magazine inspiration

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Post on 23-Jan-2017




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By James TaggarMagazine Inspiration

Title Inspiration

As soon as I noticed the layout of the Dazed & Confused title, I knew that I wanted to mimic the same style. I really liked the individuality of the title as Dazed & Confused are the only magazine that has adjusted the tile in such a way that some of the fonts have been positioned in a vertical layout. This title is especially useful as my title is longer than the average titles such as Huck, Fader, NME and various others. The word positioning will allow my title to look sophisticated just as Dazed & Confused does.

I have used the same width of the Loud and Quiet font in my magazine (3.5cm), this is primarily due to my personal preference in addition to my magazine size.

Boarder InspirationI think that the use of the boarder that Loud and Quiet have used is very effective. I personally believe that the boarder makes the entire magazine cover look extremely professional and well crafted. I also especially like the use of the boarder as it minimises the intensity of the cover photo. With a boarder, the cover page isn't overwhelming as it would be if the cover photo reached the edges of the magazine like it does in other magazines such as Clash magazine. (As seen below) After completing my mock up I can see that my cover photo requires a boarder as without it, I feel that the image would be too visually overpowering and would look unattractive and poorly designed which is what I am aiming to avoid.

Dimension InspirationMy original design was to go for the Dazed and Confused magazine size of 23cm in width and 30cm in height. These dimensions seemed like the most appropriate until I considered a more so square magazine. After completing my mock-ups I was proven right to choose a magazine that was similar to Juxtapoz as it has an unusual shape that is closer to a square rather than a rectangle. I noticed when drawing the mock up for the magazine with the dimensions of Dazed and Confused that there was too much open space in the 2nd third of the magazine. I didnt like this. I considered filling the space with text however the cover background photo that I chose prevented me from doing so.

Dimension InspirationAfter creating my mock ups I realise that the Juxtapoz magazine dimension which is 26.6cm in length by 23cm in width are the most suited to my cover design. I have also used the same barcode dimensions which was is 1.45cm in length by 3.25cm in width.

Cover Star Inspiration

I have noticed a pattern of the cover stars that are featured within i-D magazine. All front page cover starts have one of their eyes closed or not visible (The models right eye is most commonly hidden) I have designed a similar feature within my magazine where on half of the cover models face is seen. I would use this design as a continuous pattern throughout all of my magazines covers as I find it very unique. The continuous pattern could also be what the audience recognises which would inevitably create a brand recognition for the magazine company. This is why I have decided to incorporate this element of the i-D magazine within my own magazine.


Contents Page Inspiration

I created three different mock ups that have been inspired by my favourite three music contents pages that relate to my genre. I condensed the sizing to the degree that I will be able alterations when creating the final draft for my magazine. The extent that I have done this by will allow me to possibly add further details. I have done this to be sure that my contents page designs will fit on the allocated size paper that I have chosen. This is my favourite of the three magazines as a whole. The general style is very visual and pleasant to read.DIY music magazine


Contents Page Inspiration

I like the use of the visual elements of this contents page, however I feel believe that it looks untidy. The reoccurring colours of the blue and the black make the magazine look professional and well structured. Initially I didnt consider using the models clothing to link with the colour scheme. If I am struggling to have a consistent colour scheme I may use this technique when creating my final magazineUnder The Radar music magazine

Contents Page Inspiration

After creating a mock up for this particular magazine, I soon realised that the layout is a lot more unappealing than I originally expected. I find this style of contents page uninteresting due to the lack of colour and the lack of images. On the other hand the simplistic style does contrast the busy cover page. Following this style would prevent the reader from becoming overwhelmed which would be the likely result if the same intensity of each page was consistent throughout the magazine. Loud and Quiet music magazine

Cover photo for this contents page

Double Page Spread Inspiration

Similar to my contents pages. I applied a similar principle when creating the drafts for my double page spreads. I really like the design of this double page spread especially the feature that adds rays of colour to the photo. I think this is affective and is a feature that I am most likely going to incorporate for my final magazine. I personally feel that using the rays of colour is a very intelligent way of having a consistent colour palette through the magazines main pages (Cover page; Contents page and the double page spread) This will apply to my designs especially as my cover includes a variety of colours just as the cover from this magazine did.DIY music magazine

Double Page Spread Inspiration

Loud and Quiet music magazineI have based a large proportions of my designs around features of the Loud and Quiet music magazines. I feel that amount of text on double page spread for this magazine is too much and many readers wont be interested. I want my magazine to focus more so on the visual elements therefore I wont include as much text as this magazine. If need be I will continue my article on another page in order to avoid a busy double page spread.

My Favourite Mock Up