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In the news + What we’ve learnt this month + Body watch: the heart Healthspan clinic + Women’s health: decade by decade + Recession depression Healthy digestion ...the easy way experts’ choice The Their views on glucosamine The UK’s leading health & nutrition magazine May/Jun ’12 £1.50 Is protein the secret to healthy ageing? Be strong!

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In the news + What we’ve learnt this month + Body watch: the heartHealthspan clinic + Women’s health: decade by decade + Recession depression

Healthy digestion

...the easy wayexperts’experts’choice


Their views on glucosamine

The UK’s leading health & nutrition magazine May/Jun ’12 £1.50

Is protein the secret to healthy ageing?

Is protein the secret


Page 2: Magazine designs

There’s a helping hand for weight loss


Hot health topics & how they a� ect you

what we’ve learnt

No supplement can take the place

of eating healthily and exercising,

particularly when it comes to dieting,

but there are some great nutrients out

there which can give you a boost if

you’re trying to lose a few pounds. For

example CLA (Conjugated Linoleic

Acid) helps inhibit the transport

of fat from the blood to fat cells.

And a pioneering human study

found that a group of people taking

CLA lost up to 20% of their

body fat within three months!

Problem: Mackerel, herrings and sardines have a strong taste that some people find

unpleasant. But not eating oily fish means you miss out on omega 3 oils that ease

inflammation, boost the brain and improve cardiovascular health.

Solution: Try disguising salmon – a milder oily fish – in fish cakes or pie. Meaty fresh

tuna can also tickle the taste buds where other oily fish fails, especially served with

something robust like a sweet chilli marinade. Alternatively, take fish oil capsules (ideally

a minimum of 300mg combined EPA and DHA daily) – or

1tsp daily of a citrus-flavoured cod liver oil.

Vegetarians can get the EPA element

of omega 3 from flaxseeds or

flaxseed oil, rapeseed (canola)

oil, walnuts and leafy

green vegetables.

Disguise that fi shy tang!

…so you should stretch before and after-

wards just as you do at the gym. If you find

that all the bending and kneeling makes your

joints ache more than usual, try looking at

your diet to see if there are any changes you

can make to give your joints a healthy boost.

A healthy diet should provide calcium to

keep the bones strong and omega 3 essen-

tial fatty acids (found in oily fish) which are

thought to reduce the inflammation process

and subsequent joint damage. Glucosamine

and chondroitin also may help with

discomfort, while helping to keep joints

strong. A topical gel containing capsicum

and oil of wintergreen can help soothe

and may also contain n-acetyl

glucosamine. Natural anti-inflam-

matories include ginger, bromelain,

devil’s claw and MSM.

Try disguising salmon in fish cakes or pie

Try disguising salmon in fish cakes or pie

Something to smile about

Peppermint’s stomach-settling

effect makes it a popular

ingredient in those after-dinner

mints that often turn up with your

bill after a meal out. Unfortunately, few

of these sweet treats contain much peppermint oil.

You’re much better off missing out on the sugar

and trying a peppermint oil supplement or even

enjoying a soothing cup of peppermint tea.

Still not a fan of oily fi sh? Try taking a fi sh oil capsule instead.

Gardening is a form of exericse...

Something tosmile Something tosmile Something to


what we’ve learnt

Men! Focus on � ve a-daySometimes all the health messages available can

seem overwhelming. But there is one message that

remains constant – eat more fruit and vegetables.

The average person in the UK eats less than three

portions of fruit and vegetables a day, and if you think

you are one of them why not try some interesting

ways to up your daily intake? A scrummy breakfast

smoothie with handfuls of summer berries or

home-made ice-lollies with real fruit inside!

Still not a fan of oily fi sh? Try Still not a fan of oily fi sh? Try taking a fi sh oil capsule instead.

Urinary problems in men are common in middle

age. If you find you are passing water more often,

particularly at night, having difficulty getting

going or urgently need to go, then have a

check-up with your GP. It may mean your

prostate is enlarging and causing a blockage.

Zinc and the herb saw palmetto can help to

keep the prostate gland healthy.

Daily flossing can add an estimated 6.4 years to your

life, with research showing that people with inflamed

gums have a 23%-46% higher mortality rate. Gum

inflammation allows bacteria from the mouth to enter

the circulation which can trigger arterial disease increas-

ing the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

Useful supplements: CoQ10 helps to reverse

receding gums when combined with proper dental

hygiene. Pycnogenol strengthens small blood

vessels and can reduce gum bleeding.

Did you know?

2 Healthspan 3HealthspanMay 2012 May 2012

Page 3: Magazine designs

Joint healthBy Professor Adam Carey

It is now well recognised that people who engage in large amounts of high impact activities, such as running, can actually shorten the life of their joints. With levels of obesity on the increase, more and more of us are also suffering from joint damage and osteoarthritis. As a result, there is a greater demand for prescribed drugs despite their risks and side effects. However, there is a wide-range of nutritional supplements that may be taken as an alternative, or along with, traditional medication and as part of a long-term insurance policy to look after

our joints.

which supplement is right for you?

Professor Adam Carey spent 19 years in the NHS. He now regularly appears in the media, specialising in nutrition for performance.

DID YOU KNOW? For people with shellfish allergies, there is

Glucosamine Hydrochloride which is created

by fermenting corn - this is popular in the USA

and with vegans and it is also gluten-free (even

though it is made from corn).

“Bromelain is an extract from the pineapple plant...”

High impact activities can actually shorten the life of your joints...

Devil’s Claw is traditional herbal remedy known to relieve painful joints.

As we get older, joint health often becomes more of a concern. This is

becoming more important with the Government

now recommending that we increase our activity

levels. What can we do to protect our joints?

The big threeglucosamine, chondroitin and MSM are probably the most widely used supplements that may help to reduce joint pain and are often used in combination. glucosamine is an amino-sugar, which is one of the main building blocks of cartilage. Chondroitin also plays a structural role in cartilage, providing resistance to the compression caused by joint movement. MSM provides a rich source of sulphur molecules that are required in the formation of connective tissues. Using a product containing these building blocks does not directly reduce inflammation, but appears to improve the structure of the joint and surrounding tissues. By maintaining the joint, in some cases, this improves the pain-free range of movement in the affected area. the tolerability of using these

supplements is good and no significant adverse effects have been noted. this means they can be used long term, which has been shown to increase the thickness of the articular surface of the joint, helping the body repair and protect itself.

Tropical support Bromelain is an extract from the stem of the pineapple plant and contains numerous anti-inflammatory chemicals and has been used all over the world for its action. Bromelain reduces the inflammatory response, alleviating pressure within the joint and allowing

a more efficient pain-free range of movement. Bromelain is commonly used with other plant extracted enzymes that reduce inflammation with increased therapeutic effects

and without reported side effects.

Herbal helpdevil’s claw, or wood

spider, is a plant native to South Africa that has been taken as a tea to manage inflammatory disorders for many years and is now recognised as an herbal medication in the european Pharmacopoeia. A recent review reported

a decrease in pain from either osteoarthritis or the lower back

in ten of 11 of the studies. the main anti-inflammatory

agent is thought to be the chemical ‘harpagoside’, which helps to stop the conversation of the fatty acid, arachidonic acid, into pro-inflammatory messengers. Although often very

effective, devil’s claw, like all medications has some

potential side effects. It has a bitter taste and interferes with

some medications like Warfarin and can aggravate conditions where there is an excess of stomach acid.

Best of Britishlong valued for its high vitamin C content, the anti-inflammatory action of rose hip has often been overlooked although studies show it may help reduce the movement of inflammatory markers into an inflamed site. the vitamin C content may also have an anti-inflammatory action. In combination,

8 Healthspan 9HealthspanJuly 2012 July 2012

Page 4: Magazine designs

“Stress makes your hair turn gray”

3.The Old

Wives’ Tale

“Chew on some


2.The GP

When your bowels work properly, it’s easy to take them for granted. We look at three suggestions of what to do when they’re not moving as they should…3

Constipationof a kind

This is now more than anecdotal

evidence from ‘back in the day’;

science has since learned that

liquorice is indeed a natural laxative.

It stimulates peristaltic action

in much the same manner as

prescription laxatives which

encourage the easy passage of

food through the digestive tract by

creating muscular contractions.

Dr Sarah Brewer: Constipation often relates to poor fibre intake, poor fluid intake and lack of exercise. A wholefood diet can help, as whole grain cereals, salads, nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables supply fibre. Prunes are especially helpful when soaked in water or cold tea overnight and eaten for breakfast. Serve with natural bio yoghurt as probiotics help to improve digestion. Some probiotic bacteria have been shown to improve bowel transit time and reduce bloating when taken twice a day. Natural bulking agents (e.g. psyllium husks) can also help but

must be taken with plenty of water. Laxatives such as lactulose (which draws fluid into the bowels) or senna (which stimulates bowel contraction) may be suggested for short term use but it is important not to become reliant on them. Always tell your doctor about any persistent change in bowel habit.

1.The Nutritionist Henrietta Norton: Constipation has many causes but the most common is hardened stools. Natural foods stay soft in the digestive tract because they contain fibre that absorbs water and expands. Fresh fruit and vegetables naturally contain a lot of water whereas dried fruits such as prunes and figs contain concentrated amounts of fibre. Whole grains such as brown rice and oats will provide soft, moist bulk for the digestive system. Foods such as meats, cheese, refined grains and wheat can all create a clogging effect in the digestive tract so eat these in moderation if you are prone to constipation. A combination of particular fibres, such as psyllium husks and oat fibre, act as sponges clinging to and removing the hardened debris. Vitamin C and prebiotics can create softness within the stools. Eating plenty of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, chewing well, as well as drinking plenty of water during the day are essential in maintaining healthy bowel movements.





OBy Vivienne Coleman

Our joints put up with a great deal

9HealthspanNovember 2011

joints as young as you

How to keep your

Ensure that your joints are healthy enough to keep up with you.

Vivienne Coleman

is a qualified osteopath with

The Arthritic Assocation.

ur joints put up with a great deal during our lives. Many of them are still adapting from the days when we walked on all fours. However

there are ways to ensure we look after them and so get the very best from them for as long as possible.

Make joint health a priorityIt’s amazing that we consider it par for the course to have our cars serviced twice a year and yet we expect our bodies to put up with everything we put them through without too much care and attention.

One of the ways we can reduce the likelihood of joint problems is by having a check-up with a qualified physical therapist every six months or so. For example, if you have ever been in an accident or had a fall, you may be holding yourself incorrectly to compensate. This can result in an imbalance in your body that would not show up in an X-ray.

Finding a good physical therapist can protect your joints from long-term damage. Choosing the right therapist is particularly important if you already have joint problems, such as arthritis, so look for a qualified osteopath or sports physiotherapist or a McTimoney practitioner.

Daily careOn a day-to-day basis, practise yoga, Pilates or t’ai chi. Keep

flexible by stretching gently for a few minutes each day and ensuring that your posture is good. Think about this when sitting and walking: it trains the muscles and ligaments into the ‘right’ position.

Walking is always good. Make it brisk, swinging your arms to get that heart-rate up, and do it for about 20 minutes a day. Swimming is a great way to exercise the joints while keeping the weight off them – ideal for those carrying a few more pounds than they should!

As with so many things, moderation is key. Don’t over-exercise, since that will damage the joints. If you were very sporty when young, you do run the risk of having osteoarthritis problems later in life.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet that is high in antioxidants (fruit and veg) and omega 3 (oily fish). Limit your intake of red meat as there are now preliminary studies showing that there is a link with arthritis. Get out in the fresh air and sunlight, since this increases your vitamin D. levels.

Above all, enjoy your life. Find as many reasons to laugh as possible for there is now some evidence that laughter will improve your health.

8 Healthspan 9HealthspanNovember 2011 November 2011

Page 5: Magazine designs


yourself beautifulThroughout the ages, women have sought a variety

of ways to accentuate their beauty and retain it into

old age. Cleopatra bathed in Dead Sea mineral mud

and asses’ milk, while the fashionista in Ancient Rome

used lead salts to whiten their complexion. But beauty

is more than just skin-deep: good nutrition is one of

the biggest-kept beauty secrets for staving off wrinkles

and maintaining youthfulness.

Eatby Dr Sarah brewer

MultivitaiMins: a multivitamin and mineral acts as a nutritional safety net that helps safeguard against common deficiencies such as b vitamins, iron and zinc, which can affect skin quality. alternatively, choose a supplement especially formulated for hair, skin and nail health.

OptiFive: Provides a blend of antioxidants from six vegetables and seven fruits – ideal for those who don’t get their five servings per day.

CO-enzyMe Q10: Vital for oxygen uptake in cells, levels start to decrease over the age of 20 years. Lack of CoQ10 means that cells do not receive all the energy they need and are more likely to age.

OMega 3: Moisturises and improves circulation and also has anti-inflammatory actions, that all help to keep skin healthy.

vitaMin C: essential for collagen formation and healthy skin, hair and nails.

seleniuM: This powerful antioxidant can reduce the number of skin cells that die following exposure to ultraviolet light by up to 90%.

lyCOpene: This tomato carotenoid also protects your skin from the ageing effects of UV light.

MsM: an organic form of sulphur needed for healthy collagen formation. It helps to keep skin youthful by reducing abnormal cross linkages that contribute to wrinkles. also helps to maintain healthy hair and nails.

Red vine leaF: Contains antioxidants that strengthen small blood vessels (circulation) in the skin so fluid can’t leak into the tissues so easily. helps to reduce swelling and heaviness associated with varicose veins.

evening pRiMROse Oil: Provides GLa (gammalinolenic acid), an essential fatty acid that moisturises skin, reducing dryness and itching. also strengthens nails and improves hair glossiness – you will start to notice an improvement within three months. n

• buy products that are as fresh as possible and use within a day – don’t store for too long or their nutrient content decreases. • Organic fruit and vegetables tend to provide more concentrated nutrients. • eat at least two servings of fresh fruit per day . • eat at least three servings of raw or lightly steamed vegetables per day (not counting potatoes). • eat a large salad per day, including as wide a variety of raw plants as possible, e.g. fennel, chicory, mixed baby lettuce leaves, watercress, spinach, grated carrot, peas, tomato, cucumber, sweetcorn, grated beetroot, grated broccoli, nuts, seeds etc. • aim for colour on your plate – mix dark green, orange, yellow and red vegetables as much as possible. • eat vegetables or fruits raw or only lightly steamed (where appropriate) to maximise their antioxidant content. • Use the water from steaming vegetables for making soups and gravies. • Try making liquidised soups from raw vegetables and just warming through before serving (e.g. gazpacho).

Hair, nails and skin are often the first parts of your body to show signs of nutritional deficiency. The rate at which new skin and hair cells are produced is second only to the speed at which you make new blood cells in your bone marrow. Skin and hair follicles therefore need a constant supply of nutrients for optimum health.

As well as nutrients, delicate dividing cells need protection in the form of antioxidants

- the closest thing we currently have to an elixir of life that slows the ageing process. Antioxidants help to neutralise the free radical damage that triggers age spots, loss of skin elasticity, wrinkles and thinning hair. Researchers have found that they can reduce skin roughness and improve skin tone, clarity and radiance while reducing fine wrinkles and overall aged appearance.

avOCadO: which supplies antioxidant vitamins C, e and carotenoids, as well as moisturising mono-unsaturated fat which promotes plump, youthful skin.

BeetROOt: as it contains antioxidants that increase the ability of skin cells to absorb revitalising oxygen. also a good source of silicon which strengthens hair and nails.

BeRRies: which are excellent sources of vitamin C and bioflavonoids that improve collagen formation and help keep skin supple.

BRazil nuts: which are the richest dietary source of antioxidant selenium. as well as protecting the skin from sun-ageing and reducing the formation of age spots, selenium is important for hair and nails.

CaRROts: the carotenoids of which are concentrated in the skin for an antioxidant boost. excess turns skin orange but this fades and is considered harmless. Carrots are also a good source of silicon which strengthens skin, hair and nails.

Fish: are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids which reduce skin dryness, improve elasticity, strengthen nails and add a glossy sheen to hair.

gaRliC and OniOns: provide sulphur compounds that reduce free radicals and are secreted onto the skin via sweat glands. (Chew parsley to mask the less-than-beautiful odour, or take enteric-coated supplements)

gRapes: contain at least 20 different antioxidants that strengthen skin capillaries and help to reduce skin sagging. Select red and black grapes for the greatest protection.

MaCadaMia nuts: which are a richer source of moisturising mono-unsaturated fats than olive oil and a good source of vitamin e and protein.

sOy Beans: as their isoflavones provide a mild oestrogen boost for menopausal skin, maintaining suppleness to combat dryness and wrinkles. available as beans, tofu, miso, tempeh, soy milk and supplements.

tea: especially green and white teas – are so full of anti-ageing flavonoid antioxidants that extracts are now being added to cosmetics to improve skin youthfulness.

Some of The BeST BEAUTY foods ARe:



w w w. h e A lT h S pA N . C o . U k 3736 f R e e p o S TA G e A N D pA C k I N G

Page 6: Magazine designs

Antioxidants can seem a confusing topic. Here, Professor Carey takes an in-depth look at how they work and why they are good for us...

By Professor Adam Carey

The evidence for antioxidants

he price that we pay for life is that our bodies slowly die. This isn’t some deep philosophical

reflection but a simple biological fact – the very processes that keep us alive also generate toxic chemicals that can damage and eventually destroy the body’s cells.

One of the most important of these processes is a chemical reaction involving oxygen called oxidation. This is common throughout nature, causing iron to rust, for example, or butter to go rancid. In humans, oxidation is an essential part of normal metabolism, whereby nutrients

are broken down to be used by the body for energy, growth and repair.

But oxidation also leads to degeneration and ageing. During oxidation, positively and negatively charged particles are formed, known as ‘free radicals’. Within cells, free radicals break down other chemicals such as fats and proteins.

Repairing the damage...This damage doesn’t go unchecked. Chemicals which have an antioxidant effect, prevent oxidation or ‘mop up’ free radicals. Although the body produces its own supply of antioxidants, levels

drop as we age. In addition, environmental factors can increase oxidation, so speeding ageing.

Fortunately many foods contain antioxidants and it is easy to take in more simply by improving our diet.

The ACE vitamins...Perhaps the best known antioxidants are vitamins and minerals, in particular vitamin A, C, and E. A group of chemicals called carotenoids – found in red, orange and yellow vegetables and fruit - are especially important.

Flavonoids are another important group of antioxidants. Red wine is

TProfessor Adam Carey spent 19 years in the NHS, specialising in nutrition.


lity sp


27HealthspanMarch 2011

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28 freephone 0800 73 123 77 29

The differences in performance across the ages confirm that, as suspected, some of the age-related inability to think straight is self-inflicted. Some researchers even believe that following a healthy diet and lifestyle may prevent half of all cases of dementia.

The original IQ data was collected by the Scottish Council for Research in Education in both 1932 and 1947. The ledgers, recorded

in beautiful copperplate handwriting, lay mouldering in a basement, wrapped in brown paper and tied with string, until rediscovered by Lawrence Whalley, Professor of Mental Health, University of Aberdeen; he was acting on a tip from Ian Deary, Professor of Differential Psychology at the University of Edinburgh, who found a lucky reference to the forgotten study in an obscure book.

The Scottish Mental Survey tested every 11-year-old in Scotland, obtaining data on 89,498 children in 1932 and 70,805 children in 1947. The motivation at the time was a concern that the IQ of the nation was declining.

This extraordinary data now provides a way of studying the effects of aging on thought processes and understanding – something psychologists refer to as cognitive ability.

IQ data ina time capsuleThe discovery of lost IQ data from school children in the 1930s and 1940s has provided a unique insight into the relationship between lifestyle, ageing and cognitive decline. This research is especially significant as it offers a way of comparing the early mental ability of some of the original participants with their cognitive function today, more than sixty years on.

Dr sarah Brewer M E M O R Y


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A D V A N C E D S K I N N U T R I T I O N A N T I - A G E I N G S K I N C A R E

JULY 2011


Banish blemishes



*when you spend £17



NurtureNurturefor flawless summer skin

Have you tried our NEW


Page 9: Magazine designs


Alice HArt DAvis. An award-winning

beauty journalist writing for The Times, Red

and The Daily Mail. She has written a book

called ‘Be Beautiful: every girl’s guide to

hair, skin and make-up’.

Dr DAviD DjerAssi. Currently the Wellness

and Nutricosmetic Director for LycoRed Corp.

He has a Masters degree in Pharmaceutical

Chemistry and an MBA in Marketing. He has

been awarded a number of patents in the

Health and Beauty field and published

numerous scientific papers on vitamins,

amino acids and antioxidants.

Dr sArAH Brewer. Qualified from

Cambridge University. Having worked as a

GP and hospital doctor, she now specialises

in nutritional medicine and is a medical

consultant to Healthspan.

We take our environmental responsibilities seriously, therefore this magazine has been printed on paper sourced from well-managed forests. Nurture is a Registered Trademark of Healthspan Limited. All rights reserved.

Every effort has been made to locate the copyright holders for the images used within this publication. However, if we have missed anyone, please email: [email protected]

4 Incidental sun damage

5 Introducing nurture protect

6 Skin protection solutions

8 Feed back what time takes away

10 Head to toe solutions

12 Free trial offer

This month’s experts


nurture skincare

Welcome to your complementary issue of ‘Nurture’, dedicated to bringing you the latest skincare news and advice from Healthspan.

If you haven’t discovered nurture skincare before, now is the time as we’ve recently gone through a ‘make-over’ with some stylish new packaging and exciting new products!

In this magazine we’re delighted to launch our newest range – nurture protect. All products in this range are free from fragrances, colours and artificial preservatives, as well as being hypoallergenic so suitable for sensitive skin. Read all about them on page 6.

I also want to take this opportunity to remind you about our unique award-winning nurture replenish range. This is the only range in the UK which helps to feed back essential levels

of oestrogen which decline during and after the menopause. I hope you enjoy reading this issue and join the thousands of women who have

already discovered the ‘nurture’ difference. Take advantage of our introductory offer today - spend just £10 and we’ll give you our new protect day cream FREE.






Jill Chadwick

FREEnurture protect day cream - worth £9.95

“Protect today for beautiful skin tomorrow”Did you know that 90% of skin ageing is the result of UV exposure?

Introducing our NEW skin protection solutions and expert advice overleaf...

P.S. Don’t forget to check out our new website

Page 10: Magazine designs



skin exposure speciallet the sunshine in

It has been well established that sun exposure, imbalanced nutrition and smoking are responsible for 90% of skin ageing.

Carotenoid and polythenol antioxidants are among the key ingredients incorporated in beauty supplements to boost the skin’s own defence system. Lycopene is a carotenoid whose photo-protective benefits have been demonstrated thoroughly and proven in numerous studies. In 2009 a study over a 10 week period found that a daily intake of natural lycopene showed a three-fold reduction in the formation of sun burn cells compared to a placebo.

At LycoRed we have taken this one step further, taking our unique high strength lycopene and combining with lutein and rosemary extract. The results created synergy; the formation of sunburn cells was further reduced as compared to using Lycopene alone. This is amongst the only combination of ingestible nutrients which are proven to offer skin protective properties from within.”

Dr David Djerassi is from LycoRed Corp, an

innovative nutricosmetics company who have

made significant investments clinically trialling

and proving the benefits of ingestible nutrients

for use in skin supplements.


“New clinical evidence for sun supplements”

combining science and nature for effective anti-ageing

See overleaf for details.

Incidental sun damage

We all know that UV rays are damaging to the health of our skin. In fact, they are the No.1 cause of premature ageing.

In this special edition we have asked two skin and beauty experts to share their words of wisdom about how best to protect your skin.

I t’s the sun-damage that you don’t even know is happening, the slow, stealthy assault on your skin that adds up over the years

and results in rough skin texture, wrinkles and age spots. “Incidental” exposure to ultra-violet light is part of everyday life. It’s the rays that you pick up on a day-to-day basis, walking the dog or going to the shops.

When the weather is cool or dull, the ‘burning’ UVB rays aren’t a worry, but the ‘ageing’ UVA rays still are. These are present in daylight all year round, and pass through glass, so still reach you in the car, or at a window-side

desk. Their effects might seem slight, but they add up over the years.

There are no handy statistics to show the effects of incidental, everyday exposure, but if you ask a skincare professional, they’ll tell you that it is the biggest contributing factor in the skin-ageing equation. After all, what proportion of your time do you spend basking by a pool, or playing golf in full sun? It’s during the rest of your life that the damage is done.

But knowledge is power. Choose a skincare product with both UVA and UVB protection and wear it every day, whatever the weather. For backup, protect your skin from the inside, by eating colourful, antioxidant-rich foods and taking a high-strength antioxidant beauty supplement. That way you’re covered. And talking of cover, you could always add a hat...”

Alice Hart Davis is an award-winning

beauty journalist. She tells us how it’s not

just the sun worshippers that need to worry

about UV exposure...



Introducing nurture protectAn innovation in skincare to help defend against the many external influences that can accelerate the ageing process of skin. Following nurture’s inner health and outer beauty philosophy, the range comprises of both nutritional supplements and moisturisers which not only help prevent premature ageing, but also contain the latest in anti-ageing active ingredients to help reverse the existing signs of damage.

The entire range:

• Contains clinically proven active ingredients such as biomimetic tetrapeptide ChroNolineTM to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

• Also contains natural plant extracts such as edelweiss extract to help protect against free radical damage.

• Is hypoallergenic so suitable for even the most sensitive of skin.

• Is FREE from fragrance, colours and artificial preservatives.

Page 11: Magazine designs

freephone orderline 0800 072 95102 3

let skin sparklethis Christmas

A sens itivesoul

For women with sensitive skin, the most important factor would be finding a product which suits their skin. This is a widespread issue,

with 53% of women believing that they have sensitive skin.

If you apply a skin product and you feel that you have had a reaction, there is no initial cause for alarm. The CTPA (Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association) explain

the difference between an irritant and an allergic reaction, so that you know what to look out for once you have conducted a patch test.

‘Irritant reactions are the most common adverse reaction and should not be confused with allergic reactions. An irritant type of reaction occurs rapidly following the use of a product and does not involve the immune system. Redness of the skin, sometimes with

an itch, is characteristic of an irritant effect. This clears up rapidly after ceasing to use the product that is causing the problem.

Allergic reactions are more excessive reactions by our bodies to substances in our environment that are harmless to the majority. A person who is allergic to a substance may be sensitised to it for the rest of their life yet most people would never become allergic to that same substance.’

There are many different factors that women take into account

when choosing a skincare product. This could, for example be the price, what the benefits are or what age range it is aimed at.

Splash your face with warm water. This will help to open pores.

Use a toner. This will help to restore your skin’s normal pH level as well as refreshing the skin and help skin

to maintain elasticity.

Place a small amount of cleanser onto your finger tips and massage gently into

your face and neck in circular motions. Do this for around one minute.

Remove the cleanser with warm water, a muslin cloth or cotton wool pads,

making sure all traces have been removed. Splash your face with cold

water. This will help to close your pores.

4 steps to thoroughly cleansed skinIn order for your skin to sparkle this Christmas you must first cleanse and tone to remove all the debris that your skin may have picked up during the day. Here are four steps on how to achieve thoroughly cleansed skin.

replenish facial wash

This luxuriously creamy foaming facial wash contains nourishing borage oil, one of nature’s richest known sources of the essential fatty acid GLA and natural moisturising oils. It helps skin to retain moisture, therefore reducing the prominence of fine lines which appear due to a lack of moisture.

£6.45 75ml tube

1 3


protect gentle toner

A gentle facial tonic with a specially formulated blend of active ingredients to help tone, refresh and remove the last traces of make-up. It helps to ensure skin is not stripped of its moisture balance and pro-vitamin B5 helps maintain skin elasticity. This mild tonic is especially gentle on irritable skin.

£4.45 200ml bottle

Or SAVE £1 by buying cleanser

and toner together £7.90

protect soothing cream cleanser

A fragrance-free calming cream cleanser to remove dirt and make-up gently and thoroughly without causing irritation or drying the skin. Leaves skin clean, soft and hydrated with pro-vitamin B5. Can be rinsed off with water or using a dry cotton wool pad.

£4.45 200ml bottle

Page 12: Magazine designs


LesLie Baumann. Head of the Baumann

Cosmetic & Research Institute and former

Professor of Dermatology at The University

of Miami.

Dr sarah Brewer. Qualified from

Cambridge University. Having worked as a GP

and hospital doctor, she now specialises in

nutritional medicine. She has also written

numerous books, is a freelance writer

for national newspapers and frequently

lectures on the topics of supplements

and women’s health.

Jo CarLowe. Qualified from Manchester

University with a degree in Psychology, she has

12 years experience as a journalist and editor.

She writes features and news for national

newspapers, consumer magazines, websites

and professional journals.

JuLia hart. A leading holistic skin therapist

who combines high tech treatments and

skincare with an in depth knowledge of nutrition.

With 15 years of experience in the beauty

industry she believes in a preventative

approach to anti-ageing.

We take our environmental responsibilities seriously, therefore this magazine has been printed on paper sourced from well-managed forests. Nurture is a Registered Trademark of Healthspan Limited. All rights reserved.

4 Our two step skin nutrition programmes explained

6 Serums to supercharge your skin

8 Pamper your skin to perfection

10 Five top tips for healthy skin

12 Banish blemishes for flawless summer skin

14 Dear nurture

15 Discontinued products – catch them while you can

16 Protect your skin this summer

This month’s

new younew look for a

Welcome to your July issue of nurture. We’ve had a great response from you so far on the new look of our range.

Thank you for all your feedback, if you haven’t yet seen them for yourself take advantage this month with £2 off your order.

It doesn’t take an A level in psychology to know that being chilled out and getting enough rest leads to a longer life and a happier lifestyle. Personally sleep is something I struggle with – but thanks to some good genes – thanks mum – and discovering some amazing nurture products, I seem to get away with it!

I am a great believer too, that what you put inside your body reflects on the outer shell, so hand on heart, my diet has got better as I have

got older, and thanks to our new nurture protect range my skin is looking better than it has in decades!

The range is proving an amazing hit with you, and no wonder! It caters for all ages and skin types, it’s hypoallergenic, uses the finest Swiss premium ingredients and is a great weapon against environmental

damage which can be so ageing. Enjoy the sunshine – invest in our lovely sun friendly products– and most important of all,

make some time for you!

P.S. Don’t forget to check out our new website





Jill Chadwick

“Have you tried NEW nurture protect yet?”

Combining science and nature for

effective anti-ageing skincare.

All products;




even the most sensitive of skin


and artificial preservatives.

Page 13: Magazine designs

Feed back what time takes away...

freephone orderline 0800 072 95108 9

replenish day cream SPF15 replenish night cream



a unique programme just for younatural oestrogen replacement

...with nurture replenish. A unique 2 step skincare range which contains phytoestrogens to help feed skin with all that is lost during and after the menopause.

Containing phytoestrogens of red clover and soy bean extract this rich night cream helps to stimulate skin metabolism, encouraging newer, younger cells to replace dead surface cells resulting in a brighter, healthier complexion. Vitamin E and squalene help ensure that you wake up to fully hydrated skin.

This luxuriously rich award winning day cream contains phytoestrogens to help restore skin’s density. Also containing nourishing ceramides and pro-vitamin B5 to help improve long-term moisturisation. Antioxidant vitamin E plus UVA and UVB filters help protect skin from environmental damage.

£9.95 50ml jar

Designed specifically for more mature skin, these day and night skin supplements feed your skin from within with essential nutrients. The day tablets contain phytoestrogens of soy bean extract which help to restore skin’s density, making skin smoother, thus decreasing the appearance of fine lines and

wrinkles. To help your skin to retain moisture overnight the night time capsule contains omega 3 fish and borage oils. They also help protect against premature ageing by containing powerful antioxidants vitamin E and lycopene.

replenish skin nourishment supplement1 £10.95 one months supply

Nurture replenish is a unique skin care programme which has been specifically developed to help women who have already

transitioned through, or are going through the menopause. Each of our replenish products contain phytoestrogens, natural plant oestrogens which mimic the body’s natural oestrogen levels.

Oestrogen is vital for the production of collagen, the protein building block of your skin. As oestrogen levels fall it has an effect throughout the body. Dr Sarah Brewer, co-author of ‘Menopause for Dummies’ says that oestrogen levels “boost production of collagen protein and promote skin thickness. As oestrogen levels fall, skin becomes thinner, perhaps with dryness, itching, slackness and

wrinkling. These effects are hastened by the damaging effects of sunlight.”

From your mid-thirties, collagen levels begin to decrease at a rate of 1.5% a year and as collagen is the major structural protein of the skin accounting for 75% of it’s composition it is important to feed back what time takes away. Nurture replenish helps to do just that.

replenish lip and eye contour serum

With nourishing shea butter and soothing pro-vitamin B5 to help improve long term moisturisation, reduce inflammation and puffiness around the eye area.

£8.95 15ml tube

replenish collagen boosting serum

Winner of ‘The Best Miracle Cream’ in Jo Fairley’s Beauty Bible ‘Beauty Steals’ awards. This serum contains advanced phytoestrogens to help restore skin’s density, thereby making it appear smoother, so wrinkles appear reduced. Plus a blend of patented ingredients (Ronacare™ and Matryxl™) to help both stimulate collagen synthesis and reduce existing collagen degradation.

£9.95 30ml pump

replenish hand cream SPF15

Your hands can be one of the most obvious areas to show your age. Help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots with this rich, intensive cream. To protect your hands from sun damage UVA and UVB filters have been added. Also with skin whitening agent, Tyrostat™, which helps to reduce the appearance of existing pigmentation.

£5.95 75ml tube

replenish facial wash

A luxuriously creamy foaming facial wash with nourishing borage oil to help skin retain moisture, therefore reducing the prominence of fine lines which appear due to lack of moisture.

£6.45 75ml tube

replenish intensive pigmentation reducing complex*

A highly effective night treatment to help reduce the appearance of age spots and pigmentation patches on hands, face or body. With highly effective skin brightening agents kojic dipalmitate and retinol which work together to help fight age spots, fine lines, wrinkles, visible sun damage and other signs of ageing.

£13.45 30ml tube


£9.95 50ml jar

Natural phytoestrogen replenishment for during and after the menopause

Because we care about the environment, following nurture’s makeover, for a short time only you may recieve these products in their original packaging. However they are the same great quality product inside.

*PRECAUTION – Please read the label carefully, retinol (vitamin A) is a highly effective ingredient and may not be suitable for all skin types. We always recommend you try a patch test for 24 hours before full application.

Page 14: Magazine designs


summer skincare tipsthe expert’s advice

5 top tips for healthy skin

Julia Hart is a leading holistic therapist who

combines high tech treatments and skincare

with an in-depth knowledge of nutrition.


We asked Julia to share with us her top five tips to promote healthy skin and improve overall wellbeing.

Wear an SPF every day of the year, make it easy and ensure your day cream contains sun protection and

that way you won’t forget!

daily face protector SPF30

As UV damage is the biggest cause of premature ageing, it is vital that you protect your skin with an SPF moisturiser. This light refreshing cream is specially formulated for the face to give high factor protection from both UVA rays (responsible for premature skin ageing) and UVB rays (responsible for sunburn). With AquaCacteen (aloe vera) to help keep skin supple, protected and perfectly hydrated throughout the day.

£6.45 50ml tube

I always recommend taking regular exercise which gives skin a lovely radiance and increases blood flow

bringing nutrients and hydration to the skin.

Try a stretching yoga move - stand with legs hip width apart and slowly bend your head towards your knees until you reach your limit, then push your hands behind your back and join hands – move your arms upwards as far as they go. Count to twenty then release.

Support your skin from the inside by taking a skin specific vitamin supplement. Look out

for antioxidants to help protect your skin from free radical attack, omega 3 fish oils to help cell repair and hyaluronic acid to help with skin hydration.

replenish day-night skin nutrition supplement

Feed your skin from within with these unique skin supplements which help give your skin 24 hour protection with a day time tablet and night time capsule. The day time tablet contains phytoestrogens of soy bean extract to help restore skin’s density. Along with hyaluronic acid they also help to stimulate skin metabolism, encouraging newer, younger cells to replace dead surface cells resulting in a brighter, healthier complexion.

Night repair capsules contain high strength antioxidants lycopene and vitamin E. They also contain omega 3 fish and borage oils, which if taken in the day would be used as energy for the body, but when taken at night can help skin retain moisture.

£10.95 (one month’s supply)

Drinking plenty of fluids is essential for healthy skin, if you get bored of plain water try fresh juices, green tea or squeeze lemon and lime

into sparkling water as an alternative.

A good tip that facial therapists always do is to double cleanse at night, the first cleanse removes make-up and grime, the second cleanse will ensure skin is super clean

and ready for your serum and moisturiser.

protect soothing cream cleanser

This calming cream cleanser removes dirt and make-up gently and thoroughly without causing irritation or drying the skin. It helps to leave skin clean, soft and hydrated with pro-vitamin B5, it also helps to lock moisture in the skin.

£4.45 200ml bottle

protect gentle toner

A gentle facial tonic with a specially formulated blend of active ingredients to help tone, refresh and remove last traces of make-up. It helps to ensure that skin is not stripped of its moisture balance. Pro-vitamin B5 has been added to help skin maintain elasticity. This mild tonic is especially gentle on irritable skin and helps to refresh the cleansed skin particularly gently without causing any irritation.

£4.45 200ml bottle

replenish facial wash

Contains nourishing borage oil, one of nature’s richest known sources of the essential fatty acid GLA and natural moisturising oils. It helps skin retain moisture, therefore reducing the prominence of fine lines which appear due to a lack of moisture. Antioxidant vitamin E helps skin’s renewal function whilst also protecting it from environmental damage.

£6.45 75ml tube


2 4



Page 15: Magazine designs

Sun damage is the biggest cause of premature skin ageing; protect

your skin this summer with nurture’s daily face protector.

Conforms to Boots 5-star skin protection rating: high factor

sun protection against both UVA and UVB rays

Non-greasy, water-resistant formula

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Protect your skin this


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£6.45 50ml tube


es e






Page 16: Magazine designs



Co-enzyme Q10 and Selenium: perfect partners for heart health?A daily dose of co-enzyme Q10 and selenium could, in combination, have a dramatic impact on the health of our hearts, according to a new study.

Latest research published in the International Journal of Cardiology shows that this supplement combination could be a cheaper and more natural way to boost cardiovascular health.

Scientists have been studying a group of men and women aged between 70 and 88. They were given 200mg of co-enzyme Q10 and a single 200mcg selenium tablet, or a placebo, daily, over a two-year period.

The study showed that those who took the supplements were less likely to be affected by heart disease than the group who took the placebo. They also had a significantly better cardiac function score and performed better in tests that showed how well

their hearts worked when under stress.

What are Selenium and Co-enzyme Q10?Selenium is arguably the most important trace element in our diet. It provides protection against a number of health problems and is especially important for immunity. Although dietary sources of selenium should always come first, the lack of it in our food is a growing cause for concern.

CoQ10 is an essential nutrient that occurs naturally in our bodies. It’s found in our cells and is responsible for giving us energy. Most of the coQ10 supply in our body is found

in the energy-intensive cells closest to the heart, giving it the name ‘The Energy Spark Plug’. However, just as a battery can run out of energy, so too can our cells and as we get older the amount of coQ10 our bodies naturally produce starts to run low.

Turn to page 2 to read more about the importance of coQ10 for statins users...


Page 17: Magazine designs

One of the reasons this is thought to happen is because statins reduce the body’s ability to produce co-enzyme Q10. In fact, studies suggest that 20mg of simvastatin reduced levels of co-enzyme Q10 by 42.9% over a period of three months.

Many experts now recommend taking a co-enzyme Q10 supple-ment alongside statins medication. Nutritionist Angela Dowden says:

“Not only do statins deplete levels of co-enzyme Q10, we also naturally produce lower amounts as we get older. Taken together, these factors mean there’s a special case for supplementation in the over 50s.”

So what should you look for when choosing a co-enzyme Q10 supplement? Angela explains, “If you’re taking a co-enzyme Q10 supplement, the most bioavailable form is known as ubiquinol. With other co-enzyme Q10 supplements, your body has to convert them into this pure ubiquinol form which, while still beneficial, happens less efficiently as we age.”

More than a million prescriptions for statins are written each week. Used to reduce cholesterol levels, they make up nearly a fifth of all prescriptions for heart conditions. Now researchers are saying that around a fifth of those taking the medication said they had less energy compared to those who didn’t.

Statins can leave you exhausted

Shockingly few reach 5-a-dayJust 22 per cent of people manage to eat the recommended ‘five a day’ portions of fruit and vegetables, research suggests.

The Department of Health first encouraged people to hit the healthy-eating target in 2003 but the World Cancer Research Fund said their 2012 study of more than 2,000 adults revealed this was too challenging for many.

More worryingly, even when we do reach recommended targets, evidence shows during the last half century, vegetables have lost an average:

• 49%oftheir sodium content• 46%oftheircalciumcontent• 27%oftheirironcontent• 24%oftheirmagnesiumcontent• 16%oftheirpotassiumcontent

• 76%oftheircoppercontent

Registered nutritionist Henrietta Norton explains: “There are many within the natural health industry who claim that we simply cannot reach the necessary levels of micronutrients we need with a modern diet of 2,000 calories per day, regardless of how healthy that diet may be. The US Food and Drug Administration already recommends a multivitamin for all American adults, perhaps the UK will not be far behind?”

Lutein may protect your eyes from damaging oxidative stress and therefore reduce the risk of cataracts, says a new study published in Molecular Vision.

This study adds to an ever-growing body of science supporting the role of lutein for eye health, with the majority supporting its role in protecting against age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in the over 55s. Dr Sarah Brewer says, “Antioxidants, such as lutein, protect the eye against the damaging effects of light, which generates harmful free radicals when it strikes the retina.”

Finnish researchers have also reported similar findings, indicating that those who

had the highest levels of lutein were 42% less likely to suffer from cataracts.‘‘ ’’

The US Food and Drug Administration already recommends a multivitamin for all American adults.

Lutein protects your eyes

Look after your friendly

bacteriaIt has long been recommended to take a probiotic supplement once you have finished a course of antibiotics, but a new review of past studies suggests that taking them at the same time as your medication may help ward off some of the more unpleasant side-effects.

One-quarter to one-third of people treated with antibiotics typically get diarrhea as a result. It’s often not more than an unpleasant side effect, but can be serious enough to send some patients to hospital. Probiotics are strains of “good” bacteria that research suggests can help to replace those which antibiotics – particularly so-called broad-spectrum antibiotics – wipe

out. Head of Gut Immunology at the University of Aberdeen, Professor Denise Kelly says: “In the last ten years, we have made major scientific progress in understanding how gut bacteria affect us. This research has advanced our understanding of the particular benefits they offer.”

Check thisEnsure that the bacteria strains used in any probiotic supplement are well-researched. Lactobacillus and bifidobacteriam are perhaps the most well known. Also check that any supplement contains plenty of them – around twenty billion.

All vitamin D supplements aren’t the sameIn the first ever meta-analysis comparing different forms of vitamin D supplements, it has been shown that vitamin D3 is far more bioavailable – or ‘body ready’ – than the cheaper D2 alternative.

So is supplementation the best way to boost vitamin D levels? World-leading vitamin D researcher, Professor Heike Bischoff-Ferrari says: “Sunlight exposure is our main source of vitamin D however it is not reliable. Sufficient UV-rays for producing vitamin D depends on the seasons and there are the associated risks of skin ageing and cancer. Notably, all of Europe gets insufficient UVB intensity

during the months November to the end of March, resulting in minimal skin production of vitamin D during the winter season, independent of age. Therefore, vitamin D supplementation has been suggested as a safe and efficient strategy to improve vitamin D deficiency in the population.”

With researchers now agreeing that a growing number of people are vitamin D deficient and could benefit from supplementation, it’s great news that people can now make an informed choice over which is the most beneficial form of the supplement to use.

O N A N T I b I O T I C S ?

Page 18: Magazine designs

ToDAy’S reSeArch:

hMB What?

It is not just body builders that should be interested in building muscle. Sarcopenia (from the Greek, meaning ‘poverty of flesh’) is a condition that affects us all as we grow older.

Over the age of just 30, we lose around 1% of lean muscle mass each year and this could lead to frailty and increased risk of slips & falls in the elderly.

Recent studies have shown that as we age we should increase our protein levels and may further benefit from

taking an “HMB” supplement. In conjunction with a healthy diet, HMB minimises the breakdown of muscle, thereby helping to maintain a strong body.

More recent studies have shown that its effects may also be enhanced when taken in conjunction with EPA-rich omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D.

Whilst maintaining healthy joints remains a cornerstone of healthy ageing, it’s time to pay more attention to the muscles that surround them.

Formally a body-building staple, it is now becoming clear that hMB has benefits that are far more versatile...

Whilst maintaining healthy joints remains a cornerstone of healthy ageing, it’s time to pay more attention to the muscles that surround them.

Meet the Experts

Are tomatoes nature’s sunscreen?Forget the expensive skin creams, tomatoes may help to keep skin looking young and safe from sun damage, say scientists.

The age-defying ingredient identified in recent tests is lycopene – the natural pigment that makes tomatoes red. The highest levels of lycopene are found in

processed or cooked tomatoes, or simply use a supplement to safeguard your levels.

Obviously, eating tomatoes will not make you invincible in the sun but it may be a useful addition to sun protection along with sunscreen, shade and clothing. Dr Rob Hicks reminds us to be safe: “Carotenoids such as lycopene may help provide some degree of protection from the sun but alone are not enough: it’s best to use additional protective measures by keeping in the shade between

11am and 3pm when the sun is most dangerous.”

H E L P F R O M N A T U R EProfessor Heike BiscHoff-ferrari works at the centre on Ageing and Mobility at the University of Zurich, as well as the Department of rheumatology and Institute of Physical Medicine at University hospital Zurich.

Dr saraH Brewer worked as a GP and hospital doctor, she now specialises in nutritional medicine. She is an award-winning writer and the author of 50 popular self-help books.

Professor Denise kelly is head of Gut Immunology at the University of Aberdeen with an internationally recognised academic record.

Dr roB Hicks is a practising GP. he is also medical editor for BBc online health sites and the classic FM radio doctor.

angela DowDen has 11 years experience as a nutritionist. She holds a degree in Food Science and writes regularly for national magazines and newspapers.

Carotenoids such as lycopene may help provide some degree of protection from the sun but alone are not enough.

‘‘ ’’