the market, giving record labels a far reaching platform to promote hip hop music (roughly 800,000 readers), and giving fans of all colors an important touchstone for the culture.

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What do Vibe do?Vibe magazine do more than just create magazines itself, they also expand to create publishing Books that are still within the genre hip-hop.

The brand Vibe promote through the online website. This shows a sense of diversion this is because normally most magazine use this promotion through the magazine itself but due to the internet and the many aspects it brings it is better to promote through the internet because it's a free access for the public.

furthermore the brand vibe has an online video channel so it can be another alternative for the audience. due to the fact that they don’t do videos on magazine so they use the online player to promote the online market.

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Magazine cover

Minimal clothing to show of the tattoos on his body.

Big heavy jewelry around his neck, to show his opulent lifestyle

The hand sign is shown to be a man contemplating and also to be used as a gun

for my magazine i wanted to capture the zeitgeist by doing an old school type of hip hop and rap, people such as nelly, 2 pac, biggie and more.

they had very serious pose and very expensive jewelry, not such around their necks by also around their wrist and fingers, this does show the type of lifestyle they live.

i want to capture the zeitgeist of that old school rap era, because this was the concept of my album talking about the generation of hip hop and how it has influenced my generation.

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The masthead shows a vintage type of colour neon green. which suits with the type of masthead i want. i want my magazine to have a vintage type so i can capture the zeitgeist of how rap was in that period of time of the 90’s because i believe that the hip hop rap has generated and influence the rap that we have today. that's why i decided to call my magazine cover ‘Generation’ because it represent rap in our generation and how we were influenced by the 90’s.

the masthead on the magazine shows a very retro style and affect of it, this is because of the colours used, the blue sky and the neon green.

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anchorage text is used very well because of the image the rapper which is ‘Nelly’ they used this technique really well because the emphasised the rapper with his name and image

furthermore the main image is really well, giving the feeling that he’s the new kid on the block.

the cover lines that are in the magazine show what is more to come in the magazine. the cover lines also show a vintage effect to the magazine because of the colours use, but also in the colour it relates to the masthead because it contains the same colours (neon green)

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the main image is used really well as it creates an abstract connection or relationship with the audience. this is because some people may want to have a connection with the main image.

The lack of clothing, tattoos and heavy chain could suggest the rappers type of music which is very outgoing and laid back.