magazine front covers


Upload: cormac-odriscoll

Post on 13-Jul-2015



News & Politics

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Page 1: Magazine front covers
Page 2: Magazine front covers

Main imagesThe two main images are of the main features of the magazine, the front men of blur and oasis. Bother the pictures are close ups this gives of the impression that the magazine gets up close and personal. The images are also right next to each other with a small yellow bordered line going around them and through the middle of them. This portrays them to be in the same box, the same type of music but not together this is highlighted with the VS in the star just below them showing them to be against each other. Damon Albarn (left, blur) in this picture has his eyes brows raised with his head away from the camera but his eyes towards it, he looks cheeky in this picture, it portrays him to be light hearted and not so serious. On the other Liam Gallagher (oasis) is wearing glasses, he has his collar up and doesn’t look happy. This shows him to be serious, and not very open he has the kind of moody look to him, you can also see 2 spotlights on the top of his glasses this could portray him as being good but not the best yet as their not in the middle.


The masthead on this magazine like every other addition of NME magazine is in sharp capital letters, this shows the magazine to be bold and to have some attitude. It is in a fixed place from issue to issue, along with its colour and font it stays the same this helps the magazine built an identity.

This is an addition of NME magazine in 1995. Main cover line

The main cover line is bang in the middle under the mast this shows the importance of it. Within it there is 2 boxers as the I’s this again highlights the rivalry against these 2 men and bands.

Page 3: Magazine front covers

Main imageThe main image here of Beth Ditto gossip’s lead singer is one with attitude. She’s standing there naked with a massive pairs of red lips on her ass. This shows Beth Ditto to be one that would stand out in a crowd, that she's not self-conscious of who she is or what she looks like. This picture represents the band perfectly as they well mainly she is know for her live performances for example stripping on stage.

Main cover lineWell as you can see the main cover line is Beth Ditto, the font is obscure and different, again representing Beth Ditto. There is also a main quote “kiss my ass” this is obviously the most effective quote that she said in her interview and it sells the magazine well.

MagazineThe rest of the magazine is very colourful and give a lot of information, the colour trend stays the same with red, white and yellow. There are many small images of other bands as a selling point as they are posters.

Page 4: Magazine front covers

This is very much like the oasis vs blur picture. It shows that these bands aren't liked, and with the white line sown the middle with a ripped effect shows that some one could have ripped it in half. The main headline “war on emo” is very bold and short with red outline and filled with white making it stand out but also sticking to the red colour like the title. “whose side are you on?” this is a direct question to the public, this may attract people to read on and form an opinion on it. The front page doesn’t offer much more else then this article about emo’s.